Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

EcalTestPulseAnalyzer Class Reference

#include <EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h>

Inheritance diagram for EcalTestPulseAnalyzer:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &c)
virtual void beginJob ()
 EcalTestPulseAnalyzer (const edm::ParameterSet &iConfig)
virtual void endJob ()
 ~EcalTestPulseAnalyzer ()

Private Attributes

double _chi2max
std::string _ecalPart
int _fedid
unsigned int _firstsample
unsigned int _firstsamplePN
unsigned int _lastsample
unsigned int _lastsamplePN
unsigned int _niter
unsigned int _nsamples
unsigned int _nsamplesPN
unsigned int _presample
unsigned int _presamplePN
unsigned int _samplemax
unsigned int _samplemin
double _timeofmax
double adc [10]
double APD [6]
double apdAmpl
int apdGain
double apdTime
int channelID
int channelIteratorEE
std::map< int, int > channelMapEE
int dccID
std::vector< int > dccMEM
std::string digiCollection_
std::string digiPNCollection_
std::string digiProducer_
int eta
int event
std::string eventHeaderCollection_
std::string eventHeaderProducer_
int fedID
unsigned int firstChanMod [NMODEB]
int flag
int gain
int iChannelID [NCRYSEB]
int idccID [NCRYSEB]
int iEta [NCRYSEB]
int ieta
int iEvent
unsigned int iModule [NCRYSEB]
int iPhi [NCRYSEB]
int iphi
unsigned int isFirstChanModFilled [NMODEB]
int iside [NCRYSEB]
int iTowerID [NCRYSEB]
int iZ
int moduleID
std::vector< int > modules
unsigned int nCrys
unsigned int nGainAPD
unsigned int nGainPN
unsigned int nMod
unsigned int nTT
TFile * outFile
int phi
double PN [6]
double pn [50]
double pnAmpl
double pnAmpl0
double pnAmpl1
int pnG
int pnGain
int pnID
std::string resdir_
TFile * resFile
std::string resfile
TTree * respntrees
TTree * restrees
double ret_data [20]
std::string rootfile
int runNum
int runType
int side
int towerID
int TPEvents
TTree * trees [NCRYSEB]

Detailed Description

Definition at line 37 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::EcalTestPulseAnalyzer ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig) [explicit]

Definition at line 51 of file

References _ecalPart, _fedid, dccMEM, digiCollection_, digiPNCollection_, digiProducer_, eventHeaderCollection_, eventHeaderProducer_, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), iZ, ME::lmmodFromDcc(), ME::memFromDcc(), modules, nCrys, NCRYSEB, NCRYSEE, nMod, nTT, NTTEB, NTTEE, and resdir_.


// framework parameters with default values

_nsamples(      iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< unsigned int >( "nSamples",       10 ) ),
_presample(     iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< unsigned int >( "nPresamples",     3 ) ),
_firstsample(   iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< unsigned int >( "firstSample",     1 ) ),
_lastsample(    iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< unsigned int >( "lastSample",      2 ) ), 
_samplemin(     iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< unsigned int >( "sampleMin",       3 ) ),
_samplemax(     iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< unsigned int >( "sampleMax",       9 ) ),
_nsamplesPN(    iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< unsigned int >( "nSamplesPN",     50 ) ), 
_presamplePN(   iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< unsigned int >( "nPresamplesPN",   6 ) ),
_firstsamplePN( iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< unsigned int >( "firstSamplePN",   7 ) ),
_lastsamplePN(  iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< unsigned int >( "lastSamplePN",    8 ) ),
_niter(         iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< unsigned int >( "nIter",           3 ) ),
_chi2max(       iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< double       >( "chi2Max",      10.0 ) ),
_timeofmax(     iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< double       >( "timeOfMax",     4.5 ) ),
_ecalPart(      iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< std::string  >( "ecalPart",     "EB" ) ),
_fedid(         iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< int          >( "fedID",        -999 ) ),
nCrys(                                                                         NCRYSEB),
nTT(                                                                             NTTEB),
nMod(                                                                           NMODEB),
nGainPN(                                                                       NGAINPN),
nGainAPD(                                                                     NGAINAPD),
towerID(-1), channelID(-1),runType(-1), runNum(0), fedID(-1), dccID(-1), side(-1), iZ(1),
phi(-1), eta(-1), event(0), apdAmpl(0),apdTime(0),pnAmpl(0),
pnID(-1), moduleID(-1), channelIteratorEE(0)



  //now do what ever initialization is needed

  resdir_                = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("resDir");

  digiCollection_        = iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("digiCollection");
  digiPNCollection_      = iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("digiPNCollection");
  digiProducer_          = iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("digiProducer");

  eventHeaderCollection_ = iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("eventHeaderCollection");
  eventHeaderProducer_   = iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("eventHeaderProducer");

  // Define geometrical constants 

  if (_ecalPart == "EB") {
    nCrys     = NCRYSEB;
    nTT       = NTTEB;
  } else {
    nCrys     = NCRYSEE;
    nTT       = NTTEE;
  iZ        = 1;
  if(  _fedid <= 609 ) iZ=-1;
  dccMEM    = ME::memFromDcc(_fedid);
  modules   = ME::lmmodFromDcc(_fedid);
  nMod      = modules.size(); 

EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::~EcalTestPulseAnalyzer ( )

Definition at line 120 of file


  // do anything here that needs to be done at desctruction time
  // (e.g. close files, deallocate resources etc.)


Member Function Documentation

void EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::analyze ( const edm::Event e,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 208 of file

References _chi2max, _ecalPart, _fedid, _firstsample, _firstsamplePN, _lastsample, _lastsamplePN, _niter, _nsamples, _nsamplesPN, _presample, _presamplePN, _samplemax, _samplemin, _timeofmax, adc, apdAmpl, apdGain, apdTime, edm::DataFrameContainer::begin(), edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::begin(), ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::cerr, EcalElectronicsId::channelId(), channelID, channelIteratorEE, channelMapEE, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::chi2, gather_cfg::cout, dccID, dccMEM, digiCollection_, digiPNCollection_, digiProducer_, MEEBGeom::electronic_channel(), edm::DataFrameContainer::end(), edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::end(), eta, eventHeaderCollection_, eventHeaderProducer_, exception, fedID, firstChanMod, edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), EcalElectronicsMapping::getElectronicsId(), ecalpyutils::hashedIndex(), i, iChannelID, idccID, EcalPnDiodeDetId::iDCCId(), iEta, iEvent, iModule, init, iPhi, isFirstChanModFilled, iside, iTowerID, iZ, gen::k, MEEEGeom::lmmod(), MEEBGeom::lmmod(), MEEBGeom::localCoord(), siStripFEDMonitor_P5_cff::Max, module(), modules, nCrys, phi, pn, pnAmpl, pnAmpl0, pnAmpl1, pnG, pnGain, edm::ESHandle< T >::product(), edm::Handle< T >::product(), ret_data, runNum, runType, side, findQualityFiles::size, strip(), EcalElectronicsId::stripId(), EcalDCCHeaderBlock::TESTPULSE_GAP, EcalDCCHeaderBlock::TESTPULSE_MGPA, EcalDCCHeaderBlock::TESTPULSE_SCAN_MEM, towerID, EcalElectronicsId::towerId(), TPEvents, trees, and EcalElectronicsId::xtalId().



  // Retrieve DCC header
  edm::Handle<EcalRawDataCollection> pDCCHeader;
  const  EcalRawDataCollection* DCCHeader=0;
  try {
    e.getByLabel(eventHeaderProducer_,eventHeaderCollection_, pDCCHeader);
  }catch ( std::exception& ex ) {
    std::cerr << "Error! can't get the product  retrieving DCC header" << eventHeaderCollection_.c_str() << std::endl;

  // retrieving crystal EB data from Event
  edm::Handle<EBDigiCollection>  pEBDigi;
  const  EBDigiCollection* EBDigi=0;

  // retrieving crystal EE data from Event
  edm::Handle<EEDigiCollection>  pEEDigi;
  const  EEDigiCollection* EEDigi=0;

  if (_ecalPart == "EB") {
    try {
      e.getByLabel(digiProducer_,digiCollection_, pEBDigi); 
    }catch ( std::exception& ex ) {
      std::cerr << "Error! can't get the product retrieving EB crystal data " << digiCollection_.c_str() << std::endl;
  } else {
    try {
      e.getByLabel(digiProducer_,digiCollection_, pEEDigi); 
    }catch ( std::exception& ex ) {
      std::cerr << "Error! can't get the product retrieving EE crystal data " << digiCollection_.c_str() << std::endl;

  // Retrieve crystal PN diodes from Event
  edm::Handle<EcalPnDiodeDigiCollection>  pPNDigi;
  const  EcalPnDiodeDigiCollection* PNDigi=0;
  try {
    e.getByLabel(digiProducer_,digiPNCollection_, pPNDigi);
  }catch ( std::exception& ex ) {
    std::cerr << "Error! can't get the product " << digiCollection_.c_str() << std::endl;

  // retrieving electronics mapping
  edm::ESHandle< EcalElectronicsMapping > ecalmapping;
  const EcalElectronicsMapping* TheMapping=0; 
    c.get< EcalMappingRcd >().get(ecalmapping);
    TheMapping = ecalmapping.product();
  }catch ( std::exception& ex ) {
    std::cerr << "Error! can't get the product EcalMappingRcd"<< std::endl;

  // ====================================
  // Decode Basic DCCHeader Information 
  // ====================================

  for ( EcalRawDataCollection::const_iterator headerItr= DCCHeader->begin();headerItr != DCCHeader->end(); 
        ++headerItr ) {

    int fed = headerItr->fedId();  
    if(fed!=_fedid && _fedid!=-999) continue; 


    if( 600+dccID != fedID ) continue;

    // Cut on runType

    if(runType!=EcalDCCHeaderBlock::TESTPULSE_MGPA && runType!=EcalDCCHeaderBlock::TESTPULSE_GAP 
      && runType!=EcalDCCHeaderBlock::TESTPULSE_SCAN_MEM  ) return;
  // Cut on fedID

  if(fedID!=_fedid && _fedid!=-999) return; 
  // Count TP events

  // ======================
  // Decode PN Information
  // ======================
  TPNFit * pnfit = new TPNFit();
  pnfit -> init(_nsamplesPN,_firstsamplePN,  _lastsamplePN);
  double chi2pn=0;
  double ypnrange[50];
  double dsum=0.;
  double dsum1=0.;
  double bl=0.;
  double val_max=0.;
  int samplemax=0;
  unsigned int k;
  int pnG[50];
  int pngain=0;
  std::map <int, std::vector<double> > allPNAmpl;
  std::map <int, std::vector<int> > allPNGain;
  for ( EcalPnDiodeDigiCollection::const_iterator pnItr = PNDigi->begin(); pnItr != PNDigi->end(); ++pnItr ) { // Loop on PNs 
    EcalPnDiodeDetId pnDetId = EcalPnDiodeDetId((*pnItr).id());

    bool isMemRelevant=false;
    for (unsigned int imem=0;imem<dccMEM.size();imem++){
      if(pnDetId.iDCCId() == dccMEM[imem]) {
    // skip mem dcc without relevant data
    if(!isMemRelevant) continue;
    for ( int samId=0; samId < (*pnItr).size() ; samId++ ) { // Loop on PN samples  
      if(pnG[samId]!=1) std::cout << "PN gain different from 1 for sample "<<samId<< std::endl;
      if (samId==0) pngain=pnG[samId];
      if (samId>0) pngain=TMath::Max(pnG[samId],pngain); 
    for(dsum=0.,k=0;k<_presamplePN;k++) {
    bl=dsum/((double) _presamplePN);

    for(val_max=0.,k=0;k<_nsamplesPN;k++) {
      ypnrange[k]=pn[k] - bl;
      if(ypnrange[k] > val_max) {
        val_max= ypnrange[k]; samplemax=k; 
    chi2pn = pnfit -> doFit(samplemax,&ypnrange[0]); 
    if(chi2pn == 101 || chi2pn == 102 || chi2pn == 103) pnAmpl=0.;
    else pnAmpl= pnfit -> getAmpl();

  // ===========================
  // Decode EBDigis Information
  // ===========================
  TSFit * pstpfit = new TSFit(_nsamples,650);
  pstpfit -> set_params(_nsamples, _niter, _presample, _samplemin, _samplemax, _timeofmax ,  _chi2max, _firstsample,  _lastsample);
  pstpfit -> init_errmat(10.);

  double chi2=0;
  double yrange[10]; 
  int  adcgain=0;
  int  adcG[10];

  if (EBDigi){
    for ( EBDigiCollection::const_iterator digiItr= EBDigi->begin(); digiItr != EBDigi->end(); ++digiItr ) {  // Loop on EB crystals

      EBDetId id_crystal(digiItr->id()) ;
      EBDataFrame df( *digiItr );

      int etaG = id_crystal.ieta() ;  // global
      int phiG = id_crystal.iphi() ;  // global

      int etaL ;  // local
      int phiL ;  // local
      std::pair<int, int> LocalCoord=MEEBGeom::localCoord( etaG , phiG );
      etaL=LocalCoord.first ;
      phiL=LocalCoord.second ;
      eta = etaG;
      phi = phiG;

      EcalElectronicsId elecid_crystal = TheMapping->getElectronicsId(id_crystal);

      int strip=elecid_crystal.stripId();
      int xtal=elecid_crystal.xtalId(); 
      channelID=  5*(strip-1) + xtal-1; // FIXME

      int module= MEEBGeom::lmmod(etaG, phiG);
      int iMod = module-1;

      assert( module>=*min_element(modules.begin(),modules.end()) && module<=*max_element(modules.begin(),modules.end()) );

      std::pair<int,int> pnpair=MEEBGeom::pn(module);
      unsigned int MyPn0=pnpair.first;
      unsigned int MyPn1=pnpair.second;
      unsigned int channel=MEEBGeom::electronic_channel( etaL, phiL );
      if(isFirstChanModFilled[iMod]==0) {

      iModule[channel]= module ;

      // get adc samples 
      for (unsigned int i=0; i< (*digiItr).size() ; ++i ) { 

        EcalMGPASample samp_crystal(df.sample(i));
        adc[i]=samp_crystal.adc() ;  
        if (i==0) adcgain=adcG[i];
        if (i>0) adcgain=TMath::Max(adcG[i],adcgain);      
      // Remove pedestal
      for(dsum=0.,dsum1=0.,k=0;k<_presample;k++) {
        if(k<_presample-1) dsum1+=adc[k];
      for(val_max=0.,k=0;k<_nsamples;k++) {
        yrange[k]=adc[k] - bl;
        if(yrange[k] > val_max) {
          val_max= yrange[k]; samplemax=k;
      if(allPNAmpl[dccMEM[0]].size()>MyPn0) pnAmpl0=allPNAmpl[dccMEM[0]][MyPn0];
      else pnAmpl0=0;
      if(allPNAmpl[dccMEM[0]].size()>MyPn1) pnAmpl1=allPNAmpl[dccMEM[0]][MyPn1];
      else pnAmpl1=0;

      if(allPNGain[dccMEM[0]].size()>MyPn0) pnGain=allPNGain[dccMEM[0]][MyPn0];
      else pnGain=0;

      // Perform the fit on apd samples

      chi2 =  pstpfit -> fit_third_degree_polynomial(&yrange[0],ret_data);
      //Retrieve APD amplitude from fit

      if( val_max > 100000. || chi2 < 0. || chi2 == 102 ) {

        apdAmpl = ret_data[0];
        apdTime = ret_data[1];

  } else {

    for ( EEDigiCollection::const_iterator digiItr= EEDigi->begin(); digiItr != EEDigi->end(); ++digiItr ) {  // Loop on EE crystals
      EEDetId id_crystal(digiItr->id()) ;
      EEDataFrame df( *digiItr );

      phi = id_crystal.ix() ; 
      eta = id_crystal.iy() ; 

      int iX = (phi-1)/5+1;
      int iY = (eta-1)/5+1;
      side=MEEEGeom::side( iX, iY ,iZ); 

      // Recover the TT id and the electronic crystal numbering from EcalElectronicsMapping

      EcalElectronicsId elecid_crystal = TheMapping->getElectronicsId(id_crystal);

      int module=MEEEGeom::lmmod( iX, iY );
      if( module>=18 && side==1 ) module+=2;  // Trick to fix endcap specificity
      int iMod = module-1;

      assert( module>=*min_element(modules.begin(),modules.end()) && module<=*max_element(modules.begin(),modules.end()) );

      std::pair<int,int> pnpair=MEEEGeom::pn( module, _fedid ) ; 

      unsigned int MyPn0=pnpair.first;
      unsigned int MyPn1=pnpair.second;

      int hashedIndex=100000*eta+phi;
      if( channelMapEE.count(hashedIndex) == 0 ){
      unsigned int channel=channelMapEE[hashedIndex];

      if(isFirstChanModFilled[iMod]==0) {
      iModule[channel]= module ;

      assert (channel < nCrys);
      // Get adc samples

      for (unsigned int i=0; i< (*digiItr).size() ; ++i ) { 

        EcalMGPASample samp_crystal(df.sample(i));
        adc[i]=samp_crystal.adc() ;  

        if (i==0) adcgain=adcG[i];
        if (i>0) adcgain=TMath::Max(adcG[i],adcgain); 

      // Remove pedestal
      for(dsum=0.,dsum1=0.,k=0;k<_presample;k++) {
        if(k<_presample-1) dsum1+=adc[k];
      for(val_max=0.,k=0;k<_nsamples;k++) {
        yrange[k]=adc[k] - bl;
        if(yrange[k] > val_max) {
          val_max= yrange[k]; samplemax=k;
      int dccMEMIndex=0;
      if(side==1) dccMEMIndex+=2; // Trick to fix endcap specificity
      if(allPNAmpl[dccMEM[dccMEMIndex]].size()>MyPn0) pnAmpl0=allPNAmpl[dccMEM[dccMEMIndex]][MyPn0];
      else pnAmpl0=0;
      if(allPNAmpl[dccMEM[dccMEMIndex+1]].size()>MyPn1) pnAmpl1=allPNAmpl[dccMEM[dccMEMIndex+1]][MyPn1];
      else pnAmpl1=0;
      if(allPNGain[dccMEM[dccMEMIndex]].size()>MyPn0) pnGain=allPNGain[dccMEM[dccMEMIndex]][MyPn0];
      else pnGain=0;

      // Perform the fit on apd samples

      chi2 =  pstpfit -> fit_third_degree_polynomial(&yrange[0],ret_data);
      //Retrieve APD amplitude from fit
      if( val_max > 100000. || chi2 < 0. || chi2 == 102 ) {
        apdAmpl = ret_data[0];
        apdTime = ret_data[1];

} // end of analyze
void EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::beginJob ( void  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 131 of file

References apdAmpl, apdGain, channelID, dccID, eta, event, firstChanMod, i, iChannelID, idccID, iEta, iModule, iPhi, isFirstChanModFilled, iside, iTowerID, j, AlCaRecoCosmics_cfg::name, prof2calltree::namefile, nCrys, nMod, outFile, phi, pnAmpl0, pnAmpl1, pnGain, resdir_, resfile, rootfile, side, towerID, TPEvents, and trees.


  // Define temporary file


  outFile = new TFile(rootfile.c_str(),"RECREATE");
  for (unsigned int i=0;i<nCrys;i++){
    std::stringstream name;
    name << "Tree" <<i;
    trees[i]= new TTree(name.str().c_str(),name.str().c_str());
    //List of branches

    trees[i]->Branch( "iphi",      &phi,         "phi/I"         );
    trees[i]->Branch( "ieta",      &eta,         "eta/I"         );
    trees[i]->Branch( "side",      &side,        "side/I"        );
    trees[i]->Branch( "dccID",     &dccID,       "dccID/I"       );
    trees[i]->Branch( "towerID",   &towerID,     "towerID/I"     );
    trees[i]->Branch( "channelID", &channelID,   "channelID/I"   );
    trees[i]->Branch( "event",     &event,       "event/I"       );
    trees[i]->Branch( "apdGain",   &apdGain,     "apdGain/I"     );
    trees[i]->Branch( "pnGain",    &pnGain,      "pnGain/I"      );
    trees[i]->Branch( "apdAmpl",   &apdAmpl,     "apdAmpl/D"     );
    trees[i]->Branch( "pnAmpl0",   &pnAmpl0,     "pnAmpl0/D"     ); 
    trees[i]->Branch( "pnAmpl1",   &pnAmpl1,     "pnAmpl1/D"     ); 
    trees[i]->SetBranchAddress( "ieta",        &eta         );  
    trees[i]->SetBranchAddress( "iphi",        &phi         ); 
    trees[i]->SetBranchAddress( "side",        &side        ); 
    trees[i]->SetBranchAddress( "dccID",       &dccID       ); 
    trees[i]->SetBranchAddress( "towerID",     &towerID     ); 
    trees[i]->SetBranchAddress( "channelID",   &channelID   ); 
    trees[i]->SetBranchAddress( "event",       &event       );
    trees[i]->SetBranchAddress( "apdGain",     &apdGain     );
    trees[i]->SetBranchAddress( "pnGain",      &pnGain      );
    trees[i]->SetBranchAddress( "apdAmpl",     &apdAmpl     );
    trees[i]->SetBranchAddress( "pnAmpl0",     &pnAmpl0     );
    trees[i]->SetBranchAddress( "pnAmpl1",     &pnAmpl1     );

  // Initializations 

  for(unsigned int j=0;j<nCrys;j++){

  for(unsigned int j=0;j<nMod;j++){

  // Define output results file name
  std::stringstream namefile;
  namefile << resdir_ <<"/APDPN_TESTPULSE.root";      

  // TP events counter
void EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::endJob ( void  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 638 of file

References TMom::addEntry(), APD, apdAmpl, apdGain, channelID, gather_cfg::cout, dccID, firstChanMod, gain, TMom::getM3(), TMom::getMax(), TMom::getMean(), TMom::getMin(), TMom::getNevt(), TMom::getRMS(), iChannelID, idccID, ieta, iEta, iModule, iPhi, iphi, iside, iTowerID, j, moduleID, nCrys, nGainAPD, nGainPN, nMod, outFile, PN, pnAmpl0, pnAmpl1, pnGain, pnID, resfile, resFile, respntrees, restrees, rootfile, side, towerID, TPEvents, and trees.

  // Don't do anything if there is no events
  if( TPEvents == 0 ){
    // Remove temporary file
    std::stringstream del;
    del << "rm " <<rootfile;
    std::cout << " No TP Events "<< std::endl;

  std::cout <<  "\n\t+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+" << std::endl;
  std::cout <<    "\t+=+     Analyzing test pulse data: getting APD, PN  +=+" << std::endl;
  // Create output ntuples:
  //std::cout<< "TP Test Name File "<< resfile.c_str() << std::endl;

  resFile = new TFile(resfile.c_str(),"RECREATE");
  restrees= new TTree("TPAPD","TPAPD");
  respntrees= new TTree("TPPN","TPPN");

  restrees->Branch( "iphi",        &iphi,        "iphi/I"           );
  restrees->Branch( "ieta",        &ieta,        "ieta/I"           );
  restrees->Branch( "dccID",       &dccID,       "dccID/I"          );
  restrees->Branch( "side",        &side,        "side/I"           );
  restrees->Branch( "towerID",     &towerID,     "towerID/I"        );
  restrees->Branch( "channelID",   &channelID,   "channelID/I"      );
  restrees->Branch( "moduleID",    &moduleID,    "moduleID/I"       );
  restrees->Branch( "flag",        &flag,        "flag/I"           );
  restrees->Branch( "gain",        &gain,        "gain/I"           );
  restrees->Branch( "APD",         &APD,         "APD[6]/D"         );
  respntrees->Branch( "pnID",      &pnID,      "pnID/I"         );
  respntrees->Branch( "moduleID",  &moduleID,  "moduleID/I"     );
  respntrees->Branch( "gain",      &gain,      "gain/I"         ); 
  respntrees->Branch( "PN",        &PN,        "PN[6]/D"        ); 
  restrees->SetBranchAddress( "iphi",        &iphi       );
  restrees->SetBranchAddress( "ieta",        &ieta       );
  restrees->SetBranchAddress( "dccID",       &dccID      );
  restrees->SetBranchAddress( "side",        &side       );
  restrees->SetBranchAddress( "towerID",     &towerID    );
  restrees->SetBranchAddress( "channelID",   &channelID  );
  restrees->SetBranchAddress( "moduleID",    &moduleID   ); 
  restrees->SetBranchAddress( "flag",        &flag       );  
  restrees->SetBranchAddress( "gain",        &gain       );  
  restrees->SetBranchAddress( "APD",         APD         );  
  respntrees->SetBranchAddress( "pnID",      &pnID     );
  respntrees->SetBranchAddress( "moduleID",  &moduleID );
  respntrees->SetBranchAddress( "gain",      &gain     ); 
  respntrees->SetBranchAddress( "PN",        PN        ); 

  TMom *APDAnal[1700][10];
  TMom *PNAnal[9][2][10];

  for (unsigned int iMod=0;iMod<nMod;iMod++){
    for (unsigned int ich=0;ich<2;ich++){
      for (unsigned int ig=0;ig<nGainPN;ig++){
        PNAnal[iMod][ich][ig]=new TMom();

  for (unsigned int iCry=0;iCry<nCrys;iCry++){ // Loop on data trees (ie on cristals)

    for(unsigned int iG=0;iG<nGainAPD;iG++){
      APDAnal[iCry][iG]=new TMom();

    // Define submodule and channel number inside the submodule (as Patrice)
    unsigned int iMod=iModule[iCry]-1;
    if( moduleID>=20 ) moduleID-=2;  // Trick to fix endcap specificity
    Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0;
    for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry< trees[iCry]->GetEntriesFast();jentry++) { 
      nb = trees[iCry]->GetEntry(jentry);   nbytes += nb; 
      // PN Means and RMS 

      if( firstChanMod[iMod]==iCry ){ 
      // APD means and RMS
    if (trees[iCry]->GetEntries()<10){
      for (int j=0;j<6;j++){
    else flag=1;

    for (unsigned int ig=0;ig<nGainAPD;ig++){
      APD[0]= APDAnal[iCry][ig]->getMean();
      APD[1]= APDAnal[iCry][ig]->getRMS();
      APD[2]= APDAnal[iCry][ig]->getM3();
      APD[3]= APDAnal[iCry][ig]->getNevt();
      APD[4]= APDAnal[iCry][ig]->getMin();
      APD[5]= APDAnal[iCry][ig]->getMax();
      // Fill APD tree
  // Get final results for PN and PN/PN
  for (unsigned int ig=0;ig<nGainPN;ig++){
    for (unsigned int iMod=0;iMod<nMod;iMod++){
      for (int ch=0;ch<2;ch++){
        if( moduleID>=20 ) moduleID-=2;  // Trick to fix endcap specificity

        PN[0]= PNAnal[iMod][ch][ig]->getMean();
        PN[1]= PNAnal[iMod][ch][ig]->getRMS();
        PN[2]= PNAnal[iMod][ch][ig]->getM3();
        PN[3]= PNAnal[iMod][ch][ig]->getNevt();
        PN[4]= PNAnal[iMod][ch][ig]->getMin();
        PN[5]= PNAnal[iMod][ch][ig]->getMax();
        // Fill PN tree

  // Remove temporary file

  std::stringstream del;
  del << "rm " <<rootfile;

  // Save final results 

  std::cout <<    "\t+=+    ...................................... done  +=+" << std::endl;
  std::cout <<    "\t+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+" << std::endl;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 67 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

std::string EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::_ecalPart [private]

Definition at line 69 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTestPulseAnalyzer().

Definition at line 70 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTestPulseAnalyzer().

unsigned int EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::_firstsample [private]

Definition at line 58 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

unsigned int EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::_firstsamplePN [private]

Definition at line 64 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

unsigned int EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::_lastsample [private]

Definition at line 59 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

unsigned int EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::_lastsamplePN [private]

Definition at line 65 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

unsigned int EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::_niter [private]

Definition at line 66 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

unsigned int EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::_nsamples [private]

Definition at line 56 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

unsigned int EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::_nsamplesPN [private]

Definition at line 62 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

unsigned int EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::_presample [private]

Definition at line 57 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

unsigned int EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::_presamplePN [private]

Definition at line 63 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

unsigned int EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::_samplemax [private]

Definition at line 61 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

unsigned int EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::_samplemin [private]

Definition at line 60 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 68 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

double EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::adc[10] [private]

Definition at line 127 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

double EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::APD[6] [private]

Definition at line 156 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by endJob().

Definition at line 133 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 130 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 134 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 101 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 155 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

std::map<int, int> EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::channelMapEE [private]

Definition at line 146 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 108 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

std::vector<int> EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::dccMEM [private]

Definition at line 147 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTestPulseAnalyzer().

Definition at line 73 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTestPulseAnalyzer().

Definition at line 74 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTestPulseAnalyzer().

std::string EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::digiProducer_ [private]

Definition at line 75 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTestPulseAnalyzer().

Definition at line 125 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 126 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by beginJob().

Definition at line 76 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTestPulseAnalyzer().

Definition at line 77 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTestPulseAnalyzer().

Definition at line 107 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

unsigned int EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::firstChanMod[NMODEB] [private]

Definition at line 162 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 153 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 153 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by endJob().

int EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::iChannelID[NCRYSEB] [private]

Definition at line 160 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

int EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::idccID[NCRYSEB] [private]

Definition at line 160 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

int EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::iEta[NCRYSEB] [private]

Definition at line 158 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 153 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by endJob().

Definition at line 52 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

unsigned int EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::iModule[NCRYSEB] [private]

Definition at line 159 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

int EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::iPhi[NCRYSEB] [private]

Definition at line 158 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 153 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by endJob().

unsigned int EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::isFirstChanModFilled[NMODEB] [private]

Definition at line 163 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

int EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::iside[NCRYSEB] [private]

Definition at line 160 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

int EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::iTowerID[NCRYSEB] [private]

Definition at line 160 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 110 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTestPulseAnalyzer().

Definition at line 154 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by endJob().

std::vector<int> EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::modules [private]

Definition at line 148 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTestPulseAnalyzer().

unsigned int EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::nCrys [private]

Definition at line 88 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), EcalTestPulseAnalyzer(), and endJob().

unsigned int EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::nGainAPD [private]

Definition at line 92 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by endJob().

unsigned int EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::nGainPN [private]

Definition at line 91 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by endJob().

unsigned int EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::nMod [private]

Definition at line 90 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), EcalTestPulseAnalyzer(), and endJob().

unsigned int EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::nTT [private]

Definition at line 89 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by EcalTestPulseAnalyzer().

Definition at line 115 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 125 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

double EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::PN[6] [private]

Definition at line 156 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by endJob().

double EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::pn[50] [private]

Definition at line 128 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 137 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 135 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 136 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 132 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 131 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 154 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by endJob().

std::string EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::resdir_ [private]

Definition at line 72 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and EcalTestPulseAnalyzer().

Definition at line 116 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by endJob().

std::string EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::resfile [private]

Definition at line 83 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 143 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by endJob().

Definition at line 142 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by endJob().

double EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::ret_data[20] [private]

Definition at line 98 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

std::string EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::rootfile [private]

Definition at line 82 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 106 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 105 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 109 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 100 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 96 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TTree* EcalTestPulseAnalyzer::trees[NCRYSEB] [private]

Definition at line 121 of file EcalTestPulseAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().