Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer ()

Private Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
virtual void beginJob ()
virtual void beginRun (edm::Run const &currentRun, edm::EventSetup const &currentEventSetup)
virtual void endJob ()
virtual void endRun (const edm::Run &r, const edm::EventSetup &c)

Private Attributes

vector< edm::ParameterSetcustomCollection
const ParameterSetinitialPset
string theHltProcessName
int theNumberOfTriggers
< HLTMuonMatchAndPlot * > 
vector< string > triggerNames
vector< TPRegexp > trigRegExps
bool useDQMStore
bool weHaveProcessedTheFirstRun

Detailed Description

Definition at line 54 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer::OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer ( const edm::ParameterSet pset) [explicit]

Definition at line 88 of file

References customCollection, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), initialPset, LogTrace, theHltProcessName, triggerNames, trigRegExps, useDQMStore, and weHaveProcessedTheFirstRun.


  LogTrace ("HLTMuonVal") << "\n\n Inside MuonTriggerRate Constructor\n\n";
  triggerNames = initialPset.getParameter< vector<string> >

  for (vector<string>::const_iterator iTrigName = triggerNames.begin();
       iTrigName != triggerNames.end();
       iTrigName ++) {

    trigRegExps.push_back( TPRegexp((*iTrigName).c_str()) );
    LogTrace ("HLTMuonVal") << "Trigger Reg Exp = " << trigRegExps.back().GetPattern() << endl;

  useDQMStore = initialPset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("DQMStore", false);
  theHltProcessName = initialPset.getParameter<string>("HltProcessName");

  //string defRecoLabel = initialPset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("RecoLabel","");
  //string highPtTracksLabel =  initialPset.getParameter <string> ("highPtTrackCollection");

  //vector<string> recoCollectionNames = initialPset.getParameter < vector<string> > ("allCollectionNames");

  // make analyzers for each collection. Push the collections into a vector
  //vector <string> recoCollectionNames;
  //if (defRecoLabel != "") recoCollectionNames.push_back(defRecoLabel);
  //if (highPtTracksLabel != "") recoCollectionNames.push_back(highPtTracksLabel);

  customCollection = initialPset.getParameter<vector<edm::ParameterSet> > ("customCollection");

  weHaveProcessedTheFirstRun = false;

OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer::~OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer ( )

Definition at line 356 of file

References LogTrace, and theTriggerAnalyzers.


  LogTrace ("HLTMuonVal")
    << "Inside OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer destructor" << endl;
  vector<HLTMuonMatchAndPlot *>::iterator thisAnalyzer;
  for ( thisAnalyzer  = theTriggerAnalyzers.begin(); 
        thisAnalyzer != theTriggerAnalyzers.end(); 
        ++thisAnalyzer )
    delete *thisAnalyzer;
  //delete theOverlapAnalyzer;

Member Function Documentation

void OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer::analyze ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [private, virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 379 of file

References LogTrace, and theTriggerAnalyzers.

  LogTrace ("HLTMuonVal")
    << "Inside OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer analyze" << endl;
  vector<HLTMuonMatchAndPlot *>::iterator thisAnalyzer;
  for ( thisAnalyzer  = theTriggerAnalyzers.begin(); 
        thisAnalyzer != theTriggerAnalyzers.end(); ++thisAnalyzer )
  //theOverlapAnalyzer ->analyze(iEvent);
void OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer::beginJob ( void  ) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 396 of file

References LogTrace, and theTriggerAnalyzers.


  LogTrace ("HLTMuonVal")
    << "Inside OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer beginJob" << endl;

  LogTrace ("HLTMuonVal")
    << "Looking at a vector of analyzers, with size " << theTriggerAnalyzers.size() << endl;

  //theOverlapAnalyzer ->begin();
void OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer::beginRun ( edm::Run const &  currentRun,
edm::EventSetup const &  currentEventSetup 
) [private, virtual]

Now do all the begin job steps too.

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 131 of file

References DQMStore::bookString(), customCollection, dbe_, idDealer::description, HltComparatorCreateWorkflow::hltConfig, i, HLTConfigProvider::init(), initialPset, LogTrace, HLTConfigProvider::moduleLabels(), cmsCodeRules::cppFunctionSkipper::operator, DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), DQMStore::setVerbose(), theHltProcessName, theNumberOfTriggers, theTriggerAnalyzers, HLTConfigProvider::triggerNames(), trigRegExps, useDQMStore, and weHaveProcessedTheFirstRun.


  if (!weHaveProcessedTheFirstRun) {
    weHaveProcessedTheFirstRun= true;
    vector<edm::ParameterSet>::iterator iPSet;

    LogTrace ("HLTMuonVal") << "customCollection is a vector of size = " << customCollection.size() << std::endl
                            << "looping over entries" << std::endl;

    DQMStore * dbe_ = 0;
    if ( useDQMStore ) {
      dbe_ = Service<DQMStore>().operator->();

    vector < MuonSelectionStruct > customSelectors;
    vector < string > customNames;
    // Print out information about each initialPset
    for ( iPSet = customCollection.begin();
          iPSet != customCollection.end();
          iPSet++) {
      string customCuts  = iPSet->getUntrackedParameter<string> ("recoCuts");
      string customName = iPSet->getUntrackedParameter<string> ("collectionName");
      string hltCuts   = iPSet->getUntrackedParameter<string> ("hltCuts");
      string targetTrackCollection = iPSet->getUntrackedParameter<string> ("trackCollection");
      double  customD0Cut = iPSet->getUntrackedParameter<double> ("d0cut");
      double customZ0Cut = iPSet->getUntrackedParameter<double> ("z0cut");

      vector<string> requiredTriggers = iPSet->getUntrackedParameter< vector<string> > ("requiredTriggers");
      LogTrace("HLTMuonVal") << "customTargetCollection = " << customName  << std::endl
                             << "customCuts = " << customCuts << std::endl
                             << "targetTrackCollection = " << targetTrackCollection << std::endl
                             << "d0 cut = " << customD0Cut << std::endl
                             << "z0 cut = " << customZ0Cut << std:: endl ;

      if (dbe_) {

        string description = customName + ", reco cuts = " + customCuts
          + ", hlt cuts = " + hltCuts + ", trackCollection = " + targetTrackCollection
          + ", required triggers, ";

        // add the required triggers
        for (vector <string>::const_iterator trigit = requiredTriggers.begin();
             trigit != requiredTriggers.end();
          description  += (*trigit) + ", ";

        // Add the other cuts
        ostringstream ossd0, ossz0, osschi2, osshits;

        ossd0 << customD0Cut;
        ossz0 << customZ0Cut;
        //osschi2 << customChi2Cut;
        //osshits << customNHitsCut;

        description += "|d0| < "  + ossd0.str() + ", |z0| < " + ossz0.str();

        LogTrace ("HLTMuonVal") << "Storing description = " << description << endl;


        dbe_->bookString (customName, description);            


      StringCutObjectSelector<Muon> tempRecoSelector(customCuts);
      StringCutObjectSelector<trigger::TriggerObject> tempHltSelector(hltCuts);
      // create a custom selector
      MuonSelectionStruct tempStruct(tempRecoSelector, tempHltSelector,
                                     customName, customD0Cut, customZ0Cut,
                                     targetTrackCollection, requiredTriggers);

      customNames.push_back ( customName);

    LogTrace ("HLTMuonVal") << "Initializing HLTConfigProvider with HLT process name: " << theHltProcessName << endl;

    // Be careful. If hltConfig provider doesn't initialize sucessfully,
    // then you can get in trouble.

    HLTConfigProvider hltConfig;
    bool hltConfigChanged;
    bool hltConfigInitSuccess = hltConfig.init(currentRun, currentEventSetup, theHltProcessName, hltConfigChanged);

    vector<string> validTriggerNames;

    if (hltConfigInitSuccess)
      validTriggerNames = hltConfig.triggerNames();

    if (validTriggerNames.size() < 1) {
      LogInfo ("HLTMuonVal") << endl << endl << endl
                             << "---> WARNING: The HLT Config Provider gave you an empty list of valid trigger names" << endl
                             << "Could be a problem with the HLT Process Name (you provided  " << theHltProcessName <<")" << endl
                             << "W/o valid triggers we can't produce plots, exiting..."
                             << endl << endl << endl;
      // don't return... you'll automatically skip the rest

    vector<string>::const_iterator iDumpName;
    unsigned int numTriggers = 0;
    vector<string> parsedMuonTrigNames;

    // declare a bunch of trigger name patterns that you'd like to match
    // and do the matching
    // the end of line anchor removes matches to
    // multi-object triggers
    TPRegexp l1l2MuTrigExp   ("HLT_L[12]Mu[^_]*$");
    TPRegexp isoMuTrigExp    ("HLT_[iI]soMu[^_]*$");
    TPRegexp normalMuExp     ("HLT_Mu[^_]*$");
    TPRegexp l1l2DoubleExp   ("HLT_L[12]DoubleMu[^_]*$");
    TPRegexp normalDoubleExp ("HLT_DoubleMu[^_]*$");

    for (iDumpName = validTriggerNames.begin();
         iDumpName != validTriggerNames.end();
         iDumpName++) {

      LogTrace ("HLTMuonVal") << "Trigger " << numTriggers
                              << " is called " << (*iDumpName)
                              << endl;

      TString tempTStringModName(*iDumpName);

      bool matchesAnyRegexp = false;
      for (vector<TPRegexp>::const_iterator iTrigRegExp = trigRegExps.begin();
           iTrigRegExp != trigRegExps.end();
           iTrigRegExp ++) {
        TPRegexp tempRegExp((*iTrigRegExp));
        if (tempTStringModName.Contains(tempRegExp))
          matchesAnyRegexp = true;

      if (matchesAnyRegexp) {

        LogTrace ("HLTMuonVal") << "------> This is a muon trigger"
                                << endl;



    // loop over each combination of selection + trigger
    // make a match and plot analyzer for each combination

    vector<MuonSelectionStruct>::iterator iMuonSelector;
    vector<string>::iterator iName = customNames.begin();

    LogTrace ("HLTMuonVal") << "Looping over custom selectors" << endl;
    unsigned numSelectors = 0;
    for ( iMuonSelector = customSelectors.begin();
          iMuonSelector != customSelectors.end();
          iMuonSelector++) {

      LogTrace ("HLTMuonVal") << "Num selectors  =  " << numSelectors << endl;
      for( size_t i = 0; i < parsedMuonTrigNames.size(); i++) {
        LogTrace ("HLTMuonVal") << "PARSED: Making match and plot for trigger " << parsedMuonTrigNames[i] << endl;
        vector<string> moduleNames = hltConfig.moduleLabels( parsedMuonTrigNames[i] );
        HLTMuonMatchAndPlot *analyzer;
        analyzer = new HLTMuonMatchAndPlot( initialPset, parsedMuonTrigNames[i], moduleNames, (*iMuonSelector), (*iName), validTriggerNames, currentRun, currentEventSetup );
        theTriggerAnalyzers.push_back( analyzer );
    //theOverlapAnalyzer = new HLTMuonOverlap( initialPset );    
    theNumberOfTriggers = theTriggerAnalyzers.size();

    LogTrace ("HLTMuonVal") << "You have created " << theNumberOfTriggers
                            << " trigger analyzers" << endl;

  vector<HLTMuonMatchAndPlot *>::iterator thisAnalyzer;
  int nTotalAnalyzers = 0;
  for ( thisAnalyzer  = theTriggerAnalyzers.begin(); 
        thisAnalyzer != theTriggerAnalyzers.end(); 
        ++thisAnalyzer )

      LogTrace ("HLTMuonVal")
        << "Calling begin for analyzer " << nTotalAnalyzers;


  LogTrace ("HLTMuonVal")
    << "OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer: Calling being for overlap analyzer" << endl;

  }// end if this is the first run
void OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer::endJob ( void  ) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 430 of file

References LogTrace, and theTriggerAnalyzers.


  LogTrace ("HLTMuonVal")
    << "Inside OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer endJob()" << endl;
  vector<HLTMuonMatchAndPlot *>::iterator thisAnalyzer;
  for ( thisAnalyzer  = theTriggerAnalyzers.begin(); 
        thisAnalyzer != theTriggerAnalyzers.end(); 
        ++thisAnalyzer )
  //theOverlapAnalyzer ->finish();
void OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer::endRun ( const edm::Run r,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 411 of file

References LogTrace, and theTriggerAnalyzers.


  LogTrace ("HLTMuonVal")
    << "Inside OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer endRun()" << endl;
  vector<HLTMuonMatchAndPlot *>::iterator thisAnalyzer;
  for ( thisAnalyzer  = theTriggerAnalyzers.begin(); 
        thisAnalyzer != theTriggerAnalyzers.end(); 
        ++thisAnalyzer )
      (*thisAnalyzer)->endRun(theRun, theEventSetup);


Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 77 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer().

Definition at line 79 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer().

Definition at line 76 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer().

Definition at line 68 of file

Referenced by beginRun().

vector<string> OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer::triggerNames [private]

Definition at line 75 of file

Referenced by OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer().

vector<TPRegexp> OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer::trigRegExps [private]

Definition at line 81 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer().

Definition at line 73 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer().

Definition at line 72 of file

Referenced by beginRun(), and OfflineDQMMuonTrigAnalyzer().