Public Types | Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet > Class Template Reference

#include <MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef IDmapF::const_iterator citer_IDmapF
typedef IDmapI::const_iterator citer_IDmapI
typedef std::map< IDdet, float > IDmapF
typedef IDmapF::value_type IDmapFvalue
typedef std::map< IDdet, int > IDmapI
typedef IDmapI::value_type IDmapIvalue
typedef IDmapF::iterator iter_IDmapF
typedef IDmapI::iterator iter_IDmapI

Public Member Functions

void addEvent (const std::vector< float > &myCluster, const std::vector< IDdet > &idCluster, const float &energy)
 add event to the calculation of the calibration vector
float getError (IDdet id) const
IDmapF getError () const
IDmapF getErrorQuality () const
float getErrorQuality (IDdet id) const
float getMeanPartialSolution (IDdet id) const
IDmapF getMeanPartialSolution () const
IDmapF getSolution (const bool resetsolution=true)
IDmapF iterate (const std::vector< std::vector< float > > &eventMatrix, const std::vector< std::vector< IDdet > > &idMatrix, const std::vector< float > &energyVector, const int &nIter, const bool &normalizeFlag=false, const int &nSubsamples=10)
 MinL3AlgoUnivErr (float kweight_=0.)
int numberOfWrongErrors () const
std::vector< float > recalibrateEvent (const std::vector< float > &myCluster, const std::vector< IDdet > &idCluster, const IDmapF &newCalibration, const int &isol=-1, const int &iter=-1)
void resetSolution ()
 reset for new iteration
 ~MinL3AlgoUnivErr ()

Private Member Functions

void registerPartialSolution (const IDmapF &partialSolution)

Private Attributes

int countEvents
IDmapF Ewsum
IDmapI idToIndex
float kweight
int nOfSubsamples
std::vector< int > sumPartSolu0
std::vector< float > sumPartSolu1
std::vector< float > sumPartSolu2
IDmapF wsum

Detailed Description

template<class IDdet>
class MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >

class MinL3AlgoUnivErr

2009/10/20 12:56:44
R.Ofierzynski, CERN, 2007/08/23 under class name MinL3AlgoUniv Modified by A.Fedotov : 24.07.09: a calculation of statistical errors implemented on top of revision 1.2 2007/08/23 12:38:02 ; the code remains backward compatible 20.10.09: class name changed to MinL3AlgoUnivErr in order to exclude any effect on older applications that make use of the MinL3AlgoUniv class


General purpose ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Implementation of the L3 Collaboration algorithm to solve a system Ax = B by minimization of |Ax-B| using an iterative linear approach

This class should be universal, i.e. working with DetIds or whatever else will be invented to identify Subdetector parts

The bookkeeping of the cluster size and its elements has to be done by the user.

Calculation of statistical errors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The solution whose errors have to be obtained, is found by a call to the `iterate' function. The errors are also found within that procedure in a general phenomenological approach consisting in

Known PROBLEMS: 1. If the event statistics for a particular cell is low enough, then the number of subsamples where the cell is present, n_cell, can be less than n (e.g, it is always so if a cell is active in 5 events while we split the full sample into n=10 parts). Then the error of this cell becomes wrong because a part of the full statistics gets lost for the cell (b.t.w., n_cell is actually used in eq.(1) ). The user can check the presence of such cells via function `numberOfWrongErrors' and check which cells have wrong errors with the functions `getErrorQuality' which gives the ratio n_cell/n -- the fraction of the full statistics used for the error estimation. 2. Cases have been observed where the total solution converged nicely with the increasing no. of iterations, while some of partial solutions did not. Apparently, the errors can explode in such cases and do not reflect the real stat. errors of the total solution. This seems to be a problem of instabilities of the L3 method itself.

Definition at line 78 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class IDdet >
typedef IDmapF::const_iterator MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::citer_IDmapF

Definition at line 84 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

template<class IDdet >
typedef IDmapI::const_iterator MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::citer_IDmapI

Definition at line 88 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

template<class IDdet >
typedef std::map<IDdet,float> MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::IDmapF

Definition at line 81 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

template<class IDdet >
typedef IDmapF::value_type MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::IDmapFvalue

Definition at line 82 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

template<class IDdet >
typedef std::map<IDdet,int> MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::IDmapI

Definition at line 85 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

template<class IDdet >
typedef IDmapI::value_type MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::IDmapIvalue

Definition at line 86 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

template<class IDdet >
typedef IDmapF::iterator MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::iter_IDmapF

Definition at line 83 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

template<class IDdet >
typedef IDmapI::iterator MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::iter_IDmapI

Definition at line 87 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class IDdet >
MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::MinL3AlgoUnivErr ( float  kweight_ = 0.)

Default constructor kweight_ = event weight

Definition at line 252 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

References gather_cfg::cout, and MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::resetSolution().

  :kweight(kweight_), countEvents(0)
  std::cout << "MinL3AlgoUnivErr : L3 algo with a calculation"
            << " of stat.errors working..." << std::endl;
template<class IDdet >
MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::~MinL3AlgoUnivErr ( )


Definition at line 263 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.


Member Function Documentation

template<class IDdet >
void MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::addEvent ( const std::vector< float > &  myCluster,
const std::vector< IDdet > &  idCluster,
const float &  energy 

add event to the calculation of the calibration vector

Definition at line 427 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

References i, and funct::pow().


  float w, invsumXmatrix;
  float eventw;

  // Loop over the crystal matrix to find the sum
  float sumXmatrix=0.;
  for (unsigned i=0; i<myCluster.size(); i++) { sumXmatrix += myCluster[i]; }
  // event weighting
  eventw = 1 - fabs(1 - sumXmatrix/energy);
  eventw = pow(eventw,kweight);
  if (sumXmatrix != 0.)
      invsumXmatrix = 1/sumXmatrix;
      // Loop over the crystal matrix (3x3,5x5,7x7) again
      // and calculate the weights for each xtal
      for (unsigned i=0; i<myCluster.size(); i++) 
          w = myCluster[i] * invsumXmatrix;

          // include the weights into wsum, Ewsum
          iter_IDmapF iwsum = wsum.find(idCluster[i]);
          if (iwsum == wsum.end())
          else iwsum->second += w*eventw;

          iter_IDmapF iEwsum = Ewsum.find(idCluster[i]);
          if (iEwsum == Ewsum.end())
                Ewsum.insert(IDmapFvalue (idCluster[i],
                                          (w*eventw * energy * invsumXmatrix)
          else iEwsum->second += (w*eventw * energy * invsumXmatrix);
  //  else {std::cout << " Debug: dropping null event: " << countEvents << std::endl;}
template<class IDdet >
float MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::getError ( IDdet  id) const

method to get the stat. error on the correction factor for cell id (to be called after the `iterate')

special values: getError = -2. : no info for the cell = -1. : the cell was met in one partial solution only => the error equals to INFINITY

Definition at line 587 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

References error, i, n, and mathSSE::sqrt().

  float error;
  citer_IDmapI cell =  idToIndex.find( id );
  if ( cell == idToIndex.end() ) error = -2.;     // no info for the cell
      int i = cell->second;
      int n = sumPartSolu0[ i ];
      if (n <= 1 ) error = -1.;     // 1 entry => error estimate impossible
          float meanX  = sumPartSolu1[ i ] / n;
          float meanX2 = sumPartSolu2[ i ] / n;

          error = sqrt( fabs(meanX2 - meanX * meanX) / (n - 1.)  ) ;
  return error;
template<class IDdet >
MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::IDmapF MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::getError ( ) const

method to get the stat. errors on the correction factors for all cells together (to be called after the `iterate'). A map (id,error) is returned containing all the cells for which the information is available

special value: error = -1. : the cell was met in one partial solution only => the error equals to INFINITY

Definition at line 615 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

References end, error, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::errors, i, n, and mathSSE::sqrt().

  IDmapF errors;
  float  error;

  for (citer_IDmapI cell  = idToIndex.begin();
                    cell != idToIndex.  end(); ++cell )
      int i = cell->second;
      int n = sumPartSolu0[ i ];
      if (n <= 1 ) error = -1.;     // 1 entry => error estimate impossible
          float meanX  = sumPartSolu1[ i ] / n;
          float meanX2 = sumPartSolu2[ i ] / n;

          error = sqrt( fabs(meanX2 - meanX * meanX) / (n - 1)  ) ;

      errors.insert( IDmapFvalue( cell->first , error ) );
  return errors;
template<class IDdet >
float MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::getErrorQuality ( IDdet  id) const

two methods to get the fraction of full statistics used in calculation of stat. errors (to be called after the `iterate').

a fraction < 1 indicates that the error is incorrect.

version with one argument: the fraction for a particular cells (special returned value: = -1. if no info for the cell is available => a wrong id has been given) w/o arguments : the fractions for all cells together

Definition at line 644 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

References i, and n.

  float fraction;
  citer_IDmapI cell =  idToIndex.find( id );
  if ( cell == idToIndex.end() ) fraction = -1.;   // no info for the cell
                                                   // => return a special value
      int i = cell->second;
      int n = sumPartSolu0[ i ];
      if (n < nOfSubsamples ) fraction = float( n ) / nOfSubsamples; 
      else                    fraction = 1.;
  return fraction;
template<class IDdet >
MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::IDmapF MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::getErrorQuality ( ) const

Definition at line 666 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

References end, i, and n.

  IDmapF fractions;
  float  fraction;

  for (citer_IDmapI cell  = idToIndex.begin();
                    cell != idToIndex.  end(); ++cell )
      int i = cell->second;
      int n = sumPartSolu0[ i ];

      if (n < nOfSubsamples ) fraction = float( n ) / nOfSubsamples; 
      else                    fraction = 1.;

      fractions.insert( IDmapFvalue( cell->first , fraction ) );

  return fractions;
template<class IDdet >
MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::IDmapF MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::getMeanPartialSolution ( ) const

method to get the mean partial solution for all cells together (to be called after the `iterate') A map (id,mean) is returned containing all the cells for which the information is available

Definition at line 736 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

References end, i, and n.

  IDmapF solution;

  for (citer_IDmapI cell  = idToIndex.begin();
                    cell != idToIndex.  end(); ++cell )
      int i = cell->second;
      int   n      = sumPartSolu0[ i ];
      float meanX  = sumPartSolu1[ i ] / n;
      solution.insert( IDmapFvalue( cell->first , meanX ) );
  return solution;
template<class IDdet >
float MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::getMeanPartialSolution ( IDdet  id) const

method to get the mean partial solution for the correction factor for cell id (to be called after the `iterate')

special return value: 999. : no info for the cell

Definition at line 715 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

References i, and n.

  float meanX;
  citer_IDmapI cell =  idToIndex.find( id );
  if ( cell == idToIndex.end() ) meanX = 999.;     // no info for the cell
      int i = cell->second;
      int   n      = sumPartSolu0[ i ];
      float meanX  = sumPartSolu1[ i ] / n;
  return meanX;

template<class IDdet >
MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::IDmapF MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::getSolution ( const bool  resetsolution = true)

get the solution at the end of the calibration as a map between DetIds and calibration constant

Definition at line 476 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

References i.

  IDmapF solution;

  for (iter_IDmapF i = wsum.begin(); i != wsum.end(); i++)
      iter_IDmapF iEwsum = Ewsum.find(i->first);
      float myValue = 1;
      if (i->second != 0) myValue = iEwsum->second / i->second;

      solution.insert( IDmapFvalue(i->first,myValue) );
  if (resetsolution) resetSolution();

  return solution;
template<class IDdet >
MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::IDmapF MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::iterate ( const std::vector< std::vector< float > > &  eventMatrix,
const std::vector< std::vector< IDdet > > &  idMatrix,
const std::vector< float > &  energyVector,
const int &  nIter,
const bool &  normalizeFlag = false,
const int &  nSubsamples = 10 

method doing the full calibration running nIter number of times, recalibrating the event matrix after each iteration with the new solution returns the vector of calibration coefficients built from all iteration solutions

The calibration is also done for nSubsamples sub-samples in order to be able to estimate statistical errors of the main solution.

>> also to be used also as recipe on how to use the calibration >> methods one-by-one with a re-selection of the events in between the iterations<<

Definition at line 272 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

References i, and j.

  // clear the data members which are filled inside the function
  //                               (in registerPartialSolution called from here)

  nOfSubsamples = nSubsamples; // keep the input argument for use in other
                               // functions

  idToIndex    .clear();
  sumPartSolu0 .clear();
  sumPartSolu1 .clear();
  sumPartSolu2 .clear();

  IDmapF totalSolution;

  // Loop over samples/solutions:
  //    isol = 0                 : all events with the solution stored in
  //                               totalSolution
  //    isol = 1,...,nSubsamples : partial solutions are found for sub-samples
  //                               with the info on the solutions stored in the
  //                               data members
  //                                    idToIndex, sumPartSolu...
  //                               in order to be able to estimate the stat.
  //                               errors later

  for (int isol = 0 ; isol <= nSubsamples; isol++) {

    IDmapF sampleSolution ;  // solution for the sample
    IDmapF iterSolution   ;  // intermediate solution after an iteration
    std::vector < std::vector<float> > myEventMatrix  ;
    std::vector < std::vector<IDdet> > myIdMatrix     ;
    std::vector <float>                myEnergyVector ;

    // Select the sample.
    // Fill myEventMatrix, myIdMatrix and myEnergyVector 
    // either with all evs or with independent event subsamples

    if (isol == 0)  // total solution
        myEventMatrix  = eventMatrix  ;
        myIdMatrix     = idMatrix     ;
        myEnergyVector = energyVector ;
    else            // partial solution # isol
        // clear containers filled for the previous sample
        sampleSolution .clear() ;
        myEventMatrix  .clear() ;
        myIdMatrix     .clear() ;
        myEnergyVector .clear() ;

        for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>( eventMatrix.size() ); i++)
            // select every nSubsamples'th event to the subsample
            if ( i % nSubsamples + 1  ==  isol )
                myEventMatrix  .push_back (eventMatrix  [i]) ;
                myIdMatrix     .push_back (idMatrix     [i]) ;
                myEnergyVector .push_back (energyVector [i]) ;

    int Nevents = myEventMatrix.size(); // Number of events to calibrate with
    countEvents = 0;

    int i;

    // Iterate the correction
    for (int iter=1 ; iter <= nIter ; iter++) 

        // if normalization flag is set, normalize energies
        float sumOverEnergy;
        if (normalizeFlag)
            float scale = 0.;
            for (i=0; i<Nevents; i++)
                sumOverEnergy = 0.;
                for (unsigned j=0 ; j < myEventMatrix[i].size() ; j++)
                                       {sumOverEnergy += myEventMatrix[i][j];}
                sumOverEnergy /= myEnergyVector[i];
                scale += sumOverEnergy;
            scale /= Nevents;
            for (i=0; i<Nevents; i++) {myEnergyVector[i] *= scale;}       
          } // end normalize energies

        // now the real work starts:
        for (int iEvt=0; iEvt < Nevents; iEvt++)
            addEvent( myEventMatrix[iEvt], myIdMatrix[iEvt]
                                         , myEnergyVector[iEvt] );
        iterSolution = getSolution();
        if (iterSolution.empty())
          { sampleSolution.clear();
            break;    // exit the iteration loop leaving sampleSolution empty 

        // re-calibrate eventMatrix with solution
        for (int ievent = 0; ievent<Nevents; ievent++)
            myEventMatrix[ievent] = recalibrateEvent (myEventMatrix[ievent],

        // save solution into the sampleSolution map
        for (iter_IDmapF i = iterSolution.begin(); i != iterSolution.end(); i++)
            iter_IDmapF itotal = sampleSolution.find(i->first);
            if (itotal == sampleSolution.end())
                itotal->second *= i->second;

        //      resetSolution(); // reset for new iteration,
        //               now: getSolution does it automatically if not vetoed
      } // end iterate correction
    if (isol == 0) // total solution
        totalSolution = sampleSolution;
    else           // partial solution => register it in sumPartSolu...
        registerPartialSolution( sampleSolution );

  }  // end of the loop over solutions/samples

  return totalSolution;
template<class IDdet >
int MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::numberOfWrongErrors ( ) const

method to get the number of cells where the errors are incorrect due to nSamples_cell < nSubsamples (to be called after the `iterate') .

this can happen for a cell if the number of events nev_cell where the cell is active (i.e. energy > 0), is small enough, e.g. it is always so if nev_cell < nSubsamples.

Definition at line 693 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

References end, i, and n.

  int nWrong = 0 ;

  for (citer_IDmapI cell  = idToIndex.begin();
                    cell != idToIndex.  end(); ++cell )
      int i = cell->second;
      int n = sumPartSolu0[ i ];

      if (n < nOfSubsamples ) nWrong++;

  return nWrong;
template<class IDdet >
std::vector< float > MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::recalibrateEvent ( const std::vector< float > &  myCluster,
const std::vector< IDdet > &  idCluster,
const IDmapF newCalibration,
const int &  isol = -1,
const int &  iter = -1 

recalibrate before next iteration: give previous solution vector as argument

Definition at line 508 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

References gather_cfg::cout, and i.

  std::vector<float> newCluster(myCluster);

  for (unsigned i=0; i<myCluster.size(); i++) 
      citer_IDmapF icalib = newCalibration.find(idCluster[i]);
      if (icalib != newCalibration.end())
          newCluster[i] *= icalib->second;
          std::cout << "No calibration available for this element."
                    << std::endl;
          std::cout  << "   isol = " << isol
                     << "   iter = " << iter
                     << "   idCluster[i] = " << idCluster[i] << "\n";


  return newCluster;
template<class IDdet >
void MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::registerPartialSolution ( const IDmapF partialSolution) [private]

Definition at line 543 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

References corr, end, getHLTprescales::index, and edm::second().

  int lastIndex = sumPartSolu0.size() - 1; // index of the last element
                                           // of the parallel vectors

  for (citer_IDmapF cell  = partialSolution.begin() ;
                    cell != partialSolution.  end() ; ++cell)
      IDdet id   = cell->first ;
      float corr = cell->second;

      // where is the cell in another map?
      iter_IDmapI cell2 =  idToIndex.find( id );

      if ( cell2 == idToIndex.end() )
          // the cell is met for the first time in patial solutions
          // => insert the info to the end of the vectors

          sumPartSolu0.push_back( 1 );
          sumPartSolu1.push_back( corr );
          sumPartSolu2.push_back( corr * corr );
          idToIndex.insert( IDmapIvalue( id, ++lastIndex ) );
          // add the info to the already registered cell

          int index = cell2 -> second;
          sumPartSolu0[ index ] +=           1;
          sumPartSolu1[ index ] +=        corr;
          sumPartSolu2[ index ] += corr * corr;


template<class IDdet >
void MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::resetSolution ( )

reset for new iteration

Definition at line 497 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

Referenced by MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::MinL3AlgoUnivErr().


Member Data Documentation

template<class IDdet >
int MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::countEvents [private]

Definition at line 228 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

template<class IDdet >
IDmapF MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::Ewsum [private]

Definition at line 230 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

template<class IDdet >
IDmapI MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::idToIndex [private]

Definition at line 231 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

template<class IDdet >
float MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::kweight [private]

Definition at line 227 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

template<class IDdet >
int MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::nOfSubsamples [private]

Definition at line 237 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

template<class IDdet >
std::vector<int> MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::sumPartSolu0 [private]

Definition at line 233 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

template<class IDdet >
std::vector<float> MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::sumPartSolu1 [private]

Definition at line 234 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

template<class IDdet >
std::vector<float> MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::sumPartSolu2 [private]

Definition at line 235 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.

template<class IDdet >
IDmapF MinL3AlgoUnivErr< IDdet >::wsum [private]

Definition at line 229 of file MinL3AlgoUnivErr.h.