Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

GflashEMShowerProfile Class Reference

#include <GflashEMShowerProfile.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

std::vector< GflashHit > & getGflashHitList ()
GflashShowinogetGflashShowino ()
 GflashEMShowerProfile (edm::ParameterSet parSet)
void initialize (int showerType, double energy, double globalTime, double charge, Gflash3Vector &position, Gflash3Vector &momentum)
void parameterization ()
 ~GflashEMShowerProfile ()

Private Member Functions

double getDistanceToOut (Gflash::CalorimeterNumber kCalor)
Gflash3Vector locateHitPosition (GflashTrajectoryPoint &point, double rCore, double rTail, double probability, double &rShower)

Private Attributes

Gflash::CalorimeterNumber jCalorimeter
double theBField
double theEnergyScaleEB
double theEnergyScaleEE
std::vector< GflashHittheGflashHitList
edm::ParameterSet theParSet

Detailed Description

Definition at line 15 of file GflashEMShowerProfile.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GflashEMShowerProfile::GflashEMShowerProfile ( edm::ParameterSet  parSet)
GflashEMShowerProfile::~GflashEMShowerProfile ( )

Definition at line 36 of file

References theShowino.

  if(theShowino) delete theShowino;

Member Function Documentation

double GflashEMShowerProfile::getDistanceToOut ( Gflash::CalorimeterNumber  kCalor) [private]
std::vector<GflashHit>& GflashEMShowerProfile::getGflashHitList ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 30 of file GflashEMShowerProfile.h.

References theGflashHitList.

Referenced by GflashEMShowerModel::makeHits().

{return theGflashHitList;};
GflashShowino* GflashEMShowerProfile::getGflashShowino ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 29 of file GflashEMShowerProfile.h.

References theShowino.

{ return theShowino; }
void GflashEMShowerProfile::initialize ( int  showerType,
double  energy,
double  globalTime,
double  charge,
Gflash3Vector position,
Gflash3Vector momentum 

Definition at line 41 of file

References GflashShowino::initialize(), theBField, and theShowino.

Referenced by GflashEMShowerModel::DoIt().

  theShowino->initialize(showerType, energy, globalTime, charge,
                         position, momentum, theBField);
Gflash3Vector GflashEMShowerProfile::locateHitPosition ( GflashTrajectoryPoint point,
double  rCore,
double  rTail,
double  probability,
double &  rShower 
) [private]

Definition at line 297 of file

References funct::cos(), GflashTrajectoryPoint::getCrossUnitVector(), GflashTrajectoryPoint::getOrthogonalUnitVector(), GflashTrajectoryPoint::getPosition(), jCalorimeter, position, Gflash::rMoliere, funct::sin(), and mathSSE::sqrt().

Referenced by parameterization().

  double u1 = CLHEP::HepUniformRand();
  double u2 = CLHEP::HepUniformRand();
  double rInRM = 0.0;
  if (u1 < probability ) {
    rInRM = rCore* std::sqrt( u2/(1.0-u2) );
  else {
    rInRM = rTail * std::sqrt( u2/(1.0-u2) );
  rShower =  rInRM * Gflash::rMoliere[jCalorimeter];

  // Uniform & random rotation of spot along the azimuthal angle
  double azimuthalAngle = CLHEP::twopi*CLHEP::HepUniformRand();

  // actual spot position by adding a radial vector to a trajectoryPoint
  Gflash3Vector position = point.getPosition() +
    rShower*std::cos(azimuthalAngle)*point.getOrthogonalUnitVector() +
  return position;
void GflashEMShowerProfile::parameterization ( )

Definition at line 48 of file

References abs, alpha, beta, Gflash::criticalEnergy, GflashHistogram::em_incE, GflashHistogram::em_lateral, GflashHistogram::em_lateral_sd, GflashHistogram::em_long, GflashHistogram::em_long_sd, GflashHistogram::em_nSpots_sd, GflashHistogram::em_ssp_rho, GflashHistogram::em_ssp_z, relval_parameters_module::energy, funct::exp(), Gflash::getCalorimeterNumber(), getDistanceToOut(), GflashShowino::getEnergy(), GflashTrajectory::getGflashTrajectoryPoint(), GflashShowino::getGlobalTime(), GflashShowino::getHelix(), GflashShowino::getPathLengthAtShower(), GflashShowino::getPositionAtShower(), GflashHistogram::getStoreFlag(), jCalorimeter, Gflash::kENCA, Gflash::kESPM, Gflash::kHE, locateHitPosition(), funct::log(), max(), min, p1, p2, p3, funct::pow(), Gflash::radLength, rho, Gflash::rMoliere, mathSSE::sqrt(), metsig::tau, theEnergyScaleEB, theEnergyScaleEE, theGflashHitList, theHisto, theShowino, tmax, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::y, Gflash::Z, and Gflash::Zmax.

Referenced by GflashEMShowerModel::DoIt().

  // This part of code is copied from the original GFlash Fortran code.
  // reference : hep-ex/0001020v1
  // The units used in Geant4 internally are in mm, MeV.
  // For simplicity, the units here are in cm, GeV.

  const double energyCutoff     = 0.01; 
  const int    maxNumberOfSpots = 100000;

  double incomingEnergy   = theShowino->getEnergy();
  Gflash3Vector showerStartingPosition = theShowino->getPositionAtShower();

  //find the calorimeter at the shower starting point
  jCalorimeter = Gflash::getCalorimeterNumber(showerStartingPosition);

  double logEinc = std::log(incomingEnergy);
  double y = incomingEnergy / Gflash::criticalEnergy; // y = E/Ec, criticalEnergy is in GeV
  double logY = std::log(y);

  // Total number of spots are not yet optimized.
  double nSpots = 93.0 * std::log(Gflash::Z[jCalorimeter]) * std::pow(incomingEnergy,0.876);

  //path Length from the origin to the shower starting point in cm
  double pathLength0 = theShowino->getPathLengthAtShower();
  double pathLength = pathLength0; // this will grow along the shower development

  //--- 2.2  Fix intrinsic properties of em. showers.

  double fluctuatedTmax = std::log(logY - 0.7157);
  double fluctuatedAlpha = std::log(0.7996 +(0.4581 + 1.8628/Gflash::Z[jCalorimeter])*logY);

  double sigmaTmax = 1.0/( -1.4  + 1.26 * logY);
  double sigmaAlpha = 1.0/( -0.58 + 0.86 * logY);
  double rho = 0.705  - 0.023 * logY;
  double sqrtPL = std::sqrt((1.0+rho)/2.0);
  double sqrtLE = std::sqrt((1.0-rho)/2.0);

  double norm1 =  CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot();
  double norm2 =  CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot();
  double tempTmax = fluctuatedTmax + sigmaTmax*(sqrtPL*norm1 + sqrtLE*norm2);
  double tempAlpha = fluctuatedAlpha + sigmaAlpha*(sqrtPL*norm1 - sqrtLE*norm2);

  // tmax, alpha, beta : parameters of gamma distribution
  double tmax = std::exp(tempTmax);
  double alpha = std::exp(tempAlpha);
  double beta = std::max(0.0,(alpha - 1.0)/tmax);
  // spot fluctuations are added to tmax, alpha, beta
  double averageTmax = logY-0.858;
  double averageAlpha = 0.21+(0.492+2.38/Gflash::Z[jCalorimeter])*logY;
  double spotTmax  = averageTmax * (0.698 + .00212*Gflash::Z[jCalorimeter]);
  double spotAlpha = averageAlpha * (0.639 + .00334*Gflash::Z[jCalorimeter]);
  double spotBeta = std::max(0.0,(spotAlpha-1.0)/spotTmax);

   if(theHisto->getStoreFlag()) {

  //  parameters for lateral distribution and fluctuation
  double z1=0.0251+0.00319*logEinc;
  double z2=0.1162-0.000381*Gflash::Z[jCalorimeter];

  double k1=0.659 - 0.00309 * Gflash::Z[jCalorimeter];
  double k2=0.645;
  double k3=-2.59;
  double k4=0.3585+ 0.0421*logEinc;

  double p1=2.623 -0.00094*Gflash::Z[jCalorimeter];
  double p2=0.401 +0.00187*Gflash::Z[jCalorimeter];
  double p3=1.313 -0.0686*logEinc;

  // @@@ dwjang, intial tuning by comparing 20-150GeV TB data : e25Scale = 1.006 for EB with ecalNotContainment = 1.0.
  // Now e25Scale is a configurable parameter with default ecalNotContainment which is 0.97 for EB and 0.975 for EE.
  // So if ecalNotContainment constants are to be changed in the future, e25Scale should be changed accordingly.
  double e25Scale = 1.0;
  if(jCalorimeter == Gflash::kESPM) e25Scale = theEnergyScaleEB;
  else if(jCalorimeter == Gflash::kENCA) e25Scale = theEnergyScaleEE;

  // @@@ dwjang, intial tuning by comparing 20-150GeV TB data : p1 *= 0.965
  p1 *= 0.965;

  // preparation of longitudinal integration
  double stepLengthLeft = getDistanceToOut(jCalorimeter);

  int    nSpots_sd = 0; // count total number of spots in SD
  double zInX0 = 0.0; // shower depth in X0 unit
  double deltaZInX0 = 0.0; // segment of depth in X0 unit
  double deltaZ = 0.0; // segment of depth in cm
  double stepLengthLeftInX0 = 0.0; // step length left in X0 unit

  const double divisionStepInX0 = 0.1; //step size in X0 unit
  double energy = incomingEnergy; // energy left in GeV

  Genfun::IncompleteGamma gammaDist;

  double energyInGamma = 0.0; // energy in a specific depth(z) according to Gamma distribution
  double preEnergyInGamma = 0.0; // energy calculated in a previous depth
  double sigmaInGamma  = 0.; // sigma of energy in a specific depth(z) according to Gamma distribution
  double preSigmaInGamma = 0.0; // sigma of energy in a previous depth

  //energy segment in Gamma distribution of shower in each step  
  double deltaEnergy =0.0 ; // energy in deltaZ
  int spotCounter = 0; // keep track of number of spots generated

  //step increment along the shower direction
  double deltaStep = 0.0;


  // loop for longitudinal integration
  while(energy > 0.0 && stepLengthLeft > 0.0) { 

    stepLengthLeftInX0 = stepLengthLeft / Gflash::radLength[jCalorimeter];

    if ( stepLengthLeftInX0 < divisionStepInX0 ) {
      deltaZInX0 = stepLengthLeftInX0;
      deltaZ     = deltaZInX0 * Gflash::radLength[jCalorimeter];
      stepLengthLeft = 0.0;
    else {
      deltaZInX0 = divisionStepInX0;
      deltaZ     = deltaZInX0 * Gflash::radLength[jCalorimeter];
      stepLengthLeft -= deltaZ;

    zInX0 += deltaZInX0;

    int nSpotsInStep = 0;

    if ( energy > energyCutoff  ) {
      preEnergyInGamma  = energyInGamma;
      gammaDist.a().setValue(alpha);  //alpha
      energyInGamma = gammaDist(beta*zInX0); //beta
      double energyInDeltaZ  = energyInGamma - preEnergyInGamma;
      deltaEnergy   = std::min(energy,incomingEnergy*energyInDeltaZ);
      preSigmaInGamma  = sigmaInGamma;
      gammaDist.a().setValue(spotAlpha);  //alpha spot
      sigmaInGamma = gammaDist(spotBeta*zInX0); //beta spot
      nSpotsInStep = std::max(1,int(nSpots * (sigmaInGamma - preSigmaInGamma)));
    else {
      deltaEnergy = energy;
      preSigmaInGamma  = sigmaInGamma;
      nSpotsInStep = std::max(1,int(nSpots * (1.0 - preSigmaInGamma)));

    if ( deltaEnergy > energy || (energy-deltaEnergy) < energyCutoff ) deltaEnergy = energy;

    energy  -= deltaEnergy;

    if ( spotCounter+nSpotsInStep > maxNumberOfSpots ) {
      nSpotsInStep = maxNumberOfSpots - spotCounter;
      if ( nSpotsInStep < 1 ) { // @@ check
        edm::LogInfo("SimGeneralGFlash") << "GflashEMShowerProfile: Too Many Spots ";
        edm::LogInfo("SimGeneralGFlash") << " - break to regenerate nSpotsInStep ";

    // It begins with 0.5 of deltaZ and then icreases by 1 deltaZ
    deltaStep  += 0.5*deltaZ;
    pathLength += deltaStep;
    deltaStep   =  0.5*deltaZ;

    // lateral shape and fluctuations for  homogenous calo.
    double tScale = tmax *alpha/(alpha-1.0) * (std::exp(fluctuatedAlpha)-1.0)/std::exp(fluctuatedAlpha);
    double tau = std::min(10.0,(zInX0 - 0.5*deltaZInX0)/tScale);
    double rCore = z1 + z2 * tau; 
    double rTail = k1 *( std::exp(k3*(tau-k2)) + std::exp(k4*(tau-k2))); // @@ check RT3 sign
    double p23 = (p2 - tau)/p3;
    double probabilityWeight = p1 *  std::exp( p23 - std::exp(p23) );

    // Deposition of spots according to lateral distr.
    // Apply absolute energy scale
    // Convert into MeV unit
    double hitEnergy = deltaEnergy / nSpotsInStep * e25Scale * CLHEP::GeV;
    double hitTime = theShowino->getGlobalTime()*CLHEP::nanosecond + (pathLength - pathLength0)/30.0;

    GflashHit aHit;

    for (int ispot = 0 ;  ispot < nSpotsInStep ; ispot++) {

      // Compute global position of generated spots with taking into account magnetic field
      // Divide deltaZ into nSpotsInStep and give a spot a global position
      double incrementPath = (deltaZ/nSpotsInStep)*(ispot+0.5 - 0.5*nSpotsInStep);

      // trajectoryPoint give a spot an imaginary point along the shower development
      GflashTrajectoryPoint trajectoryPoint;

      double rShower = 0.0;
      Gflash3Vector hitPosition = locateHitPosition(trajectoryPoint,rCore,rTail,probabilityWeight,rShower);

      // Convert into mm unit
      hitPosition *= CLHEP::cm;

      if( std::fabs(hitPosition.getZ()/CLHEP::cm) > Gflash::Zmax[Gflash::kHE]) continue;

      // put energy and position to a Hit

      double zInX0_spot = std::abs(pathLength+incrementPath - pathLength0)/Gflash::radLength[jCalorimeter];


      // for histogramming      
      if(theHisto->getStoreFlag()) {
    } // end of for spot iteration

  } // end of while for longitudinal integration

  if(theHisto->getStoreFlag()) {

  //  delete theGflashNavigator;


Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 42 of file GflashEMShowerProfile.h.

Referenced by GflashEMShowerProfile(), and initialize().

Definition at line 43 of file GflashEMShowerProfile.h.

Referenced by GflashEMShowerProfile(), and parameterization().

Definition at line 44 of file GflashEMShowerProfile.h.

Referenced by GflashEMShowerProfile(), and parameterization().

Definition at line 48 of file GflashEMShowerProfile.h.

Referenced by getGflashHitList(), and parameterization().

Definition at line 47 of file GflashEMShowerProfile.h.

Referenced by GflashEMShowerProfile(), and parameterization().

Definition at line 41 of file GflashEMShowerProfile.h.