Public Member Functions | Private Attributes | Friends

AlignableDTBarrel Class Reference

#include <AlignableDTBarrel.h>

Inheritance diagram for AlignableDTBarrel:
AlignableComposite Alignable

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 AlignableDTBarrel (const std::vector< AlignableDTWheel * > dtWheels)
 The constructor simply copies the vector of wheels and computes the surface from them.
AlignmentErrorsalignmentErrors () const
 Return vector of alignment errors.
Alignmentsalignments () const
 Return alignment data.
virtual std::vector< Alignable * > components () const
 Return vector of direct components.
RotationType computeOrientation ()
 Just initialize to default given by default constructor of a RotationType.
PositionType computePosition ()
 Compute average z position from all components (x and y forced to 0)
AlignableSurface computeSurface ()
void dump (void)
 Recursive printout of the muon Barrel structure.
AlignableDTWheelwheel (int i)
 Return AlignableBarrelLayer at given index.
 ~AlignableDTBarrel ()
 Clean delete of the vector and its elements.

Private Attributes

std::vector< AlignableDTWheel * > theDTWheels


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const AlignableDTBarrel &)
 Printout muon Barrel information (not recursive)

Detailed Description

Concrete class for muon DT Barrel alignable.

Misalignment can be de-/reactivated (forwarded to components).

The alignable muon DT barrel.

2008/04/15 16:05:53
Andre Sznajder - UERJ(Brazil)

Definition at line 30 of file AlignableDTBarrel.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AlignableDTBarrel::AlignableDTBarrel ( const std::vector< AlignableDTWheel * >  dtWheels)

The constructor simply copies the vector of wheels and computes the surface from them.

Definition at line 17 of file

References computeSurface(), AlignableComposite::setSurface(), and theDTWheels.

   : AlignableComposite(dtWheels[0]->id(), align::AlignableDTBarrel)

  theDTWheels.insert( theDTWheels.end(), dtWheels.begin(), dtWheels.end() );

  setSurface( computeSurface() );
AlignableDTBarrel::~AlignableDTBarrel ( )

Clean delete of the vector and its elements.

Definition at line 29 of file

References theDTWheels.

  for ( std::vector<AlignableDTWheel*>::iterator iter = theDTWheels.begin(); 
        iter != theDTWheels.end(); iter++)
    delete *iter;


Member Function Documentation

AlignmentErrors * AlignableDTBarrel::alignmentErrors ( void  ) const [virtual]

Return vector of alignment errors.

Reimplemented from AlignableComposite.

Definition at line 132 of file

References components(), filterCSVwithJSON::copy, i, AlignmentErrors::m_alignError, and python::multivaluedict::sort().


  std::vector<Alignable*> comp = this->components();
  AlignmentErrors* m_alignmentErrors = new AlignmentErrors();

  // Add components recursively
  for ( std::vector<Alignable*>::iterator i=comp.begin(); i!=comp.end(); i++ )
          AlignmentErrors* tmpAlignmentErrors = (*i)->alignmentErrors();
      std::copy( tmpAlignmentErrors->m_alignError.begin(), tmpAlignmentErrors->m_alignError.end(), 
                                 std::back_inserter(m_alignmentErrors->m_alignError) );
          delete tmpAlignmentErrors;

  std::sort( m_alignmentErrors->m_alignError.begin(), m_alignmentErrors->m_alignError.end(), 
                         lessAlignmentDetId<AlignTransformError>() );

  return m_alignmentErrors;

Alignments * AlignableDTBarrel::alignments ( void  ) const [virtual]

Return alignment data.

Reimplemented from AlignableComposite.

Definition at line 110 of file

References components(), filterCSVwithJSON::copy, i, Alignments::m_align, and python::multivaluedict::sort().


  std::vector<Alignable*> comp = this->components();
  Alignments* m_alignments = new Alignments();
  // Add components recursively
  for ( std::vector<Alignable*>::iterator i=comp.begin(); i!=comp.end(); i++ )
      Alignments* tmpAlignments = (*i)->alignments();
      std::copy( tmpAlignments->m_align.begin(), tmpAlignments->m_align.end(), 
                                 std::back_inserter(m_alignments->m_align) );
          delete tmpAlignments;

  std::sort( m_alignments->m_align.begin(), m_alignments->m_align.end(), 
                         lessAlignmentDetId<AlignTransform>() );

  return m_alignments;

virtual std::vector<Alignable*> AlignableDTBarrel::components ( ) const [inline, virtual]

Return vector of direct components.

Reimplemented from AlignableComposite.

Definition at line 39 of file AlignableDTBarrel.h.

References query::result, and theDTWheels.

Referenced by alignmentErrors(), and alignments().


        std::vector<Alignable*> result;
        result.insert( result.end(), theDTWheels.begin(), theDTWheels.end() );
        return result;

AlignableDTBarrel::RotationType AlignableDTBarrel::computeOrientation ( )

Just initialize to default given by default constructor of a RotationType.

Definition at line 78 of file

Referenced by computeSurface().

  return RotationType();
AlignableDTBarrel::PositionType AlignableDTBarrel::computePosition ( )

Compute average z position from all components (x and y forced to 0)

Definition at line 61 of file

References theDTWheels, and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

Referenced by computeSurface().


  float zz = 0.;

  for ( std::vector<AlignableDTWheel*>::iterator ilayer = theDTWheels.begin();
                ilayer != theDTWheels.end(); ilayer++ )
    zz += (*ilayer)->globalPosition().z();

  zz /= static_cast<float>(theDTWheels.size());

  return PositionType( 0.0, 0.0, zz );

AlignableSurface AlignableDTBarrel::computeSurface ( )

Returns surface corresponding to current position and orientation, as given by average on all components

Definition at line 51 of file

References computeOrientation(), and computePosition().

Referenced by AlignableDTBarrel().

void AlignableDTBarrel::dump ( void  )

Recursive printout of the muon Barrel structure.

Recursive printout of whole Half Barrel structure.

Definition at line 99 of file

References theDTWheels.


  edm::LogInfo("AlignableDump") << (*this);
  for ( std::vector<AlignableDTWheel*>::iterator iWheel = theDTWheels.begin();
                iWheel != theDTWheels.end(); iWheel++ )

AlignableDTWheel & AlignableDTBarrel::wheel ( int  i)

Return AlignableBarrelLayer at given index.

Definition at line 38 of file

References Exception, i, Alignable::size(), and theDTWheels.

  if (i >= size() ) 
        throw cms::Exception("LogicError") << "Wheel index (" << i << ") out of range";

  return *theDTWheels[i];

Friends And Related Function Documentation

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const AlignableDTBarrel b 
) [friend]

Printout muon Barrel information (not recursive)

Definition at line 86 of file


  os << "This DTBarrel contains " << b.theDTWheels.size() << " Barrel wheels" << std::endl;
  os << "(phi, r, z) =  (" << b.globalPosition().phi() << "," 
     << b.globalPosition().perp() << "," << b.globalPosition().z();
  os << "),  orientation:" << std::endl<< b.globalRotation() << std::endl;
  return os;


Member Data Documentation