Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC Class Reference

#include <DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC ()
void execute (DDCompactView &cpv)
void initialize (const DDNumericArguments &nArgs, const DDVectorArguments &vArgs, const DDMapArguments &mArgs, const DDStringArguments &sArgs, const DDStringVectorArguments &vsArgs)
virtual ~DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC ()

Private Attributes

std::string coolCableLo
std::string coolCableUp
double coolTubeT
double coolTubeW
std::string cylinderMat
double cylinderT
std::string detectorLo
double detectorT
double detectorTilt
double detectorTol
std::string detectorUp
double detectorW
double dohmAuxL
std::string dohmAuxMaterial
double dohmAuxT
double dohmAuxW
std::string dohmCableMaterial
std::string dohmCarrierMaterial
double dohmCarrierR
double dohmCarrierT
double dohmCarrierW
std::vector< double > dohmList
int dohmN
double dohmPrimL
std::string dohmPrimMaterial
double dohmPrimT
double dohmPrimW
std::string emptyCoolCableLo
std::string emptyCoolCableUp
std::string emptyDetectorLo
std::string emptyDetectorUp
std::string genMat
std::string idNameSpace
double layerL
double phiMaxLo
double phiMaxUp
double phiMinLo
double phiMinUp
double phioffLo
double phioffUp
double radiusLo
double radiusUp
std::string ribMat
std::vector< double > ribPhi
std::vector< double > ribW
double roffCableLo
double roffCableUp
double roffDetLo
double roffDetUp
std::vector< double > stringLoList
int stringsLo
int stringsUp
std::vector< double > stringUpList
std::string supportMat
double supportT
double supportW

Detailed Description

Definition at line 10 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC ( )

Definition at line 20 of file

References LogDebug.

                                        : ribW(0),ribPhi(0) {
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC info: Creating an instance";
DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::~DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 24 of file


Member Function Documentation

void DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::execute ( DDCompactView cpv)

Definition at line 168 of file

References abs, printConversionInfo::aux, DDSolidFactory::box(), coolCableLo, coolCableUp, coolTubeT, coolTubeW, funct::cos(), cylinderMat, cylinderT, dbl_to_string(), DDBase< N, C >::ddname(), DDrot(), DDSplit(), detectorLo, detectorT, detectorTilt, detectorTol, detectorUp, detectorW, dohmAuxL, dohmAuxMaterial, dohmAuxT, dohmAuxW, dohmCableMaterial, dohmCarrierMaterial, dohmCarrierR, dohmCarrierT, dohmCarrierW, dohmList, dohmN, dohmPrimL, dohmPrimMaterial, dohmPrimT, dohmPrimW, relativeConstraints::empty, emptyCoolCableLo, emptyCoolCableUp, emptyDetectorLo, emptyDetectorUp, first, genMat, i, idNameSpace, layerL, LogDebug, n, AlCaRecoCosmics_cfg::name, DDName::name(), DDBase< N, C >::name(), dbtoconf::parent, phi, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::phiMax, phiMaxLo, phiMaxUp, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::phiMin, phiMinLo, phiMinUp, phioffLo, phioffUp, DDCompactView::position(), radiusLo, radiusUp, ribMat, ribPhi, ribW, roffCableLo, roffCableUp, roffDetLo, roffDetUp, edm::second(), funct::sin(), mathSSE::sqrt(), stringLoList, stringsLo, stringsUp, stringUpList, supportMat, supportT, supportW, theta(), DDSolidFactory::tubs(), and tablePrinter::width.

  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "==>> Constructing DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC...";
  //Parameters for the tilt of the layer
  double rotsi  = std::abs(detectorTilt);
  double redgd1 = 0.5*(detectorW*sin(rotsi)+detectorT*cos(rotsi));
  double redgd2 = 0.5*(detectorW*cos(rotsi)-detectorT*sin(rotsi));
  double redgc1 = 0.5*(coolTubeW*sin(rotsi)+coolTubeT*cos(rotsi));
  double redgc2 = 0.5*(coolTubeW*cos(rotsi)-coolTubeT*sin(rotsi));
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test DeltaR (Detector Tilt) " 
                      << redgd1 << ", " << redgd2 << " DeltaR (Cable+Cool) "
                      << redgc1 << ", " << redgc2;
  DDName parentName = parent().name(); 
  const std::string &idName =;
  double rmin = radiusLo + roffDetLo - redgd1 - detectorTol;
  double rmax = sqrt((radiusUp+roffDetUp+redgd1)*(radiusUp+roffDetUp+redgd1)+
                     redgd2*redgd2) + detectorTol;
  DDSolid solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(idName, idNameSpace), 0.5*layerL,
                                       rmin, rmax, 0, CLHEP::twopi);
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " 
                      << DDName(idName,idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
                      << genMat << " from 0 to " << CLHEP::twopi/CLHEP::deg 
                      << " with Rin " << rmin << " Rout " << rmax << " ZHalf "
                      << 0.5*layerL;
  DDName matname(DDSplit(genMat).first, DDSplit(genMat).second);
  DDMaterial matter(matname);
  DDLogicalPart layer(solid.ddname(), matter, solid);
  //Lower part first
  double rin  = rmin;
  double rout = 0.5*(radiusLo+radiusUp-cylinderT);
  std::string name = idName + "Down";
  solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), 0.5*layerL,
                               rin, rout, 0, CLHEP::twopi);
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: "
                      << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
                      << genMat << " from 0 to " << CLHEP::twopi/CLHEP::deg 
                      << " with Rin " << rin << " Rout " << rout << " ZHalf " 
                      << 0.5*layerL;
  DDLogicalPart layerIn(solid.ddname(), matter, solid);
 cpv.position(layerIn, layer, 1, DDTranslation(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), DDRotation());
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " << 
                      << " number 1 positioned in " <<
                      << " at (0,0,0) with no rotation";
  double rposdet = radiusLo + roffDetLo;
  double rposcab = rposdet + roffCableLo;
  double dphi    = CLHEP::twopi/stringsLo;
  DDName detIn(DDSplit(detectorLo).first, DDSplit(detectorLo).second);
  DDName cabIn(DDSplit(coolCableLo).first, DDSplit(coolCableLo).second);
  for (int n = 0; n < stringsLo; n++) {
    double phi    = phioffLo + n*dphi;
    if( phi>=phiMinLo && phi<phiMaxLo ) { // phi range
      double phix   = phi - detectorTilt + 90*CLHEP::deg;
      double phideg = phix/CLHEP::deg;
      DDRotation rotation;
      if (phideg != 0) {
        double theta  = 90*CLHEP::deg;
        double phiy   = phix + 90.*CLHEP::deg;
        std::string rotstr = idName + dbl_to_string(phideg*10.);
        rotation = DDRotation(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace));
        if (!rotation) {
          LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test: Creating a new "
                              << "rotation: " << rotstr << "\t90., " 
                              << phix/CLHEP::deg << ", 90.," 
                              << phiy/CLHEP::deg << ", 0, 0";
          rotation = DDrot(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace), theta,phix, theta,phiy,
                           0., 0.);
      // fill strings in the stringLoList with modules, the others with only structure
      bool empty=true;
      for(unsigned int i=0; i<stringLoList.size(); i++) {
        if(n+1==(int)stringLoList[i]) {
      if(empty) {
        if(emptyDetectorLo!="nothing") {
          DDName emptyDetIn(DDSplit(emptyDetectorLo).first, DDSplit(emptyDetectorLo).second);
          DDTranslation trdet(rposdet*cos(phi), rposdet*sin(phi), 0);
         cpv.position(emptyDetIn, layerIn, n+1, trdet, rotation);
          LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " <<
                              << " number " << n+1 << " positioned in " 
                              << << " at " << trdet 
                              << " with " << rotation;      
        if(emptyCoolCableLo!="nothing") {
          DDName emptyCabIn(DDSplit(emptyCoolCableLo).first, DDSplit(emptyCoolCableLo).second);
          DDTranslation trcab(rposcab*cos(phi), rposcab*sin(phi), 0);
         cpv.position(emptyCabIn, layerIn, n+1, trcab, rotation);
          LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " << 
                              << " number " << n+1 << " positioned in " 
                              << << " at " << trcab 
                              << " with " << rotation;
      } else {
        DDTranslation trdet(rposdet*cos(phi), rposdet*sin(phi), 0);
        cpv.position(detIn, layerIn, n+1, trdet, rotation);
        LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " << 
                            << " number " << n+1 << " positioned in " 
                            << << " at " << trdet 
                            << " with " << rotation;
        DDTranslation trcab(rposcab*cos(phi), rposcab*sin(phi), 0);
        cpv.position(cabIn, layerIn, n+1, trcab, rotation);
        LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " << 
                            << " number " << n+1 << " positioned in " 
                            << << " at " << trcab 
                            << " with " << rotation;
    } // phi range
  //Now the upper part
  rin  = 0.5*(radiusLo+radiusUp+cylinderT);
  rout = rmax;
  name = idName + "Up";
  solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), 0.5*layerL,
                               rin, rout, 0, CLHEP::twopi);
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " 
                      << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
                      << genMat << " from 0 to " << CLHEP::twopi/CLHEP::deg 
                      << " with Rin " << rin << " Rout " << rout << " ZHalf " 
                      << 0.5*layerL;
  DDLogicalPart layerOut(solid.ddname(), matter, solid);
 cpv.position(layerOut, layer, 1, DDTranslation(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), DDRotation());
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " << 
                      << " number 1 positioned in " <<
                      << " at (0,0,0) with no rotation";
  rposdet = radiusUp + roffDetUp;
  rposcab = rposdet + roffCableUp;
  dphi    = CLHEP::twopi/stringsUp;
  DDName detOut(DDSplit(detectorUp).first, DDSplit(detectorUp).second);
  DDName cabOut(DDSplit(coolCableUp).first, DDSplit(coolCableUp).second);
  for (int n = 0; n < stringsUp; n++) {
    double phi    = phioffUp + n*dphi;
    if( phi>=phiMinUp && phi<phiMaxUp ) { // phi range
      double phix   = phi - detectorTilt - 90*CLHEP::deg;
      double phideg = phix/CLHEP::deg;
      DDRotation rotation;
      if (phideg != 0) {
        double theta  = 90*CLHEP::deg;
        double phiy   = phix + 90.*CLHEP::deg;
        std::string rotstr = idName + dbl_to_string(phideg*10.);
        rotation = DDRotation(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace));
        if (!rotation) {
          LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test: Creating a new "
                              << "rotation: " << rotstr << "\t90., " 
                              << phix/CLHEP::deg << ", 90.," 
                              << phiy/CLHEP::deg << ", 0, 0";
          rotation = DDrot(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace), theta,phix, theta,phiy,
                           0., 0.);
      // fill strings in the stringUpList with modules, the others with only structure
      bool empty=true;
      for(unsigned int i=0; i<stringUpList.size(); i++) {
        if(n+1==(int)stringUpList[i]) {
      if(empty) {
        if(emptyDetectorUp!="nothing") {
          DDName emptyDetOut(DDSplit(emptyDetectorUp).first, DDSplit(emptyDetectorUp).second);
          DDTranslation trdet(rposdet*cos(phi), rposdet*sin(phi), 0);
         cpv.position(emptyDetOut, layerOut, n+1, trdet, rotation);
          LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer test " <<
                              << " number " << n+1 << " positioned in " 
                              << << " at " << trdet 
                              << " with " << rotation;
        if(emptyCoolCableUp!="nothing") {
          DDName emptyCabOut(DDSplit(emptyCoolCableUp).first, DDSplit(emptyCoolCableUp).second);
          DDTranslation trcab(rposcab*cos(phi), rposcab*sin(phi), 0);
         cpv.position(emptyCabOut, layerOut, n+1, trcab, rotation);
          LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " <<
                              << " number " << n+1 << " positioned in " 
                              << << " at " << trcab 
                              << " with " << rotation;
      } else {
        DDTranslation trdet(rposdet*cos(phi), rposdet*sin(phi), 0);
        cpv.position(detOut, layerOut, n+1, trdet, rotation);
        LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer test " << 
                            << " number " << n+1 << " positioned in " 
                            << << " at " << trdet 
                            << " with " << rotation;
        DDTranslation trcab(rposcab*cos(phi), rposcab*sin(phi), 0);
        cpv.position(cabOut, layerOut, n+1, trcab, rotation);
        LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " << 
                            << " number " << n+1 << " positioned in " 
                            << << " at " << trcab 
                            << " with " << rotation;
    } // phi range
  double phiMin  = phiMinUp-phioffUp;   // lower phi for cylinders
  double phiMax  = phiMaxUp-phioffUp;   // upper phi for cylinders
  double phidiff = fabs(phiMax-phiMin); // cylinders will not be twopi but phidiff
  //Finally the inner cylinder, support wall and ribs
  rin  = 0.5*(radiusLo+radiusUp-cylinderT);
  rout = 0.5*(radiusLo+radiusUp+cylinderT);
  name = idName + "Cylinder";
  solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), 0.25*layerL,
                               rin, rout, phiMin, phidiff);
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " 
                      << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
                      << cylinderMat << " from " << phiMin/CLHEP::deg << " to "
                      << (phiMin+phidiff)/CLHEP::deg << " with Rin " << rin 
                      << " Rout " << rout << " ZHalf " << 0.25*layerL;
  matname = DDName(DDSplit(cylinderMat).first, DDSplit(cylinderMat).second);
  DDMaterial matcyl(matname);
  DDLogicalPart cylinder(solid.ddname(), matcyl, solid);
 cpv.position(cylinder, layer, 1, DDTranslation(0.0,0.0,0.25*layerL), DDRotation());
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " << 
                      << " number 1 positioned in " <<
                      << " at (0,0," << 0.25*layerL << ") with no rotation";
  rin  += supportT;
  rout -= supportT;
  name  = idName + "CylinderIn";
  solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), 0.5*layerL,
                               rin, rout, phiMin, phidiff);
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " 
                      << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
                      << genMat << " from " << phiMin/CLHEP::deg << " to " 
                      << (phiMin+phidiff)/CLHEP::deg << phidiff/CLHEP::deg 
                      << " with Rin " << rin << " Rout " << rout << " ZHalf " 
                      << 0.5*layerL;
  DDLogicalPart cylinderIn(solid.ddname(), matter, solid);
 cpv.position(cylinderIn, cylinder, 1, DDTranslation(0.0, 0.0, -0.25*layerL), DDRotation());
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " << 
                      << " number 1 positioned in " <<
                      << " at (0,0," << -0.25*layerL << ") with no rotation";
  name  = idName + "CylinderInSup";
  solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), 0.5*supportW,
                               rin, rout, phiMin, phidiff);
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " 
                      << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
                      << genMat << " from " << phiMin/CLHEP::deg << " to " 
                      << (phiMin+phidiff)/CLHEP::deg << " with Rin " << rin 
                      << " Rout " << rout << " ZHalf " << 0.5*supportW;
  matname = DDName(DDSplit(supportMat).first, DDSplit(supportMat).second);
  DDMaterial matsup(matname);
  DDLogicalPart cylinderSup(solid.ddname(), matsup, solid);
 cpv.position(cylinderSup, cylinderIn, 1, DDTranslation(0., 0., 0.), DDRotation());
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " << 
                      << " number 1 positioned in " <<
                      << " at (0,0,0) with no rotation";
  matname = DDName(DDSplit(ribMat).first, DDSplit(ribMat).second);
  DDMaterial matrib(matname);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ribW.size(); i++) {
    name = idName + "Rib" + dbl_to_string(i);
    double width = 2.*ribW[i]/(rin+rout);
    double dz    = 0.25*(layerL - supportW);
    solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), dz, rin, rout, 
                                 -0.5*width, width);
    LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " 
                        << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
                        << ribMat << " from " << -0.5*width/CLHEP::deg
                        << " to " << 0.5*width/CLHEP::deg << " with Rin " 
                        << rin << " Rout " << rout << " ZHalf "  << dz;
    DDLogicalPart cylinderRib(solid.ddname(), matrib, solid);
    double phix   = ribPhi[i];
    double phideg = phix/CLHEP::deg;
    if( phideg>=phiMin/CLHEP::deg && phideg<phiMax/CLHEP::deg ) { // phi range
      DDRotation rotation;
      if (phideg != 0) {
        double theta  = 90*CLHEP::deg;
        double phiy   = phix + 90.*CLHEP::deg;
        std::string rotstr = idName + dbl_to_string(phideg*10.);
        rotation = DDRotation(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace));
        if (!rotation) {
          LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test: Creating a new "
                              << "rotation: " << rotstr << "\t90., " 
                              << phix/CLHEP::deg << ", 90.," 
                              << phiy/CLHEP::deg << ", 0, 0";
          rotation = DDrot(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace), theta,phix, theta,phiy,
                           0., 0.);
      DDTranslation tran(0, 0, +0.25*(layerL+supportW));
     cpv.position(cylinderRib, cylinderIn, 1, tran, rotation);
      LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " << 
                          << " number 1 positioned in " << 
                          << " at " << tran << " with " << rotation;
    } // phi range

  // DOHM + carrier (portadohm)
  double dz_dohm    = 0.5*dohmCarrierW;
  double dphi_dohm  = CLHEP::twopi/((double)dohmN);
  double rout_dohm  = 0.5*(radiusLo+radiusUp+cylinderT)+dohmCarrierR;
  // DOHM Carrier TIB+ & TIB-
  // lower
  name = idName + "DOHMCarrier_lo";
  double rin_lo  = rout_dohm;
  double rout_lo = rin_lo + dohmCarrierT;
  solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), dz_dohm, 
                               rin_lo, rout_lo, 
                               -0.5*dphi_dohm, dphi_dohm);
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " 
                      << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
                      << dohmCarrierMaterial << " from " 
                      << -0.5*(dphi_dohm)/CLHEP::deg << " to " 
                      << +0.5*(dphi_dohm)/CLHEP::deg << " with Rin " 
                      << rin_lo << " Rout " << rout_lo << " ZHalf "  
                      << dz_dohm;
  // create different name objects for only PRIMary DOHMs and PRIMary+AUXiliary DOHM Carriers
  std::string name_lo_r = name + "_PRIM_AUX" + "_lo" + "_r";
  std::string name_lo_l = name + "_PRIM_AUX" + "_lo" + "_l";
  DDLogicalPart dohmCarrierPrimAux_lo_r(name_lo_r, DDMaterial(dohmCarrierMaterial), solid);
  DDLogicalPart dohmCarrierPrimAux_lo_l(name_lo_l, DDMaterial(dohmCarrierMaterial), solid);
  name_lo_r = name + "_PRIM" + "_lo" + "_r";
  name_lo_l = name + "_PRIM" + "_lo" + "_l";
  DDLogicalPart dohmCarrierPrim_lo_r(name_lo_r, DDMaterial(dohmCarrierMaterial), solid);
  DDLogicalPart dohmCarrierPrim_lo_l(name_lo_l, DDMaterial(dohmCarrierMaterial), solid);
  // upper
  name = idName + "DOHMCarrier_up";
  double rin_up  = rout_lo + 2.*dohmAuxT;
  double rout_up = rin_up + dohmCarrierT;
  solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), dz_dohm, 
                               rin_up, rout_up, 
                               -0.5*dphi_dohm, dphi_dohm);
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " 
                      << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
                      << dohmCarrierMaterial << " from " 
                      << -0.5*(dphi_dohm)/CLHEP::deg << " to " 
                      << +0.5*(dphi_dohm)/CLHEP::deg << " with Rin " 
                      << rin_up << " Rout " << rout_up << " ZHalf "
                      << dz_dohm;
  // create different name objects for only PRIMary DOHMs and PRIMary+AUXiliary DOHM Carriers
  std::string name_up_r = name + "_PRIM_AUX" + "_up" + "_r";
  std::string name_up_l = name + "_PRIM_AUX" + "_up" + "_l";
  DDLogicalPart dohmCarrierPrimAux_up_r(name_up_r, DDMaterial(dohmCarrierMaterial), solid);
  DDLogicalPart dohmCarrierPrimAux_up_l(name_up_l, DDMaterial(dohmCarrierMaterial), solid);
  name_up_r = name + "_PRIM" + "_up" + "_r";
  name_up_l = name + "_PRIM" + "_up" + "_l";
  DDLogicalPart dohmCarrierPrim_up_r(name_up_r, DDMaterial(dohmCarrierMaterial), solid);
  DDLogicalPart dohmCarrierPrim_up_l(name_up_l, DDMaterial(dohmCarrierMaterial), solid);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)dohmN; i++) {
    DDLogicalPart dohmCarrier_lo_r;
    DDLogicalPart dohmCarrier_lo_l;
    DDLogicalPart dohmCarrier_up_r;
    DDLogicalPart dohmCarrier_up_l;
    // create different name objects for only PRIMary DOHMs and PRIMary+AUXiliary DOHMs
    bool prim = false;
    bool aux  = false;
    if((unsigned int)dohmList[i]==2) {
      prim = true;
      aux  = true;
    } else if((unsigned int)dohmList[i]==1) {
      prim = true;
      aux  = false;
    } else {
      prim = false;
      aux  = false;      
    if(prim) {
      dohmCarrier_lo_r = dohmCarrierPrim_lo_r;
      dohmCarrier_lo_l = dohmCarrierPrim_lo_l;
      dohmCarrier_up_r = dohmCarrierPrim_up_r;
      dohmCarrier_up_l = dohmCarrierPrim_up_l;
    if(prim && aux) {
      dohmCarrier_lo_r = dohmCarrierPrimAux_lo_r;
      dohmCarrier_lo_l = dohmCarrierPrimAux_lo_l;
      dohmCarrier_up_r = dohmCarrierPrimAux_up_r;
      dohmCarrier_up_l = dohmCarrierPrimAux_up_l;
    if(prim) {
      double phix   = ((double)i+0.5)*dphi_dohm;
      double phideg = phix/CLHEP::deg;
      //    if( phideg>=phiMin/CLHEP::deg && phideg<phiMax/CLHEP::deg ) { // phi range
      DDRotation rotation;
      if (phideg != 0) {
        double theta  = 90*CLHEP::deg;
        double phiy   = phix + 90.*CLHEP::deg;
        std::string rotstr = idName + dbl_to_string(phideg*10.);
        rotation = DDRotation(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace));
        if (!rotation) {
          LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test: Creating a new "
                              << "rotation: " << rotstr << "\t90., " 
                              << phix/CLHEP::deg << ", 90.," 
                              << phiy/CLHEP::deg << ", 0, 0";
          rotation = DDrot(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace), theta,phix, theta,phiy,
                           0., 0.);
      // TIB+ DOHM Carrier - lower
      DDTranslation tran(0, 0, 0.5*layerL-dz_dohm);
     cpv.position(dohmCarrier_lo_r, parent(), i+1, tran, rotation );
      LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " <<
                          << " z+ number " << i+1 << " positioned in " 
                          << parent().name() << " at " << tran
                          << " with " << rotation;
      // TIB+ DOHM Carrier - upper
     cpv.position(dohmCarrier_up_r, parent(), i+1+(unsigned int)dohmN, tran, rotation );
      LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " <<
                          << " z+ number " << i+1 << " positioned in " 
                          << parent().name() << " at " << tran
                          << " with " << rotation;
    //    } // phi range
  // DOHM only PRIMary
  double dx = 0.5*dohmPrimT;
  double dy = 0.5*dohmPrimW;
  double dz = 0.5*dohmPrimL;
  name = idName + "DOHM_PRIM";
  solid = DDSolidFactory::box(DDName(name, idNameSpace), dx, dy, dz);
  DDLogicalPart dohmPrim(solid.ddname(), DDMaterial(dohmPrimMaterial), solid);
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: "
                      << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Box made of " 
                      << dohmPrimMaterial << " of dimensions " << dx << ", " 
                      << dy << ", " << dz;
  name = idName + "DOHM_PRIM_Cable";
  double dx_cable = 0.25*dohmPrimT;
  double dy_cable = 0.40*dohmPrimW;
  double dz_cable = 0.5*dohmPrimL;
  solid = DDSolidFactory::box(DDName(name, idNameSpace), dx_cable, dy_cable, dz_cable);
  DDLogicalPart dohmCablePrim(solid.ddname(), DDMaterial(dohmCableMaterial), solid);
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: "
                      << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Box made of "
                      << dohmCableMaterial << " of dimensions " << dx_cable
                      << ", " << dy_cable << ", " << dz_cable;
  // TIB+ DOHM
  DDTranslation tran(rout_dohm+0.5*dohmPrimT, 0. , 0.);
 cpv.position(dohmPrim, dohmCarrierPrim_lo_r, 1, tran, DDRotation() );
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " << 
                      << " z+ number " << 1 << " positioned in " 
                      << << " at " << tran 
                      << " with no rotation";
  tran = DDTranslation(rout_dohm+dx_cable, 0.5*dohmPrimW , 0.);
 cpv.position(dohmCablePrim, dohmCarrierPrim_lo_r, 1, tran, DDRotation() );
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " << 
                      << " copy number " << 1 << " positioned in "
                      << " at " << tran << " with no rotation";
  tran = DDTranslation(rout_dohm+dx_cable, -0.5*dohmPrimW , 0.);
 cpv.position(dohmCablePrim, dohmCarrierPrim_lo_r, 2, tran, DDRotation() );
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " <<
                      << " copy number " << 2 << " positioned in " 
                      << " at " << tran << " with no rotation";
  // DOHM PRIMary + AUXiliary
  dx = 0.5*dohmPrimT;
  dy = 0.5*dohmPrimW;
  dz = 0.5*dohmPrimL;
  name = idName + "DOHM_PRIM";
  solid = DDSolidFactory::box(DDName(name, idNameSpace), dx, dy, dz);
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " 
                      << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Box made of "
                      << dohmPrimMaterial << " of dimensions " << dx << ", " 
                      << dy << ", " << dz;
  dohmPrim = DDLogicalPart(solid.ddname(), DDMaterial(dohmPrimMaterial), solid);
  name = idName + "DOHM_PRIM_Cable";
  dx_cable = 0.25*dohmPrimT;
  dy_cable = 0.40*dohmPrimW;
  dz_cable = 0.5*dohmPrimL;
  solid = DDSolidFactory::box(DDName(name, idNameSpace), dx_cable, dy_cable, dz_cable);
  dohmCablePrim = DDLogicalPart(solid.ddname(), DDMaterial(dohmCableMaterial), solid);
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: "
                      << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Box made of " 
                      << dohmCableMaterial << " of dimensions " << dx_cable 
                      << ", " << dy_cable << ", " << dz_cable;
  dx = 0.5*dohmAuxT;
  dy = 0.5*dohmAuxW;
  dz = 0.5*dohmAuxL;
  name = idName + "DOHM_AUX";
  solid = DDSolidFactory::box(DDName(name, idNameSpace), dx, dy, dz);
  DDLogicalPart dohmAux(solid.ddname(), DDMaterial(dohmAuxMaterial), solid);
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " 
                      << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Box made of " 
                      << dohmAuxMaterial << " of dimensions " << dx << ", " 
                      << dy << ", " << dz;
  name = idName + "DOHM_AUX_Cable";
  solid = DDSolidFactory::box(DDName(name, idNameSpace), dx_cable, dy_cable, dz_cable);
  DDLogicalPart dohmCableAux(solid.ddname(), DDMaterial(dohmCableMaterial), solid);
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " 
                      << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Box made of " 
                      << dohmCableMaterial << " of dimensions " << dx_cable 
                      << ", " << dy_cable << ", " << dz_cable;
  // TIB+ DOHM
  tran = DDTranslation(rout_dohm+0.5*dohmPrimT, -0.75*dohmPrimW , 0.);
 cpv.position(dohmPrim, dohmCarrierPrimAux_lo_r, 1, tran, DDRotation() );
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " << 
                      << " z+ number " << 1 << " positioned in " 
                      << << " at " << tran 
                      << " with no rotation";
  tran = DDTranslation(rout_dohm+dx_cable, -0.75*dohmPrimW+0.5*dohmPrimW , 0.);
 cpv.position(dohmCablePrim, dohmCarrierPrimAux_lo_r, 1, tran, DDRotation() );
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " << 
                      << " copy number " << 1 << " positioned in " 
                      << << " at " << tran 
                      << " with no rotation";
  tran = DDTranslation(rout_dohm+dx_cable, -0.75*dohmPrimW-0.5*dohmPrimW , 0.);
 cpv.position(dohmCablePrim, dohmCarrierPrimAux_lo_r, 2, tran, DDRotation() );
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " << 
                      << " copy number " << 2 << " positioned in "
                      << << " at " << tran 
                      << " with no rotation";
  tran = DDTranslation(rout_dohm+0.5*dohmAuxT, 0.75*dohmAuxW , 0.);
 cpv.position(dohmAux, dohmCarrierPrimAux_lo_r, 1, tran, DDRotation() );
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " << 
                      << " z+ number " << 1 << " positioned in " 
                      << " at (0,0,0) with no rotation";
  tran = DDTranslation(rout_dohm+dx_cable, 0.75*dohmAuxW+0.5*dohmPrimW , 0.);
 cpv.position(dohmCableAux, dohmCarrierPrimAux_lo_r, 1, tran, DDRotation() );
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " << 
                      << " copy number " << 1 << " positioned in " 
                      << " at " << tran << " with no rotation";
void DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::initialize ( const DDNumericArguments nArgs,
const DDVectorArguments vArgs,
const DDMapArguments mArgs,
const DDStringArguments sArgs,
const DDStringVectorArguments vsArgs 

Definition at line 26 of file

References coolCableLo, coolCableUp, coolTubeT, coolTubeW, cylinderMat, cylinderT, detectorLo, detectorT, detectorTilt, detectorTol, detectorUp, detectorW, dohmAuxL, dohmAuxMaterial, dohmAuxT, dohmAuxW, dohmCableMaterial, dohmCarrierMaterial, dohmCarrierR, dohmCarrierT, dohmCarrierW, dohmList, dohmN, dohmPrimL, dohmPrimMaterial, dohmPrimT, dohmPrimW, emptyCoolCableLo, emptyCoolCableUp, emptyDetectorLo, emptyDetectorUp, genMat, i, idNameSpace, layerL, LogDebug, DDCurrentNamespace::ns(), dbtoconf::parent, phiMaxLo, phiMaxUp, phiMinLo, phiMinUp, phioffLo, phioffUp, radiusLo, radiusUp, ribMat, ribPhi, ribW, roffCableLo, roffCableUp, roffDetLo, roffDetUp, stringLoList, stringsLo, stringsUp, stringUpList, supportMat, supportT, and supportW.

  idNameSpace  = DDCurrentNamespace::ns();
  genMat       = sArgs["GeneralMaterial"];
  DDName parentName = parent().name(); 
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC debug: Parent " << parentName 
                      << " NameSpace " << idNameSpace << " General Material " 
                      << genMat;
  detectorTilt = nArgs["DetectorTilt"];
  layerL       = nArgs["LayerL"];
  detectorTol  = nArgs["LayerTolerance"];
  detectorW    = nArgs["DetectorWidth"];
  detectorT    = nArgs["DetectorThickness"];
  coolTubeW    = nArgs["CoolTubeWidth"];
  coolTubeT    = nArgs["CoolTubeThickness"];
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC debug: Tilt Angle " 
                      << detectorTilt/CLHEP::deg << " Layer Length/tolerance " 
                      << layerL << " " << detectorTol
                      << " Detector layer Width/Thick " << detectorW << ", " 
                      << detectorT << " Cooling Tube/Cable layer Width/Thick " 
                      << coolTubeW << ", " << coolTubeT;
  radiusLo     = nArgs["RadiusLo"];
  phioffLo     = nArgs["PhiOffsetLo"];
  phiMinLo     = nArgs["PhiMinimumLo"];
  phiMaxLo     = nArgs["PhiMaximumLo"];
  stringsLo    = int(nArgs["StringsLo"]);
  stringLoList = vArgs["StringLoList"];
  detectorLo   = sArgs["StringDetLoName"];
  emptyDetectorLo = sArgs["EmptyStringDetLoName"];
  roffDetLo    = nArgs["ROffsetDetLo"];
  coolCableLo  = sArgs["StringCabLoName"];
  emptyCoolCableLo = sArgs["EmptyStringCabLoName"];
  roffCableLo  = nArgs["ROffsetCabLo"];
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC debug: Lower layer Radius " 
                      << radiusLo << " Phi offset " << phioffLo/CLHEP::deg 
                      << " min " << phiMinLo/CLHEP::deg << " max " 
                      << phiMaxLo/CLHEP::deg << " Number " << stringsLo 
                      << " String " << detectorLo << " at offset " 
                      << roffDetLo << " String " << coolCableLo <<" at offset "
                      << roffCableLo << " Strings filled: ";
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<stringLoList.size(); i++) {
    LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "String " << i << " " << (int)stringLoList[i];
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << " Empty String " << emptyDetectorLo  << " at offset "
                      << roffDetLo << " Empty String " << emptyCoolCableLo 
                      << " at offset " << roffCableLo;
  radiusUp     = nArgs["RadiusUp"];
  phioffUp     = nArgs["PhiOffsetUp"];
  phiMinUp     = nArgs["PhiMinimumUp"];
  phiMaxUp     = nArgs["PhiMaximumUp"];
  stringsUp    = int(nArgs["StringsUp"]);
  stringUpList = vArgs["StringUpList"];
  detectorUp   = sArgs["StringDetUpName"];
  emptyDetectorUp = sArgs["EmptyStringDetUpName"];
  roffDetUp    = nArgs["ROffsetDetUp"];
  coolCableUp  = sArgs["StringCabUpName"];
  emptyCoolCableUp = sArgs["EmptyStringCabUpName"];
  roffCableUp  = nArgs["ROffsetCabUp"];
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC debug: Upper layer Radius " 
                      << radiusUp << " Phi offset " << phioffUp/CLHEP::deg 
                      << " min " << phiMinUp/CLHEP::deg << " max " 
                      << phiMaxUp/CLHEP::deg << " Number " << stringsUp 
                      << " String " << detectorUp << " at offset " << roffDetUp
                      << " String " << coolCableUp << " at offset " 
                      << roffCableUp << " Strings filled: ";
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<stringUpList.size(); i++) {
    LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "String " << i << " " << (int)stringUpList[i];
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << " Empty String " << emptyDetectorUp  << " at offset "
                      << roffDetUp << " Empty String " << emptyCoolCableUp 
                      << " at offset " << roffCableUp;
  cylinderT    = nArgs["CylinderThickness"];
  cylinderMat  = sArgs["CylinderMaterial"];
  supportW     = nArgs["SupportWidth"];
  supportT     = nArgs["SupportThickness"];
  supportMat   = sArgs["SupportMaterial"];
  ribMat       = sArgs["RibMaterial"];
  ribW         = vArgs["RibWidth"];
  ribPhi       = vArgs["RibPhi"];
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC debug: Cylinder Material/"
                      << "thickness " << cylinderMat << " " << cylinderT 
                      << " Support Wall Material/Width/Thickness " 
                      << supportMat << " " << supportW << " " << supportT 
                      << " Rib Material " << ribMat << " at "
                      << ribW.size() << " positions with width/phi";
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ribW.size(); i++)
    LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "Rib " <<  i << " " <<  ribW[i] << " " 
                        << ribPhi[i]/CLHEP::deg;
  dohmN               = int(nArgs["DOHMPhiNumber"]);
  dohmCarrierW        = nArgs["DOHMCarrierWidth"];
  dohmCarrierT        = nArgs["DOHMCarrierThickness"];
  dohmCarrierR        = nArgs["DOHMCarrierRadialHeight"];
  dohmCarrierMaterial = sArgs["DOHMCarrierMaterial"];
  dohmCableMaterial   = sArgs["DOHMCableMaterial"];
  dohmPrimW           = nArgs["DOHMPRIMWidth"];
  dohmPrimL           = nArgs["DOHMPRIMLength"];
  dohmPrimT           = nArgs["DOHMPRIMThickness"];
  dohmPrimMaterial    = sArgs["DOHMPRIMMaterial"];
  dohmAuxW            = nArgs["DOHMAUXWidth"];
  dohmAuxL            = nArgs["DOHMAUXLength"];
  dohmAuxT            = nArgs["DOHMAUXThickness"];
  dohmAuxMaterial     = sArgs["DOHMAUXMaterial"];
  dohmList            = vArgs["DOHMList"];
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC debug: DOHM PRIMary " << dohmN
                      << " Width/Length/Thickness " << " Material " 
                      << dohmPrimMaterial << " " << dohmPrimW << " " 
                      << dohmPrimL << " " << dohmPrimT
                      << " at positions:";
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<dohmList.size(); i++) {
    if((int)dohmList[i]>0) LogDebug("TIBGeom") <<  i+1 << ",";
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC debug: DOHM AUXiliary "
                      << " Material " << dohmAuxMaterial << " " 
                      << dohmAuxW << " " << dohmAuxL << " " << dohmAuxT
                      << " at positions:";
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<dohmList.size(); i++) {
    if((int)dohmList[i]==2) LogDebug("TIBGeom") << i+1 << ",";
  LogDebug("TIBGeom") << " in Carrier Width/Thickness/Radius " 
                      << dohmCarrierW << " " << dohmCarrierT << " " 
                      << dohmCarrierR << " Carrier Material " 
                      << dohmCarrierMaterial
                      << "\n with cables and connectors Material " 
                      << dohmCableMaterial << "\n"
                      << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC debug: no DOHM "
                      << " at positions: ";
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<dohmList.size(); i++) {
    if((int)dohmList[i]==0) LogDebug("TIBGeom") << i+1 << ",";

Member Data Documentation

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::coolCableLo [private]

Definition at line 45 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::coolCableUp [private]

Definition at line 58 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 34 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 33 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::cylinderMat [private]

Definition at line 63 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 62 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::detectorLo [private]

Definition at line 42 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 32 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 28 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 30 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::detectorUp [private]

Definition at line 55 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 31 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 83 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::dohmAuxMaterial [private]

Definition at line 85 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 84 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 82 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 77 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 76 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 75 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 74 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 73 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::vector<double> DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::dohmList [private]

Definition at line 72 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 71 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 79 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 81 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 80 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 78 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 46 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 59 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::emptyDetectorLo [private]

Definition at line 43 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::emptyDetectorUp [private]

Definition at line 56 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::genMat [private]

Definition at line 27 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::idNameSpace [private]

Definition at line 26 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::layerL [private]

Definition at line 29 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 39 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 52 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 38 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 51 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 37 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 50 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 36 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 49 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::ribMat [private]

Definition at line 67 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::vector<double> DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::ribPhi [private]

Definition at line 69 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::vector<double> DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::ribW [private]

Definition at line 68 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 47 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 60 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 44 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 57 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::vector<double> DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::stringLoList [private]

Definition at line 41 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 40 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 53 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::vector<double> DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::stringUpList [private]

Definition at line 54 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::supportMat [private]

Definition at line 66 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 65 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 64 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().