Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

L1RCTLutWriter Class Reference

#include <L1RCTLutWriter.h>

Inheritance diagram for L1RCTLutWriter:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 L1RCTLutWriter (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~L1RCTLutWriter ()

Private Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
virtual void endJob ()
void writeEicLutFile (unsigned short card)
void writeJscLutFile ()
void writeRcLutFile (unsigned short card)
void writeThresholdsFile (unsigned int eicThreshold, unsigned int jscThresholdBarrel, unsigned int jscThresholdEndcap)

Private Attributes

std::string keyName_
std::ofstream lutFile_
const L1RCTParametersrctParameters_
bool useDebugTpgScales_

Detailed Description


Description: <one line="" class="" summary>="">

Implementation: <Notes on="" implementation>="">

Definition at line 49 of file L1RCTLutWriter.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

L1RCTLutWriter::L1RCTLutWriter ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig) [explicit]

Definition at line 37 of file

  lookupTable_(new L1RCTLookupTables),
   //now do what ever initialization is needed
L1RCTLutWriter::~L1RCTLutWriter ( )

Definition at line 47 of file

References lookupTable_.

   // do anything here that needs to be done at destruction time
   // (e.g. close files, deallocate resources etc.)
  if (lookupTable_ != 0) delete lookupTable_;

Member Function Documentation

void L1RCTLutWriter::analyze ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [private, virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 63 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::e, EcalBarrel, EcalEndcap, L1RCTNoisyChannelMask::ecalMask, L1RCTChannelMask::ecalMask, L1RCTNoisyChannelMask::ecalThreshold, L1RCTParameters::eicIsolationThreshold(), edm::EventSetup::get(), EcalTPGScale::getTPGInGeV(), h, CaloTPGTranscoder::hcaletValue(), L1RCTNoisyChannelMask::hcalMask, L1RCTChannelMask::hcalMask, L1RCTNoisyChannelMask::hcalThreshold, L1RCTChannelMask::hfMask, L1RCTNoisyChannelMask::hfMask, L1RCTNoisyChannelMask::hfThreshold, i, j, L1RCTParameters::jscQuietThresholdBarrel(), L1RCTParameters::jscQuietThresholdEndcap(), gen::k, lookupTable_, m, L1CaloEcalScale::nBinEta, L1CaloHcalScale::nBinEta, L1CaloHcalScale::nBinRank, L1CaloEcalScale::nBinRank, edm::ESHandle< T >::product(), rctParameters_, asciidump::s, L1CaloHcalScale::setBin(), L1CaloEcalScale::setBin(), L1RCTLookupTables::setChannelMask(), L1RCTLookupTables::setEcalScale(), EcalTPGScale::setEventSetup(), L1RCTLookupTables::setHcalScale(), L1RCTLookupTables::setL1CaloEtScale(), L1RCTLookupTables::setNoisyChannelMask(), L1RCTLookupTables::setRCTParameters(), useDebugTpgScales_, writeEicLutFile(), writeJscLutFile(), writeRcLutFile(), and writeThresholdsFile().

   // get all the configuration information from the event, set it
   // in the lookuptable
   edm::ESHandle<L1RCTParameters> rctParameters;
   rctParameters_ = rctParameters.product();
   edm::ESHandle<L1CaloEtScale> emScale;
   const L1CaloEtScale* s = emScale.product();

   // make dummy channel mask -- we don't want to mask
   // any channels when writing LUTs, that comes afterwards
   L1RCTChannelMask* m = new L1RCTChannelMask;
   for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
       for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
           for (int k = 0; k < 28; k++)
               m->ecalMask[i][j][k] = false;
               m->hcalMask[i][j][k] = false;
           for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
               m->hfMask[i][j][k] = false;

   //Same for Noisy mask
   // make dummy channel mask -- we don't want to mask
   // any channels when writing LUTs, that comes afterwards
   L1RCTNoisyChannelMask* m2 = new L1RCTNoisyChannelMask;
   for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
       for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
           for (int k = 0; k < 28; k++)
               m2->ecalMask[i][j][k] = false;
               m2->hcalMask[i][j][k] = false;
           for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
               m2->hfMask[i][j][k] = false;
   m2->ecalThreshold = 0.0;
   m2->hcalThreshold = 0.0;
   m2->hfThreshold = 0.0;

  // use these dummies to get the delete right when using old-style
  // scales to create set of L1CaloXcalScales
  L1CaloEcalScale* dummyE(0);
  L1CaloHcalScale* dummyH(0);

  if (useDebugTpgScales_) // generate new-style scales from tpg scales

      std::cout << "Using old-style TPG scales!" << std::endl;

      // old version of hcal energy scale to convert input
      edm::ESHandle<CaloTPGTranscoder> transcoder;
      const CaloTPGTranscoder* h_tpg = transcoder.product();

      // old version of ecal energy scale to convert input
      EcalTPGScale* e_tpg = new EcalTPGScale();

      L1CaloEcalScale* ecalScale = new L1CaloEcalScale();
      L1CaloHcalScale* hcalScale = new L1CaloHcalScale();

      // generate L1CaloXcalScales from old-style scales (thanks, werner!)

      // ECAL
      for( unsigned short ieta = 1 ; ieta <= L1CaloEcalScale::nBinEta; ++ieta )
          for( unsigned short irank = 0 ; irank < L1CaloEcalScale::nBinRank; ++irank )
              EcalSubdetector subdet = ( ieta <= 17 ) ? EcalBarrel : EcalEndcap ;
              double etGeVPos =
                ( irank, EcalTrigTowerDetId(1, // +ve eta
                                            1 )); // dummy phi value
              ecalScale->setBin( irank, ieta, 1, etGeVPos ) ;
      for( unsigned short ieta = 1 ; ieta <= L1CaloEcalScale::nBinEta; ++ieta )
          for( unsigned short irank = 0 ; irank < L1CaloEcalScale::nBinRank; ++irank )
              EcalSubdetector subdet = ( ieta <= 17 ) ? EcalBarrel : EcalEndcap ;
              double etGeVNeg =
                ( irank,
                  EcalTrigTowerDetId(-1, // -ve eta
                                     2 )); // dummy phi value
              ecalScale->setBin( irank, ieta, -1, etGeVNeg ) ;

      // HCAL
      for( unsigned short ieta = 1 ; ieta <= L1CaloHcalScale::nBinEta; ++ieta )
          for( unsigned short irank = 0 ; irank < L1CaloHcalScale::nBinRank; ++irank )
              double etGeV = h_tpg->hcaletValue( ieta, irank ) ;

              hcalScale->setBin( irank, ieta, 1, etGeV ) ;
              hcalScale->setBin( irank, ieta, -1, etGeV ) ;

      // set the input scales

      dummyE = ecalScale;
      dummyH = hcalScale;

      delete e_tpg;


      // get energy scale to convert input from ECAL
      edm::ESHandle<L1CaloEcalScale> ecalScale;
      const L1CaloEcalScale* e = ecalScale.product();
      // get energy scale to convert input from HCAL
      edm::ESHandle<L1CaloHcalScale> hcalScale;
      const L1CaloHcalScale* h = hcalScale.product();

      // set scales



   for (unsigned short nCard = 0; nCard <= 6; nCard = nCard + 2)

   unsigned int eicThreshold = rctParameters_->eicIsolationThreshold();
   unsigned int jscThresholdBarrel = rctParameters_->jscQuietThresholdBarrel();
   unsigned int jscThresholdEndcap = rctParameters_->jscQuietThresholdEndcap();
   writeThresholdsFile(eicThreshold, jscThresholdBarrel, jscThresholdEndcap);

  if (dummyE != 0) delete dummyE;
  if (dummyH != 0) delete dummyH;

void L1RCTLutWriter::endJob ( void  ) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 247 of file

void L1RCTLutWriter::writeEicLutFile ( unsigned short  card) [private]

Definition at line 366 of file

References edmPickEvents::command, runTheMatrix::data, L1RCTLookupTables::emRank(), lut2db_cfg::filename, keyName_, lookupTable_, and lutFile_.

Referenced by analyze().

  // try timestamp
  char filename[256];
  char command[64];
  if (card != 6)
      int card2 = card + 1;
      sprintf(filename,"EIC%i%i-%s.dat", card, card2, keyName_.c_str() );
      sprintf(filename,"EIC6-%s.dat", keyName_.c_str() );
  // open file for writing, delete any existing content, std::ios::trunc);
  lutFile_ << "Emulator-parameter generated EIC lut file, card " 
           << card << " key " << keyName_ << "   ";
  // close to append timestamp info
  sprintf(command, "date >> %s", filename);

  // reopen file for writing values, std::ios::app);

  unsigned long data = 0;

  // write all memory addresses in increasing order
  // address = (1<<22) + (etIn7Bits<<1)

  // 2^7 = 0x7f = 128
  for (int etIn7Bits = 0; etIn7Bits < 128; etIn7Bits++)
      data = lookupTable_->emRank(etIn7Bits);
      if (data > 0x3f)
          data = 0x3f;
      lutFile_ << std::hex << data << std::dec << std::endl;
void L1RCTLutWriter::writeJscLutFile ( ) [private]

Definition at line 413 of file

References edmPickEvents::command, runTheMatrix::data, lut2db_cfg::filename, keyName_, L1RCTLookupTables::lookup(), lookupTable_, and lutFile_.

Referenced by analyze().

  char filename[256];
  char command[64];
  sprintf(filename, "JSC-%s.dat", keyName_.c_str() );

  // open file; if it already existed, delete existing content, std::ios::trunc);
  lutFile_ << "Emulator parameter-generated lut file, key " << keyName_ 
           << "   ";
  // close to append time-stamp
  sprintf(command, "date >> %s", filename);
  // reopen file for writing, std::ios::app);

  unsigned long data = 0;
  unsigned long data0 = 0;
  unsigned long data1 = 0;

  // write all memory addresses in increasing order
  // address = (1<<22) + (lutbits<<17) + (phi1et<<9) + (phi0et<<1);

  // ecl and U93/U225 lut id bits, identify eta segment of hf
  for (int lutbits = 0; lutbits < 4; lutbits++)
      // 8-bit phi_1 et for each eta partition
      for (unsigned int phi1et = 0; phi1et < 256; phi1et++)
          // 8-bit phi_0 et for each eta
          for (unsigned int phi0et = 0; phi0et < 256; phi0et++)
              // lookup takes "(hf_et, crate, card, tower)"
              // "card" convention for hf is 999, tower is 0-7
              // but equivalent to 0-3 == lutbits
              // crate doesn't matter, take 0
              // only |ieta| matters
              data0 = lookupTable_->lookup(phi0et, 0, 999, lutbits);
              if (data0 > 0xff)
                  data0 = 0xff;   // 8-bit output energy for each phi region
              data1 = lookupTable_->lookup(phi1et, 0, 999, lutbits);
              if (data1 > 0xff)
                  data1 = 0xff;   // 8-bit output energy for each phi region
              data = (data1<<8) + (data0);
              lutFile_ << std::hex << data << std::dec << std::endl;
              if (phi0et < 10 && phi1et < 10)
                  std::cout << "Writer: jsc. lutbits=" << lutbits 
                            << " phi0et=" << phi0et << " data0=" << data0
                            << " phi1et=" << phi1et << " data1=" << data1
                            << std::endl;
void L1RCTLutWriter::writeRcLutFile ( unsigned short  card) [private]

Definition at line 253 of file

References L1RCTParameters::calcCrate(), L1RCTParameters::calcTower(), edmPickEvents::command, runTheMatrix::data, lut2db_cfg::filename, keyName_, lookupTable_, lutFile_, convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output, and rctParameters_.

Referenced by analyze().


  // don't mess yet with name
  char filename[256];
  char command[64];
  if (card != 6)
      int card2 = card + 1;
      sprintf(filename,"RC%i%i-%s.dat",card,card2,keyName_.c_str() );
      //sprintf(filename, "RC%i%i.dat", card, card2);
      sprintf(filename,"RC6-%s.dat",keyName_.c_str() );
      //sprintf(filename, "RC6.dat");
  // open file for writing, delete any existing content, std::ios::trunc);
  lutFile_ << "Emulator-parameter generated lut file, card " 
           << card << " key " << keyName_ << "   ";

  // close to append timestamp info
  sprintf(command, "date >> %s", filename);

  // reopen file for writing values, std::ios::app);

  unsigned long data = 0;

  // write all memory addresses in increasing order
  // address = (1<<22)+(nLUT<<19)+(eG?<18)+(hcalEt<<10)+(ecalfg<<9)+(ecalEt<<1)

  // loop through the physical LUTs on the card, 0-7
  for (unsigned short nLUT = 0; nLUT < 8; nLUT++)
      // determine ieta, iphi, etc. everything
      unsigned short iAbsEta = 0;
      if (card != 6)
          iAbsEta = (card/2)*8 + nLUT + 1;
          if (nLUT < 4)
              iAbsEta = (card/2)*8 + nLUT + 1;
              iAbsEta = (card/2)*8 + (3 - (nLUT%4) ) + 1;             
          //std::cout << "LUT is " << nLUT << " iAbsEta is " << iAbsEta << std::endl;

      // All RCT stuff uniform in phi, symmetric wrt eta = 0

      // below line always gives crate in +eta; makes no difference to us
      unsigned short crate = rctParameters_->calcCrate(1, iAbsEta); 
      unsigned short tower = rctParameters_->calcTower(1, iAbsEta);

      // first do region sums half of LUTs, bit 18 of address is 0
      // loop through 8 bits of hcal energy, 2^8 is 256
      for (unsigned int hcalEt = 0; hcalEt < 256; hcalEt++)
          // loop through 1 bit of ecal fine grain
          for (unsigned short ecalfg = 0; ecalfg < 2; ecalfg++)
              // loop through 8 bits of ecal energy
              for (unsigned int ecalEt = 0; ecalEt < 256; ecalEt++)
                  // assign 10-bit (9et,1mip) sums data here!
                  unsigned long output = lookupTable_->
                    lookup(ecalEt, hcalEt, ecalfg, crate, card, tower);
                  unsigned short etIn9Bits = (output>>8)&511;
                  unsigned short tauActivityBit = (output>>17)&1;
                  data = (tauActivityBit<<9)+etIn9Bits;
                  lutFile_ << std::hex << data << std::dec << std::endl;
      // second do egamma half of LUTs, bit 18 of address is 1
      // loop through 8 bits of hcal energy
      for (unsigned int hcalEt = 0; hcalEt < 256; hcalEt++)
          // loop through 1 bit of ecal fine grain
          for (unsigned short ecalfg = 0; ecalfg < 2; ecalfg++)
              // loop through 8 bits of ecal energy
              for (unsigned int ecalEt = 0; ecalEt < 256; ecalEt++)
                  // assign 8-bit (7et,1veto) egamma data here!
                  unsigned long output = lookupTable_->
                    lookup(ecalEt, hcalEt, ecalfg, crate, card, tower);
                  unsigned short etIn7Bits = output&127;
                  unsigned short heFgVetoBit = (output>>7)&1;
                  data = (heFgVetoBit<<7)+etIn7Bits;
                  lutFile_ << std::hex << data << std::dec << std::endl;


void L1RCTLutWriter::writeThresholdsFile ( unsigned int  eicThreshold,
unsigned int  jscThresholdBarrel,
unsigned int  jscThresholdEndcap 
) [private]

Definition at line 482 of file

References lut2db_cfg::filename, and keyName_.

Referenced by analyze().

  std::ofstream thresholdsFile;
  char filename[256];
  sprintf(filename, "Thresholds-%s.dat", keyName_.c_str() );, std::ios::trunc);

  thresholdsFile << "key is " << keyName_ << std::endl << std::endl;
  thresholdsFile << "eicIsolationThreshold " << eicThreshold << std::endl;
  thresholdsFile << "jscQuietThresholdBarrel " << jscThresholdBarrel << std::endl;
  thresholdsFile << "jscQuietThresholdEndcap " << jscThresholdEndcap << std::endl;


Member Data Documentation

std::string L1RCTLutWriter::keyName_ [private]
std::ofstream L1RCTLutWriter::lutFile_ [private]

Definition at line 70 of file L1RCTLutWriter.h.

Referenced by writeEicLutFile(), writeJscLutFile(), and writeRcLutFile().

Definition at line 68 of file L1RCTLutWriter.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and writeRcLutFile().

Definition at line 72 of file L1RCTLutWriter.h.

Referenced by analyze().