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GflashHadronShowerProfile Class Reference

#include <GflashHadronShowerProfile.h>

Inheritance diagram for GflashHadronShowerProfile:
GflashAntiProtonShowerProfile GflashKaonMinusShowerProfile GflashKaonPlusShowerProfile GflashPiKShowerProfile GflashProtonShowerProfile

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

std::vector< GflashHit > & getGflashHitList ()
GflashShowinogetGflashShowino ()
 GflashHadronShowerProfile (edm::ParameterSet parSet)
void hadronicParameterization ()
void initialize (int showerType, double energy, double globalTime, double charge, Gflash3Vector &position, Gflash3Vector &momentum)
virtual void loadParameters ()
virtual ~GflashHadronShowerProfile ()

Protected Member Functions

double depthScale (double ssp, double ssp0, double length)
void doCholeskyReduction (double **cc, double **vv, const int ndim)
double fLnE1 (double einc, const double *par)
double fTanh (double einc, const double *par)
double gammaProfile (double alpha, double beta, double depth, double lengthUnit)
void getFluctuationVector (double *lowTriangle, double *correlationVector)
int getNumberOfSpots (Gflash::CalorimeterNumber kCalor)
double hoProfile (double pathLength, double refDepth)
Gflash3Vector locateHitPosition (GflashTrajectoryPoint &point, double lateralArm)
double longitudinalProfile ()
double medianLateralArm (double depth, Gflash::CalorimeterNumber kCalor)
void setEnergyScale (double einc, Gflash3Vector ssp)
double twoGammaProfile (double *par, double depth, Gflash::CalorimeterNumber kIndex)

Protected Attributes

double averageSpotEnergy [Gflash::kNumberCalorimeter]
double energyScale [Gflash::kNumberCalorimeter]
double lateralPar [Gflash::kNumberCalorimeter][Gflash::Nrpar]
double longEcal [Gflash::NPar]
double longHcal [Gflash::NPar]
double theBField
bool theGflashHcalOuter
std::vector< GflashHittheGflashHitList
edm::ParameterSet theParSet

Detailed Description

Definition at line 15 of file GflashHadronShowerProfile.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GflashHadronShowerProfile::GflashHadronShowerProfile ( edm::ParameterSet  parSet)
GflashHadronShowerProfile::~GflashHadronShowerProfile ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 26 of file

References theShowino.

  if(theShowino) delete theShowino;

Member Function Documentation

double GflashHadronShowerProfile::depthScale ( double  ssp,
double  ssp0,
double  length 
) [protected]
void GflashHadronShowerProfile::doCholeskyReduction ( double **  cc,
double **  vv,
const int  ndim 
) [protected]

Definition at line 393 of file

References i, j, gen::k, and mathSSE::sqrt().

Referenced by getFluctuationVector().


  double sumCjkSquare;
  double vjjLess;
  double sumCikjk;

  cc[0][0] = std::sqrt(vv[0][0]);

  for(int j=1 ; j < ndim ; j++) {
    cc[j][0] = vv[j][0]/cc[0][0];

  for(int j=1 ; j < ndim ; j++) {

    sumCjkSquare = 0.0;
    for (int k=0 ; k < j ; k++) sumCjkSquare += cc[j][k]*cc[j][k];

    vjjLess =  vv[j][j] - sumCjkSquare;

    //check for the case that vjjLess is negative
    cc[j][j] = std::sqrt(std::fabs(vjjLess));

    for (int i=j+1 ; i < ndim ; i++) {
      sumCikjk = 0.;
      for(int k=0 ; k < j ; k++) sumCikjk += cc[i][k]*cc[j][k];
      cc[i][j] = (vv[i][j] - sumCikjk)/cc[j][j];
double GflashHadronShowerProfile::fLnE1 ( double  einc,
const double *  par 
) [protected]
double GflashHadronShowerProfile::fTanh ( double  einc,
const double *  par 
) [protected]
double GflashHadronShowerProfile::gammaProfile ( double  alpha,
double  beta,
double  depth,
double  lengthUnit 
) [protected]

Definition at line 490 of file

References funct::exp(), funct::pow(), and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

Referenced by twoGammaProfile().

  double gamma = 0.0;
  //  if(alpha > 0 && beta > 0 && lengthUnit > 0) {
  if(showerDepth>0.0) {
    Genfun::LogGamma lgam;
    double x = showerDepth*(beta/lengthUnit);
    gamma = (beta/lengthUnit)*std::pow(x,alpha-1.0)*std::exp(-x)/std::exp(lgam(alpha));
  return gamma;
void GflashHadronShowerProfile::getFluctuationVector ( double *  lowTriangle,
double *  correlationVector 
) [protected]

Definition at line 357 of file

References doCholeskyReduction(), i, j, and Gflash::NPar.

Referenced by GflashAntiProtonShowerProfile::loadParameters(), GflashProtonShowerProfile::loadParameters(), GflashKaonPlusShowerProfile::loadParameters(), GflashPiKShowerProfile::loadParameters(), and GflashKaonMinusShowerProfile::loadParameters().


    const int dim = Gflash::NPar;

    double **xr   = new double *[dim];
    double **xrho = new double *[dim];
    for(int j=0;j<dim;j++) {
      xr[j]   = new double [dim];
      xrho[j] = new double [dim];
    for(int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
      for(int j = 0; j < i+1 ; j++) {
        if(j==i) xrho[i][j] = 1.0;
        else {
          xrho[i][j] = lowTriangle[i*(i-1)/2 + j];
          xrho[j][i] = xrho[i][j];


    for(int i = 0 ; i < dim ; i++) {
      for (int j = 0 ; j < i+1 ; j++){
        correlationVector[i*(i+1)/2 + j] = xr[i][j];

    for(int j=0;j<dim;j++) delete [] xr[j];
    delete [] xr;
    for(int j=0;j<dim;j++) delete [] xrho[j];
    delete [] xrho;
std::vector<GflashHit>& GflashHadronShowerProfile::getGflashHitList ( ) [inline]
GflashShowino* GflashHadronShowerProfile::getGflashShowino ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 29 of file GflashHadronShowerProfile.h.

References theShowino.

Referenced by CalorimetryManager::HDShowerSimulation().

{ return theShowino; }
int GflashHadronShowerProfile::getNumberOfSpots ( Gflash::CalorimeterNumber  kCalor) [protected]

Definition at line 423 of file

References GflashShowino::getEnergy(), GflashShowino::getShowerType(), Gflash::kENCA, Gflash::kESPM, Gflash::kHB, Gflash::kHE, funct::log(), max(), and theShowino.

Referenced by hadronicParameterization().

  //generator number of spots: energy dependent Gamma distribution of Nspots based on Geant4
  //replacing old parameterization of H1,
  //int numberOfSpots = std::max( 50, static_cast<int>(80.*std::log(einc)+50.));

  double einc = theShowino->getEnergy();
  int showerType = theShowino->getShowerType();

  int numberOfSpots = 0;
  double nmean  = 0.0;
  double nsigma = 0.0;

  if(showerType == 0 || showerType == 1 || showerType == 4 || showerType == 5 ) {
    if(kCalor == Gflash::kESPM || kCalor == Gflash::kENCA) {
      nmean = 10000 + 5000*log(einc);
      nsigma = 1000;
    if(kCalor == Gflash::kHB || kCalor == Gflash::kHE) {
      nmean =  5000 + 2500*log(einc);
      nsigma =  500;
  else if (showerType == 2 || showerType == 3 || showerType == 6 || showerType == 7 ) {
    if(kCalor == Gflash::kHB || kCalor == Gflash::kHE) {
      nmean =  5000 + 2500*log(einc);
      nsigma =  500;
    else {
      nmean = 10000;
      nsigma = 1000;
  //@@@need correlation and individual fluctuation on alphaNspots and betaNspots here:
  //evaluating covariance should be straight forward since the distribution is 'one' Gamma

  numberOfSpots = std::max(500,static_cast<int> (nmean+nsigma* CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot()));

  //until we optimize the reduction scale in the number of Nspots
  if( kCalor == Gflash::kESPM ||  kCalor == Gflash::kENCA) {
    numberOfSpots = static_cast<int>(numberOfSpots/100);
  else {
    numberOfSpots = static_cast<int>(numberOfSpots/3.0);

  return numberOfSpots;
void GflashHadronShowerProfile::hadronicParameterization ( )

Definition at line 40 of file

References GflashShowino::addEnergyDeposited(), Gflash::divisionStep, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::e, energyScale, Gflash::EtaMax, fTanh(), Gflash::getCalorimeterNumber(), GflashShowino::getEnergy(), GflashShowino::getEnergyDeposited(), GflashTrajectory::getGflashTrajectoryPoint(), GflashShowino::getGlobalTime(), GflashShowino::getHelix(), getNumberOfSpots(), GflashShowino::getPathLength(), GflashTrajectory::getPathLengthAtRhoEquals(), GflashShowino::getPathLengthAtShower(), GflashShowino::getPosition(), GflashShowino::getPositionAtShower(), GflashShowino::getStepLengthToOut(), Gflash::ho_nonzero, hoProfile(), Gflash::kHB, Gflash::kHE, Gflash::kHO, Gflash::kNULL, locateHitPosition(), funct::log(), longitudinalProfile(), max(), medianLateralArm(), Gflash::MinEnergyCutOffForHO, Gflash::Rmax, Gflash::Rmin, GflashHit::setEnergy(), GflashShowino::setPathLength(), GflashHit::setPosition(), GflashHit::setTime(), theGflashHcalOuter, theGflashHitList, theShowino, GflashShowino::updateShowino(), and Gflash::Zmax.

Referenced by GflashHadronShowerModel::DoIt(), and CalorimetryManager::HDShowerSimulation().

  // The skeleton of this method is based on the fortran code gfshow.F originally written  
  // by S. Peters and G. Grindhammer (also see NIM A290 (1990) 469-488), but longitudinal
  // parameterizations of hadron showers are significantly modified for the CMS calorimeter  

  // unit convention: energy in [GeV] and length in [cm]
  // intrinsic properties of hadronic showers (lateral shower profile)
  // The step size of showino along the helix trajectory in cm unit
  double showerDepthR50 = 0.0;
  bool firstHcalHit = true;

  //initial valuses that will be changed as the shower developes
  double stepLengthLeft = theShowino->getStepLengthToOut();

  double deltaStep = 0.0;
  double showerDepth = 0.0;
  Gflash::CalorimeterNumber whichCalor = Gflash::kNULL;

  GflashHit aHit;

  while(stepLengthLeft > 0.0) {

    // update shower depth and stepLengthLeft
    if ( stepLengthLeft < Gflash::divisionStep ) {
      deltaStep = stepLengthLeft;
      stepLengthLeft  = 0.0;
    else {
      deltaStep = Gflash::divisionStep;
      stepLengthLeft -= deltaStep;

    showerDepth += deltaStep;
    showerDepthR50 += deltaStep;

    //update GflashShowino

    //evaluate energy in this deltaStep along the longitudinal shower profile
    double heightProfile = 0.; 
    double deltaEnergy = 0.;

    whichCalor = Gflash::getCalorimeterNumber(theShowino->getPosition());

    //skip if Showino is outside envelopes
    if(whichCalor == Gflash::kNULL ) continue;

    heightProfile = longitudinalProfile();

    //skip if the delta energy for this step will be very small
    if(heightProfile < 1.00e-08 ) continue;

    //get energy deposition for this step 
    deltaEnergy =  heightProfile*Gflash::divisionStep*energyScale[whichCalor];    

    //apply sampling fluctuation if showino is inside the sampling calorimeter
    double hadronicFraction = 1.0;
    double fluctuatedEnergy = deltaEnergy;

    int nSpotsInStep = std::max(1,static_cast<int>(getNumberOfSpots(whichCalor)*(deltaEnergy/energyScale[whichCalor]) ));
    double sampleSpotEnergy = hadronicFraction*fluctuatedEnergy/nSpotsInStep;

    // Lateral shape and fluctuations

    if((whichCalor==Gflash::kHB || whichCalor==Gflash::kHE) && firstHcalHit) {
      firstHcalHit = false;
      //reset the showerDepth used in the lateral parameterization inside Hcal
      showerDepthR50 = Gflash::divisionStep;

    //evaluate the fluctuated median of the lateral distribution, R50
    double R50 = medianLateralArm(showerDepthR50,whichCalor);

    double hitEnergy = sampleSpotEnergy*CLHEP::GeV;
    double hitTime = theShowino->getGlobalTime()*CLHEP::nanosecond;

    Gflash::CalorimeterNumber hitCalor = Gflash::kNULL;

    for (int ispot = 0 ;  ispot < nSpotsInStep ; ispot++) {
      // Compute global position of generated spots with taking into account magnetic field
      // Divide deltaStep into nSpotsInStep and give a spot a global position
      double incrementPath = theShowino->getPathLength() 
        + (deltaStep/nSpotsInStep)*(ispot+0.5 - 0.5*nSpotsInStep);
      // trajectoryPoint give a spot an imaginary point along the shower development
      GflashTrajectoryPoint trajectoryPoint;
      Gflash3Vector hitPosition = locateHitPosition(trajectoryPoint,R50);   
      hitCalor = Gflash::getCalorimeterNumber(hitPosition);       
      if( hitCalor == Gflash::kNULL) continue;

      hitPosition *= CLHEP::cm;

    } // end of for spot iteration
  } // end of while for longitudinal integration

  //HO parameterization

  if(theShowino->getEnergy()> Gflash::MinEnergyCutOffForHO &&
     fabs(theShowino->getPositionAtShower().pseudoRapidity()) < Gflash::EtaMax[Gflash::kHO] && 
     theGflashHcalOuter) {
    //non zero ho fraction to simulate based on geant4
    double nonzeroProb = 0.7*fTanh(theShowino->getEnergy(),Gflash::ho_nonzero);
    double r0 = CLHEP::HepUniformRand();
    double leftoverE =  theShowino->getEnergy() - theShowino->getEnergyDeposited();

    //@@@ nonzeroProb is not random - need further correlation for non-zero HO energy

    if( r0 < nonzeroProb && leftoverE > 0.0) {
      //starting path Length and stepLengthLeft
      double pathLength = theShowino->getHelix()->getPathLengthAtRhoEquals(Gflash::Rmin[Gflash::kHO]-10);
      stepLengthLeft = theShowino->getHelix()->getPathLengthAtRhoEquals(Gflash::Rmax[Gflash::kHO]+10) - pathLength;
      showerDepth = pathLength - theShowino->getPathLengthAtShower();
      double pathLengthx = theShowino->getHelix()->getPathLengthAtRhoEquals(Gflash::Rmax[Gflash::kHO]);
      double pathLengthy = theShowino->getHelix()->getPathLengthAtRhoEquals(Gflash::Rmax[Gflash::kHB]);
      while(stepLengthLeft > 0.0) {
        // update shower depth and stepLengthLeft
        if ( stepLengthLeft < Gflash::divisionStep ) {
          deltaStep = stepLengthLeft;
          stepLengthLeft  = 0.0;
        else {
          deltaStep = Gflash::divisionStep;
          stepLengthLeft -= deltaStep;
        showerDepth += deltaStep;
        //update GflashShowino
        //evaluate energy in this deltaStep along the longitudinal shower profile
        double heightProfile = 0.; 
        double deltaEnergy = 0.;
        double hoScale  = leftoverE*(pathLengthx-pathLengthy)/(pathLengthx- theShowino->getPathLengthAtShower());
        double refDepth = theShowino->getPathLength() 
          - theShowino->getHelix()->getPathLengthAtRhoEquals(Gflash::Rmax[Gflash::kHB]);
        if( refDepth > 0) {
          heightProfile = hoProfile(theShowino->getPathLength(),refDepth);
          deltaEnergy = heightProfile*Gflash::divisionStep*hoScale;
        int nSpotsInStep = std::max(50,static_cast<int>((160.+40* CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot())*std::log(theShowino->getEnergy())+50.));
        double hoFraction = 1.00;
        double poissonProb = CLHEP::RandPoissonQ::shoot(1.0);
        double fluctuatedEnergy = deltaEnergy*poissonProb;
        double sampleSpotEnergy = hoFraction*fluctuatedEnergy/nSpotsInStep;
        // Lateral shape and fluctuations
        //evaluate the fluctuated median of the lateral distribution, R50
        double R50 = medianLateralArm(showerDepth,Gflash::kHB);

        double hitEnergy = sampleSpotEnergy*CLHEP::GeV;
        double hitTime = theShowino->getGlobalTime()*CLHEP::nanosecond;
        for (int ispot = 0 ;  ispot < nSpotsInStep ; ispot++) {
          double incrementPath = theShowino->getPathLength() 
            + (deltaStep/nSpotsInStep)*(ispot+0.5 - 0.5*nSpotsInStep);
          // trajectoryPoint give a spot an imaginary point along the shower development
          GflashTrajectoryPoint trajectoryPoint;
          Gflash3Vector hitPosition = locateHitPosition(trajectoryPoint,R50);   
          hitPosition *= CLHEP::cm;

          if(std::fabs(hitPosition.getZ()/CLHEP::cm) > Gflash::Zmax[Gflash::kHO] ) continue;

        } // end of for HO spot iteration
      } // end of while for HO longitudinal integration

  //  delete theGflashNavigator;

double GflashHadronShowerProfile::hoProfile ( double  pathLength,
double  refDepth 
) [protected]

Definition at line 344 of file

References funct::exp(), GflashTrajectory::getGflashTrajectoryPoint(), GflashShowino::getHelix(), GflashTrajectoryPoint::getPosition(), Gflash::intLength, Gflash::kHO, funct::sin(), and theShowino.

Referenced by hadronicParameterization().


  double heightProfile = 0;

  GflashTrajectoryPoint tempPoint;

  double dint = 1.4*Gflash::intLength[Gflash::kHO]*std::sin(tempPoint.getPosition().getTheta());
  heightProfile = std::exp(-1.0*refDepth/dint);

  return heightProfile;
void GflashHadronShowerProfile::initialize ( int  showerType,
double  energy,
double  globalTime,
double  charge,
Gflash3Vector position,
Gflash3Vector momentum 

Definition at line 31 of file

References GflashShowino::initialize(), theBField, and theShowino.

Referenced by GflashHadronShowerModel::DoIt(), and CalorimetryManager::HDShowerSimulation().


  //initialize GflashShowino for this track
  theShowino->initialize(showerType, energy, globalTime, charge, 
                         position, momentum, theBField);

void GflashHadronShowerProfile::loadParameters ( ) [virtual]

Reimplemented in GflashAntiProtonShowerProfile, GflashKaonMinusShowerProfile, GflashKaonPlusShowerProfile, GflashPiKShowerProfile, and GflashProtonShowerProfile.

Definition at line 247 of file

Referenced by GflashHadronShowerModel::DoIt(), and CalorimetryManager::HDShowerSimulation().

  edm::LogInfo("SimGeneralGFlash") << "GflashHadronShowerProfile::loadParameters() "
                                   << "should be implimented for each particle type";
Gflash3Vector GflashHadronShowerProfile::locateHitPosition ( GflashTrajectoryPoint point,
double  lateralArm 
) [protected]

Definition at line 275 of file

References funct::cos(), GflashTrajectoryPoint::getCrossUnitVector(), GflashTrajectoryPoint::getOrthogonalUnitVector(), GflashTrajectoryPoint::getPosition(), GflashHistogram::getStoreFlag(), GflashHistogram::lateralx, GflashHistogram::lateraly, Gflash::maxLateralArmforR50, min, position, GflashHistogram::rshower, funct::sin(), mathSSE::sqrt(), and theHisto.

Referenced by hadronicParameterization().

  // Smearing in r according to f(r)= 2.*r*R50**2/(r**2+R50**2)**2
  double rnunif = CLHEP::HepUniformRand();
  double rxPDF = std::sqrt(rnunif/(1.-rnunif));
  double rShower = lateralArm*rxPDF;
  //rShower within maxLateralArmforR50
  rShower = std::min(Gflash::maxLateralArmforR50,rShower);

  // Uniform smearing in phi
  double azimuthalAngle = CLHEP::twopi*CLHEP::HepUniformRand(); 

  // actual spot position by adding a radial vector to a trajectoryPoint
  Gflash3Vector position = point.getPosition() +
    rShower*std::cos(azimuthalAngle)*point.getOrthogonalUnitVector() +
  //@@@debugging histograms
  if(theHisto->getStoreFlag()) {
  return position;
double GflashHadronShowerProfile::longitudinalProfile ( ) [protected]

Definition at line 303 of file

References Gflash::getCalorimeterNumber(), GflashShowino::getDepth(), GflashShowino::getPosition(), GflashShowino::getShowerType(), GflashShowino::getStepLengthToHcal(), Gflash::kENCA, Gflash::kESPM, Gflash::kHB, Gflash::kHE, longEcal, longHcal, pos, theShowino, and twoGammaProfile().

Referenced by hadronicParameterization().


  double heightProfile = 0.0;

  Gflash3Vector pos = theShowino->getPosition();
  int showerType = theShowino->getShowerType();
  double showerDepth = theShowino->getDepth();
  double transDepth = theShowino->getStepLengthToHcal();

  // Energy in a delta step (dz) = (energy to deposite)*[Gamma(z+dz)-Gamma(z)]*dz
  // where the incomplete Gamma function gives an intergrate probability of the longitudinal 
  // shower up to the shower depth (z).
  // Instead, we use approximated energy; energy in dz = (energy to deposite)*gamma(z)*dz
  // where gamma is the Gamma-distributed probability function

  Gflash::CalorimeterNumber whichCalor = Gflash::getCalorimeterNumber(pos);

  if(showerType == 0 || showerType == 1 || showerType == 4 || showerType == 5 ) {
    if(whichCalor == Gflash::kESPM || whichCalor == Gflash::kENCA ) {
      heightProfile = twoGammaProfile(longEcal,showerDepth,whichCalor);
    else if(whichCalor == Gflash::kHB || whichCalor == Gflash::kHE) {
      heightProfile = twoGammaProfile(longHcal,showerDepth-transDepth,whichCalor);
    else  heightProfile = 0.;
  else if (showerType == 2 || showerType == 6 ) {
    //two gammas between crystal and Hcal
    if((showerDepth - transDepth) > 0.0) {
      heightProfile = twoGammaProfile(longHcal,showerDepth-transDepth,Gflash::kHB);
    else heightProfile = 0.;
  else if (showerType == 3 || showerType == 7 ) {
    //two gammas inside Hcal
    heightProfile = twoGammaProfile(longHcal,showerDepth,Gflash::kHB);

  return heightProfile;
double GflashHadronShowerProfile::medianLateralArm ( double  depth,
Gflash::CalorimeterNumber  kCalor 
) [protected]

Definition at line 253 of file

References funct::exp(), Gflash::kNULL, lateralPar, funct::log(), max(), Gflash::maxShowerDepthforR50, min, funct::pow(), and mathSSE::sqrt().

Referenced by hadronicParameterization().

  double lateralArm = 0.0;
  if(kCalor != Gflash::kNULL) {
    double showerDepthR50X = std::min(showerDepthR50/22.4, Gflash::maxShowerDepthforR50);
    double R50          = lateralPar[kCalor][0] + std::max(0.0,lateralPar[kCalor][1]) * showerDepthR50X;
    double varinanceR50 = std::pow((lateralPar[kCalor][2] + lateralPar[kCalor][3] * showerDepthR50X) * R50, 2);
    // Simulation of lognormal distribution
    if(R50>0) {
      double sigmaSq  = std::log(varinanceR50/(R50*R50)+1.0);
      double sigmaR50 = std::sqrt(sigmaSq);
      double meanR50  = std::log(R50) - (sigmaSq/2.);
      lateralArm = std::exp(meanR50 + sigmaR50* CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot());
  return lateralArm;
void GflashHadronShowerProfile::setEnergyScale ( double  einc,
Gflash3Vector  ssp 
) [protected]
double GflashHadronShowerProfile::twoGammaProfile ( double *  par,
double  depth,
Gflash::CalorimeterNumber  kIndex 
) [protected]

Definition at line 501 of file

References funct::exp(), gammaProfile(), Gflash::intLength, max(), min, and Gflash::radLength.

Referenced by longitudinalProfile().

  double twoGamma = 0.0;

  longPar[0] = std::min(1.0,longPar[0]);
  if(longPar[3] > 4.0 || longPar[4] > 4.0) {
    double rfactor = 2.0/std::max(longPar[3],longPar[4]);
    longPar[3] = rfactor*(longPar[3]+1.0);  
    longPar[4] *= rfactor;  

  twoGamma  = longPar[0]*gammaProfile(exp(longPar[1]),exp(longPar[2]),depth,Gflash::radLength[kIndex])
  return twoGamma;

Member Data Documentation

double GflashHadronShowerProfile::averageSpotEnergy[Gflash::kNumberCalorimeter] [protected]

Definition at line 60 of file GflashHadronShowerProfile.h.

double GflashHadronShowerProfile::energyScale[Gflash::kNumberCalorimeter] [protected]
double GflashHadronShowerProfile::lateralPar[Gflash::kNumberCalorimeter][Gflash::Nrpar] [protected]

Definition at line 53 of file GflashHadronShowerProfile.h.

Referenced by GflashHadronShowerProfile(), and initialize().

Definition at line 65 of file GflashHadronShowerProfile.h.

Referenced by getGflashHitList(), and hadronicParameterization().

Definition at line 57 of file GflashHadronShowerProfile.h.

Referenced by GflashHadronShowerProfile(), and locateHitPosition().

Definition at line 52 of file GflashHadronShowerProfile.h.