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RPCStripsRing Class Reference

#include <L1Trigger/RPCTrigger/interface/RPCStripsRing.h>

Inheritance diagram for RPCStripsRing:

List of all members.


struct  TOtherConnStruct

Public Types

typedef std::map< int,
typedef std::vector
< TOtherConnStruct

Public Member Functions

void addRoll (const RPCRoll *roll)
void compressConnections ()
void createOtherConnections (int tower, int PACno, int logplane, int logplanesize, float angle)
void createRefConnections (TOtherConnStructVec &otherRings, int logplane, int logplaneSize)
void fillWithVirtualStrips ()
void filterOverlapingChambers ()
< L1RPCConeBuilder::TCompressedConMap
getCompressedConnectionsMap ()
< L1RPCConeBuilder::TConMap
getConnectionsMap ()
int getEtaPartition ()
int getHwPlane ()
int getRingId ()
int getTowerForRefRing ()
bool isReferenceRing ()
 RPCStripsRing ()
 RPCStripsRing (const RPCRoll *roll, boost::shared_ptr< L1RPCConeBuilder::TConMap > cmap)
virtual ~RPCStripsRing ()

Static Public Member Functions

static int calculateHwPlane (const RPCRoll *roll)
 Calculate ringId for any given RPCRoll.
static int getRingId (int etaPart, int hwPlane)
static int getRingId (const RPCRoll *roll)
 Calculate ringId for this ring.

Private Attributes

< L1RPCConeBuilder::TCompressedConMap
< L1RPCConeBuilder::TConMap
bool m_didFiltering
bool m_didVirtuals
int m_etaPartition
int m_hwPlane
bool m_isReferenceRing
int m_region

Detailed Description

Description: <one line="" class="" summary>="">

Usage: <usage>

Definition at line 39 of file RPCStripsRing.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 44 of file RPCStripsRing.h.

Definition at line 54 of file RPCStripsRing.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RPCStripsRing::RPCStripsRing ( const RPCRoll roll,
boost::shared_ptr< L1RPCConeBuilder::TConMap cmap 

Definition at line 35 of file

References abs, addRoll(), calculateHwPlane(), RPCGeomServ::eta_partition(), getRingId(), RPCRoll::id(), m_etaPartition, m_hwPlane, m_isReferenceRing, m_region, RPCDetId::region(), RPCDetId::ring(), and relativeConstraints::ring.

  RPCDetId detId = roll->id();
  RPCGeomServ grs(detId);
  m_etaPartition = grs.eta_partition();
  m_hwPlane = calculateHwPlane(roll);
  m_isReferenceRing = false;
  m_region = detId.region();
  int ring = detId.ring();
  if (m_region == 0 && std::abs(ring)<2 && m_hwPlane == 2) // for barell wheel -1,0,1 refplane is hwPlane=2
      m_isReferenceRing = true;
  else if (m_region == 0 && std::abs(ring)==2 && m_hwPlane == 6) // for barell wheel -2,2 refplane is hwPlane=6
      m_isReferenceRing = true;
  else if (m_region != 0 && m_hwPlane == 2) // for endcaps
      m_isReferenceRing = true;
  if( getRingId() == 2008 || getRingId() == 2108) //exception: endcaps;hwplane 2;farest roll from beam
      m_isReferenceRing = false;
RPCStripsRing::RPCStripsRing ( )

Definition at line 24 of file


virtual RPCStripsRing::~RPCStripsRing ( ) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 61 of file RPCStripsRing.h.


Member Function Documentation

void RPCStripsRing::addRoll ( const RPCRoll roll)

Definition at line 69 of file

References RPCRoll::centreOfStrip(), Exception, getRingId(), i, RPCRoll::id(), RPCRoll::nstrips(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), DetId::rawId(), and GeomDet::toGlobal().

Referenced by RPCStripsRing().


//  RPCDetId detId = roll->id();
  if (getRingId() !=  getRingId(roll) ){
     throw cms::Exception("RPCInternal") << "RPCStripsRing::addRoll ringsIds dont match \n";
  //iterate over the strips of this roll
  for (int i=1; i<=roll->nstrips(); i++ ) { 
       LocalPoint lStripCentre = roll->centreOfStrip(i);
       GlobalPoint gStripCentre = roll->toGlobal(lStripCentre);
       float phiRaw = gStripCentre.phi();
       TStrip newStrip(roll->id().rawId(), i);
       (*this)[phiRaw] = newStrip;

int RPCStripsRing::calculateHwPlane ( const RPCRoll roll) [static]

Calculate ringId for any given RPCRoll.

Definition at line 125 of file

References Exception, RPCRoll::id(), RPCDetId::layer(), RPCDetId::region(), relativeConstraints::station, and RPCDetId::station().

Referenced by getRingId(), and RPCStripsRing().


  int hwPlane = -1;  
  RPCDetId detId = roll->id();
  int station = detId.station();
  int layer = detId.layer(); 
  int region = detId.region(); 
  if (region != 0){ // endcaps
    hwPlane = station;
  // Now comes the barell
  else if ( station > 2 ){
    hwPlane = station;
  else if ( station == 1 && layer == 1) {
    hwPlane = 1;
  else if ( station == 1 && layer == 2) {
    hwPlane = 5;
  else if ( station == 2 && layer == 1) {
    hwPlane = 2;
  else if ( station == 2 && layer == 2) {
    hwPlane = 6;
  /*if (hwPlane < 1)
    std::cout << "prb: " << hwPlane << " "
        << region << " "
        << station << " "
  << layer << std::endl;*/
  if (hwPlane < 0) {
      throw cms::Exception("RPCInternal") << "Calculated negative hwplane \n";
  return hwPlane;
void RPCStripsRing::compressConnections ( )

Definition at line 514 of file

References L1RPCConeBuilder::TCompressedCon::addStrip(), m_compressedConnectionMap, m_connectionsMap, L1RPCConeBuilder::TCompressedCon::m_logplane, L1RPCConeBuilder::TCompressedCon::m_mul, L1RPCConeBuilder::TCompressedCon::m_offset, L1RPCConeBuilder::TCompressedCon::m_PAC, and L1RPCConeBuilder::TCompressedCon::m_tower.


  L1RPCConeBuilder::TConMap::iterator itChamber = m_connectionsMap->begin();
  boost::shared_ptr<L1RPCConeBuilder::TConMap > uncompressedConsLeft
  = boost::shared_ptr<L1RPCConeBuilder::TConMap >(new L1RPCConeBuilder::TConMap());
  m_compressedConnectionMap =        
               boost::shared_ptr<L1RPCConeBuilder::TCompressedConMap >
               (new L1RPCConeBuilder::TCompressedConMap());
  int compressedCons = 0, uncompressedConsBefore = 0, uncompressedConsAfter = 0;
//   int offsetMin =0, offsetMax =0;
  for( ;itChamber!=m_connectionsMap->end(); ++itChamber ){
    uint32_t detId = itChamber->first;
    for (L1RPCConeBuilder::TStrip2ConVec::iterator itStrip = itChamber->second.begin();
      // Iterate over strip Connections
      for(L1RPCConeBuilder::TStripConVec::iterator itConn = itStrip->second.begin();
        // Check if this connection isn't allready present in the compressed map 
        bool alreadyDone=false; 
        if (m_compressedConnectionMap->find(detId)!=m_compressedConnectionMap->end()){
          // iterate over the vec, check element by element
          for(L1RPCConeBuilder::TCompressedConVec::iterator itCompConn=(*m_compressedConnectionMap)[detId].begin();
            if (itCompConn->m_tower ==  itConn->m_tower
                && itCompConn->m_PAC ==  itConn->m_PAC
                && itCompConn->m_logplane ==  itConn->m_logplane) // connection allready compressed 
              int logStrip = itCompConn->m_mul*itStrip->first+itCompConn->m_offset;
              if (logStrip != itConn->m_logstrip){
                //copy the problematic connection to the "safe" map
                edm::LogWarning("RPCTriggerConfig") << " Compression failed for det " << detId 
                  << " strip " << (int)itStrip->first
                  << " . Got " << (int)logStrip
                  << " expected " << (int)itConn->m_logstrip
                  << std::endl;
              } else {
          } // compressed connection iteration end
        //if (detId==637569977) std::cout << " Buld cons for strip " << (int)itStrip->first << std::endl;
        if (!alreadyDone){
            // find another strip contributing to the same PAC,tower,logplane
          L1RPCConeBuilder::TStrip2ConVec::iterator itStripOther = itStrip;  
          bool otherStripFound = false;
          signed char mul = 1;
          for (;itStripOther!=itChamber->second.end() && !otherStripFound;
            for(L1RPCConeBuilder::TStripConVec::iterator itConnOther = itStripOther->second.begin();
              if (itConnOther->m_tower ==  itConn->m_tower
                  && itConnOther->m_PAC ==  itConn->m_PAC
                  && itConnOther->m_logplane ==  itConn->m_logplane) // connection to same PAC,logplane
                otherStripFound = true;
                if ( (itStripOther->first-itStrip->first)*(itConnOther->m_logstrip-itConn->m_logstrip) < 0 ){
                  mul = -1;                
            } // otherConnections iter ends
          } // otherStrip iter ends
          if (itConn->m_tower==3 && itConn->m_PAC==73 && itConn->m_logplane==4 && detId==637569977){
            std::cout << " Buld cons for strip " << (int)itStrip->first;
            if (otherStripFound)
              std::cout << " other strip " << itStrip->first;
              std::cout << " no other strip ";
            std::cout << std::endl;
          L1RPCConeBuilder::TCompressedCon nCompConn;
          nCompConn.m_tower = itConn->m_tower;
          nCompConn.m_PAC   = itConn->m_PAC;
          nCompConn.m_logplane   = itConn->m_logplane;
          nCompConn.m_mul  = mul;
          nCompConn.m_offset  = itConn->m_logstrip - mul*(signed short)(itStrip->first);
          if (otherStripFound){
          }  else { 
            //  uncompressedConsLeft[detId][itStrip->first].push_back(*itConn);
            //  ++uncompressedConsAfter;

        } // if(!allreadyDone)
      }// iterate on connections
    }// iterate on strips
  } // iterate on chambers
  // 159 -87
  //std::cout << offsetMax << " TT " << offsetMin << std::endl;
      << " Compressed: " << compressedCons<< " " << sizeof(L1RPCConeBuilder::TCompressedCon)
      << " Uncompressed before: " << uncompressedConsBefore<< " " << sizeof(L1RPCConeBuilder::TStripCon)
      << " Uncompressed after: " << uncompressedConsAfter << " " << sizeof(L1RPCConeBuilder::TStripCon);
  m_connectionsMap = uncompressedConsLeft;

void RPCStripsRing::createOtherConnections ( int  tower,
int  PACno,
int  logplane,
int  logplanesize,
float  angle 

Definition at line 420 of file

References begin, end, Exception, i, isReferenceRing(), L1RPCConeBuilder::TStripCon::m_logplane, L1RPCConeBuilder::TStripCon::m_logstrip, L1RPCConeBuilder::TStripCon::m_PAC, and L1RPCConeBuilder::TStripCon::m_tower.


   //std::cout << "    OtherCon for " << getRingId() << std::endl;

      throw cms::Exception("RPCInternal") << " RPCStripsRing::createOtherConnections "
            << " called for reference ring \n";

   RPCStripsRing::const_iterator it = this->lower_bound(angle);
   if (it == this->end())
     it = this->begin();
   for (int i=0; i < logplaneSize/2; i++){ 
      if (it==this->begin())
        it=this->end();  // (m_stripPhiMap.end()--) is ok.
   for (int i=0; i < logplaneSize; i++){
     if (! it->second.isVirtual() ){
        L1RPCConeBuilder::TStripCon newCon;
        newCon.m_tower = tower;
        newCon.m_PAC = PACno;
        newCon.m_logplane = logplane;
        newCon.m_logstrip= i;
        //std::cout << " Adding other connection " << std::endl;
      if (it==this->end())
void RPCStripsRing::createRefConnections ( TOtherConnStructVec otherRings,
int  logplane,
int  logplaneSize 

Definition at line 301 of file

References abs, angle(), begin, end, Exception, first, getTowerForRefRing(), i, isReferenceRing(), L1RPCConeBuilder::TStripCon::m_logplane, L1RPCConeBuilder::TStripCon::m_logstrip, L1RPCConeBuilder::TStripCon::m_PAC, L1RPCConeBuilder::TStripCon::m_tower, evf::evtn::offset(), phi, and pi.

   /*std::cout << "RefCon for " << getRingId() 
       << " (" << getEtaPartition()<<  ")"
       << " tower: " << getTowerForRefRing()
       << " ; connected: "
       << otherRings.size() 
       << std::endl
       << std::endl;    
  // XXX - TODO: warning on wrong logplaneSize
      throw cms::Exception("RPCInternal") << " RPCStripsRing::createRefConnections "
         << " called for non-reference ring \n";
   if (logplaneSize!=8) {
     throw cms::Exception("RPCInternal") << " RPCStripsRing::createRefConnections "
         << " called for lpSize " << logplaneSize << " \n";
   const float pi = 3.141592654;
   const float offset = (5./360.)*2*pi; // XXX
   //find first reference strip of first PAC (the strip with phi ~= 5deg)
   RPCStripsRing::iterator starEndIt = this->begin();
   while ( (++starEndIt)->first < offset ); 
   RPCStripsRing::iterator it = starEndIt;
   float angle = 0;
   int curPACno = -1;
   int curStripNo = 0;
   int curBegStripNo=0;
  bool firstIter = true;

   while(it!=starEndIt || firstIter ) { // iterate over strips

     firstIter = false;
      // New PAC  
         RPCStripsRing::iterator plus8 = it;
         bool skipOccured = false;
         for (int i=0;i<7;++i){  
            if (plus8==this->end()){
               skipOccured = true;
         // calculate angle
         float phi= it->first;
         float phiP8= plus8->first;
         if (skipOccured){
            // phiP8 is negative
            // phi is positive
            // xcheck
           if (phi*phiP8 > 0){
             throw cms::Exception("RPCInternal") << " RPCStripsRing::createRefConnections phi/phi8 error \n";
           angle = (2*pi+phiP8+phi)/2;
           if(angle > pi){ // should land on positive side
              angle -= 2*pi;
           if (std::abs(angle) > pi) {
               throw cms::Exception("RPCInternal") << " RPCStripsRing::createRefConnections "
                     << " problem with angle calc \n";
         else {
           angle = (phiP8+phi)/2;
         //std::cout << curPACno << " " << phiP8 << " " << phi << " "  << angle << std::endl;
         TOtherConnStructVec::iterator itOt = otherRings.begin();
         for (;itOt!=otherRings.end();++itOt){
      if ( !it->second.isVirtual() ){
        L1RPCConeBuilder::TStripCon newCon;
        newCon.m_tower = getTowerForRefRing();
        newCon.m_PAC = curPACno;
        newCon.m_logplane = logplane;
        //std::cout << " Adding con for " << it->second.m_detRawId << std::endl;
        //std::cout << " Adding ref connection " << std::endl;
      if (it==this->end()){
   } // iteration over strips ends
   //std::cout << " refcon: " << curPACno << " PACs" << std::endl;
   //std::cout << "After refCon: " << m_connectionsMap.size() << std::endl;

void RPCStripsRing::fillWithVirtualStrips ( )

Definition at line 245 of file

References begin, delta, end, i, edm::eventsetup::heterocontainer::insert(), isReferenceRing(), m_didVirtuals, m_hwPlane, and pi.


  if(m_didVirtuals) return;
  m_didVirtuals = true;

  const float pi = 3.141592654;
  double dphi=2.0*pi/1152; // defines angular granulation of strips.
  RPCStripsRing stripsToInsert;
  float delta = 0;
  int stripsToAdd = 0;
  RPCStripsRing::iterator it = this->begin();
  RPCStripsRing::iterator itLast = this->begin();
  for (; it!=this->end(); ++it){
    /*std::cout << it->first << " "
        << it->second.m_detRawId << " "
        << (int)it->second.m_strip << std::endl;
    delta = it->first - itLast->first;        
    if (it == itLast || // skip first loop iteration
        itLast->second.m_detRawId == it->second.m_detRawId || // insert strips between two chambers only
        delta < 0)
      itLast = it;
    stripsToAdd = (int)std::floor(delta/dphi)-1;
    //std::cout << delta << " " << stripsToAdd << std::endl;
    if ( isReferenceRing() && m_hwPlane==6) ++stripsToAdd;
    for (int i = 0;i<stripsToAdd;++i){
    itLast = it; 
  // TODO: check delta between first and last strip in map

void RPCStripsRing::filterOverlapingChambers ( )

Definition at line 167 of file

References begin, end, Exception, m_didFiltering, m_hwPlane, and m_region.

  if(m_didFiltering) return;
  m_didFiltering = true;
  if (m_region != 0 || m_hwPlane != 4) 
  typedef std::map<uint32_t,int> TDetId2StripNo;
  TDetId2StripNo det2stripNo;
  // Note: we begin in middle of first chamber (ch1), we have to handle that
  int ch1BegStrips = 0; // no of strips on the begining of the map (first=last chamber of map)
  int ch1EndStrips = 0; // no of strips on the end of the map (first=last chamber of map)
  // How many strips has each chamber?
  RPCStripsRing::iterator it = this->begin();
  uint32_t ch1Det = it->second.m_detRawId;
  for (; it!=this->end(); ++it){
    if ( det2stripNo.find(it->second.m_detRawId) == det2stripNo.end()){
      det2stripNo[it->second.m_detRawId]=1;      // Add new chamber to a map, set strip cnt to 1
    } else {
      ++det2stripNo[it->second.m_detRawId];     // Increase strip count of a chamber
    if (det2stripNo.size() == 1 && ch1Det == it->second.m_detRawId) {
    } else if (ch1Det == it->second.m_detRawId){
 // std::cout << ch1BegStrips << " " << ch1EndStrips << std::endl;
  //TDetId2StripNo::iterator itIds = det2stripNo.begin();
//    std::cout << itIds->first << " " << itIds->second << std::endl;
//  }
  it = this->begin();
  uint32_t lastDet = it->second.m_detRawId;
  while ( it!=this->end() ){
    if (det2stripNo[it->second.m_detRawId] < 0) {
      throw cms::Exception("RPCInternal") << " RPCStripsRing::filterOverlapingChambers() - no strips left \n";
    if ( it->second.m_detRawId == lastDet) {
    } else if (det2stripNo[lastDet] == 0) { // no more strips left in lastDet, proceed to new det
      if (lastDet == ch1Det) {
      lastDet = it->second.m_detRawId;
    } else { // there are still strips in last det, delete current strip
      RPCStripsRing::iterator itErase = it;
      //std::cout << "Removing strip " <<  it->second.m_detRawId << " " << (int)it->second.m_strip << std::endl;

boost::shared_ptr<L1RPCConeBuilder::TCompressedConMap> RPCStripsRing::getCompressedConnectionsMap ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 90 of file RPCStripsRing.h.

References m_compressedConnectionMap.

boost::shared_ptr<L1RPCConeBuilder::TConMap > RPCStripsRing::getConnectionsMap ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 87 of file RPCStripsRing.h.

References m_connectionsMap.

              { return m_connectionsMap;};
int RPCStripsRing::getEtaPartition ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 82 of file RPCStripsRing.h.

References m_etaPartition.

Referenced by getTowerForRefRing().

{return m_etaPartition;};
int RPCStripsRing::getHwPlane ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 80 of file RPCStripsRing.h.

References m_hwPlane.

{return m_hwPlane;};
int RPCStripsRing::getRingId ( int  etaPart,
int  hwPlane 
) [static]

Definition at line 91 of file

References abs.


  int sign = 1; // positive
  if (etaPart < 0){
    sign = 0;
  return  1000*(hwPlane) +     //1...6
          100*( sign ) + //
          1*( std::abs(etaPart) );     //-17...17
int RPCStripsRing::getRingId ( const RPCRoll roll) [static]

Calculate ringId for this ring.

Definition at line 110 of file

References calculateHwPlane(), RPCGeomServ::eta_partition(), getRingId(), and RPCRoll::id().


   RPCDetId detId = roll->id();
   RPCGeomServ grs(detId);
   int etaPartition = grs.eta_partition();
   int hwPlane = calculateHwPlane(roll);
   return getRingId(etaPartition, hwPlane);
int RPCStripsRing::getRingId ( )

Definition at line 104 of file

References m_etaPartition, and m_hwPlane.

Referenced by addRoll(), RPCConeBuilder::buildCones(), getRingId(), and RPCStripsRing().

int RPCStripsRing::getTowerForRefRing ( )

Definition at line 465 of file

References abs, Exception, getEtaPartition(), isReferenceRing(), and runTheMatrix::ret.

Referenced by createRefConnections().


  int ret = 0;
    throw cms::Exception("RPCInternal") << " RPCStripsRing::getTowerForRefRing() "
        << " called for non reference ring \n";

  int etaAbs = std::abs(getEtaPartition());
  if (etaAbs < 8) {
    ret = getEtaPartition();
  } else if (etaAbs > 8) {
    int sign = (getEtaPartition() > 0 ? 1 : -1);
    ret = getEtaPartition()-sign;
  } else {
    throw cms::Exception("RPCInternal") << " RPCStripsRing::getTowerForRefRing() "
        << " called for etaPartition 8 \n";

  return ret;

bool RPCStripsRing::isReferenceRing ( ) [inline]

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 107 of file RPCStripsRing.h.

Referenced by compressConnections(), and getCompressedConnectionsMap().

Definition at line 106 of file RPCStripsRing.h.

Referenced by compressConnections(), and getConnectionsMap().

Definition at line 104 of file RPCStripsRing.h.

Referenced by filterOverlapingChambers().

Definition at line 103 of file RPCStripsRing.h.

Referenced by fillWithVirtualStrips().

Definition at line 99 of file RPCStripsRing.h.

Referenced by getEtaPartition(), getRingId(), and RPCStripsRing().

int RPCStripsRing::m_hwPlane [private]

Definition at line 102 of file RPCStripsRing.h.

Referenced by isReferenceRing(), and RPCStripsRing().

int RPCStripsRing::m_region [private]

Definition at line 100 of file RPCStripsRing.h.

Referenced by filterOverlapingChambers(), and RPCStripsRing().