Public Types | Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

JetPartonMatching Class Reference

#include <JetPartonMatching.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  algorithms { totalMinDist, minSumDist, ptOrderedMinDist, unambiguousOnly }
typedef std::vector< std::pair
< unsigned int, int > > 

Public Member Functions

double getDistanceForParton (const unsigned int part, const unsigned int comb=0)
std::vector< int > getMatchesForPartons (const unsigned int comb=0)
int getMatchForParton (const unsigned int part, const unsigned int comb=0)
unsigned int getNumberOfAvailableCombinations ()
int getNumberOfUnmatchedPartons (const unsigned int comb=0)
double getSumDeltaE (const unsigned int comb=0)
double getSumDeltaPt (const unsigned int comb=0)
double getSumDeltaR (const unsigned int comb=0)
double getSumDistances (const unsigned int comb=0)
 JetPartonMatching (const std::vector< const reco::Candidate * > &, const std::vector< pat::Jet > &, const int, const bool, const bool, const double)
 JetPartonMatching (const std::vector< const reco::Candidate * > &, const std::vector< const reco::Candidate * > &, const int, const bool, const bool, const double)
 JetPartonMatching (const std::vector< const reco::Candidate * > &, const std::vector< reco::CaloJet > &, const int, const bool, const bool, const double)
 JetPartonMatching ()
 JetPartonMatching (const std::vector< const reco::Candidate * > &, const std::vector< reco::GenJet > &, const int, const bool, const bool, const double)
void print ()
 ~JetPartonMatching ()

Private Member Functions

void calculate ()
double distance (const math::XYZTLorentzVector &, const math::XYZTLorentzVector &)
void matchingMinSumDist ()
void matchingPtOrderedMinDist ()
void matchingTotalMinDist ()
void matchingUnambiguousOnly ()
void minSumDist_recursion (const unsigned int, std::vector< unsigned int > &, std::vector< bool > &, std::vector< std::pair< double, MatchingCollection > > &)

Private Attributes

int algorithm_
std::vector< const
reco::Candidate * > 
std::vector< MatchingCollectionmatching
double maxDist_
std::vector< unsigned int > numberOfUnmatchedPartons
std::vector< const
reco::Candidate * > 
std::vector< double > sumDeltaE
std::vector< double > sumDeltaPt
std::vector< double > sumDeltaR
bool useDeltaR_
bool useMaxDist_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 11 of file JetPartonMatching.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector< std::pair<unsigned int, int> > JetPartonMatching::MatchingCollection

Definition at line 16 of file JetPartonMatching.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 17 of file JetPartonMatching.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

JetPartonMatching::JetPartonMatching ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 19 of file JetPartonMatching.h.

JetPartonMatching::JetPartonMatching ( const std::vector< const reco::Candidate * > &  p,
const std::vector< reco::GenJet > &  j,
const int  algorithm = totalMinDist,
const bool  useMaxDist = true,
const bool  useDeltaR = true,
const double  maxDist = 0.3 

Definition at line 5 of file

References calculate(), i, and jets.

  : partons(p), algorithm_(algorithm), useMaxDist_(useMaxDist), useDeltaR_(useDeltaR), maxDist_(maxDist)
  std::vector<const reco::Candidate*> js;
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<j.size(); ++i) js.push_back( &(j[i]) );
  jets = js;
JetPartonMatching::JetPartonMatching ( const std::vector< const reco::Candidate * > &  p,
const std::vector< reco::CaloJet > &  j,
const int  algorithm = totalMinDist,
const bool  useMaxDist = true,
const bool  useDeltaR = true,
const double  maxDist = 0.3 

Definition at line 16 of file

References calculate(), i, and jets.

  : partons(p), algorithm_(algorithm), useMaxDist_(useMaxDist), useDeltaR_(useDeltaR), maxDist_(maxDist)
  std::vector<const reco::Candidate*> js;
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < j.size(); ++i) js.push_back( &(j[i]) );
  jets = js; 
JetPartonMatching::JetPartonMatching ( const std::vector< const reco::Candidate * > &  p,
const std::vector< pat::Jet > &  j,
const int  algorithm = totalMinDist,
const bool  useMaxDist = true,
const bool  useDeltaR = true,
const double  maxDist = 0.3 

Definition at line 27 of file

References calculate(), i, and jets.

  : partons(p), algorithm_(algorithm), useMaxDist_(useMaxDist), useDeltaR_(useDeltaR), maxDist_(maxDist)
  std::vector<const reco::Candidate*> js;
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < j.size(); ++i) js.push_back( &(j[i]) );
  jets = js; 
JetPartonMatching::JetPartonMatching ( const std::vector< const reco::Candidate * > &  p,
const std::vector< const reco::Candidate * > &  j,
const int  algorithm = totalMinDist,
const bool  useMaxDist = true,
const bool  useDeltaR = true,
const double  maxDist = 0.3 

Definition at line 38 of file

References calculate().

  : partons(p), jets(j), algorithm_(algorithm), useMaxDist_(useMaxDist), useDeltaR_(useDeltaR), maxDist_(maxDist)
JetPartonMatching::~JetPartonMatching ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 28 of file JetPartonMatching.h.


Member Function Documentation

void JetPartonMatching::calculate ( ) [private]

Definition at line 47 of file

References algorithm_, bookConverter::comb, distance(), relval_parameters_module::energy, first, getMatchForParton(), i, jets, match(), matching, matchingMinSumDist(), matchingPtOrderedMinDist(), matchingTotalMinDist(), matchingUnambiguousOnly(), minSumDist, numberOfUnmatchedPartons, p4, partons, benchmark_cfg::pdgId, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::pt, ptOrderedMinDist, edm::second(), python::multivaluedict::sort(), sumDeltaE, sumDeltaPt, sumDeltaR, totalMinDist, unambiguousOnly, and useMaxDist_.

Referenced by JetPartonMatching().

  // use maximal distance between objects 
  // in case of unambiguousOnly algorithmm
  if(algorithm_==unambiguousOnly) useMaxDist_=true;

  // check if there are empty partons in
  // the vector, which happpens if the 
  // event is not ttbar or the decay is 
  // not as expected
  bool emptyParton=false;
  for(unsigned int ip=0; ip<partons.size(); ++ip){
    if( partons[ip]->pdgId() ==0 ){

  // switch algorithm, default is to match
  // on the minimal sum of the distance 
  // (if jets or a parton is empty fill match with blanks)
  if( jets.empty() || emptyParton ) {
    MatchingCollection dummyMatch;
    for(unsigned int ip=0; ip<partons.size(); ++ip)
      dummyMatch.push_back( std::make_pair(ip, -1) );
    matching.push_back( dummyMatch );
  else {
    switch(algorithm_) {
    case totalMinDist: 
    case minSumDist: 
    case ptOrderedMinDist: 
    case unambiguousOnly:

  sumDeltaE .clear();
  sumDeltaR .clear();
  for(unsigned int comb = 0; comb < matching.size(); ++comb) {
    MatchingCollection match = matching[comb];
    std::sort(match.begin(), match.end());
    matching[comb] = match;
    int nUnmatchedPartons = partons.size();
    for(unsigned int part=0; part<partons.size(); ++part)
      if(getMatchForParton(part,comb)>=0) --nUnmatchedPartons;

    double sumDE  = -999.;
    double sumDPt = -999.;
    double sumDR  = -999.;
      sumDE  = 0;
      sumDPt = 0;
      sumDR  = 0;
      for(unsigned int i=0; i<match.size(); ++i){
        sumDE  += fabs(partons[match[i].first]->energy() - jets[match[i].second]->energy());
        sumDPt += fabs(partons[match[i].first]->pt()     - jets[match[i].second]->pt());
        sumDR  += distance(partons[match[i].first]->p4(), jets[match[i].second]->p4());

    numberOfUnmatchedPartons.push_back( nUnmatchedPartons );
    sumDeltaE .push_back( sumDE  );
    sumDeltaPt.push_back( sumDPt );
    sumDeltaR .push_back( sumDR  );
double JetPartonMatching::distance ( const math::XYZTLorentzVector v1,
const math::XYZTLorentzVector v2 
) [private]

Definition at line 133 of file

References useDeltaR_.

Referenced by calculate(), getDistanceForParton(), matchingPtOrderedMinDist(), matchingTotalMinDist(), matchingUnambiguousOnly(), and minSumDist_recursion().

  // calculate the distance between two lorentz vectors 
  // using DeltaR(eta, phi) or normal space angle(theta, phi)
  if(useDeltaR_) return ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::DeltaR(v1, v2);
  return ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::Angle(v1, v2);
double JetPartonMatching::getDistanceForParton ( const unsigned int  part,
const unsigned int  comb = 0 

Definition at line 358 of file

References distance(), getMatchForParton(), jets, p4, and partons.

Referenced by getSumDistances(), TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker::produce(), and TtHadEvtSolutionMaker::produce().

  // get the distance between parton and its best matched jet
  if(getMatchForParton(part, comb) < 0) return -999.;
  return distance( jets[getMatchForParton(part,comb)]->p4(), partons[part]->p4() );
std::vector< int > JetPartonMatching::getMatchesForPartons ( const unsigned int  comb = 0)

Definition at line 347 of file

References getMatchForParton(), and partons.

Referenced by TtJetPartonMatch< C >::produce().

  // return a vector with the indices of the matched jets
  // (ordered according to the vector of partons)
  std::vector<int> jetIndices;
  for(unsigned int part=0; part<partons.size(); ++part)
    jetIndices.push_back( getMatchForParton(part, comb) );
  return jetIndices;
int JetPartonMatching::getMatchForParton ( const unsigned int  part,
const unsigned int  comb = 0 

Definition at line 336 of file

References matching, and findQualityFiles::size.

Referenced by calculate(), getDistanceForParton(), getMatchesForPartons(), print(), TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker::produce(), and TtHadEvtSolutionMaker::produce().

  // return index of the matched jet for a given parton
  // (if arguments for parton index and combinatoric index
  // are in the valid range)
  if(comb >= matching.size()) return -9;
  if(part >= matching[comb].size()) return -9;
  return (matching[comb])[part].second;
unsigned int JetPartonMatching::getNumberOfAvailableCombinations ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 31 of file JetPartonMatching.h.

References matching.

Referenced by print(), and TtJetPartonMatch< C >::produce().

{ return matching.size(); }
int JetPartonMatching::getNumberOfUnmatchedPartons ( const unsigned int  comb = 0) [inline]

Definition at line 32 of file JetPartonMatching.h.

References bookConverter::comb, and numberOfUnmatchedPartons.

{ return (comb<numberOfUnmatchedPartons.size() ? (int)numberOfUnmatchedPartons[comb] : -1 ); }
double JetPartonMatching::getSumDeltaE ( const unsigned int  comb = 0) [inline]

Definition at line 39 of file JetPartonMatching.h.

References bookConverter::comb, findQualityFiles::size, and sumDeltaE.

Referenced by print().

{ return (comb<sumDeltaE .size() ? sumDeltaE [comb] : -999.); }
double JetPartonMatching::getSumDeltaPt ( const unsigned int  comb = 0) [inline]

Definition at line 40 of file JetPartonMatching.h.

References bookConverter::comb, and sumDeltaPt.

Referenced by print(), and TtJetPartonMatch< C >::produce().

{ return (comb<sumDeltaPt.size() ? sumDeltaPt[comb] : -999.); }
double JetPartonMatching::getSumDeltaR ( const unsigned int  comb = 0) [inline]

Definition at line 41 of file JetPartonMatching.h.

References bookConverter::comb, findQualityFiles::size, and sumDeltaR.

Referenced by print(), and TtJetPartonMatch< C >::produce().

{ return (comb<sumDeltaR .size() ? sumDeltaR [comb] : -999.); }
double JetPartonMatching::getSumDistances ( const unsigned int  comb = 0)

Definition at line 366 of file

References getDistanceForParton(), and partons.

Referenced by TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker::produce(), and TtHadEvtSolutionMaker::produce().

  // get sum of distances between partons and matched jets
  double sumDists = 0.;
  for(unsigned int part=0; part<partons.size(); ++part){
    double dist = getDistanceForParton(part, comb);
    if(dist < 0.) return -999.;
    sumDists += dist;
  return sumDists;
void JetPartonMatching::matchingMinSumDist ( ) [private]

Definition at line 221 of file

References i, jets, matching, minSumDist_recursion(), partons, and python::multivaluedict::sort().

Referenced by calculate().

  // match partons to jets with minimal sum of
  // the distances between all partons and jets

  std::vector<std::pair<double, MatchingCollection> > distMatchVec;

  std::vector<bool> usedJets;
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<jets.size(); ++i){

  std::vector<unsigned int> jetIndices;

  minSumDist_recursion(0, jetIndices, usedJets, distMatchVec);

  std::sort(distMatchVec.begin(), distMatchVec.end());


  if(distMatchVec.empty()) {
    MatchingCollection dummyMatch;
    for(unsigned int ip=0; ip<partons.size(); ++ip)
      dummyMatch.push_back(std::make_pair(ip, -1));
    matching.push_back( dummyMatch );
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<distMatchVec.size(); ++i)
      matching.push_back( distMatchVec[i].second );

void JetPartonMatching::matchingPtOrderedMinDist ( ) [private]

Definition at line 256 of file

References distance(), jets, match(), matching, maxDist_, p4, partons, edm::second(), python::multivaluedict::sort(), and useMaxDist_.

Referenced by calculate().

  // match partons to jets with minimal sum of
  // the distances between all partons and jets
  // order partons in pt first
  std::vector<std::pair <double, unsigned int> > ptOrderedPartons;

  for(unsigned int ip=0; ip<partons.size(); ++ip)
    ptOrderedPartons.push_back(std::make_pair(partons[ip]->pt(), ip));

  std::sort(ptOrderedPartons.begin(), ptOrderedPartons.end());
  std::reverse(ptOrderedPartons.begin(), ptOrderedPartons.end());

  std::vector<unsigned int> jetIndices;
  for(unsigned int ij=0; ij<jets.size(); ++ij) jetIndices.push_back(ij);

  MatchingCollection match;

  for(unsigned int ip=0; ip<ptOrderedPartons.size(); ++ip){
    double minDist = 999.;
    int ijMin = -1;

    for(unsigned int ij=0; ij<jetIndices.size(); ++ij){
      double dist = distance(partons[ptOrderedPartons[ip].second]->p4(), jets[jetIndices[ij]]->p4());
      if(dist < minDist){
        if(!useMaxDist_ || dist <= maxDist_){
          minDist = dist;
          ijMin = ij;
    if(ijMin >= 0){
      match.push_back( std::make_pair(ptOrderedPartons[ip].second, jetIndices[ijMin]) );
      jetIndices.erase(jetIndices.begin() + ijMin, jetIndices.begin() + ijMin + 1);
      match.push_back( std::make_pair(ptOrderedPartons[ip].second, -1) );

  matching.push_back( match );
void JetPartonMatching::matchingTotalMinDist ( ) [private]

Definition at line 142 of file

References a, distance(), first, jets, match(), matching, maxDist_, p4, partons, python::multivaluedict::sort(), and useMaxDist_.

Referenced by calculate().

  // match parton to jet with shortest distance
  // starting with the shortest distance available
  // apply some outlier rejection if desired

  // prepare vector of pairs with distances between
  // all partons to all jets in the input vectors
  std::vector< std::pair<double, unsigned int> > distances;
  for(unsigned int ip=0; ip<partons.size(); ++ip){
    for(unsigned int ij=0; ij<jets.size(); ++ij){ 
      double dist = distance(jets[ij]->p4(), partons[ip]->p4());
      distances.push_back(std::pair<double, unsigned int>(dist, ip*jets.size()+ij));
  std::sort(distances.begin(), distances.end());

  MatchingCollection match;

  while(match.size() < partons.size()){
    unsigned int partonIndex = distances[0].second/jets.size();
    int jetIndex = distances[0].second-jets.size()*partonIndex;
    // use primitive outlier rejection if desired
    if(useMaxDist_&& distances[0].first>maxDist_) jetIndex = -1;

    // prevent underflow in case of too few jets
    if( distances.empty() )
      match.push_back(std::make_pair(partonIndex, -1));
      match.push_back(std::make_pair(partonIndex, jetIndex));
    // remove all values for the matched parton 
    // and the matched jet
    for(unsigned int a=0; a<distances.size(); ++a){
      unsigned int pIndex = distances[a].second/jets.size();
      int jIndex = distances[a].second-jets.size()*pIndex;
      if((pIndex == partonIndex) || (jIndex == jetIndex)){
        distances.erase(distances.begin()+a, distances.begin()+a+1); 

  matching.push_back( match );
void JetPartonMatching::matchingUnambiguousOnly ( ) [private]

Definition at line 302 of file

References distance(), jets, match(), matching, maxDist_, p4, and partons.

Referenced by calculate().

  // match partons to jets, only accept event 
  // if there are no ambiguities
  std::vector<bool> jetMatched;
  for(unsigned int ij=0; ij<jets.size(); ++ij) jetMatched.push_back(false);

  MatchingCollection match;
  for(unsigned int ip=0; ip<partons.size(); ++ip){
    int iMatch = -1;
    for(unsigned int ij=0; ij<jets.size(); ++ij){
      double dist = distance(partons[ip]->p4(), jets[ij]->p4());
      if(dist <= maxDist_){
        if(!jetMatched[ij]){ // new match for jet
          jetMatched[ij] = true;
          if(iMatch == -1) // new match for parton and jet
            iMatch = ij;
          else // parton already matched: ambiguity!
            iMatch = -2;
        else // jet already matched: ambiguity!
          iMatch = -2;
    match.push_back(std::make_pair(ip, iMatch));

  matching.push_back( match );
void JetPartonMatching::minSumDist_recursion ( const unsigned int  ip,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  jetIndices,
std::vector< bool > &  usedJets,
std::vector< std::pair< double, MatchingCollection > > &  distMatchVec 
) [private]

Definition at line 192 of file

References distance(), jets, match(), maxDist_, p4, partons, and useMaxDist_.

Referenced by matchingMinSumDist().

  // build up jet combinations recursively
    for(unsigned int ij=0; ij<jets.size(); ++ij){
      if(usedJets[ij]) continue;
      usedJets[ij] = true;
      jetIndices[ip] = ij;
      minSumDist_recursion(ip+1, jetIndices, usedJets, distMatchVec);
      usedJets[ij] = false;

  // calculate sumDist for each completed combination
  double sumDist = 0;
  MatchingCollection match;
  for(unsigned int ip=0; ip<partons.size(); ++ip){
    double dist  = distance(partons[ip]->p4(), jets[jetIndices[ip]]->p4());
    if(useMaxDist_ && dist > maxDist_) return; // outlier rejection
    sumDist += distance(partons[ip]->p4(), jets[jetIndices[ip]]->p4());
    match.push_back(std::make_pair(ip, jetIndices[ip]));

  distMatchVec.push_back( std::make_pair(sumDist, match)  );
void JetPartonMatching::print ( void  )

Definition at line 379 of file

References algorithm_, bookConverter::comb, getMatchForParton(), getNumberOfAvailableCombinations(), getSumDeltaE(), getSumDeltaPt(), getSumDeltaR(), jets, funct::log(), matching, maxDist_, minSumDist, partons, ptOrderedMinDist, totalMinDist, unambiguousOnly, useDeltaR_, and useMaxDist_.

Referenced by TtJetPartonMatch< C >::produce().

  //report using MessageLogger
  edm::LogInfo log("JetPartonMatching");
  log << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \n";
  log << " algorithm : ";
  switch(algorithm_) {
  case totalMinDist     : log << "totalMinDist    "; break;
  case minSumDist       : log << "minSumDist      "; break;
  case ptOrderedMinDist : log << "ptOrderedMinDist"; break;
  case unambiguousOnly  : log << "unambiguousOnly "; break;
  default               : log << "UNKNOWN         ";
  log << "\n";
  log << " useDeltaR : ";
  switch(useDeltaR_) {
  case false : log << "false"; break;
  case true  : log << "true ";
  log << "\n";
  log << " useMaxDist: ";
  switch(useMaxDist_) {
  case false : log << "false"; break;
  case true  : log << "true ";
  log << "      maxDist: " << maxDist_ << "\n";
  log << " number of partons / jets: " << partons.size() << " / " << jets.size() << "\n";
  log << " number of available combinations: " << getNumberOfAvailableCombinations() << "\n";
  for(unsigned int comb = 0; comb < matching.size(); ++comb) {
    log << " -------------------------------------------- \n";
    log << " ind. of matched jets:";
    for(unsigned int part = 0; part < partons.size(); ++part)
      log << std::setw(4) << getMatchForParton(part, comb);
    log << "\n";
    log << " sumDeltaR             : " << getSumDeltaR(comb) << "\n";
    log << " sumDeltaPt / sumDeltaE: " << getSumDeltaPt(comb) << " / "  << getSumDeltaE(comb);
    log << "\n";
  log << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++";

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 66 of file JetPartonMatching.h.

Referenced by calculate(), and print().

std::vector<const reco::Candidate*> JetPartonMatching::jets [private]
double JetPartonMatching::maxDist_ [private]
std::vector<unsigned int> JetPartonMatching::numberOfUnmatchedPartons [private]

Definition at line 61 of file JetPartonMatching.h.

Referenced by calculate(), and getNumberOfUnmatchedPartons().

std::vector<const reco::Candidate*> JetPartonMatching::partons [private]
std::vector<double> JetPartonMatching::sumDeltaE [private]

Definition at line 62 of file JetPartonMatching.h.

Referenced by calculate(), and getSumDeltaE().

std::vector<double> JetPartonMatching::sumDeltaPt [private]

Definition at line 63 of file JetPartonMatching.h.

Referenced by calculate(), and getSumDeltaPt().

std::vector<double> JetPartonMatching::sumDeltaR [private]

Definition at line 64 of file JetPartonMatching.h.

Referenced by calculate(), and getSumDeltaR().

Definition at line 68 of file JetPartonMatching.h.

Referenced by distance(), and print().