CMS 3D CMS Logo File Reference

#include <iomanip>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include "Reflex/Base.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/BranchDescription.h"
#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/Selections.h"
#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/GenericHandle.h"
#include "FWCore/Modules/src/XMLOutputModule.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define FILLNAME(_type_)   s_toName[typeid(_type_).name()]= #_type_;
 convert the object information to the correct type and print it


typedef void(* FunctionType )(std::ostream &, std::string const &, std::string const &, ROOT::Reflex::Object const &, std::string const &)
typedef std::map< std::string,


template<typename T>
static void addToMap (TypeToPrintMap &iMap)
template<typename T>
static void doPrint (std::ostream &oStream, std::string const &iPrefix, std::string const &iPostfix, ROOT::Reflex::Object const &iObject, std::string const &iIndent)
static void doPrint< bool > (std::ostream &oStream, std::string const &iPrefix, std::string const &iPostfix, ROOT::Reflex::Object const &iObject, std::string const &iIndent)
static void doPrint< char > (std::ostream &oStream, std::string const &iPrefix, std::string const &iPostfix, ROOT::Reflex::Object const &iObject, std::string const &iIndent)
static void doPrint< unsigned char > (std::ostream &oStream, std::string const &iPrefix, std::string const &iPostfix, ROOT::Reflex::Object const &iObject, std::string const &iIndent)
static std::string formatXML (std::string const &iO)
static bool printAsBuiltin (std::ostream &oStream, std::string const &iPrefix, std::string const &iPostfix, ROOT::Reflex::Object const iObject, std::string const &iIndent)
static bool printAsContainer (std::ostream &oStream, std::string const &iPrefix, std::string const &iPostfix, ROOT::Reflex::Object const &iObject, std::string const &iIndent, std::string const &iIndentDelta)
static bool printContentsOfStdContainer (std::ostream &oStream, std::string const &iPrefix, std::string const &iPostfix, ROOT::Reflex::Object iBegin, ROOT::Reflex::Object const &iEnd, std::string const &iIndent, std::string const &iIndentDelta)
static void printDataMembers (std::ostream &oStream, ROOT::Reflex::Object const &iObject, ROOT::Reflex::Type const &iType, std::string const &iIndent, std::string const &iIndentDelta)
static void printObject (std::ostream &oStream, edm::Event const &iEvent, std::string const &iClassName, std::string const &iModuleLabel, std::string const &iInstanceLabel, std::string const &iIndent, std::string const &iIndentDelta)
static void printObject (std::ostream &oStream, std::string const &iPrefix, std::string const &iPostfix, ROOT::Reflex::Object const &iObject, std::string const &iIndent, std::string const &iIndentDelta)
static std::string const & typeidToName (std::type_info const &iID)


static char const * kContainerClose = "</container>"
static char const * kContainerOpen = "<container size=\""
static char const * kNameValueSep = "\">"
static std::string const kObjectClose = "</object>"
static std::string const kObjectOpen = "<object type=\""

Define Documentation

#define FILLNAME ( _type_   )     s_toName[typeid(_type_).name()]= #_type_;

convert the object information to the correct type and print it

Definition at line 71 of file

Referenced by typeidToName().

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* FunctionType)(std::ostream &, std::string const &, std::string const &, ROOT::Reflex::Object const &, std::string const &)

Definition at line 113 of file

typedef std::map<std::string, FunctionType> TypeToPrintMap

Definition at line 115 of file

Function Documentation

template<typename T>
static void addToMap ( TypeToPrintMap iMap  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 118 of file

References name.

00118                                           {
00119   iMap[typeid(T).name()]=doPrint<T>;
00120 }

template<typename T>
static void doPrint ( std::ostream &  oStream,
std::string const &  iPrefix,
std::string const &  iPostfix,
ROOT::Reflex::Object const &  iObject,
std::string const &  iIndent 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 93 of file

00093                                                                                                                                                          {
00094   oStream << iIndent<<iPrefix <<typeidToName(typeid(T))<<kNameValueSep<<*reinterpret_cast<T*>(iObject.Address())<<iPostfix<<"\n";
00095 }

static void doPrint< bool > ( std::ostream &  oStream,
std::string const &  iPrefix,
std::string const &  iPostfix,
ROOT::Reflex::Object const &  iObject,
std::string const &  iIndent 
) [inline, static]

static void doPrint< char > ( std::ostream &  oStream,
std::string const &  iPrefix,
std::string const &  iPostfix,
ROOT::Reflex::Object const &  iObject,
std::string const &  iIndent 
) [inline, static]

static void doPrint< unsigned char > ( std::ostream &  oStream,
std::string const &  iPrefix,
std::string const &  iPostfix,
ROOT::Reflex::Object const &  iObject,
std::string const &  iIndent 
) [inline, static]

static std::string formatXML ( std::string const &  iO  )  [static]

Definition at line 40 of file

References i, and HLT_VtxMuL3::result.

Referenced by printAsContainer(), and printObject().

00041 {
00042   std::string result(iO);
00043   static std::string const kSubs("<>&");
00044   static std::string const kLeft("&lt;");
00045   static std::string const kRight("&gt;");
00046   static std::string const kAmp("&");
00048   std::string::size_type i = 0;
00049   while( std::string::npos != (i = result.find_first_of(kSubs,i))) {
00050     switch( ) {
00051       case '<':
00052         result.replace(i,1,kLeft);
00053         break;
00054       case '>':
00055         result.replace(i,1,kRight);
00056         break;
00057       case '&':
00058         result.replace(i,1,kAmp);
00059     }
00060     ++i;
00061   }
00062   return result;
00063 }

static bool printAsBuiltin ( std::ostream &  oStream,
std::string const &  iPrefix,
std::string const &  iPostfix,
ROOT::Reflex::Object const   iObject,
std::string const &  iIndent 
) [static]

Definition at line 122 of file

References cmsDriverOptions::isFirst, and void.

00126                                                     {
00127   typedef void(*FunctionType)(std::ostream&, std::string const&, std::string const&, ROOT::Reflex::Object const&, std::string const&);
00128   typedef std::map<std::string, FunctionType> TypeToPrintMap;
00129   static TypeToPrintMap s_map;
00130   static bool isFirst = true;
00131   if(isFirst){
00132     addToMap<bool>(s_map);
00133     addToMap<char>(s_map);
00134     addToMap<short>(s_map);
00135     addToMap<int>(s_map);
00136     addToMap<long>(s_map);
00137     addToMap<unsigned char>(s_map);
00138     addToMap<unsigned short>(s_map);
00139     addToMap<unsigned int>(s_map);
00140     addToMap<unsigned long>(s_map);
00141     addToMap<float>(s_map);
00142     addToMap<double>(s_map);
00143     isFirst=false;
00144   }
00145   TypeToPrintMap::iterator itFound =s_map.find(iObject.TypeOf().TypeInfo().name());
00146   if(itFound == s_map.end()){
00148     return false;
00149   }
00150   itFound->second(oStream,iPrefix,iPostfix,iObject,iIndent);
00151   return true;
00152 }

static bool printAsContainer ( std::ostream &  oStream,
std::string const &  iPrefix,
std::string const &  iPostfix,
ROOT::Reflex::Object const &  iObject,
std::string const &  iIndent,
std::string const &  iIndentDelta 
) [static]

Definition at line 322 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), exception, formatXML(), index, kContainerClose, kContainerOpen, kObjectClose, kObjectOpen, printContentsOfStdContainer(), printObject(), size, and x.

00326                                                            {
00327   using namespace ROOT::Reflex;
00328   Object sizeObj;
00329   try {
00330     sizeObj = iObject.Invoke("size");
00332     if(sizeObj.TypeOf().TypeInfo() != typeid(size_t)) {
00333       throw std::exception();
00334     }
00335     size_t size = *reinterpret_cast<size_t*>(sizeObj.Address());
00336     Member atMember;
00337     atMember = iObject.TypeOf().MemberByName("at");
00338     if(!atMember) {
00339       throw std::exception();
00340     }
00341     std::string typeName(iObject.TypeOf().Name(SCOPED));
00342     if(typeName.empty()){
00343       typeName="{unknown}";
00344     }
00346     oStream <<iIndent<<iPrefix<<formatXML(typeName)<<"\">\n"
00347       <<iIndent<<kContainerOpen<<size<<"\">\n";
00348     Object contained;
00349     std::string indexIndent=iIndent+iIndentDelta;
00350     for(size_t index = 0; index != size; ++index) {
00351       contained = atMember.Invoke(iObject, Tools::MakeVector(static_cast<void*>(&index)));
00352       //std::cout <<"invoked 'at'"<<std::endl;
00353       try {
00354         printObject(oStream,kObjectOpen,kObjectClose,contained,indexIndent,iIndentDelta);
00355       }catch(std::exception& iEx) {
00356         std::cout <<iIndent<<" <exception caught("
00357         <<iEx.what()<<")>\n";
00358       }
00359     }
00360     oStream <<iIndent<<kContainerClose<<std::endl;
00361     oStream <<iIndent<<iPostfix<<std::endl;
00362     return true;
00363   } catch(std::exception const& x){
00364     //std::cerr <<"failed to invoke 'at' because "<<x.what()<<std::endl;
00365     try {
00366       //oStream <<iIndent<<iPrefix<<formatXML(typeName)<<"\">\n";
00367       std::string typeName(iObject.TypeOf().Name(SCOPED));
00368       if(typeName.empty()){
00369         typeName="{unknown}";
00370       }
00371       if( printContentsOfStdContainer(oStream,
00372                                       iIndent+iPrefix+formatXML(typeName)+"\">\n",
00373                                       iIndent+iPostfix,
00374                                       iObject.Invoke("begin"),
00375                                       iObject.Invoke("end"),
00376                                       iIndent,
00377                                       iIndentDelta) ) {
00378         if(typeName.empty()){
00379           typeName="{unknown}";
00380         }
00381         return true;
00382       }
00383     } catch(std::exception const& x) {
00384     }
00385     return false;
00386   }
00387   return false;
00388 }

static bool printContentsOfStdContainer ( std::ostream &  oStream,
std::string const &  iPrefix,
std::string const &  iPostfix,
ROOT::Reflex::Object  iBegin,
ROOT::Reflex::Object const &  iEnd,
std::string const &  iIndent,
std::string const &  iIndentDelta 
) [static]

Definition at line 270 of file

References TestMuL1L2Filter_cff::cerr, edm::serviceregistry::deref(), dummy, lat::endl(), exception, kContainerClose, kContainerOpen, kObjectClose, kObjectOpen, printObject(), and size.

Referenced by printAsContainer().

00276                                                                       {
00277   using namespace ROOT::Reflex;
00278   size_t size=0;
00279   std::ostringstream sStream;
00280   if( iBegin.TypeOf() != iEnd.TypeOf() ) {
00281     std::cerr <<" begin (" << iBegin.TypeOf().Name(SCOPED) <<") and end (" << iEnd.TypeOf().Name(SCOPED) << ") are not the same type"<<std::endl;
00282     throw std::exception();
00283   }
00284   try {
00285     Member compare(iBegin.TypeOf().MemberByName("operator!="));
00286     if(!compare) {
00287       //std::cerr<<"no 'operator!=' for "<< iBegin.TypeOf().Name()<< std::endl;
00288       return false;
00289     }
00290     Member incr(iBegin.TypeOf().MemberByName("operator++"));
00291     if(!incr) {
00292       //std::cerr<<"no 'operator++' for "<< iBegin.TypeOf().Name()<<std::endl;
00293       return false;
00294     }
00295     Member deref(iBegin.TypeOf().MemberByName("operator*"));
00296     if(!deref) {
00297       //std::cerr<<"no 'operator*' for "<< iBegin.TypeOf().Name()<<std::endl;
00298       return false;
00299     }
00301     std::string indexIndent = iIndent+iIndentDelta;
00302     int dummy=0;
00303     //std::cerr<<"going to loop using iterator "<<iBegin.TypeOf().Name(SCOPED)<<std::endl;
00305     for(;  *reinterpret_cast<bool*>(compare.Invoke(iBegin, Tools::MakeVector((iEnd.Address()))).Address()); incr.Invoke(iBegin,Tools::MakeVector(static_cast<void*>(&dummy))),++size) {
00306       //std::cerr <<"going to print"<<std::endl;
00307       printObject(sStream,kObjectOpen,kObjectClose,deref.Invoke(iBegin),indexIndent,iIndentDelta);                  
00308       //std::cerr <<"printed"<<std::endl;
00309     }
00310   } catch( std::exception const& iE) {
00311     std::cerr <<"while printing std container caught exception "<<iE.what()<<std::endl;
00312     return false;
00313   }
00314   oStream<<iPrefix<<iIndent<<kContainerOpen<<size<<"\">\n";
00315   oStream<<sStream.str();
00316   oStream <<iIndent<<kContainerClose<<std::endl;
00317   oStream <<iPostfix;
00318   //std::cerr<<"finished loop"<<std::endl;
00319   return true;
00320 }

static void printDataMembers ( std::ostream &  oStream,
ROOT::Reflex::Object const &  iObject,
ROOT::Reflex::Type const &  iType,
std::string const &  iIndent,
std::string const &  iIndentDelta 
) [static]

Definition at line 232 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, exception, prof2calltree::prefix, and printObject().

Referenced by printObject().

00237 {
00238   //print all the base class data members
00239   for(ROOT::Reflex::Base_Iterator itBase = iType.Base_Begin();
00240       itBase != iType.Base_End();
00241       ++itBase) {
00242     printDataMembers(oStream, iObject.CastObject(itBase->ToType()), itBase->ToType(), iIndent, iIndentDelta); 
00243   }
00244   static std::string const kPrefix("<datamember name=\"");
00245   static std::string const ktype("\" type=\"");
00246   static std::string const kPostfix("</datamember>");
00248   for(ROOT::Reflex::Member_Iterator itMember = iType.DataMember_Begin();
00249       itMember != iType.DataMember_End();
00250       ++itMember){
00251     //std::cout <<"     debug "<<itMember->Name()<<" "<<itMember->TypeOf().Name()<<"\n";
00252     if ( itMember->IsTransient() ) {
00253       continue;
00254     }
00255     try {
00256       std::string prefix = kPrefix + itMember->Name()+ktype;
00257       printObject( oStream,
00258                    prefix,
00259                    kPostfix,
00260                    itMember->Get( iObject),
00261                    iIndent,
00262                    iIndentDelta);
00263     }catch(std::exception& iEx) {
00264       std::cout <<iIndent<<itMember->Name()<<" <exception caught("
00265       <<iEx.what()<<")>\n";
00266     }
00267   }
00268 }

static void printObject ( std::ostream &  oStream,
edm::Event const &  iEvent,
std::string const &  iClassName,
std::string const &  iModuleLabel,
std::string const &  iInstanceLabel,
std::string const &  iIndent,
std::string const &  iIndentDelta 
) [static]

Definition at line 389 of file

References className(), GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), formatXML(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), kObjectClose, kObjectOpen, and printObject().

00395                                                        {
00396   using namespace edm;
00397   try {
00398     GenericHandle handle(iClassName);
00399   }catch(edm::Exception const&) {
00400     std::cout <<iIndent<<" \""<<iClassName<<"\""<<" is an unknown type"<<std::endl;
00401     return;
00402   }
00403   GenericHandle handle(iClassName);
00404   iEvent.getByLabel(iModuleLabel,iInstanceLabel,handle);
00405   std::string className = formatXML(iClassName);
00406   printObject(oStream,kObjectOpen,kObjectClose,*handle,iIndent,iIndentDelta);   
00407 }

static void printObject ( std::ostream &  oStream,
std::string const &  iPrefix,
std::string const &  iPostfix,
ROOT::Reflex::Object const &  iObject,
std::string const &  iIndent,
std::string const &  iIndentDelta 
) [static]

Definition at line 167 of file

References formatXML(), lat::indent(), kContainerClose, kContainerOpen, kObjectClose, kObjectOpen, VarParsing::obj, printAsBuiltin(), printAsContainer(), printDataMembers(), printObject(), size, and tmp.

00172                                                        {
00173   using namespace ROOT::Reflex;
00174   Object objectToPrint = iObject;
00175   std::string indent(iIndent);
00176   if(iObject.TypeOf().IsPointer()) {
00177     oStream<<iIndent<<iPrefix<<formatXML(iObject.TypeOf().Name(SCOPED))<<"\">\n";
00178     indent +=iIndentDelta;
00179     int size = (0!=iObject.Address()) ? (0!=*reinterpret_cast<void**>(iObject.Address())?1:0) : 0;
00180     oStream<<indent<<kContainerOpen<<size<<"\">\n";
00181     if(size) {
00182       std::string indent2 = indent+iIndentDelta;
00183       Object obj(iObject.TypeOf().ToType(),*reinterpret_cast<void**>(iObject.Address()));
00184       obj = obj.CastObject(obj.DynamicType());
00185       printObject(oStream,kObjectOpen,kObjectClose,obj,indent2,iIndentDelta);
00186     }
00187     oStream<<indent<<kContainerClose<<"\n";
00188     oStream<<iIndent<<iPostfix<<"\n";
00189     Type pointedType = iObject.TypeOf().ToType();
00190     if(ROOT::Reflex::Type::ByName("void") == pointedType ||
00191        pointedType.IsPointer() ||
00192        iObject.Address()==0) {
00193       return;
00194     }
00195     return;
00197     //have the code that follows print the contents of the data to which the pointer points
00198     objectToPrint = ROOT::Reflex::Object(pointedType, iObject.Address());
00199     //try to convert it to its actual type (assuming the original type was a base class)
00200     objectToPrint = ROOT::Reflex::Object(objectToPrint.CastObject(objectToPrint.DynamicType()));
00201     indent +=iIndentDelta;
00202   }
00203   std::string typeName(objectToPrint.TypeOf().Name(SCOPED));
00204   if(typeName.empty()){
00205     typeName="{unknown}";
00206   }
00208   //see if we are dealing with a typedef
00209   ROOT::Reflex::Type objectType = objectToPrint.TypeOf();
00210   bool wasTypedef = false;
00211   while(objectType.IsTypedef()) {
00212      objectType = objectType.ToType();
00213      wasTypedef = true;
00214   }
00215   if(wasTypedef){
00216      Object tmp(objectType,objectToPrint.Address());
00217      objectToPrint = tmp;
00218   } 
00219   if(printAsBuiltin(oStream,iPrefix,iPostfix,objectToPrint,indent)) {
00220     return;
00221   }
00222   if(printAsContainer(oStream,iPrefix,iPostfix,objectToPrint,indent,iIndentDelta)){
00223     return;
00224   }
00226   oStream<<indent<<iPrefix<<formatXML(typeName)<<"\">\n";
00227   printDataMembers(oStream,objectToPrint,objectType,indent+iIndentDelta,iIndentDelta);
00228   oStream<<indent<<iPostfix<<"\n";
00230 }

static std::string const& typeidToName ( std::type_info const &  iID  )  [static]

Definition at line 72 of file

References FILLNAME.

00073 {
00074   static std::map<std::string, std::string> s_toName;
00075   if(s_toName.empty()) {
00076     FILLNAME(short);
00077     FILLNAME(int);
00078     FILLNAME(long);
00079     FILLNAME(long long);
00081     FILLNAME(unsigned short);
00082     FILLNAME(unsigned int);
00083     FILLNAME(unsigned long);
00084     FILLNAME(unsigned long long);
00086     FILLNAME(double);
00087     FILLNAME(float);
00088   }
00089   return s_toName[];
00090 }

Variable Documentation

char const* kContainerClose = "</container>" [static]

Definition at line 67 of file

Referenced by printAsContainer(), printContentsOfStdContainer(), and printObject().

char const* kContainerOpen = "<container size=\"" [static]

Definition at line 66 of file

Referenced by printAsContainer(), printContentsOfStdContainer(), and printObject().

char const* kNameValueSep = "\">" [static]

Definition at line 65 of file

std::string const kObjectClose = "</object>" [static]

Definition at line 69 of file

Referenced by printAsContainer(), printContentsOfStdContainer(), and printObject().

std::string const kObjectOpen = "<object type=\"" [static]

Definition at line 68 of file

Referenced by printAsContainer(), printContentsOfStdContainer(), and printObject().

Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:53:16 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4