![]() |
![]() |
Variables | |
tuple | es_ascii |
tuple | es_hardcode |
tuple | HcalDbProducer = cms.ESProducer("HcalDbProducer") |
tuple | hcalunpacker |
tuple | l1thcaltpgpath = cms.Path(hcalunpacker*l1thcaltpg) |
tuple L1THCALTPG_cff::es_ascii [static] |
Initial value:
cms.ESSource("HcalTextCalibrations", input = cms.VPSet(cms.PSet( object = cms.string('Pedestals'), file = cms.FileInPath('DQM/HcalMonitorModule/test/peds_ADC_hfplus_000269.txt') ), cms.PSet( object = cms.string('PedestalWidths'), file = cms.FileInPath('DQM/HcalMonitorModule/test/widths_ADC_hfplus_000269.txt') ), cms.PSet( object = cms.string('ElectronicsMap'), file = cms.FileInPath('DQM/HcalMonitorModule/data/test_tp_map.txt') )) )
Definition at line 35 of file L1THCALTPG_cff.py.
tuple L1THCALTPG_cff::es_hardcode [static] |
Initial value:
cms.ESSource("HcalHardcodeCalibrations", toGet = cms.untracked.vstring('Gains', 'GainWidths', 'QIEShape', 'QIEData', 'ChannelQuality') )
Definition at line 27 of file L1THCALTPG_cff.py.
tuple L1THCALTPG_cff::HcalDbProducer = cms.ESProducer("HcalDbProducer") [static] |
Definition at line 25 of file L1THCALTPG_cff.py.
tuple L1THCALTPG_cff::hcalunpacker [static] |
Initial value:
cms.EDFilter("HcalRawToDigi", # Optional filter to remove any digi with "data valid" off, "error" on, # or capids not rotating FilterDataQuality = cms.bool(True), # Do not complain about missing FEDs ExceptionEmptyData = cms.untracked.bool(False), HcalFirstFED = cms.untracked.int32(700), InputLabel = cms.InputTag("source"), # Use the defaults for FED numbers # Do not complain about missing FEDs ComplainEmptyData = cms.untracked.bool(False), # Flag to enable unpacking of calibration channels (default = false) UnpackCalib = cms.untracked.bool(False), FEDs = cms.untracked.vint32(719, 721, 723), lastSample = cms.int32(9), # At most ten samples can be put into a digi, if there are more # than ten, firstSample and lastSample select which samples # will be copied to the digi firstSample = cms.int32(0) )
Definition at line 4 of file L1THCALTPG_cff.py.
tuple L1THCALTPG_cff::l1thcaltpgpath = cms.Path(hcalunpacker*l1thcaltpg) [static] |
Definition at line 50 of file L1THCALTPG_cff.py.