DDPartSelection.h File Reference

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDLogicalPart.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  DDPartSelection
struct  DDPartSelectionLevel
struct  DDPartSelRegExpLevel


enum  ddselection_type {
  ddunknown, ddanynode, ddanychild, ddanylogp,
  ddanyposp, ddchildlogp, ddchildposp


void DDTokenize (const std::string &selectionString, std::vector< DDPartSelRegExpLevel > &result)
void DDTokenize2 (const std::string &selectionString, std::vector< DDPartSelRegExpLevel > &result)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const std::vector< DDPartSelection > &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const DDPartSelection &)

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum ddselection_type


Definition at line 14 of file DDPartSelection.h.

00014                       { ddunknown,   //   ->    (should never appear!)
00015                         ddanynode,   //   ->    //*
00016                         ddanychild,  //   ->    /*
00017                         ddanylogp,   //   ->    //NameOfLogicalPart
00018                         ddanyposp,   //   ->    //NameOfLogicalPart[copyno]
00019                         ddchildlogp, //   ->    /NameOfLogicalPart
00020                         ddchildposp  //   ->    /NameOfLogicalPart[copyno]
00021                        };

Function Documentation

void DDTokenize ( const std::string &  selectionString,
std::vector< DDPartSelRegExpLevel > &  result 

Definition at line 280 of file

References DCOUT_V, ddanychild, ddanylogp, ddanynode, ddanyposp, ddchildlogp, ddchildposp, DDSplit(), ddunknown, lat::endl(), i, mint, p, s, st, tmp, and cmsScimarkStop::tokens.

00281 {
00284   static bool isInit(false);
00285   static std::vector<std::string> tokens;
00286   if(!isInit) {
00287     // initialize with valid tokens
00288     tokens.push_back("/"); 
00289     tokens.push_back("//");
00290     tokens.push_back("[");
00291     tokens.push_back("]");
00292   }
00293   std::string s = sel;
00294   std::string::size_type st = std::string::npos;
00295   std::string::size_type cu = 0;
00296   std::vector<std::string> toksVec;
00297   std::vector<std::string> textVec;
00298   std::string tkn, txt;
00299   bool braceOpen(false);
00300   /*
00301     the following code should decompose a selection std::string into 2 std::vectors,
00302     a token-std::vector and a text-std::vector. Tokens are /,//,[,] 
00303     example: "//Abc[3]/Def" ->
00304              tokens  text
00305              //      ""
00306              [       Abc
00307              ]       3
00308              /       ""
00309                      "Def"
00310   */  
00312   while (s.size()) {
00313     std::vector<std::string>::iterator tkit = tokens.begin();
00314     std::vector<std::string>::iterator mint = tokens.end();
00315     st=s.size();
00316     std::string::size_type ts;
00317     for(;tkit!=tokens.end();++tkit) { // find the first match of one of the token std::strings
00318       ts = s.find(*tkit); 
00319       if (ts<=st) { 
00320         st=ts;
00321         mint = tkit;
00322       }  
00323     }
00325     if (mint!=tokens.end())     
00326      tkn = s.substr(st,mint->size());
00327     else
00328      tkn=""; 
00329     txt = s.substr(cu,st);
00330     toksVec.push_back(tkn);
00331     textVec.push_back(txt);
00332     if (braceOpen) {
00333       if (tkn!="]")
00334         throw DDException(std::string("PartSelector: syntaxerror in ") + sel + 
00335                           std::string("\ncheck the braces!") );
00336       else
00337         braceOpen=false;
00338     }           
00339     if (tkn=="[")
00340       braceOpen=true;
00341     DCOUT_V('C',"tkn=" << tkn << " txt=" << txt);   
00342     if (mint!=tokens.end())
00343       s.erase(cu,st+mint->size()); 
00344     else
00345       s.erase();  
00346     DCOUT_V('C', std::endl << "s=" << s);   
00347     //break;    
00348   }
00349   DCOUT_V('C', "The original std::string was:" << std::endl);
00350   unsigned int i=0;
00351   DCOUT_V('C', "toks\ttext");
00352   for (i=0; i<toksVec.size();++i) {
00353     DCOUT_V('C',  toksVec[i] << "\t" << textVec[i]);
00354   }  
00355   DCOUT_V('C', std::endl); 
00357   // now some spaghetti code 
00358   std::string nm = "blabla" ; // std::string("PartSelector=") + ns() + std::string(":") + name();
00359   if (textVec[0] != "")
00360     throw DDException( nm 
00361                       +std::string(" selection must not start with a LogicalPart-name")); 
00363   if ((toksVec[0] != "//"))
00364     throw DDException( nm 
00365                       +std::string(" selection must start with '//' !")); 
00367   if (textVec.size() < 2)
00368     throw DDException( nm + std::string(" internal error [textVec.size()<2]!"));
00370   std::vector<std::string>::iterator tk_it = toksVec.begin();
00371   std::vector<std::string>::iterator tx_it = textVec.begin(); ++tx_it;
00372   // the BIG switch - yes, this is OO!!!
00373   while(tk_it != toksVec.end() && tx_it != textVec.end()) {
00375     // anynode ... token //* makes no sense (except as last entry which is forbidden ...)
00376     DCOUT_V('C', ">- anynode tkn=" << *tk_it << " d=" << tk_it-toksVec.begin() << " txt=" << *tx_it << std::endl);
00377     if ( *tk_it == "//" && *tx_it=="*" ) { 
00378       path.push_back(DDPartSelRegExpLevel("","",0,ddanynode));
00379       DCOUT_V('C', "--anynode: //*" << std::endl);
00380       ++tk_it;
00381       ++tx_it;
00382       continue;
00383     }
00385     // anychild
00386     DCOUT_V('C', ">- anychild tkn=" << *tk_it << " d=" << tk_it-toksVec.begin() << " txt=" << *tx_it << std::endl);
00387     if ( *tk_it == "/" && *tx_it=="*" ) { 
00388       path.push_back(DDPartSelRegExpLevel("","",0,ddanychild));
00389       DCOUT_V('C', "--anychild: /*" << std::endl);
00390       ++tk_it;
00391       ++tx_it;
00392       continue;
00393     }    
00395     // anylogp
00396     DCOUT_V('C', ">- anylogp tkn=" << *tk_it << " d=" << tk_it-toksVec.begin() << " txt=" << *tx_it << std::endl);
00397     if ( *tk_it == "//" && tx_it->size()) {
00398       ++tk_it;
00399       if ( tk_it != toksVec.end() && *tk_it != "[" && *tk_it != "]") {
00400         std::pair<std::string,std::string> p(DDSplit(*tx_it));
00401           path.push_back(DDPartSelRegExpLevel(p.second,p.first,0,ddanylogp));
00402         DCOUT_V('C', "--anylogp: " << *tx_it << std::endl);
00403         ++tx_it;
00404         continue;
00405       } 
00406       --tk_it;
00407     }    
00409     // childlogp
00410     DCOUT_V('C', ">- childlogp tkn=" << *tk_it << " d=" << tk_it-toksVec.begin() << " txt=" << *tx_it << std::endl);
00411     if ( *tk_it == "/" && tx_it->size()) {
00412       ++tk_it;
00413       if ( tk_it == toksVec.end() - 1 ) {
00414         DCOUT_V('C', "--childlogp: " << *tx_it << std::endl);
00415         std::pair<std::string,std::string> p(DDSplit(*tx_it));
00416           path.push_back(DDPartSelRegExpLevel(p.second,p.first,0,ddchildlogp));
00417         ++tx_it;   
00418         continue;
00419       }
00420       if ( *tk_it == "/" || *tk_it=="//") {
00421         DCOUT_V('C', "--childlogp: " << *tx_it << std::endl);
00422         std::pair<std::string,std::string> p(DDSplit(*tx_it));
00423           path.push_back(DDPartSelRegExpLevel(p.second,p.first,0,ddchildlogp));
00424         ++tx_it;
00425         continue;
00426       }
00427       --tk_it;
00428     }   
00431     // anyposp
00432     DCOUT_V('C', ">- anyposp tkn=" << *tk_it << " d=" << tk_it-toksVec.begin() << " txt=" << *tx_it << std::endl);
00433     if ( *tk_it == "//" && tx_it->size()) {
00434       ++tk_it;
00435       if ( tk_it != toksVec.end() && *tk_it == "[" ) {
00436         ++tk_it;
00437         if ( tk_it == toksVec.end() || (tk_it != toksVec.end() && *tk_it != "]")) {
00438          DCOUT_V('C', *tk_it << " " << *tx_it );
00439            break;
00440         }  
00441         ++tx_it;
00442         ++tk_it;
00443         std::pair<std::string,std::string> p(DDSplit(*(tx_it-1)));
00444           path.push_back(DDPartSelRegExpLevel(p.second,p.first,atoi(tx_it->c_str()),ddanyposp));
00445         DCOUT_V('C', "--anyposp: " << *tx_it << " " << atoi(tx_it->c_str()) << std::endl);
00446         ++tx_it;
00447         ++tx_it;
00448         continue;
00449       } 
00450     }    
00453     // childposp
00454     DCOUT_V('C', ">- childposp tkn=" << *tk_it << " d=" << tk_it-toksVec.begin() << " txt=" << *tx_it << std::endl);
00455     if ( *tk_it == "/" && tx_it->size()) {
00456       ++tk_it;
00457       if ( tk_it != toksVec.end() && *tk_it=="[" ) {
00458         DCOUT_V('C', "--childposp: " << *tx_it << " " << *tk_it << *(tx_it+1) << std::endl);
00459         std::pair<std::string,std::string> p(DDSplit(*tx_it));
00460           path.push_back(DDPartSelRegExpLevel(p.second,p.first,atoi((tx_it+1)->c_str()),ddchildposp));
00462         ++tx_it;
00464         ++tx_it;
00465         ++tk_it;
00466         if (tk_it != toksVec.end() && *tk_it != "]") 
00467           break;
00468         ++tk_it;
00469         ++tx_it;
00470         continue;  
00471       }
00472     }
00474     // any
00475     throw DDException( nm + std::string(" syntax error in:\n") + sel + 
00476                             std::string("\n  tkn=") + *tk_it + std::string("  txt=")+ *tx_it);                              
00477   }
00478   //FIXME: DDPartSelectorImpl::tokenize : prototype has restricted support for selection std::string (code below restricts)
00479   ddselection_type tmp = path.back().selectionType_;
00480   if (tmp==ddunknown || tmp==ddanynode || tmp==ddanychild ) 
00481         throw DDException(std::string("PartSelector: last element in selection std::string in ") + sel + 
00482                           std::string("\nmust address a distinct LogicalPart or PosPart!") );
00483 }

void DDTokenize2 ( const std::string &  selectionString,
std::vector< DDPartSelRegExpLevel > &  result 

Definition at line 265 of file

References lat::endl(), full, DDI::Singleton< I >::instance(), parse(), indexGen::parser, and HLT_VtxMuL3::result.

Referenced by DDI::Specific::createPartSelections().

00266 {
00267   static SpecParParser parser;
00268   DDI::Singleton<DDSelLevelCollector>::instance().path(&path);
00269   bool result = parse(sel.c_str(), parser).full;
00270   if (!result) {
00271     edm::LogError("DDPartSelection") << "DDTokenize2() error in parsing of " << sel << std::endl;
00272   }
00273 }

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const std::vector< DDPartSelection > &   

Definition at line 511 of file

References lat::endl(), it, and v.

00512 {
00513   std::vector<DDPartSelection>::const_iterator it(v.begin()), ed(v.end());
00514   for (; it != (ed-1); ++it) {
00515     os << *it << std::endl;
00516   }
00517   if ( it != ed ) {
00518     ++it;
00519     os << *it;
00520   }
00521   return os;
00522 }

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const DDPartSelection  

Definition at line 486 of file

References DDPartSelectionLevel::copyno_, ddanylogp, ddanyposp, ddchildlogp, ddchildposp, DDBase< N, C >::ddname(), it, DDPartSelectionLevel::lp_, lv, and DDPartSelectionLevel::selectionType_.

00487 {
00488   DDPartSelection::const_iterator it(p.begin()), ed(p.end());
00489   for (; it != ed; ++it) {
00490     const DDPartSelectionLevel lv  =*it;
00491     switch (lv.selectionType_) {
00492     case ddanylogp:
00493       o << "//" << lv.lp_.ddname();
00494       break;
00495     case ddanyposp:
00496       o << "//" << lv.lp_.ddname() << '[' << lv.copyno_ << ']';
00497       break;
00498     case ddchildlogp:
00499       o << "/" << lv.lp_.ddname();
00500       break;
00501     case ddchildposp:
00502       o << "/" << lv.lp_.ddname() << '[' << lv.copyno_ << ']';
00503       break;
00504     default:
00505       o << "{Syntax ERROR}";
00506     }
00507   }
00508   return o;
00509 }

Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:52:30 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4