Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <DQM/HcalMonitorClient/interface/HcalMonitorClient.h>
00002 #include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
00003 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
00004 #include <DQM/HcalMonitorClient/interface/HcalMonitorClient.h>
00005 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/MonitorElement.h"
00007 //--------------------------------------------------------
00008 HcalMonitorClient::HcalMonitorClient(const ParameterSet& ps){
00009   initialize(ps);
00010 }
00012 HcalMonitorClient::HcalMonitorClient(){}
00014 //--------------------------------------------------------
00015 HcalMonitorClient::~HcalMonitorClient(){
00017   if (debug_>0) cout << "HcalMonitorClient: Exit ..." << endl;
00018   if( summary_client_ )    delete summary_client_;
00019   if( dataformat_client_ ) delete dataformat_client_;
00020   if( digi_client_ )       delete digi_client_;
00021   if( rechit_client_ )     delete rechit_client_;
00022   if( pedestal_client_ )   delete pedestal_client_;
00023   if( led_client_ )        delete led_client_;
00024   if( laser_client_ )      delete laser_client_;
00025   if( hot_client_ )        delete hot_client_;
00026   if( dead_client_ )       delete dead_client_;
00027   if( tp_client_ )         delete tp_client_;
00028   if( ct_client_ )         delete ct_client_;
00029   if( beam_client_)        delete beam_client_;
00030   if (dqm_db_)             delete dqm_db_;
00031   //if( dbe_ )               delete dbe_;
00032   if( mui_ )               delete mui_;
00034   if (debug_>1) cout <<"HcalMonitorClient: Finished destructor..."<<endl;
00035 }
00037 //--------------------------------------------------------
00038 void HcalMonitorClient::initialize(const ParameterSet& ps){
00040   irun_=0; ilumisec_=0; ievent_=0; itime_=0;
00042   maxlumisec_=0; minlumisec_=0;
00044   actonLS_=false;
00046   summary_client_ = 0;
00047   dataformat_client_ = 0; digi_client_ = 0;
00048   rechit_client_ = 0; pedestal_client_ = 0;
00049   led_client_ = 0; laser_client_ = 0; hot_client_ = 0; dead_client_=0;
00050   tp_client_=0;
00051   ct_client_=0;
00052   beam_client_=0;
00053   lastResetTime_=0;
00055   debug_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("debug", 0);
00056   if (debug_>0)
00057     cout << endl<<" *** Hcal Monitor Client ***" << endl<<endl;
00059   if(debug_>1) cout << "HcalMonitorClient: constructor...." << endl;
00061   // timing switch 
00062   showTiming_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("showTiming",false);  
00064   // MonitorDaemon switch
00065   enableMonitorDaemon_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("enableMonitorDaemon", true);
00066   if (debug_>0)
00067     {
00068       if ( enableMonitorDaemon_ ) cout << "-->enableMonitorDaemon switch is ON" << endl;
00069       else cout << "-->enableMonitorDaemon switch is OFF" << endl;
00070     }
00072   mui_ = new DQMOldReceiver();
00073   dbe_ = mui_->getBEInterface();
00075   // DQM ROOT input
00076   inputFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<string>("inputFile", "");
00077   if(inputFile_.size()!=0 && debug_>0) cout << "-->reading DQM input from " << inputFile_ << endl;
00079   if( ! enableMonitorDaemon_ ) {  
00080     if( inputFile_.size() != 0 && dbe_!=NULL){
00081       dbe_->open(inputFile_);
00082       dbe_->showDirStructure();     
00083     }
00084   }
00086   //histogram reset freqency, update frequency, timeout
00087   resetUpdate_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("resetFreqUpdates",-1);  //number of collector updates
00088   if(resetUpdate_!=-1 && debug_>0) cout << "-->Will reset histograms every " << resetUpdate_ <<" collector updates." << endl;
00089   resetEvents_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("resetFreqEvents",-1);   //number of real events
00090   if(resetEvents_!=-1 && debug_>0) cout << "-->Will reset histograms every " << resetEvents_ <<" events." << endl;
00091   resetTime_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("resetFreqTime",-1);       //number of minutes
00092   if(resetTime_!=-1 && debug_>0) cout << "-->Will reset histograms every " << resetTime_ <<" minutes." << endl;
00093   resetLS_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("resetFreqLS",-1);       //number of lumisections
00094   if(resetLS_!=-1 && debug_>0) cout << "-->Will reset histograms every " << resetLS_ <<" lumi sections." << endl;
00096   // base Html output directory
00097   baseHtmlDir_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<string>("baseHtmlDir", "");
00098   if (debug_>0)
00099     {
00100       if( baseHtmlDir_.size() != 0) 
00101         cout << "-->HTML output will go to baseHtmlDir = '" << baseHtmlDir_ << "'" << endl;
00102       else cout << "-->HTML output is disabled" << endl;
00103     }
00105   // exit on end job switch
00106   enableExit_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("enableExit", true);
00107   if (debug_>1)
00108     {
00109       if( enableExit_ ) cout << "-->enableExit switch is ON" << endl;
00110       else cout << "-->enableExit switch is OFF" << endl;
00111     }
00113   runningStandalone_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("runningStandalone", false);
00114   if (debug_>1)
00115     {
00116       if( runningStandalone_ ) cout << "-->standAlone switch is ON" << endl;
00117       else cout << "-->standAlone switch is OFF" << endl;
00118     }
00119   // global ROOT style
00120   gStyle->Reset("Default");
00121   gStyle->SetCanvasColor(0);
00122   gStyle->SetPadColor(0);
00123   gStyle->SetFillColor(0);
00124   gStyle->SetTitleFillColor(10);
00125   //  gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
00126   gStyle->SetOptStat("ouemr");
00127   gStyle->SetPalette(1);
00129   // clients' constructors
00130   if( ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("SummaryClient", true) )
00131     {
00132       if(debug_>0) 
00133         cout << "===>DQM Summary Client is ON" << endl;
00134       summary_client_   = new HcalSummaryClient();
00135       summary_client_->init(ps, dbe_,"SummaryClient");
00136     }
00137   if( ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("DataFormatClient", false) ){
00138     if(debug_>0)   cout << "===>DQM DataFormat Client is ON" << endl;
00139     dataformat_client_   = new HcalDataFormatClient();
00140     dataformat_client_->init(ps, dbe_,"DataFormatClient");
00141   }
00142   if( ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("DigiClient", false) ){
00143     if(debug_>0)  
00144       cout << "===>DQM Digi Client is ON" << endl;
00145     digi_client_         = new HcalDigiClient();
00146     digi_client_->init(ps, dbe_,"DigiClient");
00147   }
00148   if( ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("RecHitClient", false) ){
00149     if(debug_>0)   cout << "===>DQM RecHit Client is ON" << endl;
00150     rechit_client_       = new HcalRecHitClient();
00151     rechit_client_->init(ps, dbe_,"RecHitClient");
00152 }
00153   if( ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("PedestalClient", false) ){
00154     if(debug_>0)   cout << "===>DQM Pedestal Client is ON" << endl;
00155     pedestal_client_     = new HcalPedestalClient();
00156     pedestal_client_->init(ps, dbe_,"PedestalClient"); 
00157   }
00158   if( ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("LEDClient", false) ){
00159     if(debug_>0)   cout << "===>DQM LED Client is ON" << endl;
00160     led_client_          = new HcalLEDClient();
00161     led_client_->init(ps, dbe_,"LEDClient"); 
00162   }
00163   if( ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("LaserClient", false) ){
00164     if(debug_>0)   cout << "===>DQM Laser Client is ON" << endl;
00165     laser_client_          = new HcalLaserClient();
00166     laser_client_->init(ps, dbe_,"LaserClient"); 
00167   }
00168   if( ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("HotCellClient", false) ){
00169     if(debug_>0)   cout << "===>DQM HotCell Client is ON" << endl;
00170     hot_client_          = new HcalHotCellClient();
00171     hot_client_->init(ps, dbe_,"HotCellClient");
00172   }
00173   if( ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("DeadCellClient", false) ){
00174     if(debug_>0)   cout << "===>DQM DeadCell Client is ON" << endl;
00175     dead_client_          = new HcalDeadCellClient();
00176     dead_client_->init(ps, dbe_,"DeadCellClient");
00177   }
00178   if( ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("TrigPrimClient", false) ){
00179     if(debug_>0)   cout << "===>DQM TrigPrim Client is ON" << endl;
00180     tp_client_          = new HcalTrigPrimClient();
00181     tp_client_->init(ps, dbe_,"TrigPrimClient");
00182   }
00183   if( ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("CaloTowerClient", false) ){
00184     if(debug_>0)   cout << "===>DQM CaloTower Client is ON" << endl;
00185     ct_client_          = new HcalCaloTowerClient();
00186     ct_client_->init(ps, dbe_,"CaloTowerClient");
00187   }
00188   if( ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("BeamClient", false) ){
00189     if(debug_>0)   cout << "===>DQM Beam Client is ON" << endl;
00190     beam_client_          = new HcalBeamClient();
00191     beam_client_->init(ps, dbe_,"BeamClient");
00192   }
00193   dqm_db_ = new HcalHotCellDbInterface();  // Is this even necessary?
00196   // set parameters   
00197   prescaleEvt_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("diagnosticPrescaleEvt", -1);
00198   if (debug_>0) 
00199     cout << "===>DQM event prescale = " << prescaleEvt_ << " event(s)"<< endl;
00201   prescaleLS_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("diagnosticPrescaleLS", -1);
00202   if (debug_>0) cout << "===>DQM lumi section prescale = " << prescaleLS_ << " lumi section(s)"<< endl;
00203   if (prescaleLS_>0) actonLS_=true;
00205   prescaleUpdate_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("diagnosticPrescaleUpdate", -1);
00206   if (debug_>0) cout << "===>DQM update prescale = " << prescaleUpdate_ << " update(s)"<< endl;
00208   prescaleTime_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("diagnosticPrescaleTime", -1);
00209   if (debug_>0) cout << "===>DQM time prescale = " << prescaleTime_ << " minute(s)"<< endl;
00212   // Base folder for the contents of this job
00213   string subsystemname = ps.getUntrackedParameter<string>("subSystemFolder", "Hcal") ;
00214   if (debug_>0) cout << "===>HcalMonitor name = " << subsystemname << endl;
00215   rootFolder_ = subsystemname + "/";
00218   gettimeofday(&psTime_.startTV,NULL);
00220   psTime_.startTime = (psTime_.startTV.tv_sec*1000.0+psTime_.startTV.tv_usec/1000.0);
00221   psTime_.startTime /= (60.0*1000.0);
00222   psTime_.elapsedTime=0;
00223   psTime_.updateTime=0;
00225   return;
00226 }
00228 //--------------------------------------------------------
00229 // remove all MonitorElements and directories
00230 void HcalMonitorClient::removeAllME(){
00231   if (debug_>0) cout <<"<HcalMonitorClient>removeAllME()"<<endl;
00232   if(dbe_==NULL) return;
00234   // go to top directory
00235   dbe_->cd();
00236   // remove MEs at top directory
00237   dbe_->removeContents(); 
00238   // remove directory (including subdirectories recursively)
00239   if(dbe_->dirExists("Collector"))
00240     dbe_->rmdir("Collector");
00241   if(dbe_->dirExists("Summary"))
00242     dbe_->rmdir("Summary");
00243   return;
00244 }
00246 //--------------------------------------------------------
00248 void HcalMonitorClient::resetAllME() {
00249   if (debug_>0) cout <<"<HcalMonitorClient> resetAllME()"<<endl;
00250   if( dataformat_client_ ) dataformat_client_->resetAllME();
00251   if( digi_client_ )       digi_client_->resetAllME();
00252   if( rechit_client_ )     rechit_client_->resetAllME();
00253   if( pedestal_client_ )   pedestal_client_->resetAllME();
00254   if( led_client_ )        led_client_->resetAllME();
00255   if( laser_client_ )      laser_client_->resetAllME();
00256   if( hot_client_ )        hot_client_->resetAllME();
00257   if( dead_client_ )       dead_client_->resetAllME();
00258   if( tp_client_ )         tp_client_->resetAllME();
00259   if( ct_client_ )         ct_client_->resetAllME();
00260   if( beam_client_ )       beam_client_->resetAllME();
00261   return;
00262 }
00264 //--------------------------------------------------------
00265 void HcalMonitorClient::beginJob(const EventSetup& c){
00267   if( debug_>0 ) cout << "HcalMonitorClient: beginJob" << endl;
00269   ievt_ = 0;
00270   if( summary_client_ )    summary_client_->beginJob(dbe_);
00271   if( dataformat_client_ ) dataformat_client_->beginJob();
00272   if( digi_client_ )       digi_client_->beginJob();
00273   if( rechit_client_ )     rechit_client_->beginJob();
00274   if( pedestal_client_ )   pedestal_client_->beginJob(c);
00275   if( led_client_ )        led_client_->beginJob(c);
00276   if( laser_client_ )      laser_client_->beginJob(c);
00277   if( hot_client_ )        hot_client_->beginJob(c);
00278   if( dead_client_ )       dead_client_->beginJob(c);
00279   if( tp_client_ )         tp_client_->beginJob();
00280   if( ct_client_ )         ct_client_->beginJob();
00281   if( beam_client_ )       beam_client_->beginJob();
00282   return;
00283 }
00285 //--------------------------------------------------------
00286 void HcalMonitorClient::beginRun(const Run& r, const EventSetup& c) {
00288   if (debug_>0)
00289     cout << endl<<"HcalMonitorClient: Standard beginRun() for run " << << endl<<endl;
00291   if( summary_client_ )    summary_client_->beginRun();
00292   if( dataformat_client_ ) dataformat_client_->beginRun();
00293   if( digi_client_ )       digi_client_->beginRun();
00294   if( rechit_client_ )     rechit_client_->beginRun();
00295   if( pedestal_client_ )   pedestal_client_->beginRun();
00296   if( led_client_ )        led_client_->beginRun();
00297   if( laser_client_ )      laser_client_->beginRun();
00298   if( hot_client_ )        hot_client_->beginRun();
00299   if( dead_client_ )       dead_client_->beginRun();
00300   if( tp_client_ )         tp_client_->beginRun();
00301   if( ct_client_ )         ct_client_->beginRun();
00302   if( beam_client_ )       beam_client_->beginRun();
00303   return;
00304 }
00306 //--------------------------------------------------------
00307 void HcalMonitorClient::endJob(void) {
00309   if( debug_>0 ) cout << "HcalMonitorClient: endJob, ievt = " << ievt_ << endl;
00311   if (summary_client_)         summary_client_->endJob();
00312   if( dataformat_client_ )     dataformat_client_->endJob();
00313   if( digi_client_ )           digi_client_->endJob();
00314   if( rechit_client_ )         rechit_client_->endJob();
00315   if( hot_client_ )            hot_client_->endJob();
00316   if( dead_client_ )           dead_client_->endJob();
00317   if( pedestal_client_ )       pedestal_client_->endJob();
00318   if( led_client_ )            led_client_->endJob();
00319   if( laser_client_ )          laser_client_->endJob();
00320   if( tp_client_ )             tp_client_->endJob();
00321   if( ct_client_ )             ct_client_->endJob();
00322   if( beam_client_ )           beam_client_->endJob();
00324   /*
00327   time_t rawtime;
00328   time(&rawtime);
00329   tm* ptm = gmtime(&rawtime);
00330   char ntime[256];
00331   sprintf(ntime,"%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.0",  
00332           ptm->tm_year+1900, 
00333           ptm->tm_mon,  ptm->tm_mday,
00334           ptm->tm_hour, ptm->tm_min, ptm->tm_sec);
00336   const char* version = "V2test";
00337   const char* tag = "test3";
00338   const char* comment = "Test DQM Input";
00339   const char* detector = "HCAL";
00340   int iovStart = irun_;
00341   int iovEnd = irun_;
00343   try{
00344     XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize();
00345     DOMDocument* doc = dqm_db_->createDocument();
00346     //dqm_db_->createHeader(doc, irun_, getRunStartTime());
00347     dqm_db_->createHeader(doc,irun_,ntime);
00348     for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
00349       HcalSubdetector subdet = HcalBarrel;
00350       if(i==1) subdet =  HcalEndcap;
00351       else if(i==2) subdet = HcalForward;
00352       else if(i==3) subdet = HcalOuter;
00354       for(int ieta=-42; ieta<=42; ieta++){
00355         if(ieta==0) continue;
00356         for(int iphi=1; iphi<=73; iphi++){
00357           for(int depth=1; depth<=4; depth++){      
00358             if(!isValidGeom(i, ieta, iphi,depth)) continue;
00360             HcalDetId id(subdet,ieta,iphi,depth);
00361             HcalDQMChannelQuality::Item item;
00362             item.mId = id.rawId();
00363             item.mAlgo = 0;
00364             item.mMasked = 0;
00365             item.mQuality = 2;
00366             item.mComment = "First DQM Channel Quality test";
00367             dqm_db_->createDataset(doc,item,ntime,version);
00368           }
00369         }
00370       }
00371     }
00372     dqm_db_->createFooter(doc,iovStart, iovEnd,tag,detector,comment);
00373     dqm_db_->writeDocument(doc,"myTestXML.xml");
00374     doc->release();
00375   }
00376   catch (...){
00377     std::cerr << "Exception" << std::endl;
00378   }
00379   XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate();
00380   */
00382   return;
00383 }
00385 //--------------------------------------------------------
00386 void HcalMonitorClient::endRun(const Run& r, const EventSetup& c) {
00388   if (debug_>0)
00389     cout << endl<<"<HcalMonitorClient> Standard endRun() for run " << << endl<<endl;
00392   if( debug_ >0) cout <<"HcalMonitorClient: processed events: "<<ievt_<<endl;
00394   if (debug_>0) cout <<"==>Creating report after run end condition"<<endl;
00395   if(irun_>1){
00396     if(inputFile_.size()!=0) report(true);
00397     else report(false);
00398   }
00400   if( summary_client_)      summary_client_->endRun();
00401   if( hot_client_ )         hot_client_->endRun();
00402   if( dead_client_ )        dead_client_->endRun(); 
00403   if( dataformat_client_ )  dataformat_client_->endRun();
00404   if( digi_client_ )        digi_client_->endRun();
00405   if( rechit_client_ )      rechit_client_->endRun();
00406   if( pedestal_client_ )    pedestal_client_->endRun();
00407   if( led_client_ )         led_client_->endRun();
00408   if( laser_client_ )       laser_client_->endRun();
00409   if( tp_client_ )          tp_client_->endRun();
00410   if( ct_client_ )          ct_client_->endRun();
00411   if( beam_client_ )        beam_client_->endRun();
00413   // this is an effective way to avoid ROOT memory leaks ...
00414   if( enableExit_ ) {
00415     if (debug_>0) cout << endl << ">>> exit after End-Of-Run <<<" << endl <<endl;
00417     endJob();
00418     throw cms::Exception("End of Job")
00419       << "HcalMonitorClient: Done processing...\n";
00420   }
00421 }
00423 //--------------------------------------------------------
00424 void HcalMonitorClient::beginLuminosityBlock(const LuminosityBlock &l, const EventSetup &c) 
00425 {
00426   if( debug_>0 ) cout << "HcalMonitorClient: beginLuminosityBlock" << endl;
00427   if(actonLS_ && !prescale()){
00428     // do scheduled tasks...
00429   }
00431 }
00433 //--------------------------------------------------------
00434 void HcalMonitorClient::endLuminosityBlock(const LuminosityBlock &l, const EventSetup &c) {
00435   // then do your thing
00436   if( debug_>0 ) cout << "HcalMonitorClient: endLuminosityBlock" << endl;
00437   if(actonLS_ && !prescale()){
00438     // do scheduled tasks...
00439     analyze();
00440   }
00442   return;
00443 }
00445 //--------------------------------------------------------
00446 void HcalMonitorClient::analyze(const Event& e, const edm::EventSetup& eventSetup){
00448   if (debug_>0) 
00449     cout <<"Entered HcalMonitorClient::analyze(const Evt...)"<<endl;
00451   if(resetEvents_>0 && (ievent_%resetEvents_)==0) resetAllME();
00452   if(resetLS_>0 && (ilumisec_%resetLS_)==0) resetAllME();
00453   int deltaT = itime_-lastResetTime_;
00454   if(resetTime_>0 && (deltaT>resetTime_)){
00455     resetAllME();
00456     lastResetTime_ = itime_;
00457   }
00460   // environment datamembers
00461   irun_     =;
00462   ilumisec_ = e.luminosityBlock();
00463   ievent_   =;
00464   itime_    = e.time().value();
00465   mytime_   = (e.time().value())>>32;
00467   if (minlumisec_==0)
00468     minlumisec_=ilumisec_;
00469   minlumisec_=min(minlumisec_,ilumisec_);
00470   maxlumisec_=max(maxlumisec_,ilumisec_);
00472   if (debug_>1) 
00473     cout << "HcalMonitorClient: evts: "<< ievt_ << ", run: " << irun_ << ", LS: " << ilumisec_ << ", evt: " << ievent_ << ", time: " << itime_ << endl; 
00475   ievt_++; //I think we want our web pages, etc. to display this counter (the number of events used in the task) rather than nevt_ (the number of times the MonitorClient analyze function below is called) -- Jeff, 1/22/08
00478   // Need to increment summary client on every event, not just when prescale is called, since summary_client_ plots error rates/event.
00479   if( summary_client_ ) {
00480     summary_client_->incrementCounters(); // All this does is increment a counter.
00481     if (ievt_ ==1) {
00482       summary_client_->analyze();}}        // Check if HBHE, HO, or HF is in the run at all.
00483   if ( runningStandalone_ || prescale()) return;
00485   else analyze();
00486 }
00489 //--------------------------------------------------------
00490 void HcalMonitorClient::analyze(){
00491   if (debug_>0) 
00492     cout <<"<HcalMonitorClient> Entered HcalMonitorClient::analyze()"<<endl;
00494   //nevt_++; // counter not currently displayed anywhere 
00495   if(debug_>1) cout<<"\nHcal Monitor Client heartbeat...."<<endl;
00497   createTests();  
00498   mui_->doMonitoring();
00499   dbe_->runQTests();
00501   if (showTiming_) 
00502     { 
00503       cpu_timer.reset(); cpu_timer.start(); 
00504     } 
00505   if( dataformat_client_ ) dataformat_client_->analyze();       
00506   if (showTiming_) 
00507     { 
00508       cpu_timer.stop(); 
00509       if (dataformat_client_) cout <<"TIMER:: DATAFORMAT CLIENT ->"<<cpu_timer.cpuTime()<<endl; 
00510       cpu_timer.reset(); cpu_timer.start(); 
00511     } 
00513   if( digi_client_)       digi_client_->analyze(); 
00514   if (showTiming_) 
00515     { 
00516       cpu_timer.stop(); 
00517       if (digi_client_) cout <<"TIMER:: DIGI CLIENT ->"<<cpu_timer.cpuTime()<<endl; 
00518       cpu_timer.reset(); cpu_timer.start(); 
00519     } 
00521   if( rechit_client_ )     rechit_client_->analyze(); 
00522   if (showTiming_) 
00523     { 
00524       cpu_timer.stop(); 
00525       if (rechit_client_) cout <<"TIMER:: RECHIT CLIENT ->"<<cpu_timer.cpuTime()<<endl; 
00526       cpu_timer.reset(); cpu_timer.start(); 
00527     } 
00529   if( pedestal_client_ )   pedestal_client_->analyze();      
00530   if (showTiming_) 
00531     { 
00532       cpu_timer.stop(); 
00533       if (pedestal_client_) cout <<"TIMER:: PEDESTAL CLIENT ->"<<cpu_timer.cpuTime()<<endl; 
00534       cpu_timer.reset(); cpu_timer.start(); 
00535     } 
00537   if( led_client_ )        led_client_->analyze(); 
00538   if (showTiming_) 
00539     { 
00540       cpu_timer.stop(); 
00541       if (led_client_) cout <<"TIMER:: LED CLIENT ->"<<cpu_timer.cpuTime()<<endl; 
00542       cpu_timer.reset(); cpu_timer.start(); 
00543     } 
00545   if( laser_client_ )        laser_client_->analyze(); 
00546   if (showTiming_) 
00547     { 
00548       cpu_timer.stop(); 
00549       if (laser_client_) cout <<"TIMER:: LASER CLIENT ->"<<cpu_timer.cpuTime()<<endl; 
00550       cpu_timer.reset(); cpu_timer.start(); 
00551     } 
00553   if( hot_client_ )        hot_client_->analyze(); 
00554   if (showTiming_) 
00555     { 
00556       cpu_timer.stop(); 
00557       if (hot_client_) cout <<"TIMER:: HOT CLIENT ->"<<cpu_timer.cpuTime()<<endl; 
00558       cpu_timer.reset(); cpu_timer.start(); 
00559     } 
00561   if( dead_client_ )       dead_client_->analyze(); 
00562   if (showTiming_) 
00563     { 
00564       cpu_timer.stop(); 
00565       if (dead_client_) cout <<"TIMER:: DEAD CLIENT ->"<<cpu_timer.cpuTime()<<endl; 
00566       cpu_timer.reset(); cpu_timer.start(); 
00567     } 
00569   if( tp_client_ )         tp_client_->analyze(); 
00570   if (showTiming_) 
00571     { 
00572       cpu_timer.stop(); 
00573       if (tp_client_) cout <<"TIMER:: TP CLIENT ->"<<cpu_timer.cpuTime()<<endl; 
00574       cpu_timer.reset(); cpu_timer.start(); 
00575     } 
00577   if( ct_client_ )         ct_client_->analyze(); 
00578   if (showTiming_) 
00579     { 
00580       cpu_timer.stop(); 
00581       if (ct_client_) cout <<"TIMER:: CT CLIENT ->"<<cpu_timer.cpuTime()<<endl; 
00582       cpu_timer.reset(); cpu_timer.start(); 
00583     } 
00584   if( beam_client_ )         beam_client_->analyze(); 
00585   if (showTiming_) 
00586     { 
00587       cpu_timer.stop(); 
00588       if (beam_client_) cout <<"TIMER:: BEAM CLIENT ->"<<cpu_timer.cpuTime()<<endl; 
00589       cpu_timer.reset(); cpu_timer.start(); 
00590     } 
00592   if (showTiming_) 
00593     { 
00594       cpu_timer.stop(); 
00595       if (beam_client_) cout <<"TIMER:: BEAM CLIENT ->"<<cpu_timer.cpuTime()<<endl; 
00596       cpu_timer.reset(); cpu_timer.start(); 
00597     } 
00599   if (summary_client_ )    summary_client_->analyze();
00600   if (showTiming_) 
00601     { 
00602       cpu_timer.stop(); 
00603       if (summary_client_) cout <<"TIMER:: SUMMARY CLIENT ->"<<cpu_timer.cpuTime()<<endl; 
00604     } 
00606   errorSummary();
00608   return;
00609 }
00611 //--------------------------------------------------------
00612 void HcalMonitorClient::createTests(void){
00614   if( debug_>0 ) cout << "HcalMonitorClient: creating all tests" << endl;
00616   if( dataformat_client_ ) dataformat_client_->createTests(); 
00617   if( digi_client_ )       digi_client_->createTests(); 
00618   if( rechit_client_ )     rechit_client_->createTests(); 
00619   if( pedestal_client_ )   pedestal_client_->createTests(); 
00620   if( led_client_ )        led_client_->createTests(); 
00621   if( laser_client_ )      laser_client_->createTests(); 
00622   if( hot_client_ )        hot_client_->createTests(); 
00623   if( dead_client_ )       dead_client_->createTests(); 
00624   if( tp_client_ )         tp_client_->createTests(); 
00625   if( ct_client_ )         ct_client_->createTests(); 
00626   if( beam_client_ )       beam_client_->createTests();
00627   return;
00628 }
00630 //--------------------------------------------------------
00631 void HcalMonitorClient::report(bool doUpdate) {
00633   if( debug_>0 ) 
00634     cout << "HcalMonitorClient: creating report, ievt = " << ievt_ << endl;
00636   if(doUpdate){
00637     createTests();  
00638     dbe_->runQTests();
00639   }
00641   if( dataformat_client_ ) dataformat_client_->report();
00642   if( digi_client_ ) digi_client_->report();
00643   if( led_client_ ) led_client_->report();
00644   if( laser_client_ ) laser_client_->report();
00645   if( pedestal_client_ ) pedestal_client_->report();
00646   if( rechit_client_ ) rechit_client_->report();
00647   if( hot_client_ ) hot_client_->report();
00648   if( dead_client_ ) dead_client_->report();
00649   if( tp_client_ ) tp_client_->report();
00650   if( ct_client_ ) ct_client_->report();
00651   if( beam_client_ ) beam_client_->report();
00652   errorSummary();
00654   //create html output if specified...
00655   if( baseHtmlDir_.size() != 0 && ievt_>0) htmlOutput();
00656   return;
00657 }
00659 void HcalMonitorClient::errorSummary(){
00662   int nTests=0;
00663   map<string, vector<QReport*> > errE, errW, errO;
00664   if( hot_client_ )        hot_client_->getTestResults(nTests,errE,errW,errO);
00665   if( dead_client_ )       dead_client_->getTestResults(nTests,errE,errW,errO);
00666   if( led_client_ )        led_client_->getTestResults(nTests,errE,errW,errO);
00667   if( laser_client_ )      laser_client_->getTestResults(nTests,errE,errW,errO);
00668   if( tp_client_ )         tp_client_->getTestResults(nTests,errE,errW,errO);
00669   if( pedestal_client_ )   pedestal_client_->getTestResults(nTests,errE,errW,errO);
00670   if( digi_client_ )       digi_client_->getTestResults(nTests,errE,errW,errO);
00671   if( rechit_client_ )     rechit_client_->getTestResults(nTests,errE,errW,errO);
00672   if( dataformat_client_ ) dataformat_client_->getTestResults(nTests,errE,errW,errO);
00673   if( ct_client_ )         ct_client_->getTestResults(nTests,errE,errW,errO);
00674   if( beam_client_ )       beam_client_->getTestResults(nTests,errE,errW,errO);
00675   //For now, report the fraction of good tests....
00676   float errorSummary = 1.0;
00677   if(nTests>0) errorSummary = 1.0 - (float(errE.size())+float(errW.size()))/float(nTests);
00679   if (debug_>0) cout << "Hcal DQM Error Summary ("<< errorSummary <<"): "<< nTests << " tests, "<<errE.size() << " errors, " <<errW.size() << " warnings, "<< errO.size() << " others" << endl;
00681   char meTitle[256];
00682   sprintf(meTitle,"%sEventInfo/errorSummary",rootFolder_.c_str() );
00683   MonitorElement* me = dbe_->get(meTitle);
00684   if(me) me->Fill(errorSummary);
00686   return;
00687 }
00690 void HcalMonitorClient::htmlOutput(void){
00692   if (debug_>0) cout << "Preparing HcalMonitorClient html output ..." << endl;
00694   char tmp[10];
00695   if(irun_!=-1) sprintf(tmp, "DQM_Hcal_R%09d", irun_);
00696   else sprintf(tmp, "DQM_Hcal_R%09d", 0);
00697   string htmlDir = baseHtmlDir_ + "/" + tmp + "/";
00698   system(("/bin/mkdir -p " + htmlDir).c_str());
00700   ofstream htmlFile;
00701 + "index.html").c_str());
00703   // html page header
00704   htmlFile << "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">  " << endl;
00705   htmlFile << "<html>  " << endl;
00706   htmlFile << "<head>  " << endl;
00707   htmlFile << "  <meta content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\"  " << endl;
00708   htmlFile << " https-equiv=\"content-type\">  " << endl;
00709   htmlFile << "  <title>Hcal Data Quality Monitor</title> " << endl;
00710   htmlFile << "</head>  " << endl;
00711   htmlFile << "<body>  " << endl;
00712   htmlFile << "<br>  " << endl;
00713  htmlFile << "<center><h1>Hcal Data Quality Monitor</h1></center>" << endl;
00714   htmlFile << "<h2>Run Number:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" << endl;
00715   htmlFile << "<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 153);\">" << irun_ <<"</span></h2> " << endl;
00716   htmlFile << "<h2>Events processed:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" << endl;
00717   htmlFile << "<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 153);\">" << ievt_ <<"</span></h2> " << endl;
00718   htmlFile << "<hr>" << endl;
00719   htmlFile << "<ul>" << endl;
00721   string htmlName;
00722   if( dataformat_client_ ) {
00723     htmlName = "HcalDataFormatClient.html";
00724     dataformat_client_->htmlOutput(irun_, htmlDir, htmlName);
00725     htmlFile << "<table border=0 WIDTH=\"50%\"><tr>" << endl;
00726     htmlFile << "<td WIDTH=\"35%\"><a href=\"" << htmlName << "\">Data Format Monitor</a></td>" << endl;
00727     if(dataformat_client_->hasErrors()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=red align=center>This monitor task has errors.</td>" << endl;
00728     else if(dataformat_client_->hasWarnings()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=yellow align=center>This monitor task has warnings.</td>" << endl;
00729     else if(dataformat_client_->hasOther()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=aqua align=center>This monitor task has messages.</td>" << endl;
00730     else htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=lime align=center>This monitor task has no problems</td>" << endl;
00731     htmlFile << "</tr></table>" << endl;
00732   }
00733   if( digi_client_ ) {
00734     htmlName = "HcalDigiClient.html";
00735     digi_client_->htmlOutput(irun_, htmlDir, htmlName);
00736     htmlFile << "<table border=0 WIDTH=\"50%\"><tr>" << endl;
00737     htmlFile << "<td WIDTH=\"35%\"><a href=\"" << htmlName << "\">Digi Monitor</a></td>" << endl;
00738     if(digi_client_->hasErrors()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=red align=center>This monitor task has errors.</td>" << endl;
00739     else if(digi_client_->hasWarnings()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=yellow align=center>This monitor task has warnings.</td>" << endl;
00740     else if(digi_client_->hasOther()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=aqua align=center>This monitor task has messages.</td>" << endl;
00741     else htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=lime align=center>This monitor task has no problems</td>" << endl;
00742     htmlFile << "</tr></table>" << endl;
00743   }
00744   if( tp_client_ ) {
00745     htmlName = "HcalTrigPrimClient.html";
00746     tp_client_->htmlOutput(irun_, htmlDir, htmlName);
00747     htmlFile << "<table border=0 WIDTH=\"50%\"><tr>" << endl;
00748     htmlFile << "<td WIDTH=\"35%\"><a href=\"" << htmlName << "\">TrigPrim Monitor</a></td>" << endl;
00749     if(tp_client_->hasErrors()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=red align=center>This monitor task has errors.</td>" << endl;
00750     else if(tp_client_->hasWarnings()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=yellow align=center>This monitor task has warnings.</td>" << endl;
00751     else if(tp_client_->hasOther()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=aqua align=center>This monitor task has messages.</td>" << endl;
00752     else htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=lime align=center>This monitor task has no problems</td>" << endl;
00753     htmlFile << "</tr></table>" << endl;
00754   }
00755   if( rechit_client_ ) {
00756     htmlName = "HcalRecHitClient.html";
00757     rechit_client_->htmlOutput(irun_, htmlDir, htmlName);
00758     htmlFile << "<table border=0 WIDTH=\"50%\"><tr>" << endl;
00759     htmlFile << "<td WIDTH=\"35%\"><a href=\"" << htmlName << "\">RecHit Monitor</a></td>" << endl;
00760     if(rechit_client_->hasErrors()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=red align=center>This monitor task has errors.</td>" << endl;
00761     else if(rechit_client_->hasWarnings()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=yellow align=center>This monitor task has warnings.</td>" << endl;
00762     else if(rechit_client_->hasOther()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=aqua align=center>This monitor task has messages.</td>" << endl;
00763     else htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=lime align=center>This monitor task has no problems</td>" << endl;
00764     htmlFile << "</tr></table>" << endl;
00765   }
00766   if( ct_client_ ) {
00767     htmlName = "HcalCaloTowerClient.html";
00768     ct_client_->htmlOutput(irun_, htmlDir, htmlName);
00769     htmlFile << "<table border=0 WIDTH=\"50%\"><tr>" << endl;
00770     htmlFile << "<td WIDTH=\"35%\"><a href=\"" << htmlName << "\">CaloTower Monitor</a></td>" << endl;
00771     if(ct_client_->hasErrors()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=red align=center>This monitor task has errors.</td>" << endl;
00772     else if(ct_client_->hasWarnings()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=yellow align=center>This monitor task has warnings.</td>" << endl;
00773     else if(ct_client_->hasOther()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=aqua align=center>This monitor task has messages.</td>" << endl;
00774     else htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=lime align=center>This monitor task has no problems</td>" << endl;
00775     htmlFile << "</tr></table>" << endl;
00776   }
00777   if( hot_client_ ) {
00778     htmlName = "HcalHotCellClient.html";
00779     hot_client_->htmlOutput(irun_, htmlDir, htmlName);
00780     htmlFile << "<table border=0 WIDTH=\"50%\"><tr>" << endl;
00781     htmlFile << "<td WIDTH=\"35%\"><a href=\"" << htmlName << "\">Hot Cell Monitor</a></td>" << endl;
00782     if(hot_client_->hasErrors()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=red align=center>This monitor task has errors.</td>" << endl;
00783     else if(hot_client_->hasWarnings()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=yellow align=center>This monitor task has warnings.</td>" << endl;
00784     else if(hot_client_->hasOther()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=aqua align=center>This monitor task has messages.</td>" << endl;
00785     else htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=lime align=center>This monitor task has no problems</td>" << endl;
00786     htmlFile << "</tr></table>" << endl;
00787   }
00789   if( dead_client_) {
00790     htmlName = "HcalDeadCellClient.html";
00791     dead_client_->htmlOutput(irun_, htmlDir, htmlName);
00792     htmlFile << "<table border=0 WIDTH=\"50%\"><tr>" << endl;
00793     htmlFile << "<td WIDTH=\"35%\"><a href=\"" << htmlName << "\">Dead Cell Monitor</a></td>" << endl;
00794     if(dead_client_->hasErrors()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=red align=center>This monitor task has errors.</td>" << endl;
00795     else if(dead_client_->hasWarnings()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=yellow align=center>This monitor task has warnings.</td>" << endl;
00796     else if(dead_client_->hasOther()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=aqua align=center>This monitor task has messages.</td>" << endl;
00797     else htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=lime align=center>This monitor task has no problems</td>" << endl;
00798     htmlFile << "</tr></table>" << endl;
00799   }
00800   if( pedestal_client_) {
00801     htmlName = "HcalPedestalClient.html";
00802     pedestal_client_->htmlOutput(irun_, htmlDir, htmlName);
00803     htmlFile << "<table border=0 WIDTH=\"50%\"><tr>" << endl;
00804     htmlFile << "<td WIDTH=\"35%\"><a href=\"" << htmlName << "\">Pedestal Monitor</a></td>" << endl;
00806     if(pedestal_client_->hasErrors()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=red align=center>This monitor task has errors.</td>" << endl;
00807     else if(pedestal_client_->hasWarnings()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=yellow align=center>This monitor task has warnings.</td>" << endl;
00808     else if(pedestal_client_->hasOther()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=aqua align=center>This monitor task has messages.</td>" << endl;
00809     else htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=lime align=center>This monitor task has no problems</td>" << endl;
00811     htmlFile << "</tr></table>" << endl;
00812   }
00814   if( led_client_) {
00815     htmlName = "HcalLEDClient.html";
00816     led_client_->htmlOutput(irun_, htmlDir, htmlName);
00817     htmlFile << "<table border=0 WIDTH=\"50%\"><tr>" << endl;
00818     htmlFile << "<td WIDTH=\"35%\"><a href=\"" << htmlName << "\">LED Monitor</a></td>" << endl;
00820     if(led_client_->hasErrors()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=red align=center>This monitor task has errors.</td>" << endl;
00821     else if(led_client_->hasWarnings()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=yellow align=center>This monitor task has warnings.</td>" << endl;
00822     else if(led_client_->hasOther()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=aqua align=center>This monitor task has messages.</td>" << endl;
00823     else htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=lime align=center>This monitor task has no problems</td>" << endl;
00825     htmlFile << "</tr></table>" << endl;
00826   }
00828   if( laser_client_) {
00829     htmlName = "HcalLaserClient.html";
00830     laser_client_->htmlOutput(irun_, htmlDir, htmlName);
00831     htmlFile << "<table border=0 WIDTH=\"50%\"><tr>" << endl;
00832     htmlFile << "<td WIDTH=\"35%\"><a href=\"" << htmlName << "\">Laser Monitor</a></td>" << endl;
00834     if(laser_client_->hasErrors()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=red align=center>This monitor task has errors.</td>" << endl;
00835     else if(laser_client_->hasWarnings()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=yellow align=center>This monitor task has warnings.</td>" << endl;
00836     else if(laser_client_->hasOther()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=aqua align=center>This monitor task has messages.</td>" << endl;
00837     else htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=lime align=center>This monitor task has no problems</td>" << endl;
00839     htmlFile << "</tr></table>" << endl;
00840   }
00842   if( beam_client_) {
00843     htmlName = "HcalBeamClient.html";
00844     beam_client_->htmlOutput(irun_, htmlDir, htmlName);
00845     htmlFile << "<table border=0 WIDTH=\"50%\"><tr>" << endl;
00846     htmlFile << "<td WIDTH=\"35%\"><a href=\"" << htmlName << "\">Beam Monitor</a></td>" << endl;
00848     if(beam_client_->hasErrors()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=red align=center>This monitor task has errors.</td>" << endl;
00849     else if(beam_client_->hasWarnings()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=yellow align=center>This monitor task has warnings.</td>" << endl;
00850     else if(beam_client_->hasOther()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=aqua align=center>This monitor task has messages.</td>" << endl;
00851     else htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=lime align=center>This monitor task has no problems</td>" << endl;
00853     htmlFile << "</tr></table>" << endl;
00854   }
00855   if( summary_client_) {
00856     //summary_client_->analyze();  // Do analyze just before making html (which relies on analyze results) -- no longer necessary with new code?
00857     htmlName = "HcalSummaryCellClient.html";
00858     // summary client html output function called separately within HcalSummaryClient, after analyze function
00859     summary_client_->htmlOutput(irun_, mytime_, minlumisec_, maxlumisec_, htmlDir, htmlName);
00860     htmlFile << "<table border=0 WIDTH=\"50%\"><tr>" << endl;
00861     htmlFile << "<td WIDTH=\"35%\"><a href=\"" << htmlName << "\">Summary Monitor</a></td>" << endl;
00862     //if(summary_client_->hasErrors()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=red align=center>This monitor task has errors.</td>" << endl;
00863     //else if(summary_client_->hasWarnings()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=yellow align=center>This monitor task has warnings.</td>" << endl;
00864     //else if(summary_client_->hasOther()) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=aqua align=center>This monitor task has messages.</td>" << endl;
00865     //else
00866       htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=lime align=center>This monitor task has no problems</td>" << endl;
00867     htmlFile << "</tr></table>" << endl;
00868   }
00870   htmlFile << "</ul>" << endl;
00873   // html page footer
00874   htmlFile << "</body> " << endl;
00875   htmlFile << "</html> " << endl;
00877   htmlFile.close();
00878   if (debug_>0) cout << "HcalMonitorClient html output done..." << endl;
00880   return;
00881 }
00883 void HcalMonitorClient::offlineSetup(){
00884   //  cout << endl;
00885   //  cout << " *** Hcal Generic Monitor Client, for offline operation***" << endl;
00886   //  cout << endl;
00887   /*
00888   dataformat_client_ = 0; digi_client_ = 0;
00889   rechit_client_ = 0; pedestal_client_ = 0;
00890   led_client_ = 0;  hot_client_ = 0; laser_client_ = 0;
00891   dead_client_=0;
00892   beam_client_=0;
00894   // base Html output directory
00895   baseHtmlDir_ = ".";
00897   // clients' constructors
00898   hot_client_          = new HcalHotCellClient();
00899   dead_client_         = new HcalDeadCellClient();
00900   dataformat_client_   = new HcalDataFormatClient();
00901   rechit_client_       = new HcalRecHitClient();
00902   digi_client_         = new HcalDigiClient();
00903   pedestal_client_     = new HcalPedestalClient();
00904   led_client_          = new HcalLEDClient();
00905   laser_client_        = new HcalLaserClient();
00906   beam_client_         = new HcalBeamClient();
00907   */
00908   return;
00909 }
00911 void HcalMonitorClient::loadHistograms(TFile* infile, const char* fname){
00913   if(!infile){
00914     throw cms::Exception("Incomplete configuration") << 
00915       "HcalMonitorClient: this histogram file is bad! " <<endl;
00916     return;
00917   }
00918   /*
00919   TNamed* tnd = (TNamed*)infile->Get("DQMData/HcalMonitor/RUN NUMBER");
00920   string s =tnd->GetTitle();
00921   irun_ = -1;
00922   sscanf((s.substr(2,s.length()-2)).c_str(), "%d", &irun_);
00924   tnd = (TNamed*)infile->Get("DQMData/HcalMonitor/EVT NUMBER");
00925   s =tnd->GetTitle();
00926   mon_evt_ = -1;
00927   sscanf((s.substr(2,s.length()-2)).c_str(), "%d", &mon_evt_);
00929   tnd = (TNamed*)infile->Get("DQMData/HcalMonitor/EVT MASK");
00930   s =tnd->GetTitle();
00931   int mask = -1;
00932   sscanf((s.substr(2,s.length()-2)).c_str(), "%d", &mask);
00934   if(mask&HCAL_BEAM_TRIGGER) runtype_ = "BEAM RUN";
00935   if(mask&DO_HCAL_PED_CALIBMON){ runtype_ = "PEDESTAL RUN";
00936     if(mask&HCAL_BEAM_TRIGGER) runtype_ = "BEAM AND PEDESTALS";
00937   }
00938   if(mask&DO_HCAL_LED_CALIBMON) runtype_ = "LED RUN";
00939   if(mask&DO_HCAL_LASER_CALIBMON) runtype_ = "LASER RUN";
00941   status_="unknown";
00942   tnd = (TNamed*)infile->Get("DQMData/HcalMonitor/EVT MASK");
00943   s = tnd->GetTitle();
00944   status_ = "unknown";
00945   if( s.substr(2,1) == "0" ) status_ = "begin-of-run";
00946   if( s.substr(2,1) == "1" ) status_ = "running";
00947   if( s.substr(2,1) == "2" ) status_ = "end-of-run";
00950   if(hot_client_)          hot_client_->loadHistograms(infile);
00951   if(dead_client_)         dead_client_->loadHistograms(infile);
00952   if(dataformat_client_)   dataformat_client_->loadHistograms(infile);
00953   if(rechit_client_)       rechit_client_->loadHistograms(infile);
00954   if(digi_client_)         digi_client_->loadHistograms(infile);
00955   if(pedestal_client_)     pedestal_client_->loadHistograms(infile);
00956   if(led_client_)          led_client_->loadHistograms(infile);
00957   if(laser_client_)        laser_client_->loadHistograms(infile);
00958   if(beam_client_)         beam_client_->loadHistograms(infile);
00959  */
00960   return;
00962 }
00965 void HcalMonitorClient::dumpHistograms(int& runNum, vector<TH1F*> &hist1d,vector<TH2F*> &hist2d){
00967   hist1d.clear(); 
00968   hist2d.clear(); 
00970   /*
00971   if(hot_client_)        hot_client_->dumpHistograms(names,meanX,meanY,rmsX,rmsY);
00972   if(dead_client_)       dead_client_->dumpHistograms(names,meanX,meanY,rmsX,rmsY);
00973   if(dataformat_client)  dataformat_client_->dumpHistograms(names,meanX,meanY,rmsX,rmsY);
00974   if(rechit_client_)     rechit_client_->dumpHistograms(names,meanX,meanY,rmsX,rmsY);
00975   if(digi_client_)       digi_client_->dumpHistograms(names,meanX,meanY,rmsX,rmsY);
00976   if(pedestal_client_)   pedestal_client_->dumpHistograms(names,meanX,meanY,rmsX,rmsY);
00977   if(led_client_)        led_client_->dumpHistograms(names,meanX,meanY,rmsX,rmsY);
00978   if(laser_client_)      laser_client_->dumpHistograms(names,meanX,meanY,rmsX,rmsY);
00979   if(beam_client_)       beam_client_->dumpHistograms(names,meanX,meanY,rmsX,rmsY);
00980   */
00981  return;
00982 }
00984 //--------------------------------------------------------
00985 bool HcalMonitorClient::prescale(){
00988   if (debug_>1) cout <<"HcalMonitorClient::prescale"<<endl;
00990   //First determine if we care...
00991   bool evtPS =    prescaleEvt_>0;
00992   bool lsPS =     prescaleLS_>0;
00993   bool timePS =   prescaleTime_>0;
00994   bool updatePS = prescaleUpdate_>0;
00996   // If no prescales are set, keep the event
00997   if(!evtPS && !lsPS && !timePS && !updatePS) return false;
00999   //check each instance
01000   if(lsPS && (ilumisec_%prescaleLS_)!=0) lsPS = false; //LS veto
01001   // BAH!  This doesn't work -- ievent is the raw event number, and doesn't have to be in strict numerical order.  Use ievt instead.
01002   //if(evtPS && (ievent_%prescaleEvt_)!=0) evtPS = false; //evt # veto
01003   if (evtPS && (ievt_%prescaleEvt_)!=0) evtPS = false;
01004   if(timePS){
01005     float time = psTime_.elapsedTime - psTime_.updateTime;
01006     if(time<prescaleTime_){
01007       timePS = false;  //timestamp veto
01008       psTime_.updateTime = psTime_.elapsedTime;
01009     }
01010   }
01011   //  if(prescaleUpdate_>0 && (nupdates_%prescaleUpdate_)==0) updatePS=false; ///need to define what "updates" means
01013   if (debug_>1) 
01014     cout<<"HcalMonitor::prescale  evt: "<<ievent_<<"/"<<evtPS<<", ls: "<<ilumisec_<<"/"<<lsPS<<", time: "<<(psTime_.elapsedTime - psTime_.updateTime)<<"/"<<timePS<<endl;
01015   /*
01016   printf("HcalMonitorClient::prescale  evt: %d/%d, ls: %d/%d, time: %f/%d\n",
01017          ievent_,evtPS,
01018          ilumisec_,lsPS,
01019          psTime_.elapsedTime - psTime_.updateTime,timePS);
01020   */
01022   // if any criteria wants to keep the event, do so
01023   if(evtPS || lsPS || timePS) return false; //FIXME updatePS left out for now
01024   return true;
01025 }
01028 DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(HcalMonitorClient);

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