MixingModule Namespace Reference


void addPileups (const int bcr, Event *e, unsigned int eventNr, unsigned int worker)
void addSignals (const edm::Event &e)
void beginJob (edm::EventSetup const &iSetup)
void createnewEDProduct ()
def customise
void doPileUp (edm::Event &e)
void getEventStartInfo (edm::Event &e, const unsigned int s)
 MixingModule (const edm::ParameterSet &ps_mix)
void put (edm::Event &e)
void setEventStartInfo (const unsigned int s)
bool verifyRegistry (std::string object, std::string subdet, InputTag &tag, std::string &label)
 ~MixingModule ()

Function Documentation

void MixingModule::addPileups ( const int  bcr,
Event e,
unsigned int  eventNr,
unsigned int  worker 

Definition at line 229 of file

References LogDebug.

Referenced by edm::BMixingModule::merge().

00229                                                                                                  {    // fill in pileup part of CrossingFrame
00232     LogDebug("MixingModule") <<"\n===============> adding objects from event  "<<e->id()<<" for bunchcrossing "<<bcr;
00234     workers_[worker]->addPileups(bcr,e,eventNr,vertexoffset);
00235   }

void MixingModule::addSignals ( const edm::Event e  ) 

Definition at line 198 of file

References edm::Event::id(), and LogDebug.

Referenced by edm::BMixingModule::produce().

00198                                                  { 
00199     // fill in signal part of CrossingFrame
00201     LogDebug("MixingModule")<<"===============> adding signals for "<<;
00202     for (unsigned int ii=0;ii<workers_.size();ii++){ 
00203       workers_[ii]->addSignals(e);
00204     }
00206   }

void MixingModule::beginJob ( edm::EventSetup const &  iSetup  ) 

Definition at line 179 of file

00179                                                         {
00180   }

void MixingModule::createnewEDProduct (  ) 

Definition at line 182 of file

Referenced by edm::BMixingModule::produce().

00182                                         {
00183     //create playback info
00184     playbackInfo_=new CrossingFramePlaybackInfo(minBunch_,maxBunch_,maxNbSources_); 
00186     //and CrossingFrames
00187     for (unsigned int ii=0;ii<workers_.size();ii++) 
00188       workers_[ii]->createnewEDProduct();
00189   }

def MixingModule::customise (   process  ) 

Definition at line 11 of file

00011                       :
00012     #Renaming the process
00013     process.__dict__['_Process__name']=process.__dict__['_Process__name']+'-PILEUP'
00014     #Adding SimpleMemoryCheck service:
00015     process.SimpleMemoryCheck=cms.Service("SimpleMemoryCheck",
00016                                           ignoreTotal=cms.untracked.int32(1),
00017                                           oncePerEventMode=cms.untracked.bool(True))
00018     #Adding Timing service:
00019     process.Timing=cms.Service("Timing")
00021     #Add these 3 lines to put back the summary for timing information at the end of the logfile
00022     #(needed for TimeReport report)
00023     process.options = cms.untracked.PSet(
00024         wantSummary = cms.untracked.bool(True)
00025         )
00027     #Overwriting the fileNames to be used by the MixingModule
00028     #when invoking with the --PU option
00029     process.mix.input.fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring('file:../INPUT_PILEUP_EVENTS.root')
00031     return(process)

void MixingModule::doPileUp ( edm::Event e  ) 

Definition at line 208 of file

References merge().

Referenced by edm::BMixingModule::produce().

00209   {//     we first loop over workers
00210     // in order not to keep all CrossingFrames in memory simultaneously
00211     //
00213     for (unsigned int ii=0;ii<workers_.size();ii++) {
00214       // we have to loop over bunchcrossings first since added objects are all stored in one vector, 
00215       // ordered by bunchcrossing
00216       for (int bunchCrossing=minBunch_;bunchCrossing<=maxBunch_;++bunchCrossing) {
00217         workers_[ii]->setBcrOffset();
00218         for (unsigned int isource=0;isource<maxNbSources_;++isource) {
00219           workers_[ii]->setSourceOffset(isource);
00220           if (doit_[isource])   {
00221             merge(bunchCrossing, (pileup_[isource])[bunchCrossing-minBunch_],ii);
00222           }     
00223         }
00224       }
00225       workers_[ii]->put(e);
00226     }
00227   }

void MixingModule::getEventStartInfo ( edm::Event e,
const unsigned int  s 

Definition at line 248 of file

References edm::Event::get().

Referenced by edm::BMixingModule::produce().

00248                                                                          {
00249     if (playback_) {
00251       edm::Handle<CrossingFramePlaybackInfo>  playbackInfo_H;
00252       bool got=e.get((*sel_), playbackInfo_H); 
00253       if (got) {
00254         playbackInfo_H->getEventStartInfo(eventIDs_,fileSeqNrs_,nrEvents_,s);
00255       }else{
00256         LogWarning("MixingModule")<<"\n\nAttention: No CrossingFramePlaybackInfo on the input file, but playback option set!!!!!!!\nAttention: Job is executed without playback, please change the input file if you really want playback!!!!!!!";
00257         //FIXME: defaults
00258       }
00259     }
00260   }

MixingModule::MixingModule ( const edm::ParameterSet ps_mix  ) 

Definition at line 26 of file

References find(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), it, label, LogDebug, names, python::EventAnalyzer_cfg::pset, size, edm::sort_all(), ecalRecalibSequence_cff::tag, and verifyRegistry().

00026                                                           : BMixingModule(ps_mix),labelPlayback_(ps_mix.getParameter<std::string>("LabelPlayback"))
00028   {
00029     if (labelPlayback_.size()>0){
00030       sel_=new Selector( ModuleLabelSelector(labelPlayback_));
00031     }
00032     else {
00033       sel_=new Selector( MatchAllSelector());
00034     }
00036     ParameterSet ps=ps_mix.getParameter<ParameterSet>("mixObjects");
00037     std::vector<std::string> names = ps.getParameterNames();
00038     for (std::vector<string>::iterator it=names.begin();it!= names.end();++it)
00039       {
00040           ParameterSet pset=ps.getParameter<ParameterSet>((*it));
00041           if (!pset.exists("type"))  continue; //to allow replacement by empty pset
00042           std::string object = pset.getParameter<std::string>("type");
00043           std::vector<InputTag>  tags=pset.getParameter<std::vector<InputTag> >("input");
00045           //SimTracks
00046           if (object=="SimTrack") {
00047             InputTag tag;
00048             if (tags.size()>0) tag=tags[0];
00049             std::string label;
00050             if (verifyRegistry(object,std::string(""),tag,label));
00051             {
00052               workers_.push_back(new MixingWorker<SimTrack>(minBunch_,maxBunch_,bunchSpace_,std::string(""),label,maxNbSources_,tag));  
00053               produces<CrossingFrame<SimTrack> >(label);
00054               LogInfo("MixingModule") <<"Will mix "<<object<<"s with InputTag= "<<tag.encode()<<", label will be "<<label;
00055             }
00057           }else if (object=="SimVertex") {
00058             InputTag tag;
00059             if (tags.size()>0) tag=tags[0];
00060             std::string label;
00061             if (verifyRegistry(object,std::string(""),tag,label))
00062             {
00063               workers_.push_back(new MixingWorker<SimVertex>(minBunch_,maxBunch_,bunchSpace_,std::string(""),label,maxNbSources_,tag));  
00064               produces<CrossingFrame<SimVertex> >(label);
00065               LogInfo("MixingModule") <<"Will mix "<<object<<"s with InputTag "<<tag.encode()<<", label will be "<<label;
00066             }
00067           }
00069             else if (object=="HepMCProduct") {
00070             InputTag tag;
00071             if (tags.size()>0) tag=tags[0];
00072             std::string label;
00073             if (verifyRegistry(object,std::string(""),tag,label)){
00074             workers_.push_back(new MixingWorker<HepMCProduct>(minBunch_,maxBunch_,bunchSpace_,std::string(""),label,maxNbSources_,tag));  
00075             produces<CrossingFrame<HepMCProduct> >(label);
00076             LogInfo("MixingModule") <<"Will mix"<<object<<"s with InputTag= "<<tag.encode()<<", label will be "<<label;
00077             }
00079           }else if (object=="PCaloHit") {
00080             std::vector<std::string> subdets=pset.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("subdets");
00081             for (unsigned int ii=0;ii<subdets.size();ii++) {
00082               InputTag tag;
00083               if (tags.size()==1) tag=tags[0];
00084               else if(tags.size()>1) tag=tags[ii]; //FIXME: verify sizes
00085               std::string label;
00086               if (verifyRegistry(object,subdets[ii],tag,label)){
00087               workers_.push_back(new MixingWorker<PCaloHit>(minBunch_,maxBunch_,bunchSpace_,subdets[ii],label,maxNbSources_,tag));  
00088               produces<CrossingFrame<PCaloHit> > (label);
00089               LogInfo("MixingModule") <<"Will mix "<<object<<"s with InputTag= "<<tag.encode()<<", label will be "<<label;
00090               }
00091             }
00093           }else if (object=="PSimHit") {
00094             std::vector<std::string> subdets=pset.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("subdets");
00095             for (unsigned int ii=0;ii<subdets.size();ii++) {
00096               InputTag tag;
00097               if (tags.size()==1) tag=tags[0];
00098               else if(tags.size()>1) tag=tags[ii]; //FIXME: verify sizes
00099               std::string label;
00100               if (!verifyRegistry(object,subdets[ii],tag,label)) continue;
00101               if ((subdets[ii].find("HighTof")==std::string::npos) && (subdets[ii].find("LowTof")==std::string::npos)) {
00102                 workers_.push_back(new MixingWorker<PSimHit>(minBunch_,maxBunch_,bunchSpace_,subdets[ii],label,maxNbSources_,tag));  
00103                 LogInfo("MixingModule") <<"Will mix "<<object<<"s with InputTag= "<<tag.encode()<<", label will be "<<label;
00104               }else {
00105                 workers_.push_back(new MixingWorker<PSimHit>(minBunch_,maxBunch_,bunchSpace_,subdets[ii],label,maxNbSources_,tag,true));  
00106                 // here we have to give the opposite selector too (low for high, high for low)
00107                 int slow=(subdets[ii]).find("LowTof");//FIXME: to be done before when creating trackerPids
00108                 int iend=(subdets[ii]).size();
00109                 std::string productInstanceNameOpp;
00110                 if (slow>0) {
00111                   productInstanceNameOpp=tag.instance().substr(0,iend-6)+"HighTof";
00112                 }else{
00113                   productInstanceNameOpp=tag.instance().substr(0,iend-7)+"LowTof";
00114                 }
00115                 InputTag tagOpp(tag.label(),productInstanceNameOpp,tag.process());
00116                 workers_[workers_.size()-1]->setOppositeTag(tagOpp);
00117                 workers_[workers_.size()-1]->setCheckTof(ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("checktof",true));
00118                 LogInfo("MixingModule") <<"Will mix "<<object<<"s with InputTag= "<<tag.encode()<<", label will be "<<label;
00119               }
00120               produces<CrossingFrame<PSimHit> > (label);
00121             }
00123           }else LogWarning("MixingModule") <<"You have asked to mix an unknown type of object("<<object<<").\n If you want to include it in mixing, please contact the authors of the MixingModule!";
00124       }
00126     sort_all(wantedBranches_);
00127     for (unsigned int branch=0;branch<wantedBranches_.size();++branch) LogDebug("MixingModule")<<"Will keep branch "<<wantedBranches_[branch];
00129     dropUnwantedBranches(wantedBranches_);
00130     produces<CrossingFramePlaybackInfo>();
00131   }

void MixingModule::put ( edm::Event e  ) 

Definition at line 240 of file

References edm::Event::put().

Referenced by IgCollectionItem::operator,(), IgCollectionItem::operator=(), and edm::BMixingModule::produce().

00240                                     {
00242     if (playbackInfo_) {
00243       std::auto_ptr<CrossingFramePlaybackInfo> pOut(playbackInfo_);
00244       e.put(pOut);
00245     }
00246   }

void MixingModule::setEventStartInfo ( const unsigned int  s  ) 

Definition at line 236 of file

Referenced by edm::BMixingModule::produce().

00236                                                            {
00237     playbackInfo_->setEventStartInfo(eventIDs_,fileSeqNrs_,nrEvents_,s); 
00238   }

bool MixingModule::verifyRegistry ( std::string  object,
std::string  subdet,
InputTag &  tag,
std::string &  label 

Definition at line 133 of file

References edm::BranchDescription::className(), edm::BranchDescription::friendlyClassName(), it, edm::BranchDescription::moduleLabel(), and edm::BranchDescription::productInstanceName().

Referenced by MixingModule().

00133                                                                                                       {
00134     // verify that the given product exists in the product registry
00135     // and create the label to be given to the CrossingFrame
00137     edm::Service<edm::ConstProductRegistry> reg;
00138     // Loop over provenance of products in registry.
00139     std::string lookfor;
00140     if (object=="HepMCProduct") lookfor="edm::"+object;//exception for HepMCProduct
00141     else if (object=="edm::HepMCProduct") lookfor=object;
00142     else  lookfor="std::vector<"+object+">";
00143     bool found=false;
00144     for (edm::ProductRegistry::ProductList::const_iterator it = reg->productList().begin();
00145          it != reg->productList().end(); ++it) {
00146       // See FWCore/Framework/interface/BranchDescription.h
00147       // BranchDescription contains all the information for the product.
00148       edm::BranchDescription desc = it->second;
00149       if (desc.className()==lookfor && desc.moduleLabel()==tag.label() && desc.productInstanceName()==tag.instance()) {
00150         label=desc.moduleLabel()+desc.productInstanceName();
00151         found=true;
00152         wantedBranches_.push_back(desc.friendlyClassName() + '_' +
00153                                   desc.moduleLabel() + '_' +
00154                                   desc.productInstanceName());
00155         break; 
00156         }
00157     }
00158     if (!found) {
00159       LogWarning("MixingModule")<<"!!!!!!!!!Could not find in registry requested object: "<<object<<" with "<<tag<<".\nWill NOT be considered for mixing!!!!!!!!!";
00160       return false;
00161     }
00163     return true;
00164   }

MixingModule::~MixingModule (  ) 

Definition at line 193 of file

00193                               { 
00194     for (unsigned int ii=0;ii<workers_.size();ii++) 
00195       delete workers_[ii];
00196   }  

Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:49:01 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4