CVS - Administrative privileges
The package is fundamental for seed generation and for pixel triplet creation. LayerWithHits class associates the geometric DetLayer and the range of RecHits that belongs to it. The CombinedHitPairGenerator creates the passible hitpairs with pixels (using the PixelSeedLayerPairs) or without pixels (using the PixelLessSeedLayerPairs). The CosmicHitPairGenerator is needed for tracking cosmic muons.
CombinedHitPairGenerator CosmicHitPairGeneratorFromLayerPair CosmicHitPairGenerator CosmicLayerPairs HitPairGeneratorFromLayerPair HitPairGenerator InnerDeltaPhi LayerHitMapCache LayerHitMap LayerHitMapLoop LayerWithHits OrderedHitPair OrderedHitPairs PixelLessSeedLayerPairs PixelSeedLayerPairs SeedLayerPairs SimpleCache TkHitPairsCacheCell TkHitPairsCachedHit TkHitPairsCellManager
Last updated: @ Author: Michele Pioppi.
Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:56:14 2009 for CMSSW by