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tt::Setup Class Reference

Class to process and provide run-time constants used by Track Trigger emulators. More...

#include <Setup.h>

Public Member Functions

bool barrel (const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const
double baseBend () const
double baseCol () const
double baseRegion () const
double baseRow () const
double baseSector () const
double baseWindowSize () const
double beamWindowZ () const
double bendCut () const
double bField () const
double boundarieEta (int eta) const
std::vector< double > boundarieEta () const
void checkHistory (const edm::ProcessHistory &processHistory) const
double chosenRofPhi () const
double chosenRofZ () const
bool configurationSupported () const
double disk2SR (int layerId, int r) const
double dPhi (const TTStubRef &ttStubRef, double inv2R) const
int dphiTruncation () const
int drDepthMemory () const
double dtcBaseInv2R () const
double dtcBaseM () const
int dtcDepthMemory () const
int dtcId (int tklId) const
int dtcId (int tfpRegion, int tfpChannel) const
const std::vector< SensorModule * > & dtcModules (int dtcId) const
int dtcNumMergedRows () const
int dtcNumModulesPerRoutingBlock () const
int dtcNumRoutingBlocks () const
int dtcNumStreams () const
int dtcWidthInv2R () const
int dtcWidthM () const
int dtcWidthRowLUT () const
double dZ (const TTStubRef &ttStubRef, double cot) const
int dzTruncation () const
const std::vector< double > & encodingBend (int windowSize, bool psModule) const
bool gbps10 (int dtcId) const
int gpDepthMemory () const
double halfLength () const
int htDepthMemory () const
int htMinLayers () const
int htNumBinsInv2R () const
int htNumBinsPhiT () const
double hybridBaseAlpha (SensorModule::Type type) const
double hybridBasePhi (SensorModule::Type type) const
double hybridBaseR (SensorModule::Type type) const
double hybridBaseZ (SensorModule::Type type) const
double hybridChosenRofPhi () const
double hybridDiskZ (int layerId) const
double hybridLayerR (int layerId) const
double hybridMaxCot () const
double hybridMaxEta () const
double hybridMinPtCand () const
double hybridMinPtStub () const
int hybridNumLayers () const
int hybridNumRingsPS (int layerId) const
int hybridNumUnusedBits (SensorModule::Type type) const
double hybridRangePhi () const
double hybridRangeR () const
int hybridWidthAlpha (SensorModule::Type type) const
int hybridWidthBend (SensorModule::Type type) const
int hybridWidthLayerId () const
int hybridWidthPhi (SensorModule::Type type) const
int hybridWidthR (SensorModule::Type type) const
int hybridWidthZ (SensorModule::Type type) const
int indexLayerId (const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const
double innerRadius () const
double invPtToDphi () const
int kfinShiftRangePhi () const
int kfinShiftRangeZ () const
int kfMaxLayers () const
int kfMinLayers () const
int kfNumWorker () const
int kfoutchi2rphiConv () const
int kfoutchi2rzConv () const
double kfRangeFactor () const
int kfShiftInitialC00 () const
int kfShiftInitialC11 () const
int kfShiftInitialC22 () const
int kfShiftInitialC33 () const
int layerId (const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const
TTBV layerMap (const std::vector< int > &ints) const
TTBV layerMap (const TTBV &hitPattern, const std::vector< int > &ints) const
std::vector< int > layerMap (const TTBV &hitPattern, const TTBV &ttBV) const
std::vector< int > layerMap (const TTBV &ttBV) const
double length2S () const
double lengthPS () const
double maxCot () const
double maxdPhi () const
double maxdZ () const
double maxEta () const
double maxLength () const
double maxZT () const
int mhtMinLayers () const
int mhtNumBinsInv2R () const
int mhtNumBinsPhiT () const
int mhtNumCells () const
int mhtNumDLBChannel () const
int mhtNumDLBNodes () const
int mhtNumDLBs () const
double minPt () const
double neededRangeChiZ () const
int numATCASlots () const
int numBarrelLayer () const
int numDTCs () const
int numDTCsPerRegion () const
int numDTCsPerTFP () const
int numFrames () const
int numFramesFE () const
int numFramesInfra () const
int numFramesIO () const
int numLayers () const
int numModules () const
int numModulesPerDTC () const
int numOverlappingRegions () const
int numRegions () const
int numSectors () const
int numSectorsEta () const
int numSectorsPhi () const
double numTiltedLayerRing (int layerId) const
int offsetDetIdDSV () const
int offsetDetIdTP () const
int offsetLayerDisks () const
int offsetLayerId () const
double outerRadius () const
double pitch2S () const
double pitchPS () const
double psDiskLimitR (int layer) const
bool psModule (int dtcId) const
bool psModule (const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const
bool reconstructable (const std::vector< TTStubRef > &ttStubRefs) const
double scattering () const
double sectorCot (int eta) const
SensorModulesensorModule (const DetId &detId) const
const std::vector< SensorModule > & sensorModules () const
 Setup ()
 Setup (const edm::ParameterSet &iConfig, const MagneticField &magneticField, const TrackerGeometry &trackerGeometry, const TrackerTopology &trackerTopology, const TrackerDetToDTCELinkCablingMap &cablingMap, const StubAlgorithmOfficial &stubAlgorithm, const edm::ParameterSet &pSetStubAlgorithm, const edm::ParameterSet &pSetGeometryConfiguration, const edm::ParameterSetID &pSetIdTTStubAlgorithm, const edm::ParameterSetID &pSetIdGeometryConfiguration)
bool side (int dtcId) const
int slot (int dtcId) const
const StubAlgorithmOfficialstubAlgorithm () const
GlobalPoint stubPos (const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const
GlobalPoint stubPos (bool hybrid, const tt::FrameStub &frame, int region) const
double stubR (const TTBV &hw, const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const
double tbInnerRadius () const
int tbWidthR (SensorModule::Type type) const
int tfpNumChannel () const
int tfpWidthCot () const
int tfpWidthInv2R () const
int tfpWidthPhi0 () const
int tfpWidthZ0 () const
double tiltApproxIntercept () const
double tiltApproxSlope () const
double tiltedLayerLimitZ (int layer) const
double tiltUncertaintyR () const
int tkLayoutId (int dtcId) const
double tmttBaseInv2R () const
double tmttBasePhi () const
double tmttBasePhiT () const
double tmttBaseR () const
double tmttBaseZ () const
int tmttNumUnusedBits () const
int tmttWidthInv2R () const
int tmttWidthLayer () const
int tmttWidthPhi () const
int tmttWidthR () const
int tmttWidthSectorEta () const
int tmttWidthZ () const
int tpMaxBadStubs2S () const
int tpMaxBadStubsPS () const
double tpMaxD0 () const
double tpMaxEta () const
double tpMaxVertR () const
double tpMaxVertZ () const
int tpMinLayers () const
int tpMinLayersPS () const
double tpMinPt () const
const TrackerGeometrytrackerGeometry () const
const TrackerTopologytrackerTopology () const
int trackletLayerId (const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const
TTDTC ttDTC () const
SensorModule::Type type (const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const
bool useForAlgEff (const TrackingParticle &tp) const
bool useForReconstructable (const TrackingParticle &tp) const
double v0 (const TTStubRef &ttStubRef, double inv2R) const
double v1 (const TTStubRef &ttStubRef, double cot) const
int weightBinFraction () const
int widthAddrBRAM18 () const
int widthAddrBRAM36 () const
int widthBend () const
int widthCol () const
int widthDSPa () const
int widthDSPab () const
int widthDSPau () const
int widthDSPb () const
int widthDSPbb () const
int widthDSPbu () const
int widthDSPc () const
int widthDSPcb () const
int widthDSPcu () const
int widthRow () const
double windowSizeBarrelLayer (int layerId) const
double windowSizeEndcapDisksRing (int layerId, int ring) const
double windowSizeTiltedLayerRing (int layerId, int ring) const
int zhtMaxStubsPerLayer () const
int zhtMaxTracks () const
int zhtMinLayers () const
int zhtNumBinsCot () const
int zhtNumBinsZT () const
int zhtNumCells () const
int zhtNumStages () const
 ~Setup ()

Private Member Functions

void calculateConstants ()
void checkDTCId (int dtcId) const
void checkGeometry ()
void checkHistory (const edm::ProcessHistory &, const edm::pset::Registry *, const std::string &, const edm::ParameterSetID &) const
void checkMagneticField ()
void checkTFPIdentifier (int tfpRegion, int tfpChannel) const
void checkTKLayoutId (int tkLayoutId) const
void configureTPSelector ()
void consumeStubAlgorithm ()
std::string dumpDiff (const edm::ParameterSet &pSetHistory, const edm::ParameterSet &pSetProcess) const
void encodeBend (std::vector< std::vector< double >> &, bool) const
void produceSensorModules ()

Private Attributes

double baseBend_
double baseCol_
double baseRegion_
double baseRow_
double baseSector_
double baseWindowSize_
double beamWindowZ_
double bendCut_
double bField_
double bFieldError_
std::vector< double > boundariesEta_
const TrackerDetToDTCELinkCablingMapcablingMap_
double chosenRofPhi_
double chosenRofZ_
bool configurationSupported_
std::unordered_map< DetId, SensorModule * > detIdToSensorModule_
std::vector< std::vector< double > > disk2SRs_
int dphiTruncation_
int drDepthMemory_
double dtcBaseInv2R_
double dtcBaseM_
int dtcDepthMemory_
std::vector< std::vector< SensorModule * > > dtcModules_
int dtcNumMergedRows_
int dtcNumModulesPerRoutingBlock_
int dtcNumRoutingBlocks_
int dtcNumStreams_
int dtcNumUnusedBits_
int dtcWidthInv2R_
int dtcWidthM_
int dtcWidthRowLUT_
int dzTruncation_
std::vector< std::vector< double > > encodingsBend2S_
std::vector< std::vector< double > > encodingsBendPS_
double freqBE_
double freqLHC_
bool fromDD4hep_
int gpDepthMemory_
int gpNumUnusedBits_
double halfLength_
int htDepthMemory_
int htMinLayers_
int htNumBinsInv2R_
int htNumBinsPhiT_
double hybridBasePhi_
double hybridBaseR_
std::vector< double > hybridBasesAlpha_
std::vector< double > hybridBasesPhi_
std::vector< double > hybridBasesR_
std::vector< double > hybridBasesZ_
double hybridBaseZ_
double hybridChosenRofPhi_
std::vector< edm::ParameterSethybridDisk2SRsSet_
std::vector< double > hybridDiskZs_
std::vector< double > hybridLayerRs_
double hybridMaxCot_
double hybridMaxEta_
double hybridMinPtCand_
double hybridMinPtStub_
int hybridNumLayers_
std::vector< int > hybridNumRingsPS_
std::vector< int > hybridNumsUnusedBits_
double hybridRangePhi_
std::vector< double > hybridRangesAlpha_
std::vector< double > hybridRangesR_
std::vector< double > hybridRangesZ_
int hybridWidthLayerId_
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsAlpha_
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsBend_
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsPhi_
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsR_
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsZ_
double innerRadius_
double invPtToDphi_
int kfinShiftRangePhi_
int kfinShiftRangeZ_
int kfMaxLayers_
int kfMinLayers_
int kfNumWorker_
int kfoutchi2rphiConv_
int kfoutchi2rzConv_
double kfRangeFactor_
int kfShiftInitialC00_
int kfShiftInitialC11_
int kfShiftInitialC22_
int kfShiftInitialC33_
int kfWidthLayerCount_
double length2S_
double lengthPS_
const MagneticFieldmagneticField_
int matchedLayers_
int matchedLayersPS_
double maxCot_
double maxdPhi_
double maxdZ_
double maxEta_
double maxLength_
double maxPitch_
int maxWindowSize_
double maxZT_
int mhtMinLayers_
int mhtNumBinsInv2R_
int mhtNumBinsPhiT_
int mhtNumCells_
int mhtNumDLBChannel_
int mhtNumDLBNodes_
int mhtNumDLBs_
double mindPhi_
double mindZ_
double minPt_
double neededRangeChiZ_
int numATCASlots_
int numBarrelLayer_
int numDTCs_
int numDTCsPerRegion_
int numDTCsPerTFP_
int numFrames_
int numFramesFE_
int numFramesInfra_
int numFramesIO_
int numLayers_
int numModules_
int numModulesPerDTC_
int numOverlappingRegions_
int numRegions_
int numSectors_
int numSectorsEta_
int numSectorsPhi_
std::vector< double > numTiltedLayerRings_
int offsetDetIdDSV_
int offsetDetIdTP_
int offsetLayerDisks_
int offsetLayerId_
double outerRadius_
std::string phGeometryConfiguration_
std::string phTTStubAlgorithm_
double pitch2S_
double pitchPS_
std::vector< double > psDiskLimitsR_
edm::ParameterSet pSetDR_
edm::ParameterSet pSetDTC_
edm::ParameterSet pSetFE_
edm::ParameterSet pSetFW_
const edm::ParameterSetpSetGC_
edm::ParameterSet pSetGP_
edm::ParameterSet pSetHT_
edm::ParameterSet pSetHybrid_
edm::ParameterSetID pSetIdGeometryConfiguration_
edm::ParameterSetID pSetIdTTStubAlgorithm_
edm::ParameterSet pSetKF_
edm::ParameterSet pSetKFin_
edm::ParameterSet pSetKFOut_
edm::ParameterSet pSetMHT_
edm::ParameterSet pSetPH_
const edm::ParameterSetpSetSA_
edm::ParameterSet pSetSG_
edm::ParameterSet pSetTF_
edm::ParameterSet pSetTFP_
edm::ParameterSet pSetTMTT_
edm::ParameterSet pSetTP_
edm::ParameterSet pSetZHT_
double scattering_
std::vector< double > sectorCots_
std::vector< SensorModulesensorModules_
std::string sgXMLFile_
std::string sgXMLLabel_
std::string sgXMLPath_
std::vector< std::string > sgXMLVersions_
int slotLimit10gbps_
int slotLimitPS_
double speedOfLight_
const StubAlgorithmOfficialstubAlgorithm_
double tbInnerRadius_
std::vector< int > tbWidthsR_
int tfpNumChannel_
int tfpWidthCot_
int tfpWidthInv2R_
int tfpWidthPhi0_
int tfpWidthZ0_
double tiltApproxIntercept_
double tiltApproxSlope_
std::vector< double > tiltedLayerLimitsZ_
double tiltUncertaintyR_
int tmpFE_
int tmpTFP_
double tmttBaseInv2R_
double tmttBasePhi_
double tmttBasePhiT_
double tmttBaseR_
double tmttBaseZ_
int tmttNumUnusedBits_
int tmttWidthInv2R_
int tmttWidthLayer_
int tmttWidthPhi_
int tmttWidthR_
int tmttWidthSectorEta_
int tmttWidthZ_
int tpMaxBadStubs2S_
int tpMaxBadStubsPS_
double tpMaxD0_
double tpMaxEta_
double tpMaxVertR_
double tpMaxVertZ_
int tpMinLayers_
int tpMinLayersPS_
double tpMinPt_
TrackingParticleSelector tpSelector_
TrackingParticleSelector tpSelectorLoose_
const TrackerGeometrytrackerGeometry_
const TrackerTopologytrackerTopology_
int unMatchedStubs_
int unMatchedStubsPS_
int weightBinFraction_
int widthAddrBRAM18_
int widthAddrBRAM36_
int widthBend_
int widthCol_
int widthDSPa_
int widthDSPab_
int widthDSPau_
int widthDSPb_
int widthDSPbb_
int widthDSPbu_
int widthDSPc_
int widthDSPcb_
int widthDSPcu_
int widthLayerId_
int widthRow_
std::vector< double > windowSizeBarrelLayers_
std::vector< std::vector< double > > windowSizeEndcapDisksRings_
std::vector< std::vector< double > > windowSizeTiltedLayerRings_
int zhtMaxStubsPerLayer_
int zhtMaxTracks_
int zhtMinLayers_
int zhtNumBinsCot_
int zhtNumBinsZT_
int zhtNumCells_
int zhtNumStages_

Detailed Description

Class to process and provide run-time constants used by Track Trigger emulators.

Thomas Schuh
2020, Apr

Definition at line 44 of file Setup.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Setup() [1/2]

tt::Setup::Setup ( )

Definition at line 46 of file Setup.h.

46 {}

◆ Setup() [2/2]

tt::Setup::Setup ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig,
const MagneticField magneticField,
const TrackerGeometry trackerGeometry,
const TrackerTopology trackerTopology,
const TrackerDetToDTCELinkCablingMap cablingMap,
const StubAlgorithmOfficial stubAlgorithm,
const edm::ParameterSet pSetStubAlgorithm,
const edm::ParameterSet pSetGeometryConfiguration,
const edm::ParameterSetID pSetIdTTStubAlgorithm,
const edm::ParameterSetID pSetIdGeometryConfiguration 

Definition at line 20 of file

References calculateConstants(), checkGeometry(), checkMagneticField(), configurationSupported_, configureTPSelector(), consumeStubAlgorithm(), encodeBend(), encodingsBend2S_, encodingsBendPS_, maxWindowSize_, and produceSensorModules().

33  cablingMap_(&cablingMap),
35  pSetSA_(&pSetStubAlgorithm),
36  pSetGC_(&pSetGeometryConfiguration),
37  pSetIdTTStubAlgorithm_(pSetIdTTStubAlgorithm),
38  pSetIdGeometryConfiguration_(pSetIdGeometryConfiguration),
39  // DD4hep
40  fromDD4hep_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("fromDD4hep")),
41  // Parameter to check if configured Tracker Geometry is supported
42  pSetSG_(iConfig.getParameter<ParameterSet>("UnSupportedGeometry")),
43  sgXMLLabel_(pSetSG_.getParameter<string>("XMLLabel")),
44  sgXMLPath_(pSetSG_.getParameter<string>("XMLPath")),
45  sgXMLFile_(pSetSG_.getParameter<string>("XMLFile")),
46  sgXMLVersions_(pSetSG_.getParameter<vector<string>>("XMLVersions")),
47  // Parameter to check if Process History is consistent with process configuration
48  pSetPH_(iConfig.getParameter<ParameterSet>("ProcessHistory")),
49  phGeometryConfiguration_(pSetPH_.getParameter<string>("GeometryConfiguration")),
50  phTTStubAlgorithm_(pSetPH_.getParameter<string>("TTStubAlgorithm")),
51  // Common track finding parameter
52  pSetTF_(iConfig.getParameter<ParameterSet>("TrackFinding")),
53  beamWindowZ_(pSetTF_.getParameter<double>("BeamWindowZ")),
54  matchedLayers_(pSetTF_.getParameter<int>("MatchedLayers")),
55  matchedLayersPS_(pSetTF_.getParameter<int>("MatchedLayersPS")),
56  unMatchedStubs_(pSetTF_.getParameter<int>("UnMatchedStubs")),
57  unMatchedStubsPS_(pSetTF_.getParameter<int>("UnMatchedStubsPS")),
58  scattering_(pSetTF_.getParameter<double>("Scattering")),
59  // TMTT specific parameter
60  pSetTMTT_(iConfig.getParameter<ParameterSet>("TMTT")),
61  minPt_(pSetTMTT_.getParameter<double>("MinPt")),
62  maxEta_(pSetTMTT_.getParameter<double>("MaxEta")),
63  chosenRofPhi_(pSetTMTT_.getParameter<double>("ChosenRofPhi")),
64  numLayers_(pSetTMTT_.getParameter<int>("NumLayers")),
65  tmttWidthR_(pSetTMTT_.getParameter<int>("WidthR")),
66  tmttWidthPhi_(pSetTMTT_.getParameter<int>("WidthPhi")),
67  tmttWidthZ_(pSetTMTT_.getParameter<int>("WidthZ")),
68  // Hybrid specific parameter
69  pSetHybrid_(iConfig.getParameter<ParameterSet>("Hybrid")),
70  hybridMinPtStub_(pSetHybrid_.getParameter<double>("MinPtStub")),
71  hybridMinPtCand_(pSetHybrid_.getParameter<double>("MinPtCand")),
72  hybridMaxEta_(pSetHybrid_.getParameter<double>("MaxEta")),
73  hybridChosenRofPhi_(pSetHybrid_.getParameter<double>("ChosenRofPhi")),
74  hybridNumLayers_(pSetHybrid_.getParameter<int>("NumLayers")),
75  hybridNumRingsPS_(pSetHybrid_.getParameter<vector<int>>("NumRingsPS")),
76  hybridWidthsR_(pSetHybrid_.getParameter<vector<int>>("WidthsR")),
77  hybridWidthsZ_(pSetHybrid_.getParameter<vector<int>>("WidthsZ")),
78  hybridWidthsPhi_(pSetHybrid_.getParameter<vector<int>>("WidthsPhi")),
79  hybridWidthsAlpha_(pSetHybrid_.getParameter<vector<int>>("WidthsAlpha")),
80  hybridWidthsBend_(pSetHybrid_.getParameter<vector<int>>("WidthsBend")),
81  hybridRangesR_(pSetHybrid_.getParameter<vector<double>>("RangesR")),
82  hybridRangesZ_(pSetHybrid_.getParameter<vector<double>>("RangesZ")),
83  hybridRangesAlpha_(pSetHybrid_.getParameter<vector<double>>("RangesAlpha")),
84  hybridLayerRs_(pSetHybrid_.getParameter<vector<double>>("LayerRs")),
85  hybridDiskZs_(pSetHybrid_.getParameter<vector<double>>("DiskZs")),
86  hybridDisk2SRsSet_(pSetHybrid_.getParameter<vector<ParameterSet>>("Disk2SRsSet")),
87  tbInnerRadius_(pSetHybrid_.getParameter<double>("InnerRadius")),
88  tbWidthsR_(pSetHybrid_.getParameter<vector<int>>("WidthsRTB")),
89  // Parameter specifying TrackingParticle used for Efficiency measurements
90  pSetTP_(iConfig.getParameter<ParameterSet>("TrackingParticle")),
91  tpMinPt_(pSetTP_.getParameter<double>("MinPt")),
92  tpMaxEta_(pSetTP_.getParameter<double>("MaxEta")),
93  tpMaxVertR_(pSetTP_.getParameter<double>("MaxVertR")),
94  tpMaxVertZ_(pSetTP_.getParameter<double>("MaxVertZ")),
95  tpMaxD0_(pSetTP_.getParameter<double>("MaxD0")),
96  tpMinLayers_(pSetTP_.getParameter<int>("MinLayers")),
97  tpMinLayersPS_(pSetTP_.getParameter<int>("MinLayersPS")),
98  tpMaxBadStubs2S_(pSetTP_.getParameter<int>("MaxBadStubs2S")),
99  tpMaxBadStubsPS_(pSetTP_.getParameter<int>("MaxBadStubsPS")),
100  // Fimrware specific Parameter
101  pSetFW_(iConfig.getParameter<ParameterSet>("Firmware")),
102  widthDSPa_(pSetFW_.getParameter<int>("WidthDSPa")),
103  widthDSPb_(pSetFW_.getParameter<int>("WidthDSPb")),
104  widthDSPc_(pSetFW_.getParameter<int>("WidthDSPc")),
105  widthAddrBRAM36_(pSetFW_.getParameter<int>("WidthAddrBRAM36")),
106  widthAddrBRAM18_(pSetFW_.getParameter<int>("WidthAddrBRAM18")),
107  numFramesInfra_(pSetFW_.getParameter<int>("NumFramesInfra")),
108  freqLHC_(pSetFW_.getParameter<double>("FreqLHC")),
109  freqBE_(pSetFW_.getParameter<double>("FreqBE")),
110  tmpFE_(pSetFW_.getParameter<int>("TMP_FE")),
111  tmpTFP_(pSetFW_.getParameter<int>("TMP_TFP")),
112  speedOfLight_(pSetFW_.getParameter<double>("SpeedOfLight")),
113  bField_(pSetFW_.getParameter<double>("BField")),
114  bFieldError_(pSetFW_.getParameter<double>("BFieldError")),
115  outerRadius_(pSetFW_.getParameter<double>("OuterRadius")),
116  innerRadius_(pSetFW_.getParameter<double>("InnerRadius")),
117  halfLength_(pSetFW_.getParameter<double>("HalfLength")),
118  tiltApproxSlope_(pSetFW_.getParameter<double>("TiltApproxSlope")),
119  tiltApproxIntercept_(pSetFW_.getParameter<double>("TiltApproxIntercept")),
120  tiltUncertaintyR_(pSetFW_.getParameter<double>("TiltUncertaintyR")),
121  mindPhi_(pSetFW_.getParameter<double>("MindPhi")),
122  maxdPhi_(pSetFW_.getParameter<double>("MaxdPhi")),
123  mindZ_(pSetFW_.getParameter<double>("MindZ")),
124  maxdZ_(pSetFW_.getParameter<double>("MaxdZ")),
125  pitch2S_(pSetFW_.getParameter<double>("Pitch2S")),
126  pitchPS_(pSetFW_.getParameter<double>("PitchPS")),
127  length2S_(pSetFW_.getParameter<double>("Length2S")),
128  lengthPS_(pSetFW_.getParameter<double>("LengthPS")),
129  tiltedLayerLimitsZ_(pSetFW_.getParameter<vector<double>>("TiltedLayerLimitsZ")),
130  psDiskLimitsR_(pSetFW_.getParameter<vector<double>>("PSDiskLimitsR")),
131  // Parmeter specifying front-end
132  pSetFE_(iConfig.getParameter<ParameterSet>("FrontEnd")),
133  widthBend_(pSetFE_.getParameter<int>("WidthBend")),
134  widthCol_(pSetFE_.getParameter<int>("WidthCol")),
135  widthRow_(pSetFE_.getParameter<int>("WidthRow")),
136  baseBend_(pSetFE_.getParameter<double>("BaseBend")),
137  baseCol_(pSetFE_.getParameter<double>("BaseCol")),
138  baseRow_(pSetFE_.getParameter<double>("BaseRow")),
139  baseWindowSize_(pSetFE_.getParameter<double>("BaseWindowSize")),
140  bendCut_(pSetFE_.getParameter<double>("BendCut")),
141  // Parmeter specifying DTC
142  pSetDTC_(iConfig.getParameter<ParameterSet>("DTC")),
143  numRegions_(pSetDTC_.getParameter<int>("NumRegions")),
144  numOverlappingRegions_(pSetDTC_.getParameter<int>("NumOverlappingRegions")),
145  numATCASlots_(pSetDTC_.getParameter<int>("NumATCASlots")),
146  numDTCsPerRegion_(pSetDTC_.getParameter<int>("NumDTCsPerRegion")),
147  numModulesPerDTC_(pSetDTC_.getParameter<int>("NumModulesPerDTC")),
148  dtcNumRoutingBlocks_(pSetDTC_.getParameter<int>("NumRoutingBlocks")),
149  dtcDepthMemory_(pSetDTC_.getParameter<int>("DepthMemory")),
150  dtcWidthRowLUT_(pSetDTC_.getParameter<int>("WidthRowLUT")),
151  dtcWidthInv2R_(pSetDTC_.getParameter<int>("WidthInv2R")),
152  offsetDetIdDSV_(pSetDTC_.getParameter<int>("OffsetDetIdDSV")),
153  offsetDetIdTP_(pSetDTC_.getParameter<int>("OffsetDetIdTP")),
154  offsetLayerDisks_(pSetDTC_.getParameter<int>("OffsetLayerDisks")),
155  offsetLayerId_(pSetDTC_.getParameter<int>("OffsetLayerId")),
156  numBarrelLayer_(pSetDTC_.getParameter<int>("NumBarrelLayer")),
157  slotLimitPS_(pSetDTC_.getParameter<int>("SlotLimitPS")),
158  slotLimit10gbps_(pSetDTC_.getParameter<int>("SlotLimit10gbps")),
159  // Parmeter specifying TFP
160  pSetTFP_(iConfig.getParameter<ParameterSet>("TFP")),
161  tfpWidthPhi0_(pSetTFP_.getParameter<int>("WidthPhi0")),
162  tfpWidthInv2R_(pSetTFP_.getParameter<int>("WidthInv2R")),
163  tfpWidthCot_(pSetTFP_.getParameter<int>("WidthCot")),
164  tfpWidthZ0_(pSetTFP_.getParameter<int>("WidthZ0")),
165  tfpNumChannel_(pSetTFP_.getParameter<int>("NumChannel")),
166  // Parmeter specifying GeometricProcessor
167  pSetGP_(iConfig.getParameter<ParameterSet>("GeometricProcessor")),
168  numSectorsPhi_(pSetGP_.getParameter<int>("NumSectorsPhi")),
169  chosenRofZ_(pSetGP_.getParameter<double>("ChosenRofZ")),
170  neededRangeChiZ_(pSetGP_.getParameter<double>("RangeChiZ")),
171  gpDepthMemory_(pSetGP_.getParameter<int>("DepthMemory")),
172  boundariesEta_(pSetGP_.getParameter<vector<double>>("BoundariesEta")),
173  // Parmeter specifying HoughTransform
174  pSetHT_(iConfig.getParameter<ParameterSet>("HoughTransform")),
175  htNumBinsInv2R_(pSetHT_.getParameter<int>("NumBinsInv2R")),
176  htNumBinsPhiT_(pSetHT_.getParameter<int>("NumBinsPhiT")),
177  htMinLayers_(pSetHT_.getParameter<int>("MinLayers")),
178  htDepthMemory_(pSetHT_.getParameter<int>("DepthMemory")),
179  // Parmeter specifying MiniHoughTransform
180  pSetMHT_(iConfig.getParameter<ParameterSet>("MiniHoughTransform")),
181  mhtNumBinsInv2R_(pSetMHT_.getParameter<int>("NumBinsInv2R")),
182  mhtNumBinsPhiT_(pSetMHT_.getParameter<int>("NumBinsPhiT")),
183  mhtNumDLBs_(pSetMHT_.getParameter<int>("NumDLBs")),
184  mhtNumDLBNodes_(pSetMHT_.getParameter<int>("NumDLBNodes")),
185  mhtNumDLBChannel_(pSetMHT_.getParameter<int>("NumDLBChannel")),
186  mhtMinLayers_(pSetMHT_.getParameter<int>("MinLayers")),
187  // Parmeter specifying ZHoughTransform
188  pSetZHT_(iConfig.getParameter<ParameterSet>("ZHoughTransform")),
189  zhtNumBinsZT_(pSetZHT_.getParameter<int>("NumBinsZT")),
190  zhtNumBinsCot_(pSetZHT_.getParameter<int>("NumBinsCot")),
191  zhtNumStages_(pSetZHT_.getParameter<int>("NumStages")),
192  zhtMinLayers_(pSetZHT_.getParameter<int>("MinLayers")),
193  zhtMaxTracks_(pSetZHT_.getParameter<int>("MaxTracks")),
194  zhtMaxStubsPerLayer_(pSetZHT_.getParameter<int>("MaxStubsPerLayer")),
195  // Parameter specifying KalmanFilter Input Formatter
196  pSetKFin_(iConfig.getParameter<ParameterSet>("KalmanFilterIn")),
197  kfinShiftRangePhi_(pSetKFin_.getParameter<int>("ShiftRangePhi")),
198  kfinShiftRangeZ_(pSetKFin_.getParameter<int>("ShiftRangeZ")),
199  // Parmeter specifying KalmanFilter
200  pSetKF_(iConfig.getParameter<ParameterSet>("KalmanFilter")),
201  kfNumWorker_(pSetKF_.getParameter<int>("NumWorker")),
202  kfMinLayers_(pSetKF_.getParameter<int>("MinLayers")),
203  kfMaxLayers_(pSetKF_.getParameter<int>("MaxLayers")),
204  kfRangeFactor_(pSetKF_.getParameter<double>("RangeFactor")),
205  kfShiftInitialC00_(pSetKF_.getParameter<int>("ShiftInitialC00")),
206  kfShiftInitialC11_(pSetKF_.getParameter<int>("ShiftInitialC11")),
207  kfShiftInitialC22_(pSetKF_.getParameter<int>("ShiftInitialC22")),
208  kfShiftInitialC33_(pSetKF_.getParameter<int>("ShiftInitialC33")),
209  // Parmeter specifying KalmanFilter Output Formatter
210  pSetKFOut_(iConfig.getParameter<ParameterSet>("KalmanFilterOut")),
211  kfoutchi2rphiConv_(pSetKFOut_.getParameter<int>("Chi2rphiConv")),
212  kfoutchi2rzConv_(pSetKFOut_.getParameter<int>("Chi2rzConv")),
213  weightBinFraction_(pSetKFOut_.getParameter<int>("WeightBinFraction")),
214  dzTruncation_(pSetKFOut_.getParameter<int>("DzTruncation")),
215  dphiTruncation_(pSetKFOut_.getParameter<int>("DphiTruncation")),
216  // Parmeter specifying DuplicateRemoval
217  pSetDR_(iConfig.getParameter<ParameterSet>("DuplicateRemoval")),
218  drDepthMemory_(pSetDR_.getParameter<int>("DepthMemory")) {
220  // check if bField is supported
222  // check if geometry is supported
223  checkGeometry();
225  return;
226  // derive constants
228  // convert configuration of TTStubAlgorithm
230  // create all possible encodingsBend
231  encodingsBendPS_.reserve(maxWindowSize_ + 1);
232  encodingsBend2S_.reserve(maxWindowSize_ + 1);
235  // create sensor modules
237  // configure TPSelector
239  }
int dtcNumRoutingBlocks_
Definition: Setup.h:801
int kfShiftInitialC00_
Definition: Setup.h:912
int offsetLayerDisks_
Definition: Setup.h:813
edm::ParameterSet pSetGP_
Definition: Setup.h:839
std::string phTTStubAlgorithm_
Definition: Setup.h:594
double baseRow_
Definition: Setup.h:782
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:307
int kfoutchi2rphiConv_
Definition: Setup.h:923
int weightBinFraction_
Definition: Setup.h:927
edm::ParameterSetID pSetIdGeometryConfiguration_
Definition: Setup.h:573
int numLayers_
Definition: Setup.h:620
int dtcWidthInv2R_
Definition: Setup.h:807
int numBarrelLayer_
Definition: Setup.h:817
double tpMaxEta_
Definition: Setup.h:676
void calculateConstants()
edm::ParameterSet pSetSG_
Definition: Setup.h:579
int tpMinLayers_
Definition: Setup.h:684
int unMatchedStubs_
Definition: Setup.h:605
int zhtMaxTracks_
Definition: Setup.h:890
double lengthPS_
Definition: Setup.h:763
int tmttWidthPhi_
Definition: Setup.h:624
edm::ParameterSet pSetDR_
Definition: Setup.h:934
int dtcDepthMemory_
Definition: Setup.h:803
double hybridMinPtCand_
Definition: Setup.h:633
double halfLength_
Definition: Setup.h:737
double hybridMaxEta_
Definition: Setup.h:635
std::vector< double > tiltedLayerLimitsZ_
Definition: Setup.h:765
std::vector< double > boundariesEta_
Definition: Setup.h:851
double freqLHC_
Definition: Setup.h:719
std::string phGeometryConfiguration_
Definition: Setup.h:592
int kfShiftInitialC33_
Definition: Setup.h:918
edm::ParameterSet pSetHybrid_
Definition: Setup.h:629
int offsetLayerId_
Definition: Setup.h:815
int tfpWidthZ0_
Definition: Setup.h:834
edm::ParameterSet pSetTMTT_
Definition: Setup.h:612
std::string sgXMLPath_
Definition: Setup.h:583
edm::ParameterSet pSetTP_
Definition: Setup.h:672
int widthBend_
Definition: Setup.h:772
int kfinShiftRangePhi_
Definition: Setup.h:897
double mindZ_
Definition: Setup.h:753
const TrackerDetToDTCELinkCablingMap * cablingMap_
Definition: Setup.h:563
edm::ParameterSet pSetDTC_
Definition: Setup.h:789
int widthCol_
Definition: Setup.h:774
int tpMaxBadStubs2S_
Definition: Setup.h:688
int slotLimit10gbps_
Definition: Setup.h:823
int mhtNumBinsPhiT_
Definition: Setup.h:869
double bendCut_
Definition: Setup.h:786
int tmttWidthZ_
Definition: Setup.h:626
int htMinLayers_
Definition: Setup.h:860
std::vector< double > hybridRangesAlpha_
Definition: Setup.h:657
double kfRangeFactor_
Definition: Setup.h:910
edm::ParameterSet pSetKFOut_
Definition: Setup.h:921
int tfpWidthInv2R_
Definition: Setup.h:830
int htNumBinsPhiT_
Definition: Setup.h:858
void checkGeometry()
int widthAddrBRAM36_
Definition: Setup.h:713
int mhtNumDLBs_
Definition: Setup.h:871
int zhtMinLayers_
Definition: Setup.h:888
edm::ParameterSetID pSetIdTTStubAlgorithm_
Definition: Setup.h:571
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsR_
Definition: Setup.h:643
int htNumBinsInv2R_
Definition: Setup.h:856
void produceSensorModules()
double bField_
Definition: Setup.h:729
int kfNumWorker_
Definition: Setup.h:904
double hybridChosenRofPhi_
Definition: Setup.h:637
int kfMaxLayers_
Definition: Setup.h:908
double tiltApproxIntercept_
Definition: Setup.h:745
std::vector< double > hybridRangesR_
Definition: Setup.h:653
std::vector< int > tbWidthsR_
Definition: Setup.h:669
std::vector< double > hybridDiskZs_
Definition: Setup.h:661
int htDepthMemory_
Definition: Setup.h:862
double neededRangeChiZ_
Definition: Setup.h:847
std::vector< double > hybridLayerRs_
Definition: Setup.h:659
const TrackerGeometry * trackerGeometry_
Definition: Setup.h:559
double tpMaxVertZ_
Definition: Setup.h:680
std::string sgXMLLabel_
Definition: Setup.h:581
double baseBend_
Definition: Setup.h:778
edm::ParameterSet pSetMHT_
Definition: Setup.h:865
std::vector< std::vector< double > > encodingsBendPS_
Definition: Setup.h:1044
int numFramesInfra_
Definition: Setup.h:717
int zhtNumBinsCot_
Definition: Setup.h:884
int tpMaxBadStubsPS_
Definition: Setup.h:690
std::vector< int > hybridNumRingsPS_
Definition: Setup.h:641
int matchedLayers_
Definition: Setup.h:601
std::vector< double > hybridRangesZ_
Definition: Setup.h:655
int zhtNumStages_
Definition: Setup.h:886
std::vector< std::string > sgXMLVersions_
Definition: Setup.h:587
double bFieldError_
Definition: Setup.h:731
int widthDSPb_
Definition: Setup.h:701
int tfpWidthPhi0_
Definition: Setup.h:828
double baseCol_
Definition: Setup.h:780
void encodeBend(std::vector< std::vector< double >> &, bool) const
double tiltUncertaintyR_
Definition: Setup.h:747
double scattering_
Definition: Setup.h:609
double beamWindowZ_
Definition: Setup.h:599
edm::ParameterSet pSetFE_
Definition: Setup.h:770
double maxdPhi_
Definition: Setup.h:751
std::vector< std::vector< double > > encodingsBend2S_
Definition: Setup.h:1046
int numATCASlots_
Definition: Setup.h:795
edm::ParameterSet pSetKFin_
Definition: Setup.h:895
int offsetDetIdDSV_
Definition: Setup.h:809
double length2S_
Definition: Setup.h:761
int widthDSPc_
Definition: Setup.h:707
std::vector< double > psDiskLimitsR_
Definition: Setup.h:767
bool fromDD4hep_
Definition: Setup.h:576
double pitchPS_
Definition: Setup.h:759
double chosenRofZ_
Definition: Setup.h:845
int kfoutchi2rzConv_
Definition: Setup.h:925
int drDepthMemory_
Definition: Setup.h:936
int kfShiftInitialC22_
Definition: Setup.h:916
const edm::ParameterSet * pSetGC_
Definition: Setup.h:569
int slotLimitPS_
Definition: Setup.h:821
void consumeStubAlgorithm()
edm::ParameterSet pSetTF_
Definition: Setup.h:597
double maxEta_
Definition: Setup.h:616
int tmpFE_
Definition: Setup.h:723
int tmttWidthR_
Definition: Setup.h:622
int hybridNumLayers_
Definition: Setup.h:639
int numOverlappingRegions_
Definition: Setup.h:793
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsAlpha_
Definition: Setup.h:649
double speedOfLight_
Definition: Setup.h:727
int tpMinLayersPS_
Definition: Setup.h:686
double maxdZ_
Definition: Setup.h:755
edm::ParameterSet pSetKF_
Definition: Setup.h:902
int dphiTruncation_
Definition: Setup.h:931
int widthDSPa_
Definition: Setup.h:695
double outerRadius_
Definition: Setup.h:733
double innerRadius_
Definition: Setup.h:735
double tiltApproxSlope_
Definition: Setup.h:743
std::vector< edm::ParameterSet > hybridDisk2SRsSet_
Definition: Setup.h:663
edm::ParameterSet pSetFW_
Definition: Setup.h:693
const StubAlgorithmOfficial * stubAlgorithm() const
Definition: Setup.h:525
int widthAddrBRAM18_
Definition: Setup.h:715
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsZ_
Definition: Setup.h:645
double pitch2S_
Definition: Setup.h:757
int dtcWidthRowLUT_
Definition: Setup.h:805
edm::ParameterSet pSetHT_
Definition: Setup.h:854
edm::ParameterSet pSetTFP_
Definition: Setup.h:826
double freqBE_
Definition: Setup.h:721
int kfinShiftRangeZ_
Definition: Setup.h:899
void checkMagneticField()
double minPt_
Definition: Setup.h:614
int mhtNumBinsInv2R_
Definition: Setup.h:867
int mhtNumDLBNodes_
Definition: Setup.h:873
int mhtMinLayers_
Definition: Setup.h:877
int tmpTFP_
Definition: Setup.h:725
double tpMaxD0_
Definition: Setup.h:682
double baseWindowSize_
Definition: Setup.h:784
int mhtNumDLBChannel_
Definition: Setup.h:875
int zhtMaxStubsPerLayer_
Definition: Setup.h:892
double chosenRofPhi_
Definition: Setup.h:618
int numSectorsPhi_
Definition: Setup.h:841
const StubAlgorithmOfficial * stubAlgorithm_
Definition: Setup.h:565
int tfpNumChannel_
Definition: Setup.h:836
const TrackerTopology * trackerTopology() const
Definition: Setup.h:82
double tpMaxVertR_
Definition: Setup.h:678
int numRegions_
Definition: Setup.h:791
edm::ParameterSet pSetZHT_
Definition: Setup.h:880
int maxWindowSize_
Definition: Setup.h:960
int tfpWidthCot_
Definition: Setup.h:832
int numModulesPerDTC_
Definition: Setup.h:799
int zhtNumBinsZT_
Definition: Setup.h:882
int numDTCsPerRegion_
Definition: Setup.h:797
int kfShiftInitialC11_
Definition: Setup.h:914
double mindPhi_
Definition: Setup.h:749
const MagneticField * magneticField_
Definition: Setup.h:557
int unMatchedStubsPS_
Definition: Setup.h:607
edm::ParameterSet pSetPH_
Definition: Setup.h:590
double hybridMinPtStub_
Definition: Setup.h:631
int widthRow_
Definition: Setup.h:776
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsPhi_
Definition: Setup.h:647
const edm::ParameterSet * pSetSA_
Definition: Setup.h:567
int kfMinLayers_
Definition: Setup.h:906
void configureTPSelector()
double tpMinPt_
Definition: Setup.h:674
const TrackerGeometry * trackerGeometry() const
Definition: Setup.h:80
int gpDepthMemory_
Definition: Setup.h:849
int offsetDetIdTP_
Definition: Setup.h:811
int dzTruncation_
Definition: Setup.h:929
int matchedLayersPS_
Definition: Setup.h:603
const TrackerTopology * trackerTopology_
Definition: Setup.h:561
double tbInnerRadius_
Definition: Setup.h:667
std::string sgXMLFile_
Definition: Setup.h:585
bool configurationSupported_
Definition: Setup.h:943
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsBend_
Definition: Setup.h:651

◆ ~Setup()

tt::Setup::~Setup ( )

Definition at line 57 of file Setup.h.

57 {}

Member Function Documentation

◆ barrel()

bool tt::Setup::barrel ( const TTStubRef ttStubRef) const

Definition at line 528 of file

References hcalRecHitTable_cff::detId, and StripSubdetector::TOB.

Referenced by trklet::DRin::consume(), indexLayerId(), trklet::KFin::produce(), stubPos(), stubR(), trackletLayerId(), and type().

528  {
529  const DetId& detId = ttStubRef->getDetId();
530  return detId.subdetId() == StripSubdetector::TOB;
531  }
static constexpr auto TOB
Definition: DetId.h:17

◆ baseBend()

double tt::Setup::baseBend ( ) const

Definition at line 338 of file Setup.h.

References baseBend_.

338 { return baseBend_; }
double baseBend_
Definition: Setup.h:778

◆ baseCol()

double tt::Setup::baseCol ( ) const

Definition at line 340 of file Setup.h.

References baseCol_.

340 { return baseCol_; }
double baseCol_
Definition: Setup.h:780

◆ baseRegion()

double tt::Setup::baseRegion ( ) const

◆ baseRow()

double tt::Setup::baseRow ( ) const

Definition at line 342 of file Setup.h.

References baseRow_.

342 { return baseRow_; }
double baseRow_
Definition: Setup.h:782

◆ baseSector()

double tt::Setup::baseSector ( ) const

◆ baseWindowSize()

double tt::Setup::baseWindowSize ( ) const

Definition at line 325 of file Setup.h.

References baseWindowSize_.

325 { return baseWindowSize_; }
double baseWindowSize_
Definition: Setup.h:784

◆ beamWindowZ()

double tt::Setup::beamWindowZ ( ) const

Definition at line 180 of file Setup.h.

References beamWindowZ_.

Referenced by trklet::DRin::consume(), and trklet::KFin::produce().

180 { return beamWindowZ_; }
double beamWindowZ_
Definition: Setup.h:599

◆ bendCut()

double tt::Setup::bendCut ( ) const

Definition at line 344 of file Setup.h.

References bendCut_.

344 { return bendCut_; }
double bendCut_
Definition: Setup.h:786

◆ bField()

double tt::Setup::bField ( ) const

Definition at line 204 of file Setup.h.

References bField_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::TrackKF::ttTrack().

204 { return bField_; }
double bField_
Definition: Setup.h:729

◆ boundarieEta() [1/2]

double tt::Setup::boundarieEta ( int  eta) const

Definition at line 421 of file Setup.h.

References boundariesEta_, and PVValHelper::eta.

Referenced by trackerDTC::Stub::formatTMTT(), trackerTFP::LayerEncoding::LayerEncoding(), and trklet::DRin::produce().

421 { return; }
std::vector< double > boundariesEta_
Definition: Setup.h:851

◆ boundarieEta() [2/2]

std::vector<double> tt::Setup::boundarieEta ( ) const

Definition at line 422 of file Setup.h.

References boundariesEta_.

422 { return boundariesEta_; }
std::vector< double > boundariesEta_
Definition: Setup.h:851

◆ calculateConstants()

void tt::Setup::calculateConstants ( )

Definition at line 658 of file

References funct::abs(), Matriplex::atan2(), baseRegion_, baseRow_, baseSector_, bField_, boundariesEta_, reco::ceil(), chosenRofPhi_, chosenRofZ_, tt::SensorModule::Disk2S, disk2SRs_, dtcBaseInv2R_, dtcBaseM_, dtcNumMergedRows_, dtcNumModulesPerRoutingBlock_, dtcNumRoutingBlocks_, dtcNumStreams_, dtcWidthInv2R_, dtcWidthM_, dtcWidthRowLUT_, PVValHelper::eta, freqBE_, freqLHC_, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), halfLength_, htNumBinsInv2R_, htNumBinsPhiT_, hybridBasesAlpha_, hybridBasesPhi_, hybridBasesR_, hybridBasesZ_, hybridChosenRofPhi_, hybridDisk2SRsSet_, hybridMaxCot_, hybridMaxEta_, hybridMinPtStub_, hybridNumLayers_, hybridNumsUnusedBits_, hybridRangePhi_, hybridRangeR(), hybridRangesAlpha_, hybridRangesR_, hybridRangesZ_, hybridWidthLayerId_, hybridWidthsAlpha_, hybridWidthsBend_, hybridWidthsPhi_, hybridWidthsR_, hybridWidthsZ_, innerRadius_, invPtToDphi_, kfWidthLayerCount_, length2S_, lengthPS_, M_PI, WZElectronSkims53X_cff::max, maxCot_, maxEta_, maxLength_, maxPitch_, maxZT_, mhtNumBinsInv2R_, mhtNumBinsPhiT_, mhtNumCells_, minPt_, numDTCs_, numDTCsPerRegion_, numDTCsPerTFP_, numFrames_, numFramesFE_, numFramesInfra_, numFramesIO_, numLayers_, numModules_, numModulesPerDTC_, numOverlappingRegions_, numRegions_, numSectors_, numSectorsEta_, numSectorsPhi_, tt::SensorModule::NumTypes, outerRadius_, pitch2S_, pitchPS_, funct::pow(), TTBV::S_, sectorCots_, speedOfLight_, tmpFE_, tmpTFP_, tmttBaseInv2R_, tmttBasePhi_, tmttBasePhiT_, tmttBaseR_, tmttBaseZ_, tmttNumUnusedBits_, tmttWidthInv2R_, tmttWidthLayer_, tmttWidthPhi_, tmttWidthR_, tmttWidthSectorEta_, tmttWidthZ_, widthDSPa_, widthDSPab_, widthDSPau_, widthDSPb_, widthDSPbb_, widthDSPbu_, widthDSPc_, widthDSPcb_, widthDSPcu_, widthRow_, zhtMaxStubsPerLayer_, zhtNumBinsCot_, zhtNumBinsZT_, and zhtNumCells_.

Referenced by Setup().

658  {
659  // emp
660  const int numFramesPerBX = freqBE_ / freqLHC_;
661  numFrames_ = numFramesPerBX * tmpTFP_ - 1;
662  numFramesIO_ = numFramesPerBX * tmpTFP_ - numFramesInfra_;
663  numFramesFE_ = numFramesPerBX * tmpFE_ - numFramesInfra_;
664  // dsp
665  widthDSPab_ = widthDSPa_ - 1;
666  widthDSPau_ = widthDSPab_ - 1;
667  widthDSPbb_ = widthDSPb_ - 1;
668  widthDSPbu_ = widthDSPbb_ - 1;
669  widthDSPcb_ = widthDSPc_ - 1;
670  widthDSPcu_ = widthDSPcb_ - 1;
671  // firmware
674  // common track finding
675  invPtToDphi_ = speedOfLight_ * bField_ / 2000.;
676  baseRegion_ = 2. * M_PI / numRegions_;
677  // gp
679  maxCot_ = sinh(maxEta_);
681  numSectorsEta_ = boundariesEta_.size() - 1;
683  sectorCots_.reserve(numSectorsEta_);
684  for (int eta = 0; eta < numSectorsEta_; eta++)
685  sectorCots_.emplace_back((sinh( + sinh( + 1))) / 2.);
686  // tmtt
687  const double rangeInv2R = 2. * invPtToDphi_ / minPt_;
688  tmttBaseInv2R_ = rangeInv2R / htNumBinsInv2R_;
690  const double baseRgen = tmttBasePhiT_ / tmttBaseInv2R_;
691  const double rangeR = 2. * max(abs(outerRadius_ - chosenRofPhi_), abs(innerRadius_ - chosenRofPhi_));
692  const int baseShiftR = ceil(log2(rangeR / baseRgen / pow(2., tmttWidthR_)));
693  tmttBaseR_ = baseRgen * pow(2., baseShiftR);
694  const double rangeZ = 2. * halfLength_;
695  const int baseShiftZ = ceil(log2(rangeZ / tmttBaseR_ / pow(2., tmttWidthZ_)));
696  tmttBaseZ_ = tmttBaseR_ * pow(2., baseShiftZ);
697  const double rangePhi = baseRegion_ + rangeInv2R * rangeR / 2.;
698  const int baseShiftPhi = ceil(log2(rangePhi / tmttBasePhiT_ / pow(2., tmttWidthPhi_)));
699  tmttBasePhi_ = tmttBasePhiT_ * pow(2., baseShiftPhi);
705  // hybrid
706  const double hybridRangeInv2R = 2. * invPtToDphi_ / hybridMinPtStub_;
707  const double hybridRangeR =
709  hybridRangePhi_ = baseRegion_ + (hybridRangeR * hybridRangeInv2R) / 2.;
712  for (int type = 0; type < SensorModule::NumTypes; type++)
713  hybridBasesZ_.emplace_back( / pow(2.,;
715  for (int type = 0; type < SensorModule::NumTypes; type++)
716  hybridBasesR_.emplace_back( / pow(2.,;
719  for (int type = 0; type < SensorModule::NumTypes; type++)
720  hybridBasesPhi_.emplace_back(hybridRangePhi_ / pow(2.,;
722  for (int type = 0; type < SensorModule::NumTypes; type++)
725  for (int type = 0; type < SensorModule::NumTypes; type++)
730  disk2SRs_.reserve(hybridDisk2SRsSet_.size());
731  for (const auto& pSet : hybridDisk2SRsSet_)
732  disk2SRs_.emplace_back(pSet.getParameter<vector<double>>("Disk2SRs"));
733  // dtc
739  const double maxRangeInv2R = max(rangeInv2R, hybridRangeInv2R);
740  const int baseShiftInv2R = ceil(log2(htNumBinsInv2R_)) - dtcWidthInv2R_ + ceil(log2(maxRangeInv2R / rangeInv2R));
741  dtcBaseInv2R_ = tmttBaseInv2R_ * pow(2., baseShiftInv2R);
742  const int baseDiffM = dtcWidthRowLUT_ - widthRow_;
743  dtcBaseM_ = tmttBasePhi_ * pow(2., baseDiffM);
744  const double x1 = pow(2, widthRow_) * baseRow_ * maxPitch_ / 2.;
745  const double x0 = x1 - pow(2, dtcWidthRowLUT_) * baseRow_ * maxPitch_;
746  const double maxM = atan2(x1, innerRadius_) - atan2(x0, innerRadius_);
747  dtcWidthM_ = ceil(log2(maxM / dtcBaseM_));
749  // mht
751  // zht
753  //
755  }
int zhtNumCells_
Definition: Setup.h:1077
int dtcNumRoutingBlocks_
Definition: Setup.h:801
constexpr int32_t ceil(float num)
double baseRow_
Definition: Setup.h:782
int tmttWidthInv2R_
Definition: Setup.h:996
int numFramesIO_
Definition: Setup.h:967
int numLayers_
Definition: Setup.h:620
int dtcWidthInv2R_
Definition: Setup.h:807
int tmttWidthLayer_
Definition: Setup.h:992
double maxZT_
Definition: Setup.h:1059
double lengthPS_
Definition: Setup.h:763
int tmttWidthPhi_
Definition: Setup.h:624
double halfLength_
Definition: Setup.h:737
double hybridMaxEta_
Definition: Setup.h:635
int numFrames_
Definition: Setup.h:965
std::vector< double > boundariesEta_
Definition: Setup.h:851
double freqLHC_
Definition: Setup.h:719
std::vector< double > hybridBasesZ_
Definition: Setup.h:1009
int widthDSPau_
Definition: Setup.h:699
int tmttWidthSectorEta_
Definition: Setup.h:994
int numDTCs_
Definition: Setup.h:1028
int kfWidthLayerCount_
Definition: Setup.h:1081
int numSectors_
Definition: Setup.h:1063
int mhtNumBinsPhiT_
Definition: Setup.h:869
double dtcBaseM_
Definition: Setup.h:1042
int tmttWidthZ_
Definition: Setup.h:626
std::vector< double > hybridBasesAlpha_
Definition: Setup.h:1011
std::vector< double > hybridRangesAlpha_
Definition: Setup.h:657
int mhtNumCells_
Definition: Setup.h:1072
int htNumBinsPhiT_
Definition: Setup.h:858
double tmttBasePhiT_
Definition: Setup.h:988
int numModules_
Definition: Setup.h:1032
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsR_
Definition: Setup.h:643
double baseSector_
Definition: Setup.h:1057
int htNumBinsInv2R_
Definition: Setup.h:856
double bField_
Definition: Setup.h:729
double hybridChosenRofPhi_
Definition: Setup.h:637
std::vector< double > hybridRangesR_
Definition: Setup.h:653
int widthDSPbu_
Definition: Setup.h:705
double tmttBaseR_
Definition: Setup.h:980
std::vector< double > hybridBasesPhi_
Definition: Setup.h:1007
int numFramesInfra_
Definition: Setup.h:717
int zhtNumBinsCot_
Definition: Setup.h:884
std::vector< double > hybridRangesZ_
Definition: Setup.h:655
double baseRegion_
Definition: Setup.h:973
int dtcNumStreams_
Definition: Setup.h:819
int widthDSPab_
Definition: Setup.h:697
int dtcWidthM_
Definition: Setup.h:1038
int widthDSPb_
Definition: Setup.h:701
int widthDSPbb_
Definition: Setup.h:703
double maxPitch_
Definition: Setup.h:739
std::vector< double > hybridBasesR_
Definition: Setup.h:1005
int widthDSPcb_
Definition: Setup.h:709
std::vector< int > hybridNumsUnusedBits_
Definition: Setup.h:1021
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
double length2S_
Definition: Setup.h:761
int widthDSPc_
Definition: Setup.h:707
double tmttBaseZ_
Definition: Setup.h:982
double pitchPS_
Definition: Setup.h:759
double chosenRofZ_
Definition: Setup.h:845
double hybridRangeR() const
Definition: Setup.h:302
std::vector< double > sectorCots_
Definition: Setup.h:1067
int numFramesFE_
Definition: Setup.h:969
double maxEta_
Definition: Setup.h:616
double maxCot_
Definition: Setup.h:1061
int tmpFE_
Definition: Setup.h:723
int tmttWidthR_
Definition: Setup.h:622
double maxLength_
Definition: Setup.h:741
#define M_PI
int dtcNumMergedRows_
Definition: Setup.h:1036
int hybridNumLayers_
Definition: Setup.h:639
int numOverlappingRegions_
Definition: Setup.h:793
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsAlpha_
Definition: Setup.h:649
int widthDSPcu_
Definition: Setup.h:711
double speedOfLight_
Definition: Setup.h:727
int widthDSPa_
Definition: Setup.h:695
double tmttBaseInv2R_
Definition: Setup.h:986
double outerRadius_
Definition: Setup.h:733
double innerRadius_
Definition: Setup.h:735
std::vector< edm::ParameterSet > hybridDisk2SRsSet_
Definition: Setup.h:663
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsZ_
Definition: Setup.h:645
double dtcBaseInv2R_
Definition: Setup.h:1040
double pitch2S_
Definition: Setup.h:757
int numDTCsPerTFP_
Definition: Setup.h:1030
int dtcWidthRowLUT_
Definition: Setup.h:805
double freqBE_
Definition: Setup.h:721
int dtcNumModulesPerRoutingBlock_
Definition: Setup.h:1034
double minPt_
Definition: Setup.h:614
int mhtNumBinsInv2R_
Definition: Setup.h:867
int tmpTFP_
Definition: Setup.h:725
int zhtMaxStubsPerLayer_
Definition: Setup.h:892
double chosenRofPhi_
Definition: Setup.h:618
int hybridWidthLayerId_
Definition: Setup.h:1003
int numSectorsPhi_
Definition: Setup.h:841
int tmttNumUnusedBits_
Definition: Setup.h:998
int numRegions_
Definition: Setup.h:791
int numModulesPerDTC_
Definition: Setup.h:799
double hybridRangePhi_
Definition: Setup.h:665
int zhtNumBinsZT_
Definition: Setup.h:882
double invPtToDphi_
Definition: Setup.h:971
int numDTCsPerRegion_
Definition: Setup.h:797
static constexpr int S_
Definition: TTBV.h:22
int numSectorsEta_
Definition: Setup.h:843
double hybridMinPtStub_
Definition: Setup.h:631
int widthRow_
Definition: Setup.h:776
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsPhi_
Definition: Setup.h:647
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Power.h:29
double tmttBasePhi_
Definition: Setup.h:984
double hybridMaxCot_
Definition: Setup.h:1019
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsBend_
Definition: Setup.h:651
MPlex< T, D1, D2, N > atan2(const MPlex< T, D1, D2, N > &y, const MPlex< T, D1, D2, N > &x)
Definition: Matriplex.h:648
std::vector< std::vector< double > > disk2SRs_
Definition: Setup.h:1023

◆ checkDTCId()

void tt::Setup::checkDTCId ( int  dtcId) const

Definition at line 835 of file

References dtcId(), cppFunctionSkipper::exception, numDTCsPerRegion_, and numRegions_.

Referenced by gbps10(), psModule(), side(), slot(), and tkLayoutId().

835  {
836  if (dtcId < 0 || dtcId >= numDTCsPerRegion_ * numRegions_) {
837  cms::Exception exception("out_of_range");
838  exception.addContext("tt::Setup::checkDTCId");
839  exception << "Used DTC Id (" << dtcId << ") "
840  << "is out of range 0 to " << numDTCsPerRegion_ * numRegions_ - 1 << ".";
841  throw exception;
842  }
843  }
int numRegions_
Definition: Setup.h:791
int numDTCsPerRegion_
Definition: Setup.h:797
int dtcId(int tklId) const

◆ checkGeometry()

void tt::Setup::checkGeometry ( )

Definition at line 394 of file

References configurationSupported_, cppFunctionSkipper::exception, spr::find(), fromDD4hep_, cmsPseudoTrapShapesXML_cfi::geomXMLFiles, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), pSetGC_, sgXMLFile_, sgXMLLabel_, sgXMLPath_, sgXMLVersions_, and relval_steps::version.

Referenced by Setup().

394  {
395  //FIX ME: Can we assume that geometry used in dd4hep wf supports L1Track?
396  if (!fromDD4hep_) {
397  const vector<string>& geomXMLFiles = pSetGC_->getParameter<vector<string>>(sgXMLLabel_);
398  string version;
399  for (const string& geomXMLFile : geomXMLFiles) {
400  const auto begin = geomXMLFile.find(sgXMLPath_) + sgXMLPath_.size();
401  const auto end = geomXMLFile.find(sgXMLFile_);
402  if (begin != string::npos && end != string::npos)
403  version = geomXMLFile.substr(begin, end - begin - 1);
404  }
405  if (version.empty()) {
406  cms::Exception exception("LogicError");
407  exception << "No " << sgXMLPath_ << "*/" << sgXMLFile_ << " found in GeometryConfiguration";
408  exception.addContext("tt::Setup::checkGeometry");
409  throw exception;
410  }
411  if (find(sgXMLVersions_.begin(), sgXMLVersions_.end(), version) != sgXMLVersions_.end()) {
412  configurationSupported_ = false;
413  LogWarning("ConfigurationNotSupported")
414  << "Geometry Configuration " << sgXMLPath_ << version << "/" << sgXMLFile_ << " is not supported. ";
415  }
416  }
417  }
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:307
std::string sgXMLPath_
Definition: Setup.h:583
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
std::string sgXMLLabel_
Definition: Setup.h:581
std::vector< std::string > sgXMLVersions_
Definition: Setup.h:587
bool fromDD4hep_
Definition: Setup.h:576
const edm::ParameterSet * pSetGC_
Definition: Setup.h:569
Log< level::Warning, false > LogWarning
std::string sgXMLFile_
Definition: Setup.h:585
bool configurationSupported_
Definition: Setup.h:943

◆ checkHistory() [1/2]

void tt::Setup::checkHistory ( const edm::ProcessHistory processHistory) const

Definition at line 242 of file

References instance, phGeometryConfiguration_, phTTStubAlgorithm_, pSetIdGeometryConfiguration_, and pSetIdTTStubAlgorithm_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::ProducerTT::beginRun(), trackerTFP::ProducerHT::beginRun(), trackerTFP::ProducerZHT::beginRun(), trackerTFP::ProducerZHTout::beginRun(), trackerTFP::ProducerMHT::beginRun(), trackerTFP::ProducerKF::beginRun(), trackerTFP::ProducerGP::beginRun(), trackerDTC::ProducerED::beginRun(), trackerTFP::ProducerKFin::beginRun(), trklet::ProducerKFout::beginRun(), trklet::ProducerDR::beginRun(), trklet::ProducerKFin::beginRun(), trklet::ProducerTBout::beginRun(), and trklet::ProducerDRin::beginRun().

242  {
243  const pset::Registry* psetRegistry = pset::Registry::instance();
244  // check used TTStubAlgorithm in input producer
245  checkHistory(processHistory, psetRegistry, phTTStubAlgorithm_, pSetIdTTStubAlgorithm_);
246  // check used GeometryConfiguration in input producer
248  }
std::string phTTStubAlgorithm_
Definition: Setup.h:594
edm::ParameterSetID pSetIdGeometryConfiguration_
Definition: Setup.h:573
static PFTauRenderPlugin instance
std::string phGeometryConfiguration_
Definition: Setup.h:592
edm::ParameterSetID pSetIdTTStubAlgorithm_
Definition: Setup.h:571
void checkHistory(const edm::ProcessHistory &processHistory) const

◆ checkHistory() [2/2]

void tt::Setup::checkHistory ( const edm::ProcessHistory ,
const edm::pset::Registry ,
const std::string &  ,
const edm::ParameterSetID  
) const

◆ checkMagneticField()

void tt::Setup::checkMagneticField ( )

Definition at line 383 of file

References funct::abs(), bField_, bFieldError_, configurationSupported_, MagneticField::inTesla(), magneticField_, and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

Referenced by Setup().

383  {
384  const double bFieldES = magneticField_->inTesla(GlobalPoint(0., 0., 0.)).z();
385  if (abs(bField_ - bFieldES) > bFieldError_) {
386  configurationSupported_ = false;
387  LogWarning("ConfigurationNotSupported")
388  << "Magnetic Field from EventSetup (" << bFieldES << ") differs more then " << bFieldError_
389  << " from supported value (" << bField_ << "). ";
390  }
391  }
T z() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:61
virtual GlobalVector inTesla(const GlobalPoint &gp) const =0
Field value ad specified global point, in Tesla.
Global3DPoint GlobalPoint
Definition: GlobalPoint.h:10
double bField_
Definition: Setup.h:729
double bFieldError_
Definition: Setup.h:731
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
Log< level::Warning, false > LogWarning
const MagneticField * magneticField_
Definition: Setup.h:557
bool configurationSupported_
Definition: Setup.h:943

◆ checkTFPIdentifier()

void tt::Setup::checkTFPIdentifier ( int  tfpRegion,
int  tfpChannel 
) const

Definition at line 857 of file

References cppFunctionSkipper::exception, numDTCsPerTFP_, and numRegions_.

Referenced by dtcId().

857  {
858  const bool oorRegion = tfpRegion >= numRegions_ || tfpRegion < 0;
859  const bool oorChannel = tfpChannel >= numDTCsPerTFP_ || tfpChannel < 0;
860  if (oorRegion || oorChannel) {
861  cms::Exception exception("out_of_range");
862  exception.addContext("tt::Setup::checkTFPIdentifier");
863  if (oorRegion)
864  exception << "Requested Processing Region "
865  << "(" << tfpRegion << ") "
866  << "is out of range 0 to " << numRegions_ - 1 << ".";
867  if (oorChannel)
868  exception << "Requested TFP Channel "
869  << "(" << tfpChannel << ") "
870  << "is out of range 0 to " << numDTCsPerTFP_ - 1 << ".";
871  throw exception;
872  }
873  }
int numDTCsPerTFP_
Definition: Setup.h:1030
int numRegions_
Definition: Setup.h:791

◆ checkTKLayoutId()

void tt::Setup::checkTKLayoutId ( int  tkLayoutId) const

Definition at line 846 of file

References cppFunctionSkipper::exception, numDTCsPerRegion_, numRegions_, and tkLayoutId().

Referenced by dtcId().

846  {
847  if (tkLayoutId <= 0 || tkLayoutId > numDTCsPerRegion_ * numRegions_) {
848  cms::Exception exception("out_of_range");
849  exception.addContext("tt::Setup::checkTKLayoutId");
850  exception << "Used TKLayout Id (" << tkLayoutId << ") "
851  << "is out of range 1 to " << numDTCsPerRegion_ * numRegions_ << ".";
852  throw exception;
853  }
854  }
int tkLayoutId(int dtcId) const
int numRegions_
Definition: Setup.h:791
int numDTCsPerRegion_
Definition: Setup.h:797

◆ chosenRofPhi()

double tt::Setup::chosenRofPhi ( ) const

Definition at line 213 of file Setup.h.

References chosenRofPhi_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::DataFormats::chosenRofPhi(), and trackerTFP::ZHoughTransform::fill().

213 { return chosenRofPhi_; }
double chosenRofPhi_
Definition: Setup.h:618

◆ chosenRofZ()

double tt::Setup::chosenRofZ ( ) const

◆ configurationSupported()

bool tt::Setup::configurationSupported ( ) const

◆ configureTPSelector()

void tt::Setup::configureTPSelector ( )

Definition at line 492 of file

References cosmictrackingParticleSelector_cfi::chargedOnly, ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::brokenline::constexpr(), ALCARECOTkAlBeamHalo_cff::etaMax, trackingParticleSelector_cfi::intimeOnly, qcdUeDQM_cfi::lip, qcdUeDQM_cfi::minHit, AlignmentTrackSelector_cfi::ptMax, ptMin, trackingParticleSelector_cfi::signalOnly, genCandidates_cfi::stableOnly, qcdUeDQM_cfi::tip, tpMaxEta_, tpMaxVertR_, tpMaxVertZ_, tpMinPt_, tpSelector_, and tpSelectorLoose_.

Referenced by Setup().

492  {
493  // configure TrackingParticleSelector
494  const double ptMin = tpMinPt_;
495  constexpr double ptMax = 9.e9;
496  const double etaMax = tpMaxEta_;
497  const double tip = tpMaxVertR_;
498  const double lip = tpMaxVertZ_;
499  constexpr int minHit = 0;
500  constexpr bool signalOnly = true;
501  constexpr bool intimeOnly = true;
502  constexpr bool chargedOnly = true;
503  constexpr bool stableOnly = false;
507  TrackingParticleSelector(ptMin, ptMax, -etaMax, etaMax, tip, lip, minHit, false, false, false, stableOnly);
508  }
double tpMaxEta_
Definition: Setup.h:676
TrackingParticleSelector tpSelector_
Definition: Setup.h:945
constexpr float ptMin
TrackingParticleSelector tpSelectorLoose_
Definition: Setup.h:947
double tpMaxVertZ_
Definition: Setup.h:680
double tpMaxVertR_
Definition: Setup.h:678
SingleObjectSelector< TrackingParticleCollection, ::TrackingParticleSelector > TrackingParticleSelector
double tpMinPt_
Definition: Setup.h:674

◆ consumeStubAlgorithm()

void tt::Setup::consumeStubAlgorithm ( )

Definition at line 420 of file

References baseWindowSize_, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), WZElectronSkims53X_cff::max, maxWindowSize_, numTiltedLayerRings_, pSetSA_, svgfig::window(), windowSizeBarrelLayers_, windowSizeEndcapDisksRings_, and windowSizeTiltedLayerRings_.

Referenced by Setup().

420  {
421  numTiltedLayerRings_ = pSetSA_->getParameter<vector<double>>("NTiltedRings");
422  windowSizeBarrelLayers_ = pSetSA_->getParameter<vector<double>>("BarrelCut");
423  const auto& pSetsTiltedLayer = pSetSA_->getParameter<vector<ParameterSet>>("TiltedBarrelCutSet");
424  const auto& pSetsEncapDisks = pSetSA_->getParameter<vector<ParameterSet>>("EndcapCutSet");
425  windowSizeTiltedLayerRings_.reserve(pSetsTiltedLayer.size());
426  for (const auto& pSet : pSetsTiltedLayer)
427  windowSizeTiltedLayerRings_.emplace_back(pSet.getParameter<vector<double>>("TiltedCut"));
428  windowSizeEndcapDisksRings_.reserve(pSetsEncapDisks.size());
429  for (const auto& pSet : pSetsEncapDisks)
430  windowSizeEndcapDisksRings_.emplace_back(pSet.getParameter<vector<double>>("EndcapCut"));
431  maxWindowSize_ = -1;
433  for (const auto& windows : windowss)
434  for (const auto& window : windows)
436  }
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:307
std::vector< double > numTiltedLayerRings_
Definition: Setup.h:952
std::vector< std::vector< double > > windowSizeTiltedLayerRings_
Definition: Setup.h:956
def window(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, x=0, y=0, width=100, height=100, xlogbase=None, ylogbase=None, minusInfinity=-1000, flipx=False, flipy=True)
std::vector< std::vector< double > > windowSizeEndcapDisksRings_
Definition: Setup.h:958
std::vector< double > windowSizeBarrelLayers_
Definition: Setup.h:954
double baseWindowSize_
Definition: Setup.h:784
int maxWindowSize_
Definition: Setup.h:960
const edm::ParameterSet * pSetSA_
Definition: Setup.h:567

◆ disk2SR()

double tt::Setup::disk2SR ( int  layerId,
int  r 
) const

Definition at line 306 of file Setup.h.

References disk2SRs_, and layerId().

Referenced by trklet::DRin::consume().

306 { return; }
int layerId(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const
std::vector< std::vector< double > > disk2SRs_
Definition: Setup.h:1023

◆ dPhi()

double tt::Setup::dPhi ( const TTStubRef ttStubRef,
double  inv2R 
) const

Definition at line 580 of file

References funct::abs(), hcalRecHitTable_cff::detId, cppFunctionSkipper::exception, maxdPhi_, mindPhi_, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::perp(), scattering_, sensorModule(), ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::ecal::reconstruction::internal::barrel::sm(), stubPos(), and tmttBasePhi_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::ProducerKFin::produce().

580  {
581  const DetId& detId = ttStubRef->getDetId();
582  SensorModule* sm = sensorModule(detId + 1);
583  const double r = stubPos(ttStubRef).perp();
584  const double sigma = sm->pitchRow() / r;
585  const double scat = scattering_ * abs(inv2R);
586  const double extra = sm->barrel() ? 0. : sm->pitchCol() * abs(inv2R);
587  const double digi = tmttBasePhi_;
588  const double dPhi = sigma + scat + extra + digi;
589  if (dPhi >= maxdPhi_ || dPhi < mindPhi_) {
590  cms::Exception exception("out_of_range");
591  exception.addContext("tt::Setup::dPhi");
592  exception << "Stub phi uncertainty " << dPhi << " "
593  << "is out of range " << mindPhi_ << " to " << maxdPhi_ << ".";
594  throw exception;
595  }
596  return dPhi;
597  }
T perp() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:69
double dPhi(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef, double inv2R) const
GlobalPoint stubPos(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const
double scattering_
Definition: Setup.h:609
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
double maxdPhi_
Definition: Setup.h:751
Definition: DetId.h:17
double mindPhi_
Definition: Setup.h:749
SensorModule * sensorModule(const DetId &detId) const
double tmttBasePhi_
Definition: Setup.h:984

◆ dphiTruncation()

int tt::Setup::dphiTruncation ( ) const

Definition at line 517 of file Setup.h.

References dphiTruncation_.

Referenced by trklet::ProducerKFout::beginRun().

517 { return dphiTruncation_; }
int dphiTruncation_
Definition: Setup.h:931

◆ drDepthMemory()

int tt::Setup::drDepthMemory ( ) const

Definition at line 522 of file Setup.h.

References drDepthMemory_.

522 { return drDepthMemory_; }
int drDepthMemory_
Definition: Setup.h:936

◆ dtcBaseInv2R()

double tt::Setup::dtcBaseInv2R ( ) const

Definition at line 389 of file Setup.h.

References dtcBaseInv2R_.

389 { return dtcBaseInv2R_; }
double dtcBaseInv2R_
Definition: Setup.h:1040

◆ dtcBaseM()

double tt::Setup::dtcBaseM ( ) const

Definition at line 391 of file Setup.h.

References dtcBaseM_.

391 { return dtcBaseM_; }
double dtcBaseM_
Definition: Setup.h:1042

◆ dtcDepthMemory()

int tt::Setup::dtcDepthMemory ( ) const

Definition at line 361 of file Setup.h.

References dtcDepthMemory_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::DTC::merge().

361 { return dtcDepthMemory_; }
int dtcDepthMemory_
Definition: Setup.h:803

◆ dtcId() [1/2]

int tt::Setup::dtcId ( int  tklId) const

Definition at line 294 of file

References checkTKLayoutId(), numATCASlots_, numDTCsPerRegion_, numRegions_, nano_mu_digi_cff::region, side(), slot(), and tkLayoutId().

Referenced by checkDTCId(), dtcModules(), gbps10(), L1FPGATrackProducer::produce(), produceSensorModules(), psModule(), side(), slot(), and tkLayoutId().

294  {
296  const int tkId = tkLayoutId - 1;
297  const int side = tkId / (numRegions_ * numATCASlots_);
298  const int region = (tkId % (numRegions_ * numATCASlots_)) / numATCASlots_;
299  const int slot = tkId % numATCASlots_;
301  }
void checkTKLayoutId(int tkLayoutId) const
int tkLayoutId(int dtcId) const
int slot(int dtcId) const
int numATCASlots_
Definition: Setup.h:795
bool side(int dtcId) const
int numRegions_
Definition: Setup.h:791
int numDTCsPerRegion_
Definition: Setup.h:797

◆ dtcId() [2/2]

int tt::Setup::dtcId ( int  tfpRegion,
int  tfpChannel 
) const

Definition at line 313 of file

References checkTFPIdentifier(), numDTCsPerRegion_, numOverlappingRegions_, and numRegions_.

313  {
314  checkTFPIdentifier(tfpRegion, tfpChannel);
315  const int dtcChannel = numOverlappingRegions_ - (tfpChannel / numDTCsPerRegion_) - 1;
316  const int dtcBoard = tfpChannel % numDTCsPerRegion_;
317  const int dtcRegion = tfpRegion - dtcChannel >= 0 ? tfpRegion - dtcChannel : tfpRegion - dtcChannel + numRegions_;
318  return dtcRegion * numDTCsPerRegion_ + dtcBoard;
319  }
void checkTFPIdentifier(int tfpRegion, int tfpChannel) const
int numOverlappingRegions_
Definition: Setup.h:793
int numRegions_
Definition: Setup.h:791
int numDTCsPerRegion_
Definition: Setup.h:797

◆ dtcModules()

const std::vector<SensorModule*>& tt::Setup::dtcModules ( int  dtcId) const

Definition at line 393 of file Setup.h.

References dtcId(), and dtcModules_.

Referenced by produceSensorModules().

393 { return; }
std::vector< std::vector< SensorModule * > > dtcModules_
Definition: Setup.h:1050
int dtcId(int tklId) const

◆ dtcNumMergedRows()

int tt::Setup::dtcNumMergedRows ( ) const

Definition at line 385 of file Setup.h.

References dtcNumMergedRows_.

385 { return dtcNumMergedRows_; }
int dtcNumMergedRows_
Definition: Setup.h:1036

◆ dtcNumModulesPerRoutingBlock()

int tt::Setup::dtcNumModulesPerRoutingBlock ( ) const

Definition at line 383 of file Setup.h.

References dtcNumModulesPerRoutingBlock_.

int dtcNumModulesPerRoutingBlock_
Definition: Setup.h:1034

◆ dtcNumRoutingBlocks()

int tt::Setup::dtcNumRoutingBlocks ( ) const

Definition at line 359 of file Setup.h.

References dtcNumRoutingBlocks_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::DTC::produce().

359 { return dtcNumRoutingBlocks_; }
int dtcNumRoutingBlocks_
Definition: Setup.h:801

◆ dtcNumStreams()

int tt::Setup::dtcNumStreams ( ) const

Definition at line 395 of file Setup.h.

References dtcNumStreams_.

395 { return dtcNumStreams_; }
int dtcNumStreams_
Definition: Setup.h:819

◆ dtcWidthInv2R()

int tt::Setup::dtcWidthInv2R ( ) const

Definition at line 365 of file Setup.h.

References dtcWidthInv2R_.

365 { return dtcWidthInv2R_; }
int dtcWidthInv2R_
Definition: Setup.h:807

◆ dtcWidthM()

int tt::Setup::dtcWidthM ( ) const

Definition at line 387 of file Setup.h.

References dtcWidthM_.

387 { return dtcWidthM_; }
int dtcWidthM_
Definition: Setup.h:1038

◆ dtcWidthRowLUT()

int tt::Setup::dtcWidthRowLUT ( ) const

Definition at line 363 of file Setup.h.

References dtcWidthRowLUT_.

363 { return dtcWidthRowLUT_; }
int dtcWidthRowLUT_
Definition: Setup.h:805

◆ dumpDiff()

string tt::Setup::dumpDiff ( const edm::ParameterSet pSetHistory,
const edm::ParameterSet pSetProcess 
) const

Definition at line 283 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::dump(), and contentValuesCheck::ss.

283  {
284  stringstream ssHistory, ssProcess, ss;
285  ssHistory << pSetHistory.dump();
286  ssProcess << pSetProcess.dump();
287  string lineHistory, lineProcess;
288  for (; getline(ssHistory, lineHistory) && getline(ssProcess, lineProcess);)
289  ss << (lineHistory != lineProcess ? "\033[1;31m" : "") << lineHistory << "\033[0m" << endl;
290  return ss.str();
291  }
std::string dump(unsigned int indent=0) const

◆ dZ()

double tt::Setup::dZ ( const TTStubRef ttStubRef,
double  cot 
) const

Definition at line 600 of file

References hcalRecHitTable_cff::detId, cppFunctionSkipper::exception, maxdZ_, mindZ_, sensorModule(), ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::ecal::reconstruction::internal::barrel::sm(), and tmttBaseZ_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::ZHoughTransform::fill(), and trackerTFP::ProducerKFin::produce().

600  {
601  const DetId& detId = ttStubRef->getDetId();
602  SensorModule* sm = sensorModule(detId + 1);
603  const double sigma = sm->pitchCol() * sm->tiltCorrection(cot);
604  const double digi = tmttBaseZ_;
605  const double dZ = sigma + digi;
606  if (dZ >= maxdZ_ || dZ < mindZ_) {
607  cms::Exception exception("out_of_range");
608  exception.addContext("tt::Setup::dZ");
609  exception << "Stub z uncertainty " << dZ << " "
610  << "is out of range " << mindZ_ << " to " << maxdZ_ << ".";
611  throw exception;
612  }
613  return dZ;
614  }
double dZ(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef, double cot) const
double mindZ_
Definition: Setup.h:753
double tmttBaseZ_
Definition: Setup.h:982
double maxdZ_
Definition: Setup.h:755
Definition: DetId.h:17
SensorModule * sensorModule(const DetId &detId) const

◆ dzTruncation()

int tt::Setup::dzTruncation ( ) const

Definition at line 515 of file Setup.h.

References dzTruncation_.

Referenced by trklet::ProducerKFout::beginRun().

515 { return dzTruncation_; }
int dzTruncation_
Definition: Setup.h:929

◆ encodeBend()

void tt::Setup::encodeBend ( std::vector< std::vector< double >> &  encodings,
bool  ps 
) const

Definition at line 439 of file

References TTStubAlgorithm_official< T >::degradeBend(), maxWindowSize_, stubAlgorithm_, and svgfig::window().

Referenced by Setup().

439  {
440  for (int window = 0; window < maxWindowSize_ + 1; window++) {
441  set<double> encoding;
442  for (int bend = 0; bend < window + 1; bend++)
443  encoding.insert(stubAlgorithm_->degradeBend(ps, window, bend));
444  encodings.emplace_back(encoding.begin(), encoding.end());
445  }
446  }
float degradeBend(bool psModule, int window, int bend) const
def window(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, x=0, y=0, width=100, height=100, xlogbase=None, ylogbase=None, minusInfinity=-1000, flipx=False, flipy=True)
const StubAlgorithmOfficial * stubAlgorithm_
Definition: Setup.h:565
int maxWindowSize_
Definition: Setup.h:960

◆ encodingBend()

const vector< double > & tt::Setup::encodingBend ( int  windowSize,
bool  psModule 
) const

Definition at line 377 of file

References encodingsBend2S_, encodingsBendPS_, and psModule().

Referenced by trklet::TrackletLUT::getBendCut().

377  {
378  const vector<vector<double>>& encodingsBend = psModule ? encodingsBendPS_ : encodingsBend2S_;
379  return;
380  }
std::vector< std::vector< double > > encodingsBendPS_
Definition: Setup.h:1044
std::vector< std::vector< double > > encodingsBend2S_
Definition: Setup.h:1046
bool psModule(int dtcId) const

◆ gbps10()

bool tt::Setup::gbps10 ( int  dtcId) const

Definition at line 345 of file

References checkDTCId(), dtcId(), slot(), and slotLimit10gbps_.

345  {
346  checkDTCId(dtcId);
347  return slot(dtcId) < slotLimit10gbps_;
348  }
int slotLimit10gbps_
Definition: Setup.h:823
void checkDTCId(int dtcId) const
int slot(int dtcId) const
int dtcId(int tklId) const

◆ gpDepthMemory()

int tt::Setup::gpDepthMemory ( ) const

Definition at line 419 of file Setup.h.

References gpDepthMemory_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::GeometricProcessor::produce().

419 { return gpDepthMemory_; }
int gpDepthMemory_
Definition: Setup.h:849

◆ halfLength()

double tt::Setup::halfLength ( ) const

Definition at line 245 of file Setup.h.

References halfLength_.

245 { return halfLength_; }
double halfLength_
Definition: Setup.h:737

◆ htDepthMemory()

int tt::Setup::htDepthMemory ( ) const

Definition at line 445 of file Setup.h.

References htDepthMemory_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::HoughTransform::fillIn().

445 { return htDepthMemory_; }
int htDepthMemory_
Definition: Setup.h:862

◆ htMinLayers()

int tt::Setup::htMinLayers ( ) const

Definition at line 443 of file Setup.h.

References htMinLayers_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::HoughTransform::readOut().

443 { return htMinLayers_; }
int htMinLayers_
Definition: Setup.h:860

◆ htNumBinsInv2R()

int tt::Setup::htNumBinsInv2R ( ) const

Definition at line 439 of file Setup.h.

References htNumBinsInv2R_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::DataFormats::DataFormats().

439 { return htNumBinsInv2R_; }
int htNumBinsInv2R_
Definition: Setup.h:856

◆ htNumBinsPhiT()

int tt::Setup::htNumBinsPhiT ( ) const

Definition at line 441 of file Setup.h.

References htNumBinsPhiT_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::HoughTransform::readOut().

441 { return htNumBinsPhiT_; }
int htNumBinsPhiT_
Definition: Setup.h:858

◆ hybridBaseAlpha()

double tt::Setup::hybridBaseAlpha ( SensorModule::Type  type) const

Definition at line 288 of file Setup.h.

References hybridBasesAlpha_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::Stub::formatHybrid().

288 { return; }
std::vector< double > hybridBasesAlpha_
Definition: Setup.h:1011

◆ hybridBasePhi()

double tt::Setup::hybridBasePhi ( SensorModule::Type  type) const

Definition at line 284 of file Setup.h.

References hybridBasesPhi_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::Stub::formatHybrid().

284 { return; }
std::vector< double > hybridBasesPhi_
Definition: Setup.h:1007

◆ hybridBaseR()

double tt::Setup::hybridBaseR ( SensorModule::Type  type) const

Definition at line 282 of file Setup.h.

References hybridBasesR_.

Referenced by trklet::DRin::consume(), and trackerDTC::Stub::formatHybrid().

282 { return; }
std::vector< double > hybridBasesR_
Definition: Setup.h:1005

◆ hybridBaseZ()

double tt::Setup::hybridBaseZ ( SensorModule::Type  type) const

Definition at line 286 of file Setup.h.

References hybridBasesZ_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::Stub::formatHybrid().

286 { return; }
std::vector< double > hybridBasesZ_
Definition: Setup.h:1009

◆ hybridChosenRofPhi()

double tt::Setup::hybridChosenRofPhi ( ) const

◆ hybridDiskZ()

double tt::Setup::hybridDiskZ ( int  layerId) const

Definition at line 298 of file Setup.h.

References hybridDiskZs_, and layerId().

Referenced by trklet::DRin::consume().

298 { return; }
std::vector< double > hybridDiskZs_
Definition: Setup.h:661
int layerId(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const

◆ hybridLayerR()

double tt::Setup::hybridLayerR ( int  layerId) const

Definition at line 296 of file Setup.h.

References hybridLayerRs_, and layerId().

Referenced by trklet::DRin::consume().

296 { return; }
std::vector< double > hybridLayerRs_
Definition: Setup.h:659
int layerId(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const

◆ hybridMaxCot()

double tt::Setup::hybridMaxCot ( ) const

Definition at line 292 of file Setup.h.

References hybridMaxCot_.

Referenced by trklet::DRin::consume().

292 { return hybridMaxCot_; }
double hybridMaxCot_
Definition: Setup.h:1019

◆ hybridMaxEta()

double tt::Setup::hybridMaxEta ( ) const

Definition at line 264 of file Setup.h.

References hybridMaxEta_.

264 { return hybridMaxEta_; }
double hybridMaxEta_
Definition: Setup.h:635

◆ hybridMinPtCand()

double tt::Setup::hybridMinPtCand ( ) const

Definition at line 262 of file Setup.h.

References hybridMinPtCand_.

262 { return hybridMinPtCand_; }
double hybridMinPtCand_
Definition: Setup.h:633

◆ hybridMinPtStub()

double tt::Setup::hybridMinPtStub ( ) const

Definition at line 260 of file Setup.h.

References hybridMinPtStub_.

260 { return hybridMinPtStub_; }
double hybridMinPtStub_
Definition: Setup.h:631

◆ hybridNumLayers()

int tt::Setup::hybridNumLayers ( ) const

Definition at line 268 of file Setup.h.

References hybridNumLayers_.

268 { return hybridNumLayers_; }
int hybridNumLayers_
Definition: Setup.h:639

◆ hybridNumRingsPS()

int tt::Setup::hybridNumRingsPS ( int  layerId) const

Definition at line 294 of file Setup.h.

References hybridNumRingsPS_, and layerId().

294 { return; }
std::vector< int > hybridNumRingsPS_
Definition: Setup.h:641
int layerId(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const

◆ hybridNumUnusedBits()

int tt::Setup::hybridNumUnusedBits ( SensorModule::Type  type) const

Definition at line 290 of file Setup.h.

References hybridNumsUnusedBits_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::Stub::formatHybrid().

290 { return; }
std::vector< int > hybridNumsUnusedBits_
Definition: Setup.h:1021

◆ hybridRangePhi()

double tt::Setup::hybridRangePhi ( ) const

Definition at line 300 of file Setup.h.

References hybridRangePhi_.

Referenced by trklet::DRin::consume(), and trackerDTC::Stub::formatHybrid().

300 { return hybridRangePhi_; }
double hybridRangePhi_
Definition: Setup.h:665

◆ hybridRangeR()

double tt::Setup::hybridRangeR ( ) const

Definition at line 302 of file Setup.h.

References tt::SensorModule::DiskPS, and hybridRangesR_.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and trklet::DRin::DRin().

std::vector< double > hybridRangesR_
Definition: Setup.h:653

◆ hybridWidthAlpha()

int tt::Setup::hybridWidthAlpha ( SensorModule::Type  type) const

Definition at line 276 of file Setup.h.

References hybridWidthsAlpha_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::Stub::formatHybrid().

276 { return; }
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsAlpha_
Definition: Setup.h:649

◆ hybridWidthBend()

int tt::Setup::hybridWidthBend ( SensorModule::Type  type) const

Definition at line 278 of file Setup.h.

References hybridWidthsBend_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::Stub::formatHybrid().

278 { return; }
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsBend_
Definition: Setup.h:651

◆ hybridWidthLayerId()

int tt::Setup::hybridWidthLayerId ( ) const

Definition at line 280 of file Setup.h.

References hybridWidthLayerId_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::Stub::formatHybrid().

280 { return hybridWidthLayerId_; }
int hybridWidthLayerId_
Definition: Setup.h:1003

◆ hybridWidthPhi()

int tt::Setup::hybridWidthPhi ( SensorModule::Type  type) const

Definition at line 274 of file Setup.h.

References hybridWidthsPhi_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::Stub::formatHybrid().

274 { return; }
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsPhi_
Definition: Setup.h:647

◆ hybridWidthR()

int tt::Setup::hybridWidthR ( SensorModule::Type  type) const

Definition at line 270 of file Setup.h.

References hybridWidthsR_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::Stub::formatHybrid().

270 { return; }
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsR_
Definition: Setup.h:643

◆ hybridWidthZ()

int tt::Setup::hybridWidthZ ( SensorModule::Type  type) const

Definition at line 272 of file Setup.h.

References hybridWidthsZ_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::Stub::formatHybrid().

272 { return; }
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsZ_
Definition: Setup.h:645

◆ indexLayerId()

int tt::Setup::indexLayerId ( const TTStubRef ttStubRef) const

Definition at line 523 of file

References barrel(), layerId(), offsetLayerDisks_, and offsetLayerId_.

Referenced by trklet::DRin::consume(), stubPos(), and stubR().

523  {
524  return this->layerId(ttStubRef) - (this->barrel(ttStubRef) ? offsetLayerId_ : offsetLayerId_ + offsetLayerDisks_);
525  }
int offsetLayerDisks_
Definition: Setup.h:813
int offsetLayerId_
Definition: Setup.h:815
int layerId(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const
bool barrel(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const

◆ innerRadius()

double tt::Setup::innerRadius ( void  ) const

Definition at line 243 of file Setup.h.

References innerRadius_.

243 { return innerRadius_; }
double innerRadius_
Definition: Setup.h:735

◆ invPtToDphi()

double tt::Setup::invPtToDphi ( ) const

Definition at line 182 of file Setup.h.

References invPtToDphi_.

182 { return invPtToDphi_; }
double invPtToDphi_
Definition: Setup.h:971

◆ kfinShiftRangePhi()

int tt::Setup::kfinShiftRangePhi ( ) const

Definition at line 484 of file Setup.h.

References kfinShiftRangePhi_.

484 { return kfinShiftRangePhi_; }
int kfinShiftRangePhi_
Definition: Setup.h:897

◆ kfinShiftRangeZ()

int tt::Setup::kfinShiftRangeZ ( ) const

Definition at line 486 of file Setup.h.

References kfinShiftRangeZ_.

486 { return kfinShiftRangeZ_; }
int kfinShiftRangeZ_
Definition: Setup.h:899

◆ kfMaxLayers()

int tt::Setup::kfMaxLayers ( ) const

Definition at line 495 of file Setup.h.

References kfMaxLayers_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::KalmanFilter::comb(), and trackerTFP::State::State().

495 { return kfMaxLayers_; }
int kfMaxLayers_
Definition: Setup.h:908

◆ kfMinLayers()

int tt::Setup::kfMinLayers ( ) const

◆ kfNumWorker()

int tt::Setup::kfNumWorker ( ) const

◆ kfoutchi2rphiConv()

int tt::Setup::kfoutchi2rphiConv ( ) const

Definition at line 509 of file Setup.h.

References kfoutchi2rphiConv_.

Referenced by trklet::ProducerKFout::produce().

509 { return kfoutchi2rphiConv_; }
int kfoutchi2rphiConv_
Definition: Setup.h:923

◆ kfoutchi2rzConv()

int tt::Setup::kfoutchi2rzConv ( ) const

Definition at line 511 of file Setup.h.

References kfoutchi2rzConv_.

Referenced by trklet::ProducerKFout::produce().

511 { return kfoutchi2rzConv_; }
int kfoutchi2rzConv_
Definition: Setup.h:925

◆ kfRangeFactor()

double tt::Setup::kfRangeFactor ( ) const

Definition at line 497 of file Setup.h.

References kfRangeFactor_.

497 { return kfRangeFactor_; }
double kfRangeFactor_
Definition: Setup.h:910

◆ kfShiftInitialC00()

int tt::Setup::kfShiftInitialC00 ( ) const

Definition at line 499 of file Setup.h.

References kfShiftInitialC00_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::State::State().

499 { return kfShiftInitialC00_; }
int kfShiftInitialC00_
Definition: Setup.h:912

◆ kfShiftInitialC11()

int tt::Setup::kfShiftInitialC11 ( ) const

Definition at line 501 of file Setup.h.

References kfShiftInitialC11_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::State::State().

501 { return kfShiftInitialC11_; }
int kfShiftInitialC11_
Definition: Setup.h:914

◆ kfShiftInitialC22()

int tt::Setup::kfShiftInitialC22 ( ) const

Definition at line 503 of file Setup.h.

References kfShiftInitialC22_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::State::State().

503 { return kfShiftInitialC22_; }
int kfShiftInitialC22_
Definition: Setup.h:916

◆ kfShiftInitialC33()

int tt::Setup::kfShiftInitialC33 ( ) const

Definition at line 505 of file Setup.h.

References kfShiftInitialC33_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::State::State().

505 { return kfShiftInitialC33_; }
int kfShiftInitialC33_
Definition: Setup.h:918

◆ layerId()

int tt::Setup::layerId ( const TTStubRef ttStubRef) const

◆ layerMap() [1/4]

TTBV tt::Setup::layerMap ( const std::vector< int > &  ints) const

Definition at line 540 of file

References mps_fire::i, kfWidthLayerCount_, and numLayers_.

540  {
541  TTBV ttBV;
542  for (int layer = numLayers_ - 1; layer >= 0; layer--) {
543  const int i = ints[layer];
544  ttBV += TTBV(i, kfWidthLayerCount_);
545  }
546  return ttBV;
547  }
int numLayers_
Definition: Setup.h:620
Bit vector used by Track Trigger emulators. Mainly used to convert integers into arbitrary (within ma...
Definition: TTBV.h:20
int kfWidthLayerCount_
Definition: Setup.h:1081
ROOT::VecOps::RVec< int > ints

◆ layerMap() [2/4]

TTBV tt::Setup::layerMap ( const TTBV hitPattern,
const std::vector< int > &  ints 
) const

Definition at line 550 of file

References mps_fire::i, kfWidthLayerCount_, and numLayers_.

550  {
551  TTBV ttBV;
552  for (int layer = numLayers_ - 1; layer >= 0; layer--) {
553  const int i = ints[layer];
554  ttBV += TTBV((hitPattern[layer] ? i - 1 : 0), kfWidthLayerCount_);
555  }
556  return ttBV;
557  }
int numLayers_
Definition: Setup.h:620
Bit vector used by Track Trigger emulators. Mainly used to convert integers into arbitrary (within ma...
Definition: TTBV.h:20
int kfWidthLayerCount_
Definition: Setup.h:1081
ROOT::VecOps::RVec< int > ints

◆ layerMap() [3/4]

vector< int > tt::Setup::layerMap ( const TTBV hitPattern,
const TTBV ttBV 
) const

Definition at line 560 of file

References TTBV::extract(), mps_fire::i, kfWidthLayerCount_, and numLayers_.

560  {
561  TTBV bv(ttBV);
562  vector<int> ints(numLayers_, 0);
563  for (int layer = 0; layer < numLayers_; layer++) {
564  const int i = bv.extract(kfWidthLayerCount_);
565  ints[layer] = i + (hitPattern[layer] ? 1 : 0);
566  }
567  return ints;
568  }
int numLayers_
Definition: Setup.h:620
Bit vector used by Track Trigger emulators. Mainly used to convert integers into arbitrary (within ma...
Definition: TTBV.h:20
int kfWidthLayerCount_
Definition: Setup.h:1081
ROOT::VecOps::RVec< int > ints

◆ layerMap() [4/4]

vector< int > tt::Setup::layerMap ( const TTBV ttBV) const

Definition at line 571 of file

References TTBV::extract(), kfWidthLayerCount_, and numLayers_.

571  {
572  TTBV bv(ttBV);
573  vector<int> ints(numLayers_, 0);
574  for (int layer = 0; layer < numLayers_; layer++)
575  ints[layer] = bv.extract(kfWidthLayerCount_);
576  return ints;
577  }
int numLayers_
Definition: Setup.h:620
Bit vector used by Track Trigger emulators. Mainly used to convert integers into arbitrary (within ma...
Definition: TTBV.h:20
int kfWidthLayerCount_
Definition: Setup.h:1081
ROOT::VecOps::RVec< int > ints

◆ length2S()

double tt::Setup::length2S ( ) const

Definition at line 173 of file Setup.h.

References length2S_.

Referenced by trklet::KFin::produce().

173 { return length2S_; }
double length2S_
Definition: Setup.h:761

◆ lengthPS()

double tt::Setup::lengthPS ( ) const

Definition at line 175 of file Setup.h.

References lengthPS_.

Referenced by trklet::KFin::produce().

175 { return lengthPS_; }
double lengthPS_
Definition: Setup.h:763

◆ maxCot()

double tt::Setup::maxCot ( ) const

Definition at line 428 of file Setup.h.

References maxCot_.

428 { return maxCot_; }
double maxCot_
Definition: Setup.h:1061

◆ maxdPhi()

double tt::Setup::maxdPhi ( ) const

Definition at line 161 of file Setup.h.

References maxdPhi_.

161 { return maxdPhi_; }
double maxdPhi_
Definition: Setup.h:751

◆ maxdZ()

double tt::Setup::maxdZ ( ) const

Definition at line 163 of file Setup.h.

References maxdZ_.

163 { return maxdZ_; }
double maxdZ_
Definition: Setup.h:755

◆ maxEta()

double tt::Setup::maxEta ( ) const

Definition at line 211 of file Setup.h.

References maxEta_.

Referenced by trklet::DRin::consume(), and trklet::KFin::produce().

211 { return maxEta_; }
double maxEta_
Definition: Setup.h:616

◆ maxLength()

double tt::Setup::maxLength ( ) const

Definition at line 247 of file Setup.h.

References maxLength_.

247 { return maxLength_; }
double maxLength_
Definition: Setup.h:741

◆ maxZT()

double tt::Setup::maxZT ( ) const

Definition at line 426 of file Setup.h.

References maxZT_.

426 { return maxZT_; }
double maxZT_
Definition: Setup.h:1059

◆ mhtMinLayers()

int tt::Setup::mhtMinLayers ( ) const

Definition at line 460 of file Setup.h.

References mhtMinLayers_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::ZHoughTransform::fill(), and trackerTFP::MiniHoughTransform::fill().

460 { return mhtMinLayers_; }
int mhtMinLayers_
Definition: Setup.h:877

◆ mhtNumBinsInv2R()

int tt::Setup::mhtNumBinsInv2R ( ) const

Definition at line 450 of file Setup.h.

References mhtNumBinsInv2R_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::StubMHT::StubMHT().

450 { return mhtNumBinsInv2R_; }
int mhtNumBinsInv2R_
Definition: Setup.h:867

◆ mhtNumBinsPhiT()

int tt::Setup::mhtNumBinsPhiT ( ) const

Definition at line 452 of file Setup.h.

References mhtNumBinsPhiT_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::MiniHoughTransform::fill(), and trackerTFP::StubMHT::StubMHT().

452 { return mhtNumBinsPhiT_; }
int mhtNumBinsPhiT_
Definition: Setup.h:869

◆ mhtNumCells()

int tt::Setup::mhtNumCells ( ) const

Definition at line 462 of file Setup.h.

References mhtNumCells_.

462 { return mhtNumCells_; }
int mhtNumCells_
Definition: Setup.h:1072

◆ mhtNumDLBChannel()

int tt::Setup::mhtNumDLBChannel ( ) const

Definition at line 458 of file Setup.h.

References mhtNumDLBChannel_.

458 { return mhtNumDLBChannel_; }
int mhtNumDLBChannel_
Definition: Setup.h:875

◆ mhtNumDLBNodes()

int tt::Setup::mhtNumDLBNodes ( ) const

Definition at line 456 of file Setup.h.

References mhtNumDLBNodes_.

456 { return mhtNumDLBNodes_; }
int mhtNumDLBNodes_
Definition: Setup.h:873

◆ mhtNumDLBs()

int tt::Setup::mhtNumDLBs ( ) const

Definition at line 454 of file Setup.h.

References mhtNumDLBs_.

454 { return mhtNumDLBs_; }
int mhtNumDLBs_
Definition: Setup.h:871

◆ minPt()

double tt::Setup::minPt ( ) const

Definition at line 209 of file Setup.h.

References minPt_.

209 { return minPt_; }
double minPt_
Definition: Setup.h:614

◆ neededRangeChiZ()

double tt::Setup::neededRangeChiZ ( ) const

Definition at line 434 of file Setup.h.

References neededRangeChiZ_.

434 { return neededRangeChiZ_; }
double neededRangeChiZ_
Definition: Setup.h:847

◆ numATCASlots()

int tt::Setup::numATCASlots ( ) const

Definition at line 353 of file Setup.h.

References numATCASlots_.

353 { return numATCASlots_; }
int numATCASlots_
Definition: Setup.h:795

◆ numBarrelLayer()

int tt::Setup::numBarrelLayer ( ) const

Definition at line 375 of file Setup.h.

References numBarrelLayer_.

Referenced by trklet::ChannelAssignment::ChannelAssignment().

375 { return numBarrelLayer_; }
int numBarrelLayer_
Definition: Setup.h:817

◆ numDTCs()

int tt::Setup::numDTCs ( ) const

Definition at line 377 of file Setup.h.

References numDTCs_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::ProducerED::produce().

377 { return numDTCs_; }
int numDTCs_
Definition: Setup.h:1028

◆ numDTCsPerRegion()

int tt::Setup::numDTCsPerRegion ( ) const

Definition at line 355 of file Setup.h.

References numDTCsPerRegion_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::DataFormats::DataFormats(), and trackerDTC::LayerEncoding::decode().

355 { return numDTCsPerRegion_; }
int numDTCsPerRegion_
Definition: Setup.h:797

◆ numDTCsPerTFP()

int tt::Setup::numDTCsPerTFP ( ) const

Definition at line 379 of file Setup.h.

References numDTCsPerTFP_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::DataFormats::DataFormats().

379 { return numDTCsPerTFP_; }
int numDTCsPerTFP_
Definition: Setup.h:1030

◆ numFrames()

int tt::Setup::numFrames ( ) const

◆ numFramesFE()

int tt::Setup::numFramesFE ( ) const

Definition at line 159 of file Setup.h.

References numFramesFE_.

159 { return numFramesFE_; }
int numFramesFE_
Definition: Setup.h:969

◆ numFramesInfra()

int tt::Setup::numFramesInfra ( ) const

Definition at line 155 of file Setup.h.

References numFramesInfra_.

155 { return numFramesInfra_; }
int numFramesInfra_
Definition: Setup.h:717

◆ numFramesIO()

int tt::Setup::numFramesIO ( ) const

Definition at line 157 of file Setup.h.

References numFramesIO_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::DTC::merge(), and trklet::ProducerKFout::produce().

157 { return numFramesIO_; }
int numFramesIO_
Definition: Setup.h:967

◆ numLayers()

int tt::Setup::numLayers ( ) const

◆ numModules()

int tt::Setup::numModules ( ) const

Definition at line 381 of file Setup.h.

References numModules_.

381 { return numModules_; }
int numModules_
Definition: Setup.h:1032

◆ numModulesPerDTC()

int tt::Setup::numModulesPerDTC ( ) const

Definition at line 357 of file Setup.h.

References numModulesPerDTC_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::ProducerED::produce().

357 { return numModulesPerDTC_; }
int numModulesPerDTC_
Definition: Setup.h:799

◆ numOverlappingRegions()

int tt::Setup::numOverlappingRegions ( ) const

Definition at line 351 of file Setup.h.

References numOverlappingRegions_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::Stub::formatTMTT(), and trackerDTC::DTC::produce().

351 { return numOverlappingRegions_; }
int numOverlappingRegions_
Definition: Setup.h:793

◆ numRegions()

int tt::Setup::numRegions ( ) const

◆ numSectors()

int tt::Setup::numSectors ( ) const

Definition at line 430 of file Setup.h.

References numSectors_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::DataFormats::DataFormats().

430 { return numSectors_; }
int numSectors_
Definition: Setup.h:1063

◆ numSectorsEta()

int tt::Setup::numSectorsEta ( ) const

◆ numSectorsPhi()

int tt::Setup::numSectorsPhi ( ) const

◆ numTiltedLayerRing()

double tt::Setup::numTiltedLayerRing ( int  layerId) const

Definition at line 313 of file Setup.h.

References layerId(), and numTiltedLayerRings_.

Referenced by L1FPGATrackProducer::produce().

313 { return; };
std::vector< double > numTiltedLayerRings_
Definition: Setup.h:952
int layerId(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const

◆ offsetDetIdDSV()

int tt::Setup::offsetDetIdDSV ( ) const

Definition at line 367 of file Setup.h.

References offsetDetIdDSV_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::ProducerED::produce().

367 { return offsetDetIdDSV_; }
int offsetDetIdDSV_
Definition: Setup.h:809

◆ offsetDetIdTP()

int tt::Setup::offsetDetIdTP ( ) const

Definition at line 369 of file Setup.h.

References offsetDetIdTP_.

369 { return offsetDetIdTP_; }
int offsetDetIdTP_
Definition: Setup.h:811

◆ offsetLayerDisks()

int tt::Setup::offsetLayerDisks ( ) const

Definition at line 371 of file Setup.h.

References offsetLayerDisks_.

Referenced by trklet::ChannelAssignment::ChannelAssignment(), and trklet::DRin::consume().

371 { return offsetLayerDisks_; }
int offsetLayerDisks_
Definition: Setup.h:813

◆ offsetLayerId()

int tt::Setup::offsetLayerId ( ) const

Definition at line 373 of file Setup.h.

References offsetLayerId_.

Referenced by trklet::ChannelAssignment::ChannelAssignment(), and trklet::DRin::consume().

373 { return offsetLayerId_; }
int offsetLayerId_
Definition: Setup.h:815

◆ outerRadius()

double tt::Setup::outerRadius ( void  ) const

Definition at line 241 of file Setup.h.

References outerRadius_.

Referenced by trklet::DRin::DRin().

241 { return outerRadius_; }
double outerRadius_
Definition: Setup.h:733

◆ pitch2S()

double tt::Setup::pitch2S ( ) const

Definition at line 169 of file Setup.h.

References pitch2S_.

Referenced by trklet::KFin::produce().

169 { return pitch2S_; }
double pitch2S_
Definition: Setup.h:757

◆ pitchPS()

double tt::Setup::pitchPS ( ) const

Definition at line 171 of file Setup.h.

References pitchPS_.

Referenced by trklet::KFin::produce().

171 { return pitchPS_; }
double pitchPS_
Definition: Setup.h:759

◆ produceSensorModules()

void tt::Setup::produceSensorModules ( )

Definition at line 449 of file

References cablingMap_, hcalRecHitTable_cff::detId, TrackerGeometry::detIds(), TrackerDetToDTCELinkCablingMap::detIdToDTCELinkId(), detIdToSensorModule_, dtcId(), dtcModules(), dtcModules_, cppFunctionSkipper::exception, TrackerTopology::isLower(), numDTCs_, numModules_, numModulesPerDTC_, offsetDetIdTP_, sensorModule(), sensorModules_, trackerGeometry_, and trackerTopology_.

Referenced by Setup().

449  {
450  sensorModules_.reserve(numModules_);
451  dtcModules_ = vector<vector<SensorModule*>>(numDTCs_);
452  for (vector<SensorModule*>& dtcModules : dtcModules_)
453  dtcModules.reserve(numModulesPerDTC_);
454  enum SubDetId { pixelBarrel = 1, pixelDisks = 2 };
455  // loop over all tracker modules
456  for (const DetId& detId : trackerGeometry_->detIds()) {
457  // skip pixel detector
458  if (detId.subdetId() == pixelBarrel || detId.subdetId() == pixelDisks)
459  continue;
460  // skip multiple detIds per module
462  continue;
463  // lowerDetId - 1 = tk layout det id
464  const DetId detIdTkLayout = detId + offsetDetIdTP_;
465  // tk layout dtc id, lowerDetId - 1 = tk lyout det id
466  const int tklId = cablingMap_->detIdToDTCELinkId(detIdTkLayout).first->second.dtc_id();
467  // track trigger dtc id [0-215]
468  const int dtcId = Setup::dtcId(tklId);
469  // collection of so far connected modules to this dtc
470  vector<SensorModule*>& dtcModules = dtcModules_[dtcId];
471  // construct sendor module
472  sensorModules_.emplace_back(this, detId, dtcId, dtcModules.size());
473  SensorModule* sensorModule = &sensorModules_.back();
474  // store connection between detId and sensor module
476  // store connection between dtcId and sensor module
477  dtcModules.push_back(sensorModule);
478  }
479  for (vector<SensorModule*>& dtcModules : dtcModules_) {
480  dtcModules.shrink_to_fit();
481  // check configuration
482  if ((int)dtcModules.size() > numModulesPerDTC_) {
483  cms::Exception exception("overflow");
484  exception << "Cabling map connects more than " << numModulesPerDTC_ << " modules to a DTC.";
485  exception.addContext("tt::Setup::Setup");
486  throw exception;
487  }
488  }
489  }
const std::vector< SensorModule * > & dtcModules(int dtcId) const
Definition: Setup.h:393
const DetIdContainer & detIds() const override
Returm a vector of all GeomDet DetIds (including those of GeomDetUnits)
const TrackerDetToDTCELinkCablingMap * cablingMap_
Definition: Setup.h:563
int numDTCs_
Definition: Setup.h:1028
int numModules_
Definition: Setup.h:1032
std::unordered_map< DetId, SensorModule * > detIdToSensorModule_
Definition: Setup.h:1052
const TrackerGeometry * trackerGeometry_
Definition: Setup.h:559
std::vector< SensorModule > sensorModules_
Definition: Setup.h:1048
Definition: DetId.h:17
bool isLower(const DetId &id) const
std::pair< std::unordered_multimap< uint32_t, DTCELinkId >::const_iterator, std::unordered_multimap< uint32_t, DTCELinkId >::const_iterator > detIdToDTCELinkId(uint32_t const) const
Resolves one or more DTCELinkId of eLinks which are connected to the detector identified by the given...
std::vector< std::vector< SensorModule * > > dtcModules_
Definition: Setup.h:1050
int numModulesPerDTC_
Definition: Setup.h:799
int dtcId(int tklId) const
SensorModule * sensorModule(const DetId &detId) const
int offsetDetIdTP_
Definition: Setup.h:811
const TrackerTopology * trackerTopology_
Definition: Setup.h:561

◆ psDiskLimitR()

double tt::Setup::psDiskLimitR ( int  layer) const

Definition at line 167 of file Setup.h.

References psDiskLimitsR_.

167 { return; }
std::vector< double > psDiskLimitsR_
Definition: Setup.h:767

◆ psModule() [1/2]

bool tt::Setup::psModule ( int  dtcId) const

Definition at line 322 of file

References checkDTCId(), dtcId(), slot(), and slotLimitPS_.

Referenced by trklet::DRin::consume(), encodingBend(), trklet::KFin::produce(), L1FPGATrackProducer::produce(), and type().

322  {
323  checkDTCId(dtcId);
324  // from tklayout: first 3 are 10 gbps PS, next 3 are 5 gbps PS and residual 6 are 5 gbps 2S modules
325  return slot(dtcId) < slotLimitPS_;
326  }
void checkDTCId(int dtcId) const
int slot(int dtcId) const
int slotLimitPS_
Definition: Setup.h:821
int dtcId(int tklId) const

◆ psModule() [2/2]

bool tt::Setup::psModule ( const TTStubRef ttStubRef) const

Definition at line 534 of file

References hcalRecHitTable_cff::detId, TrackerGeometry::getDetectorType(), TrackerGeometry::Ph2PSP, and trackerGeometry_.

534  {
535  const DetId& detId = ttStubRef->getDetId();
537  }
const TrackerGeometry * trackerGeometry_
Definition: Setup.h:559
ModuleType getDetectorType(DetId) const
Definition: DetId.h:17

◆ reconstructable()

bool tt::Setup::reconstructable ( const std::vector< TTStubRef > &  ttStubRefs) const

Definition at line 638 of file

References layerId(), and tpMinLayers_.

638  {
639  set<int> hitPattern;
640  for (const TTStubRef& ttStubRef : ttStubRefs)
641  hitPattern.insert(layerId(ttStubRef));
642  return (int)hitPattern.size() >= tpMinLayers_;
643  }
int tpMinLayers_
Definition: Setup.h:684
int layerId(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const

◆ scattering()

double tt::Setup::scattering ( ) const

Definition at line 255 of file Setup.h.

References scattering_.

Referenced by trklet::KFin::produce().

255 { return scattering_; }
double scattering_
Definition: Setup.h:609

◆ sectorCot()

double tt::Setup::sectorCot ( int  eta) const

◆ sensorModule()

SensorModule * tt::Setup::sensorModule ( const DetId detId) const

Definition at line 365 of file

References hcalRecHitTable_cff::detId, detIdToSensorModule_, cppFunctionSkipper::exception, and ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::vertexFinder::it.

Referenced by dPhi(), dZ(), trackerDTC::ProducerED::produce(), produceSensorModules(), v0(), and v1().

365  {
366  const auto it = detIdToSensorModule_.find(detId);
367  if (it == detIdToSensorModule_.end()) {
368  cms::Exception exception("NullPtr");
369  exception << "Unknown DetId used.";
370  exception.addContext("tt::Setup::sensorModule");
371  throw exception;
372  }
373  return it->second;
374  }
std::unordered_map< DetId, SensorModule * > detIdToSensorModule_
Definition: Setup.h:1052

◆ sensorModules()

const std::vector<SensorModule>& tt::Setup::sensorModules ( ) const

Definition at line 126 of file Setup.h.

References sensorModules_.

Referenced by trklet::TrackletLUT::getSensorModules(), and trackerTFP::LayerEncoding::LayerEncoding().

126 { return sensorModules_; }
std::vector< SensorModule > sensorModules_
Definition: Setup.h:1048

◆ side()

bool tt::Setup::side ( int  dtcId) const

Definition at line 351 of file

References checkDTCId(), dtcId(), numATCASlots_, and numDTCsPerRegion_.

Referenced by dtcId(), stubPos(), and tkLayoutId().

351  {
352  checkDTCId(dtcId);
353  const int side = (dtcId % numDTCsPerRegion_) / numATCASlots_;
354  // from tkLayout: first 12 +z, next 12 -z
355  return side == 0;
356  }
void checkDTCId(int dtcId) const
int numATCASlots_
Definition: Setup.h:795
bool side(int dtcId) const
int numDTCsPerRegion_
Definition: Setup.h:797
int dtcId(int tklId) const

◆ slot()

int tt::Setup::slot ( int  dtcId) const

Definition at line 359 of file

References checkDTCId(), dtcId(), and numATCASlots_.

Referenced by dtcId(), gbps10(), psModule(), and tkLayoutId().

359  {
360  checkDTCId(dtcId);
361  return dtcId % numATCASlots_;
362  }
void checkDTCId(int dtcId) const
int numATCASlots_
Definition: Setup.h:795
int dtcId(int tklId) const

◆ stubAlgorithm()

const StubAlgorithmOfficial* tt::Setup::stubAlgorithm ( ) const

Definition at line 525 of file Setup.h.

References stubAlgorithm_.

Referenced by trklet::TrackletLUT::getBendCut().

525 { return stubAlgorithm_; }
const StubAlgorithmOfficial * stubAlgorithm_
Definition: Setup.h:565

◆ stubPos() [1/2]

GlobalPoint tt::Setup::stubPos ( const TTStubRef ttStubRef) const

Definition at line 824 of file

References hcalRecHitTable_cff::detId, TrackerGeometry::idToDetUnit(), Topology::localPosition(), offsetDetIdDSV_, Surface::toGlobal(), and trackerGeometry_.

Referenced by trklet::DRin::consume(), dPhi(), L1FPGATrackProducer::produce(), stubPos(), and v0().

824  {
825  const DetId detId = ttStubRef->getDetId() + offsetDetIdDSV_;
827  const PixelTopology* topol =
828  dynamic_cast<const PixelTopology*>(&(dynamic_cast<const PixelGeomDetUnit*>(det)->specificTopology()));
829  const Plane& plane = dynamic_cast<const PixelGeomDetUnit*>(det)->surface();
830  const MeasurementPoint& mp = ttStubRef->clusterRef(0)->findAverageLocalCoordinatesCentered();
831  return plane.toGlobal(topol->localPosition(mp));
832  }
const TrackerGeomDet * idToDetUnit(DetId) const override
Return the pointer to the GeomDetUnit corresponding to a given DetId.
virtual LocalPoint localPosition(const MeasurementPoint &) const =0
Definition: Plane.h:16
const TrackerGeometry * trackerGeometry_
Definition: Setup.h:559
int offsetDetIdDSV_
Definition: Setup.h:809
GlobalPoint toGlobal(const Point2DBase< Scalar, LocalTag > lp) const
Definition: Surface.h:79
Definition: DetId.h:17

◆ stubPos() [2/2]

GlobalPoint tt::Setup::stubPos ( bool  hybrid,
const tt::FrameStub frame,
int  region 
) const

Definition at line 772 of file

References barrel(), baseRegion_, chosenRofPhi_, tt::deltaPhi(), tt::SensorModule::Disk2S, disk2SRs_, KalmanFilterFormats_cfi::hybrid, hybridBasesPhi_, hybridBasesR_, hybridBasesZ_, hybridDiskZs_, hybridLayerRs_, hybridRangePhi_, hybridWidthLayerId_, hybridWidthsAlpha_, hybridWidthsBend_, hybridWidthsPhi_, hybridWidthsR_, hybridWidthsZ_, indexLayerId(), layerId(), numSectorsPhi_, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, nano_mu_digi_cff::region, side(), stubPos(), tmttBasePhi_, tmttBaseR_, tmttBaseZ_, tmttWidthInv2R_, tmttWidthLayer_, tmttWidthPhi_, tmttWidthR_, tmttWidthSectorEta_, tmttWidthZ_, type(), TTBV::val(), and widthBend().

772  {
773  GlobalPoint p;
774  if (frame.first.isNull())
775  return p;
776  TTBV bv(frame.second);
777  if (hybrid) {
778  const bool barrel = this->barrel(frame.first);
779  const int layerId = this->indexLayerId(frame.first);
780  const GlobalPoint gp = this->stubPos(frame.first);
781  const bool side = gp.z() > 0.;
782  const SensorModule::Type type = this->type(frame.first);
783  const int widthBend =;
784  const int widthAlpha =;
785  const int widthPhi =;
786  const int widthZ =;
787  const int widthR =;
788  const double basePhi =;
789  const double baseZ =;
790  const double baseR =;
791  // parse bit vector
792  bv >>= 1 + hybridWidthLayerId_ + widthBend + widthAlpha;
793  double phi = bv.val(basePhi, widthPhi) - hybridRangePhi_ / 2.;
794  bv >>= widthPhi;
795  double z = bv.val(baseZ, widthZ, 0, true);
796  bv >>= widthZ;
797  double r = bv.val(baseR, widthR, 0, barrel);
798  if (barrel)
799  r +=;
800  else
801  z += * (side ? 1. : -1.);
802  phi = deltaPhi(phi + region * baseRegion_);
803  if (type == SensorModule::Disk2S) {
804  r = bv.val(widthR);
805  r =;
806  }
807  p = GlobalPoint(GlobalPoint::Cylindrical(r, phi, z));
808  } else {
810  double z = (bv.val(tmttWidthZ_, 0, true) + .5) * tmttBaseZ_;
811  bv >>= tmttWidthZ_;
812  double phi = (bv.val(tmttWidthPhi_, 0, true) + .5) * tmttBasePhi_;
813  bv >>= tmttWidthPhi_;
814  double r = (bv.val(tmttWidthR_, 0, true) + .5) * tmttBaseR_;
815  bv >>= tmttWidthR_;
816  r = r + chosenRofPhi_;
817  phi = deltaPhi(phi + region * baseRegion_);
818  p = GlobalPoint(GlobalPoint::Cylindrical(r, phi, z));
819  }
820  return p;
821  }
int tmttWidthInv2R_
Definition: Setup.h:996
int tmttWidthLayer_
Definition: Setup.h:992
int tmttWidthPhi_
Definition: Setup.h:624
Bit vector used by Track Trigger emulators. Mainly used to convert integers into arbitrary (within ma...
Definition: TTBV.h:20
std::vector< double > hybridBasesZ_
Definition: Setup.h:1009
int tmttWidthSectorEta_
Definition: Setup.h:994
Global3DPoint GlobalPoint
Definition: GlobalPoint.h:10
int tmttWidthZ_
Definition: Setup.h:626
SensorModule::Type type(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsR_
Definition: Setup.h:643
double tmttBaseR_
Definition: Setup.h:980
std::vector< double > hybridDiskZs_
Definition: Setup.h:661
std::vector< double > hybridLayerRs_
Definition: Setup.h:659
std::vector< double > hybridBasesPhi_
Definition: Setup.h:1007
GlobalPoint stubPos(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const
double baseRegion_
Definition: Setup.h:973
std::vector< double > hybridBasesR_
Definition: Setup.h:1005
int layerId(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const
double tmttBaseZ_
Definition: Setup.h:982
int tmttWidthR_
Definition: Setup.h:622
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsAlpha_
Definition: Setup.h:649
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsZ_
Definition: Setup.h:645
int widthBend() const
Definition: Setup.h:332
double chosenRofPhi_
Definition: Setup.h:618
int hybridWidthLayerId_
Definition: Setup.h:1003
int numSectorsPhi_
Definition: Setup.h:841
bool side(int dtcId) const
double deltaPhi(double lhs, double rhs=0.)
Definition: Setup.h:37
int indexLayerId(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const
double hybridRangePhi_
Definition: Setup.h:665
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsPhi_
Definition: Setup.h:647
bool barrel(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const
double tmttBasePhi_
Definition: Setup.h:984
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsBend_
Definition: Setup.h:651
std::vector< std::vector< double > > disk2SRs_
Definition: Setup.h:1023

◆ stubR()

double tt::Setup::stubR ( const TTBV hw,
const TTStubRef ttStubRef 
) const

Definition at line 758 of file

References barrel(), tt::SensorModule::Disk2S, disk2SRs_, hybridBasesR_, hybridLayerRs_, hybridWidthsR_, indexLayerId(), layerId(), type(), and TTBV::val().

758  {
759  const bool barrel = this->barrel(ttStubRef);
760  const int layerId = this->indexLayerId(ttStubRef);
761  const SensorModule::Type type = this->type(ttStubRef);
762  const int widthR =;
763  const double baseR =;
764  const TTBV hwR(hw, widthR, 0, barrel);
765  double r = hwR.val(baseR) + (barrel ? : 0.);
766  if (type == SensorModule::Disk2S)
767  r =;
768  return r;
769  }
Bit vector used by Track Trigger emulators. Mainly used to convert integers into arbitrary (within ma...
Definition: TTBV.h:20
SensorModule::Type type(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsR_
Definition: Setup.h:643
std::vector< double > hybridLayerRs_
Definition: Setup.h:659
std::vector< double > hybridBasesR_
Definition: Setup.h:1005
int layerId(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const
int indexLayerId(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const
bool barrel(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const
std::vector< std::vector< double > > disk2SRs_
Definition: Setup.h:1023

◆ tbInnerRadius()

double tt::Setup::tbInnerRadius ( ) const

Definition at line 304 of file Setup.h.

References tbInnerRadius_.

Referenced by trklet::KFin::produce().

304 { return tbInnerRadius_; }
double tbInnerRadius_
Definition: Setup.h:667

◆ tbWidthR()

int tt::Setup::tbWidthR ( SensorModule::Type  type) const

Definition at line 308 of file Setup.h.

References tbWidthsR_.

Referenced by trklet::DRin::consume().

308 { return; }
std::vector< int > tbWidthsR_
Definition: Setup.h:669

◆ tfpNumChannel()

int tt::Setup::tfpNumChannel ( ) const

Definition at line 408 of file Setup.h.

References tfpNumChannel_.

Referenced by trklet::ProducerKFout::produce().

408 { return tfpNumChannel_; }
int tfpNumChannel_
Definition: Setup.h:836

◆ tfpWidthCot()

int tt::Setup::tfpWidthCot ( ) const

Definition at line 404 of file Setup.h.

References tfpWidthCot_.

404 { return tfpWidthCot_; }
int tfpWidthCot_
Definition: Setup.h:832

◆ tfpWidthInv2R()

int tt::Setup::tfpWidthInv2R ( ) const

Definition at line 402 of file Setup.h.

References tfpWidthInv2R_.

402 { return tfpWidthInv2R_; }
int tfpWidthInv2R_
Definition: Setup.h:830

◆ tfpWidthPhi0()

int tt::Setup::tfpWidthPhi0 ( ) const

Definition at line 400 of file Setup.h.

References tfpWidthPhi0_.

400 { return tfpWidthPhi0_; }
int tfpWidthPhi0_
Definition: Setup.h:828

◆ tfpWidthZ0()

int tt::Setup::tfpWidthZ0 ( ) const

Definition at line 406 of file Setup.h.

References tfpWidthZ0_.

406 { return tfpWidthZ0_; }
int tfpWidthZ0_
Definition: Setup.h:834

◆ tiltApproxIntercept()

double tt::Setup::tiltApproxIntercept ( ) const

Definition at line 251 of file Setup.h.

References tiltApproxIntercept_.

Referenced by trklet::KFin::produce().

251 { return tiltApproxIntercept_; }
double tiltApproxIntercept_
Definition: Setup.h:745

◆ tiltApproxSlope()

double tt::Setup::tiltApproxSlope ( ) const

Definition at line 249 of file Setup.h.

References tiltApproxSlope_.

Referenced by trklet::KFin::produce().

249 { return tiltApproxSlope_; }
double tiltApproxSlope_
Definition: Setup.h:743

◆ tiltedLayerLimitZ()

double tt::Setup::tiltedLayerLimitZ ( int  layer) const

Definition at line 165 of file Setup.h.

References tiltedLayerLimitsZ_.

Referenced by trklet::DRin::consume().

165 { return; }
std::vector< double > tiltedLayerLimitsZ_
Definition: Setup.h:765

◆ tiltUncertaintyR()

double tt::Setup::tiltUncertaintyR ( ) const

Definition at line 253 of file Setup.h.

References tiltUncertaintyR_.

Referenced by trklet::KFin::produce().

253 { return tiltUncertaintyR_; }
double tiltUncertaintyR_
Definition: Setup.h:747

◆ tkLayoutId()

int tt::Setup::tkLayoutId ( int  dtcId) const

Definition at line 304 of file

References checkDTCId(), dtcId(), numATCASlots_, numDTCsPerRegion_, numRegions_, nano_mu_digi_cff::region, side(), and slot().

Referenced by checkTKLayoutId(), and dtcId().

304  {
305  checkDTCId(dtcId);
306  const int slot = dtcId % numATCASlots_;
307  const int region = dtcId / numDTCsPerRegion_;
308  const int side = (dtcId % numDTCsPerRegion_) / numATCASlots_;
309  return (side * numRegions_ + region) * numATCASlots_ + slot + 1;
310  }
void checkDTCId(int dtcId) const
int slot(int dtcId) const
int numATCASlots_
Definition: Setup.h:795
bool side(int dtcId) const
int numRegions_
Definition: Setup.h:791
int numDTCsPerRegion_
Definition: Setup.h:797
int dtcId(int tklId) const

◆ tmttBaseInv2R()

double tt::Setup::tmttBaseInv2R ( ) const

Definition at line 235 of file Setup.h.

References tmttBaseInv2R_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::Stub::formatTMTT().

235 { return tmttBaseInv2R_; }
double tmttBaseInv2R_
Definition: Setup.h:986

◆ tmttBasePhi()

double tt::Setup::tmttBasePhi ( ) const

Definition at line 233 of file Setup.h.

References tmttBasePhi_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::Stub::formatTMTT().

233 { return tmttBasePhi_; }
double tmttBasePhi_
Definition: Setup.h:984

◆ tmttBasePhiT()

double tt::Setup::tmttBasePhiT ( ) const

Definition at line 237 of file Setup.h.

References tmttBasePhiT_.

237 { return tmttBasePhiT_; }
double tmttBasePhiT_
Definition: Setup.h:988

◆ tmttBaseR()

double tt::Setup::tmttBaseR ( ) const

Definition at line 229 of file Setup.h.

References tmttBaseR_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::Stub::formatTMTT().

229 { return tmttBaseR_; }
double tmttBaseR_
Definition: Setup.h:980

◆ tmttBaseZ()

double tt::Setup::tmttBaseZ ( ) const

Definition at line 231 of file Setup.h.

References tmttBaseZ_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::Stub::formatTMTT().

231 { return tmttBaseZ_; }
double tmttBaseZ_
Definition: Setup.h:982

◆ tmttNumUnusedBits()

int tt::Setup::tmttNumUnusedBits ( ) const

Definition at line 239 of file Setup.h.

References tmttNumUnusedBits_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::Stub::formatTMTT().

239 { return tmttNumUnusedBits_; }
int tmttNumUnusedBits_
Definition: Setup.h:998

◆ tmttWidthInv2R()

int tt::Setup::tmttWidthInv2R ( ) const

Definition at line 227 of file Setup.h.

References tmttWidthInv2R_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::Stub::formatTMTT().

227 { return tmttWidthInv2R_; }
int tmttWidthInv2R_
Definition: Setup.h:996

◆ tmttWidthLayer()

int tt::Setup::tmttWidthLayer ( ) const

Definition at line 223 of file Setup.h.

References tmttWidthLayer_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::Stub::formatTMTT().

223 { return tmttWidthLayer_; }
int tmttWidthLayer_
Definition: Setup.h:992

◆ tmttWidthPhi()

int tt::Setup::tmttWidthPhi ( ) const

Definition at line 219 of file Setup.h.

References tmttWidthPhi_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::Stub::formatTMTT().

219 { return tmttWidthPhi_; }
int tmttWidthPhi_
Definition: Setup.h:624

◆ tmttWidthR()

int tt::Setup::tmttWidthR ( ) const

Definition at line 217 of file Setup.h.

References tmttWidthR_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::Stub::formatTMTT().

217 { return tmttWidthR_; }
int tmttWidthR_
Definition: Setup.h:622

◆ tmttWidthSectorEta()

int tt::Setup::tmttWidthSectorEta ( ) const

Definition at line 225 of file Setup.h.

References tmttWidthSectorEta_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::Stub::formatTMTT().

225 { return tmttWidthSectorEta_; }
int tmttWidthSectorEta_
Definition: Setup.h:994

◆ tmttWidthZ()

int tt::Setup::tmttWidthZ ( ) const

Definition at line 221 of file Setup.h.

References tmttWidthZ_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::Stub::formatTMTT().

221 { return tmttWidthZ_; }
int tmttWidthZ_
Definition: Setup.h:626

◆ tpMaxBadStubs2S()

int tt::Setup::tpMaxBadStubs2S ( ) const

Definition at line 200 of file Setup.h.

References tpMaxBadStubs2S_.

200 { return tpMaxBadStubs2S_; }
int tpMaxBadStubs2S_
Definition: Setup.h:688

◆ tpMaxBadStubsPS()

int tt::Setup::tpMaxBadStubsPS ( ) const

Definition at line 202 of file Setup.h.

References tpMaxBadStubsPS_.

202 { return tpMaxBadStubsPS_; }
int tpMaxBadStubsPS_
Definition: Setup.h:690

◆ tpMaxD0()

double tt::Setup::tpMaxD0 ( ) const

Definition at line 194 of file Setup.h.

References tpMaxD0_.

194 { return tpMaxD0_; }
double tpMaxD0_
Definition: Setup.h:682

◆ tpMaxEta()

double tt::Setup::tpMaxEta ( ) const

Definition at line 188 of file Setup.h.

References tpMaxEta_.

188 { return tpMaxEta_; }
double tpMaxEta_
Definition: Setup.h:676

◆ tpMaxVertR()

double tt::Setup::tpMaxVertR ( ) const

Definition at line 190 of file Setup.h.

References tpMaxVertR_.

190 { return tpMaxVertR_; }
double tpMaxVertR_
Definition: Setup.h:678

◆ tpMaxVertZ()

double tt::Setup::tpMaxVertZ ( ) const

Definition at line 192 of file Setup.h.

References tpMaxVertZ_.

192 { return tpMaxVertZ_; }
double tpMaxVertZ_
Definition: Setup.h:680

◆ tpMinLayers()

int tt::Setup::tpMinLayers ( ) const

Definition at line 196 of file Setup.h.

References tpMinLayers_.

196 { return tpMinLayers_; }
int tpMinLayers_
Definition: Setup.h:684

◆ tpMinLayersPS()

int tt::Setup::tpMinLayersPS ( ) const

Definition at line 198 of file Setup.h.

References tpMinLayersPS_.

198 { return tpMinLayersPS_; }
int tpMinLayersPS_
Definition: Setup.h:686

◆ tpMinPt()

double tt::Setup::tpMinPt ( ) const

Definition at line 186 of file Setup.h.

References tpMinPt_.

186 { return tpMinPt_; }
double tpMinPt_
Definition: Setup.h:674

◆ trackerGeometry()

const TrackerGeometry* tt::Setup::trackerGeometry ( ) const

Definition at line 80 of file Setup.h.

References trackerGeometry_.

80 { return trackerGeometry_; }
const TrackerGeometry * trackerGeometry_
Definition: Setup.h:559

◆ trackerTopology()

const TrackerTopology* tt::Setup::trackerTopology ( ) const

Definition at line 82 of file Setup.h.

References trackerTopology_.

82 { return trackerTopology_; }
const TrackerTopology * trackerTopology_
Definition: Setup.h:561

◆ trackletLayerId()

int tt::Setup::trackletLayerId ( const TTStubRef ttStubRef) const

Definition at line 518 of file

References barrel(), layerId(), numBarrelLayer_, and offsetLayerId_.

Referenced by trklet::DRin::consume().

518  {
519  return this->layerId(ttStubRef) - (this->barrel(ttStubRef) ? offsetLayerId_ : numBarrelLayer_ - offsetLayerId_);
520  }
int numBarrelLayer_
Definition: Setup.h:817
int offsetLayerId_
Definition: Setup.h:815
int layerId(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const
bool barrel(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const

◆ ttDTC()

TTDTC tt::Setup::ttDTC ( ) const

Definition at line 90 of file Setup.h.

References numDTCsPerRegion_, numOverlappingRegions_, and numRegions_.

Referenced by trackerDTC::ProducerED::produce().

int numOverlappingRegions_
Definition: Setup.h:793
Class to store hardware like structured TTStub Collection used by Track Trigger emulators.
Definition: TTDTC.h:17
int numRegions_
Definition: Setup.h:791
int numDTCsPerRegion_
Definition: Setup.h:797

◆ type()

SensorModule::Type tt::Setup::type ( const TTStubRef ttStubRef) const

Definition at line 329 of file

References barrel(), tt::SensorModule::Barrel2S, tt::SensorModule::BarrelPS, tt::SensorModule::Disk2S, tt::SensorModule::DiskPS, and psModule().

Referenced by trklet::DRin::consume(), stubPos(), stubR(), and trklet::ChannelAssignment::type().

329  {
330  const bool barrel = this->barrel(ttStubRef);
331  const bool psModule = this->psModule(ttStubRef);
333  if (barrel && psModule)
335  if (barrel && !psModule)
337  if (!barrel && psModule)
339  if (!barrel && !psModule)
341  return type;
342  }
SensorModule::Type type(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const
bool psModule(int dtcId) const
bool barrel(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const

◆ useForAlgEff()

bool tt::Setup::useForAlgEff ( const TrackingParticle tp) const

Definition at line 646 of file

References funct::abs(), DummyCfis::c, funct::cos(), d0, alignCSCRings::s, funct::sin(), cmsswSequenceInfo::tp, tpMaxD0_, tpMaxVertZ_, tpSelector_, and findQualityFiles::v.

646  {
647  const bool selected = tpSelector_(tp);
648  const double cot = sinh(tp.eta());
649  const double s = sin(tp.phi());
650  const double c = cos(tp.phi());
651  const TrackingParticle::Point& v = tp.vertex();
652  const double z0 = v.z() - (v.x() * c + v.y() * s) * cot;
653  const double d0 = v.x() * s - v.y() * c;
654  return selected && (abs(d0) < tpMaxD0_) && (abs(z0) < tpMaxVertZ_);
655  }
TrackingParticleSelector tpSelector_
Definition: Setup.h:945
Sin< T >::type sin(const T &t)
Definition: Sin.h:22
math::XYZPointD Point
point in the space
double tpMaxVertZ_
Definition: Setup.h:680
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
static constexpr float d0
double tpMaxD0_
Definition: Setup.h:682

◆ useForReconstructable()

bool tt::Setup::useForReconstructable ( const TrackingParticle tp) const

Definition at line 96 of file Setup.h.

References cmsswSequenceInfo::tp, and tpSelectorLoose_.

96 { return tpSelectorLoose_(tp); }
TrackingParticleSelector tpSelectorLoose_
Definition: Setup.h:947

◆ v0()

double tt::Setup::v0 ( const TTStubRef ttStubRef,
double  inv2R 
) const

Definition at line 617 of file

References hcalRecHitTable_cff::detId, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::perp(), funct::pow(), scattering_, sensorModule(), ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::ecal::reconstruction::internal::barrel::sm(), stubPos(), and tmttBasePhi_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::TrackKF::ttTrack().

617  {
618  const DetId& detId = ttStubRef->getDetId();
619  SensorModule* sm = sensorModule(detId + 1);
620  const double r = stubPos(ttStubRef).perp();
621  const double sigma = pow(sm->pitchRow() / r, 2) / 12.;
622  const double scat = pow(scattering_ * inv2R, 2);
623  const double extra = sm->barrel() ? 0. : pow(sm->pitchCol() * inv2R, 2);
624  const double digi = pow(tmttBasePhi_ / 12., 2);
625  return sigma + scat + extra + digi;
626  }
T perp() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:69
GlobalPoint stubPos(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const
double scattering_
Definition: Setup.h:609
Definition: DetId.h:17
SensorModule * sensorModule(const DetId &detId) const
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Power.h:29
double tmttBasePhi_
Definition: Setup.h:984

◆ v1()

double tt::Setup::v1 ( const TTStubRef ttStubRef,
double  cot 
) const

Definition at line 629 of file

References hcalRecHitTable_cff::detId, funct::pow(), sensorModule(), ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::ecal::reconstruction::internal::barrel::sm(), and tmttBaseZ_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::TrackKF::ttTrack().

629  {
630  const DetId& detId = ttStubRef->getDetId();
631  SensorModule* sm = sensorModule(detId + 1);
632  const double sigma = pow(sm->pitchCol() * sm->tiltCorrection(cot), 2) / 12.;
633  const double digi = pow(tmttBaseZ_ / 12., 2);
634  return sigma + digi;
635  }
double tmttBaseZ_
Definition: Setup.h:982
Definition: DetId.h:17
SensorModule * sensorModule(const DetId &detId) const
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Power.h:29

◆ weightBinFraction()

int tt::Setup::weightBinFraction ( ) const

Definition at line 513 of file Setup.h.

References weightBinFraction_.

Referenced by trklet::ProducerKFout::beginRun(), and trklet::ProducerKFout::produce().

513 { return weightBinFraction_; }
int weightBinFraction_
Definition: Setup.h:927

◆ widthAddrBRAM18()

int tt::Setup::widthAddrBRAM18 ( ) const

Definition at line 151 of file Setup.h.

References widthAddrBRAM18_.

Referenced by trklet::DRin::consume(), trackerTFP::FormatKF< v >::FormatKF(), and trklet::KFin::produce().

151 { return widthAddrBRAM18_; }
int widthAddrBRAM18_
Definition: Setup.h:715

◆ widthAddrBRAM36()

int tt::Setup::widthAddrBRAM36 ( ) const

Definition at line 149 of file Setup.h.

References widthAddrBRAM36_.

149 { return widthAddrBRAM36_; }
int widthAddrBRAM36_
Definition: Setup.h:713

◆ widthBend()

int tt::Setup::widthBend ( ) const

Definition at line 332 of file Setup.h.

References widthBend_.

Referenced by stubPos().

332 { return widthBend_; }
int widthBend_
Definition: Setup.h:772

◆ widthCol()

int tt::Setup::widthCol ( ) const

Definition at line 334 of file Setup.h.

References widthCol_.

334 { return widthCol_; }
int widthCol_
Definition: Setup.h:774

◆ widthDSPa()

int tt::Setup::widthDSPa ( ) const

Definition at line 131 of file Setup.h.

References widthDSPa_.

131 { return widthDSPa_; }
int widthDSPa_
Definition: Setup.h:695

◆ widthDSPab()

int tt::Setup::widthDSPab ( ) const

Definition at line 133 of file Setup.h.

References widthDSPab_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::FormatKF< v >::FormatKF().

133 { return widthDSPab_; }
int widthDSPab_
Definition: Setup.h:697

◆ widthDSPau()

int tt::Setup::widthDSPau ( ) const

Definition at line 135 of file Setup.h.

References widthDSPau_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::FormatKF< v >::FormatKF().

135 { return widthDSPau_; }
int widthDSPau_
Definition: Setup.h:699

◆ widthDSPb()

int tt::Setup::widthDSPb ( ) const

Definition at line 137 of file Setup.h.

References widthDSPb_.

137 { return widthDSPb_; }
int widthDSPb_
Definition: Setup.h:701

◆ widthDSPbb()

int tt::Setup::widthDSPbb ( ) const

Definition at line 139 of file Setup.h.

References widthDSPbb_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::FormatKF< v >::FormatKF().

139 { return widthDSPbb_; }
int widthDSPbb_
Definition: Setup.h:703

◆ widthDSPbu()

int tt::Setup::widthDSPbu ( ) const

Definition at line 141 of file Setup.h.

References widthDSPbu_.

Referenced by trklet::DRin::DRin(), trackerTFP::FormatKF< v >::FormatKF(), trklet::KFin::produce(), and trklet::DRin::produce().

141 { return widthDSPbu_; }
int widthDSPbu_
Definition: Setup.h:705

◆ widthDSPc()

int tt::Setup::widthDSPc ( ) const

Definition at line 143 of file Setup.h.

References widthDSPc_.

143 { return widthDSPc_; }
int widthDSPc_
Definition: Setup.h:707

◆ widthDSPcb()

int tt::Setup::widthDSPcb ( ) const

Definition at line 145 of file Setup.h.

References widthDSPcb_.

145 { return widthDSPcb_; }
int widthDSPcb_
Definition: Setup.h:709

◆ widthDSPcu()

int tt::Setup::widthDSPcu ( ) const

Definition at line 147 of file Setup.h.

References widthDSPcu_.

147 { return widthDSPcu_; }
int widthDSPcu_
Definition: Setup.h:711

◆ widthRow()

int tt::Setup::widthRow ( ) const

Definition at line 336 of file Setup.h.

References widthRow_.

336 { return widthRow_; }
int widthRow_
Definition: Setup.h:776

◆ windowSizeBarrelLayer()

double tt::Setup::windowSizeBarrelLayer ( int  layerId) const

Definition at line 315 of file Setup.h.

References layerId(), and windowSizeBarrelLayers_.

315 { return; };
int layerId(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const
std::vector< double > windowSizeBarrelLayers_
Definition: Setup.h:954

◆ windowSizeEndcapDisksRing()

double tt::Setup::windowSizeEndcapDisksRing ( int  layerId,
int  ring 
) const

Definition at line 321 of file Setup.h.

References layerId(), relativeConstraints::ring, and windowSizeEndcapDisksRings_.

321  {
323  };
int layerId(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const
std::vector< std::vector< double > > windowSizeEndcapDisksRings_
Definition: Setup.h:958

◆ windowSizeTiltedLayerRing()

double tt::Setup::windowSizeTiltedLayerRing ( int  layerId,
int  ring 
) const

Definition at line 317 of file Setup.h.

References layerId(), relativeConstraints::ring, and windowSizeTiltedLayerRings_.

317  {
319  };
std::vector< std::vector< double > > windowSizeTiltedLayerRings_
Definition: Setup.h:956
int layerId(const TTStubRef &ttStubRef) const

◆ zhtMaxStubsPerLayer()

int tt::Setup::zhtMaxStubsPerLayer ( ) const

Definition at line 477 of file Setup.h.

References zhtMaxStubsPerLayer_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::ProducerKFin::produce().

477 { return zhtMaxStubsPerLayer_; }
int zhtMaxStubsPerLayer_
Definition: Setup.h:892

◆ zhtMaxTracks()

int tt::Setup::zhtMaxTracks ( ) const

Definition at line 475 of file Setup.h.

References zhtMaxTracks_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::ProducerZHTout::produce().

475 { return zhtMaxTracks_; }
int zhtMaxTracks_
Definition: Setup.h:890

◆ zhtMinLayers()

int tt::Setup::zhtMinLayers ( ) const

Definition at line 473 of file Setup.h.

References zhtMinLayers_.

473 { return zhtMinLayers_; }
int zhtMinLayers_
Definition: Setup.h:888

◆ zhtNumBinsCot()

int tt::Setup::zhtNumBinsCot ( ) const

Definition at line 469 of file Setup.h.

References zhtNumBinsCot_.

469 { return zhtNumBinsCot_; }
int zhtNumBinsCot_
Definition: Setup.h:884

◆ zhtNumBinsZT()

int tt::Setup::zhtNumBinsZT ( ) const

Definition at line 467 of file Setup.h.

References zhtNumBinsZT_.

Referenced by trackerTFP::ZHoughTransform::fill().

467 { return zhtNumBinsZT_; }
int zhtNumBinsZT_
Definition: Setup.h:882

◆ zhtNumCells()

int tt::Setup::zhtNumCells ( ) const

◆ zhtNumStages()

int tt::Setup::zhtNumStages ( ) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ baseBend_

double tt::Setup::baseBend_

Definition at line 778 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by baseBend().

◆ baseCol_

double tt::Setup::baseCol_

Definition at line 780 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by baseCol().

◆ baseRegion_

double tt::Setup::baseRegion_

Definition at line 973 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by baseRegion(), calculateConstants(), and stubPos().

◆ baseRow_

double tt::Setup::baseRow_

Definition at line 782 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by baseRow(), and calculateConstants().

◆ baseSector_

double tt::Setup::baseSector_

Definition at line 1057 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by baseSector(), and calculateConstants().

◆ baseWindowSize_

double tt::Setup::baseWindowSize_

Definition at line 784 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by baseWindowSize(), and consumeStubAlgorithm().

◆ beamWindowZ_

double tt::Setup::beamWindowZ_

Definition at line 599 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by beamWindowZ().

◆ bendCut_

double tt::Setup::bendCut_

Definition at line 786 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by bendCut().

◆ bField_

double tt::Setup::bField_

Definition at line 729 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by bField(), calculateConstants(), and checkMagneticField().

◆ bFieldError_

double tt::Setup::bFieldError_

Definition at line 731 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by checkMagneticField().

◆ boundariesEta_

std::vector<double> tt::Setup::boundariesEta_

Definition at line 851 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by boundarieEta(), and calculateConstants().

◆ cablingMap_

const TrackerDetToDTCELinkCablingMap* tt::Setup::cablingMap_

Definition at line 563 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by produceSensorModules().

◆ chosenRofPhi_

double tt::Setup::chosenRofPhi_

Definition at line 618 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), chosenRofPhi(), and stubPos().

◆ chosenRofZ_

double tt::Setup::chosenRofZ_

Definition at line 845 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and chosenRofZ().

◆ configurationSupported_

bool tt::Setup::configurationSupported_

Definition at line 943 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by checkGeometry(), checkMagneticField(), configurationSupported(), and Setup().

◆ detIdToSensorModule_

std::unordered_map<DetId, SensorModule*> tt::Setup::detIdToSensorModule_

Definition at line 1052 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by produceSensorModules(), and sensorModule().

◆ disk2SRs_

std::vector<std::vector<double> > tt::Setup::disk2SRs_

Definition at line 1023 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), disk2SR(), stubPos(), and stubR().

◆ dphiTruncation_

int tt::Setup::dphiTruncation_

Definition at line 931 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by dphiTruncation().

◆ drDepthMemory_

int tt::Setup::drDepthMemory_

Definition at line 936 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by drDepthMemory().

◆ dtcBaseInv2R_

double tt::Setup::dtcBaseInv2R_

Definition at line 1040 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and dtcBaseInv2R().

◆ dtcBaseM_

double tt::Setup::dtcBaseM_

Definition at line 1042 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and dtcBaseM().

◆ dtcDepthMemory_

int tt::Setup::dtcDepthMemory_

Definition at line 803 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by dtcDepthMemory().

◆ dtcModules_

std::vector<std::vector<SensorModule*> > tt::Setup::dtcModules_

Definition at line 1050 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by dtcModules(), and produceSensorModules().

◆ dtcNumMergedRows_

int tt::Setup::dtcNumMergedRows_

Definition at line 1036 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and dtcNumMergedRows().

◆ dtcNumModulesPerRoutingBlock_

int tt::Setup::dtcNumModulesPerRoutingBlock_

Definition at line 1034 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and dtcNumModulesPerRoutingBlock().

◆ dtcNumRoutingBlocks_

int tt::Setup::dtcNumRoutingBlocks_

Definition at line 801 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and dtcNumRoutingBlocks().

◆ dtcNumStreams_

int tt::Setup::dtcNumStreams_

Definition at line 819 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and dtcNumStreams().

◆ dtcNumUnusedBits_

int tt::Setup::dtcNumUnusedBits_

Definition at line 990 of file Setup.h.

◆ dtcWidthInv2R_

int tt::Setup::dtcWidthInv2R_

Definition at line 807 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and dtcWidthInv2R().

◆ dtcWidthM_

int tt::Setup::dtcWidthM_

Definition at line 1038 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and dtcWidthM().

◆ dtcWidthRowLUT_

int tt::Setup::dtcWidthRowLUT_

Definition at line 805 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and dtcWidthRowLUT().

◆ dzTruncation_

int tt::Setup::dzTruncation_

Definition at line 929 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by dzTruncation().

◆ encodingsBend2S_

std::vector<std::vector<double> > tt::Setup::encodingsBend2S_

Definition at line 1046 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by encodingBend(), and Setup().

◆ encodingsBendPS_

std::vector<std::vector<double> > tt::Setup::encodingsBendPS_

Definition at line 1044 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by encodingBend(), and Setup().

◆ freqBE_

double tt::Setup::freqBE_

Definition at line 721 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants().

◆ freqLHC_

double tt::Setup::freqLHC_

Definition at line 719 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants().

◆ fromDD4hep_

bool tt::Setup::fromDD4hep_

Definition at line 576 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by checkGeometry().

◆ gpDepthMemory_

int tt::Setup::gpDepthMemory_

Definition at line 849 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by gpDepthMemory().

◆ gpNumUnusedBits_

int tt::Setup::gpNumUnusedBits_

Definition at line 1065 of file Setup.h.

◆ halfLength_

double tt::Setup::halfLength_

Definition at line 737 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and halfLength().

◆ htDepthMemory_

int tt::Setup::htDepthMemory_

Definition at line 862 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by htDepthMemory().

◆ htMinLayers_

int tt::Setup::htMinLayers_

Definition at line 860 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by htMinLayers().

◆ htNumBinsInv2R_

int tt::Setup::htNumBinsInv2R_

Definition at line 856 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and htNumBinsInv2R().

◆ htNumBinsPhiT_

int tt::Setup::htNumBinsPhiT_

Definition at line 858 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and htNumBinsPhiT().

◆ hybridBasePhi_

double tt::Setup::hybridBasePhi_

Definition at line 1017 of file Setup.h.

◆ hybridBaseR_

double tt::Setup::hybridBaseR_

Definition at line 1015 of file Setup.h.

◆ hybridBasesAlpha_

std::vector<double> tt::Setup::hybridBasesAlpha_

Definition at line 1011 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and hybridBaseAlpha().

◆ hybridBasesPhi_

std::vector<double> tt::Setup::hybridBasesPhi_

Definition at line 1007 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), hybridBasePhi(), and stubPos().

◆ hybridBasesR_

std::vector<double> tt::Setup::hybridBasesR_

Definition at line 1005 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), hybridBaseR(), stubPos(), and stubR().

◆ hybridBasesZ_

std::vector<double> tt::Setup::hybridBasesZ_

Definition at line 1009 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), hybridBaseZ(), and stubPos().

◆ hybridBaseZ_

double tt::Setup::hybridBaseZ_

Definition at line 1013 of file Setup.h.

◆ hybridChosenRofPhi_

double tt::Setup::hybridChosenRofPhi_

Definition at line 637 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and hybridChosenRofPhi().

◆ hybridDisk2SRsSet_

std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> tt::Setup::hybridDisk2SRsSet_

Definition at line 663 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants().

◆ hybridDiskZs_

std::vector<double> tt::Setup::hybridDiskZs_

Definition at line 661 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by hybridDiskZ(), and stubPos().

◆ hybridLayerRs_

std::vector<double> tt::Setup::hybridLayerRs_

Definition at line 659 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by hybridLayerR(), stubPos(), and stubR().

◆ hybridMaxCot_

double tt::Setup::hybridMaxCot_

Definition at line 1019 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and hybridMaxCot().

◆ hybridMaxEta_

double tt::Setup::hybridMaxEta_

Definition at line 635 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and hybridMaxEta().

◆ hybridMinPtCand_

double tt::Setup::hybridMinPtCand_

Definition at line 633 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by hybridMinPtCand().

◆ hybridMinPtStub_

double tt::Setup::hybridMinPtStub_

Definition at line 631 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and hybridMinPtStub().

◆ hybridNumLayers_

int tt::Setup::hybridNumLayers_

Definition at line 639 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and hybridNumLayers().

◆ hybridNumRingsPS_

std::vector<int> tt::Setup::hybridNumRingsPS_

Definition at line 641 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by hybridNumRingsPS().

◆ hybridNumsUnusedBits_

std::vector<int> tt::Setup::hybridNumsUnusedBits_

Definition at line 1021 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and hybridNumUnusedBits().

◆ hybridRangePhi_

double tt::Setup::hybridRangePhi_

Definition at line 665 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), hybridRangePhi(), and stubPos().

◆ hybridRangesAlpha_

std::vector<double> tt::Setup::hybridRangesAlpha_

Definition at line 657 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants().

◆ hybridRangesR_

std::vector<double> tt::Setup::hybridRangesR_

Definition at line 653 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and hybridRangeR().

◆ hybridRangesZ_

std::vector<double> tt::Setup::hybridRangesZ_

Definition at line 655 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants().

◆ hybridWidthLayerId_

int tt::Setup::hybridWidthLayerId_

Definition at line 1003 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), hybridWidthLayerId(), and stubPos().

◆ hybridWidthsAlpha_

std::vector<int> tt::Setup::hybridWidthsAlpha_

Definition at line 649 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), hybridWidthAlpha(), and stubPos().

◆ hybridWidthsBend_

std::vector<int> tt::Setup::hybridWidthsBend_

Definition at line 651 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), hybridWidthBend(), and stubPos().

◆ hybridWidthsPhi_

std::vector<int> tt::Setup::hybridWidthsPhi_

Definition at line 647 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), hybridWidthPhi(), and stubPos().

◆ hybridWidthsR_

std::vector<int> tt::Setup::hybridWidthsR_

Definition at line 643 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), hybridWidthR(), stubPos(), and stubR().

◆ hybridWidthsZ_

std::vector<int> tt::Setup::hybridWidthsZ_

Definition at line 645 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), hybridWidthZ(), and stubPos().

◆ innerRadius_

double tt::Setup::innerRadius_

Definition at line 735 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and innerRadius().

◆ invPtToDphi_

double tt::Setup::invPtToDphi_

Definition at line 971 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and invPtToDphi().

◆ kfinShiftRangePhi_

int tt::Setup::kfinShiftRangePhi_

Definition at line 897 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by kfinShiftRangePhi().

◆ kfinShiftRangeZ_

int tt::Setup::kfinShiftRangeZ_

Definition at line 899 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by kfinShiftRangeZ().

◆ kfMaxLayers_

int tt::Setup::kfMaxLayers_

Definition at line 908 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by kfMaxLayers().

◆ kfMinLayers_

int tt::Setup::kfMinLayers_

Definition at line 906 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by kfMinLayers().

◆ kfNumWorker_

int tt::Setup::kfNumWorker_

Definition at line 904 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by kfNumWorker().

◆ kfoutchi2rphiConv_

int tt::Setup::kfoutchi2rphiConv_

Definition at line 923 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by kfoutchi2rphiConv().

◆ kfoutchi2rzConv_

int tt::Setup::kfoutchi2rzConv_

Definition at line 925 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by kfoutchi2rzConv().

◆ kfRangeFactor_

double tt::Setup::kfRangeFactor_

Definition at line 910 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by kfRangeFactor().

◆ kfShiftInitialC00_

int tt::Setup::kfShiftInitialC00_

Definition at line 912 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by kfShiftInitialC00().

◆ kfShiftInitialC11_

int tt::Setup::kfShiftInitialC11_

Definition at line 914 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by kfShiftInitialC11().

◆ kfShiftInitialC22_

int tt::Setup::kfShiftInitialC22_

Definition at line 916 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by kfShiftInitialC22().

◆ kfShiftInitialC33_

int tt::Setup::kfShiftInitialC33_

Definition at line 918 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by kfShiftInitialC33().

◆ kfWidthLayerCount_

int tt::Setup::kfWidthLayerCount_

Definition at line 1081 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and layerMap().

◆ length2S_

double tt::Setup::length2S_

Definition at line 761 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and length2S().

◆ lengthPS_

double tt::Setup::lengthPS_

Definition at line 763 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and lengthPS().

◆ magneticField_

const MagneticField* tt::Setup::magneticField_

Definition at line 557 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by checkMagneticField().

◆ matchedLayers_

int tt::Setup::matchedLayers_

Definition at line 601 of file Setup.h.

◆ matchedLayersPS_

int tt::Setup::matchedLayersPS_

Definition at line 603 of file Setup.h.

◆ maxCot_

double tt::Setup::maxCot_

Definition at line 1061 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and maxCot().

◆ maxdPhi_

double tt::Setup::maxdPhi_

Definition at line 751 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by dPhi(), and maxdPhi().

◆ maxdZ_

double tt::Setup::maxdZ_

Definition at line 755 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by dZ(), and maxdZ().

◆ maxEta_

double tt::Setup::maxEta_

Definition at line 616 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and maxEta().

◆ maxLength_

double tt::Setup::maxLength_

Definition at line 741 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and maxLength().

◆ maxPitch_

double tt::Setup::maxPitch_

Definition at line 739 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants().

◆ maxWindowSize_

int tt::Setup::maxWindowSize_

Definition at line 960 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by consumeStubAlgorithm(), encodeBend(), and Setup().

◆ maxZT_

double tt::Setup::maxZT_

Definition at line 1059 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and maxZT().

◆ mhtMinLayers_

int tt::Setup::mhtMinLayers_

Definition at line 877 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by mhtMinLayers().

◆ mhtNumBinsInv2R_

int tt::Setup::mhtNumBinsInv2R_

Definition at line 867 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and mhtNumBinsInv2R().

◆ mhtNumBinsPhiT_

int tt::Setup::mhtNumBinsPhiT_

Definition at line 869 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and mhtNumBinsPhiT().

◆ mhtNumCells_

int tt::Setup::mhtNumCells_

Definition at line 1072 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and mhtNumCells().

◆ mhtNumDLBChannel_

int tt::Setup::mhtNumDLBChannel_

Definition at line 875 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by mhtNumDLBChannel().

◆ mhtNumDLBNodes_

int tt::Setup::mhtNumDLBNodes_

Definition at line 873 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by mhtNumDLBNodes().

◆ mhtNumDLBs_

int tt::Setup::mhtNumDLBs_

Definition at line 871 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by mhtNumDLBs().

◆ mindPhi_

double tt::Setup::mindPhi_

Definition at line 749 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by dPhi().

◆ mindZ_

double tt::Setup::mindZ_

Definition at line 753 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by dZ().

◆ minPt_

double tt::Setup::minPt_

Definition at line 614 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and minPt().

◆ neededRangeChiZ_

double tt::Setup::neededRangeChiZ_

Definition at line 847 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by neededRangeChiZ().

◆ numATCASlots_

int tt::Setup::numATCASlots_

Definition at line 795 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by dtcId(), numATCASlots(), side(), slot(), and tkLayoutId().

◆ numBarrelLayer_

int tt::Setup::numBarrelLayer_

Definition at line 817 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by numBarrelLayer(), and trackletLayerId().

◆ numDTCs_

int tt::Setup::numDTCs_

Definition at line 1028 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), numDTCs(), and produceSensorModules().

◆ numDTCsPerRegion_

int tt::Setup::numDTCsPerRegion_

◆ numDTCsPerTFP_

int tt::Setup::numDTCsPerTFP_

Definition at line 1030 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), checkTFPIdentifier(), and numDTCsPerTFP().

◆ numFrames_

int tt::Setup::numFrames_

Definition at line 965 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and numFrames().

◆ numFramesFE_

int tt::Setup::numFramesFE_

Definition at line 969 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and numFramesFE().

◆ numFramesInfra_

int tt::Setup::numFramesInfra_

Definition at line 717 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and numFramesInfra().

◆ numFramesIO_

int tt::Setup::numFramesIO_

Definition at line 967 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and numFramesIO().

◆ numLayers_

int tt::Setup::numLayers_

Definition at line 620 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), layerMap(), and numLayers().

◆ numModules_

int tt::Setup::numModules_

Definition at line 1032 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), numModules(), and produceSensorModules().

◆ numModulesPerDTC_

int tt::Setup::numModulesPerDTC_

Definition at line 799 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), numModulesPerDTC(), and produceSensorModules().

◆ numOverlappingRegions_

int tt::Setup::numOverlappingRegions_

Definition at line 793 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), dtcId(), numOverlappingRegions(), and ttDTC().

◆ numRegions_

int tt::Setup::numRegions_

◆ numSectors_

int tt::Setup::numSectors_

Definition at line 1063 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and numSectors().

◆ numSectorsEta_

int tt::Setup::numSectorsEta_

Definition at line 843 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and numSectorsEta().

◆ numSectorsPhi_

int tt::Setup::numSectorsPhi_

Definition at line 841 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), numSectorsPhi(), and stubPos().

◆ numTiltedLayerRings_

std::vector<double> tt::Setup::numTiltedLayerRings_

Definition at line 952 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by consumeStubAlgorithm(), and numTiltedLayerRing().

◆ offsetDetIdDSV_

int tt::Setup::offsetDetIdDSV_

Definition at line 809 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by offsetDetIdDSV(), and stubPos().

◆ offsetDetIdTP_

int tt::Setup::offsetDetIdTP_

Definition at line 811 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by offsetDetIdTP(), and produceSensorModules().

◆ offsetLayerDisks_

int tt::Setup::offsetLayerDisks_

Definition at line 813 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by indexLayerId(), layerId(), and offsetLayerDisks().

◆ offsetLayerId_

int tt::Setup::offsetLayerId_

Definition at line 815 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by indexLayerId(), offsetLayerId(), and trackletLayerId().

◆ outerRadius_

double tt::Setup::outerRadius_

Definition at line 733 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and outerRadius().

◆ phGeometryConfiguration_

std::string tt::Setup::phGeometryConfiguration_

Definition at line 592 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by checkHistory().

◆ phTTStubAlgorithm_

std::string tt::Setup::phTTStubAlgorithm_

Definition at line 594 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by checkHistory().

◆ pitch2S_

double tt::Setup::pitch2S_

Definition at line 757 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and pitch2S().

◆ pitchPS_

double tt::Setup::pitchPS_

Definition at line 759 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and pitchPS().

◆ psDiskLimitsR_

std::vector<double> tt::Setup::psDiskLimitsR_

Definition at line 767 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by psDiskLimitR().

◆ pSetDR_

edm::ParameterSet tt::Setup::pSetDR_

Definition at line 934 of file Setup.h.

◆ pSetDTC_

edm::ParameterSet tt::Setup::pSetDTC_

Definition at line 789 of file Setup.h.

◆ pSetFE_

edm::ParameterSet tt::Setup::pSetFE_

Definition at line 770 of file Setup.h.

◆ pSetFW_

edm::ParameterSet tt::Setup::pSetFW_

Definition at line 693 of file Setup.h.

◆ pSetGC_

const edm::ParameterSet* tt::Setup::pSetGC_

Definition at line 569 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by checkGeometry().

◆ pSetGP_

edm::ParameterSet tt::Setup::pSetGP_

Definition at line 839 of file Setup.h.

◆ pSetHT_

edm::ParameterSet tt::Setup::pSetHT_

Definition at line 854 of file Setup.h.

◆ pSetHybrid_

edm::ParameterSet tt::Setup::pSetHybrid_

Definition at line 629 of file Setup.h.

◆ pSetIdGeometryConfiguration_

edm::ParameterSetID tt::Setup::pSetIdGeometryConfiguration_

Definition at line 573 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by checkHistory().

◆ pSetIdTTStubAlgorithm_

edm::ParameterSetID tt::Setup::pSetIdTTStubAlgorithm_

Definition at line 571 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by checkHistory().

◆ pSetKF_

edm::ParameterSet tt::Setup::pSetKF_

Definition at line 902 of file Setup.h.

◆ pSetKFin_

edm::ParameterSet tt::Setup::pSetKFin_

Definition at line 895 of file Setup.h.

◆ pSetKFOut_

edm::ParameterSet tt::Setup::pSetKFOut_

Definition at line 921 of file Setup.h.

◆ pSetMHT_

edm::ParameterSet tt::Setup::pSetMHT_

Definition at line 865 of file Setup.h.

◆ pSetPH_

edm::ParameterSet tt::Setup::pSetPH_

Definition at line 590 of file Setup.h.

◆ pSetSA_

const edm::ParameterSet* tt::Setup::pSetSA_

Definition at line 567 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by consumeStubAlgorithm().

◆ pSetSG_

edm::ParameterSet tt::Setup::pSetSG_

Definition at line 579 of file Setup.h.

◆ pSetTF_

edm::ParameterSet tt::Setup::pSetTF_

Definition at line 597 of file Setup.h.

◆ pSetTFP_

edm::ParameterSet tt::Setup::pSetTFP_

Definition at line 826 of file Setup.h.

◆ pSetTMTT_

edm::ParameterSet tt::Setup::pSetTMTT_

Definition at line 612 of file Setup.h.

◆ pSetTP_

edm::ParameterSet tt::Setup::pSetTP_

Definition at line 672 of file Setup.h.

◆ pSetZHT_

edm::ParameterSet tt::Setup::pSetZHT_

Definition at line 880 of file Setup.h.

◆ scattering_

double tt::Setup::scattering_

Definition at line 609 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by dPhi(), scattering(), and v0().

◆ sectorCots_

std::vector<double> tt::Setup::sectorCots_

Definition at line 1067 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and sectorCot().

◆ sensorModules_

std::vector<SensorModule> tt::Setup::sensorModules_

Definition at line 1048 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by produceSensorModules(), and sensorModules().

◆ sgXMLFile_

std::string tt::Setup::sgXMLFile_

Definition at line 585 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by checkGeometry().

◆ sgXMLLabel_

std::string tt::Setup::sgXMLLabel_

Definition at line 581 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by checkGeometry().

◆ sgXMLPath_

std::string tt::Setup::sgXMLPath_

Definition at line 583 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by checkGeometry().

◆ sgXMLVersions_

std::vector<std::string> tt::Setup::sgXMLVersions_

Definition at line 587 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by checkGeometry().

◆ slotLimit10gbps_

int tt::Setup::slotLimit10gbps_

Definition at line 823 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by gbps10().

◆ slotLimitPS_

int tt::Setup::slotLimitPS_

Definition at line 821 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by psModule().

◆ speedOfLight_

double tt::Setup::speedOfLight_

Definition at line 727 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants().

◆ stubAlgorithm_

const StubAlgorithmOfficial* tt::Setup::stubAlgorithm_

Definition at line 565 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by encodeBend(), and stubAlgorithm().

◆ tbInnerRadius_

double tt::Setup::tbInnerRadius_

Definition at line 667 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by tbInnerRadius().

◆ tbWidthsR_

std::vector<int> tt::Setup::tbWidthsR_

Definition at line 669 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by tbWidthR().

◆ tfpNumChannel_

int tt::Setup::tfpNumChannel_

Definition at line 836 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by tfpNumChannel().

◆ tfpWidthCot_

int tt::Setup::tfpWidthCot_

Definition at line 832 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by tfpWidthCot().

◆ tfpWidthInv2R_

int tt::Setup::tfpWidthInv2R_

Definition at line 830 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by tfpWidthInv2R().

◆ tfpWidthPhi0_

int tt::Setup::tfpWidthPhi0_

Definition at line 828 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by tfpWidthPhi0().

◆ tfpWidthZ0_

int tt::Setup::tfpWidthZ0_

Definition at line 834 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by tfpWidthZ0().

◆ tiltApproxIntercept_

double tt::Setup::tiltApproxIntercept_

Definition at line 745 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by tiltApproxIntercept().

◆ tiltApproxSlope_

double tt::Setup::tiltApproxSlope_

Definition at line 743 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by tiltApproxSlope().

◆ tiltedLayerLimitsZ_

std::vector<double> tt::Setup::tiltedLayerLimitsZ_

Definition at line 765 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by tiltedLayerLimitZ().

◆ tiltUncertaintyR_

double tt::Setup::tiltUncertaintyR_

Definition at line 747 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by tiltUncertaintyR().

◆ tmpFE_

int tt::Setup::tmpFE_

Definition at line 723 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants().

◆ tmpTFP_

int tt::Setup::tmpTFP_

Definition at line 725 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants().

◆ tmttBaseInv2R_

double tt::Setup::tmttBaseInv2R_

Definition at line 986 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and tmttBaseInv2R().

◆ tmttBasePhi_

double tt::Setup::tmttBasePhi_

Definition at line 984 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), dPhi(), stubPos(), tmttBasePhi(), and v0().

◆ tmttBasePhiT_

double tt::Setup::tmttBasePhiT_

Definition at line 988 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and tmttBasePhiT().

◆ tmttBaseR_

double tt::Setup::tmttBaseR_

Definition at line 980 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), stubPos(), and tmttBaseR().

◆ tmttBaseZ_

double tt::Setup::tmttBaseZ_

Definition at line 982 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), dZ(), stubPos(), tmttBaseZ(), and v1().

◆ tmttNumUnusedBits_

int tt::Setup::tmttNumUnusedBits_

Definition at line 998 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and tmttNumUnusedBits().

◆ tmttWidthInv2R_

int tt::Setup::tmttWidthInv2R_

Definition at line 996 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), stubPos(), and tmttWidthInv2R().

◆ tmttWidthLayer_

int tt::Setup::tmttWidthLayer_

Definition at line 992 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), stubPos(), and tmttWidthLayer().

◆ tmttWidthPhi_

int tt::Setup::tmttWidthPhi_

Definition at line 624 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), stubPos(), and tmttWidthPhi().

◆ tmttWidthR_

int tt::Setup::tmttWidthR_

Definition at line 622 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), stubPos(), and tmttWidthR().

◆ tmttWidthSectorEta_

int tt::Setup::tmttWidthSectorEta_

Definition at line 994 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), stubPos(), and tmttWidthSectorEta().

◆ tmttWidthZ_

int tt::Setup::tmttWidthZ_

Definition at line 626 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), stubPos(), and tmttWidthZ().

◆ tpMaxBadStubs2S_

int tt::Setup::tpMaxBadStubs2S_

Definition at line 688 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by tpMaxBadStubs2S().

◆ tpMaxBadStubsPS_

int tt::Setup::tpMaxBadStubsPS_

Definition at line 690 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by tpMaxBadStubsPS().

◆ tpMaxD0_

double tt::Setup::tpMaxD0_

Definition at line 682 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by tpMaxD0(), and useForAlgEff().

◆ tpMaxEta_

double tt::Setup::tpMaxEta_

Definition at line 676 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by configureTPSelector(), and tpMaxEta().

◆ tpMaxVertR_

double tt::Setup::tpMaxVertR_

Definition at line 678 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by configureTPSelector(), and tpMaxVertR().

◆ tpMaxVertZ_

double tt::Setup::tpMaxVertZ_

Definition at line 680 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by configureTPSelector(), tpMaxVertZ(), and useForAlgEff().

◆ tpMinLayers_

int tt::Setup::tpMinLayers_

Definition at line 684 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by reconstructable(), and tpMinLayers().

◆ tpMinLayersPS_

int tt::Setup::tpMinLayersPS_

Definition at line 686 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by tpMinLayersPS().

◆ tpMinPt_

double tt::Setup::tpMinPt_

Definition at line 674 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by configureTPSelector(), and tpMinPt().

◆ tpSelector_

TrackingParticleSelector tt::Setup::tpSelector_

Definition at line 945 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by configureTPSelector(), and useForAlgEff().

◆ tpSelectorLoose_

TrackingParticleSelector tt::Setup::tpSelectorLoose_

Definition at line 947 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by configureTPSelector(), and useForReconstructable().

◆ trackerGeometry_

const TrackerGeometry* tt::Setup::trackerGeometry_

Definition at line 559 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by produceSensorModules(), psModule(), stubPos(), and trackerGeometry().

◆ trackerTopology_

const TrackerTopology* tt::Setup::trackerTopology_

Definition at line 561 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by layerId(), produceSensorModules(), and trackerTopology().

◆ unMatchedStubs_

int tt::Setup::unMatchedStubs_

Definition at line 605 of file Setup.h.

◆ unMatchedStubsPS_

int tt::Setup::unMatchedStubsPS_

Definition at line 607 of file Setup.h.

◆ weightBinFraction_

int tt::Setup::weightBinFraction_

Definition at line 927 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by weightBinFraction().

◆ widthAddrBRAM18_

int tt::Setup::widthAddrBRAM18_

Definition at line 715 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by widthAddrBRAM18().

◆ widthAddrBRAM36_

int tt::Setup::widthAddrBRAM36_

Definition at line 713 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by widthAddrBRAM36().

◆ widthBend_

int tt::Setup::widthBend_

Definition at line 772 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by widthBend().

◆ widthCol_

int tt::Setup::widthCol_

Definition at line 774 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by widthCol().

◆ widthDSPa_

int tt::Setup::widthDSPa_

Definition at line 695 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and widthDSPa().

◆ widthDSPab_

int tt::Setup::widthDSPab_

Definition at line 697 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and widthDSPab().

◆ widthDSPau_

int tt::Setup::widthDSPau_

Definition at line 699 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and widthDSPau().

◆ widthDSPb_

int tt::Setup::widthDSPb_

Definition at line 701 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and widthDSPb().

◆ widthDSPbb_

int tt::Setup::widthDSPbb_

Definition at line 703 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and widthDSPbb().

◆ widthDSPbu_

int tt::Setup::widthDSPbu_

Definition at line 705 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and widthDSPbu().

◆ widthDSPc_

int tt::Setup::widthDSPc_

Definition at line 707 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and widthDSPc().

◆ widthDSPcb_

int tt::Setup::widthDSPcb_

Definition at line 709 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and widthDSPcb().

◆ widthDSPcu_

int tt::Setup::widthDSPcu_

Definition at line 711 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and widthDSPcu().

◆ widthLayerId_

int tt::Setup::widthLayerId_

Definition at line 978 of file Setup.h.

◆ widthRow_

int tt::Setup::widthRow_

Definition at line 776 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and widthRow().

◆ windowSizeBarrelLayers_

std::vector<double> tt::Setup::windowSizeBarrelLayers_

Definition at line 954 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by consumeStubAlgorithm(), and windowSizeBarrelLayer().

◆ windowSizeEndcapDisksRings_

std::vector<std::vector<double> > tt::Setup::windowSizeEndcapDisksRings_

Definition at line 958 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by consumeStubAlgorithm(), and windowSizeEndcapDisksRing().

◆ windowSizeTiltedLayerRings_

std::vector<std::vector<double> > tt::Setup::windowSizeTiltedLayerRings_

Definition at line 956 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by consumeStubAlgorithm(), and windowSizeTiltedLayerRing().

◆ zhtMaxStubsPerLayer_

int tt::Setup::zhtMaxStubsPerLayer_

Definition at line 892 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and zhtMaxStubsPerLayer().

◆ zhtMaxTracks_

int tt::Setup::zhtMaxTracks_

Definition at line 890 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by zhtMaxTracks().

◆ zhtMinLayers_

int tt::Setup::zhtMinLayers_

Definition at line 888 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by zhtMinLayers().

◆ zhtNumBinsCot_

int tt::Setup::zhtNumBinsCot_

Definition at line 884 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and zhtNumBinsCot().

◆ zhtNumBinsZT_

int tt::Setup::zhtNumBinsZT_

Definition at line 882 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and zhtNumBinsZT().

◆ zhtNumCells_

int tt::Setup::zhtNumCells_

Definition at line 1077 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by calculateConstants(), and zhtNumCells().

◆ zhtNumStages_

int tt::Setup::zhtNumStages_

Definition at line 886 of file Setup.h.

Referenced by zhtNumStages().