Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //-------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Class: DTLowQMatching
4 //
5 // DTLowQMatching
6 //
7 //
8 // Author :
9 // G. Flouris U Ioannina Nov. 2016
10 // modifications: GKarathanasis UAthens
11 //--------------------------------------------------
12 #include <iostream>
13 #include <iomanip>
14 #include <iterator>
20 using namespace std;
23  : m_phiDTDigis(inphiDTDigis), m_phiRPCDigis(inphiRPCDigis) {}
25 void DTLowQMatching::run(const L1TTwinMuxParams& tmParams) {
28  Matching(0);
29  Matching(1);
30 }
32 void DTLowQMatching::Matching(int track_seg) {
33  L1MuDTChambPhDigi* dtts = nullptr;
34  L1MuDTChambPhDigi* rpcts1 = nullptr;
35  L1MuTMChambPhContainer m_phiRPCDigis_tm;
36  const std::vector<L1MuDTChambPhDigi>* phiChambVector;
37  phiChambVector = m_phiRPCDigis.getContainer();
38  m_phiRPCDigis_tm.setContainer(*phiChambVector);
40  L1MuTMChambPhContainer m_phiDTDigis_tm;
41  const std::vector<L1MuDTChambPhDigi>* phiChambVectorDT;
42  phiChambVectorDT = m_phiDTDigis->getContainer();
43  m_phiDTDigis_tm.setContainer(*phiChambVectorDT);
45  int bx = 0, wheel = 0, sector = 0, station = 1;
46  //cout<<"LowQ Matching "<<track_seg<<endl;
47  for (wheel = -2; wheel <= 2; wheel++) {
48  for (sector = 0; sector < 12; sector++) {
49  for (station = 1; station <= 4; station++) {
50  for (bx = -3; bx <= 3; bx++) {
51  int matched = 0;
52  for (int rpcbx = bx - 1; rpcbx <= bx + 1; rpcbx++) {
53  dtts = nullptr;
54  rpcts1 = nullptr;
55  dtts = m_phiDTDigis_tm.chPhiSegm(wheel, station, sector, bx, track_seg);
56  if (!dtts || dtts->code() >= 2)
57  continue;
58  int nhits = 0;
60  for (int hit = 0; hit < nhits; hit++) {
61  rpcts1 = m_phiRPCDigis_tm.chPhiSegm(wheel, station, sector, rpcbx, hit);
62  //If DT primitives with q<2 match with rpc hits do nothing else
63  //'remove' the primitive by setting is quality to 7
64  if (rpcts1 && DTRPCBxCorrection::deltaPhi(dtts->phi(), rpcts1->phi()) < m_DphiWindow) {
65  matched++;
66  continue;
67  }
68  }
69  } //end of rpc bx
70  if (matched == 0 && dtts && dtts->code() < 2) { //dtts->setCode(7);
71  // int bx=dtts->bxNum(); cout<<bx<<endl;
72  L1MuDTChambPhDigi dtts2(dtts->bxNum(),
73  dtts->whNum(),
74  dtts->scNum(),
75  dtts->stNum(),
76  dtts->phi(),
77  dtts->phiB(),
78  7,
79  dtts->Ts2Tag(),
80  dtts->BxCnt(),
81  dtts->RpcBit());
82  *dtts = dtts2;
83  }
84  } //end of dt bx
85  } //end of station
86  } //end of sc
87  } //end of wheel
88 }
L1MuDTChambPhDigi * chPhiSegm(int wheel, int stat, int sect, int bx, int ts2tag)
void setContainer(const Phi_Container &inputSegments)
int get_DphiWindowBxShift() const
void Matching(int track_seg)
void run(const L1TTwinMuxParams &)
DTLowQMatching(L1MuDTChambPhContainer const *, L1MuDTChambPhContainer const &)
Phi_Container const * getContainer() const
static int deltaPhi(int dt_phi, int rpc_strip)
static int nRPCHits(L1MuTMChambPhContainer inCon, int bx, int wh, int sec, int st)
L1MuDTChambPhContainer const * m_phiDTDigis
L1MuDTChambPhContainer const & m_phiRPCDigis