64 void reset(
unsigned int relAdr);
91 inline const std::vector<L1MuBMEUX*>&
const {
return m_EUXs; }
bool isNextWheelSEU() const
is it a next wheel Single Extrapolation Unit
const std::bitset< 12 > & qsTable() const
return Quality Sorter table
const L1MuBMSectorProcessor & m_sp
unsigned int m_startTS_Id
int numberOfExt() const
return number of successful extrapolations
const L1MuBMERS * ers() const
return pointer to Extrapolation Result Selector
void run(const L1TMuonBarrelParams ¶ms)
run SEU
const std::vector< L1MuBMEUX * > & eux() const
return pointer to an Extrapolator
unsigned int tsId() const
return start track segment identifier (relative address)
void load(const L1MuBMTrackSegPhi *startTS)
load data into the SEU
std::vector< L1MuBMEUX * > m_EUXs
std::bitset< 12 > m_QStable
L1MuBMSEU(const L1MuBMSectorProcessor &sp, Extrapolation ext, unsigned int tsId)
const std::bitset< 12 > & exTable() const
return Extrapolator table
bool isOwnWheelSEU() const
is it a own wheel Single Extrapolation Unit
std::bitset< 12 > m_EXtable
const L1MuBMTrackSegPhi * m_startTS
Extrapolation ext() const
return extrapolation type
const L1MuBMTFConfig & config() const