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DTMuonMillepede Class Reference

#include <DTMuonMillepede.h>

Inheritance diagram for DTMuonMillepede:

Public Member Functions

void calculationMillepede (int)
 DTMuonMillepede (std::string, int, float, float, int, int, int, int)
TMatrixD getbcsMatrix (int, int, int)
TMatrixD getbqcMatrix (int, int, int)
TMatrixD getbsurveyMatrix (int, int, int)
TMatrixD getCcsMatrix (int, int, int)
TMatrixD getCqcMatrix (int, int, int)
TMatrixD getCsurveyMatrix (int, int, int)
TMatrixD getLagMatrix (int, int, int)
TMatrixD getMatrixFromFile (const TString &Code, int, int, int, int)
TMatrixD prepareForLagrange (const TMatrixD &)
void setBranchTree ()
 ~DTMuonMillepede ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from DTMuonLocalAlignment
 DTMuonLocalAlignment ()
void initNTuples (int)
void setBranchAddressTree ()
 ~DTMuonLocalAlignment ()

Private Attributes

float cov [60][60]
float dx [12]
float dy [12]
float dz [12]
TFile * f
int laC [12]
int nPhiHits
int nThetaHits
float phix [12]
float phiy [12]
float phiz [12]
float ptMax
float ptMin
int slC [12]
int srC
int stC
TTree * ttreeOutput
int whC

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from DTMuonLocalAlignment
float charge
float dxdzSl [5]
float dxdzSlSL1 [5]
float dxdzSlSL3 [5]
float dydzSl [5]
float edxdzSl [5]
float edxdzSlSL1 [5]
float edxdzSlSL3 [5]
float edydzSl [5]
float eta
float ex [5][14]
float excp [5][14]
float exdxdzSl [5]
float exdxdzSlSL1 [5]
float exdxdzSlSL3 [5]
float exSl [5]
float exSlSL1 [5]
float exSlSL3 [5]
float eycp [5][14]
float eydydzSl [5]
float eySl [5]
TFile * f
int la [5][14]
int nhits [5]
int nphihits [5]
int nseg
int nthetahits [5]
std::string ntuplePath
int numberOfRootFiles
float p
float phi
float pt
int sl [5][14]
int sr [5]
int st [5]
TChain * tali
int wh [5]
float xc [5][14]
float xcp [5][14]
float xSl [5]
float xSL1SL3 [5]
float xSL3SL1 [5]
float xSlSL1 [5]
float xSlSL3 [5]
float yc [5][14]
float ycp [5][14]
float ySl [5]
float zc [5][14]

Detailed Description

2010/02/25 11:33:32
Luca Scodellaro

Definition at line 19 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DTMuonMillepede()

DTMuonMillepede::DTMuonMillepede ( std::string  path,
int  n_files,
float  MaxPt,
float  MinPt,
int  nPhihits,
int  nThetahits,
int  workingmode,
int  nMtxSection 

Definition at line 6 of file

References calculationMillepede(), f, DTMuonLocalAlignment::initNTuples(), genfragment_ptgun_cfg::MaxPt, electronAnalyzer_cfi::MinPt, myPG, nPhiHits, nThetaHits, DTMuonLocalAlignment::ntuplePath, DTMuonLocalAlignment::numberOfRootFiles, EnsembleCalibrationLA_cfg::path, ptMax, ptMin, and setBranchTree().

13  {
14  ntuplePath = path;
15  numberOfRootFiles = n_files;
17  ptMax = MaxPt;
18  ptMin = MinPt;
20  nPhiHits = nPhihits;
21  nThetaHits = nThetahits;
23  TDirectory *dirSave = gDirectory;
25  //Interface to Survey information
26  myPG = new ReadPGInfo("./InternalData2009.root");
28  f = new TFile("./LocalMillepedeResults.root", "RECREATE");
29  f->cd();
31  setBranchTree();
33  initNTuples(nMtxSection);
35  calculationMillepede(workingmode);
37  f->Write();
38  f->Close();
40  dirSave->cd();
41 }
void calculationMillepede(int)
ReadPGInfo * myPG

◆ ~DTMuonMillepede()

DTMuonMillepede::~DTMuonMillepede ( )

Definition at line 43 of file

43 {}

Member Function Documentation

◆ calculationMillepede()

void DTMuonMillepede::calculationMillepede ( int  workingmode)

Definition at line 45 of file

References A, B, b, correctionTermsCaloMet_cff::C, counter, gather_cfg::cout, cov, dx, dxdz, DTMuonLocalAlignment::dxdzSl, dy, dydz, DTMuonLocalAlignment::dydzSl, dz, relativeConstraints::error, DTMuonLocalAlignment::ex, CustomPhysics_cfi::gamma, getbcsMatrix(), getCcsMatrix(), getMatrixFromFile(), Exhume::I, mps_fire::i, DTMuonLocalAlignment::la, laC, DTMuonLocalAlignment::nhits, DTMuonLocalAlignment::nphihits, nPhiHits, DTMuonLocalAlignment::nseg, DTMuonLocalAlignment::nthetahits, nThetaHits, phix, phiy, phiz, DTMuonLocalAlignment::pt, ptMax, ptMin, dttmaxenums::R, nano_mu_digi_cff::sector, DTMuonLocalAlignment::sl, slC, DTMuonLocalAlignment::sr, srC, DTMuonLocalAlignment::st, relativeConstraints::station, stC, DTMuonLocalAlignment::tali, ttreeOutput, DTMuonLocalAlignment::wh, whC, makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::wheel, x, DTMuonLocalAlignment::xc, DTMuonLocalAlignment::xcp, y, DTMuonLocalAlignment::yc, DTMuonLocalAlignment::ycp, and DTMuonLocalAlignment::zc.

Referenced by DTMuonMillepede().

45  {
46  //Init Matrizes
47  TMatrixD ****C = new TMatrixD ***[5];
48  TMatrixD ****b = new TMatrixD ***[5];
50  for (int whI = -2; whI < 3; ++whI) {
51  C[whI + 2] = new TMatrixD **[4];
52  b[whI + 2] = new TMatrixD **[4];
53  for (int stI = 1; stI < 5; ++stI) {
54  C[whI + 2][stI - 1] = new TMatrixD *[14];
55  b[whI + 2][stI - 1] = new TMatrixD *[14];
56  for (int seI = 1; seI < 15; ++seI) {
57  if (seI > 12 && stI != 4)
58  continue;
59  if (stI == 4) {
60  C[whI + 2][stI - 1][seI - 1] = new TMatrixD(24, 24);
61  b[whI + 2][stI - 1][seI - 1] = new TMatrixD(24, 1);
62  } else {
63  C[whI + 2][stI - 1][seI - 1] = new TMatrixD(60, 60);
64  b[whI + 2][stI - 1][seI - 1] = new TMatrixD(60, 1);
65  }
66  }
67  }
68  }
70  //Run over the TTree
71  if (workingmode <= 3) {
72  Int_t nentries = (Int_t)tali->GetEntries();
73  for (Int_t i = 0; i < nentries; i++) {
74  tali->GetEntry(i);
76  if (i % 100000 == 0)
77  std::cout << "Analyzing track number " << i << std::endl;
79  //Basic cuts
80  if (pt > ptMax || pt < ptMin)
81  continue;
83  for (int counter = 0; counter < nseg; ++counter) {
85  continue;
87  TMatrixD A(12, 60);
88  TMatrixD R(12, 1);
89  TMatrixD E(12, 12);
90  TMatrixD B(12, 4);
91  TMatrixD I(12, 12);
92  if (st[counter] == 4) {
93  A.ResizeTo(8, 24);
94  R.ResizeTo(8, 1);
95  E.ResizeTo(8, 8);
96  B.ResizeTo(8, 2);
97  I.ResizeTo(8, 8);
98  }
100  for (int counterHi = 0; counterHi < nhits[counter]; counterHi++) {
101  int row = 0;
102  if (sl[counter][counterHi] == 3) {
103  row = 4 + (la[counter][counterHi] - 1);
104  } else if (sl[counter][counterHi] == 2) {
105  row = 8 + (la[counter][counterHi] - 1);
106  } else {
107  row = (la[counter][counterHi] - 1);
108  }
110  float x = xc[counter][counterHi];
111  float y = yc[counter][counterHi];
112  float xp = xcp[counter][counterHi];
113  float yp = ycp[counter][counterHi];
114  float zp = zc[counter][counterHi];
115  float error = ex[counter][counterHi];
116  float dxdz = dxdzSl[counter];
117  float dydz = dydzSl[counter];
119  if (st[counter] != 4) {
120  if (sl[counter][counterHi] == 2) {
121  A(row, row * 5) = -1.0;
122  A(row, row * 5 + 1) = dydz;
123  A(row, row * 5 + 2) = y * dydz;
124  A(row, row * 5 + 3) = -x * dydz;
125  A(row, row * 5 + 4) = -x;
126  R(row, 0) = y - yp;
127  } else {
128  A(row, row * 5 + 0) = -1.0;
129  A(row, row * 5 + 1) = dxdz;
130  A(row, row * 5 + 2) = y * dxdz;
131  A(row, row * 5 + 3) = -x * dxdz;
132  A(row, row * 5 + 4) = y;
133  R(row, 0) = x - xp;
134  }
135  } else {
136  if (sl[counter][counterHi] != 2) {
137  A(row, row * 3 + 0) = -1.0;
138  A(row, row * 3 + 1) = dxdz;
139  A(row, row * 3 + 2) = -x * dxdz;
140  R(row, 0) = x - xp;
141  }
142  }
144  E(row, row) = 1.0 / error;
145  I(row, row) = 1.0;
147  if (sl[counter][counterHi] != 2) {
148  B(row, 0) = 1.0;
149  B(row, 1) = zp;
150  } else {
151  B(row, 2) = 1.0;
152  B(row, 3) = zp;
153  }
154  }
156  TMatrixD Bt = B;
157  Bt.T();
158  TMatrixD At = A;
159  At.T();
160  TMatrixD gamma = (Bt * E * B);
161  gamma.Invert();
162  *(C[wh[counter] + 2][st[counter] - 1][sr[counter] - 1]) += At * E * (B * gamma * Bt * E * A - A);
163  *(b[wh[counter] + 2][st[counter] - 1][sr[counter] - 1]) += At * E * (B * gamma * Bt * E * I - I) * R;
164  }
165  }
166  }
168  if (workingmode == 3)
169  for (int wheel = -2; wheel < 3; ++wheel)
170  for (int station = 1; station < 5; ++station)
171  for (int sector = 1; sector < 15; ++sector) {
172  if (sector > 12 && station != 4)
173  continue;
175  TMatrixD Ctr = *C[wheel + 2][station - 1][sector - 1];
176  TMatrixD btr = *b[wheel + 2][station - 1][sector - 1];
178  TString CtrName = "Ctr_";
179  CtrName += wheel;
180  CtrName += "_";
181  CtrName += station;
182  CtrName += "_";
183  CtrName += sector;
184  Ctr.Write(CtrName);
186  TString btrName = "btr_";
187  btrName += wheel;
188  btrName += "_";
189  btrName += station;
190  btrName += "_";
191  btrName += sector;
192  btr.Write(btrName);
193  }
195  // My Final Calculation and Constraints
196  if (workingmode % 2 == 0) {
197  for (int wheel = -2; wheel < 3; ++wheel)
198  for (int station = 1; station < 5; ++station)
199  for (int sector = 1; sector < 15; ++sector) {
200  if (sector > 12 && station != 4)
201  continue;
203  if (workingmode == 4) {
204  for (int mf = -1; mf <= -1; mf++) {
205  TMatrixD Ch = getMatrixFromFile("Ctr_", wheel, station, sector, mf);
206  TMatrixD bh = getMatrixFromFile("btr_", wheel, station, sector, mf);
208  *(C[wheel + 2][station - 1][sector - 1]) += Ch;
209  *(b[wheel + 2][station - 1][sector - 1]) += bh;
210  }
211  }
213  TMatrixD Ctr = *C[wheel + 2][station - 1][sector - 1];
214  TMatrixD btr = *b[wheel + 2][station - 1][sector - 1];
216  TMatrixD Ccs = getCcsMatrix(wheel, station, sector);
217  TMatrixD bcs = getbcsMatrix(wheel, station, sector);
219  TMatrixD SC = Ctr + Ccs;
220  TMatrixD Sb = btr + bcs;
222  SC.Invert();
224  TMatrixD solution = SC * Sb;
225  for (int icounter = 0; icounter < SC.GetNrows(); icounter++) {
226  for (int jcounter = 0; jcounter < SC.GetNrows(); jcounter++) {
227  cov[icounter][jcounter] = SC(icounter, jcounter);
228  }
229  }
231  int nLayer = 12, nDeg = 5;
232  if (station == 4) {
233  nLayer = 8;
234  nDeg = 3;
235  }
236  for (int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < nLayer; ++counterLayer)
237  for (int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < nDeg; ++counterDeg) {
238  if (counterLayer < 4) {
239  slC[counterLayer] = 1;
240  laC[counterLayer] = counterLayer + 1;
241  } else if (counterLayer > 3 && counterLayer < 8) {
242  slC[counterLayer] = 3;
243  laC[counterLayer] = counterLayer - 3;
244  } else {
245  slC[counterLayer] = 2;
246  laC[counterLayer] = counterLayer - 7;
247  }
249  if (counterLayer < 8) {
250  dx[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer * nDeg, 0);
251  dy[counterLayer] = 0.0;
252  } else {
253  dx[counterLayer] = 0.0;
254  dy[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer * nDeg, 0);
255  }
256  dz[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer * nDeg + 1, 0);
258  if (station != 4) {
259  phix[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer * nDeg + 2, 0);
260  phiy[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer * nDeg + 3, 0);
261  phiz[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer * nDeg + 4, 0);
262  } else {
263  phix[counterLayer] = 0.;
264  phiy[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer * nDeg + 2, 0);
265  phiz[counterLayer] = 0.;
266  }
267  }
269  whC = wheel;
270  stC = station;
271  srC = sector;
273  ttreeOutput->Fill();
274  }
275  }
277  //Final Calculation and Constraints
278  // for(int wheel = -2; wheel < 3; ++wheel) {
279  // for(int station = 1; station < 5; ++station) {
280  // for(int sector = 1; sector < 15; ++sector) {
281  // if(sector > 12 && station != 4) continue;
282  // TMatrixD Ctr = prepareForLagrange(*C[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1]);
283  // TMatrixD btr = prepareForLagrange(*b[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1]);
284  // TMatrixD Cqc = prepareForLagrange(getCqcMatrix(wheel, station, sector));
285  // TMatrixD bqc = prepareForLagrange(getbqcMatrix(wheel, station, sector));
286  // TMatrixD Csurvey = prepareForLagrange(getCsurveyMatrix(wheel, station, sector));
287  // TMatrixD bsurvey = prepareForLagrange(getbsurveyMatrix(wheel, station, sector));
288  // TMatrixD Clag = getLagMatrix(wheel, station, sector);
289  // TMatrixD SC = Ctr + Cqc + Csurvey + Clag;
290  // TMatrixD Sb = btr + bqc + bsurvey;
291  //
292  // SC.Invert();
294  // TMatrixD solution = SC*Sb;
295  // for(int icounter = 0; icounter < SC.GetNrows(); icounter++) {
296  // for(int jcounter = 0; jcounter < SC.GetNrows(); jcounter++) {
297  // cov[icounter][jcounter] = SC(icounter, jcounter);
298  // }
299  // }
300  // whC = wheel;
301  // stC = station;
302  // srC = sector;
304  // for(int c = 0; c < 60; ++c) {
305  // for(int s = 0; s < 60; ++s) {
306  // cov[c][s] = SC(c, s);
307  // }
308  // }
310  // for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; ++counterLayer) {
311  // for(int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; ++counterDeg) {
312  // if(counterLayer > 7 && station == 4) continue;
313  // if(counterLayer < 4) {
314  // slC[counterLayer] = 1;
315  // laC[counterLayer] = counterLayer+1;
316  // } else if(counterLayer > 3 && counterLayer < 8) {
317  // slC[counterLayer] = 3;
318  // laC[counterLayer] = counterLayer-3;
319  // } else {
320  // slC[counterLayer] = 2;
321  // laC[counterLayer] = counterLayer-7;
322  // }
323  // if(counterLayer < 8) {
324  // dx[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*5, 0);
325  // dy[counterLayer] = 0.0;
326  // } else {
327  // dx[counterLayer] = 0.0;
328  // dy[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*5, 0);
329  // }
330  // dz[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*5+1, 0);
331  // phix[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*5+2, 0);
332  // phiy[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*5+3, 0);
333  // phiz[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*5+4, 0);
334  // }
335  // }
336  // ttreeOutput->Fill();
337  // }
338  // }
339  // }
340  // f->Write();
341 }
float dydz
TMatrixD getMatrixFromFile(const TString &Code, int, int, int, int)
Definition: APVGainStruct.h:7
float dxdz
TMatrixD getbcsMatrix(int, int, int)
const std::complex< double > I
Definition: I.h:8
TMatrixD getCcsMatrix(int, int, int)
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
static std::atomic< unsigned int > counter
Definition: APVGainStruct.h:7
float cov[60][60]

◆ getbcsMatrix()

TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::getbcsMatrix ( int  wh,
int  st,
int  se 

Definition at line 398 of file

References ReadPGInfo::giveQCCal(), ReadPGInfo::giveSurvey(), DTMuonLocalAlignment::la, makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::matrix, myPG, findQualityFiles::size, DTMuonLocalAlignment::st, and DTMuonLocalAlignment::wh.

Referenced by calculationMillepede().

398  {
399  int size = 60;
400  if (st == 4)
401  size = 24;
403  TMatrixD matrix(size, 1);
405  float Error[3][6] = {{0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001},
406  {0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.00005, 0.00005, 0.00005},
407  {0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.00005, 0.00005, 0.00005}};
409  float TollerancyPosition = 0.01;
410  float TollerancyRotation = 0.0001;
412  TMatrixD ConsQC = myPG->giveQCCal(wh, st, se);
414  bool UseQC = true;
415  if (ConsQC.GetNrows() < 70)
416  UseQC = false;
418  TMatrixD Survey = myPG->giveSurvey(wh, st, se);
420  int nLayer = 12, nDeg = 5;
421  if (st == 4) {
422  nLayer = 8;
423  nDeg = 3;
424  }
426  for (int la = 0; la < nLayer; la++)
427  for (int dg = 0; dg < nDeg; dg++) {
428  int index = la * nDeg + dg;
430  int rdg = dg + 1;
431  if (la < 8 && rdg == 1)
432  rdg = 0;
433  if (st == 4 && rdg == 3)
434  rdg = 4;
436  double ThisError2 = Error[la / 4][rdg] * Error[la / 4][rdg];
437  if (rdg < 2) {
438  if (UseQC) {
439  ThisError2 += ConsQC(la, 1) * ConsQC(la, 1);
440  } else {
441  ThisError2 += TollerancyPosition * TollerancyPosition;
442  }
443  } else if (rdg == 2) {
444  ThisError2 += TollerancyPosition * TollerancyPosition;
445  } else {
446  ThisError2 += TollerancyRotation * TollerancyRotation;
447  }
449  float Constraint = 0.;
450  if (la > 3)
451  Constraint += Survey(rdg, la / 4 - 1);
452  if (UseQC && rdg == 0)
453  Constraint += ConsQC(la, 0);
454  ;
455  if (UseQC && rdg == 1)
456  Constraint -= ConsQC(la, 0);
458  matrix(index, 0) = Constraint / ThisError2;
459  }
461  return matrix;
462 }
Write out results.
edm::ErrorSummaryEntry Error
ReadPGInfo * myPG
TMatrixD giveQCCal(int, int, int)
TMatrixD giveSurvey(int, int, int)

◆ getbqcMatrix()

TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::getbqcMatrix ( int  wh,
int  st,
int  se 

Definition at line 610 of file

References ReadPGInfo::giveQCCal(), makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::matrix, SiStripPI::mean, myPG, mathSSE::sqrt(), DTMuonLocalAlignment::st, and DTMuonLocalAlignment::wh.

610  {
611  TMatrixD surv = myPG->giveQCCal(wh, st, se);
612  TMatrixD ResQC(5, 12);
613  TMatrixD sigmaQC(5, 12);
614  TMatrixD matrix(60, 1);
615  if (st == 4)
616  matrix.ResizeTo(40, 1);
618  if (surv.GetNrows() < 7) {
619  for (int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; counterDeg++) {
620  for (int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; ++counterLayer) {
621  if (st != 4 && counterLayer > 7)
622  continue;
623  if (counterDeg == 0) {
624  sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05;
625  } else if (counterDeg < 3) {
626  sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05;
627  } else {
628  sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05;
629  }
630  }
631  }
632  } else {
633  for (int counterChamber = 0; counterChamber < 12; ++counterChamber) {
634  ResQC(0, counterChamber) = -surv(counterChamber, 0) / 10000.0;
635  }
636  float meanvarSL1 =
637  sqrt(surv(0, 1) * surv(0, 1) + surv(1, 1) * surv(1, 1) + surv(2, 1) * surv(2, 1) + surv(3, 1) * surv(3, 1)) /
638  10000.0;
639  float meanvarSL2 = 0;
640  if (surv.GetNrows() > 9) {
641  meanvarSL2 = sqrt(surv(8, 1) * surv(8, 1) + surv(9, 1) * surv(9, 1) + surv(10, 1) * surv(10, 1) +
642  surv(11, 1) * surv(11, 1)) /
643  10000.0;
644  }
645  float meanvarSL3 =
646  sqrt(surv(4, 1) * surv(4, 1) + surv(5, 1) * surv(5, 1) + surv(6, 1) * surv(6, 1) + surv(7, 1) * surv(7, 1)) /
647  10000.0;
648  for (int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; counterDeg++) {
649  for (int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; ++counterLayer) {
650  if (st != 4 && counterLayer > 7)
651  continue;
652  float meanerror = 0;
653  if (counterLayer < 4) {
654  meanerror = meanvarSL1;
655  } else if (counterLayer > 3 && counterLayer < 8) {
656  meanerror = meanvarSL2;
657  } else {
658  meanerror = meanvarSL3;
659  }
660  if (counterDeg == 0) {
661  sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) =
662  sqrt((surv(counterLayer, 1) / 10000.0) * (surv(counterLayer, 1) / 10000.0) + meanerror * meanerror);
663  } else if (counterDeg < 3) {
664  sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05;
665  } else {
666  sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05;
667  }
668  }
669  }
670  std::array<std::array<double, 12>, 12> Eta{};
671  for (size_t counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < Eta.size(); counterLayer++) {
672  if (counterLayer > 7 && st == 4)
673  continue;
674  for (size_t counterLayer2 = 0; counterLayer2 < Eta[counterLayer].size(); counterLayer2++) {
675  if (counterLayer2 > 7 && st == 4)
676  continue;
677  if ((counterLayer2 < 4 && counterLayer < 4) || (counterLayer2 > 3 && counterLayer > 3)) {
678  if (counterLayer == counterLayer2) {
679  Eta[counterLayer][counterLayer2] = 3.0 / (4.0);
680  } else {
681  Eta[counterLayer][counterLayer2] = -1.0 / (4.0);
682  }
683  } else {
684  Eta[counterLayer][counterLayer2] = 0.0;
685  }
686  }
687  }
689  for (int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; counterDeg++) {
690  for (size_t counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; counterLayer++) {
691  if (counterLayer > 7 && st == 4)
692  continue;
693  for (size_t counterLayer2 = 0; counterLayer2 < 12; counterLayer2++) {
694  if (counterLayer2 > 7 && st == 4)
695  continue;
696  float mean = 0;
697  if (counterDeg != 0) {
698  if (counterLayer < 4) {
699  mean = (ResQC(counterDeg, 0) + ResQC(counterDeg, 1) + ResQC(counterDeg, 2) + ResQC(counterDeg, 3)) / 4.0;
700  } else if (counterLayer > 3 && counterLayer < 8) {
701  mean = (ResQC(counterDeg, 4) + ResQC(counterDeg, 5) + ResQC(counterDeg, 6) + ResQC(counterDeg, 7)) / 4.0;
702  } else {
703  mean =
704  (ResQC(counterDeg, 8) + ResQC(counterDeg, 9) + ResQC(counterDeg, 10) + ResQC(counterDeg, 11)) / 4.0;
705  }
706  }
707  matrix(5 * counterLayer2 + counterDeg, 0) +=
708  Eta[counterLayer][counterLayer2] * (ResQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) - mean) /
709  (sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) * sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer));
710  }
711  }
712  }
713  }
714  return matrix;
715 }
ReadPGInfo * myPG
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:23
TMatrixD giveQCCal(int, int, int)

◆ getbsurveyMatrix()

TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::getbsurveyMatrix ( int  wh,
int  st,
int  se 

Definition at line 793 of file

References relativeConstraints::error, ReadPGInfo::giveSurvey(), makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::matrix, myPG, findQualityFiles::size, DTMuonLocalAlignment::sl, DTMuonLocalAlignment::st, and DTMuonLocalAlignment::wh.

793  {
794  TMatrixD survey = myPG->giveSurvey(wh, st, se);
795  int size = 60;
796  if (st == 4)
797  size = 40;
799  TMatrixD matrix(size + 6, 1);
800  //Careful with the sign
801  float error[2][6] = {{0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001},
802  {0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.005, 0.005, 0.005}};
803  for (int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < size / 5; counterLayer++) {
804  for (int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; counterDeg++) {
805  int counterDegAux = counterDeg + 1;
806  if (counterLayer < 8 && counterDeg == 1)
807  counterDegAux = 0;
808  int superlayerAux = counterLayer / 4;
809  int sl = (superlayerAux + 1) / 2;
810  matrix(5 * counterLayer + counterDeg, 0) =
811  survey(counterDegAux, superlayerAux) / (4.0 * error[sl][counterDegAux] * error[sl][counterDegAux]);
812  }
813  }
815  return matrix;
816 }
Write out results.
ReadPGInfo * myPG
TMatrixD giveSurvey(int, int, int)

◆ getCcsMatrix()

TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::getCcsMatrix ( int  wh,
int  st,
int  se 

Definition at line 343 of file

References ReadPGInfo::giveQCCal(), DTMuonLocalAlignment::la, makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::matrix, myPG, findQualityFiles::size, DTMuonLocalAlignment::st, and DTMuonLocalAlignment::wh.

Referenced by calculationMillepede().

343  {
344  int size = 60;
345  if (st == 4)
346  size = 24;
348  TMatrixD matrix(size, size);
350  float Error[3][6] = {{0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001},
351  {0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.00005, 0.00005, 0.00005},
352  {0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.00005, 0.00005, 0.00005}};
354  float TollerancyPosition = 0.01;
355  float TollerancyRotation = 0.0001;
357  TMatrixD ConsQC = myPG->giveQCCal(wh, st, se);
359  bool UseQC = true;
360  if (ConsQC.GetNrows() < 70)
361  UseQC = false;
363  int nLayer = 12, nDeg = 5;
364  if (st == 4) {
365  nLayer = 8;
366  nDeg = 3;
367  }
369  for (int la = 0; la < nLayer; la++)
370  for (int dg = 0; dg < nDeg; dg++) {
371  int index = la * nDeg + dg;
373  int rdg = dg + 1;
374  if (la < 8 && rdg == 1)
375  rdg = 0;
376  if (st == 4 && rdg == 3)
377  rdg = 4;
379  double ThisError2 = Error[la / 4][rdg] * Error[la / 4][rdg];
380  if (rdg < 2) {
381  if (UseQC) {
382  ThisError2 += ConsQC(la, 1) * ConsQC(la, 1);
383  } else {
384  ThisError2 += TollerancyPosition * TollerancyPosition;
385  }
386  } else if (rdg == 2) {
387  ThisError2 += TollerancyPosition * TollerancyPosition;
388  } else {
389  ThisError2 += TollerancyRotation * TollerancyRotation;
390  }
392  matrix(index, index) = 1. / ThisError2;
393  }
395  return matrix;
396 }
Write out results.
edm::ErrorSummaryEntry Error
ReadPGInfo * myPG
TMatrixD giveQCCal(int, int, int)

◆ getCqcMatrix()

TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::getCqcMatrix ( int  wh,
int  st,
int  se 

Definition at line 515 of file

References ReadPGInfo::giveQCCal(), makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::matrix, myPG, mathSSE::sqrt(), DTMuonLocalAlignment::st, and DTMuonLocalAlignment::wh.

515  {
516  TMatrixD surv = myPG->giveQCCal(wh, st, se);
517  TMatrixD sigmaQC(5, 12);
519  TMatrixD matrix(60, 60);
520  if (st == 4)
521  matrix.ResizeTo(40, 40);
523  if (surv.GetNrows() < 7) {
524  for (int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; counterDeg++) {
525  for (int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; ++counterLayer) {
526  if (st != 4 && counterLayer > 7)
527  continue;
528  if (counterDeg == 0) {
529  sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05;
530  } else if (counterDeg < 3) {
531  sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05;
532  } else {
533  sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05;
534  }
535  }
536  }
537  } else {
538  float meanvarSL1 =
539  sqrt(surv(0, 1) * surv(0, 1) + surv(1, 1) * surv(1, 1) + surv(2, 1) * surv(2, 1) + surv(3, 1) * surv(3, 1)) /
540  10000.0;
541  float meanvarSL2 = 0;
542  if (surv.GetNrows() > 9)
543  meanvarSL2 = sqrt(surv(8, 1) * surv(8, 1) + surv(9, 1) * surv(9, 1) + surv(10, 1) * surv(10, 1) +
544  surv(11, 1) * surv(11, 1)) /
545  10000.0;
546  float meanvarSL3 =
547  sqrt(surv(4, 1) * surv(4, 1) + surv(5, 1) * surv(5, 1) + surv(6, 1) * surv(6, 1) + surv(7, 1) * surv(7, 1)) /
548  10000.0;
549  for (int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; counterDeg++) {
550  for (int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; ++counterLayer) {
551  if (st != 4 && counterLayer > 7)
552  continue;
553  float meanerror = 0;
554  if (counterLayer < 4) {
555  meanerror = meanvarSL1;
556  } else if (counterLayer > 3 && counterLayer < 8) {
557  meanerror = meanvarSL2;
558  } else {
559  meanerror = meanvarSL3;
560  }
561  if (counterDeg == 0) {
562  sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) =
563  sqrt((surv(counterLayer, 1) / 10000.0) * (surv(counterLayer, 1) / 10000.0) + meanerror * meanerror);
564  } else if (counterDeg < 3) {
565  sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05;
566  } else {
567  sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05;
568  }
569  }
570  }
572  std::array<std::array<double, 12>, 12> Eta{};
573  for (size_t counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < Eta.size(); counterLayer++) {
574  if (counterLayer > 7 && st == 4)
575  continue;
576  for (size_t counterLayer2 = 0; counterLayer2 < Eta[counterLayer].size(); counterLayer2++) {
577  if (counterLayer2 > 7 && st == 4)
578  continue;
579  if ((counterLayer2 < 4 && counterLayer < 4) || (counterLayer2 > 3 && counterLayer > 3)) {
580  if (counterLayer == counterLayer2) {
581  Eta[counterLayer][counterLayer2] = 3.0 / (4.0);
582  } else {
583  Eta[counterLayer][counterLayer2] = -1.0 / (4.0);
584  }
585  }
586  }
587  }
589  for (int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; counterDeg++) {
590  for (size_t counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; counterLayer++) {
591  if (counterLayer > 7 && st == 4)
592  continue;
593  for (size_t counterLayer2 = 0; counterLayer2 < 12; counterLayer2++) {
594  if (counterLayer2 > 7 && st == 4)
595  continue;
596  for (size_t counterLayer3 = 0; counterLayer3 < 12; counterLayer3++) {
597  if (counterLayer3 > 7 && st == 4)
598  continue;
599  matrix(5 * counterLayer2 + counterDeg, 5 * counterLayer3 + counterDeg) +=
600  Eta[counterLayer][counterLayer2] * Eta[counterLayer][counterLayer3] /
601  (sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) * sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer));
602  }
603  }
604  }
605  }
606  }
607  return matrix;
608 }
ReadPGInfo * myPG
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:23
TMatrixD giveQCCal(int, int, int)

◆ getCsurveyMatrix()

TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::getCsurveyMatrix ( int  wh,
int  st,
int  se 

Definition at line 741 of file

References relativeConstraints::error, makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::matrix, findQualityFiles::size, DTMuonLocalAlignment::sl, and DTMuonLocalAlignment::st.

741  {
742  int size = 60;
743  if (st == 4)
744  size = 40;
746  TMatrixD matrix(size + 6, size + 6);
747  //Careful with the sign
748  float error[2][6] = {{0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001},
749  {0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.005, 0.005, 0.005}};
750  for (int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < size / 5; counterLayer++) {
751  for (int counterLayer2 = 0; counterLayer2 < size / 5; counterLayer2++) {
752  int sl1 = counterLayer / 4;
753  int sl2 = counterLayer2 / 4;
754  if (sl1 == sl2) {
755  for (int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; counterDeg++) {
756  int counterDegAux = counterDeg + 1;
757  if (counterLayer < 8 && counterDeg == 1)
758  counterDegAux = 0;
759  int sl = (sl1 + 1) / 2;
760  matrix(5 * counterLayer + counterDeg, 5 * counterLayer2 + counterDeg) =
761  1.0 / (16.0 * error[sl][counterDegAux] * error[sl][counterDegAux]);
762  }
763  }
764  }
765  }
767  return matrix;
768 }
Write out results.

◆ getLagMatrix()

TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::getLagMatrix ( int  wh,
int  st,
int  se 

Definition at line 490 of file

References makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::matrix, and DTMuonLocalAlignment::st.

490  {
491  TMatrixD matrix(60 + 6, 60 + 6);
492  if (st == 4)
493  matrix.ResizeTo(40 + 6, 40 + 6);
495  for (int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; ++counterDeg) {
496  for (int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; ++counterLayer) {
497  if (st == 4) {
498  matrix(40 + counterDeg, counterLayer * 5 + counterDeg) = 10000.0;
499  matrix(counterLayer * 5 + counterDeg, 40 + counterDeg) = 10000.0;
500  } else {
501  int realCounter = counterDeg + 1;
502  if (counterDeg == 1 && counterLayer < 8) {
503  realCounter = counterDeg - 1;
504  }
505  matrix(counterLayer * 5 + counterDeg, 40 + realCounter) = 10000.0;
506  if ((realCounter == 0 && counterLayer > 7) || (realCounter == 1 && counterLayer < 7))
507  continue;
508  matrix(60 + realCounter, counterLayer * 5 + counterDeg) = 10000.0;
509  }
510  }
511  }
512  return matrix;
513 }

◆ getMatrixFromFile()

TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::getMatrixFromFile ( const TString &  Code,
int  wh,
int  st,
int  se,
int  mf 

Definition at line 464 of file

References DTMuonLocalAlignment::st, and DTMuonLocalAlignment::wh.

Referenced by calculationMillepede().

464  {
465  TString MtxFileName = "./LocalMillepedeMatrix_";
466  MtxFileName += mf;
467  MtxFileName += ".root";
468  if (mf == -1)
469  MtxFileName = "./LocalMillepedeMatrix.root";
471  TDirectory *dirSave = gDirectory;
473  TFile *MatrixFile = new TFile(MtxFileName);
475  TString MtxName = Code;
476  MtxName += wh;
477  MtxName += "_";
478  MtxName += st;
479  MtxName += "_";
480  MtxName += se;
481  TMatrixD *ThisMtx = (TMatrixD *)MatrixFile->Get(MtxName);
483  MatrixFile->Close();
485  dirSave->cd();
487  return *ThisMtx;
488 }

◆ prepareForLagrange()

TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::prepareForLagrange ( const TMatrixD &  m)

Definition at line 818 of file

References visualization-live-secondInstance_cfg::m.

818  {
819  TMatrixD updatedMatrix = m;
820  updatedMatrix.ResizeTo(m.GetNrows() + 6, m.GetNcols() + 6);
821  return updatedMatrix;
822 }

◆ setBranchTree()

void DTMuonMillepede::setBranchTree ( )

Definition at line 824 of file

References cov, dx, dy, dz, laC, phix, phiy, phiz, slC, srC, stC, ttreeOutput, and whC.

Referenced by DTMuonMillepede().

824  {
825  ttreeOutput = new TTree("DTLocalMillepede", "DTLocalMillepede");
827  ttreeOutput->Branch("wh", &whC, "wh/I");
828  ttreeOutput->Branch("st", &stC, "st/I");
829  ttreeOutput->Branch("sr", &srC, "sr/I");
830  ttreeOutput->Branch("cov", cov, "cov[60][60]/F");
831  ttreeOutput->Branch("sl", slC, "sl[12]/I");
832  ttreeOutput->Branch("la", laC, "la[12]/I");
833  ttreeOutput->Branch("dx", dx, "dx[12]/F");
834  ttreeOutput->Branch("dy", dy, "dy[12]/F");
835  ttreeOutput->Branch("dz", dz, "dz[12]/F");
836  ttreeOutput->Branch("phix", phix, "phix[12]/F");
837  ttreeOutput->Branch("phiy", phiy, "phiy[12]/F");
838  ttreeOutput->Branch("phiz", phiz, "phiz[12]/F");
839 }
float cov[60][60]

Member Data Documentation

◆ cov

float DTMuonMillepede::cov[60][60]

Definition at line 62 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().

◆ dx

float DTMuonMillepede::dx[12]

Definition at line 61 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().

◆ dy

float DTMuonMillepede::dy[12]

Definition at line 61 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().

◆ dz

float DTMuonMillepede::dz[12]

◆ f

TFile* DTMuonMillepede::f

◆ laC

int DTMuonMillepede::laC[12]

Definition at line 60 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().

◆ myPG

ReadPGInfo* DTMuonMillepede::myPG

◆ nPhiHits

int DTMuonMillepede::nPhiHits

Definition at line 55 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and DTMuonMillepede().

◆ nThetaHits

int DTMuonMillepede::nThetaHits

Definition at line 55 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and DTMuonMillepede().

◆ phix

float DTMuonMillepede::phix[12]

Definition at line 61 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().

◆ phiy

float DTMuonMillepede::phiy[12]

Definition at line 61 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().

◆ phiz

float DTMuonMillepede::phiz[12]

Definition at line 61 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().

◆ ptMax

float DTMuonMillepede::ptMax

Definition at line 53 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and DTMuonMillepede().

◆ ptMin

float DTMuonMillepede::ptMin

Definition at line 53 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and DTMuonMillepede().

◆ slC

int DTMuonMillepede::slC[12]

Definition at line 60 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().

◆ srC

int DTMuonMillepede::srC

Definition at line 59 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().

◆ stC

int DTMuonMillepede::stC

Definition at line 59 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().

◆ ttreeOutput

TTree* DTMuonMillepede::ttreeOutput

Definition at line 51 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().

◆ whC

int DTMuonMillepede::whC

Definition at line 59 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().