1 #ifndef RecoVertex_PixelVertexFinding_PVClusterComparer_h 2 #define RecoVertex_PixelVertexFinding_PVClusterComparer_h
const double track_pT_min_
void setChisquareQuantile()
std::vector< double > maxChi2_
double pTSquaredSum(const PVCluster &v)
Calculate sum of square of the pT's of the tracks in the vertex.
void updateChisquareQuantile(size_t ndof)
const double track_pT_max_
const double track_prob_min_
Constructor does nothing, no data members.
bool operator()(const PVCluster &v1, const PVCluster &v2)
Use this operator in a std::sort to sort them in decreasing sumPt.
const double track_chi2_max_