Variables | |
cvsVertex | |
directory | |
sub-directory to write the monitor histograms to [mandatory] : should not be changed w/o explicit communication to TopCom! More... | |
elecExtras | |
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for electrons will be filled w/o extras More... | |
elecs | |
electronId | |
when omitted electron plots will be filled w/o cut on electronId More... | |
isolation | |
when omitted isolated electron multiplicity plot will be equi- valent to inclusive electron multiplicity plot More... | |
jetBTaggers | |
when omitted monitor histograms for b-tagging will not be filled More... | |
jetCorrector | |
when omitted monitor plots for pt will be filled from uncorrected jets More... | |
jetExtras | |
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for jets will be filled from uncorrected jets More... | |
jets | |
label | |
lowerEdge | |
massExtras | |
[optional] : when omitted no mass window will be applied for the W mass befor filling the event monitoring plots More... | |
max | |
mets | |
min | |
monitoring | |
[optional] : when omitted the verbosity level is set to STANDARD More... | |
muonExtras | |
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for muons will be filled w/o extras More... | |
muons | |
pattern | |
preselection | |
[optional] : when omitted the monitoring plots for triggering will be empty triggerExtras = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), paths = cms.vstring(['HLT_Mu3:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu5:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu7:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu9:HLT_QuadJet15U']) ) More... | |
pvExtras | |
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for primary vertices will be filled w/o extras More... | |
pvs | |
secondaryVertex | |
select | |
when omitted electron plots will be filled w/o additional pre- selection of the primary vertex candidates More... | |
selection | |
SELECTION More... | |
setup | |
SETUP More... | |
sources | |
[mandatory] More... | |
src | |
topSingleElectronLooseDQM_PU | |
topSingleElectronMediumDQM_PU | |
topSingleLeptonDQM | |
topSingleMuonLooseDQM_PU | |
topSingleMuonMediumDQM_PU | |
trackCountingEff | |
trackCountingPur | |
upperEdge | |
verbosity | |
vertex | |
[optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied trigger = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), select = cms.vstring(['HLT_Mu11', 'HLT_Ele15_LW_L1R', 'HLT_QuadJet30']) ), [optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied More... | |
workingPoint | |
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.cvsVertex |
Definition at line 202 of file |
sub-directory to write the monitor histograms to [mandatory] : should not be changed w/o explicit communication to TopCom!
Definition at line 15 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.elecExtras |
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for electrons will be filled w/o extras
Definition at line 37 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.elecs |
Definition at line 19 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.electronId |
when omitted electron plots will be filled w/o cut on electronId
Definition at line 39 of file
Referenced by SingleTopTChannelLepton_miniAOD::MonitorEnsemble.fill(), TopSingleLepton_miniAOD::MonitorEnsemble.fill(), TopSingleLepton::MonitorEnsemble.fill(), SingleTopTChannelLepton::MonitorEnsemble.fill(), TopDiLeptonOffline::MonitorEnsemble.fill(),, SelectionStep< Object >.select(), and SelectionStep< Object >.selectVertex().
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.isolation |
when omitted isolated electron multiplicity plot will be equi- valent to inclusive electron multiplicity plot
when omitted isolated muon multiplicity plot will be equi- valent to inclusive muon multiplicity plot
Definition at line 45 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.jetBTaggers |
when omitted monitor histograms for b-tagging will not be filled
Definition at line 189 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.jetCorrector |
when omitted monitor plots for pt will be filled from uncorrected jets
Definition at line 62 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.jetExtras |
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for jets will be filled from uncorrected jets
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for jets will be filled w/o extras
Definition at line 59 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.jets |
Definition at line 20 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.label |
Definition at line 120 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.lowerEdge |
Definition at line 77 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.massExtras |
[optional] : when omitted no mass window will be applied for the W mass befor filling the event monitoring plots
[optional] : when omitted no mass window will be applied for the W mass before filling the event monitoring plots
Definition at line 76 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.max |
Definition at line 264 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.mets |
Definition at line 21 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.min |
Definition at line 128 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.monitoring |
[optional] : when omitted the verbosity level is set to STANDARD
Definition at line 25 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.muonExtras |
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for muons will be filled w/o extras
Definition at line 49 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.muons |
Definition at line 18 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.pattern |
Definition at line 39 of file
Referenced by CSCTMBHeader2006.addCLCT0(), CSCTMBHeader2007.addCLCT0(), CSCTMBHeader2007_rev0x50c3.addCLCT0(), CSCTMBHeader2013.addCLCT0(), CSCTMBHeader2020_Run2.addCLCT0(), CSCTMBHeader2020_TMB.addCLCT0(), CSCTMBHeader2020_CCLUT.addCLCT0(), CSCTMBHeader2020_GEM.addCLCT0(), CSCTMBHeader2006.addCLCT1(), CSCTMBHeader2007.addCLCT1(), CSCTMBHeader2007_rev0x50c3.addCLCT1(), CSCTMBHeader2013.addCLCT1(), CSCTMBHeader2020_Run2.addCLCT1(), CSCTMBHeader2020_TMB.addCLCT1(), CSCTMBHeader2020_CCLUT.addCLCT1(), CSCTMBHeader2020_GEM.addCLCT1(), RooUtil::Cutflow.addCutSyst(), TPatternsGroup.addPattern(), RooUtil::CutTree.addSyst(), edm::ParameterSetDescription.addWildcard(), edm::ParameterSetDescription.addWildcardUntracked(), CSCALCTHeader.ALCTDigis(), CSCDigiToPattern.analyze(), L1TdeStage2uGT.analyze(), reco::HitPattern.appendHit(), reco::TrackBase.appendHitPattern(), reco::HitPattern.badHitFilter(), HLTHiggsSubAnalysis.beginRun(), HLTExoticaSubAnalysis.beginRun(), TriggerResultsFilter.beginStream(), PtAssignmentEngineAux2017.calcBendFromPattern(), CSCSectorReceiverMiniLUT.calcLocalPhiMini(), L1TMuonBarrelKalmanAlgo.calculateEta(),, CSCL1TPLookupTableCCLUT.cclutPosition(), CSCL1TPLookupTableCCLUT.cclutSlope(), TEPatternsGroup.check(), CSCTMBHeader2007.CLCTDigis(), CSCTMBHeader2007_rev0x50c3.CLCTDigis(), CSCTMBHeader2013.CLCTDigis(), CSCTMBHeader2020_Run2.CLCTDigis(), CSCTMBHeader2020_TMB.CLCTDigis(), CSCAnodeLCTProcessor.clear(), L1TMuonBarrelKalmanLUTs.coarseEta(), PatternRecognition.configure_details(), CSCCathodeLCTProcessor.constructCLCT(), PrimitiveConversion.convert_csc(), l1t::MTF7Payload.count(), reco::HitPattern.countTypedHits(), RooUtil::FileUtil.createTChain(), HLTMuonValidator.dqmBeginRun(), ZGammaplusJetsMonitor.dqmBeginRun(), HLTMuonRefMethod.dqmEndJob(), reco::PFDisplacedVertex.Dump(), reco::HitPattern.encode(), CSCMotherboard.encodePattern(), DQMGenericTnPClient.endRun(), reco::PatternSet< N >.fill(), tadqm::TrackAnalyzer.fillHistosForEfficiencyFromHitPatter(), reco::HitPattern.fillNewHitPatternWithOldHitPattern_v12(), DQMGenericTnPClient.findAllSubdirectories(), HLTMuonRefMethod.findAllSubdirectories(), DQMGenericClient.findAllSubdirectories(), LCTQualityAssignment.findQualityGEMv1(), LCTQualityAssignment.findQualityRun2(), trackerTFP::State.finish(), PFDisplacedVertexFinder.fitVertexFromSeed(), ecaldqm::MESet.formPath(), SectorProcessorLUT.get_ph_patt_corr(), SectorProcessorLUT.get_ph_patt_corr_sign(), l1t::MTF7Payload.getBlock(), reco::HitPattern.getBTLModType(), RPCLogCone.getCompressedCone(), reco::HitPattern.getCSCRing(), L1TMuon::GeometryTranslator.getCSCSpecificPoint(), reco::HitPattern.getDTSuperLayer(), reco::HitPattern.getETLRing(), reco::HitPattern.getGEMLayer(), reco::HitPattern.getGEMStation(), AngleConverter.getGlobalEta(), reco::HitPattern.getHitType(), reco::HitPattern.getLayer(), CSCPatternBank.getLegacyPosition(), reco::HitPattern.getMuonStation(), CSCPatternBank.getPatternBend(), FastLineRecognition.getPatterns(), EgHLTOfflineSummaryClient.getQTestResults_(), reco::HitPattern.getRPCLayer(), reco::HitPattern.getRPCregion(), reco::HitPattern.getSide(), LCTQualityControl.getSlopePhase1(), reco::HitPattern.getSubDetector(), reco::HitPattern.getSubStructure(), reco::HitPattern.getSubSubStructure(), reco::HitPattern.getTrackerLayerCase(), reco::HitPattern.getTrackerMonoStereo(), RooUtil::FileUtil.glob(), edm.glob2reg(), PrimaryVertexValidation.hasFirstLayerPixelHits(), reco::HitPattern.hasValidHitInPixelLayer(), HLTLevel1Pattern.HLTLevel1Pattern(), reco::HitPattern.inactiveHitFilter(), HLTHighLevel.init(), TriggerTools.initPathNames(), reco::HitPattern.innermostMuonStationWithHits(), reco::HitPattern.insertExpectedInnerHit(), reco::HitPattern.insertExpectedOuterHit(), reco::HitPattern.insertHit(), reco::HitPattern.insertTrackHit(), edm.is_glob(), triggerExpression::L1uGTReader.L1uGTReader(), L1MuDTEtaPatternLut.load(), L1MuBMTEtaPatternLut.load(), L1MuDTQualPatternLut.load(), L1MuBMTQualPatternLut.load(), edm::storage::LocalCacheFile.LocalCacheFile(), CSCSectorReceiverLUT.localPhi(), HLTGenValClient.makeAllPlots(), DQMGenericClient.makeAllPlots(), HLTConfigProvider.matched(), reco::HitPattern.missingHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.muonCSCHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.muonDTHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.muonGEMHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.muonHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.muonME0HitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.muonRPCHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.muonStations(), reco::HitPattern.numberOfDTStationsWithBothViews(), reco::HitPattern.numberOfDTStationsWithRPhiView(), reco::HitPattern.numberOfDTStationsWithRZView(), reco::HitPattern.numberOfValidStripLayersWithMonoAndStereo(), edm.operator<<(), reco::HitPattern.outermostMuonStationWithHits(), Phase2L1GMT::KMTF.overlapCleanTrack(), edm::ParameterWildcard< T >.ParameterWildcard(), edm::ParameterWildcard< ParameterSetDescription >.ParameterWildcard(), edm::ParameterWildcard< std::vector< ParameterSet > >.ParameterWildcard(), edm::ParameterWildcardWithSpecifics.ParameterWildcardWithSpecifics(), triggerExpression::PathReader.PathReader(), QualityTester.performTests(), reco::HitPattern.pixelBarrelHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.pixelEndcapHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.pixelHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.pixelLayersWithMeasurement(), FWTrackResidualDetailView.prepareData(), reco::HitPattern.printHitPattern(), cscdqm::EventProcessor.processCSC(), StraightTrackAlignment.processEvent(), CSCTFUnpacker.produce(), TotemRPLocalTrackFitter.produce(), CTPPSPixelLocalTrackProducer.produce(), read_processor_model(), trackerTFP::HoughTransform.readOut(), edm.regexMatch(), RPCPac.runEnergeticPatternsGroups(), L1MuDTEtaProcessor.runEtaTrackFinder(), L1MuBMEtaProcessor.runEtaTrackFinder(), RPCPac.runTrackPatternsGroup(), RPCPacMuon.setAll(), pat::PackedCandidate.setFirstHit(), L1MuKBMTrack.setHitPattern(), l1t::KMTFTrack.setHitPattern(), SiPixelCalibDigiProducer.setPattern(), CSCCLCTDigi.setPattern(), CSCCLCTDigi.setRun3Pattern(), reco::HitPattern.stripHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.stripSubdetectorHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.stripTECHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.stripTIBHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.stripTIDHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.stripTOBHitFilter(), TEPatternsGroup.TEPatternsGroup(), edm::ParameterWildcardBase.throwIfInvalidPattern(), reco::HitPattern.timingBTLHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.timingETLHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.timingHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.trackerHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.trackerLayersWithMeasurement(), reco::HitPattern.trackerLayersWithoutMeasurement(), TriggerResultsFilter.TriggerResultsFilter(), edm.untaintString(), TPatternsGroup.updateShape(), MuonResidualsFitter.useRes(), SiStripConfigDb.usingDatabase(), l1t::MTF7Payload.valid(), and reco::HitPattern.validHitFilter().
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.preselection |
[optional] : when omitted the monitoring plots for triggering will be empty triggerExtras = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), paths = cms.vstring(['HLT_Mu3:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu5:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu7:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu9:HLT_QuadJet15U']) )
[optional] : when omitted the monitoring plots for triggering will be empty triggerExtras = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), paths = cms.vstring([ 'HLT_Ele15_LW_L1R:HLT_QuadJetU15']) )
[optional] : when omitted the monitoring plots for triggering will be empty triggerExtras = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), paths = cms.vstring(['HLT_Ele15_LW_L1R:HLT_QuadJetU15']) )
[optional] : when omitted the monitoring plots for triggering will be empty triggerExtras = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), paths = cms.vstring(['HLT_Mu3:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu5:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu7:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu9:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu11:HLT_QuadJet15U'])
[optional] : when omitted the monitoring plots for triggering will be empty triggerExtras = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), paths = cms.vstring(['HLT_Mu3:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu5:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu7:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu9:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu11:HLT_QuadJet15U']) )
setup of the event preselection, which will not be monitored [mandatory] : but may be empty
Definition at line 97 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.pvExtras |
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for primary vertices will be filled w/o extras
Definition at line 30 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.pvs |
Definition at line 22 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.secondaryVertex |
Definition at line 198 of file |
when omitted electron plots will be filled w/o additional pre- selection of the primary vertex candidates
when omitted monitor plots will be filled w/o additional cut on jetID jetID = cms.PSet( label = cms.InputTag("ak5JetID"), select = cms.string("fHPD < 0.98 & n90Hits>1 & restrictedEMF<1") ), when omitted no extra selection will be applied on jets before filling the monitor histograms; if jetCorrector is present the selection will be applied to corrected jets
when omitted monitor plots will be filled w/o additional cut on jetID
jetID = cms.PSet( label = cms.InputTag("ak5JetID"), select = cms.string("fHPD < 0.98 & n90Hits>1 & restrictedEMF<1") ), when omitted no extra selection will be applied on jets before filling the monitor histograms; if jetCorrector is present the selection will be applied to corrected jets
select = cms.string("pt>15 & abs(eta)<2.5& emEnergyFraction>0.01"),
when omitted monitor plots will be filled w/o additional cut on jetID
jetID = cms.PSet( label = cms.InputTag("ak5JetID"), select = cms.string("fHPD < 0.98 & n90Hits>1 & restrictedEMF<1") ),
when omitted no extra selection will be applied on jets before filling the monitor histograms; if jetCorrector is present the selection will be applied to corrected jets
when omitted monitor plots will be filled w/o additional cut on jetID
jetID = cms.PSet( label = cms.InputTag("ak5JetID"), select = cms.string("fHPD < 0.98 & n90Hits>1 & restrictedEMF<1") ), when omitted no extra selection will be applied on jets before filling the monitor histograms; if jetCorrector is present the selection will be applied to corrected jets
when omitted muon plots will be filled w/o additional pre- selection of the muon candidates
when omitted electron plots will be filled w/o additional pre- selection of the electron candidates
Definition at line 33 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.selection |
monitor histrograms are filled after each selection step, the selection is applied in the order defined by this vector [mandatory] : may be empty or contain an arbitrary number of PSets
Definition at line 118 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.setup |
configuration of the MonitoringEnsemble(s) [mandatory] : optional PSets may be omitted
Definition at line 11 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.sources |
Definition at line 17 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.src |
Definition at line 39 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.topSingleElectronLooseDQM_PU |
Definition at line 446 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.topSingleElectronMediumDQM_PU |
Definition at line 608 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.topSingleLeptonDQM |
Definition at line 4 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.topSingleMuonLooseDQM_PU |
Definition at line 133 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.topSingleMuonMediumDQM_PU |
Definition at line 293 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.trackCountingEff |
Definition at line 190 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.trackCountingPur |
Definition at line 194 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.upperEdge |
Definition at line 78 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.verbosity |
Definition at line 26 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.vertex |
[optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied trigger = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), select = cms.vstring(['HLT_Mu11', 'HLT_Ele15_LW_L1R', 'HLT_QuadJet30']) ), [optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied
[optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied trigger = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), select = cms.vstring(['HLT_Ele15_SW_CaloEleId_L1R']) ), [optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied
[optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied trigger = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), select = cms.vstring(['HLT_Mu15_v2']) ), [optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied
[optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied trigger = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), select = cms.vstring(['HLT_Mu11']) ), [optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied
Definition at line 104 of file
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.workingPoint |
Definition at line 192 of file