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1 #ifndef EventFilter_CSCRawToDigi_CSCTMBHeader2007_rev0x50c3_h
2 #define EventFilter_CSCRawToDigi_CSCTMBHeader2007_rev0x50c3_h
7  enum { NWORDS = 43 };
9  CSCTMBHeader2007_rev0x50c3(const unsigned short* buf);
10  void setEventInformation(const CSCDMBHeader& dmbHeader) override;
12  uint16_t BXNCount() const override { return bits.bxnCount; }
13  uint16_t ALCTMatchTime() const override { return bits.matchWin; }
14  void setALCTMatchTime(uint16_t alctmatchtime) override { bits.matchWin = alctmatchtime & 0xF; }
15  uint16_t CLCTOnly() const override { return bits.clctOnly; }
16  uint16_t ALCTOnly() const override { return bits.alctOnly; }
17  uint16_t TMBMatch() const override { return bits.tmbMatch; }
18  uint16_t Bxn0Diff() const override { return 0; }
19  uint16_t Bxn1Diff() const override { return 0; }
20  uint16_t L1ANumber() const override { return bits.l1aNumber; }
21  uint16_t NTBins() const override { return bits.nTBins; }
22  uint16_t NCFEBs() const override { return bits.nCFEBs; }
23  void setNCFEBs(uint16_t ncfebs) override { bits.nCFEBs = ncfebs & 0x1F; }
24  uint16_t firmwareRevision() const override { return bits.firmRevCode; }
25  uint16_t syncError() const override { return bits.syncError; }
26  uint16_t syncErrorCLCT() const override { return bits.clct_sync_err; }
27  uint16_t syncErrorMPC0() const override { return bits.MPC_Muon0_SyncErr_; }
28  uint16_t syncErrorMPC1() const override { return bits.MPC_Muon1_SyncErr_; }
29  uint16_t L1AMatchTime() const override { return bits.pop_l1a_match_win; }
32  uint16_t clct0_ComparatorCode() const override { return 0; }
33  uint16_t clct1_ComparatorCode() const override { return 0; }
34  uint16_t clct0_xky() const override { return 0; }
35  uint16_t clct1_xky() const override { return 0; }
36  uint16_t hmt_nhits() const override { return 0; }
37  uint16_t hmt_ALCTMatchTime() const override { return 0; }
38  uint16_t alctHMT() const override { return 0; }
39  uint16_t clctHMT() const override { return 0; }
40  uint16_t gem_enabled_fibers() const override { return 0; }
41  uint16_t gem_fifo_tbins() const override { return 0; }
42  uint16_t gem_fifo_pretrig() const override { return 0; }
43  uint16_t gem_zero_suppress() const override { return 0; }
44  uint16_t gem_sync_dataword() const override { return 0; }
45  uint16_t gem_timing_dataword() const override { return 0; }
46  uint16_t run3_CLCT_patternID() const override { return 0; }
49  std::vector<CSCCLCTDigi> CLCTDigis(uint32_t idlayer) override;
51  std::vector<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi> CorrelatedLCTDigis(uint32_t idlayer) const override;
53  CSCShowerDigi showerDigi(uint32_t idlayer) const override { return CSCShowerDigi(); }
55  CSCShowerDigi anodeShowerDigi(uint32_t idlayer) const override { return CSCShowerDigi(); }
57  CSCShowerDigi cathodeShowerDigi(uint32_t idlayer) const override { return CSCShowerDigi(); }
61  unsigned short int sizeInWords() const override { return NWORDS; }
63  unsigned short int NHeaderFrames() const override { return bits.nHeaderFrames; }
65  unsigned short* data() override { return (unsigned short*)(&bits); }
66  bool check() const override { return bits.e0bline == 0x6e0b; }
69  void addCLCT0(const CSCCLCTDigi& digi) override;
70  void addCLCT1(const CSCCLCTDigi& digi) override;
71  void addALCT0(const CSCALCTDigi& digi) override;
72  void addALCT1(const CSCALCTDigi& digi) override;
73  void addCorrelatedLCT0(const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi& digi) override;
74  void addCorrelatedLCT1(const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi& digi) override;
75  void addShower(const CSCShowerDigi& digi) override {}
76  void addAnodeShower(const CSCShowerDigi& digi) override {}
77  void addCathodeShower(const CSCShowerDigi& digi) override {}
79  void swapCLCTs(CSCCLCTDigi& digi1, CSCCLCTDigi& digi2);
81  void print(std::ostream& os) const override;
83  struct {
84  // 0
85  unsigned b0cline : 16;
86  unsigned bxnCount : 12, dduCode1 : 3, flag1 : 1;
87  unsigned l1aNumber : 12, dduCode2 : 3, flag2 : 1;
88  unsigned readoutCounter : 12, dduCode3 : 3, flag3 : 1;
89  // 4
90  unsigned boardID : 5, cscID : 4, runID : 4, stackOvf : 1, syncError : 1, flag4 : 1;
91  unsigned nHeaderFrames : 6, fifoMode : 3, r_type : 2, l1atype : 2, hasBuf : 1, bufFull : 1, flag5 : 1;
92  unsigned bd_status : 15, flag6 : 1;
93  unsigned firmRevCode : 15, flag7 : 1;
94  // 8
96  unsigned preTrigCounterLow : 15, flag9 : 1;
97  unsigned preTrigCounterHigh : 15, flag10 : 1;
98  unsigned clctCounterLow : 15, flag11 : 1;
99  // 12
100  unsigned clctCounterHigh : 15, flag12 : 1;
101  unsigned trigCounterLow : 15, flag13 : 1;
102  unsigned trigCounterHigh : 15, flag14 : 1;
103  unsigned alctCounterLow : 15, flag15 : 1;
104  // 16
105  unsigned alctCounterHigh : 15, flag16 : 1;
106  unsigned uptimeCounterLow : 15, flag17 : 1;
107  unsigned uptimeCounterHigh : 15, flag18 : 1;
108  unsigned nCFEBs : 3, nTBins : 5, fifoPretrig : 5, scopeExists : 1, vmeExists : 1, flag19 : 1;
109  // 20
110  unsigned hitThresh : 3, pidThresh : 4, nphThresh : 3, pid_thresh_postdrift : 4, staggerCSC : 1, flag20 : 1;
111  unsigned triadPersist : 4, dmbThresh : 3, alct_delay : 4, clct_width : 4, flag21 : 1;
112  unsigned trigSourceVect : 9, r_nlayers_hit_vec : 6, flag22 : 1;
113  unsigned activeCFEBs : 5, readCFEBs : 5, pop_l1a_match_win : 4, aff_source : 1, flag23 : 1;
114  // 24
115  unsigned tmbMatch : 1, alctOnly : 1, clctOnly : 1, matchWin : 4, noALCT : 1, oneALCT : 1, oneCLCT : 1, twoALCT : 1,
116  twoCLCT : 1, dupeALCT : 1, dupeCLCT : 1, lctRankErr : 1, flag24 : 1;
117  unsigned clct0_valid : 1, clct0_quality : 3, clct0_shape : 4, clct0_key_low : 7, flag25 : 1;
118  unsigned clct1_valid : 1, clct1_quality : 3, clct1_shape : 4, clct1_key_low : 7, flag26 : 1;
121  flag27 : 1;
122  // 28
123  unsigned alct0Valid : 1, alct0Quality : 2, alct0Amu : 1, alct0Key : 7, alct_pretrig_win : 4, flag28 : 1;
124  unsigned alct1Valid : 1, alct1Quality : 2, alct1Amu : 1, alct1Key : 7, drift_delay : 2, bcb_read_enable : 1,
125  layerTriggered : 1, flag29 : 1;
127  bx0_match : 1, flag30 : 1;
129  // 32
136  MPCAccept : 2, CFEBsEnabled : 5, flag35 : 1;
137  // 36
138  unsigned RPCList : 2, NRPCs : 2, RPCEnable : 1, fifo_tbins_rpc : 5, fifo_pretrig_rpc : 5, flag36 : 1;
139  unsigned r_wr_buf_adr : 11, r_wr_buf_ready : 1, wr_buf_ready : 1, buf_q_full : 1, buf_q_empty : 1, flag37 : 1;
141  flag38 : 1;
143  // 40
148  unsigned e0bline : 16;
149  } bits;
150 };
152 #endif
uint16_t syncErrorCLCT() const override
uint16_t gem_fifo_tbins() const override
void setNCFEBs(uint16_t ncfebs) override
uint16_t gem_zero_suppress() const override
void addCathodeShower(const CSCShowerDigi &digi) override
uint16_t hmt_nhits() const override
uint16_t NCFEBs() const override
uint16_t clct1_ComparatorCode() const override
CSCShowerDigi cathodeShowerDigi(uint32_t idlayer) const override
returns cathode HMT Shower digi
CSCShowerDigi showerDigi(uint32_t idlayer) const override
returns lct HMT Shower digi
void addCorrelatedLCT0(const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi &digi) override
uint16_t gem_sync_dataword() const override
uint16_t L1ANumber() const override
CSCShowerDigi anodeShowerDigi(uint32_t idlayer) const override
returns anode HMT Shower digi
uint16_t hmt_ALCTMatchTime() const override
uint16_t syncErrorMPC0() const override
void print(std::ostream &os) const override
struct CSCTMBHeader2007_rev0x50c3::@468 bits
void addAnodeShower(const CSCShowerDigi &digi) override
uint16_t TMBMatch() const override
uint16_t syncError() const override
void addCorrelatedLCT1(const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi &digi) override
void addALCT0(const CSCALCTDigi &digi) override
uint16_t run3_CLCT_patternID() const override
uint16_t clct0_ComparatorCode() const override
== Run 3 CSC-GEM Trigger Format
uint16_t Bxn0Diff() const override
void addCLCT1(const CSCCLCTDigi &digi) override
std::vector< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi > CorrelatedLCTDigis(uint32_t idlayer) const override
returns CorrelatedLCT digis
uint16_t CLCTOnly() const override
void addCLCT0(const CSCCLCTDigi &digi) override
for data packing
unsigned short int NHeaderFrames() const override
uint16_t alctHMT() const override
void addShower(const CSCShowerDigi &digi) override
uint16_t Bxn1Diff() const override
unsigned short * data() override
returns the first data word
uint16_t gem_enabled_fibers() const override
uint16_t gem_fifo_pretrig() const override
void setALCTMatchTime(uint16_t alctmatchtime) override
void swapCLCTs(CSCCLCTDigi &digi1, CSCCLCTDigi &digi2)
uint16_t gem_timing_dataword() const override
void setEventInformation(const CSCDMBHeader &dmbHeader) override
uint16_t BXNCount() const override
uint16_t syncErrorMPC1() const override
uint16_t ALCTOnly() const override
uint16_t clctHMT() const override
uint16_t firmwareRevision() const override
std::vector< CSCCLCTDigi > CLCTDigis(uint32_t idlayer) override
returns CLCT digis
void addALCT1(const CSCALCTDigi &digi) override
unsigned short int sizeInWords() const override
uint16_t L1AMatchTime() const override
uint16_t NTBins() const override
uint16_t ALCTMatchTime() const override
uint16_t clct0_xky() const override
uint16_t clct1_xky() const override