List of all members | Public Types | Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes
l1t::HGCalClusterT< C > Class Template Reference

#include <HGCalClusterT.h>

Inheritance diagram for l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >:
l1t::L1Candidate reco::LeafCandidate reco::Candidate

Public Types

typedef std::unordered_map< uint32_t, edm::Ptr< C > >::const_iterator const_iterator
- Public Types inherited from reco::LeafCandidate
typedef int Charge
 electric charge type More...
typedef CandidateCollection daughters
 collection of daughter candidates More...
typedef unsigned int index
typedef math::XYZTLorentzVector LorentzVector
 Lorentz vector. More...
typedef math::XYZPoint Point
 point in the space More...
typedef math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVector PolarLorentzVector
 Lorentz vector. More...
typedef math::XYZVector Vector
 point in the space More...
- Public Types inherited from reco::Candidate
enum  { dimension = 3 }
enum  { size = dimension * (dimension + 1) / 2 }
 matix size More...
typedef int Charge
 electric charge type More...
typedef candidate::const_iterator const_iterator
typedef math::Error< dimension >::type CovarianceMatrix
 covariance error matrix (3x3) More...
typedef unsigned int index
 index type More...
typedef candidate::iterator iterator
typedef math::XYZTLorentzVector LorentzVector
 Lorentz vector. More...
typedef math::XYZPoint Point
 point in the space More...
typedef math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVector PolarLorentzVector
 Lorentz vector. More...
typedef size_t size_type
typedef math::XYZVector Vector
 point in the space More...

Public Member Functions

void addConstituent (const edm::Ptr< C > &c, bool updateCentre=true, float fraction=1.)
const GlobalPointcentre () const
const GlobalPointcentreProj () const
const std::unordered_map< uint32_t, edm::Ptr< C > > & constituents () const
const_iterator constituents_begin () const
const_iterator constituents_end () const
int coreShowerLength () const
uint32_t detId () const
double distance (const l1t::HGCalTriggerCell &tc) const
int ebm0 () const
int ebm1 () const
float eMax () const
float emax1layers () const
float emax3layers () const
float emax5layers () const
float eot () const
float first1layers () const
float first3layers () const
float first5layers () const
float firstHcal1layers () const
float firstHcal3layers () const
float firstHcal5layers () const
int firstLayer () const
int hbm () const
 HGCalClusterT ()
 HGCalClusterT (const LorentzVector p4, int pt=0, int eta=0, int phi=0)
 HGCalClusterT (const edm::Ptr< C > &c, float fraction=1.)
double hOverE () const
float last1layers () const
float last3layers () const
float last5layers () const
float layer10percent () const
float layer50percent () const
float layer90percent () const
int maxLayer () const
double mipPt () const
bool operator< (const HGCalClusterT< C > &cl) const
bool operator<= (const HGCalClusterT< C > &cl) const
bool operator> (const HGCalClusterT< C > &cl) const
bool operator>= (const HGCalClusterT< C > &cl) const
const GlobalPointposition () const
void removeConstituent (const edm::Ptr< C > &c, bool updateCentre=true)
double seedMipPt () const
void setCoreShowerLength (int coreShowerLength)
void setDetId (uint32_t id)
void setEbm0 (int ebm0)
void setEbm1 (int ebm1)
void setEMax (float eMax)
void setEmax1layers (float emax1layers)
void setEmax3layers (float emax3layers)
void setEmax5layers (float emax5layers)
void setEot (float eot)
void setFirst1layers (float first1layers)
void setFirst3layers (float first3layers)
void setFirst5layers (float first5layers)
void setFirstHcal1layers (float firstHcal1layers)
void setFirstHcal3layers (float firstHcal3layers)
void setFirstHcal5layers (float firstHcal5layers)
void setFirstLayer (int firstLayer)
void setHbm (int hbm)
void setLast1layers (float last1layers)
void setLast3layers (float last3layers)
void setLast5layers (float last5layers)
void setLayer10percent (float layer10percent)
void setLayer50percent (float layer50percent)
void setLayer90percent (float layer90percent)
void setMaxLayer (int maxLayer)
void setPt (double pt)
void setShowerLength (int showerLength)
void setSigmaEtaEtaMax (float sigmaEtaEtaMax)
void setSigmaEtaEtaTot (float sigmaEtaEtaTot)
void setSigmaPhiPhiMax (float sigmaPhiPhiMax)
void setSigmaPhiPhiTot (float sigmaPhiPhiTot)
void setSigmaRRMax (float sigmaRRMax)
void setSigmaRRMean (float sigmaRRMean)
void setSigmaRRTot (float sigmaRRTot)
void setSigmaZZ (float sigmaZZ)
void setTriggerCells67percent (float triggerCells67percent)
void setTriggerCells90percent (float triggerCells90percent)
void setValid (bool valid)
void setVarEtaEta (float varEtaEta)
void setVarPhiPhi (float varPhiPhi)
void setVarRR (float varRR)
void setVarZZ (float varZZ)
void setZBarycenter (float zBarycenter)
int showerLength () const
float sigmaEtaEtaMax () const
float sigmaEtaEtaTot () const
float sigmaPhiPhiMax () const
float sigmaPhiPhiTot () const
float sigmaRRMax () const
float sigmaRRMean () const
float sigmaRRTot () const
float sigmaZZ () const
unsigned size () const
uint32_t subdetId () const
double sumPt () const
float triggerCells67percent () const
float triggerCells90percent () const
bool valid () const
float varEtaEta () const
float varPhiPhi () const
float varRR () const
float varZZ () const
float zBarycenter () const
 ~HGCalClusterT () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from l1t::L1Candidate
int hwEta () const
int hwIso () const
int hwPhi () const
int hwPt () const
int hwQual () const
 L1Candidate ()
 L1Candidate (const LorentzVector &p4, int pt=0, int eta=0, int phi=0, int qual=0, int iso=0)
 L1Candidate (const PolarLorentzVector &p4, int pt=0, int eta=0, int phi=0, int qual=0, int iso=0)
virtual bool operator!= (const l1t::L1Candidate &rhs) const
virtual bool operator== (const l1t::L1Candidate &rhs) const
void setHwEta (int eta)
void setHwIso (int iso)
void setHwPhi (int phi)
void setHwPt (int pt)
void setHwQual (int qual)
 ~L1Candidate () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from reco::LeafCandidate
Vector boostToCM () const final
int charge () const final
 electric charge More...
LeafCandidateclone () const override
 returns a clone of the Candidate object More...
void construct (int qx3, float pt, float eta, float phi, float mass, const Point &vtx, int pdgId, int status)
const Candidatedaughter (size_type) const override
 return daughter at a given position (throws an exception) More...
Candidatedaughter (size_type) override
 return daughter at a given position (throws an exception) More...
Candidatedaughter (const std::string &s) override
 return daughter with a specified role name More...
const Candidatedaughter (const std::string &s) const override
 return daughter with a specified role name More...
double energy () const final
 energy More...
double et () const final
 transverse energy More...
double et2 () const final
 transverse energy squared (use this for cut!) More...
double eta () const final
 momentum pseudorapidity More...
void fillVertexCovariance (CovarianceMatrix &v) const override
 fill SMatrix More...
template<typename T >
T get () const
 get a component More...
template<typename T , typename Tag >
T get () const
 get a component More...
template<typename T >
T get (size_type i) const
 get a component More...
template<typename T , typename Tag >
T get (size_type i) const
 get a component More...
bool hasMasterClone () const override
bool hasMasterClonePtr () const override
bool isCaloMuon () const override
bool isConvertedPhoton () const override
bool isElectron () const override
bool isGlobalMuon () const override
bool isJet () const override
bool isMuon () const override
bool isPhoton () const override
bool isStandAloneMuon () const override
bool isTrackerMuon () const override
 LeafCandidate ()
 LeafCandidate (const Candidate &c)
template<typename... Args>
 LeafCandidate (Args &&... args)
 LeafCandidate (LeafCandidate &rh)
 LeafCandidate (LeafCandidate &&)=default
 LeafCandidate (LeafCandidate const &)=default
bool longLived () const final
 is long lived? More...
double mass () const final
 mass More...
bool massConstraint () const final
 do mass constraint? More...
double massSqr () const final
 mass squared More...
const CandidateBaseRefmasterClone () const override
const CandidatePtrmasterClonePtr () const override
template<typename Ref >
Ref masterRef () const
 cast master clone reference to a concrete type More...
Vector momentum () const final
 spatial momentum vector More...
const Candidatemother (size_type) const override
 return mother at a given position (throws an exception) More...
double mt () const final
 transverse mass More...
double mtSqr () const final
 transverse mass squared More...
template<typename T >
size_type numberOf () const
 number of components More...
template<typename T , typename Tag >
size_type numberOf () const
 number of components More...
size_t numberOfDaughters () const override
 number of daughters More...
size_t numberOfMothers () const override
 number of mothers More...
size_t numberOfSourceCandidatePtrs () const override
LeafCandidateoperator= (LeafCandidate &&)=default
LeafCandidateoperator= (LeafCandidate const &)=default
double p () const final
 magnitude of momentum vector More...
const LorentzVectorp4 () const final
 four-momentum Lorentz vector More...
int pdgId () const final
 PDG identifier. More...
double phi () const final
 momentum azimuthal angle More...
const PolarLorentzVectorpolarP4 () const final
 four-momentum Lorentz vector More...
double pt () const final
 transverse momentum More...
double px () const final
 x coordinate of momentum vector More...
double py () const final
 y coordinate of momentum vector More...
double pz () const final
 z coordinate of momentum vector More...
double rapidity () const final
 rapidity More...
void setCharge (Charge q) final
 set electric charge More...
void setLongLived () final
void setMass (double m) final
 set particle mass More...
void setMassConstraint () final
void setP4 (const LorentzVector &p4) final
 set 4-momentum More...
void setP4 (const PolarLorentzVector &p4) final
 set 4-momentum More...
void setPdgId (int pdgId) final
void setPz (double pz) final
void setStatus (int status) final
 set status word More...
void setThreeCharge (Charge qx3) final
 set electric charge More...
void setVertex (const Point &vertex) override
 set vertex More...
CandidatePtr sourceCandidatePtr (size_type i) const override
int status () const final
 status word More...
double theta () const final
 momentum polar angle More...
int threeCharge () const final
 electric charge More...
const Pointvertex () const override
 vertex position (overwritten by PF...) More...
double vertexChi2 () const override
 chi-squares More...
double vertexCovariance (int i, int j) const override
 (i, j)-th element of error matrix, i, j = 0, ... 2 More...
CovarianceMatrix vertexCovariance () const final
 return SMatrix More...
double vertexNdof () const override
double vertexNormalizedChi2 () const override
 chi-squared divided by n.d.o.f. More...
double vx () const override
 x coordinate of vertex position More...
double vy () const override
 y coordinate of vertex position More...
double vz () const override
 z coordinate of vertex position More...
double y () const final
 rapidity More...
 ~LeafCandidate () override
 destructor More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from reco::Candidate
const_iterator begin () const
 first daughter const_iterator More...
iterator begin ()
 first daughter iterator More...
virtual const TrackbestTrack () const
 Candidate ()
 default constructor More...
virtual float dxyError () const
 uncertainty on dxy More...
virtual float dzError () const
 uncertainty on dz More...
const_iterator end () const
 last daughter const_iterator More...
iterator end ()
 last daughter iterator More...
template<typename T >
T get () const
 get a component More...
template<typename T , typename Tag >
T get () const
 get a component More...
template<typename T >
T get (size_type i) const
 get a component More...
template<typename T , typename Tag >
T get (size_type i) const
 get a component More...
template<typename Ref >
Ref masterRef () const
 cast master clone reference to a concrete type More...
template<typename T >
size_type numberOf () const
 number of components More...
template<typename T , typename Tag >
size_type numberOf () const
 number of components More...
virtual void setSourceCandidatePtr (const CandidatePtr &ptr)
 Set the ptr to the source Candidate. More...
virtual ~Candidate ()
 destructor More...

Private Member Functions

void updateP4AndPosition (const edm::Ptr< C > &c, bool updateCentre=true, float fraction=1.)

Private Attributes

GlobalPoint centre_
GlobalPoint centreProj_
std::unordered_map< uint32_t, edm::Ptr< C > > constituents_
std::unordered_map< uint32_t, double > constituentsFraction_
int coreShowerLength_ = 0
DetId detId_
int ebm0_ = 0
int ebm1_ = 0
float emax1layers_ = 0.
float emax3layers_ = 0.
float emax5layers_ = 0.
float eMax_ = 0.
float eot_ = 0.
float first1layers_ = 0.
float first3layers_ = 0.
float first5layers_ = 0.
float firstHcal1layers_ = 0.
float firstHcal3layers_ = 0.
float firstHcal5layers_ = 0.
int firstLayer_ = 0
int hbm_ = 0
float last1layers_ = 0.
float last3layers_ = 0.
float last5layers_ = 0.
float layer10percent_ = 0.
float layer50percent_ = 0.
float layer90percent_ = 0.
int maxLayer_ = 0
double mipPt_ = 0.
double seedMipPt_ = 0.
int showerLength_ = 0
float sigmaEtaEtaMax_ = 0.
float sigmaEtaEtaTot_ = 0.
float sigmaPhiPhiMax_ = 0.
float sigmaPhiPhiTot_ = 0.
float sigmaRRMax_ = 0.
float sigmaRRMean_ = 0.
float sigmaRRTot_ = 0.
float sigmaZZ_ = 0.
double sumPt_ = 0.
float triggerCells67percent_ = 0.
float triggerCells90percent_ = 0.
bool valid_ = false
float varEtaEta_ = 0.
float varPhiPhi_ = 0.
float varRR_ = 0.
float varZZ_ = 0.
float zBarycenter_ = 0.

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

template<class C>
class l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >

Definition at line 20 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ const_iterator

template<class C>
typedef std::unordered_map<uint32_t, edm::Ptr<C> >::const_iterator l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::const_iterator

Definition at line 22 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HGCalClusterT() [1/3]

template<class C>
l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::HGCalClusterT ( )

Definition at line 25 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

25 {}

◆ HGCalClusterT() [2/3]

template<class C>
l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::HGCalClusterT ( const LorentzVector  p4,
int  pt = 0,
int  eta = 0,
int  phi = 0 

Definition at line 26 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

27  : L1Candidate(p4, pt, eta, phi),
28  valid_(true),
29  detId_(0),
30  centre_(0, 0, 0),
31  centreProj_(0., 0., 0.),
32  mipPt_(0),
33  seedMipPt_(0),
34  sumPt_(0) {}
double pt() const final
transverse momentum
const LorentzVector & p4() const final
four-momentum Lorentz vector
GlobalPoint centreProj_
GlobalPoint centre_
double phi() const final
momentum azimuthal angle
double eta() const final
momentum pseudorapidity

◆ HGCalClusterT() [3/3]

template<class C>
l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::HGCalClusterT ( const edm::Ptr< C > &  c,
float  fraction = 1. 

Definition at line 36 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

37  : valid_(true),
38  detId_(c->detId()),
39  centre_(0., 0., 0.),
40  centreProj_(0., 0., 0.),
41  mipPt_(0.),
42  seedMipPt_(0.),
43  sumPt_(0.) {
44  addConstituent(c, true, fraction);
45  }
void addConstituent(const edm::Ptr< C > &c, bool updateCentre=true, float fraction=1.)
Definition: HGCalClusterT.h:54
GlobalPoint centreProj_
GlobalPoint centre_

◆ ~HGCalClusterT()

template<class C>
l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::~HGCalClusterT ( )

Definition at line 47 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

47 {}

Member Function Documentation

◆ addConstituent()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::addConstituent ( const edm::Ptr< C > &  c,
bool  updateCentre = true,
float  fraction = 1. 

Definition at line 54 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::HGCalClusterT(), HGCalClusteringImpl::mergeClusters(), and CaloTruthCellsProducer::produce().

54  {
55  double cMipt = c->mipPt() * fraction;
57  if (constituents_.empty()) {
58  detId_ = DetId(c->detId());
59  seedMipPt_ = cMipt;
60  /* if the centre will not be dynamically calculated
61  the seed centre is considere as cluster centre */
62  if (!updateCentre) {
63  centre_ = c->position();
64  }
65  }
66  updateP4AndPosition(c, updateCentre, fraction);
68  constituents_.emplace(c->detId(), c);
69  constituentsFraction_.emplace(c->detId(), fraction);
70  }
std::unordered_map< uint32_t, edm::Ptr< C > > constituents_
void updateP4AndPosition(const edm::Ptr< C > &c, bool updateCentre=true, float fraction=1.)
std::unordered_map< uint32_t, double > constituentsFraction_
GlobalPoint centre_
Definition: DetId.h:17

◆ centre()

template<class C>
const GlobalPoint& l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::centre ( ) const

Definition at line 100 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by CaloTruthCellsProducer::produce().

100 { return centre_; }
GlobalPoint centre_

◆ centreProj()

template<class C>
const GlobalPoint& l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::centreProj ( ) const

◆ constituents()

template<class C>
const std::unordered_map<uint32_t, edm::Ptr<C> >& l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::constituents ( ) const

◆ constituents_begin()

template<class C>
const_iterator l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::constituents_begin ( ) const

Definition at line 50 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

50 { return constituents_.begin(); }
std::unordered_map< uint32_t, edm::Ptr< C > > constituents_

◆ constituents_end()

template<class C>
const_iterator l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::constituents_end ( ) const

Definition at line 51 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

51 { return constituents_.end(); }
std::unordered_map< uint32_t, edm::Ptr< C > > constituents_

◆ coreShowerLength()

template<class C>
int l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::coreShowerLength ( ) const

◆ detId()

template<class C>
uint32_t l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::detId ( ) const

◆ distance()

template<class C>
double l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::distance ( const l1t::HGCalTriggerCell tc) const

Definition at line 97 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalClusteringImpl::isPertinent().

97 { return (tc.position() - centre_).mag(); }
GlobalPoint centre_
const GlobalPoint & position() const
T mag() const
The vector magnitude. Equivalent to sqrt(vec.mag2())

◆ ebm0()

template<class C>
int l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::ebm0 ( ) const

Definition at line 178 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::setEbm0().

178 { return ebm0_; }

◆ ebm1()

template<class C>
int l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::ebm1 ( ) const

Definition at line 179 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::setEbm1().

179 { return ebm1_; }

◆ eMax()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::eMax ( ) const

Definition at line 146 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::setEMax().

146 { return eMax_; }

◆ emax1layers()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::emax1layers ( ) const

Definition at line 174 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::setEmax1layers().

174 { return emax1layers_; }

◆ emax3layers()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::emax3layers ( ) const

Definition at line 175 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::setEmax3layers().

175 { return emax3layers_; }

◆ emax5layers()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::emax5layers ( ) const

Definition at line 176 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::setEmax5layers().

176 { return emax5layers_; }

◆ eot()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::eot ( ) const

Definition at line 177 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::setEot().

177 { return eot_; }

◆ first1layers()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::first1layers ( ) const

Definition at line 165 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::setFirst1layers().

165 { return first1layers_; }

◆ first3layers()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::first3layers ( ) const

Definition at line 166 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::setFirst3layers().

166 { return first3layers_; }

◆ first5layers()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::first5layers ( ) const

Definition at line 167 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::setFirst5layers().

167 { return first5layers_; }

◆ firstHcal1layers()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::firstHcal1layers ( ) const

◆ firstHcal3layers()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::firstHcal3layers ( ) const

◆ firstHcal5layers()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::firstHcal5layers ( ) const

◆ firstLayer()

template<class C>
int l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::firstLayer ( ) const

◆ hbm()

template<class C>
int l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::hbm ( ) const

Definition at line 180 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::setHbm().

180 { return hbm_; }

◆ hOverE()

template<class C>
double l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::hOverE ( ) const

Definition at line 103 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalMulticluster::hOverE(), and l1t::HGCalMulticluster::saveHOverE().

103  {
104  double pt_em = 0.;
105  double pt_had = 0.;
106  double hOe = 0.;
108  for (const auto& id_constituent : constituents()) {
109  DetId id(id_constituent.first);
110  auto id_fraction = constituentsFraction_.find(id_constituent.first);
111  double fraction = (id_fraction != constituentsFraction_.end() ? id_fraction->second : 1.);
112  if ((id.det() == DetId::HGCalEE) ||
113  (id.det() == DetId::HGCalTrigger &&
115  (id.det() == DetId::Forward && id.subdetId() == ForwardSubdetector::HFNose && HFNoseDetId(id).isEE()) ||
116  (id.det() == DetId::HGCalTrigger &&
118  HFNoseTriggerDetId(id).isEE())) {
119  pt_em += id_constituent.second->pt() * fraction;
120  } else if ((id.det() == DetId::HGCalHSi) || (id.det() == DetId::HGCalHSc) ||
121  (id.det() == DetId::HGCalTrigger &&
123  (id.det() == DetId::Forward && id.subdetId() == ForwardSubdetector::HFNose &&
124  HFNoseDetId(id).isHE()) ||
125  (id.det() == DetId::HGCalTrigger &&
127  HFNoseTriggerDetId(id).isHSilicon())) {
128  pt_had += id_constituent.second->pt() * fraction;
129  }
130  }
131  if (pt_em > 0)
132  hOe = pt_had / pt_em;
133  else
134  hOe = -1.;
135  return hOe;
136  }
const std::unordered_map< uint32_t, edm::Ptr< C > > & constituents() const
Definition: HGCalClusterT.h:49
bool isHE(int etabin, int depth)
uint32_t subdetId() const
bool isEE() const
consistency check : no bits left => no overhead
std::unordered_map< uint32_t, double > constituentsFraction_
HGCalTriggerSubdetector subdet() const
get the subdetector
Definition: DetId.h:17
bool isEE() const
consistency check : no bits left => no overhead
Definition: HFNoseDetId.h:105

◆ last1layers()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::last1layers ( ) const

Definition at line 171 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::setLast1layers().

171 { return last1layers_; }

◆ last3layers()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::last3layers ( ) const

Definition at line 172 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::setLast3layers().

172 { return last3layers_; }

◆ last5layers()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::last5layers ( ) const

Definition at line 173 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::setLast5layers().

173 { return last5layers_; }

◆ layer10percent()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::layer10percent ( ) const

Definition at line 160 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::setLayer10percent().

160 { return layer10percent_; }

◆ layer50percent()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::layer50percent ( ) const

Definition at line 161 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::setLayer50percent().

161 { return layer50percent_; }

◆ layer90percent()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::layer90percent ( ) const

Definition at line 162 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::setLayer90percent().

162 { return layer90percent_; }

◆ maxLayer()

template<class C>
int l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::maxLayer ( ) const

◆ mipPt()

template<class C>
double l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::mipPt ( ) const

◆ operator<()

template<class C>
bool l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::operator< ( const HGCalClusterT< C > &  cl) const

Definition at line 223 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

223 { return mipPt() < cl.mipPt(); }
double mipPt() const
Definition: HGCalClusterT.h:90

◆ operator<=()

template<class C>
bool l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::operator<= ( const HGCalClusterT< C > &  cl) const

Definition at line 225 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

225 { return !(cl > *this); }

◆ operator>()

template<class C>
bool l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::operator> ( const HGCalClusterT< C > &  cl) const

Definition at line 224 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

224 { return cl < *this; }

◆ operator>=()

template<class C>
bool l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::operator>= ( const HGCalClusterT< C > &  cl) const

Definition at line 226 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

226 { return !(cl < *this); }

◆ position()

template<class C>
const GlobalPoint& l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::position ( ) const

Definition at line 99 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalStage2ClusterDistribution::getStage2FPGAs().

99 { return centre_; }
GlobalPoint centre_

◆ removeConstituent()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::removeConstituent ( const edm::Ptr< C > &  c,
bool  updateCentre = true 

Definition at line 72 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalClusteringImpl::removeUnconnectedTCinCluster().

72  {
73  /* remove the pointer to c from the std::vector */
74  double fraction = 0;
75  const auto& constituent_itr = constituents_.find(c->detId());
76  const auto& fraction_itr = constituentsFraction_.find(c->detId());
77  if (constituent_itr != constituents_.end()) {
78  // remove constituent and get its fraction in the cluster
79  fraction = fraction_itr->second;
80  constituents_.erase(constituent_itr);
81  constituentsFraction_.erase(fraction_itr);
83  updateP4AndPosition(c, updateCentre, -fraction);
84  }
85  }
std::unordered_map< uint32_t, edm::Ptr< C > > constituents_
void updateP4AndPosition(const edm::Ptr< C > &c, bool updateCentre=true, float fraction=1.)
std::unordered_map< uint32_t, double > constituentsFraction_

◆ seedMipPt()

template<class C>
double l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::seedMipPt ( ) const

Definition at line 91 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

91 { return seedMipPt_; }

◆ setCoreShowerLength()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setCoreShowerLength ( int  coreShowerLength)

Definition at line 183 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

◆ setDetId()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setDetId ( uint32_t  id)

◆ setEbm0()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setEbm0 ( int  ebm0)

Definition at line 218 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

218 { ebm0_ = ebm0; }

◆ setEbm1()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setEbm1 ( int  ebm1)

Definition at line 219 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

219 { ebm1_ = ebm1; }

◆ setEMax()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setEMax ( float  eMax)

Definition at line 186 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

186 { eMax_ = eMax; }
float eMax() const

◆ setEmax1layers()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setEmax1layers ( float  emax1layers)

Definition at line 214 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

float emax1layers() const

◆ setEmax3layers()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setEmax3layers ( float  emax3layers)

Definition at line 215 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

float emax3layers() const

◆ setEmax5layers()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setEmax5layers ( float  emax5layers)

Definition at line 216 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

float emax5layers() const

◆ setEot()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setEot ( float  eot)

Definition at line 217 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

217 { eot_ = eot; }
float eot() const

◆ setFirst1layers()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setFirst1layers ( float  first1layers)

Definition at line 205 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

◆ setFirst3layers()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setFirst3layers ( float  first3layers)

Definition at line 206 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

◆ setFirst5layers()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setFirst5layers ( float  first5layers)

Definition at line 207 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

◆ setFirstHcal1layers()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setFirstHcal1layers ( float  firstHcal1layers)

Definition at line 208 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

◆ setFirstHcal3layers()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setFirstHcal3layers ( float  firstHcal3layers)

Definition at line 209 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

◆ setFirstHcal5layers()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setFirstHcal5layers ( float  firstHcal5layers)

Definition at line 210 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

◆ setFirstLayer()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setFirstLayer ( int  firstLayer)

Definition at line 184 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

◆ setHbm()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setHbm ( int  hbm)

Definition at line 220 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

220 { hbm_ = hbm; }

◆ setLast1layers()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setLast1layers ( float  last1layers)

Definition at line 211 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

float last1layers() const

◆ setLast3layers()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setLast3layers ( float  last3layers)

Definition at line 212 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

float last3layers() const

◆ setLast5layers()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setLast5layers ( float  last5layers)

Definition at line 213 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

float last5layers() const

◆ setLayer10percent()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setLayer10percent ( float  layer10percent)

Definition at line 200 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

◆ setLayer50percent()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setLayer50percent ( float  layer50percent)

Definition at line 201 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

◆ setLayer90percent()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setLayer90percent ( float  layer90percent)

Definition at line 202 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

◆ setMaxLayer()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setMaxLayer ( int  maxLayer)

Definition at line 185 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

◆ setPt()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setPt ( double  pt)

Definition at line 94 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalClusteringDummyImpl::calibratePt().

double pt() const final
transverse momentum
PtEtaPhiMLorentzVectorD PtEtaPhiMLorentzVector
Lorentz vector with cartesian internal representation.
Definition: LorentzVector.h:25
double mass() const final
double phi() const final
momentum azimuthal angle
void setP4(const LorentzVector &p4) final
set 4-momentum
double eta() const final
momentum pseudorapidity

◆ setShowerLength()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setShowerLength ( int  showerLength)

Definition at line 182 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

◆ setSigmaEtaEtaMax()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setSigmaEtaEtaMax ( float  sigmaEtaEtaMax)

Definition at line 187 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

◆ setSigmaEtaEtaTot()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setSigmaEtaEtaTot ( float  sigmaEtaEtaTot)

Definition at line 188 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

◆ setSigmaPhiPhiMax()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setSigmaPhiPhiMax ( float  sigmaPhiPhiMax)

Definition at line 189 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

◆ setSigmaPhiPhiTot()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setSigmaPhiPhiTot ( float  sigmaPhiPhiTot)

Definition at line 190 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

◆ setSigmaRRMax()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setSigmaRRMax ( float  sigmaRRMax)

Definition at line 191 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

191 { sigmaRRMax_ = sigmaRRMax; }
float sigmaRRMax() const

◆ setSigmaRRMean()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setSigmaRRMean ( float  sigmaRRMean)

Definition at line 197 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

float sigmaRRMean() const

◆ setSigmaRRTot()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setSigmaRRTot ( float  sigmaRRTot)

Definition at line 192 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

192 { sigmaRRTot_ = sigmaRRTot; }
float sigmaRRTot() const

◆ setSigmaZZ()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setSigmaZZ ( float  sigmaZZ)

Definition at line 198 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

198 { sigmaZZ_ = sigmaZZ; }
float sigmaZZ() const

◆ setTriggerCells67percent()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setTriggerCells67percent ( float  triggerCells67percent)

Definition at line 203 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

◆ setTriggerCells90percent()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setTriggerCells90percent ( float  triggerCells90percent)

Definition at line 204 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

◆ setValid()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setValid ( bool  valid)

Definition at line 88 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

88 { valid_ = valid; }
bool valid() const
Definition: HGCalClusterT.h:87

◆ setVarEtaEta()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setVarEtaEta ( float  varEtaEta)

Definition at line 195 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

195 { varEtaEta_ = varEtaEta; }
float varEtaEta() const

◆ setVarPhiPhi()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setVarPhiPhi ( float  varPhiPhi)

Definition at line 196 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

196 { varPhiPhi_ = varPhiPhi; }
float varPhiPhi() const

◆ setVarRR()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setVarRR ( float  varRR)

Definition at line 193 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

193 { varRR_ = varRR; }
float varRR() const

◆ setVarZZ()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setVarZZ ( float  varZZ)

Definition at line 194 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

194 { varZZ_ = varZZ; }
float varZZ() const

◆ setZBarycenter()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::setZBarycenter ( float  zBarycenter)

Definition at line 199 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by HGCalShowerShape::fillShapes().

float zBarycenter() const

◆ showerLength()

template<class C>
int l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::showerLength ( ) const

◆ sigmaEtaEtaMax()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::sigmaEtaEtaMax ( ) const

◆ sigmaEtaEtaTot()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::sigmaEtaEtaTot ( ) const

◆ sigmaPhiPhiMax()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::sigmaPhiPhiMax ( ) const

◆ sigmaPhiPhiTot()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::sigmaPhiPhiTot ( ) const

◆ sigmaRRMax()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::sigmaRRMax ( ) const

◆ sigmaRRMean()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::sigmaRRMean ( ) const

◆ sigmaRRTot()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::sigmaRRTot ( ) const

◆ sigmaZZ()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::sigmaZZ ( ) const

◆ size()

template<class C>
unsigned l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::size ( void  ) const

Definition at line 52 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by ntupleDataFormat._Collection::__iter__(), and ntupleDataFormat._Collection::__len__().

52 { return constituents_.size(); }
std::unordered_map< uint32_t, edm::Ptr< C > > constituents_

◆ subdetId()

template<class C>
uint32_t l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::subdetId ( ) const

Definition at line 138 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::hOverE().

138 { return detId_.subdetId(); }
constexpr int subdetId() const
get the contents of the subdetector field (not cast into any detector&#39;s numbering enum) ...
Definition: DetId.h:48

◆ sumPt()

template<class C>
double l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::sumPt ( ) const

◆ triggerCells67percent()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::triggerCells67percent ( ) const

◆ triggerCells90percent()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::triggerCells90percent ( ) const

◆ updateP4AndPosition()

template<class C>
void l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::updateP4AndPosition ( const edm::Ptr< C > &  c,
bool  updateCentre = true,
float  fraction = 1. 

Definition at line 284 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::addConstituent(), and l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::removeConstituent().

284  {
285  double cMipt = c->mipPt() * fraction;
286  double cPt = c->pt() * fraction;
287  /* update cluster positions (IF requested) */
288  if (updateCentre) {
289  Basic3DVector<float> constituentCentre(c->position());
290  Basic3DVector<float> clusterCentre(centre_);
292  clusterCentre = clusterCentre * mipPt_ + constituentCentre * cMipt;
293  if ((mipPt_ + cMipt) > 0) {
294  clusterCentre /= (mipPt_ + cMipt);
295  }
296  centre_ = GlobalPoint(clusterCentre);
298  if (clusterCentre.z() != 0) {
299  centreProj_ = GlobalPoint(clusterCentre / std::abs(clusterCentre.z()));
300  }
301  }
303  /* update cluster energies */
304  mipPt_ += cMipt;
305  sumPt_ += cPt;
306  int updatedPt = hwPt() + (int)(c->hwPt() * fraction);
307  setHwPt(updatedPt);
309  math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVector updatedP4(p4());
310  updatedP4 += (c->p4() * fraction);
311  setP4(updatedP4);
312  }
Global3DPoint GlobalPoint
Definition: GlobalPoint.h:10
const LorentzVector & p4() const final
four-momentum Lorentz vector
PtEtaPhiMLorentzVectorD PtEtaPhiMLorentzVector
Lorentz vector with cartesian internal representation.
Definition: LorentzVector.h:25
GlobalPoint centreProj_
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
GlobalPoint centre_
int hwPt() const
Definition: L1Candidate.h:35
void setHwPt(int pt)
Definition: L1Candidate.h:28
void setP4(const LorentzVector &p4) final
set 4-momentum

◆ valid()

template<class C>
bool l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::valid ( ) const

Definition at line 87 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::setValid().

87 { return valid_; }

◆ varEtaEta()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::varEtaEta ( ) const

Definition at line 155 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::setVarEtaEta().

155 { return varEtaEta_; }

◆ varPhiPhi()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::varPhiPhi ( ) const

Definition at line 156 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::setVarPhiPhi().

156 { return varPhiPhi_; }

◆ varRR()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::varRR ( ) const

Definition at line 153 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::setVarRR().

153 { return varRR_; }

◆ varZZ()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::varZZ ( ) const

Definition at line 154 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::setVarZZ().

154 { return varZZ_; }

◆ zBarycenter()

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::zBarycenter ( ) const

Definition at line 159 of file HGCalClusterT.h.

Referenced by l1t::HGCalClusterT< l1t::HGCalCluster >::setZBarycenter().

159 { return zBarycenter_; }

Member Data Documentation

◆ centre_

template<class C>
GlobalPoint l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::centre_

◆ centreProj_

template<class C>
GlobalPoint l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::centreProj_

◆ constituents_

template<class C>
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, edm::Ptr<C> > l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::constituents_

◆ constituentsFraction_

template<class C>
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, double> l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::constituentsFraction_

◆ coreShowerLength_

template<class C>
int l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::coreShowerLength_ = 0

◆ detId_

template<class C>
DetId l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::detId_

◆ ebm0_

template<class C>
int l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::ebm0_ = 0

◆ ebm1_

template<class C>
int l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::ebm1_ = 0

◆ emax1layers_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::emax1layers_ = 0.

◆ emax3layers_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::emax3layers_ = 0.

◆ emax5layers_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::emax5layers_ = 0.

◆ eMax_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::eMax_ = 0.

◆ eot_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::eot_ = 0.

◆ first1layers_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::first1layers_ = 0.

◆ first3layers_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::first3layers_ = 0.

◆ first5layers_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::first5layers_ = 0.

◆ firstHcal1layers_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::firstHcal1layers_ = 0.

◆ firstHcal3layers_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::firstHcal3layers_ = 0.

◆ firstHcal5layers_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::firstHcal5layers_ = 0.

◆ firstLayer_

template<class C>
int l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::firstLayer_ = 0

◆ hbm_

template<class C>
int l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::hbm_ = 0

◆ last1layers_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::last1layers_ = 0.

◆ last3layers_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::last3layers_ = 0.

◆ last5layers_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::last5layers_ = 0.

◆ layer10percent_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::layer10percent_ = 0.

◆ layer50percent_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::layer50percent_ = 0.

◆ layer90percent_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::layer90percent_ = 0.

◆ maxLayer_

template<class C>
int l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::maxLayer_ = 0

◆ mipPt_

template<class C>
double l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::mipPt_ = 0.

◆ seedMipPt_

template<class C>
double l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::seedMipPt_ = 0.

◆ showerLength_

template<class C>
int l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::showerLength_ = 0

◆ sigmaEtaEtaMax_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::sigmaEtaEtaMax_ = 0.

◆ sigmaEtaEtaTot_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::sigmaEtaEtaTot_ = 0.

◆ sigmaPhiPhiMax_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::sigmaPhiPhiMax_ = 0.

◆ sigmaPhiPhiTot_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::sigmaPhiPhiTot_ = 0.

◆ sigmaRRMax_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::sigmaRRMax_ = 0.

◆ sigmaRRMean_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::sigmaRRMean_ = 0.

◆ sigmaRRTot_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::sigmaRRTot_ = 0.

◆ sigmaZZ_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::sigmaZZ_ = 0.

◆ sumPt_

template<class C>
double l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::sumPt_ = 0.

◆ triggerCells67percent_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::triggerCells67percent_ = 0.

◆ triggerCells90percent_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::triggerCells90percent_ = 0.

◆ valid_

template<class C>
bool l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::valid_ = false

◆ varEtaEta_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::varEtaEta_ = 0.

◆ varPhiPhi_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::varPhiPhi_ = 0.

◆ varRR_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::varRR_ = 0.

◆ varZZ_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::varZZ_ = 0.

◆ zBarycenter_

template<class C>
float l1t::HGCalClusterT< C >::zBarycenter_ = 0.