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1 /*
2  * \class TSFit
3  *
4  * \author: Jean-Pierre Pansart - CEA/Saclay
5  */
9 #include <cstdio>
10 #include <cmath>
11 #include <cstring>
13 //ClassImp(TSFit)
15 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 // TSFit provide fitting methods of pulses with third degree polynomial
17 //
19 TSFit::TSFit(int size, int size_sh) {
20  sdim = size;
21  plshdim = size_sh;
22  // sample_flag = new int[size];
23  // t = new double[sdim];
24  // z = new double[sdim];
25  // f = new double[sdim];
26  // acc = new double[sdim];
27  // adfmx = new double[sdim];
28  // adcp = new double[sdim];
29  // maskp3 = new double[sdim];
30  // corel = new double[sdim];
31  // nbcor = new double[sdim];
32  // int k;
33  // ff = new double *[sdim];
34  // for(k=0;k<sdim;k++)ff[k] = new double[4];
35  // der = new double *[sdim];
36  // for(k=0;k<sdim;k++)der[k] = new double[5];
37 }
39 void TSFit::set_params(int n_samples,
40  int niter,
41  int n_presmpl,
42  int sample_min,
43  int sample_max,
44  double time_of_max,
45  double chi2_max,
46  int nsbm,
47  int nsam) {
48  // parameters initialisation of the fit package
49  // nsbm n_samples_bef_max, nsam n_samples_aft_max
51  nbs = n_samples;
52  nbr_iter_fit = niter;
53  n_presamples = n_presmpl;
54  iinf = sample_min;
55  isup = sample_max;
56  avtm = time_of_max;
58  n_samples_bef_max = nsbm;
59  n_samples_aft_max = nsam;
61  norme = 0.;
62  alpha_th = 2.20;
63  beta_th = 1.11;
65  int k;
67  for (k = 0; k <= nbs; k++) {
68  sample_flag[k] = 0;
69  }
71  for (k = sample_min; k <= sample_max; k++) {
72  sample_flag[k] = 1;
73  }
74  /*
75  int lim1 = ( iinf > n_presamples ) ? n_presamples : iinf;
76  for(int k=lim1;k<=sample_max;k++){
77  sample_flag[k] = 2;
78  }
79  */
80  // printf( "sample_fag : " );
81  // for(k=0;k<=nbs;k++){
82  // printf( "%1d ", sample_flag[k] );
83  // }
84  // printf( "\n" );
85 }
87 void TSFit::init_errmat(double noise_initialvalue) {
88  // Input: noise_initial value noise (in adc channels) as read in the
89  // data base.
90  /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
92  int i, j;
93  //double one_over_noisesq;
95  //one_over_noisesq = 1. / ( noise_initialvalue * noise_initialvalue );
96  for (i = 0; i < sdim; i++) {
97  for (j = 0; j < sdim; j++) {
98  errmat[i][j] = noise_initialvalue;
99  //errmat[i][j] = 0.;
100  }
101  //errmat[i][i] = one_over_noisesq;
102  }
103 }
105 double TSFit::fpol3dg(int nmxul, double *parom, double *mask, double *adc) {
106  // fit third degree polynomial
107  // nmxul array adc[] length
108  // parom return parameters (a0,a1,a2,a3,pos max,height)
109  // fplo3dg uses only the diagonal terms of errmat[][]
110  // errmat inverse of the error matrix
112  int i, k, l;
113  double h, t2, tm, delta, tmp;
114  double xki2, dif, difmx, deglib;
115  double bv[4], s;
117  deglib = (double)nmxul - 4.;
118  for (i = 0; i < nmxul; i++) {
119  t[i] = i;
120  ff[i][0] = 1.;
121  ff[i][1] = t[i];
122  ff[i][2] = t[i] * t[i];
123  ff[i][3] = ff[i][2] * t[i];
124  }
125  /* computation of covariance matrix */
126  for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
127  for (l = 0; l < 4; l++) {
128  s = 0.;
129  for (i = 0; i < nmxul; i++) {
130  s = s + ff[i][k] * ff[i][l] * errmat[i][i] * mask[i];
131  }
132  cov[k][l] = s;
133  }
134  s = 0.;
135  for (i = 0; i < nmxul; i++) {
136  s = s + ff[i][k] * adc[i] * errmat[i][i] * mask[i];
137  }
138  bv[k] = s;
139  }
140  /* parameters */
141  inverms(4, cov, invcov);
142  for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
143  s = 0.;
144  for (l = 0; l < 4; l++) {
145  s = s + bv[l] * invcov[l][k];
146  }
147  parom[k] = s;
148  }
150  if (parom[3] == 0.) {
151  parom[4] = -1000.;
152  parom[5] = -1000.;
153  parom[6] = -1000.;
154  return 1000000.;
155  }
156  /* worst hit and ki2 */
157  xki2 = 0.;
158  difmx = 0.;
159  for (i = 0; i < nmxul; i++) {
160  t2 = t[i] * t[i];
161  h = parom[0] + parom[1] * t[i] + parom[2] * t2 + parom[3] * t2 * t[i];
162  dif = (adc[i] - h) * mask[i];
163  xki2 = xki2 + dif * dif * errmat[i][i];
164  if (dif > difmx) {
165  difmx = dif;
166  }
167  }
168  if (deglib > 0.5)
169  xki2 = xki2 / deglib;
170  /* amplitude and maximum position */
171  delta = parom[2] * parom[2] - 3. * parom[3] * parom[1];
172  if (delta > 0.) {
173  delta = sqrt(delta);
174  tm = -(delta + parom[2]) / (3. * parom[3]);
175  tmp = (delta - parom[2]) / (3. * parom[3]);
176  } else {
177  parom[4] = -1000.;
178  parom[5] = -1000.;
179  parom[6] = -1000.;
180  return xki2;
181  }
182  parom[4] = tm;
183  parom[5] = parom[0] + parom[1] * tm + parom[2] * tm * tm + parom[3] * tm * tm * tm;
184  parom[6] = tmp;
185  return xki2;
186 }
187 double TSFit::inverms(int n, double g[matdim][matdim], double ginv[matdim][matdim]) {
188  // inversion of a positive definite symetric matrix of size n
190  int i, j, k, jj;
191  double r, s;
192  double deter = 0;
194  /* initialisation */
196  if (n > matdim) {
197  printf("ERROR : trying to use TSFit::inverms with size %d( max allowed %d\n", n, matdim);
198  return -999.;
199  }
201  int zero = 0;
202  memset((char *)al, zero, 8 * n * n);
203  memset((char *)be, zero, 8 * n * n);
204  /*
205  for(i=0;i<n;i++){
206  for(j=0;j<n;j++){
207  al[i][j] = 0.;
208  be[i][j] = 0.;
209  }
210  }
211  */
212  /* decomposition en vecteurs sur une base orthonormee */
213  al[0][0] = sqrt(g[0][0]);
214  for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
215  al[i][0] = g[0][i] / al[0][0];
216  for (j = 1; j <= i; j++) {
217  s = 0.;
218  for (k = 0; k <= j - 1; k++) {
219  s = s + al[i][k] * al[j][k];
220  }
221  r = g[i][j] - s;
222  if (j < i)
223  al[i][j] = r / al[j][j];
224  if (j == i)
225  al[i][j] = sqrt(r);
226  }
227  }
228  /* inversion de la matrice al */
229  be[0][0] = 1. / al[0][0];
230  for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
231  be[i][i] = 1. / al[i][i];
232  for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
233  jj = i - j - 1;
234  s = 0.;
235  for (k = jj + 1; k <= i; k++) {
236  s = s + be[i][k] * al[k][jj];
237  }
238  be[i][jj] = -s / al[jj][jj];
239  }
240  }
241  /* calcul de la matrice ginv */
242  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
243  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
244  s = 0.;
245  for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
246  s = s + be[k][i] * be[k][j];
247  }
248  ginv[i][j] = s;
249  }
250  }
252  return deter;
253 }
255 double TSFit::fit_third_degree_polynomial(double *bdc, double *ret_dat) {
256  // third degree polynomial fit of the pulse summit.
257  // samples are contained in array bdc and must be pedestal
258  // substracted.
259  // only samples having sample_flag >= 1 are used.
260  // the unit of time is one clock unit, that is to say 25 ns.
261  // output: ret_dat[0] = pulse height
262  // ret_dat[1] position of maximum in the sample frame in clock units
263  // ret_dat[2] adc value of the highest sample
264  // ret_dat[3] number of the highest sample
265  // ret_dat[4] lower sample number used for fitting
266  // ret_dat[5] upper sample number used for fitting
267  // errmat inverse of the error matrix
269  int i;
270  int nus;
271  double xki2;
272  double tm, tmp, amp;
274  ret_dat[0] = -999.;
275  ret_dat[1] = -999.;
277  // search the maximum
278  double val_max = 0.;
279  int imax = 0;
280  for (i = 0; i < nbs; i++) {
281  if (sample_flag[i] == 0)
282  continue;
283  if (bdc[i] > val_max) {
284  val_max = bdc[i];
285  imax = i;
286  }
287  }
289  if ((val_max * val_max) * errmat[imax][imax] < 16.)
290  return -118;
292  // if( imax != 9 )printf( "imax : %d !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n", imax );
294  if (norme == 0.)
295  norme = val_max;
297  // look for samples above 1/3 of maximum before and 1/2 after
298  double val2 = val_max / 2.;
299  double val3 = val_max / 2.;
300  int ilow = iinf;
301  int ihig = 0;
303  for (i = iinf; i <= isup; i++) {
304  if (sample_flag[i] >= 1) {
305  if ((bdc[i] < val3) && (i < imax))
306  ilow = i;
307  if (bdc[i] > val2)
308  ihig = i;
309  }
310  }
312  ilow++;
314  //ilow = imax - 1;
316  /* le test suivant, apparemment idiot, est mis a cause des sequences 0. 2048. qui apparaissent dans certains mauvais evts JPP 11/09/00 */
318  if (ihig == ilow)
319  return -105;
320  if (ilow == imax)
321  ilow = ilow - 1;
322  //if( ihig - ilow < 3 )ihig = ilow + 3;
323  ihig = ilow + 3;
325  /* printf(" third degree: ilow %d ihig %d \n",ilow,ihig); */
326  nus = 0;
327  int number_of_good_samples = 0;
328  for (i = ilow; i <= ihig; i++) {
329  maskp3[nus] = 0;
330  adfmx[nus] = 0.;
331  /* printf(" adc %f sample_flag %d number_of good_samples %d \n",bdc[i],sample_flag[i],number_of_good_samples); */
332  if (sample_flag[i] >= 1) {
333  adfmx[nus] = bdc[i];
334  maskp3[nus] = 1.;
335  number_of_good_samples++;
336  }
337  nus++;
338  }
340  if (number_of_good_samples < 4) {
341  return (-106);
342  }
344  xki2 = fpol3dg(nus, &parfp3[0], &maskp3[0], &adfmx[0]);
346  /* printf( "fpol3dg-----------------------------------> %f %f %f %f %f\n",
347  parfp3[0], parfp3[1], parfp3[2], parfp3[3], parfp3[4] ); */
349  tm = parfp3[4] + (float)ilow;
350  amp = parfp3[5];
352  if (amp * amp * errmat[0][0] < 2.)
353  return -101.;
354  tmp = parfp3[6] + (float)ilow;
356  /*
357  validation of fit quality. Most of the time the fit is done with
358  four samples, therefore there is no possible ki2 check. When more than
359  4 samples are used the ki2 is often bad. So, in order to suppress some
360  events with bad samples, a consistency check on the position of the
361  maximum and minimum of the 3rd degree polynomial is used.
362  */
364  if (xki2 > xki2_max) {
365  return -102.;
366  }
367  if ((tm < (double)ilow) || (tm > (double)ihig)) {
368  return -103.;
369  }
371  if ((tmp > (double)ilow) && (tmp < (double)ihig - 1.)) {
372  return -104.;
373  }
375  ret_dat[0] = amp;
376  ret_dat[1] = tm;
377  ret_dat[2] = val_max;
378  ret_dat[3] = (double)imax;
379  ret_dat[4] = (double)ilow;
380  ret_dat[5] = (double)ihig;
381  ret_dat[6] = (double)tmp;
382  int k;
383  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
384  k = i + 7;
385  ret_dat[k] = parfp3[i];
386  }
388  return xki2;
389 }
Write out results.
double avtm
Definition: TSFit.h:24
TSFit(int size=SDIM, int size_sh=PLSHDIM)
double invcov[matdim][matdim]
Definition: TSFit.h:35
int n_samples_bef_max
Definition: TSFit.h:25
double parfp3[dimoutpar]
Definition: TSFit.h:40
double alpha_th
Definition: TSFit.h:33
int nbs
Definition: TSFit.h:21
double al[matdim][matdim]
Definition: TSFit.h:36
double t[SDIM]
Definition: TSFit.h:49
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e g
Definition: Activities.doc:4
double xki2_max
Definition: TSFit.h:30
double fit_third_degree_polynomial(double *, double *)
double be[matdim][matdim]
Definition: TSFit.h:36
double cov[matdim][matdim]
Definition: TSFit.h:35
double fpol3dg(int, double *, double *, double *)
int plshdim
Definition: TSFit.h:64
int n_presamples
Definition: TSFit.h:22
static constexpr int matdim
Definition: TSFit.h:10
double inverms(int, double xx[matdim][matdim], double yy[matdim][matdim])
double norme
Definition: TSFit.h:30
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:23
double beta_th
Definition: TSFit.h:33
void init_errmat(double)
int nbr_iter_fit
Definition: TSFit.h:34
int sdim
Definition: TSFit.h:63
double errmat[SDIM][SDIM]
Definition: TSFit.h:47
double maskp3[SDIM]
Definition: TSFit.h:55
double adfmx[SDIM]
Definition: TSFit.h:53
int sample_flag[SDIM]
Definition: TSFit.h:48
int n_samples_aft_max
Definition: TSFit.h:26
int isup
Definition: TSFit.h:23
int iinf
Definition: TSFit.h:23
void set_params(int, int, int, int, int, double, double, int, int)
double ff[SDIM][4]
Definition: TSFit.h:59
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry h
Helper function to determine trigger accepts.
Definition: Activities.doc:4
uint16_t *__restrict__ uint16_t const *__restrict__ adc