1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config
as cms
4 from PhysicsTools.NanoAOD.nanoDQM_cfi
import nanoDQM
8 _boostedTauPlotsV10 = cms.VPSet()
9 for plot
in nanoDQM.vplots.boostedTau.plots:
10 _boostedTauPlotsV10.append(plot)
11 _boostedTauPlotsV10.extend([
12 Plot1D(
'idMVAoldDMdR032017v2', 11, -0.5, 10.5,
'IsolationMVArun2017v2DBoldDMdR0p3wLT ID working point (2017v2): int 1 = VVLoose, 2 = VLoose, 3 = Loose, 4 = Medium, 5 = Tight, 6 = VTight, 7 = VVTight'),
13 Plot1D(
'rawMVAoldDMdR032017v2', 20, -1, 1,
'byIsolationMVArun2017v2DBoldDMdR0p3wLT raw output discriminator (2017v2)')
16 (run2_nanoAOD_106Xv2).toModify(
17 nanoDQM.vplots.boostedTau,
18 plots = _boostedTauPlotsV10
22 _Electron_extra_plots = nanoDQM.vplots.Electron.plots.copy()
23 _Electron_extra_plots.extend([
24 Plot1D(
'r9Frac', 22, 0, 1.1,
'Fractional R9'),
25 Plot1D(
'DeltaEtaInSC', 20, -0.01, 0.01,
'DEta trk and SuperClus'),
26 Plot1D(
'DeltaEtaInSeed', 20, -0.005, 0.005,
'DEta trk and SeedClus'),
27 Plot1D(
'DeltaPhiInSC', 20, -0.01, 0.01,
'DPhi trk and SuperClus'),
28 Plot1D(
'DeltaPhiInSeed', 20, -0.01, 0.01,
'DPhi trk and SeedClus'),
29 Plot1D(
'full5x5HoverE', 20, 0, 0.2,
'full5x5 H/E'),
30 Plot1D(
'eSCOverP', 20, 0, 2.0,
'supercluster E/p'),
31 Plot1D(
'eEleOverPout', 20, 0, 2.0,
'supercluster E/pout'),
32 Plot1D(
'e1x5', 20, 0, 20,
33 Plot1D(
'e2x5max', 20, 0, 20,
34 Plot1D(
'e5x5', 20, 0, 20,
35 Plot1D(
'closestKFchi2', 20, 0, 20,
'closest KF trk chi2'),
36 Plot1D(
'closestKFNLayers', 20, 0, 19,
'closest KF NLayers'),
37 Plot1D(
'dr03HcalTowerSumEt', 20, 0, 40,
'Hcal isolation'),
38 Plot1D(
'GSFchi2', 20, 0, 20,
'GSF chi2'),
39 Plot1D(
'superclusterEta', 30, 3.0, 3.0,
'supercluster Eta'),
40 Plot1D(
'ecalPFClusIso', 20, 0, 40,
'ecal PF Cluster Isolation'),
41 Plot1D(
'hcalPFClusIso', 20, 0, 40,
'hcal PF Cluster Isolation'),
42 Plot1D(
'nBrem', 20, 0, 19,
'num of Brem'),
43 Plot1D(
'pfPhotonIso', 20, 0, 20,
'pf Photon Isolation'),
44 Plot1D(
'pfChargedHadIso', 20, 0, 40,
'pf Charged Hadron Isolation'),
45 Plot1D(
'pfNeutralHadIso', 20, 0, 40,
46 Plot1D(
'sigmaIphiIphiFull5x5', 20, 0, 0.1,
'sigmaIphiIphi Full5x5'),
47 Plot1D(
'etaWidth', 20, 0, 0.05,
'eta Width'),
48 Plot1D(
'phiWidth', 20, 0, 0.1,
'phi Width'),
49 Plot1D(
'seedClusEnergy', 20, 0, 40,
50 Plot1D(
'hoeSingleTower', 20, 0, 0.2,
'Single Tower H/E'),
51 Plot1D(
'hoeFull5x5', 20, 0, 0.2,
'Full5x5 H/E'),
52 Plot1D(
'sigmaIetaIphiFull5x5', 20, 0, 0.2,
'full5x5 sigmaIetaIphi'),
53 Plot1D(
'eMax', 20, 0, 40,
54 Plot1D(
'e2nd', 20, 0, 40,
55 Plot1D(
'eTop', 20, 0, 40,
56 Plot1D(
'eBottom', 20, 0, 40,
57 Plot1D(
'eLeft', 20, 0, 40,
58 Plot1D(
'eRight', 20, 0, 40,
59 Plot1D(
'e2x5Top', 20, 0, 40,
60 Plot1D(
'e2x5Bottom', 20, 0, 40,
61 Plot1D(
'e2x5Left', 20, 0, 40,
62 Plot1D(
'e2x5Right', 20, 0, 40,
63 Plot1D(
'nSaturatedXtals', 10, 0, 9,
'number of Saturated crystals'),
64 Plot1D(
'numberOfClusters', 10, 0, 9,
'number of Clusters'),
65 Plot1D(
'istrackerDriven', 2, 0, 1,
66 Plot1D(
'superclusterPhi', 32, -3.2, 3.2,
'supercluster Phi'),
67 Plot1D(
'seedClusterEta', 30, -3.0, 3.0,
'seedCluster Eta'),
68 Plot1D(
'seedClusterPhi', 32, -3.2, 3.2,
'seedCluster Phi'),
69 Plot1D(
'superclusterEnergy', 80, 0, 80,
'supercluster Energy'),
70 Plot1D(
'energy', 20, 0, 80,
71 Plot1D(
'trackMomentumError', 20, 0, 1.0,
72 Plot1D(
'trackMomentum', 20, 0, 80,
73 Plot1D(
'trkLayersWithMeas', 20, 0, 19,
74 Plot1D(
'nValidPixBarrelHits', 5, 0, 4,
75 Plot1D(
'nValidPixEndcapHits', 20, 0, 19,
76 Plot1D(
'superClusterFbrem', 12, 0, 1.2,
77 Plot1D(
'convVtxFitProb', 12, 0, 1.2,
78 Plot1D(
'clustersSize', 20, 0, 19,
79 Plot1D(
'iEtaMod5', 20, 0, 40,
80 Plot1D(
'iEtaMod20', 20, 0, 40,
81 Plot1D(
'iPhiMod2', 20, 0, 199,
82 Plot1D(
'iPhiMod20', 100, 0, 99,
85 _Photon_extra_plots = nanoDQM.vplots.Photon.plots.copy()
86 _Photon_extra_plots.extend([
87 Plot1D(
'r9Frac', 22, 0, 1.1,
'Fractional R9'),
88 Plot1D(
'energy', 20, 0, 80,
89 Plot1D(
'rawPreshowerEnergy', 20, 0, 80,
90 Plot1D(
'seedClusEnergy', 20, 0, 40,
91 Plot1D(
'e5x5', 20, 0, 20,
92 Plot1D(
'dEtaSeedClusSuperClus', 20, 0, 1.0,
93 Plot1D(
'dPhiSeedClusSuperClus', 20, 0, 1.0,
94 Plot1D(
'sigmaIphiIphiFull5x5', 20, 0, 0.1,
'sigmaIphiIphi Full5x5'),
95 Plot1D(
'eMax', 20, 0, 40,
96 Plot1D(
'e2nd', 20, 0, 40,
97 Plot1D(
'eTop', 20, 0, 40,
98 Plot1D(
'eBottom', 20, 0, 40,
99 Plot1D(
'eLeft', 20, 0, 40,
100 Plot1D(
'eRight', 20, 0, 40,
101 Plot1D(
'e2x5Top', 20, 0, 40,
102 Plot1D(
'e2x5Bottom', 20, 0, 40,
103 Plot1D(
'e2x5Left', 20, 0, 40,
104 Plot1D(
'e2x5Right', 20, 0, 40,
105 Plot1D(
'nSaturatedXtals', 10, 0, 9,
'number of Saturated crystals'),
106 Plot1D(
'numberOfClusters', 10, 0, 9,
'number of Clusters'),
107 Plot1D(
'hadTowOverEm', 20, 0, 0.2,
'Single Tower H/E'),
108 Plot1D(
'ecalRecHitIsolation', 20, 0, 40,
'ecal RecHit Isolation'),
109 Plot1D(
'sigmaIetaIetaFrac', 20, 0, 0.08,
110 Plot1D(
'chargedHadronIso', 20, 0, 40,
111 Plot1D(
'iEtaMod5', 20, 0, 40,
112 Plot1D(
'iEtaMod20', 20, 0, 40,
113 Plot1D(
'iPhiMod2', 20, 0, 199,
114 Plot1D(
'iPhiMod20', 100, 0, 99,
117 _Electron_Run2_plots = cms.VPSet()
118 for plot
in nanoDQM.vplots.Electron.plots:
119 if 'Fall17V2' not in plot.name.value():
120 _Electron_Run2_plots.append(plot)
121 _Electron_Run2_plots.extend([
122 Plot1D(
'dEscaleUp', 100, -0.01, 0.01,
'#Delta E scaleUp'),
123 Plot1D(
'dEscaleDown', 100, -0.01, 0.01,
'#Delta E scaleDown'),
124 Plot1D(
'dEsigmaUp', 100, -0.1, 0.1,
'#Delta E sigmaUp'),
125 Plot1D(
'dEsigmaDown', 100, -0.1, 0.1,
'#Delta E sigmaDown'),
126 Plot1D(
'ptPreCorr', 100, 0., 500.,
'Pt before scale & smearing energy corrections'),
128 run2_egamma.toModify(
129 nanoDQM.vplots.Electron,
130 plots = _Electron_Run2_plots
133 _Photon_Run2_plots = cms.VPSet()
135 if 'Fall17V2' in name:
return True 136 if '_quadratic' in name:
return True 137 if 'hoe_PUcorr' in name:
return True 139 for plot
in nanoDQM.vplots.Photon.plots:
140 if not _match(plot.name.value()):
141 _Photon_Run2_plots.append(plot)
142 _Photon_Run2_plots.extend([
143 Plot1D(
'pfRelIso03_all', 20, 0, 2,
'PF relative isolation dR=0.3, total (with rho*EA PU Fall17V2 corrections)'),
144 Plot1D(
'pfRelIso03_chg', 20, 0, 2,
'PF relative isolation dR=0.3, charged component (with rho*EA PU Fall17V2 corrections)'),
145 Plot1D(
'dEscaleUp', 100, -0.01, 0.01,
'#Delta E scaleUp'),
146 Plot1D(
'dEscaleDown', 100, -0.01, 0.01,
'#Delta E scaleDown'),
147 Plot1D(
'dEsigmaUp', 100, -0.1, 0.1,
'#Delta E sigmaUp'),
148 Plot1D(
'dEsigmaDown', 100, -0.1, 0.1,
'#Delta E sigmaDown'),
149 Plot1D(
'ptPreCorr', 100, 0., 500.,
'Pt before scale & smearing energy corrections'),
151 run2_egamma.toModify(
152 nanoDQM.vplots.Photon,
153 plots = _Photon_Run2_plots
156 _FatJet_Run2_plots = cms.VPSet()
157 for plot
in nanoDQM.vplots.FatJet.plots:
158 if 'EF' not in plot.name.value():
159 _FatJet_Run2_plots.append(plot)
160 _FatJet_Run2_plots.extend([
161 Plot1D(
'btagCSVV2', 20, -1, 1,
' pfCombinedInclusiveSecondaryVertexV2 b-tag discriminator (aka CSVV2)'),
162 Plot1D(
'btagDeepB', 20, -1, 1,
'Deep B+BB btag discriminator'),
163 Plot1D(
'btagHbb', 20, -1, 1,
'Higgs to BB tagger discriminator'),
164 Plot1D(
'btagCMVA', 20, -1, 1,
'CMVA V2 btag discriminator'),
165 Plot1D(
'btagDDBvLV2', 20, 0, 1,
'DeepDoubleX V2(mass-decorrelated) discriminator for H(Z)->bb vs QCD'),
166 Plot1D(
'btagDDCvBV2', 20, 0, 1,
'DeepDoubleX V2 (mass-decorrelated) discriminator for H(Z)->cc vs H(Z)->bb'),
167 Plot1D(
'btagDDCvLV2', 20, 0, 1,
'DeepDoubleX V2 (mass-decorrelated) discriminator for H(Z)->cc vs QCD'),
168 Plot1D(
'deepTagMD_H4qvsQCD', 20, 0, 1,
'Mass-decorrelated DeepBoostedJet tagger H->4q vs QCD discriminator'),
169 Plot1D(
'deepTagMD_HbbvsQCD', 20, 0, 1,
'Mass-decorrelated DeepBoostedJet tagger H->bb vs QCD discriminator'),
170 Plot1D(
'deepTagMD_TvsQCD', 20, 0, 1,
'Mass-decorrelated DeepBoostedJet tagger top vs QCD discriminator'),
171 Plot1D(
'deepTagMD_WvsQCD', 20, 0, 1,
'Mass-decorrelated DeepBoostedJet tagger W vs QCD discriminator'),
172 Plot1D(
'deepTagMD_ZHbbvsQCD', 20, 0, 1,
'Mass-decorrelated DeepBoostedJet tagger Z/H->bb vs QCD discriminator'),
173 Plot1D(
'deepTagMD_ZHccvsQCD', 20, 0, 1,
'Mass-decorrelated DeepBoostedJet tagger Z/H->cc vs QCD discriminator'),
174 Plot1D(
'deepTagMD_ZbbvsQCD', 20, 0, 1,
'Mass-decorrelated DeepBoostedJet tagger Z->bb vs QCD discriminator'),
175 Plot1D(
'deepTagMD_ZvsQCD', 20, 0, 1,
'Mass-decorrelated DeepBoostedJet tagger Z vs QCD discriminator'),
176 Plot1D(
'deepTagMD_bbvsLight', 20, 0, 1,
'Mass-decorrelated DeepBoostedJet tagger Z/H/gluon->bb vs light flavour discriminator'),
177 Plot1D(
'deepTagMD_ccvsLight', 20, 0, 1,
'Mass-decorrelated DeepBoostedJet tagger Z/H/gluon->cc vs light flavour discriminator'),
178 Plot1D(
'deepTag_H', 20, 0, 1,
'DeepBoostedJet tagger H(bb,cc,4q) sum'),
179 Plot1D(
'deepTag_QCD', 20, 0, 1,
'DeepBoostedJet tagger QCD(bb,cc,b,c,others) sum'),
180 Plot1D(
'deepTag_QCDothers', 20, 0, 1,
'DeepBoostedJet tagger QCDothers value'),
181 Plot1D(
'deepTag_TvsQCD', 20, 0, 1,
'DeepBoostedJet tagger top vs QCD discriminator'),
182 Plot1D(
'deepTag_WvsQCD', 20, 0, 1,
'DeepBoostedJet tagger W vs QCD discriminator'),
183 Plot1D(
'deepTag_ZvsQCD', 20, 0, 1,
'DeepBoostedJet tagger Z vs QCD discriminator'),
184 Plot1D(
'particleNetLegacy_mass', 25, 0, 250,
'ParticleNet Legacy Run-2 mass regression'),
185 Plot1D(
'particleNetLegacy_Xbb', 20, 0, 1,
'ParticleNet Legacy Run-2 X->bb score'),
186 Plot1D(
'particleNetLegacy_Xcc', 20, 0, 1,
'ParticleNet Legacy Run-2 X->cc score'),
187 Plot1D(
'particleNetLegacy_Xqq', 20, 0, 1,
'ParticleNet Legacy Run-2 X->qq (uds) score'),
188 Plot1D(
'particleNetLegacy_QCD', 20, 0, 1,
'ParticleNet Legacy Run-2 QCD score'),
191 _FatJet_EarlyRun3_plots = cms.VPSet()
192 for plot
in _FatJet_Run2_plots:
193 if 'particleNet_' not in plot.name.value()
and 'btagCSVV2' not in plot.name.value() \
194 and 'Multiplicity' not in plot.name.value()
and 'EF' not in plot.name.value():
195 _FatJet_EarlyRun3_plots.append(plot)
196 _FatJet_EarlyRun3_plots.extend([
197 Plot1D(
'btagDeepB', 20, -1, 1,
'Deep B+BB btag discriminator'),
198 Plot1D(
'btagHbb', 20, -1, 1,
'Higgs to BB tagger discriminator'),
199 Plot1D(
'btagCMVA', 20, -1, 1,
'CMVA V2 btag discriminator'),
200 Plot1D(
'btagDDBvLV2', 20, 0, 1,
'DeepDoubleX V2(mass-decorrelated) discriminator for H(Z)->bb vs QCD'),
201 Plot1D(
'btagDDCvBV2', 20, 0, 1,
'DeepDoubleX V2 (mass-decorrelated) discriminator for H(Z)->cc vs H(Z)->bb'),
202 Plot1D(
'btagDDCvLV2', 20, 0, 1,
'DeepDoubleX V2 (mass-decorrelated) discriminator for H(Z)->cc vs QCD'),
205 _Jet_Run2_plots = cms.VPSet()
206 for plot
in nanoDQM.vplots.Jet.plots:
207 _Jet_Run2_plots.append(plot)
208 if 'Multiplicity' not in plot.name.value()
and 'hfHEF' not in plot.name.value()
and 'hfEmEF' not in plot.name.value():
209 _Jet_Run2_plots.append(plot)
210 _Jet_Run2_plots.extend([
211 Plot1D(
'btagCSVV2', 20, -1, 1,
' pfCombinedInclusiveSecondaryVertexV2 b-tag discriminator (aka CSVV2)'),
212 Plot1D(
'btagCMVA', 20, -1, 1,
'CMVA V2 btag discriminator'),
213 Plot1D(
'btagDeepB', 20, -1, 1,
'Deep B+BB btag discriminator'),
214 Plot1D(
'btagDeepC', 20, 0, 1,
'DeepCSV charm btag discriminator'),
215 Plot1D(
'btagDeepCvB', 20, -1, 1,
'DeepCSV c vs b+bb discriminator'),
216 Plot1D(
'btagDeepCvL', 20, -1, 1,
'DeepCSV c vs udsg discriminator')
219 _Jet_EarlyRun3_plots = cms.VPSet()
220 for plot
in nanoDQM.vplots.Jet.plots:
221 if 'PNet' not in plot.name.value()
and 'Multiplicity' not in plot.name.value() \
222 and 'hfHEF' not in plot.name.value()
and 'hfEmEF' not in plot.name.value():
223 _Jet_EarlyRun3_plots.append(plot)
226 _SubJet_Run2_plots = cms.VPSet()
227 for plot
in nanoDQM.vplots.SubJet.plots:
228 _SubJet_Run2_plots.append(plot)
229 _SubJet_Run2_plots.extend([
230 Plot1D(
'btagCSVV2', 20, -1, 1,
' pfCombinedInclusiveSecondaryVertexV2 b-tag discriminator (aka CSVV2)'),
232 _SubJet_EarlyRun3_plots = cms.VPSet()
233 for plot
in nanoDQM.vplots.SubJet.plots:
234 if 'area' not in plot.name.value():
235 _SubJet_EarlyRun3_plots.append(plot)
237 run2_nanoAOD_ANY.toModify(
238 nanoDQM.vplots.FatJet,
239 plots = _FatJet_Run2_plots
242 plots = _Jet_Run2_plots
244 nanoDQM.vplots.SubJet,
245 plots = _SubJet_Run2_plots
248 (run3_nanoAOD_122 | run3_nanoAOD_124).toModify(
249 nanoDQM.vplots.FatJet,
250 plots = _FatJet_EarlyRun3_plots
253 plots = _Jet_EarlyRun3_plots
255 nanoDQM.vplots.SubJet,
256 plots = _SubJet_EarlyRun3_plots
260 _Pileup_pre13X_plots = cms.VPSet()
261 for plot
in nanoDQM.vplots.Pileup.plots:
262 if 'pthatmax' not in plot.name.value():
263 _Pileup_pre13X_plots.append(plot)
265 (run2_nanoAOD_ANY | run3_nanoAOD_122 | run3_nanoAOD_124).toModify(
266 nanoDQM.vplots.Pileup,
267 plots = _Pileup_pre13X_plots
271 nanoDQMMC = nanoDQM.clone()
272 nanoDQMMC.vplots.Electron.sels.Prompt = cms.string(
"genPartFlav == 1")
273 nanoDQMMC.vplots.LowPtElectron.sels.Prompt = cms.string(
"genPartFlav == 1")
274 nanoDQMMC.vplots.Muon.sels.Prompt = cms.string(
"genPartFlav == 1")
275 nanoDQMMC.vplots.Photon.sels.Prompt = cms.string(
"genPartFlav == 1")
276 nanoDQMMC.vplots.Tau.sels.Prompt = cms.string(
"genPartFlav == 5")
277 nanoDQMMC.vplots.Jet.sels.Prompt = cms.string(
"genJetIdx != 1")
278 nanoDQMMC.vplots.Jet.sels.PromptB = cms.string(
"genJetIdx != 1 && hadronFlavour == 5")
280 from DQMServices.Core.DQMQualityTester
import DQMQualityTester
282 qtList = cms.untracked.FileInPath(
283 prescaleFactor = cms.untracked.int32(1),
284 testInEventloop = cms.untracked.bool(
285 qtestOnEndLumi = cms.untracked.bool(
286 verboseQT = cms.untracked.bool(
289 nanoHarvest = cms.Sequence( nanoDQMQTester )