IO for ASCII instances of Hcal Calibrations.
#include <HcalDbASCIIIO.h>
IO for ASCII instances of Hcal Calibrations.
- Author
- Fedor Ratnikov Oct. 28, 2005
Text file formats for different data types is as following:
- # in first column comments the line
- HcalPedestals, HcalGains, HcalGainWidths have identical formats: eta(int) phi(int) depth(int) det(HB,HE,HF) cap1_value(float) cap2_value(float) cap3_value(float) cap4_value(float) HcalDetId(int,optional)
- HcalPFCuts: eta(int) phi(int) depth(int) det(HB,HE,HF) noiseThreshold(float) seedThreshold(float)
- HcalPedestalWidths: eta(int) phi(int) depth(int) det(HB,HE,HF) sigma_1_1(float) sigma_2_1 sigma_2_2 sigma_3_1 sigma_3_2 sigma_3_3 sigma_4_1 sigma_4_2 sigma_4_3 sigma_4_4
- HcalQIEShape: 33 x floats - low edges for first 33 channels of ideal QIE
- HcalQIEData: eta phi depth det 4x offsets_cap1 4x offsets_cap2 4x offsets_cap3 4x offsets_cap4 4x slopes_cap1 4x slopes_cap2 4x slopes_cap3 4x slopes_cap4
- HcalChannelQuality: eta phi depth det status(GOOD/BAD/HOT/DEAD)
- HcalElectronicsMap: line# crate HTR_slot top_bottom(t/b) dcc# dcc_spigot fiber fiberchan subdet(HB/HE/HF/HO/HT) eta phi depth line# crate HTR_slot top_bottom(t/b) dcc# dcc_spigot fiber fiberchan "CBOX" sector(HBM/HBP/HEM/HEP/HO0/HO1P/HO1M/HO2P/HO2M/HFP/HFM) rbx#(wage) channel calibration channel type association see HcalCalibDetId.h if electronics channel is known to be unconnected, either "subdet" or "eta" should be NA
- HcalDcsMap: line# Ring Slice Subchannel Type Subdetector Eta Phi Depth
- HcalFrontEndMap: eta(int) phi(int) depth(int) det(HB,HE,HF) RM# RBX#
- HcalSiPMParameters: eta phi depth det fcByPE darkCurrent auxi1 auxi2
- HcalSiPMCharacteristics: type pixels non-linearityParameters(3) auxi1 auxi2
- HcalTPParameters HBHE-FGAlgorithm HF-ADCThreshold HF-TDCMask HF-SelfTriggerBits auxi1 auxi2
- HcalTPChannelParameters eta(int) phi(int) depth(int) det(HB,HE,HF) Mask FGBitInfo auxi1 auxi2
- HcalCalibrationsSet (dump-only) eta(int) phi(int) depth(int) det(HB,HE,HF) cap1_ped(float) cap2_ped(float) cap3_ped(float) cap4_ped(float) cap1_respcorrgain(float) cap2_respcorrgain(float) cap3_respcorrgain(float) cap4_respcorrgain(float) HcalDetId(int,optional)
- HcalCalibrationWidthsSet (dump-only) eta(int) phi(int) depth(int) det(HB,HE,HF) cap1_pedw(float) cap2_pedw(float) cap3_pedw(float) cap4_pedw(float) cap1_gainw(float) cap2_gainw(float) cap3_gainw(float) cap4_gainw(float) HcalDetId(int,optional)