List of all members | Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes
CosmicMuonGenerator Class Reference

#include <CosmicMuonGenerator.h>

Public Member Functions

 CosmicMuonGenerator ()
double getRate ()
void initialize (CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *rng=nullptr)
void nextEvent ()
bool nextMultiEvent ()
void runCMG ()
void setAcptAllMu (bool AllMu)
void setClayWidth (double ClayLaeyrWidth)
void setElossScaleFactor (double ElossScaleFact)
void setMaxEnu (double MaxEn)
void setMaxP (double P)
void setMaxPhi (double Phi)
void setMaxT0 (double T0)
void setMaxTheta (double Theta)
void setMinEnu (double MinEn)
void setMinP (double P)
void setMinP_CMS (double P)
void setMinPhi (double Phi)
void setMinT0 (double T0)
void setMinTheta (double Theta)
void setMTCCHalf (bool MTCC)
void setMultiMuon (bool MultiMu)
void setMultiMuonFileFirstEvent (int MultiMuFile1stEvt)
void setMultiMuonFileName (std::string MultiMuonFileName)
void setMultiMuonNmin (int MultiMuNmin)
void setNumberOfEvents (unsigned int N)
void setNuProdAlt (double NuPrdAlt)
void setPlugVx (double PlugVtx)
void setPlugVz (double PlugVtz)
void setRadiusOfTarget (double R)
void setRandomEngine (CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *v)
void setRanSeed (int N)
void setRhoAir (double VarRhoAir)
void setRhoClay (double VarRhoClay)
void setRhoPlug (double VarRhoPlug)
void setRhoRock (double VarRhoRock)
void setRhoWall (double VarRhoSWall)
void setTIFOnly_constant (bool TIF)
void setTIFOnly_linear (bool TIF)
void setTrackerOnly (bool Tracker)
void setZCentrOfTarget (double Z)
void setZDistOfTarget (double Z)
void terminate ()
 ~CosmicMuonGenerator ()

Public Attributes

double E_at
std::vector< double > E_sf
std::vector< double > E_ug
double EventWeight
int Id_at
std::vector< int > Id_sf
std::vector< int > Id_ug
SingleParticleEvent OneMuoEvt
std::vector< double > P_mu
double Px_at
std::vector< double > Px_mu
std::vector< double > Px_sf
std::vector< double > Px_ug
double Py_at
std::vector< double > Py_mu
std::vector< double > Py_sf
std::vector< double > Py_ug
double Pz_at
std::vector< double > Pz_mu
std::vector< double > Pz_sf
std::vector< double > Pz_ug
double T0_at
std::vector< double > T0_sf
std::vector< double > T0_ug
double Theta_at
std::vector< double > Theta_mu
double Trials
double Vx_at
std::vector< double > Vx_mu
std::vector< double > Vx_sf
std::vector< double > Vx_ug
double Vxz_mu
double Vy_at
std::vector< double > Vy_mu
std::vector< double > Vy_sf
std::vector< double > Vy_ug
double Vz_at
std::vector< double > Vz_mu
std::vector< double > Vz_sf
std::vector< double > Vz_ug

Private Member Functions

void checkIn ()
void displayEv ()
bool goodOrientation ()
void initEvDis ()

Private Attributes

bool AcptAllMu
double ClayWidth
bool delRanGen
double ElossScaleFactor
double EventRate
double MaxEnu
double MaxP
double MaxPhi
double MaxT0
double MaxTheta
double MinEnu
double MinP
double MinP_CMS
double MinPhi
double MinT0
double MinTheta
bool MTCCHalf
TFile * MultiIn
bool MultiMuon
int MultiMuonFileFirstEvent
std::string MultiMuonFileName
int MultiMuonNmin
TTree * MultiTree
int NcloseMultiMuonEvents
double Ndiced
double Ngen
bool NotInitialized
double Nsel
int NskippedMultiMuonEvents
unsigned int NumberOfEvents
double NuProdAlt
double PlugVx
double PlugVz
double RadiusOfTarget
CLHEP::HepRandomEngine * RanGen
int RanSeed
double rateErr_stat
double rateErr_syst
double RhoAir
double RhoClay
double RhoPlug
double RhoRock
double RhoWall
ULong64_t SimTree_jentry
ULong64_t SimTreeEntries
double SumIntegrals
double SurfaceRadius
double Target3dRadius
bool TIFOnly_constant
bool TIFOnly_linear
bool TrackerOnly
double ZCentrOfTarget
double ZDistOfTarget

Detailed Description

Definition at line 31 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CosmicMuonGenerator()

CosmicMuonGenerator::CosmicMuonGenerator ( )

Definition at line 34 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

References ClayWidth, Cosmics, gather_cfg::cout, Deg2Rad, ElossScaleFactor, EventRate, MaxP, MaxPhi, MaxT0, MaxTheta, MinP, MinP_CMS, MinPhi, MinT0, MinTheta, MTCCHalf, MultiMuon, MultiMuonFileFirstEvent, MultiMuonFileName, MultiMuonNmin, Ndiced, Ngen, Norm, NotInitialized, Nsel, NumberOfEvents, PlugOnShaftVx, PlugOnShaftVz, PlugVx, PlugVz, RadiusOfTarget, RanSeed, rateErr_stat, rateErr_syst, RhoAir, RhoClay, RhoPlug, RhoRock, RhoWall, SumIntegrals, SurfaceRadius, Target3dRadius, TIFOnly_constant, TIFOnly_linear, TrackerOnly, ZCentrOfTarget, and ZDistOfTarget.

34  : delRanGen(false) {
35  //initialize class which normalizes flux (added by P.Biallass 29.3.2006)
36  Norm = new CMSCGENnorm();
37  //initialize class which produces the cosmic muons (modified by P.Biallass 29.3.2006)
38  Cosmics = new CMSCGEN();
39  // set default control parameters
40  NumberOfEvents = 100;
41  RanSeed = 135799468;
42  MinP = 3.;
43  MinP_CMS = MinP;
44  MaxP = 3000.;
45  MinTheta = 0. * Deg2Rad;
46  //MaxTheta = 84.26*Deg2Rad;
47  MaxTheta = 89.0 * Deg2Rad;
48  MinPhi = 0. * Deg2Rad;
49  MaxPhi = 360. * Deg2Rad;
50  MinT0 = -12.5;
51  MaxT0 = 12.5;
52  ElossScaleFactor = 1.0;
53  RadiusOfTarget = 8000.;
54  ZDistOfTarget = 15000.;
55  ZCentrOfTarget = 0.;
56  TrackerOnly = false;
57  MultiMuon = false;
58  MultiMuonFileName = "dummy.root";
60  MultiMuonNmin = 2;
61  TIFOnly_constant = false;
62  TIFOnly_linear = false;
63  MTCCHalf = false;
64  EventRate = 0.;
65  rateErr_stat = 0.;
66  rateErr_syst = 0.;
68  SumIntegrals = 0.;
69  Ngen = 0.;
70  Nsel = 0.;
71  Ndiced = 0.;
72  NotInitialized = true;
73  Target3dRadius = 0.;
74  SurfaceRadius = 0.;
75  //set plug as default onto PX56 shaft
78  //material densities in g/cm^3
79  RhoAir = 0.001214;
80  RhoWall = 2.5;
81  RhoRock = 2.5;
82  RhoClay = 2.3;
83  RhoPlug = 2.5;
84  ClayWidth = 50000; //[mm]
86  std::cout << std::endl;
87  std::cout << "*********************************************************" << std::endl;
88  std::cout << "*********************************************************" << std::endl;
89  std::cout << "*** ***" << std::endl;
90  std::cout << "*** C O S M I C M U O N G E N E R A T O R (vC++) ***" << std::endl;
91  std::cout << "*** ***" << std::endl;
92  std::cout << "*********************************************************" << std::endl;
93  std::cout << "*********************************************************" << std::endl;
94  std::cout << std::endl;
95  }
const double PlugOnShaftVz
const double PlugOnShaftVx
const double Deg2Rad

◆ ~CosmicMuonGenerator()

CosmicMuonGenerator::~CosmicMuonGenerator ( )

Definition at line 98 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

References Cosmics, delRanGen, Norm, and RanGen.

98  {
99  if (delRanGen)
100  delete RanGen;
101  delete Norm;
102  delete Cosmics;
103  }
CLHEP::HepRandomEngine * RanGen

Member Function Documentation

◆ checkIn()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::checkIn ( )

Definition at line 925 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, ElossScaleFactor, MaxEnu, MaxP, MaxPhi, MaxT0, MaxTheta, MinEnu, MinP, MinPhi, MinT0, MinTheta, and NumberOfEvents.

Referenced by initialize().

925  {
926  if (MinP < 0.) {
927  NumberOfEvents = 0;
928  std::cout << " CMG-ERR: is out of range (0 GeV ... inf]" << std::endl << std::endl;
929  }
930  if (MaxP < 0.) {
931  NumberOfEvents = 0;
932  std::cout << " CMG-ERR: is out of range (0 GeV ... inf]" << std::endl << std::endl;
933  }
934  if (MaxP <= MinP) {
935  NumberOfEvents = 0;
936  std::cout << " CMG-ERR: is not greater than" << std::endl << std::endl;
937  }
938  if (MinTheta < 0.) {
939  NumberOfEvents = 0;
940  std::cout << " CMG-ERR: min.theta is out of range [0 deg ... 90 deg)" << std::endl << std::endl;
941  }
942  if (MaxTheta < 0.) {
943  NumberOfEvents = 0;
944  std::cout << " CMG-ERR: max.theta is out of range [0 deg ... 90 deg)" << std::endl << std::endl;
945  }
946  if (MaxTheta <= MinTheta) {
947  NumberOfEvents = 0;
948  std::cout << " CMG-ERR: max.theta is not greater than min.theta" << std::endl << std::endl;
949  }
950  if (MinPhi < 0.) {
951  NumberOfEvents = 0;
952  std::cout << " CMG-ERR: min.phi is out of range [0 deg ... 360 deg]" << std::endl << std::endl;
953  }
954  if (MaxPhi < 0.) {
955  NumberOfEvents = 0;
956  std::cout << " CMG-ERR: max.phi is out of range [0 deg ... 360 deg]" << std::endl << std::endl;
957  }
958  if (MaxPhi <= MinPhi) {
959  NumberOfEvents = 0;
960  std::cout << " CMG-ERR: max.phi is not greater than min.phi" << std::endl << std::endl;
961  }
962  if (MaxT0 <= MinT0) {
963  NumberOfEvents = 0;
964  std::cout << " CMG-ERR: max.t0 is not greater than min.t0" << std::endl << std::endl;
965  }
966  if (ElossScaleFactor < 0.) {
967  NumberOfEvents = 0;
968  std::cout << " CMG-ERR: E-loss scale factor is out of range [0 ... inf)" << std::endl << std::endl;
969  }
970  if (MinEnu < 0.) {
971  NumberOfEvents = 0;
972  std::cout << " CMG-ERR: min.Enu is out of range [0 GeV ... inf]" << std::endl << std::endl;
973  }
974  if (MaxEnu < 0.) {
975  NumberOfEvents = 0;
976  std::cout << " CMG-ERR: max.Enu is out of range [0 GeV ... inf]" << std::endl << std::endl;
977  }
978  if (MaxEnu <= MinEnu) {
979  NumberOfEvents = 0;
980  std::cout << " CMG-ERR: max.Enu is not greater than min.Enu" << std::endl << std::endl;
981  }
982 }

◆ displayEv()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::displayEv ( )

Definition at line 1072 of file

References SingleParticleEvent::e(), hcalRecHitTable_cff::energy, nano_mu_digi_cff::float, ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::ecal::reconstruction::internal::endcap::iy(), OneMuoEvt, SingleParticleEvent::px(), SingleParticleEvent::py(), SingleParticleEvent::pz(), RadiusCMS, RadiusTracker, mathSSE::sqrt(), TrackerOnly, SingleParticleEvent::vx(), SingleParticleEvent::vy(), SingleParticleEvent::vz(), beampixel_dqm_sourceclient-live_cfg::yStep, Z_DistCMS, and Z_DistTracker.

Referenced by nextEvent().

1072  {
1074  double RadiusDet = RadiusCMS;
1075  double Z_DistDet = Z_DistCMS;
1076  if (TrackerOnly == true) {
1077  RadiusDet = RadiusTracker;
1078  Z_DistDet = Z_DistTracker;
1079  }
1080  disXY->Reset();
1081  disZY->Reset();
1082  TMarker* InteractionPoint = new TMarker(0., 0., 2);
1083  TArc* r8m = new TArc(0., 0., (RadiusDet / 1000.));
1084  TLatex* logEaxis = new TLatex();
1085  logEaxis->SetTextSize(0.05);
1086  float energy = float(OneMuoEvt.e());
1087  float verX = float(OneMuoEvt.vx() / 1000.); // [m]
1088  float verY = float(OneMuoEvt.vy() / 1000.); // [m]
1089  float verZ = float(OneMuoEvt.vz() / 1000.); // [m]
1090  float dirX = float(OneMuoEvt.px()) / std::fabs(;
1091  float dirY = float( / std::fabs(;
1092  float dirZ = float(OneMuoEvt.pz()) / std::fabs(;
1093  float yStep = disXY->GetYaxis()->GetBinWidth(1);
1094  int NbinY = disXY->GetYaxis()->GetNbins();
1095  for (int iy = 0; iy < NbinY; ++iy) {
1096  verX += dirX * yStep;
1097  verY += dirY * yStep;
1098  verZ += dirZ * yStep;
1099  float rXY = sqrt(verX * verX + verY * verY) * 1000.; // [mm]
1100  float absZ = std::fabs(verZ) * 1000.; // [mm]
1101  if (rXY < RadiusDet && absZ < Z_DistDet) {
1102  disXY->Fill(verX, verY, log10(energy));
1103  disZY->Fill(verZ, verY, log10(energy));
1104  disC->cd(1);
1105  disXY->Draw("COLZ");
1106  InteractionPoint->Draw("SAME");
1107  r8m->Draw("SAME");
1108  logEaxis->DrawLatex((0.65 * RadiusDet / 1000.), (1.08 * RadiusDet / 1000.), "log_{10}E(#mu^{#pm})");
1109  disC->cd(2);
1110  disZY->Draw("COL");
1111  InteractionPoint->Draw("SAME");
1112  gPad->Update();
1113  }
1114  }
1115 #endif
1116 }
const double Z_DistTracker
const double RadiusCMS
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:23
const double Z_DistCMS
SingleParticleEvent OneMuoEvt
const double RadiusTracker
ALPAKA_FN_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE uint32_t iy(uint32_t id)

◆ getRate()

double CosmicMuonGenerator::getRate ( )

Definition at line 1275 of file

References EventRate.

1275 { return EventRate; }

◆ goodOrientation()

bool CosmicMuonGenerator::goodOrientation ( )

Definition at line 984 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, Deg2Rad, HLT_2024v13_cff::dPhi, MinTheta, OneMuoEvt, VtxSmearedParameters_cfi::Phi, SingleParticleEvent::phi(), Pi, PlugWidth, RadiusCMS, mathSSE::sqrt(), SurfaceOfEarth, Target3dRadius, SingleParticleEvent::theta(), TwoPi, SingleParticleEvent::vx(), and SingleParticleEvent::vz().

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

984  {
985  // check angular range (for a sphere with Target3dRadius around the target)
986  bool goodAngles = false;
987  bool phiaccepted = false;
988  bool thetaaccepted = false;
989  double RxzV = sqrt(OneMuoEvt.vx() * OneMuoEvt.vx() + OneMuoEvt.vz() * OneMuoEvt.vz());
991  double rVY;
992  if (MinTheta > 90. * Deg2Rad) //upgoing muons from neutrinos
993  rVY = -sqrt(RxzV * RxzV + RadiusCMS * RadiusCMS);
994  else
995  rVY = sqrt(RxzV * RxzV + (SurfaceOfEarth + PlugWidth) * (SurfaceOfEarth + PlugWidth));
997  double Phi = OneMuoEvt.phi();
998  double PhiV = atan2(OneMuoEvt.vx(), OneMuoEvt.vz()) + Pi;
999  if (PhiV > TwoPi)
1000  PhiV -= TwoPi;
1001  double disPhi = std::fabs(PhiV - Phi);
1002  if (disPhi > Pi)
1003  disPhi = TwoPi - disPhi;
1004  double dPhi = Pi;
1005  if (RxzV > Target3dRadius)
1006  dPhi = asin(Target3dRadius / RxzV);
1007  if (disPhi < dPhi)
1008  phiaccepted = true;
1009  double Theta = OneMuoEvt.theta();
1010  double ThetaV = asin(RxzV / rVY);
1011  double dTheta = Pi;
1012  if (std::fabs(rVY) > Target3dRadius)
1013  dTheta = asin(Target3dRadius / std::fabs(rVY));
1014  //std::cout << " dPhi = " << dPhi << " (" << Phi << " <p|V> " << PhiV << ")" << std::endl;
1015  //std::cout << " dTheta = " << dTheta << " (" << Theta << " <p|V> " << ThetaV << ")" << std::endl;
1017  if (!phiaccepted && RxzV < Target3dRadius)
1018  //if (RxzV < Target3dRadius)
1019  std::cout << "Rejected phi=" << Phi << " PhiV=" << PhiV << " dPhi=" << dPhi << " disPhi=" << disPhi
1020  << " RxzV=" << RxzV << " Target3dRadius=" << Target3dRadius << " Theta=" << Theta << std::endl;
1022  if (std::fabs(Theta - ThetaV) < dTheta)
1023  thetaaccepted = true;
1024  if (phiaccepted && thetaaccepted)
1025  goodAngles = true;
1026  return goodAngles;
1027 }
const double TwoPi
const double Pi
const double PlugWidth
const double RadiusCMS
const double SurfaceOfEarth
const double Deg2Rad
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:23
SingleParticleEvent OneMuoEvt

◆ initEvDis()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::initEvDis ( )

Definition at line 1029 of file

References MaxP, MinP, RadiusCMS, RadiusTracker, TrackerOnly, Z_DistCMS, and Z_DistTracker.

Referenced by initialize().

1029  {
1031  float rCMS = RadiusCMS / 1000.;
1032  float zCMS = Z_DistCMS / 1000.;
1033  if (TrackerOnly == true) {
1034  rCMS = RadiusTracker / 1000.;
1035  zCMS = Z_DistTracker / 1000.;
1036  }
1037  TH2F* disXY = new TH2F("disXY", "X-Y view", 160, -rCMS, rCMS, 160, -rCMS, rCMS);
1038  TH2F* disZY = new TH2F("disZY", "Z-Y view", 150, -zCMS, zCMS, 160, -rCMS, rCMS);
1039  gStyle->SetPalette(1, 0);
1040  gStyle->SetMarkerColor(1);
1041  gStyle->SetMarkerSize(1.5);
1042  TCanvas* disC = new TCanvas("disC", "Cosmic Muon Event Display", 0, 0, 800, 410);
1043  disC->Divide(2, 1);
1044  disC->cd(1);
1045  gPad->SetTicks(1, 1);
1046  disXY->SetMinimum(log10(MinP));
1047  disXY->SetMaximum(log10(MaxP));
1048  disXY->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
1049  disXY->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
1050  disXY->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.0);
1051  disXY->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X [m]");
1052  disXY->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
1053  disXY->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
1054  disXY->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);
1055  disXY->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y [m]");
1056  disC->cd(2);
1057  gPad->SetGrid(1, 1);
1058  gPad->SetTicks(1, 1);
1059  disZY->SetMinimum(log10(MinP));
1060  disZY->SetMaximum(log10(MaxP));
1061  disZY->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
1062  disZY->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
1063  disZY->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.0);
1064  disZY->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Z [m]");
1065  disZY->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
1066  disZY->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
1067  disZY->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);
1068  disZY->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y [m]");
1069 #endif
1070 }
const double Z_DistTracker
const double RadiusCMS
const double Z_DistCMS
const double RadiusTracker

◆ initialize()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::initialize ( CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *  rng = nullptr)

Definition at line 26 of file

References checkIn(), Cosmics, gather_cfg::cout, Debug, Deg2Rad, delRanGen, EventDisplay, sim::fChain, sim::Init(), initEvDis(), CMSCGEN::initialize(), CMSCGEN::initializeNuMu(), MaxEnu, MaxP, MaxPhi, MaxTheta, MinEnu, MinP, MinPhi, MinStepSize, MinTheta, MultiIn, MultiMuon, MultiMuonFileFirstEvent, MultiMuonFileName, MultiTree, NcloseMultiMuonEvents, NotInitialized, NskippedMultiMuonEvents, NumberOfEvents, NuProdAlt, OneMuoEvt, phi, SingleParticleEvent::PlugVx, PlugVx, SingleParticleEvent::PlugVz, PlugVz, PlugWidth, RadiusCMS, RadiusOfTarget, RadiusTracker, RanGen, RanSeed, SingleParticleEvent::RhoAir, RhoAir, SingleParticleEvent::RhoClay, RhoClay, SingleParticleEvent::RhoPlug, RhoPlug, SingleParticleEvent::RhoRock, RhoRock, SingleParticleEvent::RhoWall, RhoWall, MultiTrackValidator_cfi::sim, SimTree, SimTree_jentry, SimTreeEntries, mathSSE::sqrt(), SurfaceOfEarth, SurfaceRadius, funct::tan(), Target3dRadius, TIFOnly_constant, TIFOnly_linear, TrackerOnly, Z_DistTracker, and ZDistOfTarget.

Referenced by runCMG().

26  {
27  if (delRanGen)
28  delete RanGen;
29  if (!rng) {
30  RanGen = new CLHEP::HepJamesRandom;
31  RanGen->setSeed(RanSeed, 0); //set seed for Random Generator (seed can be controled by config-file)
32  delRanGen = true;
33  } else {
34  RanGen = rng;
35  delRanGen = false;
36  }
37  checkIn();
38  if (NumberOfEvents > 0) {
39  // set up "surface geometry" dimensions
40  double RadiusTargetEff = RadiusOfTarget; //get this from cfg-file
41  double Z_DistTargetEff = ZDistOfTarget; //get this from cfg-file
42  //double Z_CentrTargetEff = ZCentrOfTarget; //get this from cfg-file
43  if (TrackerOnly == true) {
44  RadiusTargetEff = RadiusTracker;
45  Z_DistTargetEff = Z_DistTracker;
46  }
47  Target3dRadius = sqrt(RadiusTargetEff * RadiusTargetEff + Z_DistTargetEff * Z_DistTargetEff) + MinStepSize;
48  if (Debug)
49  std::cout << " radius of sphere around target = " << Target3dRadius << " mm" << std::endl;
51  if (MinTheta > 90. * Deg2Rad) //upgoing muons from neutrinos
53  else
54  SurfaceRadius = (SurfaceOfEarth + PlugWidth + RadiusTargetEff) * tan(MaxTheta) + Target3dRadius;
55  if (Debug)
56  std::cout << " starting point radius at Surface + PlugWidth = " << SurfaceRadius << " mm" << std::endl;
65  //set energy and angle limits for CMSCGEN, give same seed as above
66  if (MinTheta >= 90. * Deg2Rad) //upgoing muons from neutrinos
68  else
72  // book histos
73  TH1D* ene = new TH1D("ene", "generated energy", 210, 0., 1050.);
74  TH1D* the = new TH1D("the", "generated theta", 90, 0., 90.);
75  TH1D* phi = new TH1D("phi", "generated phi", 120, 0., 360.);
76  TH3F* ver = new TH3F("ver", "Z-X-Y coordinates", 100, -25., 25., 20, -10., 10., 40, -10., 10.);
77 #endif
78  if (EventDisplay)
79  initEvDis();
80  std::cout << std::endl;
82  if (MultiMuon) {
83  MultiIn = nullptr;
85  std::cout << "MultiMuonFileName.c_str()=" << MultiMuonFileName.c_str() << std::endl;
86  MultiIn = new TFile(MultiMuonFileName.c_str());
88  if (!MultiIn)
89  std::cout << "MultiMuon=True: MultiMuonFileName='" << MultiMuonFileName.c_str() << "' does not exist"
90  << std::endl;
91  else
92  std::cout << "MultiMuonFile: " << MultiMuonFileName.c_str() << " opened!" << std::endl;
93  //MultiTree = (TTree*) gDirectory->Get("sim");
94  MultiTree = (TTree*)MultiIn->Get("sim");
95  SimTree = new sim(MultiTree);
97  SimTreeEntries = SimTree->fChain->GetEntriesFast();
98  std::cout << "SimTreeEntries=" << SimTreeEntries << std::endl;
100  if (MultiMuonFileFirstEvent <= 0)
101  SimTree_jentry = 0;
102  else
103  SimTree_jentry = MultiMuonFileFirstEvent - 1; //1=1st evt (SimTree_jentry=0)
107  }
109  if (!MultiMuon || (MultiMuon && MultiIn))
110  NotInitialized = false;
111  }
112 }
const double Z_DistTracker
TTree * fChain
Definition: sim.h:21
int initialize(double, double, double, double, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *, bool, bool)
virtual void Init(TTree *tree)
const double PlugWidth
const double RadiusCMS
const double SurfaceOfEarth
const double Deg2Rad
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:23
CLHEP::HepRandomEngine * RanGen
Tan< T >::type tan(const T &t)
Definition: Tan.h:22
SingleParticleEvent OneMuoEvt
const double MinStepSize
const bool EventDisplay
const double RadiusTracker
int initializeNuMu(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *)
const bool Debug

◆ nextEvent()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::nextEvent ( )

Definition at line 114 of file

References AcptAllMu, funct::cos(), CMSCGEN::cos_theta(), Cosmics, gather_cfg::cout, SingleParticleEvent::create(), Debug, Deg2Rad, displayEv(), HLT_2024v13_cff::dPhi, SingleParticleEvent::e(), E_at, E_sf, E_ug, ElossScaleFactor, EventDisplay, CMSCGENnorm::events_n100cos(), EventWeight, CMSCGEN::generate(), CMSCGEN::generateNuMu(), goodOrientation(), SingleParticleEvent::hitTarget(), l1ctLayer2EG_cff::id, SingleParticleEvent::id(), Id_at, Id_sf, Id_ug, createfilelist::int, SingleParticleEvent::m(), MaxPhi, MaxT0, MinP_CMS, MinPhi, MinT0, MinTheta, CMSCGEN::momentum_times_charge(), MTCCHalf, MuonMass, Ndiced, Ngen, Norm, Nsel, OneMuoEvt, phi, VtxSmearedParameters_cfi::Phi, SingleParticleEvent::phi(), Pi, PlugWidth, SingleParticleEvent::propagate(), SingleParticleEvent::px(), Px_at, Px_sf, Px_ug, SingleParticleEvent::py(), Py_at, Py_sf, Py_ug, SingleParticleEvent::pz(), Pz_at, Pz_sf, Pz_ug, Rad2Deg, RadiusCMS, RadiusOfTarget, RanGen, funct::sin(), SpeedOfLight, mathSSE::sqrt(), SurfaceOfEarth, SurfaceRadius, SingleParticleEvent::t0(), T0_at, T0_sf, T0_ug, Target3dRadius, SingleParticleEvent::theta(), TrackerOnly, TwoPi, SingleParticleEvent::vx(), Vx_at, Vx_sf, Vx_ug, SingleParticleEvent::vy(), Vy_at, Vy_sf, Vy_ug, SingleParticleEvent::vz(), Vz_at, Vz_sf, Vz_ug, ZCentrOfTarget, and ZDistOfTarget.

Referenced by runCMG().

114  {
115  double E = 0.;
116  double Theta = 0.;
117  double Phi = 0.;
118  double RxzV = 0.;
119  double PhiV = 0.;
120  if (int(Nsel) % 100 == 0)
121  std::cout << " generated " << int(Nsel) << " events" << std::endl;
122  // generate cosmic (E,theta,phi)
123  bool notSelected = true;
124  while (notSelected) {
125  bool badMomentumGenerated = true;
126  while (badMomentumGenerated) {
127  if (MinTheta > 90. * Deg2Rad) //upgoing muons from neutrinos
129  else
130  Cosmics->generate(); //dice one event now
133  Theta = TMath::ACos(Cosmics->cos_theta()); //angle has to be in RAD here
134  Ngen += 1.; //count number of initial cosmic events (in surface area), vertices will be added later
135  badMomentumGenerated = false;
136  Phi = RanGen->flat() * (MaxPhi - MinPhi) + MinPhi;
137  }
138  Norm->events_n100cos(E, Theta); //test if this muon is in normalization range
139  Ndiced += 1; //one more cosmic is diced
141  // generate vertex
142  double Nver = 0.;
143  bool badVertexGenerated = true;
144  while (badVertexGenerated) {
145  RxzV = sqrt(RanGen->flat()) * SurfaceRadius;
146  PhiV = RanGen->flat() * TwoPi;
147  // check phi range (for a sphere with Target3dRadius around the target)
148  double dPhi = Pi;
149  if (RxzV > Target3dRadius)
150  dPhi = asin(Target3dRadius / RxzV);
151  double rotPhi = PhiV + Pi;
152  if (rotPhi > TwoPi)
153  rotPhi -= TwoPi;
154  double disPhi = std::fabs(rotPhi - Phi);
155  if (disPhi > Pi)
156  disPhi = TwoPi - disPhi;
157  if (disPhi < dPhi || AcptAllMu)
158  badVertexGenerated = false;
159  Nver += 1.;
160  }
161  Ngen += (Nver - 1.); //add number of generated vertices to initial cosmic events
163  // complete event at surface
164  int id = 13; // mu-
165  if (Cosmics->momentum_times_charge() > 0.)
166  id = -13; // mu+
167  double absMom = sqrt(E * E - MuonMass * MuonMass);
168  double verMom = absMom * cos(Theta);
169  double horMom = absMom * sin(Theta);
170  double Px = horMom * sin(Phi); // [GeV/c]
171  double Py = -verMom; // [GeV/c]
172  double Pz = horMom * cos(Phi); // [GeV/c]
173  double Vx = RxzV * sin(PhiV); // [mm]
175  double Vy;
176  if (MinTheta > 90. * Deg2Rad) //upgoing muons from neutrinos
177  Vy = -RadiusCMS;
178  else
179  Vy = SurfaceOfEarth + PlugWidth; // [mm]
181  double Vz = RxzV * cos(PhiV); // [mm]
182  double T0 = (RanGen->flat() * (MaxT0 - MinT0) + MinT0) * SpeedOfLight; // [mm/c];
184  Id_at = id;
185  Px_at = Px;
186  Py_at = Py;
187  Pz_at = Pz;
188  E_at = E; //M_at = MuonMass;
189  Vx_at = Vx;
190  Vy_at = Vy;
191  Vz_at = Vz;
192  T0_at = T0;
194  OneMuoEvt.create(id, Px, Py, Pz, E, MuonMass, Vx, Vy, Vz, T0);
195  // if angles are ok, propagate to target
196  if (goodOrientation()) {
197  if (MinTheta > 90. * Deg2Rad) //upgoing muons from neutrinos
199  else
201  }
204  AcptAllMu == true) {
205  Nsel += 1.; //count number of generated and accepted events
206  notSelected = false;
207  }
208  }
210  EventWeight = 1.;
212  //just one outgoing particle at SurFace
213  Id_sf.resize(1);
214  Px_sf.resize(1);
215  Py_sf.resize(1);
216  Pz_sf.resize(1);
217  E_sf.resize(1);
218  //M_sf.resize(1);
219  Vx_sf.resize(1);
220  Vy_sf.resize(1);
221  Vz_sf.resize(1);
222  T0_sf.resize(1);
224  Id_sf[0] = Id_at;
225  Px_sf[0] = Px_at;
226  Py_sf[0] = Py_at;
227  Pz_sf[0] = Pz_at;
228  E_sf[0] = E_at; //M_fs[0] = MuonMass;
229  Vx_sf[0] = Vx_at;
230  Vy_sf[0] = Vy_at;
231  Vz_sf[0] = Vz_at;
232  T0_sf[0] = T0_at;
234  //just one particle at UnderGround
235  Id_ug.resize(1);
236  Px_ug.resize(1);
237  Py_ug.resize(1);
238  Pz_ug.resize(1);
239  E_ug.resize(1);
240  //M_ug.resize(1);
241  Vx_ug.resize(1);
242  Vy_ug.resize(1);
243  Vz_ug.resize(1);
244  T0_ug.resize(1);
246  Id_ug[0] =;
247  Px_ug[0] = OneMuoEvt.px();
248  Py_ug[0] =;
249  Pz_ug[0] = OneMuoEvt.pz();
250  E_ug[0] = OneMuoEvt.e();
251  //M_ug[0] = OneMuoEvt.m();
252  Vx_ug[0] = OneMuoEvt.vx();
253  Vy_ug[0] = OneMuoEvt.vy();
254  Vz_ug[0] = OneMuoEvt.vz();
255  T0_ug[0] = OneMuoEvt.t0();
257  // plot variables of selected events
259  ene->Fill(OneMuoEvt.e());
260  the->Fill((OneMuoEvt.theta() * Rad2Deg));
261  phi->Fill((OneMuoEvt.phi() * Rad2Deg));
262  ver->Fill((OneMuoEvt.vz() / 1000.), (OneMuoEvt.vx() / 1000.), (OneMuoEvt.vy() / 1000.));
263 #endif
264  if (Debug) {
265  std::cout << "new event" << std::endl;
266  std::cout << " Px,Py,Pz,E,m = " << OneMuoEvt.px() << ", " << << ", " << OneMuoEvt.pz() << ", "
267  << OneMuoEvt.e() << ", " << OneMuoEvt.m() << " GeV" << std::endl;
268  std::cout << " Vx,Vy,Vz,t0 = " << OneMuoEvt.vx() << ", " << OneMuoEvt.vy() << ", " << OneMuoEvt.vz() << ", "
269  << OneMuoEvt.t0() << " mm" << std::endl;
270  }
271  if (EventDisplay)
272  displayEv();
273 }
const double TwoPi
const double Pi
void propagate(double ElossScaleFac, double RadiusTarget, double Z_DistTarget, double Z_CentrTarget, bool TrackerOnly, bool MTCCHalf)
int events_n100cos(double energy, double theta)
std::vector< double > Px_ug
Sin< T >::type sin(const T &t)
Definition: Sin.h:22
std::vector< int > Id_ug
std::vector< double > Py_sf
std::vector< double > E_sf
const double SpeedOfLight
std::vector< double > E_ug
double cos_theta()
const double PlugWidth
std::vector< double > Vz_ug
int generate()
const double RadiusCMS
const double SurfaceOfEarth
std::vector< double > Vz_sf
const double Deg2Rad
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:23
std::vector< double > Vx_sf
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
std::vector< double > Vy_sf
CLHEP::HepRandomEngine * RanGen
SingleParticleEvent OneMuoEvt
std::vector< double > T0_sf
std::vector< double > Px_sf
std::vector< double > Vy_ug
double momentum_times_charge()
std::vector< double > Pz_ug
void create(int id, double px, double py, double pz, double e, double m, double vx, double vy, double vz, double t0)
const bool EventDisplay
const double MuonMass
const double Rad2Deg
std::vector< double > Vx_ug
int generateNuMu()
std::vector< double > Py_ug
const bool Debug
std::vector< double > T0_ug
std::vector< int > Id_sf
std::vector< double > Pz_sf

◆ nextMultiEvent()

bool CosmicMuonGenerator::nextMultiEvent ( )

Definition at line 275 of file

References AcptAllMu, funct::cos(), gather_cfg::cout, SingleParticleEvent::create(), Debug, HLT_2024v13_cff::dPhi, SingleParticleEvent::e(), E_at, E_sf, E_ug, ElossScaleFactor, EventWeight, sim::GetEntry(), goodOrientation(), SingleParticleEvent::hitTarget(), SingleParticleEvent::id(), Id_at, Id_sf, Id_ug, SiStripPI::max, max_Trials, MaxT0, SiStripPI::min, MinP_CMS, MinT0, MTCCHalf, MultiMuonNmin, MuonMass, NcloseMultiMuonEvents, Ngen, B2GMonitoring_cff::nmuons, NorthCMSzDeltaPhi, Nsel, NskippedMultiMuonEvents, OneMuoEvt, P_mu, sim::particle__ParticleID, sim::particle__Px, sim::particle__Py, sim::particle__Pz, sim::particle__Time, sim::particle__x, sim::particle__y, Pi, PlugWidth, funct::pow(), SingleParticleEvent::propagate(), SingleParticleEvent::px(), Px_at, Px_mu, Px_sf, Px_ug, SingleParticleEvent::py(), Py_at, Py_mu, Py_sf, Py_ug, SingleParticleEvent::pz(), Pz_at, Pz_mu, Pz_sf, Pz_ug, RadiusOfTarget, RanGen, sim::shower_Energy, sim::shower_EventID, sim::shower_GH_t0, sim::shower_nParticlesWritten, sim::shower_Phi, sim::shower_Theta, SimTree, SimTree_jentry, SimTreeEntries, funct::sin(), SpeedOfLight, mathSSE::sqrt(), SurfaceOfEarth, SurfaceRadius, SingleParticleEvent::t0(), T0_at, T0_sf, T0_ug, funct::tan(), Target3dRadius, Theta_at, Theta_mu, TrackerOnly, Trials, TwoPi, SingleParticleEvent::vx(), Vx_at, Vx_mu, Vx_sf, Vx_ug, Vxz_mu, SingleParticleEvent::vy(), Vy_at, Vy_mu, Vy_sf, Vy_ug, SingleParticleEvent::vz(), Vz_at, Vz_mu, Vz_sf, Vz_ug, ZCentrOfTarget, and ZDistOfTarget.

275  {
276  if (Debug)
277  std::cout << "\nEntered CosmicMuonGenerator::nextMultiEvent()" << std::endl;
278  bool EvtRejected = true;
279  bool MuInMaxDist = false;
280  double MinDist; //[mm]
282  while (EvtRejected) {
283  //read in event from SimTree
284  //ULong64_t ientry = SimTree->LoadTree(SimTree_jentry);
285  Long64_t ientry = SimTree->GetEntry(SimTree_jentry);
286  std::cout << "CosmicMuonGenerator::nextMultiEvent(): SimTree_jentry="
287  << SimTree_jentry
288  //<< " ientry=" << ientry
289  << " SimTreeEntries=" << SimTreeEntries << std::endl;
290  if (ientry < 0)
291  return false; //stop run
293  SimTree_jentry++;
294  } else {
295  std::cout << " No more events in file!" << std::endl;
296  return false; //stop run
297  }
300  if (nmuons < MultiMuonNmin) {
301  std::cout << " Warning! Less than " << MultiMuonNmin << " muons in event!" << std::endl;
302  std::cout << "trying next event from file" << std::endl;
304  continue; //EvtRejected while loop: get next event from file
305  }
307  Px_mu.resize(nmuons);
308  Py_mu.resize(nmuons);
309  Pz_mu.resize(nmuons);
310  P_mu.resize(nmuons);
312  MinDist = 99999.e9; //[mm]
313  double MuMuDist;
314  MuInMaxDist = false;
315  //check if at least one muon pair closer than 30m at surface
316  int NmuPmin = 0;
317  for (int imu = 0; imu < nmuons; ++imu) {
318  Px_mu[imu] =
320  Pz_mu[imu] =
322  Py_mu[imu] = -SimTree->particle__Pz[imu]; //Corsika down going particles defined in -z direction!
323  P_mu[imu] = sqrt(Px_mu[imu] * Px_mu[imu] + Py_mu[imu] * Py_mu[imu] + Pz_mu[imu] * Pz_mu[imu]);
325  if (P_mu[imu] < MinP_CMS && AcptAllMu == false)
326  continue;
327  else if (SimTree->particle__ParticleID[imu] != 5 && SimTree->particle__ParticleID[imu] != 6)
328  continue;
329  else
330  NmuPmin++;
332  for (int jmu = 0; jmu < imu; ++jmu) {
333  if (P_mu[jmu] < MinP_CMS && AcptAllMu == false)
334  continue;
335  if (SimTree->particle__ParticleID[imu] != 5 && SimTree->particle__ParticleID[imu] != 6)
336  continue;
337  MuMuDist = sqrt((SimTree->particle__x[imu] - SimTree->particle__x[jmu]) *
338  (SimTree->particle__x[imu] - SimTree->particle__x[jmu]) +
339  (SimTree->particle__y[imu] - SimTree->particle__y[jmu]) *
340  (SimTree->particle__y[imu] - SimTree->particle__y[jmu])) *
341  10.; //CORSIKA [cm] to CMSCGEN [mm]
342  if (MuMuDist < MinDist)
343  MinDist = MuMuDist;
344  if (MuMuDist < 2. * Target3dRadius)
345  MuInMaxDist = true;
346  }
347  }
348  if (MultiMuonNmin >= 2) {
349  if (MuInMaxDist) {
351  } else {
352  std::cout << " Warning! No muon pair closer than " << 2. * Target3dRadius / 1000.
353  << "m MinDist=" << MinDist / 1000. << "m at surface" << std::endl;
354  std::cout << "Fraction of too wide opening angle multi muon events: "
355  << 1 - double(NcloseMultiMuonEvents) / SimTree_jentry << std::endl;
356  std::cout << "NcloseMultiMuonEvents=" << NcloseMultiMuonEvents << std::endl;
357  std::cout << "trying next event from file" << std::endl;
359  continue; //EvtRejected while loop: get next event from file
360  }
361  }
363  if (NmuPmin < MultiMuonNmin && AcptAllMu == false) { //take single muon events consistently into account
365  continue; //EvtRejected while loop: get next event from file
366  }
368  if (Debug)
369  if (MultiMuonNmin >= 2)
370  std::cout << "start trial do loop: MuMuDist=" << MinDist / 1000. << "[m] Nmuons=" << nmuons
371  << " NcloseMultiMuonEvents=" << NcloseMultiMuonEvents
372  << " NskippedMultiMuonEvents=" << NskippedMultiMuonEvents << std::endl;
374  //int primary_id = SimTree->run_ParticleID;
377  double M_at = 0.;
378  //if (Id_at == 13) {
379  Id_at = 2212; //convert from Corsika to HepPDT
380  M_at = 938.272e-3; //[GeV] mass
381  //}
385  double phi_at = SimTree->shower_Phi - NorthCMSzDeltaPhi; //rotate by almost 90 degrees
386  if (phi_at < -Pi)
387  phi_at += TwoPi; //bring into interval (-Pi,Pi]
388  else if (phi_at > Pi)
389  phi_at -= TwoPi;
390  double P_at = sqrt(E_at * E_at - M_at * M_at);
391  //need to rotate about 90degrees around x->N axis => y<=>z,
392  //then rotate new x-z-plane from x->North to x->LHC centre
393  Px_at = P_at * sin(Theta_at) * sin(phi_at);
394  Py_at = -P_at * cos(Theta_at);
395  Pz_at = P_at * sin(Theta_at) * cos(phi_at);
397  //compute maximal theta of secondary muons
398  double theta_mu_max = Theta_at;
399  double theta_mu_min = Theta_at;
401  double phi_rel_min = 0.; //phi_mu_min - phi_at
402  double phi_rel_max = 0.; //phi_mu_max - phi_at
404  //std::cout << "SimTree->shower_Energy=" << SimTree->shower_Energy <<std::endl;
406  Theta_mu.resize(nmuons);
407  for (int imu = 0; imu < nmuons; ++imu) {
408  Theta_mu[imu] = acos(-Py_mu[imu] / P_mu[imu]);
409  if (Theta_mu[imu] > theta_mu_max)
410  theta_mu_max = Theta_mu[imu];
411  if (Theta_mu[imu] < theta_mu_min)
412  theta_mu_min = Theta_mu[imu];
414  double phi_mu = atan2(Px_mu[imu], Pz_mu[imu]); // in (-Pi,Pi]
415  double phi_rel = phi_mu - phi_at;
416  if (phi_rel < -Pi)
417  phi_rel += TwoPi; //bring into interval (-Pi,Pi]
418  else if (phi_rel > Pi)
419  phi_rel -= TwoPi;
420  if (phi_rel < phi_rel_min)
421  phi_rel_min = phi_rel;
422  else if (phi_rel > phi_rel_max)
423  phi_rel_max = phi_rel;
424  }
426  double h_sf = SurfaceOfEarth + PlugWidth; //[mm]
428  double R_at = h_sf * tan(Theta_at);
430  double JdRxzV_dR_trans = 1.;
431  double JdPhiV_dPhi_trans = 1.;
432  double JdR_trans_sqrt = 1.;
434  //chose random vertex Phi and Rxz weighted to speed up and smoothen
435  double R_mu_max = (h_sf + Target3dRadius) * tan(theta_mu_max);
436  double R_max = std::min(SurfaceRadius, R_mu_max);
437  double R_mu_min = (h_sf - Target3dRadius) * tan(theta_mu_min);
438  double R_min = std::max(0., R_mu_min);
440  if (R_at > SurfaceRadius) {
441  std::cout << " Warning! R_at=" << R_at << " > SurfaceRadius=" << SurfaceRadius
442  << std::endl;
443  }
445  //do phase space transformation for horizontal radius R
447  //determine first phase space limits
449  double psR1min = R_min + 0.25 * (R_max - R_min);
450  double psR1max = std::min(SurfaceRadius, R_max - 0.25 * (R_max - R_min)); //no R's beyond R_max
451  double psR1 = psR1max - psR1min;
453  double psR2min = R_min;
454  double psR2max = R_max;
455  double psR2 = psR2max - psR2min;
457  double psR3min = 0.;
458  double psR3max = SurfaceRadius;
459  double psR3 = psR3max - psR3min;
461  //double psall = psR1+psR2+psR3;
462  double psRall = psR3;
464  double fR1 = psR1 / psRall, fR2 = psR2 / psRall, fR3 = psR3 / psRall; //f1+f2+f3=130%
465  double pR1 = 0.25, pR2 = 0.7, pR3 = 0.05;
467  //do phase space transformation for azimuthal angle phi
468  double psPh1 = 0.5 * (phi_rel_max - phi_rel_min);
469  double psPh2 = phi_rel_max - phi_rel_min;
470  double psPh3 = TwoPi;
471  double psPhall = psPh3;
473  double fPh1 = psPh1 / psPhall, fPh2 = psPh2 / psPhall,
474  fPh3 = psPh3 / psPhall; //(f1+f2+f3=TwoPi+f1+f2)/(TwoPi+f1+f2)
476  double pPh1 = 0.25, pPh2 = 0.7, pPh3 = 0.05;
478  Trials = 0; //global int trials
479  double trials = 0.; //local weighted trials
480  Vx_mu.resize(nmuons);
481  Vy_mu.resize(nmuons);
482  Vz_mu.resize(nmuons);
483  int NmuHitTarget = 0;
484  while (NmuHitTarget < MultiMuonNmin) {
485  NmuHitTarget = 0; //re-initialize every loop iteration
486  double Nver = 0.;
488  //chose phase space class
489  double RxzV;
490  double which_R_class = RanGen->flat();
491  if (which_R_class < pR1) { //pR1% in psR1
492  RxzV = psR1min + psR1 * RanGen->flat();
493  JdRxzV_dR_trans = fR1 / pR1 * SurfaceRadius / psR1;
494  } else if (which_R_class < pR1 + pR2) { //further pR2% in psR2
495  RxzV = psR2min + psR2 * RanGen->flat();
496  JdRxzV_dR_trans = fR2 / pR2 * SurfaceRadius / psR2;
497  } else { //remaining pR3% in psR3=[0., R_max]
498  RxzV = psR3min + psR3 * RanGen->flat();
499  JdRxzV_dR_trans = fR3 / pR3 * SurfaceRadius / psR3;
500  }
502  JdR_trans_sqrt = 2. * RxzV / SurfaceRadius; //flat in sqrt(r) space
504  //chose phase space class
505  double PhiV;
506  double which_phi_class = RanGen->flat();
507  if (which_phi_class < pPh1) { //pPh1% in psPh1
508  PhiV = phi_at + phi_rel_min + psPh1 * RanGen->flat();
509  JdPhiV_dPhi_trans = fPh1 / pPh1 * TwoPi / psPh1;
510  } else if (which_phi_class < pPh1 + pPh2) { //further pPh2% in psPh2
511  PhiV = phi_at + phi_rel_min + psPh2 * RanGen->flat();
512  JdPhiV_dPhi_trans = fPh2 / pPh2 * TwoPi / psPh2;
513  } else { //remaining pPh3% in psPh3=[-Pi,Pi]
514  PhiV = phi_at + phi_rel_min + psPh3 * RanGen->flat();
515  JdPhiV_dPhi_trans = fPh3 / pPh3 * TwoPi / psPh3;
516  }
518  //shuffle PhiV into [-Pi,+Pi] interval
519  if (PhiV < -Pi)
520  PhiV += TwoPi;
521  else if (PhiV > Pi)
522  PhiV -= TwoPi;
524  Nver++;
525  trials += JdR_trans_sqrt * JdRxzV_dR_trans * JdPhiV_dPhi_trans;
526  Trials++;
527  if (trials > max_Trials)
528  break; //while (Id_sf.size() < 2) loop
529  Ngen += (Nver - 1.); //add number of generated vertices to initial cosmic events
531  Vx_at = RxzV * sin(PhiV); // [mm]
533  Vy_at = h_sf; // [mm] (SurfaceOfEarth + PlugWidth; Determine primary particle height below)
534  //Vy_at = SimTree->shower_StartingAltitude*10. + h_sf; // [mm]
535  //std::cout << "SimTree->shower_StartingAltitude*10=" << SimTree->shower_StartingAltitude*10 <<std::endl;
536  Vz_at = RxzV * cos(PhiV); // [mm]
538  int NmuHitTargetSphere = 0;
539  for (int imu = 0; imu < nmuons; ++imu) {
540  Vx_mu[imu] = Vx_at + (-SimTree->particle__x[imu] * sin(NorthCMSzDeltaPhi) +
542  10; //[mm] (Corsika cm to CMSCGEN mm)
543  Vy_mu[imu] = h_sf; //[mm] fixed at surface + PlugWidth
544  Vz_mu[imu] = Vz_at + (SimTree->particle__x[imu] * cos(NorthCMSzDeltaPhi) +
546  10; //[mm] (Corsika cm to CMSCGEN mm)
548  //add atmospheric height to primary particle (default SimTree->shower_StartingAltitude = 0.)
549  double pt_sec = sqrt(Px_mu[imu] * Px_mu[imu] + Pz_mu[imu] * Pz_mu[imu]);
550  double theta_sec = atan2(std::fabs(Py_mu[imu]), pt_sec);
551  double r_sec = sqrt((Vx_mu[imu] - Vx_at) * (Vx_mu[imu] - Vx_at) + (Vz_mu[imu] - Vz_at) * (Vz_mu[imu] - Vz_at));
552  double h_prod = r_sec * tan(theta_sec);
553  if (h_prod + h_sf > Vy_at)
554  Vy_at = h_prod + h_sf;
556  //only muons
557  if (SimTree->particle__ParticleID[imu] != 5 && SimTree->particle__ParticleID[imu] != 6)
558  continue;
560  if (P_mu[imu] < MinP_CMS && AcptAllMu == false)
561  continue;
563  //check here if at least 2 muons make it to the target sphere
564  double Vxz_mu = sqrt(Vx_mu[imu] * Vx_mu[imu] + Vz_mu[imu] * Vz_mu[imu]);
565  theta_mu_max = atan((Vxz_mu + Target3dRadius) / (h_sf - Target3dRadius));
566  theta_mu_min = atan((Vxz_mu - Target3dRadius) / (h_sf + Target3dRadius));
567  if (Theta_mu[imu] > theta_mu_min && Theta_mu[imu] < theta_mu_max) {
568  // check phi range (for a sphere with Target3dRadius around the target)
569  double dPhi = Pi;
570  if (Vxz_mu > Target3dRadius)
571  dPhi = asin(Target3dRadius / Vxz_mu);
572  double PhiPmu = atan2(Px_mu[imu], Pz_mu[imu]); //muon phi
573  double PhiVmu = atan2(Vx_mu[imu], Vz_mu[imu]); //muon phi
574  double rotPhi = PhiVmu + Pi;
575  if (rotPhi > Pi)
576  rotPhi -= TwoPi;
577  double disPhi = std::fabs(rotPhi - PhiPmu);
578  if (disPhi > Pi)
579  disPhi = TwoPi - disPhi;
580  if (disPhi < dPhi) {
581  NmuHitTargetSphere++;
582  }
583  }
585  } //end imu for loop
587  if (NmuHitTargetSphere < MultiMuonNmin)
588  continue; //while (Id_sf.size() < 2) loop
590  //nmuons outgoing particle at SurFace
591  Id_sf.clear();
592  Px_sf.clear();
593  Py_sf.clear();
594  Pz_sf.clear();
595  E_sf.clear();
596  //M_sf_out.clear();
597  Vx_sf.clear();
598  Vy_sf.clear();
599  Vz_sf.clear();
600  T0_sf.clear();
602  //nmuons particles at UnderGround
603  Id_ug.clear();
604  Px_ug.clear();
605  Py_ug.clear();
606  Pz_ug.clear();
607  E_ug.clear();
608  //M_ug.clear();
609  Vx_ug.clear();
610  Vy_ug.clear();
611  Vz_ug.clear();
612  T0_ug.clear();
614  int Id_sf_this = 0;
615  double Px_sf_this = 0., Py_sf_this = 0., Pz_sf_this = 0.;
616  double E_sf_this = 0.;
617  //double M_sf_this=0.;
618  double Vx_sf_this = 0., Vy_sf_this = 0., Vz_sf_this = 0.;
619  double T0_sf_this = 0.;
621  T0_at = SimTree->shower_GH_t0 * SpeedOfLight; // [mm]
623  for (int imu = 0; imu < nmuons; ++imu) {
624  if (P_mu[imu] < MinP_CMS && AcptAllMu == false)
625  continue;
626  //for the time being only muons
627  if (SimTree->particle__ParticleID[imu] != 5 && SimTree->particle__ParticleID[imu] != 6)
628  continue;
630  Id_sf_this = SimTree->particle__ParticleID[imu];
631  if (Id_sf_this == 5)
632  Id_sf_this = -13; //mu+
633  else if (Id_sf_this == 6)
634  Id_sf_this = 13; //mu-
636  else if (Id_sf_this == 1)
637  Id_sf_this = 22; //gamma
638  else if (Id_sf_this == 2)
639  Id_sf_this = -11; //e+
640  else if (Id_sf_this == 3)
641  Id_sf_this = 11; //e-
642  else if (Id_sf_this == 7)
643  Id_sf_this = 111; //pi0
644  else if (Id_sf_this == 8)
645  Id_sf_this = 211; //pi+
646  else if (Id_sf_this == 9)
647  Id_sf_this = -211; //pi-
648  else if (Id_sf_this == 10)
649  Id_sf_this = 130; //KL0
650  else if (Id_sf_this == 11)
651  Id_sf_this = 321; //K+
652  else if (Id_sf_this == 12)
653  Id_sf_this = -321; //K-
654  else if (Id_sf_this == 13)
655  Id_sf_this = 2112; //n
656  else if (Id_sf_this == 14)
657  Id_sf_this = 2212; //p
658  else if (Id_sf_this == 15)
659  Id_sf_this = -2212; //pbar
660  else if (Id_sf_this == 16)
661  Id_sf_this = 310; //Ks0
662  else if (Id_sf_this == 17)
663  Id_sf_this = 221; //eta
664  else if (Id_sf_this == 18)
665  Id_sf_this = 3122; //Lambda
667  else {
668  std::cout << " Warning! Muon Id=" << Id_sf_this << " from file read in" << std::endl;
669  Id_sf_this = 99999; //trouble
670  }
672  T0_sf_this = SimTree->particle__Time[imu] * SpeedOfLight; //in [mm]
674  Px_sf_this = Px_mu[imu];
675  Py_sf_this = Py_mu[imu]; //Corsika down going particles defined in -z direction!
676  Pz_sf_this = Pz_mu[imu];
677  E_sf_this = sqrt(P_mu[imu] * P_mu[imu] + MuonMass * MuonMass);
678  Vx_sf_this = Vx_mu[imu];
679  Vy_sf_this = Vy_mu[imu]; //[mm] fixed at surface + PlugWidth
680  Vz_sf_this = Vz_mu[imu];
682  OneMuoEvt.create(Id_sf_this,
683  Px_sf_this,
684  Py_sf_this,
685  Pz_sf_this,
686  E_sf_this,
687  MuonMass,
688  Vx_sf_this,
689  Vy_sf_this,
690  Vz_sf_this,
691  T0_sf_this);
692  // if angles are ok, propagate to target
693  if (goodOrientation()) {
695  }
698  AcptAllMu == true) {
699  Id_sf.push_back(Id_sf_this);
700  Px_sf.push_back(Px_sf_this);
701  Py_sf.push_back(Py_sf_this);
702  Pz_sf.push_back(Pz_sf_this);
703  E_sf.push_back(E_sf_this);
704  //M_sf.push_back(M_sf_this);
705  Vx_sf.push_back(Vx_sf_this);
706  Vy_sf.push_back(Vy_sf_this);
707  Vz_sf.push_back(Vz_sf_this);
708  T0_sf.push_back(T0_sf_this);
709  //T0_sf.push_back(0.); //synchronised arrival for 100% efficient full simulation tests
711  Id_ug.push_back(;
712  Px_ug.push_back(OneMuoEvt.px());
713  Py_ug.push_back(;
714  Pz_ug.push_back(OneMuoEvt.pz());
715  E_ug.push_back(OneMuoEvt.e());
716  //M_sf.push_back(OneMuoEvt.m());
717  Vx_ug.push_back(OneMuoEvt.vx());
718  Vy_ug.push_back(OneMuoEvt.vy());
719  Vz_ug.push_back(OneMuoEvt.vz());
720  T0_ug.push_back(OneMuoEvt.t0());
722  NmuHitTarget++;
723  }
724  }
726  } // while (Id_sf.size() < 2); //end of do loop
728  if (trials > max_Trials) {
729  std::cout << " Warning! trials reach max_trials=" << max_Trials
730  << " without accepting event!" << std::endl;
731  if (Debug) {
732  std::cout << " N(mu)=" << Id_ug.size();
733  if (!Id_ug.empty())
734  std::cout << " E[0]=" << E_ug[0] << " theta="
735  << acos(-Py_ug[0] / sqrt(Px_ug[0] * Px_ug[0] + Py_ug[0] * Py_ug[0] + Pz_ug[0] * Pz_ug[0]))
736  << " R_xz=" << sqrt(Vx_sf[0] * Vx_sf[0] + Vy_sf[0] * Vy_sf[0]);
737  std::cout << " Theta_at=" << Theta_at << std::endl;
738  }
739  std::cout << "Unweighted int num of Trials = " << Trials << std::endl;
740  std::cout << "trying next event (" << SimTree_jentry << ") from file" << std::endl;
742  continue; //EvtRejected while loop: get next event from file
743  } else {
744  if (NmuHitTarget < MultiMuonNmin) {
745  std::cout << " Warning! less than " << MultiMuonNmin << " muons hit target: N(mu=)"
746  << NmuHitTarget << std::endl;
747  std::cout << "trying next event (" << SimTree_jentry << ") from file" << std::endl;
749  continue; //EvtRejected while loop: get next event from file
750  } else { //if (MuInMaxDist) {
752  //re-adjust T0's of surviving muons shifted to trigger time box
753  //(possible T0 increase due to propagation (loss of energy/speed + travelled distance))
754  double T0_ug_min, T0_ug_max;
755  T0_ug_min = T0_ug_max = T0_ug[0];
756  double Tbox = (MaxT0 - MinT0) * SpeedOfLight; // [mm]
757  double minDeltaT0 = 2 * Tbox;
758  for (unsigned int imu = 0; imu < Id_ug.size(); ++imu) {
759  double T0_this = T0_ug[imu];
760  if (T0_this < T0_ug_min)
761  T0_ug_min = T0_this;
762  if (T0_this > T0_ug_max)
763  T0_ug_max = T0_this;
764  if (Debug)
765  std::cout << "imu=" << imu << " T0_this=" << T0_this
766  << " P=" << sqrt(pow(Px_ug[imu], 2) + pow(Py_ug[imu], 2) + pow(Pz_ug[imu], 2)) << std::endl;
767  for (unsigned int jmu = 0; jmu < imu; ++jmu) {
768  if (std::fabs(T0_ug[imu] - T0_ug[jmu]) < minDeltaT0)
769  minDeltaT0 = std::fabs(T0_ug[imu] - T0_ug[jmu]);
770  }
771  }
773  if (int(Id_ug.size()) >= MultiMuonNmin && MultiMuonNmin >= 2 && minDeltaT0 > Tbox)
774  continue; //EvtRejected while loop: get next event from file
776  double T0_min = T0_ug_min + MinT0 * SpeedOfLight; //-12.5ns * c [mm]
777  double T0_max = T0_ug_max + MaxT0 * SpeedOfLight; //+12.5ns * c [mm]
779  //ckeck if >= NmuMin in time box, else throw new random number + augment evt weight
780  int TboxTrials = 0;
781  int NmuInTbox;
782  double T0_offset, T0diff;
783  for (int tboxtrial = 0; tboxtrial < 1000; ++tboxtrial) { //max 1000 trials
784  T0_offset = RanGen->flat() * (T0_max - T0_min); // [mm]
785  TboxTrials++;
786  T0diff = T0_offset - T0_max; // [mm]
787  NmuInTbox = 0;
788  for (unsigned int imu = 0; imu < Id_ug.size(); ++imu) {
789  if (T0_ug[imu] + T0diff > MinT0 * SpeedOfLight && T0_ug[imu] + T0diff < MaxT0 * SpeedOfLight)
790  NmuInTbox++;
791  }
792  if (NmuInTbox >= MultiMuonNmin)
793  break;
794  }
795  if (NmuInTbox < MultiMuonNmin)
796  continue; //EvtRejected while loop: get next event from file
798  if (Debug)
799  std::cout << "initial T0_at=" << T0_at << " T0_min=" << T0_min << " T0_max=" << T0_max
800  << " T0_offset=" << T0_offset;
801  T0_at += T0diff; //[mm]
802  if (Debug)
803  std::cout << " T0diff=" << T0diff << std::endl;
804  for (unsigned int imu = 0; imu < Id_ug.size(); ++imu) { //adjust @ surface + underground
805  if (Debug)
806  std::cout << "before: T0_sf[" << imu << "]=" << T0_sf[imu] << " T0_ug=" << T0_ug[imu];
807  T0_sf[imu] += T0diff;
808  T0_ug[imu] += T0diff;
809  if (Debug)
810  std::cout << " after: T0_sf[" << imu << "]=" << T0_sf[imu] << " T0_ug=" << T0_ug[imu] << std::endl;
811  }
812  if (Debug)
813  std::cout << "T0diff=" << T0diff << " T0_at=" << T0_at << std::endl;
815  Nsel += 1;
816  EventWeight = JdR_trans_sqrt * JdRxzV_dR_trans * JdPhiV_dPhi_trans / (trials * TboxTrials);
817  EvtRejected = false;
818  if (Debug)
819  std::cout << " Theta_at=" << Theta_at << " phi_at=" << phi_at << " Px_at=" << Px_at
820  << " Py_at=" << Py_at << " Pz_at=" << Pz_at << " T0_at=" << T0_at << " Vx_at=" << Vx_at
821  << " Vy_at=" << Vy_at << " Vz_at=" << Vz_at << " EventWeight=" << EventWeight
822  << " Nmuons=" << Id_sf.size() << std::endl;
823  }
824  }
826  } //while loop EvtRejected
828  return true; //write event to HepMC;
829 }
Int_t shower_nParticlesWritten
Definition: sim.h:41
const double TwoPi
const double Pi
void propagate(double ElossScaleFac, double RadiusTarget, double Z_DistTarget, double Z_CentrTarget, bool TrackerOnly, bool MTCCHalf)
std::vector< double > Theta_mu
std::vector< double > Px_ug
Double_t particle__Py[kMaxparticle_]
Definition: sim.h:62
std::vector< double > Py_mu
Sin< T >::type sin(const T &t)
Definition: Sin.h:22
std::vector< int > Id_ug
Double_t particle__Time[kMaxparticle_]
Definition: sim.h:66
std::vector< double > Py_sf
std::vector< double > E_sf
Double_t particle__Px[kMaxparticle_]
Definition: sim.h:61
Int_t shower_EventID
Definition: sim.h:28
std::vector< double > Pz_mu
const double SpeedOfLight
Double_t particle__Pz[kMaxparticle_]
Definition: sim.h:63
std::vector< double > E_ug
const double NorthCMSzDeltaPhi
virtual Int_t GetEntry(Long64_t entry)
const double PlugWidth
Float_t shower_Energy
Definition: sim.h:29
std::vector< double > Vz_ug
const double SurfaceOfEarth
std::vector< double > Vz_sf
std::vector< double > Vz_mu
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:23
std::vector< double > Vx_sf
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
Float_t shower_Phi
Definition: sim.h:34
std::vector< double > Vy_sf
CLHEP::HepRandomEngine * RanGen
Tan< T >::type tan(const T &t)
Definition: Tan.h:22
std::vector< double > Vx_mu
SingleParticleEvent OneMuoEvt
std::vector< double > Vy_mu
std::vector< double > T0_sf
std::vector< double > Px_mu
std::vector< double > Px_sf
std::vector< double > Vy_ug
Int_t particle__ParticleID[kMaxparticle_]
Definition: sim.h:58
std::vector< double > Pz_ug
Double_t particle__x[kMaxparticle_]
Definition: sim.h:64
void create(int id, double px, double py, double pz, double e, double m, double vx, double vy, double vz, double t0)
const int max_Trials
const double MuonMass
Float_t shower_GH_t0
Definition: sim.h:47
std::vector< double > Vx_ug
std::vector< double > P_mu
std::vector< double > Py_ug
const bool Debug
Float_t shower_Theta
Definition: sim.h:33
std::vector< double > T0_ug
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Power.h:29
std::vector< int > Id_sf
std::vector< double > Pz_sf
Double_t particle__y[kMaxparticle_]
Definition: sim.h:65

◆ runCMG()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::runCMG ( )

Definition at line 10 of file

References initialize(), nextEvent(), NumberOfEvents, and terminate().

10  {
11  initialize();
12  for (unsigned int iGen = 0; iGen < NumberOfEvents; ++iGen) {
13  nextEvent();
14  }
15  terminate();
16 }
void initialize(CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *rng=nullptr)

◆ setAcptAllMu()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setAcptAllMu ( bool  AllMu)

Definition at line 1277 of file

References AcptAllMu, and NotInitialized.

1277  {
1278  if (NotInitialized)
1279  AcptAllMu = AllMu;
1280 }

◆ setClayWidth()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setClayWidth ( double  ClayLaeyrWidth)

Definition at line 1257 of file

References ClayWidth, and NotInitialized.

1257  {
1258  if (NotInitialized)
1259  ClayWidth = ClayLayerWidth;
1260 }

◆ setElossScaleFactor()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setElossScaleFactor ( double  ElossScaleFact)

Definition at line 1173 of file

References ElossScaleFactor, and NotInitialized.

1173  {
1174  if (NotInitialized)
1175  ElossScaleFactor = ElossScaleFact;
1176 }

◆ setMaxEnu()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setMaxEnu ( double  MaxEn)

Definition at line 1266 of file

References MaxEnu, and NotInitialized.

1266  {
1267  if (NotInitialized)
1268  MaxEnu = MaxEn;
1269 }

◆ setMaxP()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setMaxP ( double  P)

Definition at line 1138 of file

References MaxP, and NotInitialized.

1138  {
1139  if (NotInitialized)
1140  MaxP = P;
1141 }
std::pair< OmniClusterRef, TrackingParticleRef > P

◆ setMaxPhi()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setMaxPhi ( double  Phi)

◆ setMaxT0()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setMaxT0 ( double  T0)

Definition at line 1168 of file

References MaxT0, and NotInitialized.

1168  {
1169  if (NotInitialized)
1170  MaxT0 = T0;
1171 }

◆ setMaxTheta()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setMaxTheta ( double  Theta)

Definition at line 1148 of file

References Deg2Rad, MaxTheta, and NotInitialized.

1148  {
1149  if (NotInitialized)
1150  MaxTheta = Theta * Deg2Rad;
1151 }
const double Deg2Rad

◆ setMinEnu()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setMinEnu ( double  MinEn)

Definition at line 1262 of file

References MinEnu, and NotInitialized.

1262  {
1263  if (NotInitialized)
1264  MinEnu = MinEn;
1265 }

◆ setMinP()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setMinP ( double  P)

Definition at line 1128 of file

References MinP, and NotInitialized.

1128  {
1129  if (NotInitialized)
1130  MinP = P;
1131 }
std::pair< OmniClusterRef, TrackingParticleRef > P

◆ setMinP_CMS()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setMinP_CMS ( double  P)

Definition at line 1133 of file

References MinP_CMS, and NotInitialized.

1133  {
1134  if (NotInitialized)
1135  MinP_CMS = P;
1136 }
std::pair< OmniClusterRef, TrackingParticleRef > P

◆ setMinPhi()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setMinPhi ( double  Phi)

◆ setMinT0()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setMinT0 ( double  T0)

Definition at line 1163 of file

References MinT0, and NotInitialized.

1163  {
1164  if (NotInitialized)
1165  MinT0 = T0;
1166 }

◆ setMinTheta()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setMinTheta ( double  Theta)

Definition at line 1143 of file

References Deg2Rad, MinTheta, and NotInitialized.

1143  {
1144  if (NotInitialized)
1145  MinTheta = Theta * Deg2Rad;
1146 }
const double Deg2Rad

◆ setMTCCHalf()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setMTCCHalf ( bool  MTCC)

Definition at line 1224 of file

References MTCCHalf, and NotInitialized.

1224  {
1225  if (NotInitialized)
1226  MTCCHalf = MTCC;
1227 }

◆ setMultiMuon()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setMultiMuon ( bool  MultiMu)

Definition at line 1198 of file

References MultiMuon, and NotInitialized.

1198  {
1199  if (NotInitialized)
1200  MultiMuon = MultiMu;
1201 }

◆ setMultiMuonFileFirstEvent()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setMultiMuonFileFirstEvent ( int  MultiMuFile1stEvt)

Definition at line 1206 of file

References MultiMuonFileFirstEvent, and NotInitialized.

1206  {
1207  if (NotInitialized)
1208  MultiMuonFileFirstEvent = MultiMuFile1stEvt;
1209 }

◆ setMultiMuonFileName()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setMultiMuonFileName ( std::string  MultiMuonFileName)

Definition at line 1202 of file

References MultiMuonFileName, and NotInitialized.

1202  {
1203  if (NotInitialized)
1204  MultiMuonFileName = MultiMuFile;
1205 }

◆ setMultiMuonNmin()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setMultiMuonNmin ( int  MultiMuNmin)

Definition at line 1210 of file

References MultiMuonNmin, and NotInitialized.

1210  {
1211  if (NotInitialized)
1212  MultiMuonNmin = MultiMuNmin;
1213 }

◆ setNumberOfEvents()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setNumberOfEvents ( unsigned int  N)

Definition at line 1118 of file

References N, NotInitialized, and NumberOfEvents.

1118  {
1119  if (NotInitialized)
1120  NumberOfEvents = N;
1121 }
#define N

◆ setNuProdAlt()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setNuProdAlt ( double  NuPrdAlt)

Definition at line 1270 of file

References NotInitialized, and NuProdAlt.

1270  {
1271  if (NotInitialized)
1272  NuProdAlt = NuPrdAlt;
1273 }

◆ setPlugVx()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setPlugVx ( double  PlugVtx)

Definition at line 1229 of file

References NotInitialized, and PlugVx.

1229  {
1230  if (NotInitialized)
1231  PlugVx = PlugVtx;
1232 }

◆ setPlugVz()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setPlugVz ( double  PlugVtz)

Definition at line 1233 of file

References NotInitialized, and PlugVz.

1233  {
1234  if (NotInitialized)
1235  PlugVz = PlugVtz;
1236 }

◆ setRadiusOfTarget()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setRadiusOfTarget ( double  R)

Definition at line 1178 of file

References NotInitialized, dttmaxenums::R, and RadiusOfTarget.

1178  {
1179  if (NotInitialized)
1180  RadiusOfTarget = R;
1181 }

◆ setRandomEngine()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setRandomEngine ( CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *  v)

Definition at line 18 of file

References Cosmics, delRanGen, RanGen, CMSCGEN::setRandomEngine(), and findQualityFiles::v.

18  {
19  if (delRanGen)
20  delete RanGen;
21  RanGen = v;
22  delRanGen = false;
24 }
void setRandomEngine(CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *v)
CLHEP::HepRandomEngine * RanGen

◆ setRanSeed()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setRanSeed ( int  N)

Definition at line 1123 of file

References N, NotInitialized, and RanSeed.

1123  {
1124  if (NotInitialized)
1125  RanSeed = N;
1126 }
#define N

◆ setRhoAir()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setRhoAir ( double  VarRhoAir)

Definition at line 1237 of file

References NotInitialized, and RhoAir.

1237  {
1238  if (NotInitialized)
1239  RhoAir = VarRhoAir;
1240 }

◆ setRhoClay()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setRhoClay ( double  VarRhoClay)

Definition at line 1249 of file

References NotInitialized, and RhoClay.

1249  {
1250  if (NotInitialized)
1251  RhoClay = VarRhoClay;
1252 }

◆ setRhoPlug()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setRhoPlug ( double  VarRhoPlug)

Definition at line 1253 of file

References NotInitialized, and RhoPlug.

1253  {
1254  if (NotInitialized)
1255  RhoPlug = VarRhoPlug;
1256 }

◆ setRhoRock()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setRhoRock ( double  VarRhoRock)

Definition at line 1245 of file

References NotInitialized, and RhoRock.

1245  {
1246  if (NotInitialized)
1247  RhoRock = VarRhoRock;
1248 }

◆ setRhoWall()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setRhoWall ( double  VarRhoSWall)

Definition at line 1241 of file

References NotInitialized, and RhoWall.

1241  {
1242  if (NotInitialized)
1243  RhoWall = VarRhoWall;
1244 }

◆ setTIFOnly_constant()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setTIFOnly_constant ( bool  TIF)

Definition at line 1215 of file

References NotInitialized, and TIFOnly_constant.

1215  {
1216  if (NotInitialized)
1217  TIFOnly_constant = TIF;
1218 }

◆ setTIFOnly_linear()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setTIFOnly_linear ( bool  TIF)

Definition at line 1220 of file

References NotInitialized, and TIFOnly_linear.

1220  {
1221  if (NotInitialized)
1222  TIFOnly_linear = TIF;
1223 }

◆ setTrackerOnly()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setTrackerOnly ( bool  Tracker)

Definition at line 1193 of file

References NotInitialized, align::Tracker, and TrackerOnly.

◆ setZCentrOfTarget()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setZCentrOfTarget ( double  Z)

◆ setZDistOfTarget()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::setZDistOfTarget ( double  Z)

◆ terminate()

void CosmicMuonGenerator::terminate ( void  )

Definition at line 831 of file

References custom_jme_cff::area, funct::cos(), gather_cfg::cout, Deg2Rad, MillePedeFileConverter_cfg::e, ElossScaleFactor, EventRate, CMSCGENnorm::events_n100cos(), createfilelist::int, MaxP, MaxPhi, MaxT0, MaxTheta, MinP, MinPhi, MinT0, MinTheta, Ndiced, Ngen, CMSCGENnorm::norm(), Norm, Nsel, NumberOfEvents, Pi, Rad2Deg, RadiusOfTarget, rateErr_stat, rateErr_syst, mathSSE::sqrt(), SurfaceOfEarth, SurfaceRadius, and ZDistOfTarget.

Referenced by runCMG().

831  {
832  if (NumberOfEvents > 0) {
833  std::cout << std::endl;
834  std::cout << "*********************************************************" << std::endl;
835  std::cout << "*********************************************************" << std::endl;
836  std::cout << "*** ***" << std::endl;
837  std::cout << "*** C O S M I C M U O N S T A T I S T I C S ***" << std::endl;
838  std::cout << "*** ***" << std::endl;
839  std::cout << "*********************************************************" << std::endl;
840  std::cout << "*********************************************************" << std::endl;
841  std::cout << std::endl;
842  std::cout << " number of initial cosmic events: " << int(Ngen) << std::endl;
843  std::cout << " number of actually diced events: " << int(Ndiced) << std::endl;
844  std::cout << " number of generated and accepted events: " << int(Nsel) << std::endl;
845  double selEff = Nsel / Ngen; // selection efficiency
846  std::cout << " event selection efficiency: " << selEff * 100. << "%" << std::endl;
847  int n100cos =
848  Norm->events_n100cos(0., 0.); //get final amount of cosmics in defined range for normalisation of flux
849  std::cout << " events with ~100 GeV and 1 - cos(theta) < 1/2pi: " << n100cos << std::endl;
850  std::cout << std::endl;
851  std::cout << " momentum range: " << MinP << " ... " << MaxP << " GeV" << std::endl;
852  std::cout << " theta range: " << MinTheta * Rad2Deg << " ... " << MaxTheta * Rad2Deg << " deg"
853  << std::endl;
854  std::cout << " phi range: " << MinPhi * Rad2Deg << " ... " << MaxPhi * Rad2Deg << " deg" << std::endl;
855  std::cout << " time range: " << MinT0 << " ... " << MaxT0 << " ns" << std::endl;
856  std::cout << " energy loss: " << ElossScaleFactor * 100. << "%" << std::endl;
857  std::cout << std::endl;
858  double area = 1.e-6 * Pi * SurfaceRadius * SurfaceRadius; // area on surface [m^2]
859  if (MinTheta > 90. * Deg2Rad) //upgoing muons from neutrinos)
860  std::cout << " area of initial cosmics at CMS detector bottom surface: " << area << " m^2" << std::endl;
861  else
862  std::cout << " area of initial cosmics on Surface + PlugWidth: " << area << " m^2" << std::endl;
863  std::cout << " depth of CMS detector (from Surface): " << SurfaceOfEarth / 1000 << " m" << std::endl;
865  //at least 100 evts., and
866  //downgoing inside theta parametersisation range
867  //or upgoing neutrino muons
868  if ((n100cos > 0 && MaxTheta < 84.26 * Deg2Rad) || MinTheta > 90. * Deg2Rad) {
869  // rate: corrected for area and selection-Eff. and normalized to known flux, integration over solid angle (dOmega) is implicit
870  // flux is normalised with respect to known flux of vertical 100GeV muons in area at suface level
871  // rate seen by detector is lower than rate at surface area, so has to be corrected for selection-Eff.
872  // normalisation factor has unit [1/s/m^2]
873  // rate = N/time --> normalization factor gives 1/runtime/area
874  // normalization with respect to number of actually diced events (Ndiced)
876  if (MinTheta > 90. * Deg2Rad) { //upgoing muons from neutrinos)
877  double Omega = (cos(MinTheta) - cos(MaxTheta)) * (MaxPhi - MinPhi);
878  //EventRate = (Ndiced * 3.e-13) * Omega * area*1.e4 * selEff;//area in cm, flux=3.e-13cm^-2s^-1sr^-1
879  EventRate = (Ndiced * 3.e-13) * Omega * 4. * RadiusOfTarget * ZDistOfTarget * 1.e-2 *
880  selEff; //area in cm, flux=3.e-13cm^-2s^-1sr^-1
881  rateErr_stat = EventRate / sqrt((double)Ndiced); // stat. rate error
882  rateErr_syst = EventRate / 3.e-13 * 1.0e-13; // syst. rate error, from error of known flux
883  } else {
884  EventRate = (Ndiced * Norm->norm(n100cos)) * area * selEff;
885  rateErr_stat = EventRate / sqrt((double)n100cos); // stat. rate error
886  rateErr_syst = EventRate / 2.63e-3 * 0.06e-3; // syst. rate error, from error of known flux
887  }
889  // normalisation in region 1.-cos(theta) < 1./(2.*Pi), if MaxTheta even lower correct for this
890  if (MaxTheta < 0.572) {
891  double spacean = 2. * Pi * (1. - cos(MaxTheta));
892  EventRate = (Ndiced * Norm->norm(n100cos)) * area * selEff * spacean;
893  rateErr_stat = EventRate / sqrt((double)n100cos); // rate error
894  rateErr_syst = EventRate / 2.63e-3 * 0.06e-3; // syst. rate error, from error of known flux
895  }
897  } else {
898  EventRate = Nsel; //no info as no muons at 100 GeV
899  rateErr_stat = Nsel;
900  rateErr_syst = Nsel;
901  std::cout << std::endl;
902  if (MinP > 100.)
903  std::cout << " !!! MinP > 100 GeV. Cannot apply normalisation!" << std::endl;
904  else if (MaxTheta > 84.26 * Deg2Rad)
905  std::cout << " !!! Note: generated cosmics exceed parameterisation. No flux calculated!" << std::endl;
907  else
908  std::cout << " !!! Not enough statistics to apply normalisation (rate=1 +- 1) !!!" << std::endl;
909  }
911  std::cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << std::endl;
912  std::cout << " rate is " << EventRate << " +-" << rateErr_stat << " (stat) "
913  << "+-" << rateErr_syst << " (syst) "
914  << " muons per second" << std::endl;
915  if (EventRate != 0)
916  std::cout << " number of events corresponds to " << Nsel / EventRate << " s"
917  << std::endl; //runtime at CMS = Nsel/rate
918  std::cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << std::endl;
919  std::cout << std::endl;
920  std::cout << "*********************************************************" << std::endl;
921  std::cout << "*********************************************************" << std::endl;
922  }
923 }
const double Pi
float norm(int n100cos)
int events_n100cos(double energy, double theta)
const double SurfaceOfEarth
const double Deg2Rad
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:23
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
const double Rad2Deg

Member Data Documentation

◆ AcptAllMu

bool CosmicMuonGenerator::AcptAllMu

Definition at line 221 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), nextMultiEvent(), and setAcptAllMu().

◆ ClayWidth

double CosmicMuonGenerator::ClayWidth

Definition at line 214 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicMuonGenerator(), and setClayWidth().

◆ Cosmics

CMSCGEN* CosmicMuonGenerator::Cosmics

◆ delRanGen

bool CosmicMuonGenerator::delRanGen

Definition at line 225 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by initialize(), setRandomEngine(), and ~CosmicMuonGenerator().

◆ E_at

double CosmicMuonGenerator::E_at

Definition at line 116 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ E_sf

std::vector<double> CosmicMuonGenerator::E_sf

Definition at line 138 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ E_ug

std::vector<double> CosmicMuonGenerator::E_ug

Definition at line 149 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ ElossScaleFactor

double CosmicMuonGenerator::ElossScaleFactor

◆ EventRate

double CosmicMuonGenerator::EventRate

Definition at line 195 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicMuonGenerator(), getRate(), and terminate().

◆ EventWeight

double CosmicMuonGenerator::EventWeight

Definition at line 109 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ Id_at

int CosmicMuonGenerator::Id_at

Definition at line 112 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ Id_sf

std::vector<int> CosmicMuonGenerator::Id_sf

Definition at line 134 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ Id_ug

std::vector<int> CosmicMuonGenerator::Id_ug

Definition at line 145 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ MaxEnu

double CosmicMuonGenerator::MaxEnu

Definition at line 218 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by checkIn(), initialize(), and setMaxEnu().

◆ MaxP

double CosmicMuonGenerator::MaxP

◆ MaxPhi

double CosmicMuonGenerator::MaxPhi

◆ MaxT0

double CosmicMuonGenerator::MaxT0

◆ MaxTheta

double CosmicMuonGenerator::MaxTheta

◆ MinEnu

double CosmicMuonGenerator::MinEnu

Definition at line 217 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by checkIn(), initialize(), and setMinEnu().

◆ MinP

double CosmicMuonGenerator::MinP

◆ MinP_CMS

double CosmicMuonGenerator::MinP_CMS

Definition at line 173 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicMuonGenerator(), nextEvent(), nextMultiEvent(), and setMinP_CMS().

◆ MinPhi

double CosmicMuonGenerator::MinPhi

◆ MinT0

double CosmicMuonGenerator::MinT0

◆ MinTheta

double CosmicMuonGenerator::MinTheta

◆ MTCCHalf

bool CosmicMuonGenerator::MTCCHalf

Definition at line 193 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicMuonGenerator(), nextEvent(), nextMultiEvent(), and setMTCCHalf().

◆ MultiIn

TFile* CosmicMuonGenerator::MultiIn

Definition at line 157 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by initialize().

◆ MultiMuon

bool CosmicMuonGenerator::MultiMuon

Definition at line 187 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicMuonGenerator(), initialize(), and setMultiMuon().

◆ MultiMuonFileFirstEvent

int CosmicMuonGenerator::MultiMuonFileFirstEvent

◆ MultiMuonFileName

std::string CosmicMuonGenerator::MultiMuonFileName

Definition at line 188 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicMuonGenerator(), initialize(), and setMultiMuonFileName().

◆ MultiMuonNmin

int CosmicMuonGenerator::MultiMuonNmin

Definition at line 190 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicMuonGenerator(), nextMultiEvent(), and setMultiMuonNmin().

◆ MultiTree

TTree* CosmicMuonGenerator::MultiTree

Definition at line 158 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by initialize().

◆ NcloseMultiMuonEvents

int CosmicMuonGenerator::NcloseMultiMuonEvents

Definition at line 162 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by initialize(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ Ndiced

double CosmicMuonGenerator::Ndiced

Definition at line 202 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicMuonGenerator(), nextEvent(), and terminate().

◆ Ngen

double CosmicMuonGenerator::Ngen

Definition at line 200 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicMuonGenerator(), nextEvent(), nextMultiEvent(), and terminate().

◆ Norm

CMSCGENnorm* CosmicMuonGenerator::Norm

◆ NotInitialized

bool CosmicMuonGenerator::NotInitialized

◆ Nsel

double CosmicMuonGenerator::Nsel

Definition at line 201 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicMuonGenerator(), nextEvent(), nextMultiEvent(), and terminate().

◆ NskippedMultiMuonEvents

int CosmicMuonGenerator::NskippedMultiMuonEvents

Definition at line 163 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by initialize(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ NumberOfEvents

unsigned int CosmicMuonGenerator::NumberOfEvents

◆ NuProdAlt

double CosmicMuonGenerator::NuProdAlt

Definition at line 219 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by initialize(), and setNuProdAlt().

◆ OneMuoEvt

SingleParticleEvent CosmicMuonGenerator::OneMuoEvt

◆ P_mu

std::vector<double> CosmicMuonGenerator::P_mu

Definition at line 127 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextMultiEvent().

◆ PlugVx

double CosmicMuonGenerator::PlugVx

Definition at line 205 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicMuonGenerator(), initialize(), and setPlugVx().

◆ PlugVz

double CosmicMuonGenerator::PlugVz

Definition at line 206 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicMuonGenerator(), initialize(), and setPlugVz().

◆ Px_at

double CosmicMuonGenerator::Px_at

Definition at line 113 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ Px_mu

std::vector<double> CosmicMuonGenerator::Px_mu

Definition at line 124 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextMultiEvent().

◆ Px_sf

std::vector<double> CosmicMuonGenerator::Px_sf

Definition at line 135 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ Px_ug

std::vector<double> CosmicMuonGenerator::Px_ug

Definition at line 146 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ Py_at

double CosmicMuonGenerator::Py_at

Definition at line 114 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ Py_mu

std::vector<double> CosmicMuonGenerator::Py_mu

Definition at line 125 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextMultiEvent().

◆ Py_sf

std::vector<double> CosmicMuonGenerator::Py_sf

Definition at line 136 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ Py_ug

std::vector<double> CosmicMuonGenerator::Py_ug

Definition at line 147 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ Pz_at

double CosmicMuonGenerator::Pz_at

Definition at line 115 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ Pz_mu

std::vector<double> CosmicMuonGenerator::Pz_mu

Definition at line 126 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextMultiEvent().

◆ Pz_sf

std::vector<double> CosmicMuonGenerator::Pz_sf

Definition at line 137 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ Pz_ug

std::vector<double> CosmicMuonGenerator::Pz_ug

Definition at line 148 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ RadiusOfTarget

double CosmicMuonGenerator::RadiusOfTarget

◆ RanGen

CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* CosmicMuonGenerator::RanGen

◆ RanSeed

int CosmicMuonGenerator::RanSeed

Definition at line 171 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicMuonGenerator(), initialize(), and setRanSeed().

◆ rateErr_stat

double CosmicMuonGenerator::rateErr_stat

Definition at line 196 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicMuonGenerator(), and terminate().

◆ rateErr_syst

double CosmicMuonGenerator::rateErr_syst

Definition at line 197 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicMuonGenerator(), and terminate().

◆ RhoAir

double CosmicMuonGenerator::RhoAir

Definition at line 209 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicMuonGenerator(), initialize(), and setRhoAir().

◆ RhoClay

double CosmicMuonGenerator::RhoClay

Definition at line 212 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicMuonGenerator(), initialize(), and setRhoClay().

◆ RhoPlug

double CosmicMuonGenerator::RhoPlug

Definition at line 213 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicMuonGenerator(), initialize(), and setRhoPlug().

◆ RhoRock

double CosmicMuonGenerator::RhoRock

Definition at line 211 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicMuonGenerator(), initialize(), and setRhoRock().

◆ RhoWall

double CosmicMuonGenerator::RhoWall

Definition at line 210 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicMuonGenerator(), initialize(), and setRhoWall().

◆ SimTree

sim* CosmicMuonGenerator::SimTree

Definition at line 159 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by initialize(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ SimTree_jentry

ULong64_t CosmicMuonGenerator::SimTree_jentry

Definition at line 161 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by initialize(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ SimTreeEntries

ULong64_t CosmicMuonGenerator::SimTreeEntries

Definition at line 160 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by initialize(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ SumIntegrals

double CosmicMuonGenerator::SumIntegrals

Definition at line 199 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicMuonGenerator().

◆ SurfaceRadius

double CosmicMuonGenerator::SurfaceRadius

◆ T0_at

double CosmicMuonGenerator::T0_at

Definition at line 121 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ T0_sf

std::vector<double> CosmicMuonGenerator::T0_sf

Definition at line 143 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ T0_ug

std::vector<double> CosmicMuonGenerator::T0_ug

Definition at line 154 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ Target3dRadius

double CosmicMuonGenerator::Target3dRadius

◆ Theta_at

double CosmicMuonGenerator::Theta_at

Definition at line 122 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextMultiEvent().

◆ Theta_mu

std::vector<double> CosmicMuonGenerator::Theta_mu

Definition at line 132 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextMultiEvent().

◆ TIFOnly_constant

bool CosmicMuonGenerator::TIFOnly_constant

Definition at line 191 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicMuonGenerator(), initialize(), and setTIFOnly_constant().

◆ TIFOnly_linear

bool CosmicMuonGenerator::TIFOnly_linear

Definition at line 192 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicMuonGenerator(), initialize(), and setTIFOnly_linear().

◆ TrackerOnly

bool CosmicMuonGenerator::TrackerOnly

◆ Trials

double CosmicMuonGenerator::Trials

Definition at line 110 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextMultiEvent().

◆ Vx_at

double CosmicMuonGenerator::Vx_at

Definition at line 118 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ Vx_mu

std::vector<double> CosmicMuonGenerator::Vx_mu

Definition at line 128 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextMultiEvent().

◆ Vx_sf

std::vector<double> CosmicMuonGenerator::Vx_sf

Definition at line 140 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ Vx_ug

std::vector<double> CosmicMuonGenerator::Vx_ug

Definition at line 151 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ Vxz_mu

double CosmicMuonGenerator::Vxz_mu

Definition at line 131 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextMultiEvent().

◆ Vy_at

double CosmicMuonGenerator::Vy_at

Definition at line 119 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ Vy_mu

std::vector<double> CosmicMuonGenerator::Vy_mu

Definition at line 129 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextMultiEvent().

◆ Vy_sf

std::vector<double> CosmicMuonGenerator::Vy_sf

Definition at line 141 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ Vy_ug

std::vector<double> CosmicMuonGenerator::Vy_ug

Definition at line 152 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ Vz_at

double CosmicMuonGenerator::Vz_at

Definition at line 120 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ Vz_mu

std::vector<double> CosmicMuonGenerator::Vz_mu

Definition at line 130 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextMultiEvent().

◆ Vz_sf

std::vector<double> CosmicMuonGenerator::Vz_sf

Definition at line 142 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ Vz_ug

std::vector<double> CosmicMuonGenerator::Vz_ug

Definition at line 153 of file CosmicMuonGenerator.h.

Referenced by nextEvent(), and nextMultiEvent().

◆ ZCentrOfTarget

double CosmicMuonGenerator::ZCentrOfTarget

◆ ZDistOfTarget

double CosmicMuonGenerator::ZDistOfTarget