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4 #include "vdt/vdtMath.h"
6 //#define PVTX_DEBUG
9  const double zcutoff,
10  const double mintrkweight,
11  const bool multivertexfit)
12  : chi_cutoff_(chicutoff), z_cutoff_(zcutoff), min_trackweight_(mintrkweight), multivertexfit_(multivertexfit) {
13 #ifdef PVTX_DEBUG
14  edm::LogInfo("AdaptiveChisquarePrimaryVertexFitter")
15  << "instantiating AdaptiveChisquarePrimaryVertexFitter with "
16  << " chi cutoff =" << chi_cutoff_ << " z cutoff =" << z_cutoff_ << " min_trackweight=" << min_trackweight_
17  << " multivertex mode " << multivertexfit_ << std::endl;
18 #endif
19 }
22  const double xvtx,
23  const double yvtx,
24  const double zvtx) {
25  double F1 = ti.b1 + xvtx * ti.H1[0] + yvtx * ti.H1[1]; // using H1[2]=0
26  double F2 = ti.b2 + xvtx * ti.H2[0] + yvtx * ti.H2[1] - zvtx; // using H2[2]=-1
27  double chsq = F1 * F1 * ti.S11 + F2 * F2 * ti.S22 + 2. * F1 * F2 * ti.S12;
28 #ifdef PVTX_DEBUG
29  assert((chsq >= 0) && " negative chi**2");
30 #endif
31  return chsq;
32 }
34 void AdaptiveChisquarePrimaryVertexFitter::fill_trackinfo(const std::vector<reco::TransientTrack> &tracks,
35  const reco::BeamSpot &beamSpot) {
36  /* fill track information used during fits into arrays, parallell to the list of input tracks */
38  trackinfo_.clear();
39  trackinfo_.reserve(tracks.size());
41  for (auto &trk : tracks) {
42  TrackInfo ti;
43  // F1,F2 are the perigee parameters (3,4)
44  const auto tspca = trk.stateAtBeamLine().trackStateAtPCA(); // freeTrajectoryState
45  const auto tspca_pe = PerigeeConversions::ftsToPerigeeError(tspca);
46  const auto momentum = tspca.momentum();
47  auto const cos_phi = momentum.x() / momentum.perp();
48  auto const sin_phi = momentum.y() / momentum.perp();
49  auto const tan_lambda = momentum.z() / momentum.perp();
51  // covariance matrix of (F1,F2)
52  double cov11 = tspca_pe.covarianceMatrix()(3, 3);
53  double cov22 = tspca_pe.covarianceMatrix()(4, 4);
54  double cov12 = tspca_pe.covarianceMatrix()(3, 4);
56  // S = cov^{-1}
57  double DetV = cov11 * cov22 - cov12 * cov12;
58  if (fabs(DetV) < 1.e-16) {
59  edm::LogWarning("AdaptiveChisquarePrimaryVertexFitter")
60  << "Warning, det(V) almost vanishes : " << DetV << " !! This should not happen!" << std::endl;
61  ti.S11 = 0;
62  ti.S22 = 0;
63  ti.S12 = 0;
64  } else {
65  ti.S11 = cov22 / DetV;
66  ti.S22 = cov11 / DetV;
67  ti.S12 = -cov12 / DetV;
68  }
69  ti.b1 = tspca.position().x() * sin_phi - tspca.position().y() * cos_phi;
70  ti.H1[0] = -sin_phi;
71  ti.H1[1] = cos_phi;
72  ti.H1[2] = 0;
73  ti.b2 = tspca.position().z() - (tspca.position().x() * cos_phi + tspca.position().y() * sin_phi) * tan_lambda;
74  ti.H2[0] = cos_phi * tan_lambda;
75  ti.H2[1] = sin_phi * tan_lambda;
76  ti.H2[2] = -1.;
78  for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
79  double SH1k = (ti.S11 * ti.H1[k] + ti.S12 * ti.H2[k]);
80  double SH2k = (ti.S12 * ti.H1[k] + ti.S22 * ti.H2[k]);
81  ti.g[k] = ti.b1 * SH1k + ti.b2 * SH2k;
82  for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++) {
83  ti.C(l, k) = ti.H1[l] * SH1k + ti.H2[l] * SH2k;
84  }
85  }
87  ti.zpca = tspca.position().z();
88  ti.dzError = trk.track().dzError();
89  trackinfo_.push_back(ti);
90  }
91 }
94  unsigned const int nv = xv_.size();
95  unsigned const int nt = trackinfo_.size();
97 #ifdef PVTX_DEBUG
98  if (nv < 1) {
99  edm::LogWarning("AdaptiveChisquarePrimaryVertexFit") << " empty vertex list with " << nt << " tracks" << std::endl;
100  return;
101  }
102 #endif
104  // parallel lists for track to vertex mapping, tracks are not sorted
105  tkmap_.clear(); // index in trackinfo_
106  tkweight_.clear(); // weight in vertex
107  tkfirstv_.clear(); // each vertex k owns a section of those list : tkfirstv_[k] .. tkfirstv_[k+1]-1
109  if (nv == 1) {
110  // always accept all tracks for a single vertex fit
111  tkfirstv_.push_back(0);
112  tkfirstv_.push_back(nt);
113  tkweight_.assign(nt, 0.);
114  tkmap_.reserve(nt);
115  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nt; i++) {
116  tkmap_.emplace_back(i);
117  }
118  return;
119  }
121  // n > 1
122  tkmap_.reserve(nv * 100);
123  tkweight_.reserve(nv * 100);
124  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < nv; k++) {
125  tkfirstv_.emplace_back(tkmap_.size());
126  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nt; i++) {
127  auto &ti = trackinfo_[i];
128  const double zrange = zrange_scale * ti.dzError;
129  if (std::abs(zv_[k] - ti.zpca) < z_cutoff_) {
130  const double dztrk = ti.b2 + xv_[k] * ti.H2[0] + yv_[k] * ti.H2[1] - zv_[k];
131  if (std::abs(dztrk) < zrange) {
132  tkmap_.emplace_back(i);
133  tkweight_.emplace_back(0.);
134  }
135  }
136  }
137  }
138  tkfirstv_.emplace_back(tkmap_.size()); // extra entry, simplifies loops, every vertex has a "successor" now
139 }
142  // multi-vertex version
143  unsigned const int nt = trackinfo_.size();
144  unsigned const int nv = xv_.size();
145  const double beta_over_2 = 0.5 * beta;
146  const double argmax = beta_over_2 * chi_cutoff_ * chi_cutoff_ * 5;
147  const double Z_cutoff = vdt::fast_exp(-beta_over_2 * chi_cutoff_ * chi_cutoff_);
149  std::vector<double> Z_track(nt, Z_cutoff);
151  // evaluate and cache track-vertex assignment chi**2 for all clusters and sum up Z
152  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < nv; k++) {
153  for (unsigned int j = tkfirstv_[k]; j < tkfirstv_[k + 1]; j++) {
154  const unsigned int i = tkmap_[j];
155  double arg = beta_over_2 * track_in_vertex_chsq(trackinfo_[i], xv_[k], yv_[k], zv_[k]);
156  if (arg < argmax) {
157  const double e = vdt::fast_exp(-arg);
158  tkweight_[j] = e; // must later be normalized by the proper Z_track[i]
159  Z_track[i] += e; // sum up exponentials to normalize
160  } else {
161  tkweight_[j] = 0.;
162  }
163  }
164  }
166  // now we have the partition function, Z_i and can evaluate assignment probabilities (aka weights)
167  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < tkmap_.size(); j++) {
168  const unsigned int i = tkmap_[j];
169 #ifdef PVT_DEBUG
170  assert((i < nt) && "tkmap out of range");
171  assert((tkmap_.size() == tkweight_.size()) && "map and list not aliged");
172 #endif
173  tkweight_[j] /= Z_track[i];
174  }
175 }
178  /* in multi-vertex fitting, nearby vertices can fall on top of each other,
179  even when the initial seeds don't, some kind of duplicate removal is required
180  the approach in this method is similar to the method applied in clustering:
181  at least two tracks with a weight above a threshold (trkweight_threshold) are required.
182  vertices that don't fulfill this are either insignficant or very close
183  to another vertex
184  */
185  const double trkweight_threshold = 0.7;
186  unsigned int nv = xv_.size();
187  if (nv < 2)
188  return false;
190  // sum of weights per vertex
191  std::vector<double> wsumhi(nv, 0);
192  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < nv; k++) {
193  for (unsigned int j = tkfirstv_[k]; j < tkfirstv_[k + 1]; j++) {
194  if (tkweight_[j] > trkweight_threshold)
195  wsumhi[k] += tkweight_[j];
196  }
197  }
199  double dzmin = 0;
200  unsigned int k_dzmin = 0;
201  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < nv - 1; k++) {
202  double dz = std::abs(zv_[k + 1] - zv_[k]);
203  if ((k == 0) || (dz < dzmin)) {
204  dzmin = dz;
205  k_dzmin = k;
206  }
207  }
209  if ((std::abs(dzmin) < 0.0200) && (std::min(wsumhi[k_dzmin], wsumhi[k_dzmin + 1]) < 0.5)) {
210  if (wsumhi[k_dzmin] < wsumhi[k_dzmin + 1]) {
211  remove_vertex(k_dzmin);
212  } else {
213  remove_vertex(k_dzmin + 1);
214  }
215  }
217  return true;
218 }
221  // remove a vertex or rather merge it with it's neighbour
222  // used for multi-vertex fits only
223  unsigned int nv = xv_.size();
224  if (nv < 2)
225  return;
227  // 1) remove the vertex from the vertex list
228  xv_.erase(xv_.begin() + k);
229  yv_.erase(yv_.begin() + k);
230  zv_.erase(zv_.begin() + k);
231  covv_.erase(covv_.begin() + k);
233  // 2) adjust the track-map map
234  // 2a) remove the map entries that belong the deleted vertex
235  const unsigned int num_erased_map_entries = tkfirstv_[k + 1] - tkfirstv_[k];
236  tkmap_.erase(tkmap_.begin() + tkfirstv_[k], tkmap_.begin() + tkfirstv_[k + 1]);
237  tkweight_.erase(tkweight_.begin() + tkfirstv_[k], tkweight_.begin() + tkfirstv_[k + 1]);
238  // 2b) adjust pointers for the following vertices, including the dummy entry behind the last (now [nv-1])
239  for (unsigned int k1 = k + 1; k1 < nv + 1; k1++) {
240  tkfirstv_[k1] -= num_erased_map_entries;
241  }
242  // 2c) erase the pointer of the removed vertex
243  tkfirstv_.erase(tkfirstv_.begin() + k);
244 }
247  const float beam_weight,
248  const bool fill_covariances) {
249  double rho_vtx = 0;
250  double delta_z = 0;
251  double delta_x = 0;
252  double delta_y = 0;
253  unsigned const int nt = trackinfo_.size();
254  unsigned const int nv = xv_.size();
255  if (fill_covariances) {
256  covv_.clear();
257  }
259  // initial value for S, 0 or inverse of the beamspot covariance matrix
260  Error3 S0;
261  double c_beam[3] = {0, 0, 0};
262  if (beam_weight > 0) {
264  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
265  c_beam[j] = -(S0(j, 0) * beamspot.x0() + S0(j, 1) * beamspot.y0() + S0(j, 2) * beamspot.z0());
266  }
267  }
269  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < nv; k++) {
270  rho_vtx = 0;
271  Error3 S(S0);
272  // sum track contributions
273  double c[3] = {c_beam[0], c_beam[1], c_beam[2]};
274  for (unsigned int j = tkfirstv_[k]; j < tkfirstv_[k + 1]; j++) {
275  const unsigned int i = tkmap_[j];
276  const auto w = tkweight_[j];
277  rho_vtx += w;
278  S += w * trackinfo_[i].C;
279  for (unsigned int l = 0; l < 3; l++) {
280  c[l] += w * trackinfo_[i].g[l];
281  }
282  }
284 #ifdef PVTX_DEBUG
285  if ((fabs(S(1, 2) - S(2, 1)) > 1e-3) || (fabs(S(0, 2) - S(2, 0)) > 1e-3) || (fabs(S(0, 1) - S(1, 0)) > 1e-3) ||
286  (S(0, 0) <= 0) || (S(0, 0) <= 0) || (S(0, 0) <= 0)) {
287  edm::LogWarning("AdaptiveChisquarePrimaryVertexFitter") << "update() bad S-matrix S=" << std::endl
288  << S << std::endl;
289  edm::LogWarning("AdaptiveChisquarePrimaryVertexFitter")
290  << "n-vertex = " << nv << " n-track = " << nt << std::endl;
291  }
292 #endif
294  const auto xold = xv_[k];
295  const auto yold = yv_[k];
296  const auto zold = zv_[k];
298  if (S.Invert()) {
299  xv_[k] = -(S(0, 0) * c[0] + S(0, 1) * c[1] + S(0, 2) * c[2]);
300  yv_[k] = -(S(1, 0) * c[0] + S(1, 1) * c[1] + S(1, 2) * c[2]);
301  zv_[k] = -(S(2, 0) * c[0] + S(2, 1) * c[1] + S(2, 2) * c[2]);
302  if (fill_covariances) {
303  covv_.emplace_back(S);
304  }
305  } else {
306  edm::LogWarning("AdaptiveChisquarePrimaryVertexFitter") << "update() Matrix inversion failed" << S << std::endl;
307  if (fill_covariances) {
308  Error3 covv_dummy;
309  covv_dummy(0, 0) = 100.;
310  covv_dummy(1, 1) = 100.;
311  covv_dummy(2, 2) = 100.;
312  covv_.emplace_back(covv_dummy);
313  }
314  }
316  if ((nt > 1) && (rho_vtx > 1.0)) {
317  delta_x = std::max(delta_x, std::abs(xv_[k] - xold));
318  delta_y = std::max(delta_y, std::abs(yv_[k] - yold));
319  delta_z = std::max(delta_z, std::abs(zv_[k] - zold));
320  }
322  } // vertex loop
324  return std::max(delta_z, std::max(delta_x, delta_y));
325 }
328  const reco::BeamSpot &beamspot) {
329  auto SBeam = beamspot.rotatedCovariance3D();
330  if (SBeam.Invert()) {
331  return SBeam;
332  } else {
333  edm::LogWarning("AdaptiveChisquarePrimaryVertexFitter")
334  << "Warning, beam-spot covariance matrix inversion failed " << std::endl;
335  Error3 S0;
336  S0(0, 0) = 1. / pow(beamspot.BeamWidthX(), 2);
337  S0(1, 1) = 1. / pow(beamspot.BeamWidthY(), 2);
338  S0(2, 2) = 1. / pow(beamspot.sigmaZ(), 2);
339  return S0;
340  }
341 }
344  const unsigned int k,
345  const std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, float>> &vertex_track_weights,
346  const std::vector<reco::TransientTrack> &tracks,
347  const float beam_weight,
348  const reco::BeamSpot &beamspot) {
349  const GlobalPoint pos(xv_[k], yv_[k], zv_[k]);
350  const GlobalError posError(
351  covv_[k](0, 0), covv_[k](1, 0), covv_[k](1, 1), covv_[k](2, 0), covv_[k](2, 1), covv_[k](2, 2));
352  float chi2 = 0.;
353  float vtx_ndof = -3.;
354  if (beam_weight > 0) {
355  // add beam-spot chi**2 and degrees of freedom
356  vtx_ndof = 3 * beam_weight;
357  const auto S = get_inverse_beam_covariance(beamspot);
358  const double dx = xv_[k] - beamspot.x0();
359  const double dy = yv_[k] - beamspot.y0();
360  const double dz = zv_[k] - beamspot.z0();
361  chi2 = beam_weight * (S(0, 0) * dx * dx + S(1, 1) * dy * dy + 2 * S(0, 1) * dx * dy + S(2, 2) * dz * dz +
362  2 * S(0, 2) * dx * dz + 2 * S(1, 2) * dy * dz);
363  }
365  std::vector<reco::TransientTrack> vertex_tracks;
367  for (const auto &tk : vertex_track_weights) {
368  const unsigned int i = tk.first;
369  const float track_weight = tk.second;
370  if (track_weight >= min_trackweight_) {
371  vertex_tracks.emplace_back(tracks[i]);
372  trkWeightMap[tracks[i]] = track_weight;
373  vtx_ndof += 2 * track_weight;
374  chi2 += track_weight * track_in_vertex_chsq(trackinfo_[i], xv_[k], yv_[k], zv_[k]);
375  }
376  }
378  auto vtx = TransientVertex(pos, posError, vertex_tracks, chi2, vtx_ndof);
379  vtx.weightMap(trkWeightMap);
381  return vtx;
382 }
385  const std::vector<reco::TransientTrack> &tracks,
386  const std::vector<TransientVertex> &clusters,
387  const reco::BeamSpot &beamspot,
388  const bool useBeamConstraint) {
389  // simultaneous fit of all vertices in the input list
391  const int max_iterations = 50;
393  // initialize the vertices
394  const unsigned int nv = clusters.size();
395  xv_.clear();
396  xv_.reserve(nv);
397  yv_.clear();
398  yv_.reserve(nv);
399  zv_.clear();
400  zv_.reserve(nv);
401  tkfirstv_.clear();
402  tkfirstv_.reserve(nv + 1);
403  covv_.clear();
404  covv_.reserve(nv);
406  // seeds
407  for (auto &clu : clusters) {
408  const double zclu = clu.position().z();
409  xv_.emplace_back(beamspot.x(zclu));
410  yv_.emplace_back(beamspot.y(zclu));
411  zv_.emplace_back(zclu);
412  }
416  make_vtx_trk_map(5.); // use tracks within 5 sigma windows (if that is less than z_cutoff_)
418  float beam_weight = useBeamConstraint ? 1. : 0.;
420  double delta = 0;
421  unsigned int nit = 0;
422  while ((nit == 0) || ((delta > 0.0001) && (nit < max_iterations))) {
424  delta = update(beamspot, beam_weight, false);
425  nit++;
426  }
427  if ((nit >= max_iterations) && (delta > 0.01)) {
428  edm::LogWarning("AdaptiveChisquarePrimaryVertexFitter")
429  << "iteration limit reached " << nit << " last delta = " << delta << std::endl
430  << " nv = " << nv << " nt = " << tracks.size() << std::endl;
431  }
433  // may need to remove collapsed vertices
434  nit = 0;
435  while ((xv_.size() > 1) && (nit < max_iterations) && (clean())) {
437  update(beamspot, beam_weight, false);
438  nit++;
439  }
441  // fill the covariance matrices
442  update(beamspot, beam_weight, true);
444  // assign tracks to vertices
445  std::vector<unsigned int> track_to_vertex(trackinfo_.size(), nv);
446  // for each track identify the vertex that wants it most
447  std::vector<double> maxweight(trackinfo_.size(), -1.);
448  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < nv; k++) {
449  for (unsigned int j = tkfirstv_[k]; j < tkfirstv_[k + 1]; j++) {
450  const unsigned int i = tkmap_[j];
451  if (tkweight_[j] > maxweight[i]) {
452  maxweight[i] = tkweight_[j];
453  track_to_vertex[i] = k;
454  }
455  }
456  }
458  // fill the fit result into transient vertices
459  std::vector<TransientVertex> pvs;
460  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < xv_.size(); k++) {
461  std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, float>> vertex_tracks_weights;
462  for (unsigned int j = tkfirstv_[k]; j < tkfirstv_[k + 1]; j++) {
463  unsigned int i = tkmap_[j];
464  if (track_to_vertex[i] == k) {
465  vertex_tracks_weights.emplace_back(tkmap_[j], tkweight_[j]);
466  }
467  }
468  pvs.emplace_back(get_TransientVertex(k, vertex_tracks_weights, tracks, beam_weight, beamspot));
469  }
471  return pvs;
472 }
475  const reco::BeamSpot &beamspot,
476  const bool useBeamConstraint) {
477  // fit a single vertex using all tracks in the tracklist
478  const unsigned int nt = cluster.originalTracks().size();
479  const int max_iterations = 50;
481  // initialize, vectors with size=1 here to avoid code duplication from the multivertex case in update()
482  const double zclu = cluster.position().z();
483  xv_ = {beamspot.x(zclu)};
484  yv_ = {beamspot.y(zclu)};
485  zv_ = {zclu};
486  tkfirstv_ = {0, nt};
487  covv_.clear();
490  tkweight_.assign(nt, 0.);
491  tkmap_.clear();
492  tkmap_.reserve(nt);
493  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nt; i++) {
494  tkmap_.emplace_back(i); // trivial map for single vertex fits
495  }
497  float beam_weight = useBeamConstraint ? 1. : 0.;
499  double delta = 0;
500  unsigned int nit = 0;
501  while ((nit == 0) || ((delta > 0.0001) && (nit < max_iterations))) {
503  delta = update(beamspot, beam_weight, false);
504  nit++;
505  }
507  if ((nit >= max_iterations) && (delta > 0.1)) {
508  edm::LogWarning("AdaptiveChisquarePrimaryVertexFitter")
509  << "single vertex fit, iteration limit reached " << nit << " last delta = " << delta << std::endl
510  << " nt = " << cluster.originalTracks().size() << std::endl;
511  }
513  // fill the covariance matrices
514  update(beamspot, beam_weight, true);
516  // put the result into a transient vertex
517  std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, float>> vertex_track_weights;
518  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nt; i++) {
519  vertex_track_weights.emplace_back(i, tkweight_[i]);
520  }
522  return get_TransientVertex(0, vertex_track_weights, cluster.originalTracks(), beam_weight, beamspot);
523 }
525 //
526 std::vector<TransientVertex> AdaptiveChisquarePrimaryVertexFitter::fit(const std::vector<reco::TransientTrack> &tracks,
527  const std::vector<TransientVertex> &clusters,
528  const reco::BeamSpot &beamspot,
529  const bool useBeamConstraint) {
530  if (multivertexfit_) {
533  } else {
534  // fit the clusters one-by-one using the tracklist of the clusters (ignores the "tracks" argument)
535  std::vector<TransientVertex> pvs;
536  pvs.reserve(clusters.size());
537  for (auto &cluster : clusters) {
538  if (cluster.originalTracks().size() > (useBeamConstraint ? 0 : 1)) {
539  auto pv = refit(cluster, beamspot, useBeamConstraint);
540  if (pv.isValid()) {
541  pvs.emplace_back(pv);
542  }
543  }
544  }
545  return pvs;
546  }
547 }
void fill_weights(const reco::BeamSpot &, const double beta=1.)
GlobalPoint position() const
T w() const
T z() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:61
std::vector< TransientVertex > vertices(const std::vector< reco::TransientTrack > &, const std::vector< TransientVertex > &, const reco::BeamSpot &, const bool)
std::map< reco::TransientTrack, float > TransientTrackToFloatMap
assert(be >=bs)
A arg
Definition: Factorize.h:31
std::vector< TransientVertex > fit(const std::vector< reco::TransientTrack > &, const std::vector< TransientVertex > &, const reco::BeamSpot &, const bool) override
void fill_trackinfo(const std::vector< reco::TransientTrack > &, const reco::BeamSpot &)
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
std::vector< reco::TransientTrack > const & originalTracks() const
int nt
Definition: AMPTWrapper.h:42
double update(const reco::BeamSpot &, float beam_weight, const bool fill_covariances=false)
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo
TransientVertex get_TransientVertex(const unsigned int, const std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, float >> &, const std::vector< reco::TransientTrack > &, const float, const reco::BeamSpot &)
PerigeeTrajectoryError ftsToPerigeeError(const FTS &originalFTS)
TransientVertex refit(const TransientVertex &, const reco::BeamSpot &, const bool)
Log< level::Warning, false > LogWarning
double track_in_vertex_chsq(const TrackInfo &, const double, const double, const double)
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Power.h:29
AdaptiveChisquarePrimaryVertexFitter(double chicutoff=2.5, double zcutoff=1.0, double mintrkweight=0.4, bool multivertexfit=false)