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1 /*
2  * Simple Service to make a GraphViz graph of the modules runtime dependencies:
3  * - draw hard dependencies according to the "consumes" dependencies;
4  * - draw soft dependencies to reflect the order of scheduled modue in each path;
5  * - draw SubProcesses in subgraphs.
6  *
7  * Use GraphViz dot to generate an SVG representation of the dependencies:
8  *
9  * dot -v -Tsvg -o dependency.svg
10  *
11  */
13 #include <iostream>
14 #include <vector>
15 #include <string>
16 #include <type_traits>
18 // boost optional (used by boost graph) results in some false positives with -Wmaybe-uninitialized
19 #pragma GCC diagnostic push
20 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized"
21 #include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
22 #include <boost/graph/graphviz.hpp>
23 #include <boost/graph/lookup_edge.hpp>
24 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
38 using namespace edm;
39 using namespace edm::service;
41 namespace {
42  namespace {
44  template <typename T>
45  std::unordered_set<T> make_unordered_set(std::vector<T> &&entries) {
46  std::unordered_set<T> u;
47  for (T &entry : entries)
48  u.insert(std::move(entry));
49  return u;
50  }
52  } // namespace
53 } // namespace
56 public:
59  static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions);
61  void preSourceConstruction(ModuleDescription const &);
62  void preBeginJob(PathsAndConsumesOfModulesBase const &, ProcessContext const &);
63  void postBeginJob();
65 private:
66  bool highlighted(std::string const &module) { return (m_highlightModules.find(module) != m_highlightModules.end()); }
68  enum class EDMModuleType { Unknown, Source, ESSource, ESProducer, EDAnalyzer, EDProducer, EDFilter, OutputModule };
70  static constexpr const char *module_type_desc[]{
71  "Unknown", "Source", "ESSource", "ESProducer", "EDAnalyzer", "EDProducer", "EDFilter", "OutputModule"};
73  static constexpr const char *shapes[]{
74  "note", // Unknown
75  "oval", // Source
76  "cylinder", // ESSource
77  "cylinder", // ESProducer
78  "oval", // EDAnalyzer
79  "box", // EDProducer
80  "diamond", // EDFilter
81  "oval", // OutputModule
82  };
86  static const char *edmModuleType(edm::ModuleDescription const &module);
88  struct node {
91  unsigned int id;
93  bool scheduled;
94  };
96  using GraphvizAttributes = std::map<std::string, std::string>;
98  // directed graph, with `node` properties attached to each vertex
99  using GraphType = boost::subgraph<boost::adjacency_list<
100  // edge list
101  boost::vecS,
102  // vertex list
103  boost::vecS,
104  boost::directedS,
105  // vertex properties
106  boost::property<boost::vertex_attribute_t,
107  GraphvizAttributes, // Graphviz vertex attributes
108  node>,
109  // edge propoerties
110  boost::property<boost::edge_index_t,
111  int, // used internally by boost::subgraph
112  boost::property<boost::edge_attribute_t, GraphvizAttributes>>, // Graphviz edge attributes
113  // graph properties
114  boost::property<
115  boost::graph_name_t,
116  std::string, // name each boost::subgraph
117  boost::property<boost::graph_graph_attribute_t,
118  GraphvizAttributes, // Graphviz graph attributes
119  boost::property<boost::graph_vertex_attribute_t,
121  boost::property<boost::graph_edge_attribute_t, GraphvizAttributes>>>>>>;
125  std::unordered_set<std::string> m_highlightModules;
129 };
133 constexpr const char *DependencyGraph::shapes[];
136  auto const &registry = *edm::pset::Registry::instance();
137  auto const &pset = *registry.getMapped(module.parameterSetID());
139  if (not pset.existsAs<std::string>("@module_edm_type"))
140  return EDMModuleType::Unknown;
142  std::string const &t = pset.getParameter<std::string>("@module_edm_type");
144  EDMModuleType::ESSource,
146  EDMModuleType::EDAnalyzer,
147  EDMModuleType::EDProducer,
148  EDMModuleType::EDFilter,
149  EDMModuleType::OutputModule}) {
150  if (t == module_type_desc[static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EDMModuleType>>(v)])
151  return v;
152  }
153  return EDMModuleType::Unknown;
154 }
157  return module_type_desc[static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EDMModuleType>>(edmModuleTypeEnum(module))];
158 }
162  desc.addUntracked<std::string>("fileName", "");
163  desc.addUntracked<std::vector<std::string>>("highlightModules", {});
164  desc.addUntracked<bool>("showPathDependencies", true);
165  descriptions.add("DependencyGraph", desc);
166 }
169  : m_filename(config.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("fileName")),
170  m_highlightModules(
171  make_unordered_set(config.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<std::string>>("highlightModules"))),
172  m_showPathDependencies(config.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("showPathDependencies")),
173  m_initialized(false) {
177 }
179 // adaptor to use range-based for loops with boost::graph edges(...) and vertices(...) functions
180 template <typename I>
181 struct iterator_pair_as_a_range : std::pair<I, I> {
182 public:
183  using std::pair<I, I>::pair;
185  I begin() { return this->first; }
186  I end() { return this->second; }
187 };
189 template <typename I>
192 }
195  // create graph vertex for the source module and fill its attributes
196  boost::add_vertex(m_graph);
197  m_graph.m_graph[] =
198  node{module.moduleLabel(), module.moduleName(),, EDMModuleType::Source, true};
199  auto &attributes = boost::get(boost::get(boost::vertex_attribute, m_graph), 0);
200  attributes["label"] = module.moduleLabel();
201  attributes["tooltip"] = module.moduleName();
202  attributes["shape"] = shapes[static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EDMModuleType>>(EDMModuleType::Source)];
203  attributes["style"] = "filled";
204  attributes["color"] = "black";
205  attributes["fillcolor"] = highlighted(module.moduleLabel()) ? "lightgreen" : "white";
206 }
209  ProcessContext const &context) {
210  // if the Service is not in the main Process do not do anything
211  if (context.isSubProcess() and not m_initialized) {
212  edm::LogError("DependencyGraph") << "You have requested an instance of the DependencyGraph Service in the \""
213  << context.processName()
214  << "\" SubProcess, which is not supported.\nPlease move it to the main process.";
215  return;
216  }
218  if (not context.isSubProcess()) {
219  // set the graph name property to the process name
220  boost::get_property(m_graph, boost::graph_name) = context.processName();
221  boost::get_property(m_graph, boost::graph_graph_attribute)["label"] = "process " + context.processName();
222  boost::get_property(m_graph, boost::graph_graph_attribute)["labelloc"] = "top";
224  // create graph vertices associated to all modules in the process
225  auto size = pathsAndConsumes.largestModuleID() - boost::num_vertices(m_graph) + 1;
226  for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
227  boost::add_vertex(m_graph);
229  m_initialized = true;
230  } else {
231  // create a subgraph to match the subprocess
232  auto &graph = m_graph.create_subgraph();
234  // set the subgraph name property to the subprocess name
235  boost::get_property(graph, boost::graph_name) = "cluster" + context.processName();
236  boost::get_property(graph, boost::graph_graph_attribute)["label"] = "subprocess " + context.processName();
237  boost::get_property(graph, boost::graph_graph_attribute)["labelloc"] = "top";
239  // create graph vertices associated to all modules in the subprocess
240  auto size = pathsAndConsumes.largestModuleID() - boost::num_vertices(m_graph) + 1;
241  for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
242  boost::add_vertex(graph);
243  }
245  // set the vertices properties (use the module id as the global index into the graph)
246  for (edm::ModuleDescription const *module : pathsAndConsumes.allModules()) {
247  m_graph.m_graph[module->id()] = {
248  module->moduleLabel(), module->moduleName(), module->id(), edmModuleTypeEnum(*module), false};
250  auto &attributes = boost::get(boost::get(boost::vertex_attribute, m_graph), module->id());
251  attributes["label"] = module->moduleLabel();
252  attributes["tooltip"] = module->moduleName();
253  attributes["shape"] = shapes[static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EDMModuleType>>(edmModuleTypeEnum(*module))];
254  attributes["style"] = "filled";
255  attributes["color"] = "black";
256  attributes["fillcolor"] = highlighted(module->moduleLabel()) ? "green" : "lightgrey";
257  }
259  // paths and endpaths
260  auto const &paths = pathsAndConsumes.paths();
261  auto const &endps = pathsAndConsumes.endPaths();
263  // add graph edges associated to module dependencies
264  for (edm::ModuleDescription const *consumer : pathsAndConsumes.allModules()) {
265  for (edm::ModuleDescription const *module : pathsAndConsumes.modulesWhoseProductsAreConsumedBy(consumer->id())) {
266  edm::LogInfo("DependencyGraph") << "module " << consumer->moduleLabel() << " depends on module "
267  << module->moduleLabel();
268  auto edge_status = boost::add_edge(consumer->id(), module->id(), m_graph);
269  // highlight the edge between highlighted nodes
270  if (highlighted(module->moduleLabel()) and highlighted(consumer->moduleLabel())) {
271  auto const &edge = edge_status.first;
272  auto &attributes = boost::get(boost::get(boost::edge_attribute, m_graph), edge);
273  attributes["color"] = "darkgreen";
274  }
275  }
276  }
278  // save each Path and EndPath as a Graphviz subgraph
279  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i) {
280  // create a subgraph to match the Path
281  auto &graph = m_graph.create_subgraph();
283  // set the subgraph name property to the Path name
284  boost::get_property(graph, boost::graph_name) = paths[i];
285  boost::get_property(graph, boost::graph_graph_attribute)["label"] = "Path " + paths[i];
286  boost::get_property(graph, boost::graph_graph_attribute)["labelloc"] = "bottom";
288  // add to the subgraph the node corresponding to the scheduled modules on the Path
289  for (edm::ModuleDescription const *module : pathsAndConsumes.modulesOnPath(i)) {
290  boost::add_vertex(module->id(), graph);
291  }
292  }
293  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < endps.size(); ++i) {
294  // create a subgraph to match the EndPath
295  auto &graph = m_graph.create_subgraph();
297  // set the subgraph name property to the EndPath name
298  boost::get_property(graph, boost::graph_name) = endps[i];
299  boost::get_property(graph, boost::graph_graph_attribute)["label"] = "EndPath " + endps[i];
300  boost::get_property(graph, boost::graph_graph_attribute)["labelloc"] = "bottom";
302  // add to the subgraph the node corresponding to the scheduled modules on the EndPath
303  for (edm::ModuleDescription const *module : pathsAndConsumes.modulesOnEndPath(i)) {
304  boost::add_vertex(module->id(), graph);
305  }
306  }
308  // optionally, add a dependency of the TriggerResults module on the PathStatusInserter modules
309  const int size = boost::num_vertices(m_graph);
310  int triggerResults = -1;
311  bool highlightTriggerResults = false;
312  for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
313  if (m_graph.m_graph[i].label == "TriggerResults") {
314  triggerResults = i;
315  highlightTriggerResults = highlighted("TriggerResults");
316  break;
317  }
318  }
320  // mark the modules in the paths as scheduled, and add a soft dependency to reflect the order of modules along each path
322  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i) {
323  previous = nullptr;
324  for (edm::ModuleDescription const *module : pathsAndConsumes.modulesOnPath(i)) {
325  m_graph.m_graph[module->id()].scheduled = true;
326  auto &attributes = boost::get(boost::get(boost::vertex_attribute, m_graph), module->id());
327  attributes["fillcolor"] = highlighted(module->moduleLabel()) ? "lightgreen" : "white";
329  edm::LogInfo("DependencyGraph") << "module " << module->moduleLabel() << " follows module "
330  << previous->moduleLabel() << " in Path " << paths[i];
331  auto edge_status = boost::lookup_edge(module->id(), previous->id(), m_graph);
332  bool found = edge_status.second;
333  if (not found) {
334  edge_status = boost::add_edge(module->id(), previous->id(), m_graph);
335  auto const &edge = edge_status.first;
336  auto &edgeAttributes = boost::get(boost::get(boost::edge_attribute, m_graph), edge);
337  edgeAttributes["style"] = "dashed";
338  // highlight the edge between highlighted nodes
339  if (highlighted(module->moduleLabel()) and highlighted(previous->moduleLabel()))
340  edgeAttributes["color"] = "darkgreen";
341  }
342  }
343  previous = module;
344  }
345  // previous points to the last scheduled module on the path
347  // look for the PathStatusInserter module corresponding to this path
348  for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j) {
349  if (m_graph.m_graph[j].label == paths[i]) {
350  edm::LogInfo("DependencyGraph") << "module " << paths[i] << " implicitly follows module "
351  << previous->moduleLabel() << " in Path " << paths[i];
352  // add an edge from the PathStatusInserter module to the last module scheduled on the path
353  auto edge_status = boost::add_edge(j, previous->id(), m_graph);
354  auto const &edge = edge_status.first;
355  auto &edgeAttributes = boost::get(boost::get(boost::edge_attribute, m_graph), edge);
356  edgeAttributes["style"] = "dashed";
357  // highlight the edge between highlighted nodes
358  bool highlightedPath = highlighted(paths[i]);
359  if (highlightedPath and highlighted(previous->moduleLabel()))
360  edgeAttributes["color"] = "darkgreen";
361  if (triggerResults > 0) {
362  // add an edge from the TriggerResults module to the PathStatusInserter module
363  auto edge_status = boost::add_edge(triggerResults, j, m_graph);
364  auto const &edge = edge_status.first;
365  auto &edgeAttributes = boost::get(boost::get(boost::edge_attribute, m_graph), edge);
366  edgeAttributes["style"] = "dashed";
367  // highlight the edge between highlighted nodes
368  if (highlightedPath and highlightTriggerResults)
369  edgeAttributes["color"] = "darkgreen";
370  }
371  break;
372  }
373  }
374  }
375  }
377  // mark the modules in the endpaths as scheduled, and add a soft dependency to reflect the order of modules along each endpath
378  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < endps.size(); ++i) {
379  previous = nullptr;
380  for (edm::ModuleDescription const *module : pathsAndConsumes.modulesOnEndPath(i)) {
381  m_graph.m_graph[module->id()].scheduled = true;
382  auto &attributes = boost::get(boost::get(boost::vertex_attribute, m_graph), module->id());
383  attributes["fillcolor"] = highlighted(module->moduleLabel()) ? "lightgreen" : "white";
385  edm::LogInfo("DependencyGraph") << "module " << module->moduleLabel() << " follows module "
386  << previous->moduleLabel() << " in EndPath " << i;
387  auto edge_status = boost::lookup_edge(module->id(), previous->id(), m_graph);
388  bool found = edge_status.second;
389  if (not found) {
390  edge_status = boost::add_edge(module->id(), previous->id(), m_graph);
391  auto const &edge = edge_status.first;
392  auto &edgeAttributes = boost::get(boost::get(boost::edge_attribute, m_graph), edge);
393  edgeAttributes["style"] = "dashed";
394  // highlight the edge between highlighted nodes
395  if (highlighted(module->moduleLabel()) and highlighted(previous->moduleLabel()))
396  edgeAttributes["color"] = "darkgreen";
397  }
398  }
399  previous = module;
400  }
401  }
402 }
405  if (not m_initialized)
406  return;
408  // remove the nodes corresponding to the modules that have been removed from the process
409  for (int i = boost::num_vertices(m_graph) - 1; i > 1; --i) {
410  if (m_graph.m_graph[i].label.empty())
411  boost::remove_vertex(i, m_graph.m_graph);
412  }
414  // draw the dependency graph
415  std::ofstream out(m_filename);
416  boost::write_graphviz(out, m_graph);
417  out.close();
418 }
420 namespace edm {
421  namespace service {
423  inline bool isProcessWideService(DependencyGraph const *) { return true; }
425  } // namespace service
426 } // namespace edm
428 // define as a framework servie
Write out results.
std::vector< ModuleDescription const * > const & allModules() const
Definition: EDMModuleType.h:8
std::vector< ModuleDescription const * > const & modulesOnPath(unsigned int pathIndex) const
bool isProcessWideService(TFileService const *)
Definition: TFileService.h:98
iterator_pair_as_a_range< I > make_range(std::pair< I, I > p)
void watchPreSourceConstruction(PreSourceConstruction::slot_type const &iSlot)
void preBeginJob(PathsAndConsumesOfModulesBase const &, ProcessContext const &)
constexpr const char * module_type_desc[]
Definition: EDMModuleType.h:19
Log< level::Error, false > LogError
std::vector< std::string > const & endPaths() const
EDMModuleType edmModuleTypeEnum(edm::ModuleDescription const &module)
std::vector< ModuleDescription const * > const & modulesOnEndPath(unsigned int endPathIndex) const
U second(std::pair< T, U > const &p)
static constexpr const char * module_type_desc[]
std::map< std::string, std::string > GraphvizAttributes
void preSourceConstruction(ModuleDescription const &)
const std::complex< double > I
Definition: I.h:8
static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
static std::string const triggerResults
static const char * edmModuleType(edm::ModuleDescription const &module)
std::unordered_set< std::string > m_highlightModules
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo
#define DEFINE_FWK_SERVICE(type)
Definition: ServiceMaker.h:97
static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
static EDMModuleType edmModuleTypeEnum(edm::ModuleDescription const &module)
void add(std::string const &label, ParameterSetDescription const &psetDescription)
void watchPreBeginJob(PreBeginJob::slot_type const &iSlot)
convenience function for attaching to signal
DependencyGraph(const ParameterSet &, ActivityRegistry &)
static constexpr const char * shapes[]
HLT enums.
std::string m_filename
std::vector< ModuleDescription const * > const & modulesWhoseProductsAreConsumedBy(unsigned int moduleID, BranchType branchType=InEvent) const
bool highlighted(std::string const &module)
#define get
long double T
boost::subgraph< boost::adjacency_list< boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::directedS, boost::property< boost::vertex_attribute_t, GraphvizAttributes, node >, boost::property< boost::edge_index_t, int, boost::property< boost::edge_attribute_t, GraphvizAttributes > >, boost::property< boost::graph_name_t, std::string, boost::property< boost::graph_graph_attribute_t, GraphvizAttributes, boost::property< boost::graph_vertex_attribute_t, GraphvizAttributes, boost::property< boost::graph_edge_attribute_t, GraphvizAttributes > >> >> > GraphType
def move(src, dest)
const char * edmModuleType(edm::ModuleDescription const &module)
static Registry * instance()
std::vector< std::string > const & paths() const
void watchPostBeginJob(PostBeginJob::slot_type const &iSlot)
convenience function for attaching to signal