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10 #include "ThirdHitCorrection.h"
24 #include <cstdio>
25 #include <iostream>
30 using namespace std;
34  fieldToken_(iC.esConsumes()),
35  useFixedPreFiltering(cfg.getParameter<bool>("useFixedPreFiltering")),
36  extraHitRZtolerance(cfg.getParameter<double>("extraHitRZtolerance")),
37  extraHitRPhitolerance(cfg.getParameter<double>("extraHitRPhitolerance")),
38  useMScat(cfg.getParameter<bool>("useMultScattering")),
39  useBend(cfg.getParameter<bool>("useBending")),
40  dphi(useFixedPreFiltering ? cfg.getParameter<double>("phiPreFiltering") : 0) {
41  edm::ParameterSet comparitorPSet = cfg.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("SeedComparitorPSet");
42  std::string comparitorName = comparitorPSet.getParameter<std::string>("ComponentName");
43  if (comparitorName != "none") {
44  theComparitor = SeedComparitorFactory::get()->create(comparitorName, comparitorPSet, iC);
45  }
46  if (useMScat) {
48  }
49 }
55  desc.add<double>("extraHitRPhitolerance", 0.032);
56  desc.add<double>("extraHitRZtolerance", 0.037);
57  desc.add<bool>("useMultScattering", true);
58  desc.add<bool>("useBending", true);
59  desc.add<bool>("useFixedPreFiltering", false);
60  desc.add<double>("phiPreFiltering", 0.3);
62  edm::ParameterSetDescription descComparitor;
63  descComparitor.add<std::string>("ComponentName", "none");
64  descComparitor.setAllowAnything(); // until we have moved SeedComparitor too to EDProducers
65  desc.add<edm::ParameterSetDescription>("SeedComparitorPSet", descComparitor);
66 }
70  const edm::Event& ev,
71  const edm::EventSetup& es,
72  const SeedingLayerSetsHits::SeedingLayerSet& pairLayers,
73  const std::vector<SeedingLayerSetsHits::SeedingLayer>& thirdLayers) {
74  auto const& doublets = thePairGenerator->doublets(region, ev, es, pairLayers);
75  if (not doublets or doublets->empty())
76  return;
79  hitTriplets(region, result, ev, es, *doublets, thirdLayers, nullptr, *theLayerCache);
80 }
84  const edm::Event& ev,
85  const edm::EventSetup& es,
86  const HitDoublets& doublets,
87  const std::vector<SeedingLayerSetsHits::SeedingLayer>& thirdLayers,
88  std::vector<int>* tripletLastLayerIndex,
89  LayerCacheType& layerCache) {
90  if (theComparitor)
91  theComparitor->init(ev, es);
93  int size = thirdLayers.size();
94  const RecHitsSortedInPhi* thirdHitMap[size];
95  vector<const DetLayer*> thirdLayerDetLayer(size, nullptr);
96  for (int il = 0; il < size; ++il) {
97  thirdHitMap[il] = &layerCache(thirdLayers[il], region);
98  thirdLayerDetLayer[il] = thirdLayers[il].detLayer();
99  }
100  hitTriplets(region, result, es, doublets, thirdHitMap, thirdLayerDetLayer, size, tripletLastLayerIndex);
101 }
105  const edm::EventSetup& es,
106  const HitDoublets& doublets,
107  const RecHitsSortedInPhi** thirdHitMap,
108  const std::vector<const DetLayer*>& thirdLayerDetLayer,
109  const int nThirdLayers) {
110  hitTriplets(region, result, es, doublets, thirdHitMap, thirdLayerDetLayer, nThirdLayers, nullptr);
111 }
115  const edm::EventSetup& es,
116  const HitDoublets& doublets,
117  const RecHitsSortedInPhi** thirdHitMap,
118  const std::vector<const DetLayer*>& thirdLayerDetLayer,
119  const int nThirdLayers,
120  std::vector<int>* tripletLastLayerIndex) {
121  auto outSeq = doublets.detLayer(HitDoublets::outer)->seqNum();
123  float regOffset = region.origin().perp(); //try to take account of non-centrality (?)
126  declareDynArray(ThirdHitCorrection, nThirdLayers, corrections);
130  using NodeInfo = KDTreeNodeInfo<unsigned int, 2>;
131  std::vector<NodeInfo> layerTree; // re-used throughout
132  std::vector<unsigned int> foundNodes; // re-used thoughout
133  foundNodes.reserve(100);
135  declareDynArray(KDTreeLinkerAlgo<unsigned int>, nThirdLayers, hitTree);
136  float rzError[nThirdLayers]; //save maximum errors
138  const float maxDelphi = region.ptMin() < 0.3f ? float(M_PI) / 4.f : float(M_PI) / 8.f; // FIXME move to config??
139  const float maxphi = M_PI + maxDelphi, minphi = -maxphi; // increase to cater for any range
140  const float safePhi = M_PI - maxDelphi; // sideband
142  const auto& field = es.getData(fieldToken_);
143  const MultipleScatteringParametrisationMaker* msmaker = nullptr;
144  if (useMScat) {
145  msmaker = &es.getData(msmakerToken_);
146  }
148  // fill the prediction vector
149  for (int il = 0; il < nThirdLayers; ++il) {
150  auto const& hits = *thirdHitMap[il];
151  ThirdHitRZPrediction<PixelRecoLineRZ>& pred = preds[il];
152  pred.initLayer(thirdLayerDetLayer[il]);
155  corrections[il].init(region.ptMin(),
156  *doublets.detLayer(HitDoublets::inner),
157  *doublets.detLayer(HitDoublets::outer),
158  *thirdLayerDetLayer[il],
159  useMScat,
160  msmaker,
161  useBend,
162  &field);
164  layerTree.clear();
165  float minv = 999999.0f, maxv = -minv; // Initialise to extreme values in case no hits
166  float maxErr = 0.0f;
167  for (unsigned int i = 0; i != hits.size(); ++i) {
168  auto angle = hits.phi(i);
169  auto v = hits.gv(i);
170  //use (phi,r) for endcaps rather than (phi,z)
171  minv = std::min(minv, v);
172  maxv = std::max(maxv, v);
173  float myerr = hits.dv[i];
174  maxErr = std::max(maxErr, myerr);
175  layerTree.emplace_back(i, angle, v); // save it
176  // populate side-bands
177  if (angle > safePhi)
178  layerTree.emplace_back(i, angle - Geom::ftwoPi(), v);
179  else if (angle < -safePhi)
180  layerTree.emplace_back(i, angle + Geom::ftwoPi(), v);
181  }
182  KDTreeBox phiZ(minphi, maxphi, minv - 0.01f, maxv + 0.01f); // declare our bounds
183  //add fudge factors in case only one hit and also for floating-point inaccuracy
184  hitTree[il].build(layerTree, phiZ); // make KDtree
185  rzError[il] = maxErr; //save error
186  // std::cout << "layer " << thirdLayerDetLayer[il]->seqNum() << " " << layerTree.size() << std::endl;
187  }
189  float imppar = region.originRBound();
190  float imppartmp = region.originRBound() + region.origin().perp();
191  float curv = PixelRecoUtilities::curvature(1.f / region.ptMin(), field);
193  for (std::size_t ip = 0; ip != doublets.size(); ip++) {
194  auto xi = doublets.x(ip, HitDoublets::inner);
195  auto yi = doublets.y(ip, HitDoublets::inner);
196  auto zi = doublets.z(ip, HitDoublets::inner);
197  auto rvi = doublets.rv(ip, HitDoublets::inner);
198  auto xo = doublets.x(ip, HitDoublets::outer);
199  auto yo = doublets.y(ip, HitDoublets::outer);
200  auto zo = doublets.z(ip, HitDoublets::outer);
201  auto rvo = doublets.rv(ip, HitDoublets::outer);
203  auto toPos = std::signbit(zo - zi);
205  PixelRecoPointRZ point1(rvi, zi);
206  PixelRecoPointRZ point2(rvo, zo);
207  PixelRecoLineRZ line(point1, point2);
208  ThirdHitPredictionFromInvParabola predictionRPhi(xi - region.origin().x(),
209  yi - region.origin().y(),
210  xo - region.origin().x(),
211  yo - region.origin().y(),
212  imppar,
213  curv,
216  ThirdHitPredictionFromInvParabola predictionRPhitmp(xi, yi, xo, yo, imppartmp, curv, extraHitRPhitolerance);
218  // printf("++Constr %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",xi,yi,xo,yo,imppartmp,curv,extraHitRPhitolerance);
220  // std::cout << ip << ": " << point1.r() << ","<< point1.z() << " "
221  // << point2.r() << ","<< point2.z() <<std::endl;
223  for (int il = 0; il != nThirdLayers; ++il) {
224  const DetLayer* layer = thirdLayerDetLayer[il];
225  auto barrelLayer = layer->isBarrel();
227  if ((!barrelLayer) & (toPos != std::signbit(layer->position().z())))
228  continue;
230  if (hitTree[il].empty())
231  continue; // Don't bother if no hits
233  auto const& hits = *thirdHitMap[il];
235  auto& correction = corrections[il];
237  correction.init(line, point2, outSeq);
239  auto& predictionRZ = preds[il];
241  predictionRZ.initPropagator(&line);
242  Range rzRange = predictionRZ();
243  correction.correctRZRange(rzRange);
245  Range phiRange;
246  if (useFixedPreFiltering) {
247  float phi0 = doublets.phi(ip, HitDoublets::outer);
248  phiRange = Range(phi0 - dphi, phi0 + dphi);
249  } else {
250  Range radius;
251  if (barrelLayer) {
252  radius = predictionRZ.detRange();
253  } else {
254  radius =
255  Range(max(rzRange.min(), predictionRZ.detSize().min()), min(rzRange.max(), predictionRZ.detSize().max()));
256  }
257  if (radius.empty())
258  continue;
260  // std::cout << "++R " << radius.min() << " " << radius.max() << std::endl;
262  auto rPhi1 = predictionRPhitmp(radius.max());
263  bool ok1 = !rPhi1.empty();
264  if (ok1) {
265  correction.correctRPhiRange(rPhi1);
266  rPhi1.first /= radius.max();
267  rPhi1.second /= radius.max();
268  }
269  auto rPhi2 = predictionRPhitmp(radius.min());
270  bool ok2 = !rPhi2.empty();
271  if (ok2) {
272  correction.correctRPhiRange(rPhi2);
273  rPhi2.first /= radius.min();
274  rPhi2.second /= radius.min();
275  }
277  if (ok1) {
278  rPhi1.first = normalizedPhi(rPhi1.first);
279  rPhi1.second = proxim(rPhi1.second, rPhi1.first);
280  if (ok2) {
281  rPhi2.first = proxim(rPhi2.first, rPhi1.first);
282  rPhi2.second = proxim(rPhi2.second, rPhi1.first);
283  phiRange = rPhi1.sum(rPhi2);
284  } else
285  phiRange = rPhi1;
286  } else if (ok2) {
287  rPhi2.first = normalizedPhi(rPhi2.first);
288  rPhi2.second = proxim(rPhi2.second, rPhi2.first);
289  phiRange = rPhi2;
290  } else
291  continue;
292  }
294  constexpr float nSigmaRZ = 3.46410161514f; // std::sqrt(12.f); // ...and continue as before
295  constexpr float nSigmaPhi = 3.f;
297  foundNodes.clear(); // Now recover hits in bounding box...
298  float prmin = phiRange.min(), prmax = phiRange.max();
300  if (prmax - prmin > maxDelphi) {
301  auto prm = phiRange.mean();
302  prmin = prm - 0.5f * maxDelphi;
303  prmax = prm + 0.5f * maxDelphi;
304  }
306  if (barrelLayer) {
307  Range regMax = predictionRZ.detRange();
308  Range regMin = predictionRZ(regMax.min() - regOffset);
309  regMax = predictionRZ(regMax.max() + regOffset);
310  correction.correctRZRange(regMin);
311  correction.correctRZRange(regMax);
312  if (regMax.min() < regMin.min()) {
313  swap(regMax, regMin);
314  }
315  KDTreeBox phiZ(prmin, prmax, regMin.min() - nSigmaRZ * rzError[il], regMax.max() + nSigmaRZ * rzError[il]);
316  hitTree[il].search(phiZ, foundNodes);
317  } else {
318  KDTreeBox phiZ(prmin,
319  prmax,
320  rzRange.min() - regOffset - nSigmaRZ * rzError[il],
321  rzRange.max() + regOffset + nSigmaRZ * rzError[il]);
322  hitTree[il].search(phiZ, foundNodes);
323  }
325  // std::cout << ip << ": " << thirdLayerDetLayer[il]->seqNum() << " " << foundNodes.size() << " " << prmin << " " << prmax << std::endl;
327  // int kk=0;
328  for (auto KDdata : foundNodes) {
329  if (theMaxElement != 0 && result.size() >= theMaxElement) {
330  result.clear();
331  if (tripletLastLayerIndex)
332  tripletLastLayerIndex->clear();
333  edm::LogError("TooManyTriplets") << " number of triples exceeds maximum. no triplets produced.";
334  return;
335  }
337  float p3_u = hits.u[KDdata];
338  float p3_v = hits.v[KDdata];
339  float p3_phi = hits.lphi[KDdata];
341  //if ((kk++)%100==0)
342  //std::cout << kk << ": " << p3_u << " " << p3_v << " " << p3_phi << std::endl;
344  Range allowed = predictionRZ(p3_u);
345  correction.correctRZRange(allowed);
346  float vErr = nSigmaRZ * hits.dv[KDdata];
347  Range hitRange(p3_v - vErr, p3_v + vErr);
348  Range crossingRange = allowed.intersection(hitRange);
349  if (crossingRange.empty())
350  continue;
352  float ir = 1.f / hits.rv(KDdata);
353  // limit error to 90 degree
354  constexpr float maxPhiErr = 0.5 * M_PI;
355  float phiErr = nSigmaPhi * hits.drphi[KDdata] * ir;
356  phiErr = std::min(maxPhiErr, phiErr);
357  bool nook = true;
358  for (int icharge = -1; icharge <= 1; icharge += 2) {
359  Range rangeRPhi = predictionRPhi(hits.rv(KDdata), icharge);
360  if (rangeRPhi.first > rangeRPhi.second)
361  continue; // range is empty
362  correction.correctRPhiRange(rangeRPhi);
363  if (checkPhiInRange(p3_phi, rangeRPhi.first * ir - phiErr, rangeRPhi.second * ir + phiErr, maxPhiErr)) {
364  // insert here check with comparitor
365  OrderedHitTriplet hittriplet(
366  doublets.hit(ip, HitDoublets::inner), doublets.hit(ip, HitDoublets::outer), hits.theHits[KDdata].hit());
367  if (!theComparitor || theComparitor->compatible(hittriplet)) {
368  result.push_back(hittriplet);
369  // to bookkeep the triplets and 3rd layers in triplet EDProducer
370  if (tripletLastLayerIndex)
371  tripletLastLayerIndex->push_back(il);
372  } else {
373  LogDebug("RejectedTriplet") << "rejected triplet from comparitor ";
374  }
375  nook = false;
376  break;
377  }
378  }
379  if (nook)
380  LogDebug("RejectedTriplet") << "rejected triplet from second phicheck " << p3_phi;
381  }
382  }
383  }
384  // std::cout << "triplets " << result.size() << std::endl;
385 }
Write out results.
ESGetTokenH3DDVariant esConsumes(std::string const &Record, edm::ConsumesCollector &)
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:307
T const & getData(const ESGetToken< T, R > &iToken) const noexcept(false)
Definition: EventSetup.h:119
constexpr float ftwoPi()
Definition: Pi.h:36
void initLayer(const DetLayer *layer)
void setAllowAnything()
allow any parameter label/value pairs
PixelRecoRange< float > Range
constexpr T normalizedPhi(T phi)
Definition: normalizedPhi.h:8
Log< level::Error, false > LogError
assert(be >=bs)
void swap(Association< C > &lhs, Association< C > &rhs)
Definition: Association.h:112
T curvature(T InversePt, const MagneticField &field)
std::unique_ptr< SeedComparitor > theComparitor
constexpr T proxim(T b, T a)
Definition: normalizedPhi.h:14
edm::ESGetToken< MultipleScatteringParametrisationMaker, TrackerMultipleScatteringRecord > msmakerToken_
constexpr double nSigmaRZ
static void fillDescriptions(edm::ParameterSetDescription &desc)
static void fillDescriptions(edm::ParameterSetDescription &desc)
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e< void, edm::EventID const &, edm::Timestamp const & > We also list in braces which AR_WATCH_USING_METHOD_ is used for those or
Definition: Activities.doc:12
void hitTriplets(const TrackingRegion &region, OrderedHitTriplets &trs, const edm::Event &ev, const edm::EventSetup &es, const SeedingLayerSetsHits::SeedingLayerSet &pairLayers, const std::vector< SeedingLayerSetsHits::SeedingLayer > &thirdLayers) override
PixelTripletHLTGenerator(const edm::ParameterSet &cfg, edm::ConsumesCollector &&iC)
double f[11][100]
ParameterDescriptionBase * add(U const &iLabel, T const &value)
constexpr float nSigmaPhi
SeedingHitSet::ConstRecHitPointer Hit
BaseTrackerRecHit const * Hit
#define M_PI
std::unique_ptr< HitPairGeneratorFromLayerPair > thePairGenerator
PixelRecoRange< T > intersection(const PixelRecoRange< T > &r) const
constexpr bool checkPhiInRange(T phi, T phi1, T phi2, float maxDphi=float(M_PI))
Definition: normalizedPhi.h:33
#define declareDynArray(T, n, x)
Definition: DynArray.h:91
#define get
void initTolerance(float tolerance)
const edm::ESGetToken< MagneticField, IdealMagneticFieldRecord > fieldToken_
#define LogDebug(id)
T angle(T x1, T y1, T z1, T x2, T y2, T z2)
Definition: angle.h:11