1 #ifndef CSCRecHitD_CSCWireHit_H 2 #define CSCRecHitD_CSCWireHit_H void print() const
Print content of the wirehit.
ChannelContainer theWgroupsLowBits
to extract BX
ChannelContainer theWgroups
int tmax() const
The timing for the wire hit.
CSCWireHit * clone() const
CSCWireHit base class interface.
std::vector< int > theTimeBinsOn
float wHitPos() const
The wire hit position expressed in terms of wire #.
short int deadWG() const
a dead WG in the cluster?
CSCDetId cscDetId() const
Position of the wire hit in CSC.
ChannelContainer wgroupsBXandWire() const
The BX + wire group number.
std::vector< int > timeBinsOn() const
Vector of time bins ON for central wire digi, lower of center pair if even number.
std::vector< int > ChannelContainer
ChannelContainer wgroups() const
The wire groups used for forming the cluster.
ChannelContainer theWgroupsHighBits
BX and wire group number combined.
int theWireHitTmax
to extract the wire group number
ChannelContainer wgroupsBX() const
The BX number.