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tmtt::Settings Class Reference

#include <Settings.h>

Public Member Functions

bool allowOver2EtaSecs () const
double assumedPhiTrkRes () const
double bApprox_gradient () const
double bApprox_intercept () const
const std::vector< bool > & barrelVsType () const
double beamWindowZ () const
unsigned int bendBits () const
double bendCut () const
double bendCutExtra () const
bool busyInputSectorKill () const
unsigned int busyInputSectorNumStubs () const
bool busySectorKill () const
const std::vector< unsigned int > & busySectorMbinOrder () const
const std::vector< unsigned int > & busySectorMbinRanges () const
unsigned int busySectorNumStubs () const
bool calcPhiTrkRes () const
double chosenRofPhi () const
double chosenRofZ () const
edm::InputTag clusterTruthInputTag () const
double cSpeed () const
unsigned int degradeBendRes () const
bool detailedFitOutput () const
bool digitizeSLR () const
unsigned int dividerBitsHelix () const
 Number of bits to be used in hardware to compute the division needed to calculate the helix parameters. More...
unsigned int dividerBitsHelixZ () const
unsigned int dupTrkAlgFit () const
bool enableDigitize () const
bool enableHistos () const
bool enableMCtruth () const
bool enableMerge2x2 () const
bool enableOutputIntermediateTTTracks () const
const std::vector< double > & etaRegions () const
const std::vector< unsigned int > & etaSecsReduceLayers () const
double generalResidualCut () const
edm::InputTag genJetInputTag () const
double genMaxAbsEta () const
double genMaxD0 () const
double genMaxVertR () const
double genMaxVertZ () const
double genMaxZ0 () const
double genMinPt () const
unsigned int genMinStubLayers () const
const std::vector< int > & genPdgIds () const
double houghMinPt () const
unsigned int houghNbinsPhi () const
unsigned int houghNbinsPt () const
bool hybrid () const
double invPtToDphi () const
double invPtToInvR () const
bool isHTRPhiEtaRegWhitelisted (unsigned const iEtaReg) const
bool kalmanAddBeamConstr () const
unsigned int kalmanChi2RphiScale () const
unsigned kalmanDebugLevel () const
unsigned int kalmanHOalpha () const
bool kalmanHOfw () const
bool kalmanHOhelixExp () const
unsigned int kalmanHOprojZcorr () const
bool kalmanHOtilted () const
unsigned int kalmanMaxNumStubs () const
unsigned int kalmanMaxSkipLayersEasy () const
unsigned int kalmanMaxSkipLayersHard () const
unsigned int kalmanMaxStubsEasy () const
unsigned int kalmanMaxStubsPerLayer () const
unsigned int kalmanMinNumStubs () const
double kalmanMultiScattTerm () const
bool kalmanRemove2PScut () const
bool keepAllSeed () const
const std::vector< double > & kf_chisquaredBinEdges () const
unsigned int kf_chisquaredBits () const
double kf_chisquaredRange () const
unsigned int kf_d0Bits () const
double kf_d0Range () const
unsigned int kf_oneOver2rBits () const
double kf_oneOver2rRange () const
unsigned int kf_phi0Bits () const
double kf_phi0Range () const
bool kf_skipTrackDigi () const
unsigned int kf_tanlambdaBits () const
double kf_tanlambdaRange () const
unsigned int kf_z0Bits () const
double kf_z0Range () const
const std::vector< double > & kfLayerVsChiSq4 () const
const std::vector< double > & kfLayerVsChiSq5 () const
const std::vector< double > & kfLayerVsD0Cut5 () const
const std::vector< double > & kfLayerVsPtToler () const
const std::vector< double > & kfLayerVsZ0Cut4 () const
const std::vector< double > & kfLayerVsZ0Cut5 () const
bool kfUseMaybeLayers () const
double killingResidualCut () const
bool killLowPtStubs () const
bool killRecover () const
unsigned int killScenario () const
unsigned int killSomeHTCellsRphi () const
bool killTrackFitWorstHit () const
float magneticField () const
edm::ESInputTag magneticFieldInputTag () const
unsigned int maxGoodSeedCombinations () const
double maxPtToMerge2x2 () const
unsigned int maxSeedCombinations () const
unsigned int maxSeedsPerStub () const
double maxStubEta () const
unsigned int maxStubsInCell () const
unsigned int maxStubsInCellMiniHough () const
unsigned int minFilterLayers () const
double minFracMatchStubsOnReco () const
double minFracMatchStubsOnTP () const
bool miniHoughDontKill () const
float miniHoughDontKillMinPt () const
unsigned int miniHoughLoadBalance () const
float miniHoughMinPt () const
unsigned int miniHoughNbinsPhi () const
unsigned int miniHoughNbinsPt () const
bool miniHTstage () const
unsigned int minNumMatchLayers () const
unsigned int minNumMatchPSLayers () const
double minPtToReduceLayers () const
unsigned int minStubLayers () const
unsigned int muxOutputsHT () const
unsigned int numEtaRegions () const
unsigned int numPhiNonants () const
unsigned int numPhiSectors () const
unsigned int numSubSecsEta () const
unsigned int numTrackFitIterations () const
bool orderStubsByBend () const
bool other_skipTrackDigi () const
unsigned int phiNBits () const
double phiNRange () const
unsigned int phiSBits () const
unsigned int phiSectorBits () const
double phiSRange () const
const std::vector< double > & pitchVsType () const
bool printStubWindows () const
const std::vector< bool > & psVsType () const
bool reduceLayerID () const
double ResidualCut () const
 Cut on RPhi Residual (radians) More...
bool resPlotOpt () const
unsigned int rtBits () const
double rtRange () const
const std::string & rzFilterName () const
double seedResCut () const
void setMagneticField (float magneticField) const
 Settings ()
 Settings (const edm::ParameterSet &iConfig)
unsigned int shape () const
unsigned int ShiftingBitsDenRPhi () const
 Number of bits to reduce the RPhi helix parameter denominator calculation weight. More...
unsigned int ShiftingBitsDenRZ () const
 Number of bits to reduce the RZ helix parameter denominator calculation weight. More...
unsigned int ShiftingBitsLambda () const
 Number of bits to reduce the tanLambda parameter calculation weight. More...
unsigned int ShiftingBitsPhi () const
 Number of bits to reduce the PhiT parameter numerator calculation weight. More...
unsigned int ShiftingBitsPt () const
 Number of bits to reduce the qOverPt parameter numerator calculation weight. More...
unsigned int ShiftingBitsZ0 () const
 Number of bits to reduce the tanLambda parameter calculation weight. More...
double slr_chi2cut () const
 ChiSquare Cut. More...
unsigned int slr_chisquaredBits () const
double slr_chisquaredRange () const
unsigned int slr_d0Bits () const
double slr_d0Range () const
unsigned int slr_oneOver2rBits () const
double slr_oneOver2rRange () const
unsigned int slr_phi0Bits () const
double slr_phi0Range () const
bool slr_skipTrackDigi () const
unsigned int slr_tanlambdaBits () const
double slr_tanlambdaRange () const
unsigned int slr_z0Bits () const
double slr_z0Range () const
const std::vector< double > & spaceVsType () const
edm::InputTag stubInputTag () const
bool stubMatchStrict () const
edm::InputTag stubTruthInputTag () const
const std::vector< bool > & tiltedVsType () const
edm::InputTag tpInputTag () const
edm::ESInputTag trackerGeometryInputTag () const
edm::ESInputTag trackerTopologyInputTag () const
bool trackFitCheat () const
const std::vector< std::string > & trackFitters () const
edm::ESInputTag ttStubAlgoInputTag () const
bool useApproxB () const
bool useBendFilter () const
const std::vector< std::string > & useRZfilter () const
bool useStubPhi () const
bool useStubPhiTrk () const
bool writeOutEdmFile () const
unsigned int zBits () const
double zRange () const
bool zTrkSectorCheck () const

Private Attributes

bool allowOver2EtaSecs_
double assumedPhiTrkRes_
double bApprox_gradient_
double bApprox_intercept_
std::vector< bool > barrelVsType_
std::vector< unsigned int > barrelVsTypeTmp_
double beamWindowZ_
unsigned int bendBits_
double bendCut_
double bendCutExtra_
bool busyInputSectorKill_
unsigned int busyInputSectorNumStubs_
bool busySectorKill_
std::vector< unsigned int > busySectorMbinOrder_
std::vector< unsigned int > busySectorMbinRanges_
unsigned int busySectorNumStubs_
bool calcPhiTrkRes_
double chi2OverNdfCut_
double chosenRofPhi_
double chosenRofZ_
const edm::InputTag clusterTruthInputTag_
edm::ParameterSet deadModuleOpts_
unsigned int degradeBendRes_
bool detailedFitOutput_
bool digitizeSLR_
unsigned int dividerBitsHelix_
unsigned int dividerBitsHelixZ_
unsigned int dupTrkAlgFit_
edm::ParameterSet dupTrkRemoval_
bool enableDigitize_
bool enableHistos_
bool enableMCtruth_
bool enableMerge2x2_
bool enableOutputIntermediateTTTracks_
std::vector< double > etaRegions_
std::vector< unsigned int > etaRegWhitelist_
std::vector< unsigned int > etaSecsReduceLayers_
edm::ParameterSet etaSectors_
edm::ParameterSet genCuts_
double generalResidualCut_
const edm::InputTag genJetInputTag_
double genMaxAbsEta_
double genMaxD0_
double genMaxVertR_
double genMaxVertZ_
double genMaxZ0_
double genMinPt_
unsigned int genMinStubLayers_
std::vector< int > genPdgIds_
edm::ParameterSet geometricProc_
double houghMinPt_
unsigned int houghNbinsPhi_
unsigned int houghNbinsPt_
edm::ParameterSet htArraySpecRphi_
edm::ParameterSet htFillingRphi_
bool hybrid_
bool kalmanAddBeamConstr_
unsigned int kalmanChi2RphiScale_
unsigned kalmanDebugLevel_
unsigned int kalmanHOalpha_
bool kalmanHOfw_
bool kalmanHOhelixExp_
unsigned int kalmanHOprojZcorr_
bool kalmanHOtilted_
unsigned int kalmanMaxNumStubs_
unsigned int kalmanMaxSkipLayersEasy_
unsigned int kalmanMaxSkipLayersHard_
unsigned int kalmanMaxStubsEasy_
unsigned int kalmanMaxStubsPerLayer_
unsigned int kalmanMinNumStubs_
double kalmanMultiScattTerm_
bool kalmanRemove2PScut_
bool keepAllSeed_
std::vector< double > kf_chisquaredBinEdges_
unsigned int kf_chisquaredBits_
double kf_chisquaredRange_
unsigned int kf_d0Bits_
double kf_d0Range_
unsigned int kf_oneOver2rBits_
double kf_oneOver2rMult_
double kf_oneOver2rRange_
unsigned int kf_phi0Bits_
double kf_phi0Range_
bool kf_skipTrackDigi_
unsigned int kf_tanlambdaBits_
double kf_tanlambdaRange_
unsigned int kf_z0Bits_
double kf_z0Range_
std::vector< double > kfLayerVsChiSq4_
std::vector< double > kfLayerVsChiSq5_
std::vector< double > kfLayerVsD0Cut5_
std::vector< double > kfLayerVsPtToler_
std::vector< double > kfLayerVsZ0Cut4_
std::vector< double > kfLayerVsZ0Cut5_
bool kfUseMaybeLayers_
double killingResidualCut_
bool killLowPtStubs_
bool killRecover_
unsigned int killScenario_
unsigned int killSomeHTCellsRphi_
bool killTrackFitWorstHit_
edm::ParameterSet l1TrackDef_
std::atomic< float > magneticField_
const edm::ESInputTag magneticFieldInputTag_
unsigned int maxGoodSeedCombinations_
double maxPtToMerge2x2_
unsigned int maxSeedCombinations_
unsigned int maxSeedsPerStub_
double maxStubEta_
unsigned int maxStubsInCell_
unsigned int maxStubsInCellMiniHough_
unsigned int minFilterLayers_
double minFracMatchStubsOnReco_
double minFracMatchStubsOnTP_
bool miniHoughDontKill_
double miniHoughDontKillMinPt_
unsigned int miniHoughLoadBalance_
double miniHoughMinPt_
unsigned int miniHoughNbinsPhi_
unsigned int miniHoughNbinsPt_
bool miniHTstage_
unsigned int minNumMatchLayers_
unsigned int minNumMatchPSLayers_
double minPtToReduceLayers_
unsigned int minStubLayers_
unsigned int muxOutputsHT_
unsigned int numPhiNonants_
unsigned int numPhiSectors_
unsigned int numSubSecsEta_
unsigned int numTrackFitIterations_
bool orderStubsByBend_
bool other_skipTrackDigi_
unsigned int phiNBits_
double phiNRange_
unsigned int phiSBits_
unsigned int phiSectorBits_
edm::ParameterSet phiSectors_
double phiSRange_
std::vector< double > pitchVsType_
bool printStubWindows_
std::vector< bool > psVsType_
std::vector< unsigned int > psVsTypeTmp_
bool reduceLayerID_
double residualCut_
bool resPlotOpt_
unsigned int rtBits_
double rtRange_
std::string rzFilterName_
edm::ParameterSet rzFilterOpts_
double seedResCut_
unsigned int shape_
unsigned int ShiftingBitsDenRPhi_
unsigned int ShiftingBitsDenRZ_
unsigned int ShiftingBitsLambda_
unsigned int ShiftingBitsPhi_
unsigned int ShiftingBitsPt_
unsigned int ShiftingBitsZ0_
double slr_chi2cut_
unsigned int slr_chisquaredBits_
double slr_chisquaredRange_
unsigned int slr_d0Bits_
double slr_d0Range_
unsigned int slr_oneOver2rBits_
double slr_oneOver2rMult_
double slr_oneOver2rRange_
unsigned int slr_phi0Bits_
double slr_phi0Range_
bool slr_skipTrackDigi_
unsigned int slr_tanlambdaBits_
double slr_tanlambdaRange_
unsigned int slr_z0Bits_
double slr_z0Range_
std::vector< double > spaceVsType_
edm::ParameterSet stubCuts_
edm::ParameterSet stubDigitize_
const edm::InputTag stubInputTag_
bool stubMatchStrict_
const edm::InputTag stubTruthInputTag_
std::vector< bool > tiltedVsType_
std::vector< unsigned int > tiltedVsTypeTmp_
const edm::InputTag tpInputTag_
edm::ParameterSet trackDigi_
const edm::ESInputTag trackerGeometryInputTag_
edm::ParameterSet trackerModuleType_
const edm::ESInputTag trackerTopologyInputTag_
bool trackFitCheat_
edm::ParameterSet trackFitSettings_
std::vector< std::string > trackFitters_
edm::ParameterSet trackMatchDef_
const edm::ESInputTag ttStubAlgoInputTag_
bool useApproxB_
bool useBendFilter_
std::vector< std::string > useRZfilter_
bool useStubPhi_
bool useStubPhiTrk_
bool writeOutEdmFile_
unsigned int zBits_
double zRange_
bool zTrkSectorCheck_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 17 of file Settings.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Settings() [1/2]

tmtt::Settings::Settings ( )

=== Hybrid Tracking === Set config params for HYBRID TRACKING via hard-wired consts to allow use outside CMSSW.

Definition at line 13 of file

14  : //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15  // TMTT related configuration parameters, including Kalman Filter.
16  // Meaning of these parameters explained in TrackFindingTMTT/python/
17  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19  // General cfg params
20  enableDigitize_(false),
21  useApproxB_(true),
22  bApprox_gradient_(0.886454),
23  bApprox_intercept_(0.504148),
24  numPhiNonants_(9),
25  numPhiSectors_(9),
26  chosenRofPhi_(55.), // Hourglass radius in r-phi (tracklet)
28  {-2.4, -2.08, -1.68, -1.26, -0.90, -0.62, -0.41, -0.20, 0.0, 0.20, 0.41, 0.62, 0.90, 1.26, 1.68, 2.08, 2.4}),
29  chosenRofZ_(50.0), // Hourglass radius in r-z (this must be tmtt)
30  houghMinPt_(2.0), // L1 track pt cut
31  minStubLayers_(4),
32  minPtToReduceLayers_(99999.),
33  reduceLayerID_(true),
38  stubMatchStrict_(false),
40  // Kalman filter track fit cfg
42  //kalmanDebugLevel_(2), // Good for debugging
45  kalmanAddBeamConstr_(false), // Apply post-fit beam-spot constraint to 5-param fit
46  kalmanRemove2PScut_(true),
47  kalmanMaxSkipLayersHard_(1), // On "hard" input tracks
48  kalmanMaxSkipLayersEasy_(2), // On "easy" input tracks
49  kalmanMaxStubsEasy_(10), // Max. #stubs an input track can have to be defined "easy"
50  kfUseMaybeLayers_(true),
51  kfLayerVsPtToler_({999., 999., 0.1, 0.1, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05}),
52  kfLayerVsD0Cut5_({999., 999., 999., 10., 10., 10., 10.}),
53  kfLayerVsZ0Cut5_({999., 999., 25.5, 25.5, 25.5, 25.5, 25.5}),
54  kfLayerVsZ0Cut4_({999., 999., 15., 15., 15., 15., 15.}),
55  kfLayerVsChiSq5_({999., 999., 10., 30., 80., 120., 160.}),
56  kfLayerVsChiSq4_({999., 999., 10., 30., 80., 120., 160.}),
57  kalmanMaxStubsPerLayer_(4), // To save resources, consider at most this many stubs per layer per track.
58  kalmanMultiScattTerm_(0.00075),
60  kalmanHOtilted_(true),
61  kalmanHOhelixExp_(true),
62  kalmanHOalpha_(1),
64  kalmanHOfw_(false) {
65  hybrid_ = true;
66  magneticField_ = 0.; // Value set later
67  killScenario_ = 0; // Emulation of dead modules
68  killRecover_ = false;
70  if (hybrid_) {
71  if (not useApproxB_) {
72  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
73  << "TMTT Settings Error: module tilt angle unknown, so must set useApproxB = true";
74  }
75  }
76  }
std::atomic< float > magneticField_
Definition: Settings.h:661
std::vector< double > etaRegions_
Definition: Settings.h:504
double kalmanMultiScattTerm_
Definition: Settings.h:608
unsigned int kalmanMaxStubsPerLayer_
Definition: Settings.h:607
unsigned int numPhiNonants_
Definition: Settings.h:495
bool kalmanHOfw_
Definition: Settings.h:614
unsigned int kalmanMaxSkipLayersHard_
Definition: Settings.h:595
bool kalmanRemove2PScut_
Definition: Settings.h:594
bool kfUseMaybeLayers_
Definition: Settings.h:598
unsigned int kalmanHOalpha_
Definition: Settings.h:612
bool enableDigitize_
Definition: Settings.h:467
double chosenRofZ_
Definition: Settings.h:505
unsigned int killScenario_
Definition: Settings.h:617
std::vector< double > kfLayerVsChiSq4_
Definition: Settings.h:605
bool stubMatchStrict_
Definition: Settings.h:563
double chosenRofPhi_
Definition: Settings.h:497
bool kalmanHOtilted_
Definition: Settings.h:610
double houghMinPt_
Definition: Settings.h:510
bool kalmanAddBeamConstr_
Definition: Settings.h:593
unsigned int kalmanHOprojZcorr_
Definition: Settings.h:613
std::vector< double > kfLayerVsChiSq5_
Definition: Settings.h:604
std::vector< double > kfLayerVsPtToler_
Definition: Settings.h:600
unsigned int minStubLayers_
Definition: Settings.h:550
std::vector< double > kfLayerVsZ0Cut5_
Definition: Settings.h:602
unsigned int numPhiSectors_
Definition: Settings.h:496
std::vector< double > kfLayerVsZ0Cut4_
Definition: Settings.h:603
double bApprox_gradient_
Definition: Settings.h:491
unsigned int kalmanMaxStubsEasy_
Definition: Settings.h:597
std::vector< double > kfLayerVsD0Cut5_
Definition: Settings.h:601
unsigned int kalmanChi2RphiScale_
Definition: Settings.h:609
unsigned int minNumMatchLayers_
Definition: Settings.h:561
unsigned kalmanDebugLevel_
Definition: Settings.h:590
double minFracMatchStubsOnTP_
Definition: Settings.h:560
bool reduceLayerID_
Definition: Settings.h:553
unsigned int kalmanMinNumStubs_
Definition: Settings.h:591
double minFracMatchStubsOnReco_
Definition: Settings.h:559
bool killRecover_
Definition: Settings.h:618
unsigned int kalmanMaxSkipLayersEasy_
Definition: Settings.h:596
unsigned int minNumMatchPSLayers_
Definition: Settings.h:562
unsigned int kalmanMaxNumStubs_
Definition: Settings.h:592
bool useApproxB_
Definition: Settings.h:490
double minPtToReduceLayers_
Definition: Settings.h:551
double bApprox_intercept_
Definition: Settings.h:492
bool kalmanHOhelixExp_
Definition: Settings.h:611

◆ Settings() [2/2]

tmtt::Settings::Settings ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig)

=== TMTT tracking. === Get configuration parameters from python cfg for TMTT tracking.

Definition at line 81 of file

References barrelVsType_, barrelVsTypeTmp_, busySectorMbinOrder_, busySectorMbinRanges_, ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::brokenline::constexpr(), submitPVResolutionJobs::count, enableMerge2x2_, etaRegions_, etaSecsReduceLayers_, Exception, genCuts_, genMinStubLayers_, genPdgIds_, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), houghMinPt_, houghNbinsPt_, mps_fire::i, kalmanMaxNumStubs_, kalmanMinNumStubs_, visualization-live-secondInstance_cfg::m, SiStripPI::max, miniHoughMinPt_, miniHoughNbinsPhi_, miniHoughNbinsPt_, miniHTstage_, minNumMatchLayers_, minPtToReduceLayers_, minStubLayers_, Skims_PA_cff::name, EgHLTOffHistBins_cfi::nr, psVsType_, psVsTypeTmp_, shape_, tiltedVsType_, tiltedVsTypeTmp_, trackFitters_, useRZfilter_, useStubPhi_, and useStubPhiTrk_.

82  :
84  // See either or Settings.h for description of these parameters.
86  //=== Tags for Input ES & ED data.
87  magneticFieldInputTag_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::ESInputTag>("magneticFieldInputTag")),
88  trackerGeometryInputTag_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::ESInputTag>("trackerGeometryInputTag")),
89  trackerTopologyInputTag_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::ESInputTag>("trackerTopologyInputTag")),
90  ttStubAlgoInputTag_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::ESInputTag>("ttStubAlgoInputTag")),
92  stubInputTag_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("stubInputTag")),
93  tpInputTag_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("tpInputTag")),
94  stubTruthInputTag_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("stubTruthInputTag")),
95  clusterTruthInputTag_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("clusterTruthInputTag")),
96  genJetInputTag_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("genJetInputTag")),
98  //=== Parameter sets for differents types of configuration parameter.
99  genCuts_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("GenCuts")),
100  stubCuts_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("StubCuts")),
101  stubDigitize_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("StubDigitize")),
102  trackerModuleType_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("TrackerModuleType")),
103  geometricProc_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("GeometricProc")),
104  phiSectors_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("PhiSectors")),
105  etaSectors_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("EtaSectors")),
106  htArraySpecRphi_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("HTArraySpecRphi")),
107  htFillingRphi_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("HTFillingRphi")),
108  rzFilterOpts_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("RZfilterOpts")),
109  l1TrackDef_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("L1TrackDef")),
110  dupTrkRemoval_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("DupTrkRemoval")),
111  trackMatchDef_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("TrackMatchDef")),
112  trackFitSettings_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("TrackFitSettings")),
113  deadModuleOpts_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("DeadModuleOpts")),
114  trackDigi_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("TrackDigi")),
116  //=== General settings
118  enableMCtruth_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("EnableMCtruth")),
119  enableHistos_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("EnableHistos")),
120  enableOutputIntermediateTTTracks_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("EnableOutputIntermediateTTTracks")),
122  //=== Cuts on MC truth tracks used for tracking efficiency measurements.
124  genMinPt_(genCuts_.getParameter<double>("GenMinPt")),
125  genMaxAbsEta_(genCuts_.getParameter<double>("GenMaxAbsEta")),
126  genMaxVertR_(genCuts_.getParameter<double>("GenMaxVertR")),
127  genMaxVertZ_(genCuts_.getParameter<double>("GenMaxVertZ")),
128  genMaxD0_(genCuts_.getParameter<double>("GenMaxD0")),
129  genMaxZ0_(genCuts_.getParameter<double>("GenMaxZ0")),
130  genMinStubLayers_(genCuts_.getParameter<unsigned int>("GenMinStubLayers")),
132  //=== Cuts applied to stubs before arriving in L1 track finding board.
134  degradeBendRes_(stubCuts_.getParameter<unsigned int>("DegradeBendRes")),
135  maxStubEta_(stubCuts_.getParameter<double>("MaxStubEta")),
136  killLowPtStubs_(stubCuts_.getParameter<bool>("KillLowPtStubs")),
137  printStubWindows_(stubCuts_.getParameter<bool>("PrintStubWindows")),
138  bendCut_(stubCuts_.getParameter<double>("BendCut")),
139  bendCutExtra_(stubCuts_.getParameter<double>("BendCutExtra")),
140  orderStubsByBend_(stubCuts_.getParameter<bool>("OrderStubsByBend")),
142  //=== Optional stub digitization.
144  enableDigitize_(stubDigitize_.getParameter<bool>("EnableDigitize")),
146  //--- Parameters available in MP board.
147  phiSectorBits_(stubDigitize_.getParameter<unsigned int>("PhiSectorBits")),
148  phiSBits_(stubDigitize_.getParameter<unsigned int>("PhiSBits")),
149  phiSRange_(stubDigitize_.getParameter<double>("PhiSRange")),
150  rtBits_(stubDigitize_.getParameter<unsigned int>("RtBits")),
151  rtRange_(stubDigitize_.getParameter<double>("RtRange")),
152  zBits_(stubDigitize_.getParameter<unsigned int>("ZBits")),
153  zRange_(stubDigitize_.getParameter<double>("ZRange")),
154  //--- Parameters available in GP board (excluding any in common with MP specified above).
155  phiNBits_(stubDigitize_.getParameter<unsigned int>("PhiNBits")),
156  phiNRange_(stubDigitize_.getParameter<double>("PhiNRange")),
157  bendBits_(stubDigitize_.getParameter<unsigned int>("BendBits")),
159  //=== Tracker Module Type for FW.
160  pitchVsType_(trackerModuleType_.getParameter<vector<double>>("PitchVsType")),
161  spaceVsType_(trackerModuleType_.getParameter<vector<double>>("SpaceVsType")),
162  barrelVsTypeTmp_(trackerModuleType_.getParameter<vector<unsigned int>>("BarrelVsType")),
163  psVsTypeTmp_(trackerModuleType_.getParameter<vector<unsigned int>>("PSVsType")),
164  tiltedVsTypeTmp_(trackerModuleType_.getParameter<vector<unsigned int>>("TiltedVsType")),
166  //=== Configuration of Geometric Processor.
167  useApproxB_(geometricProc_.getParameter<bool>("UseApproxB")),
168  bApprox_gradient_(geometricProc_.getParameter<double>("BApprox_gradient")),
169  bApprox_intercept_(geometricProc_.getParameter<double>("BApprox_intercept")),
171  //=== Division of Tracker into phi sectors.
172  numPhiNonants_(phiSectors_.getParameter<unsigned int>("NumPhiNonants")),
173  numPhiSectors_(phiSectors_.getParameter<unsigned int>("NumPhiSectors")),
174  chosenRofPhi_(phiSectors_.getParameter<double>("ChosenRofPhi")),
175  useStubPhi_(phiSectors_.getParameter<bool>("UseStubPhi")),
176  useStubPhiTrk_(phiSectors_.getParameter<bool>("UseStubPhiTrk")),
177  assumedPhiTrkRes_(phiSectors_.getParameter<double>("AssumedPhiTrkRes")),
178  calcPhiTrkRes_(phiSectors_.getParameter<bool>("CalcPhiTrkRes")),
180  //=== Division of Tracker into eta sectors.
181  etaRegions_(etaSectors_.getParameter<vector<double>>("EtaRegions")),
182  chosenRofZ_(etaSectors_.getParameter<double>("ChosenRofZ")),
183  beamWindowZ_(etaSectors_.getParameter<double>("BeamWindowZ")),
184  allowOver2EtaSecs_(etaSectors_.getParameter<bool>("AllowOver2EtaSecs")),
186  //=== r-phi Hough transform array specifications.
187  houghMinPt_(htArraySpecRphi_.getParameter<double>("HoughMinPt")),
188  houghNbinsPt_(htArraySpecRphi_.getParameter<unsigned int>("HoughNbinsPt")),
189  houghNbinsPhi_(htArraySpecRphi_.getParameter<unsigned int>("HoughNbinsPhi")),
190  enableMerge2x2_(htArraySpecRphi_.getParameter<bool>("EnableMerge2x2")),
191  maxPtToMerge2x2_(htArraySpecRphi_.getParameter<double>("MaxPtToMerge2x2")),
192  numSubSecsEta_(htArraySpecRphi_.getParameter<unsigned int>("NumSubSecsEta")),
193  shape_(htArraySpecRphi_.getParameter<unsigned int>("Shape")),
194  miniHTstage_(htArraySpecRphi_.getParameter<bool>("MiniHTstage")),
195  miniHoughNbinsPt_(htArraySpecRphi_.getParameter<unsigned int>("MiniHoughNbinsPt")),
196  miniHoughNbinsPhi_(htArraySpecRphi_.getParameter<unsigned int>("MiniHoughNbinsPhi")),
197  miniHoughMinPt_(htArraySpecRphi_.getParameter<double>("MiniHoughMinPt")),
198  miniHoughDontKill_(htArraySpecRphi_.getParameter<bool>("MiniHoughDontKill")),
199  miniHoughDontKillMinPt_(htArraySpecRphi_.getParameter<double>("MiniHoughDontKillMinPt")),
200  miniHoughLoadBalance_(htArraySpecRphi_.getParameter<unsigned int>("MiniHoughLoadBalance")),
202  //=== Rules governing how stubs are filled into the r-phi Hough Transform array.
203  killSomeHTCellsRphi_(htFillingRphi_.getParameter<unsigned int>("KillSomeHTCellsRphi")),
204  useBendFilter_(htFillingRphi_.getParameter<bool>("UseBendFilter")),
205  maxStubsInCell_(htFillingRphi_.getParameter<unsigned int>("MaxStubsInCell")),
206  maxStubsInCellMiniHough_(htFillingRphi_.getParameter<unsigned int>("MaxStubsInCellMiniHough")),
207  busySectorKill_(htFillingRphi_.getParameter<bool>("BusySectorKill")),
208  busySectorNumStubs_(htFillingRphi_.getParameter<unsigned int>("BusySectorNumStubs")),
209  busySectorMbinRanges_(htFillingRphi_.getParameter<vector<unsigned int>>("BusySectorMbinRanges")),
210  busySectorMbinOrder_(htFillingRphi_.getParameter<vector<unsigned int>>("BusySectorMbinOrder")),
211  busyInputSectorKill_(htFillingRphi_.getParameter<bool>("BusyInputSectorKill")),
212  busyInputSectorNumStubs_(htFillingRphi_.getParameter<unsigned int>("BusyInputSectorNumStubs")),
213  muxOutputsHT_(htFillingRphi_.getParameter<unsigned int>("MuxOutputsHT")),
214  etaRegWhitelist_(htFillingRphi_.getParameter<vector<unsigned int>>("EtaRegWhitelist")),
216  //=== Options controlling r-z track filters (or any other track filters run after the Hough transform, as opposed to inside it).
218  rzFilterName_(rzFilterOpts_.getParameter<string>("RZFilterName")),
219  seedResCut_(rzFilterOpts_.getParameter<double>("SeedResCut")),
220  keepAllSeed_(rzFilterOpts_.getParameter<bool>("KeepAllSeed")),
221  maxSeedCombinations_(rzFilterOpts_.getParameter<unsigned int>("MaxSeedCombinations")),
222  maxGoodSeedCombinations_(rzFilterOpts_.getParameter<unsigned int>("MaxGoodSeedCombinations")),
223  maxSeedsPerStub_(rzFilterOpts_.getParameter<unsigned int>("MaxSeedsPerStub")),
224  zTrkSectorCheck_(rzFilterOpts_.getParameter<bool>("zTrkSectorCheck")),
225  minFilterLayers_(rzFilterOpts_.getParameter<unsigned int>("MinFilterLayers")),
227  //=== Rules for deciding when the track finding has found an L1 track candidate
229  minStubLayers_(l1TrackDef_.getParameter<unsigned int>("MinStubLayers")),
230  minPtToReduceLayers_(l1TrackDef_.getParameter<double>("MinPtToReduceLayers")),
231  etaSecsReduceLayers_(l1TrackDef_.getParameter<vector<unsigned int>>("EtaSecsReduceLayers")),
232  reduceLayerID_(l1TrackDef_.getParameter<bool>("ReducedLayerID")),
234  //=== Specification of algorithm to eliminate duplicate tracks.
236  dupTrkAlgFit_(dupTrkRemoval_.getParameter<unsigned int>("DupTrkAlgFit")),
238  //=== Rules for deciding when a reconstructed L1 track matches a MC truth particle (i.e. tracking particle).
240  minFracMatchStubsOnReco_(trackMatchDef_.getParameter<double>("MinFracMatchStubsOnReco")),
241  minFracMatchStubsOnTP_(trackMatchDef_.getParameter<double>("MinFracMatchStubsOnTP")),
242  minNumMatchLayers_(trackMatchDef_.getParameter<unsigned int>("MinNumMatchLayers")),
243  minNumMatchPSLayers_(trackMatchDef_.getParameter<unsigned int>("MinNumMatchPSLayers")),
244  stubMatchStrict_(trackMatchDef_.getParameter<bool>("StubMatchStrict")),
246  //=== Track Fitting Settings
248  trackFitters_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<vector<std::string>>("TrackFitters")),
249  useRZfilter_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<vector<std::string>>("UseRZfilter")),
250  detailedFitOutput_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<bool>("DetailedFitOutput")),
251  trackFitCheat_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<bool>("TrackFitCheat")),
252  //
253  numTrackFitIterations_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<unsigned int>("NumTrackFitIterations")),
254  killTrackFitWorstHit_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<bool>("KillTrackFitWorstHit")),
255  generalResidualCut_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<double>("GeneralResidualCut")),
256  killingResidualCut_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<double>("KillingResidualCut")),
257  //
258  digitizeSLR_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<bool>("DigitizeSLR")),
259  dividerBitsHelix_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<unsigned int>("DividerBitsHelix")),
260  dividerBitsHelixZ_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<unsigned int>("DividerBitsHelixZ")),
261  ShiftingBitsDenRPhi_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<unsigned int>("ShiftingBitsDenRPhi")),
262  ShiftingBitsDenRZ_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<unsigned int>("ShiftingBitsDenRZ")),
263  ShiftingBitsPt_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<unsigned int>("ShiftingBitsPt")),
264  ShiftingBitsPhi_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<unsigned int>("ShiftingBitsPhi")),
266  ShiftingBitsLambda_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<unsigned int>("ShiftingBitsLambda")),
267  ShiftingBitsZ0_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<unsigned int>("ShiftingBitsZ0")),
268  slr_chi2cut_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<double>("SLR_chi2cut")),
269  residualCut_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<double>("ResidualCut")),
270  //
271  kalmanDebugLevel_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<unsigned int>("KalmanDebugLevel")),
272  kalmanMinNumStubs_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<unsigned int>("KalmanMinNumStubs")),
273  kalmanMaxNumStubs_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<unsigned int>("KalmanMaxNumStubs")),
274  kalmanAddBeamConstr_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<bool>("KalmanAddBeamConstr")),
275  kalmanRemove2PScut_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<bool>("KalmanRemove2PScut")),
276  kalmanMaxSkipLayersHard_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<unsigned>("KalmanMaxSkipLayersHard")),
277  kalmanMaxSkipLayersEasy_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<unsigned>("KalmanMaxSkipLayersEasy")),
278  kalmanMaxStubsEasy_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<unsigned>("KalmanMaxStubsEasy")),
279  kfUseMaybeLayers_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<bool>("KFUseMaybeLayers")),
281  kfLayerVsPtToler_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<vector<double>>("KFLayerVsPtToler")),
282  kfLayerVsD0Cut5_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<vector<double>>("KFLayerVsD0Cut5")),
283  kfLayerVsZ0Cut5_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<vector<double>>("KFLayerVsZ0Cut5")),
284  kfLayerVsZ0Cut4_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<vector<double>>("KFLayerVsZ0Cut4")),
285  kfLayerVsChiSq5_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<vector<double>>("KFLayerVsChiSq5")),
286  kfLayerVsChiSq4_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<vector<double>>("KFLayerVsChiSq4")),
288  kalmanMaxStubsPerLayer_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<unsigned>("KalmanMaxStubsPerLayer")),
289  kalmanMultiScattTerm_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<double>("KalmanMultiScattTerm")),
290  kalmanChi2RphiScale_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<unsigned>("KalmanChi2RphiScale")),
291  kalmanHOtilted_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<bool>("KalmanHOtilted")),
292  kalmanHOhelixExp_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<bool>("KalmanHOhelixExp")),
293  kalmanHOalpha_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<unsigned int>("KalmanHOalpha")),
294  kalmanHOprojZcorr_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<unsigned int>("KalmanHOprojZcorr")),
295  kalmanHOfw_(trackFitSettings_.getParameter<bool>("KalmanHOfw")),
297  //=== Treatment of dead modules.
299  killScenario_(deadModuleOpts_.getParameter<unsigned int>("KillScenario")),
300  killRecover_(deadModuleOpts_.getParameter<bool>("KillRecover")),
302  //=== Track digitisation configuration for various track fitters
304  slr_skipTrackDigi_(trackDigi_.getParameter<bool>("SLR_skipTrackDigi")),
305  slr_oneOver2rBits_(trackDigi_.getParameter<unsigned int>("SLR_oneOver2rBits")),
306  slr_oneOver2rRange_(trackDigi_.getParameter<double>("SLR_oneOver2rRange")),
307  slr_d0Bits_(trackDigi_.getParameter<unsigned int>("SLR_d0Bits")),
308  slr_d0Range_(trackDigi_.getParameter<double>("SLR_d0Range")),
309  slr_phi0Bits_(trackDigi_.getParameter<unsigned int>("SLR_phi0Bits")),
310  slr_phi0Range_(trackDigi_.getParameter<double>("SLR_phi0Range")),
311  slr_z0Bits_(trackDigi_.getParameter<unsigned int>("SLR_z0Bits")),
312  slr_z0Range_(trackDigi_.getParameter<double>("SLR_z0Range")),
313  slr_tanlambdaBits_(trackDigi_.getParameter<unsigned int>("SLR_tanlambdaBits")),
314  slr_tanlambdaRange_(trackDigi_.getParameter<double>("SLR_tanlambdaRange")),
315  slr_chisquaredBits_(trackDigi_.getParameter<unsigned int>("SLR_chisquaredBits")),
316  slr_chisquaredRange_(trackDigi_.getParameter<double>("SLR_chisquaredRange")),
317  //
318  kf_skipTrackDigi_(trackDigi_.getParameter<bool>("KF_skipTrackDigi")),
319  kf_oneOver2rBits_(trackDigi_.getParameter<unsigned int>("KF_oneOver2rBits")),
320  kf_oneOver2rRange_(trackDigi_.getParameter<double>("KF_oneOver2rRange")),
321  kf_d0Bits_(trackDigi_.getParameter<unsigned int>("KF_d0Bits")),
322  kf_d0Range_(trackDigi_.getParameter<double>("KF_d0Range")),
323  kf_phi0Bits_(trackDigi_.getParameter<unsigned int>("KF_phi0Bits")),
324  kf_phi0Range_(trackDigi_.getParameter<double>("KF_phi0Range")),
325  kf_z0Bits_(trackDigi_.getParameter<unsigned int>("KF_z0Bits")),
326  kf_z0Range_(trackDigi_.getParameter<double>("KF_z0Range")),
327  kf_tanlambdaBits_(trackDigi_.getParameter<unsigned int>("KF_tanlambdaBits")),
328  kf_tanlambdaRange_(trackDigi_.getParameter<double>("KF_tanlambdaRange")),
329  kf_chisquaredBits_(trackDigi_.getParameter<unsigned int>("KF_chisquaredBits")),
330  kf_chisquaredRange_(trackDigi_.getParameter<double>("KF_chisquaredRange")),
331  kf_chisquaredBinEdges_(trackDigi_.getParameter<vector<double>>("KF_chisquaredBinEdges")),
332  //
333  other_skipTrackDigi_(trackDigi_.getParameter<bool>("Other_skipTrackDigi")),
335  // Plot options
336  resPlotOpt_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("ResPlotOpt")),
338  // Name of output EDM file if any.
339  // N.B. This parameter does not appear inside . It is created inside
340  // .
341  writeOutEdmFile_(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("WriteOutEdmFile", true)),
343  // Bfield in Tesla. (Unknown at job initiation. Set to true value for each event
344  magneticField_(0.),
346  // Hybrid tracking
347  hybrid_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("Hybrid")) {
348  // If user didn't specify any PDG codes, use e,mu,pi,K,p, to avoid picking up unstable particles like Xi-.
349  vector<unsigned int> genPdgIdsUnsigned(genCuts_.getParameter<vector<unsigned int>>("GenPdgIds"));
350  if (genPdgIdsUnsigned.empty()) {
351  genPdgIdsUnsigned = {11, 13, 211, 321, 2212};
352  }
354  // For simplicity, user need not distinguish particles from antiparticles in configuration file.
355  // But here we must store both explicitely in Settings, since TrackingParticleSelector expects them.
356  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < genPdgIdsUnsigned.size(); i++) {
357  genPdgIds_.push_back(genPdgIdsUnsigned[i]);
358  genPdgIds_.push_back(-genPdgIdsUnsigned[i]);
359  }
361  // Clean up list of fitters that require the r-z track filter to be run before them,
362  // by removing those fitters that are not to be run.
363  vector<string> useRZfilterTmp;
364  for (const string& name : useRZfilter_) {
365  if (std::count(trackFitters_.begin(), trackFitters_.end(), name) > 0)
366  useRZfilterTmp.push_back(name);
367  }
368  useRZfilter_ = useRZfilterTmp;
370  // As python cfg doesn't know type "vbool", fix it here.
371  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < barrelVsTypeTmp_.size(); i++) {
372  barrelVsType_.push_back(bool(barrelVsTypeTmp_[i]));
373  psVsType_.push_back(bool(psVsTypeTmp_[i]));
374  tiltedVsType_.push_back(bool(tiltedVsTypeTmp_[i]));
375  }
377  //--- Sanity checks
379  if (!(useStubPhi_ || useStubPhiTrk_))
380  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
381  << "Settings: Invalid cfg parameters - You cant set both UseStubPhi & useStubPhiTrk to false.";
384  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
385  << "Settings: Invalid cfg parameters - You are setting the minimum number of layers incorrectly : type A.";
387  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
388  << "Settings: Invalid cfg parameters - You are setting the minimum number of layers incorrectly : type B.";
390  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
391  << "Settings: Invalid cfg parameters - You are setting the minimum number of layers incorrectly : type C.";
393  // If reducing number of required layers for high Pt tracks, then above checks must be redone.
394  bool doReduceLayers = (minPtToReduceLayers_ < 10000. || not etaSecsReduceLayers_.empty());
395  if (doReduceLayers && minStubLayers_ > 4) {
397  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
398  << "Settings: Invalid cfg parameters - You are setting the minimum number of layers incorrectly : type D.";
400  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
401  << "Settings: Invalid cfg parameters - You are setting the minimum number of layers incorrectly : type E.";
402  }
404  constexpr float verySmall = 0.1;
405  if (houghMinPt_ < verySmall)
406  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig") << "Settings: Invalid cfg parameters -- HoughMinPt must be positive.";
409  for (const unsigned int& iEtaReg : etaSecsReduceLayers_) {
410  if (iEtaReg >= etaRegions_.size())
411  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig") << "Settings: You specified an eta sector number in EtaSecsReduceLayers "
412  "which exceeds the total number of eta sectors! "
413  << iEtaReg << " " << etaRegions_.size();
414  }
416  // Chains of m bin ranges for output of HT.
417  if (!busySectorMbinOrder_.empty()) {
418  // User has specified an order in which the m bins should be chained together. Check if it makes sense.
419  if (busySectorMbinOrder_.size() != houghNbinsPt_)
420  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
421  << "Settings: Invalid cfg parameters - BusySectorMbinOrder used by HT MUX contains wrong number of "
422  "elements. Unless you are optimising the MUX, suggest you configure it to an empty vector.";
423  set<unsigned int> mOrderCheck;
424  for (const unsigned int& m : busySectorMbinOrder_) {
425  mOrderCheck.insert(m);
426  }
427  if (mOrderCheck.size() != houghNbinsPt_)
428  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
429  << "Settings: Invalid cfg parameters - BusySectorMbinOrder used by HT MUX contains duplicate elements.";
430  unsigned int sum_nr = 0;
431  for (unsigned int nr : busySectorMbinRanges_) {
432  sum_nr += nr;
433  }
434  if (sum_nr != houghNbinsPt_)
435  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
436  << "Settings: Invalid cfg parameters - Sum of entries in BusySectorMbinRanges is incorrect.";
437  }
439  if (miniHTstage_) {
440  if (enableMerge2x2_)
441  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
442  << "Settings: it is not allowed to enable both MiniHTstage & EnableMerge2x2 options.";
443  // Options for 2nd stage mini HT
444  if (shape_ != 0)
445  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
446  << "Settings: Invalid cfg parameters - 2nd stage mini HT only allowed for square-shaped cells.";
447  if (miniHoughNbinsPt_ != 2 || miniHoughNbinsPhi_ != 2)
448  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig") << "Settings: 2nd mini HT has so dar only been implemented in C++ for 2x2.";
449  }
451  if (enableMerge2x2_) {
452  if (miniHTstage_)
453  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
454  << "Settings: it is not allowed to enable both MiniHTstage & EnableMerge2x2 options.";
455  // Merging of HT cells has not yet been implemented for diamond or hexagonal HT cell shape.
456  if (enableMerge2x2_ && shape_ != 0)
457  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
458  << "Settings: Invalid cfg parameters - merging only allowed for square-shaped cells.";
459  }
461  // Check Kalman fit params.
463  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
464  << "Settings: Invalid cfg parameters - KalmanMaxNumStubs is less than KalmanMaxNumStubs.";
465  }
const edm::InputTag tpInputTag_
Definition: Settings.h:419
double maxStubEta_
Definition: Settings.h:459
std::atomic< float > magneticField_
Definition: Settings.h:661
unsigned int phiSBits_
Definition: Settings.h:469
std::vector< double > etaRegions_
Definition: Settings.h:504
unsigned int maxGoodSeedCombinations_
Definition: Settings.h:544
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:307
double kalmanMultiScattTerm_
Definition: Settings.h:608
unsigned int miniHoughNbinsPt_
Definition: Settings.h:518
unsigned int ShiftingBitsDenRPhi_
Definition: Settings.h:580
unsigned int kalmanMaxStubsPerLayer_
Definition: Settings.h:607
unsigned int minFilterLayers_
Definition: Settings.h:547
edm::ParameterSet stubDigitize_
Definition: Settings.h:427
double kf_oneOver2rRange_
Definition: Settings.h:638
double generalResidualCut_
Definition: Settings.h:574
unsigned int slr_oneOver2rBits_
Definition: Settings.h:622
double genMaxD0_
Definition: Settings.h:452
unsigned int numPhiNonants_
Definition: Settings.h:495
unsigned int ShiftingBitsDenRZ_
Definition: Settings.h:581
double maxPtToMerge2x2_
Definition: Settings.h:514
unsigned int numSubSecsEta_
Definition: Settings.h:515
unsigned int ShiftingBitsPhi_
Definition: Settings.h:583
bool resPlotOpt_
Definition: Settings.h:655
std::vector< bool > barrelVsType_
Definition: Settings.h:482
double genMaxVertZ_
Definition: Settings.h:451
unsigned int busySectorNumStubs_
Definition: Settings.h:531
bool kalmanHOfw_
Definition: Settings.h:614
double slr_d0Range_
Definition: Settings.h:626
unsigned int ShiftingBitsPt_
Definition: Settings.h:582
std::vector< unsigned int > barrelVsTypeTmp_
Definition: Settings.h:485
double bendCutExtra_
Definition: Settings.h:463
unsigned int kalmanMaxSkipLayersHard_
Definition: Settings.h:595
bool calcPhiTrkRes_
Definition: Settings.h:501
std::vector< unsigned int > psVsTypeTmp_
Definition: Settings.h:486
bool enableMerge2x2_
Definition: Settings.h:513
double phiNRange_
Definition: Settings.h:476
bool kalmanRemove2PScut_
Definition: Settings.h:594
bool useBendFilter_
Definition: Settings.h:527
const edm::ESInputTag magneticFieldInputTag_
Definition: Settings.h:413
unsigned int miniHoughLoadBalance_
Definition: Settings.h:523
unsigned int zBits_
Definition: Settings.h:473
std::vector< std::string > useRZfilter_
Definition: Settings.h:567
bool kfUseMaybeLayers_
Definition: Settings.h:598
unsigned int kf_chisquaredBits_
Definition: Settings.h:648
edm::ParameterSet dupTrkRemoval_
Definition: Settings.h:436
unsigned int kalmanHOalpha_
Definition: Settings.h:612
bool kf_skipTrackDigi_
Definition: Settings.h:636
edm::ParameterSet genCuts_
Definition: Settings.h:425
double seedResCut_
Definition: Settings.h:541
bool enableDigitize_
Definition: Settings.h:467
unsigned int houghNbinsPhi_
Definition: Settings.h:512
std::vector< bool > tiltedVsType_
Definition: Settings.h:484
edm::ParameterSet stubCuts_
Definition: Settings.h:426
double chosenRofZ_
Definition: Settings.h:505
unsigned int miniHoughNbinsPhi_
Definition: Settings.h:519
unsigned int killScenario_
Definition: Settings.h:617
std::vector< double > kfLayerVsChiSq4_
Definition: Settings.h:605
bool stubMatchStrict_
Definition: Settings.h:563
double genMaxAbsEta_
Definition: Settings.h:449
const edm::ESInputTag trackerTopologyInputTag_
Definition: Settings.h:415
unsigned int numTrackFitIterations_
Definition: Settings.h:572
unsigned int degradeBendRes_
Definition: Settings.h:458
edm::ParameterSet rzFilterOpts_
Definition: Settings.h:434
unsigned int slr_tanlambdaBits_
Definition: Settings.h:631
bool digitizeSLR_
Definition: Settings.h:577
edm::ParameterSet l1TrackDef_
Definition: Settings.h:435
std::vector< int > genPdgIds_
Definition: Settings.h:454
bool miniHTstage_
Definition: Settings.h:517
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
std::vector< unsigned int > etaSecsReduceLayers_
Definition: Settings.h:552
double chosenRofPhi_
Definition: Settings.h:497
bool kalmanHOtilted_
Definition: Settings.h:610
unsigned int slr_d0Bits_
Definition: Settings.h:625
edm::ParameterSet trackDigi_
Definition: Settings.h:440
unsigned int kf_oneOver2rBits_
Definition: Settings.h:637
bool killTrackFitWorstHit_
Definition: Settings.h:573
double kf_z0Range_
Definition: Settings.h:645
double bendCut_
Definition: Settings.h:462
double rtRange_
Definition: Settings.h:472
unsigned int maxStubsInCell_
Definition: Settings.h:528
bool enableMCtruth_
Definition: Settings.h:443
unsigned int kf_phi0Bits_
Definition: Settings.h:642
double houghMinPt_
Definition: Settings.h:510
double slr_z0Range_
Definition: Settings.h:630
std::string rzFilterName_
Definition: Settings.h:540
bool kalmanAddBeamConstr_
Definition: Settings.h:593
std::vector< double > kf_chisquaredBinEdges_
Definition: Settings.h:650
unsigned int slr_z0Bits_
Definition: Settings.h:629
double slr_phi0Range_
Definition: Settings.h:628
bool detailedFitOutput_
Definition: Settings.h:569
edm::ParameterSet phiSectors_
Definition: Settings.h:430
unsigned int dividerBitsHelixZ_
Definition: Settings.h:579
unsigned int kf_tanlambdaBits_
Definition: Settings.h:646
unsigned int kalmanHOprojZcorr_
Definition: Settings.h:613
bool allowOver2EtaSecs_
Definition: Settings.h:507
std::vector< double > kfLayerVsChiSq5_
Definition: Settings.h:604
unsigned int maxSeedsPerStub_
Definition: Settings.h:545
double slr_chisquaredRange_
Definition: Settings.h:634
bool miniHoughDontKill_
Definition: Settings.h:521
double genMaxZ0_
Definition: Settings.h:453
unsigned int rtBits_
Definition: Settings.h:471
edm::ParameterSet htArraySpecRphi_
Definition: Settings.h:432
std::vector< std::string > trackFitters_
Definition: Settings.h:566
double zRange_
Definition: Settings.h:474
std::vector< double > kfLayerVsPtToler_
Definition: Settings.h:600
double kf_chisquaredRange_
Definition: Settings.h:649
unsigned int minStubLayers_
Definition: Settings.h:550
std::vector< double > kfLayerVsZ0Cut5_
Definition: Settings.h:602
bool enableOutputIntermediateTTTracks_
Definition: Settings.h:445
const edm::InputTag stubInputTag_
Definition: Settings.h:418
const edm::ESInputTag ttStubAlgoInputTag_
Definition: Settings.h:416
unsigned int houghNbinsPt_
Definition: Settings.h:511
bool busyInputSectorKill_
Definition: Settings.h:534
double kf_tanlambdaRange_
Definition: Settings.h:647
unsigned int numPhiSectors_
Definition: Settings.h:496
edm::ParameterSet htFillingRphi_
Definition: Settings.h:433
std::vector< double > kfLayerVsZ0Cut4_
Definition: Settings.h:603
unsigned int phiSectorBits_
Definition: Settings.h:468
double bApprox_gradient_
Definition: Settings.h:491
const edm::InputTag clusterTruthInputTag_
Definition: Settings.h:421
unsigned int kalmanMaxStubsEasy_
Definition: Settings.h:597
bool writeOutEdmFile_
Definition: Settings.h:658
std::vector< bool > psVsType_
Definition: Settings.h:483
const edm::ESInputTag trackerGeometryInputTag_
Definition: Settings.h:414
bool useStubPhiTrk_
Definition: Settings.h:499
unsigned int busyInputSectorNumStubs_
Definition: Settings.h:535
double slr_oneOver2rRange_
Definition: Settings.h:623
std::vector< unsigned int > etaRegWhitelist_
Definition: Settings.h:537
bool zTrkSectorCheck_
Definition: Settings.h:546
std::vector< double > kfLayerVsD0Cut5_
Definition: Settings.h:601
unsigned int muxOutputsHT_
Definition: Settings.h:536
unsigned int kalmanChi2RphiScale_
Definition: Settings.h:609
bool trackFitCheat_
Definition: Settings.h:570
edm::ParameterSet etaSectors_
Definition: Settings.h:431
bool printStubWindows_
Definition: Settings.h:461
unsigned int dividerBitsHelix_
Definition: Settings.h:578
double miniHoughDontKillMinPt_
Definition: Settings.h:522
unsigned int shape_
Definition: Settings.h:516
unsigned int minNumMatchLayers_
Definition: Settings.h:561
unsigned int genMinStubLayers_
Definition: Settings.h:455
const edm::InputTag genJetInputTag_
Definition: Settings.h:422
edm::ParameterSet geometricProc_
Definition: Settings.h:429
double assumedPhiTrkRes_
Definition: Settings.h:500
std::vector< double > spaceVsType_
Definition: Settings.h:481
unsigned kalmanDebugLevel_
Definition: Settings.h:590
bool orderStubsByBend_
Definition: Settings.h:464
unsigned int dupTrkAlgFit_
Definition: Settings.h:556
bool slr_skipTrackDigi_
Definition: Settings.h:621
edm::ParameterSet deadModuleOpts_
Definition: Settings.h:439
bool useStubPhi_
Definition: Settings.h:498
double residualCut_
Definition: Settings.h:588
bool keepAllSeed_
Definition: Settings.h:542
double minFracMatchStubsOnTP_
Definition: Settings.h:560
double killingResidualCut_
Definition: Settings.h:575
unsigned int ShiftingBitsZ0_
Definition: Settings.h:586
bool reduceLayerID_
Definition: Settings.h:553
double slr_tanlambdaRange_
Definition: Settings.h:632
std::vector< unsigned int > busySectorMbinRanges_
Definition: Settings.h:532
unsigned int ShiftingBitsLambda_
Definition: Settings.h:585
double miniHoughMinPt_
Definition: Settings.h:520
std::vector< double > pitchVsType_
Definition: Settings.h:480
double genMaxVertR_
Definition: Settings.h:450
unsigned int kalmanMinNumStubs_
Definition: Settings.h:591
unsigned int bendBits_
Definition: Settings.h:477
double minFracMatchStubsOnReco_
Definition: Settings.h:559
double kf_phi0Range_
Definition: Settings.h:643
std::vector< unsigned int > busySectorMbinOrder_
Definition: Settings.h:533
double slr_chi2cut_
Definition: Settings.h:587
bool killLowPtStubs_
Definition: Settings.h:460
unsigned int slr_phi0Bits_
Definition: Settings.h:627
edm::ParameterSet trackFitSettings_
Definition: Settings.h:438
unsigned int kf_d0Bits_
Definition: Settings.h:640
unsigned int maxSeedCombinations_
Definition: Settings.h:543
bool enableHistos_
Definition: Settings.h:444
double phiSRange_
Definition: Settings.h:470
bool other_skipTrackDigi_
Definition: Settings.h:652
bool killRecover_
Definition: Settings.h:618
unsigned int kalmanMaxSkipLayersEasy_
Definition: Settings.h:596
unsigned int minNumMatchPSLayers_
Definition: Settings.h:562
unsigned int kalmanMaxNumStubs_
Definition: Settings.h:592
unsigned int maxStubsInCellMiniHough_
Definition: Settings.h:529
double beamWindowZ_
Definition: Settings.h:506
bool useApproxB_
Definition: Settings.h:490
edm::ParameterSet trackerModuleType_
Definition: Settings.h:428
bool busySectorKill_
Definition: Settings.h:530
std::vector< unsigned int > tiltedVsTypeTmp_
Definition: Settings.h:487
unsigned int slr_chisquaredBits_
Definition: Settings.h:633
double minPtToReduceLayers_
Definition: Settings.h:551
double genMinPt_
Definition: Settings.h:448
edm::ParameterSet trackMatchDef_
Definition: Settings.h:437
const edm::InputTag stubTruthInputTag_
Definition: Settings.h:420
double bApprox_intercept_
Definition: Settings.h:492
double kf_d0Range_
Definition: Settings.h:641
unsigned int kf_z0Bits_
Definition: Settings.h:644
unsigned int phiNBits_
Definition: Settings.h:475
bool kalmanHOhelixExp_
Definition: Settings.h:611
unsigned int killSomeHTCellsRphi_
Definition: Settings.h:526

Member Function Documentation

◆ allowOver2EtaSecs()

bool tmtt::Settings::allowOver2EtaSecs ( ) const

Definition at line 131 of file Settings.h.

References allowOver2EtaSecs_.

131 { return allowOver2EtaSecs_; }
bool allowOver2EtaSecs_
Definition: Settings.h:507

◆ assumedPhiTrkRes()

double tmtt::Settings::assumedPhiTrkRes ( ) const

Definition at line 118 of file Settings.h.

References assumedPhiTrkRes_.

118 { return assumedPhiTrkRes_; }
double assumedPhiTrkRes_
Definition: Settings.h:500

◆ bApprox_gradient()

double tmtt::Settings::bApprox_gradient ( ) const

Definition at line 104 of file Settings.h.

References bApprox_gradient_.

Referenced by tmtt::KFbase::approxB(), tmtt::Stub::approxB(), and tmtt::Histos::trackerGeometryAnalysis().

104 { return bApprox_gradient_; }
double bApprox_gradient_
Definition: Settings.h:491

◆ bApprox_intercept()

double tmtt::Settings::bApprox_intercept ( ) const

Definition at line 105 of file Settings.h.

References bApprox_intercept_.

Referenced by tmtt::KFbase::approxB(), tmtt::Stub::approxB(), and tmtt::Histos::trackerGeometryAnalysis().

105 { return bApprox_intercept_; }
double bApprox_intercept_
Definition: Settings.h:492

◆ barrelVsType()

const std::vector<bool>& tmtt::Settings::barrelVsType ( ) const

Definition at line 97 of file Settings.h.

References barrelVsType_.

Referenced by tmtt::TMTrackProducer::beginRun().

97 { return barrelVsType_; }
std::vector< bool > barrelVsType_
Definition: Settings.h:482

◆ beamWindowZ()

double tmtt::Settings::beamWindowZ ( ) const

Definition at line 129 of file Settings.h.

References beamWindowZ_.

Referenced by tmtt::DupFitTrkKiller::filterAlg1(), and tmtt::TrkRZfilter::TrkRZfilter().

129 { return beamWindowZ_; }
double beamWindowZ_
Definition: Settings.h:506

◆ bendBits()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::bendBits ( ) const

Definition at line 92 of file Settings.h.

References bendBits_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalStub::setCfgParams().

92 { return bendBits_; }
unsigned int bendBits_
Definition: Settings.h:477

◆ bendCut()

double tmtt::Settings::bendCut ( ) const

Definition at line 70 of file Settings.h.

References bendCut_.

Referenced by tmtt::Stub::bendCut(), and tmtt::Stub::bendCutInFrontend().

70 { return bendCut_; }
double bendCut_
Definition: Settings.h:462

◆ bendCutExtra()

double tmtt::Settings::bendCutExtra ( ) const

Definition at line 74 of file Settings.h.

References bendCutExtra_.

Referenced by tmtt::Stub::bendCut().

74 { return bendCutExtra_; }
double bendCutExtra_
Definition: Settings.h:463

◆ busyInputSectorKill()

bool tmtt::Settings::busyInputSectorKill ( ) const

Definition at line 184 of file Settings.h.

References busyInputSectorKill_.

Referenced by tmtt::HTrphi::HTrphi().

184 { return busyInputSectorKill_; }
bool busyInputSectorKill_
Definition: Settings.h:534

◆ busyInputSectorNumStubs()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::busyInputSectorNumStubs ( ) const

Definition at line 185 of file Settings.h.

References busyInputSectorNumStubs_.

Referenced by tmtt::HTrphi::HTrphi().

185 { return busyInputSectorNumStubs_; }
unsigned int busyInputSectorNumStubs_
Definition: Settings.h:535

◆ busySectorKill()

bool tmtt::Settings::busySectorKill ( ) const

Definition at line 175 of file Settings.h.

References busySectorKill_.

Referenced by tmtt::HTbase::end(), and tmtt::HTrphi::HTrphi().

175 { return busySectorKill_; }
bool busySectorKill_
Definition: Settings.h:530

◆ busySectorMbinOrder()

const std::vector<unsigned int>& tmtt::Settings::busySectorMbinOrder ( ) const

Definition at line 181 of file Settings.h.

References busySectorMbinOrder_.

Referenced by tmtt::HTrphi::HTrphi().

181 { return busySectorMbinOrder_; }
std::vector< unsigned int > busySectorMbinOrder_
Definition: Settings.h:533

◆ busySectorMbinRanges()

const std::vector<unsigned int>& tmtt::Settings::busySectorMbinRanges ( ) const

Definition at line 178 of file Settings.h.

References busySectorMbinRanges_.

Referenced by tmtt::HTrphi::HTrphi().

178 { return busySectorMbinRanges_; }
std::vector< unsigned int > busySectorMbinRanges_
Definition: Settings.h:532

◆ busySectorNumStubs()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::busySectorNumStubs ( ) const

Definition at line 176 of file Settings.h.

References busySectorNumStubs_.

Referenced by tmtt::HTrphi::HTrphi().

176 { return busySectorNumStubs_; }
unsigned int busySectorNumStubs_
Definition: Settings.h:531

◆ calcPhiTrkRes()

bool tmtt::Settings::calcPhiTrkRes ( ) const

Definition at line 120 of file Settings.h.

References calcPhiTrkRes_.

120 { return calcPhiTrkRes_; }
bool calcPhiTrkRes_
Definition: Settings.h:501

◆ chosenRofPhi()

double tmtt::Settings::chosenRofPhi ( ) const

◆ chosenRofZ()

double tmtt::Settings::chosenRofZ ( ) const

◆ clusterTruthInputTag()

edm::InputTag tmtt::Settings::clusterTruthInputTag ( ) const

Definition at line 34 of file Settings.h.

References clusterTruthInputTag_.

Referenced by tmtt::TMTrackProducer::TMTrackProducer().

34 { return clusterTruthInputTag_; }
const edm::InputTag clusterTruthInputTag_
Definition: Settings.h:421

◆ cSpeed()

double tmtt::Settings::cSpeed ( ) const

Definition at line 393 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by invPtToDphi(), and invPtToInvR().

393 { return 1.0e8 * CLHEP::c_light; } // Speed of light, with (mm/ns) to (cm/s)

◆ degradeBendRes()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::degradeBendRes ( ) const

Definition at line 62 of file Settings.h.

References degradeBendRes_.

Referenced by tmtt::Stub::Stub().

62 { return degradeBendRes_; }
unsigned int degradeBendRes_
Definition: Settings.h:458

◆ detailedFitOutput()

bool tmtt::Settings::detailedFitOutput ( ) const

Definition at line 253 of file Settings.h.

References detailedFitOutput_.

253 { return detailedFitOutput_; }
bool detailedFitOutput_
Definition: Settings.h:569

◆ digitizeSLR()

bool tmtt::Settings::digitizeSLR ( ) const

Definition at line 272 of file Settings.h.

References digitizeSLR_.

Referenced by tmtt::SimpleLR4::SimpleLR4().

272 { return digitizeSLR_; }
bool digitizeSLR_
Definition: Settings.h:577

◆ dividerBitsHelix()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::dividerBitsHelix ( ) const

Number of bits to be used in hardware to compute the division needed to calculate the helix parameters.

Definition at line 274 of file Settings.h.

References dividerBitsHelix_.

Referenced by tmtt::SimpleLR4::SimpleLR4().

274 { return dividerBitsHelix_; }
unsigned int dividerBitsHelix_
Definition: Settings.h:578

◆ dividerBitsHelixZ()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::dividerBitsHelixZ ( ) const

Definition at line 275 of file Settings.h.

References dividerBitsHelixZ_.

Referenced by tmtt::SimpleLR4::SimpleLR4().

275 { return dividerBitsHelixZ_; }
unsigned int dividerBitsHelixZ_
Definition: Settings.h:579

◆ dupTrkAlgFit()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::dupTrkAlgFit ( ) const

Definition at line 228 of file Settings.h.

References dupTrkAlgFit_.

228 { return dupTrkAlgFit_; }
unsigned int dupTrkAlgFit_
Definition: Settings.h:556

◆ enableDigitize()

bool tmtt::Settings::enableDigitize ( ) const

◆ enableHistos()

bool tmtt::Settings::enableHistos ( ) const

Definition at line 42 of file Settings.h.

References enableHistos_.

Referenced by tmtt::Histos::enabled().

42 { return enableHistos_; }
bool enableHistos_
Definition: Settings.h:444

◆ enableMCtruth()

bool tmtt::Settings::enableMCtruth ( ) const

Definition at line 40 of file Settings.h.

References enableMCtruth_.

Referenced by tmtt::TMTrackProducer::TMTrackProducer().

40 { return enableMCtruth_; }
bool enableMCtruth_
Definition: Settings.h:443

◆ enableMerge2x2()

bool tmtt::Settings::enableMerge2x2 ( ) const

Definition at line 141 of file Settings.h.

References enableMerge2x2_.

Referenced by tmtt::HTrphi::HTrphi().

141 { return enableMerge2x2_; }
bool enableMerge2x2_
Definition: Settings.h:513

◆ enableOutputIntermediateTTTracks()

bool tmtt::Settings::enableOutputIntermediateTTTracks ( ) const

◆ etaRegions()

const std::vector<double>& tmtt::Settings::etaRegions ( ) const

Definition at line 124 of file Settings.h.

References etaRegions_.

Referenced by tmtt::TP::fillUse(), and tmtt::Sector::subEtaFwCalc().

124 { return etaRegions_; } // Boundaries of eta regions de
std::vector< double > etaRegions_
Definition: Settings.h:504

◆ etaSecsReduceLayers()

const std::vector<unsigned int>& tmtt::Settings::etaSecsReduceLayers ( ) const

Definition at line 221 of file Settings.h.

References etaSecsReduceLayers_.

Referenced by tmtt::Utility::numLayerCut().

221 { return etaSecsReduceLayers_; }
std::vector< unsigned int > etaSecsReduceLayers_
Definition: Settings.h:552

◆ generalResidualCut()

double tmtt::Settings::generalResidualCut ( ) const

Definition at line 266 of file Settings.h.

References generalResidualCut_.

Referenced by tmtt::ChiSquaredFitBase::ChiSquaredFitBase().

266 { return generalResidualCut_; }
double generalResidualCut_
Definition: Settings.h:574

◆ genJetInputTag()

edm::InputTag tmtt::Settings::genJetInputTag ( ) const

Definition at line 35 of file Settings.h.

References genJetInputTag_.

Referenced by tmtt::TMTrackProducer::TMTrackProducer().

35 { return genJetInputTag_; }
const edm::InputTag genJetInputTag_
Definition: Settings.h:422

◆ genMaxAbsEta()

double tmtt::Settings::genMaxAbsEta ( ) const

Definition at line 49 of file Settings.h.

References genMaxAbsEta_.

Referenced by tmtt::TP::fillUse(), and tmtt::TP::fillUseForEff().

49 { return genMaxAbsEta_; }
double genMaxAbsEta_
Definition: Settings.h:449

◆ genMaxD0()

double tmtt::Settings::genMaxD0 ( ) const

Definition at line 52 of file Settings.h.

References genMaxD0_.

Referenced by tmtt::TP::fillUseForEff().

52 { return genMaxD0_; }
double genMaxD0_
Definition: Settings.h:452

◆ genMaxVertR()

double tmtt::Settings::genMaxVertR ( ) const

Definition at line 50 of file Settings.h.

References genMaxVertR_.

Referenced by tmtt::TP::fillUse(), and tmtt::TP::fillUseForEff().

50 { return genMaxVertR_; }
double genMaxVertR_
Definition: Settings.h:450

◆ genMaxVertZ()

double tmtt::Settings::genMaxVertZ ( ) const

Definition at line 51 of file Settings.h.

References genMaxVertZ_.

Referenced by tmtt::TP::fillUse(), and tmtt::TP::fillUseForEff().

51 { return genMaxVertZ_; }
double genMaxVertZ_
Definition: Settings.h:451

◆ genMaxZ0()

double tmtt::Settings::genMaxZ0 ( ) const

Definition at line 53 of file Settings.h.

References genMaxZ0_.

Referenced by tmtt::TP::fillUseForEff().

53 { return genMaxZ0_; }
double genMaxZ0_
Definition: Settings.h:453

◆ genMinPt()

double tmtt::Settings::genMinPt ( ) const

Definition at line 48 of file Settings.h.

References genMinPt_.

Referenced by tmtt::TP::fillUse(), and tmtt::TP::fillUseForEff().

48 { return genMinPt_; }
double genMinPt_
Definition: Settings.h:448

◆ genMinStubLayers()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::genMinStubLayers ( ) const

Definition at line 56 of file Settings.h.

References genMinStubLayers_.

Referenced by tmtt::TP::fillUseForAlgEff(), and tmtt::Histos::Histos().

56 { return genMinStubLayers_; } // Min. number of layers TP made stub in.
unsigned int genMinStubLayers_
Definition: Settings.h:455

◆ genPdgIds()

const std::vector<int>& tmtt::Settings::genPdgIds ( ) const

Definition at line 54 of file Settings.h.

References genPdgIds_.

Referenced by tmtt::TP::fillUseForEff().

54 { return genPdgIds_; }
std::vector< int > genPdgIds_
Definition: Settings.h:454

◆ houghMinPt()

double tmtt::Settings::houghMinPt ( ) const

◆ houghNbinsPhi()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::houghNbinsPhi ( ) const

Definition at line 139 of file Settings.h.

References houghNbinsPhi_.

Referenced by tmtt::Histos::Histos().

139 { return houghNbinsPhi_; }
unsigned int houghNbinsPhi_
Definition: Settings.h:512

◆ houghNbinsPt()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::houghNbinsPt ( ) const

Definition at line 137 of file Settings.h.

References houghNbinsPt_.

Referenced by tmtt::Stub::calcQoverPtrange(), tmtt::Histos::Histos(), and tmtt::DigitalStub::setCfgParams().

137 { return houghNbinsPt_; }
unsigned int houghNbinsPt_
Definition: Settings.h:511

◆ hybrid()

bool tmtt::Settings::hybrid ( ) const

◆ invPtToDphi()

double tmtt::Settings::invPtToDphi ( ) const

◆ invPtToInvR()

double tmtt::Settings::invPtToInvR ( ) const

◆ isHTRPhiEtaRegWhitelisted()

bool tmtt::Settings::isHTRPhiEtaRegWhitelisted ( unsigned const  iEtaReg) const

Definition at line 467 of file

References submitPVResolutionJobs::count, and etaRegWhitelist_.

Referenced by tmtt::TMTrackProducer::produce().

467  {
468  bool whitelisted = true;
470  bool const whitelist_enabled = (!etaRegWhitelist_.empty());
471  if (whitelist_enabled) {
472  whitelisted = (std::count(etaRegWhitelist_.begin(), etaRegWhitelist_.end(), iEtaReg) > 0);
473  }
475  return whitelisted;
476  }
std::vector< unsigned int > etaRegWhitelist_
Definition: Settings.h:537

◆ kalmanAddBeamConstr()

bool tmtt::Settings::kalmanAddBeamConstr ( ) const

Definition at line 303 of file Settings.h.

References kalmanAddBeamConstr_.

Referenced by tmtt::KFbase::fit().

303 { return kalmanAddBeamConstr_; }
bool kalmanAddBeamConstr_
Definition: Settings.h:593

◆ kalmanChi2RphiScale()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kalmanChi2RphiScale ( ) const

Definition at line 326 of file Settings.h.

References kalmanChi2RphiScale_.

Referenced by tmtt::KFbase::fit(), and tmtt::KalmanState::KalmanState().

326 { return kalmanChi2RphiScale_; }
unsigned int kalmanChi2RphiScale_
Definition: Settings.h:609

◆ kalmanDebugLevel()

unsigned tmtt::Settings::kalmanDebugLevel ( ) const

◆ kalmanHOalpha()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kalmanHOalpha ( ) const

Definition at line 333 of file Settings.h.

References kalmanHOalpha_.

Referenced by tmtt::KFParamsComb::matrixV(), and tmtt::KFbase::residual().

333 { return kalmanHOalpha_; }
unsigned int kalmanHOalpha_
Definition: Settings.h:612

◆ kalmanHOfw()

bool tmtt::Settings::kalmanHOfw ( ) const

Definition at line 337 of file Settings.h.

References kalmanHOfw_.

Referenced by tmtt::KFParamsComb::matrixV(), and tmtt::KFbase::residual().

337 { return kalmanHOfw_; }
bool kalmanHOfw_
Definition: Settings.h:614

◆ kalmanHOhelixExp()

bool tmtt::Settings::kalmanHOhelixExp ( ) const

Definition at line 331 of file Settings.h.

References kalmanHOhelixExp_.

Referenced by tmtt::KFbase::residual().

331 { return kalmanHOhelixExp_; }
bool kalmanHOhelixExp_
Definition: Settings.h:611

◆ kalmanHOprojZcorr()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kalmanHOprojZcorr ( ) const

Definition at line 335 of file Settings.h.

References kalmanHOprojZcorr_.

Referenced by tmtt::KFParamsComb::matrixV(), and tmtt::KFbase::residual().

335 { return kalmanHOprojZcorr_; }
unsigned int kalmanHOprojZcorr_
Definition: Settings.h:613

◆ kalmanHOtilted()

bool tmtt::Settings::kalmanHOtilted ( ) const

Definition at line 329 of file Settings.h.

References kalmanHOtilted_.

Referenced by tmtt::KFParamsComb::matrixV().

329 { return kalmanHOtilted_; }
bool kalmanHOtilted_
Definition: Settings.h:610

◆ kalmanMaxNumStubs()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kalmanMaxNumStubs ( ) const

Definition at line 301 of file Settings.h.

References kalmanMaxNumStubs_.

Referenced by tmtt::KFbase::doKF().

301 { return kalmanMaxNumStubs_; }
unsigned int kalmanMaxNumStubs_
Definition: Settings.h:592

◆ kalmanMaxSkipLayersEasy()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kalmanMaxSkipLayersEasy ( ) const

Definition at line 308 of file Settings.h.

References kalmanMaxSkipLayersEasy_.

Referenced by tmtt::KFbase::doKF().

308 { return kalmanMaxSkipLayersEasy_; }
unsigned int kalmanMaxSkipLayersEasy_
Definition: Settings.h:596

◆ kalmanMaxSkipLayersHard()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kalmanMaxSkipLayersHard ( ) const

Definition at line 307 of file Settings.h.

References kalmanMaxSkipLayersHard_.

Referenced by tmtt::KFbase::doKF().

307 { return kalmanMaxSkipLayersHard_; }
unsigned int kalmanMaxSkipLayersHard_
Definition: Settings.h:595

◆ kalmanMaxStubsEasy()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kalmanMaxStubsEasy ( ) const

Definition at line 310 of file Settings.h.

References kalmanMaxStubsEasy_.

Referenced by tmtt::KFbase::doKF().

310 { return kalmanMaxStubsEasy_; }
unsigned int kalmanMaxStubsEasy_
Definition: Settings.h:597

◆ kalmanMaxStubsPerLayer()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kalmanMaxStubsPerLayer ( ) const

Definition at line 322 of file Settings.h.

References kalmanMaxStubsPerLayer_.

Referenced by tmtt::KFbase::doKF().

322 { return kalmanMaxStubsPerLayer_; }
unsigned int kalmanMaxStubsPerLayer_
Definition: Settings.h:607

◆ kalmanMinNumStubs()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kalmanMinNumStubs ( ) const

Definition at line 299 of file Settings.h.

References kalmanMinNumStubs_.

Referenced by tmtt::KFbase::doKF().

299 { return kalmanMinNumStubs_; }
unsigned int kalmanMinNumStubs_
Definition: Settings.h:591

◆ kalmanMultiScattTerm()

double tmtt::Settings::kalmanMultiScattTerm ( ) const

◆ kalmanRemove2PScut()

bool tmtt::Settings::kalmanRemove2PScut ( ) const

Definition at line 305 of file Settings.h.

References kalmanRemove2PScut_.

Referenced by tmtt::KFbase::doKF().

305 { return kalmanRemove2PScut_; }
bool kalmanRemove2PScut_
Definition: Settings.h:594

◆ keepAllSeed()

bool tmtt::Settings::keepAllSeed ( ) const

Definition at line 201 of file Settings.h.

References keepAllSeed_.

Referenced by tmtt::TrkRZfilter::TrkRZfilter().

201 { return keepAllSeed_; }
bool keepAllSeed_
Definition: Settings.h:542

◆ kf_chisquaredBinEdges()

const std::vector<double>& tmtt::Settings::kf_chisquaredBinEdges ( ) const

Definition at line 377 of file Settings.h.

References kf_chisquaredBinEdges_.

377 { return kf_chisquaredBinEdges_; }
std::vector< double > kf_chisquaredBinEdges_
Definition: Settings.h:650

◆ kf_chisquaredBits()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kf_chisquaredBits ( ) const

Definition at line 375 of file Settings.h.

References kf_chisquaredBits_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg().

375 { return kf_chisquaredBits_; }
unsigned int kf_chisquaredBits_
Definition: Settings.h:648

◆ kf_chisquaredRange()

double tmtt::Settings::kf_chisquaredRange ( ) const

Definition at line 376 of file Settings.h.

References kf_chisquaredRange_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg().

376 { return kf_chisquaredRange_; }
double kf_chisquaredRange_
Definition: Settings.h:649

◆ kf_d0Bits()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kf_d0Bits ( ) const

Definition at line 367 of file Settings.h.

References kf_d0Bits_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg().

367 { return kf_d0Bits_; }
unsigned int kf_d0Bits_
Definition: Settings.h:640

◆ kf_d0Range()

double tmtt::Settings::kf_d0Range ( ) const

Definition at line 368 of file Settings.h.

References kf_d0Range_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg().

368 { return kf_d0Range_; }
double kf_d0Range_
Definition: Settings.h:641

◆ kf_oneOver2rBits()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kf_oneOver2rBits ( ) const

Definition at line 365 of file Settings.h.

References kf_oneOver2rBits_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg().

365 { return kf_oneOver2rBits_; }
unsigned int kf_oneOver2rBits_
Definition: Settings.h:637

◆ kf_oneOver2rRange()

double tmtt::Settings::kf_oneOver2rRange ( ) const

Definition at line 366 of file Settings.h.

References kf_oneOver2rRange_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg(), and tmtt::Make3Dtracks::makeUnfilteredTrks().

366 { return kf_oneOver2rRange_; }
double kf_oneOver2rRange_
Definition: Settings.h:638

◆ kf_phi0Bits()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kf_phi0Bits ( ) const

Definition at line 369 of file Settings.h.

References kf_phi0Bits_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg().

369 { return kf_phi0Bits_; }
unsigned int kf_phi0Bits_
Definition: Settings.h:642

◆ kf_phi0Range()

double tmtt::Settings::kf_phi0Range ( ) const

Definition at line 370 of file Settings.h.

References kf_phi0Range_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg(), and tmtt::Make3Dtracks::makeUnfilteredTrks().

370 { return kf_phi0Range_; }
double kf_phi0Range_
Definition: Settings.h:643

◆ kf_skipTrackDigi()

bool tmtt::Settings::kf_skipTrackDigi ( ) const

Definition at line 364 of file Settings.h.

References kf_skipTrackDigi_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg().

364 { return kf_skipTrackDigi_; }
bool kf_skipTrackDigi_
Definition: Settings.h:636

◆ kf_tanlambdaBits()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kf_tanlambdaBits ( ) const

Definition at line 373 of file Settings.h.

References kf_tanlambdaBits_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg().

373 { return kf_tanlambdaBits_; }
unsigned int kf_tanlambdaBits_
Definition: Settings.h:646

◆ kf_tanlambdaRange()

double tmtt::Settings::kf_tanlambdaRange ( ) const

Definition at line 374 of file Settings.h.

References kf_tanlambdaRange_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg().

374 { return kf_tanlambdaRange_; }
double kf_tanlambdaRange_
Definition: Settings.h:647

◆ kf_z0Bits()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kf_z0Bits ( ) const

Definition at line 371 of file Settings.h.

References kf_z0Bits_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg().

371 { return kf_z0Bits_; }
unsigned int kf_z0Bits_
Definition: Settings.h:644

◆ kf_z0Range()

double tmtt::Settings::kf_z0Range ( ) const

Definition at line 372 of file Settings.h.

References kf_z0Range_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg().

372 { return kf_z0Range_; }
double kf_z0Range_
Definition: Settings.h:645

◆ kfLayerVsChiSq4()

const std::vector<double>& tmtt::Settings::kfLayerVsChiSq4 ( ) const

Definition at line 320 of file Settings.h.

References kfLayerVsChiSq4_.

320 { return kfLayerVsChiSq4_; }
std::vector< double > kfLayerVsChiSq4_
Definition: Settings.h:605

◆ kfLayerVsChiSq5()

const std::vector<double>& tmtt::Settings::kfLayerVsChiSq5 ( ) const

Definition at line 319 of file Settings.h.

References kfLayerVsChiSq5_.

Referenced by tmtt::KFbase::fit().

319 { return kfLayerVsChiSq5_; }
std::vector< double > kfLayerVsChiSq5_
Definition: Settings.h:604

◆ kfLayerVsD0Cut5()

const std::vector<double>& tmtt::Settings::kfLayerVsD0Cut5 ( ) const

Definition at line 316 of file Settings.h.

References kfLayerVsD0Cut5_.

316 { return kfLayerVsD0Cut5_; }
std::vector< double > kfLayerVsD0Cut5_
Definition: Settings.h:601

◆ kfLayerVsPtToler()

const std::vector<double>& tmtt::Settings::kfLayerVsPtToler ( ) const

Definition at line 315 of file Settings.h.

References kfLayerVsPtToler_.

315 { return kfLayerVsPtToler_; }
std::vector< double > kfLayerVsPtToler_
Definition: Settings.h:600

◆ kfLayerVsZ0Cut4()

const std::vector<double>& tmtt::Settings::kfLayerVsZ0Cut4 ( ) const

Definition at line 318 of file Settings.h.

References kfLayerVsZ0Cut4_.

318 { return kfLayerVsZ0Cut4_; }
std::vector< double > kfLayerVsZ0Cut4_
Definition: Settings.h:603

◆ kfLayerVsZ0Cut5()

const std::vector<double>& tmtt::Settings::kfLayerVsZ0Cut5 ( ) const

Definition at line 317 of file Settings.h.

References kfLayerVsZ0Cut5_.

317 { return kfLayerVsZ0Cut5_; }
std::vector< double > kfLayerVsZ0Cut5_
Definition: Settings.h:602

◆ kfUseMaybeLayers()

bool tmtt::Settings::kfUseMaybeLayers ( ) const

Definition at line 312 of file Settings.h.

References kfUseMaybeLayers_.

Referenced by tmtt::KFbase::kalmanAmbiguousLayer(), and tmtt::KFbase::kalmanLayer().

312 { return kfUseMaybeLayers_; }
bool kfUseMaybeLayers_
Definition: Settings.h:598

◆ killingResidualCut()

double tmtt::Settings::killingResidualCut ( ) const

Definition at line 267 of file Settings.h.

References killingResidualCut_.

Referenced by tmtt::ChiSquaredFitBase::ChiSquaredFitBase().

267 { return killingResidualCut_; }
double killingResidualCut_
Definition: Settings.h:575

◆ killLowPtStubs()

bool tmtt::Settings::killLowPtStubs ( ) const

Definition at line 66 of file Settings.h.

References killLowPtStubs_.

Referenced by tmtt::Stub::degradeResolution(), and tmtt::Stub::setFrontend().

66 { return killLowPtStubs_; }
bool killLowPtStubs_
Definition: Settings.h:460

◆ killRecover()

bool tmtt::Settings::killRecover ( ) const

Definition at line 345 of file Settings.h.

References killRecover_.

Referenced by tmtt::KFbase::kalmanDeadLayers().

345 { return killRecover_; }
bool killRecover_
Definition: Settings.h:618

◆ killScenario()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::killScenario ( ) const

Definition at line 343 of file Settings.h.

References killScenario_.

Referenced by tmtt::KFbase::kalmanDeadLayers(), and tmtt::Stub::setFrontend().

343 { return killScenario_; }
unsigned int killScenario_
Definition: Settings.h:617

◆ killSomeHTCellsRphi()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::killSomeHTCellsRphi ( ) const

Definition at line 166 of file Settings.h.

References killSomeHTCellsRphi_.

Referenced by tmtt::HTrphi::HTrphi().

166 { return killSomeHTCellsRphi_; }
unsigned int killSomeHTCellsRphi_
Definition: Settings.h:526

◆ killTrackFitWorstHit()

bool tmtt::Settings::killTrackFitWorstHit ( ) const

Definition at line 262 of file Settings.h.

References killTrackFitWorstHit_.

Referenced by tmtt::ChiSquaredFitBase::ChiSquaredFitBase().

262 { return killTrackFitWorstHit_; }
bool killTrackFitWorstHit_
Definition: Settings.h:573

◆ magneticField()

float tmtt::Settings::magneticField ( ) const

Definition at line 401 of file Settings.h.

References Exception, and magneticField_.

Referenced by invPtToDphi(), invPtToInvR(), and setMagneticField().

401  {
402  if (magneticField_ == 0.)
403  throw cms::Exception("LogicError") << "Settings: You attempted to access the B field before it was initialized";
404  return magneticField_;
405  }
std::atomic< float > magneticField_
Definition: Settings.h:661

◆ magneticFieldInputTag()

edm::ESInputTag tmtt::Settings::magneticFieldInputTag ( ) const

Definition at line 26 of file Settings.h.

References magneticFieldInputTag_.

Referenced by tmtt::TMTrackProducer::TMTrackProducer().

26 { return magneticFieldInputTag_; }
const edm::ESInputTag magneticFieldInputTag_
Definition: Settings.h:413

◆ maxGoodSeedCombinations()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::maxGoodSeedCombinations ( ) const

Definition at line 205 of file Settings.h.

References maxGoodSeedCombinations_.

Referenced by tmtt::TrkRZfilter::TrkRZfilter().

205 { return maxGoodSeedCombinations_; }
unsigned int maxGoodSeedCombinations_
Definition: Settings.h:544

◆ maxPtToMerge2x2()

double tmtt::Settings::maxPtToMerge2x2 ( ) const

Definition at line 143 of file Settings.h.

References maxPtToMerge2x2_.

Referenced by tmtt::HTrphi::HTrphi().

143 { return maxPtToMerge2x2_; }
double maxPtToMerge2x2_
Definition: Settings.h:514

◆ maxSeedCombinations()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::maxSeedCombinations ( ) const

Definition at line 203 of file Settings.h.

References maxSeedCombinations_.

Referenced by tmtt::TrkRZfilter::TrkRZfilter().

203 { return maxSeedCombinations_; }
unsigned int maxSeedCombinations_
Definition: Settings.h:543

◆ maxSeedsPerStub()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::maxSeedsPerStub ( ) const

Definition at line 207 of file Settings.h.

References maxSeedsPerStub_.

Referenced by tmtt::TrkRZfilter::TrkRZfilter().

207 { return maxSeedsPerStub_; }
unsigned int maxSeedsPerStub_
Definition: Settings.h:545

◆ maxStubEta()

double tmtt::Settings::maxStubEta ( ) const

Definition at line 64 of file Settings.h.

References maxStubEta_.

Referenced by tmtt::Stub::setFrontend().

64 { return maxStubEta_; }
double maxStubEta_
Definition: Settings.h:459

◆ maxStubsInCell()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::maxStubsInCell ( ) const

Definition at line 170 of file Settings.h.

References maxStubsInCell_.

Referenced by tmtt::HTcell::HTcell().

170 { return maxStubsInCell_; }
unsigned int maxStubsInCell_
Definition: Settings.h:528

◆ maxStubsInCellMiniHough()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::maxStubsInCellMiniHough ( ) const

Definition at line 172 of file Settings.h.

References maxStubsInCellMiniHough_.

Referenced by tmtt::HTcell::HTcell().

172 { return maxStubsInCellMiniHough_; }
unsigned int maxStubsInCellMiniHough_
Definition: Settings.h:529

◆ minFilterLayers()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::minFilterLayers ( ) const

Definition at line 211 of file Settings.h.

References minFilterLayers_.

211 { return minFilterLayers_; }
unsigned int minFilterLayers_
Definition: Settings.h:547

◆ minFracMatchStubsOnReco()

double tmtt::Settings::minFracMatchStubsOnReco ( ) const

Definition at line 234 of file Settings.h.

References minFracMatchStubsOnReco_.

Referenced by tmtt::Utility::matchingTP().

234 { return minFracMatchStubsOnReco_; }
double minFracMatchStubsOnReco_
Definition: Settings.h:559

◆ minFracMatchStubsOnTP()

double tmtt::Settings::minFracMatchStubsOnTP ( ) const

Definition at line 236 of file Settings.h.

References minFracMatchStubsOnTP_.

Referenced by tmtt::Utility::matchingTP().

236 { return minFracMatchStubsOnTP_; }
double minFracMatchStubsOnTP_
Definition: Settings.h:560

◆ miniHoughDontKill()

bool tmtt::Settings::miniHoughDontKill ( ) const

Definition at line 156 of file Settings.h.

References miniHoughDontKill_.

156 { return miniHoughDontKill_; }
bool miniHoughDontKill_
Definition: Settings.h:521

◆ miniHoughDontKillMinPt()

float tmtt::Settings::miniHoughDontKillMinPt ( ) const

Definition at line 158 of file Settings.h.

References miniHoughDontKillMinPt_.

158 { return miniHoughDontKillMinPt_; }
double miniHoughDontKillMinPt_
Definition: Settings.h:522

◆ miniHoughLoadBalance()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::miniHoughLoadBalance ( ) const

Definition at line 160 of file Settings.h.

References miniHoughLoadBalance_.

160 { return miniHoughLoadBalance_; }
unsigned int miniHoughLoadBalance_
Definition: Settings.h:523

◆ miniHoughMinPt()

float tmtt::Settings::miniHoughMinPt ( ) const

Definition at line 154 of file Settings.h.

References miniHoughMinPt_.

154 { return miniHoughMinPt_; }
double miniHoughMinPt_
Definition: Settings.h:520

◆ miniHoughNbinsPhi()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::miniHoughNbinsPhi ( ) const

Definition at line 152 of file Settings.h.

References miniHoughNbinsPhi_.

Referenced by tmtt::MiniHTstage::exec().

152 { return miniHoughNbinsPhi_; }
unsigned int miniHoughNbinsPhi_
Definition: Settings.h:519

◆ miniHoughNbinsPt()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::miniHoughNbinsPt ( ) const

Definition at line 151 of file Settings.h.

References miniHoughNbinsPt_.

Referenced by tmtt::MiniHTstage::exec().

151 { return miniHoughNbinsPt_; }
unsigned int miniHoughNbinsPt_
Definition: Settings.h:518

◆ miniHTstage()

bool tmtt::Settings::miniHTstage ( ) const

◆ minNumMatchLayers()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::minNumMatchLayers ( ) const

Definition at line 238 of file Settings.h.

References minNumMatchLayers_.

Referenced by tmtt::Utility::matchingTP(), and tmtt::TrkRZfilter::TrkRZfilter().

238 { return minNumMatchLayers_; }
unsigned int minNumMatchLayers_
Definition: Settings.h:561

◆ minNumMatchPSLayers()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::minNumMatchPSLayers ( ) const

Definition at line 239 of file Settings.h.

References minNumMatchPSLayers_.

Referenced by tmtt::Utility::matchingTP().

239 { return minNumMatchPSLayers_; }
unsigned int minNumMatchPSLayers_
Definition: Settings.h:562

◆ minPtToReduceLayers()

double tmtt::Settings::minPtToReduceLayers ( ) const

Definition at line 219 of file Settings.h.

References minPtToReduceLayers_.

Referenced by tmtt::Utility::numLayerCut().

219 { return minPtToReduceLayers_; }
double minPtToReduceLayers_
Definition: Settings.h:551

◆ minStubLayers()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::minStubLayers ( ) const

Definition at line 216 of file Settings.h.

References minStubLayers_.

Referenced by tmtt::ChiSquaredFitBase::ChiSquaredFitBase(), and tmtt::Utility::numLayerCut().

216 { return minStubLayers_; }
unsigned int minStubLayers_
Definition: Settings.h:550

◆ muxOutputsHT()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::muxOutputsHT ( ) const

Definition at line 189 of file Settings.h.

References muxOutputsHT_.

Referenced by tmtt::TMTrackProducer::produce().

189 { return muxOutputsHT_; }
unsigned int muxOutputsHT_
Definition: Settings.h:536

◆ numEtaRegions()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::numEtaRegions ( ) const

Definition at line 125 of file Settings.h.

References etaRegions_.

Referenced by tmtt::TMTrackProducer::globalEndJob(), tmtt::Histos::Histos(), and tmtt::TMTrackProducer::produce().

125 { return (etaRegions_.size() - 1); }
std::vector< double > etaRegions_
Definition: Settings.h:504

◆ numPhiNonants()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::numPhiNonants ( ) const

◆ numPhiSectors()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::numPhiSectors ( ) const

◆ numSubSecsEta()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::numSubSecsEta ( ) const

Definition at line 145 of file Settings.h.

References numSubSecsEta_.

145 { return numSubSecsEta_; }
unsigned int numSubSecsEta_
Definition: Settings.h:515

◆ numTrackFitIterations()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::numTrackFitIterations ( ) const

Definition at line 260 of file Settings.h.

References numTrackFitIterations_.

Referenced by tmtt::ChiSquaredFitBase::ChiSquaredFitBase().

260 { return numTrackFitIterations_; }
unsigned int numTrackFitIterations_
Definition: Settings.h:572

◆ orderStubsByBend()

bool tmtt::Settings::orderStubsByBend ( ) const

Definition at line 76 of file Settings.h.

References orderStubsByBend_.

76 { return orderStubsByBend_; }
bool orderStubsByBend_
Definition: Settings.h:464

◆ other_skipTrackDigi()

bool tmtt::Settings::other_skipTrackDigi ( ) const

Definition at line 379 of file Settings.h.

References other_skipTrackDigi_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg().

379 { return other_skipTrackDigi_; }
bool other_skipTrackDigi_
Definition: Settings.h:652

◆ phiNBits()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::phiNBits ( ) const

Definition at line 90 of file Settings.h.

References phiNBits_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalStub::setCfgParams().

90 { return phiNBits_; }
unsigned int phiNBits_
Definition: Settings.h:475

◆ phiNRange()

double tmtt::Settings::phiNRange ( ) const

Definition at line 91 of file Settings.h.

References phiNRange_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalStub::setCfgParams().

91 { return phiNRange_; }
double phiNRange_
Definition: Settings.h:476

◆ phiSBits()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::phiSBits ( ) const

Definition at line 83 of file Settings.h.

References phiSBits_.

Referenced by tmtt::L1track3D::chiPhiDigi(), tmtt::SimpleLR4::fit(), tmtt::DigitalStub::setCfgParams(), and tmtt::SimpleLR4::SimpleLR4().

83 { return phiSBits_; }
unsigned int phiSBits_
Definition: Settings.h:469

◆ phiSectorBits()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::phiSectorBits ( ) const

Definition at line 82 of file Settings.h.

References phiSectorBits_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalStub::setCfgParams().

82 { return phiSectorBits_; }
unsigned int phiSectorBits_
Definition: Settings.h:468

◆ phiSRange()

double tmtt::Settings::phiSRange ( ) const

Definition at line 84 of file Settings.h.

References phiSRange_.

Referenced by tmtt::L1track3D::chiPhiDigi(), tmtt::DigitalStub::setCfgParams(), and tmtt::SimpleLR4::SimpleLR4().

84 { return phiSRange_; }
double phiSRange_
Definition: Settings.h:470

◆ pitchVsType()

const std::vector<double>& tmtt::Settings::pitchVsType ( ) const

Definition at line 95 of file Settings.h.

References pitchVsType_.

Referenced by tmtt::TMTrackProducer::beginRun().

95 { return pitchVsType_; }
std::vector< double > pitchVsType_
Definition: Settings.h:480

◆ printStubWindows()

bool tmtt::Settings::printStubWindows ( ) const

Definition at line 68 of file Settings.h.

References printStubWindows_.

Referenced by tmtt::TMTrackProducer::globalEndJob().

68 { return printStubWindows_; }
bool printStubWindows_
Definition: Settings.h:461

◆ psVsType()

const std::vector<bool>& tmtt::Settings::psVsType ( ) const

Definition at line 98 of file Settings.h.

References psVsType_.

Referenced by tmtt::TMTrackProducer::beginRun().

98 { return psVsType_; }
std::vector< bool > psVsType_
Definition: Settings.h:483

◆ reduceLayerID()

bool tmtt::Settings::reduceLayerID ( ) const

Definition at line 223 of file Settings.h.

References reduceLayerID_.

Referenced by tmtt::Utility::countLayers().

223 { return reduceLayerID_; }
bool reduceLayerID_
Definition: Settings.h:553

◆ ResidualCut()

double tmtt::Settings::ResidualCut ( ) const

Cut on RPhi Residual (radians)

Definition at line 292 of file Settings.h.

References residualCut_.

Referenced by tmtt::SimpleLR4::fit().

292 { return residualCut_; }
double residualCut_
Definition: Settings.h:588

◆ resPlotOpt()

bool tmtt::Settings::resPlotOpt ( ) const

Definition at line 385 of file Settings.h.

References resPlotOpt_.

Referenced by tmtt::Histos::Histos().

385 { return resPlotOpt_; }
bool resPlotOpt_
Definition: Settings.h:655

◆ rtBits()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::rtBits ( ) const

◆ rtRange()

double tmtt::Settings::rtRange ( ) const

◆ rzFilterName()

const std::string& tmtt::Settings::rzFilterName ( ) const

Definition at line 196 of file Settings.h.

References rzFilterName_.

Referenced by tmtt::Histos::printFitTrackPerformance(), and tmtt::TrkRZfilter::TrkRZfilter().

196 { return rzFilterName_; }
std::string rzFilterName_
Definition: Settings.h:540

◆ seedResCut()

double tmtt::Settings::seedResCut ( ) const

Definition at line 199 of file Settings.h.

References seedResCut_.

Referenced by tmtt::TrkRZfilter::TrkRZfilter().

199 { return seedResCut_; }
double seedResCut_
Definition: Settings.h:541

◆ setMagneticField()

void tmtt::Settings::setMagneticField ( float  magneticField) const

Definition at line 400 of file Settings.h.

References magneticField(), and magneticField_.

Referenced by tmtt::TMTrackProducer::beginRun().

std::atomic< float > magneticField_
Definition: Settings.h:661
float magneticField() const
Definition: Settings.h:401

◆ shape()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::shape ( void  ) const

Definition at line 147 of file Settings.h.

References shape_.

Referenced by tmtt::Stub::calcQoverPtrange().

147 { return shape_; }
unsigned int shape_
Definition: Settings.h:516

◆ ShiftingBitsDenRPhi()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::ShiftingBitsDenRPhi ( ) const

Number of bits to reduce the RPhi helix parameter denominator calculation weight.

Definition at line 277 of file Settings.h.

References ShiftingBitsDenRPhi_.

Referenced by tmtt::SimpleLR4::SimpleLR4().

277 { return ShiftingBitsDenRPhi_; }
unsigned int ShiftingBitsDenRPhi_
Definition: Settings.h:580

◆ ShiftingBitsDenRZ()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::ShiftingBitsDenRZ ( ) const

Number of bits to reduce the RZ helix parameter denominator calculation weight.

Definition at line 280 of file Settings.h.

References ShiftingBitsDenRZ_.

Referenced by tmtt::SimpleLR4::SimpleLR4().

280 { return ShiftingBitsDenRZ_; }
unsigned int ShiftingBitsDenRZ_
Definition: Settings.h:581

◆ ShiftingBitsLambda()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::ShiftingBitsLambda ( ) const

Number of bits to reduce the tanLambda parameter calculation weight.

Definition at line 286 of file Settings.h.

References ShiftingBitsLambda_.

Referenced by tmtt::SimpleLR4::SimpleLR4().

286 { return ShiftingBitsLambda_; }
unsigned int ShiftingBitsLambda_
Definition: Settings.h:585

◆ ShiftingBitsPhi()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::ShiftingBitsPhi ( ) const

Number of bits to reduce the PhiT parameter numerator calculation weight.

Definition at line 284 of file Settings.h.

References ShiftingBitsPhi_.

Referenced by tmtt::SimpleLR4::SimpleLR4().

284 { return ShiftingBitsPhi_; }
unsigned int ShiftingBitsPhi_
Definition: Settings.h:583

◆ ShiftingBitsPt()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::ShiftingBitsPt ( ) const

Number of bits to reduce the qOverPt parameter numerator calculation weight.

Definition at line 282 of file Settings.h.

References ShiftingBitsPt_.

Referenced by tmtt::SimpleLR4::SimpleLR4().

282 { return ShiftingBitsPt_; }
unsigned int ShiftingBitsPt_
Definition: Settings.h:582

◆ ShiftingBitsZ0()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::ShiftingBitsZ0 ( ) const

Number of bits to reduce the tanLambda parameter calculation weight.

Definition at line 288 of file Settings.h.

References ShiftingBitsZ0_.

Referenced by tmtt::SimpleLR4::SimpleLR4().

288 { return ShiftingBitsZ0_; }
unsigned int ShiftingBitsZ0_
Definition: Settings.h:586

◆ slr_chi2cut()

double tmtt::Settings::slr_chi2cut ( ) const

ChiSquare Cut.

Definition at line 290 of file Settings.h.

References slr_chi2cut_.

Referenced by tmtt::SimpleLR4::SimpleLR4().

290 { return slr_chi2cut_; }
double slr_chi2cut_
Definition: Settings.h:587

◆ slr_chisquaredBits()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::slr_chisquaredBits ( ) const

Definition at line 361 of file Settings.h.

References slr_chisquaredBits_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg(), and tmtt::SimpleLR4::SimpleLR4().

361 { return slr_chisquaredBits_; }
unsigned int slr_chisquaredBits_
Definition: Settings.h:633

◆ slr_chisquaredRange()

double tmtt::Settings::slr_chisquaredRange ( ) const

Definition at line 362 of file Settings.h.

References slr_chisquaredRange_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg(), and tmtt::SimpleLR4::SimpleLR4().

362 { return slr_chisquaredRange_; }
double slr_chisquaredRange_
Definition: Settings.h:634

◆ slr_d0Bits()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::slr_d0Bits ( ) const

Definition at line 353 of file Settings.h.

References slr_d0Bits_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg().

353 { return slr_d0Bits_; }
unsigned int slr_d0Bits_
Definition: Settings.h:625

◆ slr_d0Range()

double tmtt::Settings::slr_d0Range ( ) const

Definition at line 354 of file Settings.h.

References slr_d0Range_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg().

354 { return slr_d0Range_; }
double slr_d0Range_
Definition: Settings.h:626

◆ slr_oneOver2rBits()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::slr_oneOver2rBits ( ) const

Definition at line 351 of file Settings.h.

References slr_oneOver2rBits_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg(), and tmtt::SimpleLR4::SimpleLR4().

351 { return slr_oneOver2rBits_; }
unsigned int slr_oneOver2rBits_
Definition: Settings.h:622

◆ slr_oneOver2rRange()

double tmtt::Settings::slr_oneOver2rRange ( ) const

Definition at line 352 of file Settings.h.

References slr_oneOver2rRange_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg(), and tmtt::SimpleLR4::SimpleLR4().

352 { return slr_oneOver2rRange_; }
double slr_oneOver2rRange_
Definition: Settings.h:623

◆ slr_phi0Bits()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::slr_phi0Bits ( ) const

Definition at line 355 of file Settings.h.

References slr_phi0Bits_.

Referenced by tmtt::SimpleLR4::fit(), tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg(), and tmtt::SimpleLR4::SimpleLR4().

355 { return slr_phi0Bits_; }
unsigned int slr_phi0Bits_
Definition: Settings.h:627

◆ slr_phi0Range()

double tmtt::Settings::slr_phi0Range ( ) const

Definition at line 356 of file Settings.h.

References slr_phi0Range_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg(), and tmtt::SimpleLR4::SimpleLR4().

356 { return slr_phi0Range_; }
double slr_phi0Range_
Definition: Settings.h:628

◆ slr_skipTrackDigi()

bool tmtt::Settings::slr_skipTrackDigi ( ) const

Definition at line 350 of file Settings.h.

References slr_skipTrackDigi_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg().

350 { return slr_skipTrackDigi_; }
bool slr_skipTrackDigi_
Definition: Settings.h:621

◆ slr_tanlambdaBits()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::slr_tanlambdaBits ( ) const

Definition at line 359 of file Settings.h.

References slr_tanlambdaBits_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg(), and tmtt::SimpleLR4::SimpleLR4().

359 { return slr_tanlambdaBits_; }
unsigned int slr_tanlambdaBits_
Definition: Settings.h:631

◆ slr_tanlambdaRange()

double tmtt::Settings::slr_tanlambdaRange ( ) const

Definition at line 360 of file Settings.h.

References slr_tanlambdaRange_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg(), and tmtt::SimpleLR4::SimpleLR4().

360 { return slr_tanlambdaRange_; }
double slr_tanlambdaRange_
Definition: Settings.h:632

◆ slr_z0Bits()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::slr_z0Bits ( ) const

Definition at line 357 of file Settings.h.

References slr_z0Bits_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg(), and tmtt::SimpleLR4::SimpleLR4().

357 { return slr_z0Bits_; }
unsigned int slr_z0Bits_
Definition: Settings.h:629

◆ slr_z0Range()

double tmtt::Settings::slr_z0Range ( ) const

Definition at line 358 of file Settings.h.

References slr_z0Range_.

Referenced by tmtt::DigitalTrack::loadDigiCfg(), and tmtt::SimpleLR4::SimpleLR4().

358 { return slr_z0Range_; }
double slr_z0Range_
Definition: Settings.h:630

◆ spaceVsType()

const std::vector<double>& tmtt::Settings::spaceVsType ( ) const

Definition at line 96 of file Settings.h.

References spaceVsType_.

Referenced by tmtt::TMTrackProducer::beginRun().

96 { return spaceVsType_; }
std::vector< double > spaceVsType_
Definition: Settings.h:481

◆ stubInputTag()

edm::InputTag tmtt::Settings::stubInputTag ( ) const

Definition at line 31 of file Settings.h.

References stubInputTag_.

Referenced by tmtt::TMTrackProducer::TMTrackProducer().

31 { return stubInputTag_; }
const edm::InputTag stubInputTag_
Definition: Settings.h:418

◆ stubMatchStrict()

bool tmtt::Settings::stubMatchStrict ( ) const

Definition at line 241 of file Settings.h.

References stubMatchStrict_.

Referenced by tmtt::Stub::fillTruth().

241 { return stubMatchStrict_; }
bool stubMatchStrict_
Definition: Settings.h:563

◆ stubTruthInputTag()

edm::InputTag tmtt::Settings::stubTruthInputTag ( ) const

Definition at line 33 of file Settings.h.

References stubTruthInputTag_.

Referenced by tmtt::TMTrackProducer::TMTrackProducer().

33 { return stubTruthInputTag_; }
const edm::InputTag stubTruthInputTag_
Definition: Settings.h:420

◆ tiltedVsType()

const std::vector<bool>& tmtt::Settings::tiltedVsType ( ) const

Definition at line 99 of file Settings.h.

References tiltedVsType_.

Referenced by tmtt::TMTrackProducer::beginRun().

99 { return tiltedVsType_; }
std::vector< bool > tiltedVsType_
Definition: Settings.h:484

◆ tpInputTag()

edm::InputTag tmtt::Settings::tpInputTag ( ) const

Definition at line 32 of file Settings.h.

References tpInputTag_.

Referenced by tmtt::TMTrackProducer::TMTrackProducer().

32 { return tpInputTag_; }
const edm::InputTag tpInputTag_
Definition: Settings.h:419

◆ trackerGeometryInputTag()

edm::ESInputTag tmtt::Settings::trackerGeometryInputTag ( ) const

Definition at line 27 of file Settings.h.

References trackerGeometryInputTag_.

Referenced by tmtt::TMTrackProducer::TMTrackProducer().

27 { return trackerGeometryInputTag_; }
const edm::ESInputTag trackerGeometryInputTag_
Definition: Settings.h:414

◆ trackerTopologyInputTag()

edm::ESInputTag tmtt::Settings::trackerTopologyInputTag ( ) const

Definition at line 28 of file Settings.h.

References trackerTopologyInputTag_.

Referenced by tmtt::TMTrackProducer::TMTrackProducer().

28 { return trackerTopologyInputTag_; }
const edm::ESInputTag trackerTopologyInputTag_
Definition: Settings.h:415

◆ trackFitCheat()

bool tmtt::Settings::trackFitCheat ( ) const

Definition at line 255 of file Settings.h.

References trackFitCheat_.

Referenced by tmtt::Make3Dtracks::makeRZfilteredTrks(), and tmtt::Make3Dtracks::makeUnfilteredTrks().

255 { return trackFitCheat_; }
bool trackFitCheat_
Definition: Settings.h:570

◆ trackFitters()

const std::vector<std::string>& tmtt::Settings::trackFitters ( ) const

Definition at line 248 of file Settings.h.

References trackFitters_.

Referenced by tmtt::Histos::Histos(), and tmtt::TMTrackProducer::TMTrackProducer().

248 { return trackFitters_; }
std::vector< std::string > trackFitters_
Definition: Settings.h:566

◆ ttStubAlgoInputTag()

edm::ESInputTag tmtt::Settings::ttStubAlgoInputTag ( ) const

Definition at line 29 of file Settings.h.

References ttStubAlgoInputTag_.

Referenced by tmtt::TMTrackProducer::TMTrackProducer().

29 { return ttStubAlgoInputTag_; }
const edm::ESInputTag ttStubAlgoInputTag_
Definition: Settings.h:416

◆ useApproxB()

bool tmtt::Settings::useApproxB ( ) const

◆ useBendFilter()

bool tmtt::Settings::useBendFilter ( ) const

Definition at line 168 of file Settings.h.

References useBendFilter_.

168 { return useBendFilter_; }
bool useBendFilter_
Definition: Settings.h:527

◆ useRZfilter()

const std::vector<std::string>& tmtt::Settings::useRZfilter ( ) const

Definition at line 251 of file Settings.h.

References useRZfilter_.

Referenced by tmtt::Histos::Histos(), and tmtt::TMTrackProducer::TMTrackProducer().

251 { return useRZfilter_; }
std::vector< std::string > useRZfilter_
Definition: Settings.h:567

◆ useStubPhi()

bool tmtt::Settings::useStubPhi ( ) const

Definition at line 114 of file Settings.h.

References useStubPhi_.

114 { return useStubPhi_; }
bool useStubPhi_
Definition: Settings.h:498

◆ useStubPhiTrk()

bool tmtt::Settings::useStubPhiTrk ( ) const

Definition at line 116 of file Settings.h.

References useStubPhiTrk_.

116 { return useStubPhiTrk_; }
bool useStubPhiTrk_
Definition: Settings.h:499

◆ writeOutEdmFile()

bool tmtt::Settings::writeOutEdmFile ( ) const

Definition at line 389 of file Settings.h.

References writeOutEdmFile_.

389 { return writeOutEdmFile_; }
bool writeOutEdmFile_
Definition: Settings.h:658

◆ zBits()

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::zBits ( ) const

◆ zRange()

double tmtt::Settings::zRange ( ) const

◆ zTrkSectorCheck()

bool tmtt::Settings::zTrkSectorCheck ( ) const

Definition at line 209 of file Settings.h.

References zTrkSectorCheck_.

Referenced by tmtt::TrkRZfilter::TrkRZfilter().

209 { return zTrkSectorCheck_; }
bool zTrkSectorCheck_
Definition: Settings.h:546

Member Data Documentation

◆ allowOver2EtaSecs_

bool tmtt::Settings::allowOver2EtaSecs_

Definition at line 507 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by allowOver2EtaSecs().

◆ assumedPhiTrkRes_

double tmtt::Settings::assumedPhiTrkRes_

Definition at line 500 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by assumedPhiTrkRes().

◆ bApprox_gradient_

double tmtt::Settings::bApprox_gradient_

Definition at line 491 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by bApprox_gradient().

◆ bApprox_intercept_

double tmtt::Settings::bApprox_intercept_

Definition at line 492 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by bApprox_intercept().

◆ barrelVsType_

std::vector<bool> tmtt::Settings::barrelVsType_

Definition at line 482 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by barrelVsType(), and Settings().

◆ barrelVsTypeTmp_

std::vector<unsigned int> tmtt::Settings::barrelVsTypeTmp_

Definition at line 485 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by Settings().

◆ beamWindowZ_

double tmtt::Settings::beamWindowZ_

Definition at line 506 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by beamWindowZ().

◆ bendBits_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::bendBits_

Definition at line 477 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by bendBits().

◆ bendCut_

double tmtt::Settings::bendCut_

Definition at line 462 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by bendCut().

◆ bendCutExtra_

double tmtt::Settings::bendCutExtra_

Definition at line 463 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by bendCutExtra().

◆ busyInputSectorKill_

bool tmtt::Settings::busyInputSectorKill_

Definition at line 534 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by busyInputSectorKill().

◆ busyInputSectorNumStubs_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::busyInputSectorNumStubs_

Definition at line 535 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by busyInputSectorNumStubs().

◆ busySectorKill_

bool tmtt::Settings::busySectorKill_

Definition at line 530 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by busySectorKill().

◆ busySectorMbinOrder_

std::vector<unsigned int> tmtt::Settings::busySectorMbinOrder_

Definition at line 533 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by busySectorMbinOrder(), and Settings().

◆ busySectorMbinRanges_

std::vector<unsigned int> tmtt::Settings::busySectorMbinRanges_

Definition at line 532 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by busySectorMbinRanges(), and Settings().

◆ busySectorNumStubs_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::busySectorNumStubs_

Definition at line 531 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by busySectorNumStubs().

◆ calcPhiTrkRes_

bool tmtt::Settings::calcPhiTrkRes_

Definition at line 501 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by calcPhiTrkRes().

◆ chi2OverNdfCut_

double tmtt::Settings::chi2OverNdfCut_

Definition at line 568 of file Settings.h.

◆ chosenRofPhi_

double tmtt::Settings::chosenRofPhi_

Definition at line 497 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by chosenRofPhi().

◆ chosenRofZ_

double tmtt::Settings::chosenRofZ_

Definition at line 505 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by chosenRofZ().

◆ clusterTruthInputTag_

const edm::InputTag tmtt::Settings::clusterTruthInputTag_

Definition at line 421 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by clusterTruthInputTag().

◆ deadModuleOpts_

edm::ParameterSet tmtt::Settings::deadModuleOpts_

Definition at line 439 of file Settings.h.

◆ degradeBendRes_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::degradeBendRes_

Definition at line 458 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by degradeBendRes().

◆ detailedFitOutput_

bool tmtt::Settings::detailedFitOutput_

Definition at line 569 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by detailedFitOutput().

◆ digitizeSLR_

bool tmtt::Settings::digitizeSLR_

Definition at line 577 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by digitizeSLR().

◆ dividerBitsHelix_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::dividerBitsHelix_

Definition at line 578 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by dividerBitsHelix().

◆ dividerBitsHelixZ_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::dividerBitsHelixZ_

Definition at line 579 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by dividerBitsHelixZ().

◆ dupTrkAlgFit_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::dupTrkAlgFit_

Definition at line 556 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by dupTrkAlgFit().

◆ dupTrkRemoval_

edm::ParameterSet tmtt::Settings::dupTrkRemoval_

Definition at line 436 of file Settings.h.

◆ enableDigitize_

bool tmtt::Settings::enableDigitize_

Definition at line 467 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by enableDigitize().

◆ enableHistos_

bool tmtt::Settings::enableHistos_

Definition at line 444 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by enableHistos().

◆ enableMCtruth_

bool tmtt::Settings::enableMCtruth_

Definition at line 443 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by enableMCtruth().

◆ enableMerge2x2_

bool tmtt::Settings::enableMerge2x2_

Definition at line 513 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by enableMerge2x2(), and Settings().

◆ enableOutputIntermediateTTTracks_

bool tmtt::Settings::enableOutputIntermediateTTTracks_

Definition at line 445 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by enableOutputIntermediateTTTracks().

◆ etaRegions_

std::vector<double> tmtt::Settings::etaRegions_

Definition at line 504 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by etaRegions(), numEtaRegions(), and Settings().

◆ etaRegWhitelist_

std::vector<unsigned int> tmtt::Settings::etaRegWhitelist_

Definition at line 537 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by isHTRPhiEtaRegWhitelisted().

◆ etaSecsReduceLayers_

std::vector<unsigned int> tmtt::Settings::etaSecsReduceLayers_

Definition at line 552 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by etaSecsReduceLayers(), and Settings().

◆ etaSectors_

edm::ParameterSet tmtt::Settings::etaSectors_

Definition at line 431 of file Settings.h.

◆ genCuts_

edm::ParameterSet tmtt::Settings::genCuts_

Definition at line 425 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by Settings().

◆ generalResidualCut_

double tmtt::Settings::generalResidualCut_

Definition at line 574 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by generalResidualCut().

◆ genJetInputTag_

const edm::InputTag tmtt::Settings::genJetInputTag_

Definition at line 422 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by genJetInputTag().

◆ genMaxAbsEta_

double tmtt::Settings::genMaxAbsEta_

Definition at line 449 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by genMaxAbsEta().

◆ genMaxD0_

double tmtt::Settings::genMaxD0_

Definition at line 452 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by genMaxD0().

◆ genMaxVertR_

double tmtt::Settings::genMaxVertR_

Definition at line 450 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by genMaxVertR().

◆ genMaxVertZ_

double tmtt::Settings::genMaxVertZ_

Definition at line 451 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by genMaxVertZ().

◆ genMaxZ0_

double tmtt::Settings::genMaxZ0_

Definition at line 453 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by genMaxZ0().

◆ genMinPt_

double tmtt::Settings::genMinPt_

Definition at line 448 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by genMinPt().

◆ genMinStubLayers_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::genMinStubLayers_

Definition at line 455 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by genMinStubLayers(), and Settings().

◆ genPdgIds_

std::vector<int> tmtt::Settings::genPdgIds_

Definition at line 454 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by genPdgIds(), and Settings().

◆ geometricProc_

edm::ParameterSet tmtt::Settings::geometricProc_

Definition at line 429 of file Settings.h.

◆ houghMinPt_

double tmtt::Settings::houghMinPt_

Definition at line 510 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by houghMinPt(), and Settings().

◆ houghNbinsPhi_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::houghNbinsPhi_

Definition at line 512 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by houghNbinsPhi().

◆ houghNbinsPt_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::houghNbinsPt_

Definition at line 511 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by houghNbinsPt(), and Settings().

◆ htArraySpecRphi_

edm::ParameterSet tmtt::Settings::htArraySpecRphi_

Definition at line 432 of file Settings.h.

◆ htFillingRphi_

edm::ParameterSet tmtt::Settings::htFillingRphi_

Definition at line 433 of file Settings.h.

◆ hybrid_

bool tmtt::Settings::hybrid_

Definition at line 664 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by hybrid().

◆ kalmanAddBeamConstr_

bool tmtt::Settings::kalmanAddBeamConstr_

Definition at line 593 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kalmanAddBeamConstr().

◆ kalmanChi2RphiScale_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kalmanChi2RphiScale_

Definition at line 609 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kalmanChi2RphiScale().

◆ kalmanDebugLevel_

unsigned tmtt::Settings::kalmanDebugLevel_

Definition at line 590 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kalmanDebugLevel().

◆ kalmanHOalpha_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kalmanHOalpha_

Definition at line 612 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kalmanHOalpha().

◆ kalmanHOfw_

bool tmtt::Settings::kalmanHOfw_

Definition at line 614 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kalmanHOfw().

◆ kalmanHOhelixExp_

bool tmtt::Settings::kalmanHOhelixExp_

Definition at line 611 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kalmanHOhelixExp().

◆ kalmanHOprojZcorr_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kalmanHOprojZcorr_

Definition at line 613 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kalmanHOprojZcorr().

◆ kalmanHOtilted_

bool tmtt::Settings::kalmanHOtilted_

Definition at line 610 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kalmanHOtilted().

◆ kalmanMaxNumStubs_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kalmanMaxNumStubs_

Definition at line 592 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kalmanMaxNumStubs(), and Settings().

◆ kalmanMaxSkipLayersEasy_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kalmanMaxSkipLayersEasy_

Definition at line 596 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kalmanMaxSkipLayersEasy().

◆ kalmanMaxSkipLayersHard_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kalmanMaxSkipLayersHard_

Definition at line 595 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kalmanMaxSkipLayersHard().

◆ kalmanMaxStubsEasy_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kalmanMaxStubsEasy_

Definition at line 597 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kalmanMaxStubsEasy().

◆ kalmanMaxStubsPerLayer_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kalmanMaxStubsPerLayer_

Definition at line 607 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kalmanMaxStubsPerLayer().

◆ kalmanMinNumStubs_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kalmanMinNumStubs_

Definition at line 591 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kalmanMinNumStubs(), and Settings().

◆ kalmanMultiScattTerm_

double tmtt::Settings::kalmanMultiScattTerm_

Definition at line 608 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kalmanMultiScattTerm().

◆ kalmanRemove2PScut_

bool tmtt::Settings::kalmanRemove2PScut_

Definition at line 594 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kalmanRemove2PScut().

◆ keepAllSeed_

bool tmtt::Settings::keepAllSeed_

Definition at line 542 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by keepAllSeed().

◆ kf_chisquaredBinEdges_

std::vector<double> tmtt::Settings::kf_chisquaredBinEdges_

Definition at line 650 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kf_chisquaredBinEdges().

◆ kf_chisquaredBits_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kf_chisquaredBits_

Definition at line 648 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kf_chisquaredBits().

◆ kf_chisquaredRange_

double tmtt::Settings::kf_chisquaredRange_

Definition at line 649 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kf_chisquaredRange().

◆ kf_d0Bits_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kf_d0Bits_

Definition at line 640 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kf_d0Bits().

◆ kf_d0Range_

double tmtt::Settings::kf_d0Range_

Definition at line 641 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kf_d0Range().

◆ kf_oneOver2rBits_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kf_oneOver2rBits_

Definition at line 637 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kf_oneOver2rBits().

◆ kf_oneOver2rMult_

double tmtt::Settings::kf_oneOver2rMult_

Definition at line 639 of file Settings.h.

◆ kf_oneOver2rRange_

double tmtt::Settings::kf_oneOver2rRange_

Definition at line 638 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kf_oneOver2rRange().

◆ kf_phi0Bits_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kf_phi0Bits_

Definition at line 642 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kf_phi0Bits().

◆ kf_phi0Range_

double tmtt::Settings::kf_phi0Range_

Definition at line 643 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kf_phi0Range().

◆ kf_skipTrackDigi_

bool tmtt::Settings::kf_skipTrackDigi_

Definition at line 636 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kf_skipTrackDigi().

◆ kf_tanlambdaBits_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kf_tanlambdaBits_

Definition at line 646 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kf_tanlambdaBits().

◆ kf_tanlambdaRange_

double tmtt::Settings::kf_tanlambdaRange_

Definition at line 647 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kf_tanlambdaRange().

◆ kf_z0Bits_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::kf_z0Bits_

Definition at line 644 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kf_z0Bits().

◆ kf_z0Range_

double tmtt::Settings::kf_z0Range_

Definition at line 645 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kf_z0Range().

◆ kfLayerVsChiSq4_

std::vector<double> tmtt::Settings::kfLayerVsChiSq4_

Definition at line 605 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kfLayerVsChiSq4().

◆ kfLayerVsChiSq5_

std::vector<double> tmtt::Settings::kfLayerVsChiSq5_

Definition at line 604 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kfLayerVsChiSq5().

◆ kfLayerVsD0Cut5_

std::vector<double> tmtt::Settings::kfLayerVsD0Cut5_

Definition at line 601 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kfLayerVsD0Cut5().

◆ kfLayerVsPtToler_

std::vector<double> tmtt::Settings::kfLayerVsPtToler_

Definition at line 600 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kfLayerVsPtToler().

◆ kfLayerVsZ0Cut4_

std::vector<double> tmtt::Settings::kfLayerVsZ0Cut4_

Definition at line 603 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kfLayerVsZ0Cut4().

◆ kfLayerVsZ0Cut5_

std::vector<double> tmtt::Settings::kfLayerVsZ0Cut5_

Definition at line 602 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kfLayerVsZ0Cut5().

◆ kfUseMaybeLayers_

bool tmtt::Settings::kfUseMaybeLayers_

Definition at line 598 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by kfUseMaybeLayers().

◆ killingResidualCut_

double tmtt::Settings::killingResidualCut_

Definition at line 575 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by killingResidualCut().

◆ killLowPtStubs_

bool tmtt::Settings::killLowPtStubs_

Definition at line 460 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by killLowPtStubs().

◆ killRecover_

bool tmtt::Settings::killRecover_

Definition at line 618 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by killRecover().

◆ killScenario_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::killScenario_

Definition at line 617 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by killScenario().

◆ killSomeHTCellsRphi_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::killSomeHTCellsRphi_

Definition at line 526 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by killSomeHTCellsRphi().

◆ killTrackFitWorstHit_

bool tmtt::Settings::killTrackFitWorstHit_

Definition at line 573 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by killTrackFitWorstHit().

◆ l1TrackDef_

edm::ParameterSet tmtt::Settings::l1TrackDef_

Definition at line 435 of file Settings.h.

◆ magneticField_

std::atomic<float> tmtt::Settings::magneticField_

Definition at line 661 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by magneticField(), and setMagneticField().

◆ magneticFieldInputTag_

const edm::ESInputTag tmtt::Settings::magneticFieldInputTag_

Definition at line 413 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by magneticFieldInputTag().

◆ maxGoodSeedCombinations_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::maxGoodSeedCombinations_

Definition at line 544 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by maxGoodSeedCombinations().

◆ maxPtToMerge2x2_

double tmtt::Settings::maxPtToMerge2x2_

Definition at line 514 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by maxPtToMerge2x2().

◆ maxSeedCombinations_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::maxSeedCombinations_

Definition at line 543 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by maxSeedCombinations().

◆ maxSeedsPerStub_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::maxSeedsPerStub_

Definition at line 545 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by maxSeedsPerStub().

◆ maxStubEta_

double tmtt::Settings::maxStubEta_

Definition at line 459 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by maxStubEta().

◆ maxStubsInCell_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::maxStubsInCell_

Definition at line 528 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by maxStubsInCell().

◆ maxStubsInCellMiniHough_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::maxStubsInCellMiniHough_

Definition at line 529 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by maxStubsInCellMiniHough().

◆ minFilterLayers_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::minFilterLayers_

Definition at line 547 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by minFilterLayers().

◆ minFracMatchStubsOnReco_

double tmtt::Settings::minFracMatchStubsOnReco_

Definition at line 559 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by minFracMatchStubsOnReco().

◆ minFracMatchStubsOnTP_

double tmtt::Settings::minFracMatchStubsOnTP_

Definition at line 560 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by minFracMatchStubsOnTP().

◆ miniHoughDontKill_

bool tmtt::Settings::miniHoughDontKill_

Definition at line 521 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by miniHoughDontKill().

◆ miniHoughDontKillMinPt_

double tmtt::Settings::miniHoughDontKillMinPt_

Definition at line 522 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by miniHoughDontKillMinPt().

◆ miniHoughLoadBalance_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::miniHoughLoadBalance_

Definition at line 523 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by miniHoughLoadBalance().

◆ miniHoughMinPt_

double tmtt::Settings::miniHoughMinPt_

Definition at line 520 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by miniHoughMinPt(), and Settings().

◆ miniHoughNbinsPhi_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::miniHoughNbinsPhi_

Definition at line 519 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by miniHoughNbinsPhi(), and Settings().

◆ miniHoughNbinsPt_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::miniHoughNbinsPt_

Definition at line 518 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by miniHoughNbinsPt(), and Settings().

◆ miniHTstage_

bool tmtt::Settings::miniHTstage_

Definition at line 517 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by miniHTstage(), and Settings().

◆ minNumMatchLayers_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::minNumMatchLayers_

Definition at line 561 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by minNumMatchLayers(), and Settings().

◆ minNumMatchPSLayers_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::minNumMatchPSLayers_

Definition at line 562 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by minNumMatchPSLayers().

◆ minPtToReduceLayers_

double tmtt::Settings::minPtToReduceLayers_

Definition at line 551 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by minPtToReduceLayers(), and Settings().

◆ minStubLayers_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::minStubLayers_

Definition at line 550 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by minStubLayers(), and Settings().

◆ muxOutputsHT_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::muxOutputsHT_

Definition at line 536 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by muxOutputsHT().

◆ numPhiNonants_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::numPhiNonants_

Definition at line 495 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by numPhiNonants().

◆ numPhiSectors_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::numPhiSectors_

Definition at line 496 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by numPhiSectors().

◆ numSubSecsEta_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::numSubSecsEta_

Definition at line 515 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by numSubSecsEta().

◆ numTrackFitIterations_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::numTrackFitIterations_

Definition at line 572 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by numTrackFitIterations().

◆ orderStubsByBend_

bool tmtt::Settings::orderStubsByBend_

Definition at line 464 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by orderStubsByBend().

◆ other_skipTrackDigi_

bool tmtt::Settings::other_skipTrackDigi_

Definition at line 652 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by other_skipTrackDigi().

◆ phiNBits_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::phiNBits_

Definition at line 475 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by phiNBits().

◆ phiNRange_

double tmtt::Settings::phiNRange_

Definition at line 476 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by phiNRange().

◆ phiSBits_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::phiSBits_

Definition at line 469 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by phiSBits().

◆ phiSectorBits_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::phiSectorBits_

Definition at line 468 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by phiSectorBits().

◆ phiSectors_

edm::ParameterSet tmtt::Settings::phiSectors_

Definition at line 430 of file Settings.h.

◆ phiSRange_

double tmtt::Settings::phiSRange_

Definition at line 470 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by phiSRange().

◆ pitchVsType_

std::vector<double> tmtt::Settings::pitchVsType_

Definition at line 480 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by pitchVsType().

◆ printStubWindows_

bool tmtt::Settings::printStubWindows_

Definition at line 461 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by printStubWindows().

◆ psVsType_

std::vector<bool> tmtt::Settings::psVsType_

Definition at line 483 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by psVsType(), and Settings().

◆ psVsTypeTmp_

std::vector<unsigned int> tmtt::Settings::psVsTypeTmp_

Definition at line 486 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by Settings().

◆ reduceLayerID_

bool tmtt::Settings::reduceLayerID_

Definition at line 553 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by reduceLayerID().

◆ residualCut_

double tmtt::Settings::residualCut_

Definition at line 588 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by ResidualCut().

◆ resPlotOpt_

bool tmtt::Settings::resPlotOpt_

Definition at line 655 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by resPlotOpt().

◆ rtBits_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::rtBits_

Definition at line 471 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by rtBits().

◆ rtRange_

double tmtt::Settings::rtRange_

Definition at line 472 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by rtRange().

◆ rzFilterName_

std::string tmtt::Settings::rzFilterName_

Definition at line 540 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by rzFilterName().

◆ rzFilterOpts_

edm::ParameterSet tmtt::Settings::rzFilterOpts_

Definition at line 434 of file Settings.h.

◆ seedResCut_

double tmtt::Settings::seedResCut_

Definition at line 541 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by seedResCut().

◆ shape_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::shape_

Definition at line 516 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by Settings(), and shape().

◆ ShiftingBitsDenRPhi_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::ShiftingBitsDenRPhi_

Definition at line 580 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by ShiftingBitsDenRPhi().

◆ ShiftingBitsDenRZ_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::ShiftingBitsDenRZ_

Definition at line 581 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by ShiftingBitsDenRZ().

◆ ShiftingBitsLambda_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::ShiftingBitsLambda_

Definition at line 585 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by ShiftingBitsLambda().

◆ ShiftingBitsPhi_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::ShiftingBitsPhi_

Definition at line 583 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by ShiftingBitsPhi().

◆ ShiftingBitsPt_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::ShiftingBitsPt_

Definition at line 582 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by ShiftingBitsPt().

◆ ShiftingBitsZ0_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::ShiftingBitsZ0_

Definition at line 586 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by ShiftingBitsZ0().

◆ slr_chi2cut_

double tmtt::Settings::slr_chi2cut_

Definition at line 587 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by slr_chi2cut().

◆ slr_chisquaredBits_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::slr_chisquaredBits_

Definition at line 633 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by slr_chisquaredBits().

◆ slr_chisquaredRange_

double tmtt::Settings::slr_chisquaredRange_

Definition at line 634 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by slr_chisquaredRange().

◆ slr_d0Bits_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::slr_d0Bits_

Definition at line 625 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by slr_d0Bits().

◆ slr_d0Range_

double tmtt::Settings::slr_d0Range_

Definition at line 626 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by slr_d0Range().

◆ slr_oneOver2rBits_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::slr_oneOver2rBits_

Definition at line 622 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by slr_oneOver2rBits().

◆ slr_oneOver2rMult_

double tmtt::Settings::slr_oneOver2rMult_

Definition at line 624 of file Settings.h.

◆ slr_oneOver2rRange_

double tmtt::Settings::slr_oneOver2rRange_

Definition at line 623 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by slr_oneOver2rRange().

◆ slr_phi0Bits_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::slr_phi0Bits_

Definition at line 627 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by slr_phi0Bits().

◆ slr_phi0Range_

double tmtt::Settings::slr_phi0Range_

Definition at line 628 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by slr_phi0Range().

◆ slr_skipTrackDigi_

bool tmtt::Settings::slr_skipTrackDigi_

Definition at line 621 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by slr_skipTrackDigi().

◆ slr_tanlambdaBits_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::slr_tanlambdaBits_

Definition at line 631 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by slr_tanlambdaBits().

◆ slr_tanlambdaRange_

double tmtt::Settings::slr_tanlambdaRange_

Definition at line 632 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by slr_tanlambdaRange().

◆ slr_z0Bits_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::slr_z0Bits_

Definition at line 629 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by slr_z0Bits().

◆ slr_z0Range_

double tmtt::Settings::slr_z0Range_

Definition at line 630 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by slr_z0Range().

◆ spaceVsType_

std::vector<double> tmtt::Settings::spaceVsType_

Definition at line 481 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by spaceVsType().

◆ stubCuts_

edm::ParameterSet tmtt::Settings::stubCuts_

Definition at line 426 of file Settings.h.

◆ stubDigitize_

edm::ParameterSet tmtt::Settings::stubDigitize_

Definition at line 427 of file Settings.h.

◆ stubInputTag_

const edm::InputTag tmtt::Settings::stubInputTag_

Definition at line 418 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by stubInputTag().

◆ stubMatchStrict_

bool tmtt::Settings::stubMatchStrict_

Definition at line 563 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by stubMatchStrict().

◆ stubTruthInputTag_

const edm::InputTag tmtt::Settings::stubTruthInputTag_

Definition at line 420 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by stubTruthInputTag().

◆ tiltedVsType_

std::vector<bool> tmtt::Settings::tiltedVsType_

Definition at line 484 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by Settings(), and tiltedVsType().

◆ tiltedVsTypeTmp_

std::vector<unsigned int> tmtt::Settings::tiltedVsTypeTmp_

Definition at line 487 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by Settings().

◆ tpInputTag_

const edm::InputTag tmtt::Settings::tpInputTag_

Definition at line 419 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by tpInputTag().

◆ trackDigi_

edm::ParameterSet tmtt::Settings::trackDigi_

Definition at line 440 of file Settings.h.

◆ trackerGeometryInputTag_

const edm::ESInputTag tmtt::Settings::trackerGeometryInputTag_

Definition at line 414 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by trackerGeometryInputTag().

◆ trackerModuleType_

edm::ParameterSet tmtt::Settings::trackerModuleType_

Definition at line 428 of file Settings.h.

◆ trackerTopologyInputTag_

const edm::ESInputTag tmtt::Settings::trackerTopologyInputTag_

Definition at line 415 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by trackerTopologyInputTag().

◆ trackFitCheat_

bool tmtt::Settings::trackFitCheat_

Definition at line 570 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by trackFitCheat().

◆ trackFitSettings_

edm::ParameterSet tmtt::Settings::trackFitSettings_

Definition at line 438 of file Settings.h.

◆ trackFitters_

std::vector<std::string> tmtt::Settings::trackFitters_

Definition at line 566 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by Settings(), and trackFitters().

◆ trackMatchDef_

edm::ParameterSet tmtt::Settings::trackMatchDef_

Definition at line 437 of file Settings.h.

◆ ttStubAlgoInputTag_

const edm::ESInputTag tmtt::Settings::ttStubAlgoInputTag_

Definition at line 416 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by ttStubAlgoInputTag().

◆ useApproxB_

bool tmtt::Settings::useApproxB_

Definition at line 490 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by useApproxB().

◆ useBendFilter_

bool tmtt::Settings::useBendFilter_

Definition at line 527 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by useBendFilter().

◆ useRZfilter_

std::vector<std::string> tmtt::Settings::useRZfilter_

Definition at line 567 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by Settings(), and useRZfilter().

◆ useStubPhi_

bool tmtt::Settings::useStubPhi_

Definition at line 498 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by Settings(), and useStubPhi().

◆ useStubPhiTrk_

bool tmtt::Settings::useStubPhiTrk_

Definition at line 499 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by Settings(), and useStubPhiTrk().

◆ writeOutEdmFile_

bool tmtt::Settings::writeOutEdmFile_

Definition at line 658 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by writeOutEdmFile().

◆ zBits_

unsigned int tmtt::Settings::zBits_

Definition at line 473 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by zBits().

◆ zRange_

double tmtt::Settings::zRange_

Definition at line 474 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by zRange().

◆ zTrkSectorCheck_

bool tmtt::Settings::zTrkSectorCheck_

Definition at line 546 of file Settings.h.

Referenced by zTrkSectorCheck().