![]() |
![]() |
Classes | |
class | card |
class | Cluster |
class | clusterInfo |
class | crystal |
class | crystalMax |
class | ecalRegion_t |
class | ecaltp_t |
class | etaStrip_t |
class | etaStripPeak_t |
class | GCTcard_t |
class | GCTcluster_t |
class | GCTCorrfiber_t |
class | GCTinternal_t |
class | GCTintTowers_t |
class | GCTtoCorr_t |
class | GCTtower_t |
class | linkECAL |
class | RCTcard_t |
class | RCTcluster_t |
class | RCTtoGCTfiber_t |
class | RCTtower_t |
class | region3x4 |
class | SimpleCaloHit |
class | tower_t |
class | towerHCAL |
class | towers3x4 |
Functions | |
void | algo_top (const GCTcard_t &GCTcard, GCTtoCorr_t &GCTtoCorr, unsigned int nGCTCard, std::unique_ptr< l1tp2::CaloCrystalClusterCollection > const &gctClusters, std::unique_ptr< l1tp2::CaloTowerCollection > const &gctTowers, std::unique_ptr< l1tp2::CaloTowerCollection > const &gctFullTowers, std::unique_ptr< l1t::EGammaBxCollection > const &gctEGammas, std::unique_ptr< l1tp2::DigitizedClusterCorrelatorCollection > const &gctDigitizedClustersCorrelator, std::unique_ptr< l1tp2::DigitizedTowerCorrelatorCollection > const &gctDigitizedTowersCorrelator, std::unique_ptr< l1tp2::DigitizedClusterGTCollection > const &gctDigitizedClustersGT, l1tp2::ParametricCalibration calib_) |
ecaltp_t | bestOf2 (const ecaltp_t ecaltp0, const ecaltp_t ecaltp1) |
bool | compareClusterET (const Cluster &lhs, const Cluster &rhs) |
void | doProximityAndBremsStitching (const RCTcard_t(&inputCards)[N_RCTCARDS_PHI], RCTcard_t(&outputCards)[N_RCTCARDS_PHI], int iStartingCard, bool isPositiveEta) |
int | getAbsID_iEta_fromFirmwareCardTowerLink (int nCard, int nTower, int nLink) |
int | getAbsID_iPhi_fromFirmwareCardTowerLink (int nCard, int nTower, int nLink) |
clusterInfo | getBremsValuesNeg (crystal tempX[CRYSTAL_IN_ETA][CRYSTAL_IN_PHI], ap_uint< 5 > seed_eta, ap_uint< 5 > seed_phi) |
clusterInfo | getBremsValuesPos (crystal tempX[CRYSTAL_IN_ETA][CRYSTAL_IN_PHI], ap_uint< 5 > seed_eta, ap_uint< 5 > seed_phi) |
int | getCard_iEtaMax (int cc) |
int | getCard_iEtaMin (int cc) |
int | getCard_iPhiMax (int cc) |
int | getCard_iPhiMin (int cc) |
int | getCard_refCrystal_iEta (int cc) |
int | getCard_refCrystal_iPhi (int cc) |
Cluster | getClusterFromRegion3x4 (crystal temp[CRYSTAL_IN_ETA][CRYSTAL_IN_PHI]) |
clusterInfo | getClusterPosition (const ecalRegion_t ecalRegion) |
GCTcard_t | getClustersCombined (const GCTcard_t &GCTcard, unsigned int nGCTCard) |
GCTinternal_t | getClustersTowers (const GCTcard_t &GCTcard, unsigned int nGCTCard) |
clusterInfo | getClusterValues (crystal tempX[CRYSTAL_IN_ETA][CRYSTAL_IN_PHI], ap_uint< 5 > seed_eta, ap_uint< 5 > seed_phi) |
void | getECALTowersEt (crystal tempX[CRYSTAL_IN_ETA][CRYSTAL_IN_PHI], ap_uint< 12 > towerEt[12]) |
GCTintTowers_t | getFullTowers (const GCTinternal_t &GCTinternal) |
crystalMax | getPeakBin15N (const etaStripPeak_t etaStrip) |
ecaltp_t | getPeakBin20N (const etaStrip_t etaStrip) |
int | getRegionNumber (const int local_iEta) |
int | getTower_absEtaID (float eta) |
int | getTower_absPhiID (float phi) |
float | getTowerEta_fromAbsID (int id) |
float | getTowerPhi_fromAbsID (int id) |
ecalRegion_t | initStructure (crystal temporary[CRYSTAL_IN_ETA][CRYSTAL_IN_PHI]) |
bool | isValidCard (int cc) |
Cluster | packCluster (ap_uint< 15 > &clusterEt, ap_uint< 5 > &etaMax_t, ap_uint< 5 > &phiMax_t) |
bool | passes_iso (float pt, float iso) |
bool | passes_looseTkiso (float pt, float iso) |
bool | passes_looseTkss (float pt, float eta, float ss) |
bool | passes_ss (float pt, float eta, float ss) |
void | printl1tp2TowerInfo (l1tp2::CaloTower thisTower, std::string description="") |
void | removeClusterFromCrystal (crystal temp[CRYSTAL_IN_ETA][CRYSTAL_IN_PHI], ap_uint< 5 > seed_eta, ap_uint< 5 > seed_phi, ap_uint< 2 > brems) |
void | stitchClusterOverRegionBoundary (std::vector< Cluster > &cluster_list, int towerEtaUpper, int towerEtaLower, int cc) |
void | writeToCorrelatorAndGTOutputs (const GCTinternal_t &GCTinternal, GCTtoCorr_t &GCTtoCorrOutput, std::unique_ptr< l1tp2::CaloCrystalClusterCollection > const &gctClustersOutput, std::unique_ptr< l1tp2::CaloTowerCollection > const &gctTowersOutput, std::unique_ptr< l1t::EGammaBxCollection > const &gctEGammas, std::unique_ptr< l1tp2::DigitizedClusterCorrelatorCollection > const &gctDigitizedClustersCorrelator, std::unique_ptr< l1tp2::DigitizedTowerCorrelatorCollection > const &gctDigitizedTowersCorrelator, std::unique_ptr< l1tp2::DigitizedClusterGTCollection > const &gctDigitizedClustersGT, int nGCTCard, int fiberStart, int fiberEnd, int corrFiberIndexOffset, int corrTowPhiOffset) |
Variables | |
static constexpr float | a0 = 0.21 |
static constexpr float | a0_80 = 0.85 |
static constexpr float | a1_80 = 0.0080 |
static constexpr float | b0 = 0.38 |
static constexpr float | b1 = 1.9 |
static constexpr float | b2 = 0.05 |
static constexpr float | c0_ss = 0.94 |
static constexpr float | c1_ss = 0.052 |
static constexpr float | c2_ss = 0.044 |
static constexpr int | CRYSTAL_IN_ETA = 15 |
static constexpr int | CRYSTAL_IN_PHI = 20 |
static constexpr int | CRYSTALS_IN_TOWER_ETA = 5 |
static constexpr int | CRYSTALS_IN_TOWER_PHI = 5 |
static constexpr float | cut_500_MeV = 0.5 |
static constexpr float | d0 = 0.96 |
static constexpr float | d1 = 0.0003 |
static constexpr float | e0_looseTkss = 0.944 |
static constexpr float | e1_looseTkss = 0.65 |
static constexpr float | e2_looseTkss = 0.4 |
static constexpr float | ECAL_eta_range = 1.4841 |
static constexpr float | ECAL_LSB = 0.5 |
static constexpr float | eta0_loose_ss = 0.4 |
static constexpr float | eta1_loose_ss = 0.5 |
static constexpr float | eta2_loose_ss = 0.75 |
static constexpr float | eta3_loose_ss = 0.85 |
static constexpr int | GCTCARD_0_TOWER_IPHI_OFFSET = 20 |
static constexpr int | GCTCARD_1_TOWER_IPHI_OFFSET = 44 |
static constexpr int | GCTCARD_2_TOWER_IPHI_OFFSET = 68 |
static const unsigned int | GCTcardtoRCTcardnumber [N_GCTCARDS][N_RCTCARDS_PHI *2] |
static constexpr float | half_crystal_size = 0.00873 |
static constexpr float | HCAL_LSB = 0.5 |
static constexpr float | high_pt_threshold = 130. |
static constexpr float | loose_ss_offset = 0.89 |
static constexpr int | n_clusters_4link = 8 |
static constexpr int | n_clusters_link = 2 |
static constexpr int | N_CLUSTERS_PER_REGION = 4 |
static constexpr int | n_crystals_cardEta = (n_towers_Eta * n_towers_cardEta) |
static constexpr int | n_crystals_cardPhi = (n_towers_Phi * n_towers_cardPhi) |
static constexpr int | N_GCTCARDS = 3 |
static constexpr int | N_GCTCLUSTERS_FIBER = 2 |
static constexpr int | N_GCTCORR_FIBERS = 48 |
static constexpr int | N_GCTETA = 34 |
static constexpr int | N_GCTINTERNAL_FIBERS = 64 |
static constexpr int | N_GCTPHI = 32 |
static constexpr int | N_GCTPOSITIVE_FIBERS = 32 |
static constexpr int | N_GCTTOWERS_CLUSTER_ISO_ONESIDE = 5 |
static constexpr int | N_GCTTOWERS_FIBER = 17 |
static constexpr int | n_links_card = 4 |
static constexpr int | N_RCTCARDS_PHI = 8 |
static constexpr int | N_RCTCLUSTERS_FIBER = 2 |
static constexpr int | N_RCTGCT_FIBERS = 4 |
static constexpr int | N_RCTTOWERS_FIBER = 17 |
static constexpr int | N_REGIONS_PER_CARD = 6 |
static constexpr int | n_towers_cardEta = 17 |
static constexpr int | n_towers_cardPhi = 4 |
static constexpr int | n_towers_Eta = 34 |
static constexpr int | n_towers_halfPhi = 36 |
static constexpr int | n_towers_per_link = 17 |
static constexpr int | n_towers_Phi = 72 |
static constexpr float | slideIsoPtThreshold = 80 |
static constexpr int | TOWER_IN_ETA = 3 |
static constexpr int | TOWER_IN_PHI = 4 |
inline |
Definition at line 363 of file Phase2L1GCT.h.
References p2eg::GCTinternal_t::computeClusterIsolationInPlace(), l1tPhase2CaloJetEmulator_cfi::gctFullTowers, getClustersTowers(), getFullTowers(), N_GCTINTERNAL_FIBERS, N_GCTPOSITIVE_FIBERS, N_RCTGCT_FIBERS, p2eg::GCTinternal_t::setIsolationInfo(), writeToCorrelatorAndGTOutputs(), and p2eg::GCTintTowers_t::writeToPFOutput().
Referenced by Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 940 of file Phase2L1RCT.h.
References p2eg::ecaltp_t::energy, and x.
Referenced by getPeakBin15N(), and getPeakBin20N().
Definition at line 873 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
References p2eg::Cluster::clusterEnergy().
Referenced by Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
void p2eg::doProximityAndBremsStitching | ( | const RCTcard_t(&) | inputCards[N_RCTCARDS_PHI], |
RCTcard_t(&) | outputCards[N_RCTCARDS_PHI], | ||
int | iStartingCard, | ||
bool | isPositiveEta | ||
) |
Referenced by getClustersCombined().
inline |
Definition at line 191 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
References n_towers_per_link, and funct::void.
Referenced by Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 205 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
References TOWER_IN_PHI, and funct::void.
Referenced by Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
clusterInfo p2eg::getBremsValuesNeg | ( | crystal | tempX[CRYSTAL_IN_ETA][CRYSTAL_IN_PHI], |
ap_uint< 5 > | seed_eta, | ||
ap_uint< 5 > | seed_phi | ||
) |
clusterInfo p2eg::getBremsValuesPos | ( | crystal | tempX[CRYSTAL_IN_ETA][CRYSTAL_IN_PHI], |
ap_uint< 5 > | seed_eta, | ||
ap_uint< 5 > | seed_phi | ||
) |
inline |
Definition at line 108 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
References cms::cuda::assert(), gpuPixelDoublets::cc, CRYSTALS_IN_TOWER_ETA, TrackingDataMCValidation_Standalone_cff::etamax, isValidCard(), n_towers_cardEta, and n_towers_Eta.
Referenced by p2eg::SimpleCaloHit::isInCard().
inline |
Definition at line 120 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
References gpuPixelDoublets::cc, CRYSTALS_IN_TOWER_ETA, TrackingDataMCValidation_Standalone_cff::etamin, and n_towers_cardEta.
Referenced by p2eg::SimpleCaloHit::isInCard().
inline |
Definition at line 130 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
References gpuPixelDoublets::cc, CRYSTALS_IN_TOWER_PHI, and phimax.
Referenced by p2eg::SimpleCaloHit::isInCard().
inline |
Definition at line 136 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
References gpuPixelDoublets::cc, CRYSTALS_IN_TOWER_PHI, and phimin.
Referenced by p2eg::SimpleCaloHit::isInCard().
inline |
Definition at line 142 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
References gpuPixelDoublets::cc, and CRYSTALS_IN_TOWER_ETA.
Referenced by p2eg::Cluster::crystaliEtaFromCardRegionInfo(), and p2eg::SimpleCaloHit::crystalLocaliEta().
inline |
Definition at line 151 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
References gpuPixelDoublets::cc, CRYSTALS_IN_TOWER_PHI, createfilelist::int, and TOWER_IN_PHI.
Referenced by p2eg::Cluster::crystaliPhiFromCardRegionInfo(), and p2eg::SimpleCaloHit::crystalLocaliPhi().
Referenced by Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 1057 of file Phase2L1RCT.h.
References p2eg::clusterInfo::brems, p2eg::crystalMax::energy, p2eg::clusterInfo::energy, p2eg::clusterInfo::et2x5, p2eg::clusterInfo::et5x5, p2eg::crystalMax::etaMax, p2eg::clusterInfo::etaMax, p2eg::ecalRegion_t::etaStrip0, p2eg::ecalRegion_t::etaStrip1, p2eg::ecalRegion_t::etaStrip10, p2eg::ecalRegion_t::etaStrip11, p2eg::ecalRegion_t::etaStrip12, p2eg::ecalRegion_t::etaStrip13, p2eg::ecalRegion_t::etaStrip14, p2eg::ecalRegion_t::etaStrip2, p2eg::ecalRegion_t::etaStrip3, p2eg::ecalRegion_t::etaStrip4, p2eg::ecalRegion_t::etaStrip5, p2eg::ecalRegion_t::etaStrip6, p2eg::ecalRegion_t::etaStrip7, p2eg::ecalRegion_t::etaStrip8, p2eg::ecalRegion_t::etaStrip9, getPeakBin15N(), getPeakBin20N(), p2eg::crystalMax::phiMax, p2eg::clusterInfo::phiMax, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk0, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk1, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk10, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk11, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk12, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk13, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk14, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk2, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk3, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk4, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk5, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk6, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk7, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk8, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk9, and p2eg::clusterInfo::seedEnergy.
inline |
Definition at line 91 of file Phase2L1GCT.h.
References p2eg::RCTcluster_t::crEta, p2eg::RCTcluster_t::crPhi, doProximityAndBremsStitching(), HLT_2024v10_cff::dPhi, p2eg::RCTcluster_t::et, HLT_2024v10_cff::eta1, HLT_2024v10_cff::eta2, mps_fire::i, ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::caPixelDoublets::if(), dqmiolumiharvest::j, dqmdumpme::k, N_RCTCARDS_PHI, N_RCTCLUSTERS_FIBER, N_RCTGCT_FIBERS, p2eg::GCTcard_t::RCTcardEtaNeg, p2eg::GCTcard_t::RCTcardEtaPos, p2eg::RCTtoGCTfiber_t::RCTclusters, p2eg::RCTcard_t::RCTtoGCTfiber, p2eg::RCTcluster_t::towEta, p2eg::RCTcluster_t::towPhi, and SiPixelPI::two.
Referenced by getClustersTowers().
inline |
Definition at line 189 of file Phase2L1GCT.h.
References p2eg::GCTCorrfiber_t::GCTclusters, p2eg::GCTinternal_t::GCTCorrfiber, p2eg::GCTCorrfiber_t::GCTtowers, getClustersCombined(), mps_fire::i, p2eg::GCTcluster_t::initFromRCTCluster(), p2eg::GCTtower_t::initFromRCTTower(), dqmiolumiharvest::j, dqmdumpme::k, N_GCTPOSITIVE_FIBERS, N_RCTCARDS_PHI, N_RCTCLUSTERS_FIBER, N_RCTGCT_FIBERS, N_RCTTOWERS_FIBER, p2eg::GCTcard_t::RCTcardEtaNeg, p2eg::GCTcard_t::RCTcardEtaPos, p2eg::RCTtoGCTfiber_t::RCTclusters, p2eg::RCTcard_t::RCTtoGCTfiber, and p2eg::RCTtoGCTfiber_t::RCTtowers.
Referenced by algo_top().
clusterInfo p2eg::getClusterValues | ( | crystal | tempX[CRYSTAL_IN_ETA][CRYSTAL_IN_PHI], |
ap_uint< 5 > | seed_eta, | ||
ap_uint< 5 > | seed_phi | ||
) |
void p2eg::getECALTowersEt | ( | crystal | tempX[CRYSTAL_IN_ETA][CRYSTAL_IN_PHI], |
ap_uint< 12 > | towerEt[12] | ||
) |
Referenced by Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 234 of file Phase2L1GCT.h.
References p2eg::GCTtower_t::ecalEt, p2eg::GCTcluster_t::et, p2eg::GCTtower_t::et, PVValHelper::eta, HLT_2024v10_cff::eta1, p2eg::GCTCorrfiber_t::GCTclusters, p2eg::GCTinternal_t::GCTCorrfiber, p2eg::GCTintTowers_t::GCTtower, p2eg::GCTCorrfiber_t::GCTtowers, p2eg::GCTtower_t::hcalEt, p2eg::GCTtower_t::hoe, mps_fire::i, testProducerWithPsetDescEmpty_cfi::i1, dqmdumpme::k, N_GCTCLUSTERS_FIBER, N_GCTETA, N_GCTINTERNAL_FIBERS, N_GCTPOSITIVE_FIBERS, N_GCTTOWERS_FIBER, PVValHelper::phi, p2eg::GCTcluster_t::towEta, and p2eg::GCTcluster_t::towPhi.
Referenced by algo_top().
inline |
Definition at line 982 of file Phase2L1RCT.h.
References bestOf2(), p2eg::ecaltp_t::energy, p2eg::ecaltp_t::eta, p2eg::ecaltp_t::phi, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk0, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk1, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk10, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk11, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk12, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk13, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk14, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk2, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk3, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk4, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk5, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk6, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk7, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk8, p2eg::etaStripPeak_t::pk9, and x.
Referenced by getClusterPosition().
inline |
Definition at line 950 of file Phase2L1RCT.h.
References bestOf2(), p2eg::etaStrip_t::cr0, p2eg::etaStrip_t::cr1, p2eg::etaStrip_t::cr10, p2eg::etaStrip_t::cr11, p2eg::etaStrip_t::cr12, p2eg::etaStrip_t::cr13, p2eg::etaStrip_t::cr14, p2eg::etaStrip_t::cr15, p2eg::etaStrip_t::cr16, p2eg::etaStrip_t::cr17, p2eg::etaStrip_t::cr18, p2eg::etaStrip_t::cr19, p2eg::etaStrip_t::cr2, p2eg::etaStrip_t::cr3, p2eg::etaStrip_t::cr4, p2eg::etaStrip_t::cr5, p2eg::etaStrip_t::cr6, p2eg::etaStrip_t::cr7, p2eg::etaStrip_t::cr8, and p2eg::etaStrip_t::cr9.
Referenced by getClusterPosition().
inline |
Definition at line 246 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
References cms::cuda::assert(), CRYSTALS_IN_TOWER_ETA, createfilelist::int, and TOWER_IN_ETA.
Referenced by Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 167 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
References ECAL_eta_range, PVValHelper::eta, createfilelist::int, and n_towers_Eta.
inline |
Definition at line 177 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
References createfilelist::int, M_PI, and n_towers_Phi.
inline |
Definition at line 226 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
References ECAL_eta_range, PVValHelper::eta, and n_towers_Eta.
Referenced by p2eg::GCTtower_t::createCaloTowerFromFiberIdx(), p2eg::GCTtower_t::createFullTowerFromCardIdx(), p2eg::GCTtower_t::printGCTTowerInfoFromGlobalIdx(), and Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 236 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
References M_PI, and n_towers_Phi.
Referenced by p2eg::GCTtower_t::createCaloTowerFromFiberIdx(), p2eg::GCTtower_t::createFullTowerFromCardIdx(), p2eg::GCTtower_t::printGCTTowerInfoFromGlobalIdx(), and Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
ecalRegion_t p2eg::initStructure | ( | crystal | temporary[CRYSTAL_IN_ETA][CRYSTAL_IN_PHI] | ) |
inline |
Definition at line 102 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
References gpuPixelDoublets::cc.
Referenced by getCard_iEtaMax().
inline |
Definition at line 1096 of file Phase2L1RCT.h.
References timeUnitHelper::pack().
inline |
Definition at line 904 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
References a0, a0_80, a1_80, high_pt_threshold, DiDispStaMuonMonitor_cfi::pt, and slideIsoPtThreshold.
Referenced by p2eg::GCTcluster_t::setRelIsoAndFlags().
inline |
Definition at line 918 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
References b0, b1, b2, JetChargeProducer_cfi::exp, high_pt_threshold, and DiDispStaMuonMonitor_cfi::pt.
Referenced by p2eg::GCTcluster_t::setRelIsoAndFlags().
inline |
Definition at line 939 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
References funct::abs(), e0_looseTkss, e1_looseTkss, e2_looseTkss, PVValHelper::eta, eta0_loose_ss, eta1_loose_ss, eta2_loose_ss, eta3_loose_ss, JetChargeProducer_cfi::exp, high_pt_threshold, loose_ss_offset, DiDispStaMuonMonitor_cfi::pt, and contentValuesCheck::ss.
Referenced by Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 927 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
References funct::abs(), c0_ss, c1_ss, c2_ss, PVValHelper::eta, eta0_loose_ss, eta1_loose_ss, eta2_loose_ss, eta3_loose_ss, JetChargeProducer_cfi::exp, high_pt_threshold, loose_ss_offset, DiDispStaMuonMonitor_cfi::pt, and contentValuesCheck::ss.
Referenced by Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 1613 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
References gather_cfg::cout, makeListRunsInFiles::description, l1tp2::CaloTower::ecalTowerEt(), l1tp2::CaloTower::hcalTowerEt(), l1tp2::CaloTower::towerEta(), l1tp2::CaloTower::towerIEta(), l1tp2::CaloTower::towerIPhi(), and l1tp2::CaloTower::towerPhi().
void p2eg::removeClusterFromCrystal | ( | crystal | temp[CRYSTAL_IN_ETA][CRYSTAL_IN_PHI], |
ap_uint< 5 > | seed_eta, | ||
ap_uint< 5 > | seed_phi, | ||
ap_uint< 2 > | brems | ||
) |
inline |
Definition at line 1475 of file Phase2L1RCT.h.
References alignmentValidation::c1, gpuPixelDoublets::cc, p2eg::Cluster::clusterEnergy(), p2eg::Cluster::clusterEta(), p2eg::Cluster::clusterPhi(), HLT_2024v10_cff::dPhi, p2eg::Cluster::getBrems(), p2eg::Cluster::getCalib(), p2eg::Cluster::getIsLooseTkss(), p2eg::Cluster::getIsSS(), mps_fire::i, dqmiolumiharvest::j, p2eg::Cluster::region(), p2eg::Cluster::satur(), p2eg::Cluster::towerEta(), p2eg::Cluster::towerEtaInCard(), p2eg::Cluster::towerPhi(), p2eg::Cluster::uint_et2x5(), p2eg::Cluster::uint_et5x5(), and funct::void.
Referenced by Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 290 of file Phase2L1GCT.h.
References nano_mu_digi_cff::bx, p2eg::GCTcluster_t::createCaloCrystalCluster(), p2eg::GCTtower_t::createCaloTowerFromFiberIdx(), p2eg::GCTcluster_t::createDigitizedClusterCorrelator(), p2eg::GCTcluster_t::createDigitizedClusterGT(), p2eg::GCTtower_t::createDigitizedTowerCorrelator(), p2eg::GCTcluster_t::createL1TEGamma(), p2eg::GCTcluster_t::etFloat(), p2eg::GCTCorrfiber_t::GCTclusters, p2eg::GCTtoCorr_t::GCTCorrfiber, p2eg::GCTinternal_t::GCTCorrfiber, p2eg::GCTCorrfiber_t::GCTtowers, mps_fire::i, sistrip::SpyUtilities::isValid(), dqmdumpme::k, N_GCTCLUSTERS_FIBER, N_GCTTOWERS_FIBER, and p2eg::GCTcluster_t::towPhi.
Referenced by algo_top().
static |
Definition at line 57 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by passes_iso().
static |
Definition at line 57 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by passes_iso().
static |
Definition at line 57 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by passes_iso().
static |
Definition at line 58 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by passes_looseTkiso().
static |
Definition at line 58 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by passes_looseTkiso().
static |
Definition at line 58 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by passes_looseTkiso().
static |
Definition at line 59 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by passes_ss().
static |
Definition at line 59 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by passes_ss().
static |
Definition at line 59 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by passes_ss().
static |
Definition at line 50 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
static |
Definition at line 51 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
static |
Definition at line 44 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by p2eg::linkECAL::addCrystalE(), p2eg::SimpleCaloHit::crystaliEta(), p2eg::Cluster::crystaliEtaFromCardRegionInfo(), getCard_iEtaMax(), getCard_iEtaMin(), getCard_refCrystal_iEta(), getRegionNumber(), p2eg::GCTcluster_t::globalClusteriEta(), Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce(), p2eg::Cluster::realEta(), p2eg::GCTcluster_t::realEta(), p2eg::linkECAL::setCrystalE(), and p2eg::linkECAL::zeroOut().
static |
Definition at line 45 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by p2eg::linkECAL::addCrystalE(), p2eg::SimpleCaloHit::crystaliPhi(), p2eg::Cluster::crystaliPhiFromCardRegionInfo(), getCard_iPhiMax(), getCard_iPhiMin(), getCard_refCrystal_iPhi(), p2eg::GCTcluster_t::globalClusteriPhi(), Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce(), p2eg::Cluster::realPhi(), p2eg::GCTcluster_t::realPhi(), p2eg::linkECAL::setCrystalE(), and p2eg::linkECAL::zeroOut().
static |
Definition at line 65 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
static |
Definition at line 60 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
static |
Definition at line 60 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
static |
Definition at line 61 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by passes_looseTkss().
static |
Definition at line 61 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by passes_looseTkss().
static |
Definition at line 61 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by passes_looseTkss().
static |
Definition at line 53 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by p2eg::SimpleCaloHit::crystaliEta(), getTower_absEtaID(), getTowerEta_fromAbsID(), p2eg::Cluster::realEta(), and p2eg::GCTcluster_t::realEta().
static |
Definition at line 67 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by p2eg::tower_t::applyCalibration(), p2eg::Cluster::applyCalibration(), p2eg::GCTtower_t::ecalEtFloat(), p2eg::GCTcluster_t::et2x5Float(), p2eg::GCTcluster_t::et5x5Float(), p2eg::GCTcluster_t::etFloat(), p2eg::tower_t::getEt(), p2eg::Cluster::getEt2x5(), p2eg::Cluster::getEt5x5(), p2eg::Cluster::getPt(), p2eg::GCTcluster_t::isoFloat(), Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce(), and p2eg::GCTtower_t::totalEtFloat().
static |
Definition at line 63 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by passes_looseTkss(), and passes_ss().
static |
Definition at line 63 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by passes_looseTkss(), and passes_ss().
static |
Definition at line 63 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by passes_looseTkss(), and passes_ss().
static |
Definition at line 63 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by passes_looseTkss(), and passes_ss().
static |
Definition at line 90 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by p2eg::GCTcluster_t::globalClusteriPhi(), p2eg::GCTtower_t::globalToweriPhi(), and p2eg::GCTtower_t::globalToweriPhiFromGCTcardiPhi().
static |
Definition at line 92 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by p2eg::GCTcluster_t::globalClusteriPhi(), p2eg::GCTtower_t::globalToweriPhi(), and p2eg::GCTtower_t::globalToweriPhiFromGCTcardiPhi().
static |
Definition at line 93 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by p2eg::GCTcluster_t::globalClusteriPhi(), p2eg::GCTtower_t::globalToweriPhi(), and p2eg::GCTtower_t::globalToweriPhiFromGCTcardiPhi().
static |
Definition at line 1600 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
static |
Definition at line 54 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by p2eg::Cluster::realEta(), p2eg::GCTcluster_t::realEta(), p2eg::Cluster::realPhi(), and p2eg::GCTcluster_t::realPhi().
static |
Definition at line 68 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by p2eg::GCTtower_t::hcalEtFloat(), and Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
static |
Definition at line 64 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by passes_iso(), passes_looseTkiso(), passes_looseTkss(), and passes_ss().
static |
Definition at line 62 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by passes_looseTkss(), and passes_ss().
static |
Definition at line 41 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
static |
Definition at line 40 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
static |
Definition at line 70 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
static |
Definition at line 35 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
static |
Definition at line 36 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
static |
Definition at line 79 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
static |
Definition at line 82 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by p2eg::GCTinternal_t::computeClusterIsolationInPlace(), getFullTowers(), p2eg::GCTinternal_t::setIsolationInfo(), and writeToCorrelatorAndGTOutputs().
static |
Definition at line 80 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
static |
Definition at line 86 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by p2eg::GCTinternal_t::computeClusterIsolationInPlace(), getFullTowers(), and p2eg::GCTintTowers_t::writeToPFOutput().
static |
Definition at line 84 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by algo_top(), p2eg::GCTinternal_t::computeClusterIsolationInPlace(), getFullTowers(), and p2eg::GCTinternal_t::setIsolationInfo().
static |
Definition at line 87 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by p2eg::GCTinternal_t::computeClusterIsolationInPlace(), and p2eg::GCTintTowers_t::writeToPFOutput().
static |
Definition at line 85 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by algo_top(), p2eg::GCTinternal_t::computeClusterIsolationInPlace(), getClustersTowers(), getFullTowers(), p2eg::GCTtower_t::globalToweriEta(), and p2eg::GCTtower_t::globalToweriPhi().
static |
Definition at line 95 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by p2eg::GCTinternal_t::computeClusterIsolationInPlace().
static |
static |
Definition at line 39 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
static |
Definition at line 74 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by getClustersCombined(), getClustersTowers(), and Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
static |
Definition at line 77 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by getClustersCombined(), getClustersTowers(), and Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
static |
Definition at line 75 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by algo_top(), getClustersCombined(), getClustersTowers(), and Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
static |
Definition at line 76 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by getClustersTowers().
static |
Definition at line 71 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by p2eg::card::card(), p2eg::card::getRegion3x4(), p2eg::card::getTowers3x4(), Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce(), and p2eg::card::zeroOut().
static |
Definition at line 33 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by getCard_iEtaMax(), getCard_iEtaMin(), and Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
static |
Definition at line 34 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
static |
Definition at line 30 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by p2eg::SimpleCaloHit::crystaliEta(), getCard_iEtaMax(), getTower_absEtaID(), getTowerEta_fromAbsID(), p2eg::Cluster::realEta(), and p2eg::GCTcluster_t::realEta().
static |
Definition at line 32 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce().
static |
Definition at line 42 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by getAbsID_iEta_fromFirmwareCardTowerLink().
static |
Definition at line 31 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by p2eg::SimpleCaloHit::crystaliPhi(), getTower_absPhiID(), getTowerPhi_fromAbsID(), p2eg::GCTcluster_t::globalClusteriPhi(), p2eg::GCTtower_t::globalToweriPhi(), p2eg::GCTtower_t::globalToweriPhiFromGCTcardiPhi(), p2eg::Cluster::realPhi(), and p2eg::GCTcluster_t::realPhi().
static |
Definition at line 56 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by passes_iso().
static |
Definition at line 47 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by p2eg::Cluster::crystaliEtaFromCardRegionInfo(), getRegionNumber(), Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce(), p2eg::Cluster::towerEtaInCard(), p2eg::region3x4::zeroOut(), and p2eg::towers3x4::zeroOut().
static |
Definition at line 48 of file Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h.
Referenced by getAbsID_iPhi_fromFirmwareCardTowerLink(), getCard_refCrystal_iPhi(), Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator::produce(), p2eg::region3x4::zeroOut(), and p2eg::towers3x4::zeroOut().