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HLTL1TSeed Class Reference

#include <HLTL1TSeed.h>

Inheritance diagram for HLTL1TSeed:
HLTStreamFilter edm::stream::EDFilter<> edm::stream::EDFilterBase edm::ProducerBase edm::EDConsumerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

Public Member Functions

bool hltFilter (edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &, trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs &filterproduct) override
 filter the event More...
 HLTL1TSeed (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 constructor More...
 ~HLTL1TSeed () override
 destructor More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from HLTStreamFilter
 HLTStreamFilter (const edm::ParameterSet &config)
int module (edm::Event const &) const
const std::string * moduleLabel () const
int path (edm::Event const &) const
const std::string * pathName (edm::Event const &) const
std::pair< int, int > pmid (edm::Event const &) const
bool saveTags () const
 ~HLTStreamFilter () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::stream::EDFilter<>
 EDFilter ()=default
 EDFilter (const EDFilter &)=delete
bool hasAbilityToProduceInBeginLumis () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInBeginProcessBlocks () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInBeginRuns () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInEndLumis () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInEndProcessBlocks () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInEndRuns () const final
const EDFilteroperator= (const EDFilter &)=delete
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::stream::EDFilterBase
 EDFilterBase ()
 EDFilterBase (const EDFilterBase &)=delete
ModuleDescription const & moduleDescription () const
const EDFilterBaseoperator= (const EDFilterBase &)=delete
 ~EDFilterBase () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::ProducerBase
void callWhenNewProductsRegistered (std::function< void(BranchDescription const &)> const &func)
std::vector< edm::ProductResolverIndex > const & indiciesForPutProducts (BranchType iBranchType) const
 ProducerBase ()
std::vector< edm::ProductResolverIndex > const & putTokenIndexToProductResolverIndex () const
std::vector< bool > const & recordProvenanceList () const
void registerProducts (ProducerBase *, ProductRegistry *, ModuleDescription const &)
std::function< void(BranchDescription const &)> registrationCallback () const
 used by the fwk to register list of products More...
void resolvePutIndicies (BranchType iBranchType, ModuleToResolverIndicies const &iIndicies, std::string const &moduleLabel)
TypeLabelList const & typeLabelList () const
 used by the fwk to register the list of products of this module More...
 ~ProducerBase () noexcept(false) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase
std::vector< ConsumesInfoconsumesInfo () const
void convertCurrentProcessAlias (std::string const &processName)
 Convert "@currentProcess" in InputTag process names to the actual current process name. More...
 EDConsumerBase ()
 EDConsumerBase (EDConsumerBase const &)=delete
 EDConsumerBase (EDConsumerBase &&)=default
ESResolverIndex const * esGetTokenIndices (edm::Transition iTrans) const
std::vector< ESResolverIndex > const & esGetTokenIndicesVector (edm::Transition iTrans) const
std::vector< ESRecordIndex > const & esGetTokenRecordIndicesVector (edm::Transition iTrans) const
ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit indexFrom (EDGetToken, BranchType, TypeID const &) const
void itemsMayGet (BranchType, std::vector< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit > &) const
void itemsToGet (BranchType, std::vector< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit > &) const
std::vector< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit > const & itemsToGetFrom (BranchType iType) const
void labelsForToken (EDGetToken iToken, Labels &oLabels) const
void modulesWhoseProductsAreConsumed (std::array< std::vector< ModuleDescription const *> *, NumBranchTypes > &modulesAll, std::vector< ModuleProcessName > &modulesInPreviousProcesses, ProductRegistry const &preg, std::map< std::string, ModuleDescription const *> const &labelsToDesc, std::string const &processName) const
EDConsumerBase const & operator= (EDConsumerBase const &)=delete
EDConsumerBaseoperator= (EDConsumerBase &&)=default
bool registeredToConsume (ProductResolverIndex, bool, BranchType) const
void selectInputProcessBlocks (ProductRegistry const &productRegistry, ProcessBlockHelperBase const &processBlockHelperBase)
ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit uncheckedIndexFrom (EDGetToken) const
void updateLookup (BranchType iBranchType, ProductResolverIndexHelper const &, bool iPrefetchMayGet)
void updateLookup (eventsetup::ESRecordsToProductResolverIndices const &)
virtual ~EDConsumerBase () noexcept(false)

Static Public Member Functions

static void fillDescriptions (edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
 parameter description More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from HLTStreamFilter
static void makeHLTFilterDescription (edm::ParameterSetDescription &desc)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from edm::stream::EDFilterBase
static const std::string & baseType ()
static void fillDescriptions (ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
static void prevalidate (ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)

Private Member Functions

void dumpTriggerFilterObjectWithRefs (trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs &) const
 detailed print of filter content More...
bool seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps (edm::Event &, trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs &)
 seeding is done via L1 trigger object maps, considering the objects which fired in L1 More...
void updateAlgoLogicParser (const L1GtTriggerMenu *, const AlgorithmMap &)
void updateAlgoLogicParser (const std::vector< bool > &gtWord, const std::vector< unsigned int > &triggerMask, const int physicsDaqPartition)

Private Attributes

bool m_isDebugEnabled
 cache edm::isDebugEnabled() More...
GlobalLogicParser m_l1AlgoLogicParser
 logic parser for m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression More...
std::vector< GlobalLogicParser::OperandTokenm_l1AlgoSeeds
 list of required algorithms for seeding More...
std::vector< std::vector< const std::vector< l1t::GlobalObject > * > > m_l1AlgoSeedsObjType
 vector of object-type vectors for each condition in the required algorithms for seeding More...
std::vector< const std::vector< GlobalLogicParser::TokenRPN > * > m_l1AlgoSeedsRpn
 vector of Rpn vectors for the required algorithms for seeding More...
edm::InputTag m_l1EGammaCollectionsTag
 Meta InputTag for L1 Egamma collection. More...
edm::InputTag m_l1EGammaTag
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::EGammaBxCollectionm_l1EGammaToken
edm::InputTag m_l1EtSumCollectionsTag
 Meta InputTag for L1 EtSum collection. More...
edm::InputTag m_l1EtSumTag
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::EtSumBxCollectionm_l1EtSumToken
edm::InputTag m_l1EtSumZdcCollectionsTag
 Meta InputTag for L1 EtSum (ZDC) collection. More...
edm::InputTag m_l1EtSumZdcTag
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::EtSumBxCollectionm_l1EtSumZdcToken
bool m_l1GlobalDecision
 flag to pass if L1TGlobal accept More...
edm::InputTag m_l1GlobalTag
 InputTag for L1 Global Trigger. More...
edm::EDGetTokenT< GlobalAlgBlkBxCollectionm_l1GlobalToken
edm::InputTag m_l1GtObjectMapTag
 InputTag for L1 Global Trigger object maps. This is done per menu. Should be part of Run. More...
edm::EDGetTokenT< GlobalObjectMapRecordm_l1GtObjectMapToken
edm::InputTag m_l1JetCollectionsTag
 Meta InputTag for L1 Jet collection. More...
edm::InputTag m_l1JetTag
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::JetBxCollectionm_l1JetToken
edm::InputTag m_l1MuonCollectionsTag
 Meta InputTag for L1 Muon collection. More...
edm::InputTag m_l1MuonShowerCollectionsTag
 Meta InputTag for L1 Muon collection. More...
edm::InputTag m_l1MuonShowerTag
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::MuonShowerBxCollectionm_l1MuonShowerToken
edm::InputTag m_l1MuonTag
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::MuonBxCollectionm_l1MuonToken
int m_l1NrBxInEvent
std::string m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression
edm::InputTag m_l1TauCollectionsTag
 Meta InputTag for L1 Tau collection. More...
edm::InputTag m_l1TauTag
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::TauBxCollectionm_l1TauToken

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from edm::stream::EDFilter<>
using CacheTypes = CacheContexts< T... >
using GlobalCache = typename CacheTypes::GlobalCache
using HasAbility = AbilityChecker< T... >
using InputProcessBlockCache = typename CacheTypes::InputProcessBlockCache
using LuminosityBlockCache = typename CacheTypes::LuminosityBlockCache
using LuminosityBlockContext = LuminosityBlockContextT< LuminosityBlockCache, RunCache, GlobalCache >
using LuminosityBlockSummaryCache = typename CacheTypes::LuminosityBlockSummaryCache
using RunCache = typename CacheTypes::RunCache
using RunContext = RunContextT< RunCache, GlobalCache >
using RunSummaryCache = typename CacheTypes::RunSummaryCache
- Public Types inherited from edm::stream::EDFilterBase
typedef EDFilterAdaptorBase ModuleType
- Public Types inherited from edm::ProducerBase
template<typename T >
using BranchAliasSetterT = ProductRegistryHelper::BranchAliasSetterT< T >
using ModuleToResolverIndicies = std::unordered_multimap< std::string, std::tuple< edm::TypeID const *, const char *, edm::ProductResolverIndex > >
typedef ProductRegistryHelper::TypeLabelList TypeLabelList
- Public Types inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase
typedef ProductLabels Labels
- Protected Member Functions inherited from edm::ProducerBase
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
auto produces (std::string instanceName) noexcept
 declare what type of product will make and with which optional label More...
template<Transition B>
BranchAliasSetter produces (const TypeID &id, std::string instanceName=std::string(), bool recordProvenance=true)
template<BranchType B>
BranchAliasSetter produces (const TypeID &id, std::string instanceName=std::string(), bool recordProvenance=true)
BranchAliasSetter produces (const TypeID &id, std::string instanceName=std::string(), bool recordProvenance=true)
template<typename ProductType , Transition B>
BranchAliasSetterT< ProductType > produces (std::string instanceName)
template<class ProductType >
BranchAliasSetterT< ProductType > produces ()
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B>
BranchAliasSetterT< ProductType > produces (std::string instanceName)
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B>
BranchAliasSetterT< ProductType > produces ()
template<class ProductType >
BranchAliasSetterT< ProductType > produces (std::string instanceName)
template<typename ProductType , Transition B>
BranchAliasSetterT< ProductType > produces ()
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
auto produces () noexcept
ProducesCollector producesCollector ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent>
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > consumes (edm::InputTag const &tag)
template<BranchType B = InEvent>
EDConsumerBaseAdaptor< Bconsumes (edm::InputTag tag) noexcept
EDGetToken consumes (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
template<BranchType B>
EDGetToken consumes (TypeToGet const &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
ConsumesCollector consumesCollector ()
 Use a ConsumesCollector to gather consumes information from helper functions. More...
template<typename ESProduct , typename ESRecord , Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
auto esConsumes ()
template<typename ESProduct , typename ESRecord , Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
auto esConsumes (ESInputTag const &tag)
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
constexpr auto esConsumes ()
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
auto esConsumes (ESInputTag tag)
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
ESGetTokenGeneric esConsumes (eventsetup::EventSetupRecordKey const &iRecord, eventsetup::DataKey const &iKey)
 Used with EventSetupRecord::doGet. More...
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent>
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > mayConsume (edm::InputTag const &tag)
EDGetToken mayConsume (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
template<BranchType B>
EDGetToken mayConsume (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
void resetItemsToGetFrom (BranchType iType)

Detailed Description

Description: filter L1 bits and extract seed objects from L1 GT for HLT algorithms.

Implementation: This class is an HLTStreamFilter (-> stream::EDFilter). It implements:

Definition at line 46 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HLTL1TSeed()

HLTL1TSeed::HLTL1TSeed ( const edm::ParameterSet parSet)


Definition at line 32 of file

References Exception, GlobalLogicParser::expressionSeedsOperandList(), m_l1AlgoLogicParser, m_l1AlgoSeeds, m_l1AlgoSeedsObjType, m_l1AlgoSeedsRpn, m_l1GlobalDecision, m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression, GlobalLogicParser::operandTokenVector(), and findQualityFiles::size.

33  : HLTStreamFilter(parSet),
34  //useObjectMaps_(parSet.getParameter<bool>("L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps")),
35  m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression(parSet.getParameter<string>("L1SeedsLogicalExpression")),
36  m_l1GtObjectMapTag(parSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("L1ObjectMapInputTag")),
37  m_l1GtObjectMapToken(consumes<GlobalObjectMapRecord>(m_l1GtObjectMapTag)),
38  m_l1GlobalTag(parSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("L1GlobalInputTag")),
39  m_l1GlobalToken(consumes<GlobalAlgBlkBxCollection>(m_l1GlobalTag)),
40  m_l1MuonCollectionsTag(parSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("L1MuonInputTag")), // FIX WHEN UNPACKERS ADDED
42  m_l1MuonToken(consumes<l1t::MuonBxCollection>(m_l1MuonTag)),
44  parSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("L1MuonShowerInputTag")), // FIX WHEN UNPACKERS ADDED
46  m_l1MuonShowerToken(consumes<l1t::MuonShowerBxCollection>(m_l1MuonShowerTag)),
47  m_l1EGammaCollectionsTag(parSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("L1EGammaInputTag")), // FIX WHEN UNPACKERS ADDED
49  m_l1EGammaToken(consumes<l1t::EGammaBxCollection>(m_l1EGammaTag)),
50  m_l1JetCollectionsTag(parSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("L1JetInputTag")), // FIX WHEN UNPACKERS ADDED
52  m_l1JetToken(consumes<l1t::JetBxCollection>(m_l1JetTag)),
53  m_l1TauCollectionsTag(parSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("L1TauInputTag")), // FIX WHEN UNPACKERS ADDED
55  m_l1TauToken(consumes<l1t::TauBxCollection>(m_l1TauTag)),
56  m_l1EtSumCollectionsTag(parSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("L1EtSumInputTag")), // FIX WHEN UNPACKERS ADDED
58  m_l1EtSumToken(consumes<l1t::EtSumBxCollection>(m_l1EtSumTag)),
59  m_l1EtSumZdcCollectionsTag(parSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("L1EtSumZdcInputTag")), // FIX WHEN UNPACKERS ADDED
61  m_l1EtSumZdcToken(consumes<l1t::EtSumBxCollection>(m_l1EtSumZdcTag)),
62  m_l1GlobalDecision(false),
64  if (m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression.empty()) {
65  throw cms::Exception("FailModule") << "\nTrying to seed with an empty L1SeedsLogicalExpression.\n" << std::endl;
67  } else if (m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression != "L1GlobalDecision") {
68  // check also the logical expression - add/remove spaces if needed
71  // list of required algorithms for seeding
72  // dummy values for tokenNumber and tokenResult
75  size_t l1AlgoSeedsSize = m_l1AlgoSeeds.size();
77  m_l1AlgoSeedsRpn.reserve(l1AlgoSeedsSize);
78  m_l1AlgoSeedsObjType.reserve(l1AlgoSeedsSize);
80  } else {
81  m_l1GlobalDecision = true;
82  }
83 }
Write out results.
std::string m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:97
bool isDebugEnabled()
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:307
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::EtSumBxCollection > m_l1EtSumToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:136
std::vector< const std::vector< GlobalLogicParser::TokenRPN > * > m_l1AlgoSeedsRpn
vector of Rpn vectors for the required algorithms for seeding
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:85
edm::InputTag m_l1MuonTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:110
edm::InputTag m_l1MuonShowerTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:115
edm::InputTag m_l1EGammaCollectionsTag
Meta InputTag for L1 Egamma collection.
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:119
edm::InputTag m_l1JetCollectionsTag
Meta InputTag for L1 Jet collection.
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:124
std::vector< GlobalLogicParser::OperandToken > expressionSeedsOperandList()
edm::InputTag m_l1JetTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:125
edm::InputTag m_l1GtObjectMapTag
InputTag for L1 Global Trigger object maps. This is done per menu. Should be part of Run...
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:100
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::JetBxCollection > m_l1JetToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:126
HLTStreamFilter(const edm::ParameterSet &config)
std::vector< OperandToken > & operandTokenVector()
return the vector of operand tokens
GlobalLogicParser m_l1AlgoLogicParser
logic parser for m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:79
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::EGammaBxCollection > m_l1EGammaToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:121
edm::InputTag m_l1EtSumTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:135
edm::InputTag m_l1TauTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:130
edm::InputTag m_l1EtSumCollectionsTag
Meta InputTag for L1 EtSum collection.
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:134
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::EtSumBxCollection > m_l1EtSumZdcToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:141
edm::InputTag m_l1MuonShowerCollectionsTag
Meta InputTag for L1 Muon collection.
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:114
edm::InputTag m_l1TauCollectionsTag
Meta InputTag for L1 Tau collection.
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:129
bool m_isDebugEnabled
cache edm::isDebugEnabled()
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:147
std::vector< GlobalLogicParser::OperandToken > m_l1AlgoSeeds
list of required algorithms for seeding
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:82
edm::InputTag m_l1EtSumZdcCollectionsTag
Meta InputTag for L1 EtSum (ZDC) collection.
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:139
edm::InputTag m_l1EGammaTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:120
edm::InputTag m_l1GlobalTag
InputTag for L1 Global Trigger.
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:104
edm::EDGetTokenT< GlobalAlgBlkBxCollection > m_l1GlobalToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:105
edm::InputTag m_l1MuonCollectionsTag
Meta InputTag for L1 Muon collection.
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:109
bool m_l1GlobalDecision
flag to pass if L1TGlobal accept
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:144
std::vector< std::vector< const std::vector< l1t::GlobalObject > * > > m_l1AlgoSeedsObjType
vector of object-type vectors for each condition in the required algorithms for seeding ...
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:88
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::MuonBxCollection > m_l1MuonToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:111
edm::InputTag m_l1EtSumZdcTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:140
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::TauBxCollection > m_l1TauToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:131
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::MuonShowerBxCollection > m_l1MuonShowerToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:116
edm::EDGetTokenT< GlobalObjectMapRecord > m_l1GtObjectMapToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:101

◆ ~HLTL1TSeed()

HLTL1TSeed::~HLTL1TSeed ( )


Definition at line 86 of file

86  {
87  // empty now
88 }

Member Function Documentation

◆ dumpTriggerFilterObjectWithRefs()

void HLTL1TSeed::dumpTriggerFilterObjectWithRefs ( trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs filterproduct) const

detailed print of filter content

Definition at line 155 of file

References trigger::TriggerRefsCollections::getObjects(), mps_fire::i, LogTrace, m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression, getGTfromDQMFile::obj, trigger::TriggerL1AsymEt, trigger::TriggerL1AsymEtHF, trigger::TriggerL1AsymHt, trigger::TriggerL1AsymHtHF, trigger::TriggerL1Centrality, trigger::TriggerL1EG, trigger::TriggerL1ETM, trigger::TriggerL1ETMHF, trigger::TriggerL1ETT, trigger::TriggerL1HTM, trigger::TriggerL1HTMHF, trigger::TriggerL1HTT, trigger::TriggerL1Jet, trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFM0, trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFM1, trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFP0, trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFP1, trigger::TriggerL1Mu, trigger::TriggerL1MuShower, trigger::TriggerL1Tau, trigger::TriggerL1TowerCount, trigger::TriggerL1ZDCM, and trigger::TriggerL1ZDCP.

Referenced by hltFilter().

155  {
156  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\nHLTL1TSeed::hltFilter "
157  << "\n Dump TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs\n"
158  << endl;
160  vector<l1t::MuonRef> seedsL1Mu;
161  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1Mu, seedsL1Mu);
162  const size_t sizeSeedsL1Mu = seedsL1Mu.size();
164  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n HLTL1TSeed: seed logical expression = " << m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression << endl;
166  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1Mu seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1Mu << endl << endl;
168  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1Mu; i++) {
169  l1t::MuonRef obj = l1t::MuonRef(seedsL1Mu[i]);
171  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1Mu "
172  << "\t"
173  << "q = "
174  << obj->hwCharge() // TEMP get hwCharge insead of charge which is not yet set NEED FIX.
175  << "\t"
176  << "pt = " << obj->pt() << "\t"
177  << "eta = " << obj->eta() << "\t"
178  << "phi = " << obj->phi(); //<< "\t" << "BX = " << obj->bx();
179  }
181  vector<l1t::MuonShowerRef> seedsL1MuShower;
182  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1MuShower, seedsL1MuShower);
183  const size_t sizeSeedsL1MuShower = seedsL1MuShower.size();
185  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n HLTL1TSeed: seed logical expression = " << m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression << endl;
187  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1MuShower seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1MuShower << endl << endl;
189  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1MuShower; i++) {
190  l1t::MuonShowerRef obj = l1t::MuonShowerRef(seedsL1MuShower[i]);
192  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1MuShower "
193  << "\t"
194  << "pt = " << obj->pt() << "\t"
195  << "eta = " << obj->eta() << "\t"
196  << "phi = " << obj->phi(); //<< "\t" << "BX = " << obj->bx();
197  }
199  vector<l1t::EGammaRef> seedsL1EG;
200  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1EG, seedsL1EG);
201  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EG = seedsL1EG.size();
203  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EG seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EG << endl << endl;
205  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EG; i++) {
206  l1t::EGammaRef obj = l1t::EGammaRef(seedsL1EG[i]);
208  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EG "
209  << "\t"
210  << "pt = " << obj->pt() << "\t"
211  << "eta = " << obj->eta() << "\t"
212  << "phi = " << obj->phi(); //<< "\t" << "BX = " << obj->bx();
213  }
215  vector<l1t::JetRef> seedsL1Jet;
216  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1Jet, seedsL1Jet);
217  const size_t sizeSeedsL1Jet = seedsL1Jet.size();
219  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1Jet seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1Jet << endl << endl;
221  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1Jet; i++) {
222  l1t::JetRef obj = l1t::JetRef(seedsL1Jet[i]);
224  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1Jet "
225  << "\t"
226  << "pt = " << obj->pt() << "\t"
227  << "eta = " << obj->eta() << "\t"
228  << "phi = " << obj->phi(); //<< "\t" << "BX = " << obj->bx();
229  }
231  vector<l1t::TauRef> seedsL1Tau;
232  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1Tau, seedsL1Tau);
233  const size_t sizeSeedsL1Tau = seedsL1Tau.size();
235  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1Tau seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1Tau << endl << endl;
237  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1Tau; i++) {
238  l1t::TauRef obj = l1t::TauRef(seedsL1Tau[i]);
240  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1Tau "
241  << "\t"
242  << "pt = " << obj->pt() << "\t"
243  << "eta = " << obj->eta() << "\t"
244  << "phi = " << obj->phi(); //<< "\t" << "BX = " << obj->bx();
245  }
247  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumETT;
248  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1ETT, seedsL1EtSumETT);
249  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumETT = seedsL1EtSumETT.size();
250  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum ETT seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumETT << endl << endl;
252  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumETT; i++) {
253  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumETT[i]);
255  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum ETT"
256  << "\t"
257  << "pt = " << obj->pt() << "\t"
258  << "eta = " << obj->eta() << "\t"
259  << "phi = " << obj->phi(); //<< "\t" << "BX = " << obj->bx();
260  }
262  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumHTT;
263  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1HTT, seedsL1EtSumHTT);
264  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumHTT = seedsL1EtSumHTT.size();
265  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum HTT seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumHTT << endl << endl;
267  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumHTT; i++) {
268  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumHTT[i]);
270  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum HTT"
271  << "\t"
272  << "pt = " << obj->pt() << "\t"
273  << "eta = " << obj->eta() << "\t"
274  << "phi = " << obj->phi(); //<< "\t" << "BX = " << obj->bx();
275  }
277  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumETM;
278  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1ETM, seedsL1EtSumETM);
279  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumETM = seedsL1EtSumETM.size();
280  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum ETM seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumETM << endl << endl;
282  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumETM; i++) {
283  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumETM[i]);
285  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum ETM"
286  << "\t"
287  << "pt = " << obj->pt() << "\t"
288  << "eta = " << obj->eta() << "\t"
289  << "phi = " << obj->phi(); //<< "\t" << "BX = " << obj->bx();
290  }
292  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumETMHF;
293  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1ETMHF, seedsL1EtSumETMHF);
294  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumETMHF = seedsL1EtSumETMHF.size();
295  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum ETMHF seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumETMHF << endl << endl;
297  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumETMHF; i++) {
298  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumETMHF[i]);
300  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum ETMHF"
301  << "\t"
302  << "pt = " << obj->pt() << "\t"
303  << "eta = " << obj->eta() << "\t"
304  << "phi = " << obj->phi(); //<< "\t" << "BX = " << obj->bx();
305  }
307  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumHTMHF;
308  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1HTMHF, seedsL1EtSumHTMHF);
309  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumHTMHF = seedsL1EtSumHTMHF.size();
310  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum HTMHF seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumHTMHF << endl << endl;
312  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumHTMHF; i++) {
313  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumHTMHF[i]);
315  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum HTMHF"
316  << "\t"
317  << "pt = " << obj->pt() << "\t"
318  << "eta = " << obj->eta() << "\t"
319  << "phi = " << obj->phi(); //<< "\t" << "BX = " << obj->bx();
320  }
322  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumHTM;
323  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1HTM, seedsL1EtSumHTM);
324  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumHTM = seedsL1EtSumHTM.size();
325  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum HTM seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumHTM << endl << endl;
327  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumHTM; i++) {
328  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumHTM[i]);
330  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum HTM"
331  << "\t"
332  << "pt = " << obj->pt() << "\t"
333  << "eta = " << obj->eta() << "\t"
334  << "phi = " << obj->phi(); //<< "\t" << "BX = " << obj->bx();
335  }
337  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumCentrality;
338  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1Centrality, seedsL1EtSumCentrality);
339  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumCentrality = seedsL1EtSumCentrality.size();
340  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum Centrality seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumCentrality << endl << endl;
342  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumCentrality; i++) {
343  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumCentrality[i]);
345  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum Centrality Bits: " << std::bitset<8>(obj->hwPt())
346  << " (hwPt = " << obj->hwPt() << ")";
347  }
349  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP0;
350  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFP0, seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP0);
351  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP0 = seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP0.size();
352  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum MinBiasHFP0 seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP0 << endl << endl;
354  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP0; i++) {
355  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP0[i]);
357  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum MinBiasHFP0: hwPt = " << obj->hwPt();
358  }
360  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM0;
361  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFM0, seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM0);
362  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM0 = seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM0.size();
363  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum MinBiasHFM0 seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM0 << endl << endl;
365  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM0; i++) {
366  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM0[i]);
368  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum MinBiasHFM0: hwPt = " << obj->hwPt();
369  }
371  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP1;
372  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFP1, seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP1);
373  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP1 = seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP1.size();
374  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum MinBiasHFP1 seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP1 << endl << endl;
376  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP1; i++) {
377  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP1[i]);
379  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum MinBiasHFP1: hwPt = " << obj->hwPt();
380  }
382  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM1;
383  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFM1, seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM1);
384  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM1 = seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM1.size();
385  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum MinBiasHFM1 seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM1 << endl << endl;
387  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM1; i++) {
388  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM1[i]);
390  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum MinBiasHFM1: hwPt = " << obj->hwPt();
391  }
393  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumTowerCount;
394  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1TowerCount, seedsL1EtSumTowerCount);
395  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumTowerCount = seedsL1EtSumTowerCount.size();
396  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum TowerCount seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumTowerCount << endl << endl;
398  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumTowerCount; i++) {
399  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumTowerCount[i]);
401  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum TowerCount: hwPt = " << obj->hwPt();
402  }
404  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumAsymEt;
405  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1AsymEt, seedsL1EtSumAsymEt);
406  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumAsymEt = seedsL1EtSumAsymEt.size();
407  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum AsymEt seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumAsymEt << endl << endl;
409  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumAsymEt; i++) {
410  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumAsymEt[i]);
412  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum AsymEt: hwPt = " << obj->hwPt();
413  }
415  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumAsymHt;
416  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1AsymHt, seedsL1EtSumAsymHt);
417  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumAsymHt = seedsL1EtSumAsymHt.size();
418  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum AsymHt seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumAsymHt << endl << endl;
420  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumAsymHt; i++) {
421  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumAsymHt[i]);
423  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum AsymHt: hwPt = " << obj->hwPt();
424  }
426  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumAsymEtHF;
427  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1AsymEtHF, seedsL1EtSumAsymEtHF);
428  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumAsymEtHF = seedsL1EtSumAsymEtHF.size();
429  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum AsymEtHF seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumAsymEtHF << endl << endl;
431  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumAsymEtHF; i++) {
432  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumAsymEtHF[i]);
434  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum AsymEtHF: hwPt = " << obj->hwPt();
435  }
437  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumAsymHtHF;
438  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1AsymHtHF, seedsL1EtSumAsymHtHF);
439  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumAsymHtHF = seedsL1EtSumAsymHtHF.size();
440  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum AsymHtHF seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumAsymHtHF << endl << endl;
442  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumAsymHtHF; i++) {
443  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumAsymHtHF[i]);
445  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum AsymHtHF: hwPt = " << obj->hwPt();
446  }
448  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumZDCP;
449  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1ZDCP, seedsL1EtSumZDCP);
450  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumZDCP = seedsL1EtSumZDCP.size();
451  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum ZDCP seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumZDCP << endl << endl;
453  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumZDCP; i++) {
454  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumZDCP[i]);
456  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum ZDCP"
457  << "\t"
458  << "pt = " << obj->pt() << "\t"
459  << "eta = " << obj->eta() << "\t"
460  << "phi = " << obj->phi(); //<< "\t" << "BX = " << obj->bx();
461  }
463  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumZDCM;
464  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1ZDCM, seedsL1EtSumZDCM);
465  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumZDCM = seedsL1EtSumZDCM.size();
466  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum ZDCM seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumZDCM << endl << endl;
468  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumZDCM; i++) {
469  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumZDCM[i]);
471  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum ZDCM"
472  << "\t"
473  << "pt = " << obj->pt() << "\t"
474  << "eta = " << obj->eta() << "\t"
475  << "phi = " << obj->phi(); //<< "\t" << "BX = " << obj->bx();
476  }
478  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << " \n\n" << endl;
479 }
std::string m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:97
void getObjects(Vids &ids, VRphoton &refs) const
various physics-level getters:
edm::Ref< EGammaBxCollection > EGammaRef
Definition: TkEGTau.h:35
enum start value shifted to 81 so as to avoid clashes with PDG codes
edm::Ref< JetBxCollection > JetRef
Definition: Jet.h:12
edm::Ref< EtSumBxCollection > EtSumRef
Definition: EtSum.h:12
#define LogTrace(id)
edm::Ref< TauBxCollection > TauRef
Definition: Tau.h:12
edm::Ref< MuonShowerBxCollection > MuonShowerRef
Definition: MuonShower.h:20
edm::Ref< MuonBxCollection > MuonRef
Definition: Muon.h:13

◆ fillDescriptions()

void HLTL1TSeed::fillDescriptions ( edm::ConfigurationDescriptions descriptions)

parameter description

Definition at line 92 of file

References edm::ConfigurationDescriptions::add(), submitPVResolutionJobs::desc, ProducerED_cfi::InputTag, and HLTStreamFilter::makeHLTFilterDescription().

92  {
96  // # logical expression for the required L1 algorithms;
97  // # the algorithms are specified by name
98  // # allowed operators: "AND", "OR", "NOT", "(", ")"
99  // #
100  // # by convention, "L1GlobalDecision" logical expression means global decision
101  desc.add<string>("L1SeedsLogicalExpression", "");
102  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("L1ObjectMapInputTag", edm::InputTag("hltGtStage2ObjectMap"));
103  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("L1GlobalInputTag", edm::InputTag("hltGtStage2Digis"));
104  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("L1MuonInputTag", edm::InputTag("hltGtStage2Digis:Muon"));
105  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("L1MuonShowerInputTag", edm::InputTag("hltGtStage2Digis:MuonShower"));
106  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("L1EGammaInputTag", edm::InputTag("hltGtStage2Digis:EGamma"));
107  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("L1JetInputTag", edm::InputTag("hltGtStage2Digis:Jet"));
108  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("L1TauInputTag", edm::InputTag("hltGtStage2Digis:Tau"));
109  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("L1EtSumInputTag", edm::InputTag("hltGtStage2Digis:EtSum"));
110  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("L1EtSumZdcInputTag", edm::InputTag("hltGtStage2Digis:EtSumZDC"));
111  descriptions.add("hltL1TSeed", desc);
112 }
void add(std::string const &label, ParameterSetDescription const &psetDescription)
static void makeHLTFilterDescription(edm::ParameterSetDescription &desc)

◆ hltFilter()

bool HLTL1TSeed::hltFilter ( edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup evSetup,
trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs filterproduct 

filter the event

Implements HLTStreamFilter.

Definition at line 114 of file

References trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs::addCollectionTag(), dumpTriggerFilterObjectWithRefs(), iEvent, m_isDebugEnabled, m_l1EGammaTag, m_l1EtSumTag, m_l1EtSumZdcTag, m_l1JetTag, m_l1MuonShowerTag, m_l1MuonTag, m_l1TauTag, HLTStreamFilter::saveTags(), and seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

116  {
117  bool rc = false;
119  // the filter object
120  if (saveTags()) {
121  // muons
122  filterproduct.addCollectionTag(m_l1MuonTag);
124  // muon showers
125  filterproduct.addCollectionTag(m_l1MuonShowerTag);
127  // egamma
128  filterproduct.addCollectionTag(m_l1EGammaTag);
130  // jet
131  filterproduct.addCollectionTag(m_l1JetTag);
133  // tau
134  filterproduct.addCollectionTag(m_l1TauTag);
136  // etsum
137  filterproduct.addCollectionTag(m_l1EtSumTag);
139  // etsum (ZDC)
140  filterproduct.addCollectionTag(m_l1EtSumZdcTag);
141  }
143  // Get all the seeding from iEvent (i.e. L1TriggerObjectMapRecord)
144  //
145  rc = seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps(iEvent, filterproduct);
147  if (m_isDebugEnabled) {
148  dumpTriggerFilterObjectWithRefs(filterproduct);
149  }
151  return rc;
152 }
bool saveTags() const
edm::InputTag m_l1MuonTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:110
edm::InputTag m_l1MuonShowerTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:115
bool seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps(edm::Event &, trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs &)
seeding is done via L1 trigger object maps, considering the objects which fired in L1 ...
void dumpTriggerFilterObjectWithRefs(trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs &) const
detailed print of filter content
int iEvent
edm::InputTag m_l1JetTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:125
edm::InputTag m_l1EtSumTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:135
edm::InputTag m_l1TauTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:130
bool m_isDebugEnabled
cache edm::isDebugEnabled()
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:147
edm::InputTag m_l1EGammaTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:120
void addCollectionTag(const edm::InputTag &collectionTag)
edm::InputTag m_l1EtSumZdcTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:140

◆ seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps()

bool HLTL1TSeed::seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps ( edm::Event iEvent,
trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs filterproduct 

seeding is done via L1 trigger object maps, considering the objects which fired in L1

Loop over the list of required algorithms for seeding /////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Unpacked GT result of algorithm is false after masks and prescales - no seeds ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Emulated GT result of algorithm is false - no seeds - but still save the event

! FIXME: replace LogDebug with edm::LogWarning once unpacker of ZDC inputs to L1-uGT becomes available ! !

Definition at line 482 of file

References trigger::TriggerRefsCollections::addObject(), GlobalObjectMap::algoBitNumber(), GlobalObjectMap::algoGtlResult(), MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm_cfi::algoName, GlobalObjectMap::algoName(), cms::cuda::assert(), BXVector< T >::at(), BXVector< T >::begin(), triggerObjects_cff::bit, GlobalObjectMap::combinationVector(), HLT_2024v13_cff::distance, BXVector< T >::end(), Exception, GlobalLogicParser::expressionResult(), GlobalObjectMap::getCombinationsInCond(), GlobalObjectMapRecord::getObjectMap(), l1t::gtAsymmetryEt, l1t::gtAsymmetryEtHF, l1t::gtAsymmetryHt, l1t::gtAsymmetryHtHF, l1t::gtCentrality0, l1t::gtCentrality1, l1t::gtCentrality2, l1t::gtCentrality3, l1t::gtCentrality4, l1t::gtCentrality5, l1t::gtCentrality6, l1t::gtCentrality7, l1t::gtEG, l1t::gtETM, l1t::gtETMHF, l1t::gtETT, l1t::gtETTem, l1t::gtHTM, l1t::gtHTMHF, l1t::gtHTT, l1t::gtJet, l1t::gtMinBiasHFM0, l1t::gtMinBiasHFM1, l1t::gtMinBiasHFP0, l1t::gtMinBiasHFP1, l1t::gtMu, l1t::gtMuShower, GlobalObjectMapRecord::gtObjectMap(), l1t::gtTau, l1t::gtTowerCount, l1t::gtZDCM, l1t::gtZDCP, mps_fire::i, iEvent, BXVector< T >::isEmpty(), edm::HandleBase::isValid(), PDWG_EXODelayedJetMET_cff::jets, l1t::EtSum::kAsymEt, l1t::EtSum::kAsymEtHF, l1t::EtSum::kAsymHt, l1t::EtSum::kAsymHtHF, l1t::EtSum::kCentrality, BXVector< T >::key(), l1t::EtSum::kMinBiasHFM0, l1t::EtSum::kMinBiasHFM1, l1t::EtSum::kMinBiasHFP0, l1t::EtSum::kMinBiasHFP1, l1t::EtSum::kMissingEt, l1t::EtSum::kMissingEtHF, l1t::EtSum::kMissingHt, l1t::EtSum::kMissingHtHF, l1t::EtSum::kTotalEt, l1t::EtSum::kTotalEtEm, l1t::EtSum::kTotalHt, l1t::EtSum::kTowerCount, l1t::EtSum::kZDCM, l1t::EtSum::kZDCP, LogDebug, LogTrace, m_isDebugEnabled, m_l1AlgoLogicParser, m_l1AlgoSeeds, m_l1EGammaTag, m_l1EGammaToken, m_l1EtSumTag, m_l1EtSumToken, m_l1EtSumZdcTag, m_l1EtSumZdcToken, m_l1GlobalDecision, m_l1GlobalTag, m_l1GlobalToken, m_l1GtObjectMapTag, m_l1GtObjectMapToken, m_l1JetTag, m_l1JetToken, m_l1MuonShowerTag, m_l1MuonShowerToken, m_l1MuonTag, m_l1MuonToken, m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression, m_l1TauTag, m_l1TauToken, DiMuonV_cfg::muons, GlobalObjectMap::objectTypeVector(), GlobalObjectMap::operandTokenVector(), GlobalLogicParser::operandTokenVector(), or, BXVector< T >::size(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, Tau3MuMonitor_cff::taus, trigger::TriggerL1AsymEt, trigger::TriggerL1AsymEtHF, trigger::TriggerL1AsymHt, trigger::TriggerL1AsymHtHF, trigger::TriggerL1Centrality, trigger::TriggerL1EG, trigger::TriggerL1ETM, trigger::TriggerL1ETMHF, trigger::TriggerL1ETT, trigger::TriggerL1HTM, trigger::TriggerL1HTMHF, trigger::TriggerL1HTT, trigger::TriggerL1Jet, trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFM0, trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFM1, trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFP0, trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFP1, trigger::TriggerL1Mu, trigger::TriggerL1MuShower, trigger::TriggerL1Tau, trigger::TriggerL1TotalEtEm, trigger::TriggerL1TowerCount, trigger::TriggerL1ZDCM, and trigger::TriggerL1ZDCP.

Referenced by hltFilter().

482  {
483  // Two GT objects are obtained from the Event: (1) the unpacked GT and (2) the emulated GT.
484  // Return value of the function is the score of seeding logical expression, evaluated using (1).
485  // Seeding is performed (per l1_algo) if ACCEPT both in (1) and (2). Seed objects are identified
486  // and only available from ObjectMaps created in (2).
488  // define index lists for all particle types
490  std::list<int> listMuon;
491  std::list<int> listMuonShower;
493  std::list<int> listEG;
495  std::list<int> listJet;
496  std::list<int> listTau;
498  std::list<int> listETM;
499  std::list<int> listETT;
500  std::list<int> listHTT;
501  std::list<int> listHTM;
502  std::list<int> listETMHF;
503  std::list<int> listHTMHF;
505  std::list<int> listJetCounts;
507  std::list<int> listCentrality;
508  std::list<int> listMinBiasHFP0;
509  std::list<int> listMinBiasHFM0;
510  std::list<int> listMinBiasHFP1;
511  std::list<int> listMinBiasHFM1;
512  std::list<int> listTotalEtEm;
513  std::list<int> listMissingEtHF;
514  std::list<int> listTowerCount;
515  std::list<int> listAsymEt;
516  std::list<int> listAsymHt;
517  std::list<int> listAsymEtHF;
518  std::list<int> listAsymHtHF;
519  std::list<int> listZDCP;
520  std::list<int> listZDCM;
522  // get handle to unpacked GT
524  iEvent.getByToken(m_l1GlobalToken, uGtAlgoBlocks);
526  if (!uGtAlgoBlocks.isValid()) {
527  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed") << " Warning: GlobalAlgBlkBxCollection with input tag " << m_l1GlobalTag
528  << " requested in configuration, but not found in the event." << std::endl;
530  return false;
531  }
533  // check size (all BXs)
534  if (uGtAlgoBlocks->size() == 0) {
535  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed") << " Warning: GlobalAlgBlkBxCollection with input tag " << m_l1GlobalTag
536  << " is empty for all BXs.";
537  return false;
538  }
540  // check size (BX 0)
541  if (uGtAlgoBlocks->isEmpty(0)) {
542  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed") << " Warning: GlobalAlgBlkBxCollection with input tag " << m_l1GlobalTag
543  << " is empty for BX=0.";
544  return false;
545  }
547  // get handle to object maps from emulator (one object map per algorithm)
548  edm::Handle<GlobalObjectMapRecord> gtObjectMapRecord;
549  iEvent.getByToken(m_l1GtObjectMapToken, gtObjectMapRecord);
551  if (!gtObjectMapRecord.isValid()) {
552  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed") << " Warning: GlobalObjectMapRecord with input tag " << m_l1GtObjectMapTag
553  << " requested in configuration, but not found in the event." << std::endl;
555  return false;
556  }
558  if (m_isDebugEnabled) {
559  const std::vector<GlobalObjectMap>& objMaps = gtObjectMapRecord->gtObjectMap();
561  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\nHLTL1Seed"
562  << "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
563  "-------------------------------";
565  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed")
566  << "\n\tAlgorithms in L1TriggerObjectMapRecord and GT results ( emulated | initial | prescaled | final ) "
567  << endl;
569  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n\tmap"
570  << "\tAlgoBit" << std::setw(40) << "algoName"
571  << "\t (emul|ini|pre|fin)" << endl;
573  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
574  "-----------------------------";
576  for (size_t imap = 0; imap < objMaps.size(); imap++) {
577  int bit = objMaps[imap].algoBitNumber(); // same as bit from L1T Menu
579  int emulDecision = objMaps[imap].algoGtlResult();
581  // For bx=0 , get 0th AlgoBlock, so in BXvector at(bx=0,i=0)
582  int initDecision = (uGtAlgoBlocks->at(0, 0)).getAlgoDecisionInitial(bit);
583  int presDecision = (uGtAlgoBlocks->at(0, 0)).getAlgoDecisionInterm(bit);
584  int finlDecision = (uGtAlgoBlocks->at(0, 0)).getAlgoDecisionFinal(bit);
586  if (emulDecision != initDecision) {
587  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "L1T decision (emulated vs. unpacked initial) is not the same:"
588  << "\n\tbit = " << std::setw(3) << bit << std::setw(40) << objMaps[imap].algoName()
589  << "\t emulated decision = " << emulDecision
590  << "\t unpacked initial decision = " << initDecision
591  << "\nThis should not happen. Include the L1TGtEmulCompare module in the sequence."
592  << endl;
593  }
595  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\t" << std::setw(3) << imap << "\tbit = " << std::setw(3) << bit << std::setw(40)
596  << objMaps[imap].algoName() << "\t ( " << emulDecision << " | " << initDecision << " | "
597  << presDecision << " | " << finlDecision << " ) ";
598  }
599  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << endl;
600  }
602  // Filter decision in case of "L1GlobalDecision" logical expression.
603  // By convention, it means global decision.
604  // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
605  if (m_l1GlobalDecision) {
606  // For bx=0 , get 0th AlgoBlock, so in BXvector at(bx=0,i=0)
607  return (uGtAlgoBlocks->at(0, 0)).getFinalOR();
608  }
610  // Update/Reset m_l1AlgoLogicParser by reseting token result
611  // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
612  std::vector<GlobalLogicParser::OperandToken>& algOpTokenVector = m_l1AlgoLogicParser.operandTokenVector();
614  for (auto& i : algOpTokenVector) {
615  // rest token result
616  //
617  i.tokenResult = false;
618  }
620  // Update m_l1AlgoLogicParser and store emulator results for algOpTokens
621  // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
622  for (auto& i : algOpTokenVector) {
623  std::string algoName = i.tokenName;
625  const GlobalObjectMap* objMap = gtObjectMapRecord->getObjectMap(algoName);
627  if (objMap == nullptr) {
628  throw cms::Exception("FailModule")
629  << "\nAlgorithm " << algoName
630  << ", requested as seed by a HLT path, cannot be matched to a L1 algo name in any GlobalObjectMap\n"
631  << "Please check if algorithm " << algoName << " is present in the L1 menu\n"
632  << std::endl;
634  } else {
635  //(algOpTokenVector[i]).tokenResult = objMap->algoGtlResult();
637  int bit = objMap->algoBitNumber();
638  bool finalAlgoDecision = (uGtAlgoBlocks->at(0, 0)).getAlgoDecisionFinal(bit);
639  i.tokenResult = finalAlgoDecision;
640  }
641  }
643  // Filter decision
644  // ///////////////
645  bool seedsResult = m_l1AlgoLogicParser.expressionResult();
647  if (m_isDebugEnabled) {
648  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\nHLTL1TSeed: l1SeedsLogicalExpression (names) = '" << m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression << "'"
649  << "\n Result for logical expression after update of algOpTokens: " << seedsResult << "\n"
650  << std::endl;
651  }
656  for (std::vector<GlobalLogicParser::OperandToken>::const_iterator itSeed = m_l1AlgoSeeds.begin();
657  itSeed != m_l1AlgoSeeds.end();
658  ++itSeed) {
659  std::string algoSeedName = (*itSeed).tokenName;
661  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n ---------------- algo seed name = " << algoSeedName << endl;
663  const GlobalObjectMap* objMap = gtObjectMapRecord->getObjectMap(algoSeedName);
665  if (objMap == nullptr) {
666  // Should not get here
667  //
668  throw cms::Exception("FailModule")
669  << "\nAlgorithm " << algoSeedName
670  << ", requested as seed by a HLT path, cannot be matched to a L1 algo name in any GlobalObjectMap\n"
671  << "Please check if algorithm " << algoSeedName << " is present in the L1 menu\n"
672  << std::endl;
673  }
675  int algoSeedBitNumber = objMap->algoBitNumber();
676  bool algoSeedResult = objMap->algoGtlResult();
678  // unpacked GT results: uGtAlgoBlock has decisions initial, prescaled, and final after masks
679  bool algoSeedResultMaskAndPresc = uGtAlgoBlocks->at(0, 0).getAlgoDecisionFinal(algoSeedBitNumber);
681  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n\tAlgo seed " << algoSeedName << " result emulated | final = " << algoSeedResult
682  << " | " << algoSeedResultMaskAndPresc << endl;
686  if (!algoSeedResultMaskAndPresc)
687  continue;
690  // This should not happen if the emulated and unpacked GT are consistent
692  if (!algoSeedResult)
693  continue;
695  const std::vector<GlobalLogicParser::OperandToken>& opTokenVecObjMap = objMap->operandTokenVector();
696  const std::vector<L1TObjectTypeInCond>& condObjTypeVec = objMap->objectTypeVector();
697  const std::vector<CombinationsInCond>& condCombinations = objMap->combinationVector();
699  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n\talgoName =" << objMap->algoName() << "\talgoBitNumber = " << algoSeedBitNumber
700  << "\talgoGtlResult = " << algoSeedResult << endl
701  << endl;
703  if (opTokenVecObjMap.size() != condObjTypeVec.size()) {
704  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed")
705  << "\nWarning: GlobalObjectMapRecord with input tag " << m_l1GtObjectMapTag
706  << "\nhas object map for bit number " << algoSeedBitNumber
707  << " which contains different size vectors of operand tokens and of condition object types!" << std::endl;
709  assert(opTokenVecObjMap.size() == condObjTypeVec.size());
710  }
712  if (opTokenVecObjMap.size() != condCombinations.size()) {
713  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed")
714  << "\nWarning: GlobalObjectMapRecord with input tag " << m_l1GtObjectMapTag
715  << "\nhas object map for bit number " << algoSeedBitNumber
716  << " which contains different size vectors of operand tokens and of condition object combinations!"
717  << std::endl;
719  assert(opTokenVecObjMap.size() == condCombinations.size());
720  }
722  // operands are conditions of L1 algo
723  //
724  for (size_t condNumber = 0; condNumber < opTokenVecObjMap.size(); condNumber++) {
725  std::vector<l1t::GlobalObject> condObjType = condObjTypeVec[condNumber];
727  for (auto& jOb : condObjType) {
728  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << setw(15) << "\tcondObjType = " << jOb << endl;
729  }
731  const std::string condName = opTokenVecObjMap[condNumber].tokenName;
732  bool condResult = opTokenVecObjMap[condNumber].tokenResult;
734  // only procede for conditions that passed
735  //
736  if (!condResult) {
737  continue;
738  }
740  // loop over combinations for a given condition
741  //
742  const CombinationsInCond* condComb = objMap->getCombinationsInCond(condNumber);
744  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << setw(15) << "\tcondCombinations = " << condComb->size() << endl;
746  for (auto const& itComb : (*condComb)) {
747  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << setw(15) << "\tnew combination" << endl;
749  // loop over objects in a combination for a given condition
750  //
751  for (auto itObject = itComb.begin(); itObject != itComb.end(); itObject++) {
752  // in case of object-less triggers (e.g. L1_ZeroBias) condObjType vector is empty, so don't seed!
753  //
754  if (condObjType.empty()) {
755  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed")
756  << "\talgoName = " << objMap->algoName()
757  << " is object-less L1 algorithm, so do not attempt to store any objects to the list of seeds.\n"
758  << std::endl;
759  continue;
760  }
762  // the index of the object type is the same as the index of the object
763  size_t iType = std::distance(itComb.begin(), itObject);
765  // get object type and push indices on the list
766  //
767  const l1t::GlobalObject objTypeVal =;
769  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tAdd object of type " << objTypeVal << " and index " << (*itObject)
770  << " to the seed list." << std::endl;
773  //gtMinBias,
774  //gtExternal,
775  //ObjNull
777  switch (objTypeVal) {
778  case l1t::gtMu: {
779  listMuon.push_back(*itObject);
780  } break;
781  case l1t::gtMuShower: {
782  listMuonShower.push_back(*itObject);
783  } break;
784  case l1t::gtEG: {
785  listEG.push_back(*itObject);
786  } break;
787  case l1t::gtJet: {
788  listJet.push_back(*itObject);
789  } break;
790  case l1t::gtTau: {
791  listTau.push_back(*itObject);
792  } break;
793  case l1t::gtETM: {
794  listETM.push_back(*itObject);
795  } break;
796  case l1t::gtETT: {
797  listETT.push_back(*itObject);
798  } break;
799  case l1t::gtHTT: {
800  listHTT.push_back(*itObject);
801  } break;
802  case l1t::gtHTM: {
803  listHTM.push_back(*itObject);
804  } break;
805  case l1t::gtETMHF: {
806  listETMHF.push_back(*itObject);
807  } break;
808  case l1t::gtHTMHF: {
809  listHTMHF.push_back(*itObject);
810  } break;
811  case l1t::gtTowerCount: {
812  listTowerCount.push_back(*itObject);
813  } break;
814  case l1t::gtMinBiasHFP0: {
815  listMinBiasHFP0.push_back(*itObject);
816  } break;
817  case l1t::gtMinBiasHFM0: {
818  listMinBiasHFM0.push_back(*itObject);
819  } break;
820  case l1t::gtMinBiasHFP1: {
821  listMinBiasHFP1.push_back(*itObject);
822  } break;
823  case l1t::gtMinBiasHFM1: {
824  listMinBiasHFM1.push_back(*itObject);
825  } break;
826  case l1t::gtETTem: {
827  listTotalEtEm.push_back(*itObject);
828  } break;
829  case l1t::gtAsymmetryEt: {
830  listAsymEt.push_back(*itObject);
831  } break;
832  case l1t::gtAsymmetryHt: {
833  listAsymHt.push_back(*itObject);
834  } break;
835  case l1t::gtAsymmetryEtHF: {
836  listAsymEtHF.push_back(*itObject);
837  } break;
838  case l1t::gtAsymmetryHtHF: {
839  listAsymHtHF.push_back(*itObject);
840  } break;
841  case l1t::gtZDCP: {
842  listZDCP.push_back(*itObject);
843  } break;
844  case l1t::gtZDCM: {
845  listZDCM.push_back(*itObject);
846  } break;
847  case l1t::gtCentrality0:
848  case l1t::gtCentrality1:
849  case l1t::gtCentrality2:
850  case l1t::gtCentrality3:
851  case l1t::gtCentrality4:
852  case l1t::gtCentrality5:
853  case l1t::gtCentrality6:
854  case l1t::gtCentrality7: {
855  listCentrality.push_back(*itObject);
856  } break;
858  //case JetCounts: {
859  // listJetCounts.push_back(*itObject);
860  //}
862  break;
863  default: {
864  // should not arrive here
866  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n HLTL1TSeed::hltFilter "
867  << "\n Unknown object of type " << objTypeVal << " and index " << (*itObject)
868  << " in the seed list." << std::endl;
869  } break;
871  } // end switch objTypeVal
873  } // end for itObj
875  } // end for itComb
877  } // end for condition
879  } // end for itSeed
881  // eliminate duplicates
883  listMuon.sort();
884  listMuon.unique();
886  listMuonShower.sort();
887  listMuonShower.unique();
889  listEG.sort();
890  listEG.unique();
892  listJet.sort();
893  listJet.unique();
895  listTau.sort();
896  listTau.unique();
898  listETM.sort();
899  listETM.unique();
901  listETT.sort();
902  listETT.unique();
904  listHTT.sort();
905  listHTT.unique();
907  listHTM.sort();
908  listHTM.unique();
910  listETMHF.sort();
911  listETMHF.unique();
913  listHTMHF.sort();
914  listHTMHF.unique();
916  listJetCounts.sort();
917  listJetCounts.unique();
919  listCentrality.sort();
920  listCentrality.unique();
922  listMinBiasHFP0.sort();
923  listMinBiasHFP0.unique();
925  listMinBiasHFM0.sort();
926  listMinBiasHFM0.unique();
928  listMinBiasHFP1.sort();
929  listMinBiasHFP1.unique();
931  listMinBiasHFM1.sort();
932  listMinBiasHFM1.unique();
934  listTotalEtEm.sort();
935  listTotalEtEm.unique();
937  listMissingEtHF.sort();
938  listMissingEtHF.unique();
940  listTowerCount.sort();
941  listTowerCount.unique();
943  listAsymEt.sort();
944  listAsymEt.unique();
946  listAsymHt.sort();
947  listAsymHt.unique();
949  listAsymEtHF.sort();
950  listAsymEtHF.unique();
952  listAsymHtHF.sort();
953  listAsymHtHF.unique();
955  listZDCP.sort();
956  listZDCP.unique();
958  listZDCM.sort();
959  listZDCM.unique();
961  // record the L1 physics objects in the HLT filterproduct
962  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
964  // Muon
965  if (!listMuon.empty()) {
967  iEvent.getByToken(m_l1MuonToken, muons);
969  if (!muons.isValid()) {
970  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed") << "\nWarning: L1MuonBxCollection with input tag " << m_l1MuonTag
971  << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
972  << "\nNo muons added to filterproduct." << endl;
973  } else {
974  for (std::list<int>::const_iterator itObj = listMuon.begin(); itObj != listMuon.end(); ++itObj) {
975  // skip invalid indices
976  if (*itObj < 0 or unsigned(*itObj) >= muons->size(0)) {
977  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed")
978  << "Invalid index from the L1ObjectMap (L1uGT emulator), will be ignored (l1t::MuonBxCollection):"
979  << " index=" << *itObj << " (size of unpacked L1T objects in BX0 = " << muons->size(0) << ")";
980  continue;
981  }
983  // Transform to index for Bx = 0 to begin of BxVector
984  unsigned int index = muons->begin(0) - muons->begin() + *itObj;
986  l1t::MuonRef myref(muons, index);
987  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1Mu, myref);
988  }
989  }
990  }
992  // Muon Shower
993  if (!listMuonShower.empty()) {
995  iEvent.getByToken(m_l1MuonShowerToken, muonShowers);
997  if (!muonShowers.isValid()) {
998  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed") << "\nWarning: L1MuonShowerBxCollection with input tag " << m_l1MuonShowerTag
999  << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
1000  << "\nNo muon showers added to filterproduct." << endl;
1001  } else {
1002  for (std::list<int>::const_iterator itObj = listMuonShower.begin(); itObj != listMuonShower.end(); ++itObj) {
1003  // skip invalid indices
1004  if (*itObj < 0 or unsigned(*itObj) >= muonShowers->size(0)) {
1005  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed")
1006  << "Invalid index from the L1ObjectMap (L1uGT emulator), will be ignored (l1t::MuonShowerBxCollection):"
1007  << " index=" << *itObj << " (size of unpacked L1T objects in BX0 = " << muonShowers->size(0) << ")";
1008  continue;
1009  }
1011  // Transform to index for Bx = 0 to begin of BxVector
1012  unsigned int index = muonShowers->begin(0) - muonShowers->begin() + *itObj;
1014  l1t::MuonShowerRef myref(muonShowers, index);
1015  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1MuShower, myref);
1016  }
1017  }
1018  }
1020  // EG (isolated)
1021  if (!listEG.empty()) {
1023  iEvent.getByToken(m_l1EGammaToken, egammas);
1024  if (!egammas.isValid()) {
1025  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed") << "\nWarning: L1EGammaBxCollection with input tag " << m_l1EGammaTag
1026  << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
1027  << "\nNo egammas added to filterproduct." << endl;
1028  } else {
1029  for (std::list<int>::const_iterator itObj = listEG.begin(); itObj != listEG.end(); ++itObj) {
1030  // skip invalid indices
1031  if (*itObj < 0 or unsigned(*itObj) >= egammas->size(0)) {
1032  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed")
1033  << "Invalid index from the L1ObjectMap (L1uGT emulator), will be ignored (l1t::EGammaBxCollection):"
1034  << " index=" << *itObj << " (size of unpacked L1T objects in BX0 = " << egammas->size(0) << ")";
1035  continue;
1036  }
1038  // Transform to begin of BxVector
1039  unsigned int index = egammas->begin(0) - egammas->begin() + *itObj;
1041  l1t::EGammaRef myref(egammas, index);
1042  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1EG, myref);
1043  }
1044  }
1045  }
1047  // Jet
1048  if (!listJet.empty()) {
1050  iEvent.getByToken(m_l1JetToken, jets);
1052  if (!jets.isValid()) {
1053  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed") << "\nWarning: L1JetBxCollection with input tag " << m_l1JetTag
1054  << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
1055  << "\nNo jets added to filterproduct." << endl;
1056  } else {
1057  for (std::list<int>::const_iterator itObj = listJet.begin(); itObj != listJet.end(); ++itObj) {
1058  // skip invalid indices
1059  if (*itObj < 0 or unsigned(*itObj) >= jets->size(0)) {
1060  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed")
1061  << "Invalid index from the L1ObjectMap (L1uGT emulator), will be ignored (l1t::JetBxCollection):"
1062  << " index=" << *itObj << " (size of unpacked L1T objects in BX0 = " << jets->size(0) << ")";
1063  continue;
1064  }
1066  // Transform to begin of BxVector
1067  unsigned int index = jets->begin(0) - jets->begin() + *itObj;
1069  l1t::JetRef myref(jets, index);
1070  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1Jet, myref);
1071  }
1072  }
1073  }
1075  // Tau
1076  if (!listTau.empty()) {
1078  iEvent.getByToken(m_l1TauToken, taus);
1080  if (!taus.isValid()) {
1081  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed") << "\nWarning: L1TauBxCollection with input tag " << m_l1TauTag
1082  << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
1083  << "\nNo taus added to filterproduct." << endl;
1084  } else {
1085  for (std::list<int>::const_iterator itObj = listTau.begin(); itObj != listTau.end(); ++itObj) {
1086  // skip invalid indices
1087  if (*itObj < 0 or unsigned(*itObj) >= taus->size(0)) {
1088  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed")
1089  << "Invalid index from the L1ObjectMap (L1uGT emulator), will be ignored (l1t::TauBxCollection):"
1090  << " index=" << *itObj << " (size of unpacked L1T objects in BX0 = " << taus->size(0) << ")";
1091  continue;
1092  }
1094  // Transform to begin of BxVector
1095  unsigned int index = taus->begin(0) - taus->begin() + *itObj;
1097  l1t::TauRef myref(taus, index);
1098  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1Tau, myref);
1099  }
1100  }
1101  }
1103  // ETT, HTT, ETM, HTM
1105  iEvent.getByToken(m_l1EtSumToken, etsums);
1106  if (!etsums.isValid()) {
1107  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed") << "\nWarning: L1EtSumBxCollection with input tag " << m_l1EtSumTag
1108  << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
1109  << "\nNo etsums added to filterproduct." << endl;
1110  } else {
1113  for (iter = etsums->begin(0); iter != etsums->end(0); ++iter) {
1114  l1t::EtSumRef myref(etsums, etsums->key(iter));
1116  switch (iter->getType()) {
1117  case l1t::EtSum::kTotalEt:
1118  if (!listETT.empty())
1119  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1ETT, myref);
1120  break;
1121  case l1t::EtSum::kTotalHt:
1122  if (!listHTT.empty())
1123  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1HTT, myref);
1124  break;
1126  if (!listETM.empty())
1127  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1ETM, myref);
1128  break;
1130  if (!listHTM.empty())
1131  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1HTM, myref);
1132  break;
1134  if (!listETMHF.empty())
1135  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1ETMHF, myref);
1136  break;
1138  if (!listHTMHF.empty())
1139  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1HTMHF, myref);
1140  break;
1142  if (!listCentrality.empty())
1143  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1Centrality, myref);
1144  break;
1146  if (!listMinBiasHFP0.empty())
1147  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFP0, myref);
1148  break;
1150  if (!listMinBiasHFM0.empty())
1151  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFM0, myref);
1152  break;
1154  if (!listMinBiasHFP1.empty())
1155  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFP1, myref);
1156  break;
1158  if (!listMinBiasHFM1.empty())
1159  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFM1, myref);
1160  break;
1162  if (!listTotalEtEm.empty())
1163  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1TotalEtEm, myref);
1164  break;
1166  if (!listTowerCount.empty())
1167  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1TowerCount, myref);
1168  break;
1169  case l1t::EtSum::kAsymEt:
1170  if (!listAsymEt.empty())
1171  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1AsymEt, myref);
1172  break;
1173  case l1t::EtSum::kAsymHt:
1174  if (!listAsymHt.empty())
1175  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1AsymHt, myref);
1176  break;
1177  case l1t::EtSum::kAsymEtHF:
1178  if (!listAsymEtHF.empty())
1179  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1AsymEtHF, myref);
1180  break;
1181  case l1t::EtSum::kAsymHtHF:
1182  if (!listAsymHtHF.empty())
1183  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1AsymHtHF, myref);
1184  break;
1185  default:
1186  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << " L1EtSum seed of currently unsuported HLT TriggerType. l1t::EtSum type: "
1187  << iter->getType() << "\n";
1189  } // end switch
1191  } // end for
1193  } // end else
1195  // ZDCP, ZDCM
1197  iEvent.getByToken(m_l1EtSumZdcToken, etsumzdcs);
1198  if (!etsumzdcs.isValid()) {
1202  LogDebug("HLTL1TSeed") << "\nWarning: L1EtSumBxCollection with input tag " << m_l1EtSumZdcTag
1203  << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
1204  << "\nNo etsums (ZDC) added to filterproduct.";
1205  } else {
1208  for (iter = etsumzdcs->begin(0); iter != etsumzdcs->end(0); ++iter) {
1209  l1t::EtSumRef myref(etsumzdcs, etsumzdcs->key(iter));
1211  switch (iter->getType()) {
1212  case l1t::EtSum::kZDCP:
1213  if (!listZDCP.empty())
1214  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1ZDCP, myref);
1215  break;
1216  case l1t::EtSum::kZDCM:
1217  if (!listZDCM.empty())
1218  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1ZDCM, myref);
1219  break;
1220  default:
1221  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed")
1222  << " L1EtSum (ZDC) seed of currently unsuported HLT TriggerType. l1t::EtSum type: "
1223  << iter->getType() << "\n";
1225  } // end switch
1227  } // end for
1229  } // end else
1231  // TODO FIXME uncomment if block when JetCounts implemented
1233  // // jet counts
1234  // if (!listJetCounts.empty()) {
1235  // edm::Handle<l1extra::L1JetCounts> l1JetCounts;
1236  // iEvent.getByToken(m_l1CollectionsToken.label(), l1JetCounts);
1237  //
1238  // for (std::list<int>::const_iterator itObj = listJetCounts.begin();
1239  // itObj != listJetCounts.end(); ++itObj) {
1240  //
1241  // filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1JetCounts,l1extra::L1JetCountsRefProd(l1JetCounts));
1242  // // FIXME: RefProd!
1243  //
1244  // }
1245  //
1246  // }
1248  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\nHLTL1Seed:seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps returning " << seedsResult << endl << endl;
1250  return seedsResult;
1251 }
const std::vector< L1TObjectTypeInCond > & objectTypeVector() const
std::string m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:97
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::EtSumBxCollection > m_l1EtSumToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:136
unsigned int key(const_iterator &iter) const
Definition: BXVector.h:101
edm::InputTag m_l1MuonTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:110
edm::InputTag m_l1MuonShowerTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:115
enum start value shifted to 81 so as to avoid clashes with PDG codes
Definition: GlobalObject.h:30
const std::vector< CombinationsInCond > & combinationVector() const
bool isEmpty(int bx) const
the two sets of parameters below are mutually exclusive, depending if RECO or ALCARECO is used the us...
assert(be >=bs)
#define LogTrace(id)
const CombinationsInCond * getCombinationsInCond(const std::string &condNameVal) const
return all the combinations passing the requirements imposed in condition condNameVal ...
const_iterator begin(int bx) const
unsigned size(int bx) const
void addObject(int id, const reco::RecoEcalCandidateRef &ref)
setters for L3 collections: (id=physics type, and Ref<C>)
std::vector< T >::const_iterator const_iterator
Definition: BXVector.h:18
bool algoGtlResult() const
int iEvent
edm::InputTag m_l1JetTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:125
edm::InputTag m_l1GtObjectMapTag
InputTag for L1 Global Trigger object maps. This is done per menu. Should be part of Run...
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:100
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e< void, edm::EventID const &, edm::Timestamp const & > We also list in braces which AR_WATCH_USING_METHOD_ is used for those or
Definition: Activities.doc:12
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::JetBxCollection > m_l1JetToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:126
std::vector< OperandToken > & operandTokenVector()
return the vector of operand tokens
GlobalLogicParser m_l1AlgoLogicParser
logic parser for m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:79
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::EGammaBxCollection > m_l1EGammaToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:121
edm::InputTag m_l1EtSumTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:135
edm::InputTag m_l1TauTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:130
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::EtSumBxCollection > m_l1EtSumZdcToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:141
const T & at(int bx, unsigned i) const
const std::vector< GlobalLogicParser::OperandToken > & operandTokenVector() const
const std::vector< GlobalObjectMap > & gtObjectMap() const
get / set the vector of object maps
bool m_isDebugEnabled
cache edm::isDebugEnabled()
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:147
std::vector< GlobalLogicParser::OperandToken > m_l1AlgoSeeds
list of required algorithms for seeding
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:82
const GlobalObjectMap * getObjectMap(const std::string &algoNameVal) const
return the object map for the algorithm algoNameVal
edm::InputTag m_l1EGammaTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:120
bool isValid() const
Definition: HandleBase.h:70
const std::string & algoName() const
int algoBitNumber() const
get / set bit number for algorithm in the object map
edm::InputTag m_l1GlobalTag
InputTag for L1 Global Trigger.
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:104
edm::EDGetTokenT< GlobalAlgBlkBxCollection > m_l1GlobalToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:105
const_iterator end(int bx) const
bool m_l1GlobalDecision
flag to pass if L1TGlobal accept
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:144
Log< level::Warning, false > LogWarning
virtual const bool expressionResult() const
std::vector< SingleCombInCond > CombinationsInCond
all the object combinations evaluated to true in the condition
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::MuonBxCollection > m_l1MuonToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:111
edm::InputTag m_l1EtSumZdcTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:140
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::TauBxCollection > m_l1TauToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:131
#define LogDebug(id)
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::MuonShowerBxCollection > m_l1MuonShowerToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:116
edm::EDGetTokenT< GlobalObjectMapRecord > m_l1GtObjectMapToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:101

◆ updateAlgoLogicParser() [1/2]

void HLTL1TSeed::updateAlgoLogicParser ( const L1GtTriggerMenu ,
const AlgorithmMap  

update the tokenNumber (holding the bit numbers) from m_l1AlgoLogicParser for a new L1 Trigger menu

Definition at line 63 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

63 {};

◆ updateAlgoLogicParser() [2/2]

void HLTL1TSeed::updateAlgoLogicParser ( const std::vector< bool > &  gtWord,
const std::vector< unsigned int > &  triggerMask,
const int  physicsDaqPartition 

update the tokenResult members from m_l1AlgoLogicParser for a new event

Definition at line 67 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

69  {};

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_isDebugEnabled

bool HLTL1TSeed::m_isDebugEnabled

cache edm::isDebugEnabled()

Definition at line 147 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by hltFilter(), and seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1AlgoLogicParser

GlobalLogicParser HLTL1TSeed::m_l1AlgoLogicParser

logic parser for m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression

Definition at line 79 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by HLTL1TSeed(), and seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1AlgoSeeds

std::vector<GlobalLogicParser::OperandToken> HLTL1TSeed::m_l1AlgoSeeds

list of required algorithms for seeding

Definition at line 82 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by HLTL1TSeed(), and seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1AlgoSeedsObjType

std::vector<std::vector<const std::vector<l1t::GlobalObject>*> > HLTL1TSeed::m_l1AlgoSeedsObjType

vector of object-type vectors for each condition in the required algorithms for seeding

Definition at line 88 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by HLTL1TSeed().

◆ m_l1AlgoSeedsRpn

std::vector<const std::vector<GlobalLogicParser::TokenRPN>*> HLTL1TSeed::m_l1AlgoSeedsRpn

vector of Rpn vectors for the required algorithms for seeding

Definition at line 85 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by HLTL1TSeed().

◆ m_l1EGammaCollectionsTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1EGammaCollectionsTag

Meta InputTag for L1 Egamma collection.

Definition at line 119 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

◆ m_l1EGammaTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1EGammaTag

Definition at line 120 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by hltFilter(), and seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1EGammaToken

edm::EDGetTokenT<l1t::EGammaBxCollection> HLTL1TSeed::m_l1EGammaToken

Definition at line 121 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1EtSumCollectionsTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1EtSumCollectionsTag

Meta InputTag for L1 EtSum collection.

Definition at line 134 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

◆ m_l1EtSumTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1EtSumTag

Definition at line 135 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by hltFilter(), and seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1EtSumToken

edm::EDGetTokenT<l1t::EtSumBxCollection> HLTL1TSeed::m_l1EtSumToken

Definition at line 136 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1EtSumZdcCollectionsTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1EtSumZdcCollectionsTag

Meta InputTag for L1 EtSum (ZDC) collection.

Definition at line 139 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

◆ m_l1EtSumZdcTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1EtSumZdcTag

Definition at line 140 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by hltFilter(), and seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1EtSumZdcToken

edm::EDGetTokenT<l1t::EtSumBxCollection> HLTL1TSeed::m_l1EtSumZdcToken

Definition at line 141 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1GlobalDecision

bool HLTL1TSeed::m_l1GlobalDecision

flag to pass if L1TGlobal accept

Definition at line 144 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by HLTL1TSeed(), and seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1GlobalTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1GlobalTag

InputTag for L1 Global Trigger.

Definition at line 104 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1GlobalToken

edm::EDGetTokenT<GlobalAlgBlkBxCollection> HLTL1TSeed::m_l1GlobalToken

Definition at line 105 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1GtObjectMapTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1GtObjectMapTag

InputTag for L1 Global Trigger object maps. This is done per menu. Should be part of Run.

Definition at line 100 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1GtObjectMapToken

edm::EDGetTokenT<GlobalObjectMapRecord> HLTL1TSeed::m_l1GtObjectMapToken

Definition at line 101 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1JetCollectionsTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1JetCollectionsTag

Meta InputTag for L1 Jet collection.

Definition at line 124 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

◆ m_l1JetTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1JetTag

Definition at line 125 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by hltFilter(), and seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1JetToken

edm::EDGetTokenT<l1t::JetBxCollection> HLTL1TSeed::m_l1JetToken

Definition at line 126 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1MuonCollectionsTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1MuonCollectionsTag

Meta InputTag for L1 Muon collection.

Definition at line 109 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

◆ m_l1MuonShowerCollectionsTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1MuonShowerCollectionsTag

Meta InputTag for L1 Muon collection.

Definition at line 114 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

◆ m_l1MuonShowerTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1MuonShowerTag

Definition at line 115 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by hltFilter(), and seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1MuonShowerToken

edm::EDGetTokenT<l1t::MuonShowerBxCollection> HLTL1TSeed::m_l1MuonShowerToken

Definition at line 116 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1MuonTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1MuonTag

Definition at line 110 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by hltFilter(), and seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1MuonToken

edm::EDGetTokenT<l1t::MuonBxCollection> HLTL1TSeed::m_l1MuonToken

Definition at line 111 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1NrBxInEvent

int HLTL1TSeed::m_l1NrBxInEvent

option used forL1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = False only number of BxInEvent: 1: L1A=0; 3: -1, L1A=0, 1; 5: -2, -1, L1A=0, 1, 2

Definition at line 93 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

◆ m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression

std::string HLTL1TSeed::m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression

logical expression for the required L1 algorithms the algorithms are specified by name

Definition at line 97 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by dumpTriggerFilterObjectWithRefs(), HLTL1TSeed(), and seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1TauCollectionsTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1TauCollectionsTag

Meta InputTag for L1 Tau collection.

Definition at line 129 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

◆ m_l1TauTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1TauTag

Definition at line 130 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by hltFilter(), and seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1TauToken

edm::EDGetTokenT<l1t::TauBxCollection> HLTL1TSeed::m_l1TauToken

Definition at line 131 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().