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2 #include <sstream>
3 #include <iostream>
4 #include <vector>
9  TString outName = outFileName;
10  outFile = new TFile(outName, "RECREATE");
11  ZdcAnalize = new TTree("ZdcAnaTree", "ZdcAnaTree");
12  ZdcAnalize->Branch("Trigger",
13  0,
14  "run/I:event/I:beamTrigger/I:fakeTrigger/I:"
15  "pedestalTrigger/I:outSpillPedestalTrigger/I:inSpillPedestalTrigger/I:"
16  "laserTrigger/I:laserTrigger/I:ledTrigger/I:spillTrigger/I");
17  ZdcAnalize->Branch("TDC",
18  0,
19  "trigger/D:ttcL1/D:beamCoincidence/D:laserFlash/D:qiePhase/D:"
20  "TTOF1/D:TTOF2/D:m1[5]/D:m2[5]/D:m3[5]/D:"
21  "s1[5]/D:s2[5]/D:s3[5]/D:s4[5]/D:"
22  "bh1[5]/D:bh2[5]/D:bh3[5]/D:bh4[5]/D");
23  ZdcAnalize->Branch("ADC",
24  0,
25  "VM/D:V3/D:V6/D:VH1/D:VH2/D:VH3/D:VH4/D:Ecal7x7/D:"
26  "Sci521/D:Sci528/D:CK1/D:CK2/D:CK3/D:SciVLE/D:S1/D:S2/D:S3/D:S4/D:"
27  "VMF/D:VMB/D:VM1/D:VM2/D:VM3/D:VM4/D:VM5/D:VM6/D:VM7/D:VM8/D:"
28  "TOF1/D:TOF2/D:BH1/D:BH2/D:BH3/BH4/D");
29  ZdcAnalize->Branch("Chamb",
30  0,
31  "WCAx[5]/D:WCAy[5]/D:WCBx[5]/D:WCBy[5]/D:"
32  "WCCx[5]/D:WCCy[5]/D:WCDx[5]/D:WCDy[5]/D:WCEx[5]/D:WCEy[5]/D:"
33  "WCFx[5]/D:WCFy[5]/D:WCGx[5]/D:WCGy[5]/D:WCHx[5]/D:WCHy[5]/D");
34  ZdcAnalize->Branch("ZDCP",
35  0,
36  "zdcHAD1/D:zdcHAD2/D:zdcHAD3/D:zdcHAD4/D:"
37  "zdcEM1/D:zdcEM2/D:zdcEM3/D:zdcEM4/D:zdcEM5/D:"
38  "zdcScint1/D:zdcScint2/D:"
39  "zdcExtras[7]/D");
40  ZdcAnalize->Branch("ZDCN",
41  0,
42  "zdcHAD1/D:zdcHAD2/D:zdcHAD3/D:zdcHAD4/D:"
43  "zdcEM1/D:zdcEM2/D:zdcEM3/D:zdcEM4/D:zdcEM5/D:"
44  "zdcScint1/D:zdcScint2/D:"
45  "zdcExtras[7]/D");
46  ZdcAnalize->GetBranch("Trigger")->SetAddress(&trigger);
47  ZdcAnalize->GetBranch("TDC")->SetAddress(&tdc);
48  ZdcAnalize->GetBranch("ADC")->SetAddress(&adc);
49  ZdcAnalize->GetBranch("Chamb")->SetAddress(&chamb);
50  ZdcAnalize->GetBranch("ZDCP")->SetAddress(&zdcp);
51  ZdcAnalize->GetBranch("ZDCN")->SetAddress(&zdcn);
52  ZdcAnalize->SetAutoSave();
53 }
56  // trigger
57  trigger.runNum = runNumber = trg.runNumber();
58  trigger.eventNum = eventNumber = trg.eventNumber();
66  isSpillTrigger = trg.wasInSpill();
68  trigger.beamTrigger = trigger.fakeTrigger = trigger.calibTrigger = trigger.outSpillPedestalTrigger =
69  trigger.inSpillPedestalTrigger = trigger.laserTrigger = trigger.ledTrigger = trigger.spillTrigger = 0;
71  if (isBeamTrigger)
72  trigger.beamTrigger = 1;
73  if (isFakeTrigger)
74  trigger.fakeTrigger = 1;
75  if (isCalibTrigger)
76  trigger.calibTrigger = 1;
78  trigger.outSpillPedestalTrigger = 1;
80  trigger.inSpillPedestalTrigger = 1;
81  if (isLaserTrigger)
82  trigger.laserTrigger = 1;
83  if (isLedTrigger)
84  trigger.ledTrigger = 1;
85  if (isSpillTrigger)
86  trigger.spillTrigger = 1;
87 }
90  //times
91  tdc.trigger = trigger_time = times.triggerTime();
92  tdc.ttcL1 = ttc_L1a_time = times.ttcL1Atime();
94  tdc.qiePhase = qie_phase = times.qiePhase();
95  tdc.TOF1 = TOF1_time = times.TOF1Stime();
96  tdc.TOF2 = TOF2_time = times.TOF2Stime();
98  // just take 5 first hits of multihit tdc (5 tick cycles)
99  int indx = 0;
100  int indTop = 5;
101  for (indx = 0; indx < times.BeamCoincidenceCount(); indx++)
102  if (indx < indTop)
103  tdc.beamCoincidence[indx] = beam_coincidence[indx] = times.BeamCoincidenceHits(indx);
104  for (indx = 0; indx < times.M1Count(); indx++)
105  if (indx < indTop)
106  tdc.m1[indx] = m1hits[indx] = times.M1Hits(indx);
107  for (indx = 0; indx < times.M2Count(); indx++)
108  if (indx < indTop)
109  tdc.m2[indx] = m2hits[indx] = times.M2Hits(indx);
110  for (indx = 0; indx < times.M3Count(); indx++)
111  if (indx < indTop)
112  tdc.m3[indx] = m3hits[indx] = times.M3Hits(indx);
113  for (indx = 0; indx < times.S1Count(); indx++)
114  if (indx < indTop)
115  tdc.s1[indx] = s1hits[indx] = times.S1Hits(indx);
116  for (indx = 0; indx < times.S2Count(); indx++)
117  if (indx < indTop)
118  tdc.s2[indx] = s2hits[indx] = times.S2Hits(indx);
119  for (indx = 0; indx < times.S3Count(); indx++)
120  if (indx < indTop)
121  tdc.s3[indx] = s3hits[indx] = times.S3Hits(indx);
122  for (indx = 0; indx < times.S4Count(); indx++)
123  if (indx < indTop)
124  tdc.s4[indx] = s4hits[indx] = times.S4Hits(indx);
125  for (indx = 0; indx < times.BH1Count(); indx++)
126  if (indx < indTop)
127  tdc.bh1[indx] = bh1hits[indx] = times.BH1Hits(indx);
128  for (indx = 0; indx < times.BH2Count(); indx++)
129  if (indx < indTop)
130  tdc.bh2[indx] = bh2hits[indx] = times.BH2Hits(indx);
131  for (indx = 0; indx < times.BH3Count(); indx++)
132  if (indx < indTop)
133  tdc.bh3[indx] = bh3hits[indx] = times.BH3Hits(indx);
134  for (indx = 0; indx < times.BH4Count(); indx++)
135  if (indx < indTop)
136  tdc.bh4[indx] = bh4hits[indx] = times.BH4Hits(indx);
137 }
140  //beam counters
141  adc.VM = VMadc = bc.VMadc();
142  adc.V3 = V3adc = bc.V3adc();
143  adc.V6 = V6adc = bc.V6adc();
144  adc.VH1 = VH1adc = bc.VH1adc();
145  adc.VH2 = VH2adc = bc.VH2adc();
146  adc.VH3 = VH3adc = bc.VH3adc();
147  adc.VH4 = VH4adc = bc.VH4adc();
148  adc.Ecal7x7 = Ecal7x7adc = bc.Ecal7x7();
149  adc.Sci521 = Sci521adc = bc.Sci521adc();
150  adc.Sci528 = Sci528adc = bc.Sci528adc();
151  adc.CK1 = CK1adc = bc.CK1adc();
152  adc.CK2 = CK2adc = bc.CK2adc();
153  adc.CK3 = CK3adc = bc.CK3adc();
154  adc.SciVLE = SciVLEadc = bc.SciVLEadc();
155  adc.S1 = S1adc = bc.S1adc();
156  adc.S2 = S2adc = bc.S2adc();
157  adc.S3 = S3adc = bc.S3adc();
158  adc.S4 = S4adc = bc.S4adc();
159  adc.VMF = VMFadc = bc.VMFadc();
160  adc.VMB = VMBadc = bc.VMBadc();
161  adc.VM1 = VM1adc = bc.VM1adc();
162  adc.VM2 = VM2adc = bc.VM2adc();
163  adc.VM3 = VM3adc = bc.VM3adc();
164  adc.VM4 = VM4adc = bc.VM4adc();
165  adc.VM5 = VM5adc = bc.VM5adc();
166  adc.VM6 = VM6adc = bc.VM6adc();
167  adc.VM7 = VM7adc = bc.VM7adc();
168  adc.VM8 = VM8adc = bc.VM8adc();
169  adc.TOF1 = TOF1adc = bc.TOF1Sadc();
170  adc.TOF2 = TOF2adc = bc.TOF2Sadc();
171  adc.BH1 = BH1adc = bc.BH1adc();
172  adc.BH2 = BH2adc = bc.BH2adc();
173  adc.BH3 = BH3adc = bc.BH3adc();
174  adc.BH4 = BH4adc = bc.BH4adc();
175 }
178  //chambers position
179  chpos.getChamberHits('A', wcax, wcay);
180  chpos.getChamberHits('B', wcbx, wcby);
181  chpos.getChamberHits('C', wccx, wccy);
182  chpos.getChamberHits('D', wcdx, wcdy);
183  chpos.getChamberHits('E', wcex, wcey);
184  chpos.getChamberHits('F', wcfx, wcfy);
185  chpos.getChamberHits('G', wcgx, wcgy);
186  chpos.getChamberHits('H', wchx, wchy);
188  // just take 5 first hits of chambers (5 tick cycles)
189  unsigned int indTop = 5;
190  unsigned int indx = 0;
191  for (indx = 0; indx < wcax.size(); indx++)
192  if (indx < indTop)
193  chamb.WCAx[indx] = wcax[indx];
194  for (indx = 0; indx < wcay.size(); indx++)
195  if (indx < indTop)
196  chamb.WCAy[indx] = wcay[indx];
197  for (indx = 0; indx < wcbx.size(); indx++)
198  if (indx < indTop)
199  chamb.WCBx[indx] = wcbx[indx];
200  for (indx = 0; indx < wcby.size(); indx++)
201  if (indx < indTop)
202  chamb.WCBy[indx] = wcby[indx];
203  for (indx = 0; indx < wccx.size(); indx++)
204  if (indx < indTop)
205  chamb.WCCx[indx] = wccx[indx];
206  for (indx = 0; indx < wccy.size(); indx++)
207  if (indx < indTop)
208  chamb.WCCy[indx] = wccy[indx];
209  for (indx = 0; indx < wcdx.size(); indx++)
210  if (indx < indTop)
211  chamb.WCDx[indx] = wcdx[indx];
212  for (indx = 0; indx < wcdy.size(); indx++)
213  if (indx < indTop)
214  chamb.WCDy[indx] = wcdy[indx];
215  for (indx = 0; indx < wcdx.size(); indx++)
216  if (indx < indTop)
217  chamb.WCEx[indx] = wcex[indx];
218  for (indx = 0; indx < wcey.size(); indx++)
219  if (indx < indTop)
220  chamb.WCEy[indx] = wcey[indx];
221  for (indx = 0; indx < wcfx.size(); indx++)
222  if (indx < indTop)
223  chamb.WCFx[indx] = wcfx[indx];
224  for (indx = 0; indx < wcfy.size(); indx++)
225  if (indx < indTop)
226  chamb.WCFy[indx] = wcfy[indx];
227  for (indx = 0; indx < wcgx.size(); indx++)
228  if (indx < indTop)
229  chamb.WCGx[indx] = wcgx[indx];
230  for (indx = 0; indx < wcgy.size(); indx++)
231  if (indx < indTop)
232  chamb.WCGy[indx] = wcgy[indx];
233  for (indx = 0; indx < wchx.size(); indx++)
234  if (indx < indTop)
235  chamb.WCHx[indx] = wchx[indx];
236  for (indx = 0; indx < wchy.size(); indx++)
237  if (indx < indTop)
238  chamb.WCHy[indx] = wchy[indx];
239 }
242  // zdc hits
243  std::cout << "****************************************************" << std::endl;
245  for (i = zdcHits.begin(); i != zdcHits.end(); i++) {
246  energy = i->energy();
247  detID = i->id();
248  iside = detID.zside();
249  isection = detID.section();
250  ichannel =;
251  idepth = detID.depth();
252  std::cout << "energy: " << energy << " detID: " << detID << " side: " << iside << " section: " << isection
253  << " channel: " << ichannel << " depth: " << idepth << std::endl;
255  if (iside > 0) {
256  if (ichannel == 1 && isection == 1)
258  if (ichannel == 2 && isection == 1)
260  if (ichannel == 3 && isection == 1)
262  if (ichannel == 4 && isection == 1)
264  if (ichannel == 5 && isection == 1)
266  if (ichannel == 1 && isection == 2)
268  if (ichannel == 2 && isection == 2)
270  if (ichannel == 3 && isection == 2)
272  if (ichannel == 4 && isection == 2)
274  if (ichannel == 1 && isection == 3)
276  }
277  if (iside < 0) {
278  if (ichannel == 1 && isection == 1)
280  if (ichannel == 2 && isection == 1)
282  if (ichannel == 3 && isection == 1)
284  if (ichannel == 4 && isection == 1)
286  if (ichannel == 5 && isection == 1)
288  if (ichannel == 1 && isection == 2)
290  if (ichannel == 2 && isection == 2)
292  if (ichannel == 3 && isection == 2)
294  if (ichannel == 4 && isection == 2)
296  if (ichannel == 1 && isection == 3)
298  }
299  }
300 }
305  ZdcAnalize->Print();
306  outFile->cd();
307  ZdcAnalize->Write();
308  outFile->Close();
309 }
double M3Hits(int index) const
Returns the indexed hit time from muon veto scintillator M3.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:77
double s2hits[5]
double BH3Hits(int index) const
Returns the indexed hit time from beam halo counter BEAM RIGHT FROM PARTICLE&#39;S VIEW.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:93
double VM4
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:70
double CK1adc() const
double WCFx[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:94
double WCGy[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:97
double VH2adc() const
std::vector< double > wcfx
std::vector< double > wcgx
double VH3adc() const
double laser_flash
int BH1Count() const
Returns the number of hits from beam halo counter up horizontal.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:62
double zdcEMMod2
double S3Hits(int index) const
Returns the indexed hit time from scintillator S3, which is 2cm x 2cm.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:84
double S2
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:62
double M1Hits(int index) const
Returns the indexed hit time from muon veto scintillator M1.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:73
uint16_t eventNumber() const
Returns the event number of this trigger.
double trigger
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:26
double bh1hits[5]
std::vector< double > wcex
double VMBadc() const
double S2adc() const
int S3Count() const
Returns the number of hits from scintillator S3, which is 2cm x 2cm.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:57
double s4hits[5]
std::vector< double > wchx
double zdcEMMod3
double WCBy[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:87
double zdcHADMod3
uint32_t runNumber() const
Returns the current run number.
double CK3adc() const
double zdcEMMod3
std::vector< double > wcax
bool wasLEDTrigger() const
returns true if this was a LED trigger
double BeamCoincidenceHits(int index) const
Returns the indexed hit time from Beam Coincidence.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:71
double WCEy[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:93
double CK1
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:57
double bh4hits[5]
double Sci528
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:56
std::vector< double > wccx
double VM
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:47
std::vector< double > wchy
double triggerTime() const
Returns the trigger time in ns.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:24
std::vector< T >::const_iterator const_iterator
double s1[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:36
double VH2
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:51
double Sci521adc() const
double beamCoincidence[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:28
double trigger_time
double zdcEMMod5
double VH3
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:52
double zdcEMMod1
double beam_coincidence[5]
double VM5
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:71
double zdcScint1
double VMF
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:65
double VM3adc() const
double laserFlash() const
Returns the laser activation time in ns.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:30
void analyze(const ZDCRecHitCollection &hf)
double bh2hits[5]
double VM7adc() const
double WCCx[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:88
double Sci528adc() const
double ttcL1Atime() const
Returns the Level 1 Accept time in ns.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:27
std::vector< double > wcbx
double BH4Hits(int index) const
Returns the indexed hit time from beam halo counter DOWN HORZINTAL.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:95
double S1
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:61
double WCHx[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:98
std::vector< double > wccy
double V3adc() const
double WCBx[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:86
void setup(const std::string &histoFileName)
double TOF2
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:76
std::vector< double > wcgy
std::vector< double > wcey
double VM2
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:68
constexpr int32_t depth() const
get the depth (1 for EM, channel + 1 for HAD, 2 for RPD, not sure yet for LUM, leave as default) ...
Definition: HcalZDCDetId.h:100
double VH1
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:50
bool wasSpillIgnorantPedestalTrigger() const
returns true if this trigger was a calibration trigger
double BH2adc() const
double m2[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:34
double VM8adc() const
double VM1
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:67
double m1[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:33
double WCAx[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:84
double VM8
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:74
double WCEx[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:92
double s2[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:37
int BeamCoincidenceCount() const
Returns the number of hits from Beam Coincidence.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:44
double V6
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:49
double m3hits[5]
std::vector< double > wcdy
double SciVLE
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:60
double VM3
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:69
double zdcEMMod1
double BH4adc() const
double s4[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:39
double zdcEMMod2
double S3adc() const
double WCDx[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:90
double Sci521
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:55
double VH4
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:53
double s1hits[5]
int M2Count() const
Returns the number of hits from muon veto scintillator M2.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:48
double TOF2Stime() const
Returns the TOF2S time (zero otherwise)
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:39
double bh3hits[5]
double ttc_L1a_time
double S4adc() const
std::vector< double > wcfy
double VMFadc() const
double TOF1Stime() const
Returns the TOF1S time (zero otherwise)
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:35
double TOF2Sadc() const
double BH2Hits(int index) const
Returns the indexed hit time from from beam halo counter BEAM LEFT FROM PARTICLE&#39;S VIEW...
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:91
double V6adc() const
double zdcHADMod3
double bh4[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:43
double bh1[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:40
double S3
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:63
double zdcHADMod2
double zdcScint1
double WCFy[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:95
double BH1Hits(int index) const
Returns the indexed hit time from beam halo counter UP HORIZONTAL.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:89
double CK3
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:59
double VM6
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:72
double VH1adc() const
const_iterator begin() const
double WCAy[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:85
double VMadc() const
Muon Veto adc.
double SciVLEadc() const
bool wasInSpillPedestalTrigger() const
returns true if this was an in-spill pedestal trigger
double VM5adc() const
double BH3adc() const
bool wasOutSpillPedestalTrigger() const
returns true if this was an out-of-spill pedestal trigger
double s3[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:38
double zdcHADMod4
double Ecal7x7
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:54
bool wasFakeTrigger() const
returns true if this trigger was fake (from a non-H2 manager)
double zdcEMMod4
const_iterator end() const
double S1adc() const
double VMB
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:66
bool wasInSpill() const
returns true if the "spill" bit was set
double CK2adc() const
double BH4
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:80
double BH1adc() const
double TOF1
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:75
double S4
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:64
double S2Hits(int index) const
Returns the indexed hit time from scintillator S2, which is 4cm x 4cm.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:82
double CK2
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:58
int S2Count() const
Returns the number of hits from scintillator S2, which is 4cm x 4cm.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:55
HcalZDCDetId detID
double VM1adc() const
double m3[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:35
double bh3[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:42
double m1hits[5]
std::vector< double > wcdx
double BH3
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:79
double bh2[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:41
int M1Count() const
Returns the number of hits from muon veto scintillator M1.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:46
double WCGx[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:96
double TOF1
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:31
int M3Count() const
Returns the number of hits from muon veto scintillator M3.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:50
double zdcHADMod1
double Ecal7x7() const
double V3
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:48
double zdcHADMod2
constexpr Section section() const
get the section
Definition: HcalZDCDetId.h:92
double s3hits[5]
double VM7
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:73
int BH4Count() const
Returns the number of hits from beam halo counter down horizontal.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:68
int S1Count() const
Returns the number of hits from scintillator S1, which is 12cm x 12cm.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:53
double VM4adc() const
double qiePhase() const
Returns the QIE phase for 2003 testbeam data (zero otherwise)
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:32
std::vector< double > wcby
TTree * ZdcAnalize
double TOF2
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:32
double VH4adc() const
bool wasLaserTrigger() const
returns true if this was a laser trigger
int BH2Count() const
Returns the number of hits from beam halo counter left from particle view.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:64
bool isOutSpillPedestalTrigger
bool wasBeamTrigger() const
returns true if this trigger came from beam data
int S4Count() const
Returns the number of hits from scintillator S4, which is 12cm x 12cm.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:59
constexpr int32_t channel() const
get the channel
Definition: HcalZDCDetId.h:112
double WCHy[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:99
double laserFlash
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:29
double VM2adc() const
double zdcHADMod4
void getChamberHits(char chamberch, std::vector< double > &xvec, std::vector< double > &yvec) const
Get the wire chamber hits for the specified chamber For HB/HE/HO running, chambers A...
double TOF1Sadc() const
double M2Hits(int index) const
Returns the indexed hit time from muon veto scintillator M2.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:75
double BH2
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:78
double WCDy[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:91
constexpr int32_t zside() const
get the z-side of the cell (1/-1)
Definition: HcalZDCDetId.h:90
double ttcL1
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:27
int BH3Count() const
Returns the number of hits from beam halo counter right from particle view.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:66
double VM6adc() const
bool isInSpillPedestalTrigger
double zdcHADMod1
double zdcEMMod5
double S1Hits(int index) const
Returns the indexed hit time from scintillator S1, which is 12cm x 12cm.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:80
double m2hits[5]
double S4Hits(int index) const
Returns the indexed hit time from scintillator S4, which is 12cm x 12cm.
Definition: HcalTBTiming.h:86
double BH1
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:77
double WCCy[5]
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:89
std::vector< double > wcay
double zdcEMMod4
double qiePhase
Definition: ZdcTBAnalysis.h:30