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JetPlusTrackCorrector Class Reference

Jet energy correction algorithm using tracks. More...

#include <JetPlusTrackCorrector.h>

Public Types

typedef math::XYZTLorentzVector P4
typedef math::PtEtaPhiELorentzVectorD PtEtaPhiE
typedef math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVectorD PtEtaPhiM

Public Member Functions

bool canCorrect (const reco::Jet &) const
 Can jet be JPT-corrected? More...
double correctAA (const reco::Jet &, const reco::TrackRefVector &, double &, const reco::TrackRefVector &, const reco::TrackRefVector &, double, const reco::TrackRefVector &) const
 For AA - correct in tracker. More...
double correction (const reco::Jet &, const reco::Jet &, const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &, P4 &, jpt::MatchedTracks &pions, jpt::MatchedTracks &muons, jpt::MatchedTracks &elecs, bool &validMatches)
 Vectorial correction method (corrected 4-momentum passed by reference) More...
double correction (const reco::Jet &, const reco::Jet &, const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &, const reco::TrackRefVector &tracksinvert, const reco::TrackRefVector &tracksincalo, P4 &, jpt::MatchedTracks &pions, jpt::MatchedTracks &muons, jpt::MatchedTracks &elecs)
double correction (const reco::Jet &, const reco::Jet &, const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &, jpt::MatchedTracks &pions, jpt::MatchedTracks &muons, jpt::MatchedTracks &elecs, bool &validMatches)
 Scalar correction method. More...
double correction (const reco::Jet &) const
 Correction method (not used) More...
double correction (const P4 &) const
 Correction method (not used) More...
P4 elecCorrection (const P4 &jet, const jpt::MatchedTracks &elecs) const
 Calculates correction to be applied using electrons. More...
bool eventRequired () const
 Returns true. More...
double getResponseOfChargedWithEff ()
 Get responses/sumPT/SumEnergy with and without Efficiency correction. More...
double getResponseOfChargedWithoutEff ()
double getSumEnergyWithEff ()
double getSumEnergyWithoutEff ()
double getSumPtForBeta ()
double getSumPtWithEff ()
double getSumPtWithoutEff ()
 JetPlusTrackCorrector (const edm::ParameterSet &iPS, edm::ConsumesCollector &&iC)
 Constructor. More...
bool matchTracks (const reco::Jet &, const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &, jpt::MatchedTracks &pions, jpt::MatchedTracks &muons, jpt::MatchedTracks &elecs)
 Matches tracks to different particle types. More...
void matchTracks (const reco::Jet &, const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &, const reco::TrackRefVector &tracksinvert, const reco::TrackRefVector &tracksincalo, jpt::MatchedTracks &pions, jpt::MatchedTracks &muons, jpt::MatchedTracks &elecs)
P4 muonCorrection (const P4 &jet, const jpt::MatchedTracks &muons)
 Calculates correction to be applied using muons. More...
P4 pionCorrection (const P4 &jet, const jpt::MatchedTracks &pions)
 Calculates corrections to be applied using pions. More...
bool vectorialCorrection () const
 Returns value of configurable. More...
virtual ~JetPlusTrackCorrector ()
 Destructor. More...

Protected Types

typedef reco::JetTracksAssociation::Container JetTracksAssociations
typedef edm::ValueMap< float > RecoElectronIds
typedef reco::GsfElectronCollection RecoElectrons
typedef reco::MuonCollection RecoMuons
 Get reponses. More...
typedef reco::TrackRefVector TrackRefs

Protected Member Functions

P4 calculateCorr (const P4 &jet, const TrackRefs &, jpt::Efficiency &, bool in_cone_at_vertex, bool in_cone_at_calo_face, double mass, bool is_pion, double mip)
 Generic method to calculates 4-momentum correction to be applied. More...
double checkScale (const P4 &jet, P4 &corrected) const
 Check corrected 4-momentum does not give negative scale. More...
const jpt::MapefficiencyMap () const
P4 elecCorrection (const P4 &jet, const TrackRefs &elecs, bool in_cone_at_vertex, bool in_cone_at_calo_face)
 Calculates individual electron corrections. More...
void excludeJta (const reco::Jet &, const JetTracksAssociations &, TrackRefs &included, const TrackRefs &excluded) const
 Exclude jet-track association. More...
bool failTrackQuality (TrackRefs::const_iterator &) const
 Check on track quality. More...
bool findTrack (const jpt::JetTracks &, TrackRefs::const_iterator &, TrackRefs::iterator &) const
 Find track in JetTracks collection. More...
bool findTrack (const jpt::MatchedTracks &pions, const jpt::MatchedTracks &muons, const jpt::MatchedTracks &electrons, TrackRefs::const_iterator &) const
 Find track in MatchedTracks collections. More...
bool getElectrons (const edm::Event &, edm::Handle< RecoElectrons > &, edm::Handle< RecoElectronIds > &) const
 Get RECO electrons. More...
bool getElectrons (const edm::Event &, edm::Handle< pat::ElectronCollection > &) const
bool getMuons (const edm::Event &, edm::Handle< RecoMuons > &) const
 Get RECO muons. More...
bool getMuons (const edm::Event &, edm::Handle< pat::MuonCollection > &) const
P4 jetDirFromTracks (const P4 &jet, const jpt::MatchedTracks &pions, const jpt::MatchedTracks &muons, const jpt::MatchedTracks &elecs) const
 Calculates vectorial correction using total track 3-momentum. More...
 JetPlusTrackCorrector ()
 Default constructor. More...
virtual bool jetTrackAssociation (const reco::Jet &, const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &, jpt::JetTracks &) const
 Associates tracks to jets (overriden in derived class) More...
bool jtaUsingEventData (const reco::Jet &, const edm::Event &, jpt::JetTracks &) const
 JTA using collections from event. More...
const jpt::MapleakageMap () const
bool matchElectrons (TrackRefs::const_iterator &, const edm::Handle< RecoElectrons > &, const edm::Handle< RecoElectronIds > &) const
 Matches tracks to RECO electrons. More...
bool matchElectrons (TrackRefs::const_iterator &, const edm::Handle< pat::ElectronCollection > &) const
bool matchMuons (TrackRefs::const_iterator &, const edm::Handle< RecoMuons > &) const
 Matches tracks to RECO muons. More...
bool matchMuons (TrackRefs::const_iterator &, const edm::Handle< pat::MuonCollection > &) const
virtual void matchTracks (const jpt::JetTracks &, const edm::Event &, jpt::MatchedTracks &pions, jpt::MatchedTracks &muons, jpt::MatchedTracks &elecs)
 Matches tracks to different particle types (overriden in derived class) More...
P4 muonCorrection (const P4 &jet, const TrackRefs &muons, bool in_cone_at_vertex, bool in_cone_at_calo_face)
 Calculates individual muons corrections. More...
P4 pionCorrection (const P4 &jet, const TrackRefs &pions, jpt::Efficiency &, bool in_cone_at_vertex, bool in_cone_at_calo_face)
 Calculates individual pion corrections. More...
P4 pionEfficiency (const P4 &jet, const jpt::Efficiency &, bool in_cone_at_calo_face)
 Correction to be applied using tracking efficiency. More...
void rebuildJta (const reco::Jet &, const JetTracksAssociations &, TrackRefs &included, TrackRefs &excluded) const
 Rebuild jet-track association. More...
const jpt::MapresponseMap () const
bool tracksInCalo (const jpt::MatchedTracks &pions, const jpt::MatchedTracks &muons, const jpt::MatchedTracks &elecs) const
 Determines if any tracks in cone at CaloFace. More...

Protected Attributes

double dzVertexCut_
const jpt::Map efficiency_
double elecMass_
double electronDRmatch_
edm::InputTag electronIds_
edm::InputTag electrons_
int jetSplitMerge_
edm::InputTag jetTracksAtCalo_
edm::InputTag jetTracksAtVertex_
const jpt::Map leakage_
double maxEta_
double muonEtamatch_
double muonMass_
double muonPhimatch_
double muonPtmatch_
edm::InputTag muons_
jpt::Efficiency not_used {response_, efficiency_, leakage_}
edm::InputTag patelectrons_
edm::InputTag patmuons_
double pionMass_
double ptErrorQuality_
const jpt::Map response_
edm::InputTag srcPVs_
float theResponseOfChargedWithEff
float theResponseOfChargedWithoutEff
float theSumEnergyWithEff
float theSumEnergyWithoutEff
float theSumPtForBeta
float theSumPtWithEff
float theSumPtWithoutEff
reco::TrackBase::TrackQuality trackQuality_
bool useEff_
bool useElecs_
bool useInConeTracks_
bool useMuons_
bool useOutOfConeTracks_
bool useOutOfVertexTracks_
bool usePAT_
bool usePions_
bool useTrackQuality_
bool vecResponse_
bool vectorial_
bool verbose_
reco::Particle::Point vertex_

Private Attributes

edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::JetTracksAssociation::Containerinput_jetTracksAtCalo_token_
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::JetTracksAssociation::Containerinput_jetTracksAtVertex_token_
edm::EDGetTokenT< pat::ElectronCollectioninput_pat_elecs_token_
edm::EDGetTokenT< pat::MuonCollectioninput_pat_muons_token_
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::VertexCollectioninput_pvCollection_token_
edm::EDGetTokenT< RecoElectronIdsinput_reco_elec_ids_token_
edm::EDGetTokenT< RecoElectronsinput_reco_elecs_token_
edm::EDGetTokenT< RecoMuonsinput_reco_muons_token_

Detailed Description

Jet energy correction algorithm using tracks.

Definition at line 171 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ JetTracksAssociations

Definition at line 296 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

◆ P4

Definition at line 182 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

◆ PtEtaPhiE

Definition at line 183 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

◆ PtEtaPhiM

Definition at line 184 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

◆ RecoElectronIds

Definition at line 295 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

◆ RecoElectrons

Definition at line 294 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

◆ RecoMuons

Get reponses.

Definition at line 293 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

◆ TrackRefs

Definition at line 297 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ JetPlusTrackCorrector() [1/2]

JetPlusTrackCorrector::JetPlusTrackCorrector ( const edm::ParameterSet iPS,
edm::ConsumesCollector &&  iC 


Definition at line 24 of file

References electronIds_, electrons_, input_jetTracksAtCalo_token_, input_jetTracksAtVertex_token_, input_pat_elecs_token_, input_pat_muons_token_, input_pvCollection_token_, input_reco_elec_ids_token_, input_reco_elecs_token_, input_reco_muons_token_, jetSplitMerge_, jetTracksAtCalo_, jetTracksAtVertex_, muons_, patelectrons_, patmuons_, muonDTDigis_cfi::pset, srcPVs_, contentValuesCheck::ss, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, useEff_, useElecs_, useInConeTracks_, useMuons_, useOutOfConeTracks_, useOutOfVertexTracks_, usePAT_, usePions_, useTrackQuality_, vecResponse_, vectorial_, and verbose_.

25  : verbose_(pset.getParameter<bool>("Verbose")),
26  usePAT_(pset.getParameter<bool>("UsePAT")),
27  vectorial_(pset.getParameter<bool>("VectorialCorrection")),
28  vecResponse_(pset.getParameter<bool>("UseResponseInVecCorr")),
29  useInConeTracks_(pset.getParameter<bool>("UseInConeTracks")),
30  useOutOfConeTracks_(pset.getParameter<bool>("UseOutOfConeTracks")),
31  useOutOfVertexTracks_(pset.getParameter<bool>("UseOutOfVertexTracks")),
32  usePions_(pset.getParameter<bool>("UsePions")),
33  useEff_(pset.getParameter<bool>("UseEfficiency")),
34  useMuons_(pset.getParameter<bool>("UseMuons")),
35  useElecs_(pset.getParameter<bool>("UseElectrons")),
36  useTrackQuality_(pset.getParameter<bool>("UseTrackQuality")),
37  jetTracksAtVertex_(pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("JetTracksAssociationAtVertex")),
38  jetTracksAtCalo_(pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("JetTracksAssociationAtCaloFace")),
39  jetSplitMerge_(pset.getParameter<int>("JetSplitMerge")),
40  srcPVs_(pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("srcPVs")),
41  ptErrorQuality_(pset.getParameter<double>("PtErrorQuality")),
42  dzVertexCut_(pset.getParameter<double>("DzVertexCut")),
43  muons_(pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("Muons")),
44  electrons_(pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("Electrons")),
45  electronIds_(pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("ElectronIds")),
46  patmuons_(pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("PatMuons")),
47  patelectrons_(pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("PatElectrons")),
48  trackQuality_(reco::TrackBase::qualityByName(pset.getParameter<std::string>("TrackQuality"))),
49  response_(Map(pset.getParameter<std::string>("ResponseMap"), verbose_)),
50  efficiency_(Map(pset.getParameter<std::string>("EfficiencyMap"), verbose_)),
51  leakage_(Map(pset.getParameter<std::string>("LeakageMap"), verbose_)),
52  muonPtmatch_(pset.getParameter<double>("muonPtmatch")),
53  muonEtamatch_(pset.getParameter<double>("muonEtamatch")),
54  muonPhimatch_(pset.getParameter<double>("muonPhimatch")),
55  electronDRmatch_(pset.getParameter<double>("electronDRmatch")),
56  pionMass_(0.140),
57  muonMass_(0.105),
58  elecMass_(0.000511),
59  maxEta_(pset.getParameter<double>("MaxJetEta")) {
60  if (verbose_) {
61  std::stringstream ss;
62  ss << "[JetPlusTrackCorrector::" << __func__ << "] Configuration for JPT corrector: " << std::endl
63  << " Particles" << std::endl
64  << " UsePions : " << (usePions_ ? "true" : "false") << std::endl
65  << " UseMuons : " << (useMuons_ ? "true" : "false") << std::endl
66  << " UseElecs : " << (useElecs_ ? "true" : "false") << std::endl
67  << " Corrections" << std::endl
68  << " UseInConeTracks : " << (useInConeTracks_ ? "true" : "false") << std::endl
69  << " UseOutOfConeTracks : " << (useOutOfConeTracks_ ? "true" : "false") << std::endl
70  << " UseOutOfVertexTracks : " << (useOutOfVertexTracks_ ? "true" : "false") << std::endl
71  << " ResponseMap : " << pset.getParameter<std::string>("ResponseMap") << std::endl
72  << " Efficiency" << std::endl
73  << " UsePionEfficiency : " << (useEff_ ? "true" : "false") << std::endl
74  << " EfficiencyMap : " << pset.getParameter<std::string>("EfficiencyMap") << std::endl
75  << " LeakageMap : " << pset.getParameter<std::string>("LeakageMap") << std::endl
76  << " Tracks" << std::endl
77  << " JetTracksAtVertex : " << jetTracksAtVertex_ << std::endl
78  << " JetTracksAtCalo : " << jetTracksAtCalo_ << std::endl
79  << " JetSplitMerge : " << jetSplitMerge_ << std::endl
80  << " UseTrackQuality : " << (useTrackQuality_ ? "true" : "false") << std::endl
81  << " Collections" << std::endl
82  << " Muons : " << muons_ << std::endl
83  << " Electrons : " << electrons_ << std::endl
84  << " Vectorial" << std::endl
85  << " UseTracksAndResponse : " << ((vectorial_ && vecResponse_) ? "true" : "false") << std::endl
86  << " UseTracksOnly : " << ((vectorial_ && !vecResponse_) ? "true" : "false");
87  edm::LogInfo("JetPlusTrackCorrector") << ss.str();
88  }
91  std::stringstream ss;
92  ss << "[JetPlusTrackCorrector::" << __func__ << "]"
93  << " You are using JPT algorithm in a non-standard way!" << std::endl
94  << " UseInConeTracks : " << (useInConeTracks_ ? "true" : "false") << std::endl
95  << " UseOutOfConeTracks : " << (useOutOfConeTracks_ ? "true" : "false") << std::endl
96  << " UseOutOfVertexTracks : " << (useOutOfVertexTracks_ ? "true" : "false");
97  edm::LogWarning("JetPlusTrackCorrector") << ss.str();
98  }
107  if (usePAT_) {
110  }
111 }
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > consumes(edm::InputTag const &tag)
edm::EDGetTokenT< RecoMuons > input_reco_muons_token_
std::vector< Vertex > VertexCollection
collection of Vertex objects
Definition: VertexFwd.h:9
reco::GsfElectronCollection RecoElectrons
Container class for response & efficiency maps.
edm::EDGetTokenT< pat::ElectronCollection > input_pat_elecs_token_
edm::ValueMap< float > RecoElectronIds
edm::EDGetTokenT< RecoElectronIds > input_reco_elec_ids_token_
edm::EDGetTokenT< RecoElectrons > input_reco_elecs_token_
std::vector< Electron > ElectronCollection
Definition: Electron.h:36
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo
static TrackQuality qualityByName(const std::string &name)
edm::EDGetTokenT< pat::MuonCollection > input_pat_muons_token_
reco::TrackBase::TrackQuality trackQuality_
std::vector< Muon > MuonCollection
Definition: Muon.h:35
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::JetTracksAssociation::Container > input_jetTracksAtCalo_token_
Log< level::Warning, false > LogWarning
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::JetTracksAssociation::Container > input_jetTracksAtVertex_token_
reco::MuonCollection RecoMuons
Get reponses.
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::VertexCollection > input_pvCollection_token_

◆ ~JetPlusTrackCorrector()

JetPlusTrackCorrector::~JetPlusTrackCorrector ( )


Definition at line 115 of file

115 { ; }

◆ JetPlusTrackCorrector() [2/2]

JetPlusTrackCorrector::JetPlusTrackCorrector ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 392 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

392 { ; }

Member Function Documentation

◆ calculateCorr()

JetPlusTrackCorrector::P4 JetPlusTrackCorrector::calculateCorr ( const P4 jet,
const TrackRefs tracks,
jpt::Efficiency eff,
bool  in_cone_at_vertex,
bool  in_cone_at_calo_face,
double  mass,
bool  is_pion,
double  mip 

Generic method to calculates 4-momentum correction to be applied.

Definition at line 879 of file

References jpt::Efficiency::addE(), correction(), hcalRecHitTable_cff::energy, PVValHelper::eta, jpt::Map::etaBin(), hcalRecHitTable_cff::ieta, SurfaceOrientation::inner, edm::isDebugEnabled(), metsig::jet, LogDebug, EgHLTOffHistBins_cfi::mass, jpt::Map::nEtaBins(), jpt::Map::nPtBins(), SurfaceOrientation::outer, DiDispStaMuonMonitor_cfi::pt, jpt::Map::ptBin(), jpt::Efficiency::reset(), response_, mathSSE::sqrt(), contentValuesCheck::ss, groupFilesInBlocks::temp, theResponseOfChargedWithEff, theResponseOfChargedWithoutEff, theSumEnergyWithEff, theSumEnergyWithoutEff, theSumPtWithEff, theSumPtWithoutEff, DiMuonV_cfg::tracks, jpt::Map::value(), vecResponse_, vectorial_, and verbose_.

Referenced by elecCorrection(), muonCorrection(), and pionCorrection().

886  {
887  // Correction to be applied to jet 4-momentum
888  P4 correction;
890  // Reset efficiency container
891  eff.reset();
893  double theSumResp = 0;
894  double theSumPt = 0;
895  double theSumEnergy = 0;
897  // Iterate through tracks
898  if (!tracks.empty()) {
899  TrackRefs::iterator itrk = tracks.begin();
900  TrackRefs::iterator jtrk = tracks.end();
902  for (; itrk != jtrk; ++itrk) {
903  // Ignore high-pt tracks (only when in-cone and not a mip)
904  if (in_cone_at_calo_face && is_pion && (*itrk)->pt() >= 50.) {
905  continue;
906  }
908  // Inner track 4-momentum
909  P4 inner;
910  if (vectorial_ && vecResponse_) {
911  inner = PtEtaPhiM((*itrk)->pt(), (*itrk)->eta(), (*itrk)->phi(), mass);
912  } else {
913  double energy = sqrt((*itrk)->px() * (*itrk)->px() + (*itrk)->py() * (*itrk)->py() +
914  (*itrk)->pz() * (*itrk)->pz() + mass * mass);
915  inner = ( > 0. ? energy / : 1.) * jet;
916  }
918  // Add track momentum (if in-cone at vertex)
919  if (in_cone_at_vertex) {
920  correction += inner;
921  }
923  // Find appropriate eta/pt bin for given track
924  double eta = fabs((*itrk)->eta());
925  double pt = fabs((*itrk)->pt());
926  uint32_t ieta = response_.etaBin(eta);
927  uint32_t ipt = response_.ptBin(pt);
929  // Check bins (not for mips)
930  if (is_pion && (ieta == response_.nEtaBins() || ipt == response_.nPtBins())) {
931  continue;
932  }
934  // Outer track 4-momentum
935  P4 outer;
936  if (in_cone_at_calo_face) {
937  if (vectorial_ && vecResponse_) {
938  // Build 4-momentum from outer track (SHOULD USE IMPACT POINT?!)
939  double outer_pt = (*itrk)->pt();
940  double outer_eta = (*itrk)->eta();
941  double outer_phi = (*itrk)->phi();
942  if ((*itrk)->extra().isNonnull()) {
943  outer_pt = (*itrk)->pt();
944  outer_eta = (*itrk)->outerPosition().eta(); //@@ outerMomentum().eta()
945  outer_phi = (*itrk)->outerPosition().phi(); //@@ outerMomentum().phi()
946  }
947  outer = PtEtaPhiM(outer_pt, outer_eta, outer_phi, mass);
948  // Check if mip or not
949  if (!is_pion) {
950  outer *= ( > 0. ? mip / : 1.);
951  } //@@ Scale to mip energy
952  else {
953  outer *= ( > 0. ? / : 1.);
954  } //@@ Scale to inner track energy
955  } else {
956  // Check if mip or not
957  if (!is_pion) {
958  outer = ( > 0. ? mip / : 1.) * jet;
959  } //@@ Jet 4-mom scaled by mip energy
960  else {
961  outer = inner;
962  } //@@ Set to inner track 4-momentum
963  }
964  if (is_pion) {
965  outer *= response_.value(ieta, ipt);
966  } //@@ Scale by pion response
967  correction -= outer; //@@ Subtract
969  // Calculate the sum of responses
970  theSumResp += response_.value(ieta, ipt);
971  }
973  // Calculate the sum of pt and energies
974  theSumPt +=;
975  theSumEnergy +=;
977  // Record inner track energy for pion efficiency correction
978  if (is_pion) {
979  eff.addE(ieta, ipt,;
980  }
982  // Debug
983  if (verbose_ && edm::isDebugEnabled()) {
984  std::stringstream temp;
985  temp << " Response[" << ieta << "," << ipt << "]";
986  std::stringstream ss;
987  ss << "[JetPlusTrackCorrector::" << __func__ << "]" << std::endl
988  << " Track eta / pt : " << eta << " / " << pt << std::endl
989  << temp.str() << std::setw(21 - temp.str().size()) << " : " << response_.value(ieta, ipt) << std::endl
990  << " Track momentum added : " << << std::endl
991  << " Response subtracted : " << << std::endl
992  << " Energy correction : " <<;
993  LogDebug("JetPlusTrackCorrector") << ss.str();
994  }
996  } // loop through tracks
997  } // ntracks != 0
999  if (in_cone_at_vertex) {
1000  theResponseOfChargedWithEff += theSumResp;
1001  theResponseOfChargedWithoutEff += theSumResp;
1002  theSumPtWithEff += theSumPt;
1003  theSumPtWithoutEff += theSumPt;
1004  theSumEnergyWithEff += theSumEnergy;
1005  theSumEnergyWithoutEff += theSumEnergy;
1006  }
1007  return correction;
1008 }
math::XYZTLorentzVector P4
bool isDebugEnabled()
uint32_t nPtBins() const
void addE(uint32_t eta_bin, uint32_t pt_bin, double energy)
double value(uint32_t eta_bin, uint32_t pt_bin) const
uint32_t etaBin(double eta) const
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:19
double correction(const reco::Jet &, const reco::Jet &, const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &, P4 &, jpt::MatchedTracks &pions, jpt::MatchedTracks &muons, jpt::MatchedTracks &elecs, bool &validMatches)
Vectorial correction method (corrected 4-momentum passed by reference)
uint32_t nEtaBins() const
refhelper::RefVectorTrait< TrackCollection, typename refhelper::ValueTrait< TrackCollection >::value, typename refhelper::FindTrait< TrackCollection, typename refhelper::ValueTrait< TrackCollection >::value >::value >::iterator_type iterator
Definition: RefVector.h:37
uint32_t ptBin(double pt) const
math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVectorD PtEtaPhiM
#define LogDebug(id)

◆ canCorrect()

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::canCorrect ( const reco::Jet jet) const

Can jet be JPT-corrected?

Definition at line 486 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

References metsig::jet, and maxEta_.

Referenced by correction().

486 { return (fabs(jet.eta()) <= maxEta_); }

◆ checkScale()

double JetPlusTrackCorrector::checkScale ( const P4 jet,
P4 corrected 
) const

Check corrected 4-momentum does not give negative scale.

Definition at line 507 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

References metsig::jet.

Referenced by correction().

507  {
508  if ( > 0. && ( / < 0.) {
509  corrected = jet;
510  }
511  return /;
512 }

◆ correctAA()

double JetPlusTrackCorrector::correctAA ( const reco::Jet fJet,
const reco::TrackRefVector trBgOutOfVertex,
double &  mConeSize,
const reco::TrackRefVector pioninin,
const reco::TrackRefVector pioninout,
double  ja,
const reco::TrackRefVector trBgOutOfCalo 
) const

For AA - correct in tracker.

Definition at line 1260 of file

References edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::begin(), efficiency_, edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::empty(), edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::end(), reco::LeafCandidate::energy(), PVValHelper::eta, reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), jpt::Map::etaBin(), hcalRecHitTable_cff::ieta, M_PI, jpt::Map::nEtaBins(), jpt::Map::nPtBins(), DiDispStaMuonMonitor_cfi::pt, jpt::Map::ptBin(), response_, mathSSE::sqrt(), and jpt::Map::value().

1266  {
1267  double mScale = 1.;
1268  double NewResponse =;
1270  if (trBgOutOfVertex.empty())
1271  return mScale;
1272  double EnergyOfBackgroundCharged = 0.;
1273  double ResponseOfBackgroundCharged = 0.;
1275  //
1276  // calculate the mean response
1277  //
1279  //================= EnergyOfBackgroundCharged ==================>
1280  for (reco::TrackRefVector::iterator iBgtV = trBgOutOfVertex.begin(); iBgtV != trBgOutOfVertex.end(); iBgtV++) {
1281  double eta = fabs((**iBgtV).eta());
1282  double pt = fabs((**iBgtV).pt());
1283  uint32_t ieta = response_.etaBin(eta);
1284  uint32_t ipt = response_.ptBin(pt);
1286  if (fabs(fJet.eta() - (**iBgtV).eta()) > mConeSize)
1287  continue;
1289  double echarBg = sqrt((**iBgtV).px() * (**iBgtV).px() + (**iBgtV).py() * (**iBgtV).py() +
1290  (**iBgtV).pz() * (**iBgtV).pz() + 0.14 * 0.14);
1292  EnergyOfBackgroundCharged += echarBg / efficiency_.value(ieta, ipt);
1294  } // Energy BG tracks
1296  //============= ResponseOfBackgroundCharged =======================>
1298  for (reco::TrackRefVector::iterator iBgtC = trBgOutOfCalo.begin(); iBgtC != trBgOutOfCalo.end(); iBgtC++) {
1299  double eta = fabs((**iBgtC).eta());
1300  double pt = fabs((**iBgtC).pt());
1301  uint32_t ieta = response_.etaBin(eta);
1302  uint32_t ipt = response_.ptBin(pt);
1304  if (fabs(fJet.eta() - (**iBgtC).eta()) > mConeSize)
1305  continue;
1307  // Check bins (not for mips)
1308  if (ieta >= response_.nEtaBins()) {
1309  continue;
1310  }
1311  if (ipt >= response_.nPtBins()) {
1312  ipt = response_.nPtBins() - 1;
1313  }
1315  double echarBg = sqrt((**iBgtC).px() * (**iBgtC).px() + (**iBgtC).py() * (**iBgtC).py() +
1316  (**iBgtC).pz() * (**iBgtC).pz() + 0.14 * 0.14);
1318  ResponseOfBackgroundCharged += echarBg * response_.value(ieta, ipt) / efficiency_.value(ieta, ipt);
1320  } // Response of BG tracks
1322  //=================================================================>
1324  /*
1325  //=================================================================>
1326  // Look for in-out tracks
1328  double en = 0.;
1329  double px = 0.;
1330  double py = 0.;
1331  double pz = 0.;
1333  for (reco::TrackRefVector::const_iterator it = pioninout.begin(); it != pioninout.end(); it++) {
1334  px += (*it)->px();
1335  py += (*it)->py();
1336  pz += (*it)->pz();
1337  en += sqrt((*it)->p() * (*it)->p() + 0.14 * 0.14);
1338  }
1340  // Look for in-in tracks
1342  double en_in = 0.;
1343  double px_in = 0.;
1344  double py_in = 0.;
1345  double pz_in = 0.;
1347  for (reco::TrackRefVector::const_iterator it = pioninin.begin(); it != pioninin.end(); it++) {
1348  px_in += (*it)->px();
1349  py_in += (*it)->py();
1350  pz_in += (*it)->pz();
1351  en_in += sqrt((*it)->p() * (*it)->p() + 0.14 * 0.14);
1352  }
1354  //===================================================================>
1356  //=>
1357 */
1358  double SquareEtaRingWithoutJets = ja;
1360  EnergyOfBackgroundCharged = EnergyOfBackgroundCharged / SquareEtaRingWithoutJets;
1361  ResponseOfBackgroundCharged = ResponseOfBackgroundCharged / SquareEtaRingWithoutJets;
1363  EnergyOfBackgroundCharged = M_PI * mConeSize * mConeSize * EnergyOfBackgroundCharged;
1364  ResponseOfBackgroundCharged = M_PI * mConeSize * mConeSize * ResponseOfBackgroundCharged;
1366  NewResponse = NewResponse - EnergyOfBackgroundCharged + ResponseOfBackgroundCharged;
1368  mScale = NewResponse /;
1369  if (mScale < 0.)
1370  mScale = 0.;
1371  return mScale;
1372 }
bool empty() const
Is the RefVector empty.
Definition: RefVector.h:99
uint32_t nPtBins() const
double value(uint32_t eta_bin, uint32_t pt_bin) const
uint32_t etaBin(double eta) const
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:19
uint32_t nEtaBins() const
#define M_PI
const_iterator end() const
Termination of iteration.
Definition: RefVector.h:228
uint32_t ptBin(double pt) const
const_iterator begin() const
Initialize an iterator over the RefVector.
Definition: RefVector.h:223
double energy() const final
double eta() const final
momentum pseudorapidity

◆ correction() [1/5]

double JetPlusTrackCorrector::correction ( const reco::Jet fJet,
const reco::Jet fJetcalo,
const edm::Event event,
const edm::EventSetup setup,
P4 corrected,
jpt::MatchedTracks pions,
jpt::MatchedTracks muons,
jpt::MatchedTracks elecs,
bool &  validMatches 

Vectorial correction method (corrected 4-momentum passed by reference)

Definition at line 151 of file

References canCorrect(), checkScale(), elecCorrection(), singleTopDQM_cfi::elecs, reco::LeafCandidate::energy(), reco::LeafCandidate::et(), reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), alignBH_cfg::fixed, jetDirFromTracks(), reco::LeafCandidate::mass(), matchTracks(), muonCorrection(), DiMuonV_cfg::muons, reco::LeafCandidate::p4(), reco::LeafCandidate::phi(), pionCorrection(), reco::LeafCandidate::pt(), reco::LeafCandidate::px(), reco::LeafCandidate::py(), reco::LeafCandidate::pz(), pfClustersFromCombinedCaloHF_cfi::scale, singleTopDQM_cfi::setup, contentValuesCheck::ss, theResponseOfChargedWithEff, theResponseOfChargedWithoutEff, theSumEnergyWithEff, theSumEnergyWithoutEff, theSumPtForBeta, theSumPtWithEff, theSumPtWithoutEff, useElecs_, useMuons_, usePions_, vecResponse_, vectorial_, and verbose_.

Referenced by calculateCorr(), correction(), and pionEfficiency().

159  {
162  theSumPtWithEff = 0.;
163  theSumPtWithoutEff = 0.;
164  theSumEnergyWithEff = 0.;
166  theSumPtForBeta = 0.;
168  // Corrected 4-momentum for jet
169  corrected = fJet.p4();
171  // Match tracks to different particle types
172  validMatches = matchTracks(fJetcalo, event, setup, pions, muons, elecs);
173  if (!validMatches) {
174  return 1.;
175  }
177  // Check if jet can be JPT-corrected
178  if (!canCorrect(fJet)) {
179  return 1.;
180  }
182  // Debug
183  if (verbose_) {
184  edm::LogInfo("JetPlusTrackCorrector") << "[JetPlusTrackCorrector::" << __func__ << "]"
185  << " Applying JPT corrections...";
186  }
188  // Pion corrections (both scalar and vectorial)
189  if (usePions_) {
190  corrected += pionCorrection(fJet.p4(), pions);
191  }
193  // Muon corrections (both scalar and vectorial)
194  if (useMuons_) {
195  corrected += muonCorrection(fJet.p4(), muons);
196  }
198  // Electrons corrections (both scalar and vectorial)
199  if (useElecs_) {
200  corrected += elecCorrection(fJet.p4(), elecs);
201  }
203  // Define jet direction using total 3-momentum of tracks (overrides above)
204  if (vectorial_ && !vecResponse_) {
205  if (fabs(corrected.eta()) < 2.) {
206  corrected = jetDirFromTracks(corrected, pions, muons, elecs);
207  }
208  }
210  // Check if corrected 4-momentum gives negative scale
211  double scale = checkScale(fJet.p4(), corrected);
213  // Debug
214  if (verbose_) {
215  std::stringstream ss;
216  ss << "Total correction:" << std::endl
217  << std::fixed << std::setprecision(6) << " Uncorrected (Px,Py,Pz,E) : "
218  << "(" << fJet.px() << "," << << "," << fJet.pz() << "," << << ")" << std::endl
219  << " Corrected (Px,Py,Pz,E) : "
220  << "(" << corrected.px() << "," << << "," << corrected.pz() << "," << << ")"
221  << std::endl
222  << " Uncorrected (Pt,Eta,Phi,M) : "
223  << "(" << << "," << fJet.eta() << "," << fJet.phi() << "," << fJet.mass() << ")" << std::endl
224  << " Corrected (Pt,Eta,Phi,M) : "
225  << "(" << << "," << corrected.eta() << "," << corrected.phi() << "," << corrected.mass() << ")"
226  << std::endl
227  << " Scalar correction to E : " << scale << std::endl
228  << " Scalar correction to Et : " << ( > 0. ? corrected.Et() / : 1.); // << std::endl
229  edm::LogVerbatim("JetPlusTrackCorrector") << ss.str();
230  }
232  // Return energy correction
233  return scale;
234 }
Log< level::Info, true > LogVerbatim
bool canCorrect(const reco::Jet &) const
Can jet be JPT-corrected?
double pz() const final
z coordinate of momentum vector
double pt() const final
transverse momentum
bool matchTracks(const reco::Jet &, const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &, jpt::MatchedTracks &pions, jpt::MatchedTracks &muons, jpt::MatchedTracks &elecs)
Matches tracks to different particle types.
the two sets of parameters below are mutually exclusive, depending if RECO or ALCARECO is used the us...
const LorentzVector & p4() const final
four-momentum Lorentz vector
P4 pionCorrection(const P4 &jet, const jpt::MatchedTracks &pions)
Calculates corrections to be applied using pions.
double px() const final
x coordinate of momentum vector
P4 elecCorrection(const P4 &jet, const jpt::MatchedTracks &elecs) const
Calculates correction to be applied using electrons.
double py() const final
y coordinate of momentum vector
P4 jetDirFromTracks(const P4 &jet, const jpt::MatchedTracks &pions, const jpt::MatchedTracks &muons, const jpt::MatchedTracks &elecs) const
Calculates vectorial correction using total track 3-momentum.
double checkScale(const P4 &jet, P4 &corrected) const
Check corrected 4-momentum does not give negative scale.
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo
P4 muonCorrection(const P4 &jet, const jpt::MatchedTracks &muons)
Calculates correction to be applied using muons.
double et() const final
transverse energy
double mass() const final
double phi() const final
momentum azimuthal angle
double energy() const final
double eta() const final
momentum pseudorapidity

◆ correction() [2/5]

double JetPlusTrackCorrector::correction ( const reco::Jet fJet,
const reco::Jet fJetcalo,
const edm::Event event,
const edm::EventSetup setup,
const reco::TrackRefVector tracksinvert,
const reco::TrackRefVector tracksincalo,
P4 corrected,
jpt::MatchedTracks pions,
jpt::MatchedTracks muons,
jpt::MatchedTracks elecs 

Definition at line 119 of file

References checkScale(), elecCorrection(), singleTopDQM_cfi::elecs, matchTracks(), muonCorrection(), DiMuonV_cfg::muons, reco::LeafCandidate::p4(), pionCorrection(), pfClustersFromCombinedCaloHF_cfi::scale, singleTopDQM_cfi::setup, useElecs_, useMuons_, usePAT_, and usePions_.

128  {
129  double scale = 1.;
130  corrected = fJet.p4();
131  matchTracks(fJetcalo, event, setup, tracksinvert, tracksincalo, pions, muons, elecs);
132  if (!usePAT_) {
133  if (usePions_) {
134  corrected += pionCorrection(fJet.p4(), pions);
135  }
136  if (useMuons_) {
137  corrected += muonCorrection(fJet.p4(), muons);
138  }
139  if (useElecs_) {
140  corrected += elecCorrection(fJet.p4(), elecs);
141  }
142  } else {
143  corrected += fJetcalo.p4();
144  }
145  scale = checkScale(fJet.p4(), corrected);
146  return scale;
147 }
bool matchTracks(const reco::Jet &, const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &, jpt::MatchedTracks &pions, jpt::MatchedTracks &muons, jpt::MatchedTracks &elecs)
Matches tracks to different particle types.
the two sets of parameters below are mutually exclusive, depending if RECO or ALCARECO is used the us...
const LorentzVector & p4() const final
four-momentum Lorentz vector
P4 pionCorrection(const P4 &jet, const jpt::MatchedTracks &pions)
Calculates corrections to be applied using pions.
P4 elecCorrection(const P4 &jet, const jpt::MatchedTracks &elecs) const
Calculates correction to be applied using electrons.
double checkScale(const P4 &jet, P4 &corrected) const
Check corrected 4-momentum does not give negative scale.
P4 muonCorrection(const P4 &jet, const jpt::MatchedTracks &muons)
Calculates correction to be applied using muons.

◆ correction() [3/5]

double JetPlusTrackCorrector::correction ( const reco::Jet fJet,
const reco::Jet fJetcalo,
const edm::Event event,
const edm::EventSetup setup,
jpt::MatchedTracks pions,
jpt::MatchedTracks muons,
jpt::MatchedTracks elecs,
bool &  validMatches 

Scalar correction method.

Definition at line 472 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

References correction(), singleTopDQM_cfi::elecs, DiMuonV_cfg::muons, and singleTopDQM_cfi::setup.

479  {
480  P4 not_used_for_scalar_correction;
481  return correction(fJet, fJetcalo, event, setup, not_used_for_scalar_correction, pions, muons, elecs, validMatches);
482 }
math::XYZTLorentzVector P4
the two sets of parameters below are mutually exclusive, depending if RECO or ALCARECO is used the us...
double correction(const reco::Jet &, const reco::Jet &, const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &, P4 &, jpt::MatchedTracks &pions, jpt::MatchedTracks &muons, jpt::MatchedTracks &elecs, bool &validMatches)
Vectorial correction method (corrected 4-momentum passed by reference)

◆ correction() [4/5]

double JetPlusTrackCorrector::correction ( const reco::Jet jet) const

Correction method (not used)

Definition at line 238 of file

238  {
239  edm::LogError("JetPlusTrackCorrector") << "JetPlusTrackCorrector can be run on entire event only";
240  return 1.;
241 }
Log< level::Error, false > LogError

◆ correction() [5/5]

double JetPlusTrackCorrector::correction ( const P4 jet) const

Correction method (not used)

Definition at line 245 of file

245  {
246  edm::LogError("JetPlusTrackCorrector") << "JetPlusTrackCorrector can be run on entire event only";
247  return 1.;
248 }
Log< level::Error, false > LogError

◆ efficiencyMap()

const jpt::Map & JetPlusTrackCorrector::efficiencyMap ( ) const

Definition at line 515 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

References efficiency_.

Referenced by pionCorrection().

515 { return efficiency_; }

◆ elecCorrection() [1/2]

JetPlusTrackCorrector::P4 JetPlusTrackCorrector::elecCorrection ( const P4 jet,
const jpt::MatchedTracks elecs 
) const

Calculates correction to be applied using electrons.

Definition at line 776 of file

References singleTopDQM_cfi::elecs, contentValuesCheck::ss, and verbose_.

Referenced by correction().

776  {
777  P4 null; //@@ null 4-momentum
779  if (verbose_) {
780  std::stringstream ss;
781  ss << " Electron corrections:" << std::endl
782  << " In/In : "
783  << "(" << elecs.inVertexInCalo_.size() << ") " << << std::endl
784  << " In/Out : "
785  << "(" << elecs.inVertexOutOfCalo_.size() << ") " << << std::endl
786  << " Out/In : "
787  << "(" << elecs.outOfVertexInCalo_.size() << ") " <<;
788  edm::LogVerbatim("JetPlusTrackCorrector") << ss.str();
789  }
791  return null; //@@ to be implemented
792 }
math::XYZTLorentzVector P4
Log< level::Info, true > LogVerbatim

◆ elecCorrection() [2/2]

JetPlusTrackCorrector::P4 JetPlusTrackCorrector::elecCorrection ( const P4 jet,
const TrackRefs elecs,
bool  in_cone_at_vertex,
bool  in_cone_at_calo_face 

Calculates individual electron corrections.

Definition at line 500 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

References calculateCorr(), elecMass_, singleTopDQM_cfi::elecs, metsig::jet, and not_used.

503  {
504  return calculateCorr(jet, elecs, not_used, in_cone_at_vertex, in_cone_at_calo_face, elecMass_, false, 0.);
505 }
P4 calculateCorr(const P4 &jet, const TrackRefs &, jpt::Efficiency &, bool in_cone_at_vertex, bool in_cone_at_calo_face, double mass, bool is_pion, double mip)
Generic method to calculates 4-momentum correction to be applied.

◆ eventRequired()

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::eventRequired ( ) const

Returns true.

Definition at line 484 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

484 { return true; }

◆ excludeJta()

void JetPlusTrackCorrector::excludeJta ( const reco::Jet fJet,
const JetTracksAssociations jtV0,
TrackRefs included,
const TrackRefs excluded 
) const

Exclude jet-track association.

Definition at line 1235 of file

References edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::begin(), edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::clear(), edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::empty(), edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::end(), spr::find(), reco::JetTracksAssociation::getValue(), ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::vertexFinder::it, jetSplitMerge_, edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::push_back(), and DiMuonV_cfg::tracks.

Referenced by jtaUsingEventData().

1238  {
1239  tracksthis = reco::JetTracksAssociation::getValue(jtV0, fJet);
1240  if (Excl.empty())
1241  return;
1242  if (jetSplitMerge_ < 0)
1243  return;
1245  TrackRefs tracks = tracksthis;
1246  tracksthis.clear();
1248  for (TrackRefs::iterator it = tracks.begin(); it != tracks.end(); it++) {
1249  TrackRefs::iterator itold = find(Excl.begin(), Excl.end(), (*it));
1250  if (itold == Excl.end()) {
1251  tracksthis.push_back(*it);
1252  }
1253  }
1255  return;
1256 }
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
reco::TrackRefVector TrackRefs
refhelper::RefVectorTrait< TrackCollection, typename refhelper::ValueTrait< TrackCollection >::value, typename refhelper::FindTrait< TrackCollection, typename refhelper::ValueTrait< TrackCollection >::value >::value >::iterator_type iterator
Definition: RefVector.h:37
const reco::TrackRefVector & getValue(const Container &, const reco::JetBaseRef &)
get value for the association. Throw exception if no association found

◆ failTrackQuality()

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::failTrackQuality ( TrackRefs::const_iterator itrk) const

Check on track quality.

Definition at line 608 of file

References dzVertexCut_, ptErrorQuality_, trackQuality_, useTrackQuality_, and vertex_.

Referenced by matchTracks().

608  {
609  bool retcode = false;
611  if (useTrackQuality_ && !(*itrk)->quality(trackQuality_)) {
612  retcode = true;
613  return retcode;
614  }
615  if (((*itrk)->ptError() / (*itrk)->pt()) > ptErrorQuality_) {
616  retcode = true;
617  return retcode;
618  }
619  if (fabs((*itrk)->dz(vertex_)) > dzVertexCut_) {
620  retcode = true;
621  return retcode;
622  }
624  return retcode;
625 }
reco::Particle::Point vertex_
reco::TrackBase::TrackQuality trackQuality_

◆ findTrack() [1/2]

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::findTrack ( const jpt::JetTracks jet_tracks,
TrackRefs::const_iterator itrk,
TrackRefs::iterator it 
) const

Find track in JetTracks collection.

Definition at line 629 of file

References edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::begin(), jpt::JetTracks::caloFace_, edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::end(), spr::find(), and ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::vertexFinder::it.

Referenced by matchTracks().

631  {
632  it = find(jet_tracks.caloFace_.begin(), jet_tracks.caloFace_.end(), *itrk);
633  if (it != jet_tracks.caloFace_.end()) {
634  return true;
635  } else {
636  return false;
637  }
638 }
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
reco::TrackRefVector caloFace_
const_iterator end() const
Termination of iteration.
Definition: RefVector.h:228
const_iterator begin() const
Initialize an iterator over the RefVector.
Definition: RefVector.h:223

◆ findTrack() [2/2]

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::findTrack ( const jpt::MatchedTracks pions,
const jpt::MatchedTracks muons,
const jpt::MatchedTracks electrons,
TrackRefs::const_iterator itrk 
) const

Find track in MatchedTracks collections.

Definition at line 642 of file

References edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::begin(), singleTopDQM_cfi::elecs, edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::end(), spr::find(), jpt::MatchedTracks::inVertexInCalo_, and DiMuonV_cfg::muons.

645  {
646  TrackRefs::iterator ip = find(pions.inVertexInCalo_.begin(), pions.inVertexInCalo_.end(), *itrk);
647  TrackRefs::iterator im = find(muons.inVertexInCalo_.begin(), muons.inVertexInCalo_.end(), *itrk);
648  TrackRefs::iterator ie = find(elecs.inVertexInCalo_.begin(), elecs.inVertexInCalo_.end(), *itrk);
649  if (ip == pions.inVertexInCalo_.end() && im == muons.inVertexInCalo_.end() && ie == elecs.inVertexInCalo_.end()) {
650  return false;
651  } else {
652  return true;
653  }
654 }
reco::TrackRefVector inVertexInCalo_
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
the two sets of parameters below are mutually exclusive, depending if RECO or ALCARECO is used the us...
refhelper::RefVectorTrait< TrackCollection, typename refhelper::ValueTrait< TrackCollection >::value, typename refhelper::FindTrait< TrackCollection, typename refhelper::ValueTrait< TrackCollection >::value >::value >::iterator_type iterator
Definition: RefVector.h:37
const_iterator end() const
Termination of iteration.
Definition: RefVector.h:228
const_iterator begin() const
Initialize an iterator over the RefVector.
Definition: RefVector.h:223

◆ getElectrons() [1/2]

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::getElectrons ( const edm::Event event,
edm::Handle< RecoElectrons > &  reco_elecs,
edm::Handle< RecoElectronIds > &  reco_elec_ids 
) const

Get RECO electrons.

Definition at line 592 of file

References input_reco_elec_ids_token_, and input_reco_elecs_token_.

Referenced by matchTracks().

594  {
595  event.getByToken(input_reco_elecs_token_, reco_elecs);
596  event.getByToken(input_reco_elec_ids_token_, reco_elec_ids);
597  return true;
598 }
edm::EDGetTokenT< RecoElectronIds > input_reco_elec_ids_token_
edm::EDGetTokenT< RecoElectrons > input_reco_elecs_token_

◆ getElectrons() [2/2]

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::getElectrons ( const edm::Event event,
edm::Handle< pat::ElectronCollection > &  pat_elecs 
) const

Definition at line 600 of file

References input_pat_elecs_token_.

601  {
602  event.getByToken(input_pat_elecs_token_, pat_elecs);
603  return true;
604 }
edm::EDGetTokenT< pat::ElectronCollection > input_pat_elecs_token_

◆ getMuons() [1/2]

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::getMuons ( const edm::Event event,
edm::Handle< RecoMuons > &  reco_muons 
) const

Get RECO muons.

Definition at line 385 of file

References input_reco_muons_token_.

Referenced by matchTracks().

385  {
386  event.getByToken(input_reco_muons_token_, reco_muons);
387  return true;
388 }
edm::EDGetTokenT< RecoMuons > input_reco_muons_token_

◆ getMuons() [2/2]

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::getMuons ( const edm::Event ,
edm::Handle< pat::MuonCollection > &   
) const

◆ getResponseOfChargedWithEff()

double JetPlusTrackCorrector::getResponseOfChargedWithEff ( )

Get responses/sumPT/SumEnergy with and without Efficiency correction.

Definition at line 244 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

References theResponseOfChargedWithEff.

◆ getResponseOfChargedWithoutEff()

double JetPlusTrackCorrector::getResponseOfChargedWithoutEff ( )

◆ getSumEnergyWithEff()

double JetPlusTrackCorrector::getSumEnergyWithEff ( )

Definition at line 248 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

References theSumEnergyWithEff.

◆ getSumEnergyWithoutEff()

double JetPlusTrackCorrector::getSumEnergyWithoutEff ( )

Definition at line 249 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

References theSumEnergyWithoutEff.

◆ getSumPtForBeta()

double JetPlusTrackCorrector::getSumPtForBeta ( )

Definition at line 250 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

References theSumPtForBeta.

◆ getSumPtWithEff()

double JetPlusTrackCorrector::getSumPtWithEff ( )

Definition at line 246 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

References theSumPtWithEff.

◆ getSumPtWithoutEff()

double JetPlusTrackCorrector::getSumPtWithoutEff ( )

Definition at line 247 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

References theSumPtWithoutEff.

◆ jetDirFromTracks()

JetPlusTrackCorrector::P4 JetPlusTrackCorrector::jetDirFromTracks ( const P4 jet,
const jpt::MatchedTracks pions,
const jpt::MatchedTracks muons,
const jpt::MatchedTracks elecs 
) const

Calculates vectorial correction using total track 3-momentum.

Definition at line 796 of file

References edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::begin(), alignCSCRings::corr, singleTopDQM_cfi::elecs, edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::empty(), edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::end(), jpt::MatchedTracks::inVertexInCalo_, jpt::MatchedTracks::inVertexOutOfCalo_, and DiMuonV_cfg::muons.

Referenced by correction().

799  {
800  // Correction to be applied to jet 4-momentum
801  P4 corr;
803  // bool tracks_present = false;
804  bool tracks_present_inin = false;
806  // Correct using pions in-cone at vertex
808  if (!pions.inVertexInCalo_.empty()) {
810  TrackRefs::iterator jtrk = pions.inVertexInCalo_.end();
811  for (; itrk != jtrk; ++itrk) {
812  corr += PtEtaPhiM((*itrk)->pt(), (*itrk)->eta(), (*itrk)->phi(), 0.);
813  tracks_present_inin = true;
814  }
815  }
817  if (!pions.inVertexOutOfCalo_.empty()) {
820  for (; itrk != jtrk; ++itrk) {
821  corr += PtEtaPhiM((*itrk)->pt(), (*itrk)->eta(), (*itrk)->phi(), 0.);
822  }
823  }
825  // Correct using muons in-cone at vertex
827  if (!muons.inVertexInCalo_.empty()) {
828  TrackRefs::iterator itrk = muons.inVertexInCalo_.begin();
829  TrackRefs::iterator jtrk = muons.inVertexInCalo_.end();
830  for (; itrk != jtrk; ++itrk) {
831  corr += PtEtaPhiM((*itrk)->pt(), (*itrk)->eta(), (*itrk)->phi(), 0.);
832  // tracks_present = true;
833  }
834  }
836  if (!muons.inVertexOutOfCalo_.empty()) {
837  TrackRefs::iterator itrk = muons.inVertexOutOfCalo_.begin();
838  TrackRefs::iterator jtrk = muons.inVertexOutOfCalo_.end();
839  for (; itrk != jtrk; ++itrk) {
840  corr += PtEtaPhiM((*itrk)->pt(), (*itrk)->eta(), (*itrk)->phi(), 0.);
841  // tracks_present = true;
842  }
843  }
845  // Correct using electrons in-cone at vertex
847  if (!elecs.inVertexInCalo_.empty()) {
848  TrackRefs::iterator itrk = elecs.inVertexInCalo_.begin();
849  TrackRefs::iterator jtrk = elecs.inVertexInCalo_.end();
850  for (; itrk != jtrk; ++itrk) {
851  corr += PtEtaPhiM((*itrk)->pt(), (*itrk)->eta(), (*itrk)->phi(), 0.);
852  // tracks_present = true;
853  }
854  }
856  if (!elecs.inVertexOutOfCalo_.empty()) {
857  TrackRefs::iterator itrk = elecs.inVertexOutOfCalo_.begin();
858  TrackRefs::iterator jtrk = elecs.inVertexOutOfCalo_.end();
859  for (; itrk != jtrk; ++itrk) {
860  corr += PtEtaPhiM((*itrk)->pt(), (*itrk)->eta(), (*itrk)->phi(), 0.);
861  // tracks_present = true;
862  }
863  }
865  // Adjust direction if in cone tracks are present
867  if (!tracks_present_inin) {
868  corr = corrected;
869  } else {
870  corr *= (corr.P() > 0. ? corrected.P() / corr.P() : 1.);
871  corr = P4(corr.px(),, corr.pz(),;
872  }
874  return corr;
875 }
math::XYZTLorentzVector P4
bool empty() const
Is the RefVector empty.
Definition: RefVector.h:99
reco::TrackRefVector inVertexInCalo_
reco::TrackRefVector inVertexOutOfCalo_
the two sets of parameters below are mutually exclusive, depending if RECO or ALCARECO is used the us...
dictionary corr
refhelper::RefVectorTrait< TrackCollection, typename refhelper::ValueTrait< TrackCollection >::value, typename refhelper::FindTrait< TrackCollection, typename refhelper::ValueTrait< TrackCollection >::value >::value >::iterator_type iterator
Definition: RefVector.h:37
const_iterator end() const
Termination of iteration.
Definition: RefVector.h:228
const_iterator begin() const
Initialize an iterator over the RefVector.
Definition: RefVector.h:223
math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVectorD PtEtaPhiM

◆ jetTrackAssociation()

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::jetTrackAssociation ( const reco::Jet fJet,
const edm::Event event,
const edm::EventSetup setup,
jpt::JetTracks trks 
) const

Associates tracks to jets (overriden in derived class)

Definition at line 299 of file

References edm::InputTag::instance(), jetTracksAtCalo_, jetTracksAtVertex_, jtaUsingEventData(), edm::InputTag::label(), edm::InputTag::process(), and hltEgammaHLTExtra_cfi::trks.

Referenced by matchTracks().

302  {
303  // Some init
304  trks.clear();
306  // Check if labels are given
307  if (!jetTracksAtVertex_.label().empty() && !jetTracksAtCalo_.label().empty()) {
308  return jtaUsingEventData(fJet, event, trks);
309  } else {
310  edm::LogWarning("PatJPTCorrector") << "[JetPlusTrackCorrector::" << __func__ << "]"
311  << " Empty label for the reco::JetTracksAssociation::Containers" << std::endl
312  << " InputTag for JTA \"at vertex\" (label:instance:process) \""
313  << jetTracksAtVertex_.label() << ":" << jetTracksAtVertex_.instance() << ":"
314  << jetTracksAtVertex_.process() << "\"" << std::endl
315  << " InputTag for JTA \"at calo face\" (label:instance:process) \""
316  << jetTracksAtCalo_.label() << ":" << jetTracksAtCalo_.instance() << ":"
317  << jetTracksAtCalo_.process() << "\"";
318  return false;
319  }
320 }
std::string const & instance() const
Definition: InputTag.h:37
std::string const & label() const
Definition: InputTag.h:36
bool jtaUsingEventData(const reco::Jet &, const edm::Event &, jpt::JetTracks &) const
JTA using collections from event.
Log< level::Warning, false > LogWarning
std::string const & process() const
Definition: InputTag.h:40

◆ jtaUsingEventData()

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::jtaUsingEventData ( const reco::Jet fJet,
const edm::Event event,
jpt::JetTracks trks 
) const

JTA using collections from event.

Definition at line 324 of file

References excludeJta(), edm::HandleBase::failedToGet(), reco::JetTracksAssociation::getValue(), input_jetTracksAtCalo_token_, input_jetTracksAtVertex_token_, edm::InputTag::instance(), edm::isDebugEnabled(), edm::HandleBase::isValid(), jetSplitMerge_, jetTracksAtCalo_, jetTracksAtVertex_, edm::InputTag::label(), edm::InputTag::process(), edm::Handle< T >::product(), rebuildJta(), hltEgammaHLTExtra_cfi::trks, and verbose_.

Referenced by jetTrackAssociation().

324  {
325  // Get Jet-track association at Vertex
327  event.getByToken(input_jetTracksAtVertex_token_, jetTracksAtVertex);
329  if (!jetTracksAtVertex.isValid() || jetTracksAtVertex.failedToGet()) {
330  if (verbose_ && edm::isDebugEnabled()) {
331  edm::LogWarning("JetPlusTrackCorrector")
332  << "[JetPlusTrackCorrector::" << __func__ << "]"
333  << " Invalid handle to reco::JetTracksAssociation::Container (for Vertex)"
334  << " with InputTag (label:instance:process) \"" << jetTracksAtVertex_.label() << ":"
335  << jetTracksAtVertex_.instance() << ":" << jetTracksAtVertex_.process() << "\"";
336  }
337  return false;
338  }
340  // Retrieve jet-tracks association for given jet
341  const reco::JetTracksAssociation::Container jtV = *(jetTracksAtVertex.product());
342  TrackRefs excluded;
343  TrackRefs relocate;
344  if (jetSplitMerge_ < 0) {
345  trks.vertex_ = reco::JetTracksAssociation::getValue(jtV, fJet);
346  } else {
347  rebuildJta(fJet, jtV, trks.vertex_, excluded);
348  rebuildJta(fJet, jtV, relocate, excluded);
349  trks.vertex_ = relocate;
350  }
352  // Check if any tracks are associated to jet at vertex
353  if (trks.vertex_.empty()) {
354  return false;
355  }
357  // Get Jet-track association at Calo
359  event.getByToken(input_jetTracksAtCalo_token_, jetTracksAtCalo);
361  if (!jetTracksAtCalo.isValid() || jetTracksAtCalo.failedToGet()) {
362  if (verbose_ && edm::isDebugEnabled()) {
363  edm::LogWarning("JetPlusTrackCorrector")
364  << "[JetPlusTrackCorrector::" << __func__ << "]"
365  << " Invalid handle to reco::JetTracksAssociation::Container (for CaloFace)"
366  << " with InputTag (label:instance:process) \"" << jetTracksAtCalo_.label() << ":"
367  << jetTracksAtCalo_.instance() << ":" << jetTracksAtCalo_.process() << "\"";
368  }
369  return false;
370  }
372  // Retrieve jet-tracks association for given jet
373  const reco::JetTracksAssociation::Container jtC = *(jetTracksAtCalo.product());
374  if (jetSplitMerge_ < 0) {
375  trks.caloFace_ = reco::JetTracksAssociation::getValue(jtC, fJet);
376  } else {
377  excludeJta(fJet, jtC, trks.caloFace_, excluded);
378  }
380  return true;
381 }
bool isDebugEnabled()
void rebuildJta(const reco::Jet &, const JetTracksAssociations &, TrackRefs &included, TrackRefs &excluded) const
Rebuild jet-track association.
std::string const & instance() const
Definition: InputTag.h:37
T const * product() const
Definition: Handle.h:70
std::string const & label() const
Definition: InputTag.h:36
bool failedToGet() const
Definition: HandleBase.h:72
reco::TrackRefVector TrackRefs
const reco::TrackRefVector & getValue(const Container &, const reco::JetBaseRef &)
get value for the association. Throw exception if no association found
void excludeJta(const reco::Jet &, const JetTracksAssociations &, TrackRefs &included, const TrackRefs &excluded) const
Exclude jet-track association.
bool isValid() const
Definition: HandleBase.h:70
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::JetTracksAssociation::Container > input_jetTracksAtCalo_token_
Log< level::Warning, false > LogWarning
std::string const & process() const
Definition: InputTag.h:40
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::JetTracksAssociation::Container > input_jetTracksAtVertex_token_

◆ leakageMap()

const jpt::Map & JetPlusTrackCorrector::leakageMap ( ) const

Definition at line 516 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

References leakage_.

Referenced by pionCorrection().

516 { return leakage_; }

◆ matchElectrons() [1/2]

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::matchElectrons ( TrackRefs::const_iterator itrk,
const edm::Handle< RecoElectrons > &  elecs,
const edm::Handle< RecoElectronIds > &  elec_ids 
) const

Matches tracks to RECO electrons.

Definition at line 1126 of file

References HLTMuonOfflineAnalyzer_cfi::deltaR2, ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::dR2(), MillePedeFileConverter_cfg::e, singleTopDQM_cfi::elecs, and electronDRmatch_.

Referenced by matchTracks().

1128  {
1129  if (elecs->empty()) {
1130  return false;
1131  }
1133  double deltaRMIN = 999.;
1135  uint32_t electron_index = 0;
1136  for (auto const& ielec : *elecs) {
1137  edm::Ref<RecoElectrons> electron_ref(elecs, electron_index);
1138  electron_index++;
1140  if ((*elec_ids)[electron_ref] < 1.e-6) {
1141  continue;
1142  } //@@ Check for null value
1144  // DR matching b/w electron and track
1145  auto dR2 = deltaR2(ielec, **itrk);
1146  if (dR2 < deltaRMIN) {
1147  deltaRMIN = dR2;
1148  }
1149  }
1150  return deltaRMIN < electronDRmatch_ * electronDRmatch_;
1151 }
ALPAKA_FN_ACC static ALPAKA_FN_INLINE float dR2(Position4 pos1, Position4 pos2)

◆ matchElectrons() [2/2]

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::matchElectrons ( TrackRefs::const_iterator itrk,
const edm::Handle< pat::ElectronCollection > &  elecs 
) const

Definition at line 1153 of file

References HLTMuonOfflineAnalyzer_cfi::deltaR2, ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::dR2(), singleTopDQM_cfi::elecs, and electronDRmatch_.

1154  {
1155  if (elecs->empty()) {
1156  return false;
1157  }
1159  double deltaRMIN = 999.;
1160  for (auto const& ielec : *elecs) {
1161  auto dR2 = deltaR2(ielec, **itrk);
1162  if (dR2 < deltaRMIN) {
1163  deltaRMIN = dR2;
1164  }
1165  }
1166  return deltaRMIN < electronDRmatch_ * electronDRmatch_;
1167 }
ALPAKA_FN_ACC static ALPAKA_FN_INLINE float dR2(Position4 pos1, Position4 pos2)

◆ matchMuons() [1/2]

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::matchMuons ( TrackRefs::const_iterator itrk,
const edm::Handle< RecoMuons > &  muons 
) const

Matches tracks to RECO muons.

Definition at line 1076 of file

References edm::Ref< C, T, F >::id(), muon::isGoodMuon(), DiMuonV_cfg::muons, and muon::TMLastStationTight.

Referenced by matchTracks().

1076  {
1077  if (muons->empty()) {
1078  return false;
1079  }
1081  RecoMuons::const_iterator imuon = muons->begin();
1082  RecoMuons::const_iterator jmuon = muons->end();
1083  for (; imuon != jmuon; ++imuon) {
1084  if (imuon->innerTrack().isNull() || !muon::isGoodMuon(*imuon, muon::TMLastStationTight) ||
1085  imuon->innerTrack()->pt() < 3.0) {
1086  continue;
1087  }
1089  if (itrk->id() != imuon->innerTrack().id()) {
1090  edm::LogError("JetPlusTrackCorrector") << "[JetPlusTrackCorrector::" << __func__ << "]"
1091  << "Product id of the tracks associated to the jet " << itrk->id()
1092  << " is different from the product id of the inner track used for muons "
1093  << imuon->innerTrack().id() << "!" << std::endl
1094  << "Cannot compare tracks from different collection. Configuration Error!";
1095  return false;
1096  }
1098  if (*itrk == imuon->innerTrack())
1099  return true;
1100  }
1102  return false;
1103 }
Log< level::Error, false > LogError
the two sets of parameters below are mutually exclusive, depending if RECO or ALCARECO is used the us...
bool isGoodMuon(const reco::Muon &muon, SelectionType type, reco::Muon::ArbitrationType arbitrationType=reco::Muon::SegmentAndTrackArbitration)
main GoodMuon wrapper call

◆ matchMuons() [2/2]

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::matchMuons ( TrackRefs::const_iterator ,
const edm::Handle< pat::MuonCollection > &   
) const

◆ matchTracks() [1/3]

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::matchTracks ( const reco::Jet fJet,
const edm::Event event,
const edm::EventSetup setup,
jpt::MatchedTracks pions,
jpt::MatchedTracks muons,
jpt::MatchedTracks elecs 

Matches tracks to different particle types.

Definition at line 268 of file

References jpt::JetTracks::caloFace_, singleTopDQM_cfi::elecs, jetTrackAssociation(), DiMuonV_cfg::muons, convertSQLiteXML::ok, singleTopDQM_cfi::setup, edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::size(), contentValuesCheck::ss, verbose_, and jpt::JetTracks::vertex_.

Referenced by correction().

273  {
274  // Associate tracks to jet at both the Vertex and CaloFace
275  JetTracks jet_tracks;
276  bool ok = jetTrackAssociation(fJet, event, setup, jet_tracks);
278  if (!ok) {
279  return false;
280  }
282  // Track collections propagated to Vertex and CaloFace for "pions", muons and electrons
283  matchTracks(jet_tracks, event, pions, muons, elecs);
285  // Debug
286  if (verbose_) {
287  std::stringstream ss;
288  ss << "Number of tracks:" << std::endl
289  << " In-cone at Vertex : " << jet_tracks.vertex_.size() << std::endl
290  << " In-cone at CaloFace : " << jet_tracks.caloFace_.size();
291  edm::LogVerbatim("JetPlusTrackCorrector") << ss.str();
292  }
294  return true;
295 }
Log< level::Info, true > LogVerbatim
bool matchTracks(const reco::Jet &, const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &, jpt::MatchedTracks &pions, jpt::MatchedTracks &muons, jpt::MatchedTracks &elecs)
Matches tracks to different particle types.
reco::TrackRefVector vertex_
the two sets of parameters below are mutually exclusive, depending if RECO or ALCARECO is used the us...
reco::TrackRefVector caloFace_
virtual bool jetTrackAssociation(const reco::Jet &, const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &, jpt::JetTracks &) const
Associates tracks to jets (overriden in derived class)
size_type size() const
Size of the RefVector.
Definition: RefVector.h:102
Tracks associated to jets that are in-cone at Vertex and CaloFace.

◆ matchTracks() [2/3]

void JetPlusTrackCorrector::matchTracks ( const reco::Jet fJet,
const edm::Event event,
const edm::EventSetup setup,
const reco::TrackRefVector tracksinvert,
const reco::TrackRefVector tracksincalo,
jpt::MatchedTracks pions,
jpt::MatchedTracks muons,
jpt::MatchedTracks elecs 

Definition at line 252 of file

References jpt::JetTracks::caloFace_, singleTopDQM_cfi::elecs, matchTracks(), DiMuonV_cfg::muons, and jpt::JetTracks::vertex_.

Referenced by matchTracks().

259  {
260  JetTracks jet_tracks;
261  jet_tracks.vertex_ = tracksinvert;
262  jet_tracks.caloFace_ = tracksincalo;
263  matchTracks(jet_tracks, event, pions, muons, elecs);
265  return;
266 }
bool matchTracks(const reco::Jet &, const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &, jpt::MatchedTracks &pions, jpt::MatchedTracks &muons, jpt::MatchedTracks &elecs)
Matches tracks to different particle types.
reco::TrackRefVector vertex_
the two sets of parameters below are mutually exclusive, depending if RECO or ALCARECO is used the us...
reco::TrackRefVector caloFace_
Tracks associated to jets that are in-cone at Vertex and CaloFace.

◆ matchTracks() [3/3]

void JetPlusTrackCorrector::matchTracks ( const jpt::JetTracks jet_tracks,
const edm::Event event,
jpt::MatchedTracks pions,
jpt::MatchedTracks muons,
jpt::MatchedTracks elecs 

Matches tracks to different particle types (overriden in derived class)

Definition at line 397 of file

References edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::begin(), jpt::JetTracks::caloFace_, jpt::MatchedTracks::clear(), singleTopDQM_cfi::elecs, edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::end(), failTrackQuality(), spr::find(), findTrack(), newFWLiteAna::found, getElectrons(), getMuons(), input_pvCollection_token_, jpt::MatchedTracks::inVertexInCalo_, jpt::MatchedTracks::inVertexOutOfCalo_, edm::isDebugEnabled(), ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::vertexFinder::it, ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::vertexFinder::iv, LogTrace, matchElectrons(), matchMuons(), DiMuonV_cfg::muons, jpt::MatchedTracks::outOfVertexInCalo_, edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::push_back(), heavyFlavorDQMFirstStep_cff::pvCollection, findQualityFiles::rr, edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::size(), contentValuesCheck::ss, theSumPtForBeta, trackQuality_, tracksInCalo(), useElecs_, useMuons_, usePAT_, useTrackQuality_, verbose_, jpt::JetTracks::vertex_, and vertex_.

401  {
402  // Some init
403  pions.clear();
404  muons.clear();
405  elecs.clear();
407  // Need vertex for track cleaning
409  vertex_ = reco::Particle::Point(0, 0, 0);
411  event.getByToken(input_pvCollection_token_, pvCollection);
412  if (pvCollection.isValid() && !pvCollection->empty())
413  vertex_ = pvCollection->begin()->position();
415  // Get RECO muons
416  edm::Handle<RecoMuons> reco_muons;
418  bool found_reco_muons = true;
419  bool found_pat_muons = true;
420  if (useMuons_) {
421  if (!usePAT_) {
422  getMuons(event, reco_muons);
423  } else {
424  getMuons(event, pat_muons);
425  found_reco_muons = false;
426  }
427  }
429  // Get RECO electrons and their ids
430  edm::Handle<RecoElectrons> reco_elecs;
432  edm::Handle<RecoElectronIds> reco_elec_ids;
433  bool found_reco_elecs = true;
434  bool found_pat_elecs = true;
435  if (useElecs_) {
436  if (!usePAT_) {
437  getElectrons(event, reco_elecs, reco_elec_ids);
438  } else {
439  getElectrons(event, pat_elecs);
440  found_reco_elecs = false;
441  }
442  }
444  // Check RECO products found
445  if (!found_reco_muons || !found_reco_elecs) {
446  if (!found_pat_muons || !found_pat_elecs) {
447  edm::LogError("JetPlusTrackCorrector") << "[JetPlusTrackCorrector::" << __func__ << "]"
448  << " Unable to access RECO collections for muons and electrons";
449  return;
450  }
451  }
453  // Identify pions/muons/electrons that are "in/in" and "in/out"
454  {
455  TrackRefs::const_iterator itrk = jet_tracks.vertex_.begin();
456  TrackRefs::const_iterator jtrk = jet_tracks.vertex_.end();
458  double theSumPtForBetaOld = theSumPtForBeta;
460  for (; itrk != jtrk; ++itrk) {
461  if (useTrackQuality_ && (*itrk)->quality(trackQuality_) && theSumPtForBetaOld <= 0.)
462  theSumPtForBeta += (**itrk).pt();
463  //
464  // Track either belongs to PV or do not belong to any vertex
466  const reco::TrackBaseRef ttr1(*itrk);
468  int numpv = 0;
470  int itrack_belong = -1;
472  for (reco::VertexCollection::const_iterator iv = pvCollection->begin(); iv != pvCollection->end(); iv++) {
473  numpv++;
474  std::vector<reco::TrackBaseRef>::const_iterator rr = find((*iv).tracks_begin(), (*iv).tracks_end(), ttr1);
475  if (rr != (*iv).tracks_end()) {
476  itrack_belong++;
477  break;
478  }
480  } // all vertices
482  if (numpv > 1 && itrack_belong == 0) {
483  continue;
484  }
486  if (failTrackQuality(itrk)) {
487  continue;
488  }
490  TrackRefs::iterator it = jet_tracks.caloFace_.end();
491  bool found = findTrack(jet_tracks, itrk, it);
492  bool muaccept = false;
493  bool eleaccept = false;
494  if (found_reco_muons)
495  muaccept = matchMuons(itrk, reco_muons);
496  else if (found_pat_muons) {
497  muaccept = matchMuons(itrk, pat_muons);
498  }
499  if (found_reco_elecs)
500  eleaccept = matchElectrons(itrk, reco_elecs, reco_elec_ids);
501  else if (found_pat_elecs) {
502  eleaccept = matchElectrons(itrk, pat_elecs);
503  }
505  bool is_muon = useMuons_ && muaccept;
506  bool is_ele = useElecs_ && eleaccept;
508  if (found) {
509  if (is_muon) {
510  muons.inVertexInCalo_.push_back(*it);
511  } else if (is_ele) {
512  elecs.inVertexInCalo_.push_back(*it);
513  } else {
514  pions.inVertexInCalo_.push_back(*it);
515  }
516  } else {
517  if (is_muon) {
518  muons.inVertexOutOfCalo_.push_back(*itrk);
519  } else if (is_ele) {
520  elecs.inVertexOutOfCalo_.push_back(*itrk);
521  } else {
522  pions.inVertexOutOfCalo_.push_back(*itrk);
523  }
524  }
525  }
526  }
528  // Identify pions/muons/electrons that are "out/in"
529  {
530  TrackRefs::iterator itrk = jet_tracks.caloFace_.begin();
531  TrackRefs::iterator jtrk = jet_tracks.caloFace_.end();
532  for (; itrk != jtrk; ++itrk) {
533  if (failTrackQuality(itrk)) {
534  continue;
535  }
537  if (!tracksInCalo(pions, muons, elecs)) {
538  continue;
539  }
541  bool found = findTrack(pions, muons, elecs, itrk);
543  if (!found) {
544  bool muaccept = false;
545  bool eleaccept = false;
546  if (found_reco_muons)
547  muaccept = matchMuons(itrk, reco_muons);
548  else if (found_pat_muons) {
549  muaccept = matchMuons(itrk, pat_muons);
550  }
551  if (found_reco_elecs)
552  eleaccept = matchElectrons(itrk, reco_elecs, reco_elec_ids);
553  else if (found_pat_elecs) {
554  eleaccept = matchElectrons(itrk, pat_elecs);
555  }
557  bool is_muon = useMuons_ && muaccept;
558  bool is_ele = useElecs_ && eleaccept;
560  if (is_muon) {
561  muons.outOfVertexInCalo_.push_back(*itrk);
562  } else if (is_ele) {
563  elecs.outOfVertexInCalo_.push_back(*itrk);
564  } else {
565  pions.outOfVertexInCalo_.push_back(*itrk);
566  }
567  }
568  }
569  }
571  if (verbose_ && edm::isDebugEnabled()) {
572  std::stringstream ss;
573  ss << "[JetPlusTrackCorrector::" << __func__ << "] Number of tracks:" << std::endl
574  << " In-cone at Vertex and in-cone at CaloFace:" << std::endl
575  << " Pions : " << pions.inVertexInCalo_.size() << std::endl
576  << " Muons : " << muons.inVertexInCalo_.size() << std::endl
577  << " Electrons : " << elecs.inVertexInCalo_.size() << std::endl
578  << " In-cone at Vertex and out-of-cone at CaloFace:" << std::endl
579  << " Pions : " << pions.inVertexOutOfCalo_.size() << std::endl
580  << " Muons : " << muons.inVertexOutOfCalo_.size() << std::endl
581  << " Electrons : " << elecs.inVertexOutOfCalo_.size() << std::endl
582  << " Out-of-cone at Vertex and in-cone at CaloFace:" << std::endl
583  << " Pions : " << pions.outOfVertexInCalo_.size() << std::endl
584  << " Muons : " << muons.outOfVertexInCalo_.size() << std::endl
585  << " Electrons : " << elecs.outOfVertexInCalo_.size() << std::endl;
586  LogTrace("JetPlusTrackCorrector") << ss.str();
587  }
588 }
bool isDebugEnabled()
reco::TrackRefVector inVertexInCalo_
reco::TrackRefVector vertex_
reco::TrackRefVector inVertexOutOfCalo_
Log< level::Error, false > LogError
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
the two sets of parameters below are mutually exclusive, depending if RECO or ALCARECO is used the us...
#define LogTrace(id)
bool findTrack(const jpt::JetTracks &, TrackRefs::const_iterator &, TrackRefs::iterator &) const
Find track in JetTracks collection.
reco::Particle::Point vertex_
reco::TrackRefVector caloFace_
bool getElectrons(const edm::Event &, edm::Handle< RecoElectrons > &, edm::Handle< RecoElectronIds > &) const
Get RECO electrons.
bool matchElectrons(TrackRefs::const_iterator &, const edm::Handle< RecoElectrons > &, const edm::Handle< RecoElectronIds > &) const
Matches tracks to RECO electrons.
math::XYZPoint Point
point in the space
Definition: Particle.h:25
reco::TrackRefVector outOfVertexInCalo_
refhelper::RefVectorTrait< TrackCollection, typename refhelper::ValueTrait< TrackCollection >::value, typename refhelper::FindTrait< TrackCollection, typename refhelper::ValueTrait< TrackCollection >::value >::value >::iterator_type iterator
Definition: RefVector.h:37
bool matchMuons(TrackRefs::const_iterator &, const edm::Handle< RecoMuons > &) const
Matches tracks to RECO muons.
size_type size() const
Size of the RefVector.
Definition: RefVector.h:102
bool tracksInCalo(const jpt::MatchedTracks &pions, const jpt::MatchedTracks &muons, const jpt::MatchedTracks &elecs) const
Determines if any tracks in cone at CaloFace.
const_iterator end() const
Termination of iteration.
Definition: RefVector.h:228
reco::TrackBase::TrackQuality trackQuality_
bool getMuons(const edm::Event &, edm::Handle< RecoMuons > &) const
Get RECO muons.
bool failTrackQuality(TrackRefs::const_iterator &) const
Check on track quality.
void push_back(value_type const &ref)
Add a Ref<C, T> to the RefVector.
Definition: RefVector.h:67
const_iterator begin() const
Initialize an iterator over the RefVector.
Definition: RefVector.h:223
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::VertexCollection > input_pvCollection_token_

◆ muonCorrection() [1/2]

JetPlusTrackCorrector::P4 JetPlusTrackCorrector::muonCorrection ( const P4 jet,
const jpt::MatchedTracks muons 

Calculates correction to be applied using muons.

Definition at line 737 of file

References metsig::jet, DiMuonV_cfg::muons, contentValuesCheck::ss, useInConeTracks_, useOutOfConeTracks_, useOutOfVertexTracks_, and verbose_.

Referenced by correction().

737  {
738  P4 corr_muons;
740  P4 corr_muons_in_cone;
741  P4 corr_muons_out_of_cone;
742  P4 corr_muons_out_of_vertex;
744  if (useInConeTracks_) {
745  corr_muons_in_cone = muonCorrection(jet, muons.inVertexInCalo_, true, true);
746  corr_muons += corr_muons_in_cone;
747  }
749  if (useOutOfConeTracks_) {
750  corr_muons_out_of_cone = muonCorrection(jet, muons.inVertexOutOfCalo_, true, false);
751  corr_muons += corr_muons_out_of_cone;
752  }
754  if (useOutOfVertexTracks_) {
755  corr_muons_out_of_vertex = muonCorrection(jet, muons.outOfVertexInCalo_, false, true);
756  corr_muons += corr_muons_out_of_vertex;
757  }
759  if (verbose_) {
760  std::stringstream ss;
761  ss << " Muon corrections:" << std::endl
762  << " In/In : "
763  << "(" << muons.inVertexInCalo_.size() << ") " << << std::endl
764  << " In/Out : "
765  << "(" << muons.inVertexOutOfCalo_.size() << ") " << << std::endl
766  << " Out/In : "
767  << "(" << muons.outOfVertexInCalo_.size() << ") " <<;
768  edm::LogVerbatim("JetPlusTrackCorrector") << ss.str();
769  }
771  return corr_muons;
772 }
math::XYZTLorentzVector P4
Log< level::Info, true > LogVerbatim
the two sets of parameters below are mutually exclusive, depending if RECO or ALCARECO is used the us...
P4 muonCorrection(const P4 &jet, const jpt::MatchedTracks &muons)
Calculates correction to be applied using muons.

◆ muonCorrection() [2/2]

JetPlusTrackCorrector::P4 JetPlusTrackCorrector::muonCorrection ( const P4 jet,
const TrackRefs muons,
bool  in_cone_at_vertex,
bool  in_cone_at_calo_face 

Calculates individual muons corrections.

Definition at line 493 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

References calculateCorr(), metsig::jet, muonMass_, DiMuonV_cfg::muons, and not_used.

496  {
497  return calculateCorr(jet, muons, not_used, in_cone_at_vertex, in_cone_at_calo_face, muonMass_, false, 2.);
498 }
P4 calculateCorr(const P4 &jet, const TrackRefs &, jpt::Efficiency &, bool in_cone_at_vertex, bool in_cone_at_calo_face, double mass, bool is_pion, double mip)
Generic method to calculates 4-momentum correction to be applied.
the two sets of parameters below are mutually exclusive, depending if RECO or ALCARECO is used the us...

◆ pionCorrection() [1/2]

JetPlusTrackCorrector::P4 JetPlusTrackCorrector::pionCorrection ( const P4 jet,
const jpt::MatchedTracks pions 

Calculates corrections to be applied using pions.

Definition at line 670 of file

References efficiencyMap(), jpt::MatchedTracks::inVertexInCalo_, jpt::MatchedTracks::inVertexOutOfCalo_, metsig::jet, leakageMap(), not_used, jpt::MatchedTracks::outOfVertexInCalo_, pionEfficiency(), responseMap(), edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::size(), contentValuesCheck::ss, useEff_, useInConeTracks_, useOutOfConeTracks_, useOutOfVertexTracks_, and verbose_.

Referenced by correction().

670  {
671  P4 corr_pions;
673  // In-cone
675  P4 corr_pions_in_cone;
676  P4 corr_pions_eff_in_cone;
679  if (useInConeTracks_) {
680  corr_pions_in_cone = pionCorrection(jet, pions.inVertexInCalo_, in_cone, true, true);
681  corr_pions += corr_pions_in_cone;
682  if (useEff_) {
683  corr_pions_eff_in_cone = pionEfficiency(jet, in_cone, true);
684  corr_pions += corr_pions_eff_in_cone;
685  }
686  }
688  // Out-of-cone
690  P4 corr_pions_out_of_cone;
691  P4 corr_pions_eff_out_of_cone;
692  Efficiency out_of_cone(responseMap(), efficiencyMap(), leakageMap());
694  if (useOutOfConeTracks_) {
695  corr_pions_out_of_cone = pionCorrection(jet, pions.inVertexOutOfCalo_, out_of_cone, true, false);
696  corr_pions += corr_pions_out_of_cone;
697  if (useEff_) {
698  corr_pions_eff_out_of_cone = pionEfficiency(jet, out_of_cone, false);
699  corr_pions += corr_pions_eff_out_of_cone;
700  }
701  }
703  // Out-of-vertex
705  P4 corr_pions_out_of_vertex;
708  if (useOutOfVertexTracks_) {
709  corr_pions_out_of_vertex = pionCorrection(jet, pions.outOfVertexInCalo_, not_used, false, true);
710  corr_pions += corr_pions_out_of_vertex;
711  }
713  if (verbose_) {
714  std::stringstream ss;
715  ss << " Pion corrections:" << std::endl
716  << " In/In : "
717  << "(" << pions.inVertexInCalo_.size() << ") " << << std::endl
718  << " In/Out : "
719  << "(" << pions.inVertexOutOfCalo_.size() << ") " << << std::endl
720  << " Out/In : "
721  << "(" << pions.outOfVertexInCalo_.size() << ") " << << std::endl;
722  if (useEff_) {
723  ss << " Pion efficiency corrections:" << std::endl
724  << " In/In : "
725  << "(" << pions.inVertexInCalo_.size() << ") " << << std::endl
726  << " In/Out : "
727  << "(" << pions.inVertexOutOfCalo_.size() << ") " <<;
728  }
729  edm::LogVerbatim("JetPlusTrackCorrector") << ss.str();
730  }
732  return corr_pions;
733 }
math::XYZTLorentzVector P4
Log< level::Info, true > LogVerbatim
const jpt::Map & responseMap() const
reco::TrackRefVector inVertexInCalo_
const jpt::Map & leakageMap() const
reco::TrackRefVector inVertexOutOfCalo_
P4 pionCorrection(const P4 &jet, const jpt::MatchedTracks &pions)
Calculates corrections to be applied using pions.
const jpt::Map & efficiencyMap() const
reco::TrackRefVector outOfVertexInCalo_
P4 pionEfficiency(const P4 &jet, const jpt::Efficiency &, bool in_cone_at_calo_face)
Correction to be applied using tracking efficiency.
size_type size() const
Size of the RefVector.
Definition: RefVector.h:102
Generic container class.

◆ pionCorrection() [2/2]

JetPlusTrackCorrector::P4 JetPlusTrackCorrector::pionCorrection ( const P4 jet,
const TrackRefs pions,
jpt::Efficiency eff,
bool  in_cone_at_vertex,
bool  in_cone_at_calo_face 

Calculates individual pion corrections.

Definition at line 488 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

References calculateCorr(), metsig::jet, and pionMass_.

489  {
490  return calculateCorr(jet, pions, eff, in_cone_at_vertex, in_cone_at_calo_face, pionMass_, true, -1.);
491 }
P4 calculateCorr(const P4 &jet, const TrackRefs &, jpt::Efficiency &, bool in_cone_at_vertex, bool in_cone_at_calo_face, double mass, bool is_pion, double mip)
Generic method to calculates 4-momentum correction to be applied.

◆ pionEfficiency()

JetPlusTrackCorrector::P4 JetPlusTrackCorrector::pionEfficiency ( const P4 jet,
const jpt::Efficiency eff,
bool  in_cone_at_calo_face 

Correction to be applied using tracking efficiency.

Definition at line 1012 of file

References jpt::Map::binCenterEta(), jpt::Map::binCenterPt(), alignCSCRings::corr, correction(), hcalRecHitTable_cff::ieta, cuy::ii, jpt::Efficiency::inConeCorr(), metsig::jet, jpt::Map::nEtaBins(), jpt::Map::nPtBins(), jpt::Efficiency::nTrks(), jpt::Efficiency::outOfConeCorr(), pionMass_, response_, theResponseOfChargedWithEff, theSumEnergyWithEff, theSumPtWithEff, vecResponse_, and vectorial_.

Referenced by pionCorrection().

1014  {
1015  // Total correction to be applied
1016  P4 correction;
1018  double theSumResp = 0;
1019  double theSumPt = 0;
1020  double theSumEnergy = 0;
1022  // Iterate through eta/pt bins
1023  for (uint32_t ieta = 0; ieta < response_.nEtaBins() - 1; ++ieta) {
1024  for (uint32_t ipt = 0; ipt < response_.nPtBins() - 1; ++ipt) {
1025  // Check tracks are found in this eta/pt bin
1026  if (!eff.nTrks(ieta, ipt)) {
1027  continue;
1028  }
1030  for (uint16_t ii = 0; ii < 2; ++ii) {
1031  // Check which correction should be applied
1032  double corr = 0.;
1033  if (ii == 0) {
1034  corr = eff.outOfConeCorr(ieta, ipt);
1035  } else if (ii == 1 && in_cone_at_calo_face) {
1036  corr = eff.inConeCorr(ieta, ipt);
1037  } else {
1038  continue;
1039  }
1041  // Calculate correction to be applied
1042  P4 corr_p4;
1043  if (vectorial_ && vecResponse_) {
1044  double corr_eta = response_.binCenterEta(ieta);
1045  double corr_phi = jet.phi(); //@@ jet phi!
1046  double corr_pt = response_.binCenterPt(ipt);
1047  corr_p4 =
1048  PtEtaPhiM(corr_pt, corr_eta, corr_phi, pionMass_); //@@ E^2 = p^2 + m_pion^2, |p| calc'ed from pt bin
1049  corr_p4 *= ( > 0. ? corr / : 1.); //@@ p4 scaled up by mean energy for bin
1050  } else {
1051  corr_p4 = ( > 0. ? corr / : 1.) * jet;
1052  }
1054  // Apply correction
1055  if (ii == 0) {
1056  correction += corr_p4;
1057  theSumPt +=;
1058  theSumEnergy +=;
1059  } //@@ Add out-of-cone
1060  else if (ii == 1) {
1061  correction -= corr_p4;
1062  theSumResp +=;
1063  } //@@ Subtract in-cone
1064  }
1065  }
1066  }
1068  theResponseOfChargedWithEff += theSumResp;
1069  theSumPtWithEff += theSumPt;
1070  theSumEnergyWithEff += theSumEnergy;
1071  return correction;
1072 }
math::XYZTLorentzVector P4
uint32_t nPtBins() const
double binCenterEta(uint32_t) const
dictionary corr
double correction(const reco::Jet &, const reco::Jet &, const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &, P4 &, jpt::MatchedTracks &pions, jpt::MatchedTracks &muons, jpt::MatchedTracks &elecs, bool &validMatches)
Vectorial correction method (corrected 4-momentum passed by reference)
uint32_t nEtaBins() const
double binCenterPt(uint32_t) const
double inConeCorr(uint32_t eta_bin, uint32_t pt_bin) const
uint16_t nTrks(uint32_t eta_bin, uint32_t pt_bin) const
double outOfConeCorr(uint32_t eta_bin, uint32_t pt_bin) const
math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVectorD PtEtaPhiM

◆ rebuildJta()

void JetPlusTrackCorrector::rebuildJta ( const reco::Jet fJet,
const JetTracksAssociations jtV0,
TrackRefs included,
TrackRefs excluded 
) const

Rebuild jet-track association.

Definition at line 1171 of file

References reco::JetTracksAssociation::allJets(), edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::clear(), HLTMuonOfflineAnalyzer_cfi::deltaR2, ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::dR2(), reco::LeafCandidate::et(), reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), RemoveAddSevLevel::flag, reco::JetTracksAssociation::getValue(), cuy::ii, ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::vertexFinder::it, reco::btau::jetEta, reco::btau::jetPhi, jetSplitMerge_, reco::LeafCandidate::phi(), edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::push_back(), pfClustersFromCombinedCaloHF_cfi::scale, DiMuonV_cfg::tracks, run3scouting_cff::trkEta, and run3scouting_cff::trkPhi.

Referenced by jtaUsingEventData().

1174  {
1175  tracksthis = reco::JetTracksAssociation::getValue(jtV0, fJet);
1177  if (jetSplitMerge_ < 0)
1178  return;
1180  typedef std::vector<reco::JetBaseRef>::iterator JetBaseRefIterator;
1181  std::vector<reco::JetBaseRef> theJets = reco::JetTracksAssociation::allJets(jtV0);
1183  TrackRefs tracks = tracksthis;
1184  tracksthis.clear();
1186  double jetEta = fJet.eta();
1187  double jetPhi = fJet.phi();
1188  double jetEtIn = 1.0 /;
1190  for (TrackRefs::iterator it = tracks.begin(); it != tracks.end(); it++) {
1191  double trkEta = (**it).eta();
1192  double trkPhi = (**it).phi();
1193  double dR2this = deltaR2(jetEta, jetPhi, trkEta, trkPhi);
1194  // double dfi = fabs(fJet.phi()-(**it).phi());
1195  // if(dfi>4.*atan(1.))dfi = 8.*atan(1.)-dfi;
1196  // double deta = fJet.eta() - (**it).eta();
1197  // double dR2check = sqrt(dfi*dfi+deta*deta);
1199  double scalethis = dR2this;
1200  if (jetSplitMerge_ == 0)
1201  scalethis = 1. * jetEtIn;
1202  if (jetSplitMerge_ == 2)
1203  scalethis = dR2this * jetEtIn;
1204  int flag = 1;
1205  for (JetBaseRefIterator ii = theJets.begin(); ii != theJets.end(); ii++) {
1206  if (&(**ii) == &fJet) {
1207  continue;
1208  }
1209  double dR2 = deltaR2((*ii)->eta(), (*ii)->phi(), trkEta, trkPhi);
1210  double scale = dR2;
1211  if (jetSplitMerge_ == 0)
1212  scale = 1. / (**ii).et();
1213  if (jetSplitMerge_ == 2)
1214  scale = dR2 / (**ii).et();
1215  if (scale < scalethis)
1216  flag = 0;
1218  if (flag == 0) {
1219  break;
1220  }
1221  }
1223  if (flag == 1) {
1224  tracksthis.push_back(*it);
1225  } else {
1226  Excl.push_back(*it);
1227  }
1228  }
1230  return;
1231 }
ALPAKA_FN_ACC static ALPAKA_FN_INLINE float dR2(Position4 pos1, Position4 pos2)
reco::TrackRefVector TrackRefs
refhelper::RefVectorTrait< TrackCollection, typename refhelper::ValueTrait< TrackCollection >::value, typename refhelper::FindTrait< TrackCollection, typename refhelper::ValueTrait< TrackCollection >::value >::value >::iterator_type iterator
Definition: RefVector.h:37
const reco::TrackRefVector & getValue(const Container &, const reco::JetBaseRef &)
get value for the association. Throw exception if no association found
std::vector< reco::JetBaseRef > allJets(const Container &)
fill list of all jets associated with values. Return # of jets in the list
double et() const final
transverse energy
double phi() const final
momentum azimuthal angle
double eta() const final
momentum pseudorapidity

◆ responseMap()

const jpt::Map & JetPlusTrackCorrector::responseMap ( ) const

Definition at line 514 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

References response_.

Referenced by pionCorrection().

514 { return response_; }

◆ tracksInCalo()

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::tracksInCalo ( const jpt::MatchedTracks pions,
const jpt::MatchedTracks muons,
const jpt::MatchedTracks elecs 
) const

Determines if any tracks in cone at CaloFace.

Definition at line 658 of file

References singleTopDQM_cfi::elecs, edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::empty(), jpt::MatchedTracks::inVertexInCalo_, and DiMuonV_cfg::muons.

Referenced by matchTracks().

660  {
661  if (!pions.inVertexInCalo_.empty() || !muons.inVertexInCalo_.empty() || !elecs.inVertexInCalo_.empty()) {
662  return true;
663  } else {
664  return false;
665  }
666 }
bool empty() const
Is the RefVector empty.
Definition: RefVector.h:99
reco::TrackRefVector inVertexInCalo_
the two sets of parameters below are mutually exclusive, depending if RECO or ALCARECO is used the us...

◆ vectorialCorrection()

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::vectorialCorrection ( ) const

Returns value of configurable.

Definition at line 485 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

References vectorial_.

Member Data Documentation

◆ dzVertexCut_

double JetPlusTrackCorrector::dzVertexCut_

Definition at line 417 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by failTrackQuality().

◆ efficiency_

const jpt::Map JetPlusTrackCorrector::efficiency_

Definition at line 432 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by correctAA(), and efficiencyMap().

◆ elecMass_

double JetPlusTrackCorrector::elecMass_

Definition at line 444 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by elecCorrection().

◆ electronDRmatch_

double JetPlusTrackCorrector::electronDRmatch_

Definition at line 439 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by matchElectrons().

◆ electronIds_

edm::InputTag JetPlusTrackCorrector::electronIds_

Definition at line 423 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by JetPlusTrackCorrector().

◆ electrons_

edm::InputTag JetPlusTrackCorrector::electrons_

Definition at line 422 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by JetPlusTrackCorrector().

◆ input_jetTracksAtCalo_token_

edm::EDGetTokenT<reco::JetTracksAssociation::Container> JetPlusTrackCorrector::input_jetTracksAtCalo_token_

Definition at line 461 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by JetPlusTrackCorrector(), and jtaUsingEventData().

◆ input_jetTracksAtVertex_token_

edm::EDGetTokenT<reco::JetTracksAssociation::Container> JetPlusTrackCorrector::input_jetTracksAtVertex_token_

Definition at line 460 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by JetPlusTrackCorrector(), and jtaUsingEventData().

◆ input_pat_elecs_token_

edm::EDGetTokenT<pat::ElectronCollection> JetPlusTrackCorrector::input_pat_elecs_token_

Definition at line 467 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by getElectrons(), and JetPlusTrackCorrector().

◆ input_pat_muons_token_

edm::EDGetTokenT<pat::MuonCollection> JetPlusTrackCorrector::input_pat_muons_token_

Definition at line 466 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by JetPlusTrackCorrector().

◆ input_pvCollection_token_

edm::EDGetTokenT<reco::VertexCollection> JetPlusTrackCorrector::input_pvCollection_token_

Definition at line 463 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by JetPlusTrackCorrector(), and matchTracks().

◆ input_reco_elec_ids_token_

edm::EDGetTokenT<RecoElectronIds> JetPlusTrackCorrector::input_reco_elec_ids_token_

Definition at line 465 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by getElectrons(), and JetPlusTrackCorrector().

◆ input_reco_elecs_token_

edm::EDGetTokenT<RecoElectrons> JetPlusTrackCorrector::input_reco_elecs_token_

Definition at line 464 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by getElectrons(), and JetPlusTrackCorrector().

◆ input_reco_muons_token_

edm::EDGetTokenT<RecoMuons> JetPlusTrackCorrector::input_reco_muons_token_

Definition at line 462 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by getMuons(), and JetPlusTrackCorrector().

◆ jetSplitMerge_

int JetPlusTrackCorrector::jetSplitMerge_

◆ jetTracksAtCalo_

edm::InputTag JetPlusTrackCorrector::jetTracksAtCalo_

◆ jetTracksAtVertex_

edm::InputTag JetPlusTrackCorrector::jetTracksAtVertex_

◆ leakage_

const jpt::Map JetPlusTrackCorrector::leakage_

Definition at line 433 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by leakageMap().

◆ maxEta_

double JetPlusTrackCorrector::maxEta_

Definition at line 447 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by canCorrect().

◆ muonEtamatch_

double JetPlusTrackCorrector::muonEtamatch_

Definition at line 437 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

◆ muonMass_

double JetPlusTrackCorrector::muonMass_

Definition at line 443 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by muonCorrection().

◆ muonPhimatch_

double JetPlusTrackCorrector::muonPhimatch_

Definition at line 438 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

◆ muonPtmatch_

double JetPlusTrackCorrector::muonPtmatch_

Definition at line 436 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

◆ muons_

edm::InputTag JetPlusTrackCorrector::muons_

Definition at line 421 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by JetPlusTrackCorrector().

◆ not_used

jpt::Efficiency JetPlusTrackCorrector::not_used {response_, efficiency_, leakage_}

Definition at line 455 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by elecCorrection(), muonCorrection(), and pionCorrection().

◆ patelectrons_

edm::InputTag JetPlusTrackCorrector::patelectrons_

Definition at line 425 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by JetPlusTrackCorrector().

◆ patmuons_

edm::InputTag JetPlusTrackCorrector::patmuons_

Definition at line 424 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by JetPlusTrackCorrector().

◆ pionMass_

double JetPlusTrackCorrector::pionMass_

Definition at line 442 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by pionCorrection(), and pionEfficiency().

◆ ptErrorQuality_

double JetPlusTrackCorrector::ptErrorQuality_

Definition at line 416 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by failTrackQuality().

◆ response_

const jpt::Map JetPlusTrackCorrector::response_

Definition at line 431 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by calculateCorr(), correctAA(), pionEfficiency(), and responseMap().

◆ srcPVs_

edm::InputTag JetPlusTrackCorrector::srcPVs_

Definition at line 415 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by JetPlusTrackCorrector().

◆ theResponseOfChargedWithEff

float JetPlusTrackCorrector::theResponseOfChargedWithEff

◆ theResponseOfChargedWithoutEff

float JetPlusTrackCorrector::theResponseOfChargedWithoutEff

◆ theSumEnergyWithEff

float JetPlusTrackCorrector::theSumEnergyWithEff

◆ theSumEnergyWithoutEff

float JetPlusTrackCorrector::theSumEnergyWithoutEff

Definition at line 453 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by calculateCorr(), correction(), and getSumEnergyWithoutEff().

◆ theSumPtForBeta

float JetPlusTrackCorrector::theSumPtForBeta

Definition at line 454 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by correction(), getSumPtForBeta(), and matchTracks().

◆ theSumPtWithEff

float JetPlusTrackCorrector::theSumPtWithEff

◆ theSumPtWithoutEff

float JetPlusTrackCorrector::theSumPtWithoutEff

Definition at line 451 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by calculateCorr(), correction(), and getSumPtWithoutEff().

◆ trackQuality_

reco::TrackBase::TrackQuality JetPlusTrackCorrector::trackQuality_

Definition at line 428 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by failTrackQuality(), and matchTracks().

◆ useEff_

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::useEff_

Definition at line 406 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by JetPlusTrackCorrector(), and pionCorrection().

◆ useElecs_

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::useElecs_

Definition at line 408 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by correction(), JetPlusTrackCorrector(), and matchTracks().

◆ useInConeTracks_

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::useInConeTracks_

Definition at line 402 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by JetPlusTrackCorrector(), muonCorrection(), and pionCorrection().

◆ useMuons_

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::useMuons_

Definition at line 407 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by correction(), JetPlusTrackCorrector(), and matchTracks().

◆ useOutOfConeTracks_

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::useOutOfConeTracks_

Definition at line 403 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by JetPlusTrackCorrector(), muonCorrection(), and pionCorrection().

◆ useOutOfVertexTracks_

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::useOutOfVertexTracks_

Definition at line 404 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by JetPlusTrackCorrector(), muonCorrection(), and pionCorrection().

◆ usePAT_

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::usePAT_

Definition at line 399 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by correction(), JetPlusTrackCorrector(), and matchTracks().

◆ usePions_

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::usePions_

Definition at line 405 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by correction(), and JetPlusTrackCorrector().

◆ useTrackQuality_

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::useTrackQuality_

Definition at line 409 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by failTrackQuality(), JetPlusTrackCorrector(), and matchTracks().

◆ vecResponse_

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::vecResponse_

◆ vectorial_

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::vectorial_

◆ verbose_

bool JetPlusTrackCorrector::verbose_

◆ vertex_

reco::Particle::Point JetPlusTrackCorrector::vertex_

Definition at line 418 of file JetPlusTrackCorrector.h.

Referenced by failTrackQuality(), and matchTracks().