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1 /*
2  * Routine to calculate CSC efficiencies
3  * Comments about the program logic are denoted by //----
4  *
5  * Stoyan Stoynev, Northwestern University.
6  */
20 using namespace std;
23  passTheEvent = false;
24  DataFlow->Fill(0.);
27  //---- increment counter
28  nEventsAnalyzed++;
29  // printalot debug output
30  printalot = (nEventsAnalyzed < int(printout_NEvents)); //
31  edm::RunNumber_t const iRun =;
32  edm::EventNumber_t const iEvent =;
33  if (0 == fmod(double(nEventsAnalyzed), double(1000))) {
34  if (printalot) {
35  printf("\n==enter==CSCEfficiency===== run %u\tevent %llu\tn Analyzed %i\n", iRun, iEvent, nEventsAnalyzed);
36  }
37  }
38  theService->update(eventSetup);
39  //---- These declarations create handles to the types of records that you want
40  //---- to retrieve from event "e".
41  if (printalot)
42  printf("\tget handles for digi collections\n");
44  //---- Pass the handle to the method "getByType", which is used to retrieve
45  //---- one and only one instance of the type in question out of event "e". If
46  //---- zero or more than one instance exists in the event an exception is thrown.
47  if (printalot)
48  printf("\tpass handles\n");
56  edm::Handle<edm::View<reco::Track> > trackCollectionH;
59  if (useDigis) {
60  event.getByToken(wd_token, wires);
61  event.getByToken(sd_token, strips);
62  event.getByToken(al_token, alcts);
63  event.getByToken(cl_token, clcts);
64  event.getByToken(co_token, correlatedlcts);
65  }
66  if (!isData) {
67  event.getByToken(sh_token, simhits);
68  }
69  event.getByToken(rh_token, rechits);
70  event.getByToken(se_token, segments);
71  event.getByToken(tk_token, trackCollectionH);
72  const edm::View<reco::Track> trackCollection = *(trackCollectionH.product());
74  //---- Get the CSC Geometry :
75  if (printalot)
76  printf("\tget the CSC geometry.\n");
77  edm::ESHandle<CSCGeometry> cscGeom = eventSetup.getHandle(geomToken_);
79  // use theTrackingGeometry instead of cscGeom?
80  //edm::ESHandle<GlobalTrackingGeometry> theTrackingGeometry = eventSetup.getHandle(trackingGeomToken_);
82  bool triggerPassed = true;
83  if (useTrigger) {
84  // access the trigger information
85  // trigger names can be find in HLTrigger/Configuration/python/ (or?)
86  // get hold of TriggerResults
88  event.getByToken(ht_token, hltR);
89  const edm::TriggerNames &triggerNames = event.triggerNames(*hltR);
90  triggerPassed = applyTrigger(hltR, triggerNames);
91  }
92  if (!triggerPassed) {
93  return triggerPassed;
94  }
95  DataFlow->Fill(1.);
96  GlobalPoint gpZero(0., 0., 0.);
97  if (theService->magneticField()->inTesla(gpZero).mag2() < 0.1) {
98  magField = false;
99  } else {
100  magField = true;
101  }
103  //---- store info from digis
104  fillDigiInfo(alcts, clcts, correlatedlcts, wires, strips, simhits, rechits, segments, cscGeom);
105  //
107  edm::InputTag muonTag_("muons");
108  event.getByLabel(muonTag_, muons);
110  edm::Handle<reco::BeamSpot> beamSpotHandle;
111  event.getByLabel("offlineBeamSpot", beamSpotHandle);
112  reco::BeamSpot vertexBeamSpot = *beamSpotHandle;
113  //
114  std::vector<reco::MuonCollection::const_iterator> goodMuons_it;
115  unsigned int nPositiveZ = 0;
116  unsigned int nNegativeZ = 0;
117  float muonOuterZPosition = -99999.;
118  if (isIPdata) {
119  if (printalot)
120  std::cout << " muons.size() = " << muons->size() << std::endl;
121  for (reco::MuonCollection::const_iterator muon = muons->begin(); muon != muons->end(); ++muon) {
122  DataFlow->Fill(31.);
123  if (printalot) {
124  std::cout << " iMuon = " << muon - muons->begin() << " charge = " << muon->charge() << " p = " << muon->p()
125  << " pt = " << muon->pt() << " eta = " << muon->eta() << " phi = " << muon->phi()
126  << " matches = " << muon->matches().size()
127  << " matched Seg = " << muon->numberOfMatches(reco::Muon::SegmentAndTrackArbitration)
128  << " GLB/TR/STA = " << muon->isGlobalMuon() << "/" << muon->isTrackerMuon() << "/"
129  << muon->isStandAloneMuon() << std::endl;
130  }
131  if (!(muon->isTrackerMuon() && muon->isGlobalMuon())) {
132  continue;
133  }
134  DataFlow->Fill(32.);
135  double relISO =
136  (muon->isolationR03().sumPt + muon->isolationR03().emEt + muon->isolationR03().hadEt) / muon->track()->pt();
137  if (printalot) {
138  std::cout << " relISO = " << relISO << " emVetoEt = " << muon->isolationR03().emVetoEt
139  << " caloComp = " << muon::caloCompatibility(*(muon))
140  << " dxy = " << fabs(muon->track()->dxy(vertexBeamSpot.position())) << std::endl;
141  }
142  if (
143  //relISO>0.1 || muon::caloCompatibility(*(muon))<.90 ||
144  fabs(muon->track()->dxy(vertexBeamSpot.position())) > 0.2 || muon->pt() < 6.) {
145  continue;
146  }
147  DataFlow->Fill(33.);
148  if (muon->track()->hitPattern().numberOfValidPixelHits() < 1 ||
149  muon->track()->hitPattern().numberOfValidTrackerHits() < 11 ||
150  muon->combinedMuon()->hitPattern().numberOfValidMuonHits() < 1 ||
151  muon->combinedMuon()->normalizedChi2() > 10. || muon->numberOfMatches() < 2) {
152  continue;
153  }
154  DataFlow->Fill(34.);
155  float zOuter = muon->combinedMuon()->outerPosition().z();
156  float rhoOuter = muon->combinedMuon()->outerPosition().rho();
157  bool passDepth = true;
158  // barrel region
159  //if ( fabs(zOuter) < 660. && rhoOuter > 400. && rhoOuter < 480.){
160  if (fabs(zOuter) < 660. && rhoOuter > 400. && rhoOuter < 540.) {
161  passDepth = false;
162  }
163  // endcap region
164  //else if( fabs(zOuter) > 550. && fabs(zOuter) < 650. && rhoOuter < 300.){
165  else if (fabs(zOuter) > 550. && fabs(zOuter) < 650. && rhoOuter < 300.) {
166  passDepth = false;
167  }
168  // overlap region
169  //else if ( fabs(zOuter) > 680. && fabs(zOuter) < 730. && rhoOuter < 480.){
170  else if (fabs(zOuter) > 680. && fabs(zOuter) < 880. && rhoOuter < 540.) {
171  passDepth = false;
172  }
173  if (!passDepth) {
174  continue;
175  }
176  DataFlow->Fill(35.);
177  goodMuons_it.push_back(muon);
178  if (muon->track()->momentum().z() > 0.) {
179  ++nPositiveZ;
180  }
181  if (muon->track()->momentum().z() < 0.) {
182  ++nNegativeZ;
183  }
184  }
185  }
187  //
189  if (printalot)
190  std::cout << "Start track loop over " << trackCollection.size() << " tracks" << std::endl;
191  for (edm::View<reco::Track>::size_type i = 0; i < trackCollection.size(); ++i) {
192  DataFlow->Fill(2.);
193  edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> track(trackCollectionH, i);
194  //std::cout<<" iTR = "<<i<<" eta = "<<track->eta()<<" phi = "<<track->phi()<<std::cout<<" pt = "<<track->pt()<<std::endl;
195  if (isIPdata) {
196  if (printalot) {
197  std::cout << " nNegativeZ = " << nNegativeZ << " nPositiveZ = " << nPositiveZ << std::endl;
198  }
199  if (nNegativeZ > 1 || nPositiveZ > 1) {
200  break;
201  }
202  bool trackOK = false;
203  if (printalot) {
204  std::cout << " goodMuons_it.size() = " << goodMuons_it.size() << std::endl;
205  }
206  for (size_t iM = 0; iM < goodMuons_it.size(); ++iM) {
207  //std::cout<<" iM = "<<iM<<" eta = "<<goodMuons_it[iM]->track()->eta()<<
208  //" phi = "<<goodMuons_it[iM]->track()->phi()<<
209  //" pt = "<<goodMuons_it[iM]->track()->pt()<<std::endl;
210  float deltaR = pow(track->phi() - goodMuons_it[iM]->track()->phi(), 2) +
211  pow(track->eta() - goodMuons_it[iM]->track()->eta(), 2);
212  deltaR = sqrt(deltaR);
213  if (printalot) {
214  std::cout << " TR mu match to a tr: deltaR = " << deltaR
215  << " dPt = " << track->pt() - goodMuons_it[iM]->track()->pt() << std::endl;
216  }
217  if (deltaR > 0.01 || fabs(track->pt() - goodMuons_it[iM]->track()->pt()) > 0.1) {
218  continue;
219  } else {
220  trackOK = true;
221  if (printalot) {
222  std::cout << " trackOK " << std::endl;
223  }
224  muonOuterZPosition = goodMuons_it[iM]->combinedMuon()->outerPosition().z();
225  break;
226  //++nChosenTracks;
227  }
228  }
229  if (!trackOK) {
230  if (printalot) {
231  std::cout << " failed: trackOK " << std::endl;
232  }
233  continue;
234  }
235  } else {
236  //---- Do we need a better "clean track" definition?
237  if (trackCollection.size() > 2) {
238  break;
239  }
240  DataFlow->Fill(3.);
241  if (!i && 2 == trackCollection.size()) {
243  edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> trackTwo(trackCollectionH, tType);
244  if (track->outerPosition().z() * trackTwo->outerPosition().z() > 0) { // in one and the same "endcap"
245  break;
246  }
247  }
248  }
249  DataFlow->Fill(4.);
250  if (printalot) {
251  std::cout << "i track = " << i << " P = " << track->p() << " chi2/ndf = " << track->normalizedChi2()
252  << " nSeg = " << segments->size() << std::endl;
253  std::cout << "quality undef/loose/tight/high/confirmed/goodIt/size " << track->quality(reco::Track::undefQuality)
254  << "/" << track->quality(reco::Track::loose) << "/" << track->quality(reco::Track::tight) << "/"
255  << track->quality(reco::Track::highPurity) << "/" << track->quality(reco::Track::confirmed) << "/"
256  << track->quality(reco::Track::goodIterative) << "/" << track->quality(reco::Track::qualitySize)
257  << std::endl;
258  std::cout << " pt = " << track->pt() << " +-" << track->ptError() << " q/pt = " << track->qoverp() << " +- "
259  << track->qoverpError() << std::endl;
260  //std::cout<<" const Pmin = "<<minTrackMomentum<<" pMax = "<<maxTrackMomentum<<" maxNormChi2 = "<<maxNormChi2<<std::endl;
261  std::cout << " track inner position = " << track->innerPosition()
262  << " outer position = " << track->outerPosition() << std::endl;
263  std::cout << "track eta (outer) = " << track->outerPosition().eta()
264  << " phi (outer) = " << track->outerPosition().phi() << std::endl;
265  if (fabs(track->innerPosition().z()) > 500.) {
266  DetId innerDetId(track->innerDetId());
267  std::cout << " dump inner state MUON detid = " << debug.dumpMuonId(innerDetId) << std::endl;
268  }
269  if (fabs(track->outerPosition().z()) > 500.) {
270  DetId outerDetId(track->outerDetId());
271  std::cout << " dump outer state MUON detid = " << debug.dumpMuonId(outerDetId) << std::endl;
272  }
274  std::cout << " nHits = " << track->found() << std::endl;
275  /*
276  trackingRecHit_iterator rhbegin = track->recHitsBegin();
277  trackingRecHit_iterator rhend = track->recHitsEnd();
278  int iRH = 0;
279  for(trackingRecHit_iterator recHit = rhbegin; recHit != rhend; ++recHit){
280  const GeomDet* geomDet = theTrackingGeometry->idToDet((*recHit)->geographicalId());
281  std::cout<<"hit "<<iRH<<" loc pos = " <<(*recHit)->localPosition()<<
282  " glob pos = " <<geomDet->toGlobal((*recHit)->localPosition())<<std::endl;
283  ++iRH;
284  }
285  */
286  }
287  float dpT_ov_pT = 0.;
288  if (fabs(track->pt()) > 0.001) {
289  dpT_ov_pT = track->ptError() / track->pt();
290  }
291  //---- These define a "good" track
292  if (track->normalizedChi2() > maxNormChi2) { // quality
293  break;
294  }
295  DataFlow->Fill(5.);
296  if (track->found() < minTrackHits) { // enough data points
297  break;
298  }
299  DataFlow->Fill(6.);
300  if (!segments->size()) { // better have something in the CSC
301  break;
302  }
303  DataFlow->Fill(7.);
304  if (magField && (track->p() < minP || track->p() > maxP)) { // proper energy range
305  break;
306  }
307  DataFlow->Fill(8.);
308  if (magField && (dpT_ov_pT > 0.5)) { // not too crazy uncertainty
309  break;
310  }
311  DataFlow->Fill(9.);
313  passTheEvent = true;
314  if (printalot)
315  std::cout << "good Track" << std::endl;
316  CLHEP::Hep3Vector r3T_inner(track->innerPosition().x(), track->innerPosition().y(), track->innerPosition().z());
317  CLHEP::Hep3Vector r3T(track->outerPosition().x(), track->outerPosition().y(), track->outerPosition().z());
318  chooseDirection(r3T_inner, r3T); // for non-IP
320  CLHEP::Hep3Vector p3T(track->outerMomentum().x(), track->outerMomentum().y(), track->outerMomentum().z());
321  CLHEP::Hep3Vector p3_propagated, r3_propagated;
322  AlgebraicSymMatrix66 cov_propagated, covT;
323  covT *= 1e-20;
324  cov_propagated *= 1e-20;
325  int charge = track->charge();
326  FreeTrajectoryState ftsStart = getFromCLHEP(p3T, r3T, charge, covT, &*(theService->magneticField()));
327  if (printalot) {
328  std::cout << " p = " << track->p() << " norm chi2 = " << track->normalizedChi2() << std::endl;
329  std::cout << " dump the very first FTS = " << debug.dumpFTS(ftsStart) << std::endl;
330  }
331  TrajectoryStateOnSurface tSOSDest;
332  int endcap = 0;
333  //---- which endcap to look at
334  if (track->outerPosition().z() > 0) {
335  endcap = 1;
336  } else {
337  endcap = 2;
338  }
339  int chamber = 1;
340  //---- a "refference" CSCDetId for each ring
341  std::vector<CSCDetId> refME;
342  for (int iS = 1; iS < 5; ++iS) {
343  for (int iR = 1; iR < 4; ++iR) {
344  if (1 != iS && iR > 2) {
345  continue;
346  } else if (4 == iS && iR > 1) {
347  continue;
348  }
349  refME.push_back(CSCDetId(endcap, iS, iR, chamber));
350  }
351  }
352  //---- loop over the "refference" CSCDetIds
353  for (size_t iSt = 0; iSt < refME.size(); ++iSt) {
354  if (printalot) {
355  std::cout << "loop iStatation = " << iSt << std::endl;
356  std::cout << "refME[iSt]: st = " << refME[iSt].station() << " rg = " << refME[iSt].ring() << std::endl;
357  }
358  std::map<std::string, bool> chamberTypes;
359  chamberTypes["ME11"] = false;
360  chamberTypes["ME12"] = false;
361  chamberTypes["ME13"] = false;
362  chamberTypes["ME21"] = false;
363  chamberTypes["ME22"] = false;
364  chamberTypes["ME31"] = false;
365  chamberTypes["ME32"] = false;
366  chamberTypes["ME41"] = false;
367  const CSCChamber *cscChamber_base = cscGeom->chamber(refME[iSt].chamberId());
368  DetId detId = cscChamber_base->geographicalId();
369  if (printalot) {
370  std::cout << " base iStation : eta = " << cscGeom->idToDet(detId)->surface().position().eta()
371  << " phi = " << cscGeom->idToDet(detId)->surface().position().phi()
372  << " y = " << cscGeom->idToDet(detId)->surface().position().y() << std::endl;
373  std::cout << " dump base iStation detid = " << debug.dumpMuonId(detId) << std::endl;
374  std::cout << " dump FTS start = " << debug.dumpFTS(ftsStart) << std::endl;
375  }
376  //---- propagate to this ME
377  tSOSDest = propagate(ftsStart, cscGeom->idToDet(detId)->surface());
378  if (tSOSDest.isValid()) {
379  ftsStart = *tSOSDest.freeState();
380  if (printalot)
381  std::cout << " dump FTS end = " << debug.dumpFTS(ftsStart) << std::endl;
382  getFromFTS(ftsStart, p3_propagated, r3_propagated, charge, cov_propagated);
383  float feta = fabs(r3_propagated.eta());
384  float phi = r3_propagated.phi();
385  //---- which rings are (possibly) penetrated
386  ringCandidates(refME[iSt].station(), feta, chamberTypes);
388  map<std::string, bool>::iterator iter;
389  int iterations = 0;
390  //---- loop over ring candidates
391  for (iter = chamberTypes.begin(); iter != chamberTypes.end(); iter++) {
392  ++iterations;
393  //---- is this ME a machinig candidate station
394  if (iter->second && (iterations - 1) == int(iSt)) {
395  if (printalot) {
396  std::cout << " Chamber type " << iter->first << " is a candidate..." << std::endl;
397  std::cout << " station() = " << refME[iSt].station() << " ring() = " << refME[iSt].ring()
398  << " iSt = " << iSt << std::endl;
399  }
400  std::vector<int> coupleOfChambers;
401  //---- which chamber (and its closes neighbor) is penetrated by the track - candidates
402  chamberCandidates(refME[iSt].station(), refME[iSt].ring(), phi, coupleOfChambers);
403  //---- loop over the two chamber candidates
404  for (size_t iCh = 0; iCh < coupleOfChambers.size(); ++iCh) {
405  DataFlow->Fill(11.);
406  if (printalot)
407  std::cout << " Check chamber N = " << << std::endl;
408  ;
409  if ((!getAbsoluteEfficiency) &&
410  (true == emptyChambers[refME[iSt].endcap() - 1][refME[iSt].station() - 1][refME[iSt].ring() - 1]
411  [ - FirstCh])) {
412  continue;
413  }
414  CSCDetId theCSCId(refME[iSt].endcap(), refME[iSt].station(), refME[iSt].ring(),;
415  const CSCChamber *cscChamber = cscGeom->chamber(theCSCId.chamberId());
416  const BoundPlane bpCh = cscGeom->idToDet(cscChamber->geographicalId())->surface();
417  float zFTS = ftsStart.position().z();
418  float dz = fabs(bpCh.position().z() - zFTS);
419  float zDistInner = track->innerPosition().z() - bpCh.position().z();
420  float zDistOuter = track->outerPosition().z() - bpCh.position().z();
421  //---- only detectors between the inner and outer points of the track are considered for non IP-data
422  if (printalot) {
423  std::cout << " zIn = " << track->innerPosition().z() << " zOut = " << track->outerPosition().z()
424  << " zSurf = " << bpCh.position().z() << std::endl;
425  }
426  if (!isIPdata && (zDistInner * zDistOuter > 0. || fabs(zDistInner) < 15. ||
427  fabs(zDistOuter) < 15.)) { // for non IP-data
428  if (printalot) {
429  std::cout << " Not an intermediate (as defined) point... Skip." << std::endl;
430  }
431  continue;
432  }
433  if (isIPdata && fabs(track->eta()) < 1.8) {
434  if (fabs(muonOuterZPosition) - fabs(bpCh.position().z()) < 0 ||
435  fabs(muonOuterZPosition - bpCh.position().z()) < 15.) {
436  continue;
437  }
438  }
439  DataFlow->Fill(13.);
440  //---- propagate to the chamber (from this ME) if it is a different surface (odd/even chambers)
441  if (dz > 0.1) { // i.e. non-zero (float 0 check is bad)
442  //if(fabs(zChanmber - zFTS ) > 0.1){
443  tSOSDest = propagate(ftsStart, cscGeom->idToDet(cscChamber->geographicalId())->surface());
444  if (tSOSDest.isValid()) {
445  ftsStart = *tSOSDest.freeState();
446  } else {
447  if (printalot)
448  std::cout << "TSOS not valid! Break." << std::endl;
449  break;
450  }
451  } else {
452  if (printalot)
453  std::cout << " info: dz<0.1" << std::endl;
454  }
455  DataFlow->Fill(15.);
456  FreeTrajectoryState ftsInit = ftsStart;
457  bool inDeadZone = false;
458  //---- loop over the 6 layers
459  for (int iLayer = 0; iLayer < 6; ++iLayer) {
460  bool extrapolationPassed = true;
461  if (printalot) {
462  std::cout << " iLayer = " << iLayer << " dump FTS init = " << debug.dumpFTS(ftsInit) << std::endl;
463  std::cout << " dump detid = " << debug.dumpMuonId(cscChamber->geographicalId()) << std::endl;
464  std::cout << "Surface to propagate to: pos = " << cscChamber->layer(iLayer + 1)->surface().position()
465  << " eta = " << cscChamber->layer(iLayer + 1)->surface().position().eta()
466  << " phi = " << cscChamber->layer(iLayer + 1)->surface().position().phi() << std::endl;
467  }
468  //---- propagate to this layer
469  tSOSDest = propagate(ftsInit, cscChamber->layer(iLayer + 1)->surface());
470  if (tSOSDest.isValid()) {
471  ftsInit = *tSOSDest.freeState();
472  if (printalot)
473  std::cout << " Propagation between layers successful: dump FTS end = " << debug.dumpFTS(ftsInit)
474  << std::endl;
475  getFromFTS(ftsInit, p3_propagated, r3_propagated, charge, cov_propagated);
476  } else {
477  if (printalot)
478  std::cout << "Propagation between layers not successful - notValid TSOS" << std::endl;
479  extrapolationPassed = false;
480  inDeadZone = true;
481  }
482  //}
483  //---- Extrapolation passed? For each layer?
484  if (extrapolationPassed) {
485  GlobalPoint theExtrapolationPoint(r3_propagated.x(), r3_propagated.y(), r3_propagated.z());
486  LocalPoint theLocalPoint = cscChamber->layer(iLayer + 1)->toLocal(theExtrapolationPoint);
487  //std::cout<<" Candidate chamber: extrapolated LocalPoint = "<<theLocalPoint<<std::endl;
488  inDeadZone = (inDeadZone ||
489  !inSensitiveLocalRegion(
490  theLocalPoint.x(), theLocalPoint.y(), refME[iSt].station(), refME[iSt].ring()));
491  if (printalot) {
492  std::cout << " Candidate chamber: extrapolated LocalPoint = " << theLocalPoint
493  << "inDeadZone = " << inDeadZone << std::endl;
494  }
495  //---- break if in dead zone for any layer ("clean" tracks)
496  if (inDeadZone) {
497  break;
498  }
499  } else {
500  break;
501  }
502  }
503  DataFlow->Fill(17.);
504  //---- Is a track in a sensitive area for each layer?
505  if (!inDeadZone) { //---- for any layer
506  DataFlow->Fill(19.);
507  if (printalot)
508  std::cout << "Do efficiencies..." << std::endl;
509  //---- Do efficiencies
510  // angle cuts applied (if configured)
511  bool angle_flag = true;
512  angle_flag = efficienciesPerChamber(theCSCId, cscChamber, ftsStart);
513  if (useDigis && angle_flag) {
514  stripWire_Efficiencies(theCSCId, ftsStart);
515  }
516  if (angle_flag) {
517  recHitSegment_Efficiencies(theCSCId, cscChamber, ftsStart);
518  if (!isData) {
519  recSimHitEfficiency(theCSCId, ftsStart);
520  }
521  }
522  } else {
523  if (printalot)
524  std::cout << " Not in active area for all layers" << std::endl;
525  }
526  }
527  if (tSOSDest.isValid()) {
528  ftsStart = *tSOSDest.freeState();
529  }
530  }
531  }
532  } else {
533  if (printalot)
534  std::cout << " TSOS not valid..." << std::endl;
535  }
536  }
537  }
538  //---- End
539  if (printalot)
540  printf("==exit===CSCEfficiency===== run %u\tevent %llu\n\n", iRun, iEvent);
541  return passTheEvent;
542 }
544 //
545 bool CSCEfficiency::inSensitiveLocalRegion(double xLocal, double yLocal, int station, int ring) {
546  //---- Good region means sensitive area of a chamber. "Local" stands for the local system
547  bool pass = false;
548  std::vector<double> chamberBounds(3); // the sensitive area
549  float y_center = 99999.;
550  //---- hardcoded... not good
551  if (station > 1 && station < 5) {
552  if (2 == ring) {
553  chamberBounds[0] = 66.46 / 2; // (+-)x1 shorter
554  chamberBounds[1] = 127.15 / 2; // (+-)x2 longer
555  chamberBounds[2] = 323.06 / 2;
556  y_center = -0.95;
557  } else {
558  if (2 == station) {
559  chamberBounds[0] = 54.00 / 2; // (+-)x1 shorter
560  chamberBounds[1] = 125.71 / 2; // (+-)x2 longer
561  chamberBounds[2] = 189.66 / 2;
562  y_center = -0.955;
563  } else if (3 == station) {
564  chamberBounds[0] = 61.40 / 2; // (+-)x1 shorter
565  chamberBounds[1] = 125.71 / 2; // (+-)x2 longer
566  chamberBounds[2] = 169.70 / 2;
567  y_center = -0.97;
568  } else if (4 == station) {
569  chamberBounds[0] = 69.01 / 2; // (+-)x1 shorter
570  chamberBounds[1] = 125.65 / 2; // (+-)x2 longer
571  chamberBounds[2] = 149.42 / 2;
572  y_center = -0.94;
573  }
574  }
575  } else if (1 == station) {
576  if (3 == ring) {
577  chamberBounds[0] = 63.40 / 2; // (+-)x1 shorter
578  chamberBounds[1] = 92.10 / 2; // (+-)x2 longer
579  chamberBounds[2] = 164.16 / 2;
580  y_center = -1.075;
581  } else if (2 == ring) {
582  chamberBounds[0] = 51.00 / 2; // (+-)x1 shorter
583  chamberBounds[1] = 83.74 / 2; // (+-)x2 longer
584  chamberBounds[2] = 174.49 / 2;
585  y_center = -0.96;
586  } else { // to be investigated
587  chamberBounds[0] = 30. / 2; //40./2; // (+-)x1 shorter
588  chamberBounds[1] = 60. / 2; //100./2; // (+-)x2 longer
589  chamberBounds[2] = 160. / 2; //142./2;
590  y_center = 0.;
591  }
592  }
593  double yUp = chamberBounds[2] + y_center;
594  double yDown = -chamberBounds[2] + y_center;
595  double xBound1Shifted = chamberBounds[0] - distanceFromDeadZone; //
596  double xBound2Shifted = chamberBounds[1] - distanceFromDeadZone; //
597  double lineSlope = (yUp - yDown) / (xBound2Shifted - xBound1Shifted);
598  double lineConst = yUp - lineSlope * xBound2Shifted;
599  double yBoundary = lineSlope * abs(xLocal) + lineConst;
600  pass = checkLocal(yLocal, yBoundary, station, ring);
601  return pass;
602 }
604 bool CSCEfficiency::checkLocal(double yLocal, double yBoundary, int station, int ring) {
605  //---- check if it is in a good local region (sensitive area - geometrical and HV boundaries excluded)
606  bool pass = false;
607  std::vector<float> deadZoneCenter(6);
608  const float deadZoneHalf = 0.32 * 7 / 2; // wire spacing * (wires missing + 1)/2
609  float cutZone = deadZoneHalf + distanceFromDeadZone; //cm
610  //---- hardcoded... not good
611  if (station > 1 && station < 5) {
612  if (2 == ring) {
613  deadZoneCenter[0] = -162.48;
614  deadZoneCenter[1] = -81.8744;
615  deadZoneCenter[2] = -21.18165;
616  deadZoneCenter[3] = 39.51105;
617  deadZoneCenter[4] = 100.2939;
618  deadZoneCenter[5] = 160.58;
620  if (yLocal > yBoundary && ((yLocal > deadZoneCenter[0] + cutZone && yLocal < deadZoneCenter[1] - cutZone) ||
621  (yLocal > deadZoneCenter[1] + cutZone && yLocal < deadZoneCenter[2] - cutZone) ||
622  (yLocal > deadZoneCenter[2] + cutZone && yLocal < deadZoneCenter[3] - cutZone) ||
623  (yLocal > deadZoneCenter[3] + cutZone && yLocal < deadZoneCenter[4] - cutZone) ||
624  (yLocal > deadZoneCenter[4] + cutZone && yLocal < deadZoneCenter[5] - cutZone))) {
625  pass = true;
626  }
627  } else if (1 == ring) {
628  if (2 == station) {
629  deadZoneCenter[0] = -95.94;
630  deadZoneCenter[1] = -27.47;
631  deadZoneCenter[2] = 33.67;
632  deadZoneCenter[3] = 93.72;
633  } else if (3 == station) {
634  deadZoneCenter[0] = -85.97;
635  deadZoneCenter[1] = -36.21;
636  deadZoneCenter[2] = 23.68;
637  deadZoneCenter[3] = 84.04;
638  } else if (4 == station) {
639  deadZoneCenter[0] = -75.82;
640  deadZoneCenter[1] = -26.14;
641  deadZoneCenter[2] = 23.85;
642  deadZoneCenter[3] = 73.91;
643  }
644  if (yLocal > yBoundary && ((yLocal > deadZoneCenter[0] + cutZone && yLocal < deadZoneCenter[1] - cutZone) ||
645  (yLocal > deadZoneCenter[1] + cutZone && yLocal < deadZoneCenter[2] - cutZone) ||
646  (yLocal > deadZoneCenter[2] + cutZone && yLocal < deadZoneCenter[3] - cutZone))) {
647  pass = true;
648  }
649  }
650  } else if (1 == station) {
651  if (3 == ring) {
652  deadZoneCenter[0] = -83.155;
653  deadZoneCenter[1] = -22.7401;
654  deadZoneCenter[2] = 27.86665;
655  deadZoneCenter[3] = 81.005;
656  if (yLocal > yBoundary && ((yLocal > deadZoneCenter[0] + cutZone && yLocal < deadZoneCenter[1] - cutZone) ||
657  (yLocal > deadZoneCenter[1] + cutZone && yLocal < deadZoneCenter[2] - cutZone) ||
658  (yLocal > deadZoneCenter[2] + cutZone && yLocal < deadZoneCenter[3] - cutZone))) {
659  pass = true;
660  }
661  } else if (2 == ring) {
662  deadZoneCenter[0] = -86.285;
663  deadZoneCenter[1] = -32.88305;
664  deadZoneCenter[2] = 32.867423;
665  deadZoneCenter[3] = 88.205;
666  if (yLocal > (yBoundary) && ((yLocal > deadZoneCenter[0] + cutZone && yLocal < deadZoneCenter[1] - cutZone) ||
667  (yLocal > deadZoneCenter[1] + cutZone && yLocal < deadZoneCenter[2] - cutZone) ||
668  (yLocal > deadZoneCenter[2] + cutZone && yLocal < deadZoneCenter[3] - cutZone))) {
669  pass = true;
670  }
671  } else {
672  deadZoneCenter[0] = -81.0;
673  deadZoneCenter[1] = 81.0;
674  if (yLocal > (yBoundary) && ((yLocal > deadZoneCenter[0] + cutZone && yLocal < deadZoneCenter[1] - cutZone))) {
675  pass = true;
676  }
677  }
678  }
679  return pass;
680 }
690  edm::ESHandle<CSCGeometry> &cscGeom) {
691  for (int iE = 0; iE < 2; iE++) {
692  for (int iS = 0; iS < 4; iS++) {
693  for (int iR = 0; iR < 4; iR++) {
694  for (int iC = 0; iC < NumCh; iC++) {
695  allSegments[iE][iS][iR][iC].clear();
696  allCLCT[iE][iS][iR][iC] = allALCT[iE][iS][iR][iC] = allCorrLCT[iE][iS][iR][iC] = false;
697  for (int iL = 0; iL < 6; iL++) {
698  allStrips[iE][iS][iR][iC][iL].clear();
699  allWG[iE][iS][iR][iC][iL].clear();
700  allRechits[iE][iS][iR][iC][iL].clear();
701  allSimhits[iE][iS][iR][iC][iL].clear();
702  }
703  }
704  }
705  }
706  }
707  //
708  if (useDigis) {
709  fillLCT_info(alcts, clcts, correlatedlcts);
710  fillWG_info(wires, cscGeom);
711  fillStrips_info(strips);
712  }
713  fillRechitsSegments_info(rechits, segments, cscGeom);
714  if (!isData) {
715  fillSimhit_info(simhits);
716  }
717 }
722  //---- ALCTDigis
723  int nSize = 0;
724  for (CSCALCTDigiCollection::DigiRangeIterator j = alcts->begin(); j != alcts->end(); j++) {
725  ++nSize;
726  const CSCDetId &id = (*j).first;
727  const CSCALCTDigiCollection::Range &range = (*j).second;
728  for (CSCALCTDigiCollection::const_iterator digiIt = range.first; digiIt != range.second; ++digiIt) {
729  // Valid digi in the chamber (or in neighbouring chamber)
730  if ((*digiIt).isValid()) {
731  allALCT[id.endcap() - 1][id.station() - 1][id.ring() - 1][id.chamber() - FirstCh] = true;
732  }
733  } // for digis in layer
734  } // end of for (j=...
735  ALCTPerEvent->Fill(nSize);
736  //---- CLCTDigis
737  nSize = 0;
738  for (CSCCLCTDigiCollection::DigiRangeIterator j = clcts->begin(); j != clcts->end(); j++) {
739  ++nSize;
740  const CSCDetId &id = (*j).first;
741  std::vector<CSCCLCTDigi>::const_iterator digiIt = (*j).second.first;
742  std::vector<CSCCLCTDigi>::const_iterator last = (*j).second.second;
743  for (; digiIt != last; ++digiIt) {
744  // Valid digi in the chamber (or in neighbouring chamber)
745  if ((*digiIt).isValid()) {
746  allCLCT[id.endcap() - 1][id.station() - 1][id.ring() - 1][id.chamber() - FirstCh] = true;
747  }
748  }
749  }
750  CLCTPerEvent->Fill(nSize);
751  //---- CorrLCTDigis
752  for (CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection::DigiRangeIterator j = correlatedlcts->begin(); j != correlatedlcts->end(); j++) {
753  const CSCDetId &id = (*j).first;
754  std::vector<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi>::const_iterator digiIt = (*j).second.first;
755  std::vector<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi>::const_iterator last = (*j).second.second;
756  for (; digiIt != last; ++digiIt) {
757  // Valid digi in the chamber (or in neighbouring chamber)
758  if ((*digiIt).isValid()) {
759  allCorrLCT[id.endcap() - 1][id.station() - 1][id.ring() - 1][id.chamber() - FirstCh] = true;
760  }
761  }
762  }
763 }
764 //
766  //---- WIRE GROUPS
767  for (CSCWireDigiCollection::DigiRangeIterator j = wires->begin(); j != wires->end(); j++) {
768  CSCDetId id = (CSCDetId)(*j).first;
769  const CSCLayer *layer_p = cscGeom->layer(id);
770  const CSCLayerGeometry *layerGeom = layer_p->geometry();
771  //
772  std::vector<CSCWireDigi>::const_iterator digiItr = (*j).second.first;
773  std::vector<CSCWireDigi>::const_iterator last = (*j).second.second;
774  //
775  for (; digiItr != last; ++digiItr) {
776  std::pair<int, float> WG_pos(digiItr->getWireGroup(), layerGeom->yOfWireGroup(digiItr->getWireGroup()));
777  std::pair<std::pair<int, float>, int> LayerSignal(WG_pos, digiItr->getTimeBin());
779  //---- AllWG contains basic information about WG (WG number and Y-position, time bin)
780  allWG[id.endcap() - 1][id.station() - 1][id.ring() - 1][id.chamber() - FirstCh][id.layer() - 1].push_back(
781  LayerSignal);
782  if (printalot) {
783  //std::cout<<" WG check : "<<std::endl;
784  //printf("\t\tendcap/station/ring/chamber/layer: %i/%i/%i/%i/%i\n",id.endcap(),id.station(),id.ring(),id.chamber(),id.layer());
785  //std::cout<<" WG size = "<<allWG[id.endcap()-1][id.station()-1][id.ring()-1][id.chamber()-FirstCh]
786  //[id.layer()-1].size()<<std::endl;
787  }
788  }
789  }
790 }
792  //---- STRIPS
793  const float threshold = 13.3;
794  for (CSCStripDigiCollection::DigiRangeIterator j = strips->begin(); j != strips->end(); j++) {
795  CSCDetId id = (CSCDetId)(*j).first;
796  int largestADCValue = -1;
797  std::vector<CSCStripDigi>::const_iterator digiItr = (*j).second.first;
798  std::vector<CSCStripDigi>::const_iterator last = (*j).second.second;
799  for (; digiItr != last; ++digiItr) {
800  int maxADC = largestADCValue;
801  int myStrip = digiItr->getStrip();
802  std::vector<int> myADCVals = digiItr->getADCCounts();
803  float thisPedestal = 0.5 * (float)(myADCVals[0] + myADCVals[1]);
804  float peakADC = -1000.;
805  for (int myADCVal : myADCVals) {
806  float diff = (float)myADCVal - thisPedestal;
807  if (diff > threshold) {
808  if (myADCVal > largestADCValue)
809  largestADCValue = myADCVal;
810  if (diff > peakADC)
811  peakADC = diff;
812  }
813  }
814  if (largestADCValue > maxADC) { // FIX IT!!!
815  std::pair<int, float> LayerSignal(myStrip, peakADC);
816  //---- AllStrips contains basic information about strips
817  //---- (strip number and peak signal for most significant strip in the layer)
818  allStrips[id.endcap() - 1][id.station() - 1][id.ring() - 1][id.chamber() - 1][id.layer() - 1].clear();
819  allStrips[id.endcap() - 1][id.station() - 1][id.ring() - 1][id.chamber() - 1][id.layer() - 1].push_back(
820  LayerSignal);
821  }
822  }
823  }
824 }
826  //---- SIMHITS
827  edm::PSimHitContainer::const_iterator dSHsimIter;
828  for (dSHsimIter = simhits->begin(); dSHsimIter != simhits->end(); dSHsimIter++) {
829  // Get DetID for this simHit:
830  CSCDetId sId = (CSCDetId)(*dSHsimIter).detUnitId();
831  std::pair<LocalPoint, int> simHitPos((*dSHsimIter).localPosition(), (*dSHsimIter).particleType());
832  allSimhits[sId.endcap() - 1][sId.station() - 1][sId.ring() - 1][sId.chamber() - FirstCh][sId.layer() - 1].push_back(
833  simHitPos);
834  }
835 }
836 //
839  edm::ESHandle<CSCGeometry> &cscGeom) {
841  //---- Loop over rechits
842  if (printalot) {
843  //printf("\tGet the recHits collection.\t ");
844  printf(" The size of the rechit collection is %i\n", int(rechits->size()));
845  //printf("\t...start loop over rechits...\n");
846  }
847  recHitsPerEvent->Fill(rechits->size());
848  //---- Build iterator for rechits and loop :
850  for (recIt = rechits->begin(); recIt != rechits->end(); recIt++) {
851  //---- Find chamber with rechits in CSC
852  CSCDetId id = (CSCDetId)(*recIt).cscDetId();
853  if (printalot) {
854  const CSCLayer *csclayer = cscGeom->layer(id);
855  LocalPoint rhitlocal = (*recIt).localPosition();
856  LocalError rerrlocal = (*recIt).localPositionError();
857  GlobalPoint rhitglobal = csclayer->toGlobal(rhitlocal);
858  printf("\t\tendcap/station/ring/chamber/layer: %i/%i/%i/%i/%i\n",
859  id.endcap(),
860  id.station(),
861  id.ring(),
862  id.chamber(),
863  id.layer());
864  printf("\t\tx,y,z: %f, %f, %f\texx,eey,exy: %f, %f, %f\tglobal x,y,z: %f, %f, %f \n",
865  rhitlocal.x(),
866  rhitlocal.y(),
867  rhitlocal.z(),
868  rerrlocal.xx(),
869  rerrlocal.yy(),
870  rerrlocal.xy(),
871  rhitglobal.x(),
872  rhitglobal.y(),
873  rhitglobal.z());
874  }
875  std::pair<LocalPoint, bool> recHitPos((*recIt).localPosition(), false);
876  allRechits[id.endcap() - 1][id.station() - 1][id.ring() - 1][id.chamber() - FirstCh][id.layer() - 1].push_back(
877  recHitPos);
878  }
879  //---- "Empty" chambers
880  for (int iE = 0; iE < 2; iE++) {
881  for (int iS = 0; iS < 4; iS++) {
882  for (int iR = 0; iR < 4; iR++) {
883  for (int iC = 0; iC < NumCh; iC++) {
884  int numLayers = 0;
885  for (int iL = 0; iL < 6; iL++) {
886  if (!allRechits[iE][iS][iR][iC][iL].empty()) {
887  ++numLayers;
888  }
889  }
890  if (numLayers > 1) {
891  emptyChambers[iE][iS][iR][iC] = false;
892  } else {
893  emptyChambers[iE][iS][iR][iC] = true;
894  }
895  }
896  }
897  }
898  }
900  //
901  if (printalot) {
902  printf(" The size of the segment collection is %i\n", int(segments->size()));
903  //printf("\t...start loop over segments...\n");
904  }
905  segmentsPerEvent->Fill(segments->size());
906  for (CSCSegmentCollection::const_iterator it = segments->begin(); it != segments->end(); it++) {
907  CSCDetId id = (CSCDetId)(*it).cscDetId();
908  StHist[id.endcap() - 1][id.station() - 1].segmentChi2_ndf->Fill((*it).chi2() / (*it).degreesOfFreedom());
909  StHist[id.endcap() - 1][id.station() - 1].hitsInSegment->Fill((*it).nRecHits());
910  if (printalot) {
911  printf("\tendcap/station/ring/chamber: %i %i %i %i\n", id.endcap(), id.station(), id.ring(), id.chamber());
912  std::cout << "\tposition(loc) = " << (*it).localPosition() << " error(loc) = " << (*it).localPositionError()
913  << std::endl;
914  std::cout << "\t chi2/ndf = " << (*it).chi2() / (*it).degreesOfFreedom() << " nhits = " << (*it).nRecHits()
915  << std::endl;
916  }
917  allSegments[id.endcap() - 1][id.station() - 1][id.ring() - 1][id.chamber() - FirstCh].push_back(
918  make_pair((*it).localPosition(), (*it).localDirection()));
920  //---- try to get the CSC recHits that contribute to this segment.
921  //if (printalot) printf("\tGet the recHits for this segment.\t");
922  std::vector<CSCRecHit2D> theseRecHits = (*it).specificRecHits();
923  int nRH = (*it).nRecHits();
924  if (printalot) {
925  printf("\tGet the recHits for this segment.\t");
926  printf(" nRH = %i\n", nRH);
927  }
928  //---- Find which of the rechits in the chamber is in the segment
929  int layerRH = 0;
930  for (vector<CSCRecHit2D>::const_iterator iRH = theseRecHits.begin(); iRH != theseRecHits.end(); iRH++) {
931  ++layerRH;
932  CSCDetId idRH = (CSCDetId)(*iRH).cscDetId();
933  if (printalot) {
934  printf("\t%i RH\tendcap/station/ring/chamber/layer: %i/%i/%i/%i/%i\n",
935  layerRH,
936  idRH.endcap(),
937  idRH.station(),
938  idRH.ring(),
939  idRH.chamber(),
940  idRH.layer());
941  }
942  for (size_t jRH = 0;
943  jRH <
944  allRechits[idRH.endcap() - 1][idRH.station() - 1][idRH.ring() - 1][idRH.chamber() - FirstCh][idRH.layer() - 1]
945  .size();
946  ++jRH) {
947  float xDiff = iRH->localPosition().x() - allRechits[idRH.endcap() - 1][idRH.station() - 1][idRH.ring() - 1]
948  [idRH.chamber() - FirstCh][idRH.layer() - 1][jRH]
949  .first.x();
950  float yDiff = iRH->localPosition().y() - allRechits[idRH.endcap() - 1][idRH.station() - 1][idRH.ring() - 1]
951  [idRH.chamber() - FirstCh][idRH.layer() - 1][jRH]
952  .first.y();
953  if (fabs(xDiff) < 0.0001 && fabs(yDiff) < 0.0001) {
954  std::pair<LocalPoint, bool> recHitPos(allRechits[idRH.endcap() - 1][idRH.station() - 1][idRH.ring() - 1]
955  [idRH.chamber() - FirstCh][idRH.layer() - 1][jRH]
956  .first,
957  true);
958  allRechits[idRH.endcap() - 1][idRH.station() - 1][idRH.ring() - 1][idRH.chamber() - FirstCh][idRH.layer() - 1]
959  [jRH] = recHitPos;
960  if (printalot) {
961  std::cout << " number of the rechit (from zero) in the segment = " << jRH << std::endl;
962  }
963  }
964  }
965  }
966  }
967 }
968 //
970 void CSCEfficiency::ringCandidates(int station, float feta, std::map<std::string, bool> &chamberTypes) {
971  // yeah, hardcoded again...
972  switch (station) {
973  case 1:
974  if (feta > 0.85 && feta < 1.18) { //ME13
975  chamberTypes["ME13"] = true;
976  }
977  if (feta > 1.18 && feta < 1.7) { //ME12
978  chamberTypes["ME12"] = true;
979  }
980  if (feta > 1.5 && feta < 2.45) { //ME11
981  chamberTypes["ME11"] = true;
982  }
983  break;
984  case 2:
985  if (feta > 0.95 && feta < 1.6) { //ME22
986  chamberTypes["ME22"] = true;
987  }
988  if (feta > 1.55 && feta < 2.45) { //ME21
989  chamberTypes["ME21"] = true;
990  }
991  break;
992  case 3:
993  if (feta > 1.08 && feta < 1.72) { //ME32
994  chamberTypes["ME32"] = true;
995  }
996  if (feta > 1.69 && feta < 2.45) { //ME31
997  chamberTypes["ME31"] = true;
998  }
999  break;
1000  case 4:
1001  if (feta > 1.78 && feta < 2.45) { //ME41
1002  chamberTypes["ME41"] = true;
1003  }
1004  break;
1005  default:
1006  break;
1007  }
1008 }
1009 //
1010 void CSCEfficiency::chamberCandidates(int station, int ring, float phi, std::vector<int> &coupleOfChambers) {
1011  coupleOfChambers.clear();
1012  // -pi< phi<+pi
1013  float phi_zero = 0.; // check! the phi at the "edge" of Ch 1
1014  float phi_const = 2. * M_PI / 36.;
1015  int last_chamber = 36;
1016  int first_chamber = 1;
1017  if (1 != station && 1 == ring) { // 18 chambers in the ring
1018  phi_const *= 2;
1019  last_chamber /= 2;
1020  }
1021  if (phi < 0.) {
1022  if (printalot)
1023  std::cout << " info: negative phi = " << phi << std::endl;
1024  phi += 2 * M_PI;
1025  }
1026  float chamber_float = (phi - phi_zero) / phi_const;
1027  int chamber_int = int(chamber_float);
1028  if (chamber_float - float(chamber_int) - 0.5 < 0.) {
1029  if (0 != chamber_int) {
1030  coupleOfChambers.push_back(chamber_int);
1031  } else {
1032  coupleOfChambers.push_back(last_chamber);
1033  }
1034  coupleOfChambers.push_back(chamber_int + 1);
1036  } else {
1037  coupleOfChambers.push_back(chamber_int + 1);
1038  if (last_chamber != chamber_int + 1) {
1039  coupleOfChambers.push_back(chamber_int + 2);
1040  } else {
1041  coupleOfChambers.push_back(first_chamber);
1042  }
1043  }
1044  if (printalot)
1045  std::cout << " phi = " << phi << " phi_zero = " << phi_zero << " phi_const = " << phi_const
1046  << " candidate chambers: first ch = " << coupleOfChambers[0] << " second ch = " << coupleOfChambers[1]
1047  << std::endl;
1048 }
1050 //
1052  const CSCChamber *cscChamber,
1053  FreeTrajectoryState &ftsChamber) {
1054  int ec, st, rg, ch, secondRing;
1055  returnTypes(id, ec, st, rg, ch, secondRing);
1057  LocalVector localDir = cscChamber->toLocal(ftsChamber.momentum());
1058  if (printalot) {
1059  std::cout << " global dir = " << ftsChamber.momentum() << std::endl;
1060  std::cout << " local dir = " << localDir << std::endl;
1061  std::cout << " local theta = " << localDir.theta() << std::endl;
1062  }
1063  float dxdz = localDir.x() / localDir.z();
1064  float dydz = localDir.y() / localDir.z();
1065  if (2 == st || 3 == st) {
1066  if (printalot) {
1067  std::cout << "st 3 or 4 ... flip dy/dz" << std::endl;
1068  }
1069  dydz = -dydz;
1070  }
1071  if (printalot) {
1072  std::cout << "dy/dz = " << dydz << std::endl;
1073  }
1074  // Apply angle cut
1075  bool out = true;
1076  if (applyIPangleCuts) {
1077  if (dydz > local_DY_DZ_Max || dydz < local_DY_DZ_Min || fabs(dxdz) > local_DX_DZ_Max) {
1078  out = false;
1079  }
1080  }
1082  // Segments
1083  bool firstCondition = !allSegments[ec][st][rg][ch].empty() ? true : false;
1084  bool secondCondition = false;
1085  //---- ME1 is special as usual - ME1a and ME1b are actually one chamber
1086  if (secondRing > -1) {
1087  secondCondition = !allSegments[ec][st][secondRing][ch].empty() ? true : false;
1088  }
1089  if (firstCondition || secondCondition) {
1090  if (out) {
1091  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].digiAppearanceCount->Fill(1);
1092  }
1093  } else {
1094  if (out) {
1095  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].digiAppearanceCount->Fill(0);
1096  }
1097  }
1099  if (useDigis) {
1100  // ALCTs
1101  firstCondition = allALCT[ec][st][rg][ch];
1102  secondCondition = false;
1103  if (secondRing > -1) {
1104  secondCondition = allALCT[ec][st][secondRing][ch];
1105  }
1106  if (firstCondition || secondCondition) {
1107  if (out) {
1108  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].digiAppearanceCount->Fill(3);
1109  }
1110  // always apply partial angle cuts for this kind of histos
1111  if (fabs(dxdz) < local_DX_DZ_Max) {
1112  StHist[ec][st].EfficientALCT_momTheta->Fill(ftsChamber.momentum().theta());
1113  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].EfficientALCT_dydz->Fill(dydz);
1114  }
1115  } else {
1116  if (out) {
1117  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].digiAppearanceCount->Fill(2);
1118  }
1119  if (fabs(dxdz) < local_DX_DZ_Max) {
1120  StHist[ec][st].InefficientALCT_momTheta->Fill(ftsChamber.momentum().theta());
1121  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].InefficientALCT_dydz->Fill(dydz);
1122  }
1123  if (printalot) {
1124  std::cout << " missing ALCT (dy/dz = " << dydz << ")";
1125  printf("\t\tendcap/station/ring/chamber: %i/%i/%i/%i\n", ec + 1, st + 1, rg + 1, ch + 1);
1126  }
1127  }
1129  // CLCTs
1130  firstCondition = allCLCT[ec][st][rg][ch];
1131  secondCondition = false;
1132  if (secondRing > -1) {
1133  secondCondition = allCLCT[ec][st][secondRing][ch];
1134  }
1135  if (firstCondition || secondCondition) {
1136  if (out) {
1137  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].digiAppearanceCount->Fill(5);
1138  }
1139  if (dydz < local_DY_DZ_Max && dydz > local_DY_DZ_Min) {
1140  StHist[ec][st].EfficientCLCT_momPhi->Fill(ftsChamber.momentum().phi()); // - phi chamber...
1141  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].EfficientCLCT_dxdz->Fill(dxdz);
1142  }
1143  } else {
1144  if (out) {
1145  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].digiAppearanceCount->Fill(4);
1146  }
1147  if (dydz < local_DY_DZ_Max && dydz > local_DY_DZ_Min) {
1148  StHist[ec][st].InefficientCLCT_momPhi->Fill(ftsChamber.momentum().phi()); // - phi chamber...
1149  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].InefficientCLCT_dxdz->Fill(dxdz);
1150  }
1151  if (printalot) {
1152  std::cout << " missing CLCT (dx/dz = " << dxdz << ")";
1153  printf("\t\tendcap/station/ring/chamber: %i/%i/%i/%i\n", ec + 1, st + 1, rg + 1, ch + 1);
1154  }
1155  }
1156  if (out) {
1157  // CorrLCTs
1158  firstCondition = allCorrLCT[ec][st][rg][ch];
1159  secondCondition = false;
1160  if (secondRing > -1) {
1161  secondCondition = allCorrLCT[ec][st][secondRing][ch];
1162  }
1163  if (firstCondition || secondCondition) {
1164  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].digiAppearanceCount->Fill(7);
1165  } else {
1166  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].digiAppearanceCount->Fill(6);
1167  }
1168  }
1169  }
1170  return out;
1171 }
1173 //
1175  int ec, st, rg, ch, secondRing;
1176  returnTypes(id, ec, st, rg, ch, secondRing);
1178  bool firstCondition, secondCondition;
1179  int missingLayers_s = 0;
1180  int missingLayers_wg = 0;
1181  for (int iLayer = 0; iLayer < 6; iLayer++) {
1182  //----Strips
1183  if (printalot) {
1184  printf("\t%i swEff: \tendcap/station/ring/chamber/layer: %i/%i/%i/%i/%i\n",
1185  iLayer + 1,
1186  id.endcap(),
1187  id.station(),
1188  id.ring(),
1189  id.chamber(),
1190  iLayer + 1);
1191  std::cout << " size S = "
1192  << allStrips[id.endcap() - 1][id.station() - 1][id.ring() - 1][id.chamber() - FirstCh][iLayer].size()
1193  << "size W = "
1194  << allWG[id.endcap() - 1][id.station() - 1][id.ring() - 1][id.chamber() - FirstCh][iLayer].size()
1195  << std::endl;
1196  }
1197  firstCondition = !allStrips[ec][st][rg][ch][iLayer].empty() ? true : false;
1198  //allSegments[ec][st][rg][ch].size() ? true : false;
1199  secondCondition = false;
1200  if (secondRing > -1) {
1201  secondCondition = !allStrips[ec][st][secondRing][ch][iLayer].empty() ? true : false;
1202  }
1203  if (firstCondition || secondCondition) {
1204  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].EfficientStrips->Fill(iLayer + 1);
1205  } else {
1206  if (printalot) {
1207  std::cout << "missing strips ";
1208  printf("\t\tendcap/station/ring/chamber/layer: %i/%i/%i/%i/%i\n",
1209  id.endcap(),
1210  id.station(),
1211  id.ring(),
1212  id.chamber(),
1213  iLayer + 1);
1214  }
1215  }
1216  // Wires
1217  firstCondition = !allWG[ec][st][rg][ch][iLayer].empty() ? true : false;
1218  secondCondition = false;
1219  if (secondRing > -1) {
1220  secondCondition = !allWG[ec][st][secondRing][ch][iLayer].empty() ? true : false;
1221  }
1222  if (firstCondition || secondCondition) {
1223  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].EfficientWireGroups->Fill(iLayer + 1);
1224  } else {
1225  if (printalot) {
1226  std::cout << "missing wires ";
1227  printf("\t\tendcap/station/ring/chamber/layer: %i/%i/%i/%i/%i\n",
1228  id.endcap(),
1229  id.station(),
1230  id.ring(),
1231  id.chamber(),
1232  iLayer + 1);
1233  }
1234  }
1235  }
1236  // Normalization
1237  if (6 != missingLayers_s) {
1238  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].EfficientStrips->Fill(8);
1239  }
1240  if (6 != missingLayers_wg) {
1241  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].EfficientWireGroups->Fill(8);
1242  }
1243  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].EfficientStrips->Fill(9);
1244  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].EfficientWireGroups->Fill(9);
1245  //
1246  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].StripWiresCorrelations->Fill(1);
1247  if (missingLayers_s != missingLayers_wg) {
1248  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].StripWiresCorrelations->Fill(2);
1249  if (6 == missingLayers_wg) {
1250  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].StripWiresCorrelations->Fill(3);
1251  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].NoWires_momTheta->Fill(ftsChamber.momentum().theta());
1252  }
1253  if (6 == missingLayers_s) {
1254  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].StripWiresCorrelations->Fill(4);
1255  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].NoStrips_momPhi->Fill(ftsChamber.momentum().theta());
1256  }
1257  } else if (6 == missingLayers_s) {
1258  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].StripWiresCorrelations->Fill(5);
1259  }
1261  return true;
1262 }
1263 //
1265  int ec, st, rg, ch, secondRing;
1266  returnTypes(id, ec, st, rg, ch, secondRing);
1267  bool firstCondition, secondCondition;
1268  for (int iLayer = 0; iLayer < 6; iLayer++) {
1269  firstCondition = !allSimhits[ec][st][rg][ch][iLayer].empty() ? true : false;
1270  secondCondition = false;
1271  int thisRing = rg;
1272  if (secondRing > -1) {
1273  secondCondition = !allSimhits[ec][st][secondRing][ch][iLayer].empty() ? true : false;
1274  if (secondCondition) {
1275  thisRing = secondRing;
1276  }
1277  }
1278  if (firstCondition || secondCondition) {
1279  for (size_t iSH = 0; iSH < allSimhits[ec][st][thisRing][ch][iLayer].size(); ++iSH) {
1280  if (13 == fabs(allSimhits[ec][st][thisRing][ch][iLayer][iSH].second)) {
1281  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].SimSimhits->Fill(iLayer + 1);
1282  if (!allRechits[ec][st][thisRing][ch][iLayer].empty()) {
1283  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].SimRechits->Fill(iLayer + 1);
1284  }
1285  break;
1286  }
1287  }
1288  //---- Next is not too usefull...
1289  /*
1290  for(unsigned int iSimHits=0;
1291  iSimHits<allSimhits[id.endcap()-1][id.station()-1][id.ring()-1][id.chamber()-FirstCh][iLayer].size();
1292  iSimHits++){
1293  ChHist[ec][st][rg][id.chamber()-FirstCh].SimSimhits_each->Fill(iLayer+1);
1294  }
1295  for(unsigned int iRecHits=0;
1296  iRecHits<allRechits[id.endcap()-1][id.station()-1][id.ring()-1][id.chamber()-FirstCh][iLayer].size();
1297  iRecHits++){
1298  ChHist[ec][st][rg][id.chamber()-FirstCh].SimRechits_each->Fill(iLayer+1);
1299  }
1300  */
1301  //
1302  }
1303  }
1304  return true;
1305 }
1307 //
1309  const CSCChamber *cscChamber,
1310  FreeTrajectoryState &ftsChamber) {
1311  int ec, st, rg, ch, secondRing;
1312  returnTypes(id, ec, st, rg, ch, secondRing);
1313  bool firstCondition, secondCondition;
1315  std::vector<bool> missingLayers_rh(6);
1316  std::vector<int> usedInSegment(6);
1317  // Rechits
1318  if (printalot)
1319  std::cout << "RecHits eff" << std::endl;
1320  for (int iLayer = 0; iLayer < 6; ++iLayer) {
1321  firstCondition = !allRechits[ec][st][rg][ch][iLayer].empty() ? true : false;
1322  secondCondition = false;
1323  int thisRing = rg;
1324  if (secondRing > -1) {
1325  secondCondition = !allRechits[ec][st][secondRing][ch][iLayer].empty() ? true : false;
1326  if (secondCondition) {
1327  thisRing = secondRing;
1328  }
1329  }
1330  if (firstCondition || secondCondition) {
1331  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].EfficientRechits_good->Fill(iLayer + 1);
1332  for (size_t iR = 0; iR < allRechits[ec][st][thisRing][ch][iLayer].size(); ++iR) {
1333  if (allRechits[ec][st][thisRing][ch][iLayer][iR].second) {
1334  usedInSegment[iLayer] = 1;
1335  break;
1336  } else {
1337  usedInSegment[iLayer] = -1;
1338  }
1339  }
1340  } else {
1341  missingLayers_rh[iLayer] = true;
1342  if (printalot) {
1343  std::cout << "missing rechits ";
1344  printf("\t\tendcap/station/ring/chamber/layer: %i/%i/%i/%i/%i\n",
1345  id.endcap(),
1346  id.station(),
1347  id.ring(),
1348  id.chamber(),
1349  iLayer + 1);
1350  }
1351  }
1352  }
1353  GlobalVector globalDir;
1354  GlobalPoint globalPos;
1355  // Segments
1356  firstCondition = !allSegments[ec][st][rg][ch].empty() ? true : false;
1357  secondCondition = false;
1358  int secondSize = 0;
1359  int thisRing = rg;
1360  if (secondRing > -1) {
1361  secondCondition = !allSegments[ec][st][secondRing][ch].empty() ? true : false;
1362  secondSize = allSegments[ec][st][secondRing][ch].size();
1363  if (secondCondition) {
1364  thisRing = secondRing;
1365  }
1366  }
1367  if (firstCondition || secondCondition) {
1368  if (printalot)
1369  std::cout << "segments - start ec = " << ec << " st = " << st << " rg = " << rg << " ch = " << ch << std::endl;
1370  StHist[ec][st].EfficientSegments_XY->Fill(ftsChamber.position().x(), ftsChamber.position().y());
1371  if (1 == allSegments[ec][st][rg][ch].size() + secondSize) {
1372  globalDir = cscChamber->toGlobal(allSegments[ec][st][thisRing][ch][0].second);
1373  globalPos = cscChamber->toGlobal(allSegments[ec][st][thisRing][ch][0].first);
1374  StHist[ec][st].EfficientSegments_eta->Fill(fabs(ftsChamber.position().eta()));
1375  double residual =
1376  sqrt(pow(ftsChamber.position().x() - globalPos.x(), 2) + pow(ftsChamber.position().y() - globalPos.y(), 2) +
1377  pow(ftsChamber.position().z() - globalPos.z(), 2));
1378  if (printalot)
1379  std::cout << " fts.position() = " << ftsChamber.position() << " segPos = " << globalPos << " res = " << residual
1380  << std::endl;
1381  StHist[ec][st].ResidualSegments->Fill(residual);
1382  }
1383  for (int iLayer = 0; iLayer < 6; ++iLayer) {
1384  if (printalot)
1385  std::cout << " iLayer = " << iLayer << " usedInSegment = " << usedInSegment[iLayer] << std::endl;
1386  if (0 != usedInSegment[iLayer]) {
1387  if (-1 == usedInSegment[iLayer]) {
1388  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].InefficientSingleHits->Fill(iLayer + 1);
1389  }
1390  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].AllSingleHits->Fill(iLayer + 1);
1391  }
1392  firstCondition = !allRechits[ec][st][rg][ch][iLayer].empty() ? true : false;
1393  secondCondition = false;
1394  if (secondRing > -1) {
1395  secondCondition = !allRechits[ec][st][secondRing][ch][iLayer].empty() ? true : false;
1396  }
1397  float stripAngle = 99999.;
1398  std::vector<float> posXY(2);
1399  bool oneSegment = false;
1400  if (1 == allSegments[ec][st][rg][ch].size() + secondSize) {
1401  oneSegment = true;
1402  const BoundPlane bp = cscChamber->layer(iLayer + 1)->surface();
1403  linearExtrapolation(globalPos, globalDir, bp.position().z(), posXY);
1404  GlobalPoint gp_extrapol(,, bp.position().z());
1405  const LocalPoint lp_extrapol = cscChamber->layer(iLayer + 1)->toLocal(gp_extrapol);
1406 = lp_extrapol.x();
1407 = lp_extrapol.y();
1408  int nearestStrip = cscChamber->layer(iLayer + 1)->geometry()->nearestStrip(lp_extrapol);
1409  stripAngle = cscChamber->layer(iLayer + 1)->geometry()->stripAngle(nearestStrip) - M_PI / 2.;
1410  }
1411  if (firstCondition || secondCondition) {
1412  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].EfficientRechits_inSegment->Fill(iLayer + 1);
1413  if (oneSegment) {
1414  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].Y_EfficientRecHits_inSegment[iLayer]->Fill(;
1415  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].Phi_EfficientRecHits_inSegment[iLayer]->Fill(stripAngle);
1416  }
1417  } else {
1418  if (oneSegment) {
1419  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].Y_InefficientRecHits_inSegment[iLayer]->Fill(;
1420  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].Phi_InefficientRecHits_inSegment[iLayer]->Fill(stripAngle);
1421  }
1422  }
1423  }
1424  } else {
1425  StHist[ec][st].InefficientSegments_XY->Fill(ftsChamber.position().x(), ftsChamber.position().y());
1426  if (printalot) {
1427  std::cout << "missing segment " << std::endl;
1428  printf("\t\tendcap/station/ring/chamber: %i/%i/%i/%i\n", id.endcap(), id.station(), id.ring(), id.chamber());
1429  std::cout << " fts.position() = " << ftsChamber.position() << std::endl;
1430  }
1431  }
1432  // Normalization
1433  ChHist[ec][st][rg][ch].EfficientRechits_good->Fill(8);
1434  if (allSegments[ec][st][rg][ch].size() + secondSize < 2) {
1435  StHist[ec][st].AllSegments_eta->Fill(fabs(ftsChamber.position().eta()));
1436  }
1437  ChHist[ec][st][rg][id.chamber() - FirstCh].EfficientRechits_inSegment->Fill(9);
1439  return true;
1440 }
1441 //
1442 void CSCEfficiency::returnTypes(CSCDetId &id, int &ec, int &st, int &rg, int &ch, int &secondRing) {
1443  ec = id.endcap() - 1;
1444  st = id.station() - 1;
1445  rg = id.ring() - 1;
1446  secondRing = -1;
1447  if (1 == id.station() && (4 == id.ring() || 1 == id.ring())) {
1448  rg = 0;
1449  secondRing = 3;
1450  }
1451  ch = id.chamber() - FirstCh;
1452 }
1454 //
1456  CLHEP::Hep3Vector &p3,
1457  CLHEP::Hep3Vector &r3,
1458  int &charge,
1459  AlgebraicSymMatrix66 &cov) {
1460  GlobalVector p3GV = fts.momentum();
1461  GlobalPoint r3GP = fts.position();
1463  p3.set(p3GV.x(), p3GV.y(), p3GV.z());
1464  r3.set(r3GP.x(), r3GP.y(), r3GP.z());
1466  charge = fts.charge();
1467  cov = fts.hasError() ? fts.cartesianError().matrix() : AlgebraicSymMatrix66();
1468 }
1471  const CLHEP::Hep3Vector &r3,
1472  int charge,
1473  const AlgebraicSymMatrix66 &cov,
1474  const MagneticField *field) {
1475  GlobalVector p3GV(p3.x(), p3.y(), p3.z());
1476  GlobalPoint r3GP(r3.x(), r3.y(), r3.z());
1477  GlobalTrajectoryParameters tPars(r3GP, p3GV, charge, field);
1479  CartesianTrajectoryError tCov(cov);
1481  return cov.kRows == 6 ? FreeTrajectoryState(tPars, tCov) : FreeTrajectoryState(tPars);
1482 }
1485  GlobalVector initialDirection,
1486  float zSurface,
1487  std::vector<float> &posZY) {
1488  double paramLine = lineParameter(initialPosition.z(), zSurface, initialDirection.z());
1489  double xPosition = extrapolate1D(initialPosition.x(), initialDirection.x(), paramLine);
1490  double yPosition = extrapolate1D(initialPosition.y(), initialDirection.y(), paramLine);
1491  posZY.clear();
1492  posZY.push_back(xPosition);
1493  posZY.push_back(yPosition);
1494 }
1495 //
1496 double CSCEfficiency::extrapolate1D(double initPosition, double initDirection, double parameterOfTheLine) {
1497  double extrapolatedPosition = initPosition + initDirection * parameterOfTheLine;
1498  return extrapolatedPosition;
1499 }
1500 //
1501 double CSCEfficiency::lineParameter(double initZPosition, double destZPosition, double initZDirection) {
1502  double paramLine = (destZPosition - initZPosition) / initZDirection;
1503  return paramLine;
1504 }
1505 //
1506 void CSCEfficiency::chooseDirection(CLHEP::Hep3Vector &innerPosition, CLHEP::Hep3Vector &outerPosition) {
1507  //---- Be careful with trigger conditions too
1508  if (!isIPdata) {
1509  float dy = outerPosition.y() - innerPosition.y();
1510  float dz = outerPosition.z() - innerPosition.z();
1511  if (isBeamdata) {
1512  if (dz > 0) {
1513  alongZ = true;
1514  } else {
1515  alongZ = false;
1516  }
1517  } else { //cosmics
1518  if (dy / dz > 0) {
1519  alongZ = false;
1520  } else {
1521  alongZ = true;
1522  }
1523  }
1524  }
1525 }
1526 //
1528  return &*theService->propagator(propagatorName);
1529 }
1531 //
1533  TrajectoryStateOnSurface tSOSDest;
1535  /*
1536 // it would work if cosmic muons had properly assigned direction...
1537  bool dzPositive = bpDest.position().z() - ftsStart.position().z() > 0 ? true : false;
1538  //---- Be careful with trigger conditions too
1539  if(!isIPdata){
1540  bool rightDirection = !(alongZ^dzPositive);
1541  if(rightDirection){
1542  if(printalot) std::cout<<" propagate along momentum"<<std::endl;
1543  propagatorName = "SteppingHelixPropagatorAlong";
1544  }
1545  else{
1546  if(printalot) std::cout<<" propagate opposite momentum"<<std::endl;
1547  propagatorName = "SteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite";
1548  }
1549  }
1550  else{
1551  if(printalot) std::cout<<" propagate any (momentum)"<<std::endl;
1552  propagatorName = "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny";
1553  }
1554 */
1555  propagatorName = "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny";
1556  tSOSDest = propagator(propagatorName)->propagate(ftsStart, bpDest);
1557  return tSOSDest;
1558 }
1559 //
1561  bool triggerPassed = true;
1562  std::vector<std::string> hlNames = triggerNames.triggerNames();
1563  pointToTriggers.clear();
1564  for (size_t imyT = 0; imyT < myTriggers.size(); ++imyT) {
1565  for (size_t iT = 0; iT < hlNames.size(); ++iT) {
1566  //std::cout<<" iT = "<<iT<<" hlNames[iT] = "<<hlNames[iT]<<
1567  //" : wasrun = "<<hltR->wasrun(iT)<<" accept = "<<
1568  // hltR->accept(iT)<<" !error = "<<
1569  // !hltR->error(iT)<<std::endl;
1570  if (!imyT) {
1571  if (hltR->wasrun(iT) && hltR->accept(iT) && !hltR->error(iT)) {
1572  TriggersFired->Fill(iT);
1573  }
1574  }
1575  if (hlNames[iT] == myTriggers[imyT]) {
1576  pointToTriggers.push_back(iT);
1577  if (imyT) {
1578  break;
1579  }
1580  }
1581  }
1582  }
1583  if (pointToTriggers.size() != myTriggers.size()) {
1584  pointToTriggers.clear();
1585  if (printalot) {
1586  std::cout << " Not all trigger names found - all trigger specifications will be ignored. Check your cfg file!"
1587  << std::endl;
1588  }
1589  } else {
1590  if (!pointToTriggers.empty()) {
1591  if (printalot) {
1592  std::cout << "The following triggers will be required in the event: " << std::endl;
1593  for (size_t imyT = 0; imyT < pointToTriggers.size(); ++imyT) {
1594  std::cout << " " << hlNames[pointToTriggers[imyT]];
1595  }
1596  std::cout << std::endl;
1597  std::cout << " in condition (AND/OR) : " << !andOr << "/" << andOr << std::endl;
1598  }
1599  }
1600  }
1602  if (hltR.isValid()) {
1603  if (pointToTriggers.empty()) {
1604  if (printalot) {
1605  std::cout
1606  << " No triggers specified in the configuration or all ignored - no trigger information will be considered"
1607  << std::endl;
1608  }
1609  }
1610  for (size_t imyT = 0; imyT < pointToTriggers.size(); ++imyT) {
1611  if (hltR->wasrun(pointToTriggers[imyT]) && hltR->accept(pointToTriggers[imyT]) &&
1612  !hltR->error(pointToTriggers[imyT])) {
1613  triggerPassed = true;
1614  if (andOr) {
1615  break;
1616  }
1617  } else {
1618  triggerPassed = false;
1619  if (!andOr) {
1620  triggerPassed = false;
1621  break;
1622  }
1623  }
1624  }
1625  } else {
1626  if (printalot) {
1627  std::cout << " TriggerResults handle returns invalid state?! No trigger information will be considered"
1628  << std::endl;
1629  }
1630  }
1631  if (printalot) {
1632  std::cout << " Trigger passed: " << triggerPassed << std::endl;
1633  }
1634  return triggerPassed;
1635 }
1636 //
1638 // Constructor
1640  // const float Xmin = -70;
1641  //const float Xmax = 70;
1642  //const int nXbins = int(4.*(Xmax - Xmin));
1643  const float Ymin = -165;
1644  const float Ymax = 165;
1645  const int nYbins = int((Ymax - Ymin) / 2);
1646  const float Layer_min = -0.5;
1647  const float Layer_max = 9.5;
1648  const int nLayer_bins = int(Layer_max - Layer_min);
1649  //
1651  //---- Get the input parameters
1652  printout_NEvents = pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("printout_NEvents", 0);
1653  rootFileName = pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("rootFileName", "cscHists.root");
1655  isData = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("runOnData", true); //
1656  isIPdata = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("IPdata", false); //
1657  isBeamdata = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("Beamdata", false); //
1658  getAbsoluteEfficiency = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("getAbsoluteEfficiency", true); //
1659  useDigis = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("useDigis", true); //
1660  distanceFromDeadZone = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("distanceFromDeadZone", 10.); //
1661  minP = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("minP", 20.); //
1662  maxP = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("maxP", 100.); //
1663  maxNormChi2 = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("maxNormChi2", 3.); //
1664  minTrackHits = pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("minTrackHits", 10); //
1666  applyIPangleCuts = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("applyIPangleCuts", false); //
1667  local_DY_DZ_Max = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("local_DY_DZ_Max", -0.1); //
1668  local_DY_DZ_Min = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("local_DY_DZ_Min", -0.8); //
1669  local_DX_DZ_Max = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("local_DX_DZ_Max", 0.2); //
1671  sd_token = consumes<CSCStripDigiCollection>(pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("stripDigiTag"));
1672  wd_token = consumes<CSCWireDigiCollection>(pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("wireDigiTag"));
1673  al_token = consumes<CSCALCTDigiCollection>(pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("alctDigiTag"));
1674  cl_token = consumes<CSCCLCTDigiCollection>(pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("clctDigiTag"));
1675  co_token = consumes<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection>(pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("corrlctDigiTag"));
1676  rh_token = consumes<CSCRecHit2DCollection>(pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("rechitTag"));
1677  se_token = consumes<CSCSegmentCollection>(pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("segmentTag"));
1678  tk_token = consumes<edm::View<reco::Track> >(pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("tracksTag"));
1679  sh_token = consumes<edm::PSimHitContainer>(pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("simHitTag"));
1681  geomToken_ = esConsumes<CSCGeometry, MuonGeometryRecord>();
1683  edm::ParameterSet serviceParameters = pset.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("ServiceParameters");
1684  // maybe use the service for getting magnetic field, propagators, etc. ...
1685  theService = new MuonServiceProxy(serviceParameters, consumesCollector());
1687  // Trigger
1688  useTrigger = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("useTrigger", false);
1690  ht_token = consumes<edm::TriggerResults>(pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("HLTriggerResults"));
1692  myTriggers = pset.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("myTriggers");
1693  andOr = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("andOr");
1694  pointToTriggers.clear();
1696  //---- set counter to zero
1697  nEventsAnalyzed = 0;
1698  //---- set presence of magnetic field
1699  magField = true;
1700  //
1701  std::string Path = "AllChambers/";
1702  std::string FullName;
1703  //---- File with output histograms
1704  theFile = new TFile(rootFileName.c_str(), "RECREATE");
1705  theFile->cd();
1706  //---- Book histograms for the analysis
1707  char SpecName[60];
1709  sprintf(SpecName, "DataFlow");
1710  DataFlow = new TH1F(SpecName, "Data flow;condition number;entries", 40, -0.5, 39.5);
1711  //
1712  sprintf(SpecName, "TriggersFired");
1713  TriggersFired = new TH1F(SpecName, "Triggers fired;trigger number;entries", 140, -0.5, 139.5);
1714  //
1715  int Chan = 50;
1716  float minChan = -0.5;
1717  float maxChan = 49.5;
1718  //
1719  sprintf(SpecName, "ALCTPerEvent");
1720  ALCTPerEvent = new TH1F(SpecName, "ALCTs per event;N digis;entries", Chan, minChan, maxChan);
1721  //
1722  sprintf(SpecName, "CLCTPerEvent");
1723  CLCTPerEvent = new TH1F(SpecName, "CLCTs per event;N digis;entries", Chan, minChan, maxChan);
1724  //
1725  sprintf(SpecName, "recHitsPerEvent");
1726  recHitsPerEvent = new TH1F(SpecName, "RecHits per event;N digis;entries", 150, -0.5, 149.5);
1727  //
1728  sprintf(SpecName, "segmentsPerEvent");
1729  segmentsPerEvent = new TH1F(SpecName, "segments per event;N digis;entries", Chan, minChan, maxChan);
1730  //
1731  //---- Book groups of histograms (for any chamber)
1733  map<std::string, bool>::iterator iter;
1734  for (int ec = 0; ec < 2; ++ec) {
1735  for (int st = 0; st < 4; ++st) {
1736  theFile->cd();
1737  sprintf(SpecName, "Stations__E%d_S%d", ec + 1, st + 1);
1738  theFile->mkdir(SpecName);
1739  theFile->cd(SpecName);
1741  //
1742  sprintf(SpecName, "segmentChi2_ndf_St%d", st + 1);
1743  StHist[ec][st].segmentChi2_ndf = new TH1F(SpecName, "Chi2/ndf of a segment;chi2/ndf;entries", 100, 0., 20.);
1744  //
1745  sprintf(SpecName, "hitsInSegment_St%d", st + 1);
1746  StHist[ec][st].hitsInSegment = new TH1F(SpecName, "Number of hits in a segment;nHits;entries", 7, -0.5, 6.5);
1747  //
1748  Chan = 170;
1749  minChan = 0.85;
1750  maxChan = 2.55;
1751  //
1752  sprintf(SpecName, "AllSegments_eta_St%d", st + 1);
1753  StHist[ec][st].AllSegments_eta = new TH1F(SpecName, "All segments in eta;eta;entries", Chan, minChan, maxChan);
1754  //
1755  sprintf(SpecName, "EfficientSegments_eta_St%d", st + 1);
1756  StHist[ec][st].EfficientSegments_eta =
1757  new TH1F(SpecName, "Efficient segments in eta;eta;entries", Chan, minChan, maxChan);
1758  //
1759  sprintf(SpecName, "ResidualSegments_St%d", st + 1);
1760  StHist[ec][st].ResidualSegments = new TH1F(SpecName, "Residual (segments);residual,cm;entries", 75, 0., 15.);
1761  //
1762  Chan = 200;
1763  minChan = -800.;
1764  maxChan = 800.;
1765  int Chan2 = 200;
1766  float minChan2 = -800.;
1767  float maxChan2 = 800.;
1769  sprintf(SpecName, "EfficientSegments_XY_St%d", st + 1);
1770  StHist[ec][st].EfficientSegments_XY =
1771  new TH2F(SpecName, "Efficient segments in XY;X;Y", Chan, minChan, maxChan, Chan2, minChan2, maxChan2);
1772  sprintf(SpecName, "InefficientSegments_XY_St%d", st + 1);
1773  StHist[ec][st].InefficientSegments_XY =
1774  new TH2F(SpecName, "Inefficient segments in XY;X;Y", Chan, minChan, maxChan, Chan2, minChan2, maxChan2);
1775  //
1776  Chan = 80;
1777  minChan = 0;
1778  maxChan = 3.2;
1779  sprintf(SpecName, "EfficientALCT_momTheta_St%d", st + 1);
1780  StHist[ec][st].EfficientALCT_momTheta =
1781  new TH1F(SpecName, "Efficient ALCT in theta (momentum);theta, rad;entries", Chan, minChan, maxChan);
1782  //
1783  sprintf(SpecName, "InefficientALCT_momTheta_St%d", st + 1);
1784  StHist[ec][st].InefficientALCT_momTheta =
1785  new TH1F(SpecName, "Inefficient ALCT in theta (momentum);theta, rad;entries", Chan, minChan, maxChan);
1786  //
1787  Chan = 160;
1788  minChan = -3.2;
1789  maxChan = 3.2;
1790  sprintf(SpecName, "EfficientCLCT_momPhi_St%d", st + 1);
1791  StHist[ec][st].EfficientCLCT_momPhi =
1792  new TH1F(SpecName, "Efficient CLCT in phi (momentum);phi, rad;entries", Chan, minChan, maxChan);
1793  //
1794  sprintf(SpecName, "InefficientCLCT_momPhi_St%d", st + 1);
1795  StHist[ec][st].InefficientCLCT_momPhi =
1796  new TH1F(SpecName, "Inefficient CLCT in phi (momentum);phi, rad;entries", Chan, minChan, maxChan);
1797  //
1798  theFile->cd();
1799  for (int rg = 0; rg < 3; ++rg) {
1800  if (0 != st && rg > 1) {
1801  continue;
1802  } else if (1 == rg && 3 == st) {
1803  continue;
1804  }
1805  for (int iChamber = FirstCh; iChamber < FirstCh + NumCh; iChamber++) {
1806  if (0 != st && 0 == rg && iChamber > 18) {
1807  continue;
1808  }
1809  theFile->cd();
1810  sprintf(SpecName, "Chambers__E%d_S%d_R%d_Chamber_%d", ec + 1, st + 1, rg + 1, iChamber);
1811  theFile->mkdir(SpecName);
1812  theFile->cd(SpecName);
1813  //
1815  sprintf(SpecName, "EfficientRechits_inSegment_Ch%d", iChamber);
1816  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].EfficientRechits_inSegment = new TH1F(
1817  SpecName, "Existing RecHit given a segment;layers (1-6);entries", nLayer_bins, Layer_min, Layer_max);
1818  //
1819  sprintf(SpecName, "InefficientSingleHits_Ch%d", iChamber);
1820  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].InefficientSingleHits = new TH1F(
1821  SpecName, "Single RecHits not in the segment;layers (1-6);entries ", nLayer_bins, Layer_min, Layer_max);
1822  //
1823  sprintf(SpecName, "AllSingleHits_Ch%d", iChamber);
1824  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].AllSingleHits = new TH1F(
1825  SpecName, "Single RecHits given a segment; layers (1-6);entries", nLayer_bins, Layer_min, Layer_max);
1826  //
1827  sprintf(SpecName, "digiAppearanceCount_Ch%d", iChamber);
1828  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].digiAppearanceCount =
1829  new TH1F(SpecName,
1830  "Digi appearance (no-yes): segment(0,1), ALCT(2,3), CLCT(4,5), CorrLCT(6,7); digi type;entries",
1831  8,
1832  -0.5,
1833  7.5);
1834  //
1835  Chan = 100;
1836  minChan = -1.1;
1837  maxChan = 0.9;
1838  sprintf(SpecName, "EfficientALCT_dydz_Ch%d", iChamber);
1839  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].EfficientALCT_dydz =
1840  new TH1F(SpecName, "Efficient ALCT; local dy/dz (ME 3 and 4 flipped);entries", Chan, minChan, maxChan);
1841  //
1842  sprintf(SpecName, "InefficientALCT_dydz_Ch%d", iChamber);
1843  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].InefficientALCT_dydz =
1844  new TH1F(SpecName, "Inefficient ALCT; local dy/dz (ME 3 and 4 flipped);entries", Chan, minChan, maxChan);
1845  //
1846  Chan = 100;
1847  minChan = -1.;
1848  maxChan = 1.0;
1849  sprintf(SpecName, "EfficientCLCT_dxdz_Ch%d", iChamber);
1850  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].EfficientCLCT_dxdz =
1851  new TH1F(SpecName, "Efficient CLCT; local dxdz;entries", Chan, minChan, maxChan);
1852  //
1853  sprintf(SpecName, "InefficientCLCT_dxdz_Ch%d", iChamber);
1854  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].InefficientCLCT_dxdz =
1855  new TH1F(SpecName, "Inefficient CLCT; local dxdz;entries", Chan, minChan, maxChan);
1856  //
1857  sprintf(SpecName, "EfficientRechits_good_Ch%d", iChamber);
1858  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].EfficientRechits_good = new TH1F(
1859  SpecName, "Existing RecHit - sensitive area only;layers (1-6);entries", nLayer_bins, Layer_min, Layer_max);
1860  //
1861  sprintf(SpecName, "EfficientStrips_Ch%d", iChamber);
1862  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].EfficientStrips =
1863  new TH1F(SpecName, "Existing strip;layer (1-6); entries", nLayer_bins, Layer_min, Layer_max);
1864  //
1865  sprintf(SpecName, "EfficientWireGroups_Ch%d", iChamber);
1866  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].EfficientWireGroups =
1867  new TH1F(SpecName, "Existing WireGroups;layer (1-6); entries ", nLayer_bins, Layer_min, Layer_max);
1868  //
1869  sprintf(SpecName, "StripWiresCorrelations_Ch%d", iChamber);
1870  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].StripWiresCorrelations =
1871  new TH1F(SpecName, "StripWire correlations;; entries ", 5, 0.5, 5.5);
1872  //
1873  Chan = 80;
1874  minChan = 0;
1875  maxChan = 3.2;
1876  sprintf(SpecName, "NoWires_momTheta_Ch%d", iChamber);
1877  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].NoWires_momTheta =
1878  new TH1F(SpecName,
1879  "No wires (all strips present) - in theta (momentum);theta, rad;entries",
1880  Chan,
1881  minChan,
1882  maxChan);
1883  //
1884  Chan = 160;
1885  minChan = -3.2;
1886  maxChan = 3.2;
1887  sprintf(SpecName, "NoStrips_momPhi_Ch%d", iChamber);
1888  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].NoStrips_momPhi = new TH1F(
1889  SpecName, "No strips (all wires present) - in phi (momentum);phi, rad;entries", Chan, minChan, maxChan);
1890  //
1891  for (int iLayer = 0; iLayer < 6; iLayer++) {
1892  sprintf(SpecName, "Y_InefficientRecHits_inSegment_Ch%d_L%d", iChamber, iLayer);
1893  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].Y_InefficientRecHits_inSegment.push_back(
1894  new TH1F(SpecName,
1895  "Missing RecHit/layer in a segment (local system, whole chamber);Y, cm; entries",
1896  nYbins,
1897  Ymin,
1898  Ymax));
1899  //
1900  sprintf(SpecName, "Y_EfficientRecHits_inSegment_Ch%d_L%d", iChamber, iLayer);
1901  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].Y_EfficientRecHits_inSegment.push_back(
1902  new TH1F(SpecName,
1903  "Efficient (extrapolated from the segment) RecHit/layer in a segment (local system, whole "
1904  "chamber);Y, cm; entries",
1905  nYbins,
1906  Ymin,
1907  Ymax));
1908  //
1909  Chan = 200;
1910  minChan = -0.2;
1911  maxChan = 0.2;
1912  sprintf(SpecName, "Phi_InefficientRecHits_inSegment_Ch%d_L%d", iChamber, iLayer);
1913  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].Phi_InefficientRecHits_inSegment.push_back(
1914  new TH1F(SpecName,
1915  "Missing RecHit/layer in a segment (local system, whole chamber);Phi, rad; entries",
1916  Chan,
1917  minChan,
1918  maxChan));
1919  //
1920  sprintf(SpecName, "Phi_EfficientRecHits_inSegment_Ch%d_L%d", iChamber, iLayer);
1921  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].Phi_EfficientRecHits_inSegment.push_back(
1922  new TH1F(SpecName,
1923  "Efficient (extrapolated from the segment) in a segment (local system, whole chamber);Phi, "
1924  "rad; entries",
1925  Chan,
1926  minChan,
1927  maxChan));
1928  }
1929  //
1930  sprintf(SpecName, "Sim_Rechits_Ch%d", iChamber);
1931  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].SimRechits =
1932  new TH1F(SpecName, "Existing RecHit (Sim);layers (1-6);entries", nLayer_bins, Layer_min, Layer_max);
1933  //
1934  sprintf(SpecName, "Sim_Simhits_Ch%d", iChamber);
1935  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].SimSimhits =
1936  new TH1F(SpecName, "Existing SimHit (Sim);layers (1-6);entries", nLayer_bins, Layer_min, Layer_max);
1937  //
1938  /*
1939  sprintf(SpecName,"Sim_Rechits_each_Ch%d",iChamber);
1940  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber-FirstCh].SimRechits_each =
1941  new TH1F(SpecName,"Existing RecHit (Sim), each;layers (1-6);entries",nLayer_bins,Layer_min,Layer_max);
1942  //
1943  sprintf(SpecName,"Sim_Simhits_each_Ch%d",iChamber);
1944  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber-FirstCh].SimSimhits_each =
1945  new TH1F(SpecName,"Existing SimHit (Sim), each;layers (1-6);entries",nLayer_bins,Layer_min,Layer_max);
1946  */
1947  theFile->cd();
1948  }
1949  }
1950  }
1951  }
1952 }
1954 // Destructor
1956  if (theService)
1957  delete theService;
1958  // Write the histos to a file
1959  theFile->cd();
1960  //
1961  char SpecName[60];
1962  std::vector<float> bins, Efficiency, EffError;
1963  std::vector<float> eff(2);
1965  //---- loop over chambers
1966  std::map<std::string, bool> chamberTypes;
1967  chamberTypes["ME11"] = false;
1968  chamberTypes["ME12"] = false;
1969  chamberTypes["ME13"] = false;
1970  chamberTypes["ME21"] = false;
1971  chamberTypes["ME22"] = false;
1972  chamberTypes["ME31"] = false;
1973  chamberTypes["ME32"] = false;
1974  chamberTypes["ME41"] = false;
1976  map<std::string, bool>::iterator iter;
1977  std::cout << " Writing proper histogram structure (patience)..." << std::endl;
1978  for (int ec = 0; ec < 2; ++ec) {
1979  for (int st = 0; st < 4; ++st) {
1980  snprintf(SpecName, sizeof(SpecName), "Stations__E%d_S%d", ec + 1, st + 1);
1981  theFile->cd(SpecName);
1982  StHist[ec][st].segmentChi2_ndf->Write();
1983  StHist[ec][st].hitsInSegment->Write();
1984  StHist[ec][st].AllSegments_eta->Write();
1985  StHist[ec][st].EfficientSegments_eta->Write();
1986  StHist[ec][st].ResidualSegments->Write();
1987  StHist[ec][st].EfficientSegments_XY->Write();
1988  StHist[ec][st].InefficientSegments_XY->Write();
1989  StHist[ec][st].EfficientALCT_momTheta->Write();
1990  StHist[ec][st].InefficientALCT_momTheta->Write();
1991  StHist[ec][st].EfficientCLCT_momPhi->Write();
1992  StHist[ec][st].InefficientCLCT_momPhi->Write();
1993  for (int rg = 0; rg < 3; ++rg) {
1994  if (0 != st && rg > 1) {
1995  continue;
1996  } else if (1 == rg && 3 == st) {
1997  continue;
1998  }
1999  for (int iChamber = FirstCh; iChamber < FirstCh + NumCh; iChamber++) {
2000  if (0 != st && 0 == rg && iChamber > 18) {
2001  continue;
2002  }
2003  snprintf(SpecName, sizeof(SpecName), "Chambers__E%d_S%d_R%d_Chamber_%d", ec + 1, st + 1, rg + 1, iChamber);
2004  theFile->cd(SpecName);
2006  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].EfficientRechits_inSegment->Write();
2007  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].AllSingleHits->Write();
2008  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].digiAppearanceCount->Write();
2009  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].EfficientALCT_dydz->Write();
2010  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].InefficientALCT_dydz->Write();
2011  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].EfficientCLCT_dxdz->Write();
2012  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].InefficientCLCT_dxdz->Write();
2013  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].InefficientSingleHits->Write();
2014  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].EfficientRechits_good->Write();
2015  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].EfficientStrips->Write();
2016  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].StripWiresCorrelations->Write();
2017  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].NoWires_momTheta->Write();
2018  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].NoStrips_momPhi->Write();
2019  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].EfficientWireGroups->Write();
2020  for (unsigned int iLayer = 0; iLayer < 6; iLayer++) {
2021  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].Y_InefficientRecHits_inSegment[iLayer]->Write();
2022  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].Y_EfficientRecHits_inSegment[iLayer]->Write();
2023  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].Phi_InefficientRecHits_inSegment[iLayer]->Write();
2024  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].Phi_EfficientRecHits_inSegment[iLayer]->Write();
2025  }
2026  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].SimRechits->Write();
2027  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber - FirstCh].SimSimhits->Write();
2028  /*
2029  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber-FirstCh].SimRechits_each->Write();
2030  ChHist[ec][st][rg][iChamber-FirstCh].SimSimhits_each->Write();
2031  */
2032  //
2033  theFile->cd(SpecName);
2034  theFile->cd();
2035  }
2036  }
2037  }
2038  }
2039  //
2040  snprintf(SpecName, sizeof(SpecName), "AllChambers");
2041  theFile->mkdir(SpecName);
2042  theFile->cd(SpecName);
2043  DataFlow->Write();
2044  TriggersFired->Write();
2045  ALCTPerEvent->Write();
2046  CLCTPerEvent->Write();
2047  recHitsPerEvent->Write();
2048  segmentsPerEvent->Write();
2049  //
2050  theFile->cd(SpecName);
2051  //---- Close the file
2052  theFile->Close();
2053 }
bool accept() const
Has at least one path accepted the event?
unsigned int size_type
Definition: View.h:92
float dydz
const CSCLayer * layer(CSCDetId id) const
Return the layer corresponding to the given id.
bool applyTrigger(edm::Handle< edm::TriggerResults > &hltR, const edm::TriggerNames &triggerNames)
CartesianTrajectoryError cartesianError() const
bool error() const
Has any path encountered an error (exception)
const CSCChamber * chamber(CSCDetId id) const
Return the chamber corresponding to given DetId.
const math::XYZPoint & outerPosition() const
position of the outermost hit
Definition: Track.h:62
const Point & position() const
Definition: BeamSpot.h:59
float dxdz
LocalPoint toLocal(const GlobalPoint &gp) const
Conversion to the R.F. of the GeomDet.
Definition: GeomDet.h:58
int nearestStrip(const LocalPoint &lp) const
T z() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:61
void fillWG_info(edm::Handle< CSCWireDigiCollection > &wires, edm::ESHandle< CSCGeometry > &cscGeom)
void chooseDirection(CLHEP::Hep3Vector &innerPosition, CLHEP::Hep3Vector &outerPosition)
for(int i=first, nt=offsets[nh];i< nt;i+=gridDim.x *blockDim.x)
void ringCandidates(int station, float absEta, std::map< std::string, bool > &chamberTypes)
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:66
double lineParameter(double initZPosition, double destZPosition, double initZDirection)
T eta() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:73
T const * product() const
Definition: Handle.h:70
unsigned long long EventNumber_t
const Propagator * propagator(std::string propagatorName) const
bool recSimHitEfficiency(CSCDetId &id, FreeTrajectoryState &ftsChamber)
CSCEfficiency(const edm::ParameterSet &pset)
int layer() const
Definition: CSCDetId.h:56
the two sets of parameters below are mutually exclusive, depending if RECO or ALCARECO is used the us...
float stripAngle(int strip) const
void returnTypes(CSCDetId &id, int &ec, int &st, int &rg, int &ch, int &secondRing)
float caloCompatibility(const reco::Muon &muon)
const CSCLayerGeometry * geometry() const
Definition: CSCLayer.h:44
bool wasrun() const
Was at least one path run?
FreeTrajectoryState getFromCLHEP(const CLHEP::Hep3Vector &p3, const CLHEP::Hep3Vector &r3, int charge, const AlgebraicSymMatrix66 &cov, const MagneticField *field)
GlobalPoint position() const
U second(std::pair< T, U > const &p)
C::const_iterator const_iterator
constant access iterator type
Definition: RangeMap.h:43
float yy() const
Definition: LocalError.h:24
T x() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:59
T y() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:60
int iEvent
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:19
TrackCharge charge() const
GlobalVector momentum() const
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
int chamber() const
Definition: CSCDetId.h:62
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
Definition: MakerMacros.h:16
void linearExtrapolation(GlobalPoint initialPosition, GlobalVector initialDirection, float zSurface, std::vector< float > &posZY)
float yOfWireGroup(int wireGroup, float x=0.) const
void getFromFTS(const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, CLHEP::Hep3Vector &p3, CLHEP::Hep3Vector &r3, int &charge, AlgebraicSymMatrix66 &cov)
DetId geographicalId() const
The label of this GeomDet.
Definition: GeomDet.h:64
bool efficienciesPerChamber(CSCDetId &id, const CSCChamber *cscChamber, FreeTrajectoryState &ftsChamber)
void chamberCandidates(int station, int ring, float phi, std::vector< int > &coupleOfChambers)
GlobalPoint toGlobal(const Local2DPoint &lp) const
Conversion to the global R.F. from the R.F. of the GeomDet.
Definition: GeomDet.h:49
#define M_PI
void fillLCT_info(edm::Handle< CSCALCTDigiCollection > &alcts, edm::Handle< CSCCLCTDigiCollection > &clcts, edm::Handle< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection > &correlatedlcts)
void fillRechitsSegments_info(edm::Handle< CSCRecHit2DCollection > &rechits, edm::Handle< CSCSegmentCollection > &segments, edm::ESHandle< CSCGeometry > &cscGeom)
bool stripWire_Efficiencies(CSCDetId &cscDetId, FreeTrajectoryState &ftsChamber)
ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double, 6, 6, ROOT::Math::MatRepSym< double, 6 > > AlgebraicSymMatrix66
double extrapolate1D(double initPosition, double initDirection, double parameterOfTheLine)
float xy() const
Definition: LocalError.h:23
Definition: DetId.h:17
const Plane & surface() const
The nominal surface of the GeomDet.
Definition: GeomDet.h:37
#define debug
void fillDigiInfo(edm::Handle< CSCALCTDigiCollection > &alcts, edm::Handle< CSCCLCTDigiCollection > &clcts, edm::Handle< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection > &correlatedlcts, edm::Handle< CSCWireDigiCollection > &wires, edm::Handle< CSCStripDigiCollection > &strips, edm::Handle< edm::PSimHitContainer > &simhits, edm::Handle< CSCRecHit2DCollection > &rechits, edm::Handle< CSCSegmentCollection > &segments, edm::ESHandle< CSCGeometry > &cscGeom)
const PositionType & position() const
int station() const
Definition: CSCDetId.h:79
#define FirstCh
Definition: CSCEfficiency.h:81
bool filter(edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &eventSetup) override
std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > Range
bool recHitSegment_Efficiencies(CSCDetId &cscDetId, const CSCChamber *cscChamber, FreeTrajectoryState &ftsChamber)
int endcap() const
Definition: CSCDetId.h:85
std::vector< DigiType >::const_iterator const_iterator
~CSCEfficiency() override
bool isValid() const
Definition: HandleBase.h:70
bool inSensitiveLocalRegion(double xLocal, double yLocal, int station, int ring)
bool checkLocal(double yLocal, double yBoundary, int station, int ring)
const AlgebraicSymMatrix66 & matrix() const
FreeTrajectoryState const * freeState(bool withErrors=true) const
void fillSimhit_info(edm::Handle< edm::PSimHitContainer > &simHits)
#turn off noise in all subdetectors simHcalUnsuppressedDigis.doNoise = False mix.digitizers.hcal.doNoise = False simEcalUnsuppressedDigis.doNoise = False mix.digitizers.ecal.doNoise = False simEcalUnsuppressedDigis.doESNoise = False simSiPixelDigis.AddNoise = False mix.digitizers.pixel.AddNoise = False simSiStripDigis.Noise = False mix.digitizers.strip.AddNoise = False
unsigned int RunNumber_t
int ring() const
Definition: CSCDetId.h:68
#define NumCh
Definition: CSCEfficiency.h:82
const CSCLayer * layer(CSCDetId id) const
Return the layer corresponding to given DetId.
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Power.h:29
float xx() const
Definition: LocalError.h:22
Geom::Theta< T > theta() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:72
TrajectoryStateOnSurface propagate(FreeTrajectoryState &ftsStart, const BoundPlane &bp)
const GeomDet * idToDet(DetId) const override
void fillStrips_info(edm::Handle< CSCStripDigiCollection > &strips)