43 bool flagTight =
48 double iso = (it->pfIsolationR04().sumChargedHadronPt +
50 it->pfIsolationR04().sumNeutralHadronEt + it->pfIsolationR04().sumPhotonEt -
51 0.5 * it->pfIsolationR04().sumPUPt)) /
55 double MET_local = TMath::Sqrt(METx * METx + METy * METy);
59 METP4.SetPxPyPzE(METx, METy, 0, MET_local);
62 Muon.SetPtEtaPhiE(it->pt(), it->eta(), it->phi(), it->energy());
64 double scalSum = MET_local +
65 TLorentzVector vecSum(
67 double vecSumPt = vecSum.Pt();
69 recoMuon_.
mt.push_back(TMath::Sqrt(scalSum * scalSum - vecSumPt * vecSumPt));
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
bool isLooseMuonCustom(const reco::Muon &recoMu)
the two sets of parameters below are mutually exclusive, depending if RECO or ALCARECO is used the us...
GlobalPoint globalPosition() const
bool isTightMuonCustom(const reco::Muon &recoMu, const reco::Vertex recoVtx)
bool isMediumMuonCustom(const reco::Muon &recoMu)
PropagateToMuon muPropagator2nd_
L1AnalysisRecoMuon2DataFormat recoMuon_
TrajectoryStateOnSurface extrapolate(const reco::Track &tk) const
Extrapolate reco::Track to the muon station 2, return an invalid TSOS if it fails.
PropagateToMuon muPropagator1st_