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#include <GsfElectron.h>
Classes | |
struct | ChargeInfo |
struct | ClassificationVariables |
struct | ClosestCtfTrack |
struct | ConversionRejection |
struct | Corrections |
struct | FiducialFlags |
struct | IsolationVariables |
struct | MvaInput |
struct | MvaOutput |
struct | PflowIsolationVariables |
struct | PixelMatchVariables |
struct | SaturationInfo |
struct | ShowerShape |
struct | TrackClusterMatching |
struct | TrackExtrapolations |
Public Types | |
enum | Classification { UNKNOWN = -1, GOLDEN = 0, BIGBREM = 1, BADTRACK = 2, SHOWERING = 3, GAP = 4 } |
![]() | |
enum | TrackType { noTrackType, recoTrackType, gsfTrackType } |
track type More... | |
![]() | |
typedef int | Charge |
electric charge type More... | |
typedef CandidateCollection | daughters |
collection of daughter candidates More... | |
typedef unsigned int | index |
typedef math::XYZTLorentzVector | LorentzVector |
Lorentz vector. More... | |
typedef math::XYZPoint | Point |
point in the space More... | |
typedef math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVector | PolarLorentzVector |
Lorentz vector. More... | |
typedef math::XYZVector | Vector |
point in the space More... | |
![]() | |
enum | { dimension = 3 } |
enum | { size = dimension * (dimension + 1) / 2 } |
matix size More... | |
typedef int | Charge |
electric charge type More... | |
typedef candidate::const_iterator | const_iterator |
typedef math::Error< dimension >::type | CovarianceMatrix |
covariance error matrix (3x3) More... | |
typedef unsigned int | index |
index type More... | |
typedef candidate::iterator | iterator |
typedef math::XYZTLorentzVector | LorentzVector |
Lorentz vector. More... | |
typedef math::XYZPoint | Point |
point in the space More... | |
typedef math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVector | PolarLorentzVector |
Lorentz vector. More... | |
typedef size_t | size_type |
typedef math::XYZVector | Vector |
point in the space More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
void | addAmbiguousGsfTrack (const reco::GsfTrackRef &t) |
bool | ambiguous () const |
auto const & | ambiguousGsfTracks () const |
GsfTrackRefVector::size_type | ambiguousGsfTracksSize () const |
CaloCluster_iterator | basicClustersBegin () const |
CaloCluster_iterator | basicClustersEnd () const |
int | basicClustersSize () const |
float | caloEnergy () const |
math::XYZPoint | caloPosition () const |
P4Kind | candidateP4Kind () const |
const ChargeInfo & | chargeInfo () const |
Classification | classification () const |
const ClassificationVariables & | classificationVariables () const |
void | clearAmbiguousGsfTracks () |
GsfElectron * | clone () const override |
returns a clone of the Candidate object More... | |
GsfElectron * | clone (const GsfElectronCoreRef &core, const CaloClusterPtr &electronCluster, const TrackRef &closestCtfTrack, const TrackBaseRef &conversionPartner, const GsfTrackRefVector &ambiguousTracks) const |
virtual ClosestCtfTrack | closestCtfTrack () const |
int | closestCtfTrackNLayers () const |
float | closestCtfTrackNormChi2 () const |
virtual TrackRef | closestCtfTrackRef () const |
bool | closestCtfTrackRefValid () const |
float | convDcot () const |
float | convDist () const |
const ConversionRejection & | conversionRejectionVariables () const |
int | convFlags () const |
TrackBaseRef | convPartner () const |
float | convRadius () const |
float | convVtxFitProb () const |
virtual GsfElectronCoreRef | core () const |
void | correctEcalEnergy (float newEnergy, float newEnergyError, bool corrEovP=true) |
float | correctedEcalEnergy () const |
float | correctedEcalEnergyError () const |
const Corrections & | corrections () const |
void | correctMomentum (const LorentzVector &p4, float trackMomentumError, float p4Error) |
float | ctfGsfOverlap () const |
float | deltaEtaEleClusterTrackAtCalo () const |
float | deltaEtaSeedClusterTrackAtCalo () const |
float | deltaEtaSeedClusterTrackAtVtx () const |
float | deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtx () const |
float | deltaPhiEleClusterTrackAtCalo () const |
float | deltaPhiSeedClusterTrackAtCalo () const |
float | deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtx () const |
float | dnn_bkg_nonIsolated () const |
float | dnn_bkg_Photon () const |
float | dnn_bkg_Tau () const |
float | dnn_signal_Isolated () const |
float | dnn_signal_nonIsolated () const |
float | dr03EcalRecHitSumEt () const |
float | dr03HcalTowerSumEt (int depth=0) const |
float | dr03HcalTowerSumEtBc (int depth=0) const |
const IsolationVariables & | dr03IsolationVariables () const |
float | dr03TkSumPt () const |
float | dr03TkSumPtHEEP () const |
float | dr04EcalRecHitSumEt () const |
float | dr04HcalTowerSumEt (int depth=0) const |
float | dr04HcalTowerSumEtBc (int depth=0) const |
const IsolationVariables & | dr04IsolationVariables () const |
float | dr04TkSumPt () const |
float | dr04TkSumPtHEEP () const |
float | e1x5 () const |
float | e2x5Max () const |
float | e5x5 () const |
float | eBottom () const |
bool | ecalDriven () const |
bool | ecalDrivenSeed () const |
float | ecalEnergy () const |
float | ecalEnergyError () const |
float | ecalPFClusterIso () const |
float | eEleClusterOverPout () const |
CaloClusterPtr | electronCluster () const |
float | eLeft () const |
float | eRight () const |
float | eSeedClusterOverP () const |
float | eSeedClusterOverPout () const |
float | eSuperClusterOverP () const |
float | eTop () const |
float | fbrem () const |
const FiducialFlags & | fiducialFlags () const |
float | full5x5_e1x5 () const |
float | full5x5_e2x5Bottom () const |
float | full5x5_e2x5Left () const |
float | full5x5_e2x5Max () const |
float | full5x5_e2x5Right () const |
float | full5x5_e2x5Top () const |
float | full5x5_e5x5 () const |
float | full5x5_eBottom () const |
float | full5x5_eLeft () const |
float | full5x5_eRight () const |
float | full5x5_eTop () const |
float | full5x5_hcalOverEcal (int depth=0) const |
float | full5x5_hcalOverEcalBc (int depth=0) const |
bool | full5x5_hcalOverEcalValid () const |
float | full5x5_r9 () const |
void | full5x5_setShowerShape (const ShowerShape &s) |
const ShowerShape & | full5x5_showerShape () const |
float | full5x5_sigmaEtaEta () const |
float | full5x5_sigmaIetaIeta () const |
float | full5x5_sigmaIphiIphi () const |
GsfElectron () | |
GsfElectron (const GsfElectronCoreRef &) | |
GsfElectron (const GsfElectron &, const GsfElectronCoreRef &) | |
GsfElectron (const GsfElectron &electron, const GsfElectronCoreRef &core, const CaloClusterPtr &electronCluster, const TrackRef &closestCtfTrack, const TrackBaseRef &conversionPartner, const GsfTrackRefVector &ambiguousTracks) | |
GsfElectron (int charge, const ChargeInfo &, const GsfElectronCoreRef &, const TrackClusterMatching &, const TrackExtrapolations &, const ClosestCtfTrack &, const FiducialFlags &, const ShowerShape &, const ConversionRejection &) | |
GsfElectron (int charge, const ChargeInfo &, const GsfElectronCoreRef &, const TrackClusterMatching &, const TrackExtrapolations &, const ClosestCtfTrack &, const FiducialFlags &, const ShowerShape &, const ShowerShape &, const ConversionRejection &, const SaturationInfo &) | |
GsfTrackRef | gsfTrack () const override |
reference to a GsfTrack More... | |
float | hadronicOverEm () const |
float | hcalOverEcal (const ShowerShape &ss, int depth) const |
float | hcalOverEcal (int depth=0) const |
float | hcalOverEcalBc (const ShowerShape &ss, int depth) const |
float | hcalOverEcalBc (int depth=0) const |
bool | hcalOverEcalValid () const |
float | hcalPFClusterIso () const |
void | hcalToRun2EffDepth () |
const std::vector< CaloTowerDetId > & | hcalTowersBehindClusters () const |
float | hcalTowerSumEt (const IsolationVariables &iv, int depth) const |
float | hcalTowerSumEtBc (const IsolationVariables &iv, int depth) const |
bool | isEB () const |
bool | isEBEEGap () const |
bool | isEBEtaGap () const |
bool | isEBGap () const |
bool | isEBPhiGap () const |
bool | isEcalEnergyCorrected () const |
bool | isEE () const |
bool | isEEDeeGap () const |
bool | isEEGap () const |
bool | isEERingGap () const |
bool | isElectron () const override |
bool | isEnergyScaleCorrected () const |
bool | isGap () const |
bool | isGsfCtfChargeConsistent () const |
bool | isGsfCtfScPixChargeConsistent () const |
bool | isGsfScPixChargeConsistent () const |
const IsolationVariables & | isolationVariables03 () const |
const IsolationVariables & | isolationVariables04 () const |
float | isSeedSaturated () const |
float | mva_e_pi () const |
float | mva_Isolated () const |
const MvaInput & | mvaInput () const |
const MvaOutput & | mvaOutput () const |
float | nSaturatedXtals () const |
int | numberOfBrems () const |
bool | overlap (const Candidate &) const override |
check overlap with another candidate More... | |
const LorentzVector & | p4 (P4Kind kind) const |
float | p4Error (P4Kind kind) const |
virtual SuperClusterRef | parentSuperCluster () const |
bool | passingCutBasedPreselection () const |
bool | passingMvaPreselection () const |
bool | passingPflowPreselection () const |
const PflowIsolationVariables & | pfIsolationVariables () const |
float | pixelMatchDPhi1 () const |
float | pixelMatchDPhi2 () const |
float | pixelMatchDRz1 () const |
float | pixelMatchDRz2 () const |
int | pixelMatchSubdetector1 () const |
int | pixelMatchSubdetector2 () const |
float | r9 () const |
const SaturationInfo & | saturationInfo () const |
float | scE1x5 () const |
float | scE2x5Max () const |
float | scE5x5 () const |
int | scPixCharge () const |
float | scSigmaEtaEta () const |
float | scSigmaIEtaIEta () const |
void | setAmbiguous (bool flag) |
void | setClassification (Classification myclass) |
void | setClassificationVariables (const ClassificationVariables &cv) |
void | setConversionRejectionVariables (const ConversionRejection &convRej) |
void | setCore (const reco::GsfElectronCoreRef &core) |
void | setCorrectedEcalEnergy (float newEnergy) |
void | setCorrectedEcalEnergy (float newEnergy, bool rescaleDependentValues) |
void | setCorrectedEcalEnergyError (float newEnergyError) |
void | setCorrections (const Corrections &c) |
void | setDeltaEtaSuperClusterAtVtx (float de) |
void | setDeltaPhiSuperClusterAtVtx (float dphi) |
void | setDr03Isolation (const IsolationVariables &dr03) |
void | setDr04Isolation (const IsolationVariables &dr04) |
void | setEcalEnergyError (float energyError) |
void | setFFlagIsEB (const bool b) |
void | setFFlagIsEBEEGap (const bool b) |
void | setFFlagIsEBEtaGap (const bool b) |
void | setFFlagIsEBPhiGap (const bool b) |
void | setFFlagIsEE (const bool b) |
void | setFFlagIsEEDeeGap (const bool b) |
void | setFFlagIsEERingGap (const bool b) |
void | setIsolation03 (const IsolationVariables &dr03) |
void | setIsolation04 (const IsolationVariables &dr04) |
void | setMvaInput (const MvaInput &mi) |
void | setMvaOutput (const MvaOutput &mo) |
void | setP4 (P4Kind kind, const LorentzVector &p4, float p4Error, bool setCandidate) |
void | setPassCutBasedPreselection (bool flag) |
void | setPassMvaPreselection (bool flag) |
void | setPassPflowPreselection (bool flag) |
void | setPfIsolationVariables (const PflowIsolationVariables &iso) |
void | setPixelMatchDPhi1 (float dPhi1) |
void | setPixelMatchDPhi2 (float dPhi2) |
void | setPixelMatchDRz1 (float dRz1) |
void | setPixelMatchDRz2 (float dRz2) |
void | setPixelMatchSubdetectors (int sd1, int sd2) |
void | setSaturationInfo (const SaturationInfo &s) |
void | setShowerShape (const ShowerShape &s) |
void | setSuperClusterFbrem (float fbrem) |
void | setTrackExtrapolations (const TrackExtrapolations &te) |
void | setTrackFbrem (float fbrem) |
void | setTrackMomentumError (float trackMomentumError) |
float | shFracInnerHits () const |
const ShowerShape & | showerShape () const |
float | sigmaEtaEta () const |
float | sigmaIetaIeta () const |
float | sigmaIphiIphi () const |
SuperClusterRef | superCluster () const override |
reference to a SuperCluster More... | |
float | superClusterFbrem () const |
math::XYZPoint | superClusterPosition () const |
const TrackClusterMatching & | trackClusterMatching () const |
bool | trackerDrivenSeed () const |
const TrackExtrapolations & | trackExtrapolations () const |
float | trackFbrem () const |
math::XYZVectorF | trackMomentumAtCalo () const |
math::XYZVectorF | trackMomentumAtEleClus () const |
math::XYZVectorF | trackMomentumAtVtx () const |
math::XYZVectorF | trackMomentumAtVtxWithConstraint () const |
float | trackMomentumError () const |
math::XYZVectorF | trackMomentumOut () const |
math::XYZPointF | trackPositionAtCalo () const |
math::XYZPointF | TrackPositionAtCalo () const |
math::XYZPointF | trackPositionAtVtx () const |
math::XYZPointF | TrackPositionAtVtx () const |
~GsfElectron () override | |
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const Track * | bestTrack () const override |
best track pointer More... | |
virtual TrackBaseRef | bestTrackRef () const |
best track RefToBase More... | |
virtual TrackType | bestTrackType () const |
track type More... | |
virtual CaloTowerRef | caloTower () const |
reference to a CaloTower More... | |
RecoCandidate * | clone () const override |
returns a clone of the Candidate object More... | |
virtual reco::TrackRef | combinedMuon () const |
reference to a stand-alone muon Track More... | |
float | dxyError () const override |
uncertainty on dxy More... | |
float | dzError () const override |
uncertainty on dz More... | |
virtual size_t | numberOfTracks () const |
number of multiple Tracks More... | |
RecoCandidate () | |
default constructor More... | |
template<typename P4 > | |
RecoCandidate (Charge q, const P4 &p4, const Point &vtx=Point(0, 0, 0), int pdgId=0, int status=0) | |
constructor from values More... | |
virtual reco::TrackRef | standAloneMuon () const |
reference to a stand-alone muon Track More... | |
virtual reco::TrackRef | track () const |
reference to a Track More... | |
virtual reco::TrackRef | track (size_t) const |
reference to one of multiple Tracks More... | |
~RecoCandidate () override | |
destructor More... | |
![]() | |
Vector | boostToCM () const final |
int | charge () const final |
electric charge More... | |
void | construct (int qx3, float pt, float eta, float phi, float mass, const Point &vtx, int pdgId, int status) |
const Candidate * | daughter (size_type) const override |
return daughter at a given position (throws an exception) More... | |
Candidate * | daughter (size_type) override |
return daughter at a given position (throws an exception) More... | |
Candidate * | daughter (const std::string &s) override |
return daughter with a specified role name More... | |
const Candidate * | daughter (const std::string &s) const override |
return daughter with a specified role name More... | |
double | energy () const final |
energy More... | |
double | et () const final |
transverse energy More... | |
double | et2 () const final |
transverse energy squared (use this for cut!) More... | |
double | eta () const final |
momentum pseudorapidity More... | |
void | fillVertexCovariance (CovarianceMatrix &v) const override |
fill SMatrix More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | get () const |
get a component More... | |
template<typename T , typename Tag > | |
T | get () const |
get a component More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | get (size_type i) const |
get a component More... | |
template<typename T , typename Tag > | |
T | get (size_type i) const |
get a component More... | |
bool | hasMasterClone () const override |
bool | hasMasterClonePtr () const override |
bool | isCaloMuon () const override |
bool | isConvertedPhoton () const override |
bool | isGlobalMuon () const override |
bool | isJet () const override |
bool | isMuon () const override |
bool | isPhoton () const override |
bool | isStandAloneMuon () const override |
bool | isTrackerMuon () const override |
LeafCandidate () | |
LeafCandidate (const Candidate &c) | |
template<typename... Args> | |
LeafCandidate (Args &&... args) | |
LeafCandidate (LeafCandidate &rh) | |
LeafCandidate (LeafCandidate &&)=default | |
LeafCandidate (LeafCandidate const &)=default | |
bool | longLived () const final |
is long lived? More... | |
double | mass () const final |
mass More... | |
bool | massConstraint () const final |
do mass constraint? More... | |
double | massSqr () const final |
mass squared More... | |
const CandidateBaseRef & | masterClone () const override |
const CandidatePtr & | masterClonePtr () const override |
template<typename Ref > | |
Ref | masterRef () const |
cast master clone reference to a concrete type More... | |
Vector | momentum () const final |
spatial momentum vector More... | |
const Candidate * | mother (size_type) const override |
return mother at a given position (throws an exception) More... | |
double | mt () const final |
transverse mass More... | |
double | mtSqr () const final |
transverse mass squared More... | |
template<typename T > | |
size_type | numberOf () const |
number of components More... | |
template<typename T , typename Tag > | |
size_type | numberOf () const |
number of components More... | |
size_t | numberOfDaughters () const override |
number of daughters More... | |
size_t | numberOfMothers () const override |
number of mothers More... | |
size_t | numberOfSourceCandidatePtrs () const override |
LeafCandidate & | operator= (LeafCandidate &&)=default |
LeafCandidate & | operator= (LeafCandidate const &)=default |
double | p () const final |
magnitude of momentum vector More... | |
const LorentzVector & | p4 () const final |
four-momentum Lorentz vector More... | |
int | pdgId () const final |
PDG identifier. More... | |
double | phi () const final |
momentum azimuthal angle More... | |
const PolarLorentzVector & | polarP4 () const final |
four-momentum Lorentz vector More... | |
double | pt () const final |
transverse momentum More... | |
double | px () const final |
x coordinate of momentum vector More... | |
double | py () const final |
y coordinate of momentum vector More... | |
double | pz () const final |
z coordinate of momentum vector More... | |
double | rapidity () const final |
rapidity More... | |
void | setCharge (Charge q) final |
set electric charge More... | |
void | setLongLived () final |
void | setMass (double m) final |
set particle mass More... | |
void | setMassConstraint () final |
void | setP4 (const LorentzVector &p4) final |
set 4-momentum More... | |
void | setP4 (const PolarLorentzVector &p4) final |
set 4-momentum More... | |
void | setPdgId (int pdgId) final |
void | setPz (double pz) final |
void | setStatus (int status) final |
set status word More... | |
void | setThreeCharge (Charge qx3) final |
set electric charge More... | |
void | setVertex (const Point &vertex) override |
set vertex More... | |
CandidatePtr | sourceCandidatePtr (size_type i) const override |
int | status () const final |
status word More... | |
double | theta () const final |
momentum polar angle More... | |
int | threeCharge () const final |
electric charge More... | |
const Point & | vertex () const override |
vertex position (overwritten by PF...) More... | |
double | vertexChi2 () const override |
chi-squares More... | |
double | vertexCovariance (int i, int j) const override |
(i, j)-th element of error matrix, i, j = 0, ... 2 More... | |
CovarianceMatrix | vertexCovariance () const final |
return SMatrix More... | |
double | vertexNdof () const override |
double | vertexNormalizedChi2 () const override |
chi-squared divided by n.d.o.f. More... | |
double | vx () const override |
x coordinate of vertex position More... | |
double | vy () const override |
y coordinate of vertex position More... | |
double | vz () const override |
z coordinate of vertex position More... | |
double | y () const final |
rapidity More... | |
~LeafCandidate () override | |
destructor More... | |
![]() | |
const_iterator | begin () const |
first daughter const_iterator More... | |
iterator | begin () |
first daughter iterator More... | |
Candidate () | |
default constructor More... | |
const_iterator | end () const |
last daughter const_iterator More... | |
iterator | end () |
last daughter iterator More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | get () const |
get a component More... | |
template<typename T , typename Tag > | |
T | get () const |
get a component More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | get (size_type i) const |
get a component More... | |
template<typename T , typename Tag > | |
T | get (size_type i) const |
get a component More... | |
template<typename Ref > | |
Ref | masterRef () const |
cast master clone reference to a concrete type More... | |
template<typename T > | |
size_type | numberOf () const |
number of components More... | |
template<typename T , typename Tag > | |
size_type | numberOf () const |
number of components More... | |
virtual void | setSourceCandidatePtr (const CandidatePtr &ptr) |
Set the ptr to the source Candidate. More... | |
virtual | ~Candidate () |
destructor More... | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static constexpr float | mvaPlaceholder = -999999999. |
Private Member Functions | |
void | init () |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
template<typename R > | |
bool | checkOverlap (const R &r1, const R &r2) const |
check if two components overlap More... | |
Definition at line 36 of file GsfElectron.h.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 799 of file GsfElectron.h.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 844 of file GsfElectron.h.
GsfElectron::GsfElectron | ( | ) |
GsfElectron::GsfElectron | ( | const GsfElectronCoreRef & | core | ) |
GsfElectron::GsfElectron | ( | const GsfElectron & | electron, |
const GsfElectronCoreRef & | core | ||
) |
Definition at line 75 of file GsfElectron.cc.
GsfElectron::GsfElectron | ( | const GsfElectron & | electron, |
const GsfElectronCoreRef & | core, | ||
const CaloClusterPtr & | electronCluster, | ||
const TrackRef & | closestCtfTrack, | ||
const TrackBaseRef & | conversionPartner, | ||
const GsfTrackRefVector & | ambiguousTracks | ||
) |
Definition at line 105 of file GsfElectron.cc.
References conversionRejection_, reco::GsfElectron::TrackClusterMatching::electronCluster, electronCluster(), reco::GsfElectron::ConversionRejection::partner, and trackClusterMatching_.
GsfElectron::GsfElectron | ( | int | charge, |
const ChargeInfo & | chargeInfo, | ||
const GsfElectronCoreRef & | core, | ||
const TrackClusterMatching & | tcm, | ||
const TrackExtrapolations & | te, | ||
const ClosestCtfTrack & | ctfInfo, | ||
const FiducialFlags & | ff, | ||
const ShowerShape & | ss, | ||
const ConversionRejection & | crv | ||
) |
Definition at line 22 of file GsfElectron.cc.
References reco::LeafCandidate::charge(), reco::GsfElectron::Corrections::correctedEcalEnergy, corrections_, init(), reco::GsfElectron::TrackExtrapolations::positionAtVtx, reco::LeafCandidate::setCharge(), reco::LeafCandidate::setPdgId(), reco::LeafCandidate::setVertex(), and superCluster().
GsfElectron::GsfElectron | ( | int | charge, |
const ChargeInfo & | chargeInfo, | ||
const GsfElectronCoreRef & | core, | ||
const TrackClusterMatching & | tcm, | ||
const TrackExtrapolations & | te, | ||
const ClosestCtfTrack & | ctfInfo, | ||
const FiducialFlags & | ff, | ||
const ShowerShape & | ss, | ||
const ShowerShape & | full5x5_ss, | ||
const ConversionRejection & | crv, | ||
const SaturationInfo & | si | ||
) |
Definition at line 48 of file GsfElectron.cc.
References reco::LeafCandidate::charge(), reco::GsfElectron::Corrections::correctedEcalEnergy, corrections_, init(), reco::GsfElectron::TrackExtrapolations::positionAtVtx, reco::LeafCandidate::setCharge(), reco::LeafCandidate::setPdgId(), reco::LeafCandidate::setVertex(), and superCluster().
inlineoverride |
Definition at line 94 of file GsfElectron.h.
inline |
Definition at line 774 of file GsfElectron.h.
References ambiguousGsfTracks_, edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::push_back(), and submitPVValidationJobs::t.
Referenced by PFElectronTranslator::createGsfElectrons().
inline |
Definition at line 765 of file GsfElectron.h.
References ambiguous_.
Referenced by GsfElectronProducer::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 767 of file GsfElectron.h.
References ambiguousGsfTracks_.
Referenced by ConversionTools::matchesConversion().
inline |
Definition at line 766 of file GsfElectron.h.
References ambiguousGsfTracks_, and edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::size().
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), and ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze().
inline |
Definition at line 298 of file GsfElectron.h.
References superCluster().
inline |
Definition at line 299 of file GsfElectron.h.
References superCluster().
inline |
Definition at line 295 of file GsfElectron.h.
References superCluster().
Referenced by numberOfBrems().
inline |
Definition at line 899 of file GsfElectron.h.
References correctedEcalEnergy().
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), pat::CaloIsolationEnergy::calculate(), egHLT::OffEle::caloEnergy(), EgammaObjects::findRecoMass(), and egHLT::OffEle::invEInvP().
inline |
Definition at line 302 of file GsfElectron.h.
References superCluster().
Referenced by FWElectronDetailView::build(), and EgammaObjects::findRecoMass().
inline |
Definition at line 888 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::Corrections::candidateP4Kind, and corrections_.
Referenced by Electron.Electron::ptErr().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 805 of file GsfElectron.h.
References class_.
Referenced by ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::analyze(), ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), ElectronCalibration::analyze(), ElectronCalibrationUniv::analyze(), RegressionHelper::applyCombinationRegression(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergy(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergyUncertainty(), egHLT::OffEle::classification(), ZeePlots::fillEleClassesPlots(), ZeeCalibration::getEtaCorrection(), and EGRegressionModifierV1::modifyObject().
inline |
Definition at line 804 of file GsfElectron.h.
References classVariables_.
inline |
Definition at line 773 of file GsfElectron.h.
References ambiguousGsfTracks_, and edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::clear().
overridevirtual |
returns a clone of the Candidate object
Reimplemented from reco::LeafCandidate.
Reimplemented in pat::Electron, and pat::Lepton< reco::GsfElectron >.
Definition at line 158 of file GsfElectron.cc.
References GsfElectron().
GsfElectron * GsfElectron::clone | ( | const GsfElectronCoreRef & | core, |
const CaloClusterPtr & | electronCluster, | ||
const TrackRef & | closestCtfTrack, | ||
const TrackBaseRef & | conversionPartner, | ||
const GsfTrackRefVector & | ambiguousTracks | ||
) | const |
Definition at line 160 of file GsfElectron.cc.
References closestCtfTrack(), electronCluster(), and GsfElectron().
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 181 of file GsfElectron.h.
References core(), and ctfGsfOverlap().
Referenced by clone().
inline |
Definition at line 168 of file GsfElectron.h.
References closestCtfTrackRef(), and closestCtfTrackRefValid().
Referenced by ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars().
inline |
Definition at line 165 of file GsfElectron.h.
References closestCtfTrackRef(), and closestCtfTrackRefValid().
Referenced by ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in pat::Electron.
Definition at line 180 of file GsfElectron.h.
References core().
Referenced by ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergy(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergyUncertainty(), closestCtfTrackNLayers(), closestCtfTrackNormChi2(), closestCtfTrackRefValid(), egHLT::OffEle::ctfTrack(), lowptgsfeleid::features_V0(), lowptgsfeleid::features_V1(), egHLT::OffHelper::fillHLTData(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::IDIsoCombinedMvaValue(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::isoMvaValue(), ElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), SoftElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), EGammaMvaEleEstimatorCSA14::mvaValue(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::mvaValue(), and egHLT::OffEle::validCTFTrack().
inline |
Definition at line 161 of file GsfElectron.h.
References closestCtfTrackRef(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isAvailable(), and edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull().
Referenced by closestCtfTrackNLayers(), and closestCtfTrackNormChi2().
inline |
Definition at line 646 of file GsfElectron.h.
References conversionRejection_, and reco::GsfElectron::ConversionRejection::dcot.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), and ElectronMVAEstimator::mva().
inline |
Definition at line 645 of file GsfElectron.h.
References conversionRejection_, and reco::GsfElectron::ConversionRejection::dist.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), and ElectronMVAEstimator::mva().
inline |
Definition at line 649 of file GsfElectron.h.
References conversionRejection_.
Referenced by EG9X105XObjectUpdateModifier::modifyObject().
inline |
Definition at line 643 of file GsfElectron.h.
References conversionRejection_, and reco::GsfElectron::ConversionRejection::flags.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), and ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze().
inline |
Definition at line 644 of file GsfElectron.h.
References conversionRejection_, and reco::GsfElectron::ConversionRejection::partner.
inline |
Definition at line 647 of file GsfElectron.h.
References conversionRejection_, and reco::GsfElectron::ConversionRejection::radius.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), and ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze().
inline |
Definition at line 648 of file GsfElectron.h.
References conversionRejection_, and reco::GsfElectron::ConversionRejection::vtxFitProb.
Referenced by ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars().
virtual |
Reimplemented in pat::Electron.
Definition at line 8 of file GsfElectron.cc.
References core_.
Referenced by helper::GsfElectronCollectionStoreManager::cloneAndStore(), closestCtfTrack(), closestCtfTrackRef(), ctfGsfOverlap(), ecalDrivenSeed(), lowptgsfeleid::features_V0(), lowptgsfeleid::features_V1(), gsfTrack(), EG9X105XObjectUpdateModifier::modifyObject(), parentSuperCluster(), ReducedEGProducer::relinkGsfElectronCore(), setCore(), GsfElectronAlgo::setCutBasedPreselectionFlag(), shFracInnerHits(), superCluster(), and trackerDrivenSeed().
inline |
Definition at line 901 of file GsfElectron.h.
References setCorrectedEcalEnergy(), and setEcalEnergyError().
Referenced by RegressionEnergyPatElectronProducer::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 882 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::Corrections::correctedEcalEnergy, and corrections_.
Referenced by RegressionHelper::applyCombinationRegression(), caloEnergy(), EpCombinationTool::combine(), and ecalEnergy().
inline |
Definition at line 883 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::Corrections::correctedEcalEnergyError, and corrections_.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), RegressionHelper::applyCombinationRegression(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergy(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergyUncertainty(), EpCombinationTool::combine(), and ecalEnergyError().
inline |
Definition at line 889 of file GsfElectron.h.
References corrections_.
Referenced by ElectronEnergyCalibrator::calibrate(), and ElectronEnergyCalibrator::setEnergyAndSystVarations().
inline |
Definition at line 905 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::LeafCandidate::p4(), P4_COMBINATION, p4Error(), setP4(), setTrackMomentumError(), and trackMomentumError().
Referenced by EGEtScaleSysModifier::calCombinedMom(), ElectronEnergyCalibrator::calCombinedMom(), EGRegressionModifierV2::modifyObject(), EGRegressionModifierV1::modifyObject(), EGEtScaleSysModifier::modifyObject(), EGRegressionModifierV3::modifyObject(), RegressionEnergyPatElectronProducer::produce(), and ElectronEnergyCalibrator::setEnergyAndSystVarations().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 227 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::TrackClusterMatching::deltaEtaEleClusterAtCalo, and trackClusterMatching_.
Referenced by ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::analyze(), ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), ElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), and SoftElectronMVAEstimator::mva().
inline |
Definition at line 226 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::TrackClusterMatching::deltaEtaSeedClusterAtCalo, and trackClusterMatching_.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergy(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergyUncertainty(), egHLT::OffEle::dEtaOut(), lowptgsfeleid::features_V0(), lowptgsfeleid::features_V1(), ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::IDIsoCombinedMvaValue(), SoftElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), EGammaMvaEleEstimatorCSA14::mvaValue(), and EGammaMvaEleEstimator::mvaValue().
inline |
Definition at line 231 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::TrackClusterMatching::deltaEtaSuperClusterAtVtx, edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), SiStripPI::max, superCluster(), and trackClusterMatching_.
Referenced by ZElectronsSelector::operator()().
inline |
Definition at line 225 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::TrackClusterMatching::deltaEtaSuperClusterAtVtx, and trackClusterMatching_.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidatorMiniAOD::analyze(), ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::analyze(), ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), EwkElecDQM::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergy(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergyUncertainty(), egHLT::OffEle::dEtaIn(), ElectronIdentifier::dEtaInSeed(), lowptgsfeleid::features_V0(), lowptgsfeleid::features_V1(), ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::IDIsoCombinedMvaValue(), ElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), SoftElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), EGammaMvaEleEstimatorCSA14::mvaValue(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::mvaValue(), DiElectronVertexValidation::passLooseSelection(), EgammaCutBasedEleId::PassTriggerCuts(), GsfElectronAlgo::setCutBasedPreselectionFlag(), and EgammaCutBasedEleId::TestWP().
inline |
Definition at line 230 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::TrackClusterMatching::deltaPhiEleClusterAtCalo, and trackClusterMatching_.
Referenced by ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::analyze(), ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), and ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze().
inline |
Definition at line 229 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::TrackClusterMatching::deltaPhiSeedClusterAtCalo, and trackClusterMatching_.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidatorMiniAOD::analyze(), ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergy(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergyUncertainty(), and egHLT::OffEle::dPhiOut().
inline |
Definition at line 228 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::TrackClusterMatching::deltaPhiSuperClusterAtVtx, and trackClusterMatching_.
Referenced by ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::analyze(), ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergy(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergyUncertainty(), egHLT::OffEle::dPhiIn(), lowptgsfeleid::features_V0(), lowptgsfeleid::features_V1(), ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::IDIsoCombinedMvaValue(), ElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), SoftElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), EGammaMvaEleEstimatorCSA14::mvaValue(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::mvaValue(), ZElectronsSelector::operator()(), ElectronIdentifier::passID(), DiElectronVertexValidation::passLooseSelection(), EgammaCutBasedEleId::PassTriggerCuts(), GsfElectronAlgo::setCutBasedPreselectionFlag(), and EgammaCutBasedEleId::TestWP().
inline |
Definition at line 747 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::MvaOutput::dnn_e_bkgNonIsolated, and mvaOutput_.
inline |
Definition at line 749 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::MvaOutput::dnn_e_bkgPhoton, and mvaOutput_.
inline |
Definition at line 748 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::MvaOutput::dnn_e_bkgTau, and mvaOutput_.
inline |
Definition at line 745 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::MvaOutput::dnn_e_sigIsolated, and mvaOutput_.
inline |
Definition at line 746 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::MvaOutput::dnn_e_sigNonIsolated, and mvaOutput_.
inline |
Definition at line 559 of file GsfElectron.h.
References dr03_, and reco::GsfElectron::IsolationVariables::ecalRecHitSumEt.
Referenced by ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::analyze(), ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), EwkElecDQM::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), WZInterestingEventSelector::electronSelection(), EwkElecTauHistManager::fillHistograms(), egHLT::OffHelper::fillIsolData(), ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars(), EgammaCutBasedEleId::PassTriggerCuts(), and GsfEleEmHadD1IsoRhoCut::value().
inline |
Definition at line 576 of file GsfElectron.h.
References hcalRecHitTable_cff::depth, dr03_, and hcalTowerSumEt().
Referenced by ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::analyze(), ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), EwkElecDQM::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), WZInterestingEventSelector::electronSelection(), egHLT::OffHelper::fillIsolData(), ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars(), EgammaCutBasedEleId::PassTriggerCuts(), and GsfEleEmHadD1IsoRhoCut::value().
inline |
Definition at line 593 of file GsfElectron.h.
References hcalRecHitTable_cff::depth, dr03_, and hcalTowerSumEtBc().
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), and ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze().
inline |
Definition at line 594 of file GsfElectron.h.
References dr03_.
Referenced by EG9X105XObjectUpdateModifier::modifyObject().
inline |
Definition at line 557 of file GsfElectron.h.
References dr03_, and reco::GsfElectron::IsolationVariables::tkSumPt.
Referenced by ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::analyze(), ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), WZInterestingEventSelector::electronSelection(), EwkElecTauHistManager::fillHistograms(), egHLT::OffHelper::fillIsolData(), ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars(), EgammaCutBasedEleId::PassTriggerCuts(), GsfEleTrkPtIsoCut::value(), and GsfEleTrkPtIsoRhoCut::value().
inline |
Definition at line 558 of file GsfElectron.h.
References dr03_, and reco::GsfElectron::IsolationVariables::tkSumPtHEEP.
Referenced by GsfEleTrkPtIsoCut::value().
inline |
Definition at line 599 of file GsfElectron.h.
References dr04_, and reco::GsfElectron::IsolationVariables::ecalRecHitSumEt.
Referenced by pat::Electron::ecalIso().
inline |
Definition at line 600 of file GsfElectron.h.
References hcalRecHitTable_cff::depth, dr04_, and hcalTowerSumEt().
Referenced by pat::Electron::hcalIso().
inline |
Definition at line 601 of file GsfElectron.h.
References hcalRecHitTable_cff::depth, dr04_, and hcalTowerSumEtBc().
inline |
Definition at line 602 of file GsfElectron.h.
References dr04_.
Referenced by EG9X105XObjectUpdateModifier::modifyObject().
inline |
Definition at line 597 of file GsfElectron.h.
References dr04_, and reco::GsfElectron::IsolationVariables::tkSumPt.
Referenced by EwkElecDQM::analyze(), and pat::Electron::trackIso().
inline |
Definition at line 598 of file GsfElectron.h.
References dr04_, and reco::GsfElectron::IsolationVariables::tkSumPtHEEP.
inline |
Definition at line 421 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::e1x5, and showerShape_.
Referenced by egHLT::OffHelper::fillClusShapeData(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::IDIsoCombinedMvaValue(), ElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), SoftElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::mvaValue(), and scE1x5().
inline |
Definition at line 422 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::e2x5Max, and showerShape_.
Referenced by egHLT::OffHelper::fillClusShapeData(), and scE2x5Max().
inline |
Definition at line 423 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::e5x5, and showerShape_.
Referenced by egHLT::OffHelper::fillClusShapeData(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::IDIsoCombinedMvaValue(), ElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), SoftElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), EGammaMvaEleEstimatorCSA14::mvaValue(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::mvaValue(), and scE5x5().
inline |
Definition at line 466 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::eBottom, and showerShape_.
bool GsfElectron::ecalDriven | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 168 of file GsfElectron.cc.
References ecalDrivenSeed(), and passingCutBasedPreselection().
Referenced by RegressionHelper::applyCombinationRegression(), EGRegressionModifierV1::modifyObject(), and GsfEleEcalDrivenCut::value().
inline |
Definition at line 158 of file GsfElectron.h.
References core().
Referenced by ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::analyze(), ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), ElectronCalibrationUniv::analyze(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergy(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergyUncertainty(), EpCombinationTool::combine(), ecalDriven(), GsfElectronProducer::isPreselected(), EGRegressionModifierV2::modifyObject(), ElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), PFEGammaFilters::passGsfElePreSelWithOnlyConeHadem(), and RegressionEnergyPatElectronProducer::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 896 of file GsfElectron.h.
References correctedEcalEnergy().
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), EGEtScaleSysModifier::calCombinedMom(), ElectronEnergyCalibrator::calCombinedMom(), ElectronEnergyCalibrator::calibrate(), lowptgsfeleid::features_V0(), lowptgsfeleid::features_V1(), egHLT::OffHelper::fillHLTData(), ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars(), EGEtScaleSysModifier::modifyObject(), SoftElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), EGammaMvaEleEstimatorCSA14::mvaValue(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::mvaValue(), GsfEleMinEcalEtCut::operator()(), EleEnergyRetriever::operator()(), ZElectronsSelector::operator()(), ElectronIdentifier::passID(), DiElectronVertexValidation::passLooseSelection(), EGEtScaleSysModifier::setEcalEnergy(), ElectronEnergyCalibrator::setEcalEnergy(), ElectronEnergyCalibrator::setEnergyAndSystVarations(), EgammaCutBasedEleId::TestWP(), and GsfEleMinEcalEtCut::value().
inline |
Definition at line 897 of file GsfElectron.h.
References correctedEcalEnergyError().
Referenced by EGEtScaleSysModifier::calCombinedMom(), ElectronEnergyCalibrator::calCombinedMom(), ElectronEnergyCalibrator::calibrate(), ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars(), EGEtScaleSysModifier::modifyObject(), EGEtScaleSysModifier::setEcalEnergy(), ElectronEnergyCalibrator::setEcalEnergy(), and ElectronEnergyCalibrator::setEnergyAndSystVarations().
inline |
Definition at line 731 of file GsfElectron.h.
References pfIso_, and reco::GsfElectron::PflowIsolationVariables::sumEcalClusterEt.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), and ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars().
inline |
Definition at line 224 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::TrackClusterMatching::eEleClusterOverPout, and trackClusterMatching_.
Referenced by ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::analyze(), ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergy(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergyUncertainty(), ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::IDIsoCombinedMvaValue(), ElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), SoftElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), EGammaMvaEleEstimatorCSA14::mvaValue(), and EGammaMvaEleEstimator::mvaValue().
inline |
Definition at line 220 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::TrackClusterMatching::electronCluster, and trackClusterMatching_.
Referenced by clone(), HGCalEgammaIDHelper::computeHGCAL(), and GsfElectron().
inline |
Definition at line 463 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::eLeft, and showerShape_.
inline |
Definition at line 464 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::eRight, and showerShape_.
inline |
Definition at line 222 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::TrackClusterMatching::eSeedClusterOverP, and trackClusterMatching_.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), and ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze().
inline |
Definition at line 223 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::TrackClusterMatching::eSeedClusterOverPout, and trackClusterMatching_.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), ElectronCalibration::analyze(), ElectronCalibrationUniv::analyze(), and egHLT::OffEle::epOut().
inline |
Definition at line 221 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::TrackClusterMatching::eSuperClusterOverP, and trackClusterMatching_.
Referenced by ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::analyze(), ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), ElectronCalibration::analyze(), ElectronCalibrationUniv::analyze(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergy(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergyUncertainty(), egHLT::OffEle::epIn(), lowptgsfeleid::features_V0(), lowptgsfeleid::features_V1(), ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::IDIsoCombinedMvaValue(), egamma::isBetterElectron(), ElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), SoftElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), EGammaMvaEleEstimatorCSA14::mvaValue(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::mvaValue(), ZElectronsSelector::operator()(), EgammaCutBasedEleId::PassEoverPCuts(), ElectronIdentifier::passID(), DiElectronVertexValidation::passLooseSelection(), RegressionEnergyPatElectronProducer::produce(), GsfElectronAlgo::setCutBasedPreselectionFlag(), and EgammaCutBasedEleId::TestWP().
inline |
Definition at line 465 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::eTop, and showerShape_.
inline |
Definition at line 809 of file GsfElectron.h.
References trackFbrem().
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidatorMiniAOD::analyze(), ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::analyze(), ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergy(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergyUncertainty(), EpCombinationTool::combine(), lowptgsfeleid::features_V0(), lowptgsfeleid::features_V1(), ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::IDIsoCombinedMvaValue(), EGRegressionModifierV2::modifyObject(), EGRegressionModifierV3::modifyObject(), ElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), SoftElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), EGammaMvaEleEstimatorCSA14::mvaValue(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::mvaValue(), EgammaCutBasedEleId::PassEoverPCuts(), RegressionEnergyPatElectronProducer::produce(), setSuperClusterFbrem(), and setTrackFbrem().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 473 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::e1x5, and full5x5_showerShape_.
Referenced by ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars(), EGammaMvaEleEstimatorCSA14::mvaValue(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::mvaValue(), GsfEleFull5x5E2x5OverE5x5Cut::value(), and GsfEleFull5x5E2x5OverE5x5WithSatCut::value().
inline |
Definition at line 483 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::e2x5Bottom, and full5x5_showerShape_.
inline |
Definition at line 480 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::e2x5Left, and full5x5_showerShape_.
inline |
Definition at line 474 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::e2x5Max, and full5x5_showerShape_.
Referenced by ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars(), GsfEleFull5x5E2x5OverE5x5Cut::value(), and GsfEleFull5x5E2x5OverE5x5WithSatCut::value().
inline |
Definition at line 481 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::e2x5Right, and full5x5_showerShape_.
inline |
Definition at line 482 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::e2x5Top, and full5x5_showerShape_.
inline |
Definition at line 475 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::e5x5, and full5x5_showerShape_.
Referenced by ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars(), EGammaMvaEleEstimatorCSA14::mvaValue(), and EGammaMvaEleEstimator::mvaValue().
inline |
Definition at line 487 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::eBottom, and full5x5_showerShape_.
inline |
Definition at line 484 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::eLeft, and full5x5_showerShape_.
inline |
Definition at line 485 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::eRight, and full5x5_showerShape_.
inline |
Definition at line 486 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::eTop, and full5x5_showerShape_.
inline |
Definition at line 477 of file GsfElectron.h.
References hcalRecHitTable_cff::depth, full5x5_showerShape_, and hcalOverEcal().
Referenced by lowptgsfeleid::features_V0(), lowptgsfeleid::features_V1(), and ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars().
inline |
Definition at line 478 of file GsfElectron.h.
References hcalRecHitTable_cff::depth, full5x5_showerShape_, and hcalOverEcalBc().
inline |
Definition at line 479 of file GsfElectron.h.
References full5x5_showerShape_, and reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::invalidHcal.
Referenced by ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars().
inline |
Definition at line 476 of file GsfElectron.h.
References full5x5_showerShape_, and reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::r9.
Referenced by ElectronEnergyCalibrator::calibrate(), lowptgsfeleid::features_V0(), lowptgsfeleid::features_V1(), ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars(), EGammaMvaEleEstimatorCSA14::mvaValue(), and EGammaMvaEleEstimator::mvaValue().
inline |
Definition at line 492 of file GsfElectron.h.
References full5x5_showerShape_, and alignCSCRings::s.
Referenced by EG8XObjectUpdateModifier::modifyObject(), and EGFull5x5ShowerShapeModifierFromValueMaps::modifyObject().
inline |
Definition at line 488 of file GsfElectron.h.
References full5x5_showerShape_.
Referenced by EpCombinationTool::combine(), EGRegressionModifierV3::getRegData(), EGRegressionModifierV2::modifyObject(), EG8XObjectUpdateModifier::modifyObject(), and EGFull5x5ShowerShapeModifierFromValueMaps::modifyObject().
inline |
Definition at line 470 of file GsfElectron.h.
References full5x5_showerShape_, and reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::sigmaEtaEta.
inline |
Definition at line 471 of file GsfElectron.h.
References full5x5_showerShape_, and reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::sigmaIetaIeta.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars(), EGammaMvaEleEstimatorCSA14::mvaValue(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::mvaValue(), ZElectronsSelector::operator()(), ElectronIdentifier::passID(), DiElectronVertexValidation::passLooseSelection(), Photon.Photon::passPhotonID(), Photon.Photon::photonIDCSA14(), GsfEleFull5x5SigmaIEtaIEtaCut::value(), and GsfEleFull5x5SigmaIEtaIEtaWithSatCut::value().
inline |
Definition at line 472 of file GsfElectron.h.
References full5x5_showerShape_, and reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::sigmaIphiIphi.
Referenced by ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars(), EGammaMvaEleEstimatorCSA14::mvaValue(), and EGammaMvaEleEstimator::mvaValue().
inlineoverridevirtual |
reference to a GsfTrack
Reimplemented from reco::RecoCandidate.
Reimplemented in pat::Electron.
Definition at line 156 of file GsfElectron.h.
References core().
Referenced by ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::analyze(), ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), FWElectronLegoProxyBuilder::build(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergy(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergyUncertainty(), ElectronHEEPIDValueMapProducer::calTrkIso(), helper::GsfElectronCollectionStoreManager::cloneAndStore(), EpCombinationTool::combine(), egammaisolation::EgammaTrackExtractor::deposit(), Electron.Electron::dxy(), Electron.Electron::dz(), Electron.Electron::edxy(), Electron.Electron::edz(), WZInterestingEventSelector::electronSelection(), lowptgsfeleid::features_V1(), egHLT::OffHelper::fillIsolData(), ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::IDIsoCombinedMvaValue(), SoftPFElectronTagInfoProducer::isElecClean(), egamma::isInnermostElectron(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::isoMvaValue(), Electron.Electron::lostInner(), EGRegressionModifierV2::modifyObject(), ElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), SoftElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), EGammaMvaEleEstimatorCSA14::mvaValue(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::mvaValue(), ZElectronsSelector::operator()(), overlap(), ElectronIdentifier::passID(), DiElectronVertexValidation::passLooseSelection(), GEDGsfElectronFinalizer::produce(), LowPtGsfElectronSeedValueMapsProducer::produce(), SoftPFElectronTagInfoProducer::produce(), GsfElectronAlgo::setCutBasedPreselectionFlag(), GsfElectronAlgo::setPixelMatchInfomation(), EgammaCutBasedEleId::TestWP(), GsfEleMissingHitsCut::value(), GsfEleDzCut::value(), and GsfEleDxyCut::value().
inline |
Definition at line 500 of file GsfElectron.h.
References hcalOverEcal().
Referenced by ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), ElectronCalibration::analyze(), ElectronCalibrationUniv::analyze(), ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars(), SuperClusterHelper::hadronicOverEm(), egHLT::OffEle::hOverE(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::IDIsoCombinedMvaValue(), EGammaMvaEleEstimatorCSA14::mvaValue(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::mvaValue(), ZElectronsSelector::operator()(), PFEGammaFilters::passGsfElePreSelWithOnlyConeHadem(), ElectronIdentifier::passID(), DiElectronVertexValidation::passLooseSelection(), EgammaCutBasedEleId::PassTriggerCuts(), EgammaCutBasedEleId::TestWP(), GsfEleHadronicOverEMLinearCut::value(), and GsfEleHadronicOverEMEnergyScaledCut::value().
inline |
Definition at line 425 of file GsfElectron.h.
References hcalRecHitTable_cff::depth, f, and contentValuesCheck::ss.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidatorMiniAOD::analyze(), ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), WZInterestingEventSelector::electronSelection(), full5x5_hcalOverEcal(), hadronicOverEm(), ElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), and GsfElectronAlgo::setCutBasedPreselectionFlag().
inline |
Definition at line 441 of file GsfElectron.h.
References hcalRecHitTable_cff::depth, hcalOverEcal(), and showerShape_.
Referenced by hcalOverEcal().
inline |
Definition at line 442 of file GsfElectron.h.
References hcalRecHitTable_cff::depth, f, and contentValuesCheck::ss.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), full5x5_hcalOverEcalBc(), EGRegressionModifierV3::getRegData(), EGRegressionModifierV2::modifyObject(), SoftElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), and GsfElectronAlgo::setCutBasedPreselectionFlag().
inline |
Definition at line 458 of file GsfElectron.h.
References hcalRecHitTable_cff::depth, hcalOverEcalBc(), and showerShape_.
Referenced by hcalOverEcalBc().
inline |
Definition at line 462 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::invalidHcal, and showerShape_.
Referenced by ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars().
inline |
Definition at line 732 of file GsfElectron.h.
References pfIso_, and reco::GsfElectron::PflowIsolationVariables::sumHcalClusterEt.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), and ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars().
void GsfElectron::hcalToRun2EffDepth | ( | ) |
Definition at line 243 of file GsfElectron.cc.
References dr03_, dr04_, full5x5_showerShape_, reco::GsfElectron::IsolationVariables::hcalRecHitSumEt, l1ctLayer2EG_cff::id, showerShape_, and parallelization::uint.
inline |
Definition at line 459 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::hcalTowersBehindClusters, and showerShape_.
inline |
Definition at line 560 of file GsfElectron.h.
References hcalRecHitTable_cff::depth, f, and gpuVertexFinder::iv.
Referenced by dr03HcalTowerSumEt(), and dr04HcalTowerSumEt().
inline |
Definition at line 577 of file GsfElectron.h.
References hcalRecHitTable_cff::depth, f, and gpuVertexFinder::iv.
Referenced by dr03HcalTowerSumEtBc(), and dr04HcalTowerSumEtBc().
private |
Definition at line 10 of file GsfElectron.cc.
References ambiguous_, class_, passCutBasedPreselection_, passMvaPreslection_, passPflowPreselection_, and UNKNOWN.
Referenced by GsfElectron().
inline |
Definition at line 328 of file GsfElectron.h.
References fiducialFlags_, and reco::GsfElectron::FiducialFlags::isEB.
Referenced by Electron.Electron::absIsoWithFSR(), ElectronMcSignalValidatorMiniAOD::analyze(), ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::analyze(), ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), RegressionHelper::applyCombinationRegression(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergy(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergyUncertainty(), EpCombinationTool::combine(), HGCalEgammaIDHelper::computeHGCAL(), WZInterestingEventSelector::electronSelection(), EGRegressionModifierV3::getRegData(), EGRegressionModifierV2::modifyObject(), EGRegressionModifierV1::modifyObject(), EG8XObjectUpdateModifier::modifyObject(), EGRegressionModifierV3::modifyObject(), ZElectronsSelector::operator()(), EgammaCutBasedEleId::PassTriggerCuts(), RegressionEnergyPatElectronProducer::produce(), GsfElectronAlgo::setCutBasedPreselectionFlag(), and EgammaCutBasedEleId::TestWP().
inline |
Definition at line 331 of file GsfElectron.h.
References fiducialFlags_, and reco::GsfElectron::FiducialFlags::isEBEEGap.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), egHLT::OffEle::isGap(), isGap(), and GsfElectronAlgo::setCutBasedPreselectionFlag().
inline |
Definition at line 333 of file GsfElectron.h.
References fiducialFlags_, and reco::GsfElectron::FiducialFlags::isEBEtaGap.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergy(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergyUncertainty(), isEBGap(), RegressionEnergyPatElectronProducer::produce(), and GsfElectronAlgo::setCutBasedPreselectionFlag().
inline |
Definition at line 332 of file GsfElectron.h.
References isEBEtaGap(), and isEBPhiGap().
Referenced by egHLT::OffEle::isGap(), and isGap().
inline |
Definition at line 334 of file GsfElectron.h.
References fiducialFlags_, and reco::GsfElectron::FiducialFlags::isEBPhiGap.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergy(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergyUncertainty(), isEBGap(), RegressionEnergyPatElectronProducer::produce(), and GsfElectronAlgo::setCutBasedPreselectionFlag().
inline |
Definition at line 881 of file GsfElectron.h.
References corrections_, and reco::GsfElectron::Corrections::isEcalEnergyCorrected.
Referenced by isEnergyScaleCorrected().
inline |
Definition at line 329 of file GsfElectron.h.
References fiducialFlags_, and reco::GsfElectron::FiducialFlags::isEE.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidatorMiniAOD::analyze(), ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::analyze(), ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), WZInterestingEventSelector::electronSelection(), pat::LeptonUpdater< T >::miniIsoParams(), ZElectronsSelector::operator()(), GsfElectronAlgo::setCutBasedPreselectionFlag(), and pat::PATElectronProducer::setElectronMiniIso().
inline |
Definition at line 336 of file GsfElectron.h.
References fiducialFlags_, and reco::GsfElectron::FiducialFlags::isEEDeeGap.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergy(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergyUncertainty(), isEEGap(), RegressionEnergyPatElectronProducer::produce(), and GsfElectronAlgo::setCutBasedPreselectionFlag().
inline |
Definition at line 335 of file GsfElectron.h.
References isEEDeeGap(), and isEERingGap().
Referenced by egHLT::OffEle::isGap(), and isGap().
inline |
Definition at line 337 of file GsfElectron.h.
References fiducialFlags_, and reco::GsfElectron::FiducialFlags::isEERingGap.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), isEEGap(), and GsfElectronAlgo::setCutBasedPreselectionFlag().
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from reco::LeafCandidate.
Definition at line 134 of file GsfElectron.h.
inline |
Definition at line 900 of file GsfElectron.h.
References isEcalEnergyCorrected().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 130 of file GsfElectron.h.
References chargeInfo_, and reco::GsfElectron::ChargeInfo::isGsfCtfConsistent.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze().
inline |
Definition at line 128 of file GsfElectron.h.
References chargeInfo_, and reco::GsfElectron::ChargeInfo::isGsfCtfScPixConsistent.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze().
inline |
Definition at line 129 of file GsfElectron.h.
References chargeInfo_, and reco::GsfElectron::ChargeInfo::isGsfScPixConsistent.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze().
inline |
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 520 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::SaturationInfo::isSeedSaturated, and saturationInfo_.
inline |
Definition at line 744 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::MvaOutput::mva_e_pi, and mvaOutput_.
Referenced by ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::analyze(), ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), and SoftPFElectronTagInfoProducer::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 743 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::MvaOutput::mva_Isolated, and mvaOutput_.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), and ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 735 of file GsfElectron.h.
References mvaOutput_.
Referenced by GEDGsfElectronFinalizer::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 519 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::SaturationInfo::nSaturatedXtals, and saturationInfo_.
Referenced by EpCombinationTool::combine(), EGRegressionModifierV3::getRegData(), EGRegressionModifierV2::modifyObject(), and EGRegressionModifierV3::modifyObject().
inline |
Definition at line 808 of file GsfElectron.h.
References basicClustersSize().
Referenced by ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars().
overridevirtual |
check overlap with another candidate
Implements reco::RecoCandidate.
Definition at line 152 of file GsfElectron.cc.
References HltBtagPostValidation_cff::c, reco::RecoCandidate::checkOverlap(), gsfTrack(), EcalTangentSkim_cfg::o, and superCluster().
const Candidate::LorentzVector & GsfElectron::p4 | ( | P4Kind | kind | ) | const |
Definition at line 217 of file GsfElectron.cc.
References reco::GsfElectron::Corrections::combinedP4, corrections_, Exception, reco::GsfElectron::Corrections::fromSuperClusterP4, CalibrationSummaryClient_cfi::kind, P4_COMBINATION, P4_FROM_SUPER_CLUSTER, P4_PFLOW_COMBINATION, and reco::GsfElectron::Corrections::pflowP4.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidatorMiniAOD::analyze(), ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::analyze(), RegressionHelper::applyCombinationRegression(), EGEtScaleSysModifier::calCombinedMom(), ElectronEnergyCalibrator::calCombinedMom(), ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::computeInvMass(), ElectronAnalyzer::computeInvMass(), Tau.Tau::dxy_approx(), Tau.Tau::dz(), pat::PATElectronProducer::fillElectron2(), EwkElecTauHistManager::fillHistograms(), EGRegressionModifierV2::modifyObject(), EGRegressionModifierV1::modifyObject(), EGEtScaleSysModifier::modifyObject(), EGRegressionModifierV3::modifyObject(), TtSemiLRJetCombObservables::operator()(), Calculate_miniAOD::operator()(), egHLT::OffEle::p4(), Lepton.Lepton::p4WithFSR(), RegressionEnergyPatElectronProducer::produce(), SoftPFElectronTagInfoProducer::produce(), ElectronEnergyCalibrator::setEnergyAndSystVarations(), and TtSemiEvtSolution::setupHyp().
float GsfElectron::p4Error | ( | P4Kind | kind | ) | const |
Definition at line 230 of file GsfElectron.cc.
References reco::GsfElectron::Corrections::combinedP4Error, corrections_, Exception, reco::GsfElectron::Corrections::fromSuperClusterP4Error, CalibrationSummaryClient_cfi::kind, P4_COMBINATION, P4_FROM_SUPER_CLUSTER, P4_PFLOW_COMBINATION, and reco::GsfElectron::Corrections::pflowP4Error.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), EGEtScaleSysModifier::calCombinedMom(), ElectronEnergyCalibrator::calCombinedMom(), correctMomentum(), EGEtScaleSysModifier::modifyObject(), and Electron.Electron::ptErr().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in pat::Electron.
Definition at line 160 of file GsfElectron.h.
References core().
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), and PFElectronTranslator::createGsfElectrons().
inline |
Definition at line 763 of file GsfElectron.h.
References passCutBasedPreselection_.
Referenced by ecalDriven(), GsfElectronProducer::isPreselected(), and PFEGammaFilters::passGsfElePreSelWithOnlyConeHadem().
inline |
Definition at line 778 of file GsfElectron.h.
References passMvaPreslection_.
Referenced by GsfElectronProducer::isPreselected(), and PFEGammaFilters::passGsfElePreSelWithOnlyConeHadem().
inline |
Definition at line 764 of file GsfElectron.h.
References passPflowPreselection_.
Referenced by GsfElectronProducer::isPreselected().
inline |
Definition at line 729 of file GsfElectron.h.
References pfIso_.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidatorMiniAOD::analyze(), ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), ElectronIdentifier::isolation(), ZElectronsSelector::operator()(), pat::PATElectronProducer::produce(), GsfEleEffAreaPFIsoCut::value(), and GsfEleRelPFIsoScaledCut::value().
inline |
Definition at line 937 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::PixelMatchVariables::dPhi1, and pixelMatchVariables_.
inline |
Definition at line 938 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::PixelMatchVariables::dPhi2, and pixelMatchVariables_.
inline |
Definition at line 939 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::PixelMatchVariables::dRz1, and pixelMatchVariables_.
inline |
Definition at line 940 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::PixelMatchVariables::dRz2, and pixelMatchVariables_.
inline |
Definition at line 935 of file GsfElectron.h.
References pixelMatchVariables_, and reco::GsfElectron::PixelMatchVariables::subdetectors.
inline |
Definition at line 936 of file GsfElectron.h.
References pixelMatchVariables_, and reco::GsfElectron::PixelMatchVariables::subdetectors.
inline |
Definition at line 424 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::r9, and showerShape_.
Referenced by SoftElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), and EGammaMvaEleEstimator::mvaValue().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 497 of file GsfElectron.h.
References e1x5().
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), and ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze().
inline |
Definition at line 498 of file GsfElectron.h.
References e2x5Max().
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), and ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze().
inline |
Definition at line 499 of file GsfElectron.h.
References e5x5().
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), and ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze().
inline |
Definition at line 127 of file GsfElectron.h.
References chargeInfo_, and reco::GsfElectron::ChargeInfo::scPixCharge.
inline |
Definition at line 495 of file GsfElectron.h.
References sigmaEtaEta().
Referenced by ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::analyze(), and ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze().
inline |
Definition at line 496 of file GsfElectron.h.
References sigmaIetaIeta().
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidatorMiniAOD::analyze(), ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), and ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze().
inline |
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 814 of file GsfElectron.h.
References classVariables_, and cuy::cv.
inline |
Definition at line 650 of file GsfElectron.h.
References conversionRejection_.
Referenced by EG9X105XObjectUpdateModifier::modifyObject().
inline |
Definition at line 152 of file GsfElectron.h.
Referenced by ReducedEGProducer::relinkGsfElectronCore().
void GsfElectron::setCorrectedEcalEnergy | ( | float | newEnergy | ) |
Definition at line 174 of file GsfElectron.cc.
Referenced by RegressionHelper::applyEcalRegression(), EGEtScaleSysModifier::calCombinedMom(), ElectronEnergyCalibrator::calCombinedMom(), correctEcalEnergy(), EGRegressionModifierV2::modifyObject(), EGRegressionModifierV1::modifyObject(), EGEtScaleSysModifier::modifyObject(), EGRegressionModifierV3::modifyObject(), EGRegressionModifierDRN::modifyObject(), ElectronRecalibSuperClusterAssociator::produce(), EGEtScaleSysModifier::setEcalEnergy(), and ElectronEnergyCalibrator::setEcalEnergy().
void GsfElectron::setCorrectedEcalEnergy | ( | float | newEnergy, |
bool | rescaleDependentValues | ||
) |
Definition at line 176 of file GsfElectron.cc.
References reco::GsfElectron::Corrections::correctedEcalEnergy, reco::GsfElectron::Corrections::correctedEcalEnergyError, corrections_, reco::GsfElectron::TrackClusterMatching::eSuperClusterOverP, reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::hcalOverEcal, reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::hcalOverEcalBc, l1ctLayer2EG_cff::id, reco::GsfElectron::Corrections::isEcalEnergyCorrected, reco::LeafCandidate::momentum(), reco::LeafCandidate::p4(), setP4(), showerShape_, and trackClusterMatching_.
void GsfElectron::setCorrectedEcalEnergyError | ( | float | newEnergyError | ) |
Definition at line 170 of file GsfElectron.cc.
References reco::GsfElectron::Corrections::correctedEcalEnergyError, and corrections_.
Referenced by RegressionHelper::applyEcalRegression(), EGEtScaleSysModifier::calCombinedMom(), ElectronEnergyCalibrator::calCombinedMom(), EGRegressionModifierV2::modifyObject(), EGRegressionModifierV1::modifyObject(), EGEtScaleSysModifier::modifyObject(), EGRegressionModifierV3::modifyObject(), EGRegressionModifierDRN::modifyObject(), ElectronRecalibSuperClusterAssociator::produce(), EGEtScaleSysModifier::setEcalEnergy(), ElectronEnergyCalibrator::setEcalEnergy(), and setEcalEnergyError().
inline |
Definition at line 892 of file GsfElectron.h.
References HltBtagPostValidation_cff::c, and corrections_.
inline |
Definition at line 240 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::TrackClusterMatching::deltaEtaSuperClusterAtVtx, and trackClusterMatching_.
inline |
Definition at line 241 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::TrackClusterMatching::deltaPhiSuperClusterAtVtx, and trackClusterMatching_.
inline |
Definition at line 605 of file GsfElectron.h.
References dr03_.
Referenced by EG9X105XObjectUpdateModifier::modifyObject().
inline |
Definition at line 606 of file GsfElectron.h.
References dr04_.
Referenced by EG9X105XObjectUpdateModifier::modifyObject().
inline |
Definition at line 895 of file GsfElectron.h.
References setCorrectedEcalEnergyError().
Referenced by correctEcalEnergy().
inline |
Definition at line 341 of file GsfElectron.h.
References b, fiducialFlags_, and reco::GsfElectron::FiducialFlags::isEB.
inline |
Definition at line 343 of file GsfElectron.h.
References b, fiducialFlags_, and reco::GsfElectron::FiducialFlags::isEBEEGap.
inline |
Definition at line 344 of file GsfElectron.h.
References b, fiducialFlags_, and reco::GsfElectron::FiducialFlags::isEBEtaGap.
inline |
Definition at line 345 of file GsfElectron.h.
References b, fiducialFlags_, and reco::GsfElectron::FiducialFlags::isEBPhiGap.
inline |
Definition at line 342 of file GsfElectron.h.
References b, fiducialFlags_, and reco::GsfElectron::FiducialFlags::isEE.
inline |
Definition at line 346 of file GsfElectron.h.
References b, fiducialFlags_, and reco::GsfElectron::FiducialFlags::isEEDeeGap.
inline |
Definition at line 347 of file GsfElectron.h.
References b, fiducialFlags_, and reco::GsfElectron::FiducialFlags::isEERingGap.
inline |
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 739 of file GsfElectron.h.
References mvaInput_.
Referenced by PFElectronTranslator::createGsfElectrons().
inline |
Definition at line 740 of file GsfElectron.h.
References mvaOutput_.
Referenced by PFElectronTranslator::createGsfElectrons(), and GEDGsfElectronFinalizer::produce().
void GsfElectron::setP4 | ( | P4Kind | kind, |
const LorentzVector & | p4, | ||
float | p4Error, | ||
bool | setCandidate | ||
) |
Definition at line 194 of file GsfElectron.cc.
References reco::GsfElectron::Corrections::candidateP4Kind, reco::GsfElectron::Corrections::combinedP4, reco::GsfElectron::Corrections::combinedP4Error, corrections_, relativeConstraints::error, Exception, reco::GsfElectron::Corrections::fromSuperClusterP4, reco::GsfElectron::Corrections::fromSuperClusterP4Error, CalibrationSummaryClient_cfi::kind, reco::LeafCandidate::p4(), P4_COMBINATION, P4_FROM_SUPER_CLUSTER, P4_PFLOW_COMBINATION, reco::GsfElectron::Corrections::pflowP4, and reco::GsfElectron::Corrections::pflowP4Error.
Referenced by RegressionHelper::applyCombinationRegression(), correctMomentum(), PFElectronTranslator::createGsfElectrons(), pat::PATElectronProducer::fillElectron2(), ElectronRecalibSuperClusterAssociator::produce(), setCorrectedEcalEnergy(), and Jet.Jet::setCorrP4().
inline |
Definition at line 770 of file GsfElectron.h.
References RemoveAddSevLevel::flag, and passCutBasedPreselection_.
Referenced by GsfElectronAlgo::setCutBasedPreselectionFlag().
inline |
Definition at line 777 of file GsfElectron.h.
References RemoveAddSevLevel::flag, and passMvaPreslection_.
inline |
Definition at line 771 of file GsfElectron.h.
References RemoveAddSevLevel::flag, and passPflowPreselection_.
Referenced by GEDGsfElectronFinalizer::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 738 of file GsfElectron.h.
References pfIso_.
Referenced by PFElectronTranslator::createGsfElectrons(), GEDGsfElectronFinalizer::produce(), and pat::PATElectronProducer::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 930 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::PixelMatchVariables::dPhi1, and pixelMatchVariables_.
Referenced by GsfElectronAlgo::setPixelMatchInfomation().
inline |
Definition at line 931 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::PixelMatchVariables::dPhi2, and pixelMatchVariables_.
Referenced by GsfElectronAlgo::setPixelMatchInfomation().
inline |
Definition at line 932 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::PixelMatchVariables::dRz1, and pixelMatchVariables_.
Referenced by GsfElectronAlgo::setPixelMatchInfomation().
inline |
Definition at line 933 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::PixelMatchVariables::dRz2, and pixelMatchVariables_.
Referenced by GsfElectronAlgo::setPixelMatchInfomation().
inline |
Definition at line 929 of file GsfElectron.h.
References pixelMatchVariables_, and reco::GsfElectron::PixelMatchVariables::subdetectors.
Referenced by GsfElectronAlgo::setPixelMatchInfomation().
inline |
Definition at line 522 of file GsfElectron.h.
References alignCSCRings::s, and saturationInfo_.
Referenced by EG8XObjectUpdateModifier::modifyObject().
inline |
Definition at line 491 of file GsfElectron.h.
References alignCSCRings::s, and showerShape_.
Referenced by EG8XObjectUpdateModifier::modifyObject().
inline |
Definition at line 813 of file GsfElectron.h.
References classVariables_, fbrem(), and reco::GsfElectron::ClassificationVariables::superClusterFbrem.
inline |
Definition at line 278 of file GsfElectron.h.
References trackExtrapolations_.
inline |
Definition at line 812 of file GsfElectron.h.
References classVariables_, fbrem(), and reco::GsfElectron::ClassificationVariables::trackFbrem.
void GsfElectron::setTrackMomentumError | ( | float | trackMomentumError | ) |
Definition at line 192 of file GsfElectron.cc.
References corrections_, and reco::GsfElectron::Corrections::trackMomentumError.
Referenced by correctMomentum().
inline |
Definition at line 179 of file GsfElectron.h.
References core().
Referenced by lowptgsfeleid::features_V0(), and lowptgsfeleid::features_V1().
inline |
Definition at line 467 of file GsfElectron.h.
References showerShape_.
Referenced by EGRegressionModifierV1::modifyObject(), and EG8XObjectUpdateModifier::modifyObject().
inline |
Definition at line 418 of file GsfElectron.h.
References showerShape_, and reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::sigmaEtaEta.
Referenced by egHLT::OffHelper::fillClusShapeData(), SoftElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), and scSigmaEtaEta().
inline |
Definition at line 419 of file GsfElectron.h.
References showerShape_, and reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::sigmaIetaIeta.
Referenced by EwkElecDQM::analyze(), SuperClusterHelper::computeLocalCovariances(), WZInterestingEventSelector::electronSelection(), egHLT::OffHelper::fillClusShapeData(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::IDIsoCombinedMvaValue(), ElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), SoftElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::mvaValue(), EgammaCutBasedEleId::PassTriggerCuts(), scSigmaIEtaIEta(), GsfElectronAlgo::setCutBasedPreselectionFlag(), SuperClusterHelper::sigmaIetaIeta(), EgammaCutBasedEleId::TestWP(), and GsfEleSigmaIEtaIEtaCut::value().
inline |
Definition at line 420 of file GsfElectron.h.
References showerShape_, and reco::GsfElectron::ShowerShape::sigmaIphiIphi.
Referenced by SoftElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), and EGammaMvaEleEstimator::mvaValue().
inlineoverridevirtual |
reference to a SuperCluster
Reimplemented from reco::RecoCandidate.
Reimplemented in pat::Electron.
Definition at line 155 of file GsfElectron.h.
References core().
Referenced by ZIterativeAlgorithmWithFit::addEvent(), ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::analyze(), ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), ElectronCalibration::analyze(), ElectronCalibrationUniv::analyze(), EgammaObjects::analyzeElectrons(), RegressionHelper::applyEcalRegression(), basicClustersBegin(), basicClustersEnd(), basicClustersSize(), FWElectronDetailView::build(), ElectronEnergyCalibrator::calibrate(), caloPosition(), helper::GsfElectronCollectionStoreManager::cloneAndStore(), EpCombinationTool::combine(), deltaEtaSeedClusterTrackAtVtx(), ElectronIdentifier::dEtaInSeed(), egHLT::OffEle::etaSC(), egHLT::OffEle::etSC(), lowptgsfeleid::features_V1(), egHLT::OffHelper::fillClusShapeData(), ZeeCalibration::fillEleInfo(), egHLT::OffHelper::fillHLTData(), calib::CalibElectron::getCalibModulesWeights(), ZeeCalibration::getEtaCorrection(), ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars(), EGRegressionModifierV3::getRegData(), ZIterativeAlgorithmWithFit::getWeight(), GsfElectron(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::IDIsoCombinedMvaValue(), ElectronPFIsolationWithConeVeto::isInIsolationCone(), ElectronIdentifier::isolation(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::isoMvaValue(), EGRegressionModifierV2::modifyObject(), EGRegressionModifierV1::modifyObject(), EG8XObjectUpdateModifier::modifyObject(), EG9X105XObjectUpdateModifier::modifyObject(), EGRegressionModifierV3::modifyObject(), SoftElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), Electron.Electron::mvaIDLoose(), Electron.Electron::mvaIDRun2(), Electron.Electron::mvaIDTight(), EGammaMvaEleEstimatorCSA14::mvaValue(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::mvaValue(), ElectronHEEPIDValueMapProducer::nrSaturatedCrysIn5x5(), EleEnergyRetriever::operator()(), ZElectronsSelector::operator()(), overlap(), EgammaCutBasedEleId::PassEoverPCuts(), ElectronIdentifier::passID(), DiElectronVertexValidation::passLooseSelection(), egHLT::OffEle::phiSC(), GsfElectronAlgo::setCutBasedPreselectionFlag(), superClusterPosition(), EgammaCutBasedEleId::TestWP(), GsfEleSCMaxAbsEtaCut::value(), GsfEleRelPFIsoScaledCut::value(), GsfEleEffAreaPFIsoCut::value(), GsfEleHadronicOverEMLinearCut::value(), GsfEleCalPFClusterIsoCut::value(), and GsfEleSCEtaMultiRangeCut::value().
inline |
Definition at line 803 of file GsfElectron.h.
References classVariables_, and reco::GsfElectron::ClassificationVariables::superClusterFbrem.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), and ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars().
inline |
Definition at line 294 of file GsfElectron.h.
References superCluster().
inline |
Definition at line 237 of file GsfElectron.h.
References trackClusterMatching_.
inline |
Definition at line 159 of file GsfElectron.h.
References core().
Referenced by ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::analyze(), ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), RegressionHelper::applyCombinationRegression(), and EGRegressionModifierV1::modifyObject().
inline |
Definition at line 275 of file GsfElectron.h.
References trackExtrapolations_.
inline |
Definition at line 802 of file GsfElectron.h.
References classVariables_, and reco::GsfElectron::ClassificationVariables::trackFbrem.
Referenced by fbrem().
inline |
Definition at line 269 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::TrackExtrapolations::momentumAtCalo, and trackExtrapolations_.
Referenced by ElectronCalibration::analyze(), ElectronCalibrationUniv::analyze(), egHLT::OffEle::pCalo(), and egHLT::OffEle::ptCalo().
inline |
Definition at line 271 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::TrackExtrapolations::momentumAtEleClus, and trackExtrapolations_.
Referenced by SoftElectronMVAEstimator::mva().
inline |
Definition at line 268 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::TrackExtrapolations::momentumAtVtx, and trackExtrapolations_.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), ElectronCalibration::analyze(), ElectronCalibrationUniv::analyze(), RegressionHelper::applyCombinationRegression(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergy(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergyUncertainty(), ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::IDIsoCombinedMvaValue(), egHLT::OffEle::invEInvP(), EGRegressionModifierV1::modifyObject(), SoftElectronMVAEstimator::mva(), RegressionEnergyPatElectronProducer::produce(), egHLT::OffEle::ptVtx(), and egHLT::OffEle::pVtx().
inline |
Definition at line 272 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::TrackExtrapolations::momentumAtVtxWithConstraint, and trackExtrapolations_.
inline |
Definition at line 884 of file GsfElectron.h.
References corrections_, and reco::GsfElectron::Corrections::trackMomentumError.
Referenced by ElectronCalibration::analyze(), ElectronCalibrationUniv::analyze(), RegressionHelper::applyCombinationRegression(), EGEtScaleSysModifier::calCombinedMom(), ElectronEnergyCalibrator::calCombinedMom(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergy(), ElectronEnergyRegressionEvaluate::calculateRegressionEnergyUncertainty(), correctMomentum(), ElectronDNNEstimator::getInputsVars(), EGRegressionModifierV2::modifyObject(), EGRegressionModifierV1::modifyObject(), EGEtScaleSysModifier::modifyObject(), EGRegressionModifierV3::modifyObject(), RegressionEnergyPatElectronProducer::produce(), and ElectronEnergyCalibrator::setEnergyAndSystVarations().
inline |
Definition at line 270 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::TrackExtrapolations::momentumOut, and trackExtrapolations_.
Referenced by ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronMcFakeValidator::analyze(), ElectronCalibration::analyze(), and ElectronCalibrationUniv::analyze().
inline |
Definition at line 267 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::TrackExtrapolations::positionAtCalo, and trackExtrapolations_.
Referenced by TrackPositionAtCalo().
inline |
Definition at line 282 of file GsfElectron.h.
References trackPositionAtCalo().
inline |
Definition at line 266 of file GsfElectron.h.
References reco::GsfElectron::TrackExtrapolations::positionAtVtx, and trackExtrapolations_.
Referenced by TrackPositionAtVtx().
inline |
Definition at line 281 of file GsfElectron.h.
References trackPositionAtVtx().
Referenced by egHLT::OffEle::zVtx().
private |
Definition at line 785 of file GsfElectron.h.
Referenced by ambiguous(), init(), and setAmbiguous().
private |
Definition at line 786 of file GsfElectron.h.
Referenced by addAmbiguousGsfTrack(), ambiguousGsfTracks(), ambiguousGsfTracksSize(), and clearAmbiguousGsfTracks().
private |
Definition at line 139 of file GsfElectron.h.
Referenced by chargeInfo(), isGsfCtfChargeConsistent(), isGsfCtfScPixChargeConsistent(), isGsfScPixChargeConsistent(), and scPixCharge().
private |
Definition at line 820 of file GsfElectron.h.
Referenced by classification(), init(), and setClassification().
private |
Definition at line 819 of file GsfElectron.h.
Referenced by classificationVariables(), setClassificationVariables(), setSuperClusterFbrem(), setTrackFbrem(), superClusterFbrem(), and trackFbrem().
private |
Definition at line 654 of file GsfElectron.h.
Referenced by convDcot(), convDist(), conversionRejectionVariables(), convFlags(), convPartner(), convRadius(), convVtxFitProb(), GsfElectron(), and setConversionRejectionVariables().
private |
Definition at line 187 of file GsfElectron.h.
private |
Definition at line 912 of file GsfElectron.h.
Referenced by candidateP4Kind(), correctedEcalEnergy(), correctedEcalEnergyError(), corrections(), GsfElectron(), isEcalEnergyCorrected(), p4(), p4Error(), setCorrectedEcalEnergy(), setCorrectedEcalEnergyError(), setCorrections(), setP4(), setTrackMomentumError(), and trackMomentumError().
private |
Definition at line 619 of file GsfElectron.h.
Referenced by dr03EcalRecHitSumEt(), dr03HcalTowerSumEt(), dr03HcalTowerSumEtBc(), dr03IsolationVariables(), dr03TkSumPt(), dr03TkSumPtHEEP(), hcalToRun2EffDepth(), isolationVariables03(), setDr03Isolation(), and setIsolation03().
private |
Definition at line 620 of file GsfElectron.h.
Referenced by dr04EcalRecHitSumEt(), dr04HcalTowerSumEt(), dr04HcalTowerSumEtBc(), dr04IsolationVariables(), dr04TkSumPt(), dr04TkSumPtHEEP(), hcalToRun2EffDepth(), isolationVariables04(), setDr04Isolation(), and setIsolation04().
private |
Definition at line 351 of file GsfElectron.h.
Referenced by fiducialFlags(), isEB(), isEBEEGap(), isEBEtaGap(), isEBPhiGap(), isEE(), isEEDeeGap(), isEERingGap(), setFFlagIsEB(), setFFlagIsEBEEGap(), setFFlagIsEBEtaGap(), setFFlagIsEBPhiGap(), setFFlagIsEE(), setFFlagIsEEDeeGap(), and setFFlagIsEERingGap().
private |
Definition at line 505 of file GsfElectron.h.
Referenced by full5x5_e1x5(), full5x5_e2x5Bottom(), full5x5_e2x5Left(), full5x5_e2x5Max(), full5x5_e2x5Right(), full5x5_e2x5Top(), full5x5_e5x5(), full5x5_eBottom(), full5x5_eLeft(), full5x5_eRight(), full5x5_eTop(), full5x5_hcalOverEcal(), full5x5_hcalOverEcalBc(), full5x5_hcalOverEcalValid(), full5x5_r9(), full5x5_setShowerShape(), full5x5_showerShape(), full5x5_sigmaEtaEta(), full5x5_sigmaIetaIeta(), full5x5_sigmaIphiIphi(), and hcalToRun2EffDepth().
private |
Definition at line 753 of file GsfElectron.h.
Referenced by mvaInput(), and setMvaInput().
private |
Definition at line 754 of file GsfElectron.h.
Referenced by dnn_bkg_nonIsolated(), dnn_bkg_Photon(), dnn_bkg_Tau(), dnn_signal_Isolated(), dnn_signal_nonIsolated(), mva_e_pi(), mva_Isolated(), mvaOutput(), and setMvaOutput().
static |
Definition at line 704 of file GsfElectron.h.
private |
Definition at line 782 of file GsfElectron.h.
Referenced by init(), passingCutBasedPreselection(), and setPassCutBasedPreselection().
private |
Definition at line 784 of file GsfElectron.h.
Referenced by init(), passingMvaPreselection(), and setPassMvaPreselection().
private |
Definition at line 783 of file GsfElectron.h.
Referenced by init(), passingPflowPreselection(), and setPassPflowPreselection().
private |
Definition at line 752 of file GsfElectron.h.
Referenced by ecalPFClusterIso(), hcalPFClusterIso(), pfIsolationVariables(), and setPfIsolationVariables().
private |
Definition at line 943 of file GsfElectron.h.
Referenced by pixelMatchDPhi1(), pixelMatchDPhi2(), pixelMatchDRz1(), pixelMatchDRz2(), pixelMatchSubdetector1(), pixelMatchSubdetector2(), setPixelMatchDPhi1(), setPixelMatchDPhi2(), setPixelMatchDRz1(), setPixelMatchDRz2(), and setPixelMatchSubdetectors().
private |
Definition at line 525 of file GsfElectron.h.
Referenced by isSeedSaturated(), nSaturatedXtals(), saturationInfo(), and setSaturationInfo().
private |
Definition at line 504 of file GsfElectron.h.
Referenced by e1x5(), e2x5Max(), e5x5(), eBottom(), eLeft(), eRight(), eTop(), hcalOverEcal(), hcalOverEcalBc(), hcalOverEcalValid(), hcalToRun2EffDepth(), hcalTowersBehindClusters(), r9(), setCorrectedEcalEnergy(), setShowerShape(), showerShape(), sigmaEtaEta(), sigmaIetaIeta(), and sigmaIphiIphi().
private |
Definition at line 245 of file GsfElectron.h.
Referenced by deltaEtaEleClusterTrackAtCalo(), deltaEtaSeedClusterTrackAtCalo(), deltaEtaSeedClusterTrackAtVtx(), deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtx(), deltaPhiEleClusterTrackAtCalo(), deltaPhiSeedClusterTrackAtCalo(), deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtx(), eEleClusterOverPout(), electronCluster(), eSeedClusterOverP(), eSeedClusterOverPout(), eSuperClusterOverP(), GsfElectron(), setCorrectedEcalEnergy(), setDeltaEtaSuperClusterAtVtx(), setDeltaPhiSuperClusterAtVtx(), and trackClusterMatching().
private |
Definition at line 286 of file GsfElectron.h.
Referenced by setTrackExtrapolations(), trackExtrapolations(), trackMomentumAtCalo(), trackMomentumAtEleClus(), trackMomentumAtVtx(), trackMomentumAtVtxWithConstraint(), trackMomentumOut(), trackPositionAtCalo(), and trackPositionAtVtx().