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StraightTrackAlignment Class Reference

Track-based alignment using straight tracks. More...

#include <StraightTrackAlignment.h>


struct  ResiduaHistogramSet
 map: detector id –> residua histogram More...
struct  RPSetPlots

Public Member Functions

virtual void begin (edm::ESHandle< CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData > hRealAlignment, edm::ESHandle< CTPPSGeometry > hRealGeometry, edm::ESHandle< CTPPSGeometry > hMisalignedGeometry)
virtual void finish ()
 performs analyses and fill results variable More...
virtual void processEvent (const edm::EventID &eventId, const edm::DetSetVector< TotemRPUVPattern > &uvPatternsStrip, const edm::DetSetVector< CTPPSDiamondRecHit > &hitsDiamond, const edm::DetSetVector< CTPPSPixelRecHit > &hitsPixel, const edm::DetSetVector< CTPPSPixelLocalTrack > &tracksPixel)
 StraightTrackAlignment (const edm::ParameterSet &)
virtual ~StraightTrackAlignment ()

Protected Types

enum  ConstraintsType { ctFixedDetectors, ctStandard }
 constraint types More...

Protected Member Functions

void buildConstraints (std::vector< AlignmentConstraint > &)
 builds a selected set of constraints More...
void fitLocalTrack (HitCollection &, LocalTrackFit &, bool &failed, bool &selectionChanged)
TH1D * newResiduaHist (const char *name)
 creates a new residua histogram More...
void printAlgorithmsLine (const std::vector< std::map< unsigned int, AlignmentResult > > &)
void printLineSeparator (const std::vector< std::map< unsigned int, AlignmentResult > > &)
void printN (const char *str, unsigned int N)
 result pretty printing routines More...
void printQuantitiesLine (const std::vector< std::map< unsigned int, AlignmentResult > > &)
void removeInsufficientPots (HitCollection &, bool &selectionChanged)
 removes the hits of pots with too few planes active More...
void saveDiagnostics () const
 saves a ROOT file with diagnostic plots More...
void updateDiagnosticHistograms (const HitCollection &selection, const std::set< unsigned int > &selectedRPs, const LocalTrackFit &trackFit, bool trackSelected)
 fills diagnostic (chi^2, residua, ...) histograms More...

Static Protected Member Functions

static std::string setToString (const std::set< unsigned int > &)
 converts a set to string More...

Protected Attributes

std::vector< std::set< unsigned int > > additionalAcceptedRPSets
 list of RP sets accepted irrespective of the other "require" settings More...
std::vector< AlignmentAlgorithm * > algorithms
 the collection of the alignment algorithms More...
bool buildDiagnosticPlots
 whether to build and save diagnostic plots More...
double chiSqPerNdfCut
 the value of chi^2/ndf cut threshold More...
ConstraintsType constraintsType
 the chosen type of constraints More...
std::string cumulativeFileNamePrefix
 file name prefix for cumulative result files More...
bool cutOnChiSqPerNdf
 whether to cut on chi^2/ndf More...
std::string diagnosticsFile
 file name for some event selection statistics More...
signed int eventsFitted
 counter of processed tracks More...
signed int eventsSelected
 counter of processed tracks More...
signed int eventsTotal
 counter of events More...
std::vector< unsigned int > excludePlanes
 list of planes to be excluded from processing More...
std::string expandedFileNamePrefix
 file name prefix for cumulative expanded result files More...
std::string factoredFileNamePrefix
 file name prefix for cumulative factored result files More...
std::string fileNamePrefix
 file name prefix for result files More...
TH1D * fitAxHist_fitted
TH1D * fitAxHist_selected
 fit ax histograms for all/selected tracks More...
TH1D * fitAyHist_fitted
TH1D * fitAyHist_selected
 fit ay histograms for all/selected tracks More...
TH1D * fitBxHist_fitted
TH1D * fitBxHist_selected
 fit bx histograms for all/selected tracks More...
TH1D * fitByHist_fitted
TH1D * fitByHist_selected
 fit by histograms for all/selected tracks More...
TH1D * fitNdfHist_fitted
TH1D * fitNdfHist_selected
 fit num. of degrees of freedom histograms for all/selected tracks More...
TH1D * fitPHist_fitted
TH1D * fitPHist_selected
 fit p-value histograms for all/selected tracks More...
std::map< std::set< unsigned int >, unsigned long > fittedTracksPerRPSet
 counter of fitted tracks in a certain RP set More...
LocalTrackFitter fitter
 track fitter More...
RPSetPlots globalPlots
 global (all RP sets) chi^2 histograms More...
CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData initialAlignments
 (real geometry) alignments before this alignment iteration More...
signed int maxEvents
 stops after this event number has been reached More...
double maxTrackAx
 cuts on absolute values of the track angle More...
double maxTrackAy
bool preciseXMLFormat
 whether to use long format (many decimal digits) when saving XML files More...
bool removeImpossible
 remove events with impossible signatures (i.e. simultaneously top and bottom) More...
bool requireAtLeast3PotsInOverlap
 if a track goes through overlap, select it only if it leaves signal in at least 3 pots More...
unsigned int requireNumberOfUnits
 select only tracks with activity in minimal number of units More...
bool requireOverlap
 if true, only track through vertical-horizontal overlap are seleceted More...
std::map< unsigned int, ResiduaHistogramSetresiduaHistograms
 residua histograms More...
std::vector< unsigned int > rpIds
 list of RPs for which the alignment parameters shall be optimized More...
std::map< std::set< unsigned int >, RPSetPlotsrpSetPlots
 chi^2 histograms per RP set More...
bool saveIntermediateResults
 whether itermediate results (S, CS matrices) of alignments shall be saved More...
bool saveXMLUncertainties
 whether to save uncertainties in the result XML files More...
std::map< unsigned int, unsigned int > selectedHitsPerPlane
 counter of selected hits per plane More...
std::map< std::set< unsigned int >, unsigned long > selectedTracksPerRPSet
 counter of selected tracks in a certain RP set More...
AlignmentTask task
 the alignment task to be solved More...
TFile * taskDataFile
 the file with task data More...
std::string taskDataFileName
 the name task data file More...
unsigned int verbosity
 verbosity level More...
double z0

Detailed Description

Track-based alignment using straight tracks.

Definition at line 48 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ConstraintsType

constraint types


Definition at line 86 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ StraightTrackAlignment()

StraightTrackAlignment::StraightTrackAlignment ( const edm::ParameterSet ps)

Definition at line 97 of file

References a, additionalAcceptedRPSets, algorithms, triggerObjects_cff::bit, groupFilesInBlocks::block, constraintsType, ctFixedDetectors, ctStandard, Exception, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), mps_fire::i, task, taskDataFile, and taskDataFileName.

98  : verbosity(ps.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("verbosity", 0)),
100  rpIds(ps.getParameter<vector<unsigned int> >("rpIds")),
101  excludePlanes(ps.getParameter<vector<unsigned int> >("excludePlanes")),
102  z0(ps.getParameter<double>("z0")),
104  maxEvents(ps.getParameter<signed int>("maxEvents")),
106  removeImpossible(ps.getParameter<bool>("removeImpossible")),
107  requireNumberOfUnits(ps.getParameter<unsigned int>("requireNumberOfUnits")),
108  requireAtLeast3PotsInOverlap(ps.getParameter<bool>("requireAtLeast3PotsInOverlap")),
109  requireOverlap(ps.getParameter<bool>("requireOverlap")),
110  cutOnChiSqPerNdf(ps.getParameter<bool>("cutOnChiSqPerNdf")),
111  chiSqPerNdfCut(ps.getParameter<double>("chiSqPerNdfCut")),
112  maxTrackAx(ps.getParameter<double>("maxTrackAx")),
113  maxTrackAy(ps.getParameter<double>("maxTrackAy")),
115  fileNamePrefix(ps.getParameter<string>("fileNamePrefix")),
116  expandedFileNamePrefix(ps.getParameter<string>("expandedFileNamePrefix")),
117  factoredFileNamePrefix(ps.getParameter<string>("factoredFileNamePrefix")),
118  preciseXMLFormat(ps.getParameter<bool>("preciseXMLFormat")),
119  saveXMLUncertainties(ps.getParameter<bool>("saveXMLUncertainties")),
121  saveIntermediateResults(ps.getParameter<bool>("saveIntermediateResults")),
122  taskDataFileName(ps.getParameter<string>("taskDataFileName")),
123  taskDataFile(nullptr),
125  task(ps),
126  fitter(ps),
128  buildDiagnosticPlots(ps.getParameter<bool>("buildDiagnosticPlots")),
129  diagnosticsFile(ps.getParameter<string>("diagnosticsFile")),
130  fitNdfHist_fitted(new TH1D("ndf_fitted", ";ndf;", 41, -4.5, 36.5)),
131  fitNdfHist_selected(new TH1D("ndf_selected", ";ndf;", 41, -4.5, 36.5)),
132  fitPHist_fitted(new TH1D("p_fitted", ";p value;", 100, 0., 1.)),
133  fitPHist_selected(new TH1D("p_selected", ";p value;", 100, 0., 1.)),
134  fitAxHist_fitted(new TH1D("ax_fitted", ";a_{x} (rad);", 10000, -0.1, 0.1)),
135  fitAxHist_selected(new TH1D("ax_selected", ";a_{x} (rad);", 10000, -0.1, 0.1)),
136  fitAyHist_fitted(new TH1D("ay_fitted", ";a_{y} (rad);", 10000, -0.1, 0.1)),
137  fitAyHist_selected(new TH1D("ay_selected", ";a_{y} (rad);", 10000, -0.1, 0.1)),
138  fitBxHist_fitted(new TH1D("bx_fitted", ";b_{x} (mm);", 500, -30., 30.)),
139  fitBxHist_selected(new TH1D("bx_selected", ";b_{x} (mm);", 500, -30., 30.)),
140  fitByHist_fitted(new TH1D("by_fitted", ";b_{y} (mm);", 500, -30., 30.)),
141  fitByHist_selected(new TH1D("by_selected", ";b_{y} (mm);", 500, -30., 30.)),
143  globalPlots("global") {
144  // open task data file
145  if (!taskDataFileName.empty())
146  taskDataFile = new TFile(taskDataFileName.c_str(), "recreate");
148  // instantiate algorithm objects
149  // (and save them)
150  vector<string> alNames(ps.getParameter<vector<string> >("algorithms"));
151  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < alNames.size(); i++) {
152  AlignmentAlgorithm *a = nullptr;
154  if (alNames[i] == "Ideal") {
155  IdealResult *ir = new IdealResult(ps, &task);
156  a = ir;
157  } else if (alNames[i] == "Jan") {
159  a = jaa;
160  }
162  if (a)
163  algorithms.push_back(a);
164  else
165  throw cms::Exception("PPS") << "Unknown alignment algorithm `" << alNames[i] << "'.";
166  }
168  // get constraints type
169  string ct = ps.getParameter<string>("constraintsType");
170  if ("fixedDetectors") == 0)
172  else if ("standard") == 0)
174  else
175  throw cms::Exception("PPS") << "Unknown constraints type `" << ct << "'.";
177  // parse additional accepted RP sets
178  string aars_str = ps.getParameter<string>("additionalAcceptedRPSets");
180  size_t idx_b = 0, idx_e = string::npos;
181  while (idx_b != string::npos) {
182  // get one block - portion between successive ";"
183  idx_e = aars_str.find(';', idx_b);
184  size_t len = (idx_e == string::npos) ? string::npos : idx_e - idx_b;
185  string block = aars_str.substr(idx_b, len);
187  // process the block
188  if (!block.empty()) {
189  set<unsigned int> rpSet;
191  // isolate bits (= RP ids)
192  size_t bi_b = 0, bi_e = string::npos;
193  while (bi_b != string::npos) {
194  bi_e = block.find(',', bi_b);
195  size_t bit_len = (bi_e == string::npos) ? string::npos : bi_e - bi_b;
196  const string &bit = block.substr(bi_b, bit_len);
198  unsigned int rp = atoi(bit.c_str());
199  rpSet.insert(rp);
201  bi_b = (bi_e == string::npos) ? string::npos : bi_e + 1;
202  }
204  additionalAcceptedRPSets.push_back(rpSet);
205  }
207  // move to next block
208  idx_b = (idx_e == string::npos) ? string::npos : idx_e + 1;
209  }
210 }
std::string taskDataFileName
the name task data file
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:307
bool cutOnChiSqPerNdf
whether to cut on chi^2/ndf
TH1D * fitNdfHist_selected
fit num. of degrees of freedom histograms for all/selected tracks
std::vector< unsigned int > excludePlanes
list of planes to be excluded from processing
std::vector< unsigned int > rpIds
list of RPs for which the alignment parameters shall be optimized
TH1D * fitAyHist_selected
fit ay histograms for all/selected tracks
bool buildDiagnosticPlots
whether to build and save diagnostic plots
bool saveXMLUncertainties
whether to save uncertainties in the result XML files
Jan&#39;s alignment algorithm.
unsigned int requireNumberOfUnits
select only tracks with activity in minimal number of units
TFile * taskDataFile
the file with task data
TH1D * fitPHist_selected
fit p-value histograms for all/selected tracks
Abstract parent for all (track-based) alignment algorithms.
LocalTrackFitter fitter
track fitter
std::string factoredFileNamePrefix
file name prefix for cumulative factored result files
bool saveIntermediateResults
whether itermediate results (S, CS matrices) of alignments shall be saved
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
bool preciseXMLFormat
whether to use long format (many decimal digits) when saving XML files
AlignmentTask task
the alignment task to be solved
signed int maxEvents
stops after this event number has been reached
unsigned int verbosity
verbosity level
std::string fileNamePrefix
file name prefix for result files
bool removeImpossible
remove events with impossible signatures (i.e. simultaneously top and bottom)
bool requireOverlap
if true, only track through vertical-horizontal overlap are seleceted
RPSetPlots globalPlots
global (all RP sets) chi^2 histograms
Calculates the ideal result of the StraightTrackAlignment.
Definition: IdealResult.h:24
TH1D * fitAxHist_selected
fit ax histograms for all/selected tracks
std::vector< std::set< unsigned int > > additionalAcceptedRPSets
list of RP sets accepted irrespective of the other "require" settings
double chiSqPerNdfCut
the value of chi^2/ndf cut threshold
std::vector< AlignmentAlgorithm * > algorithms
the collection of the alignment algorithms
ConstraintsType constraintsType
the chosen type of constraints
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
std::string diagnosticsFile
file name for some event selection statistics
TH1D * fitByHist_selected
fit by histograms for all/selected tracks
bool requireAtLeast3PotsInOverlap
if a track goes through overlap, select it only if it leaves signal in at least 3 pots ...
TH1D * fitBxHist_selected
fit bx histograms for all/selected tracks
double maxTrackAx
cuts on absolute values of the track angle
std::string expandedFileNamePrefix
file name prefix for cumulative expanded result files

◆ ~StraightTrackAlignment()

StraightTrackAlignment::~StraightTrackAlignment ( )

Definition at line 214 of file

References algorithms, fitAxHist_fitted, fitAxHist_selected, fitAyHist_fitted, fitAyHist_selected, fitBxHist_fitted, fitBxHist_selected, fitByHist_fitted, fitByHist_selected, fitNdfHist_fitted, fitNdfHist_selected, fitPHist_fitted, fitPHist_selected, cms::cuda::for(), StraightTrackAlignment::RPSetPlots::free(), globalPlots, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, residuaHistograms, rpSetPlots, and taskDataFile.

214  {
215  if (taskDataFile)
216  delete taskDataFile;
218  for (vector<AlignmentAlgorithm *>::iterator it = algorithms.begin(); it != algorithms.end(); ++it)
219  delete (*it);
221  delete fitNdfHist_fitted;
222  delete fitNdfHist_selected;
223  delete fitPHist_fitted;
224  delete fitPHist_selected;
225  delete fitAxHist_fitted;
226  delete fitAyHist_fitted;
227  delete fitAxHist_selected;
228  delete fitAyHist_selected;
229  delete fitBxHist_fitted;
230  delete fitByHist_fitted;
231  delete fitBxHist_selected;
232  delete fitByHist_selected;
236  for (auto &p : rpSetPlots)
239  for (auto it = residuaHistograms.begin(); it != residuaHistograms.end(); ++it) {
240  delete it->second.total_fitted;
241  delete it->second.total_selected;
242  delete it->second.selected_vs_chiSq;
243  for (auto sit = it->second.perRPSet_fitted.begin(); sit != it->second.perRPSet_fitted.end(); ++sit)
244  delete sit->second;
245  for (auto sit = it->second.perRPSet_selected.begin(); sit != it->second.perRPSet_selected.end(); ++sit)
246  delete sit->second;
247  }
248 }
TH1D * fitNdfHist_selected
fit num. of degrees of freedom histograms for all/selected tracks
TH1D * fitAyHist_selected
fit ay histograms for all/selected tracks
for(int i=first, nt=offsets[nh];i< nt;i+=gridDim.x *blockDim.x)
TFile * taskDataFile
the file with task data
TH1D * fitPHist_selected
fit p-value histograms for all/selected tracks
RPSetPlots globalPlots
global (all RP sets) chi^2 histograms
TH1D * fitAxHist_selected
fit ax histograms for all/selected tracks
std::vector< AlignmentAlgorithm * > algorithms
the collection of the alignment algorithms
TH1D * fitByHist_selected
fit by histograms for all/selected tracks
TH1D * fitBxHist_selected
fit bx histograms for all/selected tracks
std::map< unsigned int, ResiduaHistogramSet > residuaHistograms
residua histograms
std::map< std::set< unsigned int >, RPSetPlots > rpSetPlots
chi^2 histograms per RP set

Member Function Documentation

◆ begin()

void StraightTrackAlignment::begin ( edm::ESHandle< CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData hRealAlignment,
edm::ESHandle< CTPPSGeometry hRealGeometry,
edm::ESHandle< CTPPSGeometry hMisalignedGeometry 

Definition at line 252 of file

References a, algorithms, AlignmentTask::buildGeometry(), AlignmentTask::buildIndexMaps(), eventsFitted, eventsSelected, eventsTotal, excludePlanes, fittedTracksPerRPSet, fitter, AlignmentTask::geometry, initialAlignments, AlignmentGeometry::print(), edm::ESHandle< T >::product(), rpIds, selectedHitsPerPlane, selectedTracksPerRPSet, task, taskDataFile, verbosity, and z0.

Referenced by PPSStraightTrackAligner::analyze().

254  {
255  // reset counters
256  eventsTotal = 0;
257  eventsFitted = 0;
258  eventsSelected = 0;
259  fittedTracksPerRPSet.clear();
260  selectedTracksPerRPSet.clear();
261  selectedHitsPerPlane.clear();
263  // prepare geometry
266  // build matrix index mappings
269  // print geometry info
270  if (verbosity > 1)
271  task.geometry.print();
273  // save task (including geometry) and fitter
274  if (taskDataFile) {
275  taskDataFile->WriteObject(&task, "task");
276  taskDataFile->WriteObject(&fitter, "fitter");
277  }
279  // initiate the algorithms
280  for (const auto &a : algorithms)
281  a->begin(hRealGeometry.product(), hMisalignedGeometry.product());
283  // get initial alignments
284  initialAlignments = *hRealAlignment;
285 }
std::vector< unsigned int > excludePlanes
list of planes to be excluded from processing
std::vector< unsigned int > rpIds
list of RPs for which the alignment parameters shall be optimized
void print() const
Prints the geometry.
signed int eventsSelected
counter of processed tracks
TFile * taskDataFile
the file with task data
CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData initialAlignments
(real geometry) alignments before this alignment iteration
void buildIndexMaps()
builds "mapMatrixIndeces" from "geometry"
LocalTrackFitter fitter
track fitter
std::map< unsigned int, unsigned int > selectedHitsPerPlane
counter of selected hits per plane
static void buildGeometry(const std::vector< unsigned int > &rpDecIds, const std::vector< unsigned int > &excludedSensors, const CTPPSGeometry *, double z0, AlignmentGeometry &geometry)
builds the alignment geometry
signed int eventsTotal
counter of events
T const * product() const
Definition: ESHandle.h:86
AlignmentTask task
the alignment task to be solved
AlignmentGeometry geometry
the geometry for this task
Definition: AlignmentTask.h:48
unsigned int verbosity
verbosity level
std::map< std::set< unsigned int >, unsigned long > selectedTracksPerRPSet
counter of selected tracks in a certain RP set
std::vector< AlignmentAlgorithm * > algorithms
the collection of the alignment algorithms
signed int eventsFitted
counter of processed tracks
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
std::map< std::set< unsigned int >, unsigned long > fittedTracksPerRPSet
counter of fitted tracks in a certain RP set

◆ buildConstraints()

void StraightTrackAlignment::buildConstraints ( std::vector< AlignmentConstraint > &  constraints)

builds a selected set of constraints

Definition at line 694 of file

References AlignmentTask::buildFixedDetectorsConstraints(), AlignmentTask::buildStandardConstraints(), createBeamHaloJobs::constraints, constraintsType, ctFixedDetectors, ctStandard, and task.

Referenced by finish().

694  {
695  constraints.clear();
697  switch (constraintsType) {
698  case ctFixedDetectors:
700  return;
702  case ctStandard:
704  return;
705  }
706 }
void buildStandardConstraints(std::vector< AlignmentConstraint > &) const
builds the standard constraints
AlignmentTask task
the alignment task to be solved
ConstraintsType constraintsType
the chosen type of constraints
void buildFixedDetectorsConstraints(std::vector< AlignmentConstraint > &) const
builds a set of fixed-detector constraints

◆ finish()

void StraightTrackAlignment::finish ( )

performs analyses and fill results variable

Definition at line 710 of file

References a, CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData::addCorrections(), qcdUeDQM_cfi::algorithm, algorithms, buildConstraints(), createBeamHaloJobs::constraints, alignCSCRings::corr, ztail::d, DeadROC_duringRun::dir, L1TDiffHarvesting_cfi::dir1, L1TDiffHarvesting_cfi::dir2, MillePedeFileConverter_cfg::e, mps_fire::end, eventsFitted, eventsSelected, eventsTotal, Exception, expandedFileNamePrefix, factoredFileNamePrefix, factorRPFromSensorCorrections(), fileNamePrefix, fittedTracksPerRPSet, AlignmentTask::geometry, AlignmentGeometry::get(), ForwardName::getName(), AlignmentGeometry::getSensorMap(), mps_fire::i, initialAlignments, label, Skims_PA_cff::name, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, conifer::pow(), preciseXMLFormat, printAlgorithmsLine(), printId(), printLineSeparator(), printQuantitiesLine(), submitPVResolutionJobs::q, AlignmentTask::qcRotZ, AlignmentTask::qcShR1, AlignmentTask::qcShR2, AlignmentTask::qcShZ, AlignmentTask::quantityClasses, mysort::results, hcal_runs::rf, CTPPSDetId::rpId(), saveDiagnostics(), saveIntermediateResults, saveXMLUncertainties, selectedHitsPerPlane, selectedTracksPerRPSet, CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData::setSensorCorrection(), setToString(), mathSSE::sqrt(), pfDeepBoostedJetPreprocessParams_cfi::sv, task, taskDataFile, findQualityFiles::v, verbosity, and CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsMethods::writeToXML().

Referenced by progressbar.ProgressBar::__next__(), and PPSStraightTrackAligner::endJob().

710  {
711  // print statistics
712  if (verbosity) {
713  printf("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
714  printf("\n>> StraightTrackAlignment::Finish\n");
715  printf("\tevents total = %i\n", eventsTotal);
716  printf("\tevents fitted = %i\n", eventsFitted);
717  printf("\tevents selected = %i\n", eventsSelected);
719  printf("\n* events per RP set:\n");
720  printf("%30s %10s%10s\n", "set of RPs", "fitted", "selected");
722  for (auto it = fittedTracksPerRPSet.begin(); it != fittedTracksPerRPSet.end(); ++it) {
723  const string &label = setToString(it->first);
725  auto sit = selectedTracksPerRPSet.find(it->first);
726  unsigned long sv = (sit == selectedTracksPerRPSet.end()) ? 0 : sit->second;
728  printf("%30s :%10lu%10lu\n", label.c_str(), it->second, sv);
729  }
731  if (verbosity >= 2) {
732  printf("\n* hits per plane:\n");
733  for (const auto it : selectedHitsPerPlane) {
734  printf(" ");
735  printId(it.first);
736  printf(" : %u\n", it.second);
737  }
738  }
739  }
741  // write diagnostics plots
742  saveDiagnostics();
744  // run analysis
745  for (auto a : algorithms)
746  a->analyze();
748  // build constraints
749  vector<AlignmentConstraint> constraints;
752  // save constraints
753  if (taskDataFile)
754  taskDataFile->WriteObject(&constraints, "constraints");
756  if (verbosity) {
757  printf("\n>> StraightTrackAlignment::Finish > %lu constraints built\n", constraints.size());
758  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < constraints.size(); i++)
759  printf("\t%s\n", constraints[i].name.c_str());
760  }
762  // solve
763  vector<map<unsigned int, AlignmentResult> > results;
764  for (auto algorithm : algorithms) {
765  TDirectory *dir = nullptr;
767  dir = taskDataFile->mkdir((algorithm->getName() + "_data").c_str());
769  results.resize(results.size() + 1);
770  unsigned int rf = algorithm->solve(constraints, results.back(), dir);
772  if (rf)
773  throw cms::Exception("PPS") << "The Solve method of `" << algorithm->getName()
774  << "' algorithm has failed (return value " << rf << ").";
775  }
777  // print results
778  if (verbosity) {
779  printf("\n>> StraightTrackAlignment::Finish > Print\n");
785  signed int prevRPId = -1;
787  for (const auto &dit : task.geometry.getSensorMap()) {
788  signed int rpId = CTPPSDetId(dit.first).rpId();
789  if (rpId != prevRPId)
791  prevRPId = rpId;
793  printId(dit.first);
794  printf(" ║");
796  for (unsigned int q = 0; q < task.quantityClasses.size(); q++) {
797  for (unsigned int a = 0; a < results.size(); a++) {
798  const auto it = results[a].find(dit.first);
799  if (it == results[a].end()) {
800  if (algorithms[a]->hasErrorEstimate())
801  printf("%19s", "----");
802  else
803  printf("%8s", "----");
805  if (a + 1 == results.size())
806  printf("║");
807  else
808  printf("│");
810  continue;
811  }
813  const auto &ac = it->second;
814  double v = 0., e = 0.;
815  switch (task.quantityClasses[q]) {
817  v = ac.getShR1();
818  e = ac.getShR1Unc();
819  break;
821  v = ac.getShR2();
822  e = ac.getShR2Unc();
823  break;
825  v = ac.getShZ();
826  e = ac.getShZUnc();
827  break;
829  v = ac.getRotZ();
830  e = ac.getRotZUnc();
831  break;
832  }
834  if (algorithms[a]->hasErrorEstimate())
835  printf("%+8.1f ± %7.1f", v * 1E3, e * 1E3);
836  else
837  printf("%+8.1f", v * 1E3);
839  if (a + 1 == results.size())
840  printf("║");
841  else
842  printf("│");
843  }
844  }
846  printf("\n");
847  }
853  }
855  // save results as alignment XML files
856  for (unsigned int a = 0; a < results.size(); a++) {
857  // convert readout-direction corrections to X and Y
858  CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData convertedAlignments;
859  for (const auto &p : results[a]) {
860  const DetGeometry &d = task.geometry.get(p.first);
861  const auto dir1 = d.getDirectionData(1);
862  const auto dir2 = d.getDirectionData(2);
864  const double det = dir1.dx * dir2.dy - dir1.dy * dir2.dx;
865  const double sh_x = (dir2.dy * p.second.getShR1() - dir1.dy * p.second.getShR2()) / det;
866  const double sh_y = (-dir2.dx * p.second.getShR1() + dir1.dx * p.second.getShR2()) / det;
868  const double sh_x_e =
869  sqrt(pow(dir2.dy / det * p.second.getShR1Unc(), 2) + pow(dir1.dy / det * p.second.getShR2Unc(), 2));
870  const double sh_y_e =
871  sqrt(pow(dir2.dx / det * p.second.getShR1Unc(), 2) + pow(dir1.dx / det * p.second.getShR2Unc(), 2));
874  sh_x_e,
875  sh_y,
876  sh_y_e,
877  p.second.getShZ(),
878  p.second.getShZUnc(),
879  0.,
880  0.,
881  0.,
882  0.,
883  p.second.getRotZ(),
884  p.second.getRotZUnc());
885  convertedAlignments.setSensorCorrection(p.first, corr);
886  }
888  // write non-cumulative alignments
889  if (!fileNamePrefix.empty()) {
891  fileNamePrefix + algorithms[a]->getName() + ".xml",
894  true,
895  true,
896  true,
897  true);
898  }
900  // merge alignments
901  CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData cumulativeAlignments;
903  cumulativeAlignments.addCorrections(initialAlignments, false, true, true);
904  cumulativeAlignments.addCorrections(convertedAlignments, false, true, true);
906  // write expanded and factored results
907  if (!expandedFileNamePrefix.empty() || !factoredFileNamePrefix.empty()) {
908  CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData expandedAlignments;
909  CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData factoredAlignments;
911  if (verbosity)
912  printf(">> Factorizing results of %s algorithm\n", algorithms[a]->getName().c_str());
914  const bool equalWeights = false;
916  cumulativeAlignments, expandedAlignments, factoredAlignments, task.geometry, equalWeights, verbosity);
918  if (!expandedFileNamePrefix.empty()) {
923  true,
924  true,
925  true,
926  true);
927  }
929  if (!factoredFileNamePrefix.empty()) {
934  true,
935  true,
936  true,
937  true);
938  }
939  }
940  }
942  // prepare algorithms for destructions
943  for (const auto &algorithm : algorithms)
944  algorithm->end();
945 }
A structure to hold relevant geometrical information about one detector/sensor.
bool saveXMLUncertainties
whether to save uncertainties in the result XML files
signed int eventsSelected
counter of processed tracks
TFile * taskDataFile
the file with task data
constexpr int pow(int x)
Definition: conifer.h:24
const std::map< unsigned int, DetGeometry > & getSensorMap() const
CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData initialAlignments
(real geometry) alignments before this alignment iteration
std::vector< QuantityClass > quantityClasses
list of quantity classes to be optimized
Definition: AlignmentTask.h:68
void buildConstraints(std::vector< AlignmentConstraint > &)
builds a selected set of constraints
std::map< unsigned int, unsigned int > selectedHitsPerPlane
counter of selected hits per plane
std::string factoredFileNamePrefix
file name prefix for cumulative factored result files
signed int eventsTotal
counter of events
bool saveIntermediateResults
whether itermediate results (S, CS matrices) of alignments shall be saved
bool preciseXMLFormat
whether to use long format (many decimal digits) when saving XML files
char const * label
AlignmentTask task
the alignment task to be solved
detector shifts in first readout direction
Definition: AlignmentTask.h:61
dictionary corr
AlignmentGeometry geometry
the geometry for this task
Definition: AlignmentTask.h:48
unsigned int verbosity
verbosity level
std::string fileNamePrefix
file name prefix for result files
CTPPSDetId rpId() const
Definition: CTPPSDetId.h:84
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:19
void factorRPFromSensorCorrections(const CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData &input, CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData &expanded, CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData &factored, const AlignmentGeometry &, bool equalWeights=false, unsigned int verbosity=0)
void addCorrections(const CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData &, bool sumErrors=true, bool addSh=true, bool addRot=true)
adds (merges) corrections on top of the current values
detector shifts in second readout direction
Definition: AlignmentTask.h:62
void printId(unsigned int id)
void saveDiagnostics() const
saves a ROOT file with diagnostic plots
std::map< std::set< unsigned int >, unsigned long > selectedTracksPerRPSet
counter of selected tracks in a certain RP set
detector rotations around z
Definition: AlignmentTask.h:64
void printQuantitiesLine(const std::vector< std::map< unsigned int, AlignmentResult > > &)
std::vector< AlignmentAlgorithm * > algorithms
the collection of the alignment algorithms
Base class for CTPPS detector IDs.
Definition: CTPPSDetId.h:32
Container for CTPPS RP alignment corrections. The corrections are stored on two levels - RP and senso...
static std::string setToString(const std::set< unsigned int > &)
converts a set to string
signed int eventsFitted
counter of processed tracks
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
static void writeToXML(const CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsDataSequence &seq, const std::string &fileName, bool precise=false, bool wrErrors=true, bool wrSh_xy=true, bool wrSh_z=false, bool wrRot_xy=false, bool wrRot_z=true)
writes sequence of alignment corrections into a single XML file
const DetGeometry & get(unsigned int id) const
retrieves sensor geometry
std::string getName(const G4String &)
void printAlgorithmsLine(const std::vector< std::map< unsigned int, AlignmentResult > > &)
void printLineSeparator(const std::vector< std::map< unsigned int, AlignmentResult > > &)
void setSensorCorrection(unsigned int id, const CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionData &ac)
sets the alignment correction for the given sensor
detector shifts in z
Definition: AlignmentTask.h:63
std::string expandedFileNamePrefix
file name prefix for cumulative expanded result files
std::map< std::set< unsigned int >, unsigned long > fittedTracksPerRPSet
counter of fitted tracks in a certain RP set
Alignment correction for an element of the CT-PPS detector. Within the geometry description, every sensor (more generally every element) is given its translation and rotation. These two quantities shall be understood in local-to-global coordinate transform. That is, if r_l is a point in local coordinate system and x_g in global, then it holds.

◆ fitLocalTrack()

void StraightTrackAlignment::fitLocalTrack ( HitCollection ,
LocalTrackFit ,
bool &  failed,
bool &  selectionChanged 

fits the collection of hits and removes hits with too high residual/sigma ratio

failedwhether the fit has failed
selectionChangedwhether some hits have been removed

◆ newResiduaHist()

TH1D * StraightTrackAlignment::newResiduaHist ( const char *  name)

creates a new residua histogram

Definition at line 40 of file

References Skims_PA_cff::name.

Referenced by updateDiagnosticHistograms().

40  {
41  return new TH1D(name, ";residual (mm)", 2000, -3., +3.); // in mm
42 }

◆ printAlgorithmsLine()

void StraightTrackAlignment::printAlgorithmsLine ( const std::vector< std::map< unsigned int, AlignmentResult > > &  results)

Definition at line 1012 of file

References a, algorithms, ForwardName::getName(), submitPVResolutionJobs::q, AlignmentTask::quantityClasses, mysort::results, and task.

Referenced by finish().

1012  {
1013  printf(" ║");
1015  for (unsigned int q = 0; q < task.quantityClasses.size(); q++) {
1016  for (unsigned int a = 0; a < results.size(); a++) {
1017  printf((algorithms[a]->hasErrorEstimate()) ? "%18s" : "%8s", algorithms[a]->getName().substr(0, 8).c_str());
1019  if (a + 1 == results.size())
1020  printf("║");
1021  else
1022  printf("│");
1023  }
1024  }
1025  printf("\n");
1026 }
std::vector< QuantityClass > quantityClasses
list of quantity classes to be optimized
Definition: AlignmentTask.h:68
AlignmentTask task
the alignment task to be solved
std::vector< AlignmentAlgorithm * > algorithms
the collection of the alignment algorithms
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
std::string getName(const G4String &)

◆ printLineSeparator()

void StraightTrackAlignment::printLineSeparator ( const std::vector< std::map< unsigned int, AlignmentResult > > &  results)

Definition at line 976 of file

References a, algorithms, printN(), submitPVResolutionJobs::q, AlignmentTask::quantityClasses, mysort::results, and task.

Referenced by finish().

976  {
977  printf("═════════════════════════╬");
978  for (unsigned int q = 0; q < task.quantityClasses.size(); q++) {
979  for (unsigned int a = 0; a < results.size(); a++) {
980  printN("═", algorithms[a]->hasErrorEstimate() ? 18 : 8);
981  if (a + 1 != results.size())
982  printf("═");
983  }
984  printf("╬");
985  }
986  printf("\n");
987 }
std::vector< QuantityClass > quantityClasses
list of quantity classes to be optimized
Definition: AlignmentTask.h:68
AlignmentTask task
the alignment task to be solved
void printN(const char *str, unsigned int N)
result pretty printing routines
std::vector< AlignmentAlgorithm * > algorithms
the collection of the alignment algorithms
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121

◆ printN()

void StraightTrackAlignment::printN ( const char *  str,
unsigned int  N 

result pretty printing routines

Definition at line 969 of file

References mps_fire::i, N, and str.

Referenced by printLineSeparator(), and printQuantitiesLine().

969  {
970  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; i++)
971  printf("%s", str);
972 }
#define N
#define str(s)

◆ printQuantitiesLine()

void StraightTrackAlignment::printQuantitiesLine ( const std::vector< std::map< unsigned int, AlignmentResult > > &  results)

Definition at line 991 of file

References a, algorithms, printN(), submitPVResolutionJobs::q, AlignmentTask::quantityClasses, AlignmentTask::quantityClassTag(), mysort::results, findQualityFiles::size, makeGlobalPositionRcd_cfg::tag, and task.

Referenced by finish().

991  {
992  printf(" ║");
994  for (unsigned int q = 0; q < task.quantityClasses.size(); q++) {
995  unsigned int size = 0;
996  for (unsigned int a = 0; a < results.size(); a++)
997  size += (algorithms[a]->hasErrorEstimate()) ? 18 : 8;
998  size += algorithms.size() - 1;
1000  const string &tag = task.quantityClassTag(task.quantityClasses[q]);
1001  unsigned int space = (size - tag.size()) / 2;
1002  printN(" ", space);
1003  printf("%s", tag.c_str());
1004  printN(" ", size - space - tag.size());
1005  printf("║");
1006  }
1007  printf("\n");
1008 }
Write out results.
std::string quantityClassTag(QuantityClass) const
returns a string tag for the given quantity class
std::vector< QuantityClass > quantityClasses
list of quantity classes to be optimized
Definition: AlignmentTask.h:68
AlignmentTask task
the alignment task to be solved
void printN(const char *str, unsigned int N)
result pretty printing routines
std::vector< AlignmentAlgorithm * > algorithms
the collection of the alignment algorithms
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121

◆ processEvent()

void StraightTrackAlignment::processEvent ( const edm::EventID eventId,
const edm::DetSetVector< TotemRPUVPattern > &  uvPatternsStrip,
const edm::DetSetVector< CTPPSDiamondRecHit > &  hitsDiamond,
const edm::DetSetVector< CTPPSPixelRecHit > &  hitsPixel,
const edm::DetSetVector< CTPPSPixelLocalTrack > &  tracksPixel 

Definition at line 289 of file

References a, additionalAcceptedRPSets, algorithms, CTPPSDetId::arm(), LocalTrackFit::ax, LocalTrackFit::ay, LocalTrackFit::chiSqPerNdf(), chiSqPerNdfCut, cutOnChiSqPerNdf, protons_cff::decRPId, hcalRecHitTable_cff::detId, DetGeometry::DirectionData::dz, edm::EventID::event(), eventsFitted, eventsSelected, eventsTotal, spr::find(), LocalTrackFitter::fit(), fittedTracksPerRPSet, fitter, AlignmentTask::geometry, AlignmentGeometry::get(), DetGeometry::getDirectionData(), h, interestingEgammaIsoDetIdsSequence_cff::hitSelection, hit::id, AlignmentGeometry::isValidSensorId(), maxEvents, maxTrackAx, maxTrackAy, hltL1SingleMuFiltered5_cfi::overlap, topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi::pattern, pi, TotemRPUVPattern::projU, TotemRPUVPattern::projV, removeImpossible, requireAtLeast3PotsInOverlap, requireNumberOfUnits, requireOverlap, rpIds, edm::EventID::run(), selectedHitsPerPlane, selectedTracksPerRPSet, mathSSE::sqrt(), task, units(), updateDiagnosticHistograms(), verbosity, and z.

Referenced by PPSStraightTrackAligner::analyze().

293  {
294  eventsTotal++;
296  if (verbosity > 9)
297  printf("\n---------- StraightTrackAlignment::ProcessEvent (%u:%llu)\n",, eventId.event());
299  // -------------------- STEP 1: get hits from selected RPs
303  // strips
304  for (const auto &pv : uvPatternsStrip) {
305  const CTPPSDetId detId(pv.detId());
306  const unsigned int rpDecId = detId.arm() * 100 + detId.station() * 10 + detId.rp();
308  // skip if RP not selected
309  if (find(rpIds.begin(), rpIds.end(), rpDecId) == rpIds.end())
310  continue;
312  // require exactly 1 U and 1 V pattern, i.e. unique U-V association
313  unsigned int n_U = 0, n_V = 0;
314  unsigned int idx_U = 0, idx_V = 0;
315  for (unsigned int pi = 0; pi < pv.size(); pi++) {
316  const TotemRPUVPattern &pattern = pv[pi];
318  switch (pattern.projection()) {
320  n_U++;
321  idx_U = pi;
322  break;
325  n_V++;
326  idx_V = pi;
327  break;
329  default:
330  break;
331  }
332  }
334  if (n_U != 1 || n_V != 1)
335  continue;
337  // skip if patterns not reasonable
338  if (!pv[idx_U].fittable() || !pv[idx_V].fittable())
339  continue;
341  // add hits from the U and V pattern
342  for (const auto &pattern : {pv[idx_U], pv[idx_V]}) {
343  for (const auto &hitsDetSet : pattern.hits()) {
344  // skip if sensor not in geometry
345  if (!task.geometry.isValidSensorId(hitsDetSet.detId()))
346  continue;
348  const double &z = task.geometry.get(hitsDetSet.detId()).z;
349  for (auto &hit : hitsDetSet)
350  hitSelection.emplace_back(Hit(hitsDetSet.detId(), 2, hit.position(), hit.sigma(), z));
351  }
352  }
353  }
355  // diamonds
356  for (const auto &pv : hitsDiamond) {
357  // skip if RP not selected
358  const CTPPSDetId detId(pv.detId());
359  const unsigned int rpDecId = detId.arm() * 100 + detId.station() * 10 + detId.rp();
361  // skip if RP not selected
362  if (find(rpIds.begin(), rpIds.end(), rpDecId) == rpIds.end())
363  continue;
365  // skip if sensor not in geometry
367  continue;
369  const double &z = task.geometry.get(pv.detId()).z;
371  for (const auto &h : pv)
372  hitSelection.emplace_back(Hit(pv.detId(), 1, h.x(), h.xWidth() / sqrt(12.), z));
373  }
375  // pixels: data from rec hits
376  map<unsigned int, unsigned int> pixelPlaneMultiplicity;
377  for (const auto &pv : hitsPixel)
378  pixelPlaneMultiplicity[pv.detId()] += pv.size();
380  for (const auto &pv : hitsPixel) {
381  // skip if RP not selected
382  const CTPPSDetId detId(pv.detId());
383  const unsigned int rpDecId = detId.arm() * 100 + detId.station() * 10 + detId.rp();
385  // skip if RP not selected
386  if (find(rpIds.begin(), rpIds.end(), rpDecId) == rpIds.end())
387  continue;
389  // skip if sensor not in geometry
391  continue;
393  // skip if plane multiplicity greater than 1
394  if (pixelPlaneMultiplicity[pv.detId()] > 1)
395  continue;
397  for (const auto &h : pv) {
398  const auto &dg = task.geometry.get(pv.detId());
399  const double dz1 = dg.getDirectionData(1).dz;
400  const double dz2 = dg.getDirectionData(2).dz;
401  const double z = dg.z + h.point().x() * dz1 + h.point().y() * dz2;
403  double x_unc = sqrt(h.error().xx());
404  double y_unc = sqrt(h.error().yy());
406  // TODO: Check this
408  if (x_unc <= 0.)
409  x_unc = 10E-3; // mm
410  if (y_unc <= 0.)
411  y_unc = 10E-3; // mm
413  hitSelection.emplace_back(Hit(pv.detId(), 1, h.point().x(), x_unc, z));
414  hitSelection.emplace_back(Hit(pv.detId(), 2, h.point().y(), y_unc, z));
415  }
416  }
418  // pixels: data from tracks
419  for (const auto &pv : tracksPixel) {
420  const CTPPSDetId rpId(pv.detId());
421  const unsigned int rpDecId = rpId.arm() * 100 + rpId.station() * 10 + rpId.rp();
423  // skip if RP not selected
424  if (find(rpIds.begin(), rpIds.end(), rpDecId) == rpIds.end())
425  continue;
427  // skip if more than 1 (valid) track in the RP
428  unsigned int n_valid_tracks = 0;
429  for (const auto &tr : pv) {
430  if (tr.isValid())
431  n_valid_tracks++;
432  }
434  if (n_valid_tracks > 1)
435  continue;
437  // go through all valid tracks
438  for (const auto &tr : pv) {
439  if (!tr.isValid())
440  continue;
442  // go through all associated rec hits
443  for (const auto &hv : tr.hits()) {
444  const CTPPSPixelDetId senId(hv.detId());
446  // skip if sensor not in geometry
447  if (!task.geometry.isValidSensorId(senId))
448  continue;
450  for (const auto &h : hv) {
451  // skip hit if not used for fit
452  if (!h.isUsedForFit())
453  continue;
455  const auto &dg = task.geometry.get(senId);
456  const double dz1 = dg.getDirectionData(1).dz;
457  const double dz2 = dg.getDirectionData(2).dz;
458  const double z = dg.z + h.point().x() * dz1 + h.point().y() * dz2;
460  double x_unc = sqrt(h.error().xx());
461  double y_unc = sqrt(h.error().yy());
463  if (x_unc <= 0.)
464  x_unc = 10E-3; // mm
465  if (y_unc <= 0.)
466  y_unc = 10E-3; // mm
468  hitSelection.emplace_back(Hit(senId, 1, h.point().x(), x_unc, z));
469  hitSelection.emplace_back(Hit(senId, 2, h.point().y(), y_unc, z));
470  }
471  }
472  }
473  }
475  if (hitSelection.empty())
476  return;
478  // -------------------- STEP 2: fit + outlier rejection
480  LocalTrackFit trackFit;
481  if (!, task.geometry, trackFit))
482  return;
484  set<unsigned int> selectedRPs;
485  for (const auto &hit : hitSelection) {
487  const unsigned int decRPId = detId.arm() * 100 + detId.station() * 10 + detId.rp();
488  selectedRPs.insert(decRPId);
489  }
491  eventsFitted++;
492  fittedTracksPerRPSet[selectedRPs]++;
494  // -------------------- STEP 3: quality checks
496  bool top = false, bottom = false, horizontal = false;
497  unordered_set<unsigned int> units;
498  for (const auto &rp : selectedRPs) {
499  unsigned int rpIdx = rp % 10;
500  unsigned int stId = rp / 10;
501  unsigned int unitId = stId * 10;
502  if (rpIdx > 2)
503  unitId++;
505  if (rpIdx == 0 || rpIdx == 4)
506  top = true;
507  if (rpIdx == 1 || rpIdx == 5)
508  bottom = true;
509  if (rpIdx == 2 || rpIdx == 3)
510  horizontal = true;
512  units.insert(unitId);
513  }
515  bool overlap = (top && horizontal) || (bottom && horizontal);
517  bool rp_set_accepted = true;
519  // impossible signature
520  if (removeImpossible && top && bottom)
521  rp_set_accepted = false;
523  // cleanliness cuts
524  if (units.size() < requireNumberOfUnits)
525  rp_set_accepted = false;
527  if (requireOverlap && !overlap)
528  rp_set_accepted = false;
530  if (requireAtLeast3PotsInOverlap && overlap && selectedRPs.size() < 3)
531  rp_set_accepted = false;
533  // is it an additional accepted RP set?
534  if (find(additionalAcceptedRPSets.begin(), additionalAcceptedRPSets.end(), selectedRPs) !=
536  rp_set_accepted = true;
538  if (verbosity > 5)
539  printf("* rp set accepted: %u\n", rp_set_accepted);
541  bool selected = rp_set_accepted;
543  // too bad chisq
544  if (cutOnChiSqPerNdf && trackFit.chiSqPerNdf() > chiSqPerNdfCut)
545  selected = false;
547  // parallelity cut
548  if (fabs( > maxTrackAx || fabs(trackFit.ay) > maxTrackAy)
549  selected = false;
551  updateDiagnosticHistograms(hitSelection, selectedRPs, trackFit, selected);
553  if (verbosity > 5)
554  printf("* event selected: %u\n", selected);
556  if (!selected)
557  return;
559  // update counters
560  eventsSelected++;
561  selectedTracksPerRPSet[selectedRPs]++;
563  for (const auto &h : hitSelection)
564  selectedHitsPerPlane[]++;
566  // -------------------- STEP 4: FEED ALGORITHMS
568  for (auto &a : algorithms)
569  a->feed(hitSelection, trackFit);
571  // -------------------- STEP 5: ENOUGH TRACKS?
573  if (eventsSelected == maxEvents)
574  throw "StraightTrackAlignment: Number of tracks processed reached maximum";
575 }
bool cutOnChiSqPerNdf
whether to cut on chi^2/ndf
std::vector< unsigned int > rpIds
list of RPs for which the alignment parameters shall be optimized
signed int eventsSelected
counter of processed tracks
uint32_t arm() const
Definition: CTPPSDetId.h:57
unsigned int requireNumberOfUnits
select only tracks with activity in minimal number of units
double dz
x, y and z components of the direction unit vector in global coordinates
double chiSqPerNdf() const
Definition: LocalTrackFit.h:42
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
void updateDiagnosticHistograms(const HitCollection &selection, const std::set< unsigned int > &selectedRPs, const LocalTrackFit &trackFit, bool trackSelected)
fills diagnostic (chi^2, residua, ...) histograms
const DirectionData & getDirectionData(unsigned int idx) const
LocalTrackFitter fitter
track fitter
std::map< unsigned int, unsigned int > selectedHitsPerPlane
counter of selected hits per plane
const Double_t pi
signed int eventsTotal
counter of events
Local (linear) track description (or a fit result). Uses global reference system. ...
Definition: LocalTrackFit.h:15
AlignmentTask task
the alignment task to be solved
signed int maxEvents
stops after this event number has been reached
AlignmentGeometry geometry
the geometry for this task
Definition: AlignmentTask.h:48
unsigned int verbosity
verbosity level
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:19
bool removeImpossible
remove events with impossible signatures (i.e. simultaneously top and bottom)
bool fit(HitCollection &, const AlignmentGeometry &, LocalTrackFit &) const
bool requireOverlap
if true, only track through vertical-horizontal overlap are seleceted
bool isValidSensorId(unsigned int id) const
check whether the sensor Id is valid (present in the map)
SeedingHitSet::ConstRecHitPointer Hit
unsigned int id
A linear pattern in U or V projection. The intercept b is taken at the middle of a RP: (geometry->Get...
std::map< std::set< unsigned int >, unsigned long > selectedTracksPerRPSet
counter of selected tracks in a certain RP set
RunNumber_t run() const
Definition: EventID.h:38
std::vector< std::set< unsigned int > > additionalAcceptedRPSets
list of RP sets accepted irrespective of the other "require" settings
double chiSqPerNdfCut
the value of chi^2/ndf cut threshold
std::vector< Hit > HitCollection
Definition: HitCollection.h:35
std::vector< AlignmentAlgorithm * > algorithms
the collection of the alignment algorithms
Base class for CTPPS detector IDs.
Definition: CTPPSDetId.h:32
TString units(TString variable, Char_t axis)
signed int eventsFitted
counter of processed tracks
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
const DetGeometry & get(unsigned int id) const
retrieves sensor geometry
bool requireAtLeast3PotsInOverlap
if a track goes through overlap, select it only if it leaves signal in at least 3 pots ...
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry h
Helper function to determine trigger accepts.
Definition: Activities.doc:4
double maxTrackAx
cuts on absolute values of the track angle
std::map< std::set< unsigned int >, unsigned long > fittedTracksPerRPSet
counter of fitted tracks in a certain RP set
EventNumber_t event() const
Definition: EventID.h:40
double ax
slopes in rad
Definition: LocalTrackFit.h:20

◆ removeInsufficientPots()

void StraightTrackAlignment::removeInsufficientPots ( HitCollection ,
bool &  selectionChanged 

removes the hits of pots with too few planes active

◆ saveDiagnostics()

void StraightTrackAlignment::saveDiagnostics ( ) const

saves a ROOT file with diagnostic plots

Definition at line 1030 of file

References algorithms, visDQMUpload::buf, buildDiagnosticPlots, HltBtagPostValidation_cff::c, hgcalPerformanceValidation::df, diagnosticsFile, fitAxHist_fitted, fitAxHist_selected, fitAyHist_fitted, fitAyHist_selected, fitBxHist_fitted, fitBxHist_selected, fitByHist_fitted, fitByHist_selected, fitNdfHist_fitted, fitNdfHist_selected, fitPHist_fitted, fitPHist_selected, globalPlots, heavyIonCSV_trainingSettings::idx, genParticles_cff::map, residuaHistograms, rpSetPlots, setToString(), and StraightTrackAlignment::RPSetPlots::write().

Referenced by finish().

1030  {
1031  if (diagnosticsFile.empty())
1032  return;
1034  TFile *df = new TFile(diagnosticsFile.c_str(), "recreate");
1035  if (df->IsZombie())
1036  throw cms::Exception("PPS") << "Cannot open file `" << diagnosticsFile << "' for writing.";
1038  if (buildDiagnosticPlots) {
1039  TDirectory *commonDir = df->mkdir("common");
1040  gDirectory = commonDir;
1042  fitNdfHist_fitted->Write();
1043  fitNdfHist_selected->Write();
1044  fitAxHist_fitted->Write();
1045  fitAyHist_fitted->Write();
1046  fitAxHist_selected->Write();
1047  fitAyHist_selected->Write();
1048  fitBxHist_fitted->Write();
1049  fitByHist_fitted->Write();
1050  fitBxHist_selected->Write();
1051  fitByHist_selected->Write();
1052  fitPHist_fitted->Write();
1053  fitPHist_selected->Write();
1055  gDirectory = commonDir->mkdir("plots global");
1056  globalPlots.write();
1058  TDirectory *ppsDir = commonDir->mkdir("plots per RP set");
1059  for (map<set<unsigned int>, RPSetPlots>::const_iterator it = rpSetPlots.begin(); it != rpSetPlots.end(); ++it) {
1060  gDirectory = ppsDir->mkdir(setToString(it->first).c_str());
1062  it->second.write();
1063  }
1065  TDirectory *resDir = commonDir->mkdir("residuals");
1066  for (map<unsigned int, ResiduaHistogramSet>::const_iterator it = residuaHistograms.begin();
1067  it != residuaHistograms.end();
1068  ++it) {
1069  char buf[10];
1070  sprintf(buf, "%u", it->first);
1071  gDirectory = resDir->mkdir(buf);
1072  it->second.total_fitted->Write();
1073  it->second.total_selected->Write();
1074  it->second.selected_vs_chiSq->Write();
1076  /*
1077  gDirectory = gDirectory->mkdir("fitted per RP set");
1078  for (map< set<unsigned int>, TH1D* >::iterator sit = it->second.perRPSet_fitted.begin();
1079  sit != it->second.perRPSet_fitted.end(); ++sit)
1080  sit->second->Write();
1081  gDirectory->cd("..");
1082 */
1084  gDirectory = gDirectory->mkdir("selected per RP set");
1085  TCanvas *c = new TCanvas;
1086  c->SetName("alltogether");
1087  unsigned int idx = 0;
1088  for (map<set<unsigned int>, TH1D *>::const_iterator sit = it->second.perRPSet_selected.begin();
1089  sit != it->second.perRPSet_selected.end();
1090  ++sit, ++idx) {
1091  sit->second->SetLineColor(idx + 1);
1092  sit->second->Draw((idx == 0) ? "" : "same");
1093  sit->second->Write();
1094  }
1095  c->Write();
1096  }
1097  }
1099  // save diagnostics of algorithms
1100  for (vector<AlignmentAlgorithm *>::const_iterator it = algorithms.begin(); it != algorithms.end(); ++it) {
1101  TDirectory *algDir = df->mkdir((*it)->getName().c_str());
1102  (*it)->saveDiagnostics(algDir);
1103  }
1105  delete df;
1106 }
TH1D * fitNdfHist_selected
fit num. of degrees of freedom histograms for all/selected tracks
TH1D * fitAyHist_selected
fit ay histograms for all/selected tracks
bool buildDiagnosticPlots
whether to build and save diagnostic plots
TH1D * fitPHist_selected
fit p-value histograms for all/selected tracks
RPSetPlots globalPlots
global (all RP sets) chi^2 histograms
TH1D * fitAxHist_selected
fit ax histograms for all/selected tracks
std::vector< AlignmentAlgorithm * > algorithms
the collection of the alignment algorithms
static std::string setToString(const std::set< unsigned int > &)
converts a set to string
std::string diagnosticsFile
file name for some event selection statistics
TH1D * fitByHist_selected
fit by histograms for all/selected tracks
TH1D * fitBxHist_selected
fit bx histograms for all/selected tracks
std::map< unsigned int, ResiduaHistogramSet > residuaHistograms
residua histograms
std::map< std::set< unsigned int >, RPSetPlots > rpSetPlots
chi^2 histograms per RP set

◆ setToString()

string StraightTrackAlignment::setToString ( const std::set< unsigned int > &  )

converts a set to string

Definition at line 949 of file

References visDQMUpload::buf, mps_fire::i, N, alignCSCRings::s, and str.

Referenced by finish(), saveDiagnostics(), and updateDiagnosticHistograms().

949  {
950  unsigned int N = s.size();
951  if (N == 0)
952  return "empty";
954  string str;
955  char buf[10];
956  unsigned int i = 0;
957  for (set<unsigned int>::iterator it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); ++it, ++i) {
958  sprintf(buf, "%u", *it);
959  str += buf;
960  if (i < N - 1)
961  str += ", ";
962  }
964  return str;
965 }
#define N
#define str(s)

◆ updateDiagnosticHistograms()

void StraightTrackAlignment::updateDiagnosticHistograms ( const HitCollection selection,
const std::set< unsigned int > &  selectedRPs,
const LocalTrackFit trackFit,
bool  trackSelected 

fills diagnostic (chi^2, residua, ...) histograms

Definition at line 579 of file

References LocalTrackFit::ax, LocalTrackFit::ay, visDQMUpload::buf, buildDiagnosticPlots, LocalTrackFit::bx, LocalTrackFit::by, StraightTrackAlignment::RPSetPlots::chisqn_lin_fitted, StraightTrackAlignment::RPSetPlots::chisqn_lin_selected, StraightTrackAlignment::RPSetPlots::chisqn_log_fitted, StraightTrackAlignment::RPSetPlots::chisqn_log_selected, LocalTrackFit::chiSqPerNdf(), f, dqmdumpme::first, fitAxHist_fitted, fitAxHist_selected, StraightTrackAlignment::RPSetPlots::fitAxVsAyGraph_fitted, StraightTrackAlignment::RPSetPlots::fitAxVsAyGraph_selected, fitAyHist_fitted, fitAyHist_selected, fitBxHist_fitted, fitBxHist_selected, StraightTrackAlignment::RPSetPlots::fitBxVsByGraph_fitted, StraightTrackAlignment::RPSetPlots::fitBxVsByGraph_selected, fitByHist_fitted, fitByHist_selected, fitNdfHist_fitted, fitNdfHist_selected, fitPHist_fitted, fitPHist_selected, relativeConstraints::geom, AlignmentTask::geometry, AlignmentGeometry::get(), globalPlots, hit::id, label, visualization-live-secondInstance_cfg::m, LocalTrackFit::ndf, newResiduaHist(), LocalTrackFit::pValue(), dttmaxenums::R, residuaHistograms, rpSetPlots, corrVsCorr::selection, setToString(), task, x, y, and hit::z.

Referenced by processEvent().

582  {
584  return;
586  fitNdfHist_fitted->Fill(trackFit.ndf);
587  fitPHist_fitted->Fill(trackFit.pValue());
588  fitAxHist_fitted->Fill(;
589  fitAyHist_fitted->Fill(trackFit.ay);
590  fitBxHist_fitted->Fill(trackFit.bx);
591  fitByHist_fitted->Fill(;
593  globalPlots.chisqn_lin_fitted->Fill(trackFit.chiSqPerNdf());
594  globalPlots.chisqn_log_fitted->Fill(log10(trackFit.chiSqPerNdf()));
595  globalPlots.fitAxVsAyGraph_fitted->SetPoint(globalPlots.fitAxVsAyGraph_fitted->GetN(),, trackFit.ay);
596  globalPlots.fitBxVsByGraph_fitted->SetPoint(globalPlots.fitBxVsByGraph_fitted->GetN(), trackFit.bx,;
598  if (trackSelected) {
599  fitNdfHist_selected->Fill(trackFit.ndf);
600  fitPHist_selected->Fill(trackFit.pValue());
601  fitAxHist_selected->Fill(;
602  fitAyHist_selected->Fill(trackFit.ay);
603  fitBxHist_selected->Fill(trackFit.bx);
604  fitByHist_selected->Fill(;
606  globalPlots.chisqn_lin_selected->Fill(trackFit.chiSqPerNdf());
607  globalPlots.chisqn_log_selected->Fill(log10(trackFit.chiSqPerNdf()));
609  globalPlots.fitAxVsAyGraph_selected->GetN(),, trackFit.ay);
611  globalPlots.fitBxVsByGraph_selected->GetN(), trackFit.bx,;
612  }
614  auto it = rpSetPlots.find(selectedRPs);
615  if (it == rpSetPlots.end())
616  it = rpSetPlots.insert({selectedRPs, RPSetPlots(setToString(selectedRPs))}).first;
618  it->second.chisqn_lin_fitted->Fill(trackFit.chiSqPerNdf());
619  it->second.chisqn_log_fitted->Fill(log10(trackFit.chiSqPerNdf()));
620  it->second.fitAxVsAyGraph_fitted->SetPoint(it->second.fitAxVsAyGraph_fitted->GetN(),, trackFit.ay);
621  it->second.fitBxVsByGraph_fitted->SetPoint(it->second.fitBxVsByGraph_fitted->GetN(), trackFit.bx,;
623  if (trackSelected) {
624  it->second.chisqn_lin_selected->Fill(trackFit.chiSqPerNdf());
625  it->second.chisqn_log_selected->Fill(log10(trackFit.chiSqPerNdf()));
626  it->second.fitAxVsAyGraph_selected->SetPoint(it->second.fitAxVsAyGraph_selected->GetN(),, trackFit.ay);
627  it->second.fitBxVsByGraph_selected->SetPoint(it->second.fitBxVsByGraph_selected->GetN(), trackFit.bx,;
628  }
630  for (const auto &hit : selection) {
631  unsigned int id =;
633  const DetGeometry &geom = task.geometry.get(id);
634  const auto dirData = geom.getDirectionData(hit.dirIdx);
636  double m = hit.position + dirData.s - (hit.z - geom.z) *;
637  double x = * hit.z + trackFit.bx;
638  double y = trackFit.ay * hit.z +;
639  double f = x * dirData.dx + y * dirData.dy;
640  double R = m - f;
642  auto it = residuaHistograms.find(id);
643  if (it == residuaHistograms.end()) {
644  it = residuaHistograms.insert(pair<unsigned int, ResiduaHistogramSet>(id, ResiduaHistogramSet())).first;
645  char buf[30];
646  sprintf(buf, "%u: total_fitted", id);
647  it->second.total_fitted = newResiduaHist(buf);
648  sprintf(buf, "%u: total_selected", id);
649  it->second.total_selected = newResiduaHist(buf);
650  it->second.selected_vs_chiSq = new TGraph();
651  sprintf(buf, "%u: selected_vs_chiSq", id);
652  it->second.selected_vs_chiSq->SetName(buf);
653  }
655  it->second.total_fitted->Fill(R);
657  if (trackSelected) {
658  it->second.total_selected->Fill(R);
659  it->second.selected_vs_chiSq->SetPoint(it->second.selected_vs_chiSq->GetN(), trackFit.chiSqPerNdf(), R);
660  }
662  auto sit = it->second.perRPSet_fitted.find(selectedRPs);
663  if (sit == it->second.perRPSet_fitted.end()) {
664  char buf[10];
665  sprintf(buf, "%u: ", id);
666  string label = buf;
667  label += setToString(selectedRPs);
668  sit =
669  it->second.perRPSet_fitted.insert(pair<set<unsigned int>, TH1D *>(selectedRPs, newResiduaHist(label.c_str())))
670  .first;
671  }
673  sit->second->Fill(R);
675  if (trackSelected) {
676  sit = it->second.perRPSet_selected.find(selectedRPs);
677  if (sit == it->second.perRPSet_selected.end()) {
678  char buf[10];
679  sprintf(buf, "%u: ", id);
680  string label = buf;
681  label += setToString(selectedRPs);
682  sit = it->second.perRPSet_selected
683  .insert(pair<set<unsigned int>, TH1D *>(selectedRPs, newResiduaHist(label.c_str())))
684  .first;
685  }
687  sit->second->Fill(R);
688  }
689  }
690 }
TGraph * fitBxVsByGraph_fitted
plots bx vs. by
TH1D * fitNdfHist_selected
fit num. of degrees of freedom histograms for all/selected tracks
A structure to hold relevant geometrical information about one detector/sensor.
TH1D * fitAyHist_selected
fit ay histograms for all/selected tracks
bool buildDiagnosticPlots
whether to build and save diagnostic plots
main part
double chiSqPerNdf() const
Definition: LocalTrackFit.h:42
TH1D * fitPHist_selected
fit p-value histograms for all/selected tracks
TGraph * fitAxVsAyGraph_fitted
plots ax vs. ay
char const * label
AlignmentTask task
the alignment task to be solved
AlignmentGeometry geometry
the geometry for this task
Definition: AlignmentTask.h:48
signed int ndf
the number of degrees of freedom
Definition: LocalTrackFit.h:26
double pValue() const
Definition: LocalTrackFit.h:40
double f[11][100]
RPSetPlots globalPlots
global (all RP sets) chi^2 histograms
TH1D * newResiduaHist(const char *name)
creates a new residua histogram
unsigned int id
TH1D * chisqn_lin_fitted
normalised chi^2 histograms for all/selected tracks, in linear/logarithmic scale
TH1D * fitAxHist_selected
fit ax histograms for all/selected tracks
static std::string setToString(const std::set< unsigned int > &)
converts a set to string
const DetGeometry & get(unsigned int id) const
retrieves sensor geometry
TH1D * fitByHist_selected
fit by histograms for all/selected tracks
TH1D * fitBxHist_selected
fit bx histograms for all/selected tracks
std::map< unsigned int, ResiduaHistogramSet > residuaHistograms
residua histograms
double bx
intercepts in mm
Definition: LocalTrackFit.h:23
double ax
slopes in rad
Definition: LocalTrackFit.h:20
std::map< std::set< unsigned int >, RPSetPlots > rpSetPlots
chi^2 histograms per RP set

Member Data Documentation

◆ additionalAcceptedRPSets

std::vector<std::set<unsigned int> > StraightTrackAlignment::additionalAcceptedRPSets

list of RP sets accepted irrespective of the other "require" settings

Definition at line 119 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by processEvent(), and StraightTrackAlignment().

◆ algorithms

std::vector<AlignmentAlgorithm *> StraightTrackAlignment::algorithms

◆ buildDiagnosticPlots

bool StraightTrackAlignment::buildDiagnosticPlots

whether to build and save diagnostic plots

Definition at line 164 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by saveDiagnostics(), and updateDiagnosticHistograms().

◆ chiSqPerNdfCut

double StraightTrackAlignment::chiSqPerNdfCut

the value of chi^2/ndf cut threshold

Definition at line 112 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by processEvent().

◆ constraintsType

ConstraintsType StraightTrackAlignment::constraintsType

the chosen type of constraints

Definition at line 89 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by buildConstraints(), and StraightTrackAlignment().

◆ cumulativeFileNamePrefix

std::string StraightTrackAlignment::cumulativeFileNamePrefix

file name prefix for cumulative result files

Definition at line 127 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

◆ cutOnChiSqPerNdf

bool StraightTrackAlignment::cutOnChiSqPerNdf

whether to cut on chi^2/ndf

Definition at line 109 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by processEvent().

◆ diagnosticsFile

std::string StraightTrackAlignment::diagnosticsFile

file name for some event selection statistics

Definition at line 167 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by saveDiagnostics().

◆ eventsFitted

signed int StraightTrackAlignment::eventsFitted

counter of processed tracks

Definition at line 170 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by begin(), finish(), and processEvent().

◆ eventsSelected

signed int StraightTrackAlignment::eventsSelected

counter of processed tracks

Definition at line 171 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by begin(), finish(), and processEvent().

◆ eventsTotal

signed int StraightTrackAlignment::eventsTotal

◆ excludePlanes

std::vector<unsigned int> StraightTrackAlignment::excludePlanes

list of planes to be excluded from processing

Definition at line 76 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by begin().

◆ expandedFileNamePrefix

std::string StraightTrackAlignment::expandedFileNamePrefix

file name prefix for cumulative expanded result files

Definition at line 130 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by finish().

◆ factoredFileNamePrefix

std::string StraightTrackAlignment::factoredFileNamePrefix

file name prefix for cumulative factored result files

Definition at line 133 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by finish().

◆ fileNamePrefix

std::string StraightTrackAlignment::fileNamePrefix

file name prefix for result files

Definition at line 124 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by finish().

◆ fitAxHist_fitted

TH1D* StraightTrackAlignment::fitAxHist_fitted

◆ fitAxHist_selected

TH1D * StraightTrackAlignment::fitAxHist_selected

fit ax histograms for all/selected tracks

Definition at line 181 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by saveDiagnostics(), updateDiagnosticHistograms(), and ~StraightTrackAlignment().

◆ fitAyHist_fitted

TH1D* StraightTrackAlignment::fitAyHist_fitted

◆ fitAyHist_selected

TH1D * StraightTrackAlignment::fitAyHist_selected

fit ay histograms for all/selected tracks

Definition at line 182 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by saveDiagnostics(), updateDiagnosticHistograms(), and ~StraightTrackAlignment().

◆ fitBxHist_fitted

TH1D* StraightTrackAlignment::fitBxHist_fitted

◆ fitBxHist_selected

TH1D * StraightTrackAlignment::fitBxHist_selected

fit bx histograms for all/selected tracks

Definition at line 183 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by saveDiagnostics(), updateDiagnosticHistograms(), and ~StraightTrackAlignment().

◆ fitByHist_fitted

TH1D* StraightTrackAlignment::fitByHist_fitted

◆ fitByHist_selected

TH1D * StraightTrackAlignment::fitByHist_selected

fit by histograms for all/selected tracks

Definition at line 184 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by saveDiagnostics(), updateDiagnosticHistograms(), and ~StraightTrackAlignment().

◆ fitNdfHist_fitted

TH1D* StraightTrackAlignment::fitNdfHist_fitted

◆ fitNdfHist_selected

TH1D * StraightTrackAlignment::fitNdfHist_selected

fit num. of degrees of freedom histograms for all/selected tracks

Definition at line 179 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by saveDiagnostics(), updateDiagnosticHistograms(), and ~StraightTrackAlignment().

◆ fitPHist_fitted

TH1D* StraightTrackAlignment::fitPHist_fitted

◆ fitPHist_selected

TH1D * StraightTrackAlignment::fitPHist_selected

fit p-value histograms for all/selected tracks

Definition at line 180 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by saveDiagnostics(), updateDiagnosticHistograms(), and ~StraightTrackAlignment().

◆ fittedTracksPerRPSet

std::map<std::set<unsigned int>, unsigned long> StraightTrackAlignment::fittedTracksPerRPSet

counter of fitted tracks in a certain RP set

Definition at line 173 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by begin(), finish(), and processEvent().

◆ fitter

LocalTrackFitter StraightTrackAlignment::fitter

track fitter

Definition at line 156 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by begin(), and processEvent().

◆ globalPlots

RPSetPlots StraightTrackAlignment::globalPlots

global (all RP sets) chi^2 histograms

Definition at line 209 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by saveDiagnostics(), updateDiagnosticHistograms(), and ~StraightTrackAlignment().

◆ initialAlignments

CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData StraightTrackAlignment::initialAlignments

(real geometry) alignments before this alignment iteration

Definition at line 159 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by begin(), and finish().

◆ maxEvents

signed int StraightTrackAlignment::maxEvents

stops after this event number has been reached

Definition at line 92 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by processEvent().

◆ maxTrackAx

double StraightTrackAlignment::maxTrackAx

cuts on absolute values of the track angle

Definition at line 115 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by processEvent().

◆ maxTrackAy

double StraightTrackAlignment::maxTrackAy

Definition at line 116 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by processEvent().

◆ preciseXMLFormat

bool StraightTrackAlignment::preciseXMLFormat

whether to use long format (many decimal digits) when saving XML files

Definition at line 136 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by finish().

◆ removeImpossible

bool StraightTrackAlignment::removeImpossible

remove events with impossible signatures (i.e. simultaneously top and bottom)

Definition at line 97 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by processEvent().

◆ requireAtLeast3PotsInOverlap

bool StraightTrackAlignment::requireAtLeast3PotsInOverlap

if a track goes through overlap, select it only if it leaves signal in at least 3 pots

Definition at line 103 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by processEvent().

◆ requireNumberOfUnits

unsigned int StraightTrackAlignment::requireNumberOfUnits

select only tracks with activity in minimal number of units

Definition at line 100 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by processEvent().

◆ requireOverlap

bool StraightTrackAlignment::requireOverlap

if true, only track through vertical-horizontal overlap are seleceted

Definition at line 106 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by processEvent().

◆ residuaHistograms

std::map<unsigned int, ResiduaHistogramSet> StraightTrackAlignment::residuaHistograms

residua histograms

Definition at line 222 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by saveDiagnostics(), updateDiagnosticHistograms(), and ~StraightTrackAlignment().

◆ rpIds

std::vector<unsigned int> StraightTrackAlignment::rpIds

list of RPs for which the alignment parameters shall be optimized

Definition at line 73 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by begin(), and processEvent().

◆ rpSetPlots

std::map<std::set<unsigned int>, RPSetPlots> StraightTrackAlignment::rpSetPlots

chi^2 histograms per RP set

Definition at line 212 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by saveDiagnostics(), updateDiagnosticHistograms(), and ~StraightTrackAlignment().

◆ saveIntermediateResults

bool StraightTrackAlignment::saveIntermediateResults

whether itermediate results (S, CS matrices) of alignments shall be saved

Definition at line 142 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by finish().

◆ saveXMLUncertainties

bool StraightTrackAlignment::saveXMLUncertainties

whether to save uncertainties in the result XML files

Definition at line 139 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by finish().

◆ selectedHitsPerPlane

std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int> StraightTrackAlignment::selectedHitsPerPlane

counter of selected hits per plane

Definition at line 177 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by begin(), finish(), and processEvent().

◆ selectedTracksPerRPSet

std::map<std::set<unsigned int>, unsigned long> StraightTrackAlignment::selectedTracksPerRPSet

counter of selected tracks in a certain RP set

Definition at line 175 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by begin(), finish(), and processEvent().

◆ task

AlignmentTask StraightTrackAlignment::task

◆ taskDataFile

TFile* StraightTrackAlignment::taskDataFile

the file with task data

Definition at line 148 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by begin(), finish(), StraightTrackAlignment(), and ~StraightTrackAlignment().

◆ taskDataFileName

std::string StraightTrackAlignment::taskDataFileName

the name task data file

Definition at line 145 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by StraightTrackAlignment().

◆ verbosity

unsigned int StraightTrackAlignment::verbosity

verbosity level

Definition at line 70 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by begin(), finish(), and processEvent().

◆ z0

double StraightTrackAlignment::z0

a characteristic z in mm to keep values of z small - this helps the numerical solution

Definition at line 80 of file StraightTrackAlignment.h.

Referenced by begin().