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7 #include "CLHEP/Units/GlobalSystemOfUnits.h"
8 #include "CLHEP/Units/GlobalPhysicalConstants.h"
9 #include "HepMC/SimpleVector.h"
11 #include "TRandom3.h"
13 #include "H_Parameters.h"
15 #include <cmath>
19  bool verbosity,
20  bool FP420Transport,
21  bool ZDCTransport)
22  : tok_pdt_(token), m_verbosity(verbosity), m_FP420Transport(FP420Transport), m_ZDCTransport(ZDCTransport) {
23  // Create LHC beam line
24  edm::ParameterSet hector_par = param.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("Hector");
26  // User definitons
27  lengthfp420 = hector_par.getParameter<double>("BeamLineLengthFP420");
28  m_rpp420_f = (float)hector_par.getParameter<double>("RP420f");
29  m_rpp420_b = (float)hector_par.getParameter<double>("RP420b");
30  lengthzdc = hector_par.getParameter<double>("BeamLineLengthZDC");
31  lengthd1 = hector_par.getParameter<double>("BeamLineLengthD1");
32  beam1filename = hector_par.getParameter<string>("Beam1");
33  beam2filename = hector_par.getParameter<string>("Beam2");
36  m_smearAng = hector_par.getParameter<bool>("smearAng");
37  m_sigmaSTX = hector_par.getParameter<double>("sigmaSTX");
38  m_sigmaSTY = hector_par.getParameter<double>("sigmaSTY");
39  m_smearE = hector_par.getParameter<bool>("smearEnergy");
40  m_sig_e = hector_par.getParameter<double>("sigmaEnergy");
41  etacut = hector_par.getParameter<double>("EtaCutForHector");
43  theCorrespondenceMap.clear();
45  if (m_verbosity) {
46  edm::LogInfo("HectorSetup") << "===================================================================\n"
47  << " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \n"
48  << " * * \n"
49  << " * --<--<-- A fast simulator --<--<-- * \n"
50  << " * | --<--<-- of particle --<--<-- * \n"
51  << " * ----HECTOR----< * \n"
52  << " * | -->-->-- transport through-->-->-- * \n"
53  << " * -->-->-- generic beamlines -->-->-- * \n"
54  << " * * \n"
55  << " * JINST 2:P09005 (2007) * \n"
56  << " * X Rouby, J de Favereau, K Piotrzkowski (CP3) * \n"
57  << " * * \n"
58  << " * * \n"
59  << " * Center for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology * \n"
60  << " * Universite catholique de Louvain * \n"
61  << " * Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium * \n"
62  << " * * \n"
63  << " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \n"
64  << " Hector configuration: \n"
65  << " m_FP420Transport = " << m_FP420Transport << "\n"
66  << " m_ZDCTransport = " << m_ZDCTransport << "\n"
67  << " lengthfp420 = " << lengthfp420 << "\n"
68  << " m_rpp420_f = " << m_rpp420_f << "\n"
69  << " m_rpp420_b = " << m_rpp420_b << "\n"
70  << " lengthzdc = " << lengthzdc << "\n"
71  << " lengthd1 = " << lengthd1 << "\n"
72  << "===================================================================\n";
73  }
77  // construct beam line for FP420: .
78  if (m_FP420Transport && lengthfp420 > 0.) {
79  m_beamlineFP4201 = new H_BeamLine(1, lengthfp420 + 0.1); // (direction, length)
80  m_beamlineFP4202 = new H_BeamLine(-1, lengthfp420 + 0.1); //
81  m_beamlineFP4201->fill(b1.fullPath(), 1, "IP5");
82  m_beamlineFP4202->fill(b2.fullPath(), -1, "IP5");
83  m_beamlineFP4201->offsetElements(120, -0.097);
84  m_beamlineFP4202->offsetElements(120, +0.097);
85  m_beamlineFP4201->calcMatrix();
86  m_beamlineFP4202->calcMatrix();
87  } else {
88  if (m_verbosity)
89  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorSetup") << "Hector: WARNING: lengthfp420= " << lengthfp420;
90  }
92  if (m_ZDCTransport && lengthzdc > 0. && lengthd1 > 0.) {
93  // construct beam line for ZDC:
94  m_beamlineZDC1 = new H_BeamLine(1, lengthzdc + 0.1); // (direction, length)
95  m_beamlineZDC2 = new H_BeamLine(-1, lengthzdc + 0.1); //
96  m_beamlineZDC1->fill(b1.fullPath(), 1, "IP5");
97  m_beamlineZDC2->fill(b2.fullPath(), -1, "IP5");
98  m_beamlineZDC1->offsetElements(120, -0.097);
99  m_beamlineZDC2->offsetElements(120, +0.097);
100  m_beamlineZDC1->calcMatrix();
101  m_beamlineZDC2->calcMatrix();
103  // construct beam line for D1:
104  m_beamlineD11 = new H_BeamLine(1, lengthd1 + 0.1); // (direction, length)
105  m_beamlineD12 = new H_BeamLine(-1, lengthd1 + 0.1); //
106  m_beamlineD11->fill(b1.fullPath(), 1, "IP5");
107  m_beamlineD12->fill(b2.fullPath(), -1, "IP5");
108  m_beamlineD11->offsetElements(120, -0.097);
109  m_beamlineD12->offsetElements(120, +0.097);
110  m_beamlineD11->calcMatrix();
111  m_beamlineD12->calcMatrix();
112  } else {
113  if (m_verbosity)
114  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorSetup") << "Hector: WARNING: lengthzdc= " << lengthzdc << "lengthd1= " << lengthd1;
115  }
116 }
119  for (std::map<unsigned int, H_BeamParticle*>::iterator it = m_beamPart.begin(); it != m_beamPart.end(); ++it) {
120  delete (*it).second;
121  }
123  delete m_beamlineFP4201;
124  delete m_beamlineFP4202;
125  delete m_beamlineZDC1;
126  delete m_beamlineZDC2;
127  delete m_beamlineD11;
128  delete m_beamlineD12;
129 }
132  m_isStoppedfp420.clear();
133  m_isStoppedzdc.clear();
134  m_isStoppedd1.clear();
135 }
138  for (std::map<unsigned int, H_BeamParticle*>::iterator it = m_beamPart.begin(); it != m_beamPart.end(); ++it) {
139  delete (*it).second;
140  };
141  m_beamPart.clear();
142  m_direct.clear();
143  m_eta.clear();
144  m_pdg.clear();
145  m_pz.clear();
146  m_isCharged.clear();
147 }
149 void Hector::add(const HepMC::GenEvent* evt, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup) {
150  H_BeamParticle* h_p;
151  unsigned int line;
153  for (HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator eventParticle = evt->particles_begin();
154  eventParticle != evt->particles_end();
155  ++eventParticle) {
156  if ((*eventParticle)->status() == 1) {
157  if (abs((*eventParticle)->momentum().eta()) > etacut) {
158  line = (*eventParticle)->barcode();
159  if (m_beamPart.find(line) == m_beamPart.end()) {
160  double charge = 1.;
161  m_isCharged[line] = false; // neutrals
162  HepMC::GenParticle* g = (*eventParticle);
163  pdt = iSetup.getHandle(tok_pdt_);
164  const ParticleData* part = pdt->particle(g->pdg_id());
165  if (part) {
166  charge = part->charge();
167  }
168  if (charge != 0)
169  m_isCharged[line] = true; //charged
170  double mass = (*eventParticle)->generatedMass();
172  h_p = new H_BeamParticle(mass, charge);
174  double px, py, pz;
175  px = (*eventParticle)->momentum().px();
176  py = (*eventParticle)->momentum().py();
177  pz = (*eventParticle)->momentum().pz();
179  h_p->set4Momentum(px, py, pz, (*eventParticle)->momentum().e());
181  // from mm to um
182  double XforPosition = (*eventParticle)->production_vertex()->position().x() / micrometer; //um
183  double YforPosition = (*eventParticle)->production_vertex()->position().y() / micrometer; //um
184  double ZforPosition = (*eventParticle)->production_vertex()->position().z() / meter; //m
185  // crossing angle (beam tilt) is not known a priory; keep now 0.0 but, in principle, can be entered as parameters
186  double TXforPosition = 0.0, TYforPosition = 0.0; //urad
188  // Clears H_BeamParticle::positions and sets the initial one
189  h_p->setPosition(XforPosition, YforPosition, TXforPosition, TYforPosition, ZforPosition);
191  m_beamPart[line] = h_p;
192  m_direct[line] = 0;
193  m_direct[line] = (pz > 0) ? 1 : -1;
195  m_eta[line] = (*eventParticle)->momentum().eta();
196  m_pdg[line] = (*eventParticle)->pdg_id();
197  m_pz[line] = (*eventParticle)->momentum().pz();
199  if (m_verbosity) {
200  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing")
201  << "Hector:add: barcode = " << line << " status = " << g->status() << " PDG Id = " << g->pdg_id()
202  << " mass = " << mass << " pz = " << pz << " charge = " << charge
203  << " m_isCharged[line] = " << m_isCharged[line];
204  }
205  } // if find line
206  } // if eta > 8.2
207  } // if status
208  } // for loop
209 }
211 void Hector::filterFP420(TRandom3* rootEngine) {
212  unsigned int line;
213  H_BeamParticle* part;
214  std::map<unsigned int, H_BeamParticle*>::iterator it;
216  bool is_stop;
217  int direction;
219  float x1_420;
220  float y1_420;
222  if (!m_beamPart.empty() && lengthfp420 > 0.) {
223  for (it = m_beamPart.begin(); it != m_beamPart.end(); ++it) {
224  line = (*it).first;
225  part = (*it).second;
227  if (m_verbosity) {
228  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterFP420: barcode = " << line;
229  }
230  if ((*m_isCharged.find(line)).second) {
231  direction = (*m_direct.find(line)).second;
232  if (m_smearAng) {
233  // the beam transverse direction is centered on (TXforPosition, TYforPosition) at IP
234  if (m_sigmaSTX > 0. && m_sigmaSTY > 0.) {
235  part->smearAng(m_sigmaSTX, m_sigmaSTY, rootEngine);
236  } else {
237  // for smearAng() in urad, default are (STX=30.23, STY=30.23)
238  part->smearAng(STX, STY, rootEngine);
239  }
240  }
241  if (m_smearE) {
242  if (m_sig_e) {
243  part->smearE(m_sig_e, rootEngine);
244  } else {
245  part->smearE(SBE, rootEngine); // in GeV, default is SBE=0.79
246  }
247  }
248  if (direction == 1 && m_beamlineFP4201 != nullptr) {
249  part->computePath(m_beamlineFP4201);
250  is_stop = part->stopped(m_beamlineFP4201);
251  if (m_verbosity)
252  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing")
253  << "Hector:filterFP420: barcode = " << line << " positive is_stop= " << is_stop;
254  } else if (direction == -1 && m_beamlineFP4202 != nullptr) {
255  part->computePath(m_beamlineFP4202);
256  is_stop = part->stopped(m_beamlineFP4202);
257  if (m_verbosity)
258  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing")
259  << "Hector:filterFP420: barcode = " << line << " negative is_stop= " << is_stop;
260  } else {
261  is_stop = true;
262  if (m_verbosity)
263  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing")
264  << "Hector:filterFP420: barcode = " << line << " 0 is_stop= " << is_stop;
265  }
267  //propagating
268  m_isStoppedfp420[line] = is_stop;
269  if (m_verbosity)
270  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing")
271  << "Hector:filterFP420: barcode = " << line << " isStopped=" << (*m_isStoppedfp420.find(line)).second;
273  if (!is_stop) {
274  if (direction == 1)
275  part->propagate(m_rpp420_f);
276  if (direction == -1)
277  part->propagate(m_rpp420_b);
278  x1_420 = part->getX();
279  y1_420 = part->getY();
280  if (m_verbosity)
281  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing")
282  << "Hector:filterFP420: barcode = " << line << " x= " << x1_420 << " y= " << y1_420;
284  m_xAtTrPoint[line] = x1_420;
285  m_yAtTrPoint[line] = y1_420;
286  m_TxAtTrPoint[line] = part->getTX();
287  m_TyAtTrPoint[line] = part->getTY();
288  m_eAtTrPoint[line] = part->getE();
289  }
290  } // if isCharged
291  else {
292  m_isStoppedfp420[line] = true; // imply that neutral particles stopped to reach 420m
293  if (m_verbosity)
294  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing")
295  << "Hector:filterFP420: barcode = " << line << " isStopped=" << (*m_isStoppedfp420.find(line)).second;
296  }
298  } // for (it = m_beamPart.begin(); it != m_beamPart.end(); it++ )
299  } // if ( m_beamPart.size() )
300 }
302 void Hector::filterZDC(TRandom3* rootEngine) {
303  unsigned int line;
304  H_BeamParticle* part;
305  std::map<unsigned int, H_BeamParticle*>::iterator it;
307  bool is_stop_zdc = false;
308  int direction;
310  if (!m_beamPart.empty() && lengthzdc > 0.) {
311  for (it = m_beamPart.begin(); it != m_beamPart.end(); ++it) {
312  line = (*it).first;
313  part = (*it).second;
314  if (m_verbosity) {
315  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing")
316  << "Hector:filterZDC: barcode = " << line << " charge = " << (*m_isCharged.find(line)).second;
317  if (m_FP420Transport)
318  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing") << " isStoppedFP420 =" << (*m_isStoppedfp420.find(line)).second;
319  }
320  // if ( ((*m_isStoppedfp420.find(line)).second) && ((*m_isCharged.find(line)).second) ) {
321  if (((*m_isCharged.find(line)).second)) {
322  if (m_verbosity)
323  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterZDC: barcode = " << line << " propagated ";
325  direction = (*m_direct.find(line)).second;
326  if (m_verbosity)
327  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing")
328  << "Hector:filterZDC: barcode = " << line << " direction = " << direction;
329  if (m_smearAng) {
330  if (m_sigmaSTX > 0. && m_sigmaSTY > 0.) {
331  // the beam transverse direction is centered on (TXforPosition, TYforPosition) at IP
332  part->smearAng(m_sigmaSTX, m_sigmaSTY, rootEngine);
333  } else {
334  // for smearAng() in urad, default are (STX=30.23, STY=30.23)
335  part->smearAng(STX, STY, rootEngine);
336  }
337  }
338  if (m_smearE) {
339  if (m_sig_e) {
340  part->smearE(m_sig_e, rootEngine);
341  } else {
342  part->smearE(SBE, rootEngine); // in GeV, default is SBE=0.79
343  }
344  }
345  if (direction == 1 && m_beamlineZDC1 != nullptr) {
346  part->computePath(m_beamlineZDC1);
347  is_stop_zdc = part->stopped(m_beamlineZDC1);
348  m_isStoppedzdc[line] = is_stop_zdc;
349  if (m_verbosity)
350  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing")
351  << "Hector:filterZDC: barcode " << line << " positive is_stop_zdc= " << is_stop_zdc;
352  } else if (direction == -1 && m_beamlineZDC2 != nullptr) {
353  part->computePath(m_beamlineZDC2);
354  is_stop_zdc = part->stopped(m_beamlineZDC2);
355  m_isStoppedzdc[line] = is_stop_zdc;
356  if (m_verbosity)
357  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing")
358  << "Hector:filterZDC: barcode " << line << " negative is_stop_zdc= " << is_stop_zdc;
359  } else {
360  m_isStoppedzdc[line] = true;
361  if (m_verbosity)
362  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing")
363  << "Hector:filterZDC: barcode " << line << " 0 is_stop_zdc= " << is_stop_zdc;
364  }
365  }
366  // if stopfp420 charged particles
367  else {
368  m_isStoppedzdc[line] = true; // neutrals particles considered as stopped in propagating to ZDC
369  if (m_verbosity)
370  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing")
371  << "Hector:filterZDC: barcode = " << line << " isStopped=" << (*m_isStoppedzdc.find(line)).second;
372  }
374  } // for (it = m_beamPart.begin(); it != m_beamPart.end(); it++ )
375  } // if ( m_beamPart.size() )
376 }
378 void Hector::filterD1(TRandom3* rootEngine) {
379  unsigned int line;
380  H_BeamParticle* part;
381  std::map<unsigned int, H_BeamParticle*>::iterator it;
383  bool is_stop_d1;
384  int direction;
386  float x1_d1;
387  float y1_d1;
389  if (!m_beamPart.empty() && lengthd1 > 0.) {
390  for (it = m_beamPart.begin(); it != m_beamPart.end(); ++it) {
391  line = (*it).first;
392  part = (*it).second;
393  if (m_verbosity)
394  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing")
395  << "Hector:filterD1: barcode = " << line << " isStoppedZDC =" << (*m_isStoppedzdc.find(line)).second;
396  if (((*m_isStoppedzdc.find(line)).second) || !((*m_isCharged.find(line)).second)) {
397  if (m_verbosity)
398  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterD1: barcode = " << line << " propagated ";
400  direction = (*m_direct.find(line)).second;
401  if (m_verbosity)
402  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterD1:direction=" << direction;
403  if (m_smearAng) {
404  if (m_sigmaSTX > 0. && m_sigmaSTY > 0.) {
405  // the beam transverse direction is centered on (TXforPosition, TYforPosition) at IP
406  part->smearAng(m_sigmaSTX, m_sigmaSTY, rootEngine);
407  } else {
408  // for smearAng() in urad, default are (STX=30.23, STY=30.23)
409  part->smearAng(STX, STY, rootEngine);
410  }
411  }
412  if (m_smearE) {
413  if (m_sig_e) {
414  part->smearE(m_sig_e, rootEngine);
415  } else {
416  part->smearE(SBE, rootEngine); // in GeV, default is SBE=0.79
417  }
418  }
419  if (direction == 1 && m_beamlineD11 != nullptr) {
420  part->computePath(m_beamlineD11);
421  is_stop_d1 = part->stopped(m_beamlineD11);
422  m_isStoppedd1[line] = is_stop_d1;
423  if (m_verbosity)
424  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing")
425  << "Hector:filterD1 barcode " << line << " positive is_stop_d1 = " << is_stop_d1;
426  } else if (direction == -1 && m_beamlineD12 != nullptr) {
427  part->computePath(m_beamlineD12);
428  is_stop_d1 = part->stopped(m_beamlineD12);
429  m_isStoppedd1[line] = is_stop_d1;
430  if (m_verbosity)
431  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing")
432  << "Hector:filterD1 barcode " << line << " negative is_stop_d1 = " << is_stop_d1;
433  } else {
434  is_stop_d1 = true;
435  m_isStoppedd1[line] = is_stop_d1;
436  if (m_verbosity)
437  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing")
438  << "Hector:filterD1 barcode " << line << " 0 is_stop_d1 = " << is_stop_d1;
439  }
440  //propagating
441  if (!is_stop_d1) {
442  part->propagate(lengthd1);
443  x1_d1 = part->getX();
444  y1_d1 = part->getY();
445  m_xAtTrPoint[line] = x1_d1;
446  m_yAtTrPoint[line] = y1_d1;
447  m_TxAtTrPoint[line] = part->getTX();
448  m_TyAtTrPoint[line] = part->getTY();
449  m_eAtTrPoint[line] = part->getE();
450  }
451  } // if stopzdc
452  else {
453  m_isStoppedd1[line] = false; // not stopped in propagating to ZDC and therefore in propagation to D1 too.
454  if (m_verbosity)
455  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing")
456  << "Hector:filterD1: barcode = " << line << " isStopped=" << (*m_isStoppedd1.find(line)).second;
457  }
459  } // for (it = m_beamPart.begin(); it != m_beamPart.end(); it++ )
460  } // if ( m_beamPart.size() )
461 }
463 int Hector::getDirect(unsigned int part_n) const {
464  std::map<unsigned int, int>::const_iterator it = m_direct.find(part_n);
465  if (it != m_direct.end()) {
466  return (*it).second;
467  }
468  return 0;
469 }
471 void Hector::print() const {
472  for (std::map<unsigned int, H_BeamParticle*>::const_iterator it = m_beamPart.begin(); it != m_beamPart.end(); ++it) {
473  (*it).second->printProperties();
474  };
475 }
478  theCorrespondenceMap.clear();
480  unsigned int line;
482  HepMC::GenParticle* gpart;
483  long double tx, ty, theta, fi, energy, time = 0;
484  std::map<unsigned int, H_BeamParticle*>::iterator it;
486  for (it = m_beamPart.begin(); it != m_beamPart.end(); ++it) {
487  line = (*it).first;
488  if (!m_FP420Transport)
489  m_isStoppedfp420[line] = true;
490  if (!m_ZDCTransport) {
491  m_isStoppedzdc[line] = false;
492  m_isStoppedd1[line] = true;
493  }
494  if (m_verbosity) {
495  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing")
496  << "Hector:addPartToHepMC: barcode = " << line << "\n"
497  << "Hector:addPartToHepMC: isStoppedfp420=" << (*m_isStoppedfp420.find(line)).second << "\n"
498  << "Hector:addPartToHepMC: isStoppedzdc=" << (*m_isStoppedzdc.find(line)).second << "\n"
499  << "Hector:addPartToHepMC: isStoppedd1=" << (*m_isStoppedd1.find(line)).second;
500  }
501  if (!((*m_isStoppedfp420.find(line)).second) ||
502  (!((*m_isStoppedd1.find(line)).second) && ((*m_isStoppedzdc.find(line)).second))) {
503  gpart = evt->barcode_to_particle(line);
504  if (gpart) {
505  tx = (*m_TxAtTrPoint.find(line)).second / 1000000.;
506  ty = (*m_TyAtTrPoint.find(line)).second / 1000000.;
507  theta = sqrt((tx * tx) + (ty * ty));
508  double ddd = 0.;
509  if (!((*m_isStoppedfp420.find(line)).second)) {
510  if ((*m_direct.find(line)).second > 0) {
511  ddd = m_rpp420_f;
512  } else if ((*m_direct.find(line)).second < 0) {
513  ddd = m_rpp420_b;
514  theta = pi - theta;
515  }
516  } else {
517  ddd = lengthd1;
518  if ((*m_direct.find(line)).second < 0)
519  theta = pi - theta;
520  }
522  fi = std::atan2(tx, ty); // tx, ty never == 0?
523  energy = (*m_eAtTrPoint.find(line)).second;
525  time = (ddd * meter - gpart->production_vertex()->position().z() * mm); // mm
527  if (ddd != 0.) {
528  if (m_verbosity) {
529  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing")
530  << "Hector:: x= " << (*(m_xAtTrPoint.find(line))).second * 0.001 << "\n"
531  << "Hector:: y= " << (*(m_yAtTrPoint.find(line))).second * 0.001 << "\n"
532  << "Hector:: z= " << ddd * (*(m_direct.find(line))).second * 1000. << "\n"
533  << "Hector:: t= " << time;
534  }
536  HepMC::GenVertex* vert = new HepMC::GenVertex(HepMC::FourVector((*(m_xAtTrPoint.find(line))).second * 0.001,
537  (*(m_yAtTrPoint.find(line))).second * 0.001,
538  ddd * (*(m_direct.find(line))).second * 1000.,
539  time + .001 * time));
541  gpart->set_status(2);
542  vert->add_particle_in(gpart);
543  vert->add_particle_out(new HepMC::GenParticle(HepMC::FourVector(energy * std::sin(theta) * std::sin(fi),
544  energy * std::sin(theta) * std::cos(fi),
545  energy * std::cos(theta),
546  energy),
547  gpart->pdg_id(),
548  1,
549  gpart->flow()));
550  evt->add_vertex(vert);
552  int ingoing = (*vert->particles_in_const_begin())->barcode();
553  int outgoing = (*vert->particles_out_const_begin())->barcode();
554  LHCTransportLink theLink(ingoing, outgoing);
555  if (m_verbosity)
556  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:addPartToHepMC: LHCTransportLink " << theLink;
557  theCorrespondenceMap.push_back(theLink);
559  if (m_verbosity)
560  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing")
561  << "Hector::TRANSPORTED pz= " << gpart->momentum().pz() << " eta= " << gpart->momentum().eta()
562  << " status= " << gpart->status();
564  } // ddd
565  } // if gpart
566  } // if !isStopped
568  else {
569  gpart = evt->barcode_to_particle(line);
570  if (gpart) {
571  // HepMC::GenVertex * vert= new HepMC::GenVertex();
572  gpart->set_status(2);
573  // vert->add_particle_in( gpart );
574  // vert->add_particle_out( gpart );
575  // evt->add_vertex( vert );
576  if (m_verbosity)
577  edm::LogVerbatim("HectorEventProcessing")
578  << "Hector::NON-transp. pz= " << gpart->momentum().pz() << " eta= " << gpart->momentum().eta()
579  << " status= " << gpart->status();
580  }
581  }
583  } //for
585  return evt;
586 }
Log< level::Info, true > LogVerbatim
std::map< unsigned int, int > m_direct
Definition: Hector.h:103
weight_default_t b1[25]
Definition: b1.h:9
std::map< unsigned int, bool > m_isCharged
Definition: Hector.h:116
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:307
HepMC source to be processed.
float m_rpp420_f
Definition: Hector.h:83
Sin< T >::type sin(const T &t)
Definition: Sin.h:22
bool m_ZDCTransport
Definition: Hector.h:123
std::map< unsigned int, double > m_eta
Definition: Hector.h:113
float m_rpp420_b
Definition: Hector.h:84
std::map< unsigned int, bool > m_isStoppedzdc
Definition: Hector.h:105
bool m_verbosity
Definition: Hector.h:121
double m_sig_e
Definition: Hector.h:78
H_BeamLine * m_beamlineZDC1
Definition: Hector.h:93
edm::ESHandle< ParticleDataTable > pdt
Definition: Hector.h:88
H_BeamLine * m_beamlineD11
Definition: Hector.h:95
std::map< unsigned int, bool > m_isStoppedd1
Definition: Hector.h:106
std::map< unsigned int, bool > m_isStoppedfp420
Definition: Hector.h:104
void clear()
double m_sigmaSTX
Definition: Hector.h:80
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e g
Definition: Activities.doc:4
const Double_t pi
main flag to set transport for ZDC
std::map< unsigned int, double > m_eAtTrPoint
Definition: Hector.h:111
U second(std::pair< T, U > const &p)
std::string beam2filename
Definition: Hector.h:119
float m_rppd1
Definition: Hector.h:86
H_BeamLine * m_beamlineZDC2
Definition: Hector.h:94
void filterD1(TRandom3 *)
std::map< unsigned int, double > m_pz
Definition: Hector.h:115
double lengthfp420
Definition: Hector.h:72
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:19
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
std::map< unsigned int, double > m_TyAtTrPoint
Definition: Hector.h:110
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
void filterFP420(TRandom3 *)
std::vector< LHCTransportLink > theCorrespondenceMap
Definition: Hector.h:125
Hector(const edm::ParameterSet &ps, const edm::ESGetToken< HepPDT::ParticleDataTable, PDTRecord > &, bool verbosity, bool FP420Transport, bool ZDCTransport)
weight_default_t b2[10]
Definition: b2.h:9
double m_sigmaSTY
Definition: Hector.h:81
void print() const
HepPDT::ParticleData ParticleData
ESHandle< T > getHandle(const ESGetToken< T, R > &iToken) const
Definition: EventSetup.h:130
const int verbosity
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo
virtual ~Hector()
int getDirect(unsigned int part_n) const
void filterZDC(TRandom3 *)
H_BeamLine * m_beamlineFP4201
Definition: Hector.h:91
Definition: HCALResponse.h:20
bool m_smearE
Definition: Hector.h:79
double etacut
Definition: Hector.h:76
const edm::ESGetToken< HepPDT::ParticleDataTable, PDTRecord > tok_pdt_
Definition: Hector.h:69
std::string beam1filename
Definition: Hector.h:118
void add(const HepMC::GenEvent *ev, const edm::EventSetup &es)
bool m_smearAng
Definition: Hector.h:77
H_BeamLine * m_beamlineD12
Definition: Hector.h:96
H_BeamLine * m_beamlineFP4202
Definition: Hector.h:92
float m_rppzdc
Definition: Hector.h:85
HepMC::GenEvent * addPartToHepMC(HepMC::GenEvent *event)
double lengthzdc
Definition: Hector.h:73
std::map< unsigned int, double > m_yAtTrPoint
Definition: Hector.h:108
std::map< unsigned int, int > m_pdg
Definition: Hector.h:114
std::map< unsigned int, double > m_TxAtTrPoint
Definition: Hector.h:109
std::map< unsigned int, double > m_xAtTrPoint
Definition: Hector.h:107
double lengthd1
Definition: Hector.h:74
Geom::Theta< T > theta() const
std::map< unsigned int, H_BeamParticle * > m_beamPart
Definition: Hector.h:102
bool m_FP420Transport
Definition: Hector.h:122
void clearApertureFlags()