1 from __future__
import absolute_import
2 from builtins
import range
8 ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(
9 ROOT.PyConfig.IgnoreCommandLineOptions =
True 11 from .plotting
import Subtract, FakeDuplicate, CutEfficiency, Transform, AggregateBins, ROC, Plot, PlotEmpty, PlotGroup, PlotOnSideGroup, PlotFolder, Plotter
12 from .html
import PlotPurpose
13 from .
import plotting
14 from .
import validation
23 _maxEff = [0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.025, 1.2, 1.5, 2]
24 _maxFake = [0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.025]
27 _minMaxResol = [1e-5, 4e-5, 1e-4, 4e-4, 1e-3, 4e-3, 1e-2, 4e-2, 0.1, 0.4, 1]
28 _minMaxN = [5e-1, 5, 5e1, 5e2, 5e3, 5e4, 5e5, 5e6, 5e7, 5e8, 5e9]
31 _maxHits = [5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80]
32 _minLayers = [0, 5, 10]
33 _maxLayers = [5, 10, 25]
35 _min3DLayers = [0, 5, 10]
36 _max3DLayers = [5, 10, 20]
37 _minZ = [-60, -40, -20, -10, -5]
38 _maxZ = [5, 10, 20, 40, 60]
39 _minPU = [0, 10, 20, 50, 100, 150]
40 _maxPU = [20, 50, 65, 80, 100, 150, 200, 250]
41 _minMaxTracks = [0, 200, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000]
42 _minMaxMVA = [-1.025, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1.025]
46 return ([-x
for x
in ma], ma)
49 (_minResidualCotTheta, _maxResidualCotTheta) =
_minMaxResidual([1e-4, 2e-4])
51 (_minResidualDz, _maxResidualDz) = (_minResidualDxy, _maxResidualDxy)
56 _legendDy_2rows = -0.025
57 _legendDy_2rows_3cols = -0.17
58 _legendDy_4rows = 0.09
65 _trackingIterationOrderHistogram =
"DQMData/Run 1/Tracking/Run summary/TrackBuilding/num_reco_coll" 72 xq +=
" (" + unit +
")" 74 effargs = dict(xtitle=
"TP "+xq , ytitle=
"efficiency vs "+q , ymax=_maxEff)
75 fakeargs = dict(xtitle=
"track "+xq, ytitle=
"fake+duplicates rate vs "+q, ymax=_maxFake)
76 effargs.update(common)
77 fakeargs.update(common)
78 effargs.update(effopts)
79 fakeargs.update(fakeopts)
82 Plot(
"effic_vs_"+p, **effargs),
83 Plot(
"fakeduprate_vs_"+p, assoc=
"num_assoc(recoToSim)_"+p, dup=
"num_duplicate_"+p, reco=
"num_reco_"+p, title=
"fake+duplicates vs "+q), **fakeargs)
95 xq +=
" (" + unit +
")" 99 Plot(
"fakerate_vs_"+p , xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=
"fakerate vs "+q , ymax=_maxFake, **common),
100 Plot(
"duplicatesRate_"+p, xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=
"duplicates rate vs "+q, ymax=_maxFake, **common),
101 Plot(
"pileuprate_"+p , xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=
"pileup rate vs "+q , ymax=_maxFake, **common),
105 return Subtract(
111 args = dict(xtitle=
"track "+q, ylog=
True, ymin=_minMaxN, ymax=_minMaxN)
115 Plot(
"num_reco_"+p , ytitle=
"tracks", **args),
116 Plot(
"num_assoc(recoToSim)_"+p, ytitle=
"true tracks", **args),
118 Plot(
"num_duplicate_"+p , ytitle=
"duplicate tracks", **args),
125 args = dict(xtitle=
"TP "+q, ylog=
True, ymin=_minMaxN, ymax=_minMaxN)
129 Plot(
"num_simul_"+p , ytitle=
"TrackingParticles", **args),
130 Plot(
"num_assoc(simToReco)_"+p, ytitle=
"Reconstructed TPs", **args),
134 pfix =
"_hp" if hp
else "" 135 pfix2 =
"Hp" if hp
else "" 137 xtitle =
"MVA%d output"%num
138 xtitlecut =
"Cut on MVA%d output"%num
139 args = dict(xtitle=xtitle, ylog=
True, ymin=_minMaxN, ymax=_minMaxN)
142 xtitle=
"Efficiency (excl. trk eff)", ytitle=
"Fake rate",
143 xmax=_maxEff, ymax=_maxFake,
147 ztitle=
"Cut on MVA%d"%num,
148 xtitleoffset=5, ytitleoffset=6.5, ztitleoffset=4,
149 adjustMarginRight=0.12
151 argsroc2.update(argsroc)
152 argsroc2[
"drawStyle"] =
"pcolz" 154 argsprofile = dict(ymin=_minMaxMVA, ymax=_minMaxMVA)
156 true_cuteff =
157 fake_cuteff =
161 Plot(
"num_assoc(recoToSim)_mva%d%s"%(num,pfix), ytitle=
"true tracks", **args),
162 Plot(
"num_assoc(recoToSim)_mva%d%s"%(num,pfix)), ytitle=
"fake tracks", **args),
163 Plot(
"effic_vs_mva%dcut%s"%(num,pfix), xtitle=xtitlecut, ytitle=
"Efficiency (excl. trk eff)", ymax=_maxEff),
165 Plot(
"fakerate_vs_mva%dcut%s"%(num,pfix), xtitle=xtitlecut, ytitle=
"Fake rate", ymax=_maxFake),
166 Plot(
"fakerate_vs_mva%dcut%s"%(num,pfix)), **argsroc),
167 Plot(
"fakerate_vs_mva%dcut%s"%(num,pfix), zaxis=
True), **argsroc2),
169 Plot(true_cuteff, xtitle=xtitlecut, ytitle=
"True track selection efficiency", ymax=_maxEff),
170 Plot(fake_cuteff, xtitle=xtitlecut, ytitle=
"Fake track selection efficiency", ymax=_maxEff),
171 Plot(
"true_eff_vs_fake_rej_mva%d%s"%(num,pfix), true_cuteff,
"fake_rej_mva%d%s"%(num,pfix), fake_cuteff,
lambda x: 1-x)), xtitle=
"True track selection efficiency", ytitle=
"Fake track rejection", xmax=_maxEff, ymax=_maxEff),
172 ], ncols=3, legendDy=_legendDy_1row),
174 Plot(
"mva_assoc(recoToSim)_mva%d%s_pT"%(num,pfix), xtitle=
"Track p_{T} (GeV)", ytitle=xtitle+
" for true tracks", xlog=
True, **argsprofile),
175 Plot(
"mva_fake_mva%d%s_pT"%(num,pfix), xtitle=
"Track p_{T} (GeV)", ytitle=xtitle+
" for fake tracks", xlog=
True, **argsprofile),
176 Plot(
"mva_assoc(recoToSim)_mva%d%s_eta"%(num,pfix), xtitle=
"Track #eta", ytitle=xtitle+
" for true tracks", **argsprofile),
177 Plot(
"mva_fake_mva%d%s_eta"%(num,pfix), xtitle=
"Track #eta", ytitle=xtitle+
" for fake tracks", **argsprofile),
178 ], legendDy=_legendDy_2rows)
182 Plot(
"efficPt", title=
"Efficiency vs p_{T}", xtitle=
"TP p_{T} (GeV)", ytitle=
"efficiency vs p_{T}", xlog=
True, ymax=_maxEff),
183 Plot(
"fakeduprate_vs_pT", assoc=
"num_assoc(recoToSim)_pT", dup=
"num_duplicate_pT", reco=
"num_reco_pT", title=
"fake+duplicates vs p_{T}"),
184 xtitle=
"track p_{T} (GeV)", ytitle=
"fake+duplicates rate vs p_{T}", ymax=_maxFake, xlog=
185 Plot(
"effic", xtitle=
"TP #eta", ytitle=
"efficiency vs #eta", title=
"", ymax=_maxEff),
186 Plot(
"fakeduprate_vs_eta", assoc=
"num_assoc(recoToSim)_eta", dup=
"num_duplicate_eta", reco=
"num_reco_eta", title=
187 xtitle=
"track #eta", ytitle=
"fake+duplicates rate vs #eta", ymax=_maxFake),
195 legendDy=_legendDy_2rows
202 legendDy=_legendDy_4rows
204 _effandfakeHitsLayers =
208 _makeEffFakeDupPlots(
"3Dlayer" ,
"3D layers" , common=dict(xmin=_min3DLayers, xmax=_max3DLayers)),
209 legendDy=_legendDy_4rows
211 _common = {
"ymin": 0,
"ymax": _maxEff}
213 _makeEffFakeDupPlots(
"vert r",
"cm", fakeopts=dict(xtitle=
"track ref. point r (cm)", ytitle=
"fake+duplicates vs. r"), common=dict(xlog=
True)) +
214 _makeEffFakeDupPlots(
"zpos" ,
"vert z",
"cm", fakeopts=dict(xtitle=
"track ref. point z (cm)", ytitle=
"fake+duplicates vs. z")) +
215 _makeEffFakeDupPlots(
"simpvz" ,
"Sim. PV z",
"cm", common=dict(xtitle=
"Sim. PV z (cm)", xmin=_minZ, xmax=_maxZ))
218 _makeEffFakeDupPlots(
"dr" ,
"#DeltaR", effopts=dict(xtitle=
"TP min #DeltaR"), fakeopts=dict(xtitle=
"track min #DeltaR"), common=dict(xlog=
True)) +
219 _makeEffFakeDupPlots(
"drj" ,
"#DeltaR(track, jet)", effopts=dict(xtitle=
"#DeltaR(TP, jet)", ytitle=
"efficiency vs #DeltaR(TP, jet"), fakeopts=dict(xtitle=
"#DeltaR(track, jet)"), common=dict(xlog=
True, xmax=_maxDRJ))+
221 legendDy=_legendDy_4rows
225 _algos_common = dict(removeEmptyBins=
True, xbinlabelsize=10, xbinlabeloption=
226 _duplicateAlgo =
"duplicates_oriAlgo_vs_oriAlgo", drawStyle=
"COLZ", adjustMarginLeft=0.1, adjustMarginRight=0.1, **_algos_common))
229 Plot(
"fakeratePt", xtitle=
"track p_{T} (GeV)", ytitle=
"fakerate vs p_{T}", xlog=
True, ymax=_maxFake),
230 Plot(
"duplicatesRate_Pt", xtitle=
"track p_{T} (GeV)", ytitle=
"duplicates rate vs p_{T}", ymax=_maxFake, xlog=
231 Plot(
"pileuprate_Pt", xtitle=
"track p_{T} (GeV)", ytitle=
"pileup rate vs p_{T}", ymax=_maxFake, xlog=
232 Plot(
"fakerate", xtitle=
"track #eta", ytitle=
"fakerate vs #eta", title=
"", ymax=_maxFake),
233 Plot(
"duplicatesRate", xtitle=
"track #eta", ytitle=
"duplicates rate vs #eta", title=
"", ymax=_maxFake),
234 Plot(
"pileuprate", xtitle=
"track #eta", ytitle=
"pileup rate vs #eta", title=
"", ymax=_maxFake),
241 ncols=3, legendDy=_legendDy_2rows_3cols
248 ncols=3, legendDy=_legendDy_4rows
250 _dupandfakeHitsLayers =
255 ncols=3, legendDy=_legendDy_4rows
265 _makeFakeDupPileupPlots(
"drj" ,
"#DeltaR(track, jet)", xtitle=
"#DeltaR(track, jet)", common=dict(xlog=
True, xmax=_maxDRJ)) +
269 _seedingLayerSet_common = dict(removeEmptyBins=
True, xbinlabelsize=8, xbinlabeloption=
"d", adjustMarginRight=0.1)
270 _dupandfakeSeedingPlots =
"seeding layers", xtitle=
"", common=_seedingLayerSet_common)
271 _dupandfakeChi2Seeding =
273 _dupandfakeSeedingPlots,
274 ncols=3, legendDy=_legendDy_2rows_3cols
278 "ytitle":
"Fake+pileup rate",
283 _common2.update(_common)
284 _common2[
"drawStyle"] =
"pcolz" 285 _common2[
"ztitleoffset"] = 1.5
286 _common2[
"xtitleoffset"] = 7
287 _common2[
"ytitleoffset"] = 10
288 _common2[
"ztitleoffset"] = 6
290 Plot(
"fakepileup_vs_dzpvcut", assoc=
"num_assoc(recoToSim)_dzpvcut", reco=
"num_reco_dzpvcut", dup=
291 xtitle=
"Efficiency vs. cut on dz(PV)", **_common),
292 Plot(
"fakepileup_vs_dzpvcut", assoc=
"num_assoc(recoToSim)_dzpvcut", reco=
"num_reco_dzpvcut", dup=
"num_pileup_dzpvcut"), zaxis=
293 xtitle=
"Efficiency", ztitle=
"Cut on dz(PV)", **_common2),
295 Plot(
"fakepileup_vs_dzpvsigcut", assoc=
"num_assoc(recoToSim)_dzpvsigcut", reco=
"num_reco_dzpvsigcut", dup=
296 xtitle=
"Efficiency vs. cut on dz(PV)/dzError", **_common),
297 Plot(
"fakepileup_vs_dzpvsigcut", assoc=
"num_assoc(recoToSim)_dzpvsigcut", reco=
"num_reco_dzpvsigcut", dup=
"num_pileup_dzpvsigcut"), zaxis=
298 xtitle=
"Efficiency", ztitle=
"Cut on dz(PV)/dzError", **_common2),
299 ], onlyForPileup=
300 legendDy=_legendDy_4rows
303 Plot(
"effic_vs_dzpvcut", xtitle=
"Cut on dz(PV) (cm)", ytitle=
"Efficiency vs. cut on dz(PV)", ymax=_maxEff),
304 Plot(
"effic_vs_dzpvcut2", xtitle=
"Cut on dz(PV) (cm)", ytitle=
"Efficiency (excl. trk eff)", ymax=_maxEff),
305 Plot(
"fakerate_vs_dzpvcut", xtitle=
"Cut on dz(PV) (cm)", ytitle=
"Fake rate vs. cut on dz(PV)", ymax=_maxFake),
306 Plot(
"pileuprate_dzpvcut", xtitle=
"Cut on dz(PV) (cm)", ytitle=
"Pileup rate vs. cut on dz(PV)", ymax=_maxFake),
308 Plot(
"effic_vs_dzpvsigcut", xtitle=
"Cut on dz(PV)/dzError", ytitle=
"Efficiency vs. cut on dz(PV)/dzError", ymax=_maxEff),
309 Plot(
"effic_vs_dzpvsigcut2", xtitle=
"Cut on dz(PV)/dzError", ytitle=
"Efficiency (excl. trk eff)", ymax=_maxEff),
310 Plot(
"fakerate_vs_dzpvsigcut", xtitle=
"Cut on dz(PV)/dzError", ytitle=
"Fake rate vs. cut on dz(PV)/dzError", ymax=_maxFake),
311 Plot(
"pileuprate_dzpvsigcut", xtitle=
"Cut on dz(PV)/dzError", ytitle=
"Pileup rate vs. cut on dz(PV)/dzError", ymax=_maxFake),
312 ], onlyForPileup=
313 legendDy=_legendDy_4rows
318 _common = {
320 Plot(
"h_dedx_estim1", xtitle=
"dE/dx, harm2", **_common),
321 Plot(
"h_dedx_estim2", xtitle=
"dE/dx, trunc40", **_common),
322 Plot(
"h_dedx_nom1", xtitle=
"dE/dx number of measurements", title=
"", **_common),
323 Plot(
"h_dedx_sat1", xtitle=
"dE/dx number of measurements with saturation", title=
"", **_common),
325 legendDy=_legendDy_2rows
329 Plot(
"chargeMisIdRate", xtitle=
"#eta", ytitle=
"charge mis-id rate vs #eta", ymax=0.05),
330 Plot(
"chargeMisIdRate_Pt", xtitle=
"p_{T}", ytitle=
"charge mis-id rate vs p_{T}", xmax=300, ymax=0.1, xlog=
331 Plot(
"chargeMisIdRate_hit", xtitle=
"hits", ytitle=
"charge mis-id rate vs hits", title=
332 Plot(
"chargeMisIdRate_phi", xtitle=
"#phi", ytitle=
"charge mis-id rate vs #phi", title=
"", ymax=0.01),
333 Plot(
"chargeMisIdRate_dxy", xtitle=
"dxy", ytitle=
"charge mis-id rate vs dxy", ymax=0.1),
334 Plot(
"chargeMisIdRate_dz", xtitle=
"dz", ytitle=
"charge mis-id rate vs dz", ymax=0.1)
336 _common = {
"ymin": 1e-6,
338 Plot(
"missing_inner_layers", xmin=_minLayers, xmax=_maxLayers, ymax=1, **_common),
339 Plot(
"missing_outer_layers", xmin=_minLayers, xmax=_maxLayers, ymax=1, **_common),
340 Plot(
"hits_eta", xtitle=
"track #eta", ytitle=
"<hits> vs #eta", ymin=_minHits, ymax=_maxHits, statyadjust=[0,0,-0.15],
341 fallback={
342 Plot(
"hits", stat=
True, xtitle=
"track hits", xmin=_minHits, xmax=_maxHits, ylog=
True, ymin=[5e-1, 5, 5e1, 5e2, 5e3], drawStyle=
343 Plot(
"num_simul_pT", xtitle=
"TP p_{T}", xlog=
True, ymax=[1e-1, 2e-1, 5e-1, 1], **_common),
344 Plot(
"num_reco_pT", xtitle=
"track p_{T}", xlog=
True, ymax=[1e-1, 2e-1, 5e-1, 1], **_common)
347 Plot(
"chi2", stat=
True, normalizeToUnitArea=
True, ylog=
True, ymin=1e-6, ymax=[0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0001], drawStyle=
"hist", xtitle=
"#chi^{2}", ratioUncertainty=
348 Plot(
"chi2_prob", stat=
True, normalizeToUnitArea=
True, drawStyle=
"hist", xtitle=
349 Plot(
"chi2mean", title=
"", xtitle=
"#eta", ytitle=
"< #chi^{2} / ndf >", ymin=[0, 0.5], ymax=[2, 2.5, 3, 5],
350 fallback={
351 Plot(
"ptres_vs_eta_Mean", scale=100, title=
"", xtitle=
"TP #eta (PCA to beamline)", ytitle=
"< #delta p_{T} / p_{T} > (%)", ymin=_minResidualPt, ymax=_maxResidualPt),
352 Plot(
"chi2mean_vs_pt", title=
"", xtitle=
"p_{T}", ytitle=
"< #chi^{2} / ndf >", ymin=[0, 0.5], ymax=[2, 2.5, 3, 5], xlog=
True, fallback={
353 Plot(
"chi2mean_vs_drj", title=
"", xtitle=
"#DeltaR(track, jet)", ytitle=
"< #chi^{2} / ndf >", ymin=[0, 0.5], ymax=[2, 2.5, 3, 5], xlog=
True, xmax=_maxDRJ, fallback={
354 Plot(
"ptres_vs_pt_Mean", title=
"", xtitle=
"p_{T}", ytitle=
"< #delta p_{T}/p_{T} > (%)", scale=100, ymin=_minResidualPt, ymax=_maxResidualPt,xlog=
356 legendDy=_legendDy_4rows
358 _common = {
"xmin": -10,
"xmax": 10,
"ymin": 5e-5,
"ymax": [0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.025],
360 Plot(
"pullPt", **_common),
361 Plot(
"pullQoverp", **_common),
362 Plot(
"pullPhi", **_common),
363 Plot(
"pullTheta", **_common),
364 Plot(
"pullDxy", **_common),
365 Plot(
"pullDz", **_common),
367 legendDx=0.1, legendDw=-0.1, legendDh=-0.015
369 _common = {
"TP #eta (PCA to beamline)",
"ymin": _minMaxResol,
"ymax": _minMaxResol}
371 Plot(
"phires_vs_eta_Sigma", ytitle=
"#sigma(#delta #phi) (rad)", **_common),
372 Plot(
"cotThetares_vs_eta_Sigma", ytitle=
"#sigma(#delta cot(#theta))", **_common),
373 Plot(
"dxyres_vs_eta_Sigma", ytitle=
"#sigma(#delta d_{xy}) (cm)", **_common),
374 Plot(
"dzres_vs_eta_Sigma", ytitle=
"#sigma(#delta d_{z}) (cm)", **_common),
375 Plot(
"ptres_vs_eta_Sigma", ytitle=
"#sigma(#delta p_{T}/p_{T})", **_common),
377 _common = {
"TP p_{T} (PCA to beamline)",
"xmin": 0.1,
"xmax": 1000,
"ymin": _minMaxResol,
"ymax": _minMaxResol}
379 Plot(
"phires_vs_pt_Sigma", ytitle=
"#sigma(#delta #phi) (rad)", **_common),
380 Plot(
"cotThetares_vs_pt_Sigma", ytitle=
"#sigma(#delta cot(#theta))", **_common),
381 Plot(
"dxyres_vs_pt_Sigma", ytitle=
"#sigma(#delta d_{xy}) (cm)", **_common),
382 Plot(
"dzres_vs_pt_Sigma", ytitle=
"#sigma(#delta d_{z}) (cm)", **_common),
383 Plot(
"ptres_vs_pt_Sigma", ytitle=
"#sigma(#delta p_{T}/p_{T})", **_common),
385 _common = {
"TP #Phi (PCA to beamline)",
"ymin": _minMaxResol,
"ymax": _minMaxResol}
387 Plot(
"dxyres_vs_phi_Sigma", ytitle=
"#sigma(#delta d_{xy}) (cm)", **_common),
388 Plot(
"dzres_vs_phi_Sigma", ytitle=
"#sigma(#delta d_{z}) (cm)", **_common),
389 Plot(
"phires_vs_phi_Sigma", ytitle=
"#sigma(#delta #phi) (rad)", **_common),
390 Plot(
"ptres_vs_phi_Sigma", ytitle=
"#sigma(#delta p_{T}/p_{T})", **_common),
402 ncols=4, legendDy=_legendDy_2rows)
408 ncols=4, legendDy=_legendDy_4rows)
410 _makeDistPlots(
"hit" ,
"hits" , common=dict(xmin=_minHits , xmax=_maxHits)) +
411 _makeDistPlots(
"layer" ,
"layers" , common=dict(xmin=_minLayers , xmax=_maxLayers)) +
412 _makeDistPlots(
"pixel layers", common=dict( xmax=_maxPixelLayers)) +
413 _makeDistPlots(
"3Dlayer" ,
"3D layers" , common=dict(xmin=_min3DLayers, xmax=_max3DLayers)),
414 ncols=4, legendDy=_legendDy_4rows,
417 _makeDistPlots(
"ref. point r (cm)", common=dict(xlog=
True)) +
419 _makeDistPlots(
"simpvz" ,
"Sim. PV z (cm)", common=dict(xmin=_minZ, xmax=_maxZ)),
424 _makeDistPlots(
"drj" ,
"#DeltaR(track, jet)", common=dict(xlog=
True, xmax=_maxDRJ)),
425 ncols=2, legendDy=_legendDy_2rows,
427 _extDistSeedingPlots =
"seeding layers", common=dict(xtitle=
"", **_seedingLayerSet_common))
430 _extDistSeedingPlots,
431 ncols=4, legendDy=_legendDy_2rows_3cols
433 _common = dict(title=
"", xtitle=
"TP #eta (PCA to beamline)")
435 Plot(
"phires_vs_eta_Mean", ytitle=
"< #delta #phi > (rad)", ymin=_minResidualPhi, ymax=_maxResidualPhi, **_common),
436 Plot(
"cotThetares_vs_eta_Mean", ytitle=
"< #delta cot(#theta) >", ymin=_minResidualCotTheta, ymax=_maxResidualCotTheta, **_common),
437 Plot(
"dxyres_vs_eta_Mean", ytitle=
"< #delta d_{xy} > (#mum)", scale=10000, ymin=_minResidualDxy, ymax=_maxResidualDxy, **_common),
438 Plot(
"dzres_vs_eta_Mean", ytitle=
"< #delta d_{z} > (#mum)", scale=10000, ymin=_minResidualDz, ymax=_maxResidualDz, **_common),
439 Plot(
"ptres_vs_eta_Mean", ytitle=
"< #delta p_{T}/p_{T} > (%)", scale=100, ymin=_minResidualPt, ymax=_maxResidualPt, **_common),
441 _common = dict(title=
"", xlog=
True, xtitle=
"TP p_{T} (PCA to beamline)", xmin=0.1, xmax=1000)
443 Plot(
"phires_vs_pt_Mean", ytitle=
"< #delta #phi > (rad)", ymin=_minResidualPhi, ymax=_maxResidualPhi, **_common),
444 Plot(
"cotThetares_vs_pt_Mean", ytitle=
"< #delta cot(#theta > )", ymin=_minResidualCotTheta, ymax=_maxResidualCotTheta, **_common),
445 Plot(
"dxyres_vs_pt_Mean", ytitle=
"< #delta d_{xy} > (#mum)", scale=10000, ymin=_minResidualDxy, ymax=_maxResidualDxy, **_common),
446 Plot(
"dzres_vs_pt_Mean", ytitle=
"< #delta d_{z} > (#mum)", scale=10000, ymin=_minResidualDz, ymax=_maxResidualDz, **_common),
447 Plot(
"ptres_vs_pt_Mean", ytitle=
"< #delta p_{T}/p_{T} > (%)", scale=100, ymin=_minResidualPt, ymax=_maxResidualPt, **_common),
449 _common = dict(title=
"", ytitle=
"Selected tracks/TrackingParticles", ymax=_maxEff)
451 Plot(
"nrec_vs_nsim", title=
"", xtitle=
"TrackingParticles", ytitle=
"Tracks", profileX=
True, xmin=_minMaxTracks, xmax=_minMaxTracks, ymin=_minMaxTracks, ymax=_minMaxTracks),
452 Plot(
"nrecPerNsim_vs_pu", xtitle=
"Pileup", xmin=_minPU, xmax=_maxPU, **_common),
453 Plot(
"nrecPerNsimPt", xtitle=
"p_{T} (GeV)", xlog=
True, **_common),
454 Plot(
"nrecPerNsim", xtitle=
"#eta", **_common)
455 ], legendDy=_legendDy_2rows)
457 Plot(
"PXLhits_vs_eta", xtitle=
"#eta", ytitle=
"<pixel hits>"),
458 Plot(
"PXLlayersWithMeas_vs_eta", xtitle=
"#eta", ytitle=
"<pixel layers>"),
459 Plot(
"STRIPhits_vs_eta", xtitle=
"#eta", ytitle=
"<strip hits>"),
460 Plot(
"STRIPlayersWithMeas_vs_eta", xtitle=
"#eta", ytitle=
"<strip layers>"),
461 ], legendDy=_legendDy_2rows)
473 ncols=2, legendDy=_legendDy_2rows)
479 ncols=2, legendDy=_legendDy_4rows)
482 _makeDistSimPlots(
"layer" ,
"layers" , common=dict(xmin=_minLayers , xmax=_maxLayers)) +
483 _makeDistSimPlots(
"pixel layers", common=dict( xmax=_maxPixelLayers)) +
484 _makeDistSimPlots(
"3Dlayer" ,
"3D layers" , common=dict(xmin=_min3DLayers, xmax=_max3DLayers)),
485 ncols=2, legendDy=_legendDy_4rows,
490 _makeDistSimPlots(
"simpvz" ,
"Sim. PV z (cm)", common=dict(xmin=_minZ, xmax=_maxZ)),
495 _makeDistSimPlots(
"drj" ,
"#DeltaR(TP, jet)", common=dict(xlog=
True, xmax=_maxDRJ)),
496 ncols=2, legendDy=_legendDy_2rows,
505 _possibleTrackingNonIterationColls = [
509 _possibleTrackingColls = [
510 'initialStepPreSplitting',
514 'detachedTripletStep',
528 'displacedGeneralStep',
529 'jetCoreRegionalStep',
530 'muonSeededStepInOut',
531 'muonSeededStepOutIn',
532 'displacedRegionalStepPair',
533 'displacedRegionalStepTripl',
534 'displacedRegionalStep',
536 ] + _possibleTrackingNonIterationColls
537 _possibleTrackingCollsOld = {
551 ret = subfolder.replace(
552 for (old, new)
in [(
553 (
554 (
555 (
556 (
557 (
558 (
559 (
560 ret = ret.replace(old, new)
565 for (old, new)
in [(
566 (
567 (
568 (
569 (
570 (
571 (
572 (
573 path = path.replace(old, new)
577 return subfolder.replace(
579 return subfolder.replace(
581 return subfolder.replace(
585 _additionalTrackQualities = [
592 quality =
"highPurity" 595 collNameNoQuality = collName.replace(
596 for qual
in _additionalTrackQualities:
599 collNameNoQuality = collNameNoQuality.replace(qual,
601 collNameNoQuality = collNameNoQuality.replace(
"", 1)
604 if collNameLow.find(
"seed") == 0:
605 collNameLow = collNameLow[4:]
606 if collNameLow ==
607 collNameLow =
"initialsteppresplittingseeds" 608 elif collNameLow ==
609 collNameLow =
"muonseededstepinoutseeds" 610 elif collNameLow ==
611 collNameLow =
"muonseededstepoutinseeds" 613 i_seeds = collNameLow.index(
614 quality = collNameLow[i_seeds:]+quality
616 collNameLow = collNameLow[:i_seeds]
619 prefixes = [
620 if collNameLow
in [
622 elif collNameLow
in [
627 if coll == collNameLow.replace(pfx,
631 for coll
in _possibleTrackingColls:
632 if testColl(coll.lower()):
637 for coll, name
in _possibleTrackingCollsOld.items():
638 if testColl(coll.lower()):
644 algo = collNameNoQuality
647 if algo ==
648 algo =
"muonSeededStepInOut" 649 if algo ==
650 algo =
"muonSeededStepOutIn" 652 return (algo, quality)
655 return (name, [name])
656 _collLabelMap = collections.OrderedDict(
map(_collhelper, [
657 _collLabelMapHp = collections.OrderedDict(
map(_collhelper, [
for n
in _possibleTrackingColls
if "Step" in n]))
661 algo =
"generalTracks" 665 if algo !=
"generalTracks" and "ByOriginalAlgo" not in quality:
667 quality = quality.replace(
669 if algo !=
"generalTracks" and "ByAlgoMask" not in quality:
671 quality = quality.replace(
673 if "Pt09" not in quality:
675 quality = quality.replace(
678 if quality ==
681 i_seeds = quality.find(
684 seedSubColl = quality[i_seeds+5:]
685 if seedSubColl !=
686 ret += seedSubColl[0].upper() + seedSubColl[1:]
693 def _constructSummary(mapping=None, highPurity=False, byOriginalAlgo=False, byAlgoMask=False, ptCut=False, seeds=False, midfix=""):
694 _common = {
"xbinlabelsize": 10,
695 _commonN = dict(ylog=
True, ymin=_minMaxN, ymax=_minMaxN,
696 normalizeToNumberOfEvents=
698 _commonN.update(_common)
699 _commonAB = dict(mapping=mapping,
700 renameBin=
lambda bl:
_summaryBinRename(bl, highPurity, byOriginalAlgo, byAlgoMask, ptCut, seeds),
701 ignoreMissingBins=
704 if byOriginalAlgo
or byAlgoMask:
705 _commonAB[
"minExistingBins"] = 2
706 prefix =
708 h_eff =
"effic_vs_coll" 709 h_fakerate =
"fakerate_vs_coll" 710 h_duplicaterate =
"duplicatesRate_coll" 711 h_pileuprate =
"pileuprate_coll" 713 h_reco =
"num_reco_coll" 714 h_true =
"num_assoc(recoToSim)_coll" 715 h_fake =
716 h_duplicate =
"num_duplicate_coll" 717 h_pileup =
"num_pileup_coll" 718 if mapping
is not None:
720 h_fakerate =
"fakerate", h_fakerate, **_commonAB)
721 h_duplicaterate =
"duplicatesRate", h_duplicaterate, **_commonAB)
722 h_pileuprate =
"pileuprate", h_pileuprate, **_commonAB)
727 h_duplicate =
"num_duplicate_coll", h_duplicate, **_commonAB)
728 h_pileup =
"num_pileup_coll", h_pileup, **_commonAB)
731 Plot(h_eff, title=
"Efficiency vs collection", ytitle=
"Efficiency", ymin=1e-3, ymax=1, ylog=
True, **_common),
732 Plot(h_fakerate, title=
"Fakerate vs collection", ytitle=
"Fake rate", ymax=_maxFake, **_common),
734 Plot(h_duplicaterate, title=
"Duplicates rate vs collection", ytitle=
"Duplicates rate", ymax=_maxFake, **_common),
735 Plot(h_pileuprate, title=
"Pileup rate vs collection", ytitle=
"Pileup rate", ymax=_maxFake, **_common),
737 legendDy=_legendDy_2rows
739 summaryN =
"_ntracks", [
746 Plot(h_reco, ytitle=
"Tracks", title=
"Number of tracks vs collection", **_commonN),
747 Plot(h_true, ytitle=
"True tracks", title=
"Number of true tracks vs collection", **_commonN),
748 Plot(h_fake, ytitle=
"Fake tracks", title=
"Number of fake tracks vs collection", **_commonN),
749 Plot(h_duplicate, ytitle=
"Duplicate tracks", title=
"Number of duplicate tracks vs collection", **_commonN),
750 Plot(h_pileup, ytitle=
"Pileup tracks", title=
"Number of pileup tracks vs collection", **_commonN),
753 return (summary, summaryN)
758 (_summaryByOriginalAlgo, _summaryByOriginalAlgoN) =
_constructSummary(_collLabelMapHp, byOriginalAlgo=
True, midfix=
759 (_summaryByOriginalAlgoHp, _summaryByOriginalAlgoNHp) =
_constructSummary(_collLabelMapHp, byOriginalAlgo=
True, midfix=
"ByOriginalAlgo", highPurity=
760 (_summaryByAlgoMask, _summaryByAlgoMaskN) =
_constructSummary(_collLabelMapHp, byAlgoMask=
True, midfix=
761 (_summaryByAlgoMaskHp, _summaryByAlgoMaskNHp) =
_constructSummary(_collLabelMapHp, byAlgoMask=
True, midfix=
"ByAlgoMask", highPurity=
762 (_summaryPt09, _summaryPt09N) =
_constructSummary(_collLabelMap, ptCut=
True, midfix=
763 (_summaryPt09Hp, _summaryPt09NHp) =
_constructSummary(_collLabelMap, ptCut=
True, midfix=
"Pt09", highPurity=
772 _common = {
"ymin": [1e-7, 1e-6, 1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2],
"ymax": [1e-2, 1e-1, 1.1]}
774 _commonStatus.update(_common)
775 _commonStatus.update({
"xbinlabelsize": 10,
"adjustMarginRight": 0.08})
776 _commonLabelSize = {}
777 _commonLabelSize.update(_common)
778 _commonLabelSize.update({
"xlabelsize": 17})
781 Plot(
"selectionFlow", xbinlabelsize=10, xbinlabeloption=
"d", adjustMarginRight=0.1, drawStyle=
"hist", ylog=
True, ymin=[0.9, 9, 9e1, 9e2, 9e3, 9e4, 9e5, 9e6, 9e7]),
782 Plot(
"diffCharge", xtitle=
"Charge", **_common),
783 Plot(
"diffIsHighPurity", xtitle=
"High purity status", **_common),
784 Plot(
"diffNdof", xtitle=
"ndof", **_common),
785 Plot(
"diffNormalizedChi2", xtitle=
"#chi^{2}/ndof", **_common),
788 _packedCandidateHitsHitPattern =
"hitsHitPattern", [
789 Plot(
"diffHitPatternNumberOfValidHits", xtitle=
"Valid hits (via HitPattern)", **_common),
790 Plot(
"diffHitPatternNumberOfValidPixelHits", xtitle=
"Valid pixel hits (via HitPattern)", **_common),
791 Plot(
"diffHitPatternHasValidHitInFirstPixelBarrel", xtitle=
"Has valid hit in BPix1 layer (via HitPattern)", **_common),
792 Plot(
"diffHitPatternNumberOfLostPixelHits", xtitle=
"Lost pixel hits (via HitPattern)", **_common),
794 legendDy=_legendDy_2rows
797 Plot(
"diffNumberOfHits", xtitle=
"Hits", **_common),
798 Plot(
"diffNumberOfPixelHits", xtitle=
"Pixel hits", **_common),
799 Plot(
"diffLostInnerHits", xtitle=
"Lost inner hits", **_common),
800 Plot(
"numberHitsOverMax", xtitle=
"Number of overflown hits", **_common),
801 Plot(
"numberPixelHitsOverMax", xtitle=
"Number of overflown pixel hits", **_common),
802 Plot(
"numberStripHitsOverMax", xtitle=
"Number of overflown strip hits", **_common),
804 ncols=3, legendDy=_legendDy_2rows_3cols
809 Plot(
"diffNumberOfPixelLayers", xtitle=
"Pixel layers", **_common),
810 Plot(
"diffNumberOfStripLayers", xtitle=
"Strip layers", **_common),
812 Plot(
"diffHitPatternTrackerLayersWithMeasurement", xtitle=
"Layers (via HitPattern)", **_common),
813 Plot(
"diffHitPatternPixelLayersWithMeasurement", xtitle=
"Pixel layers (via HitPattern)", **_common),
814 Plot(
"diffHitPatternStripLayersWithMeasurement", xtitle=
"Strip layers (via HitPattern)", **_common),
816 Plot(
"numberLayersOverMax", xtitle=
"Number of overflown layers", **_common),
817 Plot(
"numberPixelLayersOverMax", xtitle=
"Number of overflown pixel layers", **_common),
818 Plot(
"numberStripLayersOverMax", xtitle=
"Number of overflown strip layers", **_common),
824 _packedCandidateImpactParameter1 =
"impactParameter1", [
825 Plot(
"diffDxyAssocPV", xtitle=
"dxy(assocPV)", adjustMarginRight=0.02, **_commonLabelSize),
826 Plot(
"diffDxyAssocPVStatus", **_commonStatus),
827 Plot(
"diffDxyAssocPVUnderOverFlowSign", xtitle=
"dxy(assocPV)", **_common),
828 Plot(
"diffDzAssocPV", xtitle=
"dz(assocPV)", adjustMarginRight=0.02, **_commonLabelSize),
829 Plot(
"diffDzAssocPVStatus", **_commonStatus),
830 Plot(
"diffDzAssocPVUnderOverFlowSign", xtitle=
"dz(assocPV)", **_common),
831 Plot(
"diffDxyError", xtitle=
"dxyError()", adjustMarginRight=0.02, **_commonLabelSize),
832 Plot(
"diffDszError", xtitle=
"dszError()", adjustMarginRight=0.02, **_commonLabelSize),
833 Plot(
"diffDzError", xtitle=
"dzError()", adjustMarginRight=0.02, **_commonLabelSize),
839 _packedCandidateImpactParameter2 =
"impactParameter2", [
840 Plot(
"diffDxyPV", xtitle=
"dxy(PV) via PC", **_commonLabelSize),
841 Plot(
"diffDzPV", xtitle=
"dz(PV) via PC", **_commonLabelSize),
842 Plot(
"diffTrackDxyAssocPV", xtitle=
"dxy(PV) via PC::bestTrack()", **_commonLabelSize),
843 Plot(
"diffTrackDzAssocPV", xtitle=
"dz(PV) via PC::bestTrack()", **_commonLabelSize),
844 Plot(
"diffTrackDxyError", xtitle=
"dxyError() via PC::bestTrack()", adjustMarginRight=0.02, **_commonLabelSize),
845 Plot(
"diffTrackDzError", xtitle=
"dzError() via PC::bestTrack()", **_commonLabelSize),
848 _packedCandidateCovarianceMatrix1 =
"covarianceMatrix1", [
849 Plot(
"diffCovQoverpQoverp", xtitle=
"cov(qoverp, qoverp)", **_commonLabelSize),
850 Plot(
"diffCovQoverpQoverpStatus", **_commonStatus),
851 Plot(
"diffCovQoverpQoverpUnderOverFlowSign", xtitle=
"cov(qoverp, qoverp)", **_common),
852 Plot(
"diffCovLambdaLambda", xtitle=
"cov(lambda, lambda)", **_commonLabelSize),
853 Plot(
"diffCovLambdaLambdaStatus", **_commonStatus),
854 Plot(
"diffCovLambdaLambdaUnderOverFlowSign", xtitle=
"cov(lambda, lambda)", **_common),
855 Plot(
"diffCovLambdaDsz", xtitle=
"cov(lambda, dsz)", **_commonLabelSize),
856 Plot(
"diffCovLambdaDszStatus", **_commonStatus),
857 Plot(
"diffCovLambdaDszUnderOverFlowSign", xtitle=
"cov(lambda, dsz)", **_common),
858 Plot(
"diffCovPhiPhi", xtitle=
"cov(phi, phi)", **_commonLabelSize),
859 Plot(
"diffCovPhiPhiStatus", **_commonStatus),
860 Plot(
"diffCovPhiPhiUnderOverFlowSign", xtitle=
"cov(phi, phi)", **_common),
862 ncols=3, legendDy=_legendDy_4rows
864 _packedCandidateCovarianceMatrix2 =
"covarianceMatrix2", [
865 Plot(
"diffCovPhiDxy", xtitle=
"cov(phi, dxy)", **_commonLabelSize),
866 Plot(
"diffCovPhiDxyStatus", **_commonStatus),
867 Plot(
"diffCovPhiDxyUnderOverFlowSign", xtitle=
"cov(phi, dxy)", **_common),
868 Plot(
"diffCovDxyDxy", xtitle=
"cov(dxy, dxy)", adjustMarginRight=0.02, **_commonLabelSize),
869 Plot(
"diffCovDxyDxyStatus", **_commonStatus),
870 Plot(
"diffCovDxyDxyUnderOverFlowSign", xtitle=
"cov(dxy, dxy)", **_common),
871 Plot(
"diffCovDxyDsz", xtitle=
"cov(dxy, dsz)", adjustMarginRight=0.02, **_commonLabelSize),
872 Plot(
"diffCovDxyDszStatus", **_commonStatus),
873 Plot(
"diffCovDxyDszUnderOverFlowSign", xtitle=
"cov(dxy, dsz)", **_common),
874 Plot(
"diffCovDszDsz", xtitle=
"cov(dsz, dsz)", adjustMarginRight=0.02, **_commonLabelSize),
875 Plot(
"diffCovDszDszStatus", **_commonStatus),
876 Plot(
"diffCovDszDszUnderOverFlowSign", xtitle=
"cov(dsz, dsz)", **_common),
878 ncols=3, legendDy=_legendDy_4rows
881 _common[
"xlabelsize"] = 16
883 Plot(
"diffVx", xtitle=
"Reference point x", **_common),
884 Plot(
"diffVy", xtitle=
"Reference point y", **_common),
885 Plot(
"diffVz", xtitle=
"Reference point z", **_common),
887 legendDy=_legendDy_2rows
890 _common[
"adjustMarginRight"] = 0.05
892 Plot(
"diffPt", xtitle=
"p_{T}", **_common),
893 Plot(
"diffPtError", xtitle=
"p_{T} error", **_common),
894 Plot(
"diffEta", xtitle=
"#eta", **_common),
895 Plot(
"diffEtaError", xtitle=
"#eta error", **_common),
896 Plot(
"diffPhi", xtitle=
"#phi", **_common),
902 PlotFolder.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
905 spl = dqmSubFolderName.split(
912 (algoOrig, quality) = translatedDqmSubFolder
918 if plotFolderName !=
919 ret +=
922 if not (algo ==
"ootb" and quality !=
927 """Return True if this subfolder should be processed 930 limitOnlyTo -- Function '(algo, quality) -> bool' 931 translatedDqmSubFolder -- Return value of translateSubFolder 933 (algo, quality) = translatedDqmSubFolder
934 return limitOnlyTo(algo, quality)
938 return algo
not in _possibleTrackingNonIterationColls
950 def __init__(self, section, collection=GeneralTracks):
966 def _getAlgoQuality(data, algo, quality):
967 for label, value
in data.items():
969 if a == algo
and q == quality:
973 h = tdirectory.Get(hname)
978 return _getAlgoQuality(data,
980 return _getAlgoQuality(data,
982 return _getAlgoQuality(data,
984 return _getAlgoQuality(data,
986 return _getAlgoQuality(data,
988 return _getAlgoQuality(data,
990 return _getAlgoQuality(data,
992 return _getAlgoQuality(data,
995 def _formatOrNone(num, func):
1000 n_tps = _formatOrNone(_getN(
"num_simul_coll"), int)
1001 n_m_tps = _formatOrNone(_getN(
"num_assoc(simToReco)_coll"), int)
1003 n_tracks = _formatOrNone(_getN(
"num_reco_coll"), int)
1004 n_true = _formatOrNone(_getN(
"num_assoc(recoToSim)_coll"), int)
1005 if n_tracks
is not None and n_true
is not None:
1006 n_fake = n_tracks-n_true
1009 n_pileup = _formatOrNone(_getN(
"num_pileup_coll"), int)
1010 n_duplicate = _formatOrNone(_getN(
"num_duplicate_coll"), int)
1012 eff = _formatOrNone(_getN(
lambda n:
"%.4f" % n)
1013 eff_nopt = _formatOrNone(_getN(
lambda n:
"%.4f" % n)
1014 fake = _formatOrNone(_getN(
lambda n:
"%.4f" % n)
1015 duplicate = _formatOrNone(_getN(
lambda n:
"%.4f" % n)
1017 ret = [eff, n_tps, n_m_tps,
1018 eff_nopt, fake, duplicate,
1019 n_tracks, n_true, n_fake, n_pileup, n_duplicate]
1020 if ret.count(
None) == len(ret):
1027 "Number of TrackingParticles (after cuts)",
1028 "Number of matched TrackingParticles",
1029 "Efficiency (w/o pT cut)",
1033 "Number of true tracks",
1034 "Number of fake tracks",
1035 "Number of pileup tracks",
1036 "Number of duplicate tracks" 1041 def __init__(self, fileName, plots, titles, isRate, **kwargs):
1047 if len(plots) != len(titles):
1048 raise Exception(
"Number of plots (%d) has to be the same as number of titles (%d)" % (len(plots), len(titles)))
1050 def _set(attr, default):
1051 setattr(self,
"_"+attr, kwargs.get(attr, default))
1053 _set(
1056 """Return True if the PlotGroup is intended only for pileup samples""" 1057 return self._onlyForPileup
1059 def create(self, tdirectoryNEvents, requireAllHistograms=False):
1062 plot.create(tdirectoryNEvents, requireAllHistograms)
1064 def draw(self, legendLabels, prefix=None, directory="", *args, **kwargs):
1066 onlyEmptyPlots =
True 1068 if not plot.isEmpty():
1069 onlyEmptyPlots =
False 1074 haveShortLabels =
False 1075 legendLabels = legendLabels[:]
1076 if max(
map(len, legendLabels)) > 20:
1077 haveShortLabels =
True 1078 labels_short = [
for i
in range(len(legendLabels))]
1079 for i, ls
in enumerate(labels_short):
1080 legendLabels[i] =
"%s: %s" % (ls, legendLabels[i])
1082 labels_short = legendLabels
1087 ' <table border="1">',
1098 for h, l
in zip(plot._histograms, labels_short):
1100 h_tmp.append(len(histos_linear))
1101 histos_linear.append(h)
1105 histos_index.append(h_tmp)
1106 labels.append(l_tmp)
1109 ' <td colspan="%d">%s</td>' % (len(h_tmp), title),
1112 if len(histos_linear) == 0:
1122 if len(histos_linear) == 0:
1126 if len(histos_linear_new) > 0
and len(histos_linear_new) != len(histos_linear):
1127 raise Exception(
"This should never happen. len(histos_linear_new) %d != len(histos_linear) %d" % (len(histos_linear_new), len(histos_linear)))
1128 histos_linear = histos_linear_new
1129 if len(histos_linear) == 0:
1132 data = [ [h.GetBinContent(i)
for i
in range(1, h.GetNbinsX()+1)]
for h
in histos_linear]
1133 table =
"dummy"]*len(histos_linear), xbinlabels, data,
1134 data = table.tableAsRowColumn()
1137 content.append(
' <td></td>')
1138 content.extend([
' <td>%s</td>' % lab
for lab
in labs])
1143 for irow, row
in enumerate(data):
1146 ' <td>%s</td>' % table.rowHeaders()[irow]
1149 for hindices
in histos_index:
1150 for hindex
in hindices:
1152 formatted = self.
if item
is not None else "" 1153 content.append(
' <td align="right">%s</td>' % formatted)
1154 content.append(
' <td></td>')
1156 content.append(
' </tr>')
1158 content.append(
' </table>')
1160 for lab
in legendLabels:
1161 content.append(
' %s<br/>' % lab)
1169 if prefix
is not None:
1172 name = os.path.join(directory, name)
1174 with open(name,
as f:
1175 for line
in content:
1181 [
"Fake rate",
"Duplicate rate",
"Pileup rate"], isRate=
1183 [
"All tracks",
"True tracks",
"Fake tracks",
"Duplicate tracks"], isRate=
1187 "DQMData/Run 1/Tracking/Run summary/"+lastDirName,
1188 "DQMData/Tracking/"+lastDirName,
1189 "DQMData/Run 1/RecoTrackV/Run summary/"+lastDirName,
1190 "DQMData/RecoTrackV/"+lastDirName,
1194 _effandfakePtEtaPhi,
1197 _effandfakeHitsLayers,
1199 _effandfakeDeltaRPU,
1203 _dupandfakePtEtaPhi,
1206 _dupandfakeHitsLayers,
1208 _dupandfakeDeltaRPU,
1209 _dupandfakeChi2Seeding,
1210 _dupandfakeSeedingTable,
1222 _seedingBuildingPlots = _simBasedPlots + [
1223 _dupandfakePtEtaPhi,
1226 _dupandfakeHitsLayers,
1228 _dupandfakeDeltaRPU,
1229 _dupandfakeChi2Seeding,
1230 _dupandfakeSeedingTable,
1238 _buildingExtendedPlots = [
1252 _extDistChi2Seeding,
1253 _extDistSeedingTable,
1258 _extDistSimPtEtaPhi,
1261 _extDistSimHitsLayers,
1268 _summaryByOriginalAlgo,
1269 _summaryByOriginalAlgoN,
1271 _summaryByAlgoMaskN,
1278 _summaryByOriginalAlgoHp,
1279 _summaryByOriginalAlgoNHp,
1280 _summaryByAlgoMaskHp,
1281 _summaryByAlgoMaskNHp,
1285 _summaryPlotsSeeds = [
1289 _packedCandidatePlots = [
1290 _packedCandidateFlow,
1291 _packedCandidateKinematics,
1292 _packedCandidateVertex,
1293 _packedCandidateImpactParameter1,
1294 _packedCandidateImpactParameter2,
1295 _packedCandidateCovarianceMatrix1,
1296 _packedCandidateCovarianceMatrix2,
1297 _packedCandidateHits,
1298 _packedCandidateHitsHitPattern,
1299 _packedCandidateLayers,
1303 def _appendTrackingPlots(lastDirName, name, algoPlots, onlyForPileup=False, onlyForElectron=False, onlyForConversion=False, onlyForBHadron=False, seeding=False, building=False, rawSummary=False, highPuritySummary=True):
1306 limiters = dict(onlyForPileup=onlyForPileup, onlyForElectron=onlyForElectron, onlyForConversion=onlyForConversion, onlyForBHadron=onlyForBHadron)
1308 _trackingRefFileFallbackSLHC_Phase1PU140
1310 common = dict(fallbackDqmSubFolders=[
1311 _trackingSubFoldersFallbackSLHC_Phase1PU140,
1312 _trackingSubFoldersFallbackFromPV, _trackingSubFoldersFallbackConversion,
1313 _trackingSubFoldersFallbackPreSplitting])
1314 plotter.append(name, folders,
TrackingPlotFolder(*algoPlots, **commonForTPF), **common)
1317 extendedPlots.extend(_buildingExtendedPlots)
1318 extendedPlots.extend(_extendedPlots)
1319 plotterExt.append(name, folders,
TrackingPlotFolder(*extendedPlots, **commonForTPF), **common)
1323 summaryName += name+
"_" 1324 summaryName +=
"summary" 1327 summaryPlots.extend([_summaryRaw, _summaryRawN])
1328 summaryPlots.extend(_summaryPlots)
1333 plotter.append(summaryName, folders,
1334 PlotFolder(*summaryPlots, section=name, **common))
1335 if highPuritySummary:
1336 plotter.append(summaryName+
"_highPurity", folders,
1337 PlotFolder(*_summaryPlotsHp, section=name+
"_highPurity" if name !=
"" else "highPurity", **common),
1338 fallbackNames=[summaryName])
1340 plotter.append(summaryName+
"_seeds", folders,
1341 PlotFolder(*_summaryPlotsSeeds, section=name+
"_seeds", **common))
1345 if highPuritySummary:
1346 sectionName = name+
"_highPurity" if name !=
"" else "highPurity" 1354 _appendTrackingPlots(
"tpEtaGreater2p7", _simBasedPlots+_recoBasedPlots)
1356 _appendTrackingPlots(
"fromPV", _simBasedPlots+_recoBasedPlots, onlyForPileup=
1357 _appendTrackingPlots(
"fromPVAllTP", _simBasedPlots+_recoBasedPlots, onlyForPileup=
1358 _appendTrackingPlots(
"fromPVAllTP2", _simBasedPlots+_recoBasedPlots, onlyForPileup=
1361 _appendTrackingPlots(
"conversion", _simBasedPlots+_recoBasedPlots, onlyForConversion=
True, rawSummary=
True, highPuritySummary=
1362 _appendTrackingPlots(
"gsf", _simBasedPlots+_recoBasedPlots, onlyForElectron=
True, rawSummary=
True, highPuritySummary=
1363 _appendTrackingPlots(
"bhadron", _simBasedPlots+_recoBasedPlots, onlyForBHadron=
1370 plotter.append(name, _folders,
TrackingPlotFolder(*(_simBasedPlots+_recoBasedPlots), **_common))
1385 PlotFolder(*_packedCandidatePlots, loopSubFolders=
1387 plotter.append(
1388 PlotFolder(*_packedCandidatePlots, loopSubFolders=
1393 "DQMData/Run 1/HLT/Run summary/Tracking/ValidationWRTtp",
1398 plotterHLT.append(
"hlt", _hltFolder,
TrackingPlotFolder(*(_simBasedPlots+_recoBasedPlots), **_common))
1399 plotterHLTExt.append(
"hlt", _hltFolder,
TrackingPlotFolder(*_extendedPlots, **_common))
1403 def __init__(self, name, clusterMasking=None, seeding=None, building=None, fit=None, selection=None, other=[]):
1406 def _set(param, name, modules):
1407 if param
is not None:
1408 setattr(self, name, param)
1410 setattr(self, name, modules)
1412 _set(clusterMasking,
"_clusterMasking", [self.
1415 _set(seeding,
"_seeding", [self.
"SeedingLayers", self.
"TrackingRegions", self.
"HitDoublets", self.
"HitTriplets", self.
"HitQuadruplets", self.
1416 trackCandidates = self.
"TrackCandidates" 1417 _set(building,
"_building", [trackCandidates+
"MkFitSeeds", trackCandidates+
"MkFit", trackCandidates])
1418 _set(fit,
"_fit", [self.
1419 _set(selection,
"_selection", [self.
1426 return self._clusterMasking+self._seeding+self._building+self._fit+self._selection+self.
_other 1429 return self._clusterMasking
1432 return self._seeding
1435 return self._building
1441 return self._selection
1450 (
"Fit", self.
1452 (
"Other", self.
1457 seeding=[
1458 "initialStepTrackingRegionsPreSplitting",
1459 "initialStepHitDoubletsPreSplitting",
1460 "initialStepHitTripletsPreSplitting",
1461 "initialStepHitQuadrupletsPreSplitting",
1462 "initialStepSeedsPreSplitting"],
1463 building=[
1464 "initialStepTrackCandidatesMkFitSeedsPreSplitting",
1465 "initialStepTrackCandidatesMkFitPreSplitting"],
1466 fit=[
1467 other=[
1468 "initialStepTrackRefsForJetsPreSplitting",
1469 "caloTowerForTrkPreSplitting",
1470 "ak4CaloJetsForTrkPreSplitting",
1471 "jetsForCoreTrackingPreSplitting",
1474 "MeasurementTrackerEvent",
1475 "siPixelClusterShapeCache",
1476 "mkFitSiPixelHitsPreSplitting",
1478 "mkFitEventOfHitsPreSplitting"]),
1479 Iteration(
"initialStep", clusterMasking=[],
1480 selection=[
1481 "initialStepClassifier2",
1482 "initialStepClassifier3",
1484 "initialStepSelector"],
1485 other=[
1486 "initialStepTrackRefsForJets",
1488 "ak4CaloJetsForTrk",
1489 "firstStepPrimaryVertices",
1491 "mkFitEventOfHits"]),
1493 selection=[
1494 "highPtTripletStepClassifier2",
1495 "highPtTripletStepClassifier3",
1496 "highPtTripletStep",
1497 "highPtTripletStepSelector"]),
1499 selection=[
1500 "detachedQuadStepClassifier2",
1502 "detachedQuadStepSelector"]),
1504 selection=[
1505 "detachedTripletStepClassifier2",
1506 "detachedTripletStep",
1507 "detachedTripletStepSelector"]),
1509 selection=[
1510 "lowPtQuadStepClassifier2",
1512 "lowPtQuadStepSelector"]),
1514 selection=[
1515 "lowPtTripletStepClassifier2",
1517 "lowPtTripletStepSelector"]),
1519 seeding=[
1520 "pixelPairStepSeedLayersB",
1521 "pixelPairStepSeedLayersC",
1522 "pixelPairStepTrackingRegions",
1523 "pixelPairStepTrackingRegionsB",
1524 "pixelPairStepTrackingRegionsC",
1525 "pixelPairStepTrackingRegionsSeedLayersB",
1526 "pixelPairStepHitDoublets",
1527 "pixelPairStepHitDoubletsB",
1528 "pixelPairStepHitDoubletsC",
1529 "pixelPairStepSeedsA",
1530 "pixelPairStepSeedsB",
1531 "pixelPairStepSeedsC",
1532 "pixelPairStepSeeds",],
1533 selection=[
1534 "pixelPairStepSelector"]),
1536 seeding=[
1537 "mixedTripletStepSeedLayersB",
1538 "mixedTripletStepTrackingRegionsA",
1539 "mixedTripletStepTrackingRegionsB",
1540 "mixedTripletStepHitDoubletsA",
1541 "mixedTripletStepHitDoubletsB",
1542 "mixedTripletStepHitTripletsA",
1543 "mixedTripletStepHitTripletsB",
1544 "mixedTripletStepSeedsA",
1545 "mixedTripletStepSeedsB",
1546 "mixedTripletStepSeeds"],
1547 selection=[
1548 "mixedTripletStepClassifier2",
1550 "mixedTripletStepSelector"]),
1552 selection=[
1553 "pixelLessStepClassifier2",
1555 "pixelLessStepSelector"]),
1557 seeding=[
1558 "tobTecStepSeedLayersPair",
1559 "tobTecStepTrackingRegionsTripl",
1560 "tobTecStepTrackingRegionsPair",
1561 "tobTecStepHitDoubletsTripl",
1562 "tobTecStepHitDoubletsPair",
1563 "tobTecStepHitTripletsTripl",
1564 "tobTecStepSeedsTripl",
1565 "tobTecStepSeedsPair",
1567 selection=[
1568 "tobTecStepClassifier2",
1570 "tobTecStepSelector"]),
1572 seeding=[
1573 "displacedGeneralStepTrackingRegions",
1574 "displacedGeneralStepHitDoublets",
1575 "displacedGeneralStepHitTriplets",
1576 "displacedGeneralStepSeeds"],
1577 selection=[
1578 "displacedGeneralStepClassifier2",
1579 "displacedGeneralStep",
1580 "displacedGeneralStepSelector"]),
1583 other=[
1584 "firstStepGoodPrimaryVertices",
1588 seeding=[
1589 "muonSeededSeedsOutIn"],
1590 building=[
1591 "muonSeededTrackCandidatesOutIn"],
1592 fit=[
1593 "muonSeededTracksOutIn"],
1594 selection=[
1595 "muonSeededTracksInOutSelector",
1596 "muonSeededTracksOutIntClassifier",
1597 "muonSeededTracksOutIntSelector"],
1601 seeding=[
1602 "displacedRegionalStepSeedLayersPair",
1603 "displacedRegionalStepTrackingRegionsTripl",
1604 "displacedRegionalStepTrackingRegionsPair",
1605 "displacedRegionalStepHitDoubletsTripl",
1606 "displacedRegionalStepHitDoubletsPair",
1607 "displacedRegionalStepHitTripletsTripl",
1608 "displacedRegionalStepSeedsTripl",
1609 "displacedRegionalStepSeedsPair",
1610 "displacedRegionalStepSeeds"],
1611 selection=[
1612 "displacedRegionalStepClassifier2",
1613 "displacedRegionalStep",
1614 "displacedRegionalStepSelector"]),
1616 clusterMasking=[], seeding=[],
1617 building=[
1618 fit=[
1619 selection=[
1621 clusterMasking=[], seeding=[], building=[], fit=[], selection=[],
1622 other=[
1625 clusterMasking=[
1626 seeding=[
1627 "photonConvTrajSeedFromSingleLeg"],
1628 building=[
1629 fit=[
1630 selection=[
1631 Iteration(
"Other", clusterMasking=[], seeding=[], building=[], fit=[], selection=[],
1632 other=[
1633 "trackerClusterCheck"]),
1637 iterations = _iterations
1638 if not includeConvStep:
1639 iterations = [i
for i
in iterations
if i.name() !=
1641 iterations = [i
for i
in iterations
if i.name() ==
1642 return collections.OrderedDict([(i.name(), i.all())
for i
in iterations])
1646 for i
in _iterations:
1647 if i.name() ==
1649 ret.extend(getattr(i, prop)())
1652 return collections.OrderedDict([
1653 (
"ClusterMask", getProp(
1654 (
"Seeding", getProp(
1655 (
"Building", getProp(
1656 (
"Fitting", getProp(
1657 (
"Selection", getProp(
1658 (
"Other", getProp(
1677 if eventsTh1
is None:
1679 nevents = eventsTh1.GetEntries()
1683 ret = timeTh1.Clone(self.
1684 xaxis = ret.GetXaxis()
1685 for i
in range(1, ret.GetNbinsX()+1):
1686 ret.SetBinContent(i, ret.GetBinContent(i)/nevents)
1687 ret.SetBinError(i, ret.GetBinError(i)/nevents)
1688 xaxis.SetBinLabel(i, xaxis.GetBinLabel(i).
" (unscheduled)",
1692 path = tdirectory.GetPath()
1693 if path
not in self.
1698 def __init__(self, name, timeHisto, selectedTracks=False):
1708 tdir = tfile.Get(dirName)
1720 tfile = tdirectory.GetFile()
1725 iterMap = copy.copy(_collLabelMapHp)
1726 del iterMap[
1727 del iterMap[
1729 renameBin =
lambda bl:
_summaryBinRename(bl, highPurity=
True, byOriginalAlgo=
False, byAlgoMask=
True, ptCut=
False, seeds=
1731 renameBin =
lambda bl:
_summaryBinRename(bl, highPurity=
False, byOriginalAlgo=
False, byAlgoMask=
False, ptCut=
False, seeds=
1732 recoAB =
"num_reco_coll", mapping=iterMap,ignoreMissingBins=
True, renameBin=renameBin)
1733 h_reco_per_iter = recoAB.create(trkDir)
1734 if h_reco_per_iter
is None:
1737 for i
in range(1, h_reco_per_iter.GetNbinsX()+1):
1738 values[h_reco_per_iter.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(i)] = h_reco_per_iter.GetBinContent(i)
1742 for i
in range(1, timeTh1.GetNbinsX()+1):
1743 iterName = timeTh1.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(i)
1744 if iterName
in values:
1745 ntrk = values[iterName]
1746 result.append( (iterName,
1747 timeTh1.GetBinContent(i)/ntrk
if ntrk > 0
else 0,
1748 timeTh1.GetBinError(i)/ntrk
if ntrk > 0
else 0) )
1750 if len(result) == 0:
1753 res = ROOT.TH1F(self.
_name, self.
_name, len(result), 0, len(result))
1754 for i, (label, value, error)
in enumerate(result):
1755 res.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i+1, label)
1756 res.SetBinContent(i+1, value)
1757 res.SetBinError(i+1, error)
1766 h = f.Get(_trackingIterationOrderHistogram)
1769 xaxis = h.GetXaxis()
1773 return s.replace(
1774 return [_edit(xaxis.GetBinLabel(i))
for i
in range(1, h.GetNbinsX()+1)]
1777 ret = list(
range(0, len(labels)))
1778 f = tdirectory.GetFile()
1782 if not f.GetName()
in self.
1786 self.
_cache[f.GetName()] = r
1787 order = self.
1793 orderIndices.append(labels.index(l))
1797 for i, l
in enumerate(labels):
1800 found = orderIndices.index(i)
1804 ret.append(orderIndices[0])
1806 ret.append(orderIndices[0])
1831 h = tdirectory.Get(histo._timeHisto)
1834 totalReco =
"%.1f" % h.Integral()
1837 h = creator.create(tdirectory)
1838 totalTracking =
None 1840 totalTracking =
"%.1f" % h.Integral()
1843 h = creator.create(tdirectory)
1844 totalConvStep =
None 1846 totalConvStep =
"%.1f" % h.Integral()
1855 cpuValues = self.
_getValues(tdirectory, _time_per_event_cpu)
1856 realValues = self.
_getValues(tdirectory, _time_per_event_real)
1858 return cpuValues + realValues
1862 "Average reco CPU time / event (ms)",
1863 "Average tracking (w/o convStep) CPU time / event (ms)",
1864 "Average convStep CPU time / event (ms)",
1865 "Average reco real time / event (ms)",
1866 "Average tracking (w/o convStep) real time / event (ms)",
1867 "Average convStep real time / event (ms)",
1872 "xbinlabelsize": 10,
1873 "xbinlabeloption":
"d" 1881 Plot(_time_per_iter_cpu,
1882 ytitle=
"Average CPU time (ms)", title=
"Average CPU time / event", legendDx=-0.4, **_common),
1884 ytitle=
"Fraction", title=
"", normalizeToUnitArea=
True, **_common),
1887 ytitle=
"Average CPU time (ms)", title=
"Average CPU time / event", **_common),
1889 ytitle=
"Fraction", title=
"", normalizeToUnitArea=
True, **_common),
1892 ytitle=
"Average CPU time / built track (ms)", title=
"Average CPU time / built track", **_common),
1894 ytitle=
"Average CPU time / selected track (ms)", title=
"Average CPU time / selected HP track by algoMask", **_common),
1898 Plot(_time_per_iter_real,
1899 ytitle=
"Average real time (ms)", title=
"Average real time / event", legendDx=-0.4, **_common),
1901 ytitle=
"Fraction", title=
"", normalizeToUnitArea=
True, **_common),
1904 ytitle=
"Average real time (ms)", title=
"Average real time / event", **_common),
1906 ytitle=
"Fraction", title=
"", normalizeToUnitArea=
True, **_common),
1909 ytitle=
"Average real time / built track (ms)", title=
"Average real time / built track", **_common),
1911 ytitle=
"Average real time / selected track (ms)", title=
"Average real time / selected HP track by algoMask", **_common),
1916 Plot(
AggregateBins(i.name(), _time_per_event_cpu, collections.OrderedDict(i.modules()), ignoreMissingBins=
1917 ytitle=
"Average CPU time (ms)", title=i.name(), **_common)
1918 for i
in _iterations
1920 ncols=4, legend=
False 1923 Plot(
AggregateBins(i.name(), _time_per_event_real, collections.OrderedDict(i.modules()), ignoreMissingBins=
1924 ytitle=
"Average real time (ms)", title=i.name(), **_common)
1925 for i
in _iterations
1927 ncols=4, legend=
False 1937 "DQMData/Run 1/DQM/Run summary/TimerService/process RECO paths/path prevalidation_step",
1940 timePlotter.append(
"timing", _timeFolders,
1942 _timing_iterationsCPU,
1943 _timing_summaryReal,
1944 _timing_iterationsReal,
1950 _common = {
1952 Plot(
"TPlip", xtitle=
"TP lip", **_common),
1953 Plot(
"TPtip", xtitle=
"TP tip", **_common),
1957 tpPlotter.append(
"tp", [
1958 "DQMData/Run 1/Tracking/Run summary/TrackingMCTruth/TrackingParticle",
1959 "DQMData/Tracking/TrackingMCTruth/TrackingParticle",
def iterSelectionName(self, plotFolderName, translatedDqmSubFolder)
def create(self, tdirectory)
def getSection(self, dqmSubFolder)
def _makeFakeDist(postfix)
def _makeFakeDupPileupPlots(postfix, quantity, unit="", xquantity="", xtitle=None, common={})
def __init__(self, name, timeHisto)
def _getOrCreateObject(tdirectory, nameOrCreator)
def _iterModuleMap(includeConvStep=True, onlyConvStep=False)
def replace(string, replacements)
def _getDirectory(self, tfile)
def _makeDistSimPlots(postfix, quantity, common={})
def getSection(self, dqmSubFolder)
def create(self, tdirectory)
def _summaryBinRename(binLabel, highPurity, byOriginalAlgo, byAlgoMask, ptCut, seeds)
def isAlgoIterative(self, algo)
def _trackingSubFoldersFallbackPreSplitting(subfolder)
def translateSubFolder(self, dqmSubFolderName)
def _mapCollectionToAlgoQuality(collName)
def __init__(self, section, collection=GeneralTracks)
def __init__(self, args, kwargs)
OutputIterator zip(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2, OutputIterator result, Compare comp)
def create(self, tdirectoryNEvents, requireAllHistograms=False)
def _trackingSubFoldersFallbackConversion(subfolder)
def __call__(self, tdirectory, labels)
def _appendTrackingPlots(lastDirName, name, algoPlots, onlyForPileup=False, onlyForElectron=False, onlyForConversion=False, onlyForBHadron=False, seeding=False, building=False, rawSummary=False, highPuritySummary=True)
def _trackingSubFoldersFallbackSLHC_Phase1PU140(subfolder)
def create(self, tdirectory)
def limitSubFolder(self, limitOnlyTo, translatedDqmSubFolder)
def __init__(self, name, timeHisto, selectedTracks=False)
def _makeMVAPlots(num, hp=False)
def _trackingRefFileFallbackSLHC_Phase1PU140(path)
def _th1RemoveEmptyBins(histos, xbinlabels)
def _appendPixelTrackingPlots(lastDirName, name)
def _constructSummary(mapping=None, highPurity=False, byOriginalAlgo=False, byAlgoMask=False, ptCut=False, seeds=False, midfix="")
def _trackingSubFoldersFallbackFromPV(subfolder)
def _makeDistPlots(postfix, quantity, common={})
def __init__(self, fileName, plots, titles, isRate, kwargs)
def _create(self, tdirectory)
def create(self, tdirectory)
def _trackingFolders(lastDirName="Track")
def __init__(self, name, clusterMasking=None, seeding=None, building=None, fit=None, selection=None, other=[])
def _makeEffFakeDupPlots(postfix, quantity, unit="", common={}, effopts={}, fakeopts={})
def _th1ToOrderedDict(th1, renameBin=None)
def draw(self, legendLabels, prefix=None, directory="", args, kwargs)
def _mergeBinLabelsX(histos)
def _th1IncludeOnlyBins(histos, xbinlabels)
def _getValues(self, tdirectory, histo)