bool | operator() (reco::Vertex const &pv, pat::strbitset &ret) override |
| This provides the interface for base classes to select objects. More...
| PVObjectSelector () |
| PVObjectSelector (edm::ParameterSet const ¶ms, edm::ConsumesCollector &&iC) |
| PVObjectSelector (edm::ParameterSet const ¶ms) |
void | clear (std::string const &s) |
| Turn off a given selection cut. More...
void | clear (index_type const &i) |
bool | considerCut (std::string const &s) const |
| consider the cut at index "s" More...
bool | considerCut (index_type const &i) const |
int | cut (index_type const &i, int val) const |
| Access the int cut values at index "s". More...
double | cut (index_type const &i, double val) const |
| Access the double cut values at index "s". More...
int | cut (std::string s, int val) const |
| Access the int cut values at index "s". More...
double | cut (std::string s, double val) const |
| Access the double cut values at index "s". More...
pat::strbitset | getBitTemplate () const |
| Get an empty bitset with the proper names. More...
double | getPasses (std::string const &s) const |
| Return the number of passing cases. More...
double | getPasses (index_type const &i) const |
bool | ignoreCut (std::string const &s) const |
| ignore the cut at index "s" More...
bool | ignoreCut (index_type const &i) const |
virtual bool | operator() (reco::Vertex const &t) |
| This provides an alternative signature without the second ret. More...
virtual bool | operator() (reco::Vertex const &t, edm::EventBase const &e, pat::strbitset &ret) |
| This provides an alternative signature that includes extra information. More...
virtual bool | operator() (reco::Vertex const &t, edm::EventBase const &e) |
| This provides an alternative signature that includes extra information. More...
bool | operator[] (std::string const &s) const |
bool | operator[] (index_type const &i) const |
void | passCut (pat::strbitset &ret, std::string const &s) |
| Passing cuts. More...
void | passCut (pat::strbitset &ret, index_type const &i) |
void | print (std::ostream &out) const |
| Print the cut flow. More...
void | printActiveCuts (std::ostream &out) const |
| Print the cuts being considered. More...
virtual void | push_back (std::string const &s) |
| This is the registration of an individual cut string. More...
virtual void | push_back (std::string const &s, int cut) |
| This is the registration of an individual cut string, with an int cut value. More...
virtual void | push_back (std::string const &s, double cut) |
| This is the registration of an individual cut string, with a double cut value. More...
| Selector () |
| Constructor clears the bits. More...
void | set (std::string const &s, bool val=true) |
| Set a given selection cut, on or off. More...
void | set (index_type const &i, bool val=true) |
void | set (std::string const &s, int cut, bool val=true) |
| Set a given selection cut, on or off, and reset int cut value. More...
void | set (index_type const &i, int cut, bool val=true) |
void | set (std::string const &s, double cut, bool val=true) |
| Set a given selection cut, on or off, and reset int cut value. More...
void | set (index_type const &i, double cut, bool val=true) |
void | setIgnored (pat::strbitset &ret) |
| set ignored bits More...
void | setIgnoredCuts (std::vector< std::string > const &bitsToIgnore) |
| set the bits to ignore from a vector More...
virtual | ~Selector () |