List of all members | Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes
SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester:
DQMEDHarvester edm::one::EDProducer< edm::EndLuminosityBlockProducer, edm::EndRunProducer, edm::EndProcessBlockProducer, edm::one::WatchLuminosityBlocks, edm::one::WatchRuns, edm::one::SharedResources, edm::Accumulator > edm::one::EDProducerBase edm::ProducerBase edm::EDConsumerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

Public Member Functions

void dqmEndJob (DQMStore::IBooker &, DQMStore::IGetter &) override
void endRun (edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
 SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester () override=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from DQMEDHarvester
void accumulate (edm::Event const &ev, edm::EventSetup const &es) final
void beginJob () override
void beginLuminosityBlock (edm::LuminosityBlock const &lumi, edm::EventSetup const &) final
void beginRun (edm::Run const &run, edm::EventSetup const &) override
virtual void dqmAnalyze (DQMStore::IBooker &, DQMStore::IGetter &, edm::Event const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
 DQMEDHarvester (edm::ParameterSet const &iConfig)
 DQMEDHarvester ()
virtual void dqmEndLuminosityBlock (DQMStore::IBooker &, DQMStore::IGetter &, edm::LuminosityBlock const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
virtual void dqmEndRun (DQMStore::IBooker &, DQMStore::IGetter &, edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
void endLuminosityBlock (edm::LuminosityBlock const &, edm::EventSetup const &) final
void endLuminosityBlockProduce (edm::LuminosityBlock &lumi, edm::EventSetup const &es) final
void endProcessBlockProduce (edm::ProcessBlock &) final
void endRun (edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
void endRunProduce (edm::Run &run, edm::EventSetup const &es) final
 ~DQMEDHarvester () override=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::one::EDProducer< edm::EndLuminosityBlockProducer, edm::EndRunProducer, edm::EndProcessBlockProducer, edm::one::WatchLuminosityBlocks, edm::one::WatchRuns, edm::one::SharedResources, edm::Accumulator >
 EDProducer ()=default
 EDProducer (const EDProducer &)=delete
SerialTaskQueueglobalLuminosityBlocksQueue () final
SerialTaskQueueglobalRunsQueue () final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInBeginLumis () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInBeginProcessBlocks () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInBeginRuns () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInEndLumis () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInEndProcessBlocks () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInEndRuns () const final
const EDProduceroperator= (const EDProducer &)=delete
bool wantsGlobalLuminosityBlocks () const final
bool wantsGlobalRuns () const final
bool wantsInputProcessBlocks () const final
bool wantsProcessBlocks () const final
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::one::EDProducerBase
 EDProducerBase ()
ModuleDescription const & moduleDescription () const
bool wantsStreamLuminosityBlocks () const
bool wantsStreamRuns () const
 ~EDProducerBase () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::ProducerBase
void callWhenNewProductsRegistered (std::function< void(BranchDescription const &)> const &func)
std::vector< edm::ProductResolverIndex > const & indiciesForPutProducts (BranchType iBranchType) const
 ProducerBase ()
std::vector< edm::ProductResolverIndex > const & putTokenIndexToProductResolverIndex () const
std::vector< bool > const & recordProvenanceList () const
void registerProducts (ProducerBase *, ProductRegistry *, ModuleDescription const &)
std::function< void(BranchDescription const &)> registrationCallback () const
 used by the fwk to register list of products More...
void resolvePutIndicies (BranchType iBranchType, ModuleToResolverIndicies const &iIndicies, std::string const &moduleLabel)
TypeLabelList const & typeLabelList () const
 used by the fwk to register the list of products of this module More...
 ~ProducerBase () noexcept(false) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase
std::vector< ConsumesInfoconsumesInfo () const
void convertCurrentProcessAlias (std::string const &processName)
 Convert "@currentProcess" in InputTag process names to the actual current process name. More...
 EDConsumerBase ()
 EDConsumerBase (EDConsumerBase const &)=delete
 EDConsumerBase (EDConsumerBase &&)=default
ESProxyIndex const * esGetTokenIndices (edm::Transition iTrans) const
std::vector< ESProxyIndex > const & esGetTokenIndicesVector (edm::Transition iTrans) const
std::vector< ESRecordIndex > const & esGetTokenRecordIndicesVector (edm::Transition iTrans) const
ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit indexFrom (EDGetToken, BranchType, TypeID const &) const
void itemsMayGet (BranchType, std::vector< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit > &) const
void itemsToGet (BranchType, std::vector< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit > &) const
std::vector< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit > const & itemsToGetFrom (BranchType iType) const
void labelsForToken (EDGetToken iToken, Labels &oLabels) const
void modulesWhoseProductsAreConsumed (std::array< std::vector< ModuleDescription const *> *, NumBranchTypes > &modulesAll, std::vector< ModuleProcessName > &modulesInPreviousProcesses, ProductRegistry const &preg, std::map< std::string, ModuleDescription const *> const &labelsToDesc, std::string const &processName) const
EDConsumerBase const & operator= (EDConsumerBase const &)=delete
EDConsumerBaseoperator= (EDConsumerBase &&)=default
bool registeredToConsume (ProductResolverIndex, bool, BranchType) const
bool registeredToConsumeMany (TypeID const &, BranchType) const
void selectInputProcessBlocks (ProductRegistry const &productRegistry, ProcessBlockHelperBase const &processBlockHelperBase)
ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit uncheckedIndexFrom (EDGetToken) const
void updateLookup (BranchType iBranchType, ProductResolverIndexHelper const &, bool iPrefetchMayGet)
void updateLookup (eventsetup::ESRecordsToProxyIndices const &)
virtual ~EDConsumerBase () noexcept(false)

Static Public Member Functions

static void fillDescriptions (edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from edm::one::EDProducerBase
static const std::string & baseType ()
static void fillDescriptions (ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
static void prevalidate (ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)

Private Member Functions

bool checkMapsValidity (const std::vector< MonitorElement *> &maps, const std::string &type) const
unsigned int countTotalHits (const std::vector< MonitorElement *> &maps)
void makeSummary (DQMStore::IGetter &getter, DQMStore::IBooker &booker, bool doProfiles=false) const
void makeSummaryVsVariable (DQMStore::IGetter &getter, DQMStore::IBooker &booker, ::projections theProj) const
void printAndWriteBadModules (const SiStripQuality &quality, const SiStripDetInfo &detInfo) const
void printTotalStatistics (const std::array< long, bounds::k_END_OF_LAYERS > &layerFound, const std::array< long, bounds::k_END_OF_LAYERS > &layerTotal) const
template<typename T >
void setEffBinLabels (const T gr, const T gr2, const unsigned int nLayers) const
void writeBadStripPayload (const SiStripQuality &quality) const

Private Attributes

int alllayerfound [bounds::k_END_OF_LAYS_AND_RINGS]
int alllayertotal [bounds::k_END_OF_LAYS_AND_RINGS]
const bool autoIneffModTagging_
SiStripHitEffData calibData_
const bool doStoreOnDB_
const bool doStoreOnTree_
const float effPlotMin_
int goodlayerfound [bounds::k_END_OF_LAYS_AND_RINGS]
int goodlayertotal [bounds::k_END_OF_LAYS_AND_RINGS]
const std::string inputFolder_
const bool isAtPCL_
const int nModsMin_
const unsigned int nTEClayers_
const std::string record_
const bool showEndcapSides_
const bool showOnlyGoodModules_
const bool showRings_
const bool showTOB6TEC9_
std::vector< DetIdstripDetIds_
std::unique_ptr< SiStripQualitystripQuality_
const edm::ESGetToken< SiStripQuality, SiStripQualityRcdstripQualityToken_
unsigned int t_DetId
unsigned int t_found
bool t_isTaggedIneff
unsigned char t_layer
float t_threshold
unsigned int t_total
const double threshold_
const std::string title_
std::unique_ptr< TkDetMaptkDetMap_
const edm::ESGetToken< TkDetMap, TrackerTopologyRcdtkDetMapToken_
const edm::ESGetToken< TrackerGeometry, TrackerDigiGeometryRecordtkGeomToken_
const double tkMapMin_
TTree * tree
std::unique_ptr< TrackerTopologytTopo_
const edm::ESGetToken< TrackerTopology, TrackerTopologyRcdtTopoToken_

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from DQMEDHarvester
typedef dqm::harvesting::DQMStore DQMStore
typedef dqm::harvesting::MonitorElement MonitorElement
- Public Types inherited from edm::one::EDProducerBase
typedef EDProducerBase ModuleType
- Public Types inherited from edm::ProducerBase
template<typename T >
using BranchAliasSetterT = ProductRegistryHelper::BranchAliasSetterT< T >
using ModuleToResolverIndicies = std::unordered_multimap< std::string, std::tuple< edm::TypeID const *, const char *, edm::ProductResolverIndex > >
typedef ProductRegistryHelper::TypeLabelList TypeLabelList
- Public Types inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase
typedef ProductLabels Labels
- Protected Member Functions inherited from edm::ProducerBase
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
auto produces (std::string instanceName) noexcept
 declare what type of product will make and with which optional label More...
template<Transition B>
BranchAliasSetter produces (const TypeID &id, std::string instanceName=std::string(), bool recordProvenance=true)
template<BranchType B>
BranchAliasSetter produces (const TypeID &id, std::string instanceName=std::string(), bool recordProvenance=true)
BranchAliasSetter produces (const TypeID &id, std::string instanceName=std::string(), bool recordProvenance=true)
template<typename ProductType , Transition B>
BranchAliasSetterT< ProductType > produces (std::string instanceName)
template<class ProductType >
BranchAliasSetterT< ProductType > produces ()
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B>
BranchAliasSetterT< ProductType > produces (std::string instanceName)
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B>
BranchAliasSetterT< ProductType > produces ()
template<class ProductType >
BranchAliasSetterT< ProductType > produces (std::string instanceName)
template<typename ProductType , Transition B>
BranchAliasSetterT< ProductType > produces ()
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
auto produces () noexcept
ProducesCollector producesCollector ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent>
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > consumes (edm::InputTag const &tag)
template<BranchType B = InEvent>
EDConsumerBaseAdaptor< Bconsumes (edm::InputTag tag) noexcept
EDGetToken consumes (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
template<BranchType B>
EDGetToken consumes (TypeToGet const &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
ConsumesCollector consumesCollector ()
 Use a ConsumesCollector to gather consumes information from helper functions. More...
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent>
void consumesMany ()
void consumesMany (const TypeToGet &id)
template<BranchType B>
void consumesMany (const TypeToGet &id)
template<typename ESProduct , typename ESRecord , Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
auto esConsumes ()
template<typename ESProduct , typename ESRecord , Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
auto esConsumes (ESInputTag const &tag)
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
constexpr auto esConsumes ()
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
auto esConsumes (ESInputTag tag)
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
ESGetTokenGeneric esConsumes (eventsetup::EventSetupRecordKey const &iRecord, eventsetup::DataKey const &iKey)
 Used with EventSetupRecord::doGet. More...
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent>
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > mayConsume (edm::InputTag const &tag)
EDGetToken mayConsume (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
template<BranchType B>
EDGetToken mayConsume (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
void resetItemsToGetFrom (BranchType iType)
- Protected Attributes inherited from DQMEDHarvester
edm::GetterOfProducts< DQMTokenjobmegetter_
edm::EDPutTokenT< DQMTokenjobToken_
edm::GetterOfProducts< DQMTokenlumimegetter_
edm::EDPutTokenT< DQMTokenlumiToken_
edm::GetterOfProducts< DQMTokenrunmegetter_
edm::EDPutTokenT< DQMTokenrunToken_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 42 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester()

SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester ( const edm::ParameterSet conf)

Definition at line 99 of file

References alllayerfound, alllayertotal, goodlayerfound, goodlayertotal, and MainPageGenerator::l.

100  : inputFolder_(conf.getParameter<std::string>("inputFolder")),
101  isAtPCL_(conf.getParameter<bool>("isAtPCL")),
102  autoIneffModTagging_(conf.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("AutoIneffModTagging", false)),
103  doStoreOnDB_(conf.getParameter<bool>("doStoreOnDB")),
104  doStoreOnTree_(conf.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("doStoreOnTree")),
105  showRings_(conf.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("ShowRings", false)),
106  showEndcapSides_(conf.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("ShowEndcapSides", true)),
107  showTOB6TEC9_(conf.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("ShowTOB6TEC9", false)),
108  showOnlyGoodModules_(conf.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("ShowOnlyGoodModules", false)),
109  nTEClayers_(showRings_ ? 7 : 9), // number of rings or wheels
110  threshold_(conf.getParameter<double>("Threshold")),
111  nModsMin_(conf.getParameter<int>("nModsMin")),
112  effPlotMin_(conf.getUntrackedParameter<double>("EffPlotMin", 0.9)),
113  tkMapMin_(conf.getUntrackedParameter<double>("TkMapMin", 0.9)),
114  title_(conf.getParameter<std::string>("Title")),
115  record_(conf.getParameter<std::string>("Record")),
116  tTopoToken_(esConsumes<edm::Transition::EndRun>()),
117  tkDetMapToken_(esConsumes<edm::Transition::EndRun>()),
118  stripQualityToken_(esConsumes<edm::Transition::EndRun>()),
119  tkGeomToken_(esConsumes<edm::Transition::EndRun>()) {
120  // zero in all counts
121  for (int l = 0; l < bounds::k_END_OF_LAYS_AND_RINGS; l++) {
122  goodlayertotal[l] = 0;
123  goodlayerfound[l] = 0;
124  alllayertotal[l] = 0;
125  alllayerfound[l] = 0;
126  }
127 }
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:303
int goodlayerfound[bounds::k_END_OF_LAYS_AND_RINGS]
int goodlayertotal[bounds::k_END_OF_LAYS_AND_RINGS]
const edm::ESGetToken< TrackerTopology, TrackerTopologyRcd > tTopoToken_
int alllayertotal[bounds::k_END_OF_LAYS_AND_RINGS]
const edm::ESGetToken< SiStripQuality, SiStripQualityRcd > stripQualityToken_
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
const edm::ESGetToken< TrackerGeometry, TrackerDigiGeometryRecord > tkGeomToken_
int alllayerfound[bounds::k_END_OF_LAYS_AND_RINGS]
const edm::ESGetToken< TkDetMap, TrackerTopologyRcd > tkDetMapToken_

◆ ~SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester()

SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::~SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ checkMapsValidity()

bool SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::checkMapsValidity ( const std::vector< MonitorElement *> &  maps,
const std::string &  type 
) const

Definition at line 149 of file

References submitPVResolutionJobs::count, LogDebug, HcalDetIdTransform::transform(), and x.

Referenced by dqmEndJob().

150  {
151  std::vector<bool> isThere;
152  isThere.reserve(maps.size());
153  std::transform(maps.begin() + 1, maps.end(), std::back_inserter(isThere), [](auto& x) { return !(x == nullptr); });
155  int count{0};
156  for (const auto& it : isThere) {
157  count++;
158  LogDebug("SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester") << " layer: " << count << " " << it << std::endl;
159  if (it)
160  LogDebug("SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester") << "resolving to " << maps[count]->getName() << std::endl;
161  }
163  // check on the input TkHistoMap
164  bool areMapsAvailable{true};
165  int layerCount{0};
166  for (const auto& it : isThere) {
167  layerCount++;
168  if (!it) {
169  edm::LogError("SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester")
170  << type << " TkHistoMap for layer " << layerCount << " was not found.\n -> Aborting!";
171  areMapsAvailable = false;
172  break;
173  }
174  }
175  return areMapsAvailable;
176 }
Log< level::Error, false > LogError
#define LogDebug(id)
unsigned transform(const HcalDetId &id, unsigned transformCode)

◆ countTotalHits()

unsigned int SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::countTotalHits ( const std::vector< MonitorElement *> &  maps)

Definition at line 178 of file

References B2GTnPMonitor_cfi::item, and dqmMemoryStats::total.

Referenced by dqmEndJob().

178  {
179  return std::accumulate(maps.begin() + 1, maps.end(), 0, [](unsigned int total, MonitorElement* item) {
180  return total + item->getEntries();
181  });
182 }

◆ dqmEndJob()

void SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::dqmEndJob ( DQMStore::IBooker booker,
DQMStore::IGetter getter 

Implements DQMEDHarvester.

Definition at line 184 of file

References alllayerfound, alllayertotal, cms::cuda::assert(), autoIneffModTagging_, dqm::implementation::IBooker::book1D(), calibData_, SiStripHitEffData::checkFedError(), checkMapsValidity(), countTotalHits(), makePileupJSON::denom, doStoreOnDB_, doStoreOnTree_, Exception, SiStripHitEffData::fedErrorCounts, SiStripHitEffData::FEDErrorOccupancy, SiStripHitEffData::fillMapFromTkMap(), dqm-mbProfile::format, HLT_2023v12_cff::fraction, compareTotals::fs, dqm::implementation::IGetter::get(), dqm::impl::MonitorElement::getBinContent(), goodlayerfound, goodlayertotal, mps_fire::i, inputFolder_, isAtPCL_, SiStripDetInfoFileReader::kDefaultFile, pixelTopology::layer, LogDebug, LOGPRINT, makeSummary(), makeSummaryVsVariable(), SiStripPI::max, nModsMin_, me0TriggerPseudoDigis_cff::nStrips, nTEClayers_, EgammaValidation_cff::num, or, printAndWriteBadModules(), printTotalStatistics(), SiStripDetInfoFileReader::read(), dqm::implementation::NavigatorBase::setCurrentFolder(), showRings_, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, stripDetIds_, stripQuality_, sistrip::STRIPS_PER_APV, t_DetId, t_found, t_isTaggedIneff, t_layer, t_threshold, t_total, threshold_, title_, tkDetMap_, tkMapMin_, tTopo_, and writeBadStripPayload().

184  {
185  if (!isAtPCL_) {
187  if (!fs.isAvailable()) {
188  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig") << "TFileService unavailable: "
189  << "please add it to config file";
190  }
192  if (doStoreOnTree_) {
193  // store information per DetId in the output tree
194  tree = fs->make<TTree>("ModEff", "ModEff");
195  tree->Branch("DetId", &t_DetId, "DetId/i");
196  tree->Branch("Layer", &t_layer, "Layer/b");
197  tree->Branch("FoundHits", &t_found, "FoundHits/i");
198  tree->Branch("AllHits", &t_total, "AllHits/i");
199  tree->Branch("IsTaggedIneff", &t_isTaggedIneff, "IsTaggedIneff/O");
200  tree->Branch("TagThreshold", &t_threshold, "TagThreshold/F");
201  }
202  }
205  LOGPRINT << "A module is bad if efficiency < " << threshold_ << " and has at least " << nModsMin_ << " nModsMin.";
206  else
207  LOGPRINT << "A module is bad if the upper limit on the efficiency is < to the avg in the layer - " << threshold_
208  << " and has at least " << nModsMin_ << " nModsMin.";
210  auto h_module_total = std::make_unique<TkHistoMap>(tkDetMap_.get());
211  h_module_total->loadTkHistoMap(fmt::format("{}/TkDetMaps", inputFolder_), "perModule_total");
212  auto h_module_found = std::make_unique<TkHistoMap>(tkDetMap_.get());
213  h_module_found->loadTkHistoMap(fmt::format("{}/TkDetMaps", inputFolder_), "perModule_found");
215  // collect how many layers are missing
216  const auto& totalMaps = h_module_total->getAllMaps();
217  const auto& foundMaps = h_module_found->getAllMaps();
219  LogDebug("SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester")
220  << "totalMaps.size(): " << totalMaps.size() << " foundMaps.size() " << foundMaps.size() << std::endl;
222  // check on the input TkHistoMaps
223  bool isTotalMapAvailable = this->checkMapsValidity(totalMaps, std::string("Total"));
224  bool isFoundMapAvailable = this->checkMapsValidity(foundMaps, std::string("Found"));
226  LogDebug("SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester")
227  << "isTotalMapAvailable: " << isTotalMapAvailable << " isFoundMapAvailable " << isFoundMapAvailable << std::endl;
229  // no input TkHistoMaps -> early return
230  if (!isTotalMapAvailable or !isFoundMapAvailable)
231  return;
233  LogDebug("SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester")
234  << "Entries in total TkHistoMap for layer 3: " << h_module_total->getMap(3)->getEntries() << ", found "
235  << h_module_found->getMap(3)->getEntries();
237  // count how many hits in the denominator we have
238  const unsigned int totalHits = this->countTotalHits(totalMaps);
240  // set colz
241  for (size_t i = 1; i < totalMaps.size(); i++) {
242  h_module_total->getMap(i)->setOption("colz");
243  h_module_found->getMap(i)->setOption("colz");
244  }
246  // come back to the main folder
249  std::vector<MonitorElement*> hEffInLayer(std::size_t(1), nullptr);
250  hEffInLayer.reserve(bounds::k_END_OF_LAYERS);
251  for (std::size_t i = 1; i != bounds::k_END_OF_LAYERS; ++i) {
252  const auto lyrName = ::layerName(i, showRings_, nTEClayers_);
253  hEffInLayer.push_back(booker.book1D(
254  Form("eff_layer%i", int(i)), Form("Module efficiency in layer %s", lyrName.c_str()), 201, 0, 1.005));
255  }
256  std::array<long, bounds::k_END_OF_LAYERS> layerTotal{};
257  std::array<long, bounds::k_END_OF_LAYERS> layerFound{};
258  layerTotal.fill(0);
259  layerFound.fill(0);
262  // Effiency calculation, bad module tagging, and tracker maps //
265  TrackerMap tkMap{" Detector Inefficiency "};
266  TrackerMap tkMapBad{" Inefficient Modules "};
267  TrackerMap tkMapEff{title_};
268  TrackerMap tkMapNum{" Detector numerator "};
269  TrackerMap tkMapDen{" Detector denominator "};
270  std::map<unsigned int, double> badModules;
272  // load the FEDError map
273  const auto& EventStats = getter.get(fmt::format("{}/EventInfo/EventStats", inputFolder_));
274  const int totalEvents = EventStats->getBinContent(1., 1.); // first bin contains info on number of events run
275  calibData_.FEDErrorOccupancy = std::make_unique<TkHistoMap>(tkDetMap_.get());
276  calibData_.FEDErrorOccupancy->loadTkHistoMap(fmt::format("{}/FEDErrorTkDetMaps", inputFolder_),
277  "perModule_FEDErrors");
279  // tag as bad from FEDErrors the modules that have an error on 75% of the events
280  calibData_.fillMapFromTkMap(totalEvents, 0.75, stripDetIds_);
282  for (const auto& [badId, fraction] : calibData_.fedErrorCounts) {
283  LogDebug("SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester")
284  << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " bad module from FEDError " << badId << "," << fraction << std::endl;
285  }
287  for (auto det : stripDetIds_) {
288  auto layer = ::checkLayer(det, tTopo_.get());
289  const auto num = h_module_found->getValue(det);
290  const auto denom = h_module_total->getValue(det);
291  if (denom) {
292  // use only the "good" modules
293  if (stripQuality_->getBadApvs(det) == 0 && calibData_.checkFedError(det)) {
294  const auto eff = num / denom;
295  hEffInLayer[layer]->Fill(eff);
296  if (!autoIneffModTagging_) {
297  if ((denom >= nModsMin_) && (eff < threshold_)) {
298  // We have a bad module, put it in the list!
299  badModules[det] = eff;
300  tkMapBad.fillc(det, 255, 0, 0);
301  LOGPRINT << "Layer " << layer << " (" << ::layerName(layer, showRings_, nTEClayers_) << ") module "
302  << det.rawId() << " efficiency: " << eff << " , " << num << "/" << denom;
303  } else {
304  //Fill the bad list with empty results for every module
305  tkMapBad.fillc(det, 255, 255, 255);
306  }
307  if (eff < threshold_)
308  LOGPRINT << "Layer " << layer << " (" << ::layerName(layer, showRings_, nTEClayers_) << ") module "
309  << det.rawId() << " efficiency: " << eff << " , " << num << "/" << denom;
311  if (denom < nModsMin_) {
312  LOGPRINT << "Layer " << layer << " (" << ::layerName(layer, showRings_, nTEClayers_) << ") module "
313  << det.rawId() << " is under occupancy at " << denom;
314  }
316  if (doStoreOnTree_ && !isAtPCL_) {
317  t_DetId = det.rawId();
318  t_layer = layer;
319  t_found = num;
320  t_total = denom;
321  t_isTaggedIneff = false;
322  t_threshold = 0;
323  tree->Fill();
324  }
325  }
327  //Put any module into the TKMap
328  tkMap.fill(det, 1. - eff);
329  tkMapEff.fill(det, eff);
330  tkMapNum.fill(det, num);
331  tkMapDen.fill(det, denom);
333  layerTotal[layer] += denom;
334  layerFound[layer] += num;
336  // for the summary
337  // Have to do the decoding for which side to go on (ugh)
338  if (layer <= bounds::k_LayersAtTOBEnd) {
341  } else if (layer > bounds::k_LayersAtTOBEnd && layer <= bounds::k_LayersAtTIDEnd) {
342  if (tTopo_->tidSide(det) == 1) {
345  } else if (tTopo_->tidSide(det) == 2) {
346  goodlayerfound[layer + 3] += num;
347  goodlayertotal[layer + 3] += denom;
348  }
349  } else if (layer > bounds::k_LayersAtTIDEnd && layer <= bounds::k_LayersAtTECEnd) {
350  if (tTopo_->tecSide(det) == 1) {
351  goodlayerfound[layer + 3] += num;
352  goodlayertotal[layer + 3] += denom;
353  } else if (tTopo_->tecSide(det) == 2) {
356  }
357  }
358  } // if the module is good!
360  //Do the one where we don't exclude bad modules!
361  if (layer <= bounds::k_LayersAtTOBEnd) {
362  alllayerfound[layer] += num;
364  } else if (layer > bounds::k_LayersAtTOBEnd && layer <= bounds::k_LayersAtTIDEnd) {
365  if (tTopo_->tidSide(det) == 1) {
366  alllayerfound[layer] += num;
368  } else if (tTopo_->tidSide(det) == 2) {
369  alllayerfound[layer + 3] += num;
370  alllayertotal[layer + 3] += denom;
371  }
372  } else if (layer > bounds::k_LayersAtTIDEnd && layer <= bounds::k_LayersAtTECEnd) {
373  if (tTopo_->tecSide(det) == 1) {
374  alllayerfound[layer + 3] += num;
375  alllayertotal[layer + 3] += denom;
376  } else if (tTopo_->tecSide(det) == 2) {
379  }
380  }
382  } // if denom
383  } // loop on DetIds
385  if (autoIneffModTagging_) {
386  for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= k_LayersAtTECEnd; i++) {
387  //Compute threshold to use for each layer
388  hEffInLayer[i]->getTH1()->GetXaxis()->SetRange(
389  3, hEffInLayer[i]->getNbinsX() + 1); // Remove from the avg modules below 1%
390  const double layer_min_eff = hEffInLayer[i]->getMean() - std::max(2.5 * hEffInLayer[i]->getRMS(), threshold_);
391  LOGPRINT << "Layer " << i << " threshold for bad modules: <" << layer_min_eff
392  << " (layer mean: " << hEffInLayer[i]->getMean() << " rms: " << hEffInLayer[i]->getRMS() << ")";
394  hEffInLayer[i]->getTH1()->GetXaxis()->SetRange(1, hEffInLayer[i]->getNbinsX() + 1);
396  for (auto det : stripDetIds_) {
397  // use only the "good" modules
398  if (stripQuality_->getBadApvs(det) == 0 && calibData_.checkFedError(det)) {
399  const auto layer = ::checkLayer(det, tTopo_.get());
400  if (layer == i) {
401  const auto num = h_module_found->getValue(det);
402  const auto denom = h_module_total->getValue(det);
403  if (denom) {
404  assert(num <= denom); // can't have this happen
405  const auto eff = num / denom;
406  const auto eff_up = TEfficiency::Bayesian(denom, num, .99, 1, 1, true);
408  if ((denom >= nModsMin_) && (eff_up < layer_min_eff)) {
409  //We have a bad module, put it in the list!
410  badModules[det] = eff;
411  tkMapBad.fillc(det, 255, 0, 0);
412  if (!isAtPCL_ && doStoreOnTree_) {
413  t_isTaggedIneff = true;
414  }
415  } else {
416  //Fill the bad list with empty results for every module
417  tkMapBad.fillc(det, 255, 255, 255);
418  if (!isAtPCL_ && doStoreOnTree_) {
419  t_isTaggedIneff = false;
420  }
421  }
422  if (eff_up < layer_min_eff + 0.08) {
423  // printing message also for modules sligthly above (8%) the limit
424  LOGPRINT << "Layer " << layer << " (" << ::layerName(layer, showRings_, nTEClayers_) << ") module "
425  << det.rawId() << " efficiency: " << eff << " , " << num << "/" << denom
426  << " , upper limit: " << eff_up;
427  }
428  if (denom < nModsMin_) {
429  LOGPRINT << "Layer " << layer << " (" << ::layerName(layer, showRings_, nTEClayers_) << ") module "
430  << det.rawId() << " layer " << layer << " is under occupancy at " << denom;
431  }
433  if (!isAtPCL_ && doStoreOnTree_) {
434  t_DetId = det.rawId();
435  t_layer = layer;
436  t_found = num;
437  t_total = denom;
438  t_threshold = layer_min_eff;
439  tree->Fill();
440  } // if storing tree
441  } // if denom
442  } // layer = i
443  } // if there are no bad APVs
444  } // loop on detids
445  } // loop on layers
446  } // if auto tagging
448, 0, 0, "SiStripHitEffTKMap_NEW.png");
449, 0, 0, "SiStripHitEffTKMapBad_NEW.png");
450, tkMapMin_, 1., "SiStripHitEffTKMapEff_NEW.png");
451, 0, 0, "SiStripHitEffTKMapNum_NEW.png");
452, 0, 0, "SiStripHitEffTKMapDen_NEW.png");
454  const auto detInfo =
456  SiStripQuality pQuality{detInfo};
457  //This is the list of the bad strips, use to mask out entire APVs
458  //Now simply go through the bad hit list and mask out things that
459  //are bad!
460  for (const auto it : badModules) {
461  const auto det = it.first;
462  std::vector<unsigned int> badStripList;
463  //We need to figure out how many strips are in this particular module
464  //To Mask correctly!
465  const auto nStrips = detInfo.getNumberOfApvsAndStripLength(det).first * sistrip::STRIPS_PER_APV;
466  LOGPRINT << "Number of strips module " << det << " is " << nStrips;
467  badStripList.push_back(pQuality.encode(0, nStrips, 0));
468  //Now compact into a single bad module
469  LOGPRINT << "ID1 should match list of modules above " << det;
470  pQuality.compact(det, badStripList);
471  pQuality.put(det, SiStripQuality::Range(badStripList.begin(), badStripList.end()));
472  }
473  pQuality.fillBadComponents();
474  if (doStoreOnDB_) {
475  if (totalHits > 0u) {
476  writeBadStripPayload(pQuality);
477  } else {
478  edm::LogPrint("SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester")
479  << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " There are no SiStrip hits for a valid measurement, skipping!";
480  }
481  } else {
482  edm::LogInfo("SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester") << "Will not produce payload!";
483  }
485  printTotalStatistics(layerFound, layerTotal); // statistics by layer and subdetector
486  //LOGPRINT << "\n-----------------\nNew IOV starting from run " << << " event " <<
487  // << " lumiBlock " << e.luminosityBlock() << " time " << e.time().value() << "\n-----------------\n";
488  printAndWriteBadModules(pQuality, detInfo); // TODO
490  // make summary plots
491  makeSummary(getter, booker);
492  makeSummaryVsVariable(getter, booker, projections::k_vs_LUMI);
493  makeSummaryVsVariable(getter, booker, projections::k_vs_PU);
494  makeSummaryVsVariable(getter, booker, projections::k_vs_BX);
495 }
void makeSummary(DQMStore::IGetter &getter, DQMStore::IBooker &booker, bool doProfiles=false) const
int goodlayerfound[bounds::k_END_OF_LAYS_AND_RINGS]
int goodlayertotal[bounds::k_END_OF_LAYS_AND_RINGS]
virtual void setCurrentFolder(std::string const &fullpath)
std::unique_ptr< TrackerTopology > tTopo_
int alllayertotal[bounds::k_END_OF_LAYS_AND_RINGS]
void printAndWriteBadModules(const SiStripQuality &quality, const SiStripDetInfo &detInfo) const
std::unordered_map< uint32_t, int > fedErrorCounts
assert(be >=bs)
1.2 is to make the matching window safely the two nearest strips 0.35 is the size of an ME0 chamber i...
std::unique_ptr< TkHistoMap > FEDErrorOccupancy
constexpr std::array< uint8_t, layerIndexSize< TrackerTraits > > layer
const bool checkFedError(const DetId det)
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e< void, edm::EventID const &, edm::Timestamp const & > We also list in braces which AR_WATCH_USING_METHOD_ is used for those or
Definition: Activities.doc:12
void printTotalStatistics(const std::array< long, bounds::k_END_OF_LAYERS > &layerFound, const std::array< long, bounds::k_END_OF_LAYERS > &layerTotal) const
unsigned int countTotalHits(const std::vector< MonitorElement *> &maps)
void writeBadStripPayload(const SiStripQuality &quality) const
SiStripDetInfo read(std::string filePath)
Log< level::Warning, true > LogPrint
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo
void fillMapFromTkMap(const int nevents, const float threshold, const std::vector< DetId > &stripDetIds)
virtual MonitorElement * get(std::string const &fullpath) const
static const uint16_t STRIPS_PER_APV
std::pair< ContainerIterator, ContainerIterator > Range
std::unique_ptr< SiStripQuality > stripQuality_
int alllayerfound[bounds::k_END_OF_LAYS_AND_RINGS]
static constexpr char const *const kDefaultFile
void makeSummaryVsVariable(DQMStore::IGetter &getter, DQMStore::IBooker &booker, ::projections theProj) const
MonitorElement * book1D(TString const &name, TString const &title, int const nchX, double const lowX, double const highX, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:98
bool checkMapsValidity(const std::vector< MonitorElement *> &maps, const std::string &type) const
#define LogDebug(id)
virtual double getBinContent(int binx) const
get content of bin (1-D)

◆ endRun()

void SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::endRun ( edm::Run const &  ,
edm::EventSetup const &  iSetup 

Definition at line 129 of file

References edm::EventSetup::getData(), stripDetIds_, stripQuality_, stripQualityToken_, tkDetMap_, tkDetMapToken_, tkGeomToken_, tTopo_, and tTopoToken_.

129  {
130  if (!tTopo_) {
131  tTopo_ = std::make_unique<TrackerTopology>(iSetup.getData(tTopoToken_));
132  }
133  if (!tkDetMap_) {
134  tkDetMap_ = std::make_unique<TkDetMap>(iSetup.getData(tkDetMapToken_));
135  }
136  if (!stripQuality_) {
137  stripQuality_ = std::make_unique<SiStripQuality>(iSetup.getData(stripQualityToken_));
138  }
139  if (stripDetIds_.empty()) {
140  const auto& tkGeom = iSetup.getData(tkGeomToken_);
141  for (const auto& det : tkGeom.detUnits()) {
142  if (dynamic_cast<const StripGeomDetUnit*>(det)) {
143  stripDetIds_.push_back(det->geographicalId());
144  }
145  }
146  }
147 }
const edm::ESGetToken< TrackerTopology, TrackerTopologyRcd > tTopoToken_
std::unique_ptr< TrackerTopology > tTopo_
const edm::ESGetToken< SiStripQuality, SiStripQualityRcd > stripQualityToken_
const edm::ESGetToken< TrackerGeometry, TrackerDigiGeometryRecord > tkGeomToken_
std::unique_ptr< SiStripQuality > stripQuality_
const edm::ESGetToken< TkDetMap, TrackerTopologyRcd > tkDetMapToken_

◆ fillDescriptions()

void SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::fillDescriptions ( edm::ConfigurationDescriptions descriptions)

Definition at line 1151 of file

References edm::ConfigurationDescriptions::addWithDefaultLabel(), submitPVResolutionJobs::desc, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

1151  {
1153  desc.add<std::string>("inputFolder", "AlCaReco/SiStripHitEfficiency");
1154  desc.add<bool>("isAtPCL", false);
1155  desc.add<bool>("doStoreOnDB", false);
1156  desc.add<std::string>("Record", "SiStripBadStrip");
1157  desc.add<double>("Threshold", 0.1);
1158  desc.add<std::string>("Title", "Hit Efficiency");
1159  desc.add<int>("nModsMin", 5);
1160  desc.addUntracked<bool>("doStoreOnTree", false);
1161  desc.addUntracked<bool>("AutoIneffModTagging", false);
1162  desc.addUntracked<double>("TkMapMin", 0.9);
1163  desc.addUntracked<double>("EffPlotMin", 0.9);
1164  desc.addUntracked<bool>("ShowRings", false);
1165  desc.addUntracked<bool>("ShowEndcapSides", true);
1166  desc.addUntracked<bool>("ShowTOB6TEC9", false);
1167  desc.addUntracked<bool>("ShowOnlyGoodModules", false);
1168  descriptions.addWithDefaultLabel(desc);
1169 }
void addWithDefaultLabel(ParameterSetDescription const &psetDescription)

◆ makeSummary()

void SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::makeSummary ( DQMStore::IGetter getter,
DQMStore::IBooker booker,
bool  doProfiles = false 
) const

Definition at line 558 of file

References python.cmstools::all(), alllayerfound, alllayertotal, dqm::implementation::IBooker::book1D(), dqm::implementation::IBooker::bookProfile(), MillePedeFileConverter_cfg::e, effPlotMin_, Exception, dqm-mbProfile::format, newFWLiteAna::found, compareTotals::fs, dqm::impl::MonitorElement::getBinContent(), dqm::legacy::MonitorElement::getTH1F(), goodlayerfound, goodlayertotal, mps_fire::i, inputFolder_, isAtPCL_, dqmiolumiharvest::j, LOGPRINT, MuonTCMETValueMapProducer_cff::nLayers, nTEClayers_, compare::overlay(), dqm::impl::MonitorElement::setBinContent(), dqm::impl::MonitorElement::setBinError(), dqm::implementation::NavigatorBase::setCurrentFolder(), setEffBinLabels(), showEndcapSides_, showOnlyGoodModules_, showRings_, and tkMapMin_.

Referenced by dqmEndJob().

560  {
561  // use goodlayer_total/found and alllayer_total/found, collapse side and/or ring if needed
562  unsigned int nLayers{34}; // default
563  if (showRings_)
564  nLayers = 30;
565  if (!showEndcapSides_) {
566  if (!showRings_)
567  nLayers = 22;
568  else
569  nLayers = 20;
570  }
572  // come back to the main folder and create a final efficiency folder
573  booker.setCurrentFolder(fmt::format("{}/EfficiencySummary", inputFolder_));
574  MonitorElement* found = booker.book1D("found", "found", nLayers + 1, 0, nLayers + 1);
575  MonitorElement* all = booker.book1D("all", "all", nLayers + 1, 0, nLayers + 1);
576  MonitorElement* found2 = booker.book1D("found2", "found", nLayers + 1, 0, nLayers + 1);
577  MonitorElement* all2 = booker.book1D("all2", "all2", nLayers + 1, 0, nLayers + 1);
579  // first bin only to keep real data off the y axis so set to -1
580  found->setBinContent(0, -1);
581  all->setBinContent(0, 1);
583  // new ROOT version: TGraph::Divide don't handle null or negative values
584  for (unsigned int i = 1; i < nLayers + 2; ++i) {
585  found->setBinContent(i, 1e-6);
586  all->setBinContent(i, 1);
587  found2->setBinContent(i, 1e-6);
588  all2->setBinContent(i, 1);
589  }
591  TCanvas* c7 = new TCanvas("c7", " test ", 10, 10, 800, 600);
592  c7->SetFillColor(0);
593  c7->SetGrid();
595  unsigned int nLayers_max = nLayers + 1; // barrel+endcap
596  if (!showEndcapSides_)
597  nLayers_max = 11; // barrel
598  for (unsigned int i = 1; i < nLayers_max; ++i) {
599  LOGPRINT << "Fill only good modules layer " << i << ": S = " << goodlayerfound[i]
600  << " B = " << goodlayertotal[i];
601  if (goodlayertotal[i] > 5) {
602  found->setBinContent(i, goodlayerfound[i]);
603  all->setBinContent(i, goodlayertotal[i]);
604  }
606  LOGPRINT << "Filling all modules layer " << i << ": S = " << alllayerfound[i] << " B = " << alllayertotal[i];
607  if (alllayertotal[i] > 5) {
608  found2->setBinContent(i, alllayerfound[i]);
609  all2->setBinContent(i, alllayertotal[i]);
610  }
611  }
613  // endcap - merging sides
614  if (!showEndcapSides_) {
615  for (unsigned int i = 11; i < 14; ++i) { // TID disks
616  LOGPRINT << "Fill only good modules layer " << i << ": S = " << goodlayerfound[i] + goodlayerfound[i + 3]
617  << " B = " << goodlayertotal[i] + goodlayertotal[i + 3];
618  if (goodlayertotal[i] + goodlayertotal[i + 3] > 5) {
619  found->setBinContent(i, goodlayerfound[i] + goodlayerfound[i + 3]);
620  all->setBinContent(i, goodlayertotal[i] + goodlayertotal[i + 3]);
621  }
622  LOGPRINT << "Filling all modules layer " << i << ": S = " << alllayerfound[i] + alllayerfound[i + 3]
623  << " B = " << alllayertotal[i] + alllayertotal[i + 3];
624  if (alllayertotal[i] + alllayertotal[i + 3] > 5) {
625  found2->setBinContent(i, alllayerfound[i] + alllayerfound[i + 3]);
626  all2->setBinContent(i, alllayertotal[i] + alllayertotal[i + 3]);
627  }
628  }
629  for (unsigned int i = 17; i < 17 + nTEClayers_; ++i) { // TEC disks
630  LOGPRINT << "Fill only good modules layer " << i - 3
631  << ": S = " << goodlayerfound[i] + goodlayerfound[i + nTEClayers_]
632  << " B = " << goodlayertotal[i] + goodlayertotal[i + nTEClayers_];
633  if (goodlayertotal[i] + goodlayertotal[i + nTEClayers_] > 5) {
634  found->setBinContent(i - 3, goodlayerfound[i] + goodlayerfound[i + nTEClayers_]);
635  all->setBinContent(i - 3, goodlayertotal[i] + goodlayertotal[i + nTEClayers_]);
636  }
637  LOGPRINT << "Filling all modules layer " << i - 3
638  << ": S = " << alllayerfound[i] + alllayerfound[i + nTEClayers_]
639  << " B = " << alllayertotal[i] + alllayertotal[i + nTEClayers_];
640  if (alllayertotal[i] + alllayertotal[i + nTEClayers_] > 5) {
643  }
644  }
645  }
647  found->getTH1F()->Sumw2();
648  all->getTH1F()->Sumw2();
650  found2->getTH1F()->Sumw2();
651  all2->getTH1F()->Sumw2();
653  MonitorElement* h_eff_all =
654  booker.book1D("eff_all", "Strip hit efficiency for all modules", nLayers + 1, 0, nLayers + 1);
655  MonitorElement* h_eff_good =
656  booker.book1D("eff_good", "Strip hit efficiency for good modules", nLayers + 1, 0, nLayers + 1);
658  if (doProfiles) {
659  // now do the profile
660  TProfile* profile_all = ::computeEff(found2->getTH1F(), all2->getTH1F(), "all");
661  profile_all->SetMinimum(tkMapMin_);
662  profile_all->SetTitle("Strip hit efficiency for all modules");
663  booker.bookProfile(profile_all->GetName(), profile_all);
665  TProfile* profile_good = ::computeEff(found->getTH1F(), all->getTH1F(), "good");
666  profile_good->SetMinimum(tkMapMin_);
667  profile_good->SetTitle("Strip hit efficiency for good modules");
668  booker.bookProfile(profile_good->GetName(), profile_good);
670  // clean the house
671  delete profile_all;
672  delete profile_good;
673  }
675  for (int i = 1; i < found->getNbinsX(); i++) {
676  const auto& den_all = all2->getBinContent(i);
677  const auto& num_all = found2->getBinContent(i);
678  const auto& den_good = all->getBinContent(i);
679  const auto& num_good = found->getBinContent(i);
681  // fill all modules efficiency
682  if (den_all > 0.) {
683  // naive binomial errors
684  //float eff_all = num_all / den_all;
685  //float err_eff_all = (eff_all * (1 - eff_all)) / den_all;
687  // use Clopper-Pearson errors
688  const auto& effPair_all = ::computeCPEfficiency(num_all, den_all);
689  h_eff_all->setBinContent(i, effPair_all.value());
690  h_eff_all->setBinError(i, effPair_all.error());
691  }
693  // fill good modules efficiency
694  if (den_good > 0.) {
695  // naive binomial errors
696  //float eff_good = num_good / den_good;
697  //float err_eff_good = (eff_good * (1 - eff_good)) / den_good;
699  // use Clopper-Pearson errors
700  const auto& effPair_good = ::computeCPEfficiency(num_good, den_good);
701  h_eff_good->setBinContent(i, effPair_good.value());
702  h_eff_good->setBinError(i, effPair_good.error());
703  }
704  }
706  h_eff_all->getTH1F()->SetMinimum(effPlotMin_);
707  h_eff_good->getTH1F()->SetMinimum(effPlotMin_);
709  // set the histogram bin labels
710  this->setEffBinLabels(h_eff_all->getTH1F(), h_eff_good->getTH1F(), nLayers);
712  if (!isAtPCL_) {
713  // if TFileService is not avaible, just go on
715  if (!fs.isAvailable()) {
716  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig") << "TFileService unavailable: "
717  << "please add it to config file";
718  }
720  TGraphAsymmErrors* gr = (*fs).make<TGraphAsymmErrors>(nLayers + 1);
721  gr->SetName("eff_good");
722  gr->BayesDivide(found->getTH1F(), all->getTH1F());
724  TGraphAsymmErrors* gr2 = (*fs).make<TGraphAsymmErrors>(nLayers + 1);
725  gr2->SetName("eff_all");
726  gr2->BayesDivide(found2->getTH1F(), all2->getTH1F());
728  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nLayers + 1; j++) {
729  gr->SetPointError(j, 0., 0., gr->GetErrorYlow(j), gr->GetErrorYhigh(j));
730  gr2->SetPointError(j, 0., 0., gr2->GetErrorYlow(j), gr2->GetErrorYhigh(j));
731  }
733  this->setEffBinLabels(gr, gr2, nLayers);
735  gr->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(0, nLayers);
736  gr->SetMarkerColor(2);
737  gr->SetMarkerSize(1.2);
738  gr->SetLineColor(2);
739  gr->SetLineWidth(4);
740  gr->SetMarkerStyle(20);
741  gr->SetMinimum(effPlotMin_);
742  gr->SetMaximum(1.001);
743  gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
744  gStyle->SetTitleFillColor(0);
745  gStyle->SetTitleBorderSize(0);
746  gr->SetTitle("SiStripHitEfficiency by Layer");
748  gr2->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(0, nLayers);
749  gr2->SetMarkerColor(1);
750  gr2->SetMarkerSize(1.2);
751  gr2->SetLineColor(1);
752  gr2->SetLineWidth(4);
753  gr2->SetMarkerStyle(21);
754  gr2->SetMinimum(effPlotMin_);
755  gr2->SetMaximum(1.001);
756  gr2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
757  gr2->SetTitle("SiStripHitEfficiency by Layer");
759  gr->Draw("AP");
760  gr->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(36);
762  c7->cd();
763  TPad* overlay = new TPad("overlay", "", 0, 0, 1, 1);
764  overlay->SetFillStyle(4000);
765  overlay->SetFillColor(0);
766  overlay->SetFrameFillStyle(4000);
767  overlay->Draw("same");
768  overlay->cd();
770  gr2->Draw("AP");
772  TLegend* leg = new TLegend(0.70, 0.27, 0.88, 0.40);
773  leg->AddEntry(gr, "Good Modules", "p");
775  leg->AddEntry(gr2, "All Modules", "p");
776  leg->SetTextSize(0.020);
777  leg->SetFillColor(0);
778  leg->Draw("same");
780  c7->SaveAs("Summary.png");
781  c7->SaveAs("Summary.root");
782  } // if it's not run at PCL
783 }
void setEffBinLabels(const T gr, const T gr2, const unsigned int nLayers) const
int goodlayerfound[bounds::k_END_OF_LAYS_AND_RINGS]
def all(container)
workaround iterator generators for ROOT classes
int goodlayertotal[bounds::k_END_OF_LAYS_AND_RINGS]
virtual void setCurrentFolder(std::string const &fullpath)
int alllayertotal[bounds::k_END_OF_LAYS_AND_RINGS]
def overlay(hists, ytitle, header, addon)
MonitorElement * bookProfile(TString const &name, TString const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int, double lowY, double highY, char const *option="s", FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:399
virtual void setBinContent(int binx, double content)
set content of bin (1-D)
virtual TH1F * getTH1F() const
int alllayerfound[bounds::k_END_OF_LAYS_AND_RINGS]
virtual void setBinError(int binx, double error)
set uncertainty on content of bin (1-D)
MonitorElement * book1D(TString const &name, TString const &title, int const nchX, double const lowX, double const highX, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:98
virtual double getBinContent(int binx) const
get content of bin (1-D)

◆ makeSummaryVsVariable()

void SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::makeSummaryVsVariable ( DQMStore::IGetter getter,
DQMStore::IBooker booker,
::projections  theProj 
) const

Definition at line 835 of file

References dqm::implementation::IBooker::book1D(), dqm::implementation::IBooker::bookProfile(), MillePedeFileConverter_cfg::e, dqm-mbProfile::format, dqm::implementation::IGetter::get(), mps_fire::i, inputFolder_, LogDebug, nTEClayers_, EgammaValidation_cff::num, or, PostProcessor_cff::profile, dqm::implementation::NavigatorBase::setCurrentFolder(), showRings_, runGCPTkAlMap::title, and tkMapMin_.

Referenced by dqmEndJob().

837  {
838  std::vector<MonitorElement*> effVsVariable;
839  effVsVariable.reserve(showRings_ ? 20 : 22);
841  const auto& folderString = ::projFolder[theProj];
842  const auto& foundHistoString = ::projFoundHisto[theProj];
843  const auto& totalHistoString = ::projTotalHisto[theProj];
844  const auto& titleString = ::projTitle[theProj];
845  const auto& titleXString = ::projXtitle[theProj];
847  LogDebug("SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester")
848  << " inside" << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " from " << ::projFolder[theProj] << " " << __LINE__ << std::endl;
850  for (unsigned int iLayer = 1; iLayer != (showRings_ ? 20 : 22); ++iLayer) {
851  LogDebug("SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester")
852  << "iLayer " << iLayer << " " << fmt::format("{}/{}/{}{}", inputFolder_, folderString, foundHistoString, iLayer)
853  << std::endl;
855  const auto lyrName = ::layerName(iLayer, showRings_, nTEClayers_);
856  auto hfound = getter.get(fmt::format("{}/{}/{}{}", inputFolder_, folderString, foundHistoString, iLayer));
857  auto htotal = getter.get(fmt::format("{}/{}/{}{}", inputFolder_, folderString, totalHistoString, iLayer));
859  if (hfound == nullptr or htotal == nullptr) {
860  if (hfound == nullptr)
861  edm::LogError("SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester")
862  << fmt::format("{}/{}/{}{}", inputFolder_, folderString, foundHistoString, iLayer) << " was not found!";
863  if (htotal == nullptr)
864  edm::LogError("SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester")
865  << fmt::format("{}/{}/{}{}", inputFolder_, folderString, totalHistoString, iLayer) << " was not found!";
866  // no input histograms -> continue in the loop
867  continue;
868  }
870  // in order to display correct errors when taking the ratio
871  if (!hfound->getTH1F()->GetSumw2())
872  hfound->getTH1F()->Sumw2();
873  if (!htotal->getTH1F()->GetSumw2())
874  htotal->getTH1F()->Sumw2();
876  // prevent dividing by 0
877  for (int i = 0; i != hfound->getNbinsX() + 1; ++i) {
878  if (hfound->getBinContent(i) == 0)
879  hfound->setBinContent(i, 1e-6);
880  if (htotal->getBinContent(i) == 0)
881  htotal->setBinContent(i, 1);
882  }
883  LogDebug("SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester") << "Total hits for layer " << iLayer << " (" << folderString
884  << "): " << htotal->getEntries() << ", found " << hfound->getEntries();
886  booker.setCurrentFolder(fmt::format("{}/EfficiencySummary{}", inputFolder_, folderString));
887  effVsVariable[iLayer] = booker.book1D(
888  fmt::sprintf("eff%sLayer%s", folderString, lyrName),
889  fmt::sprintf("Efficiency vs %s for layer %s;%s;SiStrip Hit efficiency", titleString, lyrName, titleXString),
890  hfound->getNbinsX(),
891  hfound->getAxisMin(),
892  hfound->getAxisMax());
894  LogDebug("SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester")
895  << " bin 0 " << hfound->getAxisMin() << " bin last: " << hfound->getAxisMax() << std::endl;
897  for (int i = 0; i != hfound->getNbinsX() + 1; ++i) {
898  const auto& den = htotal->getBinContent(i);
899  const auto& num = hfound->getBinContent(i);
901  // fill all modules efficiency
902  if (den > 0.) {
903  const auto& effPair = ::computeCPEfficiency(num, den);
904  effVsVariable[iLayer]->setBinContent(i, effPair.value());
905  effVsVariable[iLayer]->setBinError(i, effPair.error());
907  LogDebug("SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester")
908  << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " " << lyrName << " bin:" << i << " err:" << effPair.error() << std::endl;
909  }
910  }
912  // graphics adjustment
913  effVsVariable[iLayer]->getTH1F()->SetMinimum(tkMapMin_);
915  // now do the profile
916  TProfile* profile = ::computeEff(hfound->getTH1F(), htotal->getTH1F(), lyrName);
917  TString title =
918  fmt::sprintf("Efficiency vs %s for layer %s;%s;SiStrip Hit efficiency", titleString, lyrName, titleXString);
919  profile->SetMinimum(tkMapMin_);
921  profile->SetTitle(title.Data());
922  booker.bookProfile(profile->GetName(), profile);
924  delete profile;
925  } // loop on layers
926 }
virtual void setCurrentFolder(std::string const &fullpath)
Log< level::Error, false > LogError
MonitorElement * bookProfile(TString const &name, TString const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int, double lowY, double highY, char const *option="s", FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:399
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e< void, edm::EventID const &, edm::Timestamp const & > We also list in braces which AR_WATCH_USING_METHOD_ is used for those or
Definition: Activities.doc:12
virtual MonitorElement * get(std::string const &fullpath) const
MonitorElement * book1D(TString const &name, TString const &title, int const nchX, double const lowX, double const highX, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:98
#define LogDebug(id)

◆ printAndWriteBadModules()

void SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::printAndWriteBadModules ( const SiStripQuality quality,
const SiStripDetInfo detInfo 
) const

Definition at line 965 of file

References SiStripDetInfo::getNumberOfApvsAndStripLength(), mps_fire::i, dqmiolumiharvest::j, dqmdumpme::k, LOGPRINT, quality, FastTimerService_cff::range, SiStripPI::setBadComponents(), contentValuesCheck::ss, str, sistrip::STRIPS_PER_APV, DetId::subdetId(), SiStripSubdetector::TEC, SiStripSubdetector::TIB, SiStripSubdetector::TID, SiStripSubdetector::TOB, tTopo_, and testProducerWithPsetDescEmpty_cfi::x1.

Referenced by dqmEndJob().

966  {
968  //try to write out what's in the quality record
970  int nTkBadComp[4]; //k: 0=BadModule, 1=BadFiber, 2=BadApv, 3=BadStrips
971  int nBadComp[4][19][4];
972  //legend: nBadComp[i][j][k]= SubSystem i, layer/disk/wheel j, BadModule/Fiber/Apv k
973  // i: 0=TIB, 1=TID, 2=TOB, 3=TEC
974  // k: 0=BadModule, 1=BadFiber, 2=BadApv, 3=BadStrips
975  std::stringstream ssV[4][19];
977  for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
978  nTkBadComp[i] = 0;
979  for (int j = 0; j < 19; ++j) {
980  ssV[i][j].str("");
981  for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
982  nBadComp[i][j][k] = 0;
983  }
984  }
986  for (const auto& bc : quality.getBadComponentList()) {
987  // Full Tk
988  if (bc.BadModule)
989  nTkBadComp[0]++;
990  if (bc.BadFibers)
991  nTkBadComp[1] += ((bc.BadFibers >> 2) & 0x1) + ((bc.BadFibers >> 1) & 0x1) + ((bc.BadFibers) & 0x1);
992  if (bc.BadApvs)
993  nTkBadComp[2] += ((bc.BadApvs >> 5) & 0x1) + ((bc.BadApvs >> 4) & 0x1) + ((bc.BadApvs >> 3) & 0x1) +
994  ((bc.BadApvs >> 2) & 0x1) + ((bc.BadApvs >> 1) & 0x1) + ((bc.BadApvs) & 0x1);
995  // single subsystem
996  DetId det(bc.detid);
997  if ((det.subdetId() >= SiStripSubdetector::TIB) && (det.subdetId() <= SiStripSubdetector::TEC)) {
998  const auto nAPV = detInfo.getNumberOfApvsAndStripLength(det).first;
999  switch (det.subdetId()) {
1001  setBadComponents(0, tTopo_->tibLayer(det), bc, ssV, nBadComp, nAPV);
1002  break;
1004  setBadComponents(1,
1005  (tTopo_->tidSide(det) == 2 ? tTopo_->tidWheel(det) : tTopo_->tidWheel(det) + 3),
1006  bc,
1007  ssV,
1008  nBadComp,
1009  nAPV);
1010  break;
1012  setBadComponents(2, tTopo_->tobLayer(det), bc, ssV, nBadComp, nAPV);
1013  break;
1015  setBadComponents(3,
1016  (tTopo_->tecSide(det) == 2 ? tTopo_->tecWheel(det) : tTopo_->tecWheel(det) + 9),
1017  bc,
1018  ssV,
1019  nBadComp,
1020  nAPV);
1021  break;
1022  default:
1023  break;
1024  }
1025  }
1026  }
1027  // single strip info
1028  for (auto rp = quality.getRegistryVectorBegin(); rp != quality.getRegistryVectorEnd(); ++rp) {
1029  DetId det{rp->detid};
1030  int subdet = -999;
1031  int component = -999;
1032  switch (det.subdetId()) {
1034  subdet = 0;
1035  component = tTopo_->tibLayer(det);
1036  break;
1038  subdet = 1;
1039  component = tTopo_->tidSide(det) == 2 ? tTopo_->tidWheel(det) : tTopo_->tidWheel(det) + 3;
1040  break;
1042  subdet = 2;
1043  component = tTopo_->tobLayer(det);
1044  break;
1046  subdet = 3;
1047  component = tTopo_->tecSide(det) == 2 ? tTopo_->tecWheel(det) : tTopo_->tecWheel(det) + 9;
1048  break;
1049  default:
1050  break;
1051  }
1053  const auto pQdvBegin = quality.getDataVectorBegin();
1054  const auto sqrange = SiStripQuality::Range(pQdvBegin + rp->ibegin, pQdvBegin + rp->iend);
1055  float percentage = 0;
1056  for (int it = 0; it < sqrange.second - sqrange.first; it++) {
1057  unsigned int range = quality.decode(*(sqrange.first + it)).range;
1058  nTkBadComp[3] += range;
1059  nBadComp[subdet][0][3] += range;
1060  nBadComp[subdet][component][3] += range;
1061  percentage += range;
1062  }
1063  if (percentage != 0)
1064  percentage /= (sistrip::STRIPS_PER_APV * detInfo.getNumberOfApvsAndStripLength(det).first);
1065  if (percentage > 1)
1066  edm::LogError("SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester") << "PROBLEM detid " << det.rawId() << " value " << percentage;
1067  }
1069  // printout
1070  std::ostringstream ss;
1071  ss << "\n-----------------\nGlobal Info\n-----------------";
1072  ss << "\nBadComp \t Modules \tFibers "
1073  "\tApvs\tStrips\n----------------------------------------------------------------";
1074  ss << "\nTracker:\t\t" << nTkBadComp[0] << "\t" << nTkBadComp[1] << "\t" << nTkBadComp[2] << "\t" << nTkBadComp[3];
1075  ss << "\nTIB:\t\t\t" << nBadComp[0][0][0] << "\t" << nBadComp[0][0][1] << "\t" << nBadComp[0][0][2] << "\t"
1076  << nBadComp[0][0][3];
1077  ss << "\nTID:\t\t\t" << nBadComp[1][0][0] << "\t" << nBadComp[1][0][1] << "\t" << nBadComp[1][0][2] << "\t"
1078  << nBadComp[1][0][3];
1079  ss << "\nTOB:\t\t\t" << nBadComp[2][0][0] << "\t" << nBadComp[2][0][1] << "\t" << nBadComp[2][0][2] << "\t"
1080  << nBadComp[2][0][3];
1081  ss << "\nTEC:\t\t\t" << nBadComp[3][0][0] << "\t" << nBadComp[3][0][1] << "\t" << nBadComp[3][0][2] << "\t"
1082  << nBadComp[3][0][3];
1083  ss << "\n";
1085  for (int i = 1; i < 5; ++i)
1086  ss << "\nTIB Layer " << i << " :\t\t" << nBadComp[0][i][0] << "\t" << nBadComp[0][i][1] << "\t" << nBadComp[0][i][2]
1087  << "\t" << nBadComp[0][i][3];
1088  ss << "\n";
1089  for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i)
1090  ss << "\nTID+ Disk " << i << " :\t\t" << nBadComp[1][i][0] << "\t" << nBadComp[1][i][1] << "\t" << nBadComp[1][i][2]
1091  << "\t" << nBadComp[1][i][3];
1092  for (int i = 4; i < 7; ++i)
1093  ss << "\nTID- Disk " << i - 3 << " :\t\t" << nBadComp[1][i][0] << "\t" << nBadComp[1][i][1] << "\t"
1094  << nBadComp[1][i][2] << "\t" << nBadComp[1][i][3];
1095  ss << "\n";
1096  for (int i = 1; i < 7; ++i)
1097  ss << "\nTOB Layer " << i << " :\t\t" << nBadComp[2][i][0] << "\t" << nBadComp[2][i][1] << "\t" << nBadComp[2][i][2]
1098  << "\t" << nBadComp[2][i][3];
1099  ss << "\n";
1100  for (int i = 1; i < 10; ++i)
1101  ss << "\nTEC+ Disk " << i << " :\t\t" << nBadComp[3][i][0] << "\t" << nBadComp[3][i][1] << "\t" << nBadComp[3][i][2]
1102  << "\t" << nBadComp[3][i][3];
1103  for (int i = 10; i < 19; ++i)
1104  ss << "\nTEC- Disk " << i - 9 << " :\t\t" << nBadComp[3][i][0] << "\t" << nBadComp[3][i][1] << "\t"
1105  << nBadComp[3][i][2] << "\t" << nBadComp[3][i][3];
1106  ss << "\n";
1108  ss << "\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\t\t Detid \tModules Fibers "
1109  "Apvs\n----------------------------------------------------------------";
1110  for (int i = 1; i < 5; ++i)
1111  ss << "\nTIB Layer " << i << " :" << ssV[0][i].str();
1112  ss << "\n";
1113  for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i)
1114  ss << "\nTID+ Disk " << i << " :" << ssV[1][i].str();
1115  for (int i = 4; i < 7; ++i)
1116  ss << "\nTID- Disk " << i - 3 << " :" << ssV[1][i].str();
1117  ss << "\n";
1118  for (int i = 1; i < 7; ++i)
1119  ss << "\nTOB Layer " << i << " :" << ssV[2][i].str();
1120  ss << "\n";
1121  for (int i = 1; i < 10; ++i)
1122  ss << "\nTEC+ Disk " << i << " :" << ssV[3][i].str();
1123  for (int i = 10; i < 19; ++i)
1124  ss << "\nTEC- Disk " << i - 9 << " :" << ssV[3][i].str();
1126  LOGPRINT << ss.str();
1128  // store also bad modules in log file
1129  std::ofstream badModules;
1131  badModules << "\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\t\t Detid \tModules Fibers "
1132  "Apvs\n----------------------------------------------------------------";
1133  for (int i = 1; i < 5; ++i)
1134  badModules << "\nTIB Layer " << i << " :" << ssV[0][i].str();
1135  badModules << "\n";
1136  for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i)
1137  badModules << "\nTID+ Disk " << i << " :" << ssV[1][i].str();
1138  for (int i = 4; i < 7; ++i)
1139  badModules << "\nTID- Disk " << i - 3 << " :" << ssV[1][i].str();
1140  badModules << "\n";
1141  for (int i = 1; i < 7; ++i)
1142  badModules << "\nTOB Layer " << i << " :" << ssV[2][i].str();
1143  badModules << "\n";
1144  for (int i = 1; i < 10; ++i)
1145  badModules << "\nTEC+ Disk " << i << " :" << ssV[3][i].str();
1146  for (int i = 10; i < 19; ++i)
1147  badModules << "\nTEC- Disk " << i - 9 << " :" << ssV[3][i].str();
1148  badModules.close();
1149 }
std::unique_ptr< TrackerTopology > tTopo_
Log< level::Error, false > LogError
string quality
Definition: DetId.h:17
void setBadComponents(int i, int component, const SiStripQuality::BadComponent &BC, int NBadComponent[4][19][4])
const std::pair< unsigned short, double > getNumberOfApvsAndStripLength(uint32_t detId) const
static const uint16_t STRIPS_PER_APV
std::pair< ContainerIterator, ContainerIterator > Range
#define str(s)

◆ printTotalStatistics()

void SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::printTotalStatistics ( const std::array< long, bounds::k_END_OF_LAYERS > &  layerFound,
const std::array< long, bounds::k_END_OF_LAYERS > &  layerTotal 
) const

Definition at line 497 of file

References mps_fire::i, LOGPRINT, nTEClayers_, and showRings_.

Referenced by dqmEndJob().

499  {
500  //Calculate the statistics by layer
501  int totalfound = 0;
502  int totaltotal = 0;
503  double layereff;
504  int subdetfound[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
505  int subdettotal[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
507  for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= bounds::k_LayersAtTECEnd; i++) {
508  layereff = double(layerFound[i]) / double(layerTotal[i]);
509  LOGPRINT << "Layer " << i << " (" << ::layerName(i, showRings_, nTEClayers_) << ") has total efficiency "
510  << layereff << " " << layerFound[i] << "/" << layerTotal[i];
511  totalfound += layerFound[i];
512  totaltotal += layerTotal[i];
513  if (i <= bounds::k_LayersAtTIBEnd) {
514  subdetfound[1] += layerFound[i];
515  subdettotal[1] += layerTotal[i];
516  }
517  if (i > bounds::k_LayersAtTIBEnd && i <= bounds::k_LayersAtTOBEnd) {
518  subdetfound[2] += layerFound[i];
519  subdettotal[2] += layerTotal[i];
520  }
521  if (i > bounds::k_LayersAtTOBEnd && i <= bounds::k_LayersAtTIDEnd) {
522  subdetfound[3] += layerFound[i];
523  subdettotal[3] += layerTotal[i];
524  }
525  if (i > bounds::k_LayersAtTIDEnd) {
526  subdetfound[4] += layerFound[i];
527  subdettotal[4] += layerTotal[i];
528  }
529  }
531  LOGPRINT << "The total efficiency is " << double(totalfound) / double(totaltotal);
532  LOGPRINT << " TIB: " << double(subdetfound[1]) / subdettotal[1] << " " << subdetfound[1] << "/"
533  << subdettotal[1];
534  LOGPRINT << " TOB: " << double(subdetfound[2]) / subdettotal[2] << " " << subdetfound[2] << "/"
535  << subdettotal[2];
536  LOGPRINT << " TID: " << double(subdetfound[3]) / subdettotal[3] << " " << subdetfound[3] << "/"
537  << subdettotal[3];
538  LOGPRINT << " TEC: " << double(subdetfound[4]) / subdettotal[4] << " " << subdetfound[4] << "/"
539  << subdettotal[4];
540 }

◆ setEffBinLabels()

template<typename T >
void SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::setEffBinLabels ( const T  gr,
const T  gr2,
const unsigned int  nLayers 
) const

Definition at line 786 of file

References newFWLiteAna::bin, dqmdumpme::k, label, LogDebug, MuonTCMETValueMapProducer_cff::nLayers, nTEClayers_, showEndcapSides_, showRings_, showTOB6TEC9_, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by makeSummary().

786  {
787  LogDebug("SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester")
788  << "nLayers = " << nLayers << " number of bins, gr1: " << gr->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()
789  << " number of bins, gr2: " << gr2->GetXaxis()->GetNbins() << " showRings: " << showRings_
790  << " showEndcapSides: " << showEndcapSides_ << " type of object is "
791  << boost::typeindex::type_id<T>().pretty_name();
793  for (unsigned int k = 1; k < nLayers + 1; k++) {
794  std::string label{};
795  if (showEndcapSides_)
796  label = ::layerSideName(k, showRings_, nTEClayers_);
797  else
798  label = ::layerName(k, showRings_, nTEClayers_);
799  if (!showTOB6TEC9_) {
800  if (k == 10)
801  label = "";
802  if (!showRings_ && k == nLayers)
803  label = "";
804  if (!showRings_ && showEndcapSides_ && k == 25)
805  label = "";
806  }
808  int bin{-1};
809  if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, TGraphAsymmErrors*>) {
810  edm::LogInfo("SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester")
811  << "class name: " << gr->ClassName() << " expected TGraphAsymErrors" << std::endl;
812  if (!showRings_) {
813  if (showEndcapSides_) {
814  bin = (((k + 1) * 100 + 2) / (nLayers)-4);
815  } else {
816  bin = ((k + 1) * 100 / (nLayers)-6);
817  }
818  } else {
819  if (showEndcapSides_) {
820  bin = ((k + 1) * 100 / (nLayers)-4);
821  } else {
822  bin = ((k + 1) * 100 / (nLayers)-7);
823  }
824  }
825  } else {
826  edm::LogInfo("SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester")
827  << "class name: " << gr->ClassName() << " expected TH1F" << std::endl;
828  bin = k;
829  }
830  gr->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(bin,;
831  gr2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(bin,;
832  }
833 }
char const * label
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo
#define LogDebug(id)

◆ writeBadStripPayload()

void SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::writeBadStripPayload ( const SiStripQuality quality) const

Definition at line 542 of file

References cond::service::PoolDBOutputService::currentTime(), Exception, edm::Service< T >::isAvailable(), quality, FastTimerService_cff::range, record_, and cond::service::PoolDBOutputService::writeOneIOV().

Referenced by dqmEndJob().

542  {
543  SiStripBadStrip pBadStrip{};
544  const auto pQdvBegin = quality.getDataVectorBegin();
545  for (auto rIt = quality.getRegistryVectorBegin(); rIt != quality.getRegistryVectorEnd(); ++rIt) {
546  const auto range = SiStripBadStrip::Range(pQdvBegin + rIt->ibegin, pQdvBegin + rIt->iend);
547  if (!pBadStrip.put(rIt->detid, range))
548  edm::LogError("SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester") << "detid already exists in SiStripBadStrip";
549  }
551  if (poolDbService.isAvailable()) {
552  poolDbService->writeOneIOV(pBadStrip, poolDbService->currentTime(), record_);
553  } else {
554  throw cms::Exception("PoolDBService required");
555  }
556 }
string quality
Hash writeOneIOV(const T &payload, Time_t time, const std::string &recordName)
std::pair< ContainerIterator, ContainerIterator > Range
bool isAvailable() const
Definition: Service.h:40

Member Data Documentation

◆ alllayerfound

int SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::alllayerfound[bounds::k_END_OF_LAYS_AND_RINGS]

◆ alllayertotal

int SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::alllayertotal[bounds::k_END_OF_LAYS_AND_RINGS]

◆ autoIneffModTagging_

const bool SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::autoIneffModTagging_

Definition at line 55 of file

Referenced by dqmEndJob().

◆ calibData_

SiStripHitEffData SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::calibData_

Definition at line 52 of file

Referenced by dqmEndJob().

◆ doStoreOnDB_

const bool SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::doStoreOnDB_

Definition at line 55 of file

Referenced by dqmEndJob().

◆ doStoreOnTree_

const bool SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::doStoreOnTree_

Definition at line 56 of file

Referenced by dqmEndJob().

◆ effPlotMin_

const float SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::effPlotMin_

Definition at line 61 of file

Referenced by makeSummary().

◆ goodlayerfound

int SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::goodlayerfound[bounds::k_END_OF_LAYS_AND_RINGS]

◆ goodlayertotal

int SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::goodlayertotal[bounds::k_END_OF_LAYS_AND_RINGS]

◆ inputFolder_

const std::string SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::inputFolder_

Definition at line 53 of file

Referenced by dqmEndJob(), makeSummary(), and makeSummaryVsVariable().

◆ isAtPCL_

const bool SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::isAtPCL_

Definition at line 54 of file

Referenced by dqmEndJob(), and makeSummary().

◆ nModsMin_

const int SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::nModsMin_

Definition at line 60 of file

Referenced by dqmEndJob().

◆ nTEClayers_

const unsigned int SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::nTEClayers_

◆ record_

const std::string SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::record_

Definition at line 63 of file

Referenced by writeBadStripPayload().

◆ showEndcapSides_

const bool SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::showEndcapSides_

Definition at line 57 of file

Referenced by makeSummary(), and setEffBinLabels().

◆ showOnlyGoodModules_

const bool SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::showOnlyGoodModules_

Definition at line 57 of file

Referenced by makeSummary().

◆ showRings_

const bool SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::showRings_

◆ showTOB6TEC9_

const bool SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::showTOB6TEC9_

Definition at line 57 of file

Referenced by setEffBinLabels().

◆ stripDetIds_

std::vector<DetId> SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::stripDetIds_

Definition at line 73 of file

Referenced by dqmEndJob(), and endRun().

◆ stripQuality_

std::unique_ptr<SiStripQuality> SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::stripQuality_

Definition at line 72 of file

Referenced by dqmEndJob(), and endRun().

◆ stripQualityToken_

const edm::ESGetToken<SiStripQuality, SiStripQualityRcd> SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::stripQualityToken_

Definition at line 67 of file

Referenced by endRun().

◆ t_DetId

unsigned int SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::t_DetId

Definition at line 82 of file

Referenced by dqmEndJob().

◆ t_found

unsigned int SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::t_found

Definition at line 82 of file

Referenced by dqmEndJob().

◆ t_isTaggedIneff

bool SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::t_isTaggedIneff

Definition at line 84 of file

Referenced by dqmEndJob().

◆ t_layer

unsigned char SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::t_layer

Definition at line 83 of file

Referenced by dqmEndJob().

◆ t_threshold

float SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::t_threshold

Definition at line 85 of file

Referenced by dqmEndJob().

◆ t_total

unsigned int SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::t_total

Definition at line 82 of file

Referenced by dqmEndJob().

◆ threshold_

const double SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::threshold_

Definition at line 59 of file

Referenced by dqmEndJob().

◆ title_

const std::string SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::title_

Definition at line 63 of file

Referenced by dqmEndJob().

◆ tkDetMap_

std::unique_ptr<TkDetMap> SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::tkDetMap_

Definition at line 71 of file

Referenced by dqmEndJob(), and endRun().

◆ tkDetMapToken_

const edm::ESGetToken<TkDetMap, TrackerTopologyRcd> SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::tkDetMapToken_

Definition at line 66 of file

Referenced by endRun().

◆ tkGeomToken_

const edm::ESGetToken<TrackerGeometry, TrackerDigiGeometryRecord> SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::tkGeomToken_

Definition at line 68 of file

Referenced by endRun().

◆ tkMapMin_

const double SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::tkMapMin_

Definition at line 62 of file

Referenced by dqmEndJob(), makeSummary(), and makeSummaryVsVariable().

◆ tree

TTree* SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::tree

◆ tTopo_

std::unique_ptr<TrackerTopology> SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::tTopo_

Definition at line 70 of file

Referenced by dqmEndJob(), endRun(), and printAndWriteBadModules().

◆ tTopoToken_

const edm::ESGetToken<TrackerTopology, TrackerTopologyRcd> SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester::tTopoToken_

Definition at line 65 of file

Referenced by endRun().