delete x; More...
Namespaces | |
demo | |
DumpMuonScouting | |
emtf | |
mtf7 | |
stage1 | |
stage2 | |
Functions | |
int | bitShift (int num, int bits) |
void | calibrateAndRankJets (CaloParamsHelper const *params, const std::vector< l1t::Jet > *input, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *output) |
void | calibrateAndRankTaus (CaloParamsHelper const *params, const std::vector< l1t::Tau > *input, std::vector< l1t::Tau > *output) |
template<class T > | |
T | castTo (const char *arg) |
template<> | |
bool | castTo< bool > (const char *arg) |
template<> | |
char | castTo< char > (const char *arg) |
template<> | |
double | castTo< double > (const char *arg) |
template<> | |
float | castTo< float > (const char *arg) |
template<> | |
int | castTo< int > (const char *arg) |
template<> | |
long | castTo< long > (const char *arg) |
template<> | |
long double | castTo< long double > (const char *arg) |
template<> | |
long long | castTo< long long > (const char *arg) |
template<> | |
short | castTo< short > (const char *arg) |
template<> | |
unsigned char | castTo< unsigned char > (const char *arg) |
template<> | |
unsigned int | castTo< unsigned int > (const char *arg) |
template<> | |
unsigned long | castTo< unsigned long > (const char *arg) |
template<> | |
unsigned long long | castTo< unsigned long long > (const char *arg) |
template<> | |
unsigned short | castTo< unsigned short > (const char *arg) |
template<class T > | |
T | castTo_impl (const char *arg, std::true_type, std::false_type) |
template<class T > | |
T | castTo_impl (const char *arg, std::false_type, std::true_type) |
template<class T > | |
T | castTo_impl (const char *arg, std::false_type, std::false_type) |
template<class T > | |
T | castToInt_impl (const char *arg, std::true_type) |
template<class T > | |
T | castToInt_impl (const char *arg, std::false_type) |
l1t::LUT | convertToLUT (const std::vector< uint64_t > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept |
l1t::LUT | convertToLUT (const std::vector< char > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept |
l1t::LUT | convertToLUT (const std::vector< short > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept |
l1t::LUT | convertToLUT (const std::vector< int > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept |
l1t::LUT | convertToLUT (const std::vector< long > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept |
l1t::LUT | convertToLUT (const std::vector< long long > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept |
l1t::LUT | convertToLUT (const std::vector< unsigned char > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept |
l1t::LUT | convertToLUT (const std::vector< unsigned short > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept |
l1t::LUT | convertToLUT (const std::vector< unsigned int > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept |
int | deltaGctPhi (const CaloRegion ®ion, const CaloRegion &neighbor) |
void | EGammaToGtScales (CaloParamsHelper const *params, const std::vector< l1t::EGamma > *input, std::vector< l1t::EGamma > *output) |
void | EtSumToGtScales (CaloParamsHelper const *params, const std::vector< l1t::EtSum > *input, std::vector< l1t::EtSum > *output) |
void | getBXRange (int nbx, int &first, int &last) |
const unsigned int | gtEta (const unsigned int iEta) |
constexpr unsigned char | hgcal_bad_codec (0xff) |
void | HICaloRingSubtraction (const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > ®ions, std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *subRegions, CaloParamsHelper const *params) |
------------— For heavy ion ----------------------------------— More... | |
void | JetCalibration (std::vector< l1t::Jet > *uncalibjets, std::vector< double > jetCalibrationParams, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *jets, std::string jetCalibrationType, double jetLSB) |
void | JetToGtEtaScales (CaloParamsHelper const *params, const std::vector< l1t::Jet > *input, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *output) |
void | JetToGtPtScales (CaloParamsHelper const *params, const std::vector< l1t::Jet > *input, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *output) |
std::string | l1GtBoardTypeEnumToString (const L1GtBoardType &) |
L1GtBoardType | l1GtBoardTypeStringToEnum (const std::string &) |
std::string | l1GtConditionCategoryEnumToString (const GtConditionCategory &) |
GtConditionCategory | l1GtConditionCategoryStringToEnum (const std::string &) |
std::string | l1GtConditionTypeEnumToString (const GtConditionType &) |
GtConditionType | l1GtConditionTypeStringToEnum (const std::string &) |
std::string | l1TGtObjectEnumToString (const GlobalObject &) |
l1t::GlobalObject | l1TGtObjectStringToEnum (const std::string &) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const l1t::CaloParamsHelper &p) |
bool | operator> (const l1t::Tau &a, const l1t::Tau &b) |
bool | operator> (const l1t::EGamma &a, const l1t::EGamma &b) |
bool | operator> (l1t::Tau &a, l1t::Tau &b) |
bool | operator> (l1t::EGamma &a, l1t::EGamma &b) |
bool | operator> (const l1t::Jet &a, const l1t::Jet &b) |
bool | operator> (const l1t::Jet &a, l1t::Jet &b) |
bool | operator> (const l1t::EGamma &a, l1t::EGamma &b) |
bool | operator> (const l1t::Tau &a, l1t::Tau &b) |
unsigned int | pack15bits (int pt, int eta, int phi) |
unsigned int | pack16bits (int pt, int eta, int phi) |
unsigned int | pack16bitsEgammaSpecial (int pt, int eta, int phi) |
void | passThroughJets (const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *regions, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *uncalibjets) |
void | RegionCorrection (const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > ®ions, std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *subRegions, CaloParamsHelper const *params) |
------— New region correction (PUsub, no response correction at the moment) --------— More... | |
void | simpleHWSubtraction (const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > ®ions, std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *subRegions) |
void | slidingWindowJetFinder (const int, const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *regions, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *uncalibjets) |
void | SortEGammas (std::vector< l1t::EGamma > *input, std::vector< l1t::EGamma > *output) |
void | SortJets (std::vector< l1t::Jet > *input, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *output) |
void | SortTaus (std::vector< l1t::Tau > *input, std::vector< l1t::Tau > *output) |
void | TauToGtEtaScales (CaloParamsHelper const *params, const std::vector< l1t::Tau > *input, std::vector< l1t::Tau > *output) |
void | TauToGtPtScales (CaloParamsHelper const *params, const std::vector< l1t::Tau > *input, std::vector< l1t::Tau > *output) |
void | TwelveByTwelveFinder (const int, const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *regions, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *uncalibjets) |
void | TwoByTwoFinder (const int, const int, const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *regions, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *uncalibjets) |
Variables | |
static constexpr float | PFTAU_NN_LOOSE_CUT = 0.05 |
static constexpr float | PFTAU_NN_OFFSET = 0.1 |
static constexpr float | PFTAU_NN_OVERALL_SCALE = 1. / 20.1 |
static constexpr double | PFTAU_NN_PT_CUTOFF = 100.0 |
static constexpr float | PFTAU_NN_SLOPE = 0.2 |
static constexpr float | PFTAU_NN_TIGHT_CUT = 0.25 |
static constexpr float | PFTAU_PF_LOOSE_CUT = 10.0 |
static constexpr float | PFTAU_PF_TIGHT_CUT = 5.0 |
static constexpr float | PTSCALING_MASSCUT = 40.0 |
delete x;
map containing the conditions
Description: Simple Navigator class for the CaloTowers
Description: Firmware headers
Implementation: Collects concrete algorithm implmentations.
Description: Firmware headers
Implementation: Collects concrete algorithm implmentations.
Description: Firmware headers
Implementation: Concrete firmware implementations
Description: Firmware headers
Implementation: Concrete firmware implementations
Description: enums for the L1 GT.
Implementation: Defines various enums for CondFormats L1 GT. For each enum, define the lightweight "maps" for enum string label and enum value
$Date$ $Revision$
typedef std::map<std::string, GlobalAlgorithm> l1t::AlgorithmMap |
map containing the algorithms
Definition at line 32 of file TriggerMenuFwd.h.
typedef std::vector<Block> l1t::Blocks |
typedef std::vector<BxBlock> l1t::BxBlocks |
Definition at line 78 of file CaloCluster.h.
Definition at line 19 of file CaloEmCand.h.
Definition at line 43 of file CaloRegion.h.
typedef BXVector<CaloSpare> l1t::CaloSpareBxCollection |
Definition at line 9 of file CaloSpare.h.
Definition at line 20 of file CaloStage1Cluster.h.
typedef BXVector<CaloTower> l1t::CaloTowerBxCollection |
Definition at line 9 of file CaloTower.h.
typedef AlgorithmMap::const_iterator l1t::CItAlgo |
iterators through map containing the algorithms
Definition at line 39 of file TriggerMenuFwd.h.
typedef ConditionMap::const_iterator l1t::CItCond |
iterators through map containing the conditions
Definition at line 35 of file TriggerMenuFwd.h.
typedef std::map<std::string, GlobalCondition*> l1t::ConditionMap |
Definition at line 29 of file TriggerMenuFwd.h.
typedef std::vector<CPPFDigi> l1t::CPPFDigiCollection |
Definition at line 83 of file CPPFDigi.h.
typedef BXVector<EGamma> l1t::EGammaBxCollection |
typedef edm::Ref< EGammaBxCollection > l1t::EGammaRef |
typedef ObjectRefPair<EGamma> l1t::EGammaRefPair |
typedef std::vector< EGammaRef > l1t::EGammaVectorRef |
typedef std::vector<EMTFDaqOut> l1t::EMTFDaqOutCollection |
Definition at line 179 of file EMTFDaqOut.h.
typedef std::vector<EMTFHit> l1t::EMTFHitCollection |
typedef std::vector<EMTFRoad> l1t::EMTFRoadCollection |
Definition at line 66 of file EMTFRoad.h.
typedef std::vector<EMTFTrack> l1t::EMTFTrackCollection |
Definition at line 251 of file EMTFTrack.h.
typedef BXVector<EtSum> l1t::EtSumBxCollection |
typedef std::vector<EtSum> l1t::EtSumP2Collection |
typedef edm::Ref<EtSumP2Collection> l1t::EtSumP2Ref |
typedef edm::Ref<EtSumBxCollection> l1t::EtSumRef |
typedef ObjectRefPair<EtSum> l1t::EtSumRefPair |
typedef std::vector<EtSumP2Ref> l1t::EtSumVectorP2Ref |
typedef std::vector<EtSumRef> l1t::EtSumVectorRef |
typedef std::vector<GMTInternalMuon> l1t::GMTInternalMuonCollection |
Definition at line 9 of file GMTInternalMuonFwd.h.
typedef std::list<std::shared_ptr<GMTInternalMuon> > l1t::GMTInternalMuonList |
Definition at line 12 of file GMTInternalMuonFwd.h.
typedef std::map<int, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GMTInternalMuon> > > l1t::GMTInternalWedges |
Definition at line 11 of file GMTInternalMuonFwd.h.
Definition at line 27 of file HGCalCluster.h.
Definition at line 9 of file HGCalConcentratorData.h.
Definition at line 95 of file HGCalMulticluster.h.
Definition at line 10 of file HGCalTower.h.
Definition at line 12 of file HGCalTowerMap.h.
Definition at line 11 of file HGCalTriggerCell.h.
Definition at line 11 of file HGCalTriggerSums.h.
Definition at line 15 of file HGCFETriggerDigiDefs.h.
Definition at line 20 of file HGCFETriggerDigiDefs.h.
typedef std::vector<HGCFETriggerDigiPtr> l1t::HGCFETriggerDigiPtrVector |
Definition at line 21 of file HGCFETriggerDigiDefs.h.
Definition at line 18 of file HGCFETriggerDigiDefs.h.
Definition at line 19 of file HGCFETriggerDigiDefs.h.
typedef std::vector<HPSPFTau> l1t::HPSPFTauCollection |
Definition at line 7 of file HPSPFTauFwd.h.
typedef edm::Ref<HPSPFTauCollection> l1t::HPSPFTauRef |
Definition at line 9 of file HPSPFTauFwd.h.
Definition at line 10 of file HPSPFTauFwd.h.
typedef std::vector<HPSPFTauRef> l1t::HPSPFTauVectorRef |
Definition at line 11 of file HPSPFTauFwd.h.
typedef AlgorithmMap::iterator l1t::ItAlgo |
Definition at line 40 of file TriggerMenuFwd.h.
typedef ConditionMap::iterator l1t::ItCond |
Definition at line 36 of file TriggerMenuFwd.h.
typedef BXVector<Jet> l1t::JetBxCollection |
typedef edm::Ref<JetBxCollection> l1t::JetRef |
typedef ObjectRefPair<Jet> l1t::JetRefPair |
typedef std::vector<JetRef> l1t::JetVectorRef |
typedef std::vector<L1CaloTkTau> l1t::L1CaloTkTauCollection |
Definition at line 23 of file L1CaloTkTau.h.
Definition at line 27 of file L1CaloTkTau.h.
Definition at line 28 of file L1CaloTkTau.h.
typedef std::vector<L1CaloTkTauRef> l1t::L1CaloTkTauVectorRef |
Definition at line 29 of file L1CaloTkTau.h.
Definition at line 8 of file L1Candidate.h.
Definition at line 10 of file L1Candidate.h.
Definition at line 11 of file L1Candidate.h.
typedef std::vector<L1CandidateRef> l1t::L1CandidateVectorRef |
Definition at line 12 of file L1Candidate.h.
Definition at line 7 of file L1DataEmulResult.h.
typedef std::vector<L1TrkTau> l1t::L1TrkTauCollection |
Definition at line 23 of file L1TrkTau.h.
typedef edm::Ref<L1TrkTauCollection> l1t::L1TrkTauRef |
Definition at line 27 of file L1TrkTau.h.
Definition at line 28 of file L1TrkTau.h.
typedef std::vector<L1TrkTauRef> l1t::L1TrkTauVectorRef |
Definition at line 29 of file L1TrkTau.h.
typedef std::vector< L1TTTrackType > l1t::L1TTTrackCollection |
Definition at line 32 of file L1CaloTkTau.h.
typedef edm::Ptr< L1TTTrackType > l1t::L1TTTrackRefPtr |
Definition at line 33 of file L1CaloTkTau.h.
typedef std::vector< L1TTTrackRefPtr > l1t::L1TTTrackRefPtr_Collection |
Definition at line 34 of file L1CaloTkTau.h.
typedef TTTrack< Ref_Phase2TrackerDigi_ > l1t::L1TTTrackType |
Definition at line 31 of file L1CaloTkTau.h.
typedef BXVector<Muon> l1t::MuonBxCollection |
Definition at line 7 of file MuonCaloSumFwd.h.
typedef edm::Ref<MuonBxCollection> l1t::MuonRef |
typedef ObjectRefPair<Muon> l1t::MuonRefPair |
Definition at line 18 of file MuonShower.h.
Definition at line 20 of file MuonShower.h.
Definition at line 24 of file MuonShower.h.
Definition at line 25 of file MuonShower.h.
Definition at line 26 of file MuonShower.h.
Definition at line 21 of file MuonShower.h.
typedef std::vector<MuonShowerRef> l1t::MuonShowerVectorRef |
Definition at line 22 of file MuonShower.h.
typedef std::vector<MuonStub> l1t::MuonStubCollection |
Definition at line 40 of file MuonStub.h.
typedef edm::Ref<MuonStubCollection> l1t::MuonStubRef |
Definition at line 43 of file MuonStub.h.
typedef std::vector<edm::Ref<MuonStubCollection> > l1t::MuonStubRefVector |
Definition at line 44 of file MuonStub.h.
typedef std::vector<MuonRef> l1t::MuonVectorRef |
using l1t::ObjectRef = typedef edm::Ref<BXVector<T> > |
Definition at line 10 of file L1TObjComparison.h.
using l1t::ObjectRefBxCollection = typedef BXVector<ObjectRef<T> > |
Definition at line 12 of file L1TObjComparison.h.
using l1t::ObjectRefPair = typedef std::pair<edm::Ref<BXVector<T> >, edm::Ref<BXVector<T> >> |
Definition at line 14 of file L1TObjComparison.h.
using l1t::ObjectRefPairBxCollection = typedef BXVector<ObjectRefPair<T> > |
Definition at line 16 of file L1TObjComparison.h.
typedef Packer*() l1t::pack_fct() |
Definition at line 9 of file PackerFactory.h.
Definition at line 10 of file PackerFactory.h.
typedef std::map<std::pair<int, int>, Packers> l1t::PackerMap |
Definition at line 23 of file PackingSetup.h.
typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Packer> > l1t::Packers |
Definition at line 10 of file PackingSetupFactory.h.
typedef std::vector<l1t::PFCandidate> l1t::PFCandidateCollection |
Definition at line 82 of file PFCandidate.h.
Definition at line 83 of file PFCandidate.h.
Definition at line 84 of file PFCandidate.h.
Definition at line 85 of file PFCandidate.h.
typedef std::vector<l1t::PFCluster> l1t::PFClusterCollection |
Definition at line 74 of file PFCluster.h.
Definition at line 75 of file PFCluster.h.
typedef std::vector<l1t::PFJet> l1t::PFJetCollection |
typedef edm::Ref<l1t::PFJetCollection> l1t::PFJetRef |
typedef std::vector<l1t::PFJetRef> l1t::PFJetVectorRef |
typedef std::vector<l1t::PFTau> l1t::PFTauCollection |
typedef edm::Ref<l1t::PFTauCollection> l1t::PFTauRef |
typedef std::vector<l1t::PFTauRef> l1t::PFTauVectorRef |
typedef std::vector<l1t::PFTrack> l1t::PFTrackCollection |
typedef std::vector<l1t::PFTrackRef> l1t::PFTrackVectorRef |
typedef PackingSetup*() l1t::prov_fct() |
Definition at line 9 of file PackingSetupFactory.h.
Definition at line 9 of file RegionalMuonCandFwd.h.
Definition at line 12 of file RegionalMuonCandFwd.h.
Definition at line 13 of file RegionalMuonCandFwd.h.
Definition at line 14 of file RegionalMuonCandFwd.h.
Definition at line 15 of file RegionalMuonCandFwd.h.
Definition at line 12 of file RegionalMuonShower.h.
Definition at line 14 of file RegionalMuonShower.h.
Definition at line 15 of file RegionalMuonShower.h.
Definition at line 16 of file RegionalMuonShower.h.
typedef std::vector<SAMuon> l1t::SAMuonCollection |
typedef edm::Ref<SAMuonCollection> l1t::SAMuonRef |
typedef std::vector<edm::Ref<SAMuonCollection> > l1t::SAMuonRefVector |
typedef BXVector<Tau> l1t::TauBxCollection |
typedef edm::Ref<TauBxCollection> l1t::TauRef |
typedef ObjectRefPair<Tau> l1t::TauRefPair |
typedef std::vector<TauRef> l1t::TauVectorRef |
using l1t::TkBsCandidateCollection = typedef std::vector<TkBsCandidate> |
Definition at line 17 of file TkBsCandidateFwd.h.
using l1t::TkBsCandidateRef = typedef edm::Ref<TkBsCandidateCollection> |
Definition at line 18 of file TkBsCandidateFwd.h.
using l1t::TkBsCandidateRefVector = typedef edm::RefVector<TkBsCandidateCollection> |
Definition at line 19 of file TkBsCandidateFwd.h.
using l1t::TkBsCandidateVectorRef = typedef std::vector<TkBsCandidateRef> |
Definition at line 20 of file TkBsCandidateFwd.h.
typedef std::vector<TkEGTau> l1t::TkEGTauCollection |
typedef edm::Ref<TkEGTauCollection> l1t::TkEGTauRef |
typedef std::vector<TkEGTauRef> l1t::TkEGTauVectorRef |
typedef std::vector<TkElectron> l1t::TkElectronCollection |
Definition at line 16 of file TkElectronFwd.h.
Definition at line 20 of file TkElectronFwd.h.
Definition at line 21 of file TkElectronFwd.h.
Definition at line 23 of file TkElectronFwd.h.
typedef std::vector<TkElectronRef> l1t::TkElectronVectorRef |
Definition at line 22 of file TkElectronFwd.h.
typedef std::vector<TkEm> l1t::TkEmCollection |
typedef edm::Ref<TkEmCollection> l1t::TkEmRef |
typedef std::vector<TkEmRef> l1t::TkEmVectorRef |
typedef std::vector<TkEtMiss> l1t::TkEtMissCollection |
Definition at line 10 of file TkEtMissFwd.h.
typedef std::vector<TkGlbMuon> l1t::TkGlbMuonCollection |
Definition at line 16 of file TkGlbMuonFwd.h.
typedef edm::Ref<TkGlbMuonCollection> l1t::TkGlbMuonRef |
Definition at line 20 of file TkGlbMuonFwd.h.
Definition at line 21 of file TkGlbMuonFwd.h.
typedef std::vector<TkGlbMuonRef> l1t::TkGlbMuonVectorRef |
Definition at line 22 of file TkGlbMuonFwd.h.
typedef std::vector<TkHTMiss> l1t::TkHTMissCollection |
Definition at line 10 of file TkHTMissFwd.h.
typedef std::vector<TkJet> l1t::TkJetCollection |
Definition at line 20 of file TkJetFwd.h.
typedef edm::Ref<TkJetCollection> l1t::TkJetRef |
Definition at line 22 of file TkJetFwd.h.
typedef edm::RefProd<TkJet> l1t::TkJetRefProd |
Definition at line 16 of file TkJetFwd.h.
Definition at line 23 of file TkJetFwd.h.
typedef std::vector<TkJetRef> l1t::TkJetVectorRef |
Definition at line 24 of file TkJetFwd.h.
typedef std::vector<l1t::TkJetWord> l1t::TkJetWordCollection |
Definition at line 156 of file TkJetWord.h.
typedef std::vector<TkMuon> l1t::TkMuonCollection |
Definition at line 16 of file TkMuonFwd.h.
typedef edm::Ref<TkMuonCollection> l1t::TkMuonRef |
Definition at line 20 of file TkMuonFwd.h.
Definition at line 21 of file TkMuonFwd.h.
typedef std::vector<TkMuonRef> l1t::TkMuonVectorRef |
Definition at line 22 of file TkMuonFwd.h.
using l1t::TkPhiCandidateCollection = typedef std::vector<TkPhiCandidate> |
Definition at line 17 of file TkPhiCandidateFwd.h.
using l1t::TkPhiCandidateRef = typedef edm::Ref<TkPhiCandidateCollection> |
Definition at line 18 of file TkPhiCandidateFwd.h.
using l1t::TkPhiCandidateRefVector = typedef edm::RefVector<TkPhiCandidateCollection> |
Definition at line 19 of file TkPhiCandidateFwd.h.
using l1t::TkPhiCandidateVectorRef = typedef std::vector<TkPhiCandidateRef> |
Definition at line 20 of file TkPhiCandidateFwd.h.
typedef std::vector<TkTau> l1t::TkTauCollection |
Definition at line 16 of file TkTauFwd.h.
typedef edm::Ref<TkTauCollection> l1t::TkTauRef |
Definition at line 20 of file TkTauFwd.h.
Definition at line 21 of file TkTauFwd.h.
typedef std::vector<TkTauRef> l1t::TkTauVectorRef |
Definition at line 22 of file TkTauFwd.h.
typedef std::vector<TrackerMuon> l1t::TrackerMuonCollection |
Definition at line 16 of file TrackerMuon.h.
Definition at line 19 of file TrackerMuon.h.
typedef std::vector<edm::Ref<TrackerMuonCollection> > l1t::TrackerMuonRefVector |
Definition at line 20 of file TrackerMuon.h.
typedef Unpacker*() l1t::unpack_fct() |
Definition at line 9 of file UnpackerFactory.h.
Definition at line 10 of file UnpackerFactory.h.
typedef std::map<int, std::shared_ptr<Unpacker> > l1t::UnpackerMap |
Definition at line 25 of file PackingSetup.h.
typedef std::vector<Vertex> l1t::VertexCollection |
typedef std::vector<VertexWord> l1t::VertexWordCollection |
Definition at line 197 of file VertexWord.h.
Definition at line 198 of file VertexWord.h.
Definition at line 85 of file WriterProxy.h.
typedef std::unique_ptr<WriterProxy> l1t::WriterProxyPtr |
Definition at line 35 of file DataWriterExt.h.
enum l1t::block_t |
Enumerator | |
MP7 | |
CTP7 | |
MTF7 |
enum l1t::cancel_t |
Enumerator | |
bmtf_bmtf | |
omtf_bmtf_pos | |
omtf_emtf_pos | |
omtf_omtf_pos | |
emtf_emtf_pos | |
omtf_bmtf_neg | |
omtf_emtf_neg | |
omtf_omtf_neg | |
emtf_emtf_neg |
Definition at line 11 of file MicroGMTMatchQualLUT.h.
enum l1t::cancelmode |
Enumerator | |
tracks | |
kftracks | |
coordinate |
Definition at line 11 of file MicroGMTCancelOutUnit.h.
enum l1t::GlobalObject |
L1 GT objects ObjNull catch all errors
Definition at line 16 of file GlobalObject.h.
condition categories
Enumerator | |
CondNull | |
CondMuon | |
CondCalo | |
CondEnergySum | |
CondCorrelation | |
CondExternal | |
CondCorrelationWithOverlapRemoval | |
CondCorrelationThreeBody | |
CondMuonShower |
Definition at line 93 of file GlobalDefinitions.h.
enum l1t::GtConditionType |
condition types TypeNull: null type - for condition constructor only Type1s : one particle Type2s : two particles, same type, no spatial correlations among them Type2wsc : two particles, same type, with spatial correlations among them Type2cor : two particles, different type, with spatial correlations among them Type3s : three particles, same type Type4s : four particles, same type TypeETM, TypeETT, TypeHTT, TypeHTM : ETM, ETT, HTT, HTM TypeExternal: external conditions (logical result only; definition in L1 GT external systems)
Definition at line 49 of file GlobalDefinitions.h.
enum l1t::L1GtBoardType |
enum l1t::tftype |
Enumerator | |
bmtf | |
omtf_neg | |
omtf_pos | |
emtf_neg | |
emtf_pos |
Definition at line 8 of file RegionalMuonCandFwd.h.
enum l1t::TrigFunc_t |
strong |
inline |
Definition at line 6 of file BitShift.h.
References gpuClustering::pixelStatus::bits, and EgammaValidation_cff::num.
Referenced by trklet::VarInv::addr_to_ival(), trklet::VarBase::calcDebug(), trklet::TrackletLUT::initProjectionBend(), trklet::TrackletLUT::initTPregionlut(), trklet::VarAdjustK::local_calculate(), trklet::VarAdjustKR::local_calculate(), trklet::VarAdd::local_calculate(), trklet::VarSubtract::local_calculate(), trklet::VarShiftround::local_calculate(), trklet::VarShift::local_calculate(), trklet::VarDSPPostadd::local_calculate(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::overlapSeeding(), L1MuBMAssignmentUnit::PhiAU(), L1MuDTAssignmentUnit::PhiAU(), L1MuDTAssignmentUnit::phiDiff(), L1MuBMAssignmentUnit::phiDiff(), RPCtoDTTranslator::run(), L1MuDTEUX::run(), and L1MuBMEUX::run().
void l1t::calibrateAndRankJets | ( | CaloParamsHelper const * | params, |
const std::vector< l1t::Jet > * | input, | ||
std::vector< l1t::Jet > * | output | ||
) |
Definition at line 12 of file
References PVValHelper::eta, input, hltrates_dqm_sourceclient-live_cfg::offset, convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output, submitPVValidationJobs::params, and DiDispStaMuonMonitor_cfi::pt.
Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpSimpleHW::processEvent().
void l1t::calibrateAndRankTaus | ( | CaloParamsHelper const * | params, |
const std::vector< l1t::Tau > * | input, | ||
std::vector< l1t::Tau > * | output | ||
) |
Definition at line 34 of file
References PVValHelper::eta, input, convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output, submitPVValidationJobs::params, and DiDispStaMuonMonitor_cfi::pt.
Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent().
T l1t::castTo | ( | const char * | arg | ) |
Definition at line 159 of file Parameter.h.
bool l1t::castTo< bool > | ( | const char * | arg | ) |
Definition at line 84 of file
char l1t::castTo< char > | ( | const char * | arg | ) |
double l1t::castTo< double > | ( | const char * | arg | ) |
Definition at line 133 of file
References castTo< long double >().
float l1t::castTo< float > | ( | const char * | arg | ) |
Definition at line 129 of file
References castTo< long double >().
int l1t::castTo< int > | ( | const char * | arg | ) |
long l1t::castTo< long > | ( | const char * | arg | ) |
long double l1t::castTo< long double > | ( | const char * | arg | ) |
Definition at line 120 of file
Referenced by castTo< double >(), castTo< float >(), and castTo_impl().
long long l1t::castTo< long long > | ( | const char * | arg | ) |
Definition at line 73 of file
Referenced by castTo< char >(), castTo< int >(), castTo< long >(), castTo< short >(), and castToInt_impl().
short l1t::castTo< short > | ( | const char * | arg | ) |
unsigned char l1t::castTo< unsigned char > | ( | const char * | arg | ) |
Definition at line 147 of file
References castTo< unsigned long long >().
unsigned int l1t::castTo< unsigned int > | ( | const char * | arg | ) |
Definition at line 155 of file
References castTo< unsigned long long >().
unsigned long l1t::castTo< unsigned long > | ( | const char * | arg | ) |
Definition at line 159 of file
References castTo< unsigned long long >().
unsigned long long l1t::castTo< unsigned long long > | ( | const char * | arg | ) |
Definition at line 138 of file
Referenced by castTo< unsigned char >(), castTo< unsigned int >(), castTo< unsigned long >(), castTo< unsigned short >(), and castToInt_impl().
unsigned short l1t::castTo< unsigned short > | ( | const char * | arg | ) |
Definition at line 151 of file
References castTo< unsigned long long >().
T l1t::castTo_impl | ( | const char * | arg, |
std::true_type | , | ||
std::false_type | |||
) |
Definition at line 164 of file Parameter.h.
T l1t::castTo_impl | ( | const char * | arg, |
std::false_type | , | ||
std::true_type | |||
) |
Definition at line 179 of file Parameter.h.
References castTo< long double >().
T l1t::castTo_impl | ( | const char * | arg, |
std::false_type | , | ||
std::false_type | |||
) |
Definition at line 184 of file Parameter.h.
T l1t::castToInt_impl | ( | const char * | arg, |
std::true_type | |||
) |
Definition at line 169 of file Parameter.h.
References castTo< unsigned long long >().
T l1t::castToInt_impl | ( | const char * | arg, |
std::false_type | |||
) |
inlinenoexcept |
Definition at line 10 of file ConvertToLUT.h.
References mps_fire::i, l1t::LUT::read(), and findQualityFiles::v.
Referenced by convertToLUT(), L1TMuonGlobalParamsHelper::loadFromOnline(), and L1TCaloParamsOnlineProd::readCaloLayer2OnlineSettings().
inlinenoexcept |
Definition at line 27 of file ConvertToLUT.h.
References convertToLUT(), and findQualityFiles::v.
inlinenoexcept |
Definition at line 30 of file ConvertToLUT.h.
References convertToLUT(), and findQualityFiles::v.
inlinenoexcept |
Definition at line 33 of file ConvertToLUT.h.
References convertToLUT(), and findQualityFiles::v.
inlinenoexcept |
Definition at line 36 of file ConvertToLUT.h.
References convertToLUT(), and findQualityFiles::v.
inlinenoexcept |
Definition at line 39 of file ConvertToLUT.h.
References convertToLUT(), and findQualityFiles::v.
inlinenoexcept |
Definition at line 42 of file ConvertToLUT.h.
References convertToLUT(), and findQualityFiles::v.
inlinenoexcept |
Definition at line 45 of file ConvertToLUT.h.
References convertToLUT(), and findQualityFiles::v.
inlinenoexcept |
Definition at line 48 of file ConvertToLUT.h.
References convertToLUT(), and findQualityFiles::v.
int l1t::deltaGctPhi | ( | const CaloRegion & | region, |
const CaloRegion & | neighbor | ||
) |
Definition at line 18 of file
References funct::abs(), change_name::diff, l1t::L1Candidate::hwPhi(), L1CaloRegionDetId::N_PHI, and HLT_2022v15_cff::region.
Referenced by slidingWindowJetFinder(), TwelveByTwelveFinder(), and TwoByTwoFinder().
void l1t::EGammaToGtScales | ( | CaloParamsHelper const * | params, |
const std::vector< l1t::EGamma > * | input, | ||
std::vector< l1t::EGamma > * | output | ||
) |
Definition at line 89 of file
References gtEta(), input, and convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output.
Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpHI::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent().
void l1t::EtSumToGtScales | ( | CaloParamsHelper const * | params, |
const std::vector< l1t::EtSum > * | input, | ||
std::vector< l1t::EtSum > * | output | ||
) |
Definition at line 147 of file
References input, L1Analysis::kMissingHt, and convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output.
Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpHI::processEvent().
void l1t::getBXRange | ( | int | nbx, |
int & | first, | ||
int & | last | ||
) |
Definition at line 12 of file
References dqmdumpme::first, dqmdumpme::last, and SiStripPI::min.
Referenced by process(), l1t::stage1::CaloSpareHFUnpacker::unpack(), l1t::stage1::EtSumUnpacker::unpack(), l1t::stage1::MissEtUnpacker::unpack(), l1t::stage1::MissHtUnpacker::unpack(), l1t::stage1::legacy::HFRingUnpacker::unpack(), l1t::stage1::legacy::EtSumUnpacker::unpack(), l1t::stage2::RegionalMuonGMTUnpacker::unpack(), l1t::stage2::MuonUnpacker::unpack(), l1t::stage2::IntermediateMuonUnpacker::unpack(), l1t::stage2::BMTFUnpackerOutput::unpack(), l1t::stage1::unpack_em(), and l1t::stage1::unpack_region().
const unsigned int l1t::gtEta | ( | const unsigned int | iEta | ) |
Definition at line 172 of file
References l1tTowerCalibrationProducer_cfi::iEta.
Referenced by EGammaToGtScales(), JetToGtEtaScales(), l1t::Stage2Layer2DemuxJetAlgoFirmwareImp1::processEvent(), and TauToGtEtaScales().
constexpr unsigned char l1t::hgcal_bad_codec | ( | 0xff | ) |
Referenced by l1t::HGCFETriggerDigi::encode().
void l1t::HICaloRingSubtraction | ( | const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > & | regions, |
std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > * | subRegions, | ||
CaloParamsHelper const * | params | ||
) |
------------— For heavy ion ----------------------------------—
Definition at line 18 of file
References mps_fire::i, SiStripPI::max, L1CaloRegionDetId::N_ETA, and HLT_2022v15_cff::region.
Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2SingleTrackHI::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpHI::processEvent(), and RegionCorrection().
void l1t::JetCalibration | ( | std::vector< l1t::Jet > * | uncalibjets, |
std::vector< double > | jetCalibrationParams, | ||
std::vector< l1t::Jet > * | jets, | ||
std::string | jetCalibrationType, | ||
double | jetLSB | ||
) |
Definition at line 12 of file
References alpha, CustomPhysics_cfi::gamma, createfilelist::int, caloParams_2018_v1_0_ECALZS_inconsistent_cfi::jetCalibrationParams, caloParams_2018_v1_0_ECALZS_inconsistent_cfi::jetCalibrationType, reco::btau::jetEta, reco::btau::jetPhi, reco::btau::jetPt, and PDWG_EXODelayedJetMET_cff::jets.
Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent().
void l1t::JetToGtEtaScales | ( | CaloParamsHelper const * | params, |
const std::vector< l1t::Jet > * | input, | ||
std::vector< l1t::Jet > * | output | ||
) |
Definition at line 52 of file
References gtEta(), gtJet, input, and convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output.
Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpHI::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpSimpleHW::processEvent().
void l1t::JetToGtPtScales | ( | CaloParamsHelper const * | params, |
const std::vector< l1t::Jet > * | input, | ||
std::vector< l1t::Jet > * | output | ||
) |
Definition at line 73 of file
References gtJet, input, convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output, and submitPVValidationJobs::params.
Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpHI::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent().
std::string l1t::l1GtBoardTypeEnumToString | ( | const L1GtBoardType & | boardType | ) |
Definition at line 115 of file
References BoardNull, and mps_fire::result.
l1t::L1GtBoardType l1t::l1GtBoardTypeStringToEnum | ( | const std::string & | label | ) |
Definition at line 100 of file
References BoardNull, BoardNull, label, and relativeConstraints::value.
std::string l1t::l1GtConditionCategoryEnumToString | ( | const GtConditionCategory & | conditionCategory | ) |
Definition at line 177 of file
References CondNull, and mps_fire::result.
l1t::GtConditionCategory l1t::l1GtConditionCategoryStringToEnum | ( | const std::string & | label | ) |
Definition at line 159 of file
References CondNull, CondNull, label, and relativeConstraints::value.
std::string l1t::l1GtConditionTypeEnumToString | ( | const GtConditionType & | conditionType | ) |
Definition at line 147 of file
References mps_fire::result, and TypeNull.
l1t::GtConditionType l1t::l1GtConditionTypeStringToEnum | ( | const std::string & | label | ) |
Definition at line 128 of file
References label, TypeNull, TypeNull, and relativeConstraints::value.
std::string l1t::l1TGtObjectEnumToString | ( | const GlobalObject & | gtObject | ) |
Definition at line 83 of file
References gtAsymmetryEt, gtAsymmetryEtHF, gtAsymmetryHt, gtAsymmetryHtHF, gtCentrality0, gtCentrality1, gtCentrality2, gtCentrality3, gtCentrality4, gtCentrality5, gtCentrality6, gtCentrality7, gtEG, gtETM, gtETMHF, gtETT, gtETTem, gtExternal, gtHTM, gtHTT, gtJet, gtMinBiasHFM0, gtMinBiasHFM1, gtMinBiasHFP0, gtMinBiasHFP1, gtMu, gtMuShower, gtTau, gtTowerCount, ObjNull, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.
Referenced by l1t::CorrCondition::evaluateCondition(), l1t::CorrThreeBodyCondition::evaluateCondition(), and l1t::CorrWithOverlapRemovalCondition::evaluateCondition().
l1t::GlobalObject l1t::l1TGtObjectStringToEnum | ( | const std::string & | ) |
Definition at line 26 of file
References newFWLiteAna::found, gtAsymmetryEt, gtAsymmetryEtHF, gtAsymmetryHt, gtAsymmetryHtHF, gtCentrality0, gtCentrality1, gtCentrality2, gtCentrality3, gtCentrality4, gtCentrality5, gtCentrality6, gtCentrality7, gtEG, gtETM, gtETMHF, gtETT, gtETTem, gtExternal, gtHTM, gtHTT, gtJet, gtMinBiasHFM0, gtMinBiasHFM1, gtMinBiasHFP0, gtMinBiasHFP1, gtMu, gtMuShower, gtTau, gtTowerCount, mps_fire::i, label, l1t::L1TGtObjectStringToEnum::label, ObjNull, l1t::L1TGtObjectStringToEnum::value, and relativeConstraints::value.
std::ostream & l1t::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const l1t::CaloParamsHelper & | p | ||
) |
Definition at line 16 of file
Definition at line 15 of file
bool l1t::operator> | ( | const l1t::EGamma & | a, |
const l1t::EGamma & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 17 of file
Definition at line 18 of file
inline |
Definition at line 18 of file
Definition at line 22 of file
Definition at line 41 of file
bool l1t::operator> | ( | const l1t::EGamma & | a, |
l1t::EGamma & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 42 of file
Definition at line 43 of file
unsigned int l1t::pack15bits | ( | int | pt, |
int | eta, | ||
int | phi | ||
) |
Definition at line 21 of file
References PVValHelper::eta, and DiDispStaMuonMonitor_cfi::pt.
unsigned int l1t::pack16bits | ( | int | pt, |
int | eta, | ||
int | phi | ||
) |
Definition at line 25 of file
References PVValHelper::eta, and DiDispStaMuonMonitor_cfi::pt.
unsigned int l1t::pack16bitsEgammaSpecial | ( | int | pt, |
int | eta, | ||
int | phi | ||
) |
Definition at line 29 of file
References PVValHelper::eta, and DiDispStaMuonMonitor_cfi::pt.
void l1t::passThroughJets | ( | const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > * | regions, |
std::vector< l1t::Jet > * | uncalibjets | ||
) |
Definition at line 29 of file
References reco::btau::jetEta, reco::btau::jetPhi, and HLT_2022v15_cff::region.
void l1t::RegionCorrection | ( | const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > & | regions, |
std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > * | subRegions, | ||
CaloParamsHelper const * | params | ||
) |
------— New region correction (PUsub, no response correction at the moment) --------—
Definition at line 69 of file
References HICaloRingSubtraction(), createfilelist::int, SiStripPI::max, submitPVValidationJobs::params, caloParams_2018_v1_0_ECALZS_inconsistent_cfi::regionPUSType, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.
Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpSimpleHW::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent().
void l1t::simpleHWSubtraction | ( | const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > & | regions, |
std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > * | subRegions | ||
) |
Definition at line 49 of file
References HLT_2022v15_cff::region.
void l1t::slidingWindowJetFinder | ( | const int | jetSeedThreshold, |
const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > * | regions, | ||
std::vector< l1t::Jet > * | uncalibjets | ||
) |
Definition at line 44 of file
References cms::cuda::assert(), gather_cfg::cout, deltaGctPhi(), reco::btau::jetEta, reco::btau::jetPhi, caloParams_2018_v1_0_ECALZS_inconsistent_cfi::jetSeedThreshold, and HLT_2022v15_cff::region.
Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpSimpleHW::processEvent().
void l1t::SortEGammas | ( | std::vector< l1t::EGamma > * | input, |
std::vector< l1t::EGamma > * | output | ||
) |
Definition at line 428 of file
References mps_fire::i, input, createfilelist::int, dqmdumpme::k, reco::HaloData::minus, convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output, presort_egamma(), l1t::L1Candidate::setHwEta(), l1t::L1Candidate::setHwPhi(), l1t::L1Candidate::setHwPt(), l1t::L1Candidate::setHwQual(), sort_by_row_in_groups(), super_sort_matrix_rows(), and createJobs::tmp.
Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpHI::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent().
Definition at line 291 of file
References mps_fire::i, input, dqmiolumiharvest::j, convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output, presort(), sort_by_row_in_groups(), super_sort_matrix_rows(), and createJobs::tmp.
Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpHI::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpSimpleHW::processEvent().
Definition at line 567 of file
References mps_fire::i, input, dqmiolumiharvest::j, convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output, presort(), sort_by_row_in_groups(), super_sort_matrix_rows(), and createJobs::tmp.
Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2SingleTrackHI::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent().
void l1t::TauToGtEtaScales | ( | CaloParamsHelper const * | params, |
const std::vector< l1t::Tau > * | input, | ||
std::vector< l1t::Tau > * | output | ||
) |
Definition at line 110 of file
References gtEta(), gtTau, input, and convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output.
Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2SingleTrackHI::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent().
void l1t::TauToGtPtScales | ( | CaloParamsHelper const * | params, |
const std::vector< l1t::Tau > * | input, | ||
std::vector< l1t::Tau > * | output | ||
) |
Definition at line 131 of file
References gtTau, input, convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output, and submitPVValidationJobs::params.
Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2SingleTrackHI::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent().
void l1t::TwelveByTwelveFinder | ( | const int | jetSeedThreshold, |
const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > * | regions, | ||
std::vector< l1t::Jet > * | uncalibjets | ||
) |
Definition at line 145 of file
References cms::cuda::assert(), gather_cfg::cout, deltaGctPhi(), reco::btau::jetEta, reco::btau::jetPhi, caloParams_2018_v1_0_ECALZS_inconsistent_cfi::jetSeedThreshold, and HLT_2022v15_cff::region.
Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent().
void l1t::TwoByTwoFinder | ( | const int | jetSeedThreshold, |
const int | etaMask, | ||
const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > * | regions, | ||
std::vector< l1t::Jet > * | uncalibjets | ||
) |
Definition at line 229 of file
References cms::cuda::assert(), gather_cfg::cout, deltaGctPhi(), reco::btau::jetEta, reco::btau::jetPhi, caloParams_2018_v1_0_ECALZS_inconsistent_cfi::jetSeedThreshold, SiStripPI::max, and HLT_2022v15_cff::region.
Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpHI::processEvent().
static |
Definition at line 14 of file PFTau.h.
Referenced by l1t::PFTau::passLooseNN().
static |
Definition at line 10 of file PFTau.h.
Referenced by l1t::PFTau::passLooseNN(), and l1t::PFTau::passTightNN().
static |
Definition at line 12 of file PFTau.h.
Referenced by l1t::PFTau::passLooseNN(), and l1t::PFTau::passTightNN().
static |
Definition at line 22 of file PFTau.h.
Referenced by l1t::PFTau::passLooseNN(), and l1t::PFTau::passTightNN().
static |
Definition at line 11 of file PFTau.h.
Referenced by l1t::PFTau::passLooseNN(), and l1t::PFTau::passTightNN().
static |
Definition at line 15 of file PFTau.h.
Referenced by l1t::PFTau::passTightNN().
static |
Definition at line 17 of file PFTau.h.
Referenced by l1t::PFTau::passLoosePF().
static |
Definition at line 18 of file PFTau.h.
Referenced by l1t::PFTau::passTightPF().
static |
Definition at line 20 of file PFTau.h.
Referenced by l1t::PFTau::passMass().