Go to the documentation of this file.
9 //DQM services
15 #include <TH2F.h>
16 #include <TFile.h>
17 #include <TDirectoryFile.h>
18 #include <TKey.h>
20 using namespace edm;
23 public:
25  ~GEMDQMHarvester() override{};
26  static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions);
28  typedef std::tuple<int, int> IdChamber;
29  typedef std::tuple<int, int, int> IdVFAT;
30  typedef struct PreStatusInfo {
32  int nLumiEnd;
33  int nStatus;
34  } StatusInfo;
36  class NumStatus {
37  public:
38  NumStatus(Float_t fNumTotal = 0,
39  Float_t fNumOcc = 0,
40  Float_t fNumErrVFAT = 0,
41  Float_t fNumWarnVFAT = 0,
42  Float_t fNumErrOH = 0,
43  Float_t fNumWarnOH = 0,
44  Float_t fNumErrAMC = 0,
45  Float_t fNumWarnAMC = 0,
46  Float_t fNumErrAMC13 = 0)
47  : fNumTotal_(fNumTotal),
48  fNumOcc_(fNumOcc),
49  fNumErrVFAT_(fNumErrVFAT),
50  fNumWarnVFAT_(fNumWarnVFAT),
51  fNumErrOH_(fNumErrOH),
52  fNumWarnOH_(fNumWarnOH),
53  fNumErrAMC_(fNumErrAMC),
54  fNumWarnAMC_(fNumWarnAMC),
55  fNumErrAMC13_(fNumErrAMC13) {}
56  float fNumTotal_;
57  float fNumOcc_;
58  float fNumErrVFAT_;
60  float fNumErrOH_;
61  float fNumWarnOH_;
62  float fNumErrAMC_;
63  float fNumWarnAMC_;
65  };
67 protected:
68  void dqmEndLuminosityBlock(DQMStore::IBooker &,
70  edm::LuminosityBlock const &iLumi,
71  edm::EventSetup const &) override;
72  void dqmEndJob(DQMStore::IBooker &, DQMStore::IGetter &) override{}; // Cannot use; it is called after dqmSaver
74  void drawSummaryHistogram(edm::Service<DQMStore> &store, Int_t nLumiCurr);
75  void createTableWatchingSummary();
76  void copyLabels(MonitorElement *h2Src, MonitorElement *h2Dst);
77  void getGeometryInfo(edm::Service<DQMStore> &store, MonitorElement *h2Src);
78  void createSummaryHist(edm::Service<DQMStore> &store, MonitorElement *h2Src, MonitorElement *&h2Sum);
79  void createSummaryVFAT(edm::Service<DQMStore> &store,
80  MonitorElement *h2Src,
81  std::string strSuffix,
82  MonitorElement *&h2Sum);
83  Float_t refineSummaryHistogram(std::string strName,
84  MonitorElement *h2Sum,
85  std::vector<MonitorElement *> &listOccPlots,
86  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusA,
87  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusE,
88  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusW,
89  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusEVFAT,
90  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusWVFAT,
91  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusEOH,
92  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusWOH,
93  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusEAMC,
94  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusWAMC,
95  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusEAMC13,
96  Int_t nLumiCurr);
97  Int_t refineSummaryVFAT(std::string strName,
98  MonitorElement *h2Sum,
99  MonitorElement *h2SrcOcc,
100  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusE,
101  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusW,
102  Int_t nLumiCurr,
103  Int_t nIdxLayer);
104  Int_t assessOneBin(
105  std::string strName, Int_t nIdxX, Int_t nIdxY, Float_t fAll, Float_t fNumOcc, Float_t fNumErr, Float_t fNumWarn);
107  Int_t UpdateStatusChamber(Int_t nIdxLayer, Int_t nIdxCh, Int_t nLumiCurr, NumStatus numStatus);
108  Int_t UpdateStatusChamber(Int_t nIdxLayer, Int_t nIdxCh, Int_t nIdxVFAT, Int_t nLumiCurr, NumStatus numStatus);
109  Int_t UpdateStatusChamber(std::vector<StatusInfo> &listStatus,
110  NumStatus &numStatus,
111  Int_t nLumiCurr,
112  NumStatus numStatusNew);
113  void createLumiFuncHist(edm::Service<DQMStore> &store, std::string strSuffix, Int_t nIdxLayer, Int_t nLumiCurr);
114  void createInactiveChannelFracHist(edm::Service<DQMStore> &store, std::string strSuffix, Int_t nNumChamber);
116  Float_t fCutErr_, fCutLowErr_, fCutWarn_;
118  const std::string strDirSummary_ = "GEM/EventInfo";
119  const std::string strDirRecHit_ = "GEM/RecHits";
120  const std::string strDirStatus_ = "GEM/DAQStatus";
122  const Int_t nCodeFine_ = 1;
123  const Int_t nCodeError_ = 2;
124  const Int_t nCodeWarning_ = 3;
125  const Int_t nCodeLowError_ = 4;
127  const Int_t nBitWarnVFAT_ = 7;
128  const Int_t nBitErrVFAT_ = 6;
129  const Int_t nBitWarnOH_ = 5;
130  const Int_t nBitErrOH_ = 4;
131  const Int_t nBitWarnAMC_ = 3;
132  const Int_t nBitErrAMC_ = 2;
133  const Int_t nBitErrAMC13_ = 1;
134  const Int_t nBitOcc_ = 0;
136  const Int_t nNumVFATs_ = 24;
138  const Int_t nMaxLumi_ = 6000; // From DQMServices/Components/plugins/DQMProvInfo.h
139  //const Int_t nResolutionLumi_ = 5;
142  typedef std::vector<std::vector<Float_t>> TableStatusOcc;
143  typedef std::vector<std::vector<Int_t>> TableStatusNum;
145  std::map<IdChamber, std::vector<StatusInfo>> mapStatusChambersSummary_;
146  std::map<IdVFAT, std::vector<StatusInfo>> mapStatusVFATsSummary_;
147  std::map<IdChamber, NumStatus> mapNumStatusChambersSummary_;
148  std::map<IdVFAT, NumStatus> mapNumStatusVFATsSummary_;
150  std::vector<std::string> listLayer_;
151  std::map<std::string, int> mapIdxLayer_; // All indices in the following objects start at 1
152  std::map<int, int> mapNumChPerChamber_;
153  std::map<int, int> mapNumModule_;
154  std::map<int, std::map<int, int>> mapIdxToChamberInOcc_;
155  std::map<int, MonitorElement *> mapHistLumiFunc_;
157 };
160  fCutErr_ = cfg.getParameter<double>("cutErr");
161  fCutLowErr_ = cfg.getParameter<double>("cutLowErr");
162  fCutWarn_ = cfg.getParameter<double>("cutWarn");
163  nResolutionLumi_ = cfg.getParameter<int>("resolutionLumi");
164  bIsStatusChambersInit_ = false;
165 }
169  desc.add<double>("cutErr", 0.05);
170  desc.add<double>("cutLowErr", 0.00);
171  desc.add<double>("cutWarn", 0.05);
172  desc.add<int>("resolutionLumi", 1);
173  descriptions.add("GEMDQMHarvester", desc);
174 }
178  edm::LuminosityBlock const &iLumi,
179  edm::EventSetup const &) {
181  Int_t nLumiCurr =;
182  drawSummaryHistogram(store, nLumiCurr);
183 }
186  Float_t fReportSummary = -1.0;
188  std::string strSrcStatusA = "GEM/DAQStatus/chamberAllStatus";
189  std::string strSrcStatusE = "GEM/DAQStatus/chamberErrors";
190  std::string strSrcStatusW = "GEM/DAQStatus/chamberWarnings";
191  std::string strSrcStatusEVFAT = "GEM/DAQStatus/chamberVFATErrors";
192  std::string strSrcStatusWVFAT = "GEM/DAQStatus/chamberVFATWarnings";
193  std::string strSrcStatusEOH = "GEM/DAQStatus/chamberOHErrors";
194  std::string strSrcStatusWOH = "GEM/DAQStatus/chamberOHWarnings";
195  std::string strSrcStatusEAMC = "GEM/DAQStatus/chamberAMCErrors";
196  std::string strSrcStatusWAMC = "GEM/DAQStatus/chamberAMCWarnings";
197  std::string strSrcStatusEAMC13 = "GEM/DAQStatus/chamberAMC13Errors";
199  std::string strSrcVFATOcc = "GEM/Digis/occ";
200  std::string strSrcVFATStatusW = "GEM/DAQStatus/vfat_statusWarnSum";
201  std::string strSrcVFATStatusE = "GEM/DAQStatus/vfat_statusErrSum";
203  store->setCurrentFolder(strDirSummary_);
205  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusA = store->get(strSrcStatusA);
206  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusE = store->get(strSrcStatusE);
207  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusW = store->get(strSrcStatusW);
208  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusEVFAT = store->get(strSrcStatusEVFAT);
209  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusWVFAT = store->get(strSrcStatusWVFAT);
210  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusEOH = store->get(strSrcStatusEOH);
211  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusWOH = store->get(strSrcStatusWOH);
212  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusEAMC = store->get(strSrcStatusEAMC);
213  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusWAMC = store->get(strSrcStatusWAMC);
214  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusEAMC13 = store->get(strSrcStatusEAMC13);
216  std::string strTitleSummary = "summary";
218  getGeometryInfo(store, h2SrcStatusE);
220  if (h2SrcStatusA != nullptr && h2SrcStatusE != nullptr && h2SrcStatusW != nullptr) {
221  MonitorElement *h2Sum = nullptr;
222  createSummaryHist(store, h2SrcStatusE, h2Sum);
223  createTableWatchingSummary();
225  std::vector<MonitorElement *> listOccPlots(listLayer_.size() + 1); // The index starts at 1
226  for (const auto &strSuffix : listLayer_) {
227  if (mapIdxLayer_.find(strSuffix) == mapIdxLayer_.end())
228  continue;
229  auto nIdxLayer = mapIdxLayer_[strSuffix];
230  MonitorElement *h2SrcVFATOcc = store->get(strSrcVFATOcc + strSuffix);
231  if (h2SrcVFATOcc == nullptr)
232  continue;
233  listOccPlots[nIdxLayer] = h2SrcVFATOcc;
234  mapIdxToChamberInOcc_[nIdxLayer] = {};
235  Int_t nNumModule = mapNumModule_[nIdxLayer]; // FIXME: Is this way to obtain the module number fully general?
236  // Obtaining the bin indices of chambers from their labels
237  for (Int_t i = 1; i <= h2SrcVFATOcc->getNbinsX(); i++) {
238  std::string strLabel = h2SrcVFATOcc->getTH2F()->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(i);
239  std::string strSrc = strLabel;
240  std::vector<int> listNumExtract;
242  while (!strSrc.empty()) {
243  auto nPosDigit = strSrc.find_first_of("0123456789");
244  if (nPosDigit == std::string::npos)
245  break;
246  std::stringstream ss;
247  ss << strSrc.substr(nPosDigit);
248  Int_t nExtract;
249  ss >> nExtract;
250  if (!ss.eof()) {
251  ss >> strSrc;
252  } else {
253  strSrc = "";
254  }
255  listNumExtract.push_back(nExtract);
256  }
258  if (listNumExtract.empty()) { // Errneous case; but the job should not be dead
259  edm::LogError("GEMDQMHarvester") << "Error: Wrong label of GEM VFAT occupancy plot: " << strLabel;
260  } else if (listNumExtract.size() > 1 && nNumModule > 1) {
261  Int_t nCh = (listNumExtract[0] - 1) * nNumModule + listNumExtract[1];
262  mapIdxToChamberInOcc_[nIdxLayer][nCh] = i;
263  } else {
264  mapIdxToChamberInOcc_[nIdxLayer][listNumExtract[0]] = i;
265  }
266  }
267  }
269  fReportSummary = refineSummaryHistogram(strTitleSummary,
270  h2Sum,
271  listOccPlots,
272  h2SrcStatusA,
273  h2SrcStatusE,
274  h2SrcStatusW,
275  h2SrcStatusEVFAT,
276  h2SrcStatusWVFAT,
277  h2SrcStatusEOH,
278  h2SrcStatusWOH,
279  h2SrcStatusEAMC,
280  h2SrcStatusWAMC,
281  h2SrcStatusEAMC13,
282  nLumiCurr);
284  for (const auto &strSuffix : listLayer_) {
285  if (mapIdxLayer_.find(strSuffix) == mapIdxLayer_.end())
286  continue;
287  auto nIdxLayer = mapIdxLayer_[strSuffix];
288  MonitorElement *h2SrcVFATOcc = store->get(strSrcVFATOcc + strSuffix);
289  MonitorElement *h2SrcVFATStatusW = store->get(strSrcVFATStatusW + strSuffix);
290  MonitorElement *h2SrcVFATStatusE = store->get(strSrcVFATStatusE + strSuffix);
291  if (h2SrcVFATOcc == nullptr || h2SrcVFATStatusW == nullptr || h2SrcVFATStatusE == nullptr)
292  continue;
294  MonitorElement *h2SumVFAT = nullptr;
295  createSummaryVFAT(store, h2SrcVFATStatusE, strSuffix, h2SumVFAT);
296  refineSummaryVFAT(strSuffix, h2SumVFAT, h2SrcVFATOcc, h2SrcVFATStatusE, h2SrcVFATStatusW, nLumiCurr, nIdxLayer);
297  TString strNewTitle = h2SrcVFATStatusE->getTitle();
298  h2SumVFAT->setTitle((const char *)strNewTitle.ReplaceAll("errors", "errors/warnings"));
299  h2SumVFAT->setXTitle(h2SrcVFATStatusE->getAxisTitle(1));
300  h2SumVFAT->setYTitle(h2SrcVFATStatusE->getAxisTitle(2));
302  createLumiFuncHist(store, strSuffix, nIdxLayer, nLumiCurr);
303  }
304  }
306  for (const auto &strSuffix : listLayer_) {
307  if (mapIdxLayer_.find(strSuffix) == mapIdxLayer_.end())
308  continue;
309  Int_t nIdxLayer = mapIdxLayer_[strSuffix];
310  auto nNumChamber = mapNumChPerChamber_[nIdxLayer] / mapNumModule_[nIdxLayer];
311  createInactiveChannelFracHist(store, strSuffix, nNumChamber);
312  }
314  store->bookFloat("reportSummary")->Fill(fReportSummary);
315 }
318  if (bIsStatusChambersInit_)
319  return;
321  for (const auto &[nIdxLayer, nNumCh] : mapNumChPerChamber_) {
322  for (Int_t i = 1; i <= nNumCh; i++) {
323  mapStatusChambersSummary_[{nIdxLayer, i}] = std::vector<StatusInfo>();
324  mapNumStatusChambersSummary_[{nIdxLayer, i}] = NumStatus();
325  for (Int_t j = 1; j <= nNumVFATs_; j++) {
326  mapStatusVFATsSummary_[{nIdxLayer, i, j}] = std::vector<StatusInfo>();
327  mapNumStatusVFATsSummary_[{nIdxLayer, i, j}] = NumStatus();
328  }
329  }
330  }
332  bIsStatusChambersInit_ = true;
333 }
336  Int_t nBinX = h2Src->getNbinsX(), nBinY = h2Src->getNbinsY();
338  for (Int_t i = 1; i <= nBinX; i++) {
339  h2Dst->setBinLabel(i, h2Src->getTH2F()->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(i), 1);
340  }
341  for (Int_t i = 1; i <= nBinY; i++) {
342  h2Dst->setBinLabel(i, h2Src->getTH2F()->GetYaxis()->GetBinLabel(i), 2);
343  }
344  h2Dst->setTitle(h2Src->getTitle());
345  h2Dst->setXTitle(h2Src->getAxisTitle(1));
346  h2Dst->setYTitle(h2Src->getAxisTitle(2));
347 }
350  listLayer_.clear();
351  mapIdxLayer_.clear();
352  mapNumChPerChamber_.clear();
354  if (h2Src != nullptr) { // For online and offline
355  Int_t nBinY = h2Src->getNbinsY();
356  listLayer_.push_back("");
358  for (Int_t i = 1; i <= nBinY; i++) {
359  std::string strLabelFull = h2Src->getTH2F()->GetYaxis()->GetBinLabel(i);
360  auto nPos = strLabelFull.find(';');
361  auto strLayer = strLabelFull.substr(nPos + 1);
362  Int_t nBinXActual = (Int_t)(h2Src->getBinContent(0, i) + 0.5);
363  if (nBinXActual > 108) { // When the number seems wrong
364  if (strLayer.find("GE11") != std::string::npos) {
365  nBinXActual = 36;
366  } else if (strLayer.find("GE21") != std::string::npos) {
367  nBinXActual = 72;
368  } else if (strLayer.find("GE01") != std::string::npos) {
369  nBinXActual = 36;
370  }
371  }
372  listLayer_.push_back(strLayer);
373  mapIdxLayer_[strLayer] = i;
374  mapNumChPerChamber_[i] = nBinXActual;
375  mapNumModule_[i] = (strLayer.find("GE21") != std::string::npos ? 4 : 1);
376  }
377  } else { // For others (validation and...?)
378  listLayer_.push_back("");
379  if (store->get("GEM/Digis/occupancy_GE11-M-L1/occ_GE11-M-01L1-S") != nullptr) {
380  listLayer_.push_back("_GE11-P-L2");
381  listLayer_.push_back("_GE11-P-L1");
382  listLayer_.push_back("_GE11-M-L1");
383  listLayer_.push_back("_GE11-M-L2");
384  mapIdxLayer_["_GE11-P-L2"] = 1;
385  mapIdxLayer_["_GE11-P-L1"] = 2;
386  mapIdxLayer_["_GE11-M-L1"] = 3;
387  mapIdxLayer_["_GE11-M-L2"] = 4;
388  mapNumChPerChamber_[1] = 36;
389  mapNumChPerChamber_[2] = 36;
390  mapNumChPerChamber_[3] = 36;
391  mapNumChPerChamber_[4] = 36;
392  }
393  // FIXME: How about GE21 and ME0?
394  }
395 }
398  //store->setCurrentFolder(strDirSummary_);
400  Int_t nBinX = h2Src->getNbinsX(), nBinY = h2Src->getNbinsY();
401  h2Sum = store->book2D("reportSummaryMap", "", nBinX, 0.5, nBinX + 0.5, nBinY, 0.5, nBinY + 0.5);
402  h2Sum->setTitle("Summary plot");
403  h2Sum->setXTitle("Chamber");
404  h2Sum->setYTitle("Layer");
406  for (Int_t i = 1; i <= nBinX; i++)
407  h2Sum->setBinLabel(i, h2Src->getTH2F()->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(i), 1);
408  for (Int_t i = 1; i <= nBinY; i++)
409  h2Sum->setBinLabel(i, listLayer_[i].substr(1), 2);
410 }
413  MonitorElement *h2Src,
414  std::string strSuffix,
415  MonitorElement *&h2Sum) {
416  //store->setCurrentFolder(strDirStatus_);
417  //store->setCurrentFolder(strDirSummary_);
419  Int_t nBinX = h2Src->getNbinsX(), nBinY = h2Src->getNbinsY();
420  h2Sum = store->book2D("vfat_statusSummary" + strSuffix, "", nBinX, 0.5, nBinX + 0.5, nBinY, -0.5, nBinY - 0.5);
421  copyLabels(h2Src, h2Sum);
422 }
425  std::string strName, Int_t nIdxX, Int_t nIdxY, Float_t fAll, Float_t fNumOcc, Float_t fNumErr, Float_t fNumWarn) {
426  if (fNumErr > fCutErr_ * fAll) // The error status criterion
427  return nCodeError_;
428  else if (fNumErr > fCutLowErr_ * fAll) // The low-error status criterion
429  return nCodeLowError_;
430  else if (fNumWarn > fCutWarn_ * fAll) // The warning status criterion
431  return nCodeWarning_;
432  else if (fNumOcc > 0)
433  return nCodeFine_;
435  return 0;
436 }
438 // FIXME: Need more study about how to summarize
440  MonitorElement *h2Sum,
441  std::vector<MonitorElement *> &listOccPlots,
442  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusA,
443  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusE,
444  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusW,
445  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusEVFAT,
446  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusWVFAT,
447  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusEOH,
448  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusWOH,
449  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusEAMC,
450  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusWAMC,
451  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusEAMC13,
452  Int_t nLumiCurr) {
453  Int_t nBinY = h2Sum->getNbinsY();
454  Int_t nAllBin = 0, nFineBin = 0;
455  for (Int_t j = 1; j <= nBinY; j++) {
456  Int_t nBinX = mapNumChPerChamber_[j];
457  auto h2SrcOcc = listOccPlots[j];
458  auto &mapIdxOccChamber = mapIdxToChamberInOcc_[j];
459  Int_t nBinYOcc = 0;
460  if (h2SrcOcc != nullptr) {
461  nBinYOcc = h2SrcOcc->getNbinsY();
462  }
464  h2Sum->setBinContent(0, j, nBinX);
465  for (Int_t i = 1; i <= nBinX; i++) {
466  Float_t fOcc = 0;
467  Int_t nIdxChOcc = mapIdxOccChamber[i];
468  for (Int_t r = 1; r <= nBinYOcc; r++) {
469  fOcc += h2SrcOcc->getBinContent(nIdxChOcc, r);
470  }
472  Float_t fStatusAll = h2SrcStatusA->getBinContent(i, j);
473  Float_t fStatusErr = h2SrcStatusE->getBinContent(i, j);
474  Float_t fStatusWarn = h2SrcStatusW->getBinContent(i, j);
475  Float_t fStatusErrVFAT = h2SrcStatusEVFAT != nullptr ? h2SrcStatusEVFAT->getBinContent(i, j) : 0;
476  Float_t fStatusWarnVFAT = h2SrcStatusWVFAT != nullptr ? h2SrcStatusWVFAT->getBinContent(i, j) : 0;
477  Float_t fStatusErrOH = h2SrcStatusEOH != nullptr ? h2SrcStatusEOH->getBinContent(i, j) : 0;
478  Float_t fStatusWarnOH = h2SrcStatusWOH != nullptr ? h2SrcStatusWOH->getBinContent(i, j) : 0;
479  Float_t fStatusErrAMC = h2SrcStatusEAMC != nullptr ? h2SrcStatusEAMC->getBinContent(i, j) : 0;
480  Float_t fStatusWarnAMC = h2SrcStatusWAMC != nullptr ? h2SrcStatusWAMC->getBinContent(i, j) : 0;
481  Float_t fStatusErrAMC13 = h2SrcStatusEAMC13 != nullptr ? h2SrcStatusEAMC13->getBinContent(i, j) : 0;
482  NumStatus numStatus(fStatusAll,
483  fOcc,
484  fStatusErrVFAT,
485  fStatusWarnVFAT,
486  fStatusErrOH,
487  fStatusWarnOH,
488  fStatusErrAMC,
489  fStatusWarnAMC,
490  fStatusErrAMC13);
491  UpdateStatusChamber(j, i, nLumiCurr, numStatus);
493  Int_t nRes = assessOneBin(strName, i, j, fStatusAll, fOcc, fStatusErr, fStatusWarn);
494  if (nRes == 1)
495  nFineBin++;
497  h2Sum->setBinContent(i, j, (Float_t)nRes);
498  nAllBin++;
499  }
500  }
502  return ((Float_t)nFineBin) / nAllBin;
503 }
506  MonitorElement *h2Sum,
507  MonitorElement *h2SrcOcc,
508  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusE,
509  MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusW,
510  Int_t nLumiCurr,
511  Int_t nIdxLayer) {
512  Int_t nBinY = h2Sum->getNbinsY();
513  for (Int_t j = 1; j <= nBinY; j++) {
514  Int_t nBinX = h2Sum->getNbinsX();
515  for (Int_t i = 1; i <= nBinX; i++) {
516  Float_t fOcc = h2SrcOcc->getBinContent(i, j);
517  Float_t fStatusErr = h2SrcStatusE->getBinContent(i, j);
518  Float_t fStatusWarn = h2SrcStatusW->getBinContent(i, j);
519  Float_t fStatusAll = fOcc + fStatusErr + fStatusWarn;
520  NumStatus numStatus(fStatusAll, fOcc, fStatusErr, fStatusWarn, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
521  UpdateStatusChamber(nIdxLayer, i, j, nLumiCurr, numStatus);
523  Int_t nRes = assessOneBin(strName, i, j, fStatusAll, fOcc, fStatusErr, fStatusWarn);
524  h2Sum->setBinContent(i, j, (Float_t)nRes);
525  }
526  }
528  return 0;
529 }
531 Int_t GEMDQMHarvester::UpdateStatusChamber(Int_t nIdxLayer, Int_t nIdxCh, Int_t nLumiCurr, NumStatus numStatus) {
532  if (!bIsStatusChambersInit_)
533  return 0;
534  if (0 >= nIdxCh || nIdxCh > mapNumChPerChamber_[nIdxLayer])
535  return 0;
536  auto &listStatus = mapStatusChambersSummary_[{nIdxLayer, nIdxCh}];
537  auto &numStatusPrev = mapNumStatusChambersSummary_[{nIdxLayer, nIdxCh}];
538  return UpdateStatusChamber(listStatus, numStatusPrev, nLumiCurr, numStatus);
539 }
542  Int_t nIdxLayer, Int_t nIdxCh, Int_t nIdxVFAT, Int_t nLumiCurr, NumStatus numStatus) {
543  if (!bIsStatusChambersInit_)
544  return 0;
545  if (0 >= nIdxCh || nIdxCh > mapNumChPerChamber_[nIdxLayer])
546  return 0;
547  if (0 >= nIdxVFAT || nIdxVFAT > nNumVFATs_)
548  return 0;
549  auto &listStatus = mapStatusVFATsSummary_[{nIdxLayer, nIdxCh, nIdxVFAT}];
550  auto &numStatusPrev = mapNumStatusVFATsSummary_[{nIdxLayer, nIdxCh, nIdxVFAT}];
551  return UpdateStatusChamber(listStatus, numStatusPrev, nLumiCurr, numStatus);
552 }
554 Int_t GEMDQMHarvester::UpdateStatusChamber(std::vector<StatusInfo> &listStatus,
555  NumStatus &numStatus,
556  Int_t nLumiCurr,
557  NumStatus numStatusNew) {
558  // First of all, the current lumi section will be assessed, of which the result will be stored in nStatus
559  Int_t nStatus = 0;
561  Float_t fNumAddErrVFAT = numStatusNew.fNumErrVFAT_ - numStatus.fNumErrVFAT_;
562  Float_t fNumAddWarnVFAT = numStatusNew.fNumWarnVFAT_ - numStatus.fNumWarnVFAT_;
563  Float_t fNumAddErrOH = numStatusNew.fNumErrOH_ - numStatus.fNumErrOH_;
564  Float_t fNumAddWarnOH = numStatusNew.fNumWarnOH_ - numStatus.fNumWarnOH_;
565  Float_t fNumAddErrAMC = numStatusNew.fNumErrAMC_ - numStatus.fNumErrAMC_;
566  Float_t fNumAddWarnAMC = numStatusNew.fNumWarnAMC_ - numStatus.fNumWarnAMC_;
567  Float_t fNumAddErrAMC13 = numStatusNew.fNumErrAMC13_ - numStatus.fNumErrAMC13_;
569  numStatus.fNumTotal_ = numStatusNew.fNumTotal_;
570  numStatus.fNumOcc_ = numStatusNew.fNumOcc_;
571  numStatus.fNumErrVFAT_ = numStatusNew.fNumErrVFAT_;
572  numStatus.fNumWarnVFAT_ = numStatusNew.fNumWarnVFAT_;
573  numStatus.fNumErrOH_ = numStatusNew.fNumErrOH_;
574  numStatus.fNumWarnOH_ = numStatusNew.fNumWarnOH_;
575  numStatus.fNumErrAMC_ = numStatusNew.fNumErrAMC_;
576  numStatus.fNumWarnAMC_ = numStatusNew.fNumWarnAMC_;
577  numStatus.fNumErrAMC13_ = numStatusNew.fNumErrAMC13_;
579  nStatus = (numStatusNew.fNumOcc_ > 0 ? 1 << nBitOcc_ : 0) | (fNumAddErrAMC13 > 0 ? 1 << nBitErrAMC13_ : 0) |
580  (fNumAddErrAMC > 0 ? 1 << nBitErrAMC_ : 0) | (fNumAddWarnAMC > 0 ? 1 << nBitWarnAMC_ : 0) |
581  (fNumAddErrOH > 0 ? 1 << nBitErrOH_ : 0) | (fNumAddWarnOH > 0 ? 1 << nBitWarnOH_ : 0) |
582  (fNumAddErrVFAT > 0 ? 1 << nBitErrVFAT_ : 0) | (fNumAddWarnVFAT > 0 ? 1 << nBitWarnVFAT_ : 0);
584  // Only used in the next if statement; See statusLast
585  StatusInfo statusNew;
586  statusNew.nLumiStart = nLumiCurr;
587  statusNew.nLumiEnd = nLumiCurr;
588  statusNew.nStatus = nStatus;
590  if (listStatus.empty()) {
591  listStatus.push_back(statusNew);
592  } else {
593  auto &statusLastPre = listStatus.back();
594  if (statusLastPre.nStatus == nStatus) {
595  statusLastPre.nLumiEnd = nLumiCurr;
596  } else {
597  listStatus.push_back(statusNew);
598  }
599  }
601  return 0;
602 }
605  std::string strSuffix,
606  Int_t nIdxLayer,
607  Int_t nLumiCurr) {
608  auto &nNumCh = mapNumChPerChamber_[nIdxLayer];
610  MonitorElement *h2Summary;
612  //Int_t nLumiCurrLowRes = ( ( nLumiCurr - 1 ) / nResolutionLumi_ ) * nResolutionLumi_;
613  Int_t nNumBinLumi = ((nLumiCurr - 1) / nResolutionLumi_) + 1;
614  Int_t nMaxBin = 0;
616  // Creating or Summoning the corresponding histogram
617  if (mapHistLumiFunc_.find(nIdxLayer) == mapHistLumiFunc_.end()) {
618  store->setCurrentFolder(strDirSummary_);
619  h2Summary = store->book2S("chamberStatus_inLumi" + strSuffix,
620  "Chamber status on lumi-block " + strSuffix.substr(1),
621  nMaxLumi_ / nResolutionLumi_,
622  1.0,
623  (Float_t)(nMaxLumi_ + 1),
624  //nNumBinLumi, 1.0, (Float_t)( nLumiCurr + 1 ),
625  nNumCh,
626  0.5,
627  nNumCh + 0.5);
628  mapHistLumiFunc_[nIdxLayer] = h2Summary;
630  h2Summary->setXTitle("Luminosity block");
631  h2Summary->setYTitle("Chamber");
632  Int_t nNumModule = mapNumModule_[nIdxLayer];
633  for (Int_t i = 1; i <= nNumCh; i++) {
634  if (nNumModule <= 1) {
635  h2Summary->setBinLabel(i, Form("%i", i), 2);
636  } else {
637  Int_t nCh = (i - 1) / nNumModule + 1;
638  Int_t nModule = (i - 1) / nNumModule + 1;
639  h2Summary->setBinLabel(i, Form("%i M%i", nCh, nModule), 2);
640  }
641  }
642  } else {
643  h2Summary = mapHistLumiFunc_[nIdxLayer];
644  }
646  for (Int_t nIdxCh = 1; nIdxCh <= nNumCh; nIdxCh++) {
647  auto &listStatus = mapStatusChambersSummary_[{nIdxLayer, nIdxCh}];
649  Int_t nIdxStatus = 0;
650  for (Int_t nIdxLumi = 0; nIdxLumi < nNumBinLumi; nIdxLumi++) {
651  // Lumis covered by these values (nLumiStart <=, <= nLumiEnd) are counted for the current bin
652  Int_t nLumiStart = 1 + nIdxLumi * nResolutionLumi_;
653  Int_t nLumiEnd = (1 + nIdxLumi) * nResolutionLumi_;
654  if (nLumiEnd > nLumiCurr)
655  nLumiEnd = nLumiCurr;
657  Int_t nStatusSum = 0;
658  while (true) { // No worries, nIdxStatus must increase and reach at listStatus.size()
659  // True: It was too past so that
660  // the lumi range of listStatus[ nIdxStatus ] is out of the coverage of the current bin
661  if (listStatus[nIdxStatus].nLumiEnd < nLumiStart) {
662  nIdxStatus++;
663  if (nIdxStatus >= (int)listStatus.size()) {
664  break; // For safety
665  }
666  continue;
667  }
669  nStatusSum = listStatus[nIdxStatus].nStatus;
671  // True: This is the last item of listStatus which is covered by the current bin
672  if (nIdxStatus + 1 >= (int)listStatus.size() || listStatus[nIdxStatus].nLumiEnd >= nLumiEnd) {
673  break;
674  }
676  nIdxStatus++;
677  if (nIdxStatus >= (int)listStatus.size()) {
678  break; // For safety
679  }
680  }
682  h2Summary->setBinContent(nIdxLumi + 1, nIdxCh, nStatusSum);
683  if (nMaxBin < nIdxLumi + 1)
684  nMaxBin = nIdxLumi + 1;
685  }
686  }
688  for (Int_t nX = 1; nX <= nMaxBin; nX++) {
689  h2Summary->setBinContent(nX, 0, 1);
690  }
691 }
694  char cRegion;
695  char cChType = (nIdxCh % 2 == 0 ? 'L' : 'S');
696  Int_t nLayer;
698  if (strSuffix.find("-M-") != std::string::npos)
699  cRegion = 'M';
700  else if (strSuffix.find("-P-") != std::string::npos)
701  cRegion = 'P';
702  else
703  return "";
705  if (strSuffix.find("-L1") != std::string::npos)
706  nLayer = 1;
707  else if (strSuffix.find("-L2") != std::string::npos)
708  nLayer = 2;
709  else
710  return "";
712  return Form(
713  "GEM/Digis/occupancy_GE11-%c-L%i/occ_GE11-%c-%02iL%i-%c", cRegion, nLayer, cRegion, nIdxCh, nLayer, cChType);
714 }
716 // FIXME: The naming convention of GE21 could be changed to be different from GE11
718  char cRegion;
719  char cChType = (nIdxCh % 2 == 0 ? 'L' : 'S');
720  Int_t nLayer;
722  if (strSuffix.find("-M-") != std::string::npos)
723  cRegion = 'M';
724  else if (strSuffix.find("-P-") != std::string::npos)
725  cRegion = 'P';
726  else
727  return "";
729  if (strSuffix.find("-L1") != std::string::npos)
730  nLayer = 1;
731  else if (strSuffix.find("-L2") != std::string::npos)
732  nLayer = 2;
733  else
734  return "";
736  return Form(
737  "GEM/Digis/occupancy_GE21-%c-L%i/occ_GE21-%c-%02iL%i-%c", cRegion, nLayer, cRegion, nIdxCh, nLayer, cChType);
738 }
740 std::string getNameChamberOccNull(std::string strSuffix, Int_t nIdxChamber) {
741  return ""; // For an initialization
742 }
745  std::string strSuffix,
746  Int_t nNumChamber) {
747  std::string strTitle = "The fraction of inactive channels in " + strSuffix.substr(1);
748  MonitorElement *h2InactiveChannel =
749  store->book1D("inactive_frac_chamber" + strSuffix, strTitle, nNumChamber, 0.5, nNumChamber + 0.5);
750  h2InactiveChannel->setXTitle("Chamber");
751  h2InactiveChannel->setYTitle("Fraction of inactive channels");
752  for (Int_t i = 1; i <= nNumChamber; i++) {
753  h2InactiveChannel->setBinLabel(i, Form("%i", i), 1);
754  }
756  std::string (*funcNameCh)(std::string, Int_t) = getNameChamberOccNull;
758  if (strSuffix.find("_GE11") != std::string::npos) {
759  funcNameCh = getNameChamberOccGE11;
760  } else if (strSuffix.find("_GE21") != std::string::npos) {
761  funcNameCh = getNameChamberOccGE21;
762  }
764  for (Int_t nIdxCh = 1; nIdxCh <= nNumChamber; nIdxCh++) {
765  std::string strNameCh = funcNameCh(strSuffix, nIdxCh);
766  MonitorElement *h2SrcChamberOcc = store->get(strNameCh);
767  if (h2SrcChamberOcc == nullptr) {
768  // FIXME: It's about sending a message
769  continue;
770  }
772  Int_t nNumBinX = h2SrcChamberOcc->getNbinsX();
773  Int_t nNumBinY = h2SrcChamberOcc->getNbinsY();
774  Int_t nNumAllChannel = nNumBinX * nNumBinY;
775  auto *histData = h2SrcChamberOcc->getTH2F();
776  auto *pdData = histData->GetArray();
777  Int_t nNumChannelInactive = 0;
778  for (Int_t j = 1; j <= nNumBinY; j++)
779  for (Int_t i = 1; i <= nNumBinX; i++) {
780  if (pdData[j * (nNumBinX + 2) + i] <= 0) {
781  nNumChannelInactive++;
782  }
783  }
784  h2InactiveChannel->setBinContent(nIdxCh, ((Double_t)nNumChannelInactive) / nNumAllChannel);
785  }
786 }
virtual void setTitle(const std::string &title)
set (ie. change) histogram/profile title
std::map< std::string, int > mapIdxLayer_
LuminosityBlockNumber_t luminosityBlock() const
MonitorElement * bookFloat(TString const &name, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:80
void createSummaryVFAT(edm::Service< DQMStore > &store, MonitorElement *h2Src, std::string strSuffix, MonitorElement *&h2Sum)
MonitorElement * book2S(TString const &name, TString const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int nchY, double lowY, double highY, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:254
void createInactiveChannelFracHist(edm::Service< DQMStore > &store, std::string strSuffix, Int_t nNumChamber)
void setCurrentFolder(std::string const &fullpath) override
Definition: DQMStore.h:646
virtual std::string getAxisTitle(int axis=1) const
get x-, y- or z-axis title (axis=1, 2, 3 respectively)
~GEMDQMHarvester() override
std::string getNameChamberOccGE21(std::string strSuffix, Int_t nIdxCh)
Float_t refineSummaryHistogram(std::string strName, MonitorElement *h2Sum, std::vector< MonitorElement *> &listOccPlots, MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusA, MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusE, MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusW, MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusEVFAT, MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusWVFAT, MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusEOH, MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusWOH, MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusEAMC, MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusWAMC, MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusEAMC13, Int_t nLumiCurr)
void copyLabels(MonitorElement *h2Src, MonitorElement *h2Dst)
Log< level::Error, false > LogError
void dqmEndLuminosityBlock(DQMStore::IBooker &, DQMStore::IGetter &, edm::LuminosityBlock const &iLumi, edm::EventSetup const &) override
std::map< IdChamber, std::vector< StatusInfo > > mapStatusChambersSummary_
std::map< IdVFAT, NumStatus > mapNumStatusVFATsSummary_
void createTableWatchingSummary()
std::string getNameChamberOccNull(std::string strSuffix, Int_t nIdxChamber)
std::vector< std::string > listLayer_
void Fill(long long x)
virtual TH2F * getTH2F() const
std::map< IdVFAT, std::vector< StatusInfo > > mapStatusVFATsSummary_
void drawSummaryHistogram(edm::Service< DQMStore > &store, Int_t nLumiCurr)
virtual void setXTitle(std::string const &title)
std::tuple< int, int > IdChamber
std::vector< std::vector< Float_t > > TableStatusOcc
std::string getNameChamberOccGE11(std::string strSuffix, Int_t nIdxCh)
Bool_t bIsStatusChambersInit_
NumStatus(Float_t fNumTotal=0, Float_t fNumOcc=0, Float_t fNumErrVFAT=0, Float_t fNumWarnVFAT=0, Float_t fNumErrOH=0, Float_t fNumWarnOH=0, Float_t fNumErrAMC=0, Float_t fNumWarnAMC=0, Float_t fNumErrAMC13=0)
std::map< int, MonitorElement * > mapHistLumiFunc_
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
Definition: MakerMacros.h:16
Int_t assessOneBin(std::string strName, Int_t nIdxX, Int_t nIdxY, Float_t fAll, Float_t fNumOcc, Float_t fNumErr, Float_t fNumWarn)
virtual void setBinLabel(int bin, const std::string &label, int axis=1)
set bin label for x, y or z axis (axis=1, 2, 3 respectively)
virtual int getNbinsY() const
get # of bins in Y-axis
void getGeometryInfo(edm::Service< DQMStore > &store, MonitorElement *h2Src)
virtual std::string getTitle() const
get MonitorElement title
std::map< int, int > mapNumModule_
virtual void setYTitle(std::string const &title)
static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
virtual void setBinContent(int binx, double content)
set content of bin (1-D)
LuminosityBlockID id() const
MonitorElement * book2D(TString const &name, TString const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int nchY, double lowY, double highY, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:212
std::map< int, std::map< int, int > > mapIdxToChamberInOcc_
GEMDQMHarvester(const edm::ParameterSet &)
void add(std::string const &label, ParameterSetDescription const &psetDescription)
Int_t UpdateStatusChamber(Int_t nIdxLayer, Int_t nIdxCh, Int_t nLumiCurr, NumStatus numStatus)
virtual MonitorElement * get(std::string const &fullpath) const
HLT enums.
std::map< IdChamber, NumStatus > mapNumStatusChambersSummary_
std::vector< std::vector< Int_t > > TableStatusNum
virtual int getNbinsX() const
get # of bins in X-axis
void createSummaryHist(edm::Service< DQMStore > &store, MonitorElement *h2Src, MonitorElement *&h2Sum)
Int_t refineSummaryVFAT(std::string strName, MonitorElement *h2Sum, MonitorElement *h2SrcOcc, MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusE, MonitorElement *h2SrcStatusW, Int_t nLumiCurr, Int_t nIdxLayer)
MonitorElement * book1D(TString const &name, TString const &title, int const nchX, double const lowX, double const highX, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:98
std::map< int, int > mapNumChPerChamber_
void createLumiFuncHist(edm::Service< DQMStore > &store, std::string strSuffix, Int_t nIdxLayer, Int_t nLumiCurr)
static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
std::tuple< int, int, int > IdVFAT
virtual double getBinContent(int binx) const
get content of bin (1-D)
void dqmEndJob(DQMStore::IBooker &, DQMStore::IGetter &) override