10 _hit.
set_sector_idx(_endcap == 1 ? _evt_sector - 1 : _evt_sector + 5);
50 _hit.
set_sector_idx(_endcap == 1 ? _evt_sector - 1 : _evt_sector + 5);
75 constexpr uint8_t GEM_MAX_CLUSTERS_PER_LAYER = 8;
77 _hit.
set_sector_idx(_endcap == 1 ? _evt_sector - 1 : _evt_sector + 5);
107 _track.
set_sector_idx((_endcap == 1) ? _evt_sector - 1 : _evt_sector + 5);
110 (((_SP.
Mode() >> 2) & 1) << 1) | (((_SP.
Mode() >> 3) & 1) << 0));
int TBIN() const
Returns the time bin of the cluster.
void set_phi_glob(float val)
void set_gmt_eta(int bits)
void set_sector(int bits)
int calc_chamber(int station, int sector, int subsector, int ring, int csc_ID)
void set_phi_fp(int bits)
unsigned long Pt_LUT_addr() const
void ImportME(EMTFHit &_hit, const l1t::emtf::ME _ME, const int _endcap, const int _evt_sector)
void set_muon_shower_inTime(int bits)
void set_theta(float val)
void set_charge(int bits)
int ClusterSize() const
Returns the size (in pads) of the cluster.
double calc_phi_loc_deg(int bits)
void set_sector_idx(int bits)
void set_cluster_size(int bits)
void set_sync_err(int bits)
int MUS_outOfTime() const
void ImportGEM(EMTFHit &_hit, const l1t::emtf::GEM &_GEM, const int _endcap, const int _evt_sector)
void set_theta_fp(int bits)
void set_PtLUT(EMTFPtLUT bits)
void set_endcap(int bits)
int Pad() const
Returns the lowest pad (strip pair, i.e., local phi) of the cluster.
void set_sector_idx(int bits)
void set_pad_hi(int bits)
void SetRPCDetId(const RPCDetId &id)
void ImportRPC(EMTFHit &_hit, const l1t::emtf::RPC _RPC, const int _endcap, const int _evt_sector)
void set_gmt_phi(int bits)
void set_strip_quart_bit(int bits)
double calc_theta_deg_from_int(int theta_int)
int VP() const
Returns the valid flag? of the cluster.
void set_strip_eighth_bit(int bits)
void set_pattern(int bits)
void set_gmt_quality(int bits)
int ClusterID() const
Returns the the cluster ID within the link.
void set_pattern_run3(int bits)
double calc_phi_glob_deg(double loc, int sector)
int Partition() const
Returns the eta partition (local eta) of the cluster.
int BC0() const
Returns whether the cluster has BC0.
void set_phi_loc(float val)
void SetCSCDetId(const CSCDetId &id)
void set_gmt_charge(int bits)
int Quarter_strip() const
int calc_ring(int station, int csc_ID, int strip)
double calc_eta_from_theta_deg(double theta_deg, int endcap)
void set_endcap(int bits)
void set_subsystem(int bits)
void set_cluster_id(int bits)
void ImportSP(EMTFTrack &_track, const l1t::emtf::SP _SP, const int _endcap, const int _evt_sector)
void set_pad_low(int bits)
void SetGEMDetId(const GEMDetId &id)
void set_phi_loc(float val)
void set_gmt_charge_valid(int bits)
void set_phi_glob(float val)
RPCDetId CreateRPCDetId() const
void set_mode_inv(int bits)
GEMDetId CreateGEMDetId() const
void set_quality(int bits)
void set_gmt_pt(int bits)
void set_chamber(int bits)
double calc_eta(int bits)
void set_phi_fp(int bits)
void set_partition(int bits)
void set_muon_shower_valid(int bits)
CSCDetId CreateCSCDetId() const
void set_muon_shower_outOfTime(int bits)