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1 // This is
17 #include <algorithm>
18 #include <string>
19 #include <vector>
20 //#include <iostream>
23  : recoConditions_(nullptr), calcped_(nullptr), ganged_(false) {
24  useCalib = ps.getParameter<bool>("CSCUseCalibrations");
25  bool useStaticPedestals = ps.getParameter<bool>("CSCUseStaticPedestals");
26  int noOfTimeBinsForDynamicPed = ps.getParameter<int>("CSCNoOfTimeBinsForDynamicPedestal");
28  theThresholdForAPeak = ps.getParameter<double>("CSCStripPeakThreshold");
29  theThresholdForCluster = ps.getParameter<double>("CSCStripClusterChargeCut");
31  LogTrace("CSCRecHit") << "[CSCHitFromStripOnly] CSCUseStaticPedestals = " << useStaticPedestals;
32  if (!useStaticPedestals)
33  LogTrace("CSCRecHit") << "[CSCHitFromStripOnly] CSCNoOfTimeBinsForDynamicPedestal = " << noOfTimeBinsForDynamicPed;
35  if (useStaticPedestals) {
37  } else {
38  if (noOfTimeBinsForDynamicPed == 1) {
40  } else {
41  calcped_ = new CSCDynamicPedestal2(); // NORMAL DEFAULT!
42  }
43  }
44 }
48 /* runStrip
49  *
50  * Search for strip with ADC output exceeding theThresholdForAPeak. For each of these strips,
51  * build a cluster of strip of size theClusterSize (typically 3 strips). Finally, make
52  * a Strip Hit out of these clusters by finding the center-of-mass position of the hit
53  */
54 std::vector<CSCStripHit> CSCHitFromStripOnly::runStrip(const CSCDetId& id,
55  const CSCLayer* layer,
56  const CSCStripDigiCollection::Range& rstripd) {
57  std::vector<CSCStripHit> hitsInLayer;
59  // cache layer info for ease of access
60  id_ = id;
61  layer_ = layer;
62  nstrips_ = layer->chamber()->specs()->nStrips();
64  setGanged(false);
65  if (id_.ring() == 4 && layer_->chamber()->specs()->gangedStrips())
66  setGanged(true); //@@ ONLY ME1/1A CAN BE GANGED
68  LogTrace("CSCHitFromStripOnly") << "[CSCHitFromStripOnly::runStrip] id= " << id_ << " nstrips= " << nstrips_
69  << " ganged strips? " << ganged();
71  tmax_cluster = 5;
73  // Get gain correction weights for all strips in layer, and cache in gainWeight.
74  // They're used in fillPulseHeights below.
75  // When ME11a is ganged we only need the first 16 values of the 48 filled,
76  // but 17-48 are just duplicates of 1-16 anyway
78  if (useCalib) {
81  // *** START DUMP gainWeight
82  // std::cout << "gainWeight for id= " << id_ << " nstrips= " << nstrips_ << std::endl;
83  // for ( size_t i = 0; i!=10; ++i ) {
84  // for ( size_t j = 0; j!=8; ++j ) {
85  // std::cout << gainWeight[i*8 + j] << " ";
86  // }
87  // std::cout << std::endl;
88  // }
89  // *** END DUMP gainWeight
90  }
92  // Store pulseheights from SCA and find maxima (potential hits)
93  fillPulseHeights(rstripd);
94  findMaxima(id);
96  // Make a Strip Hit out of each strip local maximum
97  for (size_t imax = 0; imax != theMaxima.size(); ++imax) {
98  // Initialize parameters entering the CSCStripHit
100  theStrips.clear();
101  strips_adc.clear();
102  strips_adcRaw.clear();
104  // makeCluster calls findHitOnStripPosition to determine the centroid position
106  // Remember, the array starts at 0, but the stripId starts at 1...
107  float strippos = makeCluster(theMaxima[imax] + 1);
109  //if ( strippos < 0 || tmax_cluster < 3 ){
110  // the strippos (as calculated here) is not used later on in
112  // with the negative charges allowed it can become negative
113  if (tmax_cluster < 3) {
114  theClosestMaximum.push_back(99); // to keep proper vector size
115  continue;
116  }
117  //---- If two maxima are too close the error assigned will be width/sqrt(12) - see
118  int maximum_to_left = 99; //---- If there is one maximum - the distance is set to 99 (strips)
119  int maximum_to_right = 99;
120  if (imax < theMaxima.size() - 1) {
121  maximum_to_right = + 1) -;
122  }
123  if (imax > 0) {
124  maximum_to_left = - 1) -;
125  }
126  if (std::abs(maximum_to_right) < std::abs(maximum_to_left)) {
127  theClosestMaximum.push_back(maximum_to_right);
128  } else {
129  theClosestMaximum.push_back(maximum_to_left);
130  }
132  //---- Check if a neighbouring strip is a dead strip
133  //bool deadStrip = isNearDeadStrip(id,;
134  bool deadStripL = isDeadStrip(id, - 1, nstrips_);
135  bool deadStripR = isDeadStrip(id, + 1, nstrips_);
136  short int aDeadStrip = 0;
137  if (!deadStripL && !deadStripR) {
138  aDeadStrip = 0;
139  } else if (deadStripL && deadStripR) {
140  aDeadStrip = 255;
141  } else {
142  if (deadStripL) {
143  aDeadStrip = - 1;
144  } else {
145  aDeadStrip = + 1;
146  }
147  }
151  std::vector<int> theL1AStrips;
152  for (int ila = 0; ila < (int)theStrips.size(); ila++) {
153  bool stripMatchCounter = false;
154  for (auto itl1 = rstripd.first; itl1 != rstripd.second; ++itl1) {
155  int stripNproto = (*itl1).getStrip();
156  if (!ganged()) {
157  if (theStrips[ila] == stripNproto) {
158  stripMatchCounter = true;
159  auto sz = (*itl1).getOverlappedSample().size();
160  int L1AbitOnPlace = 0;
161  for (auto iBit = 0UL; iBit < sz; iBit++) {
162  L1AbitOnPlace |= ((*itl1).getL1APhase(iBit) << (15 - iBit));
163  }
164  theL1AStrips.push_back(theStrips[ila] | L1AbitOnPlace);
165  }
166  } else {
167  for (int tripl = 0; tripl < 3; ++tripl) {
168  if (theStrips[ila] == (stripNproto + tripl * 16)) {
169  stripMatchCounter = true;
170  auto sz = (*itl1).getOverlappedSample().size();
171  int L1AbitOnPlace = 0;
172  for (auto iBit = 0UL; iBit < sz; iBit++) {
173  L1AbitOnPlace |= ((*itl1).getL1APhase(iBit) << (15 - iBit));
174  }
175  theL1AStrips.push_back(theStrips[ila] | L1AbitOnPlace);
176  }
177  }
178  }
179  }
180  if (!stripMatchCounter) {
181  theL1AStrips.push_back(theStrips[ila]);
182  }
183  }
186  CSCStripHit striphit(id,
187  strippos,
188  tmax_cluster,
189  theL1AStrips,
190  strips_adc,
191  strips_adcRaw,
194  aDeadStrip);
195  hitsInLayer.push_back(striphit);
196  }
199  /*
200  for(std::vector<CSCStripHit>::const_iterator itSHit=hitsInLayer.begin(); itSHit!=hitsInLayer.end(); ++itSHit){
201  (*itSHit).print();
202  }
203  */
205  return hitsInLayer;
206 }
208 /* makeCluster
209  *
210  */
211 float CSCHitFromStripOnly::makeCluster(int centerStrip) {
212  float strippos = -1.;
214  std::vector<CSCStripHitData> stripDataV;
216  // We only want to use strip position in terms of strip # for the strip hit. //@@ What other choice is there?
218  // If the cluster size is such that you go beyond the edge of detector, shrink cluster appropriately
219  for (int i = 1; i < theClusterSize / 2 + 1; ++i) {
220  if (centerStrip - i < 1 || centerStrip + i > int(nstrips_)) {
221  // Shrink cluster size, but keep it an odd number of strips.
222  clusterSize = 2 * i - 1;
223  }
224  }
225  for (int i = -clusterSize / 2; i <= clusterSize / 2; ++i) {
226  CSCStripHitData data = makeStripData(centerStrip, i);
227  stripDataV.push_back(data);
228  theStrips.push_back(centerStrip + i);
229  }
230  strippos = findHitOnStripPosition(stripDataV, centerStrip);
232  LogTrace("CSCHitFromStripOnly") << "[CSCHitFromStripOnly::makeCluster] centerStrip= " << centerStrip
233  << " strippos=" << strippos;
235  return strippos;
236 }
242  CSCStripHitData prelimData;
243  int thisStrip = centerStrip + offset;
245  int tmax = thePulseHeightMap[centerStrip - 1].tmax();
246  tmax_cluster = tmax;
248  std::vector<float> adc(4);
249  std::vector<float> adcRaw(4);
251  // Fill adc & adcRaw
253  int istart = tmax - 1;
254  int istop = std::min(tmax + 2, 7); // there are only time bins 0-7
255  adc[3] = 0.1; // in case it isn't filled
257  if (tmax > 2 && tmax < 7) { // for time bins 3-6
258  int ibin = thisStrip - 1;
259  if (thePulseHeightMap[ibin].valid()) {
260  std::copy(
261  thePulseHeightMap[ibin].ph().begin() + istart, thePulseHeightMap[ibin].ph().begin() + istop + 1, adc.begin());
263  std::copy(thePulseHeightMap[ibin].phRaw().begin() + istart,
264  thePulseHeightMap[ibin].phRaw().begin() + istop + 1,
265  adcRaw.begin());
266  }
267  } else {
268  adc[0] = 0.1;
269  adc[1] = 0.1;
270  adc[2] = 0.1;
271  adc[3] = 0.1;
272  adcRaw = adc;
273  LogTrace("CSCRecHit") << "[CSCHitFromStripOnly::makeStripData] Tmax out of range: contact CSC expert!";
274  }
276  if (offset == 0) {
277  prelimData = CSCStripHitData(thisStrip, tmax_cluster, adcRaw, adc);
278  } else {
279  int sign = offset > 0 ? 1 : -1;
280  // If there's another maximum that would like to use part of this cluster,
281  // it gets shared in proportion to the height of the maxima
282  for (int i = 1; i <= clusterSize / 2; ++i) {
283  // Find the direction of the offset
284  int testStrip = thisStrip + sign * i;
285  std::vector<int>::iterator otherMax = find(theMaxima.begin(), theMaxima.end(), testStrip - 1);
287  // No other maxima found, so just store
288  if (otherMax == theMaxima.end()) {
289  prelimData = CSCStripHitData(thisStrip, tmax_cluster, adcRaw, adc);
290  } else {
291  // Another maximum found - share
292  std::vector<float> adc1(4);
293  std::vector<float> adcRaw1(4);
294  std::vector<float> adc2(4);
295  std::vector<float> adcRaw2(4);
296  // In case we only copy (below) into 3 of the 4 bins i.e. when istart=5, istop=7
297  adc1[3] = 0.1;
298  adc2[3] = 0.1;
299  adcRaw1[3] = 0.1;
300  adcRaw2[3] = 0.1;
302  // Fill adcN with content of time bins tmax-1 to tmax+2 (if it exists!)
303  if (tmax > 2 && tmax < 7) { // for time bin tmax from 3-6
304  int ibin = testStrip - 1;
305  int jbin = centerStrip - 1;
306  if (thePulseHeightMap[ibin].valid()) {
307  std::copy(thePulseHeightMap[ibin].ph().begin() + istart,
308  thePulseHeightMap[ibin].ph().begin() + istop + 1,
309  adc1.begin());
310  std::copy(thePulseHeightMap[ibin].phRaw().begin() + istart,
311  thePulseHeightMap[ibin].phRaw().begin() + istop + 1,
312  adcRaw1.begin());
313  }
315  if (thePulseHeightMap[jbin].valid()) {
316  std::copy(thePulseHeightMap[jbin].ph().begin() + istart,
317  thePulseHeightMap[jbin].ph().begin() + istop + 1,
318  adc2.begin());
320  std::copy(thePulseHeightMap[jbin].phRaw().begin() + istart,
321  thePulseHeightMap[jbin].phRaw().begin() + istop + 1,
322  adcRaw2.begin());
323  }
324  } else {
325  adc1.assign(4, 0.1);
326  adcRaw1 = adc1;
327  adc2.assign(4, 0.1);
328  adcRaw2 = adc2;
329  }
331  // Scale shared strip B ('adc') by ratio of peak of ADC counts from central strip A ('adc2')
332  // to sum of A and neighbouring maxima C ('adc1')
334  for (size_t k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
335  if (adc1[k] > 0 && adc2[k] > 0)
336  adc[k] = adc[k] * adc2[k] / (adc1[k] + adc2[k]);
337  if (adcRaw1[k] > 0 && adcRaw2[k] > 0)
338  adcRaw[k] = adcRaw[k] * adcRaw2[k] / (adcRaw1[k] + adcRaw2[k]);
339  }
340  prelimData = CSCStripHitData(thisStrip, tmax_cluster, adcRaw, adc);
341  }
342  }
343  }
344  return prelimData;
345 }
347 /* fillPulseHeights
348  *
349  */
351  // Loop over strip digis in one CSCLayer and fill PulseHeightMap with pedestal-subtracted
352  // SCA pulse heights.
354  for (auto& ph : thePulseHeightMap)
355  ph.reset();
357  // for storing sca pulseheights once they may no longer be integer (e.g. after ped subtraction)
358  for (CSCStripDigiCollection::const_iterator it = rstripd.first; it != rstripd.second; ++it) {
359  int thisChannel = (*it).getStrip();
360  auto& stripData = thePulseHeightMap[thisChannel - 1];
361  auto& scaRaw = stripData.phRaw_;
362  auto& sca = stripData.ph_;
364  auto const& scaOri = (*it).getADCCounts();
365  assert(scaOri.size() == 8);
366  // Fill sca from scaRaw, implicitly converting to float
367  std::copy(scaOri.begin(), scaOri.end(), scaRaw.begin());
368  std::copy(scaRaw.begin(), scaRaw.end(), sca.begin());
370  //@@ Find bin with largest pulseheight (_before_ ped subtraction - shouldn't matter, right?)
371  int tmax = std::max_element(sca.begin(), sca.end()) - sca.begin(); // counts from 0
373  // get pedestal - calculated as appropriate - for this sca pulse
374  float ped = calcped_->pedestal(sca, recoConditions_, id_, thisChannel);
376  // subtract the pedestal (from BOTH sets of sca pulseheights)
377  std::for_each(sca.begin(), sca.end(), CSCSubtractPedestal(ped));
378  std::for_each(scaRaw.begin(), scaRaw.end(), CSCSubtractPedestal(ped));
380  //@@ Max in first 3 or last time bins is unacceptable, if so set to zero (why?)
381  float phmax = 0.f;
382  if (tmax > 2 && tmax < 7) {
383  phmax = sca[tmax];
384  }
385  stripData.phmax_ = phmax;
386  stripData.tmax_ = tmax;
388  // Fill the map, possibly apply gains from cond data, and unfold ME1A channels
389  // (To apply gains use CSCStripData::op*= which scales only the non-raw sca ph's;
390  // but note that both sca & scaRaw are pedestal-subtracted.)
392  // From StripDigi, thisChannel labels strip channel. Values phmax, tmax, scaRaw, sca belong to thisChannel
393  if (useCalib)
394  stripData *= gainWeight[thisChannel - 1];
396  // for ganged ME1a need to duplicate values on istrip=thisChannel to iStrip+16 and iStrip+32
397  if (ganged()) {
398  for (int j = 1; j < 3; ++j) {
399  thePulseHeightMap[thisChannel - 1 + 16 * j] = stripData;
400  }
401  }
402  }
403 }
405 /* findMaxima
406  *
407  * fills vector 'theMaxima' with the local maxima in the pulseheight distribution
408  * of the strips. The threshold defining a maximum is a configurable parameter.
409  * A typical value is 30.
410  */
412  theMaxima.clear();
413  theConsecutiveStrips.clear();
414  theClosestMaximum.clear();
415  for (size_t i = 0; i != thePulseHeightMap.size(); ++i) {
416  // sum 3 strips so that hits between strips are not suppressed
417  float heightCluster = 0.;
419  bool maximumFound = false;
420  // Left edge of chamber
421  if (!isDeadStrip(id, i + 1, nstrips_)) { // Is it i or i+1
422  if (i == 0) {
423  heightCluster = thePulseHeightMap[i].phmax() + thePulseHeightMap[i + 1].phmax();
424  // Have found a strip Hit if...
425  if (thePulseHeightMap[i].phmax() >= thePulseHeightMap[i + 1].phmax() && isPeakOK(i, heightCluster)) {
426  maximumFound = true;
427  }
428  // Right edge of chamber
429  } else if (i == thePulseHeightMap.size() - 1) {
430  heightCluster = thePulseHeightMap[i - 1].phmax() + thePulseHeightMap[i].phmax();
431  // Have found a strip Hit if...
432  if (thePulseHeightMap[i].phmax() > thePulseHeightMap[i - 1].phmax() && isPeakOK(i, heightCluster)) {
433  maximumFound = true;
434  }
435  // Any other strips
436  } else {
437  heightCluster =
438  thePulseHeightMap[i - 1].phmax() + thePulseHeightMap[i].phmax() + thePulseHeightMap[i + 1].phmax();
439  // Have found a strip Hit if...
440  if (thePulseHeightMap[i].phmax() > thePulseHeightMap[i - 1].phmax() &&
441  thePulseHeightMap[i].phmax() >= thePulseHeightMap[i + 1].phmax() && isPeakOK(i, heightCluster)) {
442  maximumFound = true;
443  }
444  }
445  }
446  //---- Consecutive strips with charge (real cluster); if too wide - measurement is not accurate
447  if (maximumFound) {
448  int numberOfConsecutiveStrips = 1;
449  float testThreshold = 10.; //---- ADC counts;
450  //---- this is not XTalk corrected so it is correct in first approximation only
451  int j = 0;
452  for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) {
453  if (j < 0)
454  edm::LogWarning("FailedStripCountingWrongConsecutiveStripNumber")
455  << "This should never occur!!! Contact CSC expert!";
456  ++j;
457  bool signalPresent = false;
458  for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
459  j *= -1; //---- check from left and right
460  int anotherConsecutiveStrip = i + j;
461  if (anotherConsecutiveStrip >= 0 && anotherConsecutiveStrip < int(thePulseHeightMap.size())) {
462  if (thePulseHeightMap[anotherConsecutiveStrip].phmax() > testThreshold) {
463  ++numberOfConsecutiveStrips;
464  signalPresent = true;
465  }
466  }
467  }
468  if (!signalPresent) {
469  break;
470  }
471  }
473  bool additional_maxima_found = false;
474  // search for additional maxima if:
475  // - hit is closer than 3 strips from the edge
476  // - enough consecutive strips with signal
477  // - strip charge distribution looks abnormal
479  if (i > 2 && i + 3 < thePulseHeightMap.size() && numberOfConsecutiveStrips > 3) {
480  //try to look for additional maxima at the left side from the main maxima
482  if (((thePulseHeightMap[i + 1].phmax() >= thePulseHeightMap[i - 1].phmax() &&
483  thePulseHeightMap[i + 1].phmax() >= thePulseHeightMap[i - 2].phmax() &&
484  thePulseHeightMap[i + 2].phmax() <= thePulseHeightMap[i - 2].phmax()) ||
485  (thePulseHeightMap[i + 1].phmax() <= thePulseHeightMap[i - 1].phmax() &&
486  thePulseHeightMap[i + 1].phmax() <= thePulseHeightMap[i - 2].phmax())) &&
487  //to avoid close maxima delimitation (this is already present in the code)
488  thePulseHeightMap[i - 1].phmax() >= thePulseHeightMap[i - 2].phmax() &&
489  //no need in a small charge maxima (might need adjustment)
490  thePulseHeightMap[i - 2].phmax() > 20) {
491  additional_maxima_found = true;
492  theMaxima.push_back(i - 2); //insert left maxima first
493  //insert the same number of cosecutive strips, because they belong to both maximas
494  theConsecutiveStrips.push_back(numberOfConsecutiveStrips);
495  theMaxima.push_back(i); //insert main maxima
496  //insert the same number of cosecutive strips, because they belong to both maximas
497  theConsecutiveStrips.push_back(numberOfConsecutiveStrips);
499  } //looking for additional maxima on the left
501  //try to look for additional maxima at the right side from the main maxima
502  if (((thePulseHeightMap[i + 1].phmax() >= thePulseHeightMap[i - 1].phmax() &&
503  thePulseHeightMap[i + 2].phmax() >= thePulseHeightMap[i - 1].phmax()) ||
504  (thePulseHeightMap[i + 1].phmax() <= thePulseHeightMap[i - 1].phmax() &&
505  thePulseHeightMap[i + 2].phmax() <= thePulseHeightMap[i - 1].phmax() &&
506  thePulseHeightMap[i + 2].phmax() >= thePulseHeightMap[i - 2].phmax())) &&
507  //to avoid close maxima delimitation (this is already present in the code)
508  thePulseHeightMap[i + 1].phmax() >= thePulseHeightMap[i + 2].phmax() &&
509  //no need in a small charge maxima (might need adjustment)
510  thePulseHeightMap[i + 2].phmax() > 20) {
511  additional_maxima_found = true;
512  theMaxima.push_back(i); //insert main maxima first
513  //insert the same number of cosecutive strips, because they belong to both maximas
514  theConsecutiveStrips.push_back(numberOfConsecutiveStrips);
515  theMaxima.push_back(i + 2); //insert right maxima
516  //insert the same number of cosecutive strips, because they belong to both maximas
517  theConsecutiveStrips.push_back(numberOfConsecutiveStrips);
519  } //looking for additional maxima on the right
521  //if nothing additional found fill the maxima
522  if (!additional_maxima_found) {
523  theMaxima.push_back(i);
524  theConsecutiveStrips.push_back(numberOfConsecutiveStrips);
525  }
526  } else { //not the case for looking for the additional maxima
527  theMaxima.push_back(i);
528  theConsecutiveStrips.push_back(numberOfConsecutiveStrips);
529  }
530  } //if maximafound
531  } //all pulses
532 } //find maxima procedure
534 bool CSCHitFromStripOnly::isPeakOK(int iStrip, float heightCluster) {
535  int i = iStrip;
536  bool peakOK = (thePulseHeightMap[i].phmax() > theThresholdForAPeak && heightCluster > theThresholdForCluster &&
537  // ... and proper peak time; note that the values below are used elsewhere in this file;
538  // they should become parameters or at least constants defined in appropriate place
539  thePulseHeightMap[i].tmax() > 2 && thePulseHeightMap[i].tmax() < 7);
540  return peakOK;
541 }
543 /* findHitOnStripPosition
544  *
545  */
546 float CSCHitFromStripOnly::findHitOnStripPosition(const std::vector<CSCStripHitData>& data, const int& centerStrip) {
547  float strippos = -1.;
549  if (data.empty())
550  return strippos;
552  // biggestStrip is strip with largest pulse height
553  // Use pointer subtraction
555  int biggestStrip = max_element(data.begin(), data.end()) - data.begin();
556  strippos = data[biggestStrip].strip() * 1.;
558  // If more than one strip: use centroid to find center of cluster
559  // but only use time bin == tmax (otherwise, bias centroid).
560  float sum = 0.;
561  float sum_w = 0.;
563  // std::vector<float> w(4);
564  // std::vector<float> wRaw(4);
566  for (size_t i = 0; i != data.size(); ++i) {
567  auto const& w = data[i].ph();
568  auto const& wRaw = data[i].phRaw();
570  // (Require ADC to be > 0.)
571  // No later studies suggest that this only do harm
572  /*
573  for ( size_t j = 0; j != w.size(); ++j ) {
574  if ( w[j] < 0. ) w[j] = 0.001;
575  }
576  */
578  // Fill the data members
579  std::copy(w.begin(), w.end(), std::back_inserter(strips_adc));
580  std::copy(wRaw.begin(), wRaw.end(), std::back_inserter(strips_adcRaw));
582  if (data[i].strip() < 1) {
583  LogTrace("CSCRecHit") << "[CSCHitFromStripOnly::findHitOnStripPosition] problem in indexing of strip, strip= "
584  << data[i].strip();
585  }
586  sum_w += w[1];
587  sum += w[1] * data[i].strip();
588  }
590  if (sum_w > 0.)
591  strippos = sum / sum_w;
593  return strippos;
594 }
596 bool CSCHitFromStripOnly::isNearDeadStrip(const CSCDetId& id, int centralStrip, int nstrips) {
597  //@@ Tim says: not sure I understand this properly... but just moved code to CSCRecoConditions
598  // where it can handle the conversion from strip to channel etc.
599  return recoConditions_->nearBadStrip(id, centralStrip, nstrips);
600 }
602 bool CSCHitFromStripOnly::isDeadStrip(const CSCDetId& id, int centralStrip, int nstrips) {
603  return recoConditions_->badStrip(id, centralStrip, nstrips);
604 }
606 // Define space for static
const CSCLayer * layer_
CSCPedestalChoice * calcped_
bool isNearDeadStrip(const CSCDetId &id, int centralStrip, int nstrips)
Is either neighbour &#39;bad&#39;?
const CSCChamber * chamber() const
Definition: CSCLayer.h:49
void findMaxima(const CSCDetId &id)
Find local maxima.
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:307
std::vector< int > theConsecutiveStrips
T w() const
bool isDeadStrip(const CSCDetId &id, int centralStrip, int nstrips)
Is the strip &#39;bad&#39;?
std::vector< CSCStripHit > runStrip(const CSCDetId &id, const CSCLayer *layer, const CSCStripDigiCollection::Range &rstripd)
std::vector< int > theStrips
std::vector< int > theClosestMaximum
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
assert(be >=bs)
#define LogTrace(id)
float findHitOnStripPosition(const std::vector< CSCStripHitData > &data, const int &centerStrip)
Find position of hit in strip cluster in terms of strip #.
CSCHitFromStripOnly(const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
constexpr std::array< uint8_t, layerIndexSize< TrackerTraits > > layer
static const int theClusterSize
PulseHeightMap thePulseHeightMap
bool nearBadStrip(const CSCDetId &id, int geomStrip, int nstrips) const
Is a neighbour bad?
const CSCRecoConditions * recoConditions_
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
float makeCluster(int centerStrip)
Make clusters using local maxima.
static const double tmax[3]
bool badStrip(const CSCDetId &id, int geomStrip, int nstrips) const
Is the strip bad?
std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > Range
std::vector< DigiType >::const_iterator const_iterator
std::vector< float > strips_adcRaw
std::vector< int > theMaxima
bool isPeakOK(int iStrip, float heightCluster)
char data[epos_bytes_allocation]
Definition: EPOS_Wrapper.h:79
std::vector< float > strips_adc
void stripWeights(const CSCDetId &id, short int nstrips, float *weights) const
bool gangedStrips() const
int ring() const
Definition: CSCDetId.h:68
Log< level::Warning, false > LogWarning
virtual float pedestal(const std::vector< float > &sca, const CSCRecoConditions *cond=nullptr, const CSCDetId id=0, int ichan=0)=0
void fillPulseHeights(const CSCStripDigiCollection::Range &rstripd)
Store SCA pulseheight information from strips in digis of one layer.
const CSCChamberSpecs * specs() const
Definition: CSCChamber.h:39
CSCStripHitData makeStripData(int centerStrip, int offset)
uint16_t *__restrict__ uint16_t const *__restrict__ adc