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1 // Original Author: Loic QUERTENMONT
2 // Created: Mon Nov 16 08:55:18 CET 2009
4 #include <memory>
5 #include <iostream>
65 #include "TFile.h"
66 #include "TObjString.h"
67 #include "TString.h"
68 #include "TH1F.h"
69 #include "TH2S.h"
70 #include "TProfile.h"
71 #include "TF1.h"
72 #include "TROOT.h"
73 #include "TTree.h"
74 #include "TChain.h"
76 // user includes
80 #include <unordered_map>
81 #include <array>
83 using namespace edm;
84 using namespace reco;
85 using namespace std;
86 using namespace APVGain;
88 class SiStripGainFromCalibTree : public ConditionDBWriter<SiStripApvGain> {
89 public:
93  ~SiStripGainFromCalibTree() override;
95 private:
96  void algoBeginRun(const edm::Run& run, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup) override;
97  void algoEndRun(const edm::Run& run, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup) override;
98  void algoBeginJob(const edm::EventSetup& iSetup) override;
99  void algoEndJob() override;
100  void algoAnalyze(const edm::Event&, const edm::EventSetup&) override;
102  int statCollectionFromMode(const char* tag) const;
103  void bookDQMHistos(const char* dqm_dir, const char* tag);
105  bool isBFieldConsistentWithMode(const edm::EventSetup& iSetup) const;
106  void swapBFieldMode(void);
108  void merge(TH2* A, TH2* B); //needed to add histograms with different number of bins
109  void algoAnalyzeTheTree();
110  void algoComputeMPVandGain();
111  void processEvent(); //what really does the job
113  void getPeakOfLandau(TH1* InputHisto, double* FitResults, double LowRange = 50, double HighRange = 5400);
114  bool IsGoodLandauFit(double* FitResults);
115  void storeOnTree(TFileService* tfs);
116  void qualityMonitor();
117  void MakeCalibrationMap();
118  bool produceTagFilter();
120  template <typename T>
121  inline edm::Handle<T> connect(const T*& ptr, edm::EDGetTokenT<T> token, const edm::Event& evt) {
123  evt.getByToken(token, handle);
124  ptr = handle.product();
125  return handle; //return handle to keep alive pointer (safety first)
126  }
128  std::unique_ptr<SiStripApvGain> getNewObject() override;
133  double MinNrEntries;
134  double MaxMPVError;
138  double MinTrackEta;
139  double MaxTrackEta;
140  unsigned int MaxNrStrips;
141  unsigned int MinTrackHits;
158  std::vector<std::string> VChargeHisto;
165  vector<string> VInputFiles;
167  //enum statistic_type {None=-1, StdBunch, StdBunch0T, FaABunch, FaABunch0T, IsoBunch, IsoBunch0T, Harvest};
169  std::vector<string> dqm_tag_;
172  std::vector<MonitorElement*> Charge_Vs_Index;
173  std::array<std::vector<APVGain::APVmon>, 7> Charge_1;
174  std::array<std::vector<APVGain::APVmon>, 7> Charge_2;
175  std::array<std::vector<APVGain::APVmon>, 7> Charge_3;
176  std::array<std::vector<APVGain::APVmon>, 7> Charge_4;
178  std::vector<MonitorElement*> Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIB;
179  std::vector<MonitorElement*> Charge_Vs_PathlengthTOB;
180  std::vector<MonitorElement*> Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDP;
181  std::vector<MonitorElement*> Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDM;
182  std::vector<MonitorElement*> Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP1;
183  std::vector<MonitorElement*> Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP2;
184  std::vector<MonitorElement*> Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM1;
185  std::vector<MonitorElement*> Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM2;
187  //std::vector<MonitorElement*> Charge_Vs_Index_Absolute;
189  //Validation histograms
242  std::vector<APVGain::APVmon> newCharge;
244  unsigned int NEvent;
245  unsigned int NTrack;
246  unsigned int NClusterStrip;
247  unsigned int NClusterPixel;
250  unsigned int SRun;
251  unsigned int ERun;
252  unsigned int GOOD;
253  unsigned int BAD;
254  unsigned int MASKED;
256  //Data members for processing
258  //Event data
259  unsigned int eventnumber = 0;
260  unsigned int runnumber = 0;
261  const std::vector<bool>* TrigTech = nullptr;
264  // Track data
265  const std::vector<double>* trackchi2ndof = nullptr;
267  const std::vector<float>* trackp = nullptr;
269  const std::vector<float>* trackpt = nullptr;
271  const std::vector<double>* tracketa = nullptr;
273  const std::vector<double>* trackphi = nullptr;
275  const std::vector<unsigned int>* trackhitsvalid = nullptr;
277  const std::vector<int>* trackalgo = nullptr;
280  // CalibTree data
281  const std::vector<int>* trackindex = nullptr;
283  const std::vector<unsigned int>* rawid = nullptr;
285  const std::vector<double>* localdirx = nullptr;
287  const std::vector<double>* localdiry = nullptr;
289  const std::vector<double>* localdirz = nullptr;
291  const std::vector<unsigned short>* firststrip = nullptr;
293  const std::vector<unsigned short>* nstrips = nullptr;
295  const std::vector<bool>* saturation = nullptr;
297  const std::vector<bool>* overlapping = nullptr;
299  const std::vector<bool>* farfromedge = nullptr;
301  const std::vector<unsigned int>* charge = nullptr;
303  const std::vector<double>* path = nullptr;
305  const std::vector<double>* chargeoverpath = nullptr;
307  const std::vector<unsigned char>* amplitude = nullptr;
309  const std::vector<double>* gainused = nullptr;
311  const std::vector<double>* gainusedTick = nullptr;
314  string EventPrefix_; //("");
315  string EventSuffix_; //("");
316  string TrackPrefix_; //("track");
317  string TrackSuffix_; //("");
318  string CalibPrefix_; //("GainCalibration");
319  string CalibSuffix_; //("");
321 private:
322  std::vector<stAPVGain*> APVsCollOrdered;
323  std::unordered_map<unsigned int, stAPVGain*> APVsColl;
330  const TrackerTopology* tTopo_ = nullptr;
331 };
334  std::vector<string>::const_iterator it = dqm_tag_.begin();
335  while (it != dqm_tag_.end()) {
336  if (*it == std::string(tag))
337  return it - dqm_tag_.begin();
338  it++;
339  }
341  if (std::string(tag).empty())
342  return 0; // return StdBunch calibration mode for backward compatibility
344  return None;
345 }
348  if (A->GetNbinsX() == B->GetNbinsX()) {
349  A->Add(B);
350  } else {
351  for (int x = 0; x <= B->GetNbinsX() + 1; x++) {
352  for (int y = 0; y <= B->GetNbinsY() + 1; y++) {
353  A->SetBinContent(x, y, A->GetBinContent(x, y) + B->GetBinContent(x, y));
354  }
355  }
356  }
357 }
360  : ConditionDBWriter<SiStripApvGain>(iConfig) {
361  OutputGains = iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("OutputGains");
363  AlgoMode = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("AlgoMode", "CalibTree");
364  MagFieldCurrentTh = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("MagFieldCurrentTh", 2000.);
365  MinNrEntries = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("minNrEntries", 20);
366  MaxMPVError = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("maxMPVError", 500.0);
367  MaxChi2OverNDF = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("maxChi2OverNDF", 5.0);
368  MinTrackMomentum = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("minTrackMomentum", 3.0);
369  MaxTrackMomentum = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("maxTrackMomentum", 99999.0);
370  MinTrackEta = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("minTrackEta", -5.0);
371  MaxTrackEta = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("maxTrackEta", 5.0);
372  MaxNrStrips = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned>("maxNrStrips", 2);
373  MinTrackHits = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned>("MinTrackHits", 8);
374  MaxTrackChiOverNdf = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("MaxTrackChiOverNdf", 3);
375  MaxTrackingIteration = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<int>("MaxTrackingIteration", 7);
376  AllowSaturation = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("AllowSaturation", false);
377  FirstSetOfConstants = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("FirstSetOfConstants", true);
378  Validation = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("Validation", false);
379  OldGainRemoving = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("OldGainRemoving", false);
381  CalibrationLevel = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<int>("CalibrationLevel", 0);
382  VInputFiles = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<vector<string>>("InputFiles");
383  VChargeHisto = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<vector<string>>("ChargeHisto");
385  useCalibration = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("UseCalibration", false);
386  m_harvestingMode = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("harvestingMode", false);
387  m_splitDQMstat = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("splitDQMstat", false);
388  m_calibrationMode = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<string>("calibrationMode", "StdBunch");
389  m_calibrationPath = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<string>("calibrationPath");
390  m_DQMdir = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<string>("DQMdir", "AlCaReco/SiStripGains");
392  tagCondition_NClusters = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("NClustersForTagProd", 2E8);
393  tagCondition_GoodFrac = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("GoodFracForTagProd", 0.95);
395  saveSummary = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("saveSummary", false);
397  doChargeMonitorPerPlane = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("doChargeMonitorPerPlane", false);
399  // Gather DQM Service
402  //Set the monitoring element tag and store
403  dqm_tag_.reserve(7);
404  dqm_tag_.clear();
405  dqm_tag_.push_back("StdBunch"); // statistic collection from Standard Collision Bunch @ 3.8 T
406  dqm_tag_.push_back("StdBunch0T"); // statistic collection from Standard Collision Bunch @ 0 T
407  dqm_tag_.push_back("AagBunch"); // statistic collection from First Collision After Abort Gap @ 3.8 T
408  dqm_tag_.push_back("AagBunch0T"); // statistic collection from First Collision After Abort Gap @ 0 T
409  dqm_tag_.push_back("IsoMuon"); // statistic collection from Isolated Muon @ 3.8 T
410  dqm_tag_.push_back("IsoMuon0T"); // statistic collection from Isolated Muon @ 0 T
411  dqm_tag_.push_back("Harvest"); // statistic collection: Harvest
413  Charge_Vs_Index.insert(Charge_Vs_Index.begin(), dqm_tag_.size(), nullptr);
414  //Charge_Vs_Index_Absolute.insert( Charge_Vs_Index_Absolute.begin(), dqm_tag_.size(), 0);
415  Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIB.insert(Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIB.begin(), dqm_tag_.size(), nullptr);
416  Charge_Vs_PathlengthTOB.insert(Charge_Vs_PathlengthTOB.begin(), dqm_tag_.size(), nullptr);
417  Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDP.insert(Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDP.begin(), dqm_tag_.size(), nullptr);
418  Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDM.insert(Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDM.begin(), dqm_tag_.size(), nullptr);
419  Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP1.insert(Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP1.begin(), dqm_tag_.size(), nullptr);
420  Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP2.insert(Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP2.begin(), dqm_tag_.size(), nullptr);
421  Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM1.insert(Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM1.begin(), dqm_tag_.size(), nullptr);
422  Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM2.insert(Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM2.begin(), dqm_tag_.size(), nullptr);
424  // configure token for gathering the ntuple variables
425  edm::ParameterSet swhallowgain_pset = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("gain");
427  string label = swhallowgain_pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("label");
428  CalibPrefix_ = swhallowgain_pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("prefix");
429  CalibSuffix_ = swhallowgain_pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("suffix");
431  trackindex_token_ = consumes<std::vector<int>>(edm::InputTag(label, CalibPrefix_ + "trackindex" + CalibSuffix_));
432  rawid_token_ = consumes<std::vector<unsigned int>>(edm::InputTag(label, CalibPrefix_ + "rawid" + CalibSuffix_));
433  localdirx_token_ = consumes<std::vector<double>>(edm::InputTag(label, CalibPrefix_ + "localdirx" + CalibSuffix_));
434  localdiry_token_ = consumes<std::vector<double>>(edm::InputTag(label, CalibPrefix_ + "localdiry" + CalibSuffix_));
435  localdirz_token_ = consumes<std::vector<double>>(edm::InputTag(label, CalibPrefix_ + "localdirz" + CalibSuffix_));
437  consumes<std::vector<unsigned short>>(edm::InputTag(label, CalibPrefix_ + "firststrip" + CalibSuffix_));
438  nstrips_token_ = consumes<std::vector<unsigned short>>(edm::InputTag(label, CalibPrefix_ + "nstrips" + CalibSuffix_));
439  saturation_token_ = consumes<std::vector<bool>>(edm::InputTag(label, CalibPrefix_ + "saturation" + CalibSuffix_));
440  overlapping_token_ = consumes<std::vector<bool>>(edm::InputTag(label, CalibPrefix_ + "overlapping" + CalibSuffix_));
441  farfromedge_token_ = consumes<std::vector<bool>>(edm::InputTag(label, CalibPrefix_ + "farfromedge" + CalibSuffix_));
442  charge_token_ = consumes<std::vector<unsigned int>>(edm::InputTag(label, CalibPrefix_ + "charge" + CalibSuffix_));
443  path_token_ = consumes<std::vector<double>>(edm::InputTag(label, CalibPrefix_ + "path" + CalibSuffix_));
445  consumes<std::vector<double>>(edm::InputTag(label, CalibPrefix_ + "chargeoverpath" + CalibSuffix_));
447  consumes<std::vector<unsigned char>>(edm::InputTag(label, CalibPrefix_ + "amplitude" + CalibSuffix_));
448  gainused_token_ = consumes<std::vector<double>>(edm::InputTag(label, CalibPrefix_ + "gainused" + CalibSuffix_));
450  consumes<std::vector<double>>(edm::InputTag(label, CalibPrefix_ + "gainusedTick" + CalibSuffix_));
452  edm::ParameterSet evtinfo_pset = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("evtinfo");
453  label = evtinfo_pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("label");
454  EventPrefix_ = evtinfo_pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("prefix");
455  EventSuffix_ = evtinfo_pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("suffix");
456  TrigTech_token_ = consumes<std::vector<bool>>(edm::InputTag(label, EventPrefix_ + "TrigTech" + EventSuffix_));
458  edm::ParameterSet track_pset = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("tracks");
459  label = track_pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("label");
460  TrackPrefix_ = track_pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("prefix");
461  TrackSuffix_ = track_pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("suffix");
463  trackchi2ndof_token_ = consumes<std::vector<double>>(edm::InputTag(label, TrackPrefix_ + "chi2ndof" + TrackSuffix_));
464  trackp_token_ = consumes<std::vector<float>>(edm::InputTag(label, TrackPrefix_ + "momentum" + TrackSuffix_));
465  trackpt_token_ = consumes<std::vector<float>>(edm::InputTag(label, TrackPrefix_ + "pt" + TrackSuffix_));
466  tracketa_token_ = consumes<std::vector<double>>(edm::InputTag(label, TrackPrefix_ + "eta" + TrackSuffix_));
467  trackphi_token_ = consumes<std::vector<double>>(edm::InputTag(label, TrackPrefix_ + "phi" + TrackSuffix_));
469  consumes<std::vector<unsigned int>>(edm::InputTag(label, TrackPrefix_ + "hitsvalid" + TrackSuffix_));
470  trackalgo_token_ = consumes<std::vector<int>>(edm::InputTag(label, TrackPrefix_ + "algo" + TrackSuffix_));
472  tTopoToken_ = esConsumes<edm::Transition::BeginRun>();
473  tkGeomToken_ = esConsumes<edm::Transition::BeginRun>();
474  runInfoToken_ = esConsumes<edm::Transition::BeginRun>();
475  gainToken_ = esConsumes<edm::Transition::BeginRun>();
476  qualityToken_ = esConsumes<edm::Transition::BeginRun>();
477 }
479 void SiStripGainFromCalibTree::bookDQMHistos(const char* dqm_dir, const char* tag) {
480  edm::LogInfo("SiStripGainFromCalibTree")
481  << "Setting " << dqm_dir << "in DQM and booking histograms for tag " << tag << std::endl;
483  if (strcmp(booked_dir_.c_str(), dqm_dir) != 0) {
484  booked_dir_ = dqm_dir;
485  dbe->setCurrentFolder(dqm_dir);
486  }
488  std::string stag(tag);
489  if (!stag.empty() && stag[0] != '_')
490  stag.insert(0, 1, '_');
492  std::string cvi = std::string("Charge_Vs_Index") + stag;
493  //std::string cviA = std::string("Charge_Vs_Index_Absolute") + stag;
494  std::string cvpTIB = std::string("Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIB") + stag;
495  std::string cvpTOB = std::string("Charge_Vs_PathlengthTOB") + stag;
496  std::string cvpTIDP = std::string("Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDP") + stag;
497  std::string cvpTIDM = std::string("Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDM") + stag;
498  std::string cvpTECP1 = std::string("Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP1") + stag;
499  std::string cvpTECP2 = std::string("Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP2") + stag;
500  std::string cvpTECM1 = std::string("Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM1") + stag;
501  std::string cvpTECM2 = std::string("Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM2") + stag;
503  int elepos = (m_harvestingMode && AlgoMode == "PCL") ? Harvest : statCollectionFromMode(tag);
505  // The cluster charge is stored by exploiting a non uniform binning in order
506  // reduce the histogram memory size. The bin width is relaxed with a falling
507  // exponential function and the bin boundaries are stored in the binYarray.
508  // The binXarray is used to provide as many bins as the APVs.
509  //
510  // More details about this implementations are here:
511  //
513  std::vector<float> binXarray;
514  binXarray.reserve(NStripAPVs + 1);
515  for (int a = 0; a <= NStripAPVs; a++) {
516  binXarray.push_back((float)a);
517  }
519  std::array<float, 688> binYarray;
520  double p0 = 5.445;
521  double p1 = 0.002113;
522  double p2 = 69.01576;
523  double y = 0.;
524  for (int b = 0; b < 687; b++) {
525  binYarray[b] = y;
526  if (y <= 902.)
527  y = y + 2.;
528  else
529  y = (p0 - log(exp(p0 - p1 * y) - p2 * p1)) / p1;
530  }
531  binYarray[687] = 4000.;
533  Charge_Vs_Index[elepos] = dbe->book2S(cvi.c_str(), cvi.c_str(), NStripAPVs, &binXarray[0], 687,;
534  //Charge_Vs_Index_Absolute[elepos] = dbe->book2S(cviA.c_str() , cviA.c_str() , 88625, 0 , 88624,1000,0,4000);
535  Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIB[elepos] = dbe->book2S(cvpTIB.c_str(), cvpTIB.c_str(), 20, 0.3, 1.3, 250, 0, 2000);
536  Charge_Vs_PathlengthTOB[elepos] = dbe->book2S(cvpTOB.c_str(), cvpTOB.c_str(), 20, 0.3, 1.3, 250, 0, 2000);
537  Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDP[elepos] = dbe->book2S(cvpTIDP.c_str(), cvpTIDP.c_str(), 20, 0.3, 1.3, 250, 0, 2000);
538  Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDM[elepos] = dbe->book2S(cvpTIDM.c_str(), cvpTIDM.c_str(), 20, 0.3, 1.3, 250, 0, 2000);
539  Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP1[elepos] = dbe->book2S(cvpTECP1.c_str(), cvpTECP1.c_str(), 20, 0.3, 1.3, 250, 0, 2000);
540  Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP2[elepos] = dbe->book2S(cvpTECP2.c_str(), cvpTECP2.c_str(), 20, 0.3, 1.3, 250, 0, 2000);
541  Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM1[elepos] = dbe->book2S(cvpTECM1.c_str(), cvpTECM1.c_str(), 20, 0.3, 1.3, 250, 0, 2000);
542  Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM2[elepos] = dbe->book2S(cvpTECM2.c_str(), cvpTECM2.c_str(), 20, 0.3, 1.3, 250, 0, 2000);
544  //Book Charge monitoring histograms
545  std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> hnames =
547  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hnames.size(); i++) {
548  std::string htag = (hnames[i]).first + stag;
549  MonitorElement* monitor = dbe->book1DD(htag.c_str(), (hnames[i]).second.c_str(), 100, 0., 1000.);
550  int thick = APVGain::thickness((hnames[i]).first);
551  int id = APVGain::subdetectorId((hnames[i]).first);
552  int side = APVGain::subdetectorSide((hnames[i]).first);
553  int plane = APVGain::subdetectorPlane((hnames[i]).first);
554  Charge_1[elepos].push_back(APVGain::APVmon(thick, id, side, plane, monitor));
555  }
558  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hnames.size(); i++) {
559  std::string htag = (hnames[i]).first + stag;
560  MonitorElement* monitor = dbe->book1DD(htag.c_str(), (hnames[i]).second.c_str(), 100, 0., 1000.);
561  int thick = APVGain::thickness((hnames[i]).first);
562  int id = APVGain::subdetectorId((hnames[i]).first);
563  int side = APVGain::subdetectorSide((hnames[i]).first);
564  int plane = APVGain::subdetectorPlane((hnames[i]).first);
565  Charge_2[elepos].push_back(APVGain::APVmon(thick, id, side, plane, monitor));
566  }
569  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hnames.size(); i++) {
570  std::string htag = (hnames[i]).first + stag;
571  MonitorElement* monitor = dbe->book1DD(htag.c_str(), (hnames[i]).second.c_str(), 100, 0., 1000.);
572  int thick = APVGain::thickness((hnames[i]).first);
573  int id = APVGain::subdetectorId((hnames[i]).first);
574  int side = APVGain::subdetectorSide((hnames[i]).first);
575  int plane = APVGain::subdetectorPlane((hnames[i]).first);
576  Charge_3[elepos].push_back(APVGain::APVmon(thick, id, side, plane, monitor));
577  }
580  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hnames.size(); i++) {
581  std::string htag = (hnames[i]).first + stag;
582  MonitorElement* monitor = dbe->book1DD(htag.c_str(), (hnames[i]).second.c_str(), 100, 0., 1000.);
583  int thick = APVGain::thickness((hnames[i]).first);
584  int id = APVGain::subdetectorId((hnames[i]).first);
585  int side = APVGain::subdetectorSide((hnames[i]).first);
586  int plane = APVGain::subdetectorPlane((hnames[i]).first);
587  Charge_4[elepos].push_back(APVGain::APVmon(thick, id, side, plane, monitor));
588  }
590  //Book validation histograms
591  if (m_harvestingMode) {
592  int MPVbin = 300;
593  float MPVmin = 0.;
594  float MPVmax = 600.;
596  MPV_Vs_EtaTIB = dbe->book2DD("MPV_vs_EtaTIB", "MPV vs Eta TIB", 50, -3.0, 3.0, MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
597  MPV_Vs_EtaTID = dbe->book2DD("MPV_vs_EtaTID", "MPV vs Eta TID", 50, -3.0, 3.0, MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
598  MPV_Vs_EtaTOB = dbe->book2DD("MPV_vs_EtaTOB", "MPV vs Eta TOB", 50, -3.0, 3.0, MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
599  MPV_Vs_EtaTEC = dbe->book2DD("MPV_vs_EtaTEC", "MPV vs Eta TEC", 50, -3.0, 3.0, MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
600  MPV_Vs_EtaTECthin = dbe->book2DD("MPV_vs_EtaTEC1", "MPV vs Eta TEC-thin", 50, -3.0, 3.0, MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
601  MPV_Vs_EtaTECthick = dbe->book2DD("MPV_vs_EtaTEC2", "MPV vs Eta TEC-thick", 50, -3.0, 3.0, MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
603  MPV_Vs_PhiTIB = dbe->book2DD("MPV_vs_PhiTIB", "MPV vs Phi TIB", 50, -3.4, 3.4, MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
604  MPV_Vs_PhiTID = dbe->book2DD("MPV_vs_PhiTID", "MPV vs Phi TID", 50, -3.4, 3.4, MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
605  MPV_Vs_PhiTOB = dbe->book2DD("MPV_vs_PhiTOB", "MPV vs Phi TOB", 50, -3.4, 3.4, MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
606  MPV_Vs_PhiTEC = dbe->book2DD("MPV_vs_PhiTEC", "MPV vs Phi TEC", 50, -3.4, 3.4, MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
607  MPV_Vs_PhiTECthin = dbe->book2DD("MPV_vs_PhiTEC1", "MPV vs Phi TEC-thin", 50, -3.4, 3.4, MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
608  MPV_Vs_PhiTECthick = dbe->book2DD("MPV_vs_PhiTEC2", "MPV vs Phi TEC-thick", 50, -3.4, 3.4, MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
610  NoMPVfit = dbe->book2DD("NoMPVfit", "Modules with bad Landau Fit", 350, -350, 350, 240, 0, 120);
611  NoMPVmasked = dbe->book2DD("NoMPVmasked", "Masked Modules", 350, -350, 350, 240, 0, 120);
613  Gains = dbe->book1DD("Gains", "Gains", 300, 0, 2);
614  MPVs = dbe->book1DD("MPVs", "MPVs", MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
615  MPVs320 = dbe->book1DD("MPV_320", "MPV 320 thickness", MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
616  MPVs500 = dbe->book1DD("MPV_500", "MPV 500 thickness", MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
617  MPVsTIB = dbe->book1DD("MPV_TIB", "MPV TIB", MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
618  MPVsTID = dbe->book1DD("MPV_TID", "MPV TID", MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
619  MPVsTIDP = dbe->book1DD("MPV_TIDP", "MPV TIDP", MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
620  MPVsTIDM = dbe->book1DD("MPV_TIDM", "MPV TIDM", MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
621  MPVsTOB = dbe->book1DD("MPV_TOB", "MPV TOB", MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
622  MPVsTEC = dbe->book1DD("MPV_TEC", "MPV TEC", MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
623  MPVsTECP = dbe->book1DD("MPV_TECP", "MPV TECP", MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
624  MPVsTECM = dbe->book1DD("MPV_TECM", "MPV TECM", MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
625  MPVsTECthin = dbe->book1DD("MPV_TEC1", "MPV TEC1", MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
626  MPVsTECthick = dbe->book1DD("MPV_TEC2", "MPV TEC2", MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
627  MPVsTECP1 = dbe->book1DD("MPV_TECP1", "MPV TECP1", MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
628  MPVsTECP2 = dbe->book1DD("MPV_TECP2", "MPV TECP2", MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
629  MPVsTECM1 = dbe->book1DD("MPV_TECM1", "MPV TECM1", MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
630  MPVsTECM2 = dbe->book1DD("MPV_TECM2", "MPV TECM2", MPVbin, MPVmin, MPVmax);
632  MPVError = dbe->book1DD("MPVError", "MPV Error", 150, 0, 150);
633  MPVErrorVsMPV = dbe->book2DD("MPVErrorVsMPV", "MPV Error vs MPV", 300, 0, 600, 150, 0, 150);
634  MPVErrorVsEta = dbe->book2DD("MPVErrorVsEta", "MPV Error vs Eta", 50, -3.0, 3.0, 150, 0, 150);
635  MPVErrorVsPhi = dbe->book2DD("MPVErrorVsPhi", "MPV Error vs Phi", 50, -3.4, 3.4, 150, 0, 150);
636  MPVErrorVsN = dbe->book2DD("MPVErrorVsN", "MPV Error vs N", 500, 0, 1000, 150, 0, 150);
638  DiffWRTPrevGainTIB = dbe->book1DD("DiffWRTPrevGainTIB", "Diff w.r.t. PrevGain TIB", 250, 0, 2);
639  DiffWRTPrevGainTID = dbe->book1DD("DiffWRTPrevGainTID", "Diff w.r.t. PrevGain TID", 250, 0, 2);
640  DiffWRTPrevGainTOB = dbe->book1DD("DiffWRTPrevGainTOB", "Diff w.r.t. PrevGain TOB", 250, 0, 2);
641  DiffWRTPrevGainTEC = dbe->book1DD("DiffWRTPrevGainTEC", "Diff w.r.t. PrevGain TEC", 250, 0, 2);
643  GainVsPrevGainTIB = dbe->book2DD("GainVsPrevGainTIB", "Gain vs PrevGain TIB", 100, 0, 2, 100, 0, 2);
644  GainVsPrevGainTID = dbe->book2DD("GainVsPrevGainTID", "Gain vs PrevGain TID", 100, 0, 2, 100, 0, 2);
645  GainVsPrevGainTOB = dbe->book2DD("GainVsPrevGainTOB", "Gain vs PrevGain TOB", 100, 0, 2, 100, 0, 2);
646  GainVsPrevGainTEC = dbe->book2DD("GainVsPrevGainTEC", "Gain vs PrevGain TEC", 100, 0, 2, 100, 0, 2);
648  std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> hnames =
650  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hnames.size(); i++) {
651  MonitorElement* monitor = dbe->book1DD((hnames[i]).first.c_str(), (hnames[i]).second.c_str(), 100, 0., 1000.);
652  int thick = APVGain::thickness((hnames[i]).first);
653  int id = APVGain::subdetectorId((hnames[i]).first);
654  int side = APVGain::subdetectorSide((hnames[i]).first);
655  int plane = APVGain::subdetectorPlane((hnames[i]).first);
656  newCharge.push_back(APVGain::APVmon(thick, id, side, plane, monitor));
657  }
658  }
659 }
662  edm::LogInfo("SiStripGainFromCalibTree") << "AlgoMode : " << AlgoMode << "\n"
663  << "CalibrationMode : " << m_calibrationMode << "\n"
664  << "HarvestingMode : " << m_harvestingMode << std::endl;
665  //Setup DQM histograms
666  if (AlgoMode != "PCL" or m_harvestingMode) {
667  const char* dqm_dir = "AlCaReco/SiStripGainsHarvesting/";
668  this->bookDQMHistos(dqm_dir, dqm_tag_[statCollectionFromMode(m_calibrationMode.c_str())].c_str());
669  } else {
670  //Check consistency of calibration Mode and BField only for the ALCAPROMPT in the PCL workflow
671  if (!isBFieldConsistentWithMode(iSetup)) {
672  string prevMode = m_calibrationMode;
673  swapBFieldMode();
674  edm::LogInfo("SiStripGainFromCalibTree") << "Switching calibration mode for endorsing BField status: " << prevMode
675  << " ==> " << m_calibrationMode << std::endl;
676  }
677  std::string dqm_dir = m_DQMdir + ((m_splitDQMstat) ? m_calibrationMode : "") + "/";
678  int elem = statCollectionFromMode(m_calibrationMode.c_str());
679  this->bookDQMHistos(dqm_dir.c_str(), dqm_tag_[elem].c_str());
680  }
682  tTopo_ = &iSetup.getData(tTopoToken_);
684  auto const& Det = iSetup.getData(tkGeomToken_).dets();
686  NPixelDets = 0;
687  NStripAPVs = 0;
688  unsigned int Index = 0;
689  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Det.size(); i++) {
690  DetId Detid = Det[i]->geographicalId();
691  int SubDet = Detid.subdetId();
695  auto DetUnit = dynamic_cast<const StripGeomDetUnit*>(Det[i]);
696  if (!DetUnit)
697  continue;
699  const StripTopology& Topo = DetUnit->specificTopology();
700  unsigned int NAPV = Topo.nstrips() / 128;
702  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < NAPV; j++) {
703  stAPVGain* APV = new stAPVGain;
704  APV->Index = Index;
705  APV->Bin = -1;
706  APV->DetId = Detid.rawId();
707  APV->APVId = j;
708  APV->SubDet = SubDet;
709  APV->FitMPV = -1;
710  APV->FitMPVErr = -1;
711  APV->FitWidth = -1;
712  APV->FitWidthErr = -1;
713  APV->FitChi2 = -1;
714  APV->FitNorm = -1;
715  APV->Gain = -1;
716  APV->PreviousGain = 1;
717  APV->PreviousGainTick = 1;
718  APV->x = DetUnit->position().basicVector().x();
719  APV->y = DetUnit->position().basicVector().y();
720  APV->z = DetUnit->position().basicVector().z();
721  APV->Eta = DetUnit->position().basicVector().eta();
722  APV->Phi = DetUnit->position().basicVector().phi();
723  APV->R = DetUnit->position().basicVector().transverse();
724  APV->Thickness = DetUnit->surface().bounds().thickness();
725  APV->NEntries = 0;
726  APV->isMasked = false;
728  APVsCollOrdered.push_back(APV);
729  APVsColl[(APV->DetId << 4) | APV->APVId] = APV;
730  Index++;
731  NStripAPVs++;
732  }
733  }
734  }
736  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Det.size();
737  i++) { //Make two loop such that the Pixel information is added at the end --> make transition simpler
738  DetId Detid = Det[i]->geographicalId();
739  int SubDet = Detid.subdetId();
741  auto DetUnit = dynamic_cast<const PixelGeomDetUnit*>(Det[i]);
742  if (!DetUnit)
743  continue;
745  const PixelTopology& Topo = DetUnit->specificTopology();
746  unsigned int NROCRow = Topo.nrows() / (80.);
747  unsigned int NROCCol = Topo.ncolumns() / (52.);
749  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < NROCRow; j++) {
750  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NROCCol; i++) {
751  stAPVGain* APV = new stAPVGain;
752  APV->Index = Index;
753  APV->Bin = -1;
754  APV->DetId = Detid.rawId();
755  APV->APVId = (j << 3 | i);
756  APV->SubDet = SubDet;
757  APV->FitMPV = -1;
758  APV->FitMPVErr = -1;
759  APV->FitWidth = -1;
760  APV->FitWidthErr = -1;
761  APV->FitChi2 = -1;
762  APV->Gain = -1;
763  APV->PreviousGain = 1;
764  APV->PreviousGainTick = 1;
765  APV->x = DetUnit->position().basicVector().x();
766  APV->y = DetUnit->position().basicVector().y();
767  APV->z = DetUnit->position().basicVector().z();
768  APV->Eta = DetUnit->position().basicVector().eta();
769  APV->Phi = DetUnit->position().basicVector().phi();
770  APV->R = DetUnit->position().basicVector().transverse();
771  APV->Thickness = DetUnit->surface().bounds().thickness();
772  APV->isMasked = false; //SiPixelQuality_->IsModuleBad(Detid.rawId());
773  APV->NEntries = 0;
775  APVsCollOrdered.push_back(APV);
776  APVsColl[(APV->DetId << 4) | APV->APVId] = APV;
777  Index++;
778  NPixelDets++;
779  }
780  }
781  }
782  }
786  NEvent = 0;
787  NTrack = 0;
788  NClusterStrip = 0;
789  NClusterPixel = 0;
790  SRun = 1 << 31;
791  ERun = 0;
792  GOOD = 0;
793  BAD = 0;
794  MASKED = 0;
795 }
798  const auto& runInfo = iSetup.getData(runInfoToken_);
800  double average_current = runInfo.m_avg_current;
801  bool isOn = (average_current > MagFieldCurrentTh);
802  bool is0T = (m_calibrationMode.substr(m_calibrationMode.length() - 2) == "0T");
804  return ((isOn && !is0T) || (!isOn && is0T));
805 }
808  if (m_calibrationMode.substr(m_calibrationMode.length() - 2) == "0T") {
809  m_calibrationMode.erase(m_calibrationMode.length() - 2, 2);
810  } else {
811  m_calibrationMode.append("0T");
812  }
813 }
816  if (!m_harvestingMode && AlgoMode == "PCL") {
817  //Check consistency of calibration Mode and BField only for the ALCAPROMPT in the PCL workflow
818  if (!isBFieldConsistentWithMode(iSetup)) {
819  string prevMode = m_calibrationMode;
820  swapBFieldMode();
821  edm::LogInfo("SiStripGainFromCalibTree") << "Switching calibration mode for endorsing BField status: " << prevMode
822  << " ==> " << m_calibrationMode << std::endl;
823  }
824  }
826  const auto gainHandle = iSetup.getHandle(gainToken_);
827  if (!gainHandle.isValid()) {
828  edm::LogError("SiStripGainFromCalibTree") << "gainHandle is not valid\n";
829  exit(0);
830  }
832  const auto& siStripQuality = iSetup.getData(qualityToken_);
833  for (unsigned int a = 0; a < APVsCollOrdered.size(); a++) {
836  // MM. 03/03/2017 all of this makes sense only for SiStrip (i.e. get me out of here if I am on a pixel ROC)
838  continue;
840  APV->isMasked = siStripQuality.IsApvBad(APV->DetId, APV->APVId);
841  // if(!FirstSetOfConstants){
843  if (gainHandle->getNumberOfTags() != 2) {
844  edm::LogError("SiStripGainFromCalibTree") << "NUMBER OF GAIN TAG IS EXPECTED TO BE 2\n";
845  fflush(stdout);
846  exit(0);
847  };
848  float newPreviousGain = gainHandle->getApvGain(APV->APVId, gainHandle->getRange(APV->DetId, 1), 1);
849  if (APV->PreviousGain != 1 and newPreviousGain != APV->PreviousGain)
850  edm::LogWarning("SiStripGainFromCalibTree") << "WARNING: ParticleGain in the global tag changed\n";
851  APV->PreviousGain = newPreviousGain;
853  float newPreviousGainTick = gainHandle->getApvGain(APV->APVId, gainHandle->getRange(APV->DetId, 0), 0);
854  if (APV->PreviousGainTick != 1 and newPreviousGainTick != APV->PreviousGainTick) {
855  edm::LogWarning("SiStripGainFromCalibTree")
856  << "WARNING: TickMarkGain in the global tag changed\n"
857  << std::endl
858  << " APV->SubDet: " << APV->SubDet << " APV->APVId:" << APV->APVId << std::endl
859  << " APV->PreviousGainTick: " << APV->PreviousGainTick << " newPreviousGainTick: " << newPreviousGainTick
860  << std::endl;
861  }
862  APV->PreviousGainTick = newPreviousGainTick;
864  //printf("DETID = %7i APVID=%1i Previous Gain=%8.4f (G1) x %8.4f (G2)\n",APV->DetId,APV->APVId,APV->PreviousGainTick, APV->PreviousGain);
865  // }
866  }
867 }
870  if (AlgoMode == "PCL" && !m_harvestingMode)
871  return; //nothing to do in that case
873  if (AlgoMode == "PCL" and m_harvestingMode) {
874  // Load the 2D histograms from the DQM objects
875  // When running in AlCaHarvesting mode the histos are already booked and should be just retrieved from
876  // DQMStore so that they can be used in the fit
878  edm::LogInfo("SiStripGainFromCalibTree") << "Starting harvesting statistics" << std::endl;
880  // check the required tag before adding histograms
881  int elepos = statCollectionFromMode(m_calibrationMode.c_str());
882  if (elepos != Harvest) {
883  //collect statistics from DQM into the related monitored elements
885  if (!stag.empty() && stag[0] != '_')
886  stag.insert(0, 1, '_');
888  if (elepos == -1) {
889  //implememt backward compatibility
890  elepos = 0;
891  stag = "";
892  }
894  std::string DQM_dir = m_DQMdir + ((m_splitDQMstat) ? m_calibrationMode : "");
896  std::string cvi = DQM_dir + std::string("/Charge_Vs_Index") + stag;
897  //std::string cviA = DQM_dir + std::string("/Charge_Vs_Index_Absolute") + stag;
898  std::string cvpTIB = DQM_dir + std::string("/Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIB") + stag;
899  std::string cvpTOB = DQM_dir + std::string("/Charge_Vs_PathlengthTOB") + stag;
900  std::string cvpTIDP = DQM_dir + std::string("/Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDP") + stag;
901  std::string cvpTIDM = DQM_dir + std::string("/Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDM") + stag;
902  std::string cvpTECP1 = DQM_dir + std::string("/Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP1") + stag;
903  std::string cvpTECP2 = DQM_dir + std::string("/Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP2") + stag;
904  std::string cvpTECM1 = DQM_dir + std::string("/Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM1") + stag;
905  std::string cvpTECM2 = DQM_dir + std::string("/Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM2") + stag;
907  Charge_Vs_Index[elepos] = dbe->get(cvi);
908  //Charge_Vs_Index_Absolute[elepos] = dbe->get(cviA.c_str());
909  Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIB[elepos] = dbe->get(cvpTIB);
910  Charge_Vs_PathlengthTOB[elepos] = dbe->get(cvpTOB);
911  Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDP[elepos] = dbe->get(cvpTIDP);
912  Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDM[elepos] = dbe->get(cvpTIDM);
913  Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP1[elepos] = dbe->get(cvpTECP1);
914  Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP2[elepos] = dbe->get(cvpTECP2);
915  Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM1[elepos] = dbe->get(cvpTECM1);
916  Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM2[elepos] = dbe->get(cvpTECM2);
918  if (Charge_Vs_Index[elepos] == nullptr) {
919  edm::LogError("SiStripGainFromCalibTree")
920  << "Harvesting: could not retrieve " << cvi.c_str() << ", statistics will not be summed!" << std::endl;
921  } else {
922  merge((Charge_Vs_Index[Harvest])->getTH2S(), (Charge_Vs_Index[elepos])->getTH2S());
923  edm::LogInfo("SiStripGainFromCalibTree")
924  << "Harvesting " << (Charge_Vs_Index[elepos])->getTH2S()->GetEntries() << " more clusters" << std::endl;
925  }
927  //if (Charge_Vs_Index_Absolute[elepos]==0) {
928  // edm::LogError("SiStripGainFromCalibTree") << "Harvesting: could not retrieve " << cviA.c_str()
929  // << ", statistics will not be summed!" << std::endl;
930  //} else merge( (Charge_Vs_Index_Absolute[Harvest])->getTH2S(), (Charge_Vs_Index_Absolute[elepos])->getTH2S() );
932  if (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIB[elepos] == nullptr) {
933  edm::LogError("SiStripGainFromCalibTree")
934  << "Harvesting: could not retrieve " << cvpTIB.c_str() << ", statistics will not be summed!" << std::endl;
935  } else
936  (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIB[Harvest])->getTH2S()->Add((Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIB[elepos])->getTH2S());
938  if (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTOB[elepos] == nullptr) {
939  edm::LogError("SiStripGainFromCalibTree")
940  << "Harvesting: could not retrieve " << cvpTOB.c_str() << ", statistics will not be summed!" << std::endl;
941  } else
942  (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTOB[Harvest])->getTH2S()->Add((Charge_Vs_PathlengthTOB[elepos])->getTH2S());
944  if (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDP[elepos] == nullptr) {
945  edm::LogError("SiStripGainFromCalibTree")
946  << "Harvesting: could not retrieve " << cvpTIDP.c_str() << ", statistics will not be summed!" << std::endl;
947  } else
948  (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDP[Harvest])->getTH2S()->Add((Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDP[elepos])->getTH2S());
950  if (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDM[elepos] == nullptr) {
951  edm::LogError("SiStripGainFromCalibTree")
952  << "Harvesting: could not retrieve " << cvpTIDM.c_str() << ", statistics will not be summed!" << std::endl;
953  } else
954  (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDM[Harvest])->getTH2S()->Add((Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDM[elepos])->getTH2S());
956  if (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP1[elepos] == nullptr) {
957  edm::LogError("SiStripGainFromCalibTree")
958  << "Harvesting: could not retrieve " << cvpTECP1.c_str() << ", statistics will not be summed!" << std::endl;
959  } else
960  (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP1[Harvest])->getTH2S()->Add((Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP1[elepos])->getTH2S());
962  if (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP2[elepos] == nullptr) {
963  edm::LogError("SiStripGainFromCalibTree")
964  << "Harvesting: could not retrieve " << cvpTECP2.c_str() << ", statistics will not be summed!" << std::endl;
965  } else
966  (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP2[Harvest])->getTH2S()->Add((Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP2[elepos])->getTH2S());
968  if (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM1[elepos] == nullptr) {
969  edm::LogError("SiStripGainFromCalibTree")
970  << "Harvesting: could not retrieve " << cvpTECM1.c_str() << ", statistics will not be summed!" << std::endl;
971  } else
972  (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM1[Harvest])->getTH2S()->Add((Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM1[elepos])->getTH2S());
974  if (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM2[elepos] == nullptr) {
975  edm::LogError("SiStripGainFromCalibTree")
976  << "Harvesting: could not retrieve " << cvpTECM2.c_str() << ", statistics will not be summed!" << std::endl;
977  } else
978  (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM2[Harvest])->getTH2S()->Add((Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM2[elepos])->getTH2S());
980  // Gather Charge monitoring histograms
981  std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> tags =
983  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++) {
984  std::string tag = DQM_dir + "/" + (tags[i]).first + stag;
985  Charge_1[elepos].push_back(APVGain::APVmon(0, 0, 0, 0, dbe->get(tag)));
986  if ((Charge_1[elepos][i]).getMonitor() == nullptr) {
987  edm::LogError("SiStripGainFromCalibTree")
988  << "Harvesting: could not retrieve " << tag.c_str() << ", statistics will not be summed!" << std::endl;
989  } else
990  (Charge_1[Harvest][i]).getMonitor()->getTH1D()->Add((Charge_1[elepos][i]).getMonitor()->getTH1D());
991  }
994  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++) {
995  std::string tag = DQM_dir + "/" + (tags[i]).first + stag;
996  Charge_2[elepos].push_back(APVGain::APVmon(0, 0, 0, 0, dbe->get(tag)));
997  if ((Charge_2[elepos][i]).getMonitor() == nullptr) {
998  edm::LogError("SiStripGainFromCalibTree")
999  << "Harvesting: could not retrieve " << tag.c_str() << ", statistics will not be summed!" << std::endl;
1000  } else
1001  (Charge_2[Harvest][i]).getMonitor()->getTH1D()->Add((Charge_2[elepos][i]).getMonitor()->getTH1D());
1002  }
1005  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++) {
1006  std::string tag = DQM_dir + "/" + (tags[i]).first + stag;
1007  Charge_3[elepos].push_back(APVGain::APVmon(0, 0, 0, 0, dbe->get(tag)));
1008  if ((Charge_3[elepos][i]).getMonitor() == nullptr) {
1009  edm::LogError("SiStripGainFromCalibTree")
1010  << "Harvesting: could not retrieve " << tag.c_str() << ", statistics will not be summed!" << std::endl;
1011  } else
1012  (Charge_3[Harvest][i]).getMonitor()->getTH1D()->Add((Charge_3[elepos][i]).getMonitor()->getTH1D());
1013  }
1016  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++) {
1017  std::string tag = DQM_dir + "/" + (tags[i]).first + stag;
1018  Charge_4[elepos].push_back(APVGain::APVmon(0, 0, 0, 0, dbe->get(tag)));
1019  if ((Charge_4[elepos][i]).getMonitor() == nullptr) {
1020  edm::LogError("SiStripGainFromCalibTree")
1021  << "Harvesting: could not retrieve " << tag.c_str() << ", statistics will not be summed!" << std::endl;
1022  } else
1023  (Charge_4[Harvest][i]).getMonitor()->getTH1D()->Add((Charge_4[elepos][i]).getMonitor()->getTH1D());
1024  }
1025  }
1026  }
1027 }
1030  if (AlgoMode == "PCL" && !m_harvestingMode)
1031  return; //nothing to do in that case
1033  if (AlgoMode == "CalibTree") {
1034  edm::LogInfo("SiStripGainFromCalibTree") << "Analyzing calibration tree" << std::endl;
1035  // Loop on calibTrees to fill the 2D histograms
1037  } else if (m_harvestingMode) {
1038  NClusterStrip = (Charge_Vs_Index[Harvest])->getTH2S()->Integral(0, NStripAPVs + 1, 0, 99999);
1039  //NClusterPixel = (Charge_Vs_Index[Harvest])->getTH2S()->Integral(NStripAPVs+2, NStripAPVs+NPixelDets+2, 0, 99999 );
1040  }
1042  // Now that we have the full statistics we can extract the information of the 2D histograms
1045  // Result monitoring
1046  qualityMonitor();
1048  // Force the DB object writing,
1049  // thus setting the IOV as the first processed run (if timeFromEndRun is set to false)
1050  storeOnDbNow();
1052  if (AlgoMode != "PCL" or saveSummary) {
1053  edm::LogInfo("SiStripGainFromCalibTree") << "Saving summary into root file" << std::endl;
1055  //also save the 2D monitor elements to this file as TH2D tfs
1058  //save only the statistics for the calibrationTag
1059  int elepos = statCollectionFromMode(m_calibrationMode.c_str());
1061  if (Charge_Vs_Index[elepos] != nullptr)
1062  tfs->make<TH2S>(*(Charge_Vs_Index[elepos])->getTH2S());
1063  //if( Charge_Vs_Index_Absolute[elepos]!=0 ) tfs->make<TH2S> ( *(Charge_Vs_Index_Absolute[elepos])->getTH2S() );
1064  if (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIB[elepos] != nullptr)
1065  tfs->make<TH2S>(*(Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIB[elepos])->getTH2S());
1066  if (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTOB[elepos] != nullptr)
1067  tfs->make<TH2S>(*(Charge_Vs_PathlengthTOB[elepos])->getTH2S());
1068  if (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDP[elepos] != nullptr)
1069  tfs->make<TH2S>(*(Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDP[elepos])->getTH2S());
1070  if (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDM[elepos] != nullptr)
1071  tfs->make<TH2S>(*(Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDM[elepos])->getTH2S());
1072  if (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP1[elepos] != nullptr)
1073  tfs->make<TH2S>(*(Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP1[elepos])->getTH2S());
1074  if (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP2[elepos] != nullptr)
1075  tfs->make<TH2S>(*(Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP2[elepos])->getTH2S());
1076  if (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM1[elepos] != nullptr)
1077  tfs->make<TH2S>(*(Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM1[elepos])->getTH2S());
1078  if (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM2[elepos] != nullptr)
1079  tfs->make<TH2S>(*(Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM2[elepos])->getTH2S());
1081  storeOnTree(tfs);
1082  }
1083 }
1085 void SiStripGainFromCalibTree::getPeakOfLandau(TH1* InputHisto, double* FitResults, double LowRange, double HighRange) {
1086  FitResults[0] = -0.5; //MPV
1087  FitResults[1] = 0; //MPV error
1088  FitResults[2] = -0.5; //Width
1089  FitResults[3] = 0; //Width error
1090  FitResults[4] = -0.5; //Fit Chi2/NDF
1091  FitResults[5] = 0; //Normalization
1093  if (InputHisto->GetEntries() < MinNrEntries)
1094  return;
1096  // perform fit with standard landau
1097  TF1* MyLandau = new TF1("MyLandau", "landau", LowRange, HighRange);
1098  MyLandau->SetParameter(1, 300);
1099  InputHisto->Fit(MyLandau, "0QR WW");
1101  // MPV is parameter 1 (0=constant, 1=MPV, 2=Sigma)
1102  FitResults[0] = MyLandau->GetParameter(1); //MPV
1103  FitResults[1] = MyLandau->GetParError(1); //MPV error
1104  FitResults[2] = MyLandau->GetParameter(2); //Width
1105  FitResults[3] = MyLandau->GetParError(2); //Width error
1106  FitResults[4] = MyLandau->GetChisquare() / MyLandau->GetNDF(); //Fit Chi2/NDF
1107  FitResults[5] = MyLandau->GetParameter(0);
1109  delete MyLandau;
1110 }
1113  if (FitResults[0] <= 0)
1114  return false;
1115  // if(FitResults[1] > MaxMPVError )return false;
1116  // if(FitResults[4] > MaxChi2OverNDF)return false;
1117  return true;
1118 }
1121  edm::LogInfo("SiStripGainFromCalibTree") << "Processing run " << runnumber << " and event " << eventnumber << " for "
1122  << m_calibrationMode << " calibration." << std::endl;
1124  if (runnumber < SRun)
1125  SRun = runnumber;
1126  if (runnumber > ERun)
1127  ERun = runnumber;
1129  NEvent++;
1130  NTrack += (*trackp).size();
1132  int elepos = statCollectionFromMode(m_calibrationMode.c_str());
1134  unsigned int FirstAmplitude = 0;
1135  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (*chargeoverpath).size(); i++) {
1136  FirstAmplitude += (*nstrips)[i];
1137  int TI = (*trackindex)[i];
1139  //printf("%i - %i - %i %i %i\n", (int)(*rawid)[i], (int)(*firststrip)[i]/128, (int)(*farfromedge)[i], (int)(*overlapping)[i], (int)(*saturation )[i] );
1140  if ((*tracketa)[TI] < MinTrackEta)
1141  continue;
1142  if ((*tracketa)[TI] > MaxTrackEta)
1143  continue;
1144  if ((*trackp)[TI] < MinTrackMomentum)
1145  continue;
1146  if ((*trackp)[TI] > MaxTrackMomentum)
1147  continue;
1148  if ((*trackhitsvalid)[TI] < MinTrackHits)
1149  continue;
1150  if ((*trackchi2ndof)[TI] > MaxTrackChiOverNdf)
1151  continue;
1152  if ((*trackalgo)[TI] > MaxTrackingIteration)
1153  continue;
1155  stAPVGain* APV =
1156  APVsColl[((*rawid)[i] << 4) |
1157  ((*firststrip)[i] /
1158  128)]; //works for both strip and pixel thanks to firstStrip encoding for pixel in the calibTree
1160  if (APV->SubDet > 2 && (*farfromedge)[i] == false)
1161  continue;
1162  if (APV->SubDet > 2 && (*overlapping)[i] == true)
1163  continue;
1164  if (APV->SubDet > 2 && (*saturation)[i] && !AllowSaturation)
1165  continue;
1166  if (APV->SubDet > 2 && (*nstrips)[i] > MaxNrStrips)
1167  continue;
1169  //printf("detId=%7i run=%7i event=%9i charge=%5i cs=%3i\n",(*rawid)[i],runnumber,eventnumber,(*charge)[i],(*nstrips)[i]);
1171  //double trans = atan2((*localdiry)[i],(*localdirx)[i])*(180/3.14159265);
1172  //double alpha = acos ((*localdirx)[i] / sqrt( pow((*localdirx)[i],2) + pow((*localdirz)[i],2) ) ) * (180/3.14159265);
1173  //double beta = acos ((*localdiry)[i] / sqrt( pow((*localdirx)[i],2) + pow((*localdirz)[i],2) ) ) * (180/3.14159265);
1175  //printf("NStrip = %i : Charge = %i --> Path = %f --> ChargeOverPath=%f\n",(*nstrips)[i],(*charge)[i],(*path)[i],(*chargeoverpath)[i]);
1176  //printf("Amplitudes: ");
1177  //for(unsigned int a=0;a<(*nstrips)[i];a++){printf("%i ",(*amplitude)[FirstAmplitude+a]);}
1178  //printf("\n");
1180  if (APV->SubDet > 2) {
1181  NClusterStrip++;
1182  } else {
1183  NClusterPixel++;
1184  }
1186  int Charge = 0;
1187  if (APV->SubDet > 2 && (useCalibration || !FirstSetOfConstants)) {
1188  bool Saturation = false;
1189  for (unsigned int s = 0; s < (*nstrips)[i]; s++) {
1190  int StripCharge = (*amplitude)[FirstAmplitude - (*nstrips)[i] + s];
1192  StripCharge = (int)(StripCharge * (APV->PreviousGain / APV->CalibGain));
1193  } else if (useCalibration) {
1194  StripCharge = (int)(StripCharge / APV->CalibGain);
1195  } else if (!FirstSetOfConstants) {
1196  StripCharge = (int)(StripCharge * APV->PreviousGain);
1197  }
1198  if (StripCharge > 1024) {
1199  StripCharge = 255;
1200  Saturation = true;
1201  } else if (StripCharge > 254) {
1202  StripCharge = 254;
1203  Saturation = true;
1204  }
1205  Charge += StripCharge;
1206  }
1207  if (Saturation && !AllowSaturation)
1208  continue;
1209  } else if (APV->SubDet > 2) {
1210  Charge = (*charge)[i];
1211  } else {
1212  Charge = (*charge)[i] / 265.0; //expected scale factor between pixel and strip charge
1213  }
1215  //printf("ChargeDifference = %i Vs %i with Gain = %f\n",(*charge)[i],Charge,APV->CalibGain);
1217  double ClusterChargeOverPath = ((double)Charge) / (*path)[i];
1218  if (APV->SubDet > 2) {
1219  if (Validation) {
1220  ClusterChargeOverPath /= (*gainused)[i];
1221  }
1222  if (OldGainRemoving) {
1223  ClusterChargeOverPath *= (*gainused)[i];
1224  }
1225  }
1227  // keep pixel cluster charge processing until here
1228  if (APV->SubDet <= 2)
1229  continue;
1231  (Charge_Vs_Index[elepos])->Fill(APV->Index, ClusterChargeOverPath);
1233  // Compute the charge for monitoring and fill the relative histograms
1234  int mCharge1 = 0;
1235  int mCharge2 = 0;
1236  int mCharge3 = 0;
1237  int mCharge4 = 0;
1238  if (APV->SubDet > 2) {
1239  for (unsigned int s = 0; s < (*nstrips)[i]; s++) {
1240  int StripCharge = (*amplitude)[FirstAmplitude - (*nstrips)[i] + s];
1241  if (StripCharge > 1024)
1242  StripCharge = 255;
1243  else if (StripCharge > 254)
1244  StripCharge = 254;
1245  mCharge1 += StripCharge;
1246  mCharge2 += StripCharge;
1247  mCharge3 += StripCharge;
1248  mCharge4 += StripCharge;
1249  }
1250  // Revome gains for monitoring
1251  mCharge2 *= (*gainused)[i]; // remove G2
1252  mCharge3 *= (*gainusedTick)[i]; // remove G1
1253  mCharge4 *= ((*gainused)[i] * (*gainusedTick)[i]); // remove G1 and G2
1254  }
1255  std::vector<APVGain::APVmon>& v1 = Charge_1[elepos];
1256  std::vector<MonitorElement*> cmon1 = APVGain::FetchMonitor(v1, (*rawid)[i], tTopo_);
1257  for (unsigned int m = 0; m < cmon1.size(); m++)
1258  cmon1[m]->Fill(((double)mCharge1) / (*path)[i]);
1260  std::vector<APVGain::APVmon>& v2 = Charge_2[elepos];
1261  std::vector<MonitorElement*> cmon2 = APVGain::FetchMonitor(v2, (*rawid)[i], tTopo_);
1262  for (unsigned int m = 0; m < cmon2.size(); m++)
1263  cmon2[m]->Fill(((double)mCharge2) / (*path)[i]);
1265  std::vector<APVGain::APVmon>& v3 = Charge_3[elepos];
1266  std::vector<MonitorElement*> cmon3 = APVGain::FetchMonitor(v3, (*rawid)[i], tTopo_);
1267  for (unsigned int m = 0; m < cmon3.size(); m++)
1268  cmon3[m]->Fill(((double)mCharge3) / (*path)[i]);
1270  std::vector<APVGain::APVmon>& v4 = Charge_4[elepos];
1271  std::vector<MonitorElement*> cmon4 = APVGain::FetchMonitor(v4, (*rawid)[i], tTopo_);
1272  for (unsigned int m = 0; m < cmon4.size(); m++)
1273  cmon4[m]->Fill(((double)mCharge4) / (*path)[i]);
1275  // Fill Charge Vs pathLenght histograms
1276  if (APV->SubDet == StripSubdetector::TIB) {
1277  (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIB[elepos])->Fill((*path)[i], Charge); // TIB
1279  } else if (APV->SubDet == StripSubdetector::TOB) {
1280  (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTOB[elepos])->Fill((*path)[i], Charge); // TOB
1282  } else if (APV->SubDet == StripSubdetector::TID) {
1283  if (APV->Eta < 0) {
1284  (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDM[elepos])->Fill((*path)[i], Charge);
1285  } // TID minus
1286  else if (APV->Eta > 0) {
1287  (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDP[elepos])->Fill((*path)[i], Charge);
1288  } // TID plus
1290  } else if (APV->SubDet == StripSubdetector::TEC) {
1291  if (APV->Eta < 0) {
1292  if (APV->Thickness < 0.04) {
1293  (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM1[elepos])->Fill((*path)[i], Charge);
1294  } // TEC minus, type 1
1295  else if (APV->Thickness > 0.04) {
1296  (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM2[elepos])->Fill((*path)[i], Charge);
1297  } // TEC minus, type 2
1298  } else if (APV->Eta > 0) {
1299  if (APV->Thickness < 0.04) {
1300  (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP1[elepos])->Fill((*path)[i], Charge);
1301  } // TEC plus, type 1
1302  else if (APV->Thickness > 0.04) {
1303  (Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP2[elepos])->Fill((*path)[i], Charge);
1304  } // TEC plus, type 2
1305  }
1306  }
1309 } //END OF processEvent()
1312  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < VInputFiles.size(); i++) {
1313  printf("Openning file %3i/%3i --> %s\n", i + 1, (int)VInputFiles.size(), (char*)(VInputFiles[i].c_str()));
1314  fflush(stdout);
1315  TFile* tfile = TFile::Open(VInputFiles[i].c_str());
1316  TString tree_path = TString::Format("gainCalibrationTree%s/tree", m_calibrationMode.c_str());
1317  TTree* tree = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(tfile->Get(tree_path.Data()));
1319  tree->SetBranchAddress((EventPrefix_ + "event" + EventSuffix_).c_str(), &eventnumber, nullptr);
1320  tree->SetBranchAddress((EventPrefix_ + "run" + EventSuffix_).c_str(), &runnumber, nullptr);
1321  tree->SetBranchAddress((EventPrefix_ + "TrigTech" + EventSuffix_).c_str(), &TrigTech, nullptr);
1323  tree->SetBranchAddress((TrackPrefix_ + "chi2ndof" + TrackSuffix_).c_str(), &trackchi2ndof, nullptr);
1324  tree->SetBranchAddress((TrackPrefix_ + "momentum" + TrackSuffix_).c_str(), &trackp, nullptr);
1325  tree->SetBranchAddress((TrackPrefix_ + "pt" + TrackSuffix_).c_str(), &trackpt, nullptr);
1326  tree->SetBranchAddress((TrackPrefix_ + "eta" + TrackSuffix_).c_str(), &tracketa, nullptr);
1327  tree->SetBranchAddress((TrackPrefix_ + "phi" + TrackSuffix_).c_str(), &trackphi, nullptr);
1328  tree->SetBranchAddress((TrackPrefix_ + "hitsvalid" + TrackSuffix_).c_str(), &trackhitsvalid, nullptr);
1329  tree->SetBranchAddress((TrackPrefix_ + "algo" + TrackSuffix_).c_str(), &trackalgo, nullptr);
1331  tree->SetBranchAddress((CalibPrefix_ + "trackindex" + CalibSuffix_).c_str(), &trackindex, nullptr);
1332  tree->SetBranchAddress((CalibPrefix_ + "rawid" + CalibSuffix_).c_str(), &rawid, nullptr);
1333  tree->SetBranchAddress((CalibPrefix_ + "localdirx" + CalibSuffix_).c_str(), &localdirx, nullptr);
1334  tree->SetBranchAddress((CalibPrefix_ + "localdiry" + CalibSuffix_).c_str(), &localdiry, nullptr);
1335  tree->SetBranchAddress((CalibPrefix_ + "localdirz" + CalibSuffix_).c_str(), &localdirz, nullptr);
1336  tree->SetBranchAddress((CalibPrefix_ + "firststrip" + CalibSuffix_).c_str(), &firststrip, nullptr);
1337  tree->SetBranchAddress((CalibPrefix_ + "nstrips" + CalibSuffix_).c_str(), &nstrips, nullptr);
1338  tree->SetBranchAddress((CalibPrefix_ + "saturation" + CalibSuffix_).c_str(), &saturation, nullptr);
1339  tree->SetBranchAddress((CalibPrefix_ + "overlapping" + CalibSuffix_).c_str(), &overlapping, nullptr);
1340  tree->SetBranchAddress((CalibPrefix_ + "farfromedge" + CalibSuffix_).c_str(), &farfromedge, nullptr);
1341  tree->SetBranchAddress((CalibPrefix_ + "charge" + CalibSuffix_).c_str(), &charge, nullptr);
1342  tree->SetBranchAddress((CalibPrefix_ + "path" + CalibSuffix_).c_str(), &path, nullptr);
1343  tree->SetBranchAddress((CalibPrefix_ + "chargeoverpath" + CalibSuffix_).c_str(), &chargeoverpath, nullptr);
1344  tree->SetBranchAddress((CalibPrefix_ + "amplitude" + CalibSuffix_).c_str(), &amplitude, nullptr);
1345  tree->SetBranchAddress((CalibPrefix_ + "gainused" + CalibSuffix_).c_str(), &gainused, nullptr);
1346  tree->SetBranchAddress((CalibPrefix_ + "gainusedTick" + CalibSuffix_).c_str(), &gainusedTick, nullptr);
1348  unsigned int nentries = tree->GetEntries();
1349  printf("Number of Events = %i + %i = %i\n", NEvent, nentries, (NEvent + nentries));
1350  printf("Progressing Bar :0%% 20%% 40%% 60%% 80%% 100%%\n");
1351  printf("Looping on the Tree :");
1352  int TreeStep = nentries / 50;
1353  if (TreeStep <= 1)
1354  TreeStep = 1;
1355  for (unsigned int ientry = 0; ientry < tree->GetEntries(); ientry++) {
1356  if (ientry % TreeStep == 0) {
1357  printf(".");
1358  fflush(stdout);
1359  }
1360  tree->GetEntry(ientry);
1361  processEvent();
1362  }
1363  printf("\n"); // END OF EVENT LOOP
1364  }
1365 }
1368  unsigned int I = 0;
1369  TH1F* Proj = nullptr;
1370  double FitResults[6];
1371  double MPVmean = 300;
1373  int elepos = (AlgoMode == "PCL") ? Harvest : statCollectionFromMode(m_calibrationMode.c_str());
1375  if (Charge_Vs_Index[elepos] == nullptr) {
1376  edm::LogError("SiStripGainFromCalibTree")
1377  << "Harvesting: could not execute algoComputeMPVandGain method because " << m_calibrationMode.c_str()
1378  << " statistics cannot be retrieved.\n"
1379  << "Please check if input contains " << m_calibrationMode.c_str() << " data." << std::endl;
1380  return;
1381  }
1383  TH2S* chvsidx = (Charge_Vs_Index[elepos])->getTH2S();
1385  printf("Progressing Bar :0%% 20%% 40%% 60%% 80%% 100%%\n");
1386  printf("Fitting Charge Distribution :");
1387  int TreeStep = APVsColl.size() / 50;
1388  for (auto it = APVsColl.begin(); it != APVsColl.end(); it++, I++) {
1389  if (I % TreeStep == 0) {
1390  printf(".");
1391  fflush(stdout);
1392  }
1393  stAPVGain* APV = it->second;
1394  if (APV->Bin < 0)
1395  APV->Bin = chvsidx->GetXaxis()->FindBin(APV->Index);
1397  if (APV->isMasked) {
1398  APV->Gain = APV->PreviousGain;
1399  MASKED++;
1400  continue;
1401  }
1403  Proj = (TH1F*)(chvsidx->ProjectionY(
1404  "", chvsidx->GetXaxis()->FindBin(APV->Index), chvsidx->GetXaxis()->FindBin(APV->Index), "e"));
1405  if (!Proj)
1406  continue;
1408  if (CalibrationLevel == 0) {
1409  } else if (CalibrationLevel == 1) {
1410  int SecondAPVId = APV->APVId;
1411  if (SecondAPVId % 2 == 0) {
1412  SecondAPVId = SecondAPVId + 1;
1413  } else {
1414  SecondAPVId = SecondAPVId - 1;
1415  }
1416  stAPVGain* APV2 = APVsColl[(APV->DetId << 4) | SecondAPVId];
1417  if (APV2->Bin < 0)
1418  APV2->Bin = chvsidx->GetXaxis()->FindBin(APV2->Index);
1419  TH1F* Proj2 = (TH1F*)(chvsidx->ProjectionY("", APV2->Bin, APV2->Bin, "e"));
1420  if (Proj2) {
1421  Proj->Add(Proj2, 1);
1422  delete Proj2;
1423  }
1424  } else if (CalibrationLevel == 2) {
1425  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { //loop up to 6APV for Strip and up to 16 for Pixels
1426  auto tmpit = APVsColl.find((APV->DetId << 4) | i);
1427  if (tmpit == APVsColl.end())
1428  continue;
1429  stAPVGain* APV2 = tmpit->second;
1430  if (APV2->DetId != APV->DetId || APV2->APVId == APV->APVId)
1431  continue;
1432  if (APV2->Bin < 0)
1433  APV2->Bin = chvsidx->GetXaxis()->FindBin(APV2->Index);
1434  TH1F* Proj2 = (TH1F*)(chvsidx->ProjectionY("", APV2->Bin, APV2->Bin, "e"));
1435  if (Proj2) {
1436  Proj->Add(Proj2, 1);
1437  delete Proj2;
1438  }
1439  }
1440  } else {
1441  CalibrationLevel = 0;
1442  printf("Unknown Calibration Level, will assume %i\n", CalibrationLevel);
1443  }
1445  getPeakOfLandau(Proj, FitResults);
1446  APV->FitMPV = FitResults[0];
1447  APV->FitMPVErr = FitResults[1];
1448  APV->FitWidth = FitResults[2];
1449  APV->FitWidthErr = FitResults[3];
1450  APV->FitChi2 = FitResults[4];
1451  APV->FitNorm = FitResults[5];
1452  APV->NEntries = Proj->GetEntries();
1454  if (IsGoodLandauFit(FitResults)) {
1455  APV->Gain = APV->FitMPV / MPVmean;
1456  if (APV->SubDet > 2)
1457  GOOD++;
1458  } else {
1459  APV->Gain = APV->PreviousGain;
1460  if (APV->SubDet > 2)
1461  BAD++;
1462  }
1463  if (APV->Gain <= 0)
1464  APV->Gain = 1;
1466  //printf("%5i/%5i: %6i - %1i %5E Entries --> MPV = %f +- %f\n",I,APVsColl.size(),APV->DetId, APV->APVId, Proj->GetEntries(), FitResults[0], FitResults[1]);fflush(stdout);
1467  delete Proj;
1468  }
1469  printf("\n");
1470 }
1473  int elepos = (AlgoMode == "PCL") ? Harvest : statCollectionFromMode(m_calibrationMode.c_str());
1475  for (unsigned int a = 0; a < APVsCollOrdered.size(); a++) {
1477  if (APV == nullptr)
1478  continue;
1480  unsigned int Index = APV->Index;
1481  unsigned int SubDet = APV->SubDet;
1482  unsigned int DetId = APV->DetId;
1483  float z = APV->z;
1484  float Eta = APV->Eta;
1485  float R = APV->R;
1486  float Phi = APV->Phi;
1487  float Thickness = APV->Thickness;
1488  double FitMPV = APV->FitMPV;
1489  double FitMPVErr = APV->FitMPVErr;
1490  double Gain = APV->Gain;
1491  double NEntries = APV->NEntries;
1492  double PreviousGain = APV->PreviousGain;
1494  if (SubDet < 3)
1495  continue; // avoid to loop over Pixel det id
1497  if (Gain != 1.) {
1498  std::vector<MonitorElement*> charge_histos = APVGain::FetchMonitor(newCharge, DetId, tTopo_);
1499  TH2S* chvsidx = (Charge_Vs_Index[elepos])->getTH2S();
1500  int bin = chvsidx->GetXaxis()->FindBin(Index);
1501  TH1D* Proj = chvsidx->ProjectionY("proj", bin, bin);
1502  for (int binId = 0; binId < Proj->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); binId++) {
1503  double new_charge = Proj->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(binId) / Gain;
1504  if (Proj->GetBinContent(binId) != 0.) {
1505  for (unsigned int h = 0; h < charge_histos.size(); h++) {
1506  TH1D* chisto = (charge_histos[h])->getTH1D();
1507  for (int e = 0; e < Proj->GetBinContent(binId); e++)
1508  chisto->Fill(new_charge);
1509  }
1510  }
1511  }
1512  }
1514  if (FitMPV <= 0.) { // No fit of MPV
1515  if (APV->isMasked)
1516  NoMPVmasked->Fill(z, R);
1517  else
1518  NoMPVfit->Fill(z, R);
1520  } else { // Fit of MPV
1521  if (FitMPV > 0.)
1522  Gains->Fill(Gain);
1524  MPVs->Fill(FitMPV);
1525  if (Thickness < 0.04)
1526  MPVs320->Fill(FitMPV);
1527  if (Thickness > 0.04)
1528  MPVs500->Fill(FitMPV);
1530  MPVError->Fill(FitMPVErr);
1531  MPVErrorVsMPV->Fill(FitMPV, FitMPVErr);
1532  MPVErrorVsEta->Fill(Eta, FitMPVErr);
1533  MPVErrorVsPhi->Fill(Phi, FitMPVErr);
1534  MPVErrorVsN->Fill(NEntries, FitMPVErr);
1536  if (SubDet == 3) {
1537  MPV_Vs_EtaTIB->Fill(Eta, FitMPV);
1538  MPV_Vs_PhiTIB->Fill(Phi, FitMPV);
1539  MPVsTIB->Fill(FitMPV);
1541  } else if (SubDet == 4) {
1542  MPV_Vs_EtaTID->Fill(Eta, FitMPV);
1543  MPV_Vs_PhiTID->Fill(Phi, FitMPV);
1544  MPVsTID->Fill(FitMPV);
1545  if (Eta < 0.)
1546  MPVsTIDM->Fill(FitMPV);
1547  if (Eta > 0.)
1548  MPVsTIDP->Fill(FitMPV);
1550  } else if (SubDet == 5) {
1551  MPV_Vs_EtaTOB->Fill(Eta, FitMPV);
1552  MPV_Vs_PhiTOB->Fill(Phi, FitMPV);
1553  MPVsTOB->Fill(FitMPV);
1555  } else if (SubDet == 6) {
1556  MPV_Vs_EtaTEC->Fill(Eta, FitMPV);
1557  MPV_Vs_PhiTEC->Fill(Phi, FitMPV);
1558  MPVsTEC->Fill(FitMPV);
1559  if (Eta < 0.)
1560  MPVsTECM->Fill(FitMPV);
1561  if (Eta > 0.)
1562  MPVsTECP->Fill(FitMPV);
1563  if (Thickness < 0.04) {
1564  MPV_Vs_EtaTECthin->Fill(Eta, FitMPV);
1565  MPV_Vs_PhiTECthin->Fill(Phi, FitMPV);
1566  MPVsTECthin->Fill(FitMPV);
1567  if (Eta > 0.)
1568  MPVsTECP1->Fill(FitMPV);
1569  if (Eta < 0.)
1570  MPVsTECM1->Fill(FitMPV);
1571  }
1572  if (Thickness > 0.04) {
1573  MPV_Vs_EtaTECthick->Fill(Eta, FitMPV);
1574  MPV_Vs_PhiTECthick->Fill(Phi, FitMPV);
1575  MPVsTECthick->Fill(FitMPV);
1576  if (Eta > 0.)
1577  MPVsTECP2->Fill(FitMPV);
1578  if (Eta < 0.)
1579  MPVsTECM2->Fill(FitMPV);
1580  }
1581  }
1582  }
1584  if (SubDet == 3 && PreviousGain != 0.)
1585  DiffWRTPrevGainTIB->Fill(Gain / PreviousGain);
1586  else if (SubDet == 4 && PreviousGain != 0.)
1587  DiffWRTPrevGainTID->Fill(Gain / PreviousGain);
1588  else if (SubDet == 5 && PreviousGain != 0.)
1589  DiffWRTPrevGainTOB->Fill(Gain / PreviousGain);
1590  else if (SubDet == 6 && PreviousGain != 0.)
1591  DiffWRTPrevGainTEC->Fill(Gain / PreviousGain);
1593  if (SubDet == 3)
1594  GainVsPrevGainTIB->Fill(PreviousGain, Gain);
1595  else if (SubDet == 4)
1596  GainVsPrevGainTID->Fill(PreviousGain, Gain);
1597  else if (SubDet == 5)
1598  GainVsPrevGainTOB->Fill(PreviousGain, Gain);
1599  else if (SubDet == 6)
1600  GainVsPrevGainTEC->Fill(PreviousGain, Gain);
1601  }
1602 }
1605  unsigned int tree_Index;
1606  unsigned int tree_Bin;
1607  unsigned int tree_DetId;
1608  unsigned char tree_APVId;
1609  unsigned char tree_SubDet;
1610  float tree_x;
1611  float tree_y;
1612  float tree_z;
1613  float tree_Eta;
1614  float tree_R;
1615  float tree_Phi;
1616  float tree_Thickness;
1617  float tree_FitMPV;
1618  float tree_FitMPVErr;
1619  float tree_FitWidth;
1620  float tree_FitWidthErr;
1621  float tree_FitChi2NDF;
1622  float tree_FitNorm;
1623  double tree_Gain;
1624  double tree_PrevGain;
1625  double tree_PrevGainTick;
1626  double tree_NEntries;
1627  bool tree_isMasked;
1629  TTree* MyTree;
1630  MyTree = tfs->make<TTree>("APVGain", "APVGain");
1631  MyTree->Branch("Index", &tree_Index, "Index/i");
1632  MyTree->Branch("Bin", &tree_Bin, "Bin/i");
1633  MyTree->Branch("DetId", &tree_DetId, "DetId/i");
1634  MyTree->Branch("APVId", &tree_APVId, "APVId/b");
1635  MyTree->Branch("SubDet", &tree_SubDet, "SubDet/b");
1636  MyTree->Branch("x", &tree_x, "x/F");
1637  MyTree->Branch("y", &tree_y, "y/F");
1638  MyTree->Branch("z", &tree_z, "z/F");
1639  MyTree->Branch("Eta", &tree_Eta, "Eta/F");
1640  MyTree->Branch("R", &tree_R, "R/F");
1641  MyTree->Branch("Phi", &tree_Phi, "Phi/F");
1642  MyTree->Branch("Thickness", &tree_Thickness, "Thickness/F");
1643  MyTree->Branch("FitMPV", &tree_FitMPV, "FitMPV/F");
1644  MyTree->Branch("FitMPVErr", &tree_FitMPVErr, "FitMPVErr/F");
1645  MyTree->Branch("FitWidth", &tree_FitWidth, "FitWidth/F");
1646  MyTree->Branch("FitWidthErr", &tree_FitWidthErr, "FitWidthErr/F");
1647  MyTree->Branch("FitChi2NDF", &tree_FitChi2NDF, "FitChi2NDF/F");
1648  MyTree->Branch("FitNorm", &tree_FitNorm, "FitNorm/F");
1649  MyTree->Branch("Gain", &tree_Gain, "Gain/D");
1650  MyTree->Branch("PrevGain", &tree_PrevGain, "PrevGain/D");
1651  MyTree->Branch("PrevGainTick", &tree_PrevGainTick, "PrevGainTick/D");
1652  MyTree->Branch("NEntries", &tree_NEntries, "NEntries/D");
1653  MyTree->Branch("isMasked", &tree_isMasked, "isMasked/O");
1655  FILE* Gains = stdout;
1656  fprintf(Gains, "NEvents = %i\n", NEvent);
1657  fprintf(Gains, "NTracks = %i\n", NTrack);
1658  //fprintf(Gains,"NClustersPixel = %i\n",NClusterPixel);
1659  fprintf(Gains, "NClustersStrip = %i\n", NClusterStrip);
1660  //fprintf(Gains,"Number of Pixel Dets = %lu\n",static_cast<unsigned long>(NPixelDets));
1661  fprintf(Gains, "Number of Strip APVs = %lu\n", static_cast<unsigned long>(NStripAPVs));
1662  fprintf(Gains,
1663  "GoodFits = %i BadFits = %i ratio = %f%% (MASKED=%i)\n",
1664  GOOD,
1665  BAD,
1666  (100.0 * GOOD) / (GOOD + BAD),
1667  MASKED);
1669  Gains = fopen(OutputGains.c_str(), "w");
1670  fprintf(Gains, "NEvents = %i\n", NEvent);
1671  fprintf(Gains, "NTracks = %i\n", NTrack);
1672  //fprintf(Gains,"NClustersPixel = %i\n",NClusterPixel);
1673  fprintf(Gains, "NClustersStrip = %i\n", NClusterStrip);
1674  fprintf(Gains, "Number of Strip APVs = %lu\n", static_cast<unsigned long>(NStripAPVs));
1675  //fprintf(Gains,"Number of Pixel Dets = %lu\n",static_cast<unsigned long>(NPixelDets));
1676  fprintf(Gains,
1677  "GoodFits = %i BadFits = %i ratio = %f%% (MASKED=%i)\n",
1678  GOOD,
1679  BAD,
1680  (100.0 * GOOD) / (GOOD + BAD),
1681  MASKED);
1683  int elepos = statCollectionFromMode(m_calibrationMode.c_str());
1685  for (unsigned int a = 0; a < APVsCollOrdered.size(); a++) {
1687  if (APV == nullptr)
1688  continue;
1689  // printf( "%i | %i | PreviousGain = %7.5f NewGain = %7.5f (#clusters=%8.0f)\n", APV->DetId,APV->APVId,APV->PreviousGain,APV->Gain, APV->NEntries);
1690  fprintf(Gains,
1691  "%i | %i | PreviousGain = %7.5f(tick) x %7.5f(particle) NewGain (particle) = %7.5f (#clusters=%8.0f)\n",
1692  APV->DetId,
1693  APV->APVId,
1694  APV->PreviousGainTick,
1695  APV->PreviousGain,
1696  APV->Gain,
1697  APV->NEntries);
1699  tree_Index = APV->Index;
1700  tree_Bin = (Charge_Vs_Index[elepos])->getTH2S()->GetXaxis()->FindBin(APV->Index);
1701  tree_DetId = APV->DetId;
1702  tree_APVId = APV->APVId;
1703  tree_SubDet = APV->SubDet;
1704  tree_x = APV->x;
1705  tree_y = APV->y;
1706  tree_z = APV->z;
1707  tree_Eta = APV->Eta;
1708  tree_R = APV->R;
1709  tree_Phi = APV->Phi;
1710  tree_Thickness = APV->Thickness;
1711  tree_FitMPV = APV->FitMPV;
1712  tree_FitMPVErr = APV->FitMPVErr;
1713  tree_FitWidth = APV->FitWidth;
1714  tree_FitWidthErr = APV->FitWidthErr;
1715  tree_FitChi2NDF = APV->FitChi2;
1716  tree_FitNorm = APV->FitNorm;
1717  tree_Gain = APV->Gain;
1718  tree_PrevGain = APV->PreviousGain;
1719  tree_PrevGainTick = APV->PreviousGainTick;
1720  tree_NEntries = APV->NEntries;
1721  tree_isMasked = APV->isMasked;
1723  if (tree_DetId == 402673324) {
1724  printf("%i | %i : %f --> %f (%f)\n", tree_DetId, tree_APVId, tree_PrevGain, tree_Gain, tree_NEntries);
1725  }
1727  MyTree->Fill();
1728  }
1729  if (Gains)
1730  fclose(Gains);
1731 }
1734  // The goal of this function is to check wether or not there is enough statistics
1735  // to produce a meaningful tag for the DB
1736  int elepos = (AlgoMode == "PCL") ? Harvest : statCollectionFromMode(m_calibrationMode.c_str());
1737  if (Charge_Vs_Index[elepos] == nullptr) {
1738  edm::LogError("SiStripGainFromCalibTree")
1739  << "produceTagFilter -> Return false: could not retrieve the " << m_calibrationMode.c_str() << " statistics.\n"
1740  << "Please check if input contains " << m_calibrationMode.c_str() << " data." << std::endl;
1741  return false;
1742  }
1744  float integral = (Charge_Vs_Index[elepos])->getTH2S()->Integral();
1745  if ((Charge_Vs_Index[elepos])->getTH2S()->Integral(0, NStripAPVs + 1, 0, 99999) < tagCondition_NClusters) {
1746  edm::LogWarning("SiStripGainFromCalibTree")
1747  << "calibrationMode -> " << m_calibrationMode << "\n"
1748  << "produceTagFilter -> Return false: Statistics is too low : " << integral << endl;
1749  return false;
1750  }
1751  if ((1.0 * GOOD) / (GOOD + BAD) < tagCondition_GoodFrac) {
1752  edm::LogWarning("SiStripGainFromCalibTree")
1753  << "calibrationMode -> " << m_calibrationMode << "\n"
1754  << "produceTagFilter -> Return false: ratio of GOOD/TOTAL is too low: " << (1.0 * GOOD) / (GOOD + BAD) << endl;
1755  return false;
1756  }
1757  return true;
1758 }
1760 std::unique_ptr<SiStripApvGain> SiStripGainFromCalibTree::getNewObject() {
1761  auto obj = std::make_unique<SiStripApvGain>();
1762  if (!m_harvestingMode)
1763  return obj;
1765  if (!produceTagFilter()) {
1766  edm::LogWarning("SiStripGainFromCalibTree")
1767  << "getNewObject -> will not produce a paylaod because produceTagFilter returned false " << endl;
1768  setDoStore(false);
1769  return obj;
1770  }
1772  std::vector<float>* theSiStripVector = nullptr;
1773  unsigned int PreviousDetId = 0;
1774  for (unsigned int a = 0; a < APVsCollOrdered.size(); a++) {
1776  if (APV == nullptr) {
1777  printf("Bug\n");
1778  continue;
1779  }
1780  if (APV->SubDet <= 2)
1781  continue;
1782  if (APV->DetId != PreviousDetId) {
1783  if (theSiStripVector != nullptr) {
1784  SiStripApvGain::Range range(theSiStripVector->begin(), theSiStripVector->end());
1785  if (!obj->put(PreviousDetId, range))
1786  printf("Bug to put detId = %i\n", PreviousDetId);
1787  }
1788  theSiStripVector = new std::vector<float>;
1789  PreviousDetId = APV->DetId;
1790  }
1791  if (theSiStripVector != nullptr) {
1792  theSiStripVector->push_back(APV->Gain);
1793  }
1794  }
1795  if (theSiStripVector != nullptr) {
1796  SiStripApvGain::Range range(theSiStripVector->begin(), theSiStripVector->end());
1797  if (!obj->put(PreviousDetId, range))
1798  printf("Bug to put detId = %i\n", PreviousDetId);
1799  }
1801  if (theSiStripVector != nullptr)
1802  delete theSiStripVector;
1804  return obj;
1805 }
1808  APVsColl.clear();
1809  for (unsigned int a = 0; a < APVsCollOrdered.size(); a++) {
1811  if (APV != nullptr)
1812  delete APV;
1813  }
1814  APVsCollOrdered.clear();
1815 }
1818  if (!useCalibration)
1819  return;
1821  TChain* t1 = new TChain("SiStripCalib/APVGain");
1822  t1->Add(m_calibrationPath.c_str());
1824  unsigned int tree_DetId;
1825  unsigned char tree_APVId;
1826  double tree_Gain;
1828  t1->SetBranchAddress("DetId", &tree_DetId);
1829  t1->SetBranchAddress("APVId", &tree_APVId);
1830  t1->SetBranchAddress("Gain", &tree_Gain);
1832  for (unsigned int ientry = 0; ientry < t1->GetEntries(); ientry++) {
1833  t1->GetEntry(ientry);
1834  stAPVGain* APV = APVsColl[(tree_DetId << 4) | (unsigned int)tree_APVId];
1835  APV->CalibGain = tree_Gain;
1836  }
1838  delete t1;
1839 }
1842  // in AlCaHarvesting mode we just need to run the logic in the endJob step
1843  if (m_harvestingMode)
1844  return;
1846  if (AlgoMode == "CalibTree")
1847  return;
1849  eventnumber =;
1850  runnumber =;
1851  auto handle01 = connect(TrigTech, TrigTech_token_, iEvent);
1852  auto handle02 = connect(trackchi2ndof, trackchi2ndof_token_, iEvent);
1853  auto handle03 = connect(trackp, trackp_token_, iEvent);
1854  auto handle04 = connect(trackpt, trackpt_token_, iEvent);
1855  auto handle05 = connect(tracketa, tracketa_token_, iEvent);
1856  auto handle06 = connect(trackphi, trackphi_token_, iEvent);
1858  auto handle08 = connect(trackindex, trackindex_token_, iEvent);
1859  auto handle09 = connect(rawid, rawid_token_, iEvent);
1860  auto handle11 = connect(localdirx, localdirx_token_, iEvent);
1861  auto handle12 = connect(localdiry, localdiry_token_, iEvent);
1862  auto handle13 = connect(localdirz, localdirz_token_, iEvent);
1863  auto handle14 = connect(firststrip, firststrip_token_, iEvent);
1864  auto handle15 = connect(nstrips, nstrips_token_, iEvent);
1865  auto handle16 = connect(saturation, saturation_token_, iEvent);
1866  auto handle17 = connect(overlapping, overlapping_token_, iEvent);
1867  auto handle18 = connect(farfromedge, farfromedge_token_, iEvent);
1868  auto handle19 = connect(charge, charge_token_, iEvent);
1869  auto handle21 = connect(path, path_token_, iEvent);
1871  auto handle23 = connect(amplitude, amplitude_token_, iEvent);
1872  auto handle24 = connect(gainused, gainused_token_, iEvent);
1873  auto handle25 = connect(gainusedTick, gainusedTick_token_, iEvent);
1874  auto handle26 = connect(trackalgo, trackalgo_token_, iEvent);
1876  processEvent();
1877 }
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< int > > trackindex_token_
std::vector< MonitorElement * > Charge_Vs_Index
static constexpr auto TEC
virtual int nstrips() const =0
const std::vector< float > * trackp
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:303
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< double > > tracketa_token_
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< unsigned char > > amplitude_token_
std::vector< APVGain::APVmon > newCharge
const std::vector< double > * chargeoverpath
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< unsigned int > > rawid_token_
const std::vector< unsigned char > * amplitude
T const & getData(const ESGetToken< T, R > &iToken) const noexcept(false)
Definition: EventSetup.h:119
Definition: APVGainStruct.h:7
MonitorElement * book2S(TString const &name, TString const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int nchY, double lowY, double highY, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:254
virtual int ncolumns() const =0
edm::ESGetToken< TrackerTopology, TrackerTopologyRcd > tTopoToken_
const std::vector< double > * localdirz
const std::vector< double > * trackchi2ndof
void algoBeginRun(const edm::Run &run, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup) override
const std::vector< double > * localdirx
const std::vector< double > * gainusedTick
dispatcher processEvent(e, inputTag, standby)
unsigned int APVId
Definition: APVGainStruct.h:13
void algoEndRun(const edm::Run &run, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup) override
void setCurrentFolder(std::string const &fullpath) override
Definition: DQMStore.h:646
const std::vector< unsigned int > * rawid
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< bool > > overlapping_token_
dqm::legacy::MonitorElement MonitorElement
SiStripGainFromCalibTree(const edm::ParameterSet &)
const TrackerTopology * tTopo_
edm::Handle< T > connect(const T *&ptr, edm::EDGetTokenT< T > token, const edm::Event &evt)
virtual int nrows() const =0
int subdetectorPlane(uint32_t, const TrackerTopology *)
const std::vector< int > * trackalgo
int statCollectionFromMode(const char *tag) const
std::vector< MonitorElement * > Charge_Vs_PathlengthTOB
void storeOnTree(TFileService *tfs)
const std::vector< float > * trackpt
bool getByToken(EDGetToken token, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: Event.h:540
std::vector< MonitorElement * > Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM1
unsigned int DetId
Definition: APVGainStruct.h:12
edm::ESGetToken< SiStripGain, SiStripGainRcd > gainToken_
Log< level::Error, false > LogError
const std::vector< unsigned int > * trackhitsvalid
edm::ESGetToken< TrackerGeometry, TrackerDigiGeometryRecord > tkGeomToken_
std::vector< MonitorElement * > Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM2
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< bool > > farfromedge_token_
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
void Fill(long long x)
U second(std::pair< T, U > const &p)
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< unsigned int > > trackhitsvalid_token_
char const * label
std::vector< stAPVGain * > APVsCollOrdered
MonitorElement * book1DD(TString const &name, TString const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:155
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< double > > path_token_
edm::ESGetToken< SiStripQuality, SiStripQualityRcd > qualityToken_
int iEvent
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< int > > trackalgo_token_
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< float > > trackp_token_
bool IsGoodLandauFit(double *FitResults)
std::unique_ptr< SiStripApvGain > getNewObject() override
void Fill(HcalDetId &id, double val, std::vector< TH2F > &depth)
std::unordered_map< unsigned int, stAPVGain * > APVsColl
unsigned int Index
Definition: APVGainStruct.h:10
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e< void, edm::EventID const &, edm::Timestamp const & > We also list in braces which AR_WATCH_USING_METHOD_ is used for those or
Definition: Activities.doc:12
bool isBFieldConsistentWithMode(const edm::EventSetup &iSetup) const
void algoBeginJob(const edm::EventSetup &iSetup) override
std::pair< ContainerIterator, ContainerIterator > Range
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< bool > > TrigTech_token_
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< double > > chargeoverpath_token_
const std::complex< double > I
Definition: I.h:8
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< double > > gainusedTick_token_
const std::vector< double > * gainused
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
Definition: MakerMacros.h:16
constexpr int subdetId() const
get the contents of the subdetector field (not cast into any detector&#39;s numbering enum) ...
Definition: DetId.h:48
std::vector< MonitorElement * > Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP1
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< double > > localdirz_token_
static constexpr auto TOB
const std::vector< unsigned short > * firststrip
std::vector< MonitorElement * > Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDM
const std::vector< double > * localdiry
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< unsigned int > > charge_token_
ESHandle< T > getHandle(const ESGetToken< T, R > &iToken) const
Definition: EventSetup.h:130
Integral< F, X >::type integral(const F &f)
Definition: Integral.h:70
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< unsigned short > > nstrips_token_
std::vector< MonitorElement * > Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP2
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo
const std::vector< int > * trackindex
Definition: DetId.h:17
std::vector< MonitorElement * > Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIB
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< unsigned short > > firststrip_token_
void algoAnalyze(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
static constexpr auto TIB
edm::ESGetToken< RunInfo, RunInfoRcd > runInfoToken_
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< float > > trackpt_token_
const std::vector< bool > * overlapping
const std::vector< bool > * saturation
constexpr uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:57
bool merge(LuminosityBlockRange &lh, LuminosityBlockRange &rh)
std::array< std::vector< APVGain::APVmon >, 7 > Charge_4
void getPeakOfLandau(TH1 *InputHisto, double *FitResults, double LowRange=50, double HighRange=5400)
std::vector< MonitorElement * > FetchMonitor(std::vector< APVmon >, uint32_t, const TrackerTopology *topo=nullptr)
int subdetectorSide(uint32_t, const TrackerTopology *)
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:118
int thickness(uint32_t)
virtual MonitorElement * get(std::string const &fullpath) const
MonitorElement * book2DD(TString const &name, TString const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int nchY, double lowY, double highY, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:338
const std::vector< bool > * farfromedge
const std::vector< bool > * TrigTech
void setDoStore(const bool doStore)
When set to false the payload will not be written to the db.
fixed size matrix
HLT enums.
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:119
std::vector< std::string > VChargeHisto
float x
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< double > > localdirx_token_
T * make(const Args &...args) const
make new ROOT object
Definition: TFileService.h:64
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< bool > > saturation_token_
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< double > > trackchi2ndof_token_
std::vector< MonitorElement * > Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDP
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< double > > localdiry_token_
Definition: APVGainStruct.h:7
Log< level::Warning, false > LogWarning
std::array< std::vector< APVGain::APVmon >, 7 > Charge_3
const std::vector< unsigned int > * charge
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > monHnames(std::vector< std::string >, bool, const char *tag)
std::array< std::vector< APVGain::APVmon >, 7 > Charge_1
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry h
Helper function to determine trigger accepts.
Definition: Activities.doc:4
const std::vector< double > * path
long double T
const std::vector< double > * trackphi
static constexpr auto TID
const std::vector< unsigned short > * nstrips
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< double > > gainused_token_
std::array< std::vector< APVGain::APVmon >, 7 > Charge_2
int subdetectorId(uint32_t)
void bookDQMHistos(const char *dqm_dir, const char *tag)
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< double > > trackphi_token_
const std::vector< double > * tracketa
Definition: Run.h:45
def exit(msg="")